1: go 10• to the rail 2: lets try at the end of the rail for safe 3: bend knees when land on the rail 4: use heelside againts the rail 5: lean back when land on the rail 6: land on the botls of board
Ben is the type of guy that explains in length for 20min the intricacies for every dimensions of boards, trucks, wheels, etc. Then only need 5min to set you up to skate round rails. 😂
Had these back in da day, but round rails kinda freak me out now, lol. But your explanation is on point: really focus on getting on good and landing on your heels - with round rails, it's usually much worse if you don't get on enough. Like if I'd over-ollie, my board would flip out underneath but I'd land on my feet, whereas not getting on enough will tend to result in more heinous bails. This can be counter-intuitive to natural born ledge skaters who might have learned the hard way how over-ollieing a super slippery ledge and missing the edge can result in instant death.
Facts. I’m a ledge skater, but for some reason i still prefer to take a hard slam on a ledge then a round rail😂 it’s all mental. Gotta work on my rail game.
I don’t understand how people say flat bars are easier. Round rails have a way more consistent friction(less stick or slide out potential) and they hurt a lot less to fall on(no sharp edges). Also more room for error when getting on like he said. And board slides you can almost roll your board up from an Ollie. You just need better balance when sliding is the only downside I guess.
For the ollie timing, I found out a super helpful exercise I made up(I used to have problem with ollie timing). I fixed this in one day by doing this one exercise. I jumped from ollie postion to all four bolts. I figured out that you don't really try to pop the board, if you try to jump it will automatically pop the board and the motion you use to pop the board, is the jump from ollie position to landing on all four bolts. When you ollie, pop the way you jump, like don't try to pop the board, just jump and the board will automatically pop. The board automatically pop, because when you jump, you put pressure on the ground and force, so if you jump on ur board, you will put pressure and force on the tail. The timing was something I couldn't fix in the ollie no matter how hard I tried, so I decided to try this exercise I made up a few times and I DID AN OLLIE WITH CORRECT TIMING.
Hi Ben, great video as always! Keep 'em coming Front 50's are one of my strongest tricks on round rails and in general, but i kinda struggle with getting my back 50's as consistent and confortable as my FS ones. I'd love to see you cover BS 50s in your next one. Cheers from Romania!
Don't forget to mention when you sliding the wheels to the end to have a little heel pinch. I can already 5050 but round rails scare me still. You broke this down very nicely and mentioned some things I didn't know. Great video man!
That’s interesting that you lock in on your heels for frontside fifty’s on a round rail. I I seem to always cross lock them and can actually carry them pretty far that way. Might have to try and learn em this way as well.
I don't know, but round rails freak me out hahah. Definitely have to get over some fear, because you are right. A flat bar might be easier when the landing is just right enough, but on a round rail you can definitely adjust. I think the way you pinch wheels and lock in on a round rail is less dependent on getting in the correct fixed angle of a flatbar.
If you want to lock in any way you get on, you gotta be aware which side of the truck is touching the rail, if the toe side of the board and wheels are locked in, you balance your weight over your toes. if you locked in with the heelside of the board and wheels, you balance your weight over your heels like in the video above. I think learning all lockins helps, as some tricks require toe or heel side pinch and for those tricks youll have to balance on either your toes or heels.
I've always tried heelside but I put too much weight and I end up falling backwards. I just need to spend a whole day eating shit cause thats probably what its gonna take lol
@@benruiz3191 you may be leaning back too much thinking that's putting pressure on the heels. stay squared ontop of the rail & let your wheels lock in heel side. make sure you're staying crouched on the rail as well. if you try to stand up too fast it'll slip out every time.
JUST KEEP SKATING Crazy that I’m Now 21 and it’s been 10 years since I last skated… I started playing school sports! And now that I’m not playing ball anymore I came back home to tampa I grabbed my board off the wall got sum trucks grip tape and wheels! Was working at vans and I took advantage of the opportunity of getting free shoes and a discount on skate shop 🙃🫡so I got my board right and been hitting the bro bowl skating round onnthe ramps n poppin Ollie’s tryna get the kickflip back in motion and other tricks but it’s been a min and I am saying this because I live with the words just keep skating 💯 thank you for this😂💯
5050's on round rails have always been difficult for me. I can do them, just not always perfectly clean and locked in. Weird because I can do other basic grinds/slides just fine.
For me, once I learned how to 50-50 stall I went for it and found the faster I went the easier it was and after the first couple of bails my confidence was up and I more easily 50-50
I learned 5050s like 4-5months ago and can do 5-0, nose grind, nose slide and learning crook now and i can do some of em on a flatbar but never had the balls to try it on a roundbar
Very good tutorial, but I am struggling with where to look when ollieing onto or especially over things. I find that if I look down at my board I can get a better ollie; as in higher and more comfortable. But it screws up my timing. Can anyone please give me some tips and advice? Thank you
typically you look where you want to go, not down at your board. for example - if you were going to grind a ledge, you could look at & aim for the ledge, not down at your board. sounds like you just need some practice to get more comfortable with it. i would suggest finding a small curb & practicing a few things on that. ollie on top of it, into a grind/stall, etc. practice & get really comfortable with that & i think youll be good to go
I finally came over my fear of 50-50s on a round rails last weekend. What really helped me is putting the board on the rail and hopping on the rail with one foot first and then the second one to get a sense on how it feels to be on top of the rail. Dan Corrigan also has a usefull tutorial on this. You just gotta commit once! After that is opens up some doors in my opinion. For me it let to fs smith, which then again led to fs lipslide. Had so much fun.
I saw your gow to ollie video but my back foot likes goes behind be instead of going up and do I slide first than pop or do them at the same time and when I pop is my back foot off the tail and any tips or how to pop the tail correctly and how do I get my ollies higher do I slide my front foot in a horizontal way or diagonally
what grind would it be if you did the diagonal wheel pinch on 50 50s but instead you pinch in between your deck and your wheels, so both of your wheels are under the rail but your decks on top?
@@Skateboardin1278 Ok i whatched the parts and that's the first time I've ever seen anything like that. But its not exactly what I meant. It needs to be done on a rail with the diagonally facing wheels on their side locking in(under) on both sides of the rail
i am very weird with rails, the ledge of my local park is practically a round rail since the coping is a round rail that pops up a lot more than the concrete, but there is a weird mental barrier that doesnt allow me to do any grind trick on any kind of rail, spetially since i am the kind of guy that don´t like gettting speed to do tricks.
@@Kash.mp3 not all the times i land it but i improved my position thinking that i need to do a manual or just trying in a curb to fall in the skate more in the taile, changing my jump to feel better.
Thanks Ben. I ate shit too many times as a young’n so I avoid these now haha. I would love a frontside noseslide or front board tutorial. I have trouble with the finding the proper weight distribution. Always need to come out fakie for both. Cheers!
I can do crooks ,lips ,I’ve done overcrooks,nose slides ,flip board slides ,noseblunts ,etc and I literally cannot 5050 on a round bar and it makes no fucking sense as to why I can’t do a 5050 on a rail but I can do all these other tricks. It pisses me off so I hope I can learn from this lol
these scare me so much but i need to learn them because they look so fun
Skateboarding in a nut shell.
Kids these days eat round rails for breakfast it’s amazing.
With a side of wax
thats facts!
My homie can front smith the shit outta some round rails I’m terrified of them lmao
@@Creaturefiendyo round rails are easier for smiths and feebles
And the loooosest trucks haha
After watching this tip I did one for the first time ever! I'm 40 now...
I got a few more recently. Try and land locked-in and then really lean as much as possible on heels!
1: go 10• to the rail
2: lets try at the end of the rail for safe
3: bend knees when land on the rail
4: use heelside againts the rail
5: lean back when land on the rail
6: land on the botls of board
OMG its the Vancouver carpenter. I watched all your drywall videos. Here i am watching your skate tutorial!!! You're awesome 👌
Perfect. My 10 yo son learned these and I'm having to relearn them. This will help me catch up until he one ups me again.
Good father
The only round bar at my local park is knee high and it goes down a slope, wish me luck lol
Ben is the type of guy that explains in length for 20min the intricacies for every dimensions of boards, trucks, wheels, etc. Then only need 5min to set you up to skate round rails. 😂
This is tutorial I was waiting for
Had these back in da day, but round rails kinda freak me out now, lol. But your explanation is on point: really focus on getting on good and landing on your heels - with round rails, it's usually much worse if you don't get on enough. Like if I'd over-ollie, my board would flip out underneath but I'd land on my feet, whereas not getting on enough will tend to result in more heinous bails. This can be counter-intuitive to natural born ledge skaters who might have learned the hard way how over-ollieing a super slippery ledge and missing the edge can result in instant death.
Facts. I’m a ledge skater, but for some reason i still prefer to take a hard slam on a ledge then a round rail😂 it’s all mental. Gotta work on my rail game.
I had rail 50s front and backside back in the day too. Now I'm just scared to try. It's a sad feeling
I don’t understand how people say flat bars are easier. Round rails have a way more consistent friction(less stick or slide out potential) and they hurt a lot less to fall on(no sharp edges). Also more room for error when getting on like he said. And board slides you can almost roll your board up from an Ollie. You just need better balance when sliding is the only downside I guess.
Grinding a round rail feels so good!
My back truck usually goes toe side but it works out well because of the staying crouched tip thanks!
I love the way you explain and edit your vids.
Having faith is the hardest part
For the ollie timing, I found out a super helpful exercise I made up(I used to have problem with ollie timing). I fixed this in one day by doing this one exercise. I jumped from ollie postion to all four bolts. I figured out that you don't really try to pop the board, if you try to jump it will automatically pop the board and the motion you use to pop the board, is the jump from ollie position to landing on all four bolts. When you ollie, pop the way you jump, like don't try to pop the board, just jump and the board will automatically pop. The board automatically pop, because when you jump, you put pressure on the ground and force, so if you jump on ur board, you will put pressure and force on the tail. The timing was something I couldn't fix in the ollie no matter how hard I tried, so I decided to try this exercise I made up a few times and I DID AN OLLIE WITH CORRECT TIMING.
Hi Ben, great video as always! Keep 'em coming
Front 50's are one of my strongest tricks on round rails and in general, but i kinda struggle with getting my back 50's as consistent and confortable as my FS ones. I'd love to see you cover BS 50s in your next one.
Cheers from Romania!
Don't forget to mention when you sliding the wheels to the end to have a little heel pinch. I can already 5050 but round rails scare me still. You broke this down very nicely and mentioned some things I didn't know. Great video man!
Thanks!! My forst 5050 try on a round rail was on street and i busted my ass😂 excited to try again after seeing this vid
That’s interesting that you lock in on your heels for frontside fifty’s on a round rail. I I seem to always cross lock them and can actually carry them pretty far that way. Might have to try and learn em this way as well.
I don't know, but round rails freak me out hahah. Definitely have to get over some fear, because you are right. A flat bar might be easier when the landing is just right enough, but on a round rail you can definitely adjust. I think the way you pinch wheels and lock in on a round rail is less dependent on getting in the correct fixed angle of a flatbar.
I've slipped out every single time I've tried these. Round rails freak me out I just cant figure out the pinch
Lock the wheels in the bar, then pinch them with your heel... boom.
When i learnt them, i ollied on and then shift my trucks to cross lock in. Thats where you punch opposite side of each truck.
If you want to lock in any way you get on, you gotta be aware which side of the truck is touching the rail, if the toe side of the board and wheels are locked in, you balance your weight over your toes.
if you locked in with the heelside of the board and wheels, you balance your weight over your heels like in the video above.
I think learning all lockins helps, as some tricks require toe or heel side pinch and for those tricks youll have to balance on either your toes or heels.
I've always tried heelside but I put too much weight and I end up falling backwards. I just need to spend a whole day eating shit cause thats probably what its gonna take lol
@@benruiz3191 you may be leaning back too much thinking that's putting pressure on the heels. stay squared ontop of the rail & let your wheels lock in heel side. make sure you're staying crouched on the rail as well. if you try to stand up too fast it'll slip out every time.
Yo Ben, when doing low flat bars, what messes people up is ollying too big and all that downward force coming down on the rail
I find the more force, the better. If you can dent the rail, you reeeeally lock in.
@@icorrectly youre full of shit.
@@BrendanBFree Nope. I'm related to Rodney Mullen, so I've got some insight on the matter.
@@icorrectly damn thats a good troll. MSM keep note.
@@icorrectly youre didnt learn that from mullen, if you did, he was trolling you.
Crazy that I’m
Now 21 and it’s been 10 years since I last skated… I started playing school sports! And now that I’m not playing ball anymore I came back home to tampa I grabbed my board off the wall got sum trucks grip tape and wheels! Was working at vans and I took advantage of the opportunity of getting free shoes and a discount on skate shop 🙃🫡so I got my board right and been hitting the bro bowl skating round onnthe ramps n poppin Ollie’s tryna get the kickflip back in motion and other tricks but it’s been a min and I am saying this because I live with the words just keep skating 💯 thank you for this😂💯
cant wait to try these
Thanks to you I landed my first 50-50 on a round bar
Sprained ankle says no
Thanks for the tips
Great tutorial video Ben!
5050's on round rails have always been difficult for me. I can do them, just not always perfectly clean and locked in. Weird because I can do other basic grinds/slides just fine.
Love these, keep pumping them out!
Looks like everyone is sponsored by Caliuma now 😂😂😂.
Thanks for this vid. Been trying to build up the confidence for these.
Just in time, I m trying to learn these
For me, once I learned how to 50-50 stall I went for it and found the faster I went the easier it was and after the first couple of bails my confidence was up and I more easily 50-50
Aye found the other channel. Subscribed
I will most definitely give this a shot next time I get to a flatbar. I hope I don't eat it completely.
I learned 5050s like 4-5months ago and can do 5-0, nose grind, nose slide and learning crook now and i can do some of em on a flatbar but never had the balls to try it on a roundbar
The depth you went into is perfection. Good stuff brother 🔥
Awesome! Thank you!
🔥🔥🔥🔥. Might have to try it out ;). Loved the montage outro.
I see you're doing some testing on the Cariuma shoes. Cant wait for the review.
He already did a review on his other channel
Heck yeah Ben! I'm so scared to try these thinking of slipping out heel side and smashing my shins into the rail lol
Get some shin guards
Love your vids!
hook ur foot with the heel off the edge of ur board when u lock in so u dont land on ur back
Thanks for making this!!
When's the Ben Degros street part coming?
Very good tutorial, but I am struggling with where to look when ollieing onto or especially over things. I find that if I look down at my board I can get a better ollie; as in higher and more comfortable. But it screws up my timing. Can anyone please give me some tips and advice? Thank you
typically you look where you want to go, not down at your board. for example - if you were going to grind a ledge, you could look at & aim for the ledge, not down at your board. sounds like you just need some practice to get more comfortable with it. i would suggest finding a small curb & practicing a few things on that. ollie on top of it, into a grind/stall, etc. practice & get really comfortable with that & i think youll be good to go
That one park looked like a park I skated in van a while back
Definitely wanna get these!!
Thank god man i needed this
I finally came over my fear of 50-50s on a round rails last weekend. What really helped me is putting the board on the rail and hopping on the rail with one foot first and then the second one to get a sense on how it feels to be on top of the rail. Dan Corrigan also has a usefull tutorial on this. You just gotta commit once! After that is opens up some doors in my opinion. For me it let to fs smith, which then again led to fs lipslide. Had so much fun.
Great tutorial keep the videos coming 👊🏼🔥🔥
Another great tutorial!
dude awesome video could you do fs 180s or shuv-its next?
Good video! Out of my leagues, still...
I'm not sure I comprehend when you sleep, dude.
Finally got em !
Awesome content
Which truck do you think locks onto these on round rails the best?
Wait do you also do drywall videos? I swear I watched some videos on how to mud from you lol
Can you do ledges next
I saw your gow to ollie video but my back foot likes goes behind be instead of going up and do I slide first than pop or do them at the same time and when I pop is my back foot off the tail and any tips or how to pop the tail correctly and how do I get my ollies higher do I slide my front foot in a horizontal way or diagonally
what grind would it be if you did the diagonal wheel pinch on 50 50s but instead you pinch in between your deck and your wheels, so both of your wheels are under the rail but your decks on top?
Either a smith or a feeble i think
@@niedrichfrietzsche941 nah its not those I checked. Also I mean like locked in under the rail, not just hanging off. I don't think its been done het
watch some gustav tonnesen parts he does fs 180s into them
@@Skateboardin1278 ok ill check it out
@@Skateboardin1278 Ok i whatched the parts and that's the first time I've ever seen anything like that. But its not exactly what I meant. It needs to be done on a rail with the diagonally facing wheels on their side locking in(under) on both sides of the rail
these kids bouta break a bone trying to lock on both heels
Fuck yessss Ben thank you for this video!!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank youuuuu Ive wanted you to teach me this for a long time!!!
i am very weird with rails, the ledge of my local park is practically a round rail since the coping is a round rail that pops up a lot more than the concrete, but there is a weird mental barrier that doesnt allow me to do any grind trick on any kind of rail, spetially since i am the kind of guy that don´t like gettting speed to do tricks.
wait a minute are you in vancouver because i went to this skatepark before
Where is this park? it’s so pretty 🤩
After he were saying about bending your knees it was like bam
Go fast Ben says, hi says the ground.
hi face to the ground
@@barondra38 lol I tried it right after was so pumped, and nope but I'm gonna get it.
Also maybe easy/steezy/trendy tricks tutorials?
I do cross lock i feel like thats more safe
I always either lock in or I fully slide out and eat shit lol
I have a problem, when i catch the rail and slice i cant to put my foot on the tail to out of the rail, can someone help me.
You got it now ?
@@Kash.mp3 not all the times i land it but i improved my position thinking that i need to do a manual or just trying in a curb to fall in the skate more in the taile, changing my jump to feel better.
i got the grind part down, i just do not know how to pop out of it
What size skateboard do you ride
I see you got the white Cariuma shoes, what they like dude?
Or do we have to wait for a review video coming soon? 😁😊
he already did one.
check the main channel
Do you have a 2nd bigger channel? I swear I've seen you before
yes, this is his other channel. Main one is Ben Degros
he also has a carpentry channel and a water polo channel
Need a trick tip for bs 50-50. Can't do a proper pop and lock in one anymore after a 3-year break.
me being deathly afraid of rails
How many channels can you have?
Thanks Ben. I ate shit too many times as a young’n so I avoid these now haha. I would love a frontside noseslide or front board tutorial. I have trouble with the finding the proper weight distribution. Always need to come out fakie for both. Cheers!
Shoutout to the girl who rolled by the camera smiling ;)
What do you mean?? Round rails are impossible to lock into because they let your board move too much
One question Ben: what are thooooose
Bigger wheels and trucks and Cross pinching
jordan peterson of skating
Tried this 3 times almost died 😭
I can do crooks ,lips ,I’ve done overcrooks,nose slides ,flip board slides ,noseblunts ,etc and I literally cannot 5050 on a round bar and it makes no fucking sense as to why I can’t do a 5050 on a rail but I can do all these other tricks. It pisses me off so I hope I can learn from this lol
I locked in on my toeside...
Rails don't taste too well and now I can't skate
It’s really hard to balance heelside I like to crosslock way more get way more locked in and more balanced
i love you
teach me whit hard thigh truck
Fs flip
Step one: sack up
Everybody is talking about the trick, but i couldn,t focus because of the kids and girl in the background
I can’t 50 round