Reacting To Your Woke Workplace Experiences


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  • @derek96720
    @derek96720 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1193

    Real talk: don't ever be friends with your co-workers on social media. They aren't your real friends and it only puts you at risk of getting fired for liking or sharing the "wrong" content.

    • @diablow1411
      @diablow1411 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +103

      It's better not to have social media in the first place, or if there's decent knowledge of cybersecurity, it's much better to browse social media anonymously.

    • @tayachting6345
      @tayachting6345 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3


    • @Zivanovaable
      @Zivanovaable 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Good idea.

    • @ann_banan13
      @ann_banan13 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      I'd say this is true for most co-workers, but there's usually atleast one cool co-worker that you can trust, (from my personal experience anyways).

    • @Timmeh_The_tyrant
      @Timmeh_The_tyrant 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Don't be on social media

  • @Yojimbo16
    @Yojimbo16 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2047

    I brought up The Good Doctor once in a conversation explaining that I have autism like Shawn and that I didn't understand Transgenderism as he did, and I was told, "That's no excuse, you're just using a TV Show to hide your bigotry." I never said anything negative about Transgenderism other than "I don't get it."

    • @Akihito007
      @Akihito007 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Should have told the person to go F themselves.

    • @mariposa9506
      @mariposa9506 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +386

      That person was the bigot, not you.

    • @taki7546
      @taki7546 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +223

      That definitely sounds like the average reaction of those people

    • @Yojimbo16
      @Yojimbo16 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +102

      @@mariposa9506 I've learned that. It really got to me because it was my first ever Woke experience. What made it worse is that it came out of nowhere during a comment thread and it was directed towards me. They said quote:
      "@Yojimbo16 Some IRL non-binary people still use certain masculine pronouns. Not all of them, obviously; it's something that's different for all of them and you kinda just have to ask them about. It's not too much of a stretch that the canonically NB Roc use masculine pronouns even if he doesn't have to." unquote
      My response:
      "That's really confusing. It's just weird gameplay and story segregation. It threw me off when I discovered Roc didn't count towards Male/Female/Animal Blades when doing Merc Missions. I can't even recall if there's a merc mission where he's mandatory but I'm sure there are and I just forgot especially since Merc Missions are important to Roc's Affinity Chart Growth."
      Their reply:
      "I don’t find anything confusing about not being an ass about NB people’s preferred pronouns, and the same goes for Roc in this game. I wouldn’t call it “gameplay and story segregation” just because the specifics of Roc’s gender aren’t completely spelled out to you."
      I thought there was a misunderstanding and that he took offense to something so I tried to explain that I didn't mean anything by that but it snowballed from there and got worse.

    • @Yojimbo16
      @Yojimbo16 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +75

      @@taki7546 There's another one in a different comment thread that said:
      "Don’t act innocent, we all know you’d be a murderer too without consequences, based on the way you’ve described yourself viewing others."

  • @southofhollywood4199
    @southofhollywood4199 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +913

    I work at a law firm and one guy brought his husband and adopted baby daughter to work. Everyone loved it and went crazy and let them walk all over the office. A straight guy brought his biological baby daughter the next day and was asked to stay in the waiting area.

    • @HaveaVH5150
      @HaveaVH5150 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Shame on them,Pathetic Tools! 🤦🏻

    • @lisaroper421
      @lisaroper421 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +60

      Um, rude!

    • @Seen_not_heard
      @Seen_not_heard 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +86

      Maybe they learned their lessons from the day before. I’m sure letting the first couple disrupt the day was a bad idea and they simply decided not to do that again. Not everything is discrimination, just because they didn’t explain their decision to you.

    • @LydiaKrow
      @LydiaKrow 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

      I'm actually very surprised anyone was allowed to bring non-employees into the office, but maybe laws are different in your state? When I was working in an office, children were not allowed past the lobby area because of liability concerns. We have insurance to protect employees (and ourselves), not visitors (which include children and spouses of employees). One of my employees brought her daughter to work and to her desk and had her sit there for the day. It's a remote office, so I was not responsible for direct policing of that policy, but the office manager asked her to remove her child and she complained to me, so I had to get HR involved to explain why you shouldn't bring your kids to work even for just a friendly walk-through/hang out.

    • @lilolmecj
      @lilolmecj 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +38

      Yep! Kind of like certain neighborhoods who celebrate someone getting out of prison for the fifth time, but no celebration for the young person who graduates from high school or especially college.

  • @clogs4956
    @clogs4956 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +362

    About twenty years ago, my then workplace decided to promote more women, despite the fact that women outnumbered men at senior levels… Anyway, I attended a talk run by HR where it became very quickly obvious that only non-white women were in the frame. A Jamaican lady stood up and declared that, if her skin colour was more important to the company than her ability, she was leaving - and she walked out that room with the majority of the attendees, myself included, behind her. Yes, she later resigned.
    Political Correctness has always been problematic.

    • @AJadedLizard
      @AJadedLizard 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      Place I used to work, a coworker was complaining that men made more than women doing her job. It didn't seem to occur to her that women were 90% of the workforce and 100% of the decision making positions. If there was institutionalized sexism it was coming from the women.

    • @Seen_not_heard
      @Seen_not_heard 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@AJadedLizard It's sad that more women are hired because we can be paid less and still do the work. Not because they want us there. It's to save money on talent.

    • @AJadedLizard
      @AJadedLizard 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Seen_not_heard That is literally not true, the Wage Gap has been debunked time and time again, if you're being paid less it's because you're not performing. If women were being paid less, there'd be no such thing as a male-dominated field, simple as.

    • @Emppu_T.
      @Emppu_T. 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      @@Seen_not_heard because women settle for less, this also effects the men. Also why wages are stagnant, to include of corse the work from migrants. When you put low cutting women on the force with men, wages get slashed and the workforce doubles. No longer is it feasible to have an average job support a family.

    • @personthing7733
      @personthing7733 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Emppu_T.right on the nose

  • @JackieOwl94
    @JackieOwl94 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +455

    When my husband was active duty, I found out that I can’t have kids after some dark discoveries during an unrelated surgery. In short, I can conceive, but any pregnancy would become ectopic due to abnormalities along the fallopian tubes, and it would take a massively invasive procedure to fix it if I did. A few months after the surgery, one of the nurses on the base was talking to me about family planning (my husband was getting snipped to protect me from needing surgery). She mentioned that she doesn’t use the term “woman” anymore unless someone is trans. Instead, I was a “birthing person”.
    I stopped and got a little heated with her. She knew I couldn’t get pregnant. I’m NOT a birthing person. I asked if that meant I was a man if I can’t get pregnant. She said “No” and that I was “something else…”
    I got her supervisor in the room and demanded her firing from the DOD. It was not ok, and it was some sort of experimental thing to start being more politically correct .

    • @via-anghelmagahum2586
      @via-anghelmagahum2586 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +84

      So sorry that happened to you. You’re still a woman I mean you have the parts and xx chromosomes your parts just don’t work right.
      I hate how they use women with fertility issues and compare them to trans women

    • @Fluxikator
      @Fluxikator 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The nurse is quite stupid it seems. Even when you apply Gender identity Logic. Youre still a women. Because you identify as a women. The way she said it, is disregarding that viewpoint and is basically not PC either.

    • @shiankovalik-stager7344
      @shiankovalik-stager7344 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I am so sorry this happened to you 😢 I hope you find some way to have children if that’s what you & your husband want! & honestly I hate medical care for military, I’ve only had one doctor in OB care I’ve actually liked

    • @hippiechick73
      @hippiechick73 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +55

      She was concerned about hypothetical patients who could be offended, all the while showing no concern for you- the actual patient- and your feelings.

    • @danceswithbears2521
      @danceswithbears2521 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wait. Transgenders are women, but women aren't women? 😮

  • @alkebabish
    @alkebabish 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1341

    I worked for a small charity in the UK , we had to have diversity training . Two of the team were black, two white, one Jewish and an immigrant from Greece. We just took the piss and made racist jokes, the diversity officer looked horrified but it actually turned out to be a great team building exercise. 😂

    • @loganblackwood2922
      @loganblackwood2922 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +129

      I was blackballed from my white collar job by feminists. It was a stifling environment with endless tone policing. I was great at the job and loved it until the women took over. When I became a blue collar worker, the banter was great. No rules, nothing out of bounds and just men being men.

    • @ssjwes
      @ssjwes 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +128

      My dad and a younger black guy that was new at work talked shit all the time. They would say racist stuff to each other yelling across the shop... I would always shake my head at them but they would always say they were just playing around. He liked my dad so much that years after he left the company he came back to my father's house to show him his new truck(bigrig/18wheeler). He was going to start hauling freight across the country and was excited about his new purchase and wanted to show it off. I guess being that way to one another really did create a good bond.
      I was surprised to learn after his passing how many guys saw him as their "work dad". I was doubly surprised at the fact I felt happiness that others loved him but also I felt a little jealousy as well which was a weird feeling at the time and situation.

    • @loganblackwood2922
      @loganblackwood2922 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +58

      ​@@ssjwesYeah, I feel bad that thanks to female and woke micromanaging of male interactions, you likely won't get that kind of bonding with men at work. My black friend Kay, we did nothing but make racist jokes at every opportunity we could, you know, before woke. They got more ridiculous and more creative each time and we laughed so hard working super shitty jobs. I live in a very homogenous country now so can't do that now, but man, times were good. RIP Kay, mate.

    • @randylahey8207
      @randylahey8207 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +47

      That's the way guys have been doing it forever and ever, and women just don't understand. Among my best friends in high school were a handicapped Puerto Rican Jew, a Jamaican with a bendy finger and several Asians from various countries. We ALL relentlessly made fun of each other's biological traits, with them targeting my soulless ginger ass ad nauseum. It was authentic, somehow trained and spontaneous at the same time. I loved those guys, and I miss those times. We've lost the ability to laugh at ourselves, and that is much more detrimental than people imagine...

    • @AutomaticDuck300
      @AutomaticDuck300 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bed Bath & Beyond were doing just fine until social justice activists took over. Then it failed within just a few months. This is what happens.

  • @HoosierThrottle
    @HoosierThrottle 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +424

    A while back, two of my workers, I have 23 total, inserted their preferred pronouns into their email signatures. I asked them to remove them and they both said I couldn't ask them to do that. I reminded them that this was my business and that our clients were looking to make financial decisions based on our solid and well researched advise. I did not need our clients to question why someone was putting something as ridiculous as she/her on their signature line when they were trusting us to manage their funds. In short, our clients don't want to deal with snowflakes who live in an alternate reality. One of the two removed the pronouns and apologized saying she felt pressured to do so by her co-worker. I removed the other from her job for failing to comply. You can virtue signal all you want, but not on my time and not when I'm paying you. She threatened to sue, I told her good luck with that. That was over a year ago, never heard a peep from she/her.

    • @calebday6988
      @calebday6988 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

      good on you.

    • @DellikkilleD
      @DellikkilleD 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      lmfao, if she doesnt sue, you got fucking lucky, she could own your shithole business if she wanted, and I hope she does.

    • @sylasgirl
      @sylasgirl 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      More employees like you please!

    • @Bloxfruitsistrashlmaocope
      @Bloxfruitsistrashlmaocope 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

      @@sylasgirlhe is a employer i think

    • @axiss5840
      @axiss5840 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      I'd love to run my own business for exactly this reason

  • @bleukettu4521
    @bleukettu4521 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +313

    I actually had to go to the hospital for a severe asthma attack and this one nurse kept coming in asking me to fill my pronouns, all while I hooked up to a ventilator unable to talk and could hardly breathe.

    • @michaelmurray7199
      @michaelmurray7199 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +43

      Good heavens! I’m sorry that happened to you.

    • @tristanbackup2536
      @tristanbackup2536 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +32

      I had a teacher ask me. You gotta shame them on the spot very rudely, shut them down. In my case I did.

    • @347Jimmy
      @347Jimmy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +71

      Did you write "can't/breathe"?

    • @clairej6747
      @clairej6747 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      ​@@347Jimmylmaoooo idk why this made me cackle 😂

    • @Gingabread-bw6xj
      @Gingabread-bw6xj 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      That’s unusual for hospital forms. They do have the section for your sex, but that is medically necessary for them to know.

  • @KarlMaldensNose
    @KarlMaldensNose 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +182

    My doctor retired in 2022 in part because of this craziness. He told me he would have stayed on another few years if gender affirming care hadn't become such a trend. He also mentioned that he knows other doctors who are considering leaving the field or changing specialties to avoid this mess.

    • @Knights_Oath
      @Knights_Oath 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Its not gender affirming care, it's mutilation of children.

    • @danceswithbears2521
      @danceswithbears2521 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

      My last doctor also retired. He was furious because the state would pay for transgender surgery but not for bariatric surgery needed to save the life of a diabetic. A few months later, he was gone.

    • @Loquacious_Jackson
      @Loquacious_Jackson 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Uh oh 😢

  • @0114davis
    @0114davis 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +154

    I'm a therapy student and the woke doctrine has taken over. I could not allow it to push me out because conservative people need therapy too. Since deciding to muscle through I've found a group of students and professional organizations that bring nonwoke mental health care professionals together.

    • @lizbits1317
      @lizbits1317 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      Keep it up! The more we can fill those positions with conservatives or non woke people, the better we can fight and take those positions back.

    • @cancelled_user
      @cancelled_user 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Careful.. This could transform you from therapy student to therapy patient

    • @Stothehighest
      @Stothehighest 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Name drop, I'd like to join.

    • @averybaumann
      @averybaumann 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Woke people are more mental insanity professionals.

    • @Nate_-gm1js
      @Nate_-gm1js 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      What is the group called?

  • @Battmatt22
    @Battmatt22 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +384

    I feel like a workplace shouldn’t be filled with politics or your personal beliefs, a workplace is about doing your job it’s about doing what you need to do and going home, you should never hire or fire just because politics, religion or race, people need to understand that.

    • @star_dante
      @star_dante 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      but you have to bow to the god (DEI) or you're out.

    • @elgatofelix8917
      @elgatofelix8917 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      Unless your job is literally in the field of politics, exactly correct! 👍

    • @AutomaticDuck300
      @AutomaticDuck300 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      Politics shouldn’t be in the workplace. Red Bull got my respect when woke activists tried to bring DEI into it, and they said “We make energy drinks here. We don’t care about your politics.”
      Because if you declare yourself to be on one political side or the other, you immediately lose 50% of your customer base. I don’t know why people don’t understand that.

    • @FercPolo
      @FercPolo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Women brought it to the workplace. All this started when women and HR departments got power over the workplace. Everything is tailored for women to succeed, so then they start pushing beyond the good level and make things crazy.
      There's a time societies reach the proper level of acceptance and tolerance. If you push it to far the fabric of polite society breaks down.

    • @cacsus3043
      @cacsus3043 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Common sense isn't common anymore.

  • @via-anghelmagahum2586
    @via-anghelmagahum2586 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +448

    Here’s my woke work story:
    So I work for a company that supplies plants to Walmarts in the tri state area. My boss and I noticed at one particular location in NJ a lot of products were being taken out without being purchased. We do inventory every two weeks or so to check this. We figured it was because some products are too big for the carts so customers would bring one plant in, scan it multiple times, and then pull their car up, and then load the purchased plants in the car. We figured people were just taking plants they didn’t pre pay for inside and were just loading in extra plants they didn’t pay for in their cars. So my boss implanted a new policy: we have to ask to see receipts first before we let people just take products and load them in their cars to make sure they actually purchased the plants. It makes sense right?
    So one day I’m working outside and there was a man who pulled up his car after walking out of the store with only two plants. He started loading more plants in his car and I mean a lot of plants and our more expensive ones. I then get his attention, stop him and say “sir, I need to see a receipt first before you can load those plants.”
    And then this man says in the most angry and aggressive manner “why?! Because I’m black I’m automatically stealing , you racist bitch!”
    This man looked like he wanted to beat me up. His fists are clenched and everything. Keep in mind I’m a five foot skinny biracial (Asian/white) girl with spaghetti limbs and little no upper body strength and this is a muscular five foot eight dude who I didn’t take the time to care that he’s black until he pointed it out.
    I get scared and I’m trying to stay calm so I say “it’s policy for my company to ask for receipts first, I don’t think you’re stealing but it’s policy.”
    And then he gets even more mad and steps forward all threatening going “I bet you don’t do this for all the white folks. Asians at it again always pandering to the white man like it’s going to get them somewhere. Kissing their asses. Fuck you!”
    So he goes to load his plants and I’m so upset at this point so I’m just saying “sir please i do this for all customers it’s policy.” And the guy just shoves me to the ground. And everyone is staring like he’s causing a scene.
    Eventually my saint of a boss overhears and sees me on the ground trying not to cry because this man looks like he’s going to beat me up and he’s looking all threatening at me. He walks up all badass and goes “problem here?” And I took so much satisfaction in seeing this bully’s face and confidence drain when he sees my boss: a big tattooed, burly, muscular, long bearded, seven foot tall, gorilla man.
    My boss just helps me up, taps my shoulder and says “I’ll handle this honey you go back to work.” And my boss grabs the guy like literally grabs him by the shirt and drags him over to the side. And then the dude who threatened me apologizes (insincere as it seemed) and showed me the receipt. I asked my boss how he got this guy to cut it out and apologize of all things. My boss all badass says “I simply told him that real men don’t threaten little ladies like yourself who are half their size. Only whiny, insecure, man babies with tiny dicks do that.” God my boss is such a badass and gentleman.
    I swear these woke ideals of CRT and systematic racism and making it seem like everything is racist is making people so entitled that they act this way whether it’s being publicly threatening and arrogant and self righteous or downright criminal behavior. And then the woke lefties allow it and excuse it.

    • @sigsauer7929
      @sigsauer7929 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +43

      Nice story, I liked it, in case there are no real men around to protect you again from the cowards that seem to be everywhere nowadays, get a gun and train with it. They are great equalizers.

    • @razor6552
      @razor6552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +32

      Yes, get pepper spray at least and learn some self defense moves. Too many vicious narcissists out there nowadays.
      "When seconds count, the police are just minutes away."

    • @ann_banan13
      @ann_banan13 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

      Girl I too have a (sort of) similar story to yours when I worked at a large box store for like three months in a city I no longer live in. These two natives (I'm canadian) used threatening words and excused me of excusing them of stealing things when i was told to go and check on them and see how they were doing/if they needed help with anything.
      Now I'm not a small woman (5'5 white and an average weight) however I am extremely sensitive and probably too much of a people pleaser. I went home and cried that day as I had mostly positive experiences with Indigenous people up until that point in my life. I quit not long after that. I moved back to my hometown and now work a much better job that I've been at for almost a year now!

    • @bonelessbuffalowingsplease6772
      @bonelessbuffalowingsplease6772 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +54

      I worked for Walmart. We were told in training we cannot, whatsoever, ask a black person for their receipt. It's ridiculous. We also had to wear red on Tuesdays to support women in the workplace. I got sent home for not wearing red. Oh and then I also got in trouble for not wearing a pronoun pin. Like if you can't tell I am a woman, we have a nice selection of glasses for you to choose from.

    • @Winterascent
      @Winterascent 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How Maoist @@bonelessbuffalowingsplease6772

  • @selmasuleyman9966
    @selmasuleyman9966 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +675

    Misha i joined a new school this year, and somehow it’s even more liberal than my old school😭😭 the headteacher literally had a whole assembly for black history month (in the UK) about how he’s a "privileged middle class white man" who needs to "teach his kids not to be racist", they have black history month posters and flags and yesterday they blasted afrobeats on the speakers during breaktime and no one said a thing, everyone in this school is so “progressive” i feel crazy tbh😭

    • @misslogical90
      @misslogical90 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You're not crazy. They are. They're living in a delusion.
      Racism is nothing like what they think it is.
      Actual racism is treating others poorly/as lesser than because of their race (especially if they are a minority in the overall population).
      Stay strong. You're not crazy or going crazy.

    • @SilverSurfer5150
      @SilverSurfer5150 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +53

      My thoughts and prayers are with you!

    • @jwenting
      @jwenting 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      you're the only sane person in that school most likely, though MAYBE some of the children are immune against the propaganda.

    • @robertmarshall2502
      @robertmarshall2502 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The headteacher is an idiot who clearly doesn't understand History and has decided to import the narrative from the USA.
      It's actually offensive to treat "black history" in this way to black British ppl. They rather inconveniently don't agree that they're all oppressed. If they came to the UK in the last twenty years they probably come from privileged families in Africa that value education and therefore have good jobs in a society that traditionally values merit.

    • @WHU-lz7gq
      @WHU-lz7gq 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +72

      Oh god I'm from the UK and it scared me that the future of the UK will be like America now with the politics and the woke people. This makes me scared for the future

  • @roseadiaz
    @roseadiaz 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +142

    I was a camp counselor at a summer camp in California that was extremely woke. We had to do a diversity & inclusion training and one of the instructors was teaching us about the zip line ropes course and was talking about how the equipment has been historically “racist.” I asked her what she meant and she said that because black people are naturally bigger it was not inclusive. There is this problem with woke fat white women using black women as examples of “naturally fat” people which is actually racist and they don’t realize it.

    • @mrsmerily
      @mrsmerily 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      so according to her only black people live in US? Has she even looked how many black women look who live in Africa? Tiny, tiny and skinny.

    • @silververnallbells191
      @silververnallbells191 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@mrsmerily Being fat is part of the beauty standard in some areas of Africa so brides to be instead of going on a diet will drink a lot of milk to fatten up. The beauty standard also sees a higher amount of diabetes, but the doctors in those areas are saying it's ok, because it's culture and it's seen as beautiful. They're enabling diabetics!

    • @timothyclark803
      @timothyclark803 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@silververnallbells191 The whole reason that beauty standard existed was because being fat was a sign of being wealthy and having access to resources.

    • @codinghusky5196
      @codinghusky5196 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      what's she jizzing about? Black people are naturally smaller than white people. Also Asians. It's because size of the animal relates to the weather and the colder the weather == the bigger the animal. Although with modern humans, for some odd reason the tallest / biggest men are in the Balkans (185+ cm is the average), if you remove this you're left with Nordic countries as source of biggest both men and women. And I am talking about general averages, not the special selections like the NBA.

    • @coder-z7j
      @coder-z7j หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@codinghusky5196 No actually black people are naturally bigger than white people but they are not fat

  • @gmaxion2001
    @gmaxion2001 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    I'm a cashier. I was called racist for
    1. Not cutting meat the thickness the person wanted even though he walked away befire I could ask him.
    2. Making a woman with 30 items get out of the 10 items or less aisle.
    3. Geting in between a male customer and my best friend who is a girl.
    4. Saying "Bruh," "homie," and "dawg" among other things. I'm from the deep South.
    5. My register not working.
    6. Saying that I like Candace Owens and Brett Cooper.
    7. Not having a particular item.
    8. Getting my brown skinned godchild a banana because he asked for one. The person calling me racist wasn't from my town.
    I think that's it.

    • @gavinschmidt8993
      @gavinschmidt8993 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s crazy being called racist when you followed Candice Owens a BLACK girl

  • @mrsdragonite
    @mrsdragonite 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +409

    I left an office job after they held an employees pronouns to a higher regard than a disorder I struggle with. I had lifelong troubles with memory and learning, and tried to talk to my bosses about it. They acted like they couldn't care less, and I could "train myself out of it" but had regular meetings about respecting peoples pronouns. I didnt choose my disorder, but people choose their lifestyles.

    • @luizmonad777
      @luizmonad777 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      see, this is what those stupid politics of diversity say they are aimed at, and yet, the people that are supposed to be "helped" get the bad end stick of the deal

    • @dogguy8603
      @dogguy8603 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +51

      Say "I don't feel heard, your ableism is silencing me"

    • @brucekeys4910
      @brucekeys4910 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Most people tend to be like sheep and will accept just about anything if it gains enough popularity.
      Sadly, the boring, real stuff doesn't get the same sort attention that the weirder stuff does to draw the attention of those people who NEED to be a part of the flock.

    • @JezaLoki
      @JezaLoki 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      They acted like they could care less. That means they cared a bit at least.

    • @mrsdragonite
      @mrsdragonite 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @JezaLoki *couldn't* care less rather; I'm glad the point of my message reached you.

  • @randomthoughts6680
    @randomthoughts6680 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +213

    Last month I was interviewed in a job and one of the questions was to me define what "woman" means. I didn't got to this question, but I saw it on the paper.
    They stopped the interview when I mentioned that I (an obese woman) go to the gym because I need to lose weight (this made the interviewer's eye twitch) to make a surgery in my breasts. She asked me "oh, are you transitioning?" and I answered "no, I just have a severe back pain, I plan in reducing them, not taking them off completely" (my breasts are indeed huge because of hormonal problems).
    She said that "unfortunately we can't hire a non-diverse person" and I was glad that I didn't mentioned that I'm neurodivergent. I just asked "So tell me: did you even read my resume or did you just got my phone number?" "Just the phone number." "Thanks." and I left.

    • @Akihito007
      @Akihito007 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +82

      These questions sound HIGHLY illegal!

    • @Kinikia95
      @Kinikia95 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      You told them a lot of personal stuff in that interview.

    • @randomthoughts6680
      @randomthoughts6680 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

      @@Akihito007 They are fairly common depending on the job, it was a physically demanding job, so they kinda have to know if you are physically active. But the transition question I think she just asked out of curiosity.

    • @randomthoughts6680
      @randomthoughts6680 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

      @@Kinikia95 Pretty normal to inform your physical conditions in a physically demanding job.

    • @Kinikia95
      @Kinikia95 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      ​@randomthoughts6680 Fair point! I probably wouldn't tell a potential employer that I was hoping to take time off for a surgery if I weren't sure yet, but honesty is good. My tmi: I've had that surgery. Painful recovery but worth it.

  • @philennis1545
    @philennis1545 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +285

    I'm so glad I was able to take early retirement last year. My last employer was starting to push 'unconscious bias', 'Pronouns on e-mails', and other woke stuff and when my team asked me for an opinion on it I would always give my honest take. These days, with all the cancel culture types, I would not last a day.

    • @LexTime89
      @LexTime89 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

      The pronouns thing is getting so weird to me. Like, how does how you refer to me in the third person even matter? I assume I’m not around if you’re talking about me, so what does it matter? If someone decided they were going to use he/him pronouns when talking about me, I would be incredibly unbothered about the whole thing.

    • @slaapliedje
      @slaapliedje 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +37

      ​@LexTime89 it is an attempt to control language. Control language and it is easier to warp and control people.

    • @pizzapartytime1826
      @pizzapartytime1826 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@LexTime89idk I’m just correcting them…helping them out

    • @assssaaasasass
      @assssaaasasass 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      It reminds of a cat video where someone asked something and used "it", which we use to objects and animals, and then a lot of people appeared saying that he was being offensive and that he should have used "them" since ge didn't knew the cat's gender. Like, push whatever you want but can we stop using human standards on animals? 🤦‍♀️

    • @AutomaticDuck300
      @AutomaticDuck300 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I used to work at a law firm and they openly did not care about the employees. But as a result, no woke stuff was pushed on us. So it’s pros and cons.

  • @_lavvy_sage
    @_lavvy_sage 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    Misha, I really appreciate you showing up as YOU. I see you wear makeup and do pretty hairstyles from time to time, but majority of the time, you show up natural. I cannot tell you how helpful that is, not just for me, but no doubt plenty of other women. It is giving me more confidence to allow myself to show up as myself. I am used to being around women who wear makeup every day, and I feel weird when I don’t wear it… I’ve been pushing myself out of that. I have some way to go, but organically beautiful souls like yours and lighting the way. You are beautiful, truly, inside and out, without even trying. You glow because you are healthy. Also, I had watched several videos of you and didn’t know for a fact you were a child of God, but I heard you mention that in one of your videos the other day. It absolutely shows that you are a Child of God. Before I heard you say it, I felt in my spirit that you were one of His. Thank you for your time, Misha. It’s refreshing hearing your views, I get tired of my own echo chamber in my head.

  • @1SpicyMeataball
    @1SpicyMeataball 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +78

    I love biology, anatomy and especially epidemiology.
    So one day when I'm watching chubbyemu and he said something to the effect of: "those assigned female at birth" or "presenting as female", I knew the jig was up.
    You can't pride yourself on medical knowledge while deliberately ignoring anatomical and biological reality.
    Same with SciShow and their inability to say *women* have periods.
    As far as I know the Institute of Human Anatomy is still based and their videos very informative.

    • @hushingsilence
      @hushingsilence 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      And even Neil deGrasse Tyson ( "astrophysicist, author, and science communicator" according to Wiki) is woke. 🙄 smh.

    • @inabi-kun113
      @inabi-kun113 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      As someone who used to watch chubbyemu a lot a while ago, reading this made me feela lil bit disappointed 😅

    • @isauldron4337
      @isauldron4337 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for the info

  • @Problemchild77982
    @Problemchild77982 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +624

    It's so shocking to see this woke ideology take over. I study psychology and it scares me to think of what the next generation of psychologists will look like. Same goes of course for other career options as well, but I think it is particularly dangerous in jobs with a certain influence such as teachers or therapists. Most of my fellow students are just way more 'problematic' than the actual clients. Many of them are also completely ok with refusing treatment to people with the wrong political opinions...

    • @Slarti
      @Slarti 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's nothing new - just read or watch Arthur Miller's Crucible.
      Most people, including those with a higher IQ, are dumb group animals and will join the mob out of cowardice (read up on the Stanley Milgram experiment).
      Psychologists already know all about this, it's just like the majority of the population they are too cowardly to speak up.

    • @bidencrimefamilymottof-cky953
      @bidencrimefamilymottof-cky953 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It’s more prevalent in industries that don’t actually produce anything because they don’t have to produce anything. There’s no tangible product as a result which can be objectively assessed. Education, psychology, social work produce nothing tangible that can be objectively evaluated. It’s all subjective. It’s all mental masturbation.

    • @weouryourthem
      @weouryourthem 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They will be well trained in psycho it's all they will ever have known, Scary future that most people can't open their eyes and see.... I have a question for you, do you think all the brain drugs have changed people's brains, made them easier to brainwash and easier to gaslight? I think it plays a big part in this... control the brain, control everything ...

    • @NickyM_0
      @NickyM_0 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +50

      Yes, it's so dangerous in the traditional professions eg teaching, psychology, legal, medical, science & technology.
      As we can see from the whole trans debacle in which every one of the professionals in these areas played a key role in creating the trans person and literally had whole societies in the West (and beyond!) in chaos, confusion and a chokehold to the extent of radically attempting to change society's established norms and subvert objective reality over a small minority group. It begs belief.
      And refusing 'treatment' just because one doesn't hold the same political views is not just incredibly irrational, unprofessional and an abuse of power but pure evil. And it's just been allowed to run riot in society with no consequences to those that participate in such heinous actions.

    • @loganblackwood2922
      @loganblackwood2922 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They view the people with the wrong political opinions as in a cult and yet refuse to treat people they think are sick in the head. Psychiatry is riddled with ego and self righteousness but not so much on compassion, funnily enough.

  • @Jsteiner1974
    @Jsteiner1974 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +423

    I'm so against all this woke crap. My job is just so happy that I'm gay, it's like they want me to skip around the office and talk about how much I like men. This is so creepy to me. My sexual orientation has nothing to do with the work I came there to do.
    But I have to exploit it, because I'm not a leftist and everyone knows it. In one of my I&D brainwashing sessions, I accidentally said how I feel, so I then had to come out as a long term HIV survivor so my additional oppression points could keep me in the game. This stuff is so creepy you guys, and I don't think it's going to get better. We may need to run to Mexico or get packed on a train car soon.

    • @Kinikia95
      @Kinikia95 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      Easier said than done, but sounds like you need a new job.

    • @loganblackwood2922
      @loganblackwood2922 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It's weird, isn't it? Because if I pranced around the office as a straight man, shouting about where I'd like to shove my knob, I'd be out of a job and into a police car before sunset. But you, you have to celebrate pride year round and inform people that you're happy you like a bit of knobaction. It is the pornification of "identity" traits. Preferring a sausage factory is probably the least interesting thing about you and yet they expect you to rub it in their faces all day long, pun intended. Bizarre.

    • @sigsauer7929
      @sigsauer7929 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

      Or you could try speaking your mind, it will mean more coming from one of the supposed victims.

    • @jayterra2060
      @jayterra2060 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Omg … unreal. Thanks for being sane.

    • @Justmonika6969
      @Justmonika6969 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      Or you can stand your ground against the bullies.

  • @overcomingthat2728
    @overcomingthat2728 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +214

    This guy I worked with asked why we didn't have 73 bathrooms when there are 73 genders. Keep in mind this was a Dollar General.
    Not wanting to get into some insane political debate I just said, "I'm not cleaning 73 bathrooms every night."
    He shut up really quick.

    • @srwater1
      @srwater1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Are any of those 73 genders doing a number 3 we are unaware of. 😂😂😂. Love your response.

    • @saltykitty9215
      @saltykitty9215 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      Why do I have a feeling that he asked this jokingly? Like making fun of that 73 genders whatever that was in 2016.

    • @desuretard8654
      @desuretard8654 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Isn't that the same number of virgins you get if you suicide bomb for Allah?

    • @littledrummergirl_19
      @littledrummergirl_19 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also, if gender isn’t related to sex then why do they need bathrooms for different genders? I thought it wasn’t related? Why does getting medical intervention to try to make your sex match your “gender identity” get labeled as “gender-affirming care” if they aren’t the same?

    • @Leto85
      @Leto85 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      ​@@saltykitty9215Must have been doubled by now, right?

  • @abel6846
    @abel6846 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    I was asked about my pronouns just once (the Netherlands hasn’t gone bonkers yet), and I told them I was ‘egosexual’ and my pronouns are I/me/my. Good luck referring to me in a conversation. Would they have objected to my sexuality, I would have called them bigoted and transphobic. Unleash the craziness on the crazy!

  • @wendelleg2002
    @wendelleg2002 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    I was laid off at age 60 during Covid and have worked at various contract jobs since, finally deciding I am happiest working remotely. My last 2 retail jobs during this time included diversity training, especially as one is a major national discount retailer. I was shocked in 2018 by my then healthcare employer introducing the use of pronouns for patient registration, and have watched diversity practices accelerate markedly since. Having grown up in the flower child 1960s (the make love, not war era) I have a hard time wrapping my head around supposedly "inclusive" workplace standards that effectively repress expression of people's cultural, religious, cis, or nonbinary selves alongside woke, nonreligious, atheist, trans, or binary ones. This is neither equity nor equality. This is The Emperor's New Clothes - we have to pretend this is normal and okay, when I think in reality as a society we are all being groomed to be a homogeneous submissive public for the benefit of corporate entities who profit. This is not diversity! There used to be a common saying for a reason - never discuss sex, politics, or religion. They should remain private decisions and have no place in the workplace IMHO. If you care to express these opinions on social media, you should have the Constitutional right of free speech to do so as long as you are not supporting criminal or illegal acts.

    • @Emppu_T.
      @Emppu_T. 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      They want us to end in gray jumpsuits as unthinking masses

  • @antiloser-NFS
    @antiloser-NFS 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +105

    "I can't have my friends seeing me follow you" Well, sounds like you need to get new friends.

    • @plspriska
      @plspriska 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Or they just need to grow a pair- stand up for who they are

    • @kaleyfry984
      @kaleyfry984 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      My first thought too, after hearing her read that

    • @andysalter7192
      @andysalter7192 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sounds like she is living around a Cult .....oh , that's right, she is !

  • @senaska4328
    @senaska4328 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +68

    My husband is working remotely - one of the biggest advantages is that he isn't surrounded by woke morons every single day.

    • @economyhub1654
      @economyhub1654 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      What company? i am looking for a job, i bet people see my application marked as white male and just delete it.

  • @Cationna
    @Cationna 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +37

    It's so wild that psychologists are now expected to "affirm". One of the most freeing and healing things I've experienced in therapy was my therapist NOT affirming my unhealthy belief about myself, but accepting it as something I'm experiencing, not engaging with it to either argue or affirm, but letting me know she understood what I was telling her and accepted me with it. Guess what - that was what gave me strength to actually confront that belief and work through it. I'm so sad and, frankly, furious that confused, suffering people are offered unprofessional, anti-therapeutic ideological BS instead of real help.

  • @johnsnyder3164
    @johnsnyder3164 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    I have never joined Facebook or Instagram. I enjoy You Tube and that is the extent of my social media experience. Nothing else.
    I cannot get hired in a lot of areas due to it. I have been told “it’s suspicious.”
    I am 50 and chose to never have children, so I was able to retire in my 40’s. I saw this madness coming in the 80’s and have been training for it since.
    Best of luck!

  • @nikmills
    @nikmills 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    The world needs more people like this young woman. Good job.

  • @Vegaswill714
    @Vegaswill714 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +60

    I'm an old guy, retired in 2019. I am glad I never have to deal with any of this. It literally wasn't out there a few years ago. I really hope sanity returns to the world.

    • @sigsauer7929
      @sigsauer7929 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Vote for DeSantis in 2024 and it might, it certainly has in Florida.

    • @silververnallbells191
      @silververnallbells191 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@sigsauer7929 The Book Banner will never be President.

    • @sigsauer7929
      @sigsauer7929 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@silververnallbells191I'm curious, do you woke socialist democrat sheep actually believe the sily book banning propaganda or do you just like to repeat it like a baaah.

    • @jackb348
      @jackb348 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sigsauer7929Trump 2024. DeSantis is owned by his rich donors.

    • @blondemario
      @blondemario 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I suspect we have different versions of "sanity".
      But yes, polarisation has made the world go mental. HA!

  • @jzmina
    @jzmina 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +60

    I’m an engineer that works in manufacturing. In June 2022 the company I was interning for invited a drag queen on site, “encouraged” my intern class to perform at the pride show, and attend lectures by trans activists held on site during work hours.
    Considering all of us were fighting for full time offers and the pressure was coming directly from the highest leadership at the site, the “optional participation” was obviously not optional.
    I spent my final semester in college applying to literally any other company.

    • @Redwood_Rambler
      @Redwood_Rambler 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's what you're whining about lol?

    • @whoawhat09
      @whoawhat09 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      ​@@Redwood_RamblerStay mad bruh

  • @yagirlchoco20
    @yagirlchoco20 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +266

    I had en entire week for women in architecture... Technically true, the lecturers were women and only talked about themselves and the books they wrote. Specially how we should buy their books. Students were confused and we only stared at each other. That was the entire week....
    I learned more about women in architecture with my history teacher, he was a man...

    • @JamesAlex88
      @JamesAlex88 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      An ex friend of mine said when he was in school, the local college (UK) had some of the teachers who taught engineering come in to give a talk. Apparently they were pushing quite hard and promoting the course mainly towards girls, as they were desperate to get more girls to apply. At the end they asked who would think about applying for the course, I’m not sure of the exact amount but say out of 200 people, only 1 girl raised her hand and the rest were boys.

    • @loganblackwood2922
      @loganblackwood2922 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      ​@@JamesAlex88The only way they could ever get women in these places is by paying several times what the men get. Women do not want these jobs.

    • @JamesAlex88
      @JamesAlex88 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@loganblackwood2922 I forget which Uni and I’m not sure if they still offer it but any ways, several years ago I heard about a university here in England that offered a scholarship but only to women, they wanted to increase the numbers of women again like the school of my ex-friend, to do the engineering degree. The funny thing is the vast majority of women who go into the industry, leave after about 5 years. In other words, it was kind of pointless offering a scholarship to a demographic of people who end up leaving the industry not long after going into it.

    • @loganblackwood2922
      @loganblackwood2922 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@JamesAlex88 When they tried this in Australia, they included pick up a scholarship (you would just get it paid for) and it was all female classes for engineering, still no women turned up.

    • @razor6552
      @razor6552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      A black Conservative man on the radio said that if a young black man went into Engineering, he would be treated like a star sports figure and everyone would want to sign him up.

  • @starbuckspinkdrink
    @starbuckspinkdrink 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    earlier these year I joined an art half day program in Connecticut, I knew from the start it would be somewhat woke as pride flags lined the walls with pronouns etc. I was a right-wing conservative and didn’t agree with the veiws, but I lived art and beleived that if I ignored it, it would go away.
    The first day they immediately asked for my pronouns. I left that blank.
    The next day the teachers asked what our pronouns were and what out pronouns were around our parents. Showing that they are hiding their students mental illness from their parents. We sat in the auditorium for 45 minutes almost everyday for them to talk about BLM, activism and Pride.
    As a Christian I have no problem with Blm or activists in general. But I see Lgbtq (gay, trans etc) as a sin. I will not go out of my way to harm you, but I will not take part in your sin.
    I am 14 this was my experience I left in a week

  • @adelepattonxxx
    @adelepattonxxx 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    The most amazing conversation I had this year was with my now friend who is pro life. I am pro choice. By having a healthy discussion about it, I really tried to understand and respect her points. I thought deeply on the subject and am more open minded and compassionate.
    There are some values that are deal breakers in relationships. But quality discussion with people who have a different perspective is important and healthy. It builds self awareness and understanding of personal motivation and intention and reasons for mistakes.
    I don't agree with everything said on this channel. I love Blair White - but sometimes I don't agree and wish I could jump in on the conversation.
    More Woke house - content !!! The satire is hilarious and terrifying.

  • @miscemail2901
    @miscemail2901 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +168

    If someone gave me grief for following you or anyone/anything, I'd do it even HARDER. I've been that way all my life.

    • @Seen_not_heard
      @Seen_not_heard 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I applaud that. As you should.

    • @DarthLesbian
      @DarthLesbian 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Same. I got it from my mother 😂
      Obstinate as a mule as dad always said. The harder someone tries to make us do something against our will, the more it makes us want to resist.
      I used to think it a bit of a curse when I was younger, but now I’m thinking it’s one of the things that saved me from being drawn into the woke cult.

  • @BakerLishw-2v
    @BakerLishw-2v 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +268

    I have no problem stating my opinion and don’t care what crazy people think or say. Keep the videos going.

    • @kimberlyel82
      @kimberlyel82 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      More ppl are feeling this way and more ppl are moving to the right

    • @algomaslejanoquiza3174
      @algomaslejanoquiza3174 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      ​@@LiamColeman-Halla-yq2jldude you're looking like a Creep with those questions, i don't know If that's your intention.

    • @Aschuu
      @Aschuu 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      ​@@algomaslejanoquiza3174I was thinking the same thing, definitely leaning hard towards creepy 😂 Let's just.. not.. Ya know.

    • @BakerLishw-2v
      @BakerLishw-2v 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@LiamColeman-Halla-yq2jl yes and gratefully divorced

    • @elgatofelix8917
      @elgatofelix8917 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      If you delete your Instagram and other social media, then crazy people won't even know what you think or say, at least online. Life is so much better without all those awful platforms that sell your info to 3rd parties without your permission anyway.

  • @madeleinemoyn4798
    @madeleinemoyn4798 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +132

    I go to an arts highschool in New Haven, Connecticut and as you can imagine the whole community is VERY woke. I myself am pretty far left, yet my classmates see me as some kind of right wing extremist because of my opinions. I learned this the hard way after losing friends because i said minors shouldn’t be able to consent to mastectomies. It’s a nightmare.

    • @Kinikia95
      @Kinikia95 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

      I am an old lady but I get it. Always considered myself a liberal and my ideas haven't changed. But the goalposts have changed. Keep to your convictions but don't argue unnecessarily, because your words will be wasted on them. HS Seems like a huge deal now but soon it won't be. The right friend group will come to you organically; just give it time.

    • @lauterunvollkommenheit4344
      @lauterunvollkommenheit4344 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

      Don't worry, in a year or two, they won't be woke enough either.

    • @misanthropicservitorofmars2116
      @misanthropicservitorofmars2116 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Just become right wing. It’s better over here.

    • @realistJB
      @realistJB 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "Friends" no great loss then, fuck em! There was a time when these freaks were just accepted as people with mental issues but now they have successfully made themselves universally hated by normal heterosexuals. Well done, you have now achieved the complete opposite of what you set out to do. Our society is in terminal decline with no way back.

    • @MalissiaCreates
      @MalissiaCreates 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I’m with you. There are more of us than media represents

  • @the_mystic_geek
    @the_mystic_geek 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    For years, I volunteered and did administrative/strategic work for a local live-action role-playing group. I criticized one of the shifts that I saw happening, that those seen as "more able" needed to be okay with other players' behavior attributed to their so-called neurodivergence. They had a meltdown? I needed to "hold space". A bunch of people wanted to play easily triggered PTSD characters whose actions targeted my character? I needed to watch my privilege. The moment my character in this fantasy world gained sufficient power, all of a sudden, I (as a player) was targeted with all sorts of allegations. The wild thing was that the organizers couldn't give me specifics. And when I pointed out the timing (my character gaining a prominent role days before the deluge of accusations), I was told that the investigations had been behind the scenes for some time. Right... Interesting that they became public just in time to knock me down.

  • @MattttG3
    @MattttG3 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    You are my type of woman. Congrats on awakening from the “woke” . Very glad to see others younger than myself(I am 30 ) on the same page as me and many others here.
    And we are glad to have you on the “right” as they call us

  • @anumy6382
    @anumy6382 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +46

    That minor attracted clip is horrifying. How can someone try to justify it? It’s insane.

    • @ninjamasterbuilder8675
      @ninjamasterbuilder8675 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That is the question

    • @Heejinbunny
      @Heejinbunny 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Its pedophilia, theres no other way to describe it

  • @Natapee
    @Natapee 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +74

    New subscriber here! I used to work for Starbucks for almost two years, I left in November 2022. Someone knew my political beliefs and legit tried to get me fired by calling transphobic and racist.
    My current job is OBVIOUSLY left owned, small local business. It’s night and day from my last job. Current job isn’t using their platform for politics and they never shove it down anyone’s throats and I appreciate it. It’s great to see that small percentage of the left behave normally. They’re obviously allowed to have differences in beliefs, politics, etc. after all it’s supposed to be a free country!
    The summary of this comment is I’m most definitely right leaning, but working in a left owned business that respects my personal beliefs if they know what they are or not!
    The company even follows me on socials and my platforms are public and they can so easily look thru my following list and see the conservative profiles on there. It’s such a shame to see others struggle with this political favoritism even when you keep to yourself about it.
    It’s actually quite rude and disrespectful in most work places to even talk politics because your reputation and platform shouldn’t be based on politics in the work force (except for gov. Positions n stuff like that obviously) but simple food service and retail jobs shouldn’t discriminate any person based on any political beliefs it’s completely unethical.
    Quite a long comment for my first hour being subscribed to you but I’m just so passionate about this stuff. Thanks for sharing your content I love it :)

    • @CarleighMay6
      @CarleighMay6 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      of course that happened at starbucks lol

    • @Emppu_T.
      @Emppu_T. 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Tha ls for sharing!

    • @ninjamasterbuilder8675
      @ninjamasterbuilder8675 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah i do agree that some on the left aren't insane because I have an aunt that is Democratic but isn't requesting from my family for their pronouns for being crazy

    • @tula1433
      @tula1433 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I worked for Starbucks for years. I’m a post op fully passable transsexual. Years of therapy, surgeries, and hormones. If you saw me you’d assume I was just a normal female, but because it was such an accepting environment and I liked to educate people on my condition, I was open about being TS. I was the only one for years. Never had any issues. Flash forward to the pandemic and suddenly every gay man there is calling himself trans, we got a bunch of they/thems, we even got a heterosexual married father who claimed trans! Mind you most of these people it’s just clothing. I had a man with a beard and a pronoun pin report ME for being transphobic! All I did was ask a polite question! I said “forgive me for not understanding I’m just trying to learn, but do you no longer need to medically transition to be trans?” And I got written up for Questioning someone’s gender, because the bearded man in a dress got offended! That job has now started to tell workers there is a list of words that cannot be said! White paper, hey guys, etc!! Woke insanity!!! How can a transsexual be transphobic!?

  • @mickyr171
    @mickyr171 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +198

    Your boy wants to play with a doll and its the parents who are actively projecting the idea onto them that they're born could we let it go this far, the parents are the issue not the kids.

    • @orangesnowflake3769
      @orangesnowflake3769 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +48

      Yeah ikr. I thought we spend years saying that there are no such thing as boys or girls toys and it's ok to play with whatever, now it's gone back to gendered

    • @mickyr171
      @mickyr171 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

      @@orangesnowflake3769 exactly right, saves the corporations billions in having to rebrand every thing though right, also makes billions by creating entirely new fields of psychology not to mention all the surgeries, then you have the constant trauma of being called the wrong label, that leads to more doctors and more money, it's all about the $$

    • @Zewind
      @Zewind 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Honestly this might be my biggest issue with the gender ideology. Actual feminists fought for the deconstruction of gender roles basically so this kind of thing wouldnt happen, and now kids are told if they dont fit into that same exact box that was deconstructed decades ago, they are a girl. Its bs. You are not any less of a man if you are more feminine or like to play with dolls or something and vice versa for girls. For an ideology that pushes freedom and diversity, they really seem to want to fit into a lot of boxes and labels

    • @michaelwatson9089
      @michaelwatson9089 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      I remember when I was young and MC Hammer had a cartoon called, Hammer Man. I wanted an action figure of him to reenact the cartoon. I could only get a doll version of MC Hammer because there were no action figures. I brought the doll to school and wasn't made fun of because kids knew about the cartoon. Was never judged for having a girl toy.

    • @NickyM_0
      @NickyM_0 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@michaelwatson9089​ I think it helped that MC Hammer was a male doll as opposed to female doll like Barbie.

  • @TheRadicalCentrist.1776
    @TheRadicalCentrist.1776 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I've put in multiple complaints to HR about DE&I. Not only do I still have my job, but various members of HR are surprisingly non-woke. There is hope!

  • @ThatReallyIsNotOdd
    @ThatReallyIsNotOdd 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Really love videos like these where you let the community tell you their woke experiences. Really it is great and keep the hard work up. Truly a blessing in this crazy world!

  • @vanillabeanlady
    @vanillabeanlady 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +88

    I work for a large company and we were just told this week about a new internet policy. The company is paying a background check company to hardcore check into potential and current employees' internet presence, and I was specifically told by a manager that even if accounts are not in our real name, the company will be looking and if we even "like" something they don't approve of, we could be fired. It's a huge overreach. This was on the same day we were forced to watch a documentary at work with leftist political themes.

    • @Amazing_Mark
      @Amazing_Mark 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +23


    • @razor6552
      @razor6552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Truly satanic invasion of privacy.

    • @razor6552
      @razor6552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Not their business what I do or say on my own. With a rare except of if mention the company connected with some statement.

    • @srwater1
      @srwater1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      That doesn't sound like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

    • @misanthropicservitorofmars2116
      @misanthropicservitorofmars2116 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@srwater1it won’t be soon. All the lawyers and judges will be woke as well.

  • @ttempleton5493
    @ttempleton5493 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +134

    I agree with your assessment of psychology. I majored in psychology for my undergrad and then went for a masters in social work. While working on my masters, I served an internship at a law firm and realized the clients are very much the same. So now I’m going through law school since I honestly cannot see myself affirming ridiculous ideologies as a social worker or psychologist

    • @Aschuu
      @Aschuu 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I genuinely hope you don't. We need level headed rational people in those roles. ❤

    • @Aschuu
      @Aschuu 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      (don't affirm crazy beliefs, but hear people out and try to help is what I meant by that.) ❤

    • @timothyswindell4924
      @timothyswindell4924 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I've wanted to be a therapist since I was a little kid. I'm about to start college and had to give up on that dream because I refuse to do the same thing. I also can't imagine what the curriculum looks like these days with gender identity taking over. Good luck pursuing your law degree!

    • @NickyM_0
      @NickyM_0 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@timothyswindell4924 And it's such a shame that we are losing great people like yourself, who had that passion to join the profession to do good and help people. However, I don't blame you. Anyone with a soul would not participate in such evil.

    • @timothyswindell4924
      @timothyswindell4924 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      @@NickyM_0 Thank you and I agree. Even if I decided to pursue it, my license probably wouldn't last long. I refuse to bow a knee to this insanity.

  • @HaveaVH5150
    @HaveaVH5150 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +72

    I think this is the first time I have said this,I’m glad I’m old 😳! I can’t imagine going through life walking on eggshells. Definitely not now and wouldn’t if I was young again. Love what you are doing and keep up the great work. 🇺🇸

    • @Kinikia95
      @Kinikia95 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I've said it many times.

    • @ericvulgate
      @ericvulgate 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I never did and I never will.

  • @andresuaza
    @andresuaza 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    So young and so honest and rational. You are a true rare specimen among the people from the US!

  • @jjalessaaa
    @jjalessaaa 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Misha, I'm so happy I found your channel. Your common sense and logic in this moronic world is so beyond refreshing. Keep at it, girl!

  • @ktf4723
    @ktf4723 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +81

    Its always #believewomen with these people until actual women have concerns about their personal safety (and rights as a parent, etc) due to things we women literally predicted would happen when you allow this bs.

    • @tula1433
      @tula1433 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      If it makes you feel any better they have erased actual transsexuals also. TransGENDER and non binary are now running the show, and some are even accusing actual transsexuals of being bigots!

  • @frankopitt
    @frankopitt 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +48

    If I worked in a toxic workplace like these story's I'd troll them by identifying as a different animal everyday, no talking just animal noises!

    • @razor6552
      @razor6552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      A lot of this. I bet.
      🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑🐑 🐑🐑 🐑

  • @zephyrus3554
    @zephyrus3554 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +35

    I said r/trans is an echo chamber, just like all the other subreddits and got permanently banned from the entire site

    • @robertmarshall2502
      @robertmarshall2502 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      I got permanently banned for criticizing the fact that a mod said that anyone who thinks J K Rowling is not extremely transphobic should be permanently banned. I didn't even express my opinion that she's not transphobic, I simply said that such censorship was a bad idea and we should be able to debate.
      The existence of a number of rival trans and detrans subreddits that make the same point you made proves your point beyond doubt. They couldn't argue with you so they ban.

    • @pizzapartytime1826
      @pizzapartytime1826 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@robertmarshall2502she’s not though….

  • @ws6284
    @ws6284 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Back in 2019 was when I first realized things were going seriously wrong. I had just started working in higher education, and a male with green hair and high heels followed me into the restroom. Obviously I was horrified. Honestly, how can they think it's okay to invade women's privacy in the restroom? Anyway, I go to my supervisor, a man in his 70's, who is also horrified, but comes back to me after speaking with HR. Of course we're informed that this is all within his rights. Another supervisor tells me he was 'testing the waters.' I hope my shock and horror was enough to keep him out of women's restrooms in the future. The social work department where I worked as a staff member was completely racist against white people. I ended up changing departments, but it doesn't matter. Academia is like a cancer infecting everyone in it's path. Even those who are 'right-leaning' are all completely brainwashed to the ideology, and of course the pharma nonsense. I wouldn't believe this was really happening if I wasn't living it.
    Thank you Misha for giving us a place to vent with like minded individuals.

    • @ws6284
      @ws6284 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The person who described the forced diversity training as telling you to invite the gay coworker is pretty accurate. I would never hang out with coworkers outside of work, but if I did it certainly wouldn't be with someone who made me uncomfortable. Males masquerading as females make me highly uncomfortable. It's so messed up.
      There are also organize black retreats. I personally don't see anything wrong with wanting to be around people you resonate with, but how they advertise it is just racist.

    • @QuantumJG90
      @QuantumJG90 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s shocking! It’s getting so much worse, and predators can easily just claim to be trans.

  • @jeannelot8568
    @jeannelot8568 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Im a pharmacy student in France and we have this new thing it’s a day focused on the mental health and living conditions of students in health studies etc, and I was actually interested in it because it’s not usual for them to care lol. And when I looked at the programm of the day, ALL speeches and lectures are about our sex lives and how we should accept diversity to create a safe space and that kind of bullshit. (And I have to say, it is creepy for teachers to want to have conversations with us about our sex lives)

    • @QuantumJG90
      @QuantumJG90 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What? I’d lie and say the most grotesque thing I can think of.

  • @alyshiakroll15
    @alyshiakroll15 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +55

    Parents need to be on top of the school stuff. A bunch of the parents in my school district got together and there is currently a lawsuit. They released the curriculum last year, and while some topics are normal (hygiene, healthy relationships ect.) But they sprinkled the leftist trans ideology in there. Some grades (especially Pre-K and Kindergarten) had an outright inappropriate and outrageous curriculum that seemed to be focused on sexualizing and confusing the kids. It was appalling, needless to say I no longer give the school any leeway or benefit of the doubt. The only reason my son isn't homeschooled is because on top of his ap classes, extra curriculars, and friends we also have a very good relationship with open honest communication. So I'm not concerned about one of these looney tune adults brainwashing him. Given all this happening last year. When I opted him out I explained why in an age appropriate way, and I told him if he had any questions about what he's hearing from his classmates to come to his dad and I.
    Also in our state per the law (I just double checked this the other day) the school is supposed to be transparent about the class and given an opt out option.
    Well, obviously I opted my son out last year. This year he started middle school. As I was reviewing his classes on the app, I noticed all of them had detailed notes about the material currently being taught, except one. The name of the class was adolescent studies. So I reached out to the teacher and asked for a syllabus. She sent me, I guess you could call it a flyer, because it was extremely vague. But the last thing listed was human growth and development. Which is what they called the class last year. So I then asked if she was following the curriculum that was sent out last year. She said YES. I was livid but I thanked her and immediately scheduled a meeting with the principal. I was even more livid, when I went back to the link I had saved to view the curriculum so I could be better prepared for the meeting and it had been completely erased from the district site.
    To summarize:
    Instead of doing what they are legally obligated to do, being transparent with the parents and being given the option to opt their children out. They changed the name of the class and essentially made it mandatory, as every kid is enrolled in it automatically. While also erasing it's existence from the district site. These schools run on tax payers money. These school officials are paid by us. Yet, they are intentionally deceptive in an attempt to indoctrinate our children. To say I was livid is actually an understatement. I had a very tense and frank conversation with the principal, my son now has a study hall that hour. Best believe this is being added to the lawsuit. After the meeting I let all of the other parents know, so now kids are dropping that class left and right.
    I am especially despised by the Wokies in our district (they are a very loud, unhinged and violent minority) because last year everyone seemed afraid to speak up about it. Until I decided to print and highlight the overtly sexual, trans propaganda, and the nonsense stuff from the ideology not based in reality or fact. That started the conversation, and when parents started to realize that they weren't going crazy and they weren't standing alone everyone started speaking out. This year with me giving everyone a heads up about the class, I essentially opened the can of worms again. So yeah I'm openly hated. I've been threatened, berated, and even cry/screamed at. But I don't care, not even a little. They get especially frustrated. Not only because I don't care, so therefore I am always calm and just debunking their nonsense, but they also can't get my fired and I have no social media. So all they can do is whine. Protecting my kid is first priority, and I could careless about the opinions of others when it comes to that. Even if I was in jeopardy of losing my job, it wouldn't change anything, I will never sacrifice my child for anything. Period. Stop being afraid and speak up. These people are the minority. They're just loud and violent which is why most institutions like individuals stay silent and fall in line. They can't bully and silence everyone.

    • @sigsauer7929
      @sigsauer7929 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Great comment, and great job protecting the kids. It is hard to believe that the federal and local governments would attack our kid's mental and emotional well-being like this, but it is true. This is happening across our country in public schools and some private, with the support of our federal government through multiple DEI executive orders, and the policies from the corrupt NEA. The democrats truly have gone insane.

    • @Emppu_T.
      @Emppu_T. 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thanks for sharing! Absolutely awesome to hear. Keep on the good fight!

    • @stephaneboisselle5775
      @stephaneboisselle5775 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Excellent, the fight is on! Thank you for your courage

  • @dynosophical
    @dynosophical 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +88

    As a left-leaning guy who takes pride in actually thinking through his positions, you best believe I'm following level headed people who disagree with me. We don't disagree as much as some might assume though.

    • @Seen_not_heard
      @Seen_not_heard 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      Right, like I don’t agree that trans women are women. They are trans, I’m biological. I don’t agree to being called cishet or cis-woman, I’m just a woman. But that doesn’t mean I don’t treat trans folk (or folx) with respect. That doesn’t mean I don’t still love all of God’s children, there’s just a difference.
      Maybe we are more moderate.

    • @Raphaeltheslayer
      @Raphaeltheslayer 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@Seen_not_heardwhat does “folx” mean exactly?

    • @minniemin1324
      @minniemin1324 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      @@Raphaeltheslayer it's a cringey "more inclusive" way to say folks. it makes no sense since folks is already not gender specific and is just another way for people to feel special

    • @sigsauer7929
      @sigsauer7929 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@Seen_not_heard Not too long ago, that perspective used to be commonsense on the left and the right.

    • @FercPolo
      @FercPolo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You're not being logical until you can admit Donald Trump was embarrassingly the least evil president in 40+ years. Whatever side you're on, unless you can admit that you're still blind to the corruption of Reagan, Bush sr, Clinton, Bush W, Obama, and Biden.

  • @symptomofsouls
    @symptomofsouls 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    I tried to get into education with a noble goal: To teach children, and to provide a positive male role model to the many kids that grow up without a dad. I was harassed out of college. I will homeschool my kids

    • @AliciaGuitar
      @AliciaGuitar 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      You dodged a bullet. I have a similar story.

  • @valeriavitale1290
    @valeriavitale1290 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    These stories are incredible. Fortunately, living in Italy, the only super woke people I know are on the internet (and not in real life)

    • @tempestsonata1102
      @tempestsonata1102 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Amen. Living in Hungary, I only see woke people on TH-cam. What a freak show! I pity those people who have to put up with them in real life.

  • @okme6998
    @okme6998 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    If someone says they support you and cannot follow you because of stuff like this they're not supporting you they're supporting the other side by allowing the other side to control their actions

  • @yule42
    @yule42 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    my last boss was super woke and would regularly stalk her employees online and judge their online presence as part of work it was f'd up. Eventually she pretended I didn't do a lock check, by throwing away my progress paper on the lock check and claiming she checked the cameras and I didn't do it. I told her she needs to get her eyes checked and I wanted HR to go over the footage... they didn't and I left the company.

  • @lishia4283
    @lishia4283 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    In my mom's job they can't send chrismtas wishes, and instead only new year one. A few years ago one of the coworkers send to everyone wishes related to the firm's strategy and he used three kings in them. My mom really liked this wishes, so when she bumped into this man she thanked him for them. And this man was shocked and asked her if she's serious? My mom was confused why he would think like she didn't mean it and it turned up to be like that because he got scowled by the others how they feelings got hurt because three kings are from christian believes, yadda yadda. My mom was speechless

    • @ribbonsofnight
      @ribbonsofnight 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      3 kings does roll off the tongue a little easier than an unknown number of wise men with three gifts.

  • @Mpiewizard
    @Mpiewizard 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    It's becoming much more common for job applications to ask what your sexuality is under the guise of the question simply being for statistics. I don't even like the race question on most applications but sexuality? I don't understand how that's even legal. What the hell does that have anything to do with the job? I've even seen versions of the question that don't offer a 'decline to answer' option. Ironically, even my hardcore leftist friend does not agree with that question being allowed on job applications.

    • @Victoriacariad
      @Victoriacariad 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Do they have an "other" option? Do that. Confuse the hell out of them. Write something bizarre in the box.

  • @jamesross2474
    @jamesross2474 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This video is the perfect example of why I stopped using social media. It's such a toxic environment and has made me so much happier.

  • @savannahb3573
    @savannahb3573 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    this kinda reminds me of fahrenheit 451. like, i didn't love the book (it was a bit too metaphorical for me and i never cared about what happened to the characters, lol), but i really agreed with the idea that we shouldn't censor what we say just because it might hurt someone's feelings. It's scary to think that that's kind of the direction america is headed in, though...

  • @tula1433
    @tula1433 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Fully passable transsexual here. MTF. Came out before this transgender craze. Got all my surgeries and look and sound female. Work for a woke corporation. I was the only TS, and because I like to educate people (or used to) I am open about it. (Was) The last few years we’ve gotten an influx of gay men in make up, they/thems, even a heterosexual crossdressing man. Bizarre. The gay dude with a beard and make up recently changed HIS pronouns to SHE. He presents fully male has a man body and voice and just has lipgloss on and a beard. I asked him “do you no longer need to transition to be trans?, I’m trying to learn how this all works now” and he reported me to HR for questioning someone’s gender. I am in an appeal now trying to fight this. People like him are forcing actual transsexuals into deep stealth, I no longer tell anyone I’m TS, no longer try to educate people on my medical condition, and just stay private. I am looking for a new position. Myself and my conservative bf are just a normal couple from the outside, he hunts, we love America etc, these woke idiots claim I’m a transphobe and my bf is a patriarchal cis oppresser! So now men who toss on a pronoun pin can call actual transsexuals who have gone through years of therapy and surgery and WORKED to earn being called SHE a bigot!? These people have ruined what trans even means. It’s lost any medical or clinical criteria and is now a catch all club for anyone who has no identity! Complete erasure of TS. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @eenbankberoven
      @eenbankberoven 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      A similar phenomenon is happening to autism too, everyone thinks they're autistic now.

    • @AJ42K
      @AJ42K 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@eenbankberoven speaking of autism, as an autistic myself (updated diagnosis since July 2023 from a licensed doctor), that pisses me off. Adding more fuel to the fire, I don't know what's more shocking. A, people intentionally think we our disability "disease" as an excuse, yet they demand everyone to respect anyone's sex change. B, they say they know autism because they have worked with autistics, have a son/daughter with autism, and only know it because of that one person & not realizing that every single autistic is different, despite being an expert, or C. Lying about being autistic just to get benefits like SSI/SSDI.
      Back to the OG comment, yo Tula! Thank you for being the first transgender with common sense and the education to understand that Gay and Transgender are NOT the same 👏👏👏. I never thought I would ever see or meet a transgender saying this wise words regarding facts.
      Special Message To ALL Feminazis & anyone LGBTQIALMOP:
      FIRST & FOREMOST, A sexual preference is NOT the same as a change.
      SECOND, respect is EARNED. Your sex change or your homosexuality does NOT automatically grant you respect. That goes the same for anyone straight as well and all 6 races, both sexes, all nationalities, foreign or domestic, and anyone disabled or not.
      THIRD, if you get triggered of my presence or anyone's presence without a reason, you are a chicken shit. As long as I am not doing anything illegal, STFU & MYOB. Grow up.
      FOURTH & FINALLY: I will not use or respect your pronouns. I will call you by your name that you want to be called & no not your stripper name or any name deemed inappropriate or illegal. No exceptions. No special treatment. No excuses. If you were Burt and now you are Beth, I will call you Beth.
      "Why should I be forced to respect your sex change when you people refuse to understand my disability."

  • @OctopusEight
    @OctopusEight 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Keep doing what your doing Misha. We need more youtubers like you.

  • @SilasGTBronte
    @SilasGTBronte 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    Hearing and reading about testimonials like this make me feel very fortunate that most of my co-workers are not from the US and don't subscribe to any of this insanity because it's not part of their culture. They are far easier to talk to (in English even if it's not their native language) and are way more down to earth than these neurotic woke people I've come across online or in person.
    For instance, when I was volunteering to start a new con where I live (I was one of the original co-founders), everything went smoothly until some very woke people joined our staff. The worst one was a self-described Antifa, non-binary, indigenous, queer activist who was able to get away with cursing and being disrespectful against anyone who challenged her far-left views because the person in charge of HR (also her personal friend and political ally) defended her. She often said she only wanted to hear from voices of people of color. She looked just like a butch white woman married to another white man. Last time I heard, she quit the con because she wanted the con to get more politically involved and the con (surprisingly) did not give into her demands.

    • @razor6552
      @razor6552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Antifa brownshirts are the scum of the Earth. I've seen evidence that their roots are connected to the Sturmabteilung in thirties and forties Germany.

    • @razor6552
      @razor6552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Antifa Gives America a Week of Kristalnacht
      "The name Antifa is a kind of in joke played of people with little or no knowledge of history. It is supposed to mean Anti Fascist, but that also is a private joke. Fascism is an economic system based on Socialism and was adopted by 30 to 40 countries in the 1920's and 1930's"
      -ebay Community

  • @Sofasurfa
    @Sofasurfa 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    One of the joys of reaching the age of 64 is, you no longer care what others think of you. When people say certain things to me I ignore them. Someone recently took me to task for not correctly identifying her. She told me I needed to be more aware of people’s pro nouns. My answer was no I don’t and I walked away. My line manager told me I was wrong to not acknowledge her pronouns my answer was when she ceases referring to me as being a cis woman which I find offensive and that she knows I find offensive, I will then refer to her as they/them but until such time I refuse to allow her or him bully me into behaving how they want. As I pointed out respect is a two way street. In the UK we retire at 66 so I really don’t care what I say. It’s the youngsters that I feel sorry for.

    • @bgbgbg123
      @bgbgbg123 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Is it really that hard to use someone's pronouns?

    • @hushingsilence
      @hushingsilence 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Is it really that hard to not call someone "cis?" 🤔 @@bgbgbg123

    • @hushingsilence
      @hushingsilence 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Bravo @sofasurfa . Candace Owen gave a great Q & A recently here in the US at a university. Question asked by 20-something: "how do you feel about offending people by being here today". Her reply was "Life is hard, get a helmet". 🤭 Another 20-something "How can you tell me I'm not binary and pansexual when I know I am NOT confused?!". Candice says: "That's great sweetie. Good for you. Next question". 🤣😂

    • @kpoppy9635
      @kpoppy9635 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@bgbgbg123is it really that hard to just move on?
      If you know who you are, and don't allow other people to identify you, then you don't need other people's affirmation.

    • @bgbgbg123
      @bgbgbg123 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kpoppy9635 it is hard to move on when people deliberately disrespect you by not addressing you properly. If you're a man and someone deliberately referred to you as a woman every day, you wouldn't mind? What if you worked with that person and had to interact with them regularly?

  • @jasonjones4036
    @jasonjones4036 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I'm a therapist and this is exactly right. It's not therapy. It's insane

    • @moshegirl
      @moshegirl 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Same here. I agree that we are experiencing delusion on a massive scale.

  • @NaishiYT
    @NaishiYT 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +42

    I’m a young, black, pansexual female who’s neither on the left nor the right (but probably more right leaning) and it’s so funny to me that my old, white, straight male friend who’s far left tells me that I’m homophobic or racist and that I should be offended by certain things because of how “oppressed” I am😂. I usually fight fire with fire so I always tell him that I’m the minority group that’s soooo oppressed so he has no right to tell me what’s offensive to my groups. That usually gets him to calm down but there was one time when he blocked me for saying that💀. (We’re still friends tho and he has recently started to hear me out about how dumb all this leftist stuff is).

    • @star_dante
      @star_dante 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      Identity politics. Stop identifying, start living.

    • @NaishiYT
      @NaishiYT 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      @@star_dante i know that bro. But identity was relevant to the story. 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @elgatofelix8917
      @elgatofelix8917 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@NaishiYT you immediately outed yourself as a leftist when you described yourself as "pansexual".
      You think we don't know your lingo? lmao 😅

    • @NaishiYT
      @NaishiYT 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      @@elgatofelix8917 but I’m not a leftist? It was relevant to the story. That’s like saying because someone’s black, they’re obviously a democrat. There are different types of people and having something in common with one group doesn’t make you associated with that group. Y’all leftists and right winged people have so much in common and you don’t even realize that.

    • @MeganiumForever
      @MeganiumForever 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Ignore these people. Happy to hear a perspective from someone with common sense! Not all people on the right act like this

  • @samanthajeffers9339
    @samanthajeffers9339 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +35

    I’m about to enter the workforce, and I didn’t even think about people watching who I follow and tweeting to get me fired. I have no hope

    • @Guigley
      @Guigley 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Just be sure to avoid companies that prioritize leftism over being a business.

    • @Kinikia95
      @Kinikia95 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      If you work for a larger company I don't think it would be an issue. They don't want to get sued. But they definitely could look you up before and not hire you. Maybe use a different email and not your real name for your socials.

    • @TheRestedOne
      @TheRestedOne 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      It doesn’t take too long to work through renaming and hiding accounts, a couple days at most. The harder part is if your name comes up in an article, as journalists are protected under freedom of speech.

    • @starlightstarbright97
      @starlightstarbright97 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Just put your social media accounts in private mode

  • @michaelnaretto3409
    @michaelnaretto3409 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Teacher: "I deal with a lot of their trauma related to the hetero-normative, Judea Christain, patriarchal, imperialist, capitalist system that oppresses them". Yep, she is nutty for sure.

  • @gregmarchegiani6656
    @gregmarchegiani6656 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Because I am a white straight European male and you have beautiful blue eyes I will comment.
    The way I was brought up was “at work, at formal settings, and with strangers, we don’t talk about sex, politics, religion”.
    So I shut up in those circumstances and avoid needless confrontations. We cannot change adults, especially adult idiots.
    Moreover, Misha, if behind this push there is the issue of the ESG score, do you think that they will stop because we regular guys “voice our disagreement”? My answer is no.
    As an adult I was taught: “adapt and survive”. My adaptation tactics are as follows:
    Social media as a whole is no longer the place to be, I am cutting social media presence and usage, and migrating away from mainstream platforms.
    I will speak loudly with my vote
    I will defend my kids and my family by any means possible.
    If they cancel you, Misha, you are still you and we (read you and followers) will reconnect somehow: low tech, high tech, who knows.
    Continue your work. I appreciate it even though I think the main issue is we have a rather large segment of the world population with a full belly and too lazy to think.
    When they will be hungry they will be based again.

  • @sharkinator7819
    @sharkinator7819 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +82

    I hate society
    Edit: every time I hear about being an “ally” all I can think about is how much I want to be an “axis”

    • @SilverSurfer5150
      @SilverSurfer5150 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Hate the bad parts of society and pray for them!

    • @lisaroper421
      @lisaroper421 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Now I am going to have that gem in my mind too 😂😂😂

    • @shemhazaithewhisperer2061
      @shemhazaithewhisperer2061 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "Ally" to these people means "Person I expect to fight my battles for me while I spit in their face and will not hesitate to throw under the bus when it benefits me."

    • @McDLT999999999999999
      @McDLT999999999999999 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Research the Weimar Republic and you’ll see this wokeness has happened before in Germany right before the big H took over. Makes you rethink history.

    • @apmanda
      @apmanda 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @TheRestedOne
    @TheRestedOne 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I work in the public sector. When I onboarded with the division, we naturally had all sorts of trainings. Being in an IT-type position, I was expecting security and workflow training.
    Instead, almost all of the onboarding was heavily coated to conform employees to a particular work culture. There were several meetings to recruit employees into the labor union. Meetings to engage with employees working in very different areas whom I never heard from again. There was also a mandatory meeting with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion led by a person who graduated less than 3 years ago. They spoke about their experience, why they matter, and why we should respect their job. The young girl also laid out the system in place to punish people who disrespect that agenda.
    Needless to say, these people and these agendas are deeply rooted in public sector culture. Tax dollars are specifically being used to fund these positions without any confirmation from voters. It should terrify us how little autonomy we as citizens have over our own government.

    • @JohnSmith13334
      @JohnSmith13334 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ‘Respect my authority’
      Eric cartman

  • @blstoker
    @blstoker 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Comment on the Psychologist role:
    I spent 10 years on disability for severe mental disorder(s) and still see my psychologist regularly. The role of a psychologist (counselor, psychiatrist, whatever) is definitely not to affirm anything and make you feel better about yourself. Whatever you're working on, it is their role to challenge you, educate you and give you the tools to progress in your struggle. I went from someone who the thought of stepping on the front porch for the newspaper would cause panic attacks to someone who has 2 college degrees and has returned to work. It took years, and it wouldn't have happened if the one charged with helping me get better just affirmed that it was ok to just be the way I was.

    • @assssaaasasass
      @assssaaasasass 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      That's the why I fear the new generation of professionals because if we consider the current trendy of having a random mental issue to be quirky, or the internet/tiktok doctors, then what would happen in the future? They would be "look at generic symptoms and say 'you have ADH'"? 😰

    • @hushingsilence
      @hushingsilence 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Congrats on being able to improve your life despite the extra challenges. That's huge. Panic attacks are a devastating thing to deal with.

  • @silverfox81974
    @silverfox81974 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Misha I just watched this video, it’s my first of yours. Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged in 1957. In that book she reveals the final outcome of a fictional society that rewards the most needy at the expense of the less needy. It doesn’t end well. Good content, keep it up.

  • @JustAnAverageWoman69
    @JustAnAverageWoman69 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    It is so wonderful to see a young person like yourself waking up from all of this woke lunacy. I am thankful that you have the courage to speak out on this nonsense and spread that word.

    • @electroskates2434
      @electroskates2434 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm a conservative teen living in a similar environment but I'm scared to say anything

  • @scottleespence752
    @scottleespence752 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    I've been on the left side of political things my entire life but have noticed if I am seen reading the wrong books, or daring to admit that the author makes SOME good points, then the screaming on the part of a few of my leftist friends starts. Most recently this occurred when I discussed TRANS by Helen Joyce online.
    I've rarely had any similar experiences with my Conservative friends.

  • @johnnygaster2224
    @johnnygaster2224 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +83

    Not gonna lie, I'm happy to be working in tech for this exact reason, it's a very male dominated field and most people there are your average straight nerdy dudes who couldn't give two shits about these things. I'm not even right leaning, I just like to follow people with different opinions so I can witness all sides of the discussions and form my own opinions based on that instead of staying in an echo chamber of either side.
    ps. omg I need whatever lipstick you are using, that shade is perfect

    • @photoniccannon2117
      @photoniccannon2117 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      As long as you’re with the right company in tech. Every now and then you find a company that’s the total opposite. 😂

    • @johnnygaster2224
      @johnnygaster2224 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@photoniccannon2117 Yeah of course there are companies like that too, but the risk is at least lower than let's say, if you work with arts 😂

    • @photoniccannon2117
      @photoniccannon2117 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@johnnygaster2224 for sure 😂

    • @slaapliedje
      @slaapliedje 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @tstewart3034
      @tstewart3034 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Why should they give 2shits, they are there to work not cater to your soft emotions. It's YOU, YOU deal with you.

  • @jwenting
    @jwenting 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    I'm transgender. My doctor respects me for what I am, offers to change my pronouns and name for addressing me while keeping the old ones in the records to guarantee correct treatment. THAT's the way it should be. I told her to not bother for now, given that it'll be years before I can legally change my gender and it'll just cause confusion if I change my name in some records but not other.
    She agreed, we're both happy.
    For a job, I want to be hired on merits, not because I'm trans. So you won't find that fact on my resume or in my cover letters, you may notice it if you invite me for a job interview through my clothing (which will be semi-formal business attire, ALWAYS when I'm at work, just not the "expected" suit and tie.
    Sadly some colleagues can't deal with people who are different from themselves, and some of those have the power to fire you, which has happened to me twice by now in 2 years.
    I can't stand woke, and wouldn't want to work in a woke company, but maybe it's by now the only places where as a transgender person you can get employment at all and not get kicked out for being "different".

    • @tassiodrigues
      @tassiodrigues 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      I'm sorry you are going throught this. Any extreme reaction is unfair, no matter the "direction" of our political views.

    • @elgatofelix8917
      @elgatofelix8917 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      OK GR000MER

    • @elgatofelix8917
      @elgatofelix8917 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@tassiodrigues don't feel sorry for the creep. They are everything that's wrong with this world.

    • @Kinikia95
      @Kinikia95 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Sounds like you have the right attitude. And doing things for your own mental condition, while leaving others alone, is NOT grooming.

  • @thesurlygamer6933
    @thesurlygamer6933 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Anytime someone asks my pronouns I say " I'm f*cking stupid", then tell them if they don't accept my pronouns they're something-something phobic. For some reason I have not had anyone respect my pronouns.

  • @natalya402
    @natalya402 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My sisters and I volunteered at a horse rescue. There were several other girls there, who were mostly white (washington) and two black girls. We were all friendly, and would hang out in the tack shed and chat and helped each other train horses. One of the girls even called my sister in tears because our trainer was being awful to her and she needed advice. It had to do with her not feeling safe and the trainer yelling at her for running away from an out of control horse, there were lots of safety issues at the barn due to the incompetence of the owner but thats not important. Anyway, we were all friends and had a group chat where we would share memes and talk about horses.
    One of my sisters was randomly approached online by a meme account who was "selling" N word passes. My sister replied that she'd like one, and the conversation ended there. She thought it was a funny interaction that a random person messaged her, so she took a screenshot and sent it to the group chat. The black girls took offence to this and said it was racist that she wanted an N word pass. My sister apologized and said she didnt actually want one, it was a joke. They kept going, saying she was ignorant, racist, stupid, and that if she ever said that word in front of them they would beat her up. After apologizing several times my sister just stopped replying, but they went on and on about it.
    We took screenshots of the conversation and sent them to the owner of the ranch, including the threats of violence. *We* were suspended from the rescue, then *we* had to pay for a diversity and inclusion course (all of us, not just my sister), and they even brought some kind of black equity expert to evaluate if we were racist or not. He said we werent, and it was a misunderstanding, but the families of the black girls didnt accept this, and ended up quitting the program because we werent kicked out. It was absolutely insane.

  • @ExceptBacon
    @ExceptBacon 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Despite having multiple victim cards in my racial makeup, I apparently present as white. I’ve had people ask me if I agree that it’s hard for white straight males to have an opinion, just to be openly laughed at and derided, when I told them it can be. Pointing at the supremacy of men in the past, as if that’s somehow justification to belittle us now, because it’s just “our turn”

    • @Kinikia95
      @Kinikia95 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Being a "white presenting" minority is definitely a trip. I'm Gen X. You think it's bad now.... If I spoke up, I was the problem. Do you hate yourself or do you lose your job? "What are you" haunts me to this day. I love being diverse but it definitely has its challenges.

    • @razor6552
      @razor6552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Racism against white people is still racism.

    • @jamieboer3466
      @jamieboer3466 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ah yes, you present fine, so you arent a real minority, a classic.

  • @TallBuffMunchkin
    @TallBuffMunchkin 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Nice to see you back Misha

  • @byubyun1219
    @byubyun1219 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i’m a psychology student and i have just recently started questioning things like transgenderism, pronouns, etc., and i’m sad to say most students don’t care enough to critically think about anything anymore.

  • @namor3607
    @namor3607 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    #1: Don't be on social media with your co-workers. #2: If you are questioned about this, tell them that social media is a blight to humanity and you're not on it. They will never be able to refute this.

  • @Pinkwolfman
    @Pinkwolfman 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    something funny that happened at my job once is that we had a training tape that included using gender neutral terms for customers and we literally did not follow it, not even my boss

  • @isopowered5004
    @isopowered5004 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    I love your voice and expressions while reading the stories. Too funny. Thank you.

  • @Pomoscorzo
    @Pomoscorzo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    This is not "being left", it's about a) doing a shit job as an employer, an employee and a teacher, b) using neither common sense nor heart, c) educating young people to be like that too.
    A guy I know was obsessed with educating his daughter in a liberal mindset, aka not teaching her respect or socializing her but making her believe that the entire world moved around her. She moved out to live with her mother (they were divorced) a day before Christmas, without an explanation. Years later she testified against her father in court because she wanted more alimony from him.
    This mindset is breeding monsters who believe they can do anything and think only of themselves. The people who support them will sooner or later realize that these people can change from being the ally to being the enemy within a minute. They will reap what they sow.

  • @Hailey_Paige_1937
    @Hailey_Paige_1937 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    May I just say: While I am a bit more progressive and left-ish-leaning, I’m definitely not far left. I do feel that I’m more of a “Somewhere in the middle” type. I don’t SOLELY follow left or right values - nor do I WHOLLY disagree with left or right values. I love your content! I’m a new and recent subscriber. Please keep this kind of stuff up; everyone is so freaking polarized, and it feels nice to have someone who seems level-headed about everything. I have far left/right friends, and anyone in-between. I really don’t care what people’s political views are, so long as we’re all kind to one another.

  • @Defhrone
    @Defhrone 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    a (former) friend of mine is currently on a woke bender, the last 2 years he's been fired from 4 jobs, because he tried to get other people fired over jokes or slip of the tongues. Problem is, this guy really is a narcisist (not the social media version, a real one) and if he doesn't get his way, he'll keep bothering people untill they bend to his will. Unfortunately, that doesn't work with employers. Last week he even managed to get voted out of his council position at our pub/association because he kept claiming racism etc etc.

  • @avivastudios2311
    @avivastudios2311 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Shaun was the smartest doctor in that show and when he called a spade a spade they looked at him like he was crazy. Only men can get testicular cancer people!! I remember watching that a few years back, it was so stupid.

    • @evandewind4264
      @evandewind4264 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Right, I knew a man who had breast cancer. Men have chests just like women. But only men have testicles.

  • @meliboo4077
    @meliboo4077 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I used to be more on the left side before I started looking into stuff but I've totally changed my mind about certain things. Anywho just because you don't like the other side doesn't mean you should wish them to die or anyting bad.. it reminds me of the whole situation with the rich people that died in the submarine, so many people were happy they died but honestly I was sad. Just because they were rich; doesn't mean they deserve to die. I would love to be rich one day myself 😅

  • @larab4999
    @larab4999 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I genuinely dreading the generations that are next in line to govern the world our loved ones will grow up in.
    It is so depressing…

  • @WhatTheWHAT524
    @WhatTheWHAT524 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Love that you are speaking up about therapy and what not. It is something that I also have found fascinating my entire life and now it is terrifying. Therapy should NOT be affirming, first it needs to be inquisitive and oftentimes needs to push back. It really is scary to imagine the future if we continue on this path. It is not helpful or healthy to ANYONE.

  • @GlynDwr-d4h
    @GlynDwr-d4h 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    It's like a nightmare we can't wake up from.

    • @Rats153
      @Rats153 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Best description of this woke ** it

  • @sinephase
    @sinephase 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    I think this whole "firing because of different beliefs" thing is totally a woman thing. Most men I've worked with will either argue/discuss or STFU and mind their own business about these things.

    • @sigsauer7929
      @sigsauer7929 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      It's unfortunate, but I completely agree. We should not be working together.

    • @stephsteph4503
      @stephsteph4503 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I'm a woman, but you're not wrong. I'm tired of it!

    • @tula1433
      @tula1433 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Women all claim to support each other but I work with all women and it’s nothing but drama and cat fights and fighting over who gets the most attention! 😂

  • @cptsteele91
    @cptsteele91 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Best way to avoid a woke workplace?
    Pick up a trade, it's not an environment whingebags like those thrive in and due to the immense physical labour usually involved, not something they are generally interested in pursuing

    • @Justmonika6969
      @Justmonika6969 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah its why they mainly infest the art and psych fields. The work is "chill" and mental-based.