Best explanation I have EVER heard. Shot a nice 35 back 9 ( tees up for winger but still) working on this for some time. Fixed my driver.. crazy straight now.
Normally do not comment, but this video is outstanding. Played golf for over 60 years, still single digit handicap, but have always fought early extension. Zach described my swing in the last of his examples at the beginning of the video. His instruction is so clear I now have the process to eliminate that fault. Can't wait until it feels natural through practice. Thank you, Zach!
this is exactly what i am struggling with now. Im a guy who has at least 10 golf video in his home page on TH-cam. and this is the probably clearesst video of how to initiate downswing so far. Big thanks from Taiwan!!
This lesson is a must watch for golfers. I have gained so much from this. I just couldn't get my head in to the positioning of the right elbow until it was explained so well here. In the past few days of just practicing the move over and over, it now has become second-nature and I can really see how the compression occurs. I knew something was wrong for a long time. As much as tried to have the club come from the inside I just knew it wasn't and the swing felt so awkward. Feeling that the elbow leads the hands into impact is really a first for me even though playing for a long time. I am very grateful for a brilliant explanation and presentation. Lets see how it goes over the next few rounds. Thank you very much.
Without a doubt the best transition/downswing instruction video I have ever watched. I've started practicing the key components and looking forward to going to the range to integrate them.
This is gold. I always struggled with my transition. This was eye opening. Combined with the pocket water bottle drill, it has me hitting great shots. The golf ball screams off the face. I can't wait to continue to groove this.
Terrific lesson. Tries the transition together. Strike is effortless and much improved compression. I have been training this into my swing and love the results. The lateral movement of the down swing comes naturally with the three previous. Nice work putting it all together!
Thank you Zach.I love this explanation and demonstration! I will definitely be working on this. But I think you invented a new dance- the “Margarena”. That’s dancing the Macarena, while holding a margarita!🤣
Amazing video Zach, I was having a bit of a hard time to get my club to shallow and after watching this I think I figured out why. So goingnto give this a try tomorrow after work. Cheers,✌️
It was probably intentional. I see it all the time on the range with lessons going on within an earshot. All I can do is shake my head. Not all but many.
So good! We all (most of us) know these sequencing moves but your explanation is super. I do wonder about pressure changes and feelings while doing these moves?
i've done the Margarena once while on vacation in Caribbean... Margaritas were on 1/2 price all night long. Macarena was playing in the background... 😅
Just watched a video on the Golf Channel with Jim McLean/Martin Hall/Blair O'Neal. I'll be watching your video for any conflicts with that one! This is the problem with many golf instructions!
Zach, I flex and rotate not too bad with my body and tried adding in the reverse forearm rotation today but noticed some interesting ball flights. My thought is if you twist your trail arm, wrist and hand - wouldn't that open the club face and add loft, particularly at impact? I found that I was hitting the ball a bit more solid, but I also felt like I was adding loft and catching a touch higher on the face. Thoughts?
Thank you, Zach, for a great explanation. One question. At about 03:00 of the video where you're beginning to blend all three movements, is your weight 50/50, or more like 60/40 before you initiate lower half flexion and turn? As an observation, this seems to contradict the "recentering" move to start transition and touted by others. (BTW, I am a subscriber.)
I am swing number 3 on this list of bad ones. I am a good player but I am way too hipsy. Thanks Zach great video. edit: did this for 20 minutes and wow!
Zach, when you swing and actually hit the ball your club does not appear to shallow the way it does in rehearsals. Is it just too fast for me to see? Great video lesson! Richard
Thanks very much. What I notice looking at top players and what has worked for me is to make a concerted effort to delay the downswing when at the top. Everything then seems to fall in sync as far as the rest of the body is concerned. Rhythm is key here. The other key is wherever my head is at the top of the back swing, I need it to stay right there commencing the down swing. It is adhering to that sequence where I make my best contact.
You need to make sure as the club transitions, your lead wrist should be going into flexion, which closes the face, not towards extension that open the club face.
I found that I was heeling the club after the wrist rotation on back swing & not hitting the ball any further....your most recent video of different swings for driver v irons suits my swing better.
But Pete Cowen tells you to rotate the forearm the opposite way of which you're showing. I've gotten pretty good at his teaching of driving the right shoulder, rotate the forearm, the driving of the right side causing the weight transition and I have never compressed or hot the ball straighter
@@ZachAllenGolf I'm not having a go at you, in fact thank you for the lessons! I was wondering why there is so many good lessons on here but no matter how many I practice them I barely get better. I suppose it's just a really long process, but the videos make them seem like a quick fix
I just can't get that shallow the club thing. It looks like your opening the club face. Isn't that something you don't want? Why does golf have to be so darn hard?
Why are you leaving out the most important movement at the start of the downswing!? So basic but so important! Most people who see your three tips! Will spin around the right foot! If you don't allow a lateral movement from the left side to the right! Just before you reach the top of the backswing and the downswing begins! Everyone I mean every professional does this! 3 good tips that unfortunately won't help many! So change! do the right thing! If you're going to give advice on TH-cam!
Would the flexion include some of the lateral movement. Maybe he’s worried about overdoing the lateral movement and sliding. You definitely need a little lateral movement with rotation though.
It's a relaxation of the left hip. The lower spine relaxes and the right side spin happens, much later , ie through and after impact. Remember : hold onto the power accumulators, till the very end my friend!!!!
By far the best golf instructional video I’ve ever seen! Brilliant Zach!
Best explanation I have EVER heard. Shot a nice 35 back 9 ( tees up for winger but still) working on this for some time. Fixed my driver.. crazy straight now.
That’s is awesome, congrats on a great round.
Brilliant explanation of a tough move and thanks for the free training course.
Very welcome
Very welcome
Probably the most useful lesson for a long while.
The feeling of greatness!!
This was the best explanation of a transition to a downswing that i have seen. Thank you so much.
Finally I understand the downswing transition.
Great to hear
I agree. It has only taken 25 years!
@@alvor2762I agree, this is great and helpful knowledge. Something I’ve been doing wrong for 40-years.
Normally do not comment, but this video is outstanding. Played golf for over 60 years, still single digit handicap, but have always fought early extension. Zach described my swing in the last of his examples at the beginning of the video. His instruction is so clear I now have the process to eliminate that fault. Can't wait until it feels natural through practice. Thank you, Zach!
So glad that it helped you break thru
this is exactly what i am struggling with now. Im a guy who has at least 10 golf video in his home page on TH-cam. and this is the probably clearesst video of how to initiate downswing so far. Big thanks from Taiwan!!
and i subscribed
Thanks for subscribing, let us know how it goes.
Zack Allen is a genius of a golf coach, displays amazing technic to simplify the golf downswing. Thanks as always!
This lesson is a must watch for golfers. I have gained so much from this. I just couldn't get my head in to the positioning of the right elbow until it was explained so well here. In the past few days of just practicing the move over and over, it now has become second-nature and I can really see how the compression occurs. I knew something was wrong for a long time. As much as tried to have the club come from the inside I just knew it wasn't and the swing felt so awkward. Feeling that the elbow leads the hands into impact is really a first for me even though playing for a long time. I am very grateful for a brilliant explanation and presentation. Lets see how it goes over the next few rounds. Thank you very much.
Best explanation an old man has ever seen, thank you
Glad you liked it
Best explanation I have ever heard. Thanks
That’s just the detail I needed transition has been killing me ,Will try this at the range today although very wet in New Zealand.
Without a doubt the best transition/downswing instruction video I have ever watched. I've started practicing the key components and looking forward to going to the range to integrate them.
Excellent how you broke the 3 movements down..very clear..thank you
Glad it was helpful!
This is gold. I always struggled with my transition. This was eye opening. Combined with the pocket water bottle drill, it has me hitting great shots. The golf ball screams off the face.
I can't wait to continue to groove this.
Come back and let us know how it goes.
Terrific lesson. Tries the transition together. Strike is effortless and much improved compression. I have been training this into my swing and love the results. The lateral movement of the down swing comes naturally with the three previous. Nice work putting it all together!
Love it, so glad you find it helpful.
Thank you Zach.I love this explanation and demonstration! I will definitely be working on this. But I think you invented a new dance- the “Margarena”. That’s dancing the Macarena, while holding a margarita!🤣
I love it!
Love you style of presenting and coaching Zach 👏👏👏
Amazing video Zach, I was having a bit of a hard time to get my club to shallow and after watching this I think I figured out why. So goingnto give this a try tomorrow after work.
Cheers, let us know how it goes.
Love this. Never got this detailed explanation from over $3000 worth of personal lessons.
It was probably intentional. I see it all the time on the range with lessons going on within an earshot. All I can do is shake my head. Not all but many.
Thanks for the compliment, no sense in holding back information.
FRF, so useful and effective! thx for sharing!
Zach,looking at your video I see the good vibes.
Maybe the best sequence you've ever taught. Could watch it over and over. Thanks a boat-load-Russ
Great lesson.
Thanks for the lesson. After the flexion/rotation, do you rotate the right hand any more than it naturally does due the the flexion/rotation?
Great instruction Zach! I’ve followed you and purchased some of your videos but this one is very good!
Awesome, thank you!
Wow! Fantastic video lesson, great presentation. I can’t hank you enough!
you are welcome
So good! We all (most of us) know these sequencing moves but your explanation is super. I do wonder about pressure changes and feelings while doing these moves?
That’s a great point, definitely should be some feels in your feet to support this.
Tried this techinique on the range today, starting to stay in posture for the first time. Brilliant, thanks Zach!
i've done the Margarena once while on vacation in Caribbean... Margaritas were on 1/2 price all night long. Macarena was playing in the background... 😅
Super important. I really like your teaching style. One of the very best in the business. Thanks Zach!
best stuff ever seen, thx !!
Wow, thanks!
Just watched a video on the Golf Channel with Jim McLean/Martin Hall/Blair O'Neal. I'll be watching your video for any conflicts with that one! This is the problem with many golf instructions!
This is the first year I’ve been doing all three. I will have good days and bad.But nice to know I’m where you say we should be
my first downloaded video.... gold
Great video. Thanks!
Great video. What do you think about starting the drill from a turned (backswing position) and including a re-centering move?
Nice video Zach, thanks.
Zach, I flex and rotate not too bad with my body and tried adding in the reverse forearm rotation today but noticed some interesting ball flights. My thought is if you twist your trail arm, wrist and hand - wouldn't that open the club face and add loft, particularly at impact? I found that I was hitting the ball a bit more solid, but I also felt like I was adding loft and catching a touch higher on the face. Thoughts?
Do I move lateral at all? Or just from top back swing flex and rotate from back swing?
Thx , nice , i think i got it
Enjoy it
Thank you, Zach, for a great explanation. One question. At about 03:00 of the video where you're beginning to blend all three movements, is your weight 50/50, or more like 60/40 before you initiate lower half flexion and turn? As an observation, this seems to contradict the "recentering" move to start transition and touted by others. (BTW, I am a subscriber.)
Is it forearm rotation or tucking elbow in that is occurring or both?
Some of both, all happening in response to the body movements.
I always enjoy a macarita when I'm doing the margarena. ;-)
I am swing number 3 on this list of bad ones. I am a good player but I am way too hipsy. Thanks Zach great video.
edit: did this for 20 minutes and wow!
Love it, puttin in the work.
Zach, when you swing and actually hit the ball your club does not appear to shallow the way it does in rehearsals. Is it just too fast for me to see? Great video lesson!
Probably a bit tough to see without slow motion, and some lines drawn. But yes the end result is very subtle.
Thanks very much. What I notice looking at top players and what has worked for me is to make a concerted effort to delay the downswing when at the top.
Everything then seems to fall in sync as far as the rest of the body is concerned.
Rhythm is key here.
The other key is wherever my head is at the top of the back swing, I need it to stay right there commencing the down swing.
It is adhering to that sequence where I make my best contact.
So right, such a crucial moment in the swing, to re orient and change directions, and many just do it too aggressively, with excessive head movement.
I ordered with your CD and have not received.Whom I should call
I do pretty good in practice, but when I get on the course my club opens up. Any suggestions?
You need to make sure as the club transitions, your lead wrist should be going into flexion, which closes the face, not towards extension that open the club face.
2:12 your weight lightens when you lower your body and increases slightly when you stand up again. Not the opposite as you state.
That is correct. That is what you would see on a pressure mat. But might feel more like I stated.
I have a hard time understanding reverse forearm rotation and how it doesn’t automatically open up the wrist and hands to create and open face
This movement just feels so foreign to me, it shows how busted my swing is I think. Thanks for breaking this down
Looks like I'm a year late on the best video on youtube regarding this subject lol
Appreciate that
I have tendency to let the odd one come over the top, so hopefully this will cure me 💪
I found that I was heeling the club after the wrist rotation on back swing & not hitting the ball any further....your most recent video of different swings for driver v irons suits my swing better.
I have ordered n paid but have not received anything Please help
But Pete Cowen tells you to rotate the forearm the opposite way of which you're showing. I've gotten pretty good at his teaching of driving the right shoulder, rotate the forearm, the driving of the right side causing the weight transition and I have never compressed or hot the ball straighter
Pete only says to internally rotate the forearm AT IMPACT, not at the top. If you did at the top you'd be dead.
many good move(s) overdone become(s) a swing fault..I wonder here? 😮
probably the risk here is to try and not over think or over control this movement, so with some practice it hopefully becomes automatic.
How come there are countless golf instructional videos with everyone having secret moves, but pretty much no one you ever see playing is any good
That’s a pretty brutally honest fair point. But I’d bet a lot of money I play better than you.
@@ZachAllenGolf I'm not having a go at you, in fact thank you for the lessons!
I was wondering why there is so many good lessons on here but no matter how many I practice them I barely get better. I suppose it's just a really long process, but the videos make them seem like a quick fix
It is a slow process unless you were willing to practice at least two hours a day 😢
Your way of rotation the forearm would open the club face
I just can't get that shallow the club thing. It looks like your opening the club face. Isn't that something you don't want? Why does golf have to be so darn hard?
You lost me at 9:09 when you said, "I've done this, litterilly HUNDREDS of times to get myself out of some really poor swing habits"
Why are you leaving out the most important movement at the start of the downswing!? So basic but so important! Most people who see your three tips! Will spin around the right foot! If you don't allow a lateral movement from the left side to the right! Just before you reach the top of the backswing and the downswing begins! Everyone I mean every professional does this! 3 good tips that unfortunately won't help many! So change! do the right thing! If you're going to give advice on TH-cam!
Right to left i think you mean?
that's an incredibly important point. I've just realised that's exactly what I've been doing. Thanks so much.
Would the flexion include some of the lateral movement. Maybe he’s worried about overdoing the lateral movement and sliding. You definitely need a little lateral movement with rotation though.
It's a relaxation of the left hip.
The lower spine relaxes and the right side spin happens, much later , ie through and after impact.
Remember : hold onto the power accumulators, till the very end my friend!!!!
Wasn’t it Tiger that said quit watching TH-cam and go beat some balls
Great explanation!