In my opinion earth ponies can become alicorns since alicorns are a mix of all three pony types, a pony that is a mix of just unicorn and a pegasus is called a pegacorn
THE Berrby berryw/ab pegacorn would have pegasus wings and unicorn horn. Alicorns seem to have their own kind of wings and horn with their wings being bigger making it alicorn wings
I think they can. If Cadance used her love and not her pegasus abilities I think an earth pony could do the same. I'm just not sure what would be worthy enough of turning into an alicorn, because if it was simply saving Equestria the Mane 6 would already be all alicorns since a long time.
I thought of a few scenarios but I couldn't add them into the video due to time. What about an Earth pony like tree hugger with Zecora's magic potions being used to help grow vegetation to a dry wasteland and bringing life and harmony back to a once flourishing kingdom
I think to become an alicorn, you have to do something new with magic. Twilight used friendship to finish an incomplete spell. Cadence used love to release a town from being bewitched (she was a pegasus). So if an earth pony could do something new with their magic, that earth pony would become an alicorn. Only, it has to be their magic, no one else's. And it has to be something new, like finishing an incomplete spell or stopping a new threat.
pinkie pie an alicorn? she allready HAS reality bending cartoonpowers on paar or maybe even stronger than deadpool while only being an earthpony... immagine the calamity, if she could manipulate weather AND cast magic! (PS: i would still watch it^^)
Well, Cadence has the LOVE, Twilight got the FRIENDSHIP -- so who gets HARMONY? Pinkie Pie playing several instruments at once, Big Mac/Fluttershy/SweetieBelle singing or AJ with a guitar? I'd say it goes to Pinkie! She's already saved Ponyville by her musical skills (parasprites).
The answer is yes, earth ponies can become alicorns. My evidence is this: Generation 5 has a new cast of ponies, including Sunny Starscout. Sunny is an earth pony, and she becomes an alicorn at the end of the new Gen 5 movie. I rest my case
How are Alicorns made? Well... When a daddy Pegasus and a mommy unicorn love each other very much... ( random Alicorn OC jumps on me and covers my mouth ) bhghagsfgshshd!!
I have one question though.. why do bronies always use the Crystal Heart Spell book to explain certain things. I read the book and a couple things are off, and are hardly canon.. like the Gilda thing?..
Earth Ponies do tend to use spells on a mystical earthly level, like Zecora. She too could become the first Zebra Alicorn...! -Then again she'd must share Love, Harmony, & Friendship across Equestria. Get out of your Hut more & smell the roses. :) Say, does the Crystal Heart Spell have any imagery?
BlueRav3 And again, does the Crystal Heart Spell have any imagery just like the Journal of the Two Sisters? I don't have neither of those copies I'm afraid. I saw brief imagery though through a kids' page-flips of the Journal.
I don't think so. The pages don't seem to be anything but a regular picture-less book from the amount of pages I've seen and read for this video. The journal has way more imagery than the crystal heart spell.
Sunny Starscout, a female Earth pony resident of Maretime Bay, has several times temporarily transformed into an Alicorn. It will take future episodes to determine if her Alicorn body will ever become permanent.
Come back Blue, I promise it won't hurt! ... Much. Still, this was a very thought provoking video. If I had to say, I do believe it's possible for an earth pony to become an alicorn. It's kind of like becoming the new leader of a country, they just have to exhibit the traits that hold true to the ideals, morals and otherwise of a country.
Yeah, Earth Ponies are awesome, but they're not that awesome to give up my wings through that kind of method. Also, one other reason I made this is because we're never going to see another Alicorn ascension in the show because honestly, the show doesn't need another one after the birth of Flurry Heart. Sad, cause we could have had a full set. One Alicorn that's the princess of magic and was a unicorn, an Alicorn that's the Princess of Love but was born a Pegasus, and finally, an Alicorn that's the princess of Harmony that was born an Earth pony. That would have been awesome. But no, we got Flurry Heart.
Interesting you using Applejack for the Earth Pony Alicorn Princess. I think she would be the Princess of Families (to coincide with Twilight being the Princess of Friendship and Cadence being the Princess of Love).
SInce alicorns are a combination of all three pony types, I think the reason Celestia and Luna's manes are flowing constantly is because earth ponies have more control over their manes compared to the other types
After seeing Goldie's video, I was almost scared that Cartoonz was going to nab you too Blue Rav lol. Nice cameo from Wolfkeen hehe. Great to see you putting up stuff, I've missed it hehe.
Thanks. I still plan on doing episode reviews. It's just gonna take some time. Also, I'm not involved in that whole ToonKritic thing he's doing. Lately, I've been finding the re-posts of the same video annoying. Hopefully whatever it is that he's leading up to happens.
BlueRav3 Hehehe, I actually can't wait to see what is going to happen!! Especially with my friend Aeon involved and how it's connected with Blissy. I think this arc is the biggest one since The Rift appeared that does effect the channels hehe.
there's Cadence, who was a Pegasus, the princess of love and there's Twilight, who was an unicorn, the princess of friendship… will there be another alicorn which was an earth pony before and become the princess of harmony..?Because this are the 'Elements' which are important to understand if somepony becomes an alicorn
Along with what this explains, I think they'd create a 'new form of magic' in extension of their feet of unconditional love, harmony and friendship. Twilight with friendship itself, Cadence with love. And Celestia and Luna with, the health and peace of all of Equestria in raising the Sun and Moon. And watching Brony Notion's vid on Flurry Heart: her with Parental/Familial Love, with the crystal heart which is hers.
I think earth ponies can become alicorns. And why must the ascension require a 'princess worthy' task? Does that mean colts/stallions can't become alicorns? Or am I overthinking the terminology.
Anypony can become an Alicorn basically. It's more about the pony's character than it is about the pony's capability. They have to have a a clear understanding of the 3 main elements of an Alicorn. Love, Harmony, and Friendship.
BlueRav3 True, but they called it 'princess worthy' instead of 'alicorn worthy'. As far as I can tell, stallions and colts can't become princess. I could be wrong.
Adam Kay True, but here's the thing. If no one attempts to try, then nothing will change. "Princess worth deed" would imply that no colt or Stallion has tried becoming an Alicorn. So far, the only two we've seen are BlueBlood and Shinnig Armor. But they received the "Prince" titles from marriage and adoption. So unless someone tries it, it will always be referred to as "Princess" worthy deed.
I agree with all of this, except for a major outlier in the Applejack argument: The Flim-Flam brothers,. In 'Leap of Faith' and 'Viva Las Pegasus,' AJ is shown to hold a grudge against them, a completely warranted grudge, but a grudge nonetheless. I don't think that counts as 'unbiased'
To me, she's unbiased in the sense that she wouldn't be against those willing to change. Flim and Flam have shown to still be con artists that will lie or cheat to get ahead in life. They don't show any desire in reforming or changing their practices. To a certain extent, Applejack calls it like it is. Flim and Flam are scammers. Others, like Silver Shill, have shown a willingness to change and value honest the way she does. So I wouldn't call her displeasure of the two "bias" as I would call it her sticking to her guns and principles.
I guess an Earth Pony can become an alicorn like how Cadence did since Pegasi isn’t associated with magic like a unicorn. Although, earth ponies in MLP: FIM don’t seem to be into any of that as they stick to what they’re meant to do.
Yay for watching old videos! Anyways, the one comment I'm not sure about is your statement that Pinkie and AJ have the potential to be alicorns but that it depends on "whether or not they're willing to work towards it". The thing is, neither Twilight nor Cadence were working towards that goal, or even knew it was a thing (or at least I don't think Twilight knew it was a thing; I suppose she could have heard the story from Cadence beforehand, but it seemed to catch her completely off guard when it happened). Further, while we don't know for sure it's possible that Star Swirl's unfinished spell was an attempt to attain alicornhood, if it was then it seems like "trying to become an alicorn" might even be detrimental to the journey. Admittedly this is probably just a nitpick of your word choice, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Sorry for any trouble.
I think they can. It has a theory that says that Celestia and Luna were earth ponys before. I think it could match! My OC Blossom Fairy will become an alicorn. Hate her! I love Blossom Fairy, so hate her if you want! Blossom Fairy doesn't care about mad people! Ok, she cares, but I won't show her! XD So, yeah, in my Equestria there is a posibility for earthponys to become an alicorn!
What I dont understand is how "alicorns combine the traits of all three pony kinds" somehow translates to "no magic means no alicornication" in the fandom.
If allicorns is a mix of peg and uni and earth I think that twi had wings but wings and all earth ponies things like strength...... And peg had magic horns and earth ponies whatever so they had two things so earth ponies has the connection to nature so they had wings magic horns I am Arabic so my English is bad if you like my vision reply on the comment
Rav3n Mad , when you asked if he could turn you into an earth pony, I saw exactly what was coming. I personally hate grim-dark; but I can also find humor in it. I can see Rainbow Dash laughing hysterically at the ridiculous 'Cupcakes' fiction.
Can Earth Ponies Become Alicorns? Guy at chalkboard: You see, the Y formula has three parts: X, Z, and W. If we add them together, the resulting formula will incinerate the Earth as we know it. This advanced mathematics combined with the Y formula will end the earth. AppleJack: So..... no? **bored and pointing out the obvious**
The strange thing is, cadence wasn't born a alicorn, so either the method of turning one into an alicorn changes genetics entirely, or having wings and horns is magic based and is like an extra Gene.
It's safe to say that as a Pegasus, if Cadence didn't show any potential to be a Princess, she wouldn't have ascended to become an Alicorn. But instead, would have remained a Pegasus. I don't think Cadence or Twilight's ascensions had to do with genetics, but rather it had to do with artificial mutation from an outside source. A.K.A Celestia
You seem pretty well-informed, and your points are well explained! I just wanted to point out that Celestia and Luna were not born alicorns, but the point you made stands regardless due to Flurry Heart's birth.
Thanks. Appreciate it. However, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that Celestia and Luna were not being born Alicorns because nothing in the show has proven otherwise. The dialog between Celestia and Luna in The Crystalling is easily explainable and provides no evidence that they weren't born Alicorns.
Actually princess celestia and Luna were not born alicorns, because I’m the ep when we meet flurryheart princess celestia says something like : I’ve never seen an alicorn berth before. So that probably means flurry heart is the only alicorn to be BORN
Yes Luna and Celeste year were born as an Alicorn but that was only DNA wise and they had to earn either their wings or their horn but this happened at a young age
Ok first of all, please don't spam my comment section. Keep your comment to only one. Second, Literally nothing proves that Celestia and Luna weren't born Alicorns, with both wings and horns. Until we see them as foals or they say they weren't Alicorns when they were born, we have to go by what the series has portrayed them as, full blooded Alicorns. No artificials.
can there be an "evil pony" ascending TO alicorn and STAY evil all the way?, like say "having as an alicorn whorty deed that formation of friendship between evil-doers"?
Ramiro Galletti That's kind of a stretch don't you think. That someone evil could ascend to the level of an alicorn. I mean, being evil like Tirek or Chrysalis already implies that they don't value friendship or its practices and most likely wouldn't be possible for a pony of the same mindset to ascend to something that requires an understanding of the basic components of friendship
it is a strech , but i wanted your opinion about it, i was an idea for an "mlp rpg" I thinked about making and i needed somebody who would be justified to be powerfull
"Would have to give birth to an alicorn offspring" if Celestia said that the birth of an alicorn was unseen/un heard of then it must be that the baby of a alicorn is NOT an immediate alicorn, and can either be a unicorn or Pegasus, why? You may be asking, well... the genes. If the alicorn parents were/used to be unicorns or pegasi then those genes would transport into the foal. And no, the genes don't work like unicorn + Pegasus = alicorn in the breeding proses. But then later on when the foal of the alicorns does something alicorn worthy THEN they get their wings/horn. But that's just a theory, A FILM THEO- I'll stop now before i turn into matpat. But yeah, that was actually logical. And this is not a hate comment, it was just a little thing to fix up ur little mistake in the video. Also, mc flurry over there is NOT a true alicorn. Anyqays, if ur still reading then... uhm... spot the diffrence. ._. ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪•▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪•▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Comment or like if u found it ._.
Technically they were born alicorns it was in their genetics, as they grew they slowly developed more and more physical alicorns features, basically how baby chicks become chickens. Unless their is some magic is the answer and genetics don't exist thing going on.
Incorrect. They've stated that the birth of an Alicorn is something "Equestria" has never seen before. Seeing as Equestria was made before Celestia and Luna were discovered and made their official rulers, it would make sense why Equestria has never seen an Alicorn birth happen. Also, it being something beyond their understanding doesn't prove they weren't born Alicorns either since it's obvious they wouldn't know anything about their birth, nor would they know anything about Alicorns in general seeing at they were the "ONLY" alicorns around and all they learned about them was from Starswirl the Bearded. So in my opinion, The Crystalling provided no proof that they weren't born Alicorns.
Not really. There's not reason they can't get both a pair of wings and a horn at the same time. Pegasi and Unicorns don't exactly embody the traits of Earth ponies. They only embody that of their own kind. When a pony ascends to become an Alicorn, they must embody all three pony races in order to embody the meaning of an Alicorn. If what you say is the case, then Twilight and Cadence would have had to go threw two ascensions as well in order to acquire the traits of an Earth pony when they got their horns and wings. But they didn't. They become a full on Alicorn. No second steps required.
@@ImaCartoon4ever ok they need to ascend once to get either the horn or the wings first then they need to ascend again to get another trust me i know cause thats what happened to my oc. Oh also i should know cause i am actually from equestria i was forced through a portal here and now im trying to get back there again oh and by the way i am a vampony brah so you really do not know about my kind
@@ImaCartoon4ever thats because its for earth ponies only i should know i was an earth pony before i became a allicorn and i had to go through two ascensions and that was after i became a vampony now im the prince of the vamponies so yeah sorry to burst your bubble
OC stories are your own. Whatever you want to say is true and only has to be true to you. However, don't use it as a credible source or as an example to an argument about the show since that's just a theory and not a fact. There's nothing in the show or MLP canon that supports that theory that Earth ponies need two ascensions in order to become an Alicorn. Nothing whatsoever. The point is, just because you make it a fact for your own OC doesn't mean it's a fact of the show.
Luna and Celestia said they've never seen alicorns birth before or something like that whenever flurry heart was born, therefore they couldn't have been born alicorns if it has never been done -
Tordy Lordy No they didn't. Celestia said that the birth of an alicorn is something "equestia" has never seen before. Luna said "it is beyond even our understanding" which meant that being the ONLY born alicorns in equestia, they wouldn't have seen another one's birth. It's as simple as that, yet, everyone and their grandmother keep interpreting their words as "we don't know cause we're not alicorns ". Equestia didn't exist when celestia and Luna were born. So obviously equestia would never have experienced the birth of an alicorn.
No they didn't. And yes they were born Alicorns. Last time I checked, Equestria was founded before Celestia and Luna became the Princesses of it. They were made the Princesses of Equestria because they were already Alicorns. So tell me, if they became Alicorns when Equestria was already founded, why would the birth of an Alicorn be a surprise to Equestria if they already saw Celestia and Luna become Alicorns. The answer, they were already Alicorns, but Equestria never saw one be born. Until now.
Rav3n Mad Actually In The episode that flurryheart Was Introduced they said in their dialog that they have never seen a alicorn born straight as is so yes Tia and Luna were not born as Alicorn but were indeed born from Alicorn parents
If you're born an Alicorn, like Celestia and Luna were, you're not gonna know the ins and outs of an Alicorn's life, especially if you're raised by ponies that don't know anything about Alicorns either. When luna said "It is beyond even our understanding", seeing as they're the only Alicorns who have appeared in the series, and have had no children of their own, it stands to reason that they wouldn't know anything about the birth of an Alicorn since they weren't around during their own births. The problem is people are expecting them to know everything from the moment they're born to the present day, when that's physically impossible for an infant to know or hold memories of their own birth. Other than the Journal of the Two Sisters, there's nothing else that shows whether or not there were more Alicorn or that Celestia and Luna are the ONLY Alicorns in existence. As of right now, there is no solid proof that Celestia and Luna weren't born Alicorns. Anything further mentioned right now is purely speculative and holds no solid answer.
Rav3n Mad ... Ok for one my original comment was from how I felt and two if they were born alicorns it would most likely be that they were born from a place where all or most of the residences are alicorns and that could still happen even if they were not born alicorns but simply it was in their DNA to become alicorns and If I am correct about where they would have been born then they would know if any other alicorns were born and as simply it may only be where if an Alicorn not born from the tribe but made an Alicorn by an Alicorn then it may be possible for the Alicorn to give birth to an alicorn
Yea they can become alicorns because an alicorn is a mix of unicorn Pegasus and earth ponies twilight was only a unicorn then she became a Pegasus also they didn’t show it but she wouldn’t be an alicorn if she hadn’t also become an earth ponie she became a Pegasus and an earth ponie so a earth ponie would also lead them to becoming part unicorn and part Pegasi so yes
Can you cite any proof that they weren't born Alicorns? Season 6's "The Crystalling" doesn't count just so you know cause nothing in their dialog proves that they weren't born alicorns
Rav3n Mad the crystaling: Princess Celetsia: "born of an alicorn is something Equestria is never seen!" So, clearly Celetsia and Luna did'nt born alicorns. And that is count, you can say it's not, that the proof. Celetsia and Luna obiesly have alicorn mam, because if not, Celetsia doesn'tnt Suprise from alicorn born to alicorn. And from that that she Suprise we can learn that there was alicorns at the past they never born one.
Ok look. She said The Birth of an Alicorn is something "Equestria" has never seen. Celestia and Luna were already born as Alicorns before the founding of Equestria. After Equestria's founding, they were put in charge because they were Alicorns. They didn't become Alicorns when they lifted the Sun or Moon and got their cutie marks. They were already Alicorns. The reason it's beyond their understanding is because they've never seen anyone give birth to an Alicorn that WASN'T a natural born Alicorn or that didn't have a unicorn for a father instead of an Alicorn. I'm saying that their lines in that episode isn't proof cause nothing they say proves that they themselves weren't born Alicorns. Unless we see a flashback of them not as Alicorns, or until they say with 100% honesty in the show "I wasn't born an Alicorn and I actually ascended to it like you have Twilight" then all the words in The Crystalling aren't proof or concrete enough to guarantee that they weren't natural born Alicorns.
Answer me this: How come we've only seen the birth of an Alicorn up until now? How come in the 1000s of years Celestia and Luna have been alive, they've never mentioned or seen the birth of another Alicorn? That's because they're the only ones and no one has ever given birth to an Alicorn. If they're truly the last of their kind, then of course they wouldn't understand how an Alicorn can be born to a couple that originally, weren't natural born Alicorns. So until Celestia and Luna give birth themselves, Equestria is never going to see the birth of an Alicorn. All the birth of Flurry Heart proves is that ponies that have ascended to the Level of an Alicorn can in fact give birth to an Alicorn. Even if both parents aren't both Alicorns.
Rav3n Mad ok, first- at season 1 hearts warming heave we see that Equestria found by unicorns, pegasus, and earth ponys. They found this land because there no more food in there land. Why there no more food? Because the windigous that make cold winter. Why they come? Because the ponies were fighting. If there was alicorns in charge they obiesly were stop the fighting and bring harmony again. And even if we say that they did'nt do that, if you look back you see that who is went to find new place to live was the charges of all the kinds of ponies. If there was alicorns in charge, prabomly go. After they found Equestria and all the kinds of ponies was together in hermany, they needed a new leader, somepony who represent all the ponies together. And than Celetsia are born. If you look at season 8 the horse play you see that befor Celetsia unicorns work pretty hard to rise the sun. And than come Celetsia that in that time was Starsworld student. And she say she have the power to rise the sun. Starsworld saw that his student have the power to roul Equestria so he make her an alicorn. But Starsworld saw that it doesn't enaf. Ponies need somepony to protect them at the night too, so he make Luna into Alicorn too. And that the story of Equestria
In my opinion earth ponies can become alicorns since alicorns are a mix of all three pony types, a pony that is a mix of just unicorn and a pegasus is called a pegacorn
Tho we've never seen a "pegacorn" in mlp fim. Maybe they could be their own species or whatever 🤔
THE Berrby berryw/ab pegacorn would have pegasus wings and unicorn horn. Alicorns seem to have their own kind of wings and horn with their wings being bigger making it alicorn wings
I think they can. If Cadance used her love and not her pegasus abilities I think an earth pony could do the same.
I'm just not sure what would be worthy enough of turning into an alicorn, because if it was simply saving Equestria the Mane 6 would already be all alicorns since a long time.
I thought of a few scenarios but I couldn't add them into the video due to time. What about an Earth pony like tree hugger with Zecora's magic potions being used to help grow vegetation to a dry wasteland and bringing life and harmony back to a once flourishing kingdom
Minty Root well twilight got that and she save equestria before
Agreed and cute oc
I think to become an alicorn, you have to do something new with magic. Twilight used friendship to finish an incomplete spell. Cadence used love to release a town from being bewitched (she was a pegasus). So if an earth pony could do something new with their magic, that earth pony would become an alicorn. Only, it has to be their magic, no one else's. And it has to be something new, like finishing an incomplete spell or stopping a new threat.
pinkie pie an alicorn? she allready HAS reality bending cartoonpowers on paar or maybe even stronger than deadpool while only being an earthpony... immagine the calamity, if she could manipulate weather AND cast magic!
(PS: i would still watch it^^)
Maybe her horn and wings are just invisible XD ^^
At this point I'd believe it!
DracherRu of course, her sister does have some of that, and I think the magic of Earth ponies is more based in the whole body.
Well, Cadence has the LOVE, Twilight got the FRIENDSHIP -- so who gets HARMONY? Pinkie Pie playing several instruments at once, Big Mac/Fluttershy/SweetieBelle singing or AJ with a guitar? I'd say it goes to Pinkie! She's already saved Ponyville by her musical skills (parasprites).
The answer is yes, earth ponies can become alicorns. My evidence is this: Generation 5 has a new cast of ponies, including Sunny Starscout. Sunny is an earth pony, and she becomes an alicorn at the end of the new Gen 5 movie. I rest my case
How are Alicorns made? Well... When a daddy Pegasus and a mommy unicorn love each other very much...
( random Alicorn OC jumps on me and covers my mouth ) bhghagsfgshshd!!
I have one question though.. why do bronies always use the Crystal Heart Spell book to explain certain things. I read the book and a couple things are off, and are hardly canon.. like the Gilda thing?..
This makes Discord a super princess
4:34 -- And the fact that dragons didn't eat all the gems long ago means that rock farming involves using earth magic to accelerate crystal growth.
Huh never thought of that
Earth Ponies do tend to use spells on a mystical earthly level, like Zecora.
She too could become the first Zebra Alicorn...! -Then again she'd must share Love, Harmony, & Friendship across Equestria. Get out of your Hut more & smell the roses. :)
Say, does the Crystal Heart Spell have any imagery?
Zecora I'm still curious as to whether or not she counts. It would be nice if she does though.
BlueRav3 And again, does the Crystal Heart Spell have any imagery just like the Journal of the Two Sisters? I don't have neither of those copies I'm afraid. I saw brief imagery though through a kids' page-flips of the Journal.
I don't think so. The pages don't seem to be anything but a regular picture-less book from the amount of pages I've seen and read for this video. The journal has way more imagery than the crystal heart spell.
BlueRav3 Dang it... Though Candence's ascension to alicorn princess is crucial to Equestrian lore...!
Morphius ZX um... I don't think so.
Sunny Starscout, a female Earth pony resident of Maretime Bay, has several times temporarily transformed into an Alicorn. It will take future episodes to determine if her Alicorn body will ever become permanent.
I know how a earth-pony can become a alicorn. Eat 13 apple pies.
Have you forgotten inner magic, friendship.
Well in the case of the main six the gems of traits of harmony may give us a clue. Loyalty, laughter, honesty, ect.
Come back Blue, I promise it won't hurt! ... Much.
Still, this was a very thought provoking video. If I had to say, I do believe it's possible for an earth pony to become an alicorn. It's kind of like becoming the new leader of a country, they just have to exhibit the traits that hold true to the ideals, morals and otherwise of a country.
Yeah, Earth Ponies are awesome, but they're not that awesome to give up my wings through that kind of method. Also, one other reason I made this is because we're never going to see another Alicorn ascension in the show because honestly, the show doesn't need another one after the birth of Flurry Heart. Sad, cause we could have had a full set. One Alicorn that's the princess of magic and was a unicorn, an Alicorn that's the Princess of Love but was born a Pegasus, and finally, an Alicorn that's the princess of Harmony that was born an Earth pony. That would have been awesome. But no, we got Flurry Heart.
Interesting you using Applejack for the Earth Pony Alicorn Princess. I think she would be the Princess of Families (to coincide with Twilight being the Princess of Friendship and Cadence being the Princess of Love).
To me, her or Pinkie Pie would be the Princess of Harmony due to their ability to get along with everyone and create balance
BlueRav3 I agree with Pinkie being the Princess of Harmony. Hmm... I wonder what the other three Mane Six would be Princesses of...
Well we'll never know cause I don't think the fandom would want to see all 5 of them become alicorns.
BlueRav3 True. But I'm still curious.
Same here
Good vid Blue! Maybe one day I can become the Princess of Comedy!
LOL. Are you sure you ain't already, cause that was funny.
As of now, yes
Now the two sisters are alicorns.
Like Celestia, Luna and Flurry Heart. *CELESTIA AND LUNA BECAME ALICORNS*
What proof supports that? Flurry Heart didn't "Become" and Alicorn, she was "Born" one. Same with Celestia and Luna. They are "Born" Alicorns.
Somehow I knew he'd get out a chain saw hahaha!! Hey! Maybe I'm an Earth Pony! XD
SInce alicorns are a combination of all three pony types, I think the reason Celestia and Luna's manes are flowing constantly is because earth ponies have more control over their manes compared to the other types
After seeing Goldie's video, I was almost scared that Cartoonz was going to nab you too Blue Rav lol. Nice cameo from Wolfkeen hehe. Great to see you putting up stuff, I've missed it hehe.
Thanks. I still plan on doing episode reviews. It's just gonna take some time. Also, I'm not involved in that whole ToonKritic thing he's doing. Lately, I've been finding the re-posts of the same video annoying. Hopefully whatever it is that he's leading up to happens.
Hehehe, I actually can't wait to see what is going to happen!! Especially with my friend Aeon involved and how it's connected with Blissy. I think this arc is the biggest one since The Rift appeared that does effect the channels hehe.
In the film Cadence looks like she was born an alicorn because she somehow got alicorn magic
This was made before the Movie came out.
Leeann Hustead
Twilight has alicorn magic and was not born one.
Leeann Hustead. Idk.
You Deserve way more subs. I found you in Inkrose's comment section but I feel like I should have found you in my recommended.
Thanks. It mostly depends on the tags in my video that would put me in the video recommended section of other similar videos.
Great video by the way! :)
hmm a love stealing spell on prysmia and she looks like chrysalis.coincidence?I think not!
there's Cadence, who was a Pegasus, the princess of love
and there's Twilight, who was an unicorn, the princess of friendship…
will there be another alicorn which was an earth pony before and become the princess of harmony..?Because this are the 'Elements' which are important to understand if somepony becomes an alicorn
What the..The video was crazy man!!! 🤤
Yes they can! It's shown in Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep?
master106 games that's a dream. It doesn't count. Wanting to be one isn't the same as actually having the skills to be one.
Who else is here after…
Sunny Starscout transformed from an earth pony into an alicorn?
Along with what this explains, I think they'd create a 'new form of magic' in extension of their feet of unconditional love, harmony and friendship. Twilight with friendship itself, Cadence with love. And Celestia and Luna with, the health and peace of all of Equestria in raising the Sun and Moon.
And watching Brony Notion's vid on Flurry Heart: her with Parental/Familial Love, with the crystal heart which is hers.
That is a tiny acount of alicorns!
Pinkie as an alicorn
News reporter: the weather today will be - aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!!! Its raining cupcakes!!!!
I think earth ponies can become alicorns. And why must the ascension require a 'princess worthy' task? Does that mean colts/stallions can't become alicorns? Or am I overthinking the terminology.
Anypony can become an Alicorn basically. It's more about the pony's character than it is about the pony's capability. They have to have a a clear understanding of the 3 main elements of an Alicorn. Love, Harmony, and Friendship.
BlueRav3 True, but they called it 'princess worthy' instead of 'alicorn worthy'. As far as I can tell, stallions and colts can't become princess. I could be wrong.
Adam Kay
True, but here's the thing. If no one attempts to try, then nothing will change. "Princess worth deed" would imply that no colt or Stallion has tried becoming an Alicorn. So far, the only two we've seen are BlueBlood and Shinnig Armor. But they received the "Prince" titles from marriage and adoption. So unless someone tries it, it will always be referred to as "Princess" worthy deed.
Adam Kay do you think that a alicorn can be down graded back to thare original race?
@@MazoDragon they could become prince.
I was once an Earthpony until that is of course I've proven myself worthy to be an Alicorn through wisdom.
The Larson effect. Larson can create anything if it means giving something wings or both.
Larson can do anything. Even shoot lasers from his eyes.
Rav3n Mad In someway... I believe that statement. LARSON!!!!
I agree with all of this, except for a major outlier in the Applejack argument: The Flim-Flam brothers,. In 'Leap of Faith' and 'Viva Las Pegasus,' AJ is shown to hold a grudge against them, a completely warranted grudge, but a grudge nonetheless. I don't think that counts as 'unbiased'
To me, she's unbiased in the sense that she wouldn't be against those willing to change. Flim and Flam have shown to still be con artists that will lie or cheat to get ahead in life. They don't show any desire in reforming or changing their practices. To a certain extent, Applejack calls it like it is. Flim and Flam are scammers. Others, like Silver Shill, have shown a willingness to change and value honest the way she does. So I wouldn't call her displeasure of the two "bias" as I would call it her sticking to her guns and principles.
Was thinking about the same thing this morning :o
10:13 that’s cute pictures of apple jack and pinkie pie.
Mommy how are alicorns made?
Well...when two ponies love each other very much
I guess an Earth Pony can become an alicorn like how Cadence did since Pegasi isn’t associated with magic like a unicorn. Although, earth ponies in MLP: FIM don’t seem to be into any of that as they stick to what they’re meant to do.
My music is in a thing! Yay!
Aj's my favorite so I just had to have your music in here. Thanks for capturing her essence in that lovely music of yours.
Thank you for your kind words! AJ's my favourite pony as well :) .
Luna and Celestia were not born alicorns!
Yay for watching old videos!
Anyways, the one comment I'm not sure about is your statement that Pinkie and AJ have the potential to be alicorns but that it depends on "whether or not they're willing to work towards it". The thing is, neither Twilight nor Cadence were working towards that goal, or even knew it was a thing (or at least I don't think Twilight knew it was a thing; I suppose she could have heard the story from Cadence beforehand, but it seemed to catch her completely off guard when it happened). Further, while we don't know for sure it's possible that Star Swirl's unfinished spell was an attempt to attain alicornhood, if it was then it seems like "trying to become an alicorn" might even be detrimental to the journey.
Admittedly this is probably just a nitpick of your word choice, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Sorry for any trouble.
2:44 he's smiling O.O
I love your accent
Thanks, but the funny thing is that it's not an accent. Everyone makes that mistake
Oh sorry but I still like it
I think they can. It has a theory that says that Celestia and Luna were earth ponys before. I think it could match! My OC Blossom Fairy will become an alicorn. Hate her! I love Blossom Fairy, so hate her if you want! Blossom Fairy doesn't care about mad people! Ok, she cares, but I won't show her! XD So, yeah, in my Equestria there is a posibility for earthponys to become an alicorn!
What I dont understand is how "alicorns combine the traits of all three pony kinds" somehow translates to "no magic means no alicornication" in the fandom.
If allicorns is a mix of peg and uni and earth I think that twi had wings but wings and all earth ponies things like strength......
And peg had magic horns and earth ponies whatever so they had two things so earth ponies has the connection to nature so they had wings magic horns I am Arabic so my English is bad if you like my vision reply on the comment
Rav3n Mad , when you asked if he could turn you into an earth pony, I saw exactly what was coming. I personally hate grim-dark; but I can also find humor in it. I can see Rainbow Dash laughing hysterically at the ridiculous 'Cupcakes' fiction.
Can Earth Ponies Become Alicorns?
Guy at chalkboard: You see, the Y formula has three parts: X, Z, and W. If we add them together, the resulting formula will incinerate the Earth as we know it. This advanced mathematics combined with the Y formula will end the earth.
AppleJack: So..... no? **bored and pointing out the obvious**
5:57 Cupcakes reference?
The strange thing is, cadence wasn't born a alicorn, so either the method of turning one into an alicorn changes genetics entirely, or having wings and horns is magic based and is like an extra Gene.
It's safe to say that as a Pegasus, if Cadence didn't show any potential to be a Princess, she wouldn't have ascended to become an Alicorn. But instead, would have remained a Pegasus. I don't think Cadence or Twilight's ascensions had to do with genetics, but rather it had to do with artificial mutation from an outside source. A.K.A Celestia
You seem pretty well-informed, and your points are well explained! I just wanted to point out that Celestia and Luna were not born alicorns, but the point you made stands regardless due to Flurry Heart's birth.
Thanks. Appreciate it. However, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that Celestia and Luna were not being born Alicorns because nothing in the show has proven otherwise. The dialog between Celestia and Luna in The Crystalling is easily explainable and provides no evidence that they weren't born Alicorns.
also lauren said she sees celestia and luna as being born alicorns so
Actually princess celestia and Luna were not born alicorns, because I’m the ep when we meet flurryheart princess celestia says something like : I’ve never seen an alicorn berth before. So that probably means flurry heart is the only alicorn to be BORN
Try thinking of being an Alicorn as being royalty. You can be born into royalty, or become royalty.
of corse!
So… What about Big Mac? Does he have the understanding required yet, as of current episode of Season Seven?
Not really.
make a video about who made the stain glass windows
Why exactly?
Yes Luna and Celeste year were born as an Alicorn but that was only DNA wise and they had to earn either their wings or their horn but this happened at a young age
Ok first of all, please don't spam my comment section. Keep your comment to only one. Second, Literally nothing proves that Celestia and Luna weren't born Alicorns, with both wings and horns. Until we see them as foals or they say they weren't Alicorns when they were born, we have to go by what the series has portrayed them as, full blooded Alicorns. No artificials.
U earned a sub ❤️
*well alicorns can become earth ponies*
hint hint: G5
can there be an "evil pony" ascending TO alicorn and STAY evil all the way?, like say "having as an alicorn whorty deed that formation of friendship between evil-doers"?
Ramiro Galletti That's kind of a stretch don't you think. That someone evil could ascend to the level of an alicorn. I mean, being evil like Tirek or Chrysalis already implies that they don't value friendship or its practices and most likely wouldn't be possible for a pony of the same mindset to ascend to something that requires an understanding of the basic components of friendship
it is a strech , but i wanted your opinion about it, i was an idea for an "mlp rpg" I thinked about making and i needed somebody who would be justified to be powerfull
"Would have to give birth to an alicorn offspring" if Celestia said that the birth of an alicorn was unseen/un heard of then it must be that the baby of a alicorn is NOT an immediate alicorn, and can either be a unicorn or Pegasus, why? You may be asking, well... the genes. If the alicorn parents were/used to be unicorns or pegasi then those genes would transport into the foal. And no, the genes don't work like unicorn + Pegasus = alicorn in the breeding proses. But then later on when the foal of the alicorns does something alicorn worthy THEN they get their wings/horn. But that's just a theory, A FILM THEO- I'll stop now before i turn into matpat. But yeah, that was actually logical. And this is not a hate comment, it was just a little thing to fix up ur little mistake in the video. Also, mc flurry over there is NOT a true alicorn. Anyqays, if ur still reading then... uhm... spot the diffrence. ._.
Comment or like if u found it ._.
I love your voice
If you really want to get rid of your wings find a unicorn or alicorn I'm sure one of them has a spell
No Earth pony can’t be a alicorn
Pft I love your channel
Flurry Heart was the only one *born* as an alicorn
So? That still leaves two options for an Alicorn to be made.
Technically they were born alicorns it was in their genetics, as they grew they slowly developed more and more physical alicorns features, basically how baby chicks become chickens. Unless their is some magic is the answer and genetics don't exist thing going on.
U are the best pony in this channel. I wish I was 1 lol.
Earth ponies do channel some sort of magic.
But Where did celestia and luna Come from?
hmmm i 100% agreed :-)
I agree 101% too
They already stated in the show that an alicorn has never been born
Incorrect. They've stated that the birth of an Alicorn is something "Equestria" has never seen before. Seeing as Equestria was made before Celestia and Luna were discovered and made their official rulers, it would make sense why Equestria has never seen an Alicorn birth happen. Also, it being something beyond their understanding doesn't prove they weren't born Alicorns either since it's obvious they wouldn't know anything about their birth, nor would they know anything about Alicorns in general seeing at they were the "ONLY" alicorns around and all they learned about them was from Starswirl the Bearded. So in my opinion, The Crystalling provided no proof that they weren't born Alicorns.
Applejack has a nub horn, shes a unicorn, she can be an alicorn
You can make a earth pony oc!
Wow! I feel like i get my hands in the 220 w. First i thinkd thet neh you just gonna pruve me thet they cant but thet didant happend.
7:16 lol
I think its no, for unicorn to bencome alicorn they have to master magic. Pegasi i think they have to master flying (not sure)
to be aclorn
Please make more vids ;-;
Celestia and Luna was earthponies.
What proof do you have.
Your voice reminds me of Cleveland Brown
An earth pony would need not one but two ascensions
Not really. There's not reason they can't get both a pair of wings and a horn at the same time. Pegasi and Unicorns don't exactly embody the traits of Earth ponies. They only embody that of their own kind. When a pony ascends to become an Alicorn, they must embody all three pony races in order to embody the meaning of an Alicorn. If what you say is the case, then Twilight and Cadence would have had to go threw two ascensions as well in order to acquire the traits of an Earth pony when they got their horns and wings. But they didn't. They become a full on Alicorn. No second steps required.
@@ImaCartoon4ever ok they need to ascend once to get either the horn or the wings first then they need to ascend again to get another trust me i know cause thats what happened to my oc. Oh also i should know cause i am actually from equestria i was forced through a portal here and now im trying to get back there again oh and by the way i am a vampony brah so you really do not know about my kind
@@ImaCartoon4ever thats because its for earth ponies only i should know i was an earth pony before i became a allicorn and i had to go through two ascensions and that was after i became a vampony now im the prince of the vamponies so yeah sorry to burst your bubble
OC stories are your own. Whatever you want to say is true and only has to be true to you. However, don't use it as a credible source or as an example to an argument about the show since that's just a theory and not a fact. There's nothing in the show or MLP canon that supports that theory that Earth ponies need two ascensions in order to become an Alicorn. Nothing whatsoever. The point is, just because you make it a fact for your own OC doesn't mean it's a fact of the show.
spoiler alert. sunny became Alicorn in g5.
Luna and Celestia said they've never seen alicorns birth before or something like that whenever flurry heart was born, therefore they couldn't have been born alicorns if it has never been done -
Tordy Lordy No they didn't. Celestia said that the birth of an alicorn is something "equestia" has never seen before. Luna said "it is beyond even our understanding" which meant that being the ONLY born alicorns in equestia, they wouldn't have seen another one's birth. It's as simple as that, yet, everyone and their grandmother keep interpreting their words as "we don't know cause we're not alicorns ". Equestia didn't exist when celestia and Luna were born. So obviously equestia would never have experienced the birth of an alicorn.
Oh crippity crap. Sorry I didn’t listen to that. Love your vids though!!
Ok you are wrong Celestia and Luna were not born Alicorn they said so in the episod flurryheart was introduced
No they didn't. And yes they were born Alicorns. Last time I checked, Equestria was founded before Celestia and Luna became the Princesses of it. They were made the Princesses of Equestria because they were already Alicorns. So tell me, if they became Alicorns when Equestria was already founded, why would the birth of an Alicorn be a surprise to Equestria if they already saw Celestia and Luna become Alicorns. The answer, they were already Alicorns, but Equestria never saw one be born. Until now.
Rav3n Mad Actually In The episode that flurryheart Was Introduced they said in their dialog that they have never seen a alicorn born straight as is so yes Tia and Luna were not born as Alicorn but were indeed born from Alicorn parents
If you're born an Alicorn, like Celestia and Luna were, you're not gonna know the ins and outs of an Alicorn's life, especially if you're raised by ponies that don't know anything about Alicorns either. When luna said "It is beyond even our understanding", seeing as they're the only Alicorns who have appeared in the series, and have had no children of their own, it stands to reason that they wouldn't know anything about the birth of an Alicorn since they weren't around during their own births. The problem is people are expecting them to know everything from the moment they're born to the present day, when that's physically impossible for an infant to know or hold memories of their own birth. Other than the Journal of the Two Sisters, there's nothing else that shows whether or not there were more Alicorn or that Celestia and Luna are the ONLY Alicorns in existence. As of right now, there is no solid proof that Celestia and Luna weren't born Alicorns. Anything further mentioned right now is purely speculative and holds no solid answer.
Rav3n Mad ... Ok for one my original comment was from how I felt and two if they were born alicorns it would most likely be that they were born from a place where all or most of the residences are alicorns and that could still happen even if they were not born alicorns but simply it was in their DNA to become alicorns and If I am correct about where they would have been born then they would know if any other alicorns were born and as simply it may only be where if an Alicorn not born from the tribe but made an Alicorn by an Alicorn then it may be possible for the Alicorn to give birth to an alicorn
yes we seen it happen
I think rainbow dash deserves to be an alicorn
Yea they can become alicorns because an alicorn is a mix of unicorn Pegasus and earth ponies twilight was only a unicorn then she became a Pegasus also they didn’t show it but she wouldn’t be an alicorn if she hadn’t also become an earth ponie she became a Pegasus and an earth ponie so a earth ponie would also lead them to becoming part unicorn and part Pegasi so yes
5:55 😂
Princess Celetsia and Luna did'nt born alicorns, just Flurryheart.
But I love your thinking! Countinue with it!
Can you cite any proof that they weren't born Alicorns? Season 6's "The Crystalling" doesn't count just so you know cause nothing in their dialog proves that they weren't born alicorns
Rav3n Mad the crystaling:
Princess Celetsia: "born of an alicorn is something Equestria is never seen!"
So, clearly Celetsia and Luna did'nt born alicorns.
And that is count, you can say it's not, that the proof. Celetsia and Luna obiesly have alicorn mam, because if not, Celetsia doesn'tnt Suprise from alicorn born to alicorn. And from that that she Suprise we can learn that there was alicorns at the past they never born one.
Ok look. She said The Birth of an Alicorn is something "Equestria" has never seen. Celestia and Luna were already born as Alicorns before the founding of Equestria. After Equestria's founding, they were put in charge because they were Alicorns. They didn't become Alicorns when they lifted the Sun or Moon and got their cutie marks. They were already Alicorns. The reason it's beyond their understanding is because they've never seen anyone give birth to an Alicorn that WASN'T a natural born Alicorn or that didn't have a unicorn for a father instead of an Alicorn. I'm saying that their lines in that episode isn't proof cause nothing they say proves that they themselves weren't born Alicorns. Unless we see a flashback of them not as Alicorns, or until they say with 100% honesty in the show "I wasn't born an Alicorn and I actually ascended to it like you have Twilight" then all the words in The Crystalling aren't proof or concrete enough to guarantee that they weren't natural born Alicorns.
Answer me this: How come we've only seen the birth of an Alicorn up until now? How come in the 1000s of years Celestia and Luna have been alive, they've never mentioned or seen the birth of another Alicorn? That's because they're the only ones and no one has ever given birth to an Alicorn. If they're truly the last of their kind, then of course they wouldn't understand how an Alicorn can be born to a couple that originally, weren't natural born Alicorns. So until Celestia and Luna give birth themselves, Equestria is never going to see the birth of an Alicorn. All the birth of Flurry Heart proves is that ponies that have ascended to the Level of an Alicorn can in fact give birth to an Alicorn. Even if both parents aren't both Alicorns.
Rav3n Mad ok, first- at season 1 hearts warming heave we see that Equestria found by unicorns, pegasus, and earth ponys. They found this land because there no more food in there land. Why there no more food? Because the windigous that make cold winter. Why they come? Because the ponies were fighting. If there was alicorns in charge they obiesly were stop the fighting and bring harmony again. And even if we say that they did'nt do that, if you look back you see that who is went to find new place to live was the charges of all the kinds of ponies. If there was alicorns in charge, prabomly go. After they found Equestria and all the kinds of ponies was together in hermany, they needed a new leader, somepony who represent all the ponies together. And than Celetsia are born. If you look at season 8 the horse play you see that befor Celetsia unicorns work pretty hard to rise the sun. And than come Celetsia that in that time was Starsworld student. And she say she have the power to rise the sun. Starsworld saw that his student have the power to roul Equestria so he make her an alicorn. But Starsworld saw that it doesn't enaf. Ponies need somepony to protect them at the night too, so he make Luna into Alicorn too.
And that the story of Equestria
Maybe for pinkie and aj. Alacorn
Celeteia was an Earth pony and now she's not
Yes they can
I akhuly didnt lok att the intiere vidio before vrigting tis
Yes i guess
my oc is a earth pony
Aple jak the Princess of harmony and God of aples