A perfect audio and visual representation of Calvinism. It hurts my heart!!!! The skull face of John Calvin is perfect. Breaks my heart. But, it makes me pray with all my heart that the Lord will open the eyes of the blind, and protect unsuspecting Christians from this damnable heresy. Love your work. Thank you.
I feel like I'm coming out of seven years of systematic gaslighting. Ministries like yours have been such a blessing to me the last few months. Thank you. I truly love Calvinists; I hate Calvinism.
@caseyjacobs3629 it's not that God decreed you to not have a muffin, but that when He was irresistibly gracing the elect with muffins, you were passed over.
I now have 3 children. My youngest is a week old today. My child isn't a viper. He has NO CLUE what he's doing. He's essentially in basic survival instincts mode. And that's sinful? Gross. I think about our current church. They're much, much better than most calvinist churches, but i catch the little glimpses of Calvinism. And it's always contrary to whatever scripture actually says.
You are right and it is because the "sarx/sarki" is not bad in itself. It's instinctive, reactive and pretty self-centered as you say (which is why even atheists must model good behavior to children and "train" them in order to fit into civil society!). But it's not evil. God is not the author of evil. The "sarx/sarki" IS weak, which is why Jesus says in John 3 that one *must* be born again/born of the Spirit. And in fact, a Christian (Christ-follower) is described in John 1:12-13 and Romans 8:9 as "born of God" and "indwelt by the Holy Spirit". But sin is a CHOICE and the "I can't help it, it's my nature" God-blaming, irresponsible NONSENSE has led to scandal and disaster among professing Christians. Sure, it FEELS natural to someone who's been making sinful choices their whole life but they and they alone are responsible. Only in those who admit FULL, no-holds-barred responsibility do we see genuine, Godly, transformational repentance as defined in 2 Corinthians 7. Those who "confess" (but never actually REPENT i.e TURN as in 2 Timothy 2:19b) and inevitably do the same things over and over again are almost exclusively church-ians who have been fed a false "gospel" that sets nobody free with the freedom described in Romans 6 and John 8:34-36. The Calvinist NIV (and others) insidiously MIStranslates "sarx/sarki" as "sin nature" (ONLY in Paul's epistles but not in passages like 1st John 4:2-3 and the Gospel passages on two-become-one-flesh marriage). I don't know much about Jason Staples but his blog posts on this issue (easily found by typing his name and "sinful nature" into a search engine) and the NIV's replies to his arguments are spot-on and speak volumes. Please everyone, do a New Testament word study on "sarx/sarki" i.e read and study and write down every single verse where it appears - and its context - so that you get a thorough understanding of what it means. Few people in the past had access to the original Greek but what they did is repeatedly read the Bible and so they got to understand what words meant by their CONTEXT. That's how children learn their native language. And that's how children who grow up in a bilingual household learn languages: from repeatedly hearing the words in context. They don't need dictionaries. Of course dictionaries are useful and knowing Hebrew and Greek CAN be useful but they're not essential.
@@leenieledejo6849 hello my friend, I hope things are going well with you. I am commenting to ask you though, after reading through your comment, are you saying there is no such thing as a sinful nature? Thank you, I hope to receive a response from you, God bless you, peace to you and your family.
@@IdolKiller - I just added the Calvinist justification to what Aleister Crowley, a notorious occultist, summed his belief system with; "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." On total predestination Theology, it's perfectly valid, logically speaking. If He's the only one causing whatsoever comes to pass (in the exhaustive sense) our willing things to happen must be irresistibly willed (caused) by Him.
THIS! I am amazed that so many vipers in diapers become the elect after listening and learning to Sunday school teachers and Bible school lessons. It truly was determined by God!
"Grab a muffin..." This is when I knew the song would be good. That alone reminded me of the Lutheran church I used to attend, and those words felt like a slap. I have not been to a church service or event in over two years for two reasons: the pastor was talking something about mount sinai and McArthur at the last one I remember attending, and I was the only one in a church event to answer differently than everyone else. Explaining the second one, a pastor I had never seen at the church before (I was already usable to attend many services due to my schedule) was speaking/teaching at the small event for people who attended and who were "neuro-divergent", which I was invited to by one of the people at the church who knew me when I was there more frequently. The subject the pastor (he kinda looked like Piper, but he wasn't) was speaking on was faith, and had two people on the screen, a strong man holding weights above his head and a boy with a small weight in his hand looking at the strong man. (They looked like generic images.) The pastor had already been going through what faith was and asked everyone to raise their hand for who they thought was the greater sign of faith; most of the other people there raised their hand for the strong man. The pastor then moved to the next slide in his presentation, and this time the strong man was standing on a cracking sheet of ice while the boy was standing on a road, and the pastor asked everyone the same question. I looked around the room after I raised my hand for the strong man having changed my response with the image having changed, and I think I was the only hand that was raised because I still remember the pastor looking at me as he said, "Sure, you can think that." Two things amazed me that day: the people I was grouped with for a couple activities sermed astonished that I was pulling out quotes from the bible without taking it out or remembering the verse/chapter and doing so once again as I stood in front of all of them for a "tallent show-and-tell", and no one asked me why I thought the strong man standing on breaking ice was a greater sign of faith than the boy standing on a road. Before you think of asking me, ask yourself two questions: What was underneath where the two were standing? What happens if the foundation each of them were standing on collapsed and they fell through?
Once again, calvinists can't be mad about this beautiful masterpiece because it was decreed by the Almighty.. How great is it that James White is afraid to debate with you. 😅
Wow! Brother Warren. You did not disappoint! I've been trying to convince some friends sitting on the fence about Calvinism for a couple years now about how this doctrine is complete heresy and how we need to stop the usual, 'well, I respect them. Their brothers'.... DUH! Any brother of mine who attributes to my Precious, kind, loving, forgiving Saviour as the author of all evil, sorry, they've crossed the line into a cult of perverse doctrines and man centered ego! Keep fighting the good fight brother. Especially now, in the times we are in, the Lord is bringing more and more truth seekers into His kingdom and we need to pray that deceiving and lying covert Calvinists stop their deception in their attempts to 'convert' weak and passive churches into their wicked cult! Calvinism is wacked and needs to be sacked!
Well done...that kaleidoscope!!😂that Beatles song! don't know why but the tune popped up in my mind, I'm not as good as you but here goes, my attempt at creativity inspired by you ! Picture yourself in a church with John Calvin With Doctors Charles Spurgeon and John Macarthur Somebody calls you, could it be Saint James White? Men with kaleidoscope eyes! Doctrines of grace barring those that aren't chosen Infants can all go to hell! Look for that chapter and verse in your bible... It's not there! Tulips in the sky with diamonds Tulips in the sky with diamonds Tulips in the sky with diamonds Ughhhhh ughhhh Follow them down to the path of destruction, Where Calvinist pastors tell devilish lies, So many caught in their web of deceiving That's brought into every church! Reformed reformers appear everywhere Waiting to take you away Join with the wolves with your head in the sand And you're gone! Tulips in the sky with diamonds Tulips in the sky with diamonds Tulips in the sky with diamonds Ughhhhh ughhhh Total depravity Unconditional Election, Limited atonement irresistible grace Per-severence of the saints, it's not biblical The cult with kaleidoscope eyes Tulips in the sky with diamonds Tulips in the sky with diamonds Tulips in the sky with diamonds Ughhhhh ughhhh Tulips in the sky with diamonds Tulips in the sky with diamonds Tulips in the sky with diamonds Ughhhhh ughhhh
Love how you cater for all styles, my husband would love this one and I really like the newest one (comments turned off, so I couldnt praise your efforts on that video).
If the the motto is "never stop reforming" why did they stop reforming? Also, if the great awakening evangilistic outreach of type like Spurgeon really went as advetised why are we where we are today?
Because they are a branch of Roman Catholicism. They were Reformers of the Roman Catholic "church" and created their own cult. The true reformers were Melanchthon and Zwingli and many others we never heard of. Every Christian should be Semper Reformanda. But it's much easier to stop reforming, or never even try to reform in the first place. Very few have the courage or integrity to even try to reform much at all.
@@servantofjesuschrist-tb8ns That is why we, the ekklesia, must return to the roots of true apostolic Christianity before the doctrine of apostolic succession-yes, indeed, for it is a sin to exalt the arm of flesh. As well as the erroneous doctrine of original sin-that suggests sin is a legal problem providing a legal payment for a legal solution without no true heart transformation unto righteousness. The Papacy has already ensnared apostate Protestantism by means of taking over supposed Protestant universities and theological seminaries. Reformed theology sounds exactly like a god who uses the method of Roman law-not laws of nature in which we see cause-and-effect and not laws imposed by arbitrary decree as is the means and methods of human governments. I suggest you watch an interview of a former Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, who digs into the history of how the Papacy used education as a means of destroying the Protestant churches of completing the Reformation-of bringing to the whole world the messages of the three angels' recorded in Revelation 14:6-12. The reason you see Protestants acting no differently than that of the irreligious world is because of the Papacy's work to destroy true Christianity that truly loves Christ as Christ loves the church. They desire the extinguishing the obedience to the truth by means of ecumenism, false teaching, or any other deceptive means in their employment to slay the truth as it is found in Christ. They desire to make men the slaves of men-for men to be the reflectors of other men's thoughts. They desire that originality, tact, work ethic, and politeness be extinguished in the soul by destroying civil, economic, and religious liberty in the US and across the world.
@servantofjesuschrist-tb8ns That is why we, the ekklesia, must return to the roots of true apostolic Christianity before the doctrine of apostolic succession-yes, indeed, for it is a sin to exalt the arm of flesh. As well as the erroneous doctrine of original sin-that suggests sin is a legal problem providing a legal payment for a legal solution without no true heart transformation unto righteousness. The P@p@cy has already ensnared apostate Protestantism by means of taking of supposed Protestant universities and theological seminaries. Reformed theology sounds exactly like a god who uses the method of Roman law-not laws of nature in which we see cause-and-effect and not laws imposed by arbitrary decree as is the means and methods of human governments. I suggest you watch an interview of a former )3$ûït priest, Alberto Rivera, who digs into the history of how the P@p@cy used education as a means of destroying the Protestant churches of completing the Reformation-of bringing to the whole world the messages of the three angels' recorded in Revelation 14:6-12. The reason you see Protestants acting no differently than that of the irreligious world is because of the P@p@cy's work to destroy true Christianity that truly loves Christ as Christ loves the church. They desire the extinguishing the obedience to the truth by means of ecumenism, false teaching, or any other deceptive means in their employment to slay the truth as it is found in Christ. They desire to make men the slaves of men-for men to be the reflectors of other men's thoughts. They desire that originality, tact, work ethic, and politeness be extinguished in the soul by destroying civil, economic, and religious liberty in the US and across the world.
Im not a Calvinist but did attend a Presbyterian church for over a year and really enjoyed it though probably because they never mentioned calvinism. I'm not sure most people there even knew what it was. I asked one of the Elders about predestination once, and he said that God predestines those he foreknew would accept him so...
@thanevakarian9762 I write the lyrics and specific prompting, such as bpm, chord progression, genre, instrumentation, etc but I do use AI to make it happen. I'm not a musician, but I love music.
Once again, Idol Killer makes me laugh out loud, with the spot-on humor and song. & && then the horror and tragedy, of this misguided theology, that PREVENTS people from truly knowing the all loving God, makes me sad, and a little bit angry!
@@IdolKillerThat's not true. They keep you cool in the summer...they give you shade and if you do sweat that sweat cools you off with a breeze.. but me personally, I do not sweat.
You do an excellent job, Idol Killer, in analyzing the historical roots of doctrines such as Calvinism and Penal Substitutionary Atonement. I wonder, have you done a similar analysis of the historical roots of ideas like "being a good berean," "sola scriptura," "appstolic succession," and most importantly, the canon of scripture?
Remember! Calvinism IS THE GOSPEL (thought that was Jesus Who taught no such thing?)... Anyhow, thank God God sent us John Calvin) 👍🌟🥰 (took him 1500 years, but then, if a day is like one a thousand.... Just a day and a half) Love it Warren!
Do Calvinists have saints like the Catholics? (St. Surgeon, St. Calvin, et al). Also, do they sing to the Divine Sovereignty Chaplet every service? "For the sake of his glorious sovereignty, have mercy on us"...🎶
Calvinists do, in fact, have a whole pantheon of "saints" in the Catholic sense. John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, and R.C. Sproul, to name a few. The difference is that they don't call them "saints", but "Giants of the Faith". Personally, I prefer to call them "DCPs", short for "Deceased Calvinists on Pedestals"...
Now I am imagining a full blow heavy metal / metalcore song about a nominal Calvinist descending into final stage dogmatic high/hyper-Calvinism sort of in the style of like Phinehas, Wolves at the Gate, Demon Hunter, Fit for a King, For Today. If you want songs for queues or someone who is familiar with the genre feel free to reach out if you want to do this. Btw I love the math/post hard-core style of this song and the lyrics kinda remind me of Death of me by Red as it is that kind of thing going on.
@TheFinalJigsaw Calvinism is anti-Christ, anti-Gospel, and anti-reason... it places it's adherents at peril, perverting the Holy and Living God and it's crafty and deceptive. People need warned
Calvinism is headed for the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death...You have to wonder whether James White or John MacArthur would put you to death by fire for post this song...
@@kinorynn I forget the specifics for this one, but I usually find a song I like... then look up the details... the BPM, the genre, style, chord progression, key, etc and build my prompts around something I know I like... then I generate it until it clicks and I like what comes out
Do you have historical evidence that Spurgeon was a Mason? And what are you referring to regarding him practicing the occult? It's one thing to disapprove of his (modified) Calvinism, but there are severe charges!
@@chaddonal4331 What do you know about the OCCULT?...Especially when pertaining to occult language that Spurgeon uses in his sermons. Severe charges?....Yeah I'm not worried about that one bit. MANY haven't a damn clue of the DECEPTION, and how far down it truly goes. And for some, if you dig deep enough. It has the potential to shatter your whole world.
@@chaddonal4331 Also, if you would like to go a step further. In some of John Calvin's commentaries. He refers to god, as the Supreme Judge. Which is the same language that the Masons use when referring to their "god". Where in the Bible do you see God referred to as the Supreme Judge? Absolutely NO WHERE. Like I said....I wonder when calvinists will make the correlation. PRIDE can be a deadly thing. What caused Lucifer to fall again?...
Men are “convinced”, by the words of Calvin, into believing the way of salvation. Yet Calvinists claim men can't be “convicted”, by the words of Christ, into believing He's the way to salvation. John 6:63,68 GNT What gives life is God's Spirit; human power is of no use at all. *_The words I have spoken to you bring God's life-giving Spirit._* [68] Simon Peter answered him, *_"Lord_* … *_You have the words that give eternal life._*
I can't even be annoyed because the music is actually really good. The comment section is kind of lame. Well other than the guy who said, "James White is jamming to this in his car." That was actually really funny.
I use a number of programs including AI, but I wrote the lyrics, choose the genre, chords, bmp, etc and use AI to bring it together. It's a laborious process but I have a lot of fun
@@IdolKiller I think it's intentionally done that way. They don't want to confuse people with complex ideas they adhere to, because until people become enlightened, they won't appreciate their misfit theology. I read somewhere, that this is taught in reformed Cemetary schools.
@@sdesoto yes, its the same approach as the frog in boiling water... start with cool water and slowly turn the heat up so it doesn't notice and jump out
I did find the big beard and tattoo look rather sadly comical, but the Calvinbros don't have a monopoly on those. Orthobros got seriously bigger beards, and those Charismaticbros outdo them in the colorful skin mutilation, The Tradcathbros are also big beardy boys.
@@amandataylor1843 I was just being a little jokey, but it has amused me seeing some of the online Calvinists going for the same look. Just recently saw a group of three with almost identical beards, sports jackets (vests in USA?), blue jeans and brown shoes. Or other groups I've seen with the tattoos on display and shorts, all going for a sort of uniform look. Me, I'm more used to suits, white shirt and tie and shiny black shoes in my church background, so I guess there's no escape from going for a group look!
Not the point of the video; but the coffee, the muffins, the creature comforts; from offering sacrifice to expecting service in 3500 years. What are earth are we doing?
This is far to seaker sensative in the UK no program no coffee shut most days but Sundays midweek are invites ie house groups people are curt and clicvy (not all but most)
So I understand the sentiment behind this video. But as egregiously false as calvinism is, this does not represent the average reformed church service. They are way more subtle in how they cloak the lies of satan through Calvin. So while i have the same sentiments toward calvinism as you, I think this video may be counterproductive for the cause of the gospel. Your video replicates a service by people like Steven Furtick and the prosperity gospel. John MacArthur who mixes Augustinian philosophy with the scripture would not have a service like in this video, he chooses to propagate gnostic theology in a more discreet manner. Just saying. I do appreciate your work exposing the lies if calvinism.
Where does the Bible say that God has 7 spirits? Also, if you could answer these two questions for me: 1. Where does the Bible tell us which books should be included in the Bible? 2. Where does the Bible tell us that all spiritual truth has to be found in the Bible?
Yes, as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another. As Christians we're committed to the Way, the Truth and the Life and thus are obliged to expose false things, particularly when they're so harmful they can have eternal consequences.
@@markkozlowski3674Christians are called to abhor evil in the same verse where we are called to have brotherly love. Calvinism is evil and should be abhorred so as to show love to Calvinists by calling them to repentance.
@@markkozlowski3674The foundation of Calvinism is that God willed and predetermined EVERYTHING like ALL evil, sin, and deception in eternity past for His own glory….. Did you know that? You couldn’t believe anything worse about God……..
@@JohnK557 I am quite familiar with the doctrine of Calvinism. I question whether the best method of arguing against Calvinism is insulting Calvinists. And I should think the worst thing you could think about God is that He does not exist.
This song is indistinguishable from any other song on the radio. I thought we were not to conform to this world? I don’t think this song works for the Lord.
James white is jamming to this in his car as I speak.
"Who are you, oh man, to question Calvinism?"
Holy smokes…the shock value is there.
Just trying to wake folks up.
Forgets to grab coffee
@@IdolKiller how can I contact u
@@faithfultheology Victory@idolkiller.com or on Twitter or FB
Adding the "doctrines of grace" to the gospel removes grace from the gospel.
Underrated comment.
I've stolen this sentence for my own notes. Beautiful!
If you add “the doctrines of grace” to the gospel, it would be:
“The doctrines of grace gospel”
The word grace is still there hehe
Rad 😎 above all else the devil can't stand to be mocked cs lewis
Totally agree, agree!
NGL. I Didn’t expect this to absolutely slap.
@@MasonK9572 you underestimated me?
A perfect audio and visual representation of Calvinism. It hurts my heart!!!! The skull face of John Calvin is perfect. Breaks my heart. But, it makes me pray with all my heart that the Lord will open the eyes of the blind, and protect unsuspecting Christians from this damnable heresy. Love your work. Thank you.
Wow, "spooky good"!!! Don't question the program. You'll fit right in😵💫 love that line. Great job!!! I guess that's why I don't fit in😁🌻
Love me some post-hardcore music, hate me some calvinism. This is great!
I feel like I'm coming out of seven years of systematic gaslighting. Ministries like yours have been such a blessing to me the last few months. Thank you. I truly love Calvinists; I hate Calvinism.
I'm bummed we didn't get muffins. That whole time. Not one muffin.
@caseyjacobs3629 it's not that God decreed you to not have a muffin, but that when He was irresistibly gracing the elect with muffins, you were passed over.
@idolkiller and Jesus marvels at my unbelief in Calvinism that He decreed I have from eternity past. If I don't, laugh I'll cry. 😅 🙏🏻
Excellent work. Well done Warren.
I now have 3 children. My youngest is a week old today.
My child isn't a viper. He has NO CLUE what he's doing. He's essentially in basic survival instincts mode. And that's sinful? Gross.
I think about our current church. They're much, much better than most calvinist churches, but i catch the little glimpses of Calvinism. And it's always contrary to whatever scripture actually says.
Congrats on the addition to the family! Children are a blessing!
You are right and it is because the "sarx/sarki" is not bad in itself. It's instinctive, reactive and pretty self-centered as you say (which is why even atheists must model good behavior to children and "train" them in order to fit into civil society!).
But it's not evil.
God is not the author of evil.
The "sarx/sarki" IS weak, which is why Jesus says in John 3 that one *must* be born again/born of the Spirit.
And in fact, a Christian (Christ-follower) is described in John 1:12-13 and Romans 8:9 as "born of God" and "indwelt by the Holy Spirit".
But sin is a CHOICE and the "I can't help it, it's my nature" God-blaming, irresponsible NONSENSE has led to scandal and disaster among professing Christians.
Sure, it FEELS natural to someone who's been making sinful choices their whole life but they and they alone are responsible.
Only in those who admit FULL, no-holds-barred responsibility do we see genuine, Godly, transformational repentance as defined in 2 Corinthians 7.
Those who "confess" (but never actually REPENT i.e TURN as in 2 Timothy 2:19b) and inevitably do the same things over and over again are almost exclusively church-ians who have been fed a false "gospel" that sets nobody free with the freedom described in Romans 6 and John 8:34-36.
The Calvinist NIV (and others) insidiously MIStranslates "sarx/sarki" as "sin nature" (ONLY in Paul's epistles but not in passages like 1st John 4:2-3 and the Gospel passages on two-become-one-flesh marriage).
I don't know much about Jason Staples but his blog posts on this issue (easily found by typing his name and "sinful nature" into a search engine) and the NIV's replies to his arguments are spot-on and speak volumes.
Please everyone, do a New Testament word study on "sarx/sarki" i.e read and study and write down every single verse where it appears - and its context - so that you get a thorough understanding of what it means.
Few people in the past had access to the original Greek but what they did is repeatedly read the Bible and so they got to understand what words meant by their CONTEXT.
That's how children learn their native language. And that's how children who grow up in a bilingual household learn languages: from repeatedly hearing the words in context.
They don't need dictionaries.
Of course dictionaries are useful and knowing Hebrew and Greek CAN be useful but they're not essential.
even tho your church is "much better", if that have "glimpses" then i have to wonder if its covert. LEAVE NOW before your children drink the kool aid!
@@leenieledejo6849 hello my friend, I hope things are going well with you.
I am commenting to ask you though, after reading through your comment, are you saying there is no such thing as a sinful nature?
Thank you, I hope to receive a response from you, God bless you, peace to you and your family.
Doesn't the bible say we are born in sin?
You forgot to mention how humourless they are
Calvanists are the most lame people to be around, all doom & gloom, misery definitely loves company.🤷
This is by far the greatest display of sarcasm and mockery yet. Well done sir. Go now and continue in the spirit of Elijah.
Well done, however I think were due for another hip hop one next time, I loved the James white coogi sweater you did a while ago 😂
God decreed this to be off the hook…LIT! Totally 🔥Love the Idol Killer tunes!
Awesome! Thank you!!!
New subscriber! Just found your channel. I’m enjoying bingeing your videos!😃😎
@@wildflower008 awesome! Welcome to the channel!
I love the music genre and this is predestined to be a hit.🤟
I read in First Sovereignty 2, chapter 8, full sleeves is a sign your absolutely unequivocally elect.
Great job as usual Warren
Do what thou will, because God is willing you to will it, shall be the whole of the Law . .
sounds familar
@@IdolKiller - I just added the Calvinist justification to what Aleister Crowley, a notorious occultist, summed his belief system with; "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
On total predestination Theology, it's perfectly valid, logically speaking. If He's the only one causing whatsoever comes to pass (in the exhaustive sense) our willing things to happen must be irresistibly willed (caused) by Him.
If covert Calvinism were an alternative rock tune.
Book "What it means to be Protestant" by Gavin Ortlund....excellent analysis.
THIS! I am amazed that so many vipers in diapers become the elect after listening and learning to Sunday school teachers and Bible school lessons. It truly was determined by God!
Nice jam. Always said truth is better in metal. 🤘
This. Is. AWESOME! 🌷
Thank you! 😄
"Grab a muffin..."
This is when I knew the song would be good. That alone reminded me of the Lutheran church I used to attend, and those words felt like a slap. I have not been to a church service or event in over two years for two reasons: the pastor was talking something about mount sinai and McArthur at the last one I remember attending, and I was the only one in a church event to answer differently than everyone else.
Explaining the second one, a pastor I had never seen at the church before (I was already usable to attend many services due to my schedule) was speaking/teaching at the small event for people who attended and who were "neuro-divergent", which I was invited to by one of the people at the church who knew me when I was there more frequently. The subject the pastor (he kinda looked like Piper, but he wasn't) was speaking on was faith, and had two people on the screen, a strong man holding weights above his head and a boy with a small weight in his hand looking at the strong man. (They looked like generic images.) The pastor had already been going through what faith was and asked everyone to raise their hand for who they thought was the greater sign of faith; most of the other people there raised their hand for the strong man. The pastor then moved to the next slide in his presentation, and this time the strong man was standing on a cracking sheet of ice while the boy was standing on a road, and the pastor asked everyone the same question. I looked around the room after I raised my hand for the strong man having changed my response with the image having changed, and I think I was the only hand that was raised because I still remember the pastor looking at me as he said, "Sure, you can think that."
Two things amazed me that day: the people I was grouped with for a couple activities sermed astonished that I was pulling out quotes from the bible without taking it out or remembering the verse/chapter and doing so once again as I stood in front of all of them for a "tallent show-and-tell", and no one asked me why I thought the strong man standing on breaking ice was a greater sign of faith than the boy standing on a road. Before you think of asking me, ask yourself two questions: What was underneath where the two were standing? What happens if the foundation each of them were standing on collapsed and they fell through?
Another good one!
Your music is always so clear. I am trying to get it to work so good for me.
Once again, calvinists can't be mad about this beautiful masterpiece because it was decreed by the Almighty..
How great is it that James White is afraid to debate with you. 😅
Wow! Brother Warren. You did not disappoint! I've been trying to convince some friends sitting on the fence about Calvinism for a couple years now about how this doctrine is complete heresy and how we need to stop the usual, 'well, I respect them. Their brothers'.... DUH! Any brother of mine who attributes to my Precious, kind, loving, forgiving Saviour as the author of all evil, sorry, they've crossed the line into a cult of perverse doctrines and man centered ego! Keep fighting the good fight brother. Especially now, in the times we are in, the Lord is bringing more and more truth seekers into His kingdom and we need to pray that deceiving and lying covert Calvinists stop their deception in their attempts to 'convert' weak and passive churches into their wicked cult! Calvinism is wacked and needs to be sacked!
But Calvinists are the ones equating their theology/soteriology with the gospel lol. Yikes bro.
Oh my!!! 🤦🏾♀️. Bobbing my head!! 😂
Well done...that kaleidoscope!!😂that Beatles song! don't know why but the tune popped up in my mind, I'm not as good as you but here goes, my attempt at creativity inspired by you !
Picture yourself in a church with John Calvin
With Doctors Charles Spurgeon and John Macarthur
Somebody calls you, could it be Saint James White?
Men with kaleidoscope eyes!
Doctrines of grace barring those that aren't chosen
Infants can all go to hell!
Look for that chapter and verse in your bible...
It's not there!
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Ughhhhh ughhhh
Follow them down to the path of destruction,
Where Calvinist pastors tell devilish lies,
So many caught in their web of deceiving
That's brought into every church!
Reformed reformers appear everywhere
Waiting to take you away
Join with the wolves with your head in the sand
And you're gone!
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Ughhhhh ughhhh
Total depravity Unconditional Election,
Limited atonement irresistible grace
Per-severence of the saints, it's not biblical
The cult with kaleidoscope eyes
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Ughhhhh ughhhh
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Tulips in the sky with diamonds
Ughhhhh ughhhh
That was AWESOME! Took a screenshot of it!
Another banger
Warren, you are the Diogenes of the Church! 🤣
Love you brother ❤
We need an album of these absolute banger songs!
Love how you cater for all styles, my husband would love this one and I really like the newest one (comments turned off, so I couldnt praise your efforts on that video).
If the the motto is "never stop reforming" why did they stop reforming? Also, if the great awakening evangilistic outreach of type like Spurgeon really went as advetised why are we where we are today?
Because they are a branch of Roman Catholicism. They were Reformers of the Roman Catholic "church" and created their own cult.
The true reformers were Melanchthon and Zwingli and many others we never heard of. Every Christian should be Semper Reformanda.
But it's much easier to stop reforming, or never even try to reform in the first place. Very few have the courage or integrity to even try to reform much at all.
That is why we, the ekklesia, must return to the roots of true apostolic Christianity before the doctrine of apostolic succession-yes, indeed, for it is a sin to exalt the arm of flesh. As well as the erroneous doctrine of original sin-that suggests sin is a legal problem providing a legal payment for a legal solution without no true heart transformation unto righteousness.
The Papacy has already ensnared apostate Protestantism by means of taking over supposed Protestant universities and theological seminaries.
Reformed theology sounds exactly like a god who uses the method of Roman law-not laws of nature in which we see cause-and-effect and not laws imposed by arbitrary decree as is the means and methods of human governments.
I suggest you watch an interview of a former Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, who digs into the history of how the Papacy used education as a means of destroying the Protestant churches of completing the Reformation-of bringing to the whole world the messages of the three angels' recorded in Revelation 14:6-12.
The reason you see Protestants acting no differently than that of the irreligious world is because of the Papacy's work to destroy true Christianity that truly loves Christ as Christ loves the church. They desire the extinguishing the obedience to the truth by means of ecumenism, false teaching, or any other deceptive means in their employment to slay the truth as it is found in Christ.
They desire to make men the slaves of men-for men to be the reflectors of other men's thoughts. They desire that originality, tact, work ethic, and politeness be extinguished in the soul by destroying civil, economic, and religious liberty in the US and across the world.
That is why we, the ekklesia, must return to the roots of true apostolic Christianity before the doctrine of apostolic succession-yes, indeed, for it is a sin to exalt the arm of flesh. As well as the erroneous doctrine of original sin-that suggests sin is a legal problem providing a legal payment for a legal solution without no true heart transformation unto righteousness.
The P@p@cy has already ensnared apostate Protestantism by means of taking of supposed Protestant universities and theological seminaries.
Reformed theology sounds exactly like a god who uses the method of Roman law-not laws of nature in which we see cause-and-effect and not laws imposed by arbitrary decree as is the means and methods of human governments.
I suggest you watch an interview of a former )3$ûït priest, Alberto Rivera, who digs into the history of how the P@p@cy used education as a means of destroying the Protestant churches of completing the Reformation-of bringing to the whole world the messages of the three angels' recorded in Revelation 14:6-12.
The reason you see Protestants acting no differently than that of the irreligious world is because of the P@p@cy's work to destroy true Christianity that truly loves Christ as Christ loves the church. They desire the extinguishing the obedience to the truth by means of ecumenism, false teaching, or any other deceptive means in their employment to slay the truth as it is found in Christ.
They desire to make men the slaves of men-for men to be the reflectors of other men's thoughts. They desire that originality, tact, work ethic, and politeness be extinguished in the soul by destroying civil, economic, and religious liberty in the US and across the world.
The kids' min wants to turn our little ones into Pipers in diapers.
I'm legitimately haunted by this systematic. 😞
We must be vigilant
Im not a Calvinist but did attend a Presbyterian church for over a year and really enjoyed it though probably because they never mentioned calvinism. I'm not sure most people there even knew what it was. I asked one of the Elders about predestination once, and he said that God predestines those he foreknew would accept him so...
Not gonna lie, this goes hard
It’s always the muffins and the coffee 🤦🏾♂️
This is a banger🔥
Everyone is welcome…but only the chosen can stay.
Brother are these AI songs or did you come up with this sick tapping and legato runs on your guitar? Either way amazing 😂
@thanevakarian9762 I write the lyrics and specific prompting, such as bpm, chord progression, genre, instrumentation, etc but I do use AI to make it happen. I'm not a musician, but I love music.
@@IdolKiller still amazing
@@IdolKiller Is there ANY way I could like this video more than once? Its AMAAAZING!!!!!!
(I've just recently started my de-Calvinizing process).😅
this hits hard
I love this.
Thank you!!!
I'd buy this album. This sounds like late high school/college to me ❤️
Once again, Idol Killer makes me laugh out loud, with the spot-on humor and song. & && then the horror and tragedy, of this misguided theology, that PREVENTS people from truly knowing the all loving God, makes me sad, and a little bit angry!
Hey now... beards ARE cool 😎
Beards ARE cool! (except in the summer, then they're HOT)
@IdolKiller and they get all sweaty and itchy... itchy like the doctrine of "grace" 😂😂😂
@@IdolKillerThat's not true. They keep you cool in the summer...they give you shade and if you do sweat that sweat cools you off with a breeze.. but me personally, I do not sweat.
@@yobabybubbasweat on the beard keeps you cool as the hot breaaze blows.... sort of like a swamp cooler than. 🤔 ;)
@@IdolKiller If your beard offends you.... pluck it out🤣🤣🤣🤣I've had 4 and started this one in 1984 ..... now I'm afraid to see what's under there.
Surely many will be deceived in the coming times, even the elect......one must truly be vigilant in this hour....
Calvinsim is wicked as hell, and some people are in here defending it
I love early 2000's pop punk and emo music, so not gonna lie, this is low-key a bop in my opinion 😂.
so true...
So accurate!
I have been listening to AFI lately, I didn't realize they were a Christian band for years. Good job Warren!
Love your singing voice!
You do an excellent job, Idol Killer, in analyzing the historical roots of doctrines such as Calvinism and Penal Substitutionary Atonement. I wonder, have you done a similar analysis of the historical roots of ideas like "being a good berean," "sola scriptura," "appstolic succession," and most importantly, the canon of scripture?
@@EpistemicAnthony yes
@@IdolKiller Thanks for taking the time to respond, brother. What are your thoughts on Eastern Orthodoxy?
The doctrines of disgrace.
They’re absolutely disgraceful . Amen.
And "the golden chain of _exemption."_
This is so petty 😂 I’m here for it tho
Don't forget your program 😀
Bro, this slaps harder than Sheryl Crow.
@@IdolKillerYou’re doing God’s work. Keep it up! 😎
Remember! Calvinism IS THE GOSPEL (thought that was Jesus Who taught no such thing?)... Anyhow, thank God God sent us John Calvin) 👍🌟🥰 (took him 1500 years, but then, if a day is like one a thousand.... Just a day and a half)
Love it Warren!
Another banger. At this rate you will be releasing an album..."unprogrammed".
Some sarcasm there ! Blessings from Finland !
Do Calvinists have saints like the Catholics? (St. Surgeon, St. Calvin, et al). Also, do they sing to the Divine Sovereignty Chaplet every service? "For the sake of his glorious sovereignty, have mercy on us"...🎶
Calvinists do, in fact, have a whole pantheon of "saints" in the Catholic sense. John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, and R.C. Sproul, to name a few. The difference is that they don't call them "saints", but "Giants of the Faith". Personally, I prefer to call them "DCPs", short for "Deceased Calvinists on Pedestals"...
the vocals give me some faint Memphis May Fire vibes.
This one's a banger
What's a Calvinist's favorite song from Nirvana?
Nope, it's not "Come As You Are."
The correct answer is... "Rape Me."
KILLER!!! 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽
Question why do almost all the honestly mistaken Calvinists I meat after I show them their error cease to be honest?
Now I am imagining a full blow heavy metal / metalcore song about a nominal Calvinist descending into final stage dogmatic high/hyper-Calvinism sort of in the style of like Phinehas, Wolves at the Gate, Demon Hunter, Fit for a King, For Today. If you want songs for queues or someone who is familiar with the genre feel free to reach out if you want to do this. Btw I love the math/post hard-core style of this song and the lyrics kinda remind me of Death of me by Red as it is that kind of thing going on.
The cult of Calvinism
Its catchy but I don't understand the hate towards calvinism
@TheFinalJigsaw Calvinism is anti-Christ, anti-Gospel, and anti-reason... it places it's adherents at peril, perverting the Holy and Living God and it's crafty and deceptive. People need warned
Calvinism is headed for the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death...You have to wonder whether James White or John MacArthur would put you to death by fire for post this song...
I have warm fuzzies all over
Jeff Durbin approves this song 😂
I know you’re not a Calvinist what denomination do you call home? Historic Christianity (pre-Augustinian)?
I tried to visit your website but it doesn't seem to be working.
I'm rebuilding it
@@IdolKiller ah okay, thanks!
Whats up idol killer? Review the faultlines album by timothy brindle and voddie?
The gospel is clearly given in 1 Peter 1.
Who’s the real life pastor with sleeves and gauges? Is that Dubin? I know it’s not JMac.
Emo doctrines of grace
I'm assume you use Suno to make the songs.
That's one of a couple AI programs I use. I write the lyrics and do pretty specific prompting, but I don't play an instrument.
@@IdolKiller what type of prompts do you do to get the 2006 rock vibe?
@@kinorynn I forget the specifics for this one, but I usually find a song I like... then look up the details... the BPM, the genre, style, chord progression, key, etc and build my prompts around something I know I like... then I generate it until it clicks and I like what comes out
The lyrics are comical, but the guitar melody is really nice!
Was that the agent of Lucifer, practitioner of the occult, and high ranking Mason Charles Spurgeon on the thumbnail???...
That's the one
Do you have historical evidence that Spurgeon was a Mason? And what are you referring to regarding him practicing the occult? It's one thing to disapprove of his (modified) Calvinism, but there are severe charges!
@chaddonal4331 yeah, there's a ton of evidence he was a Mason. Google can take you down the rabbit hole
@@chaddonal4331 What do you know about the OCCULT?...Especially when pertaining to occult language that Spurgeon uses in his sermons. Severe charges?....Yeah I'm not worried about that one bit. MANY haven't a damn clue of the DECEPTION, and how far down it truly goes. And for some, if you dig deep enough. It has the potential to shatter your whole world.
@@chaddonal4331 Also, if you would like to go a step further. In some of John Calvin's commentaries. He refers to god, as the Supreme Judge. Which is the same language that the Masons use when referring to their "god". Where in the Bible do you see God referred to as the Supreme Judge? Absolutely NO WHERE. Like I said....I wonder when calvinists will make the correlation. PRIDE can be a deadly thing. What caused Lucifer to fall again?...
Men are “convinced”, by the words of Calvin, into believing the way of salvation.
Yet Calvinists claim men can't be “convicted”, by the words of Christ, into believing He's the way to salvation.
John 6:63,68 GNT
What gives life is God's Spirit; human power is of no use at all. *_The words I have spoken to you bring God's life-giving Spirit._*
[68] Simon Peter answered him, *_"Lord_* … *_You have the words that give eternal life._*
I can't even be annoyed because the music is actually really good. The comment section is kind of lame. Well other than the guy who said, "James White is jamming to this in his car." That was actually really funny.
Did you compose the music?
I use a number of programs including AI, but I wrote the lyrics, choose the genre, chords, bmp, etc and use AI to bring it together. It's a laborious process but I have a lot of fun
Spurgeon, the prince of preacher's? I think not. 🤔
You said it was inspired? By who?…or what? It sounds like anybody else.
What the word “holy” mean?
Closet Calvinism is on the rise..
folks are often indoctrinated unaware.
@@IdolKiller I think it's intentionally done that way. They don't want to confuse people with complex ideas they adhere to, because until people become enlightened, they won't appreciate their misfit theology. I read somewhere, that this is taught in reformed Cemetary schools.
@@sdesoto yes, its the same approach as the frog in boiling water... start with cool water and slowly turn the heat up so it doesn't notice and jump out
@@IdolKiller Your a blessing man. Keep it up.
I did find the big beard and tattoo look rather sadly comical, but the Calvinbros don't have a monopoly on those. Orthobros got seriously bigger beards, and those Charismaticbros outdo them in the colorful skin mutilation, The Tradcathbros are also big beardy boys.
My husband looks like a typical Calvinist…..turns out he’s just a county boy who was called to pastor.
@@amandataylor1843 I was just being a little jokey, but it has amused me seeing some of the online Calvinists going for the same look. Just recently saw a group of three with almost identical beards, sports jackets (vests in USA?), blue jeans and brown shoes. Or other groups I've seen with the tattoos on display and shorts, all going for a sort of uniform look. Me, I'm more used to suits, white shirt and tie and shiny black shoes in my church background, so I guess there's no escape from going for a group look!
@@anselman3156 Haha, no offense. I like him the way he is!
Not the point of the video; but the coffee, the muffins, the creature comforts; from offering sacrifice to expecting service in 3500 years.
What are earth are we doing?
This is far to seaker sensative in the UK no program no coffee shut most days but Sundays midweek are invites ie house groups people are curt and clicvy (not all but most)
Too loud
Loud like a Coogi sweater, or loud as in needing to adjust the volume?
@@IdolKiller Just hard to follow. When I muted it and read the text it was more enjoyable.
I was experimenting with different visuals and tried to match the math rock vibe. I also added some little Easter eggs to be enjoyed when paused.
So I understand the sentiment behind this video. But as egregiously false as calvinism is, this does not represent the average reformed church service. They are way more subtle in how they cloak the lies of satan through Calvin. So while i have the same sentiments toward calvinism as you, I think this video may be counterproductive for the cause of the gospel. Your video replicates a service by people like Steven Furtick and the prosperity gospel. John MacArthur who mixes Augustinian philosophy with the scripture would not have a service like in this video, he chooses to propagate gnostic theology in a more discreet manner. Just saying. I do appreciate your work exposing the lies if calvinism.
This targets a specific flavor of Calvinism, not all of it. I've other things for that.
Something has been bugging me. Everyine says the Trinity is core doctrine. The Bible says God has 7 spirits though... Thoughts?
Where does the Bible say that God has 7 spirits?
Also, if you could answer these two questions for me:
1. Where does the Bible tell us which books should be included in the Bible?
2. Where does the Bible tell us that all spiritual truth has to be found in the Bible?
Great work! It is so inspiring to see Christians insulting each other!
Yes, as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another. As Christians we're committed to the Way, the Truth and the Life and thus are obliged to expose false things, particularly when they're so harmful they can have eternal consequences.
@@IdolKiller Is it possible to sharpen another man without resorting to childish insults?
@@markkozlowski3674Christians are called to abhor evil in the same verse where we are called to have brotherly love. Calvinism is evil and should be abhorred so as to show love to Calvinists by calling them to repentance.
@@markkozlowski3674The foundation of Calvinism is that God willed and predetermined EVERYTHING like ALL evil, sin, and deception in eternity past for His own glory….. Did you know that? You couldn’t believe anything worse about God……..
@@JohnK557 I am quite familiar with the doctrine of Calvinism. I question whether the best method of arguing against Calvinism is insulting Calvinists. And I should think the worst thing you could think about God is that He does not exist.
This song is indistinguishable from any other song on the radio. I thought we were not to conform to this world? I don’t think this song works for the Lord.
Just like calvinist reformers don’t, work for the Lord. You’re not predestined to grasp the irony.
Get a grip of yourself, it’s SATIRE! If you want another example of it, look in the mirror!
@@truthseeker5698"You’re not predestined to grasp the irony." 🤣💯