@@sarakrewson4725 is that kind of like saying happy Sabbath ..or get out Babylon. Or we are the remnant. Or there would be 2,300 days.. and then the sanctuary would be cleansed. (That's not salvation)! it (doesn't exist in those words.).. that's just babble talk. You're in Babylon.. and you don't know it!
Isaiah 8:20 “To the law and to the testimony If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isiah 28:10 “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, and there a little.” Check out what she says and check out her history. Why people think she is a prophet from God. He has His prophets all through history. Read ‘Great Controversy’. Judge for yourself comparing to the Bible, your guideline.
We have some folks who aren't very experienced with Ellen White at our church in Logan, West Virginia. It seems that the Lord has overseen the making of this video for my church. I'm going to show this 16-minute video at our church and hopefully it will just be the start of people's minds opening more and more to our Lord's prophet, Ellen White. I have found her writings to be nothing but positive in my relationship with God. I was so skeptical of her when I first heard about this church, but I've read many of her books and her other writings and I have not found anything that disproves her as a prophet. There were things that were alarming in my experience (and sometimes mind blowing), but, as long as I kept reading, I was able to see that the alarm could be turned off. That woman is a legitimate prophet! Steps to Christ was the first book that I read of hers, and I wasn't even aware of the SDA church back then. As I was reading it I kept thinking, "This woman really knows the Lord!” I just want to praise the Lord for your ministry, fellas! I can feel the flames burning all around me when I watch your videos (so to speak)! LOL! 🔥🚒
@tomlee71 praise the Lord tomlee! Please keep us updated on how they react to this video. Keep the faith and don't be discouraged by the critics (such as one you will likely reply to you here). Your experience has been the same as mine. Whenever I just keep reading and patiently waiting on the Lord, He usually reveals to me the light on these tough subjects. Blessings.
So if you do.. I'll give you $5,000 if you can interpret Daniel 8.. in the context that it's written. I'm waiting on you. you claim you have the spirit of Prophecy and this is the cornerstone of where you come from!. Where does Jesus tell you this is located at at the end of Time Matthew 24:15?
@@JamieElison Sorry mister, but it looks like I missed one more comment from you, since you begin your single comment with the words "So if you do...". So if I do WHAT exactly? Only that what you wrote subsequently? If so then that's easy. Just study Daniel 11. Especially verses 22 and 31. And see what (or who) comes first in verse 22, and then what comes much later in verse 31.
@MrAdik861 what's being (placed in )verse 11: 31. In Daniel...After a daily sacrifice comes to a stop. Who stopped it ?and ((what's being placed in there?))) The exact same thing that's happening in 12:11 of Daniel.. and it takes( 30 days to set it up.)... What is that? And how much space of time is there between verse 22 and verse 31 ??? the Bible tells you exactly how many days that is! What is it..?
@MrAdik861 yes ..I do.. who is it.? You sure ??you better had the holy Spirit ..when you answer that question! Why didn't you answer me what's ( being placed in the sanctuary.)?
So why don't you speak the truth about the word of God ?and how did you come up with a sanctuary that is needs to be cleansed in 1844? because if that happens you can't possibly have the Jesus of Hebrews 7:13. !!!you got a false Jesus!!! And your printing scripture text is if you know what you're doing!.
Only if she is commenting on the scriptures and not to reinterpret them.Revation 22 v18-19 says this very clearly.This does not apply only to this book but ALL scripture.A curse is attached. Investigative Jugement is an example of it.Christ said on the cross it is completed paid in full!!That is what the word in Greek means.It is dishonoring to God if we believe the cross was not sufficient!
IJ does not take anything away from the sacrifice of Jesus. Instead, it show how eventually the sin problem will be disposed of. If in fact all was done at the cross, we wouldn’t be here and the Jewish festivals would have ended with the day of atonement. But instead we are still here with the sin problem. It is the sanctuary system and day of atonement that explains why we are still here. This in no way lessens the sacrifice on Calvary.
"dishonoring to God if we believe the cross was not sufficient!" So, we are on the same page, could you list the things for which it is sufficient? Then we could rejoice together in those things and then see what else might be left.
@kevinmorgan_truth The sacrifice covers all sin. if it did not we could not be sure of our salvation.It does not mean we can continue in our sin however because we exist in a material body we cannot compleletly avoid sin but we have an advocate in Jesus when we do. After being spiritually born again our good works can mean something but salvatiion is not dependent upon them.
Can I ask you where in the Bible Sunday is named Mark of the Beast and Saturday seal of God? Not Sign but Seal. Two completely diferent words with different meaning
@@jackdaniels5489 Now, can I ask: What is the crosshairs (overlap) between worshipping Him who made heaven and earth (Rev. 14:7; Gen. 2:4; Exod. 31:17) and keeping the commandments of God (Rev. 14:12; 1 Cor. 7:19)? That will give you your answer. It seems to me that the difference in view between those who gather for worship on Sunday and those who rest and gather for worship on the Sabbath is that those who gather for worship on Sunday do not believe that it is important that God blessed and sanctified the seventh day at Creation (Gen. 2:2, 3) through divine command, making the Sabbath for man (Mark 2:27), while those who rest and gather for worship on the Sabbath do.
@kevinmorgan_truth and where is im the Bible that Sunday is mark and Saturday seal? Do yoh have or not? We can interpret the bible on billion ways but what is actually writen is important. For example I have evidence that Saturday is Not and Cannot be the Seal. Do you have evidence for your claims or not? I don't care which day is Seventh because that information cannot save my soul. I don't care about old creation because I'm part of the new creation. Now,If you cannot provide me directly from the Bible what I ask for then Egw us False prophet and Sda false church
Good point team --- Another Bible principles on the legitimacy of the Messenger of The Lord EGW... God bless from your counterpart in the Philippines - The Advent Biblical International Ministry!
She said you could reach October 22nd 1844 from Ezra chapter 7 verse 9 ..could you show me. How that's going to work ?because the math equation does not work.. a 12 year old kid could tell you that's not truth.. and a true prophet does not lie.
Jesus Christ is the Infallible interpreter of Scripture. Luke 24:44-47. He has sent the Holy Spirit, His Divine Representative to unfold the meaning of His own Word throughout succeeding ages. The Holy Spirit, in Prophecy, or the Word will never disagree, seeing the inspiration is the same. Additionally, in the study of the Word, The Lord Jesus, our Savior and our Judge, believed in the most complete inspiration of the Scriptures; and for him the first rule of all hermeneutics, and the commencement of all exegesis, was this simple maxim, And the scripture cannot be broken. John 10:35
@@jenniferbell7494 infact i read everything as long as it connects with the scriptures, However some books contradict with the bible, those ones turn away
Noah, Job, Adam are considered none Jewish prophets according to the Talmud. This would also be considered non-canonical prophets in the Holy Bible. And notice they weren’t Jewish 🤔🤔 so this also gives a ton of credibility the Mark2:27-28Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath. This is a holy commandment for all not just for the Jewish people.
No they can't read ps 147:19-20. Read matt 1:21 matt 2 : 6 this tell who Yah people are not all nations Isa. 40:17 no Ellen white is not a prophet of Yah. Isa. 40:17 he only knows Israel.
No, because neither she nor her writings (if there were any) were considered canonical. Same with Natham, Gad, Iddo, and their writings. The mere mention of a prophet doesn't make them canonical. The people recognized their writings as valuable, but not as standard (canonical).
@AdventDefenseLeague I'm asking for clarity and understanding. Conanical prophets are only those who have a book in the Canon? Is Ellen and Huldah on the same level of prophethood?
@PrayWithPurpose2023 yes, canonical are only those who's writings are considered to be part of the "Canon" of scripture, meaning books and letter in your Bible. So, Paul, Peter, Jeremiah, Isaiah are "canonical." But Gad, Iddo, Huldah, Nathan are not. They are prophets, but not "canonical" prophets. This means whatever is canonical we consider to be the ultimate, above all standard of Christian living. The Bible is Canon. But the writings of non-canonical prophets are not. And yes, SDAs consider EGW as a prophetess like Huldah, but not on a canonical level like the Bible writers.
@@AdventDefenseLeague I understood Nathan, Huldah, Gad, and Iddo as canonical prophets in the sense that their prophetic work is recorded or referenced in the Bible (the canon of Scripture). However, they did not author books of the Bible, making them non-writing prophets. Meaning these prophets are canonical in influence because they are referenced within the Bible, but they are non-canonical in authorship as they did not write any biblical books. Would this be similar to what you are saying?
@@PrayWithPurpose2023 The word canon means "standard" and so the writings of Nathan is not "canonical" even if he wrote something because what he wrote was not considered the "standard" for living and practicing religion, albeit they were good for information. That is why the author of Chronicles refers his readers to his writings for more information on the life of David and Solomon, and yet the Jews never incorporated his writings as a part of the Torah (meaning "instructions"). "Influence" does not prove canonicity. It would have to be part of the Torah or what we call "Bible" in order to be canon.
Understand that I have books written by sister white, not the compilation which the denomination copied and pasted to their desires. My most treasured writings are from the MEN of the early SDA church the pioneer through God built. With that said, remember that she NEVER took the title of “prophet” she said that “men” called her that and that she was just her master’s messenger. Further, to many of you SDA “teachers” as well as members will quote her before the bible, and you use her writing’s as if they are equal to or above the Bible in this you “ERROR”. What she wrote was the lesser light to the greater light, remember this. I have listened to many “sermons” that only came from her writings or compilations which she did not write. Another, point is this, while must of you “teachers” refuse to follow what she wrote concerning the pioneer men and what they taught and wrote, why is this? Why do you guys and others ONLY use her writing and not the pioneer MEN’s writings? For there you will find the TRUTH that will carry us to the New City. If you knew what they taught, if you studied what these men wrote you would be teaching what is needed for the last days. But you do not know their writings for you ignore what YOUR prophet told you to do! When men come in who would move one pin or pillar from the foundation which God has established by His Holy Spirit, let the aged men who were pioneers in our work speak plainly, and let those who are dead speak also, by the reprinting of their articles in our periodicals. Gather up the rays of divine light that God has given as He has led His people on step by step in the way of truth. This truth will stand the test of time and trial. Ms 62, 1905, p. 6. (A Warning against False Theories, May 24, 1905.) (Ellen White, 1905, Manuscript Releases Volume One, page 55) When men come in who would move one pin or pillar from the foundation which God has established by His Holy Spirit, let the aged men who were pioneers in our work speak plainly, and let those who are dead speak also, by the reprinting of their articles in our periodicals. Gather up the rays of divine light that God has given as He has led His people on step by step in the way of truth. This truth will stand the test of time and trial. Ms 62, 1905, p. 6. (A Warning against False Theories, May 24, 1905.) (Ellen White, 1905, Manuscript Releases Volume One, page 55)
@billhendricks5375 Do some research outside of the SDA and you will be gob smacked. Why not ? be one of millions and millions that have studied their way out of Adventism.
Every false prophesy people claim she made have all been claims made as a resulf of incorrect interpretation and / or prejudice. An example is people say she is a false prophet because she said Jesusis coming soon.. Jesushimsrlf said hes coming soon. Is Jesus a false prophet... @alongcamejones309
@AdventDefenseLeague wow. Tell me pls. Where in the Bible Sunday is named Mark of the beast and Saturday seal of God? Pls show to us you godly man... And btw,why they have to flee from one part of the country to another 1851? I will tell you. They convinced people to sell everything snd give to them and after Jesus did not return when egw like 20 times saw in her false visions,she told them that Jesus will return 1851,people became angry and wanted to kill them and then they run away like cowards. And btw,Get Ready,Get Ready,Get Ready vision is absolutely false. Couple of months is not 200 years
You guys are in error. Huldah was of Israel. The Chosen people of God. God did not choose prophets from outside of His chosen people. The same, when Jesus started His Church, 2000 years ago, He gave the disciples The Holy Spirit. Therefore, only His Church has the authority to interpret Scripture. Any interpretation that disagrees with the Catholic Catechism is a false interpretation
The Didache from the first centuary puts prophets lower than the other gifts of the spirit . Aren't we told as Christians to test the prophets? Ellen White copied at least 90 % of what she wrote from other Christians mostly Anglican writers . Please give credit from who she copied and got understanding from as also having the prophetic gift. The Bible says we should "test the prophets" and if we are to do this we ordinary Christians have a great authority given by the Holy Spirit. Ellen White adds to scripture with her Great Controversy theme and endorses the Sanctuary doctrine and the Investigative Judgement doctrine. We don't have to stand by and accept this when it is against the clear teaching of scripture and ordinary spirit filled Christians have that authority . If we can't judge the people claiming to be prophets we have to logically accept them all even Joseph Smith just because they say they are prophets. Ellen also copied from Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet. I'm sure most Adventists don't believe what you are proposing here and yes Prophets can interpret scripture but so can everyone else May God bless us all and lead us all to the truth of scripture
Repeating Walter Rea's "The White Lie" I see. Rea's book is FULL of lies itself, including the already and repeatedly refuted claim of the 80-90% claim which you are repeating here, but the bigger irony is that Rea himself pulled much of his repeated cyclical refuted arguments from D.M. Canright's book, "Seventh day Adventism Renounced." It's very obvious where you're getting your false information from. Not only that, but if we do the math and actual research, which you have NOT done and it's very evident, the inflated and false 80-90% number is just blatantly not true at all. Tim Poirier's three-page summary report on "Project Surprise" documented all known literary parallels (research was begun in 1981) and proved conclusively that estimates ranging from 80%-90% of borrowed materials were GROSSLY INFLATED: (a) GC had 15.1% quoted, with source indicated, and an additional 5.1% uncredited, for a total of 20.5% overall. (b) Sketches from the Life of Paul had 12.23% borrowed material. (c) Steps to Christ's total was 6.2%. (d) All other books-excluding DA, which Dr. Veltman studied came in at 3% or less of borrowed material. So you could apologize for bearing false witness, or you could continue to be confronted and refuted for your perpetuation of known and debunked false claims.
In 1986: On Oct. 14, Tim Poirier's three-page summary report on "Project Surprise" documented all known literary parallels (research was begun in 1981) and proved conclusively that estimates ranging from 80%-90% of borrowed materials were grossly inflated: (a) GC had 15.1% quoted, with source indicated, and an additional 5.1% uncredited, for a total of 20.5% overall. (b) Sketches from the Life of Paul had 12.23% borrowed material. (c) Steps to Christ's total was 6.2%. (d) All other books-excluding DA, which Dr. Veltman studied came in at 3% or less of borrowed material.
@@NateH1984 I have seen a new convert to Adventism read Ellen White's book Early writings and Immediately know the text is from Miltons Paradise Lost a fictional account. That person was my wife
Amen and amen indeed
"Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper"
2 Chr 20 v 20
Yeah but why are you not established?
Amen brothers.. I heard Mikey Jenny got a GC book to Candace Owens.. Y'all please pray for her and hers.. I hope she comes around to the truth..
What truth do you want her to know
@JamieElison The.
@@sarakrewson4725 is that kind of like saying happy Sabbath ..or get out Babylon. Or we are the remnant. Or there would be 2,300 days.. and then the sanctuary would be cleansed. (That's not salvation)! it (doesn't exist in those words.).. that's just babble talk. You're in Babylon.. and you don't know it!
Isaiah 8:20 “To the law and to the testimony If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”
Isiah 28:10 “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, and there a little.” Check out what she says and check out her history. Why people think she is a prophet from God. He has His prophets all through history. Read ‘Great Controversy’. Judge for yourself comparing to the Bible, your guideline.
We have some folks who aren't very experienced with Ellen White at our church in Logan, West Virginia. It seems that the Lord has overseen the making of this video for my church. I'm going to show this 16-minute video at our church and hopefully it will just be the start of people's minds opening more and more to our Lord's prophet, Ellen White. I have found her writings to be nothing but positive in my relationship with God. I was so skeptical of her when I first heard about this church, but I've read many of her books and her other writings and I have not found anything that disproves her as a prophet. There were things that were alarming in my experience (and sometimes mind blowing), but, as long as I kept reading, I was able to see that the alarm could be turned off. That woman is a legitimate prophet! Steps to Christ was the first book that I read of hers, and I wasn't even aware of the SDA church back then. As I was reading it I kept thinking, "This woman really knows the Lord!” I just want to praise the Lord for your ministry, fellas! I can feel the flames burning all around me when I watch your videos (so to speak)! LOL! 🔥🚒
@tomlee71 praise the Lord tomlee! Please keep us updated on how they react to this video. Keep the faith and don't be discouraged by the critics (such as one you will likely reply to you here). Your experience has been the same as mine. Whenever I just keep reading and patiently waiting on the Lord, He usually reveals to me the light on these tough subjects. Blessings.
Spot on -
Amen! Too many of our critics simply don't know the Holy Scriptures.
So if you do.. I'll give you $5,000 if you can interpret Daniel 8.. in the context that it's written. I'm waiting on you. you claim you have the spirit of Prophecy and this is the cornerstone of where you come from!. Where does Jesus tell you this is located at at the end of Time Matthew 24:15?
@@JamieElison Sorry mister, but it looks like I missed one more comment from you, since you begin your single comment with the words "So if you do...". So if I do WHAT exactly? Only that what you wrote subsequently?
If so then that's easy. Just study Daniel 11. Especially verses 22 and 31. And see what (or who) comes first in verse 22, and then what comes much later in verse 31.
@MrAdik861 what's being (placed in )verse 11: 31. In Daniel...After a daily sacrifice comes to a stop. Who stopped it ?and ((what's being placed in there?))) The exact same thing that's happening in 12:11 of Daniel.. and it takes( 30 days to set it up.)... What is that? And how much space of time is there between verse 22 and verse 31 ??? the Bible tells you exactly how many days that is! What is it..?
@@JamieElison Do you understand who is the "prince of the covenant" from Dan 11:22?
@MrAdik861 yes ..I do.. who is it.? You sure ??you better had the holy Spirit ..when you answer that question! Why didn't you answer me what's ( being placed in the sanctuary.)?
Where are their prophets? 🤯 WoW. Such a bar uttered by bro Donte.
To the law and to the testimony! If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20. Judge for yourself. 😁
So why don't you speak the truth about the word of God ?and how did you come up with a sanctuary that is needs to be cleansed in 1844? because if that happens you can't possibly have the Jesus of Hebrews 7:13. !!!you got a false Jesus!!! And your printing scripture text is if you know what you're doing!.
Any person led by holy spirit ( male or female) will be inspired to search and interpret scripture.
Only if she is commenting on the scriptures and not to reinterpret them.Revation 22 v18-19 says this very clearly.This does not apply only to this book but ALL scripture.A curse is attached. Investigative Jugement is an example of it.Christ said on the cross it is completed paid in full!!That is what the word in Greek means.It is dishonoring to God if we believe the cross was not sufficient!
Ellen White did not invent the investigative judgment, that was studied out by Hiram Edson and others months before Ellen White ever confirmed it.
IJ does not take anything away from the sacrifice of Jesus. Instead, it show how eventually the sin problem will be disposed of. If in fact all was done at the cross, we wouldn’t be here and the Jewish festivals would have ended with the day of atonement. But instead we are still here with the sin problem. It is the sanctuary system and day of atonement that explains why we are still here. This in no way lessens the sacrifice on Calvary.
"dishonoring to God if we believe the cross was not sufficient!" So, we are on the same page, could you list the things for which it is sufficient? Then we could rejoice together in those things and then see what else might be left.
@kevinmorgan_truth The sacrifice covers all sin. if it did not we could not be sure of our salvation.It does not mean we can continue in our sin however because we exist in a material body we cannot compleletly avoid sin but we have an advocate in Jesus when we do. After being spiritually born again our good works can mean something but salvatiion is not dependent upon them.
@@edwardmctaggart6841 Thanks. So the sacrifice does not excuse sin, which is the "transgression of the law." That about covers it.
They are presenting an unbiblical argument, while your response is biblical.
Unfortunately, there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to our critics' behavior...or research.
Can I ask you where in the Bible Sunday is named Mark of the Beast and Saturday seal of God? Not Sign but Seal. Two completely diferent words with different meaning
@@jackdaniels5489 Sure you can.
@@jackdaniels5489 Now, can I ask: What is the crosshairs (overlap) between worshipping Him who made heaven and earth (Rev. 14:7; Gen. 2:4; Exod. 31:17) and keeping the commandments of God (Rev. 14:12; 1 Cor. 7:19)? That will give you your answer.
It seems to me that the difference in view between those who gather for worship on Sunday and those who rest and gather for worship on the Sabbath is that those who gather for worship on Sunday do not believe that it is important that God blessed and sanctified the seventh day at Creation (Gen. 2:2, 3) through divine command, making the Sabbath for man (Mark 2:27), while those who rest and gather for worship on the Sabbath do.
@kevinmorgan_truth and where is im the Bible that Sunday is mark and Saturday seal? Do yoh have or not? We can interpret the bible on billion ways but what is actually writen is important. For example I have evidence that Saturday is Not and Cannot be the Seal. Do you have evidence for your claims or not? I don't care which day is Seventh because that information cannot save my soul. I don't care about old creation because I'm part of the new creation. Now,If you cannot provide me directly from the Bible what I ask for then Egw us False prophet and Sda false church
Good point team --- Another Bible principles on the legitimacy of the Messenger of The Lord EGW... God bless from your counterpart in the Philippines - The Advent Biblical International Ministry!
She said you could reach October 22nd 1844 from Ezra chapter 7 verse 9 ..could you show me. How that's going to work ?because the math equation does not work.. a 12 year old kid could tell you that's not truth.. and a true prophet does not lie.
Jesus Christ is the Infallible interpreter of Scripture. Luke 24:44-47. He has sent the Holy Spirit, His Divine Representative to unfold the meaning of His own Word throughout succeeding ages. The Holy Spirit, in Prophecy, or the Word will never disagree, seeing the inspiration is the same.
Additionally, in the study of the Word, The Lord Jesus, our Savior and our Judge, believed in the most complete inspiration of the Scriptures; and for him the first rule of all hermeneutics, and the commencement of all exegesis, was this simple maxim, And the scripture cannot be broken. John 10:35
What are your thoughts on reading non- canonical books?
@@jenniferbell7494 infact i read everything as long as it connects with the scriptures, However some books contradict with the bible, those ones turn away
Like which?
Noah, Job, Adam are considered none Jewish prophets according to the Talmud. This would also be considered non-canonical prophets in the Holy Bible. And notice they weren’t Jewish 🤔🤔 so this also gives a ton of credibility the Mark2:27-28Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath. This is a holy commandment for all not just for the Jewish people.
No they can't read ps 147:19-20. Read matt 1:21 matt 2 : 6 this tell who Yah people are not all nations Isa. 40:17 no Ellen white is not a prophet of Yah. Isa. 40:17 he only knows Israel.
Wouldn't Huldah technically be a conanical prophet since she's in the bible?
No, because neither she nor her writings (if there were any) were considered canonical. Same with Natham, Gad, Iddo, and their writings. The mere mention of a prophet doesn't make them canonical. The people recognized their writings as valuable, but not as standard (canonical).
@AdventDefenseLeague I'm asking for clarity and understanding. Conanical prophets are only those who have a book in the Canon? Is Ellen and Huldah on the same level of prophethood?
@PrayWithPurpose2023 yes, canonical are only those who's writings are considered to be part of the "Canon" of scripture, meaning books and letter in your Bible. So, Paul, Peter, Jeremiah, Isaiah are "canonical." But Gad, Iddo, Huldah, Nathan are not. They are prophets, but not "canonical" prophets. This means whatever is canonical we consider to be the ultimate, above all standard of Christian living. The Bible is Canon. But the writings of non-canonical prophets are not.
And yes, SDAs consider EGW as a prophetess like Huldah, but not on a canonical level like the Bible writers.
@@AdventDefenseLeague I understood Nathan, Huldah, Gad, and Iddo as canonical prophets in the sense that their prophetic work is recorded or referenced in the Bible (the canon of Scripture). However, they did not author books of the Bible, making them non-writing prophets. Meaning these prophets are canonical in influence because they are referenced within the Bible, but they are non-canonical in authorship as they did not write any biblical books. Would this be similar to what you are saying?
@@PrayWithPurpose2023 The word canon means "standard" and so the writings of Nathan is not "canonical" even if he wrote something because what he wrote was not considered the "standard" for living and practicing religion, albeit they were good for information. That is why the author of Chronicles refers his readers to his writings for more information on the life of David and Solomon, and yet the Jews never incorporated his writings as a part of the Torah (meaning "instructions").
"Influence" does not prove canonicity. It would have to be part of the Torah or what we call "Bible" in order to be canon.
Understand that I have books written by sister white, not the compilation which the denomination copied and pasted to their desires. My most treasured writings are from the MEN of the early SDA church the pioneer through God built.
With that said, remember that she NEVER took the title of “prophet” she said that “men” called her that and that she was just her master’s messenger.
Further, to many of you SDA “teachers” as well as members will quote her before the bible, and you use her writing’s as if they are equal to or above the Bible in this you “ERROR”. What she wrote was the lesser light to the greater light, remember this.
I have listened to many “sermons” that only came from her writings or compilations which she did not write.
Another, point is this, while must of you “teachers” refuse to follow what she wrote concerning the pioneer men and what they taught and wrote, why is this? Why do you guys and others ONLY use her writing and not the pioneer MEN’s writings? For there you will find the TRUTH that will carry us to the New City.
If you knew what they taught, if you studied what these men wrote you would be teaching what is needed for the last days. But you do not know their writings for you ignore what YOUR prophet told you to do!
When men come in who would move one pin or pillar from the foundation which God has established by His Holy Spirit, let the aged men who were pioneers in our work speak plainly, and let those who are dead speak also, by the reprinting of their articles in our periodicals. Gather up the rays of divine light that God has given as He has led His people on step by step in the way of truth. This truth will stand the test of time and trial. Ms 62, 1905, p. 6. (A Warning against False Theories, May 24, 1905.) (Ellen White, 1905, Manuscript Releases Volume One, page 55)
When men come in who would move one pin or pillar from the foundation which God has established by His Holy Spirit, let the aged men who were pioneers in our work speak plainly, and let those who are dead speak also, by the reprinting of their articles in our periodicals. Gather up the rays of divine light that God has given as He has led His people on step by step in the way of truth. This truth will stand the test of time and trial. Ms 62, 1905, p. 6. (A Warning against False Theories, May 24, 1905.) (Ellen White, 1905, Manuscript Releases Volume One, page 55)
Any interpretations by a False Teacher and a False Prophetess like EGW should be rejected immediately for safety reasons.
Any of those false interpretations come to your mind, or do you just like making vague statements.
@billhendricks5375 Do some research outside of the SDA and you will be gob smacked.
Why not ? be one of millions and millions that have studied their way out of Adventism.
Every false prophesy people claim she made have all been claims made as a resulf of incorrect interpretation and / or prejudice. An example is people say she is a false prophet because she said Jesusis coming soon.. Jesushimsrlf said hes coming soon. Is Jesus a false prophet... @alongcamejones309
@@alongcamejones309 and millions have studied their way in. Your point?
@AdventDefenseLeague Well millions have studied their way in, and millions and millions have studied their way out.
All sounds fair to me. 😀
Of course not
But we all know that egw was false prophet and of course plagiator aka. Thief and Liar
"Of course not." Wonderful! We got a critic to acknowledge some truth at least.
@AdventDefenseLeague wow. Tell me pls. Where in the Bible Sunday is named Mark of the beast and Saturday seal of God? Pls show to us you godly man... And btw,why they have to flee from one part of the country to another 1851? I will tell you. They convinced people to sell everything snd give to them and after Jesus did not return when egw like 20 times saw in her false visions,she told them that Jesus will return 1851,people became angry and wanted to kill them and then they run away like cowards. And btw,Get Ready,Get Ready,Get Ready vision is absolutely false. Couple of months is not 200 years
What is this 1851 thing you are referring to? Where did you read that Ellen white said Jesus would return in 1851?
“Get ready get ready get ready vision is false, couple months is not 200 years”
What are you talking about?
@JustAMessenger-o7g do you know for her vision bout few month's untill the end of the world?
You guys are in error. Huldah was of Israel. The Chosen people of God. God did not choose prophets from outside of His chosen people.
The same, when Jesus started His Church, 2000 years ago, He gave the disciples The Holy Spirit. Therefore, only His Church has the authority to interpret Scripture.
Any interpretation that disagrees with the Catholic Catechism is a false interpretation
The Didache from the first centuary puts prophets lower than the other gifts of the spirit . Aren't we told as Christians to test the prophets?
Ellen White copied at least 90 % of what she wrote from other Christians mostly Anglican writers . Please give credit from who she copied and got understanding from as also having the prophetic gift.
The Bible says we should "test the prophets" and if we are to do this we ordinary Christians have a great authority given by the Holy Spirit.
Ellen White adds to scripture with her Great Controversy theme and endorses the Sanctuary doctrine and the Investigative Judgement doctrine. We don't have to stand by and accept this when it is against the clear teaching of scripture and ordinary spirit filled Christians have that authority .
If we can't judge the people claiming to be prophets we have to logically accept them all even Joseph Smith just because they say they are prophets. Ellen also copied from Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet.
I'm sure most Adventists don't believe what you are proposing here and yes Prophets can interpret scripture but so can everyone else
May God bless us all and lead us all to the truth of scripture
Repeating Walter Rea's "The White Lie" I see.
Rea's book is FULL of lies itself, including the already and repeatedly refuted claim of the 80-90% claim which you are repeating here, but the bigger irony is that Rea himself pulled much of his repeated cyclical refuted arguments from D.M. Canright's book, "Seventh day Adventism Renounced."
It's very obvious where you're getting your false information from. Not only that, but if we do the math and actual research, which you have NOT done and it's very evident, the inflated and false 80-90% number is just blatantly not true at all.
Tim Poirier's three-page summary report on "Project Surprise" documented all known literary parallels (research was begun in 1981) and proved conclusively that estimates ranging from 80%-90% of borrowed materials were GROSSLY INFLATED:
(a) GC had 15.1% quoted, with source indicated, and an additional 5.1% uncredited, for a total of 20.5% overall.
(b) Sketches from the Life of Paul had 12.23% borrowed material.
(c) Steps to Christ's total was 6.2%.
(d) All other books-excluding DA, which Dr. Veltman studied came in at 3% or less of borrowed material.
So you could apologize for bearing false witness, or you could continue to be confronted and refuted for your perpetuation of known and debunked false claims.
No she didn't.
In 1986: On Oct. 14, Tim Poirier's three-page summary report on "Project Surprise" documented all known literary parallels (research was begun in 1981) and proved conclusively that estimates ranging from 80%-90% of borrowed materials were grossly inflated:
(a) GC had 15.1% quoted, with source indicated, and an additional 5.1% uncredited, for a total of 20.5% overall.
(b) Sketches from the Life of Paul had 12.23% borrowed material.
(c) Steps to Christ's total was 6.2%.
(d) All other books-excluding DA, which Dr. Veltman studied came in at 3% or less of borrowed material.
@@NateH1984 thanks for sharing
@@NateH1984 I have seen a new convert to Adventism read Ellen White's book Early writings and Immediately know the text is from Miltons Paradise Lost a fictional account. That person was my wife