The Lord Jesus Christ has delivered me from drug addiction, homelessness, abusive relationships, evil spirits (yes they're real) , sexual immorality, swearing, lying, stealing, laziness.. and even more. I give all the glory to Him. All praise and worship belong to God. He is real. He is bigger than any problem you face. He will meet you where you are at. Even right now. (Romans 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Currently I'm experiencing a demonic attack. But I am standing on The Word of God which says I have authority over devils and we are commanded by Christ Jesus to drive/cast them out. So I'm will continue to drive them out in The Name of Jesus Christ. Friends I implore you to do the same. The devil doesn't want us thinking it's real. We have authority over it! All of them. Keep strong in The Lord. Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God The Father. I bless every reader of this comment in The Name of Jesus Christ.
@@christophertracy4377 You don't think Jesus Tribe is Black bcuz it is not in the Talmud? Maybe they mentioned it in the Bible? Do they have much about Human Kings in the Talmud?
Okay, Holy Scriptures aside, here's a clue: Satan takes the Truth and likes to flip it around such as, _"You will not surely die!"_ So, the case is the same with Human society. Flipped upside-down. Why else would our kings be our slaves?
It seems somebody doesn't like Adam's seed; commoners long abused by Big Brother! But does it appear world rulers have an axe to grind with Human Kings, in particular? Like the elite sure hate Yeshua! I wonder if that transfers to Judah...
@@Williethewhipp *"Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day…"* ~ Ezra 9:7-15
@@AverageAmerican you are contentious. I cursed you out and I apologize now. But I think you're a troll you trash people's comments with psychopathic nonsense
Please don't make the lady feel bad about how she reads, just focus on the words and remember they ask for volunteers to read do we can hear you read, not throwing shade just saying be part of the answer we know the problem, I just love hearing about my Jesus!, these books just makes love him more ❤️ 😍
The reason Josephus gave of why Herod killed John the Baptist, does not line up with the Bible. We should believe what the Bible says above any man. This makes me wonder what other mistakes are made in Josephus writings. As the Word of God says, John the Baptist was put to death because of the request of his wife after her daughter danced for Herod. Herod offer her anything up a portion of his kingdom. His wife told her daughter to ask for Johns head on a platter. Because Herod made this vow before his guest, it was granted. Herod did not want to kill John but in fact liked listening to John.
To understand why Josephus wrote as he did you must keep in mind he was raised in captivity. He was looking at the Jewish world from the outside. Trying to explain the Jewish past to the Roman's while writing in Greek. A very difficult task. He compiled much material from many sources in order to do this. The fact that it doesn't line up perfectly with biblical writings proves he was outside of the established Jewish community.
Daniel 7:25 “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” King James Version
1 Maccabees 3:48 “And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.” King James Version Day light savings time and law it's okay to have slaves. Law okay gay marriage and made images of saints white!
@@mikal2507 Idk why kings have to be such idiots but remember, you're in captivity with the surfs! When you learn why, you'll see you ain't no saints either...
@@mikal2507 I mean, what do you expect from Rome? Satan loves to turn the Truth upside-down. Anyway, we're all suppose to be brainwashed so how does anyone notice this stuff?
You noticed it too, and had the courage to care enough about this production to say something. Thank you. - it MUST BE redone, WITH a producer/Director
So, are you saying Yeshua was black? Him being from the lineage of David, an Israelite. Do you think the Shroud Of Turin is authentic? I do. I have researched it for 40 yrs. The computerized anthropometric analysis of the man of the Turin Shroud performed by CISAS G. Colombo (Interdepartmental Center Space Studies and Activities) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Padua, Via Venezia 1, 35137 Padua- Italy, suggests otherwise. Final results: "From the comparison among the anthropometric indices characteristic of different human races with those of the Man of the Shroud it was possible to point out that the Semitic race is the closest one to the characteristics obtained." His lineage was Semitic as well, not black. Whoever you are listening to is teaching you racism and you don't realize it. Is it JW? Why does it matter? How does it affect our salvation? This is the hill you die on? We have more important battles my friend. Spiritual matters. Lets press on past this. It is of no importance.
@@shoeshineboy5869 Men and their foolish "Wisdom". Yea just like they got proof that aliens built the Pyramids. No, Black people built the Pyramids but WHITE PEOPLE refuse to accept that. WHITE PEOPLE think no one existed in the past besides them. Yahushua lived in the north eastern parts of Black Africa but he was White? Yahushua ain't even a European name. What is more, the Bible CLEARLY describes him as a Black Man with wooly hair. Read the Bible and stop paying attention to people who merely desire him to be White out of Fear because they know if he is Black then they know it's over for them because look how the world treats his people.
@@timotiyosmattithyahu4994 that verse is describing only the color of His hair "white like (clean) wool" not the texture of it.. Just like we would describe something as being "as white as snow"
I've tried but this woman doesn't have a downward tone in her voice when she comes to the end of a sentence and I'm having a really hard time figuring out where it begins or it and so I'm going to pass on this one that I love these programs
@Average American yup. Judah is black, word Jew comes from Judah. Mary was dark skinned, she'd be called Black in today's world. Most or all of the OT people would be called Black. It wasn't until the Greek decided he wanted to rule the world did Europeans wander back to the Middle East. The brown people scattered after the Tower of Babel incident, our bodies adapted to the various environments. Hot areas led to darker skin, cold areas led to lighter skin. By the time Jesus came into the world He was born into a world of mixed "races" and there was a mix of them He chose as Apostles. I don't think they were all Black or all White. But I do believe that Jesus was a brown skinned man we'd call Black today. His description in Isaiah 53 did NOT describe the handsome face or body of Cesare Borgia, the owner of the face we were taught is Jesus'. The upper echelon of the Vatican, who serve strange gods, know this truth and they hide it. They tease Catholic followers with the black marble statue of the Madonna and child. White people will look at it and say it's just the color of the stone... but when we are dealing with luciferians NOTHING is what it seems or ever what they say it is. They speak in the language of symbols. Eyes open M'lady. *HSBC symbol... you're looking down on a pyRAmid with two sides open. *Time Warner symbol was the Eye of Ra, not even trying to hide it. *Chicago Bulls symbol, flip it upside down and you'll see satan standing over the Bible. 😳 yup, look it up. * ✡️ Is a symbol of 2 DEMONS, Moloch and Remphan. Bible and Torah warned about NOT using it to create Babylonian majick in both the Old and NEW Testament... we were warned. 🤔😞 🕎 Is the symbol of the Hebrew people. It represents a great MIRACLE of His grace just as ✝️ is the symbol of another of God's miracles. Don't be deceived. * Chrysler, US Air Force, Bentley and others use the winged disc symbol as their corporate logo. Go look them up. Freemasonry started when black Hebrew slaves, just like black Africans in the US, wanted a way to communicate so their masters would not perceive. Like every good thing in earth. Freemasonry was HIJACKED, just like the Jewish religion, by the seeds of satan who seek total global control over God's creations. But everything they do they are all dead men walking. God sits at the END of time also and knows EVERYTHING they have planned. Lucifer, and Azazel subverted God's plan for us. The disembodied souls of their offspring, the Nephilim giants (Genesis 6), desperately seek bodies to inhabit. Imagine knowing hunger and being satisfied... imagine knowing lust and being satisfied... imagine knowing love and being satisfied... THEN LOSING ALL OF THAT because you Soul is condemned and destined to wander the Earth formless. They possess the bodies of those who are UNprotected by the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. PRAYER IS YOUR ARMOR against them... they are relentless. Armor up Brethren. The devils can't get to God so they harm us because they know it grieves God's🔥 heart💖. Their limitless punishment is 1000 years burning in hell. 😳🙁 Don't cry for them, they've earned God's WRATH. Here is my Witness testimony from last week. Listen carefully, the message is for ALL of us INCLUDING me. day 21 after surgery
I would like to read in the bible this that you wrote, can you give me a chapter and verse? {the Nephilim giants (Genesis 6), {desperately seek bodies to inhabit. Imagine knowing hunger and being satisfied... imagine knowing lust and being satisfied... imagine knowing love and being satisfied... THEN LOSING ALL OF THAT because you Soul is condemned and destined to wander the Earth formless} its interesting, where did you read that? I know about the nephilim from the bible but not the other stuff about hunger and all that, did you make that up?
@@christopherwollin7685 it DIDN'T matter to me when I believed He was White, yet many of my White friends question what He looked like now that more and more proof that He wasn't is surfacing. Evil men refashioned images of the true Jesus to look like them. The face most think is Jesus is that if the son of a Roman nobleman Cesare Borgia, His father was so rich she donated so much to the Vatican they made him Pope. He's the one that told Davinci to paint Jesus to look like his handsome son and decree all images of brown Jesus was hidden away from the public. The creeps in their long robes all know the TRUTH, yet they hide it from US. Truth will always rise to the surface, Vatican and Roman Catholic Church are anti Christ. They serve satan and fool millions of Catholics and lead them to hell. Stay woke.
@vetb882 Do you know anything about the book titled “The Medieval Empire of the Israelites” by R. grishin and V.Melamed? Asking because I have this book… I want to know why this book is so high $$$$, what’s so special about it
@ישוע הוא המשיח בן האלוהים u didn't read the question sir, where does it say the chapter and verse the race or skin complexion of Jesus, not someone in lamentations. There are black Jews white Jews Arab Jews. This book has y'all believe in that every race is the Hebrew Israelites
flavia's Josephus was a Jew who was the Scribe in the employment of the Roman emperor of the time do anything he wrote you have to take with a grain of salt
The god and the christ that the christian prayed to are Vasvavian Flavis Ceasar and Titus Flavin Ceasar. They pray to them, that's what the christian pray to. That's why the NT. Was written in Latin. The power of the christian religion relies on Rome. Many people have been mislead...
You are crazy, we don't worship men, worship only the true.and living God Almighty and our Saviour The Lord Yeshua. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. AMEN. WE CHRISTIANS INVITE YOU TO COME TO KNOW HIM, FOR YOUR SOUL'S SAKE.
@Greg Henry I can't find you comment in the thread so I had to post here. Yeshua is a false name, as is Yaweh. Jesus IS the Messiah and nowhere in the Bible does it say He lives to be 110 years old. That sounds like Islamic teachings if I ever heard. Jesus was not God's literal son, nor was He God the Father/Creator. To use a term that we can understand better, Jesus was God's AVATAR... just like in the movie. The man Jesus DID die on the cross and not because He couldn't defend Himself. He had the power, through God, to DESTROY ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET in an instant....😲😟🧐🤔 But that's not why He came. He came here so that God the Father could EXPERIENCE what it's like to be human through the physical vessel of Jesus of Nazareth. Having understood the temptations of the flesh, the lusts and wants of the body, the trifling nature of greedy men, God used His avatar Jesus to take the punishment WE HUMANS DESERVED. 😟🙏🏾🙏🏼🙏🏻💖 Because of God's SACRIFICE we are NO LONGER under the Law of Moses, which means the penalty for sin is DEATH... Death of YOU or the sacrifice of a lesser animal. Saw, even then God gave us a way OUT. Jesus was the FINAL SACRIFICE, and in the horrific beatings on His physical body, yes, God felt ALL of that through Jesus. God's "connection" was severed. In 3 days, God in Heaven restored FULLY the body of Jesus of Nazareth. And if you think His name was Joshua or Yeshua was I had WRONGLY thought so until I was corrected. On the placard above His head on the cross (or tree) INRI? INRI is Latin for Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudarium. Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews. He was named JESUS, that's the name. The angel Gabriel TOLD Mary to bend the child, Jesus, not Yashua or Yeshua. The whole Yeshua thing started less than 1000 years ago. His name was, is, and will be Jesus when He returns. And to show you how God STAMPS HIS AUTHORITY on all He does: The very FIRST WORD in the Bible tells of Jesus. Genesis 1:1 starts with "In the beginning, ...." I.N. the beginning... 😳🤔 can you see? I.esus N.azarenus... IN✝️ Jesus Nazareth
There is no J in Greek nor in ancient Hebrew. The Romans invented the J sound. It wasn't until 1524 when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J....
@@stacey4u2luv correct, hence in the placard above His head, INRI. Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaerium is Latin for Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. Although I find it odd, heard never called Himself a Jew, He used that term for those who would kill Him.
Umm, Jesus was not a Jew, He was A HEBREW. He never referred to Himself as a Jew, He referred to those who killed Him as Jews. Let's not confuse and conflate things.
@Dexter Tenn thank you for the correction. We call Him that because He was a Judahite, Black origin. My comment was based on the current ppl who identify as Jews and now finally accepting Jesus IS the Messiah but trying to conflate Him with THEIR background. Jesus was NOT a Jew by standards of those who today say they are Jews and are not. They are descendants of CONVERTS, no relations to biblical Israel. Physical Israel is abomiNation to true Torah Jews who know better, 'conquer no land and call it Israel until I return'... He's not back yet. Thank you for the clarification though, I may have been a bit vague in my comment. 🙏🏾♥️🙏🏻
@Manuel Dumont what are you talking about? Don't assume you know what i believe . Because frankly idgaf about any of that. Get your head out of that black and white bs I said, dont fall for the DNA pysops
@Dexter Tenn correct, but where you and too many others err is that thinking that was forced upon us. When you think of A JEW what images comes to mind? Someone that looks like Speilberg and Kissinger? Or Black men in long robes? See, they fair false Jew has HIJACKED the religion and use it as a battering ram for nefarious purposes. Ancient Hebrews were Black and brown, like the ancient Egyptians depicted themselves.
@@vetb882 This was a central component of my Saul = Josephus theory, because both of these characters were: ... Jews, brought up in Jerusalem, ... rabbis, ... Roman citizens, ... anti-circumcision, ... wore short hair, ... branded as liars, ... perfidious and changed sides, ... pro-Roman, ... prolific authors, ... on the same prison ship, ... a ship that was shipwrecked (on Malta), ... able to have an audience with Emperor Nero, ... persecuting Jesus in Galilee in the AD 60s, ... had a vision of a man and changed sides, ... had the same publisher, Epaphrodutus. Despite these social, chronological and geographic connections and similarities, apparently these 'two' people had no knowledge of each other. And despite both being prolific authors, they never wrote a word about each other. Hmm, perhaps they used the pronoun 'I' instead... And yet these same critics are still trying to claim that everything I say about the Edessa Gospel theory is wrong. Talk about cognitive dissonance. I predict that these same critics will make a dramatic announcement next year, claiming they have just discovered that Jesus may have been an AD 60s king of Edessa. (Note: I rather think that Epaphroditus was more of a translator and publisher than a patron; because Josephus says it was Epaphrodutus who inspired him to complete this works, and this was a 'joint venture' of some nature. This may have been because Josephus could not speak Greek very well, as he himself says, and so he needed a translator to turn his Aramaic texts into Greek.
@Scottq Gee Let's listen to Paul himself: “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but raised in this city. I was educated at the feet of Gamaliel in strict conformity to the law of our fathers. I am just as zealous for God as any of you here today. (Acts 22:3) Here's Paul again: 5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin; a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee; 6 as to zeal, persecuting the church; as to righteousness in the law, faultless. 7 But whatever was gain to me I count as loss for the sake of Christ. (Phil. 3:5-7) Are you saved in Jesus Christ?
I swear, I think if Jesus Christ Himself during his final moments had heard this twitch-inducing voice emanating from among Golgotha's rubber-neckers, the Bible's famous quote would instead read, "Forgive them Father... except for HER!!"
None of the legends are of the Holy Scriptures, The Holy Word of God. They are not Inspired by the Holy Spirit nor breathed upon ny God. Thay are writings of men. Not Worthy of trust. God promised to preserve his Holy Word, psalm 12, KJV HOLY BIBLE. Let the Truth be known. 🤔🤔🐒🐒😊😊🥁🥁🥁🎺🎺🎺🔈🔉🔊
Oh my God the lady needs to take some classes in how to speak, awful sing sang voice, emphasis put in the wrong places on words, just because you can read doesn't mean you should.really awful.
@@AmyJones-to8mh I know you don't know me but please share my video with everyone you know it will free your mind -- . .
The Lord Jesus Christ has delivered me from drug addiction, homelessness, abusive relationships, evil spirits (yes they're real) , sexual immorality, swearing, lying, stealing, laziness.. and even more. I give all the glory to Him. All praise and worship belong to God. He is real. He is bigger than any problem you face. He will meet you where you are at. Even right now.
(Romans 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Currently I'm experiencing a demonic attack. But I am standing on The Word of God which says I have authority over
devils and we are commanded by Christ Jesus to drive/cast them out. So I'm will continue to drive them out in The Name of Jesus Christ.
Friends I implore you to do the same. The devil
doesn't want us thinking it's real.
We have authority over it!
All of them.
Keep strong in The Lord.
Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God The Father.
I bless every reader of this comment in The Name of Jesus Christ.
Glory be to the one true God Jesus Christ. Amen✝
Love the painting it's called Here is the Man. Christ was a real man He is the Lord. Even Josephus said that He rose on the 3rd day as prophesized.
Except, did you know Jesus Tribe is Black?
I highly doubt that because the Jews would have mentioned it in their Talmud and they hate Him.
@@christophertracy4377 You don't think Jesus Tribe is Black bcuz it is not in the Talmud? Maybe they mentioned it in the Bible? Do they have much about Human Kings in the Talmud?
Okay, Holy Scriptures aside, here's a clue:
Satan takes the Truth and likes to flip it around such as, _"You will not surely die!"_ So, the case is the same with Human society. Flipped upside-down. Why else would our kings be our slaves?
Preach, I'm so proud to see my Brethren waking up and REMEMBERING WHO WE ARE.... not who we were, but who we ARE.
It seems somebody doesn't like Adam's seed; commoners long abused by Big Brother! But does it appear world rulers have an axe to grind with Human Kings, in particular? Like the elite sure hate Yeshua! I wonder if that transfers to Judah...
@@Williethewhipp *"Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day…"*
~ Ezra 9:7-15
_"Judah and Israel were numbering as the sand, laying by the seashore, eating and drinking, and making merry."_ ~ 1 Kings 4:20
@@Williethewhipp May Yahweh remember HIS servant David, when HE looks upon HIS wicked Kings!
@@AverageAmerican you are contentious. I cursed you out and I apologize now. But I think you're a troll you trash people's comments with psychopathic nonsense
Can't wait for the jews to wake up and acknowledge the worlds true and only messiah. JESUS THE KING OF KINGS
Please don't make the lady feel bad about how she reads, just focus on the words and remember they ask for volunteers to read do we can hear you read, not throwing shade just saying be part of the answer we know the problem, I just love hearing about my Jesus!, these books just makes love him more ❤️ 😍
It's a computer...smgdh
coming here because of Pastor Russel
Bless Pastor Russel's heart!
It's all small man things until the 25 minute mark, a Man Named Jesus.......
The reason Josephus gave of why Herod killed John the Baptist, does not line up with the Bible. We should believe what the Bible says above any man. This makes me wonder what other mistakes are made in Josephus writings.
As the Word of God says, John the Baptist was put to death because of the request of his wife after her daughter danced for Herod. Herod offer her anything up a portion of his kingdom. His wife told her daughter to ask for Johns head on a platter. Because Herod made this vow before his guest, it was granted. Herod did not want to kill John but in fact liked listening to John.
Josephus is correct. He’s also the biblical Saul (st Paul) and jesus was the one he was persecuting.
To understand why Josephus wrote as he did you must keep in mind he was raised in captivity. He was looking at the Jewish world from the outside. Trying to explain the Jewish past to the Roman's while writing in Greek. A very difficult task. He compiled much material from many sources in order to do this. The fact that it doesn't line up perfectly with biblical writings proves he was outside of the established Jewish community.
@@elisejaudon925 he wrote the history of the Jewish revolt in Aramaic and sent it to his people in edessa. The Greek came later
Only Semites are from Adam.
@@AverageAmericanFalsehood, don't lie kid. Before semites existed, there were children of Adam like Cain and Seth and Noah etc. they weren't semites.
Daniel 7:25
“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”
King James Version
1 Maccabees 3:48
“And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.”
King James Version
Day light savings time and law it's okay to have slaves. Law okay gay marriage and made images of saints white!
@@mikal2507 Idk why kings have to be such idiots but remember, you're in captivity with the surfs! When you learn why, you'll see you ain't no saints either...
@@AverageAmerican what? The images used for these videos are not biblical. So, your point is what?
@@mikal2507 I mean, what do you expect from Rome? Satan loves to turn the Truth upside-down. Anyway, we're all suppose to be brainwashed so how does anyone notice this stuff?
I love how Flavius Josephus is "Josephus Flavius" in the headline.
Thanx. I ll correct.
Probably because Josephus and Flavius wrote much of the new Testament.
Is the female voice computer generated???
@@DORKSIDE616 Yeah why do people say it's heresy?
@@DORKSIDE616 why do people say it's heresy that Josephus and Flavius wrote it?
Awful nonhuman reader. But thanks for making this content available.
You noticed it too, and had the courage to care enough about this production to say something. Thank you. - it MUST BE redone, WITH a producer/Director
Turn the music off too
It's awful
Barrabas could've pumped more life into it than this droning Queen of Charisma.
People will NEVER understand the scriptures until they realize and know that the Israelites, God's people, were Black!!!
So, are you saying Yeshua was black? Him being from the lineage of David, an Israelite. Do you think the Shroud Of Turin is authentic? I do. I have researched it for 40 yrs. The computerized anthropometric analysis
of the man of the Turin Shroud performed by CISAS G. Colombo (Interdepartmental Center Space Studies and Activities)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Padua, Via Venezia 1, 35137 Padua- Italy, suggests otherwise.
Final results: "From the comparison among the anthropometric indices characteristic of different human
races with those of the Man of the Shroud it was possible to point out that the Semitic race is
the closest one to the characteristics obtained."
His lineage was Semitic as well, not black. Whoever you are listening to is teaching you racism and you don't realize it. Is it JW? Why does it matter? How does it affect our salvation? This is the hill you die on? We have more important battles my friend. Spiritual matters. Lets press on past this. It is of no importance.
@@shoeshineboy5869 Men and their foolish "Wisdom". Yea just like they got proof that aliens built the Pyramids. No, Black people built the Pyramids but WHITE PEOPLE refuse to accept that. WHITE PEOPLE think no one existed in the past besides them. Yahushua lived in the north eastern parts of Black Africa but he was White? Yahushua ain't even a European name. What is more, the Bible CLEARLY describes him as a Black Man with wooly hair. Read the Bible and stop paying attention to people who merely desire him to be White out of Fear because they know if he is Black then they know it's over for them because look how the world treats his people.
YAHWEH is not black or white
@@josecolon4248 Didn't say he was. But he is described as having "Hair Like Clean Wool" so was Yahushua".
@@timotiyosmattithyahu4994 that verse is describing only the color of His hair "white like (clean) wool" not the texture of it.. Just like we would describe something as being "as white as snow"
I've tried but this woman doesn't have a downward tone in her voice when she comes to the end of a sentence and I'm having a really hard time figuring out where it begins or it and so I'm going to pass on this one that I love these programs
How apropos. A reading worthy of a crucifixion. Some folks are meant to be listeners. She's one of them.
@Average American yup. Judah is black, word Jew comes from Judah.
Mary was dark skinned, she'd be called Black in today's world. Most or all of the OT people would be called Black. It wasn't until the Greek decided he wanted to rule the world did Europeans wander back to the Middle East.
The brown people scattered after the Tower of Babel incident, our bodies adapted to the various environments. Hot areas led to darker skin, cold areas led to lighter skin.
By the time Jesus came into the world He was born into a world of mixed "races" and there was a mix of them He chose as Apostles. I don't think they were all Black or all White. But I do believe that Jesus was a brown skinned man we'd call Black today. His description in Isaiah 53 did NOT describe the handsome face or body of Cesare Borgia, the owner of the face we were taught is Jesus'.
The upper echelon of the Vatican, who serve strange gods, know this truth and they hide it. They tease Catholic followers with the black marble statue of the Madonna and child. White people will look at it and say it's just the color of the stone... but when we are dealing with luciferians NOTHING is what it seems or ever what they say it is. They speak in the language of symbols.
Eyes open M'lady.
*HSBC symbol... you're looking down on a pyRAmid with two sides open.
*Time Warner symbol was the Eye of Ra, not even trying to hide it.
*Chicago Bulls symbol, flip it upside down and you'll see satan standing over the Bible. 😳 yup, look it up.
* ✡️ Is a symbol of 2 DEMONS, Moloch and Remphan.
Bible and Torah warned about NOT using it to create Babylonian majick in both the Old and NEW Testament... we were warned. 🤔😞
🕎 Is the symbol of the Hebrew people. It represents a great MIRACLE of His grace just as ✝️ is the symbol of another of God's miracles. Don't be deceived.
* Chrysler, US Air Force, Bentley and others use the winged disc symbol as their corporate logo. Go look them up.
Freemasonry started when black Hebrew slaves, just like black Africans in the US, wanted a way to communicate so their masters would not perceive.
Like every good thing in earth. Freemasonry was HIJACKED, just like the Jewish religion, by the seeds of satan who seek total global control over God's creations.
But everything they do they are all dead men walking. God sits at the END of time also and knows EVERYTHING they have planned.
Lucifer, and Azazel subverted God's plan for us. The disembodied souls of their offspring, the Nephilim giants (Genesis 6), desperately seek bodies to inhabit. Imagine knowing hunger and being satisfied... imagine knowing lust and being satisfied... imagine knowing love and being satisfied... THEN LOSING ALL OF THAT because you Soul is condemned and destined to wander the Earth formless.
They possess the bodies of those who are UNprotected by the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. PRAYER IS YOUR ARMOR against them... they are relentless.
Armor up Brethren. The devils can't get to God so they harm us because they know it grieves God's🔥 heart💖.
Their limitless punishment is 1000 years burning in hell. 😳🙁 Don't cry for them, they've earned God's WRATH.
Here is my Witness testimony from last week. Listen carefully, the message is for ALL of us INCLUDING me.
day 21 after surgery
I would like to read in the bible this that you wrote, can you give me a chapter and verse? {the Nephilim giants (Genesis 6), {desperately seek bodies to inhabit. Imagine knowing hunger and being satisfied... imagine knowing lust and being satisfied... imagine knowing love and being satisfied... THEN LOSING ALL OF THAT because you Soul is condemned and destined to wander the Earth formless} its interesting, where did you read that? I know about the nephilim from the bible but not the other stuff about hunger and all that, did you make that up?
Well done indeed. IAM BLESSED INDEED BY THE EDIFICATION OF TRUTH brethren, blessings be ever upon thee beloved. All glory 2 Christ Jesus.
Why does it matter what color he was
@@christopherwollin7685 it DIDN'T matter to me when I believed He was White, yet many of my White friends question what He looked like now that more and more proof that He wasn't is surfacing.
Evil men refashioned images of the true Jesus to look like them. The face most think is Jesus is that if the son of a Roman nobleman Cesare Borgia, His father was so rich she donated so much to the Vatican they made him Pope. He's the one that told Davinci to paint Jesus to look like his handsome son and decree all images of brown Jesus was hidden away from the public. The creeps in their long robes all know the TRUTH, yet they hide it from US.
Truth will always rise to the surface, Vatican and Roman Catholic Church are anti Christ. They serve satan and fool millions of Catholics and lead them to hell. Stay woke.
@vetb882 Do you know anything about the book titled “The Medieval Empire of the Israelites” by R. grishin and V.Melamed? Asking because I have this book… I want to know why this book is so high $$$$, what’s so special about it
There's a book, that says that Flavious Josephus was really relative of the """Piso Family""" there any validation to this?
Are they Semites?
@@AverageAmerican you are trash
@@AverageAmerican Edomites
Wrong color revealing of my big brother Revelation 1: 14 Jeremiah 17:4
How do u know what Jesus race was?
@ישוע הוא המשיח בן האלוהים u didn't read the question sir, where does it say the chapter and verse the race or skin complexion of Jesus, not someone in lamentations. There are black Jews white Jews Arab Jews. This book has y'all believe in that every race is the Hebrew Israelites
Well on
Josephus is epic
👆❤🙏❤☝🐦 !!!! TY JOHN !!!!
I think she also narrated Snapped show .
flavia's Josephus was a Jew who was the Scribe in the employment of the Roman emperor of the time do anything he wrote you have to take with a grain of salt
Josephus was in the Bible also
@ישוע הוא המשיח בן האלוהים he’s Saul in the New Testament
@ישוע הוא המשיח בן האלוהים because Josephus is Saul in the New Testament
rge reading is 2fast ,u cant pick up the info
Good Lord..all this arguing!!!!!!!!! My God!!!!
22:00 25:15
@ 28:00 story of how someone tricked woman into sleeping with him by pretending to be a god. I guess things never change.
clearly, you have not looked too deeply in to this.
The god and the christ that the christian prayed to are Vasvavian Flavis Ceasar and Titus Flavin Ceasar. They pray to them, that's what the christian pray to. That's why the NT. Was written in Latin. The power of the christian religion relies on Rome. Many people have been mislead...
You are crazy, we don't worship men, worship only the true.and living God Almighty and our Saviour The Lord
@Greg Henry I can't find you comment in the thread so I had to post here.
Yeshua is a false name, as is Yaweh.
Jesus IS the Messiah and nowhere in the Bible does it say He lives to be 110 years old. That sounds like Islamic teachings if I ever heard.
Jesus was not God's literal son, nor was He God the Father/Creator. To use a term that we can understand better, Jesus was God's AVATAR... just like in the movie.
The man Jesus DID die on the cross and not because He couldn't defend Himself. He had the power, through God, to DESTROY ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET in an instant....😲😟🧐🤔
But that's not why He came. He came here so that God the Father could EXPERIENCE what it's like to be human through the physical vessel of Jesus of Nazareth. Having understood the temptations of the flesh, the lusts and wants of the body, the trifling nature of greedy men, God used His avatar Jesus to take the punishment WE HUMANS DESERVED.
Because of God's SACRIFICE we are NO LONGER under the Law of Moses, which means the penalty for sin is DEATH... Death of YOU or the sacrifice of a lesser animal. Saw, even then God gave us a way OUT.
Jesus was the FINAL SACRIFICE, and in the horrific beatings on His physical body, yes, God felt ALL of that through Jesus. God's "connection" was severed. In 3 days, God in Heaven restored FULLY the body of Jesus of Nazareth.
And if you think His name was Joshua or Yeshua was I had WRONGLY thought so until I was corrected. On the placard above His head on the cross (or tree) INRI?
INRI is Latin for Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudarium. Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews. He was named JESUS, that's the name. The angel Gabriel TOLD Mary to bend the child, Jesus, not Yashua or Yeshua.
The whole Yeshua thing started less than 1000 years ago. His name was, is, and will be Jesus when He returns.
And to show you how God STAMPS HIS AUTHORITY on all He does:
The very FIRST WORD in the Bible tells of Jesus. Genesis 1:1 starts with "In the beginning, ...."
I.N. the beginning... 😳🤔 can you see?
I.esus N.azarenus... IN✝️ Jesus Nazareth
Not We. You!
There is no J in Greek nor in ancient Hebrew. The Romans invented the J sound. It wasn't until 1524 when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J....
@@stacey4u2luv correct, hence in the placard above His head, INRI. Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaerium is Latin for Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. Although I find it odd, heard never called Himself a Jew, He used that term for those who would kill Him.
Couldn't enjoy and listen to completely. That female is a horrible horrible reader! Making it very difficult to listen to and enjoy.
Your out of your mind.
Shes a great reader. I think she does a wonderful job.
Would it be possible to provide English subtitles please? Thank you!
You can click Settings -> Subtitles and then -> (auto-generated) English
but its not 100% accurate
@@AverageAmerican Thanks!
Just have to learn to be more fluent in your ancient Hebrew ,Greek and Latin.
Then, you will get the Message?
Then, you will get the Message?
Jusu said i am King of the jus
hour long ads that hijack the video suck hard.
I don't like the reader's sing song voice.
This is a long horrible book that has nothing to do with Jesus.
Umm, Jesus was not a Jew, He was A HEBREW. He never referred to Himself as a Jew, He referred to those who killed Him as Jews.
Let's not confuse and conflate things.
@Dexter Tenn thank you for the correction. We call Him that because He was a Judahite, Black origin. My comment was based on the current ppl who identify as Jews and now finally accepting Jesus IS the Messiah but trying to conflate Him with THEIR background.
Jesus was NOT a Jew by standards of those who today say they are Jews and are not. They are descendants of CONVERTS, no relations to biblical Israel. Physical Israel is abomiNation to true Torah Jews who know better, 'conquer no land and call it Israel until I return'... He's not back yet.
Thank you for the clarification though, I may have been a bit vague in my comment. 🙏🏾♥️🙏🏻
He is king of the Jews silly humans
@Manuel Dumont don't fall for the DNA psyops
@Manuel Dumont what are you talking about? Don't assume you know what i believe . Because frankly idgaf about any of that. Get your head out of that black and white bs I said, dont fall for the DNA pysops
@Dexter Tenn correct, but where you and too many others err is that thinking that was forced upon us. When you think of A JEW what images comes to mind?
Someone that looks like Speilberg and Kissinger? Or Black men in long robes?
See, they fair false Jew has HIJACKED the religion and use it as a battering ram for nefarious purposes. Ancient Hebrews were Black and brown, like the ancient Egyptians depicted themselves.
Forbidden history. Josephus was the biblical Saul
How could Josephus be Saul. Saul became Paul the writer of most of the NY. Just saying...
This was a central component of my Saul = Josephus theory, because both of these characters were:
... Jews, brought up in Jerusalem,
... rabbis,
... Roman citizens,
... anti-circumcision,
... wore short hair,
... branded as liars,
... perfidious and changed sides,
... pro-Roman,
... prolific authors,
... on the same prison ship,
... a ship that was shipwrecked (on Malta),
... able to have an audience with Emperor Nero,
... persecuting Jesus in Galilee in the AD 60s,
... had a vision of a man and changed sides,
... had the same publisher, Epaphrodutus.
Despite these social, chronological and geographic connections and similarities, apparently these 'two' people had no knowledge of each other. And despite both being prolific authors, they never wrote a word about each other.
Hmm, perhaps they used the pronoun 'I' instead...
And yet these same critics are still trying to claim that everything I say about the Edessa Gospel theory is wrong. Talk about cognitive dissonance. I predict that these same critics will make a dramatic announcement next year, claiming they have just discovered that Jesus may have been an AD 60s king of Edessa.
(Note: I rather think that Epaphroditus was more of a translator and publisher than a patron; because Josephus says it was Epaphrodutus who inspired him to complete this works, and this was a 'joint venture' of some nature. This may have been because Josephus could not speak Greek very well, as he himself says, and so he needed a translator to turn his Aramaic texts into Greek.
pharisee and sadducee, i think of politicians and scientists. not sure thats accurate enough
They were both political parties
Was Paul and Joesephus and Paul same person? Seems they might be
Not by far
@Scottq Gee The apostle Paul was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin. He was a Pharisee who trained under Gamaliel.
@Scottq Gee Let's listen to Paul himself:
“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but raised in this city. I was educated at the feet of Gamaliel in strict conformity to the law of our fathers. I am just as zealous for God as any of you here today. (Acts 22:3)
Here's Paul again:
5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin; a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee; 6 as to zeal, persecuting the church; as to righteousness in the law, faultless. 7 But whatever was gain to me I count as loss for the sake of Christ. (Phil. 3:5-7)
Are you saved in Jesus Christ?
@Scottq Gee No, I don't believe that.
No. They are different people.
She reads as if shes singing, couldn't listen to it such a shame
It's very strange.
I swear, I think if Jesus Christ Himself during his final moments had heard this twitch-inducing voice emanating from among Golgotha's rubber-neckers, the Bible's famous quote would instead read, "Forgive them Father... except for HER!!"
Can’t stand the narrator
Buy the book and shut-up.
Music is a pain, Can’t watch it Byeeee
Ya that's??????
Another reader, please. The current one is too mentally stimulating. 😬
None of the legends are of the Holy Scriptures, The Holy Word of God.
They are not Inspired by the Holy Spirit nor breathed upon ny God.
Thay are writings of men.
Not Worthy of trust.
God promised to preserve his Holy
Word, psalm 12, KJV HOLY BIBLE.
Let the Truth be known.
Rome assembled the Bible. And they banned, burned, and buried the Rejected Testament. But Yahweh preserved His word just like He did our Messiah.
She sounds: fine
Makes for good reading.. that's it.
this is an awful AI voice
Oh my God the lady needs to take some classes in how to speak, awful sing sang voice, emphasis put in the wrong places on words, just because you can read doesn't mean you should.really awful.
I'm just glad that I am a Egyptian sun worship on I don't know no Jesus Christ
Why then are you on this channel/video?
I know you don't know me but please share my video with everyone you know it will free your mind --
There’s many proofs of Jesus existing.
I watched your video, you should go check your head or something.
Check yours tap here
Youse a dayum fool...
Music ruined the reading