I think we have to thank you all Eritrea people what you have accomplished to collect and to put it on youtube so that to learn our ancestors history. It doesn't matter what I said to express my happiness you have done the greatest job in our home ( Eritrean) history.
ATA HAWEY with all my RESPECT , What ever we say or we think we have to be CAREFUL . In this history of Eritrea ,for me what i understand THE KUNAMA, AND ,AGEW are the real ABORIGINE of ERITREA. What about the rest of SAHO, BILEN, TIGRE, HARENDEWA, RESHADA, AFAR, and the TIGRIGNA SPEAKING Eritrean?
mnifre bahar shikor adia nara,agew and kunama deki abat ayikonun semieki eti wedi afom ziblo zelo eki tidegimi zeleki tarikawi bota nay agiazi eya Eri dehar keas geez entay malet diu tifeltiyo do? evidence alena kunama wey kali ayikonun hanixomo
fir trees gez kunama amxiyom iko aybelkun qidmi geez gna bal kunama neren iyen gez semetic Language indyu ab afriqa kem abat kikewin lili afriqawi aykilin iyu haftey
atse yohannes Hahaha he is not living in the past to use the old name. He says Eritrea so that people can understand him better. You are not even Eritrean how can you try to tell us who we are, go find out who you are first.
ምሕረት የውርደልኩም፡
ክልተ ሸውዓተ ይሃጭፍኩም ገታ፡
ናይ ጥፍ'ኣትን ሕንፍሽፍሽን ትውልዲ!
ጉዳም ኣኽር ዘመን
ኢና በጺሕና ሎምስ፡
ዎ ፈጣሪ ነዞም ታሪኽ ክቡር ህዝቢ ክጠዋውዩን
መልክዑ ቀይሮም መንእሰያት ከጋግዩ
ተበጊሶም ዘለው ትውልዲ
ካብቲ መንገዲ ጸጋም ናብ
መንገዲ የማን ክትመልሶም ይልምነካ ኣለኹ፡ኣሜንንንንንንንንን
I think we have to thank you all Eritrea people what you have accomplished to collect and to put it on youtube so that to learn our ancestors history. It doesn't matter what I said to express my happiness you have done the greatest job in our home ( Eritrean) history.
❤ ❤❤
Bravo bravo ezee eyou tarikna agazian kab gebsea teleaelom be nay lome Sudan be Gobi eteshefenet Hager mebsea tabit hezom zeatewu
Bhaki eye zemesgnrka nezi tarik share mgbarka, ane nbaeley mebekol adey mesfnto mkanu trah eyu tenegirui abye gn ksab kndzi deeply atye zfelto tarik nay abohagotatey ayfeltn eye neyre, 🙏🏾
I loved it
Thanks bro
absolute true
ግጉይ ሓበሬታ ናብ ህዝቢ አይትዘርግሕ አብ ሃገርና ኤርትራ አግኣዝያን ዝብሃል ነገድ ወይ ህዝቢ ከቶ አይነበረን የለን እውን እዩ :::
Ezom Btarikn Tuwldin Nay Ztefelaleyu Tuwldi Zelewom Negedat Hawawiskum Aytemxulna. Deqi Legayn Enayn Negede Ruven Israelawian Ember Saba Kush Aykonun. Kush Kalie Eyu, Siem Kalie Eyu. Suq Elka Halewlew Aytbel.
Hiton melsin .tzubuq aytewahaben.
እእዚ ሓታቲ መምህር ገ/ኪዳን ደስታ ፈታዊ ኤርትራ ፈላጢ ታሪኽ እዮም። ከይድካ ዝተዛረቡዎ ስማዕ።
Degat semera my great grandfather that got the royal on me funny think
Birged nahamedy
Tarik eritrea kedamay kfal
too many errors in this fellow version of history, please refer decent books than listing this superficial unfounded and hear-say version
Seb zeinatu welodo hatew-qetow kiblu Kiseme keloku yihermeni. Deqi Below-kelow nirakeb. Misay alo 250 zegebret tewldena. Nihna ina deqebat midri qeih Bahri. Xeruy eritrawi zibel yedeweleley
ATA HAWEY with all my RESPECT , What ever we say or we think we have to be CAREFUL .
In this history of Eritrea ,for me what i understand THE KUNAMA, AND ,AGEW are the real ABORIGINE of ERITREA.
What about the rest of SAHO, BILEN, TIGRE, HARENDEWA, RESHADA, AFAR, and the TIGRIGNA SPEAKING Eritrean?
Tsegay Atsbaha nara agew and kunama the first Eritrean People. also hidarib and afar also. other other 5 tribes are mixed People
gidisha bahar
are u in dreaming
fir trees you are in dreaming. kali kulu balikum temxiwo flsifinatat iyu
mnifre bahar
shikor adia nara,agew and kunama deki abat ayikonun semieki eti wedi afom ziblo zelo eki tidegimi zeleki tarikawi bota nay agiazi eya Eri dehar keas geez entay malet diu tifeltiyo do? evidence alena kunama wey kali ayikonun hanixomo
fir trees gez kunama amxiyom iko aybelkun qidmi geez gna bal kunama neren iyen gez semetic Language indyu ab afriqa kem abat kikewin lili afriqawi aykilin iyu haftey
Silu : Ato : Gufla :Azaql zeleiwo bota zitefaleye eiyou Eizom bdeqi Fuqurn ahwat fuqurn Guflan:Azaql zneberwo bota Haineba eintai aleka nebona fqur zweledo Selu eiyou . selun :Aton ahwat eiyom Afudeyou wn wdi Ato mkanu negerelna welodo eint tekoxiru kulu hade eiyou
ኣታ ስራሕ የለን ዲዩ ሃለው ትብሉ ምሕረት የውርድ
ንዋዩ ደበበ
Chd amharay
ንኣድጊ ዘይከቦዶስ ንመጽዓን ከቦዶ ።ንዝሰርሕ ሰብ ተስፋ ክንድ ንህብ ተስፋ ነቁርጾ ዓገብ
Achsum Do aysachum.hiweswas töricht.keytzarechum absi kitsarabu tzubuq aykonen
አጋዝያን አምህራ ግፅዝ ፈደል አማርኛ ፤ ፤ Tigrga they do not have writing just oral Speakers.
ab qwanqwa saho do aybezhin qalat areb
Bejaka Eritrea zebehal shem nay Italian eyou zehbuna 1890
Yea u think u know everything go to school, why Bible said Eritrea sea 🌊 the western change it to red sea go and read your fucken Bible okay
eway hatew ketew
ኣጋዝያን እኩም ምን እልኩም? ተጋሩ? ካብ ምዓዝ ኣመተምህርት ዝተፃሃፍ እዩ? ከም ኣምሃሩ እኩም ትግርብሩ ዝለኩም ናይ ትግራይ ታርክ መፅሃፋት እንዳቅዲሃኩም፡ እሞ ንምንታይ ፋሮ እና ዝይትብሉ ንቶም ናይህጂ ግብፃዊያን ፍርህክሞም፡ ምብዛሃቶም ኢርትራዊያን ካብ ሱዳን ዓለየት ብጃ ዝባሃሉ ኣብ ግብፅ እውን ዘለው ህብርተስብ እዮም፡ ክርምሱዳናዊያን ፋራኦ ይነብሩ እዮም ኣክሱማዊያን ካብ ኣክሱም ክይዶም ፋራኦ ኾይኖም ስልጣን ከምዝሃዙ ታሪኾም ባዓሎም ፅህይፎሞ እዮም፡ ንምንታይ ንግብፅ ታርክ ፋሮ ታርክና እዩ ዝይትብልው፡ ብሃቅይ ማንነትኩም ክትፍልጡ ዲኩም ውይ ንፖለትካ እዩ፡ ህዝይ ብዝርኣይ የቖብ ምፅሃፍ ትግርኛ ፊደል ጅምይርኩምስ ብዛዓባ ነገስታትን ነገድ ክትዛርቡ፡ እህይ እሞ ናይ ስለሙናዊይ ንግስታት እኩም እውን፡ ኣምሃራ እውን እኮ ምፅሃፍ ምፍልፋስ ምስጀመሩ እዮም ናብ ናይ ኣክሱም ታርክ ክልየም ጀምይሮም፡ ምርትዖ ውይ ምስርጃ ግን ምን የብሎምን፡ እተን ናይ ንውህ ግዜ ዝተፃሃፋ ምፅሃፋት ብግእዝ እየን ብተጋሩ እየን፡ ኣብ ዓለም ዝርከባ ኣውሽጥይ ዓዲን ምርትዖ ውት መስርጃ ዘለውን ምፅሃፋት፡ እዋ ምፅሃፋት ክይስርቖም ክሃብዑ እዞም ኣቅሽትይ ሃቖም እዮም፡ እንታይ ዓይነት ናይ ማንነት ህማም እዩ ይገርመንይ፡ ንተን ናይ ግእዝ መፅሃፋት ውስዶም ኩሎም ዝተፋላለይ ታርክ ይፅህፉ፡ ናይ ሃደ ህብርተስብ ታርክ ግን ዝተመሳስለ እዩ፡ ሃደ ባህልይ፡ ምስ ካልእ ህብርተስብ እውን ትውላለድ እካ፡ ስለዝተውላለድካ ግን ታሪኩ ናተይ ኣይትብሎን እካ፡ ክም ኢርትራ ህብርተስብ ብዙህ ናይ ውሻጣው ህማም ማንነት ዝባሃል ኣለኩም፡ ካብ ናይ ካልእ ህብርተስብ ተምሃሩ፡ ናይ ነውህ ታሪክን ባህልን ዝይብሎም ኣብዙይ ህዝይ ግዜ ግን ብጣዓምይ ዝተውንጭፉ ሱልጡናት ምዒቡላት ከም ህብርተስብን ሃገር፡ ኣብ ታርክ ኣክሱማዊያን ክትጫካጨኩ ግዜኩም ብኾንቱ ኣይትህልፊዎ፡ ውይ ናብቱይ ማን ምነትይ ትግራዋይ ትብልዎ ትሃባብይርኩም ንበሩ ውይ ናይ ባዓልኩም ፍጠሩ ሃድሽ፡ ሃዳሽ ኢርትራ ሃገር ፍጥርኩም ኣለኩም እቱይ ተታህዙ ዘሎ መሬት ትግራይ መልስኩም፡ ሃድ መርግፅ ሃዙ ስላም ሃብዎ ንህዝብይ ትግራይ ኣብዝይ ዘመናዊይ ግዜ ኩሉ ዝነቅህ፡ ብዝይኾነ ታርክ ጭኽጭኽ፡ ስላም ሃብዎ ንህዝብይ ትግራይ፡
See elka medenagerey zekona tarik aytezareb
Aye eza derfea ezea Aslam neshetara zetekomula eya
iwa yemen geez ytsihfu neru tblu alokum ata izom hizbi fiqri areb hizukum alo mesleni yemen do saba do ktiblu iko toq abilkumna hhhh.
ane wedi saho iye gna asawurta aykonkun nsikum saho kulla asawurta tmeslekum alla inda mnifre nbahal nihna qendi adina senafe iyu. kem abotatna ziblun adetatna ziblu inte koynu. nihna mnifre deqi Omer ibni alkhatab saudi areb ikum yibluna nerom. itom beal asawurta kea nsikum msana wela hade yebilkumn christian ikum abokum amharay iyu bwesen welidukum yibluna be haram malet iyu hatse fasil zbahal ab gonder znebere malet iyu. gna nihna absaho atiyom kndey gerom alowu saho koyinna allena gelia saho nera tigringa zeatewu allowu komu ztehanafetse hizbi slezukone ktfelyom kebid iyu. mekniyatu geliom islmina inte teqebilom nab saho yeatwu wey ms tigre wey ms afar yeatwu geliom kea christian inte atiom tigringa yeatwu komu koynu men iyom itom qendi kush kitfelyo kebid iyu lomi.
ab tezarebti saho belew meliom alowu 50 indatat fah tbil saho zeabeyet gna asawurtan hazo iyom kalot kulom hade iyom
abet hashewye hhhh
u guys r so funny the name Eritrea was not known before 126 years .
so please u should have to talk based on archeological finds .
atse yohannes
Hahaha he is not living in the past to use the old name. He says Eritrea so that people can understand him better. You are not even Eritrean how can you try to tell us who we are, go find out who you are first.
ab qwanqwa saho do aybezhin qalat areb
mnifre bahar sike
No ab tgrina u zbezih areb kab tgirina mefleyie yeblun