This is such a brilliant scene. You see the meek, humble Jesus transformed in the face of stone hearted hypocrisy. You can hear the authority and divinity in His voice. But instead of merely enjoying the renunciation of the Pharisees, we must search our own hearts and ask God to remove any tinge of hypocrisy from us.
Movies of Christ like this are not made anymore because today's "church" is obsessed with being positive and smiling all the time. To them, this Jesus looks "mean".
Yep. He just healed a blind man. How is that mean. I agree my friend. Stained Glass Window religion there is today. God Bless. This was not just a rebuke but a prophesy of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. God already knew. If I was Jesus I would have been pissed off too. He knew they were going to kill him.
He had every right to be pissed at the Pharisees. Pharisees thought that they were righteous. They even thought that they were without sin, and lo, and behold they really weren't! They had the nerve to believe that Jesus was the devil. But what those geniuses didn't realize that Jesus himself was judging them by looking into their hearts. What He saw, you can bet He wasn't too happy! Never, ever, ever piss off Jesus Christ, our Savior. Period.
Yes. I would have been more than pissed off. But I'm not Jesus Christ. He could have called the Angels of God to just end everything right then and there. But he loved us. Thank God.
He came unto his own. And they rejected him. Killed him. And the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah. Know wonder why they have so many problems. The Truth is the Truth
James Fulkerson if you have firm faith in Jesus Christ stay strong, they will threaten to kill us in some countries they have killed Christians, even now the extreme Orthodox Jews sent death threats to christians in Israel just for praying at the site of the Upper room where the last supper was
When he thunders, "You shall not see me hear again - not until you learn to cry!" and his voice trembles, I am so moved. I feel like I'm there in that temple with my heart breaking for the heartless way they treated the blind man and Jesus. When Jesus touches the blind man's head to comfort him while the Pharisee's accuse them both of evil works - He was as a father and mother to his people, and the Protector.
After more than 2k years, the meaning of Jesus is a combination of what we think we know historically and what he means to people as a figure. The film represents a very dated and narrow viewpoint of Jesus' life, mainly based on what Christians alive after him interpreted, but are most Christians living the way Jesus would have wanted them to? The answer is no, fact. look at Trump.
I saw the producer talking about this TV many years ago. He said, "I made this so everyone would KNOW who Jesus is." Best film I have ever seen in my life. It will bring you to tears, and then to tears of Joy!
@@MickeyNoble I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make, I mean in some ways you are correct about not all Christians living the way he wanted us to, but if I recall correctly that was prophesized as well in the Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Also I'm not quite sure how it can be dated if it's based on a new view of Christ who didn't live in his time, what exactly is narrow or dated about this?
Watch passion of the christ my brother. This is a cool and powerful movie but doesn't focus on the heart of his message as much as passion of the christ does.
'You shall not see me again until u learn to cry' my favorite part! It is amazing because many of us find christ when we are at our very lowest, that is then when he appears. Then at his 2nd coming it is written that the world will be in mourning...god forsees it all! Blessed be the name of our god'
Marsha Altidor It’s 2019 and we are mourning. We long for the Lord to come back. Those who lose their life will gain it, those who love their life will lose it. Jesus is coming. Repent, for you will not know the hour or the day.
The pharisees were more concerned with the letter of the law, and neglected the heart of it, which is mercy and faithfulness, helping others to repent and turn back to God.
John Harvey Catholics remember the big things when they focus on the little things. The Church is an infirmary for sinners not a hotel for righteous people. We are the most imperfect of men and seek to be perfected by Christ through the countless graces He gives us.
What's crazy is that the Pharisees were considered upstanding and exemplary citizens within the church and without. This shows how differently God judges than we do. God sees through all the rituals and external niceness, directly into our hearts and motives.
The Christians are the Pharisees here. They are people who think they worship God, but they are really worshiping the Antichrist, you are all of your Father the Devil. Revelation 13:14 (NLT) 14 And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, *he DECEIVED all the people* who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a *GREAT STATUE of the first BEAST, WHO WAS FATALLY WOUNDED AND THEN CAME BACK TO LIFE* The cross is the mark of the beast, the beast that was fatally wounded and came back to life. (Died and Resurected) They place the cross (mark of the beast) in your forehead on Ash Wednesday and they perform the cross with their right hands The Spanish Inquisition killed you if you didn't accept the Mark of this Beast, you cannot buy or sell if you are dead. The false prophet who is the face of Christianity, is a model after the Pope's son, Cesare Borgia. You were warned not to worship this man as a god in these end times. So what statue did they build of a false god that died and resurected? What other man is being worshipped as god today? What other god, that has died and resurrected, was made into a statue? Leave Christianity it is a man and proven devil worshiping cult. Worship Allah (God Almighty) the Creator of Heaven and Earth Only. Indeed I am God's Messenger that gives the Truth. This Reveals 666 The Beast of Revelation: (2 mins)
@@ISAiah.42 Jesus is the ONLY human being that has been resurrected from death after 3 days. No other person has done this. That is why he is unique and only God could do something like this.
Mave Colby You could not be more wrong. People are not "beginning to wake up and defect from Christianity." A simple Google search reveals that millions of Muslims are currently converting to Christianity. The growth of Christianity in China is so rapid that it will soon be the world's largest Christian nation. Seoul, South Korea is home to several Christian so-called megachurches. Many in Scandinavia are disgusted with the Church, but not Christianity. Christianity is also alive and well once more in Russia where Orthodoxy is the official faith.
Jesus will not waste his time spreading his word and gospel to politicians who only seek power and corruption. When Jesus does come, it will not be to lecture or to say any words, but the only take those with him and leave politicians and corrupted people behind. Blessed is he who comes to the Lord.
Maybe some go in to change the world , no power no money incentive you ever think of that ? wouldn't you I found Ron Paul about 15 years ago but his son is running and I have to say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Blessings.
Revelation 4:11 KJV Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created ALL things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
the Pharisees were envious of him, they wanted his power so they can keep extortioning people for their money and Jesus knew, that's why he called them hypocrites.
the pharisees were in fact "very good" people. they memorized all the scriptures and recite them without looking. their goodness were so great that there were no room for those who did wrong. Jesus exposed all of it.
@@Sp0ketHe's God* not a part of Him, that is mistake almost everyone commits, that is thinking God is divided in three pieces, it's actually One Being in Three Distinct Persons who are FULLY God, not One Person divided in three pieces.
The best movie of the life of Jesus Christ ever made! No other movie on his life and ministry even comes close. These new editions are awful and unbiblical in a lot area's. This movie truly and greatly impacted my life as a young boy. It's one thing to be taught something over and over again, but its pretty special to see what you've been taught comes to life. One of my favorite scenes in the movie.
Absolutely. . God bless you!! I think it's by far the best movie of Jesus from the bible.. it's by no means 100% scriptural but it gets it right.. I loved it. I still have a copy on DVD. God love you!!
Vernon Warren Please, Everyone, always treat Everyone and Everything with kindness, love and respect. Please always remember, Jesus is always there for you, no matter what! Please open your hearts to love and please find Jesus!!!!!!!
Vernon Warren, I could not agree more. Where does the time go - as it feels like only yesterday I was 6 years old and watching this movie on TV for the first time at Easter of 1977. I cried my eyes out when He was crucified. Just old enough to begin grasping what I was hearing in church every Sunday (as a Roman Catholic) and learning in school, as I was in Catholic school, so yes, to see this come to life on TV was an experience I remember like yesterday 41 years later. Nothing has even come remotely close since. Of course now, we know, we could never have known at that time we would soon be living in a world where this would become stifled, frowned upon, put down, blasphemed, ridiculed, and twisted & mocked in countless ways. At least we know the truth & our hearts keep these truths safe with us.
I remember when this was first shown, it actually caused controversy. I'm not sure why. The Holy Spirit used a scene in this film in order to open my eyes to who Jesus truly was/is. An anointed adaption.
Nothing has changed to the pharisees too as their descendants are the black hebrew israelites who are doing the same things their pharisee ancestors are doing.
yes He was… the King of the quick and the dead. the Judge of the world. blessed is he who was here before the world, and who came.. and is coming back Again
When you think about it, the definition of a hypocrite is when you say something is wrong but then you go off and do it. We all do things we know we should not be doing, so that makes us all hyprocrites. The best we can do is follow Jesus, read our bibles and pray daily, and let God take care of everything else. The bible is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
@@chris.h.9227 So true! Jesus described the two to get people thinking, " Do I want to be like the one who said, " Thank you, God that I am not like them, or like the other one who knew he sinned like everyone else and Said, God have mercy on me a sinner. I don't know about you, but I request of God, " God, have mercy on me a sinner! "
He is near. He will come back, but this time with Glory Majesty and Power. The evil will be destroyed once and for all. Blessed to be those who will be with Jesus in that day cause in Truth Jesus is the real Son of God Almighty.
@Ephraim S George - I have the Jesus of Nazareth DVD Eprhaim and play that part LOUD on my TV (Serpents, Vipers). For me, even though I dont carry myself Pridefully know it all - I still put myself with them due to our sin. But LOVE it cause he attacks the Proud and his truth on it still warrants this of men of today.
@@BTLFAEN I too. I have seen all films in which Robert Powell played a role, even the detective series. Although he is a great actor he never ever played like that a character. Because here he had not not play but to believe, Robert did❤️
"You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel!" My Lord Jesus Christ, words as sharp as a sword when needed. and gentle as a lamb for sinners like me. AMEN!
Sounds like someone is getting piercing in their heart. The same mouth of God that spoke against those religious leaders is like the Bible that is piercing to us that read it.
Many wonder what would happen if Jesus came back *what would Jesus do?*. well ... here's your answer, things haven't changed with man, deception is alive and well.
How can we deal with 2 verses where you are a liar no matter what. If we say we know God but does not keep the commandments is a liar. And those who say are without sin are a liar
Mave Colby I'm not sure why people are trying to make Jesus Christ "Black". He was a Jew. I never cared what color he was because at the end of the day it doesn't matter. He died for the sins of the whole world. He could have been a dark Jew, but the most important thing is he was God Almighty in the flesh. He could have been purple for all I care. I don't think any movie on his life will top Jesus of Nazareth. It was truly a masterpiece. The story, the location, the actors , the music and the spirituality was top notch. I'm my humble opinion
Jesus was never afraid to speak his mind and when he did it was with such courage and authority,and yet after 2000 years the world still mocks and laughs at him,but the day is coming when they all will bow down before him.
Amen! That's the love of God besides him being nice because both that he is nice and concerned is his love even to those who doubt him. I do see it that the attitude of the scribes and the pharisees were as if they dug their own hole in their own damnation. Not only did they curse out Jesus and people that he healed, they brought it up on themselves as a reflection of their behavior.
My favorite scene in that movie. What he says is so truthful. If he was to come back... same old scenario again. Men have not learned. He would symbolically be crucified again. Living superficially does that to Men. Jesus teachings are deep and meaningful.
@Princesss Judah Yeshua was a man who according to the Jewish Talmud was born to Mary and a Roman Centurion named Panthera who was subsequently sent to Central Europe. This makes Jesus an illegitimate son of Joseph who was an elderly 90 year old man when he was conceived. The nature of the Jewish subjugation under the Romans who were the dominant power in the Mediterranean at the time is absolutely clear cut. Rather than accept the real, rational story of the circumstances of his birth it becomes the task how best to hide it. So Mary is peddled as a virgin, despite Virgins being incapable of conceiving without coitus with a man. This is an absolute truth and reality which anyone has access to. Making up such lies to propagate a religion and false story is literally subversion. That people believe a lie is irrelevant to the truth and reality. Christianity is accordingly a house built on sand. On a lie. That sex is natural part of the life cycle of every species is the most unnatural doctrine that was ever posited. The eternal Vedic religion or Dharma is built on solid foundation, truth and immutable. It is not changed by temporary geo political concerns. What was true yesterday is true today and will be true tomorrow. Yeshua was apparently a so called Jew born of a so called gentile father. His confrontation with the Jews and Romans in Jerusalem led to him being tortured and crucified. Very likely he was influenced and possibly travelled to India where Dharmic religion and Buddhism was and is the dominant philosophy and returned with deeper knowledge. Important things often overlooked. He released the animals from the cages in the Temple which was a slaughterhouse for all intents and purposes. Killing innocentanimals is a big crime and act of irreligious people according to the Vedic Dharma. Genital mutilation of their male children is also an obviously evil action with no basis. The people of Arabia and the West are far away from the reality and truth and hold up obvious lies and unquestionable truths. It's a big mess. The reason for this mess is we are living in Kal Yug. The Age of Lies according to Vedic religion. Although we live in the age of Lies Dark Age when lies predominate, it makes it paradoxically easier to discern truth from false than prior ages where truth predominates like in the Satya Yuga the Age of Truth or the Golden Age. It's gonna be a rough ride so strap yourself in. Use your brain and mind that God gave you to figure out what's truth and lies. Don't rely on bald Paul's Bible. He doesn't know Jesus. He was a bounty hunter of Christians and composed most of the New Testament. Moses and Joshua were created as a proxy army by the Egyptian priests to use as a defense bulwark against the central Asian armies invading Egypt for their vegetarian food. That's why they were kept in the desert for 40 years wandering until the elderly passed away and a slave army could be programmed and created for their own purposes. Therefore Judeo Christianity does not understand itself much less can it be explained to an independent observer by those within it. They simply do not have the impartiality and discernment necessary for such an undertaking. With all due respect.
@Princesss Judah There is only one God and God doesn't belong to any person or people. That should be obvious. Where is my God? God is called Paramatma the Supreme Soul. Paramatma pervades the entire existence. Every soul is like a drop of water in the ocean of the unlimited power. Your question itself shows the poverty of correct religious philosophy. The proper question should be 'Where is our God not present and where does our God not live? That is, if you understood the true nature of God rather than relying on fragile, weak minded and fallen, deceitful men for your study.
@Princesss Judah Those who nurture the good qualities are called Devtas (Demi God's). Those who practice the negative qualities are called Asuras (Demons). They engage in mortal combat on this plane for many millions of years in a Grand Drama of the Creator's designs and for that purpose.
I am agnostic. I am uncertain of what to believe, but I keep an open mind. I am not saying I believe in God, nor am I saying I don't. Let people live their lives the way they want to live it, and let them be free to believe in what they feel is true to believe. I don't attend mass or pray or worship God. But if God truly does exist, then he will judge my fate from reading my heart and soul and not by counting how many times I went to church to only sin once mass ended.
1. Eph. 2:8-9 - "For BY GRACE are ye SAVED THROUGH FAITH; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast." 2. Rom. 4:6-7 - God imputes "Righteousness without works." (See #9, #4, #45, #7, #12, #53) 3. Rom. 10:3 - It's a grave mistake for anyone to try to, "Establish their own righteousness." 4. Rom. 5:17 - Heaven deserving righteousness is a "GIFT," not something you earn. 5. Rom. 5:18 - Justification to God is a "FREE GIFT," not something you work toward. 6. Phil. 3:9 - Paul, as ‘good’ as he was, still wouldn't trust his "Own righteousness" to save him. 7. Rom. 3:22 - God's righteousness is credited to "ALL THEM THAT BELIEVE," not all that work. 8. Rom. 8:3-4 - The flesh is too "Weak" to save itself. We need a Saviour. We need Christ. (See #86) 9. Rom. 4:3 - Abraham's faith, not works, "Was counted unto him for righteousness." 10. Rom. 4:4-5 - Works are "Not reckoned of grace, but of debt." Faith is counted as righteousness. 11. Gal. 3:10 - To earn Heaven you'd have to "Continueth," perfectly, in the whole law. (See #81, #86) 12. Titus 3:5 - "NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." 13. John 5:24 - In Christ we've "PASSED from death unto life." We don't have to "wait" to find out. 14. Rom. 9:31-32 - Israel, "Sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law." (#33, #54) 15. Acts 4:12 - No other name but Christ can save us-- not the name of works, nor our own name. 16. John 1:12-13 - Only God's power, through His Son, makes us a child of God. We are not born into God's family by "Blood" (heritage, family ‘pedigree’), "Nor will of the flesh" (good works), "Nor will of man." (minister, or man made religion), "But of God." (See #12, #53, #21, #17, #22, #46, #15) 17. Isa. 45:22 - No one else can save a soul from Hell but God; "There is none else." 18. Acts 13:39 - "And by him [Christ] all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye COULD NOT BE JUSTIFIED by the law of Moses." (See #33, #54, #53, #5, #42, #64, #82, #87, #80) 19. Rom. 8:7 - We can't follow God's law even if we wanted to. So how can we save ourselves? (#86, #8) 20. Matthew 7:21-23 - Christ describes a future scene in which some who are trusting in their "Many wonderful works," will, sadly, be told by Christ: "I never knew you: depart from me, Ye that work iniquity." Their good works will not save them. We all have to trust Christ, and Him ALONE. (#46, #12) 21. John 10:1 - We must enter through Christ, "THE DOOR," not by "Some other way.." (See #46) 22. John 8:24 - A person can work all they want, but it won't save them. Jesus said the bottom line is that, "If ye believe not that I am he [the only way], ye shall die in your sins." (See #53 and #69) 23. Rom. 4:2 - If Abraham could have saved himself, he'd have something to brag about. (See #25, #1) 24. Acts 10:1-43 - Cornelius' good works would put anyone today to shame, yet he still had to get saved by trusting solely in Christ to save him. (See #6, #12, #1, #88) 25. Rom. 3:27-28 - "Where is boasting then?...Of WORKS? nay." (See #1 and #23) 26. 1 John 5:13 - If your salvation depends on a lifetime of good works, then why does the Bible teach that you could "KNOW" for sure, before you die, that you are going to Heaven? The answer is because salvation doesn't depend on you, but on Christ, who ALREADY paid the price for your sins. (See #87) 27. Heb. 1:3 - "He had BY HIMSELF purged our sins." He doesn't need help from us! (See #15) 28. Heb. 2:3 - If we have to work at earning it, why does the Bible call it "So great salvation"? 29. Heb. 2:9-10 - Christ is "The CAPTAIN of their salvation." He tasted "Death for every man." 30. Heb. 2:14-15 - Christ is the one who will "DELIVER" us from death, not ourselves! (See #53) 31. Heb. 2:17 - Christ makes "RECONCILIATION for the sins." We can't reconcile ourselves. 32. Heb. 5:9 - Christ is "The AUTHOR of eternal salvation," not us! It's not in our hand
33. Gal. 2:16 - "Knowing that a man IS NOT JUSTIFIED BY THE WORKS of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, ....that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and NOT by the WORKS of the law: FOR BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW SHALL NO FLESH BE JUSTIFIED." 34. Heb. 9:28 - "Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many." God won't accept good works. 35. Heb. 10:10-12 - Christ's body was offered "Once for all." So stop insulting God with your works. 36. Heb. 10:14 - "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them." STOP WORKING at it! 37. Heb. 10:17-18 - "There is no more offering for sin." So stop offering your good works. 38. 2 Cor. 1:9 - "We should not trust in ourselves, but in God," who has ALREADY paid the price. 39. 2 Cor. 1:10 - Christ "Delivered us from so great a death." He had to; we can't deliver ourselves. 40. Eph. 1:12-13 - You are saved by trusting in Christ, and, "After that believed, ye were SEALED." 41. Jer. 17:5 - "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm." 42. Job 25:4 - "How then can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?" (For God's answer, see #86, #63, #54, #33, #82, #80, #73, #5 and Isaiah 1:18) 43. Isa. 12:2 - "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust." Don't trust good works, trust the Saviour. 44. Luke 18:9-14 - Jesus gives a parable teaching that self righteousness WILL NOT save a person. 45. Ezek. 33:13 - "If he trust to his own righteousness..." He better be perfectly sinless or else! 46. John 14:6 - Jesus said, "I am THE man cometh unto the Father, BUT BY ME." 47. 1 Tim. 2:5-6 - There's ONLY "One mediator between God and men," Jesus Christ, not ourselves. 48. Col. 2:14 - Christ took our sin debt, "Nailing it to his cross." It's ALREADY paid for! (See #34-37) 49. John 19:30 - While on the cross, Christ said, "It is finished." It's paid. We don't have to work for it. 50. Matt. 11:28-30 - Christ offers "REST" to all those working at trying to earn their way to Heaven. 51. Isa. 53:4-6 - Christ was, "WOUNDED FOR OUR transgressions." Why? So WE don't have to be. 52. Heb. 4:9-10 - The person who accepts Christ as Saviour, "Hath CEASED from his own works." 53. Gal. 2:21 - If you could earn Heaven, why did Christ die? "Then Christ is dead in vain." (See #86, #8) 54. Rom. 3:20 - "Therefore by the deeds of the law there SHALL NO FLESH BE JUSTIFIED in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin." (See #33, #14, #82, #80, #87, #42, #73) 55. Gal. 5:1-4 - "Christ hath made us free." He had to; we can't free ourselves, no matter how "good." 56. 2 Tim. 1:10 - "Our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death," with no help from us. 57. 1 John 4:14 - Christ was sent, "To be the Saviour of the world"; we couldn't save ourselves. 58. 1 Tim. 4:10 - "The Saviour of ALL men." Why try to save yourself? You already have a Saviour. 59. Acts 16:30-31 - When the Philippian jailer asked, "What must I do to be saved?" Paul didn't say, keep the Ten Commandments, but rather, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." 60. Luke 7:49-50 - Christ told the woman: "Thy faith hath saved thee," not thy works! (See #1) 61. Eph. 1:7 - "Redemption through HIS BLOOD, the forgiveness of sins," not through our works. 62. 1 Pet. 1:3-5 - "According to his abundant MERCY," not according to our good deeds. (See #12) 63. Rev. 1:5 - Christ, "Washed us from our sins in his own blood"; can't wash ourselves with works. 64. Titus 3:7 - We are "Justified by his grace," not by our good deeds, baptism, or church membership. 65. Titus 2:11 - "The grace of God that BRINGETH SALVATION hath appeared to ALL MEN." 66. Eph. 4:32 - We are forgiven, "For Christ's sake," not because of our good behavior. (See #88) 67. Eph. 2:4-5 - "(By grace ye are saved)," not by works. The two don't mix according to Rom. 11:6. 68. Acts 26:18 - "Through this man [Christ]...forgiveness of sins," not through our efforts! 69. Heb. 7:25 - Only Christ is "Able to save." Only He can "Make INTERCESSION for them." 70. Rom. 3:10 - "There is none righteous, no, not one." So how can anyone save themselves? 71. Rom. 3:12 - "There is none that doeth good, no, not one." So how can anyone save themselves? 72. Eccl. 7:20 - "There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good." Can anyone save themselves? 73. Rom. 4:25 - Christ has already died for our sins. He, "Was delivered for our offences and raised again FOR OUR JUSTIFICATION." So what role does a person play in their own salvation? 74. Rom. 5:10 - "We are reconciled to God by the death of his Son," not by the fruits of our works. 75. John 6:28-29 - "Then said they unto him, WHAT SHALL WE DO, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD, THAT YE BELIEVE ON HIM whom he hath sent." (See #59, #22, #10, #53) 76. 1 Pet. 3:18 - "Suffered for us...that HE might bring us to God." Do we have to help Him save us? Didn't He suffer enough to pay the price? Heb. 7:25 says He did. He saves to "The uttermost." 77. Matt. 5:20 - Your self-righteousness would have to surpass that of the Pharisees-- Impossible! (#70) 78. 1 John 2:2 - Christ, "Is the propitiation [payment]...for the sins of the whole world." If He can pay for the sins of the whole world, why would He need our help in saving us-- mere individuals? 79. Rom. 8:8 - "They that are in the flesh cannot please God." So what chance does anyone have? 80. Rom. 3:23-25 - Through Christ's death we are "Justified freely" (made right with God). His death provides: "Redemption" (we are bought back to God), "Propitiation" (a settlement of our sin debt), "Remission [forgiveness] of sins." It's all by God's "Grace" not our works. (See #1, #35, #36, #78) 81. James 2:10-11 - "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in ONE POINT, he is guilty of all." We can't possibly save ourselves; God demands sinless perfection. We need a Saviour. 82. Romans 5:8-9 - We are "Justified by his blood," not our good works. That's why "When we were sinners, Christ died for us." Therefore, "We shall be saved from wrath through him." 83. Matt. 18:11 - Jesus came "To save that which was lost [us]." Why? Because we can't save ourselves. Otherwise, why send Christ to die for our sins if we could pay for them ourselves? (See #53, #8, #86, #76) 84. Acts 15:10-11 - "Through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved," not through works. Grace is not works; works is not grace, as explained in Rom. 11:6 (see #90, #1, #53) 85. 2 Cor. 5:21 - "Christ was made sin for us...that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." Why trust our own "righteousness" if God offers to impute us His righteousness? (Rom. 4:22-24) 86. Matt. 19:25-26 - "When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED? But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE; but with God all things are possible." (See #8, #41, #42, #81, #11, #45, #70, #19) 87. Rom. 5:1 - "Therefore being JUSTIFIED BY FAITH, we have PEACE WITH GOD through our Lord Jesus Christ." There can be no real peace when a person spends their life wondering if they have done enough good works. Peace is knowing it's been paid for ALREADY. (See #52, #50, #26, #53) 88. 2 Tim. 1:9 - "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, NOT ACCORDING TO OUR WORKS, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began." God had a "payment plan" ready before any of us were even alive to work! 89. Rom. 10:9-13 - "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus [i.e. Repent], and shalt believe in thine heart [i.e. Trust] that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED ...For whosoever shall CALL upon the name of the Lord SHALL BE SAVED." (See #15) 90. Rom. 11:6 - "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace."
You have to make the choice to believe In God or not. There is no in between.Jesus is the way, truth and life and no man comes to the father but through him. I recommend the book of John that should help you get to know him better. Your eternity depends on it but the choice is yours. God bless you.
He yelled at them because they were not good to the people,blind guides not doing there job,walking by the blind man never offering the blind man help man was he pissed Jesus wow
He laid it on the line. Either you believed in Him or you didn't. We all failed in the end. So God showed, through His Son, how we will not perish if we believe in Christ.
all of you have many questions. and he will answer all. his return is near. for he knows what's to come and what has been. no one shall escape his grasp. and all who are good, you have nothing to fear.
There is no rapture my friend. You will be raptured when you die. Just like everyone else. but you could live a holy life and prepare for the coming of the lord. We should all do that. God love you!!
That strong, firm and direct pointy finger when he pointed towards them without any hesitation of full of reason, cuz well, He was Christ and no one could do that so firmly towards the people who sin and are hipocrites.
Please pray that james quinn is freed from societal hostage situation as he likes his friend and wants to share gospel message. Trapped in luton. In name of jesus thank you. Jesus is lord yeshua ha moshiach
I've been and remain each; a blindman and a scribe, a Pharisee and a follower. I live in a glass house yet carry a stone in each hand. I want to cry yet resist with all pride and hubris to urge to do so. A living contradiction indeed. I'm sorry. to all those whom believe I did trespass against , I'm at thier mercy and will remain so unto the time I'm not . Forgiveness is both faith and works SIMUTAINEOUSLY, it's the single most difficult task I've been prescribed in life. I would rather the eternal 'I AM' be angry with me than to not know me at all.
Please pray that the lamb OF God is blessed with THE largest and best WINs immediately AND Automatically AND permanently THANK YOU. Thank you all for all your Loving PRAYERS.
The biggest enemies of Jesus Christ were the Pharisees and the scribes due to the fact that Jesus Christ criticized Pharisees, the scribes, etc. for obeying the Traditions of the Elders which nullified the word of God (Mark 7, Matthew 15). Traditions of the Elders later came to be known as Talmud. According to Rabbi Michael Rodkinson, "The Talmud, then, is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus, was called the Traditions of the Elders, and to which he makes frequent allusions." (Source - The History of the Talmud, Vol. II, page 70, Chapter IX).
In the storms of life is where a man is truly made where our souls are being perfected restored and saved. I will wait on you oh Lord and know that you are near I won't trust in what I see a head but only what I hear And I hear you're still small voice telling me to be calm to rest assured in your peace and be still. Kim 2020
Remember in Revelations Jesus comes back and basically kills with his words. Pharisees only got barely a taste there. Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
This is the Jesus that will come back and judge those who deny scripture and claim Mary was always a virgin, that Mary was sinless, and that Mary ascended to heaven. This is the Jesus that you will meet on Judgment day. Repent and be saved.
"If you were blind, you will be without sin - but since you say we see, your sin remains!" (POWERFUL!)..Academy and Oscar award🗼performance by our Lord. "Woe to You! (❤) we all should show love. Dont mess with our Lord on needed characteristics of the Heart: "Hypocrites ALL" (even today on ALL of us). Love the Scribes and Pharisees reaction when Jesus called them out, LOVE IT! They all have 'the look' NO NOT US 😬. He ticks them OFF. Cause it represents and still directed to all prideful and righteous men (mankind) through today.
It is so sad that people doesn't see the love of Jesus Christ the true love of Jesus Christ and the blood is running right through your veins that is if you're you and not a lizard and not a spider
Okay they joined a part in that was not right at 1:41. So here is what Christ really said! Luke 21:5-9 [ESV] *Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple* 5 And while some were speaking of the temple, how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings, he said, 6 “As for these things that you see, the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” 7 And they asked him, “Teacher, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?” 8 And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them. 9 And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified, for these things must first take place, but the end will not be at once.”
How blessed are the people those times who has seen and lived during the time of Jesus yet didn’t bother to believe him. We are still fortunate that we are now the beneficiaries when he died from the cross. Still he promise the he will be back again.
Where they already been judged right before they die? Was it too late for them to start believing in Him at the moment of their last breath? How lucky are they to have seen and talked to our Lord God in the flesh during their time. But to many of us right now, we always seek even a slight image of His face and light. We've longed so much to hold Him at least. Yet those people, how pitiful are they to have never even believed Him. To the point where they didn't even show any amount of respect and took Him in vain, right in His face...They got back what they deserved.
This is such a brilliant scene. You see the meek, humble Jesus transformed in the face of stone hearted hypocrisy. You can hear the authority and divinity in His voice. But instead of merely enjoying the renunciation of the Pharisees, we must search our own hearts and ask God to remove any tinge of hypocrisy from us.
Well said
I couldn't agree more. We must understand that WE are the pharisees, the crucifiers, the betrayers.
JESUS is My Lord and Saviour!
Mine too!
@@michelegephart2906 mine three
This is not Jesus. He is an actor. I am sorry..
@@stoidisdimitrios3415 I know he is Robert Powell .But so said he is not Jesus .He is my favourite foreverrrrrr
As long as you are fully obedient to Jesus then you love him as lord bevause lord means master
Movies of Christ like this are not made anymore because today's "church" is obsessed with being positive and smiling all the time. To them, this Jesus looks "mean".
Yep. He just healed a blind man. How is that mean. I agree my friend. Stained Glass Window religion there is today. God Bless. This was not just a rebuke but a prophesy of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. God already knew. If I was Jesus I would have been pissed off too. He knew they were going to kill him.
He had every right to be pissed at the Pharisees. Pharisees thought that they were righteous. They even thought that they were without sin, and lo, and behold they really weren't! They had the nerve to believe that Jesus was the devil. But what those geniuses didn't realize that Jesus himself was judging them by looking into their hearts. What He saw, you can bet He wasn't too happy!
Never, ever, ever piss off Jesus Christ, our Savior. Period.
Yes. I would have been more than pissed off. But I'm not Jesus Christ. He could have called the Angels of God to just end everything right then and there. But he loved us. Thank God.
He came unto his own. And they rejected him. Killed him. And the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah. Know wonder why they have so many problems. The Truth is the Truth
James Fulkerson if you have firm faith in Jesus Christ stay strong, they will threaten to kill us in some countries they have killed Christians, even now the extreme Orthodox Jews sent death threats to christians in Israel just for praying at the site of the Upper room where the last supper was
When he thunders, "You shall not see me hear again - not until you learn to cry!" and his voice trembles, I am so moved. I feel like I'm there in that temple with my heart breaking for the heartless way they treated the blind man and Jesus. When Jesus touches the blind man's head to comfort him while the Pharisee's accuse them both of evil works - He was as a father and mother to his people, and the Protector.
This is the BEST production of Jesus' life ever made. Not even close.
After more than 2k years, the meaning of Jesus is a combination of what we think we know historically and what he means to people as a figure. The film represents a very dated and narrow viewpoint of Jesus' life, mainly based on what Christians alive after him interpreted, but are most Christians living the way Jesus would have wanted them to? The answer is no, fact. look at Trump.
I saw the producer talking about this TV many years ago. He said, "I made this so everyone would KNOW who Jesus is." Best film I have ever seen in my life. It will bring you to tears, and then to tears of Joy!
@@MickeyNoble I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make, I mean in some ways you are correct about not all Christians living the way he wanted us to, but if I recall correctly that was prophesized as well in the Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Also I'm not quite sure how it can be dated if it's based on a new view of Christ who didn't live in his time, what exactly is narrow or dated about this?
Watch passion of the christ my brother. This is a cool and powerful movie but doesn't focus on the heart of his message as much as passion of the christ does.
Those words still hold true to this day.
Warchief01 and when Heaven and Hell pass, HIS word shall still remain.
'You shall not see me again until u learn to cry' my favorite part! It is amazing because many of us find christ when we are at our very lowest, that is then when he appears. Then at his 2nd coming it is written that the world will be in mourning...god forsees it all! Blessed be the name of our god'
Many find Him when we least expect it.
Marsha Altidor
It’s 2019 and we are mourning. We long for the Lord to come back. Those who lose their life will gain it, those who love their life will lose it. Jesus is coming. Repent, for you will not know the hour or the day.
The pharisees were more concerned with the letter of the law, and neglected the heart of it, which is mercy and faithfulness, helping others to repent and turn back to God.
John Harvey Catholics remember the big things when they focus on the little things. The Church is an infirmary for sinners not a hotel for righteous people. We are the most imperfect of men and seek to be perfected by Christ through the countless graces He gives us.
James Ajiduah Please tell me why catholic doctrine and Holy Scripture NEVER agree.
John Harvey Apparently you have made up your mind. I can't tell you anything.
Randy Woodworth Exactly Jesus's point!
The message couldn't be clearer..
What's crazy is that the Pharisees were considered upstanding and exemplary citizens within the church and without. This shows how differently God judges than we do. God sees through all the rituals and external niceness, directly into our hearts and motives.
Couldn't have said it any better
Johann Wilder amen
Yep. Yep he knows puny man (mankind) and the heart can be bad.
The Christians are the Pharisees here. They are people who think they worship God, but they are really worshiping the Antichrist, you are all of your Father the Devil.
Revelation 13:14 (NLT)
14 And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, *he DECEIVED all the people* who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a *GREAT STATUE of the first BEAST, WHO WAS FATALLY WOUNDED AND THEN CAME BACK TO LIFE*
The cross is the mark of the beast, the beast that was fatally wounded and came back to life. (Died and Resurected)
They place the cross (mark of the beast) in your forehead on Ash Wednesday and they perform the cross with their right hands
The Spanish Inquisition killed you if you didn't accept the Mark of this Beast, you cannot buy or sell if you are dead.
The false prophet who is the face of Christianity, is a model after the Pope's son, Cesare Borgia.
You were warned not to worship this man as a god in these end times.
So what statue did they build of a false god that died and resurected?
What other man is being worshipped as god today?
What other god, that has died and resurrected, was made into a statue?
Leave Christianity it is a man and proven devil worshiping cult. Worship Allah (God Almighty) the Creator of Heaven and Earth Only. Indeed I am God's Messenger that gives the Truth.
This Reveals 666 The Beast of Revelation:
(2 mins)
@@ISAiah.42 Jesus is the ONLY human being that has been resurrected from death after 3 days. No other person has done this. That is why he is unique and only God could do something like this.
I wish Jesus would come back for a day to have a similar discussion with our politicians. I know how they sicken God and his son.
Mave Colby You could not be more wrong. People are not "beginning to wake up and defect from Christianity." A simple Google search reveals that millions of Muslims are currently converting to Christianity. The growth of Christianity in China is so rapid that it will soon be the world's largest Christian nation. Seoul, South Korea is home to several Christian so-called megachurches. Many in Scandinavia are disgusted with the Church, but not Christianity. Christianity is also alive and well once more in Russia where Orthodoxy is the official faith.
+winogirlll , its the same thing God never changes neither did they
+Mave Colby also people that are atheists are beginning to wake up to the lies of evolution big time and turning to Christianity so you are wrong lol
Jesus will not waste his time spreading his word and gospel to politicians who only seek power and corruption. When Jesus does come, it will not be to lecture or to say any words, but the only take those with him and leave politicians and corrupted people behind. Blessed is he who comes to the Lord.
Maybe some go in to change the world , no power no money incentive you ever think of that ? wouldn't you I found Ron Paul about 15 years ago but his son is running and I have to say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Blessings.
Revelation 4:11 KJV
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created ALL things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
the Pharisees were envious of him, they wanted his power so they can keep extortioning people for their money and Jesus knew, that's why he called them hypocrites.
the pharisees were in fact "very good" people. they memorized all the scriptures and recite them without looking. their goodness were so great that there were no room for those who did wrong. Jesus exposed all of it.
Yes, and how dare they and the wow to the scribes and pharscies is Jesus's sharp rebuke to them for it. 🙏
This is the voice of not only Jesus but God.
Jesus is God He was probably referring to the Father
@@deansantos3017 The holy trinity. The father didn’t hang on the cross, The son did. He’s a part of god.
@@Sp0ketHe's God* not a part of Him, that is mistake almost everyone commits, that is thinking God is divided in three pieces, it's actually One Being in Three Distinct Persons who are FULLY God, not One Person divided in three pieces.
The best movie of the life of Jesus Christ ever made! No other movie on his life and ministry even comes close. These new editions are awful and unbiblical in a lot area's. This movie truly and greatly impacted my life as a young boy. It's one thing to be taught something over and over again, but its pretty special to see what you've been taught comes to life. One of my favorite scenes in the movie.
Absolutely. . God bless you!! I think it's by far the best movie of Jesus from the bible.. it's by no means 100% scriptural but it gets it right.. I loved it. I still have a copy on DVD. God love you!!
SmithsnMoz God bless you as well. Definitely not 100% scriptural but the most accurate and spiritual
Vernon Warren Please, Everyone, always treat Everyone and Everything with kindness, love and respect. Please always remember, Jesus is always there for you, no matter what! Please open your hearts to love and please find Jesus!!!!!!!
Vernon Warren, I could not agree more. Where does the time go - as it feels like only yesterday I was 6 years old and watching this movie on TV for the first time at Easter of 1977. I cried my eyes out when He was crucified. Just old enough to begin grasping what I was hearing in church every Sunday (as a Roman Catholic) and learning in school, as I was in Catholic school, so yes, to see this come to life on TV was an experience I remember like yesterday 41 years later. Nothing has even come remotely close since.
Of course now, we know, we could never have known at that time we would soon be living in a world where this would become stifled, frowned upon, put down, blasphemed, ridiculed, and twisted & mocked in countless ways.
At least we know the truth & our hearts keep these truths safe with us.
I remember when this was first shown, it actually caused controversy. I'm not sure why. The Holy Spirit used a scene in this film in order to open my eyes to who Jesus truly was/is. An anointed adaption.
Amen Lord! Nothing has changed!
Rosemarie Calabro Yet
Nothing has changed to the pharisees too as their descendants are the black hebrew israelites who are doing the same things their pharisee ancestors are doing.
But things do change…
This production OF the Life Of Jesus OF Nazareth is a Masterpiece ..Timeless through generations .Amen.
The acting of robert powelle is incredible in this one. Plus this is the best movie about the story of jesus ever made. A solid 10/10.
Jesus and his Father are one and the same.
Just remember, no Bible says "one and the same". They say only "one". The Creator is Trinity. The 3 persons are distinct.
yes He was… the King of the quick and the dead. the Judge of the world. blessed is he who was here before the world, and who came.. and is coming back Again
When you think about it, the definition of a hypocrite is when you say something is wrong but then you go off and do it. We all do things we know we should not be doing, so that makes us all hyprocrites. The best we can do is follow Jesus, read our bibles and pray daily, and let God take care of everything else. The bible is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
Michele Gephart very wise words - god helps you if you trust him and talk to him directly - there is no greater beauty than faith in the creator !
Amen!! We all need Jesus and none of us are able to make it with out him!!
@@chris.h.9227 So true! Jesus described the two to get people thinking, " Do I want to be like the one who said, " Thank you, God that I am not like them, or like the other one who knew he sinned like everyone else and Said, God have mercy on me a sinner. I don't know about you, but I request of God, " God, have mercy on me a sinner! "
He is near. He will come back, but this time with Glory Majesty and Power. The evil will be destroyed once and for all. Blessed to be those who will be with Jesus in that day cause in Truth Jesus is the real Son of God Almighty.
giurcas hallelujah!
A powerful scene. Our lord Exposing corruption and parasite's.
Jesus to Republicans
@@malaysabolehpsy Republicans and Democrats both kneel to the Israel, jews hate jesus
The black hebrew israelites are the descendants of the pharisees Yeshua rebuked
"You bow before the letter of the law and violate the heart of the law".
Yep. I believe a many today just forget about that.
power of words, like daggers to their hearts...
I re-read your post and it temporarily pumped me out of Grief Loss
@Ephraim S George - I have the Jesus of Nazareth DVD Eprhaim and play that part LOUD on my TV (Serpents, Vipers). For me, even though I dont carry myself Pridefully know it all - I still put myself with them due to our sin. But LOVE it cause he attacks the Proud and his truth on it still warrants this of men of today.
Zillions still 'walk this way' too today.
Robert Powell is a good actor.
Sarah Gregory verily he arth
He did the best job playing Jesus!
I believe movie was Inspired.
@@BTLFAEN I too. I have seen all films in which Robert Powell played a role, even the detective series. Although he is a great actor he never ever played like that a character. Because here he had not not play but to believe, Robert did❤️
@@simonamercuryjackson1874 - Well said Simona, Indeed!
The greatest scene in the history of Cinema. And probably the greatest perfomance.
"You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel!" My Lord Jesus Christ, words as sharp as a sword when needed. and gentle as a lamb for sinners like me. AMEN!
Sounds like someone is getting piercing in their heart. The same mouth of God that spoke against those religious leaders is like the Bible that is piercing to us that read it.
Father LORD JESUS please lead ME to walk in the path that will Retain the Greatest Glory, Power and Honour in Your mighty Name "" Amen.
Many wonder what would happen if Jesus came back *what would Jesus do?*.
well ... here's your answer, things haven't changed with man, deception is alive and well.
a very powerful portrayal!
This movie about Christ is my favorite because of Robert Powell's acting. Powerful portrayal.
same here, if you mix this movie with passion
"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
The best movie Jesus ever, he is so believable when he plays this part.
"without sin" that impacts me
+Japhet Anciado
means free of error, the father is perfection but our society degenerates at a fast pace.
How can we deal with 2 verses where you are a liar no matter what. If we say we know God but does not keep the commandments is a liar. And those who say are without sin are a liar
This is the greatest Jesus film I've ever seen, owns Son of God, :)
I couldn't agree more my brother
Mave Colby I'm not sure why people are trying to make Jesus Christ "Black". He was a Jew. I never cared what color he was because at the end of the day it doesn't matter. He died for the sins of the whole world. He could have been a dark Jew, but the most important thing is he was God Almighty in the flesh. He could have been purple for all I care. I don't think any movie on his life will top Jesus of Nazareth. It was truly a masterpiece. The story, the location, the actors , the music and the spirituality was top notch. I'm my humble opinion
Jesus was never afraid to speak his mind and when he did it was with such courage and authority,and yet after 2000 years the world still mocks and laughs at him,but the day is coming when they all will bow down before him.
marc dewey Amen! Hallelujah!
Dude Jesus just mic dropped on that whole synagogue damn
Amen! That's the love of God besides him being nice because both that he is nice and concerned is his love even to those who doubt him.
I do see it that the attitude of the scribes and the pharisees were as if they dug their own hole in their own damnation. Not only did they curse out Jesus and people that he healed, they brought it up on themselves as a reflection of their behavior.
Lord of Lords, King of Kings. Such authority!!!! Amen
9INER EMPIRE tjaml God I'm not with him free my mind soul free path free captor closed
My favorite scene in that movie. What he says is so truthful. If he was to come back... same old scenario again. Men have not learned. He would symbolically be crucified again. Living superficially does that to Men. Jesus teachings are deep and meaningful.
God help me to change my hypocrisy to your will
Jesus just outed the occult. Truth shining in darkness.
Absolutely fantastic scene!!!
2:41 Kudos to that man for sticking up for Israel and God!
"I came into this World for judgment, so that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind." - Jesus of Nazareth 💪
Jesus just declared that he is God
@Princesss Judah What a bunch of nonsense.
@Princesss Judah Yeshua was a man who according to the Jewish Talmud was born to Mary and a Roman Centurion named Panthera who was subsequently sent to Central Europe. This makes Jesus an illegitimate son of Joseph who was an elderly 90 year old man when he was conceived. The nature of the Jewish subjugation under the Romans who were the dominant power in the Mediterranean at the time is absolutely clear cut. Rather than accept the real, rational story of the circumstances of his birth it becomes the task how best to hide it. So Mary is peddled as a virgin, despite Virgins being incapable of conceiving without coitus with a man. This is an absolute truth and reality which anyone has access to. Making up such lies to propagate a religion and false story is literally subversion. That people believe a lie is irrelevant to the truth and reality. Christianity is accordingly a house built on sand. On a lie. That sex is natural part of the life cycle of every species is the most unnatural doctrine that was ever posited. The eternal Vedic religion or Dharma is built on solid foundation, truth and immutable. It is not changed by temporary geo political concerns. What was true yesterday is true today and will be true tomorrow. Yeshua was apparently a so called Jew born of a so called gentile father. His confrontation with the Jews and Romans in Jerusalem led to him being tortured and crucified. Very likely he was influenced and possibly travelled to India where Dharmic religion and Buddhism was and is the dominant philosophy and returned with deeper knowledge. Important things often overlooked. He released the animals from the cages in the Temple which was a slaughterhouse for all intents and purposes. Killing innocentanimals is a big crime and act of irreligious people according to the Vedic Dharma. Genital mutilation of their male children is also an obviously evil action with no basis. The people of Arabia and the West are far away from the reality and truth and hold up obvious lies and unquestionable truths. It's a big mess. The reason for this mess is we are living in Kal Yug. The Age of Lies according to Vedic religion. Although we live in the age of Lies Dark Age when lies predominate, it makes it paradoxically easier to discern truth from false than prior ages where truth predominates like in the Satya Yuga the Age of Truth or the Golden Age. It's gonna be a rough ride so strap yourself in. Use your brain and mind that God gave you to figure out what's truth and lies. Don't rely on bald Paul's Bible. He doesn't know Jesus. He was a bounty hunter of Christians and composed most of the New Testament. Moses and Joshua were created as a proxy army by the Egyptian priests to use as a defense bulwark against the central Asian armies invading Egypt for their vegetarian food. That's why they were kept in the desert for 40 years wandering until the elderly passed away and a slave army could be programmed and created for their own purposes. Therefore Judeo Christianity does not understand itself much less can it be explained to an independent observer by those within it. They simply do not have the impartiality and discernment necessary for such an undertaking. With all due respect.
@Princesss Judah There is only one God and God doesn't belong to any person or people. That should be obvious. Where is my God? God is called Paramatma the Supreme Soul. Paramatma pervades the entire existence. Every soul is like a drop of water in the ocean of the unlimited power. Your question itself shows the poverty of correct religious philosophy. The proper question should be 'Where is our God not present and where does our God not live? That is, if you understood the true nature of God rather than relying on fragile, weak minded and fallen, deceitful men for your study.
@Princesss Judah Re John. Before God manifested into the creation there was only the One. 🕉 Ek Om Kar. The One created the Word.
@Princesss Judah Those who nurture the good qualities are called Devtas (Demi God's). Those who practice the negative qualities are called Asuras (Demons). They engage in mortal combat on this plane for many millions of years in a Grand Drama of the Creator's designs and for that purpose.
I love this Jesus, straight to the point, direct. Lord have mercy on me a sinner.
Best i've seen of all the 'Jesus' films..GREAT Christ portrayal..all star cast...thnx 4 th post!
John Erwin amen
Blind guides- sums it up
The jewish people are still waiting for their messiah.
God Bless our Lord
The acting is so epic.
I am agnostic. I am uncertain of what to believe, but I keep an open mind. I am not saying I believe in God, nor am I saying I don't. Let people live their lives the way they want to live it, and let them be free to believe in what they feel is true to believe. I don't attend mass or pray or worship God. But if God truly does exist, then he will judge my fate from reading my heart and soul and not by counting how many times I went to church to only sin once mass ended.
xHzDxKING ...mmmmm...but you may spend some time in purgatory.
1. Eph. 2:8-9 - "For BY GRACE are ye SAVED THROUGH FAITH; and that NOT OF
YOURSELVES: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast."
2. Rom. 4:6-7 - God imputes "Righteousness without works." (See #9, #4, #45, #7, #12, #53)
3. Rom. 10:3 - It's a grave mistake for anyone to try to, "Establish their own righteousness."
4. Rom. 5:17 - Heaven deserving righteousness is a "GIFT," not something you earn.
5. Rom. 5:18 - Justification to God is a "FREE GIFT," not something you work toward.
6. Phil. 3:9 - Paul, as ‘good’ as he was, still wouldn't trust his "Own righteousness" to save him.
7. Rom. 3:22 - God's righteousness is credited to "ALL THEM THAT BELIEVE," not all that work.
8. Rom. 8:3-4 - The flesh is too "Weak" to save itself. We need a Saviour. We need Christ. (See #86)
9. Rom. 4:3 - Abraham's faith, not works, "Was counted unto him for righteousness."
10. Rom. 4:4-5 - Works are "Not reckoned of grace, but of debt." Faith is counted as righteousness.
11. Gal. 3:10 - To earn Heaven you'd have to "Continueth," perfectly, in the whole law. (See #81, #86)
12. Titus 3:5 - "NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS which we have done, but according to
his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost."
13. John 5:24 - In Christ we've "PASSED from death unto life." We don't have to "wait" to find out.
14. Rom. 9:31-32 - Israel, "Sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law." (#33, #54)
15. Acts 4:12 - No other name but Christ can save us-- not the name of works, nor our own name.
16. John 1:12-13 - Only God's power, through His Son, makes us a child of God. We are not born into
God's family by "Blood" (heritage, family ‘pedigree’), "Nor will of the flesh" (good works), "Nor will
of man." (minister, or man made religion), "But of God." (See #12, #53, #21, #17, #22, #46, #15)
17. Isa. 45:22 - No one else can save a soul from Hell but God; "There is none else."
18. Acts 13:39 - "And by him [Christ] all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye
COULD NOT BE JUSTIFIED by the law of Moses." (See #33, #54, #53, #5, #42, #64, #82, #87, #80)
19. Rom. 8:7 - We can't follow God's law even if we wanted to. So how can we save ourselves? (#86, #8)
20. Matthew 7:21-23 - Christ describes a future scene in which some who are trusting in their "Many
wonderful works," will, sadly, be told by Christ: "I never knew you: depart from me, Ye that work
iniquity." Their good works will not save them. We all have to trust Christ, and Him ALONE. (#46, #12)
21. John 10:1 - We must enter through Christ, "THE DOOR," not by "Some other way.." (See #46)
22. John 8:24 - A person can work all they want, but it won't save them. Jesus said the bottom line is
that, "If ye believe not that I am he [the only way], ye shall die in your sins." (See #53 and #69)
23. Rom. 4:2 - If Abraham could have saved himself, he'd have something to brag about. (See #25, #1)
24. Acts 10:1-43 - Cornelius' good works would put anyone today to shame, yet he still had to get saved
by trusting solely in Christ to save him. (See #6, #12, #1, #88)
25. Rom. 3:27-28 - "Where is boasting then?...Of WORKS? nay." (See #1 and #23)
26. 1 John 5:13 - If your salvation depends on a lifetime of good works, then why does the Bible teach
that you could "KNOW" for sure, before you die, that you are going to Heaven? The answer is because
salvation doesn't depend on you, but on Christ, who ALREADY paid the price for your sins. (See #87)
27. Heb. 1:3 - "He had BY HIMSELF purged our sins." He doesn't need help from us! (See #15)
28. Heb. 2:3 - If we have to work at earning it, why does the Bible call it "So great salvation"?
29. Heb. 2:9-10 - Christ is "The CAPTAIN of their salvation." He tasted "Death for every man."
30. Heb. 2:14-15 - Christ is the one who will "DELIVER" us from death, not ourselves! (See #53)
31. Heb. 2:17 - Christ makes "RECONCILIATION for the sins." We can't reconcile ourselves.
32. Heb. 5:9 - Christ is "The AUTHOR of eternal salvation," not us! It's not in our hand
33. Gal. 2:16 - "Knowing that a man IS NOT JUSTIFIED BY THE WORKS of the law, but by the
faith of Jesus Christ, ....that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and NOT by the WORKS
34. Heb. 9:28 - "Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many." God won't accept good works.
35. Heb. 10:10-12 - Christ's body was offered "Once for all." So stop insulting God with your works.
36. Heb. 10:14 - "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them." STOP WORKING at it!
37. Heb. 10:17-18 - "There is no more offering for sin." So stop offering your good works.
38. 2 Cor. 1:9 - "We should not trust in ourselves, but in God," who has ALREADY paid the price.
39. 2 Cor. 1:10 - Christ "Delivered us from so great a death." He had to; we can't deliver ourselves.
40. Eph. 1:12-13 - You are saved by trusting in Christ, and, "After that believed, ye were SEALED."
41. Jer. 17:5 - "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm."
42. Job 25:4 - "How then can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a
woman?" (For God's answer, see #86, #63, #54, #33, #82, #80, #73, #5 and Isaiah 1:18)
43. Isa. 12:2 - "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust." Don't trust good works, trust the Saviour.
44. Luke 18:9-14 - Jesus gives a parable teaching that self righteousness WILL NOT save a person.
45. Ezek. 33:13 - "If he trust to his own righteousness..." He better be perfectly sinless or else!
46. John 14:6 - Jesus said, "I am THE man cometh unto the Father, BUT BY ME."
47. 1 Tim. 2:5-6 - There's ONLY "One mediator between God and men," Jesus Christ, not ourselves.
48. Col. 2:14 - Christ took our sin debt, "Nailing it to his cross." It's ALREADY paid for! (See #34-37)
49. John 19:30 - While on the cross, Christ said, "It is finished." It's paid. We don't have to work for it.
50. Matt. 11:28-30 - Christ offers "REST" to all those working at trying to earn their way to Heaven.
51. Isa. 53:4-6 - Christ was, "WOUNDED FOR OUR transgressions." Why? So WE don't have to be.
52. Heb. 4:9-10 - The person who accepts Christ as Saviour, "Hath CEASED from his own works."
53. Gal. 2:21 - If you could earn Heaven, why did Christ die? "Then Christ is dead in vain." (See #86, #8)
54. Rom. 3:20 - "Therefore by the deeds of the law there SHALL NO FLESH BE JUSTIFIED in his
sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin." (See #33, #14, #82, #80, #87, #42, #73)
55. Gal. 5:1-4 - "Christ hath made us free." He had to; we can't free ourselves, no matter how "good."
56. 2 Tim. 1:10 - "Our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death," with no help from us.
57. 1 John 4:14 - Christ was sent, "To be the Saviour of the world"; we couldn't save ourselves.
58. 1 Tim. 4:10 - "The Saviour of ALL men." Why try to save yourself? You already have a Saviour.
59. Acts 16:30-31 - When the Philippian jailer asked, "What must I do to be saved?" Paul didn't say,
keep the Ten Commandments, but rather, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."
60. Luke 7:49-50 - Christ told the woman: "Thy faith hath saved thee," not thy works! (See #1)
61. Eph. 1:7 - "Redemption through HIS BLOOD, the forgiveness of sins," not through our works.
62. 1 Pet. 1:3-5 - "According to his abundant MERCY," not according to our good deeds. (See #12)
63. Rev. 1:5 - Christ, "Washed us from our sins in his own blood"; can't wash ourselves with works.
64. Titus 3:7 - We are "Justified by his grace," not by our good deeds, baptism, or church membership.
65. Titus 2:11 - "The grace of God that BRINGETH SALVATION hath appeared to ALL MEN."
66. Eph. 4:32 - We are forgiven, "For Christ's sake," not because of our good behavior. (See #88)
67. Eph. 2:4-5 - "(By grace ye are saved)," not by works. The two don't mix according to Rom. 11:6.
68. Acts 26:18 - "Through this man [Christ]...forgiveness of sins," not through our efforts!
69. Heb. 7:25 - Only Christ is "Able to save." Only He can "Make INTERCESSION for them."
70. Rom. 3:10 - "There is none righteous, no, not one." So how can anyone save themselves?
71. Rom. 3:12 - "There is none that doeth good, no, not one." So how can anyone save themselves?
72. Eccl. 7:20 - "There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good." Can anyone save themselves?
73. Rom. 4:25 - Christ has already died for our sins. He, "Was delivered for our offences and raised
again FOR OUR JUSTIFICATION." So what role does a person play in their own salvation?
74. Rom. 5:10 - "We are reconciled to God by the death of his Son," not by the fruits of our works.
75. John 6:28-29 - "Then said they unto him, WHAT SHALL WE DO, that we might work the works
of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD, THAT YE BELIEVE
ON HIM whom he hath sent." (See #59, #22, #10, #53)
76. 1 Pet. 3:18 - "Suffered for us...that HE might bring us to God." Do we have to help Him save us?
Didn't He suffer enough to pay the price? Heb. 7:25 says He did. He saves to "The uttermost."
77. Matt. 5:20 - Your self-righteousness would have to surpass that of the Pharisees-- Impossible! (#70)
78. 1 John 2:2 - Christ, "Is the propitiation [payment]...for the sins of the whole world." If He can
pay for the sins of the whole world, why would He need our help in saving us-- mere individuals?
79. Rom. 8:8 - "They that are in the flesh cannot please God." So what chance does anyone have?
80. Rom. 3:23-25 - Through Christ's death we are "Justified freely" (made right with God). His death
provides: "Redemption" (we are bought back to God), "Propitiation" (a settlement of our sin debt),
"Remission [forgiveness] of sins." It's all by God's "Grace" not our works. (See #1, #35, #36, #78)
81. James 2:10-11 - "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in ONE POINT, he is
guilty of all." We can't possibly save ourselves; God demands sinless perfection. We need a Saviour.
82. Romans 5:8-9 - We are "Justified by his blood," not our good works. That's why "When we were
sinners, Christ died for us." Therefore, "We shall be saved from wrath through him."
83. Matt. 18:11 - Jesus came "To save that which was lost [us]." Why? Because we can't save ourselves.
Otherwise, why send Christ to die for our sins if we could pay for them ourselves? (See #53, #8, #86, #76)
84. Acts 15:10-11 - "Through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved," not through
works. Grace is not works; works is not grace, as explained in Rom. 11:6 (see #90, #1, #53)
85. 2 Cor. 5:21 - "Christ was made sin for us...that we might be made the righteousness of God in
him." Why trust our own "righteousness" if God offers to impute us His righteousness? (Rom. 4:22-24)
86. Matt. 19:25-26 - "When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, WHO THEN
CAN BE SAVED? But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE;
but with God all things are possible." (See #8, #41, #42, #81, #11, #45, #70, #19)
87. Rom. 5:1 - "Therefore being JUSTIFIED BY FAITH, we have PEACE WITH GOD through our
Lord Jesus Christ." There can be no real peace when a person spends their life wondering if they have done
enough good works. Peace is knowing it's been paid for ALREADY. (See #52, #50, #26, #53)
88. 2 Tim. 1:9 - "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, NOT ACCORDING TO OUR
WORKS, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the
world began." God had a "payment plan" ready before any of us were even alive to work!
89. Rom. 10:9-13 - "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus [i.e. Repent], and shalt
believe in thine heart [i.e. Trust] that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED
...For whosoever shall CALL upon the name of the Lord SHALL BE SAVED." (See #15)
90. Rom. 11:6 - "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace."
You have to make the choice to believe In God or not. There is no in between.Jesus is the way, truth and life and no man comes to the father but through him. I recommend the book of John that should help you get to know him better. Your eternity depends on it but the choice is yours. God bless you.
The most righteous anger, Jesus's anger
He yelled at them because they were not good to the people,blind guides not doing there job,walking by the blind man never offering the blind man help man was he pissed Jesus wow
get them Jesus! Hypocrisy is of Satan.
correct. I highly recommend my small youtube video "Jesus Christ vs. Pharisaism...." You will find it interesting.
2:41 this is my favorite part of the movie
Praise,1God,110,Pr,&,me,in the name of our,Lord,Almighty,Jesus,the mediator to eternal,life,thank u,
“Blind guides”
~2000 years ago
2020 and nothing has changed
Not until you learn to cry.
For arrogant men don't.
Therein lies the wisdom of God
He laid it on the line.
Either you believed in Him or you didn't.
We all failed in the end.
So God showed, through His Son, how we will not perish if we believe in Christ.
all of you have many questions.
and he will answer all.
his return is near.
for he knows what's to come and what has been.
no one shall escape
his grasp.
and all who are good, you have nothing to fear.
Jesus I pray for the Peace thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven... I pray that I'm Rapture Ready in Jesus Holy Name
There is no rapture my friend. You will be raptured when you die. Just like everyone else. but you could live a holy life and prepare for the coming of the lord. We should all do that. God love you!!
In Jesus name amen.
"Why did you not arrest him?"
" No man ever spoke like this man."
That strong, firm and direct pointy finger when he pointed towards them without any hesitation of full of reason, cuz well, He was Christ and no one could do that so firmly towards the people who sin and are hipocrites.
God bless
always loved this scene, and many others in this movie. Thank you very much for posting this :D
Such an amazing speech!!
Thank YOU JESUS CHRIST for giving eternal life .. thank YOU FATHER in HEAVEN for sending YOUR only begotten SON.
My dad was a CCD teacher, and he always emphasized how Jesus *TERRIFIED* the Pharisees given what he preached and it’s implications
Please pray that james quinn is freed from societal hostage situation as he likes his friend and wants to share gospel message. Trapped in luton. In name of jesus thank you. Jesus is lord yeshua ha moshiach
We all know who this reference to, but we can’t say if we don’t wanna be cancelled
Mvzleems & Talmudic J
Got to play this scene again (Love it).
JulPepsi LWGolden Pepsi free
I've been and remain each; a blindman and a scribe, a Pharisee and a follower.
I live in a glass house yet carry a stone in each hand.
I want to cry yet resist with all pride and hubris to urge to do so.
A living contradiction indeed.
I'm sorry.
to all those whom believe I did trespass against , I'm at thier mercy and will remain so unto the time I'm not .
Forgiveness is both faith and works SIMUTAINEOUSLY, it's the single most difficult task I've been prescribed in life.
I would rather the eternal 'I AM' be angry with me than to not know me at all.
For people who think they can debunke Christ, actually, Christ is the one who debunkes you
Agreed. I highly recommend my small youtube video "Jesus Christ vs. Pharisaism...." You will find it interesting.
Please pray that the lamb OF God is blessed with THE largest and best WINs immediately AND Automatically AND permanently THANK YOU. Thank you all for all your Loving PRAYERS.
Jesus is my lord, he is the way, the truth, and Life
The biggest enemies of Jesus Christ were the Pharisees and the scribes due to the fact that Jesus Christ criticized Pharisees, the scribes, etc. for obeying the Traditions of the Elders which nullified the word of God (Mark 7, Matthew 15).
Traditions of the Elders later came to be known as Talmud.
According to Rabbi Michael Rodkinson, "The Talmud, then, is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus, was called the Traditions of the Elders, and to which he makes frequent allusions." (Source - The History of the Talmud, Vol. II, page 70, Chapter IX).
Robert Powell did an excellent job as Jesus and so did Ted Neely
0:59 That face of satisfaction is spot on..not too much nor too little
In the storms of life is where a man is truly made
where our souls are being perfected restored and saved.
I will wait on you oh Lord
and know that you are near
I won't trust in what I see a head
but only what I hear
And I hear you're still small voice
telling me to be calm to rest assured in your peace
and be still.
Kim 2020
I love this part where Jesus exposes to themselves !
Remember in Revelations Jesus comes back and basically kills with his words. Pharisees only got barely a taste there. Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
This is the Jesus that will come back and judge those who deny scripture and claim Mary was always a virgin, that Mary was sinless, and that Mary ascended to heaven. This is the Jesus that you will meet on Judgment day. Repent and be saved.
Jesus of Nazareth was a very good tape
I say the same EVERYDAY
because Satan the accuser""
is their god,
"If you were blind, you will be without sin - but since you say we see, your sin remains!" (POWERFUL!)..Academy and Oscar award🗼performance by our Lord. "Woe to You! (❤) we all should show love.
Dont mess with our Lord on needed characteristics of the Heart: "Hypocrites ALL" (even today on ALL of us).
Love the Scribes and Pharisees reaction when Jesus called them out, LOVE IT! They all have 'the look' NO NOT US 😬. He ticks them OFF. Cause it represents and still directed to all prideful and righteous men (mankind) through today.
It is so sad that people doesn't see the love of Jesus Christ the true love of Jesus Christ and the blood is running right through your veins that is if you're you and not a lizard and not a spider
Happy Thanksgiving to many...peace be with you and also with you.
very nice
Jerry Jara punishments for this it against father God
Okay they joined a part in that was not right at 1:41. So here is what Christ really said!
Luke 21:5-9 [ESV]
*Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple*
5 And while some were speaking of the temple, how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings, he said, 6 “As for these things that you see, the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” 7 And they asked him, “Teacher, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?” 8 And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them. 9 And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified, for these things must first take place, but the end will not be at once.”
Better listen up law merchant!
How blessed are the people those times who has seen and lived during the time of Jesus yet didn’t bother to believe him. We are still fortunate that we are now the beneficiaries when he died from the cross. Still he promise the he will be back again.
Where they already been judged right before they die? Was it too late for them to start believing in Him at the moment of their last breath? How lucky are they to have seen and talked to our Lord God in the flesh during their time. But to many of us right now, we always seek even a slight image of His face and light. We've longed so much to hold Him at least. Yet those people, how pitiful are they to have never even believed Him. To the point where they didn't even show any amount of respect and took Him in vain, right in His face...They got back what they deserved.
So be it...
I think he's addressing the Catholic Church...