Not calling out false teachers is like a watchman on a tower who sees the wolves coming, and just come down and goes to his house and secure it, without warning the town
Brother Corey, my Dad was a Pastor before he went on to be Present with the LORD. He use to say that The Word Of GOD IS TIGHT BUT IT IS RIGHT.Meaning people don't want to allow themselves to be conformed to the Word of GOD but will rather comform the Word of GOD to fit their Lifestyle. Cherry picking certain scriptures to justify their immoral Lifestyle Plagued with Sinfulness yet not acknowledging the repercussions of their Errors. We All need to repent from our sins & sinful nature's.
I’ve been ordained with the Assemblies of God for nearly 20 years now. I was just fired from my current pastoral position for addressing the Sr leaders (and his wife) teaching of the following: the Enneagram, generational curses, binding/loosing, decreeing and declaring and positive confession. It’s sad to see such a lack of discernment in many churches today.
@@Josephus_da_Killer positive confession is the belief/practice that our words have the ability to create outcomes that we want. It’s akin to decreeing and declaring; “I confess with my mouth that this cancer is gone.”
It’s sad, but the Bible, that some dismiss, has ALREADY said these things would come to pass. The people who actually read the Word of God KNOW this. I would not let ANYONE lead me to hell (for eternity) because I won’t read for myself, and discern for myself.
I agree wholeheartedly. I said something similar in another post. I was thinking to myself earlier that people should read the Holy scriptures in its entirety before they get saved. It's better to know what is required and expected when you turn to God to be born of His Holy Spirit rather going to church and having no clue at all. No wonder many are deceived. Scripture says, " You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." I know why many are not free. Great post.
@bighand1530 I know that and agree. The point I was making is people go having no clue thinking because they've grown up in that environment that they're saved. Without ever repenting of their sins. Or feel they need to repent because we're under grace. Also, church attendance doesn't save you're correct, but you are the CHURCH if you truly are saved. The born again are the body of Christ which is His church/bride. We worship together in buildings made by man, the CHURCH isn't made by man's hands. your content. Your title is correct! The Church Must Fight! This is why people are moving away from the gospel; because church leaders are making a mockery of the Bible and Christianity. You will never see this with the Quran and Islam. The consequences are dire. Keep speaking truth.
@@p-rose6251 can I ask you what gives you the impression that makes you believe that he is saved? I’m not saying whether he is or not, just curious of your examination.
@p-rose6251 he isn't saved. He doesn't know understand or teach the gospel. He butchers the Bible and teaches a false gospel. That's not the fruit of a saved person. It's the fruit of a lost person.
It's like this to me. If you put your name on a product you endorse or make and you know that it works you are going to be confident in its results. It carries your name by the way so the results really matter. So if you put the name Jesus Christ on your salvation and the results are continually sinful whose name will they blaspheme? Not yours. But He whose name claims it has the power to save people from their sins. So truth be told people are judging God not you when they judge the fruit you bear. So is Christ therefore the minister of sin?
Great video, ”preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and teaching.“ 2 Timothy 4:2 LSB
When I was about 8 yrs old growing up Florence,S.C,the preacher I heard and saw on tv was 'Billy Graham! His message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not changed over the 59 or more yrs that he traveled the world and shared the 'Gospel! He kept 'Jesus the main thing ! Blessings
Corey I love how you explain things because everything you're talking about I'm trying to do with my stepson right now. I'm contending the faith because right now my stepson believes that you have to do all these works to get the Holy Spirit and to get in to heaven and with every scripture I give him he hits me with other scriptures and how he feels instead of taking the word for exactly what it says until you can't. Pray for me and my family that God opens his eyes and lets him see! Love you brother Corey! And all the smart Christian channel! God bless! Keep fighting the good fight!
When I graduated from high school in 1977,I was excited! I felt a sense of freedom!😂😂😂 Have said that,I had to pass certain tests, write a term paper,and the final exam! Those were the requirements back then! Just like I had to study to graduate from school,we have to graduate/grow in the Lord.Reading the Word,study the Word,prayer and seek God's face and 'godly mentors' for wisdom! Blessings
It is very hard to find a church here in Orlando now. Been to a few churches now and there is just too much motivational preaching, holiday celebrating, and bad hearts. My church currently is my Wife and few friends I read the bible with.
@@bighand1530 sure can, but I don't need a million dollars worth of Christmas decorations around my church. My tithing should go to the needy and the mission field
The three areas the devil attacks 1. The validity of God’s word 2. The work of the Holy Spirit 3. The Deity of Christ Let’s remember what he said to eve “ Did God really say..” also remember he tried and did twist scripture when he tempted eve an and when he tried to tempt Jesus. I am not surprised that children of disobedience use the same tactic. This is why we are not to be ignorant of his devices. Also the word of God is the sword of the Spirit, the only offensive weapon we have, thus the devil and his servants will always try to Attack this area to render us weak.
Granted, all believers remain imperfect and will indeed bring our unique mix of imperfections and areas of ignorance into the worship gathering, but I find it problematic that it's so routinely dismissed that those who are indeed saved are also regenerated by the power of God and receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. There should be an expectation that even the most immature and ignorant believer still has a NEW NATURE that at the very least distinguishes them from the spiritually dead. I've had the dual adult experience of living as a churched Christian while a false convert and then as one truly regenerated. Even at the height of my biblical ignorance and spiritual immaturity, it was clear to myself and others that something supernatural had taken place WITHIN me that changed my attitude towards the things of God and my desire to please Him and no longer live for myself. Looking back, I wish more genuine believers had loved me enough to challenge me to examine myself and consider the possibility that I was not regenerated without fearing being judgmental. Because in that instance they would have exercising righteous judgment rather than dismissing every piece of my rotten fruit. The immature believer who disdains God's Word, despises holiness, is comfortable being extremely irreverent and blasphemous toward God, and who clearly loves the world more than God's people is not really witnessed in scripture. The Holy Scriptures seem to indicate that the increasing "messiness" and apostasy now seen in the visible Church (not to be confused with the invisible Body of Christ) has more to do with the infiltration of hireling shepherds who in turn attract a proliferation of goats, bad fish, tares, foolish virgins, and all others traveling along the broad path that leads to destruction. 1 John 3:7-10 Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as He is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. I guess my point is that I think we ought to give the Holy Spirit a bit more credit for effectively doing His job . . . even among those wretched souls He brings into the Kingdom of light. Being ignorant, immature, and imperfect is not the same as being wholly unchanged. Acknowledging the difference may even cause lost souls WITHIN the Church to be awakened to a saving faith. ❤
Amen Brother. Rev 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. reprove them = meaning help them, don’t judge them. Bring it to light to the person if you love them and help them. Be gentle. have……fellowship meaning have partnership fellowship = share in company, to co-partcipate in, or be partaker of. darkness= shadiness reprove=expose them, tell a fault. Note: Someone that does not walk in the way of God, they are offended easily.
These baby Christians out here reaching for a well done steak, instead of starting off with some formula. They out here trying to fit some grown folk carhart work pants instead of a onesy.
Pastor Corey. I always think when I see your messages, “I wonder how good you sleep now, after being home a little while” You must get THE BEST sleep now. Totally unrelated to this message, I know. But, Congratulations on your good sleep!
Okay, I’m hoping first-time attendees are not returning for this debauchery. The ones who do return are already wallowing in sin and are only there to entertain and be entertained.
Habakkuk 2;20 20" The Lord is in his holy temple; let all on earth be silent before His Presence" A failure to recognize this fact, and many other scriptural admonitions, lead too many to treat the House of worship without due Respect. His sanctuary should be regarded with AWE! Continue to expose them pastor Corey
@@cameraredeye3115 Amen!!! 1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. So this makes me question, who are the real brothers/sister?
BROTHER COREY - Your interpretation of Jude 1:3 is NOT correct . Jude’s main point of the letter when he says to contend for the faith “ it’s primary meaning and intent is to suggest to all the saints to guard their hearts earnestly that no one be led away by false doctrines and teachers . Contend as in fight the good fight of faith - As Paul puts it run that you may win the prize . The interpretation is not to contend against other so called Christians or to start a channel to be a Contender of the faith . While I don’t personally have a problem with starting a channel that is not the intent of Jude’s letter . Read the conclusion below :- it is a warning against falling away to false teaching and believers t be steadfast in their faith rooted and grounded in the sound doctrine of the gospel they received . So while I do agree with you overall take - you kinda mishandled Judes letter Jud 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Jud 1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Jud 1:22 And of some have compassion, making a difference: Jud 1:23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Jud 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, Jud 1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Reading John Stott's book "Christ In Conflict" IVP, will be a great help to anyone serious in joining this battle against false movements in the Church.
Prescriptive, Peter needed to be corrected for his behavior. Nothing wrong with righteous judgment, in fact, more of it needs to be done in churches today.
Gino is a "Jesus Only", "Oneness" pastor who believes that Jesus is not a different being than God. He may preach some truths, but also believes some theological untruths. Research the " Jesus Only" or "Oneness Doctrine " and you will see the theological error. In addition, Gino fails greatly in walking in love. He embraces "the law" without balancing it with the grace brought under the New Testament and the coming of Jesus Christ. We are required to be patient and kind as well as Biblically sound. There is no need to bash others as we minister the Gospel. Amen.
One saying that I have a new perspective on is “God doesn’t bless mess.” Well if he didn’t, none of us would be blessed. I know what people mean when they say it, but I thought it was interesting.
Brother I gotta be honest. I am only for Bible based, moral, praying, God fearing pastors irrespective of denomination. What I am not for is when reformed/cessationist believers/pastors tell me that ONLY they are right ,and pentecostals - charismatics are unbiblical, while at the same time they cannot produce a single verse that says the gifts of the Spirits are finished. I have seen reformed pastors that focus only on God without waging war on the rest of the denominations and I love listening to their sermons. However there are some that simply can't help doing the odd jab against their perceived opponents. So may I ask where you stand?
The pulpit is designed for ministry( Man on a tree) Jesus Christ! If your church does not value the word of God,get out fast! Salvation should be the 'top priority',teaching the Word of truth! Your eternal is at stake! Blessings
The scripture in 1 7:14 chronicles if my ppl are called by his name. He calls us by his name. I am. So if I said I am a child of God. That is not saying I am God. He calls us I am. Jesus called himself. I am. So I don't think that preacher was in error. Saying I am. 😊
Q: Can you please help me explain is it blasphemy these people saying God created Jesus? Even this guy Mark the messenger said it. That statement gaslights me. Thank you!
Yeah. That's Arianism, which is a heresy. Jesus is not created, he is the eternal word of God. And as John 1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the word was WITH God abd the word WAS God... Then the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory..."
My TRUE brethren of EVERY nation/race, we better NOW know that it does not matter what the people say, it does not matter what the people do, we shall not sway from THE TRUTH, but to The TRUE and LIVING LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, we will remain faithful and true! If it goes against THE WORD, if it is in disobedience to THE WORD, if it is in rebellion against THE WORD, let us shake the dust, and CONTINUE to follow after, and to live for, Christ JESUS of Nazareth, The FAITHFUL and TRUE! When it comes to the rules and regulations of man, the wicked and the evil and the rebellious do not accuse man of being judgmental, of being self-righteous, but -- drive his speed limit, pay his bills sent to them, stop at his red lights, pay for his food before walking out that store -- mindful to obey man's rules and regulations, some even with a smile! The rules and regulations of The TRUE and LIVING LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, as given us in HIS commandments, those same people defy, even defile! Did we think that we would again, in our lifetime, reach the days of Noah, reach the days of Sodom and Gomorrah? WOE unto ALL who make mockery of, or take light, "Depart from me," into that never-ending ETERNITY, where the body worm shall never die, with weeping, gnashing of teeth, and tears never dried from the eye! There will be no one but SELF to blame, having refused to surrender, and accept the rules and regulations of THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, who is also THE DOOR, but remained one with the father of the lie! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! NOTE: As read in our LOVE LETTER from The TRUE and LIVING LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, The HOLY GHOST Inspired AKJV Bible, as translated out of the original tongues: Luke 6:46; John 3:34; John 8:42-47; John 12:48; John 14:6; Matthew 4:1-4; Luke 4:1-4; 1 Peter 4:1-4; Revelation 21:1-4; Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10-12; Philippians 2:10-12; Revelation 22:10-12 and 13-14; Ecclesiastes 12:10-12 and 13-14; Mark 9:44, 46, 48; Luke 16:22-26; Revelation 14:10-12; Revelation 20:10-12; Matthew 7:21; Exodus 32:31-33; Psalm 69:28; Revelation 22:18-19; 1 Peter 4:17-19. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! PS: Might we want to get in that silent place alone, with The TRUE and LIVING LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, and take another really good look; and, be so very sure that we are still in The Book? AMEN!
Brother Corey, please be careful who you call out cause you had a clip of Pastor Gino Jennings up there (at 1:56 mark). Gino Jennings is a true man of God. Look him up and study him before you make your decision about him. But I have been following him and I can say he is a true man of God. He sticks to the Word of God. Also, you have to watch some of these clips IN CONTEXT
Corey here is one of many problems in the church the body has allowed such foolishness to exist. So although these simple people who are presenting this false gospel the body allows it to happen. So here lies the real problem these pastors only do what they allowed to.
I've noticed that you show a lot of foolishness and negative preachers. But do you ever show preachers that are actually teaching the word of God preaching holiness preaching True Deliverance?? I'm a fan of Full Gospel Holy Temple in Dallas
@@NewBornNickumz so when the news comes and on they're always showing destruction and what war we're in different politics angles etc. you never enjoy good news? Heartwarming stories? Someone doing good for their community? Or do you like to be negative all the time?
@@beyondviewwell I don’t see you making any positive videos or any videos at all for that matter. Go ahead and post the content that you would like to see. You be the change. :)
The excerpt for Pastor Gino Jennings was not in fair context. There is no way he should be presented with those charlatans, as Pastor Gino preaches straight from the Word of God without compromise.
Canceled be canceled , As a Christian i don't attend church or listen to any pastors but it depends in the pastor i am listening to , A good example of a pastors or teacher is Corey here so far i can say he based his answers from the bible . What i do as a Christian is 1 i pray 2 i read our God's Word 3 i visit church 4 occasionally i attend masses I make sure my pastors , priest or teacher is God , through his word i listen and i apply . Nowadays , its hard to trust someone especially church group. But at the end of the day its important for us to open our eyes and have the right discernment. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15
Just because the building says Church on it doesn't mean that it is one. Just because a person attends Church doesn't mean they are a Christian.
Not calling out false teachers is like a watchman on a tower who sees the wolves coming, and just come down and goes to his house and secure it, without warning the town
Excellent comparison
Well put very well put
Interesting comparison
Amen. Thats very true brother!
😮 facts
Brother Corey, my Dad was a Pastor before he went on to be Present with the LORD. He use to say that The Word Of GOD IS TIGHT BUT IT IS RIGHT.Meaning people don't want to allow themselves to be conformed to the Word of GOD but will rather comform the Word of GOD to fit their Lifestyle. Cherry picking certain scriptures to justify their immoral Lifestyle Plagued with Sinfulness yet not acknowledging the repercussions of their Errors. We All need to repent from our sins & sinful nature's.
My pastor use to say that as well 😂”it’s tight but it’s right”
I’ve been ordained with the Assemblies of God for nearly 20 years now. I was just fired from my current pastoral position for addressing the Sr leaders (and his wife) teaching of the following: the Enneagram, generational curses, binding/loosing, decreeing and declaring and positive confession. It’s sad to see such a lack of discernment in many churches today.
Thank you for standing on truth at your previous church, the Lord is pleased
Badge of honor, brother. Those "churches" will receive their due from God in time....
What are "positive confessions" ive never heard of that.
@@Josephus_da_Killer positive confession is the belief/practice that our words have the ability to create outcomes that we want. It’s akin to decreeing and declaring; “I confess with my mouth that this cancer is gone.”
@fescot6659 Thank you .
It’s sad, but the Bible, that some dismiss, has ALREADY said these things would come to pass. The people who actually read the Word of God KNOW this. I would not let ANYONE lead me to hell (for eternity) because I won’t read for myself, and discern for myself.
I agree wholeheartedly. I said something similar in another post. I was thinking to myself earlier that people should read the Holy scriptures in its entirety before they get saved. It's better to know what is required and expected when you turn to God to be born of His Holy Spirit rather going to church and having no clue at all. No wonder many are deceived. Scripture says, " You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." I know why many are not free. Great post.
@@derrickhahn3469 Church attendance does not save a person from Hell.
@bighand1530 I know that and agree. The point I was making is people go having no clue thinking because they've grown up in that environment that they're saved. Without ever repenting of their sins. Or feel they need to repent because we're under grace. Also, church attendance doesn't save you're correct, but you are the CHURCH if you truly are saved. The born again are the body of Christ which is His church/bride. We worship together in buildings made by man, the CHURCH isn't made by man's hands.
@bighand1530 I meant to say going to fellowship rather than going to church in my first post. My bad.
God by His power will clean His church....just a matter of time. your content. Your title is correct! The Church Must Fight! This is why people are moving away from the gospel; because church leaders are making a mockery of the Bible and Christianity. You will never see this with the Quran and Islam. The consequences are dire. Keep speaking truth.
Lol, Mike Todd: you can be saved and stupid. So much for being saved from stupid.
I believe he is saved. But why does he have to be so extra.
@@p-rose6251 can I ask you what gives you the impression that makes you believe that he is saved? I’m not saying whether he is or not, just curious of your examination.
@p-rose6251 he isn't saved. He doesn't know understand or teach the gospel. He butchers the Bible and teaches a false gospel. That's not the fruit of a saved person. It's the fruit of a lost person.
God said be Holy because I'm Holy.
And then He made us Holy.
100% Great word today brother Corey, the very scripture I shared today about the Church should judge the Church with Love by calling them out
Judgement begins at the house of God. Exactly.
It's like this to me. If you put your name on a product you endorse or make and you know that it works you are going to be confident in its results. It carries your name by the way so the results really matter. So if you put the name Jesus Christ on your salvation and the results are continually sinful whose name will they blaspheme? Not yours. But He whose name claims it has the power to save people from their sins. So truth be told people are judging God not you when they judge the fruit you bear. So is Christ therefore the minister of sin?
Yes out of love call them out and try to reach them for sure becouse God's wrath will be on the corrupt and Luke warm churches
Great video,
”preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and teaching.“
2 Timothy 4:2 LSB
These people don't have a Relationship with GOD! GOD is Holy and He calls us to be holy!
When I was about 8 yrs old growing up Florence,S.C,the preacher I heard and saw on tv was 'Billy Graham! His message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not changed over the 59 or more yrs that he traveled the world and shared the 'Gospel! He kept 'Jesus the main thing ! Blessings
Corey I love how you explain things because everything you're talking about I'm trying to do with my stepson right now. I'm contending the faith because right now my stepson believes that you have to do all these works to get the Holy Spirit and to get in to heaven and with every scripture I give him he hits me with other scriptures and how he feels instead of taking the word for exactly what it says until you can't. Pray for me and my family that God opens his eyes and lets him see! Love you brother Corey! And all the smart Christian channel! God bless! Keep fighting the good fight!
When I graduated from high school in 1977,I was excited! I felt a sense of freedom!😂😂😂 Have said that,I had to pass certain tests, write a term paper,and the final exam! Those were the requirements back then! Just like I had to study to graduate from school,we have to graduate/grow in the Lord.Reading the Word,study the Word,prayer and seek God's face and 'godly mentors' for wisdom! Blessings
It is very hard to find a church here in Orlando now. Been to a few churches now and there is just too much motivational preaching, holiday celebrating, and bad hearts. My church currently is my Wife and few friends I read the bible with.
Holidays like Easter and Christmas can be easier to reach other to lost souls when compared to other time periods of the year.
@@bighand1530 sure can, but I don't need a million dollars worth of Christmas decorations around my church. My tithing should go to the needy and the mission field
I pray for your family, who are not in Church and living life ,on their own thoughts and strength.
Very good, Corey. Very 👏 👌 good.
Be blessed brothers and sisters❤
All praises to The Most High YAHUAH for teaching me the TRUTH and pulling me out of the church!!!
The three areas the devil attacks
1. The validity of God’s word
2. The work of the Holy Spirit
3. The Deity of Christ
Let’s remember what he said to eve “ Did God really say..” also remember he tried and did twist scripture when he tempted eve an and when he tried to tempt Jesus. I am not surprised that children of disobedience use the same tactic. This is why we are not to be ignorant of his devices. Also the word of God is the sword of the Spirit, the only offensive weapon we have, thus the devil and his servants will always try to Attack this area to render us weak.
Amen Amen 😤 🙏 you are 100 percent correct 😊
Thank you once again brother Corey for the awesome teaching
God bless you. South Africa ❤
Thank You brother, I get it. I choose to be quiet and let teachers teach and rebuke who are trained in the scriptures.
Soooo sad! 😢
Thanks for sharing truth and exposing this nonsense.
Good teaching, Brother Cory, Paul speaks about these times in 2nd Timothy the 3rd chapter, evil times and evil days
Another great and informative video!! Thank you my brother!!
Amen Brother Corey
Granted, all believers remain imperfect and will indeed bring our unique mix of imperfections and areas of ignorance into the worship gathering, but I find it problematic that it's so routinely dismissed that those who are indeed saved are also regenerated by the power of God and receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. There should be an expectation that even the most immature and ignorant believer still has a NEW NATURE that at the very least distinguishes them from the spiritually dead.
I've had the dual adult experience of living as a churched Christian while a false convert and then as one truly regenerated. Even at the height of my biblical ignorance and spiritual immaturity, it was clear to myself and others that something supernatural had taken place WITHIN me that changed my attitude towards the things of God and my desire to please Him and no longer live for myself. Looking back, I wish more genuine believers had loved me enough to challenge me to examine myself and consider the possibility that I was not regenerated without fearing being judgmental. Because in that instance they would have exercising righteous judgment rather than dismissing every piece of my rotten fruit.
The immature believer who disdains God's Word, despises holiness, is comfortable being extremely irreverent and blasphemous toward God, and who clearly loves the world more than God's people is not really witnessed in scripture. The Holy Scriptures seem to indicate that the increasing "messiness" and apostasy now seen in the visible Church (not to be confused with the invisible Body of Christ) has more to do with the infiltration of hireling shepherds who in turn attract a proliferation of goats, bad fish, tares, foolish virgins, and all others traveling along the broad path that leads to destruction.
1 John 3:7-10
Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as He is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
I guess my point is that I think we ought to give the Holy Spirit a bit more credit for effectively doing His job . . . even among those wretched souls He brings into the Kingdom of light. Being ignorant, immature, and imperfect is not the same as being wholly unchanged. Acknowledging the difference may even cause lost souls WITHIN the Church to be awakened to a saving faith. ❤
As a non religious person.... I like you that u doing your best to push a more healthy religious system
You are Good! Don’t worry about what others say! You are telling people what they need to hear, people get pissed because they are being called out!
Good job Pastor
Amen Brother.
Rev 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
reprove them = meaning help them, don’t judge them.
Bring it to light to the person if you love them and help them.
Be gentle.
have……fellowship meaning have partnership
fellowship = share in company, to co-partcipate in, or be partaker of.
darkness= shadiness
reprove=expose them, tell a fault.
Note: Someone that does not walk in the way of God, they are offended easily.
I appreciate all you do to promote sound doctrine ❤
Amen,Thank you Bro.Cory for this content🙏
Very good statements today.
what website or app are you using to read the bible like this side by side to the hebrew?
Good word.
These baby Christians out here reaching for a well done steak, instead of starting off with some formula. They out here trying to fit some grown folk carhart work pants instead of a onesy.
Pastor Corey. I always think when I see your messages, “I wonder how good you sleep now, after being home a little while”
You must get THE BEST sleep now.
Totally unrelated to this message, I know. But, Congratulations on your good sleep!
Psalms 4 1-8 ❤
The Truth is the Truth and the Truth will set you FREE!!! I AM FREE!!! I want you to be FREE!!! Amen!!!
This is what happens when you think it's 50/50... 🤦♂️ WakeUp! WakeUp! WakeUp!!!
Okay, I’m hoping first-time attendees are not returning for this debauchery. The ones who do return are already wallowing in sin and are only there to entertain and be entertained.
All glory and love be to GOD THE FATHER THE SON THE HOLY SPIRIT THE HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen 💖✝✝✝.
I agree... something must be done.
Amen 4:35🔥💯
It isnt people that judge sinners its the bible that judges the people
Habakkuk 2;20 20" The Lord is in his holy temple;
let all on earth be silent before His Presence"
A failure to recognize this fact, and many other scriptural admonitions, lead too many to treat the House of worship without due Respect. His sanctuary should be regarded with AWE!
Continue to expose them pastor Corey
What does spiritual dad means? I have heard this so many times and i don't understand?
Repent an seek God almighty before it to late repent an seek God almighty before it to late repent
We aren't softly gliding on an airplane but it is plummeting to the ground at 30 miles an hour (spiritually speaking)
Flackey furtic selling a book during the sermon.
Hi sir, please can we get in touch, in Qatar , Middle East
1 John 4:17 As he is so are we in this world
We judge each other however we do not judge non believers 1 Corinthians 5:12
At what point would you remove a pastor/elder from office?
Sir please can we get in touch am in the Middle East, Qatar
Can we choose to withdraw from it; even though it's expected, without being told to we're neglecting the meeting?
It is not good to forsake the gathering of the brethren. However, there is no rule saying that we "have" to gather at a church building either.
@@cameraredeye3115 Amen!!! 1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
So this makes me question, who are the real brothers/sister?
We are in dire need of a doctor
BROTHER COREY - Your interpretation of Jude 1:3 is NOT correct .
Jude’s main point of the letter when he says to contend for the faith “ it’s primary meaning and intent is to suggest to all the saints to guard their hearts earnestly that no one be led away by false doctrines and teachers . Contend as in fight the good fight of faith - As Paul puts it run that you may win the prize .
The interpretation is not to contend against other so called Christians or to start a channel to be a Contender of the faith . While I don’t personally have a problem with starting a channel that is not the intent of Jude’s letter . Read the conclusion below :- it is a warning against falling away to false teaching and believers t be steadfast in their faith rooted and grounded in the sound doctrine of the gospel they received . So while I do agree with you overall take - you kinda mishandled Judes letter
Jud 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
Jud 1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Jud 1:22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:
Jud 1:23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Jud 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
Jud 1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Any tips on witnessing to Muslims, please?
Well said.
AMEN ❤️ 🙏 ❤️
Reading John Stott's book "Christ In Conflict" IVP, will be a great help to anyone serious in joining this battle against false movements in the Church.
Who is the weird lady that that girl was worshipping and saying that she was her spiritual mother?
Kathryn Krick.
@@AngelaDavis-yz3xf thank you
Cory your just great
is Galatian 2:11 prescriptive or descriptive?
Prescriptive, Peter needed to be corrected for his behavior. Nothing wrong with righteous judgment, in fact, more of it needs to be done in churches today.
I try to find where your reading from and its tiny or I cant see it :( I mean in all your videos :)
What’s your deal with Gino he’s preaching the gospel and he’s not sugar coating like all these other pastors
Gino is a "Jesus Only", "Oneness" pastor who believes that Jesus is not a different being than God. He may preach some truths, but also believes some theological untruths. Research the " Jesus Only" or "Oneness Doctrine " and you will see the theological error. In addition, Gino fails greatly in walking in love. He embraces "the law" without balancing it with the grace brought under the New Testament and the coming of Jesus Christ. We are required to be patient and kind as well as Biblically sound. There is no need to bash others as we minister the Gospel. Amen.
"I don't want no 'holier than thous' in my church" said the holier than thou person
One saying that I have a new perspective on is “God doesn’t bless mess.” Well if he didn’t, none of us would be blessed.
I know what people mean when they say it, but I thought it was interesting.
Brother I gotta be honest. I am only for Bible based, moral, praying, God fearing pastors irrespective of denomination. What I am not for is when reformed/cessationist believers/pastors tell me that ONLY they are right ,and pentecostals - charismatics are unbiblical, while at the same time they cannot produce a single verse that says the gifts of the Spirits are finished. I have seen reformed pastors that focus only on God without waging war on the rest of the denominations and I love listening to their sermons. However there are some that simply can't help doing the odd jab against their perceived opponents. So may I ask where you stand?
The pulpit is designed for
ministry( Man on a tree) Jesus Christ! If your church does not value the word of God,get out fast! Salvation should be the 'top priority',teaching the Word of truth! Your eternal is at stake! Blessings
This is nothing but foolishness and yes it's not right. Jumping up on a trampoline foolishness,that is not serving God but foolishness RJ brother
The scripture in 1 7:14 chronicles if my ppl are called by his name. He calls us by his name. I am. So if I said I am a child of God. That is not saying I am God. He calls us I am. Jesus called himself. I am. So I don't think that preacher was in error. Saying I am. 😊
Q: Can you please help me explain is it blasphemy these people saying God created Jesus? Even this guy Mark the messenger said it. That statement gaslights me. Thank you!
Yeah. That's Arianism, which is a heresy. Jesus is not created, he is the eternal word of God. And as John 1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the word was WITH God abd the word WAS God... Then the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory..."
Jesus is God in the flesh
1:50, pure circus.
5:40, more circus.
Hello brother Corey ! I follow you and you are REALLY standing on the word. I appreciate you and that. Do you give your email out?
Do these pastors have credentials in an organization like cogic? Where and elder can speak to them in their foolishness?
My TRUE brethren of EVERY nation/race, we better NOW know that it does not matter what the people say, it does not matter what the people do, we shall not sway from THE TRUTH, but to The TRUE and LIVING LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, we will remain faithful and true! If it goes against THE WORD, if it is in disobedience to THE WORD, if it is in rebellion against THE WORD, let us shake the dust, and CONTINUE to follow after, and to live for, Christ JESUS of Nazareth, The FAITHFUL and TRUE! When it comes to the rules and regulations of man, the wicked and the evil and the rebellious do not accuse man of being judgmental, of being self-righteous, but -- drive his speed limit, pay his bills sent to them, stop at his red lights, pay for his food before walking out that store -- mindful to obey man's rules and regulations, some even with a smile! The rules and regulations of The TRUE and LIVING LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, as given us in HIS commandments, those same people defy, even defile! Did we think that we would again, in our lifetime, reach the days of Noah, reach the days of Sodom and Gomorrah? WOE unto ALL who make mockery of, or take light, "Depart from me," into that never-ending ETERNITY, where the body worm shall never die, with weeping, gnashing of teeth, and tears never dried from the eye! There will be no one but SELF to blame, having refused to surrender, and accept the rules and regulations of THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, who is also THE DOOR, but remained one with the father of the lie! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
NOTE: As read in our LOVE LETTER from The TRUE and LIVING LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, The HOLY GHOST Inspired AKJV Bible, as translated out of the original tongues: Luke 6:46; John 3:34; John 8:42-47; John 12:48; John 14:6; Matthew 4:1-4; Luke 4:1-4; 1 Peter 4:1-4; Revelation 21:1-4; Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10-12; Philippians 2:10-12; Revelation 22:10-12 and 13-14; Ecclesiastes 12:10-12 and 13-14; Mark 9:44, 46, 48; Luke 16:22-26; Revelation 14:10-12; Revelation 20:10-12; Matthew 7:21; Exodus 32:31-33; Psalm 69:28; Revelation 22:18-19; 1 Peter 4:17-19. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
PS: Might we want to get in that silent place alone, with The TRUE and LIVING LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, and take another really good look; and, be so very sure that we are still in The Book? AMEN!
Brother Corey, please be careful who you call out cause you had a clip of Pastor Gino Jennings up there (at 1:56 mark). Gino Jennings is a true man of God.
Look him up and study him before you make your decision about him. But I have been following him and I can say he is a true man of God. He sticks to the Word of God. Also, you have to watch some of these clips IN CONTEXT
Those false teachers are on path to the lake of fire and misleading many , giving the wrong gospel.
Ps 82:6-7 years are gods
1 John 4:17 As he is so are we in this world
The Bible said these things will happen in the last days
The church lost the fight by not teaching the complete Bible. Preaching is not teaching.
The more I watch animal planet the more I’ve realized humans aren’t that much different 😂😂 the fckery is too real
They. Need. To. Be. Taxed. Like right. Now. If. They. Be. Taxed. We. Would. Balance. The. Budget
Corey here is one of many problems in the church the body has allowed such foolishness to exist. So although these simple people who are presenting this false gospel the body allows it to happen. So here lies the real problem these pastors only do what they allowed to.
Bro, I love u. Thanks for this. But how in the world you find so much of this cringey church content? Lol. Blessings to all!
I've noticed that you show a lot of foolishness and negative preachers. But do you ever show preachers that are actually teaching the word of God preaching holiness preaching True Deliverance?? I'm a fan of Full Gospel Holy Temple in Dallas
Why ? He doesn’t need to show them because they aren’t the problem.
@@NewBornNickumz so when the news comes and on they're always showing destruction and what war we're in different politics angles etc. you never enjoy good news? Heartwarming stories? Someone doing good for their community? Or do you like to be negative all the time?
@@beyondviewwell I don’t see you making any positive videos or any videos at all for that matter. Go ahead and post the content that you would like to see. You be the change. :)
The excerpt for Pastor Gino Jennings was not in fair context. There is no way he should be presented with those charlatans, as Pastor Gino preaches straight from the Word of God without compromise.
Canceled be canceled , As a Christian i don't attend church or listen to any pastors but it depends in the pastor i am listening to , A good example of a pastors or teacher is Corey here so far i can say he based his answers from the bible . What i do as a Christian is
1 i pray
2 i read our God's Word
3 i visit church
4 occasionally i attend masses
I make sure my pastors , priest or teacher is God , through his word i listen and i apply .
Nowadays , its hard to trust someone especially church group. But at the end of the day its important for us to open our eyes and have the right discernment.
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Matthew 7:15
Kicking the WORD as if it was just a thing.😟