Surah Ali' Imran-7 It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muḥammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific.1 As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allāh. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding. Asharis affirm "istawa al alarsh". We only deny direction and location which even the salafis deny.
The vast majority of the ummah the sawad al adham is ashari maturidi hands down no competition 1200 years of tawattur. We accept ahle athar as ahlus sunnah as we love all four madhabs. The only problem issue and extremism is the najdi dawah this is the biggest obstacle and fitna in this ummah. They are neither hanbalis nor zahiris or salafis. Take out the fitna of the najdi dawah and belive me everyone gets along fine all of the four schools are ahlus sunnah.
Yes of course. Athari Ash'ari Maturidi are in fact True Salafiyyah. It is the najdi dawah pseudo salafis who create the sectarianism and try to divide the sunnis. But more and more people are waking up (thanks to the madkhalis) 😂
Agree br. Generally all schools and movements get along. If they have friction generally it's minimal. However the "salafis" have friction w/ everybody else. It's black and white us vs the rest (following their nafs, taqlid, etc.)
Extremism is worshipping graves, saying about Allah that which he never mentioned, innovation after the Messenger of Allah said all innovation is in hellfire and dividing the ummah into sects and accepting everyone rather than encouraging good and forbidding evil. Most of the people dont even know what ashaari, maturidi and deobandis are. There are real salafis then fake. You say you follow the salaf but ashaaris follow 5th generation former innovator who left his ideas for real Islam, ikhwanis follow a guy less than a century ago, maturidi was also after salaf, so were deobandis and suffis and the rest. You dont follow the vast majority of people. The vast majority arent muslim. Innovators are not from the ummah. You should follow the majority that are on the straight path. No where does it say follow the 4 madhabs as if you guys follow all 4. Everyone claims to strictly follow just 1 but you even go against all 4 madhabs because you dont even know what is in them. There were also more than 4 but those 4 are just the most popular. People made them popular not based on knowledge but based on favoritism because the imam is from my city or country or ethnicity. You choose the words of imams over the words of the Messenger. If you people were truly sincere you would read quran, hadiths and books on salaf. The problem is you guys just listen to misguided people and believe anything they say. Since the vast majority are misguided that explains why the Muslim countries are being humiliated-just like Allah and his Messenger told us they (misguided) would. Salafis by the way are on the rise.
Glorifying or not, in the end there is one truth, and Allah 3azza wa Jalla is the creator of space and time, not a part of His creation, and nothing is similar to Him.
Surah taha ayah 5 We except that allah is abov3 the throne but we don't know how cuz it's is beyond human comprehension . Just like ur eyes and ears have limits ur brain also has limits thus u can't comprehend everything like Allah attributes, praise or hellfire . So just follow the quran and tje sunnah with the understanding of the salaf
Yes these whole debates are kind of getting too much now. Its like trying to spit at the sun, bottom line is that both groups realize that the essense of Allah s.w.t is something that we can not even come close to comprehend.
Exactly, thats why 'ilm al-kalam was condemned by so many prominent scholars including some of the scholars of the Asha'irah (who left Asha'rism + 'Ilm al Kalam) like Fakhruddin al-Razi, Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, and even Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari (may Allah have mercy on them)
It seems to me, people really miss the heart of the matter when it comes to the athari/ashari divide. It isn't a simple matter of arriving at 2 different conclusions while attempting to glorify Allah. This is not a simple difference of opinion on peripheral issues the way scholars differ in fiqh. It is an issue of أصول (fundamentals) and methodology. The athari approach is to follow the quran and sunnah according to the understanding of the 3 pious generations. The evidences are gathered and that which was originally intended is searched for (exegesis). The ashari approach (and to be honest, it is the approach of all of the people of kalam) is to first prove Allah's existence rationally. While forming these prepositional arguments, assumptions are made about the essence and being of Allah. Those assumptions often conflict with the apparent meaning of the quran. The solution is to take any problematic evidence metaphorically, as disregarding these conclusions is to disregard the faculty that arrived at the existence of Allah. The goal is not to find the intended meaning of these texts. Rather, meanings are read into the text (eisegesis). It is reported that: "Imam Ash-Shafi'i, after he debated Hafs Al-Fard, hated Kalam (rational theology). He used to say, 'By Allah, it is better for a scholar to make a fatwa and it is said that the scholar has made an error than for him to speak (يتكلم) and it is said that he is a heretic. And there is nothing more hated to me than kalam and its people.'" Imam Ash-Shafi'i is demonstrating that there is a difference in mistakes in fundamentals and approach and mistakes in peripheral issues. Furthermore, Allah says in the Quran, وكذلك أوحينا إليك روحا من أمرنا ما كنت تدري ما الكتاب ولا إيمان "And thus we sent to you an inspiration and a mercy by our command. You knew not what the Scripture or faith was" Ash-Shuraa: 52 The prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was more intelligent than all of us, yet he صلى الله عليه وسلم only attained guidance through revelation. This is not a trivial difference.
May Allah guide you, if you really think that only Atharis come to Jannah. A'uthubillah. So you go to Jannah while Imam Al Ghazali, Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani, Imam Nawawi, Imam Suyuti, Imam Al Juwayni, .... are at the gateways of Hell. La Hawla Wa La Qwata Illa Bi Llah
@@nancy4615I'm sure they all repented just a week before they died, right? xD It is obvious that the majority of the 'ulama in our religion were not Athari, the way it is understood by todays Salafi. Ibn 'Abdul Wahab homself admitted that. While you say they were all upon the Athari aqeedah, their books and the opinion of the 'ulama speak against you. i have nothing against the Athari 'ulama but I have a problem with those who try to eliminate a majority of the Ummah as misguided
@@thenotoriousm0e852 Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “What comes over my nation will surely be what came over the children of Israel, step by step until if one of them fornicated with his mother, one from my nation would do the same. Verily, the children of Israel split into seventy-two sects and my nation will split into seventy-three sects; all of them are in the Hellfire except for one denomination.” They said, “Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “Those who follow my way and my companions.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2641 Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Albani There are so many more hadiths like this , are all the asharis, sufis,Shia, mutazilah, khawarij gonna enter paradise straight away? I'm not saying they won't in the end but the evidence js clear الله المستعان I think its important to note yhat in islam we don't have the concept of were all going jannah under the banner of Islam,its important that we understand and implement the deen just like the sahabah and salaf did , because idk bout u but they know wayyyyy more than me .
@@thenotoriousm0e852 also ibn hajar and other scholars have been incorrectly labelled with other labels , of which there is no sound chain of transmission . Yes the like of al ghazali weren't on the sunnah they're whole life but we are not khawarij, alhamdullilah he repented and so we oray Allah has mercy on his soul. Please do more research xD
This religion was built upon ashairah - from Hadith to Quran. Salafis use & study from Ashari scholars but asharis don’t study or take from any wahabi or salafi scholar.
@@Gggggggglllk you take from the four imams who you do taqleed on, you follow the books of hadiths, you follow our quran, our books are what built islam to what it is
So if I believe that Allah is everywhere or is in no place or is in mind only or not allowed to even think about it. We all glorifying Allah swt then? Subhanallah.
the headline itself is wrong because there are no salafis today, the wahabis call themselves salafis and they pretend to be or following the salafu saalixiin (r,a) when we know that they are against the salafu saalihiin because wahabais (pseudo salafis) are against the 4 madhabs of ahlusuna whose Imams were salafu saalihiin r.a. the other thing, he is lying about asharis. and he does not know ahlusuna are asharis and matuuridis for for 1200 years. so the speaker is misqguided and misleading the lay people.
The Wahabism is a nasty fitnah. Ashari Maturidi is the main the absolute majority and that makes absolute sense. Athari has a shalow and literal understanding of Quran that's why it is they have a contradicting understanding of Quran.
Ohhh.. so now i understand! Ok so my Christian neighbor also has the same intention to Glorify his god.. hmmm things are sooo simple why did we complicate long as a person has good intentions (for god) he cannot be called misguided.. right? Hmmm okkkey
No comparison bw both. Where is allah is not a matter of aqeedah atleast. Allah is in arsh and also very close to u. No one can define or limit his existence. He is beyond time and place
@@m4fital2 u didn't understand the comment, he's saying the salafi view is backed with Quran and sunnah whereas the ashari view isn't, ashairah don't even take Quran and sunnah as a proof lol so idk why u call that biased, this is what the ashirah believe
The extreme salafi the blind follower of miaw will do takfir on this shaikh , and the divide goes on , some enemies of Islam must be benefiting from this divide as history shows
I don’t think our prophet Muhammad saw time there were different sects, he was just a muslim following the guidance from the Quran. How many different sects we now have which is keeping us separated and not united, this happens when we start taking knowledge from outside Allah swt words.
The Ashari position of Allah not being in one place, is also the opinion of Ibn Hajjar al-Asqalani in his Fath ul-Bari when he is commenting on the hadith of Nuzul in Sahih Bukhari.
@@Abu_Idris nobody says that. What is said is that Allah is above his throne. Atharis will take that in a literal sense without dwelling on the 'how'. Maturidis and Asharis will take that to mean that Allah is the most majestic.
@@theCordobaProject So maturidis and asharis dont believe that Allah is above his throne literally? Is there a reason why they dont believe that? Why is Allah being above his throne so hard to accept? The sky is above us, yet it encompasses the whole of the earth, the universe is above our sky yet it encompasses the whole of the earth and sky. The throne is above everything else except Allah who is above his throne. If for example we said there is no god and jist the universe around us which is infinitely large (I dont believe this but lets say it is for argument sake), if in this example we say the universe is above the earth, does that take anything away from the universe, or would the universe still be infinitely large? Ofcourse it would still be infinite as you cant take anything away from infinity except that it is still infinite. So why do asharis or whoever else believe that saying Allah is above his throne literally, takes away from Allah in any sense?
I have allot of respect for the shaykh but on this topic he is wrong. Only one view is correct and saheeh. The Salafi/Athari view is backed up with proof/daleel and is they way of the salaf/sahaba. Unity is only on the proof/truth. Whe must fear Allaah and speak the truth.
What a man ignorant thing to say. At the time when Christianity was evolving the followers of Isa (pbuh) were the minority… Since when was the majority a indication of truthfulness? Do you know how many treatises there are regarding the validation of the Athari creed well before the ashari / maturdi came in power? So before that - the athari were the majority - does that mean the athari was right and ashari wrong? Silly statement to make brother. Go learn.
@Big Boy he is talking about Muslims not kufaar. At the time of Isa alayhisalam they were surrounded by kufaar and they were in minority. Today Ash'ari/Athari and Maturidi make up the majority of the Muslim Ummah. They are Muslim NOT kufaar. So when wahabi come with their mujassima Aqeedah we call them the minority who swayed away from the teachings of the salaf us salih.
@@bigboy6103brother its a sahi hadeeth in bukhari and muslim. The Prophet saw said, when there is ikhtilaaf and dispute about who is right and wrong then cling to the majority. This less than 200 year old ideology is not the majority.
We often hear that the majority of the Ummah adheres to Ashari theology. But what does it mean to be an Ashari if it does not entail a conscious adoption of its doctrines? And surely, the masses/laity form the majority of the Ummah, thus is it true that the masses of the Ummah knowingly embrace Ashari beliefs, whether explicitly or implicitly? Prominent Ashari scholars do not appear to believe so. Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 A.H.) says in his Iljam al-‘Awam ‘an ‘Ilm al-Kalam that basic Ashari creeds such as denying that God is in a direction would barely be accepted by even 1/1000 of the people, especially the illiterate. As a result, they should not be preached these beliefs, lest it results in them embracing even very problematic beliefs.[1] In his commentary, Imam ar-Razi (606 A.H.) states that most people’s fitrah incline them to agree with Pharoah that Allah is in the heavens.[2] Al-‘Izz b. Abdul Salam (d. 660 A.H.) says in his Qawa’id al-Ahkam that most people fall into tajseem because they are unable to comprehend a being that is not in a direction.[3] He states that it is too difficult for a layman to comprehend a being neither in, nor outside the world, as the evidence for this belief is too difficult to grasp and is not something that people are normally guided to.[4] Based on this, he says this is the reason why the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not instruct the Sahabah to delve into these issues, and the rightly guided caliphs and guided scholars followed the Prophet’s example even though they knew that the laity are misguided on this issue.[5]
The intention of the Khawarij was to glorify Allah. Where is the Dr getting these principles from? How can a methodology based on the Quran and Sunnah (Athari) be equal to a methodology based on Greek Philosophy (Ashari)?
Clearly u need to study the books of real aulama of aqaaid.. not the Salafis of today. I can give you a million examples. Ibne Uthaymeen says Allah has 2 eyes.. wr did he get that from ? Waahid and jam'a is mentioned in the Quran. No saighaa of tathniyah واصنعالفلك باعيننا تجري باعيننا لتصنع علي عيني ... Also in haddeth it says " اعور " ie my Lord is not a one eyed deficient one ..How does Ibne Uthaymeen prove 2 eyes for Allah taala ???? Another 100 examples..but only this one is sufficient...
@@shehzadrafiq2121We often hear that the majority of the Ummah adheres to Ashari theology. But what does it mean to be an Ashari if it does not entail a conscious adoption of its doctrines? And surely, the masses/laity form the majority of the Ummah, thus is it true that the masses of the Ummah knowingly embrace Ashari beliefs, whether explicitly or implicitly? Prominent Ashari scholars do not appear to believe so. Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 A.H.) says in his Iljam al-‘Awam ‘an ‘Ilm al-Kalam that basic Ashari creeds such as denying that God is in a direction would barely be accepted by even 1/1000 of the people, especially the illiterate. As a result, they should not be preached these beliefs, lest it results in them embracing even very problematic beliefs.[1] In his commentary, Imam ar-Razi (606 A.H.) states that most people’s fitrah incline them to agree with Pharoah that Allah is in the heavens.[2] Al-‘Izz b. Abdul Salam (d. 660 A.H.) says in his Qawa’id al-Ahkam that most people fall into tajseem because they are unable to comprehend a being that is not in a direction.[3] He states that it is too difficult for a layman to comprehend a being neither in, nor outside the world, as the evidence for this belief is too difficult to grasp and is not something that people are normally guided to.[4] Based on this, he says this is the reason why the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not instruct the Sahabah to delve into these issues, and the rightly guided caliphs and guided scholars followed the Prophet’s example even though they knew that the laity are misguided on this issue.[5]
Je zou van een sheikh mogen verwachten dat hij het verschil tussen atharis en asharis niet alleen uitlegt maar ook een duidelijke standpunt inneemt in wat de waarheid is. Ze kunnen niet allebei gelijk hebben en met zijn conclusie lijkt het of het allebei goed is omdat de intentie erachter hetzelfde is. Dat is gewoon niet juist! En de sheikh noemt hier 1 verschil maar in werkelijkheid zijn het er honderden. Alles bij elkaar zijn de twee groepen absoluut niet hetzelfde
wat hij bedoelt is dat beide andere principes gebruiken omdat ze denken dat dat juist is. Ashari ontkennen elke soort indirecte of directe vergelijking van creaties met Allah. Athari nemen de letterlijke mening tenzij er bewijs is voor een figuurlijke interpetatie. De athari menen als je steeds zegt ''maar niet zoals de creatie'' dat dat genoeg is om vergelijkingen tegen te gaan. Ashari menen van niet. Vergeet Allah op een wijze uniek voor hem? nee toch? dus op een bepaalde doe je toch metaforische interpetatie, het verschil wanneer je metaforische intepeteert is het veschil tussen de 2 aqeedah's ashari doen het met elke potentieeel vergelijking zoals hand athari bijna nooit behalve bij verzen zoals ''En allah vergat hun''.
@@unknownunknown3692 de atharis interpreteren op basis van bewijs. Er is duidelijk bewijs dat Allah vrij is van alle tekortkomingen, dus een eigenschap als vergeten kun je niet aan Allah toeschrijven. Het is dus duidelijk dat met "Hij vergat hun" de figuurlijke betekenis. Daarnaast wordt het woord "vergeten" ook gebruikt in: وَقِيلَ الْيَوْمَ نَنْسَاكُمْ كَمَا نَسِيتُمْ لِقَاءَ يَوْمِكُمْ هَذَا. Uit de context blijkt nogmaals dat het figuurlijk wordt bedoeld. De atharis verbieden het interpreteren en uitleggen van de koran helemaal niet, zolang het gefundeerd is op bewijs. In tegenstelling tot de atharis hebben de asharis juist een andere stelregel: zolang het tekstuele bewijs in lijn is met het verstand wordt het geaccepteerd. Is het niet in lijn met hun verstand (wiens verstand eigenlijk?) dan wordt het verworpen, anders geïnterpreteerd, etc. Daarnaast zijn er 2 stromingen binnen de asharis; de eerste groep die voor bijvoorbeeld "de handen van Allah" een uitleg of interpretatie geven en de tweede groep die stelt dat het niet de letterlijk betekenis is maar dat alleen Allah de echte betekenis daarvan kent. Dus ze interpreteren het ook niet en verwerpen ook de interpretatie van de eerste groep.
@@youssefb8894 The mind that the Ash'aris talk about is the rational principles on which knowledge is built. In order to prove the existence of God, you must use reason, and if you want to prove the validity or invalidity of a religion, all of this is done with reason. As for the Salafists, they believe that the fact that religion contradicts reason and principles does not mean that it is a false religion. They say that the word of God is new in existence, but it is not created at the same time. If reason is not the criterion of right and wrong, then what is it? What is the criterion by which the validity or invalidity of a religion is proven, if not reason?
@@stradegy3338 go back to the source Quran, Sunnah and the understanding of the Sahaba RadiAllahuAnhum and compare the statements of the learned with righteous ancestors (the Sahaba RadiAllahu Anhum, Tabi'in and those who came after them, i.e. the first 3 generations). that way you can really find out who really belongs to the one saved group. learn the basics of religion and stabilize the foundation. Haitham al Haddad is one of the point of unity people. that means all sects are good as long as they say "la illaha illa Allah" and wants to bring all muslims together. even the Rafidah, who are not Muslims and who also accuse our mother Aisha RadiAllahu Anha of fornication, belong to his "point of unity". Only a Dayuth can think like that. Al wala wa al baraa, loyalty and renunciation or loving for Allah and hating for Allah, belongs to the strongest knot of iman. and that is lacking in him and his entourage. According to his theory, all sects are good because no one will claim of their own accord that they perform any particular act or worship out of enmity towards Allah and the Prophet Mohammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
@@stradegy3338 There can only be unity if we all hold on to the rope of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and have the understanding of the Sahaba RadiAllahu Anhum. (see Hadtih about the 73 groups, and Sura 3: 103 and Sura An nisa ayat 115) in the English area I can recommend the brother Abu Khadijah. through him you will get to know more brothers in shaa Allah who belong to ahlu sunnah. And finally I say that we do not follow an individual but only the truth because no matter who strays from the path, one strays. i know some brothers in germany who were led astray by haitham al haddad.
Subhanallah i never looked at this issue in this way before. So really the Jahmiyyah who denied Allah being above His creation did so because they were glorifying Allah and not restricing Him, and the soo many statements from the Salaf that they were misguided and shouldn't pray behind them like from Imam Ahmad, Yahya ibn maeen, Harb Kirmaani, Ishaq Rahuyah etc were all wrong for doing so because they didn't see their reasoning. Allahul musta'aan we have people here today that will make us follow their path and leave the path of the Salaf.
An ustaz once said in a rational relevance. Allah has no beginning. “how can Allah be in the heaven? Where is He sitting before He created the heaven?”
Je hoeft er ook niet uit te komen. Alle kennis is enkel bij Allah, en Allah geeft de kennis en wijsheid aan wie hij wil. De verplichting die op elke moslim rust is om elkaar met respect te behandelen en je niet van elkaar af te kere opdat we zullen welslagen in het wereldse en hiernamaals. Als we om elke verschil in interpretatie of visie die met de beste bedoelingen tot stand is gekomen elkaar uit de tent gaan vechten dan moeten wachten op de bestraffing van Allah. Wij zullen door het westen en Israel gekoloniseerd blijven en uit elkaar gedreven worden totdat we weer fatsoenlijk weten om te gaan met elkaar. "Houd jullie ALLEN vast aan het koord van Allah en raakt niet verdeeld". واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا Quran aya 103 Ali Imran
Dear Sheikh, Can good intention to glorify Allah, be done with an undertanding (that rejects Allah istawa on Arash) which has not been taught by Rasulullah saw, and not been done by the sahabah, tabiin, attabi tabiin, the times of the 4 imams and a hundred years after that? And how could Ashari glorify Arsh, kursi, and the 7 heavens- their north south east wests' understandings- just by imagining via human mind?
You don't glorify the Arash. You glorify the one who created it and you may understand to a certain limit how he created the universe/kursy but not how was he before he. If you do that , you label him as equivalent as an image that sits on a kusyi (chair). I am not taking that as faith. Its better to understand it as Laisa kamithlihi (no translation needed in other languages but grasp it via Arabic)..and it defines an endless effort to see something spectacular that you tend to forget his creation but not the creator. It's spectacular experience which you can feel when doing everything especially Solah. You may not be able to share the tastyness but its there to be tasted in continuos tastyness.
@@Shaydanwase If so you wouldn't be able to debate other beliefs maintain core Islamic beliefs. God walking, sitting etc is used by contemporary Christians... Calling asharis names won't solve your arrogance
This is the typical 5 years old conversation you find in the comments section of Islamic videos. Speaking too fast, impulsively with little to no knowledge involved. Get off TH-cam and get a proper Islamic education asap. Pro tip: start with manners.
@@yaqob3275 Asharis believe that worshipping a grave is not Shirk, they have many interpretations of the sifat of Allah that go in line with the ta'wil of the Jahmiyyah, they preced the 'aql(intellect) above the naql(text), they believe it is allowed to innovate in the deen of Allah in worship like mawlid, they study philosophy and base their deen upon the 10 categories of Aristotle even tho the Salaf warned harshly against it, many Asharis call Salafis mujassimah just like the Jahmiyyah did to the Salaf, some Asharis like Zaheed Al Kawthari insulted many scholars of the Salaf calls them mujassimah, Asharis reject every single book of the Salaf in aqeedah like rad 'ala zanadiqah wal jahmiyyah of imam Ahmed and kitab at tawhid of ibn Khuzaymah and many more, many Asharis do takfir on Salafis like Ahmed Raza Khan and Zaheed Al Kawthari and many others and do specific takfir of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim, their earliest book of aqeedah except fiqh al akbar that they study is aqeedah at tahawiyyah and never return to the Salaf in many issues, the heads of the Asharis like al Ghazali, fakh ar razi, Abu Hassan al Ashari(before he became Salafi and repented) and others were extremely weak in hadith and couldn't differentiate between a fabricated hadith and a mutawaatir saheeh hadith. Thats why you see many Ashari narrate weak and fabricated ahadith to prove their aqeedah or innovation...
The Asharis deny that Allaah is in one place and they deny that Allaah is in every place also, before any thing existed i.e time,place,directions, Allaah existed eternally without time,place,direction. After Allaah brought those things into existance Allaah still exists without those things, Allaah does not need the places to exist so if some one says God is literally above theyre saying that God has changed because they saying God existed without being above and now God has changed to being above and the one who changes does not deserved to be worshipped as it is in need of something to create that change.
Wrong and misguiding video. First of all, he needs to be honest to himself. Instead of saying athari's, he needs to say wahhabi's or salafis. Atharis are Hanbali's who disagree with wahhabis/salafis. Hanbalis have no problem with Ash'aris because they both agree about delegation (tafweed). In contrary to the wahhabi's, they do ithbaat, which basically means they confirm that Allah has limbs and that His Essence is literally in the sky. This is why Wahhabi's/salafis are antropomorfists and ahl u ssunah aren't.
You flops saying wahabi like the shia are the wrong ones. ALLAH IS ABOVE HIS THRONE AND ABOVE ALL CREATION. That is one of Allahs names and your using it like a curse word shame on you degenerates
When Allah said I have created Adam AS with my own two hands what does that mean? When he said he will reveal himself to the believers in jannah what does that mean? All from the Quran and Sunnah. To people are the diveint sect and need to study the religion
When the prophet SAW passed the tree after the throne of Allah and said all I saw was light in the night journey where did he go? He was in the presence of Allah but blinded by light of Allah . Allah is above all his creation and their is nothing like him but he is a being that is all living .
@@zahirsabra1971 When Allah says he comes running to you what does that mean? He physically runs with two legs? Nope. Quit taking the literal meaning, its just dumb.
I am going to have good assumption about this shiekh, so i am not going to say this is tadlis. The reason we, the true followers of ALLAH and His Messenger peace be upon him, affirm ALLAH is in Highness, is because HE said so. HE ta’ala said He is above the Throne. The Messenger peace be upon him said He is above the Throne, The Messenger peace be upon him POINTED upwards when asking ALLAH to be a witness over those who were infront of him. So we dont glorify ALLAH using pagan philosophical ideas, we glorify ALLAH as HE wanted and the way His Messenger peace be upon him glorified Him.
We often hear that the majority of the Ummah adheres to Ashari theology. But what does it mean to be an Ashari if it does not entail a conscious adoption of its doctrines? And surely, the masses/laity form the majority of the Ummah, thus is it true that the masses of the Ummah knowingly embrace Ashari beliefs, whether explicitly or implicitly? Prominent Ashari scholars do not appear to believe so. Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 A.H.) says in his Iljam al-‘Awam ‘an ‘Ilm al-Kalam that basic Ashari creeds such as denying that God is in a direction would barely be accepted by even 1/1000 of the people, especially the illiterate. As a result, they should not be preached these beliefs, lest it results in them embracing even very problematic beliefs.[1] In his commentary, Imam ar-Razi (606 A.H.) states that most people’s fitrah incline them to agree with Pharoah that Allah is in the heavens.[2] Al-‘Izz b. Abdul Salam (d. 660 A.H.) says in his Qawa’id al-Ahkam that most people fall into tajseem because they are unable to comprehend a being that is not in a direction.[3] He states that it is too difficult for a layman to comprehend a being neither in, nor outside the world, as the evidence for this belief is too difficult to grasp and is not something that people are normally guided to.[4] Based on this, he says this is the reason why the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not instruct the Sahabah to delve into these issues, and the rightly guided caliphs and guided scholars followed the Prophet’s example even though they knew that the laity are misguided on this issue.[5]
The situation the ummah is in .... In the beginning panel you see "The road to unity" and then he goes on to talk about misguidance ... and above all of ashairah and salafi? Oh the irony. BECOME ONE DO NOT SEPERATE.... whether you like it or not this religion cannot be studied without diving in the books of scholars which are ashairah. There were also a lot of salafi scholars which are accepted. STOP DIVIDING BROTHERS AND SISTERS PLEASE. Mufti Taqi Uthmani said that with new matters in fiqh, for example, they do not sit with scholars of hanafi, shafi'i, etc. He sid we sit with all scholars to settle them.
So if Allah SWT is in heaven (Jannah) then are you limiting his power? and yes Subhana rabbbiyal ala but his state is the highest not Allah himself. If Allah is on the arsh then you are saying that Allah is in his own creation but how dare you to compare the creater with the creation.
The truth is one. Stop playing a double game. Islam is based on texts, sources point. Where are the ashari arguments from kiteb and sunneh...we believe what prophet alayhi selem and compagnons believed. Allah is above his creation above the throne. Then pretending to glorify Allah is not enough, good intention is not enough, following of sunneh is a second and necessary point. Bring proof or keep silence.
One has quran and ahadith, and is following three blessed generations and is based on daliil,the other has no justification for rejecting for what Allah has called himself and changing meanings. There is one truth and the shaykh knows it
Except Ash'aris teach Fiqhul Akbar, which is written by Abu Hanifa of the Salaf, and Aqeedah Tahawiyyah, which records the Aqeedah of the Salaf two generations later, while Salafis teach Aqeedah Wasitiyyah, which came 600 years after the salaf
They haven't changed anything. In fact it is YOU who have resorted to human understanding of His great attributes. Remind me what happened to the person who approached Imam Malik with the question on Istiwa?
Misguided individual through and through. Just because you might have good intentions in your heart doesn't make your actions correct. For instance nobody would say that about terrorists, they might have any number of twisted understandings in their heart but we judge them by their actions which is evil , therefore we stand against any form of terrorism likewise we stand against asharis
So the atharis/salafis are unjust? How about those that deny Allahs words for their own logic. Allahs says specifically that he created a throne then he is above it many times. Above the 7th paradise above which is the throne above it is Allah. Ashaaris also deny his attributes. They only accept less than 10. This is misguidance.
Ngl bro they accept more than 10 attributes & they also don’t deny the sifaat of Allah, they just don’t take an anthropomorphic/literalist approach. In Surat al-Ma’idah, Ayah 54, Allah said - “Believers! If any of you should ever turn away from your faith, remember that Allah will raise up a people whom He loves, and who love Him; a people humble towards the believers, and firm towards the unbelievers;87 who will strive hard in the way of Allah and will not fear the reproach of the reproacher”. Al Hakim in his Mustadrak & Ibn Asakir narrated that when the ayah was revealed, the prophet ﷺ pointed at the sahabi Abu Musa Al Ashari & said “they are from his people”. Imam Al Qurtubi said in his tafsir that Al Qushayri said “The followers of Abu Musa al-Hasan al-Ashari are his people because every time a people are attributed to a prophet, what is meant is his followers”. Also, to elucidate and introduce what many scholars have said, the likes of - Hafidh Al Bayhaqi Ibn Hajar al Asqalani The explainer of Al-Qamus and the author of Ithaf Assadah Al-Muttaqqin. Az-Zabidiyy said in the second chapter: “If the term Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah is used without restriction then what is meant by it is the Asharis and Maturidis”. My advice to you akhi is just look into it a little. There’s a vendetta going on right now against the Asha’irah but people forget about all the contributions collectively made by Ashari scholars. You literally can’t study any subject in Islam without going through an Ashari lol. They talk down on Asharis but they study their books which is funny 😂 Look into it my brother. If you would like some videos to watch let me know & I can steer yoy in the correct direction bi’ithnillah Also, anything that I said that is correct is from Allah & anything that was wrong is from myself and shaytaan. & Allah knows best
@@Gggggggglllk I dont study any ashaari books. Why would I learn innovation and misinterpretation? Also ashaaris literally follow a guy after the 3rd generation. What part of salaf and khalaf is so hard to understand? Sunnah is not innovation! Jamaa does not include innovators. Thats why they call themselves ashaaris and not salafis or Muhammadis because they follow a guy that switched sects many times. He later even left ashaariah. He even wrote a book that refutes ashaariah. Now those points are funny. My advice is for you to actually ignore everything except that which Allah and his Messenger told you to follow: 1. Quran and Sunnah 2. Sahabah 3. 2nd generation 4. 3rd generation Btw, they deny the attributes no matter how they say it or what excuse they bring.
@@AllahsSlave7 you sound just as brainwashed as the rest of the wahabis. Your arrogance has hardened your hearts. You denounce & make takfir of the majority of Muslims but don’t realize in doing so your heart is turning into stone. The prophet ﷺ said that the horn of shaytan would come from Najd & the sahaba were probably confused as to why he would make such a statement. In 2024 it is clear as day for anyone whos heart hasn’t hardened who the prophet ﷺ was referring to. Just because YOU don’t study Ashari books doesn’t mean your scholars don’t. They even write commentaries on them 😂 A key difference between your ulema & the ulema of ahlus sunnah is that you guys are forced to study Ashari works because most if not all the sciences of Islam were spearheaded by the Ashairah. The foundational texts in all these sciences were written by Asharis/Maturidis. Allah has given acceptance of these said scholars in the hearts of everyone, hence why they are still remembered until this day. What have wahabis done other than making takfir of Muslims, tamper with Hadith, destroy/desecrate the graves of the sahaba, be a major factor in why the Muslims do not have a caliphate today, bring shame upon the true followers of Allah & his Rasool ﷺ etc. The list of terrible things is endless but the list of good things is limited.
@@Gggggggglllk Assalamu aleykum va rahmatullahi va barakatuh.İ am from Azerbaijan.My english language information is little.İn Azerbaijan many people ara shia,after salafy.Little is ashari and maturudi and İ am misunderstand this themas. Please help me.And say me why salafies are false?why asharies true?.What are their problem each other?.Please say me which books,sheikhs,writers are real ahli-sunnah?
@@AllahsSlave7 who understood the Salaf and the Khalaf and the 1st and 2nd and 3rd generation better than the 4th? Ever heard of the concept of the chain of transmission?
He is lying. Salafis are following the salaf. Ahlulbidah are following their innovations. All innovations are evil regardless of intention. كل بدعة ضلالة
MasyaAllah, if the Salafis is following the Salaf, isn't the 4 imam mazhab and the 2 imamul Tauhid Ashari & Maturidi belongs to the best of Salaf? This pseudo Salafi group are confusing themself, we all knew this started from ibn Taimiyah & then renewed by Mohd Abd Wahab, so don't hide behind the Bush, we knew where all this coming from. From ijma ulama of ahli sunnah waljamaah, the Salafi Wahabi is out of the Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah.
Atharis are following the TEXT. Asharis are following their RATIONALISATION OF THE TEXT. Asharis cannot base their rationalisation from the salaf. Atharis can base the text all the way back to the salaf.
Even the Kufar glorify Allah in their way so they still will go to jahannam. Haitham is going into Philosophie. You forgot that the only correct Aqida is the Aqida which the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa salam and the Sahaba RadiAllahu Anhum were upon.
What conception of Allah swt must one have if one believes that Allah being located in a the highest physical location makes Him than if He weren't? Also, the principle isn't always true, just because one thing or person is in a higher physical location to another, does.not mean that it is superior. Otherwise.the Makka Towers clock face wd b superior to al hajr al aswad. Now, s/o might accuse me of using my logic or some alien philosophy, but of course they'd be lying. This is ordinary God-given common sense. Figurative language is a natural part of Arabic and in fact an essential element of human speech and eloquent speech. One has to show that figurative language cannot be used by Allah swt. physical height is associated generally with rank amd honour, admitted. That is why kingssit at a high throne, we are awed by the height of mountains . So every language in the world including Arabic makes use of height figuratively to connotations honour and rank eg the CEO is still higher than the janitor when the latter is cleaning the executive 20th floor office whilst the former is away, harder exam papers are termed higher level papers, and on and on. The aboveness of Allah swt in every verse can naturally and without any problems be interpreted figuratively as an aboveness in eminence,. honour, authority. The onus is on those who deny such a natural figurative mean to show why it is not allowed and to show that their.alternative of a literal aboveness does not mean Allah swt is inside.His creation or spqtially connected to it or is a.physical body.or against Allah's ghinah, qayyumiyya and kibriyya. Go ahead. Note: no Greek logic or metaphysics was used in this comment.
Calling something "Greek logic" is as absurd as saying "arabic math" Math is math and logic is logic no matter who documented it first in modern history. If your point is logically demonstrated, then it might be accepted, if it is not, then a reasonable person shouldn't accept its conclusion.
You just used your "logic" instead of a "greek logic", whats the difference? Allah has created the throne and he said he is above his throne, and Allah said he is in the heaven, Allah said he is above us. Are you gonna deny all of that with your "logic"? And where in the arabic language "sitting above a throne" means "having a high status"??? Nowhere brother so follow the true belief and leave these innovations the prophet pbuh never told us nor did his companions, otherwise your "logic" will (Allah forbid) lead you astray like a mushrik's "logic" does to him. May Allah guide us all.
@@zubairismail1048 in simple word, we affirm about Allah only what He himself affirmed, and the messenger peace be upon him affirmed. we dont get into the meanings, we just say that it is howit befits the majesty of Allah, without ascribing it to that of humankind
And meanwhile I am watching this video now on the 12 may 2023. Israeli rockets are raining on our brothers and sisters head. Some muslims are too busy with the one million dollar question: who has the best knowledge/aqeedah.
aqeedah is the main reason why Muslims are divided, which is why we are in our weakest state, and being humilated by the disbelievers. Unity and honour will only come from uniting upon the correct Aqeedah.
Totally misguided person. He is trying to negate what Quran said and give excuses to misguided Ashari. Salafi is the save group as their beliefs is all from Quran and correct Sunnah.
Dr. Haithim al haddad is an ikhwaani, there plenty of problems with this man, he wants to unite with the Rafidah, he says that it isn’t blasphemy to deny what Allaah affirmed about himself, they reject what the messenger of Allaah’s Hadiths & disagree with the Sahabahs on fundamentals principles of Tawheed & Sunnah. Muslims must say what Islam tells us & stop where Islam never spoke about, Ash’aris are innovators without a shadow of doubt.
Many scholars say whoever denies Most of these Attributes of Allah, is a kafir. If someones mind tells him the best to glorify Allah is to worship his prophet, what would you say about this? The "they all try to glorify Allah" argument is totally false. The true creed is following the Quran and Sunna without any perverted interpretations. May Allah guide us all to the truth.
its just not 2 issues. asharis today are not the same as asharis from 1000+ years ago. back then asharis would reject a hadith if it went againts their mind and rationality but in islam accepting something from the prophet and quran comes before your intellect otherwise this religion would become like the christians religion. many of the companions did not understand many of things the prophet said or did. like the night journey was incomprehensible to many of them and they still believed him because faith comes before rationality in most cases.
So shia who curse companions its because they glorify Ahlul Bayt and sunnis who praise companions is because they also glorify Ahlul Bayt, so both have same intentions (glorify ahlul bayt) so they should unit and not attack eachother according to haitham. What a t*at!
@@saqub2008 You don't even know the Imam of tajeeed and qirat. I will not waste my time on such a jahil who doesn't even know basic stuff. Assalamu Alaikum
@@mmcweight8827 this is exactly why im so sick of you Salafi's, all you do is insult anyone and everyone who does not know or believe what you know or believe, may Allah protect and save the Ummah from the fitnah of the Salafi Cult, certainly a great fitnah and test of our times.
Allaah (a.w.j.) gives at least one clear sign for every deviant group that they are misguided. It is so clear that they have no excuse to continue in their misguidance. For the Ash'arees and Maatureedees it is that they believe Allaah (a.w.j.) is incapable of speaking Arabic or any other language, so was, is and always will be incapable of reciting the Qur'aan. It is such an obviously false belief that their scholars don't teach it to the 'ordinary' Muslims who follow them. Alhamdulillaah, Allaah makes open what they try to conceal, so their belief is published by the Ash'arees themselves in Al Ghazzaalee's Ihyaa 'Uloomu-d Deen, Book 1, Chapter 2, where he states unambiguously that "bismillaah" is not the Speech of Allaah (a.w.j.) and gives the reasons for their belief. Anyone who believes that Allaah (a.w.j.) cannot speak Arabic is in one of the branches of kufr, as stated clearly by Imaam Ahmed (r.a.a.).
But I think the Salafi not Ture Athari are actually tell that Allah is a move his Arsh physically and Arsh is more closest to Allah than any other things on the other hand Ashari or Maturidi or True Athari are saying the Allah is above the Arsh without physical. Imam Ashari in his book Al Abana he clearly mention that Allah is above his Arsh but it not make him more closest to Arsh as compare to his other makhlooq
@@boiiiii obviously you don’t read Arabic.The Quran has never limited Allah to having 2 hands 🙌. But you can find such beliefs in the books of ibn taymiyyah ,Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and there followers
The divine attributes mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah are to be affirmed without discussing how or likening Him to His creation, and without denying any of His attributes or interpreting them in a way different from the apparent meaning. We do not differentiate between any of the divine attributes, no matter what category they come under. Every divine attribute that is mentioned in a sahīh text must be affirmed.
Sunnan Tirmidhi 662 Abu Kurayb Muhammad ibn al-Ala told us that Waki', that 'Abbad ibn Mansur, that al-Qasim ibn Muhammad said: I heard Abu Huraira say that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, said: "Allah accepts the alms and accepts them with His rights and makes them grow for you, just as one of you raises his foal until a morsel becomes like Mount Uhud." And the confirmation of this is found in the Book of Allah, the Exalted: "It is He who accepts repentance from His servants and takes alms" and "Allah destroys usury and makes alms grow." Abu Isa said, "This is a hasan sahih hadith. And it was similarly narrated from Aisha about the Prophet, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him. Several scholars have said of this hadith and similar accounts of the attributes and the coming down of the Lord, blessed and exalted be He, every night to the lowest heaven: These traditions are authentic and one believes in them without imagining or wondering how this happens. It was narrated via Malik, Sufyan ibn Uyayna and Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak that they said about these hadiths: 'Leave them without asking how.' This is also the statement of the scholars of the Ahlu Sunnah wa Jammah. The Jahmiyyah, on the other hand, rejected these traditions and said that this was an equation (with creation, Tasbih). Allah, the Exalted, has mentioned in several passages in His Book the hand, the hearing and the seeing. The Jahmiyyah have interpreted these verses and interpreted them differently from the scholars. They said that Allah did not create Adam with His hand and that the meaning of the hand here was power. Ishaq ibn Ibrahim said: 'An equation occurs when one says a hand like a hand, or similar to a hand, or a hearing like a hearing, or similar to a hearing. When one says hearing like hearing, or similar to hearing, this is an equation. But when one says, as Allah said, Hand and hearing and seeing, without asking how, and without saying, similar to hearing or hearing, then this is not an equation. As Allah said in the Qur'an: "Nothing is like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing."
Re the weak narration of Imam Malik الله في السماء Albani has dishonestly authenticated the narrator Abdullah bin Naafi Assaaigh whilst weakening him in Daeef Abu Dawood and Silsila Daeefa ...
the difference is that ahl ul sunna wal jama'a (so-called salafis) try to explain the Names and Attributes of Allah from the speech of the Prophet ﷺ, the Companions, and the Pious Predecessors of this Ummah, including the 4 Imams. The Ashari-Maturidi are trying to do the same using the methodology of very corrupted people like greek Philosophers and other non-believing thinkers, discarding by doing so the very same methodology and 'Aqida of the four Imams that they claim to follow. Where the truth is, is very clear. Of course this doesn't throw Ashaira and Maturidia altogether outside ahl ul sunnah wal jama'a, but as Ibn Uthaymeen said, there are various grades of misguidance regarding the knowledge of the Names and Attributes of Allah, so what we can say in general is that they are from ahlul sunna wal jamaa in what they agree with it, and they arent in what they disagree with it. And this is a general ruling that can be taken into account to avoid excessive division among muslims. Then, things can be explained in detail to make clear what is open kufr and what isn't. Another thing that should be said is that we shouldn't talk about or try to explain issues that Allah and His Messenger left us with, unless we have proofs from the islamically legitimate sources of proofs, Quran, Sunna, sayings of the Companions and of the Salaf. Then, capital question: What was the Aqida of the four Imams on this issue? Answer: Athari Aqida So, who are you really following?
Khulasatul kalam of the Mujassima is that Allah is in Makan 3adami (A non-existent place). This is obviously idiotic and desperate attempt to do Tanzeeh whilst knowing that actual Tanzeeh is what the Ash3ariyya and Ma2turidiyya have.
@@stradegy3338 Even imam bukhari is older than Abu hassan Al ashari 😂😂 Imam bukhari isn't part of the salaf Because the salaf are "The companions, the tabi'is and the followers of tabi'is"
@@Shaydanwase True, however, Imam Al'Ash'ari is still in the era of the salaf, despite not being a Tabi'ee or their follower. By the time Ibn taymiyyah came about, the Ash'ari creed was accepted by majority of scholars as the creed adopted from the Sahabah RA through those after them, so it's been filtered and corrected and what not for a very long time. So...whatever the Taymi sect came up with is a little late, took fame in what, the 18s??
This is all nonsense from the fake Sheikh Haitham al Haddad. Every group claims to want to glorify Allah and have good intentions. Even other religions such as Christians try to glorify Allah.
MasyaAllah, this guy is really out. Place and time are matters or Attributes to Makhluk or the Creations. Allah azza wajalla is Laisa kamislihi syai', meaning none is like to Allah, you cannot give or put Allah to the maqam or Sifat or Attributes of Makhluk, that's totally WRONG. The Asyairah didn't allow this not to Glorify Allah, but to guide Human to Know Allah the Way Allah teaches the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the Sahabah and to all of us. The fake Salafis are trying their best but over thousand of years, its the Asyairah and Maturidiyah are the only Aqidah of the Ahli Sunnah WalJamaah.
@@adilmannan1 didn't u learnt the Quran Adil Mannan? Rasulullah once asked by the bedouin where is Allah, is Allah far away that they have to shout in their prayers to be heard. Did Rasulullah replied oh Allah is above the 7 Heavens? No. Rasulullah waited till Allah replied, and what did Allah replied? It is in Suratul Baqarah ayat 186, (2:186) (O Muhammad), when My servants ask you about Me, tell them I am near; I hear and answer the call of the caller whenever he calls Me. Let them listen to My call and believe in Me;[188] perhaps they will be guided aright.[189] this shows you guys didn't learnt the Quran fully. Also please learnt that Ayat Mutasyabihat cannot be use as Dalil. May Allah guides us all.
@@adilmannan1 ok. Which hadith? And to all Alim or Knowledge that the Quran is higher n hadith supports it. Allah is high above Arash not in physical but in highness or greatness. Allah never ever changes, he is neither left or right, below or above, there's no direction for Allah, yet Allah is the Greatest. If u learnt Tauhid from Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah, you will learnt that Allah cannot be place, bcos Allah created place n time. Allah is the same, before he created Arash, the universe, earth n 7 Heavens. The ayat istawa alal Arash, is Allah is the creator of Arash(the biggest creation) and yet Allah is higher and more greater than Arash. Before the creation of Arash and all Universe, Allah existed without place n time, and Allah existed after creation of everything including Arash, Allah does not need space n time, but everything including Arash, space and time need Allah. The problem when you said Allah is above the Heavens, above the Sky, then the Greeks will say, oh yes, our God Zeus is Above the Sky, above the Heavens, so mayb its the same God. Or if you go further, the old scriptures says that God is sitting above his throne in Heavens. All this was challenge during the time of Imam Athary, when Islam spreads everywhere, that is the time he compiled the Knowledge of Ilmu Kalam or Tawheed, when he met Our Holy Prophet in his dream, Rasulullah ordered him to master the knowledge of Ilmu Tauhid according to the teachings of Rasulillah following the Quran and the Sunnah. May Allah guides us to the Real Truth and not others. Aamin ya Allah
Only donkey layman will waste their time on these scholastic discourse. One does not have to agree with Shaikh Haitham on very many topics but here in simple terms explains the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jammah. Scholars differ and rightly so on interpretative areas of Islamic sciences and to use these differences and have dogmatic approach by laymen muslim or half baked scholars or sectarian minded shaikh speaks volume of the diseased heart and their irrelevance in these subject matter.
Who’s misguided? All I know is those who were termed as Salafis early on were fed a Saudi sponsored doctrine which led to major fitna amongst the Ahlus Sunnah, they split up in to extreme sub groups even doing Takfeer upon others of the same manhaj or sect if you will, all at the benefit of western imperialists and disadvantage of the Muslims. Subsequently a vast majority of them became extreme jihadi terrorists, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan etc etc Now The Saudis have no use of this manhaj it is being brushed aside along with it’s scholars? Me personally I don’t have issues with Ghair Muqallids who have mannerism and don’t look down on other Muslims and treat them with contempt. No one knows the end of one’s life or wether a person will die upon Imaan or misguidance. Best to fear Allah Ta’ala and seek continual guidance as in Surah al Fatiha which we recite in our daily Salaah.
Surah Ali' Imran-7 It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muḥammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific.1 As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allāh. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.
Jajak Allah hu Khair!
Quraan kan je alleen begrijpen in het Arabisch.
Allah Ta'ala said in Quran that, he is above the throne.
Yet this guy says its okay to deny what Allah has "CLEARLY" said in the Quran and "glorify" Allah on your own way. May Allah guide him and us all. Asharis affirm "istawa al alarsh". We only deny direction and location which even the salafis deny.
So Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى is in His own creation?
@@DeenOfMean who told you that? He is above it subhanahu wa taala
@@faskaabdelmajid363 Isn't Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى the Creator of time and place? so He is in place, in His own creation?
The vast majority of the ummah the sawad al adham is ashari maturidi hands down no competition 1200 years of tawattur. We accept ahle athar as ahlus sunnah as we love all four madhabs. The only problem issue and extremism is the najdi dawah this is the biggest obstacle and fitna in this ummah. They are neither hanbalis nor zahiris or salafis. Take out the fitna of the najdi dawah and belive me everyone gets along fine all of the four schools are ahlus sunnah.
It’s unfortunate Wahabis have hijacked the term “salafi”
Yes of course.
Athari Ash'ari Maturidi are in fact True Salafiyyah.
It is the najdi dawah pseudo salafis who create the sectarianism and try to divide the sunnis.
But more and more people are waking up (thanks to the madkhalis) 😂
Agree br. Generally all schools and movements get along. If they have friction generally it's minimal. However the "salafis" have friction w/ everybody else. It's black and white us vs the rest (following their nafs, taqlid, etc.)
@@Gggggggglllkin indonesia they call their group "sunnah"
Extremism is worshipping graves, saying about Allah that which he never mentioned, innovation after the Messenger of Allah said all innovation is in hellfire and dividing the ummah into sects and accepting everyone rather than encouraging good and forbidding evil. Most of the people dont even know what ashaari, maturidi and deobandis are. There are real salafis then fake. You say you follow the salaf but ashaaris follow 5th generation former innovator who left his ideas for real Islam, ikhwanis follow a guy less than a century ago, maturidi was also after salaf, so were deobandis and suffis and the rest.
You dont follow the vast majority of people. The vast majority arent muslim. Innovators are not from the ummah. You should follow the majority that are on the straight path. No where does it say follow the 4 madhabs as if you guys follow all 4. Everyone claims to strictly follow just 1 but you even go against all 4 madhabs because you dont even know what is in them. There were also more than 4 but those 4 are just the most popular. People made them popular not based on knowledge but based on favoritism because the imam is from my city or country or ethnicity. You choose the words of imams over the words of the Messenger.
If you people were truly sincere you would read quran, hadiths and books on salaf. The problem is you guys just listen to misguided people and believe anything they say.
Since the vast majority are misguided that explains why the Muslim countries are being humiliated-just like Allah and his Messenger told us they (misguided) would. Salafis by the way are on the rise.
Glorifying or not, in the end there is one truth, and Allah 3azza wa Jalla is the creator of space and time, not a part of His creation, and nothing is similar to Him.
Surah taha ayah 5
We except that allah is abov3 the throne but we don't know how cuz it's is beyond human comprehension .
Just like ur eyes and ears have limits ur brain also has limits thus u can't comprehend everything like Allah attributes, praise or hellfire .
So just follow the quran and tje sunnah with the understanding of the salaf
Asking transcendent questions can lead to distorting the nature of allah which none of us know with certain knowledge in perception.
Yes these whole debates are kind of getting too much now. Its like trying to spit at the sun, bottom line is that both groups realize that the essense of Allah s.w.t is something that we can not even come close to comprehend.
Exactly, thats why 'ilm al-kalam was condemned by so many prominent scholars including some of the scholars of the Asha'irah (who left Asha'rism + 'Ilm al Kalam) like Fakhruddin al-Razi, Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, and even Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari (may Allah have mercy on them)
It seems to me, people really miss the heart of the matter when it comes to the athari/ashari divide. It isn't a simple matter of arriving at 2 different conclusions while attempting to glorify Allah. This is not a simple difference of opinion on peripheral issues the way scholars differ in fiqh. It is an issue of أصول (fundamentals) and methodology.
The athari approach is to follow the quran and sunnah according to the understanding of the 3 pious generations. The evidences are gathered and that which was originally intended is searched for (exegesis).
The ashari approach (and to be honest, it is the approach of all of the people of kalam) is to first prove Allah's existence rationally. While forming these prepositional arguments, assumptions are made about the essence and being of Allah. Those assumptions often conflict with the apparent meaning of the quran. The solution is to take any problematic evidence metaphorically, as disregarding these conclusions is to disregard the faculty that arrived at the existence of Allah. The goal is not to find the intended meaning of these texts. Rather, meanings are read into the text (eisegesis).
It is reported that:
"Imam Ash-Shafi'i, after he debated Hafs Al-Fard, hated Kalam (rational theology). He used to say, 'By Allah, it is better for a scholar to make a fatwa and it is said that the scholar has made an error than for him to speak (يتكلم) and it is said that he is a heretic. And there is nothing more hated to me than kalam and its people.'"
Imam Ash-Shafi'i is demonstrating that there is a difference in mistakes in fundamentals and approach and mistakes in peripheral issues.
Furthermore, Allah says in the Quran,
وكذلك أوحينا إليك روحا من أمرنا ما كنت تدري ما الكتاب ولا إيمان
"And thus we sent to you an inspiration and a mercy by our command. You knew not what the Scripture or faith was" Ash-Shuraa: 52
The prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was more intelligent than all of us, yet he صلى الله عليه وسلم only attained guidance through revelation.
This is not a trivial difference.
The Kalam that imam shafi spoke about isn't the same as the Kalam of Asharis. I. Those days the word Kalam meant something totally different
@@michige-g6p The Kalam of Asharis is different from the Mutazila. There's a very big difference.
@@blackflag6976Give it then if there is a difference.
@@michige-g6p The meaning of words changes a lot as time passes. What Kalam meant at the time of Shafi is not necessarily the same 400 years after him
@@Jsp-m_oi The Kalam that Asharis and Maturidis use means logic and reasoning.
Unfortunately intentions of glorifying Allah سبحانه وتعالى doesn't get you to jannah. Your beleifs and aqeedah does
May Allah guide you, if you really think that only Atharis come to Jannah. A'uthubillah. So you go to Jannah while Imam Al Ghazali, Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani, Imam Nawawi, Imam Suyuti, Imam Al Juwayni, .... are at the gateways of Hell. La Hawla Wa La Qwata Illa Bi Llah
@@thenotoriousm0e852 they were all on the athari aqeedah......
@@nancy4615I'm sure they all repented just a week before they died, right? xD It is obvious that the majority of the 'ulama in our religion were not Athari, the way it is understood by todays Salafi. Ibn 'Abdul Wahab homself admitted that. While you say they were all upon the Athari aqeedah, their books and the opinion of the 'ulama speak against you. i have nothing against the Athari 'ulama but I have a problem with those who try to eliminate a majority of the Ummah as misguided
@@thenotoriousm0e852 Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “What comes over my nation will surely be what came over the children of Israel, step by step until if one of them fornicated with his mother, one from my nation would do the same. Verily, the children of Israel split into seventy-two sects and my nation will split into seventy-three sects; all of them are in the Hellfire except for one denomination.” They said, “Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “Those who follow my way and my companions.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2641
Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Albani
There are so many more hadiths like this , are all the asharis, sufis,Shia, mutazilah, khawarij gonna enter paradise straight away?
I'm not saying they won't in the end but the evidence js clear الله المستعان
I think its important to note yhat in islam we don't have the concept of were all going jannah under the banner of Islam,its important that we understand and implement the deen just like the sahabah and salaf did , because idk bout u but they know wayyyyy more than me .
@@thenotoriousm0e852 also ibn hajar and other scholars have been incorrectly labelled with other labels , of which there is no sound chain of transmission . Yes the like of al ghazali weren't on the sunnah they're whole life but we are not khawarij, alhamdullilah he repented and so we oray Allah has mercy on his soul. Please do more research xD
great scholars like imam ibn hajr asqalani and imam nawawi also asharis
This religion was built upon ashairah - from Hadith to Quran. Salafis use & study from Ashari scholars but asharis don’t study or take from any wahabi or salafi scholar.
refuted by ustadh abdulrahman hassan already
@@boiiiiiwho is known for twisting and turning narrations
@@haruna5941 like who, and what hadith and narration be specific
@@Gggggggglllk you take from the four imams who you do taqleed on, you follow the books of hadiths, you follow our quran, our books are what built islam to what it is
So if I believe that Allah is everywhere or is in no place or is in mind only or not allowed to even think about it. We all glorifying Allah swt then? Subhanallah.
the headline itself is wrong because there are no salafis today, the wahabis call themselves salafis and they pretend to be or following the salafu saalixiin (r,a) when we know that they are against the salafu saalihiin because wahabais (pseudo salafis) are against the 4 madhabs of ahlusuna whose Imams were salafu saalihiin r.a. the other thing, he is lying about asharis. and he does not know ahlusuna are asharis and matuuridis for for 1200 years. so the speaker is misqguided and misleading the lay people.
How are they against the 4 madhabs
The Wahabism is a nasty fitnah. Ashari Maturidi is the main the absolute majority and that makes absolute sense. Athari has a shalow and literal understanding of Quran that's why it is they have a contradicting understanding of Quran.
Ohhh.. so now i understand!
Ok so my Christian neighbor also has the same intention to Glorify his god.. hmmm things are sooo simple why did we complicate long as a person has good intentions (for god) he cannot be called misguided.. right? Hmmm okkkey
No comparison bw both.
Where is allah is not a matter of aqeedah atleast.
Allah is in arsh and also very close to u. No one can define or limit his existence. He is beyond time and place
@@MS-Hussain he difened it himself in quran and hadith. who are you to make your own ideas up.
@MS Hussain Brother Allah is not in his arsh, he is above it.
Loll, no, if you are christian or other religion then a person ends up doomed in hellfire,
wow i love this shaykh since i first saw his talks 10 yrs ago and only increasing may Allah swt elevate his status in this world and the next. Ameen
See how when he explained the athari view he backed it up with ayaat from the Quran
Exactly he is clearly biased to the salafi dawah
@@m4fital2 u didn't understand the comment, he's saying the salafi view is backed with Quran and sunnah whereas the ashari view isn't, ashairah don't even take Quran and sunnah as a proof lol so idk why u call that biased, this is what the ashirah believe
@@MBLKF the asharis view doesn't come from Quran or sunnah or the salaf, it comes from their aql as they say the Quran and Sunnah isn't a proof
@@MBLKF whatever you say bro, the heads of the ashairah say we take aql over the textual evidences, watch hot seat podcast on this issue
@@m4fital2 there is no such thing as salafi. the people calling themselves salafi are actually wahabi.
The extreme salafi the blind follower of miaw will do takfir on this shaikh , and the divide goes on , some enemies of Islam must be benefiting from this divide as history shows
I don’t think our prophet Muhammad saw time there were different sects, he was just a muslim following the guidance from the Quran. How many different sects we now have which is keeping us separated and not united, this happens when we start taking knowledge from outside Allah swt words.
The Ashari position of Allah not being in one place, is also the opinion of Ibn Hajjar al-Asqalani in his Fath ul-Bari when he is commenting on the hadith of Nuzul in Sahih Bukhari.
Is allah above the creation or within his creation also?
@@theCordobaProject if Allah is outside his creation then is he not above us?
@@Abu_Idris nobody says that. What is said is that Allah is above his throne. Atharis will take that in a literal sense without dwelling on the 'how'. Maturidis and Asharis will take that to mean that Allah is the most majestic.
@@theCordobaProject So maturidis and asharis dont believe that Allah is above his throne literally? Is there a reason why they dont believe that? Why is Allah being above his throne so hard to accept?
The sky is above us, yet it encompasses the whole of the earth, the universe is above our sky yet it encompasses the whole of the earth and sky. The throne is above everything else except Allah who is above his throne.
If for example we said there is no god and jist the universe around us which is infinitely large (I dont believe this but lets say it is for argument sake), if in this example we say the universe is above the earth, does that take anything away from the universe, or would the universe still be infinitely large? Ofcourse it would still be infinite as you cant take anything away from infinity except that it is still infinite.
So why do asharis or whoever else believe that saying Allah is above his throne literally, takes away from Allah in any sense?
We say that he is neither outside or inside the creation
I have allot of respect for the shaykh but on this topic he is wrong. Only one view is correct and saheeh. The Salafi/Athari view is backed up with proof/daleel and is they way of the salaf/sahaba. Unity is only on the proof/truth. Whe must fear Allaah and speak the truth.
How can you have respect someone who unites with ahlu bidah
Is Allah limited in a Place?
I know. But that was not my question.
Is Allah limited in a Place?
Even the Ashari views are backed by evidences from the Quran. Just you're stuck up with what your scholars told you.
@@Kakeshii what is ahlul Bidah? There is no such thing and the prophet saw. never used such a word.
We unite with all Muslims as no one is perfect
Alhamdullilah for Ahlus Sunnah. Asharis/Maturidis. Vast Majority of Ummah
What a man ignorant thing to say.
At the time when Christianity was evolving the followers of Isa (pbuh) were the minority…
Since when was the majority a indication of truthfulness?
Do you know how many treatises there are regarding the validation of the Athari creed well before the ashari / maturdi came in power?
So before that - the athari were the majority - does that mean the athari was right and ashari wrong?
Silly statement to make brother.
Go learn.
@Big Boy he is talking about Muslims not kufaar. At the time of Isa alayhisalam they were surrounded by kufaar and they were in minority.
Today Ash'ari/Athari and Maturidi make up the majority of the Muslim Ummah. They are Muslim NOT kufaar. So when wahabi come with their mujassima Aqeedah we call them the minority who swayed away from the teachings of the salaf us salih.
@@bigboy6103brother its a sahi hadeeth in bukhari and muslim. The Prophet saw said, when there is ikhtilaaf and dispute about who is right and wrong then cling to the majority. This less than 200 year old ideology is not the majority.
vast majority of so called Muslims don't even pray, what you except😅
We often hear that the majority of the Ummah adheres to Ashari theology. But what does it mean to be an Ashari if it does not entail a conscious adoption of its doctrines? And surely, the masses/laity form the majority of the Ummah, thus is it true that the masses of the Ummah knowingly embrace Ashari beliefs, whether explicitly or implicitly?
Prominent Ashari scholars do not appear to believe so.
Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 A.H.) says in his Iljam al-‘Awam ‘an ‘Ilm al-Kalam that basic Ashari creeds such as denying that God is in a direction would barely be accepted by even 1/1000 of the people, especially the illiterate. As a result, they should not be preached these beliefs, lest it results in them embracing even very problematic beliefs.[1]
In his commentary, Imam ar-Razi (606 A.H.) states that most people’s fitrah incline them to agree with Pharoah that Allah is in the heavens.[2]
Al-‘Izz b. Abdul Salam (d. 660 A.H.) says in his Qawa’id al-Ahkam that most people fall into tajseem because they are unable to comprehend a being that is not in a direction.[3] He states that it is too difficult for a layman to comprehend a being neither in, nor outside the world, as the evidence for this belief is too difficult to grasp and is not something that people are normally guided to.[4] Based on this, he says this is the reason why the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not instruct the Sahabah to delve into these issues, and the rightly guided caliphs and guided scholars followed the Prophet’s example even though they knew that the laity are misguided on this issue.[5]
The intention of the Khawarij was to glorify Allah. Where is the Dr getting these principles from? How can a methodology based on the Quran and Sunnah (Athari) be equal to a methodology based on Greek Philosophy (Ashari)?
Even the Atharis never said Allah is physically above his throne.
Clearly u need to study the books of real aulama of aqaaid.. not the Salafis of today.
I can give you a million examples.
Ibne Uthaymeen says Allah has 2 eyes.. wr did he get that from ?
Waahid and jam'a is mentioned in the Quran. No saighaa of tathniyah
واصنعالفلك باعيننا تجري باعيننا لتصنع علي عيني ...
Also in haddeth it says " اعور " ie my Lord is not a one eyed deficient one ..How does Ibne Uthaymeen prove 2 eyes for Allah taala ????
Another 100 examples..but only this one is sufficient...
@@shehzadrafiq2121We often hear that the majority of the Ummah adheres to Ashari theology. But what does it mean to be an Ashari if it does not entail a conscious adoption of its doctrines? And surely, the masses/laity form the majority of the Ummah, thus is it true that the masses of the Ummah knowingly embrace Ashari beliefs, whether explicitly or implicitly?
Prominent Ashari scholars do not appear to believe so.
Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 A.H.) says in his Iljam al-‘Awam ‘an ‘Ilm al-Kalam that basic Ashari creeds such as denying that God is in a direction would barely be accepted by even 1/1000 of the people, especially the illiterate. As a result, they should not be preached these beliefs, lest it results in them embracing even very problematic beliefs.[1]
In his commentary, Imam ar-Razi (606 A.H.) states that most people’s fitrah incline them to agree with Pharoah that Allah is in the heavens.[2]
Al-‘Izz b. Abdul Salam (d. 660 A.H.) says in his Qawa’id al-Ahkam that most people fall into tajseem because they are unable to comprehend a being that is not in a direction.[3] He states that it is too difficult for a layman to comprehend a being neither in, nor outside the world, as the evidence for this belief is too difficult to grasp and is not something that people are normally guided to.[4] Based on this, he says this is the reason why the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not instruct the Sahabah to delve into these issues, and the rightly guided caliphs and guided scholars followed the Prophet’s example even though they knew that the laity are misguided on this issue.[5]
Je zou van een sheikh mogen verwachten dat hij het verschil tussen atharis en asharis niet alleen uitlegt maar ook een duidelijke standpunt inneemt in wat de waarheid is. Ze kunnen niet allebei gelijk hebben en met zijn conclusie lijkt het of het allebei goed is omdat de intentie erachter hetzelfde is. Dat is gewoon niet juist! En de sheikh noemt hier 1 verschil maar in werkelijkheid zijn het er honderden. Alles bij elkaar zijn de twee groepen absoluut niet hetzelfde
wat hij bedoelt is dat beide andere principes gebruiken omdat ze denken dat dat juist is. Ashari ontkennen elke soort indirecte of directe vergelijking van creaties met Allah. Athari nemen de letterlijke mening tenzij er bewijs is voor een figuurlijke interpetatie. De athari menen als je steeds zegt ''maar niet zoals de creatie'' dat dat genoeg is om vergelijkingen tegen te gaan. Ashari menen van niet. Vergeet Allah op een wijze uniek voor hem? nee toch? dus op een bepaalde doe je toch metaforische interpetatie, het verschil wanneer je metaforische intepeteert is het veschil tussen de 2 aqeedah's ashari doen het met elke potentieeel vergelijking zoals hand athari bijna nooit behalve bij verzen zoals ''En allah vergat hun''.
@@unknownunknown3692 de atharis interpreteren op basis van bewijs. Er is duidelijk bewijs dat Allah vrij is van alle tekortkomingen, dus een eigenschap als vergeten kun je niet aan Allah toeschrijven. Het is dus duidelijk dat met "Hij vergat hun" de figuurlijke betekenis. Daarnaast wordt het woord "vergeten" ook gebruikt in: وَقِيلَ الْيَوْمَ نَنْسَاكُمْ كَمَا نَسِيتُمْ لِقَاءَ يَوْمِكُمْ هَذَا. Uit de context blijkt nogmaals dat het figuurlijk wordt bedoeld. De atharis verbieden het interpreteren en uitleggen van de koran helemaal niet, zolang het gefundeerd is op bewijs.
In tegenstelling tot de atharis hebben de asharis juist een andere stelregel: zolang het tekstuele bewijs in lijn is met het verstand wordt het geaccepteerd. Is het niet in lijn met hun verstand (wiens verstand eigenlijk?) dan wordt het verworpen, anders geïnterpreteerd, etc.
Daarnaast zijn er 2 stromingen binnen de asharis; de eerste groep die voor bijvoorbeeld "de handen van Allah" een uitleg of interpretatie geven en de tweede groep die stelt dat het niet de letterlijk betekenis is maar dat alleen Allah de echte betekenis daarvan kent. Dus ze interpreteren het ook niet en verwerpen ook de interpretatie van de eerste groep.
@@youssefb8894 The mind that the Ash'aris talk about is the rational principles on which knowledge is built. In order to prove the existence of God, you must use reason, and if you want to prove the validity or invalidity of a religion, all of this is done with reason. As for the Salafists, they believe that the fact that religion contradicts reason and principles does not mean that it is a false religion. They say that the word of God is new in existence, but it is not created at the same time. If reason is not the criterion of right and wrong, then what is it? What is the criterion by which the validity or invalidity of a religion is proven, if not reason?
@@Algazali214text > philosophy
@@Taab1578 Prove the falsehood of my words with evidence if you can.
What I say is true, whether you call it philosophy or otherwise.
so does this mean that the Christians who also intend to glorify God are also correct?
No, christian didnot accept prophet muhammad s a w and al quran. They days Allah had son. How can they gkorify Allah
Al Haddad speaking about who is misguided and who isn't, the irony.
Hehehe and he forgets himself
You think you are guided, he thinks he is guided. You claim, i assume, to be on the Kitaab and Sunnah, and he does too. Who should i believe and why?
@@stradegy3338 go back to the source Quran, Sunnah and the understanding of the Sahaba RadiAllahuAnhum and compare the statements of the learned with righteous ancestors (the Sahaba RadiAllahu Anhum, Tabi'in and those who came after them, i.e. the first 3 generations). that way you can really find out who really belongs to the one saved group. learn the basics of religion and stabilize the foundation. Haitham al Haddad is one of the point of unity people. that means all sects are good as long as they say "la illaha illa Allah" and wants to bring all muslims together. even the Rafidah, who are not Muslims and who also accuse our mother Aisha RadiAllahu Anha of fornication, belong to his "point of unity". Only a Dayuth can think like that. Al wala wa al baraa, loyalty and renunciation or loving for Allah and hating for Allah, belongs to the strongest knot of iman. and that is lacking in him and his entourage. According to his theory, all sects are good because no one will claim of their own accord that they perform any particular act or worship out of enmity towards Allah and the Prophet Mohammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
@@stradegy3338 There can only be unity if we all hold on to the rope of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and have the understanding of the Sahaba RadiAllahu Anhum. (see Hadtih about the 73 groups, and Sura 3: 103 and Sura An nisa ayat 115) in the English area I can recommend the brother Abu Khadijah. through him you will get to know more brothers in shaa Allah who belong to ahlu sunnah. And finally I say that we do not follow an individual but only the truth because no matter who strays from the path, one strays. i know some brothers in germany who were led astray by haitham al haddad.
@@german3306Abu Khadeejah doesn’t know more then 5 juzz and you want us to take knowledge from him.
Subhanallah i never looked at this issue in this way before. So really the Jahmiyyah who denied Allah being above His creation did so because they were glorifying Allah and not restricing Him, and the soo many statements from the Salaf that they were misguided and shouldn't pray behind them like from Imam Ahmad, Yahya ibn maeen, Harb Kirmaani, Ishaq Rahuyah etc were all wrong for doing so because they didn't see their reasoning. Allahul musta'aan we have people here today that will make us follow their path and leave the path of the Salaf.
Exactly! This man is a filthy innovator!
May Allah guide them to the methodology of Salaf
JazakAllah khair
@@Whitekurdoooo aaameen
You did not understand his speech
An ustaz once said in a rational relevance. Allah has no beginning. “how can Allah be in the heaven? Where is He sitting before He created the heaven?”
Dit gesprek kan wel weken doorgaan en men gaat er niet uitkomen..
Hou je vast aan de aqeedah van de eerste generatie moslim en je kan niet fout zitten.
Zolang je vasthoud aan de aqeedah and manhaj van de salaf zit je goed. Zo gecompliceerd is het niet.
De Asharis zijn vol met bid'ah en sommige zelfs Shirk. Dit is al genoeg om te weten wie op de Haqq is
Je hoeft er ook niet uit te komen. Alle kennis is enkel bij Allah, en Allah geeft de kennis en wijsheid aan wie hij wil. De verplichting die op elke moslim rust is om elkaar met respect te behandelen en je niet van elkaar af te kere opdat we zullen welslagen in het wereldse en hiernamaals. Als we om elke verschil in interpretatie of visie die met de beste bedoelingen tot stand is gekomen elkaar uit de tent gaan vechten dan moeten wachten op de bestraffing van Allah. Wij zullen door het westen en Israel gekoloniseerd blijven en uit elkaar gedreven worden totdat we weer fatsoenlijk weten om te gaan met elkaar. "Houd jullie ALLEN vast aan het koord van Allah en raakt niet verdeeld". واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا Quran aya 103 Ali Imran
For real.😂😂
Sorry i don't pray to dead people.
No one prays to dead people.
Not a good explanation. We believe in what Allah has revealed to us about Him. That He is above His Throne which is above the Heavens.
Dear Sheikh,
Can good intention to glorify Allah, be done with an undertanding (that rejects Allah istawa on Arash) which has not been taught by Rasulullah saw, and not been done by the sahabah, tabiin, attabi tabiin, the times of the 4 imams and a hundred years after that?
And how could Ashari glorify Arsh, kursi, and the 7 heavens- their north south east wests' understandings- just by imagining via human mind?
You don't glorify the Arash. You glorify the one who created it and you may understand to a certain limit how he created the universe/kursy but not how was he before he. If you do that , you label him as equivalent as an image that sits on a kusyi (chair). I am not taking that as faith. Its better to understand it as Laisa kamithlihi (no translation needed in other languages but grasp it via Arabic)..and it defines an endless effort to see something spectacular that you tend to forget his creation but not the creator. It's spectacular experience which you can feel when doing everything especially Solah. You may not be able to share the tastyness but its there to be tasted in continuos tastyness.
Totally agree here but salafis are still outright wrong
Ashari is leading to Athiesm ; why?
They say Allah and creation doesnt even share a single Attribute. Which is Athiesm
we exist but allah don't exist
If so you wouldn't be able to debate other beliefs maintain core Islamic beliefs. God walking, sitting etc is used by contemporary Christians... Calling asharis names won't solve your arrogance
This is the typical 5 years old conversation you find in the comments section of Islamic videos. Speaking too fast, impulsively with little to no knowledge involved. Get off TH-cam and get a proper Islamic education asap. Pro tip: start with manners.
@@yaqob3275 Asharis believe that worshipping a grave is not Shirk, they have many interpretations of the sifat of Allah that go in line with the ta'wil of the Jahmiyyah, they preced the 'aql(intellect) above the naql(text), they believe it is allowed to innovate in the deen of Allah in worship like mawlid, they study philosophy and base their deen upon the 10 categories of Aristotle even tho the Salaf warned harshly against it, many Asharis call Salafis mujassimah just like the Jahmiyyah did to the Salaf, some Asharis like Zaheed Al Kawthari insulted many scholars of the Salaf calls them mujassimah, Asharis reject every single book of the Salaf in aqeedah like rad 'ala zanadiqah wal jahmiyyah of imam Ahmed and kitab at tawhid of ibn Khuzaymah and many more, many Asharis do takfir on Salafis like Ahmed Raza Khan and Zaheed Al Kawthari and many others and do specific takfir of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim, their earliest book of aqeedah except fiqh al akbar that they study is aqeedah at tahawiyyah and never return to the Salaf in many issues, the heads of the Asharis like al Ghazali, fakh ar razi, Abu Hassan al Ashari(before he became Salafi and repented) and others were extremely weak in hadith and couldn't differentiate between a fabricated hadith and a mutawaatir saheeh hadith.
Thats why you see many Ashari narrate weak and fabricated ahadith to prove their aqeedah or innovation...
The Asharis deny that Allaah is in one place and they deny that Allaah is in every place also, before any thing existed i.e time,place,directions, Allaah existed eternally without time,place,direction. After Allaah brought those things into existance Allaah still exists without those things, Allaah does not need the places to exist so if some one says God is literally above theyre saying that God has changed because they saying God existed without being above and now God has changed to being above and the one who changes does not deserved to be worshipped as it is in need of something to create that change.
Wrong and misguiding video.
First of all, he needs to be honest to himself. Instead of saying athari's, he needs to say wahhabi's or salafis. Atharis are Hanbali's who disagree with wahhabis/salafis. Hanbalis have no problem with Ash'aris because they both agree about delegation (tafweed).
In contrary to the wahhabi's, they do ithbaat, which basically means they confirm that Allah has limbs and that His Essence is literally in the sky.
This is why Wahhabi's/salafis are antropomorfists and ahl u ssunah aren't.
There is no such thing as a Salafi.
The people who call themselves Salafi today are actually wahabis
You flops saying wahabi like the shia are the wrong ones. ALLAH IS ABOVE HIS THRONE AND ABOVE ALL CREATION. That is one of Allahs names and your using it like a curse word shame on you degenerates
When Allah said I have created Adam AS with my own two hands what does that mean? When he said he will reveal himself to the believers in jannah what does that mean? All from the Quran and Sunnah. To people are the diveint sect and need to study the religion
When the prophet SAW passed the tree after the throne of Allah and said all I saw was light in the night journey where did he go? He was in the presence of Allah but blinded by light of Allah . Allah is above all his creation and their is nothing like him but he is a being that is all living .
@@zahirsabra1971 When Allah says he comes running to you what does that mean? He physically runs with two legs? Nope. Quit taking the literal meaning, its just dumb.
Please put the subtitles... Their r many word, I cannot detect what they saying..
Which parts do you need help with? Give me some timestamps and I'll try to help you inshaAllāh
I am going to have good assumption about this shiekh, so i am not going to say this is tadlis. The reason we, the true followers of ALLAH and His Messenger peace be upon him, affirm ALLAH is in Highness, is because HE said so. HE ta’ala said He is above the Throne. The Messenger peace be upon him said He is above the Throne, The Messenger peace be upon him POINTED upwards when asking ALLAH to be a witness over those who were infront of him. So we dont glorify ALLAH using pagan philosophical ideas, we glorify ALLAH as HE wanted and the way His Messenger peace be upon him glorified Him.
We often hear that the majority of the Ummah adheres to Ashari theology. But what does it mean to be an Ashari if it does not entail a conscious adoption of its doctrines? And surely, the masses/laity form the majority of the Ummah, thus is it true that the masses of the Ummah knowingly embrace Ashari beliefs, whether explicitly or implicitly?
Prominent Ashari scholars do not appear to believe so.
Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 A.H.) says in his Iljam al-‘Awam ‘an ‘Ilm al-Kalam that basic Ashari creeds such as denying that God is in a direction would barely be accepted by even 1/1000 of the people, especially the illiterate. As a result, they should not be preached these beliefs, lest it results in them embracing even very problematic beliefs.[1]
In his commentary, Imam ar-Razi (606 A.H.) states that most people’s fitrah incline them to agree with Pharoah that Allah is in the heavens.[2]
Al-‘Izz b. Abdul Salam (d. 660 A.H.) says in his Qawa’id al-Ahkam that most people fall into tajseem because they are unable to comprehend a being that is not in a direction.[3] He states that it is too difficult for a layman to comprehend a being neither in, nor outside the world, as the evidence for this belief is too difficult to grasp and is not something that people are normally guided to.[4] Based on this, he says this is the reason why the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not instruct the Sahabah to delve into these issues, and the rightly guided caliphs and guided scholars followed the Prophet’s example even though they knew that the laity are misguided on this issue.[5]
Allah is above all creation! That's the only truth.
So we can say the same for the sufis. They do what they do to glorify Allah?
The situation the ummah is in .... In the beginning panel you see "The road to unity" and then he goes on to talk about misguidance ... and above all of ashairah and salafi? Oh the irony. BECOME ONE DO NOT SEPERATE.... whether you like it or not this religion cannot be studied without diving in the books of scholars which are ashairah. There were also a lot of salafi scholars which are accepted. STOP DIVIDING BROTHERS AND SISTERS PLEASE. Mufti Taqi Uthmani said that with new matters in fiqh, for example, they do not sit with scholars of hanafi, shafi'i, etc. He sid we sit with all scholars to settle them.
Wrong question? Sticking to different kalam schools doesn't hurt Iman . Aqidah is a explanation of Iman , not Iman itself!
There is no Ashari and Maturidi in the time of Muhammad SAW, his companions and the 4 imam
So if Allah SWT is in heaven (Jannah) then are you limiting his power? and yes Subhana rabbbiyal ala but his state is the highest not Allah himself. If Allah is on the arsh then you are saying that Allah is in his own creation but how dare you to compare the creater with the creation.
The truth is one. Stop playing a double game. Islam is based on texts, sources point. Where are the ashari arguments from kiteb and sunneh...we believe what prophet alayhi selem and compagnons believed. Allah is above his creation above the throne. Then pretending to glorify Allah is not enough, good intention is not enough, following of sunneh is a second and necessary point. Bring proof or keep silence.
One has quran and ahadith, and is following three blessed generations and is based on daliil,the other has no justification for rejecting for what Allah has called himself and changing meanings. There is one truth and the shaykh knows it
Except Ash'aris teach Fiqhul Akbar, which is written by Abu Hanifa of the Salaf, and Aqeedah Tahawiyyah, which records the Aqeedah of the Salaf two generations later, while Salafis teach Aqeedah Wasitiyyah, which came 600 years after the salaf
They haven't changed anything. In fact it is YOU who have resorted to human understanding of His great attributes. Remind me what happened to the person who approached Imam Malik with the question on Istiwa?
Misguided individual through and through. Just because you might have good intentions in your heart doesn't make your actions correct. For instance nobody would say that about terrorists, they might have any number of twisted understandings in their heart but we judge them by their actions which is evil , therefore we stand against any form of terrorism likewise we stand against asharis
So the atharis/salafis are unjust? How about those that deny Allahs words for their own logic.
Allahs says specifically that he created a throne then he is above it many times. Above the 7th paradise above which is the throne above it is Allah. Ashaaris also deny his attributes. They only accept less than 10. This is misguidance.
Ngl bro they accept more than 10 attributes & they also don’t deny the sifaat of Allah, they just don’t take an anthropomorphic/literalist approach.
In Surat al-Ma’idah, Ayah 54, Allah said - “Believers! If any of you should ever turn away from your faith, remember that Allah will raise up a people whom He loves, and who love Him; a people humble towards the believers, and firm towards the unbelievers;87 who will strive hard in the way of Allah and will not fear the reproach of the reproacher”. Al Hakim in his Mustadrak & Ibn Asakir narrated that when the ayah was revealed, the prophet ﷺ pointed at the sahabi Abu Musa Al Ashari & said “they are from his people”.
Imam Al Qurtubi said in his tafsir that Al Qushayri said “The followers of Abu Musa al-Hasan al-Ashari are his people because every time a people are attributed to a prophet, what is meant is his followers”.
Also, to elucidate and introduce what many scholars have said, the likes of -
Hafidh Al Bayhaqi
Ibn Hajar al Asqalani
The explainer of Al-Qamus and the author of Ithaf Assadah Al-Muttaqqin. Az-Zabidiyy said in the second chapter: “If the term Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah is used without restriction then what is meant by it is the Asharis and Maturidis”.
My advice to you akhi is just look into it a little. There’s a vendetta going on right now against the Asha’irah but people forget about all the contributions collectively made by Ashari scholars. You literally can’t study any subject in Islam without going through an Ashari lol. They talk down on Asharis but they study their books which is funny 😂
Look into it my brother. If you would like some videos to watch let me know & I can steer yoy in the correct direction bi’ithnillah
Also, anything that I said that is correct is from Allah & anything that was wrong is from myself and shaytaan.
& Allah knows best
@@Gggggggglllk I dont study any ashaari books. Why would I learn innovation and misinterpretation?
Also ashaaris literally follow a guy after the 3rd generation. What part of salaf and khalaf is so hard to understand? Sunnah is not innovation! Jamaa does not include innovators. Thats why they call themselves ashaaris and not salafis or Muhammadis because they follow a guy that switched sects many times. He later even left ashaariah. He even wrote a book that refutes ashaariah. Now those points are funny.
My advice is for you to actually ignore everything except that which Allah and his Messenger told you to follow:
1. Quran and Sunnah
2. Sahabah
3. 2nd generation
4. 3rd generation
Btw, they deny the attributes no matter how they say it or what excuse they bring.
@@AllahsSlave7 you sound just as brainwashed as the rest of the wahabis. Your arrogance has hardened your hearts. You denounce & make takfir of the majority of Muslims but don’t realize in doing so your heart is turning into stone. The prophet ﷺ said that the horn of shaytan would come from Najd & the sahaba were probably confused as to why he would make such a statement. In 2024 it is clear as day for anyone whos heart hasn’t hardened who the prophet ﷺ was referring to.
Just because YOU don’t study Ashari books doesn’t mean your scholars don’t. They even write commentaries on them 😂
A key difference between your ulema & the ulema of ahlus sunnah is that you guys are forced to study Ashari works because most if not all the sciences of Islam were spearheaded by the Ashairah. The foundational texts in all these sciences were written by Asharis/Maturidis. Allah has given acceptance of these said scholars in the hearts of everyone, hence why they are still remembered until this day.
What have wahabis done other than making takfir of Muslims, tamper with Hadith, destroy/desecrate the graves of the sahaba, be a major factor in why the Muslims do not have a caliphate today, bring shame upon the true followers of Allah & his Rasool ﷺ etc. The list of terrible things is endless but the list of good things is limited.
@@Gggggggglllk Assalamu aleykum va rahmatullahi va barakatuh.İ am from Azerbaijan.My english language information is little.İn Azerbaijan many people ara shia,after salafy.Little is ashari and maturudi and İ am misunderstand this themas. Please help me.And say me why salafies are false?why asharies true?.What are their problem each other?.Please say me which books,sheikhs,writers are real ahli-sunnah?
@@AllahsSlave7 who understood the Salaf and the Khalaf and the 1st and 2nd and 3rd generation better than the 4th? Ever heard of the concept of the chain of transmission?
He is lying.
Salafis are following the salaf.
Ahlulbidah are following their innovations.
All innovations are evil regardless of intention.
كل بدعة ضلالة
how can you follow salah without Ahlul bait
MasyaAllah, if the Salafis is following the Salaf, isn't the 4 imam mazhab and the 2 imamul Tauhid Ashari & Maturidi belongs to the best of Salaf? This pseudo Salafi group are confusing themself, we all knew this started from ibn Taimiyah & then renewed by Mohd Abd Wahab, so don't hide behind the Bush, we knew where all this coming from. From ijma ulama of ahli sunnah waljamaah, the Salafi Wahabi is out of the Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah.
@@web3dopamine actually imam Abu hanifa studied from imam Jaafar Assadiq, which is the 1st mazhab, then comes the 4 mazhabs.
@@sillybeans929 lol, I am not shia
So blind accusations
@@sillybeans929 the guy who gives blind accusations telling me I am far from truth lol
Atharis are following the TEXT.
Asharis are following their RATIONALISATION OF THE TEXT.
Asharis cannot base their rationalisation from the salaf.
Atharis can base the text all the way back to the salaf.
Even the Kufar glorify Allah in their way so they still will go to jahannam. Haitham is going into Philosophie.
You forgot that the only correct Aqida is the Aqida which the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa salam and the Sahaba RadiAllahu Anhum were upon.
Brother please don’t compare Christian believe with Muslims. This way way out of line and incomparable.
What conception of Allah swt must one have if one believes that Allah being located in a the highest physical location makes Him than if He weren't? Also, the principle isn't always true, just because one thing or person is in a higher physical location to another, does.not mean that it is superior. Otherwise.the Makka Towers clock face wd b superior to al hajr al aswad. Now, s/o might accuse me of using my logic or some alien philosophy, but of course they'd be lying. This is ordinary God-given common sense. Figurative language is a natural part of Arabic and in fact an essential element of human speech and eloquent speech. One has to show that figurative language cannot be used by Allah swt. physical height is associated generally with rank amd honour, admitted. That is why kingssit at a high throne, we are awed by the height of mountains . So every language in the world including Arabic makes use of height figuratively to connotations honour and rank eg the CEO is still higher than the janitor when the latter is cleaning the executive 20th floor office whilst the former is away, harder exam papers are termed higher level papers, and on and on. The aboveness of Allah swt in every verse can naturally and without any problems be interpreted figuratively as an aboveness in eminence,. honour, authority. The onus is on those who deny such a natural figurative mean to show why it is not allowed and to show that their.alternative of a literal aboveness does not mean Allah swt is inside.His creation or spqtially connected to it or is a.physical body.or against Allah's ghinah, qayyumiyya and kibriyya. Go ahead.
Note: no Greek logic or metaphysics was used in this comment.
exactly akhi, Just by common sense, when you literal means a physical. Now they accusing us of being jahmiyya while they’re mujassima.
Calling something "Greek logic" is as absurd as saying "arabic math"
Math is math and logic is logic no matter who documented it first in modern history.
If your point is logically demonstrated, then it might be accepted, if it is not, then a reasonable person shouldn't accept its conclusion.
You just used your "logic" instead of a "greek logic", whats the difference? Allah has created the throne and he said he is above his throne, and Allah said he is in the heaven, Allah said he is above us. Are you gonna deny all of that with your "logic"? And where in the arabic language "sitting above a throne" means "having a high status"??? Nowhere brother so follow the true belief and leave these innovations the prophet pbuh never told us nor did his companions, otherwise your "logic" will (Allah forbid) lead you astray like a mushrik's "logic" does to him. May Allah guide us all.
Do the the Salafiyya establish the نزول of Allah at the time of tahajjud as they establish His علو and استواء upon the throne?
@mahadwaqas_ so do they comment on the علو الله being علو المكانة or علو المكان
@@zubairismail1048 in simple word, we affirm about Allah only what He himself affirmed, and the messenger peace be upon him affirmed. we dont get into the meanings, we just say that it is howit befits the majesty of Allah, without ascribing it to that of humankind
And meanwhile I am watching this video now on the 12 may 2023. Israeli rockets are raining on our brothers and sisters head. Some muslims are too busy with the one million dollar question: who has the best knowledge/aqeedah.
aqeedah is the main reason why Muslims are divided, which is why we are in our weakest state, and being humilated by the disbelievers. Unity and honour will only come from uniting upon the correct Aqeedah.
@@liby254 Someone should learn how Ibn Qudama dealt with Asharis yet fought alongside them.
it is the salafie who argue my way or ur misguided
Yes black and white. 1 of the things y I don't follo them.
Totally misguided person. He is trying to negate what Quran said and give excuses to misguided Ashari. Salafi is the save group as their beliefs is all from Quran and correct Sunnah.
Dr. Haithim al haddad is an ikhwaani, there plenty of problems with this man, he wants to unite with the Rafidah, he says that it isn’t blasphemy to deny what Allaah affirmed about himself, they reject what the messenger of Allaah’s Hadiths & disagree with the Sahabahs on fundamentals principles of Tawheed & Sunnah. Muslims must say what Islam tells us & stop where Islam never spoke about, Ash’aris are innovators without a shadow of doubt.
You hit the Nail on the Head. Subhan Allah
This is the best and understandably most correct explaination I can find on the youtube on this topic.
الله يجزيك بخير
Thank you for your illumination oh researching one!
Many scholars say whoever denies Most of these Attributes of Allah, is a kafir. If someones mind tells him the best to glorify Allah is to worship his prophet, what would you say about this? The "they all try to glorify Allah" argument is totally false. The true creed is following the Quran and Sunna without any perverted interpretations. May Allah guide us all to the truth.
@@faskaabdelmajid363akhi alhamdulilah you understand
We take from the Qur'an and Sunnah Upon the understand Of SalafUsalih.
Who are the Salaf. The First 3 Generation
I think you can find a lot better than this
its just not 2 issues. asharis today are not the same as asharis from 1000+ years ago. back then asharis would reject a hadith if it went againts their mind and rationality but in islam accepting something from the prophet and quran comes before your intellect otherwise this religion would become like the christians religion. many of the companions did not understand many of things the prophet said or did. like the night journey was incomprehensible to many of them and they still believed him because faith comes before rationality in most cases.
How is this important? What is in the Quran and sunnah we affirm it. What is not there we don't know.
I don't understand what all the fuss is about.
So shia who curse companions its because they glorify Ahlul Bayt and sunnis who praise companions is because they also glorify Ahlul Bayt, so both have same intentions (glorify ahlul bayt) so they should unit and not attack eachother according to haitham. What a t*at!
Clown comment
Infact ibn taiymiyya is the one cursing Hz Ali and Hz Uthman
Scholar speaks in video.
Jahil laymen takfiris talk in comment section.
Agree brother 😂
Short answer: Haitham is misguided.
Surprise Surprise. There we have it again, anyone who does not agree with Salafi's or has a different understanding to Salafi's is misguided.
@@saqub2008 so ur calling Al jazari misguided
@@mmcweight8827 Where did you get that from? I dont even know who Al Jazari is
@@saqub2008 You don't even know the Imam of tajeeed and qirat. I will not waste my time on such a jahil who doesn't even know basic stuff. Assalamu Alaikum
@@mmcweight8827 this is exactly why im so sick of you Salafi's, all you do is insult anyone and everyone who does not know or believe what you know or believe, may Allah protect and save the Ummah from the fitnah of the Salafi Cult, certainly a great fitnah and test of our times.
Do Muslims really still talking about this? These just ways of explaining.
Allaah (a.w.j.) gives at least one clear sign for every deviant group that they are misguided. It is so clear that they have no excuse to continue in their misguidance. For the Ash'arees and Maatureedees it is that they believe Allaah (a.w.j.) is incapable of speaking Arabic or any other language, so was, is and always will be incapable of reciting the Qur'aan. It is such an obviously false belief that their scholars don't teach it to the 'ordinary' Muslims who follow them. Alhamdulillaah, Allaah makes open what they try to conceal, so their belief is published by the Ash'arees themselves in Al Ghazzaalee's Ihyaa 'Uloomu-d Deen, Book 1, Chapter 2, where he states unambiguously that "bismillaah" is not the Speech of Allaah (a.w.j.) and gives the reasons for their belief. Anyone who believes that Allaah (a.w.j.) cannot speak Arabic is in one of the branches of kufr, as stated clearly by Imaam Ahmed (r.a.a.).
Salaf: Isbat wa Tafwidh
Khalaf: Isbat wa Tanzih
But I think the Salafi not Ture Athari are actually tell that Allah is a move his Arsh physically and Arsh is more closest to Allah than any other things on the other hand Ashari or Maturidi or True Athari are saying the Allah is above the Arsh without physical.
Imam Ashari in his book Al Abana he clearly mention that Allah is above his Arsh but it not make him more closest to Arsh as compare to his other makhlooq
Christians wanna glorify Allah as well, but as we know they won’t make it to jannah
Just ask him what opinion does he follow and why?
This man sounds like a classical mujassimah
Athari’s aint karramis 😝
@@Firelord2nd salafis are karramis😅
@@anoniem2400 Modern day jahmi, Are you sure you exist? Or did Imam Aristoteles say otherwise?
U sound like a classical neo jahmi
The Wahhabis limit Allah to having 2 hands 🙌 this is blatant blasphemy
allah said it we say he has what he said he has, are you denying it, are you corrupting the message
@@boiiiii obviously you don’t read Arabic.The Quran has never limited Allah to having 2 hands 🙌. But you can find such beliefs in the books of ibn taymiyyah ,Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and there followers
You are denying the text of Qur'an
The divine attributes mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah are to be affirmed without discussing how or likening Him to His creation, and without denying any of His attributes or interpreting them in a way different from the apparent meaning. We do not differentiate between any of the divine attributes, no matter what category they come under. Every divine attribute that is mentioned in a sahīh text must be affirmed.
Sunnan Tirmidhi 662
Abu Kurayb Muhammad ibn al-Ala told us that Waki', that 'Abbad ibn Mansur, that al-Qasim ibn Muhammad said: I heard Abu Huraira say that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, said: "Allah accepts the alms and accepts them with His rights and makes them grow for you, just as one of you raises his foal until a morsel becomes like Mount Uhud." And the confirmation of this is found in the Book of Allah, the Exalted: "It is He who accepts repentance from His servants and takes alms" and "Allah destroys usury and makes alms grow."
Abu Isa said, "This is a hasan sahih hadith. And it was similarly narrated from Aisha about the Prophet, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him. Several scholars have said of this hadith and similar accounts of the attributes and the coming down of the Lord, blessed and exalted be He, every night to the lowest heaven: These traditions are authentic and one believes in them without imagining or wondering how this happens. It was narrated via Malik, Sufyan ibn Uyayna and Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak that they said about these hadiths: 'Leave them without asking how.' This is also the statement of the scholars of the Ahlu Sunnah wa Jammah.
The Jahmiyyah, on the other hand, rejected these traditions and said that this was an equation (with creation, Tasbih). Allah, the Exalted, has mentioned in several passages in His Book the hand, the hearing and the seeing. The Jahmiyyah have interpreted these verses and interpreted them differently from the scholars. They said that Allah did not create Adam with His hand and that the meaning of the hand here was power. Ishaq ibn Ibrahim said: 'An equation occurs when one says a hand like a hand, or similar to a hand, or a hearing like a hearing, or similar to a hearing. When one says hearing like hearing, or similar to hearing, this is an equation. But when one says, as Allah said, Hand and hearing and seeing, without asking how, and without saying, similar to hearing or hearing, then this is not an equation. As Allah said in the Qur'an: "Nothing is like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing."
And that why Haitham al Haddad is an Ikhwani innovator
He’s incorrect about the belief of ashari
No Clarity at all just political answers
Re the weak narration of Imam Malik الله في السماء
Albani has dishonestly authenticated the narrator Abdullah bin Naafi Assaaigh whilst weakening him in Daeef Abu Dawood and Silsila Daeefa ...
the difference is that ahl ul sunna wal jama'a (so-called salafis) try to explain the Names and Attributes of Allah from the speech of the Prophet ﷺ, the Companions, and the Pious Predecessors of this Ummah, including the 4 Imams.
The Ashari-Maturidi are trying to do the same using the methodology of very corrupted people like greek Philosophers and other non-believing thinkers, discarding by doing so the very same methodology and 'Aqida of the four Imams that they claim to follow.
Where the truth is, is very clear.
Of course this doesn't throw Ashaira and Maturidia altogether outside ahl ul sunnah wal jama'a, but as Ibn Uthaymeen said, there are various grades of misguidance regarding the knowledge of the Names and Attributes of Allah, so what we can say in general is that they are from ahlul sunna wal jamaa in what they agree with it, and they arent in what they disagree with it. And this is a general ruling that can be taken into account to avoid excessive division among muslims. Then, things can be explained in detail to make clear what is open kufr and what isn't.
Another thing that should be said is that we shouldn't talk about or try to explain issues that Allah and His Messenger left us with, unless we have proofs from the islamically legitimate sources of proofs, Quran, Sunna, sayings of the Companions and of the Salaf.
Then, capital question:
What was the Aqida of the four Imams on this issue?
Answer: Athari Aqida
So, who are you really following?
Thanks for the laugh.🤣
Ahl-Sunnah Wal Jamaah is anti-Wackabi.
Now Pseudo salafies r claiming Ahl-Sunnah?
Khulasatul kalam of the Mujassima is that Allah is in Makan 3adami (A non-existent place).
This is obviously idiotic and desperate attempt to do Tanzeeh whilst knowing that actual Tanzeeh is what the Ash3ariyya and Ma2turidiyya have.
Wow, haitham haddad is so misguided!
@المنار Umm...who's from the salaf, the early Imam Ash'ari or the late 7th century Ibn taymiyyah?
@@stradegy3338 tell them bro.
@@stradegy3338 Even imam bukhari is older than Abu hassan Al ashari 😂😂
Imam bukhari isn't part of the salaf
Because the salaf are "The companions, the tabi'is and the followers of tabi'is"
@@Shaydanwase True, however, Imam Al'Ash'ari is still in the era of the salaf, despite not being a Tabi'ee or their follower. By the time Ibn taymiyyah came about, the Ash'ari creed was accepted by majority of scholars as the creed adopted from the Sahabah RA through those after them, so it's been filtered and corrected and what not for a very long time. So...whatever the Taymi sect came up with is a little late, took fame in what, the 18s??
are the asharis glorifying allah by saying the quran is created? they believe this as the mutazila believe it!
You’re playing with semantics - asharis don’t believe the Quran is created & it is impermissible to say such a thing.
Yep total bs
They don't believe that.
Another lie to try divide Muslims
the al Saud najdi backstabbers have the most beloved imam the imam T.E Lawrence lol
Asharis are guided; salafis are misguided. End of.
Ok and where is the evidence to back up ur claim......
Oh I forgot u have non
This is all nonsense from the fake Sheikh Haitham al Haddad. Every group claims to want to glorify Allah and have good intentions. Even other religions such as Christians try to glorify Allah.
Allah created the heavens
الله الذي خلق السماوات
MasyaAllah, this guy is really out. Place and time are matters or Attributes to Makhluk or the Creations. Allah azza wajalla is Laisa kamislihi syai', meaning none is like to Allah, you cannot give or put Allah to the maqam or Sifat or Attributes of Makhluk, that's totally WRONG. The Asyairah didn't allow this not to Glorify Allah, but to guide Human to Know Allah the Way Allah teaches the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the Sahabah and to all of us. The fake Salafis are trying their best but over thousand of years, its the Asyairah and Maturidiyah are the only Aqidah of the Ahli Sunnah WalJamaah.
@@adilmannan1 didn't u learnt the Quran Adil Mannan? Rasulullah once asked by the bedouin where is Allah, is Allah far away that they have to shout in their prayers to be heard. Did Rasulullah replied oh Allah is above the 7 Heavens? No.
Rasulullah waited till Allah replied, and what did Allah replied? It is in Suratul Baqarah ayat 186, (2:186) (O Muhammad), when My servants ask you about Me, tell them I am near; I hear and answer the call of the caller whenever he calls Me. Let them listen to My call and believe in Me;[188] perhaps they will be guided aright.[189] this shows you guys didn't learnt the Quran fully. Also please learnt that Ayat Mutasyabihat cannot be use as Dalil. May Allah guides us all.
@@adilmannan1 ok. Which hadith? And to all Alim or Knowledge that the Quran is higher n hadith supports it. Allah is high above Arash not in physical but in highness or greatness. Allah never ever changes, he is neither left or right, below or above, there's no direction for Allah, yet Allah is the Greatest. If u learnt Tauhid from Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah, you will learnt that Allah cannot be place, bcos Allah created place n time. Allah is the same, before he created Arash, the universe, earth n 7 Heavens. The ayat istawa alal Arash, is Allah is the creator of Arash(the biggest creation) and yet Allah is higher and more greater than Arash. Before the creation of Arash and all Universe, Allah existed without place n time, and Allah existed after creation of everything including Arash, Allah does not need space n time, but everything including Arash, space and time need Allah.
The problem when you said Allah is above the Heavens, above the Sky, then the Greeks will say, oh yes, our God Zeus is Above the Sky, above the Heavens, so mayb its the same God. Or if you go further, the old scriptures says that God is sitting above his throne in Heavens.
All this was challenge during the time of Imam Athary, when Islam spreads everywhere, that is the time he compiled the Knowledge of Ilmu Kalam or Tawheed, when he met Our Holy Prophet in his dream, Rasulullah ordered him to master the knowledge of Ilmu Tauhid according to the teachings of Rasulillah following the Quran and the Sunnah. May Allah guides us to the Real Truth and not others. Aamin ya Allah
So everyone is wrong. IS anyone listening to this guy
Only donkey layman will waste their time on these scholastic discourse. One does not have to agree with Shaikh Haitham on very many topics but here in simple terms explains the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jammah. Scholars differ and rightly so on interpretative areas of Islamic sciences and to use these differences and have dogmatic approach by laymen muslim or half baked scholars or sectarian minded shaikh speaks volume of the diseased heart and their irrelevance in these subject matter.
Lack of Quranic proofs and Lack of logic...false Sheikh
Fair point.🤷🏿♀️😎💓☝️
Glorifying Allah???? By innovating in the deen?
Who’s misguided?
All I know is those who were termed as Salafis early on were fed a Saudi sponsored doctrine which led to major fitna amongst the Ahlus Sunnah, they split up in to extreme sub groups even doing Takfeer upon others of the same manhaj or sect if you will, all at the benefit of western imperialists and disadvantage of the Muslims. Subsequently a vast majority of them became extreme jihadi terrorists, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan etc etc
Now The Saudis have no use of this manhaj it is being brushed aside along with it’s scholars?
Me personally I don’t have issues with Ghair Muqallids who have mannerism and don’t look down on other Muslims and treat them with contempt.
No one knows the end of one’s life or wether a person will die upon Imaan or misguidance.
Best to fear Allah Ta’ala and seek continual guidance as in Surah al Fatiha which we recite in our daily Salaah.
Asharis are ahlus sunnah .
Tajseemi kufr of wahabbis due to taqleed of ibn tayimia
Thr salshari is misguided. Your all lost tbe plot
They are limiting ALLAH .
ikhwani deviant
the shiea wahabi salafi aka takfiri wahabi salafi
Salafism: mojassimeh
Al-Haddad vragen over wie meer op het rechte pad zit? Wat is het volgende? Hamza Yusuf vragen?
Mashallah very well said ❤❤❤
Haytham hadad is misguided