Where Are The Young Catholics?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.ค. 2024
  • Support the channel by visiting brianholdsworth.ca
    Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: pauljernberg.com
    My parents’ and grandparents’ generations did something unprecedented in the history of the Church. When their ancestors attempted to transmit the traditional culture of the faith to them, and which had been handed down with great care and diligence from their ancestors, my parents generations said, no thanks, we’re going to do it our way.
    We’re going to invent our own Catholic culture based on the contemporary fashions of the popular culture which we are so enamored with.
    And if that’s a legitimate process of cultural succession - to reject your ancestors’ culture in favour of perpetually reinventing the culture to whatever might fit your personal preferences in a given moment of time, then the thing that the Catholics from my parents’ generation need to realize is that their cultural and liturgical sensibilities are just as susceptible to that process as was their parents’ generation.
    In other words, what goes around comes around. But what I found in those early days of my faith when we were pushing the envelope was that we weren’t going to be given that same liberty as they themselves had seized upon.
    If you want young people to participate in the life of the Church today, and apparently this is a lamentation that has appeared in much of the listening sessions of the synod on synodality - that there are no young people attending mass - then baby boomers need to suppress their own cultural preferences in deference to those of successive generations like millennials in the same way that they expected their ancestors to embrace their cultural revolution.
    If there’s an unwillingness to do that, then maybe we need to admit that that isn’t a legitimate way for culture to progress from one generation to the next. Maybe it’s a bad idea to treat your parents’ and grandparents’ culture with contempt in the hopes that you can seize the reigns and make it all about your own generation.
    This cultural incoherence is the reason there is a lack of young people in the Church today. They are being told they can’t have a Catholic culture that reflects their own pop culture sensibilities, like their parents’ generation were allowed to do, but also, they aren’t allowed to embrace a tradition that is truly traditional. Instead, they have to inherit the anti-traditional tradition of the 1960s and treat it with the reverence and enthusiasm that the people of that time were unwilling to treat previous traditions with.
    Podcast Version: brianholdsworth.libsyn.com/

ความคิดเห็น • 659

  • @BrianHoldsworth
    @BrianHoldsworth  ปีที่แล้ว +106

    Just a clarification: when I describe the cultural revolution that took place in the Church, I'm only cursorily thinking of the re-writing of the liturgy. What I'm really aiming at when I describe what my parents' generation did was the implementation of the new mass in the "spirit" of VII. I was trying to explain that my family goes to the Latin Mass because we want Tradition and not because we think the liturgy can't be developed, enhanced, or even reformed.

    • @TruthSeeker-333
      @TruthSeeker-333 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      We have a church led by 80-90 year olds telling the youth they need to get with the times

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@TruthSeeker-333 - I know. It's insane on the face of it

    • @EasternRomeOrthodoxy
      @EasternRomeOrthodoxy ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Well, no Brian, I don't agree. It can't be. We Orthodox and Catholics aren't allowed to reform anything, not in liturgy, language, costumes, teaching etc. that has passed down to us from the founding of the church. That is the difference between the Roman church and the Protestant reformers

    • @EasternRomeOrthodoxy
      @EasternRomeOrthodoxy ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gerard5071 "Ordinary"?🤦‍♂️You think the holy worship and teaching of the church, passed down to us from the founding of the Christian church, is equal to pop culture and can be reformed and changed? If you do, than you might as well convert to one of the heretic Lutheran faiths. His premise was spot on and correct, they did overthrow the old tradition, and that is heretic, no less.

    • @patrick2576
      @patrick2576 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Read QUO PRIMUM encyclical by SAINT POPE PIUS V

  • @anthonyhulse1248
    @anthonyhulse1248 ปีที่แล้ว +90

    They’re in schools, with teachers who are ashamed of their Church. They’re in homes, where soccer on Sunday is more important. They’re on the internet where the latest Tik Tok is more “relevant.”

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      This doesn't address the influence of the Boomer generation everywhere in the Church. 2022 is decades in the making. We were losing kids well before TikTok

  • @nicks.5552
    @nicks.5552 ปีที่แล้ว +83

    8:33 “It grew old whilst trying to stay young.” He just described every modern generation since at least the Boomers.

  • @kosovakatolike
    @kosovakatolike ปีที่แล้ว +172

    My girlfriend(19) converted from Islam to catholicism a year ago and YOU have been helping her with that journey. (she watches you a lot) Big Thanks to you Brian!!

    • @artifexdei3671
      @artifexdei3671 ปีที่แล้ว +6


    • @Random-cl3le
      @Random-cl3le ปีที่แล้ว +11

      glad to see more catholic albanians!

    • @CLEA4N
      @CLEA4N ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@Random-cl3le Yes, i‘m a Catholic from Kosovo 🇽🇰🙏🏻

    • @Random-cl3le
      @Random-cl3le ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@CLEA4N me too! but my family is muslim

    • @flabby2142
      @flabby2142 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      kosovo je serbija

  • @rachelks8914
    @rachelks8914 ปีที่แล้ว +85

    Yes!!! Soooo many young people at the TLM! People want the real deal traditional Catholic faith in all its richness, depth, beauty, and reverence!! ❤️

    • @mojo7495
      @mojo7495 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Catholicism is counterfeit Christianity, if for no other reason that it teaches you to base your hope for heaven on your GOOD WORKS (CCC 1821), which is utterly opposed to over 25 verses and amounts to "another gospel" per 2 Cor 11:4.
      Good day.

    • @electric336
      @electric336 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The apostles and early Christians didn't speak Latin. They spoke Greek. So if you like tradition, the TLM isn't as "traditional" as you may think. There are traditions that extend before TLM was even thought up.

    • @mojo7495
      @mojo7495 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@petebratschi Spare me the accusation of another "perverted" view of Catholicism. Listen bubba, I've studied your doctrines for over 40 years, and am convinced beyond all doubt that all Catholics, from the Pope down to the pauper in the pew, are lost.
      NO ONE DENIES the RCC says we're saved by faith oh thou fool. But all of them will go to hell because they attach a salvific EFFICACY to their good works, which is their fatal error. And don't try to whitewash and downplay CCC 1821. Again, the problem with Catholics is that they are hoping to *MERIT* heaven based IN PART on the grace of God working thruuuuu them to do GOOD DEEDS! (CCC 1821).
      1821 is CLEAR AS DAYLIGHT and you darn well know it.
      Now let's sink your salvific ship even further into the deep, shall we?
      The Council of Trent....
      If any one says that the good works of one that is justified…does not truly MERIT...eternal life, let him be anathema" ... "Hence, to those who work well unto the end, eternal life is to be offered, both as a grace mercifully promised...and as a reward promised by God himself, to be faithfully given to their GOOD WORKS AND MERITS (Sixth Session, chapter 16).
      Thomas Aquinas... If we are speaking of a meritorious work as proceeding from the grace of the Holy Spirit, it MERITS eternal life (Nature and Grace, p. 207, in Summa Theologica, 12ae, Q. 114, Art 3).
      The Question and Answer Catholic Catechism:
      Q. What is habitual or sanctifying grace? (#1074).
      A. Habitual or sanctifying grace is a supernatural quality that dwells in the human soul, by which a person shares in the divine nature, becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit, a friend of God, his adopted child, an heir to the glory of heaven, and able to perform actions MERITING eternal life.
      Ludwig Ott...
      God’s grace is the presupposition and foundation of supernatural good works, by which man MERITS eternal life...According to Holy Writ, eternal blessedness in heaven is the reward…for good works performed on this earth...A just man MERITS for himself through each good work an increase in sanctifying grace [and] eternal life (Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, p. 254, 267).
      The Roman Catholic Almanac on "Merit":
      In religion, the right to a supernatural reward for good works by a person in the state of and with the assistance of grace...Accordingly, good works, as described above, are MERITORIOS for salvation".
      Robert Sungenis...
      This apologist was granted the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, which are the seals of approval from Roman Catholic authorities contained on the inside front pages of his book, "Not by Faith Alone". These seals indicate there is nothing objectionable to be found therein. Subsequently, we read of the book's apparent universal endorsement by ALLLLL the major Catholic luminaries of today, showing the true heartbeat of what drives this supposed Christian religion; namely THEIR meritorious, DAMNABLE GOOD WORKS, by which they think they will enter heaven. It is staggering to see so many applaud his thesis sprinkled throughout the text...
      READ IT...
      "Works are a primary criteria in [God] deciding whether or not the individual is saved" (p. 50).
      "Works that justify are looked upon through the eyes of God's grace" (p. 80).
      "If done through grace, they [works] are graciously meritorious for salvation" (p. 102)
      "Works are the determining factor in our salvation" (p. 215; cf. p. 38 footnote).
      "A person, to be justified, must persevere to his last breath in this conscious decision to add works to faith" (p. 175).
      "A person's eternal destiny is dependent on God's final evaluation of the person's deeds" (p. 484).
      "God infuses grace into the individual to transform him into a righteous person [and] justifies that individual" (p. 485).
      The evaluation of our good works as noted in 1 Cor 3:13-17 and 2 Cor 5:10 will not result in personal rewards only, but "rather a judgement which will determine whether one will be saved"(p. 41).
      In light of the Bible's STRICT (and I do mean STRICT) denunciation that God will NOT save us based on any works of righteousness WHATSOEVER (Romans 3:20, 28, 4:2-8, 4:13-14, 10:4, 5:1, 11:6; Galatians 2:16, Galatians 3:11, 5:4; Philippians 3:9; Titus 3:5; 2 Tim 1:9; Eph 2:8-9) it is pathetic that the pope's fan club can't comprehend that our VISIBLE works are merely the by-product of an INVISIBLE faith which trusts in the life and death achievement of Christ ALONE (Romans 5:10).
      For Catholics to insist that we're justified by faith **AND** works, automatically puts our good works on the very same level as the sin-cleansing power of the blood of Christ! This is outrageous and will send each and every Catholic to hell just as Christ predicted when they say to him on Judgment Day, "We did many wonderful works in your name" (Matt 7).
      The response?
      You are refuted, and...oh by the way,
      Good day.

    • @wbl5649
      @wbl5649 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      because they are hungry for God and know the world is not the answer !

    • @chrisa7134
      @chrisa7134 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mojo7495 are you serious? It’s faith and good works. It’s living in a state of grace and trying your hardest to be free from sin, and if you fall, you confess your sins. Why are you being so disingenuous?

  • @jayaplin1997
    @jayaplin1997 ปีที่แล้ว +151

    Hey Brian. You are absolutely right. I am a soon to be 21 year, who in a week will be Baptized. I attend the Latin mass, and it is the best, most reverent liturgy out there. I want to thank you for your role in my conversion, as you were the first Catholic content creator I was exposed to over 2 years ago. God used you lots in my initial conversion, and He continues to do so even to this day. Keep it up Brian! God bless you.

    • @karic.1743
      @karic.1743 ปีที่แล้ว

      It’s rare to find a traditional Latin mass in the states not all churches offer it, but at 31 years old is the mass that I most enjoy. I’m currently doing my consecration to Jesus through Mary. Finding ways to get closer to god.

    • @pjsmith4369
      @pjsmith4369 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@karic.1743 You know, if you read about St. Paul in his letters and in the Acts of the Apostles, you might find a different perspective on Tradition.
      How do you think you would feel about following Christ as a Jew and having to mingle with the Gentiles?
      Ancient laws were changed - no circumcision required, changes to what can be eaten, Jews could still enter the Temple but not the Gentiles. All sorts of things were changed - the most important being, of course, that Jesus was the long awaited Messiah.
      How quickly could you change your entire life, rules and perspectives from being a Devout Jew to being a Jew who believed in Jesus Christ as True God and True Man?
      And could you accept the Gentiles, who did not have to follow your ancient legal practices?
      To say that this was a huge change for the Jews from centuries of following the Law, which was extremely strict, would be an understatement.
      Think about that before you insist on clinging to an old Tradition.
      A entirely different reality - meeting at people’s homes and not the Temple as Gentiles were forbidden there. An upheaval so immense, it would be hard to comprehend.
      But change it most certainly was - whether you were thrilled with it or not. And many Jews could simply not accept this. They did not convert and become Jewish Christians.
      Maybe read about the Jews who were trying to put St. Paul to death. The Jews of Jerusalem to whom he spoke in Hebrew and the Hellenistic Jews, who only spoke Greek and did not understand Hebrew - he had to be pulled to safety by the Roman commander.
      Think about this deeply and honestly before you give your answer.

    • @bernardevillaw3410
      @bernardevillaw3410 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      330,000 little boys in France were raped by 3,000 catholic pedophile priests, and it barely made the news, because people EXPECT that from catholics.
      Jesus said child rape was unforgivable (Matt 18:6-14), and everyone involved will get eternal damnation.
      The Latin nonsense means nothing, but you ARE a part of a filthy rich child rape cult, spitting in the face of Jesus.

    • @jayaplin1997
      @jayaplin1997 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I appreciate your time in writing that paragraph, but I won’t be reading that nor meditating upon it. God bless you and your family, they’ll be in my prayers.

    • @jayaplin1997
      @jayaplin1997 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bernardevillaw3410 I'll pray for your soul.

  • @hithere3355
    @hithere3355 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    I converted this year (22 years old) and I want to be a part of traditions that are focused on God and not the laity. The program at my school has great music, but no silence, no contemplation, we hear about how good we are while the choir sings about how “I choose to change the world”. I don’t want to be a part of that, I’d rather be a part of something that truly worships God and has stood the test of time. Now I usually go to TLM or Divine Liturgy at an Eastern Catholic Church and I feel as if I’ve grown so much intellectually and spiritually as well. I don’t need bells and whistles, I need God.

    • @Fiona2254
      @Fiona2254 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Amén! I miss TLM! It was something I was only able to do it once a month but the bishop still hasn’t allowed it back where I now live. I was going to TLM in Austin TX and most of the people there were young! Young beautiful families of young women and their little girls wearing veils. It wasn’t full of old people like me, it was the young! In my new parish most women wear veils, those who don’t are in the middle age wise. The altar is full of altar boys and incense. I pray for our priests because this very traditional novo mass is all we are allowed now but it’s beautiful because the focus is Him not us.

    • @cartreezy1631
      @cartreezy1631 ปีที่แล้ว

      The best way for catholics to get close to god must be to rape a child. Why else do you guys keep doing it if not?

    • @Fiona2254
      @Fiona2254 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@cartreezy1631 wow. Saying all Catholics do that. I guess I’ll have to add you to my prayers now, you need help.

  • @escabrosa1
    @escabrosa1 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    There are a lot of young people at my ICKSP parish as well. I love seeing all the young couples with a bunch of kids.

    • @cartreezy1631
      @cartreezy1631 ปีที่แล้ว

      Scouting out which one you are going to rape? That is the catholic way!

  • @colin.charbel
    @colin.charbel ปีที่แล้ว +17

    The church doesn’t need to change; we do! When I converted early this year, I joined the Maronite rite because of its beautiful liturgy which continues to impact me deeply through every mass I attend.

  • @alexfox4647
    @alexfox4647 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    It doesn't help that Church leadership failed the covid test and left me and others wondering if the Eucharist is indeed the True Presence or not. If it was, then nothing should lock it down.

    • @anthonyburke2353
      @anthonyburke2353 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I have the same sentiment. I'm simply comparing this moment in Church history to the overwhelming phenomenon of Arianism.
      Their is always a remnant, a faithful few. Many times we're going to have to step up and take our faith seriously, even when our own Shepherds lead us astray.

    • @bvokey8842
      @bvokey8842 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Completely agree. We want those who lead the Church to be strong and heroic. A shining light among the darkness.

    • @cartreezy1631
      @cartreezy1631 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bvokey8842 Is that why the leaders protect the rapists? You think you have morals yet you call child rapists strong and heroic? Enjoy hell, save me a seat

  • @RedOblivion7
    @RedOblivion7 ปีที่แล้ว +112

    As a zoomer, I like the modern expressions online; tradwave, memes, even some forms of modern music, but that cannot possibly compare to a Mass that is done well with sincerity and a community I can belong to. All I want is for us to be as close to God's wishes as possible, not just my own particular sensibilities. And if you're going to make people choose between "Palestrina is the most modern songwriter I'll tolerate" and "God is a woman" style progressivism as a means to get away from watered down Catholicism, you're going to encourage both echo chamber radtrads and apostasy. Neither are good.

    • @loveandmercy9664
      @loveandmercy9664 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pew wamers can exist in any religious community and most of all religious history has been more cultral than spiritual. In 12 step programs you will meet people of all religious backgrounds and many from legalistic religious homes.
      'Christians of the Future Will either Be Mystics or Cease to Be'
      Karl Rahner

    • @chrisa7134
      @chrisa7134 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      God bless you. It’s so refreshing to hear sensibility from a zoomer. I tell you from experience, you are not missing out on anything that the world offers you. All it offers is misery, degeneracy, and vice. I don’t have to tell you about it. I feel as if there is an awakening in the public being precipitated by the madness of modernity. We know in our soul that something is horribly wrong, and those who pretend not to notice only do so because they are so medicated or drugged out of their minds. I care deeply for our fellow humans. I want the Lord to have mercy on us.

    • @cominatrix
      @cominatrix ปีที่แล้ว

      I can completely understand enjoying comedy and lighthearted fun, but I think you understand well that there is a time and a place for that, but mass is the time and place for deep reverence =) I wish more younger people thought more deeply

    • @NowhereNN
      @NowhereNN ปีที่แล้ว

      Wait until you find Orthodoxy.

    • @RedOblivion7
      @RedOblivion7 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NowhereNN I found it wanting, yes.

  • @thetraditionalthomist
    @thetraditionalthomist ปีที่แล้ว +135

    By God's grace I (24 years old) converted to the Catholic Church in 2020. I came into the Church because through the Latin Mass! Thanks for your video!

    • @wbl5649
      @wbl5649 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      and I am a confirmed Catholic who left the Church in my 20's and spent the next 25 years as an Evangelical Protestant. Just in the past 6 months I have returned to the Catholic Church because of the Latin Mass I attended, the Eucharist and the Mass have captured me back !

    • @TheJuddly
      @TheJuddly ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Stay at that Parish. I have no Latin Mass near me and can not move yet. Welcome into the Church, Jesus’ Church! When helping protestants come in, do so with compassion and charity. I am close to making videos to help atheists, Catholics and protestants, pray for me.

    • @TheJuddly
      @TheJuddly ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@wbl5649 dont feel bad about leaving, many have left not there fault either. The Church has to work on catechesis. I would recommend that to your parish and say how it becomes impossible to leave once people know that catechism. Especially that Latin Mass my friend I pray i have one near me one day

    • @bernardevillaw3410
      @bernardevillaw3410 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      By satan's grace.
      330,000 little boys in France were raped by 3,000 catholic pedophile priests, and it barely made the news, because people EXPECT that from catholics.
      Jesus said child rape was unforgivable (Matt 18:6-14), and everyone involved will get eternal damnation.

    • @TheJuddly
      @TheJuddly ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bernardevillaw3410 you are evil and have no idea what you are talkin about and Who’s Church you attack!!! Jesus founded the Church! It has corruption in it of course it does!! How dare you bring hate and satan’s work to God’s people. You are just like the Accuser Himself, Satan

  • @henrybn14ar
    @henrybn14ar ปีที่แล้ว +21

    There was quite a lot of interest in Catholicism among young people here in Gothenburg until about five years ago. This age group is now more drawn towards Orthodoxy, the more traditional the better. The attraction now is Church Slavonic, Byzantine Chant and the spirituality of Mount Athos.
    The Catholic Church needs to do a 180 degree turn.

    • @supahjadi8944
      @supahjadi8944 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I dont have any respect for the faith of so called believers who value aesthetics like latin masses orthodoxy chants, etc over true faith in Christ and his church.

    • @AK_Catholic_Traditional
      @AK_Catholic_Traditional ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@supahjadi8944 I don’t respect the 180 turn of 1 hippie generation & making the Holy Mass more Protestant-like comparing for traditions which date back to AD33.
      If the Orthodox tradition was good enough for 10k Saints, it’s good enough for me.
      Saint Padre Pio didn’t do a single NO Mass so I’ll stick with my Padre.
      PS NO "made" me leave the Church for almost 10 years and 1 year in SSPX TLM made me a better Catholic both in Faith & what i do & how i act. Proof is in the pudding. Stats show most in NO don’t believe in real Christ’s presence in the Holy Eucharist & each year NO attendance drops while Catholic Orthodoxy is getting traction each year.

    • @supahjadi8944
      @supahjadi8944 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AK_Catholic_Traditional So aesthetics and forms of worship are more improtant to you than actually worshipping Christ? Exactly my point, your "faith" is so fickle that a single ceremonial change is enough to warp it.
      The Novus Ordo was the best thing that happened to the church. I dont wanna listen to chants in which I have no idea what theyre saying. I want to listen to the GOSPEL because I actually believe in Christ and I want to hear his WORD. I dont care about that mystical tradition of the latin mass which is completely irrelevant to the salvation of all.
      And "BOO-HOO WHAT ABOUT CHURCH ATTENDANCE!?" Its so sickening youre viewing this from a buisness standpoint. If "tradition" and "Latin masses" are what bring people to the church, then they arent real believers and it'd almost be better if they didnt come at all. Because once the priest speaks a lick of english they're gone. People should be brought to the church because they actually believe in its sanctity and the ways of Christ, not because of some way of ceremonial worship.
      And no SSPX didnt make you a better catholic. It made you a heretic. Its actually a GOOD thing that church attendance is low because it weeds out the fake catholics like yourself and brings in real ones who believe in the papacy and innerency of the Church's teachings and ways.
      So have fun with your "tradition" and the disgusting corporate lens(e.g, "we have more church attendance we're winning!") you use to talk bad about our holy church. Its not going to save you when you confront God.

    • @AK_Catholic_Traditional
      @AK_Catholic_Traditional ปีที่แล้ว

      @@supahjadi8944 1st of all - wow. What Charity. Usually Protestant heretics respond this way.
      Aestetics & forms? It’s the NO who’s making these changes to please the youth. Want a guitar, clown ? That’s possible in NO (not everyone thank God of course). It was co-made with Protestants… What does that tell you….? Way to blend with the world.
      Maybe for those Catholic’s who don’t look up Church history (since V2), it doesn’t affect them. When I was younger those things bothered me, from kissing of Koran, to worshipping false gods in Asisi, to reading that everyone is saved, doesn’t matter he’s an Schismatic, Heretic, Pagan, Muslim or Jew… (I’m mesmerised by Novus Ordo people like you who will tell all these are saved except the Traditional Catholic’s who are saving the Tradition & don’t bend and change for the world).
      I would say the NO is the worst thing that happened since the few heresies the Church has had in it’s history. Probably the worst.
      Well if you don’t understand Latin, there’s also English translation, so there’s that.
      It’s amazing that when I think of Church attendance & believing the True presence of Christ - I’m thinking about - Saving Souls. You’re thinking about money. You’re even happy that better people don’t go to Church until they’re dead than come to Latin Mass. Just wow. The charity is astonishing.
      You really think the only thing that Traditional Mass has is the language?! It’s everything. So much has changed. Every action in TML has meaning.
      In NO every other Priest has it’s quirks for "every taste" of peoples liking… He’ll even tell you at the end of Every Mass - be Charitable (Vaccinate against you know what and wear a mask).. so it’s not that long ago when i was at NO, about a year…
      When I think of Holiness of Eucharist I’m thinking about St Tarcisius who gave his life to defend the body, Blood, Soul, Divinity of Jesus Christ rather the give it into the hands of pagan mod, who later killed him.
      Now, in NO the Leity are giving the Holy Communion (Just started this year in my Country). What blasphemy, what an outrageous action. It’s only Priest that made the Consecration should be able to give the Holy Communion in mouth & only in mouth. Not even Diacon (although there are exemptions when there’s a line of 500 people…)
      Funny that even none of the Popes or any official statements ever called SSPX in Schism but usually the Leity do.
      Also, you’re wrong. We do believe the Pope & pray for him and his actions. If you didn’t know, V2 is not infallible (if you know what it means). Also, in Church history there has been a Pope called Honorius |, whose has been declared heretic after his death. So don’t be so arrogant.
      Lastly…. It’s sad that look at Tradition trough money/Mammon lens. It truly is. it’s not about winning arguments, it’s about Winning Souls. I’m not bashing the Holy Church which Jesus established in 33AD giving the keys of Heaven to Peter. I’m noticing it’s errors & pointing them out. I’m the only one who sees it. If you don’t - you’re lying to yourself or are blind.
      Saying sticking the Tradition is bad you contradict every Pope since V2, Saints, the Bible & Christ.
      I’ll still be praying for Heretics, Schismatics, those who never knew Christ, those that abandoned Him, those that are lukewarm & Modernists. May they all return to the One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church.
      Deo Gratias.

  • @aligolightly7359
    @aligolightly7359 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I am a new Catholic! Early 40s. And I came from both tradition and rock band . There is so much value to both, and a proper place for both. Growing up in a very traditional Episcopalian church, I loved the robes, the incense, the chanting, the ceremony. On Sunday. But on Wednesday, I would go to the youth group or to a local evangelical church where we would have rock music and sing together and it was so fun! There is room for both in the Catholic Church. It just has to be worked out in its proper order.

  • @VersoLaltoProductions
    @VersoLaltoProductions ปีที่แล้ว +31

    You make a good point in this video! I have noticed that both "traditionalists" and "progressives" are actually BOTH traditionalists at heart. It's just that one group is looking at the Sacred Tradition of the Church, while the other is looking at a manufactured tradition that has been around for one or two generations.

    • @VersoLaltoProductions
      @VersoLaltoProductions ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@focusedstudying8993 Well, I suppose I'd disagree with your analysis. I grew up going to a NO parish, but am now drawn more toward the TLM...not exactly the food of my childhood. Progressives are extremely hostile to changing the liturgy that they implemented, not because it's "new" (it's been around a good while at this point), but because it's the "tradition" that they chose for themselves and/or the one that they think is better. If progressives are actually drawn towards the exotic (as you mentioned), then they would be constantly trying to incorporate bits of other liturgies, try some Greek here, Coptic there, etc. Instead, the live in the past... while traditionalists seem to cling to the 1560s, the progressives cling to the 1960s. What I'm saying, is that there's little that's truly "progressive" about the progressive movement within the Church. It's alright if you see it differently, but I thought I'd clarify what I meant.

  • @lemonknope
    @lemonknope ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I have been to TLM for the first time today and it's so beautiful and intimate. I can't see myself going anywhere else on Sunday now.

  • @bumponalog5001
    @bumponalog5001 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    25 year old married man, they are all over my FSSP parish. Newborns, toddlers, tweens, Teens, and my 2 year old adds his voice. It's now weird for me when a Mass is so quiet lol.

    • @deannasteele9803
      @deannasteele9803 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      If your parish is not crying it is dying!!

    • @ryanchristianvasiletiongso2387
      @ryanchristianvasiletiongso2387 ปีที่แล้ว

      Man I can’t wait to go to my first TLM. Only problem it’s almost 30 minutes from where I live and the mass times almost never work out for me. Well, I’ll keep praying I get the chance to go experience at least one TLM soon. I want to take my wife and son too, considering it sounds like all zoomer aged Catholics are going for more traditional masses

  • @Jean-nr5ch
    @Jean-nr5ch ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Yes this is what annoys me about the Latin mass not being readily available. The Latin mass through its attraction, gave way to a youth, and more young families attending.

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You don't need the Latin Mass, just a reverent Mass of any litgury with an orthodox priest. We have young families, chapel veils, etc at our NO Mass. We are lacking reverence right now.

    • @crewded8630
      @crewded8630 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@atrifle8364 The big issue will always be that a Novus Ordo Mass is seldom sufficiently reverent and a Traditional Mass is by design reverent.

    • @mathieuconklin3146
      @mathieuconklin3146 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@stingingnettle9726 Statistically that is wrong. The VAST VAST majority of parishes are N.O. all throughout the world. It is not even close.

    • @InhabitantOfOddworld
      @InhabitantOfOddworld ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Define "normal". I'm not in America, and there still aren't many latin rites. The nearest TLM to me is easily a 2+ hr drive away

    • @VABE81030
      @VABE81030 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stingingnettle9726 - I’d love to know what countries have all these Latin masses. It might be time to move.

  • @kristenstudebaker814
    @kristenstudebaker814 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The majority of the parish that I go to (ICKSP) is mostly under the age of 40. They love the ancient rite. Rome needs to recognize this and nurture it.

  • @BP26P
    @BP26P ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Interesting that Vatican II mandated that Gregorian chant be given the "main place" with regards to sacred music. Yet in decades since the Council, "Vatican II Catholics" now give Gregorian chant hardly any place at all.

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      VII in practice was almost entirely ignored.

  • @EpoRose1
    @EpoRose1 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    As I always say, we grew up singing “Now, we recreate your love, we bring the bread and wine to share a meal…” and then we wonder how we have, what, 30% of Catholics believe in the Real Presence?

  • @texangentlemen3115
    @texangentlemen3115 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    By just reading the thumbnail, I’m gonna take a wild guess for an answer. Ready for this?
    Question: where are the youth?
    Answer: running away from the boomers.

  • @retrorenegade1967
    @retrorenegade1967 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I'm here 🙏🏻 22 yr old married Catholic

  • @kosovakatolike
    @kosovakatolike ปีที่แล้ว +8

    We are right here me (21) with my girlfriend (19). Catholics from Germany. (we go to church, pray on the phone with eachother everyday and read the bible together)

    • @dasvau267
      @dasvau267 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hey cool, I'm also from Germany (bit older though, 28) and this reminds me a lot of me and my now wife! Keep it going brother

  • @tomvecchione3475
    @tomvecchione3475 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The more "relevant" the church tries to be the worse. Eternal Word means just that, it doesn't change to suit the "needs" of what makes us feel good or comfortable at a given time and place.

    • @darius8783
      @darius8783 ปีที่แล้ว

      Marry yourself to the spirit of the age then find out you are a widow in the next.

  • @williamjones6971
    @williamjones6971 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    About 40% of our TLM chapel are 30s and younger. Maybe 35-40% are 40s-50s.

  • @atrifle8364
    @atrifle8364 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Well, it's official. The nicest and most thoughtful Catholic I know online has noticed the generation problem.
    For the record, it's not all of them. My own NO Boomer priest is wonderful.
    That said, we all have been dealing with the weight of one of the largest generations the world has ever seen. Either they insisting "updating" Catholicism and trapping in it in the 1975 or (minority) trapping in the "perfect" 1950's. It's frustrating as a Gen X Catholic. I am in Mass for Christ. I would be there with the now 65+ crowd singing "Gather Them In" if we had to.
    We have been blessed with a reverent NO parish and priest. It can be done. However, I absolutely understand the appeal of the Latin Mass and the frustrations of the young and the seeking.

    • @archie8767
      @archie8767 ปีที่แล้ว

      It has nothing to do with Vatican II. The lead-up was the global rise of Communism, two world wars, and the largest genocides in human history. But certainly such cultural issues could not have any lasting influence? There is a huge chasm between the culture and Catholicism right now. And there are no mainstream Catholics to draw people in the public. Religion and culture exist in two realms right now, and religion is painted as childish "superstition." That environment doesn't lead to worship easily. The claim that the Tridentine Liturgy is the bastion of the youth seems like it takes a tiny cross-section from a dwindling cross-section. The problems in the West are far more fundamental and widespread. The culture is dying and there is little moving to stop it.

  • @mastergmoore
    @mastergmoore ปีที่แล้ว +3

    6:54 I hear you. Millennial revert here. The old school way the way of our ancestors is what drew me personally back. Started listening to Gregorian Chants, then picked up a rosary, sought out confession, and full on returned to mass. I think that the timeless art our Church made helps because these new gens like myself are immersed in a solvent of culture and we have no identity and clinging to the old is more identifiable and conceivable than our parents way.

  • @kellcarney4995
    @kellcarney4995 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I'm about to attend my first high latin mass tomorrow... I feel like this was providence that I found this video right before I went to sleep

    • @seanbyers6736
      @seanbyers6736 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Let us know how that goes. I found it to be an experience unlike any other

  • @ejnbarrett
    @ejnbarrett ปีที่แล้ว +12

    This is incredibly well put. The demographic writing is on the wall for the vast majority of the Church. Our TLM parish and the few others dotted around the country are thriving with young families and plenty of recent converts in their twenties and thirties. Every other parish I know of is in crisis - desperately wondering how they're going to afford to keep the lights on in five-to-ten years.

  • @SuperTwilightgirlz
    @SuperTwilightgirlz ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am 24 years old. I joined RCIA last year and was baptized this year into the church. Was the best decision of my life and my life has been truly blessed by the lord. 🙏🏻

    • @junesilvermanb2979
      @junesilvermanb2979 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Have you ever considered becoming an Eastern Catholic Christian?
      + + +

  • @amandacully2539
    @amandacully2539 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    THIS. EVERYTHING!!! THANK YOU!! You literally put my sentiments on current liturgical issues so poignantly!!!! Thank you!! I literally danced around my kitchen with joy!! Did someone email this to Cardinal Cupich or the Holy Father yet????

  • @wholesome122
    @wholesome122 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Nearly all my friends who were raised catholic no longer practice. A great tragedy.

    • @jeromel4563
      @jeromel4563 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Im kinda sad because i can see some of my friends slowly distancing themselves to the faith.

  • @myrddingwynedd2751
    @myrddingwynedd2751 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The problem with using contemporary music in worship is that it's not really rooted in religion itself. Its whole essence is worldly, especially in its lyrical content. So to incorporate worldly music in religious worship is a misapplication.
    As good as some contemporary pop music is, of which I'm a fan of much of it, it does not reflect the transcendent, as in Allegri's Miserere, or Schubert's Ave Maria for example. The whole point of pop music is to express the self, your story, or romantic love, as opposed to expressing the transcendent, the story of salvation, and divine love.
    The whole vibe is almost antithetical to religion, and how can it be anything else since it's rooted in irreligiousity. I think it to be quite an objective fact that pop music applied to religious worship is not fitting of religious worship, since the spirit behind both genres are diametrically opposed.

  • @ctmcatholic
    @ctmcatholic ปีที่แล้ว

    Great take on this topic, Brian! Thanks for the consistently excellent content.

  • @theresefrancis9283
    @theresefrancis9283 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    My husband was baptized shortly before we got married this year. He was pagan/agnostic in upbringing. As an outsider he expressed how much he preferred the TLM or Byzantine Liturgies because they have more substance. The average age at our TLM is 20. Standing room only and probably 30 crying babies.

  • @adamq8216
    @adamq8216 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    On my way to catholicism and I am 28 years old, really an amazing tradition 🙏

  • @marygr8064
    @marygr8064 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’m a baby boomer. So much was fun, but meaningless. I’m going back to tradition because that’s where truth is. Part of my revertism was beautiful praising music. Thankfully my pastor understands the difference between music forms. And he’s a modern musician.

  • @winstoncottage344
    @winstoncottage344 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    What a wonderful summation! I remember reading an in depth research article in our main newspaper several years ago where the journalist was investigating the Latin Mass and its rise in popularity. She commented on the apparent "youngness" of the attendees. Several of the people she interviewed talked about how "spiritual" it felt and that it was their first experience of the mystical and real presence of God that they just couldn't get anywhere else. This kept bringing them back as often as the mass was made available. Sadly there are very few priests in our diocese who practise the TLM so accessing it is difficult at best, if not impossible. It is a vain hope I know, but if only the cardinals and the Pope himself were to watch this video, they might well come away with a much clearer picture of what is needed rather than pursuing the destructive path they have taken us down. Pride comes before a fall, and I fear we are falling...

    • @RickW-HGWT
      @RickW-HGWT ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I hope the pope and cardinals convert to Catholicism, but from what I have seen, we need to get our contingency plans ready. At his age and position he is unlikely to change , but miracles do happen.

  • @DevelopmentRobco
    @DevelopmentRobco ปีที่แล้ว +8

    As a zoomer, you explained everything I thought about was wrong with Modern Christianity in just one video.

  • @anthonybeaulieu9820
    @anthonybeaulieu9820 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a boomer I was quite turned off by the liturgy and music changes at the end of the 1960s. Never a fan of contemporary orientations, my attendance dropped off rather suddenly. What attracts souls to worship are opportunities to connect with the divine, not to other humans. I believe this is best accomplished via music and liturgy carrying a high vibration best exemplified by the traditions of centuries passed.

  • @marygr8064
    @marygr8064 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Brian, I am enlightened by your insight and devotion to the truth. The world has gone bonkers, but I try to be rooted in the truth. Can’t imagine the life of a Canadian right now. Father Mark Goring and Viva Frei give me a window. God bless.

  • @jparola2439
    @jparola2439 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm blown away by the precision and accuracy of your explanation of the problem and subsequent criticism of what is going on in the Church right now. This puts into words so much of what I feel in my bones when present at Mass. Thank you, Brian!

  • @browsj17
    @browsj17 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Yes! This eloquently describing the struggles I had as a young convert CRE dealing with some of my more mature Catechists when we had priests come and want to introduce more traditional practices(Brown Scapular, more traditional music, receiving on the tongue, kneelers and patens) especially during First Communion.

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh yes absolutely. We had a wonderful NO priest come to our parish. We lost a lot of the old timers. It's a frustrating reversal of roles.

  • @kimlevesque6103
    @kimlevesque6103 ปีที่แล้ว

    As per usual, a great insight from you. Thanks!

  • @lindadaigle3205
    @lindadaigle3205 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have bee asking myself this same question for a very long time. Can’t wait to hear your “answer “!

  • @luxither7354
    @luxither7354 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Appealing to the youth will never work when you appeal with their own sensibilities, because they already get enough of that from their own current life, why would they want a God tinted version of that. No, young people come to the faith because we want something DIFFERENT. As recent convert, I came not out of a desire to see my life expressed in God, but God's life expressed in me. I came for a want of Holy Tradition. I came for a desire of the truth. And many young people are doing that. See the popularity of figureheads like Andrew Tate; they spouse a degree of truth, and men and women latch onto that. I for one saw the same thing in the Church Tradition, and if we expose this tradition, this passion, this truth, to young people, so many will want to come to the faith. So many people question what is gender, so lets then show them the beauty of Catholic Femininity/Masculinity and the truth of it. So many people question politics and their authority, so lets show them the Absolute authority of God, and let them find comfort to know that if a politician does something wrong, in the end, the scales will be balanced in heaven. So many people are not being fulfilled by the consumption of media, wealth and sex? Show them the true fulfilment of God and his purpose for you.
    Stop watering down the faith! Its the flavour of tradition and faith that makes people convert.

  • @craigsherman4480
    @craigsherman4480 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I attended the TLM with my family at the Cathedral in Savannah. I absolutely loved it. The congregation was so much younger and the Eurcharist seemed so much more revered. Since then my teenage daughter has begun to veil during Mass, which makes me proud.

  • @FourEyedFrenchman
    @FourEyedFrenchman ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I'm 26, and when I go to Sunday Mass, I'm one of the few people in the sanctuary who still has color in their hair lol. Definitely feels like I'm visiting the retirement home.
    Yes, there are fewer young people, but birth rates in the west have fallen through the floor, so fewer young people isn't all that surprising. Our coming crisis is underpopulation, not overpopulation.
    I don't think the TLM is the cure-all for the Church's woes, however. Ecumenical councils aren't called on a whim, there were legitimate problems with the liturgy that needed revision.
    Were the council fathers too hasty in implementing their reforms? Oh, yes. Does that mean V2 and the Novus Ordo need to be tossed out? Oh, no. I've participated in many beautiful and reverent celebrations of the NO--smells, bells, organ, and all. Done properly, the NO is an incredible liturgy, and is more than deserving of a place in the Church's liturgical life.

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same here on the NO. In fact, I have come to consider the "We must throw out the NO" crowd to be largely of the same generation and mindset of the Boomer hippie stuff. The theme of their thoughts is the same: "If we aren't doing it this exact way then it's not speaking to me." Thanks to self selection a TLM will be consistently more reverent. Beyond that, insisting people are going to hell for attending a different litgury authorized by a council is non-Catholic thinking.

    • @Tttb95
      @Tttb95 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@atrifle8364 The going to hell with the NO is far fetched for sure. But there are legitimate gripes with the NO. Why was the Judica Me taken out? Why is the priest not forced to reflect on his own unworthiness and beg for God's forgiveness? Why were the Saints stripped out of the Confiteor? Why does the priest lift the host after consecration instead of immediately falling to his knees as was done in the TLM? On the last one, if Our Lord suddenly appeared to you, Im going to bet you'd fall on your knees first, not say "hey everyone look its Jesus" then fall down.
      The NO for me is 100% valid but in many ways deficient. Even going back to Bugnini, hes on the record for saying some ABHORRENT things that should never be said by someone who was in charge of rewriting the mass.

    • @mathieuconklin3146
      @mathieuconklin3146 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are kind of making the "Not all NO masses are that way" argument. But you cannot say "Most NO masses are not that way." If you have the worst priest in the world, if he follows the missale of the TLM, it will be a beautiful and reverent liturgy. The same cannot be said for the NO. The GIRM permits abuses and irreverence. What is tolerated will become the norm, as is so beyond evident at this point.

    • @mathieuconklin3146
      @mathieuconklin3146 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@stingingnettle9726 Truth is divisive

  • @justinward3218
    @justinward3218 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very well formulated!

  • @marygr8064
    @marygr8064 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks, Brian. Well said!!!

  • @youngbloodk
    @youngbloodk ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The parish I recently left due to a job related move is split Novus Ordo/TLM parish. Except for one Sunday Mass, the Novus Ordo Masses are very reverent and orthodox, with very old-school tradition music, smells and bells, etc. That one Sunday Mass that has more modernish, post-V2 music. The TLMs are the TLM as expected. Most of the people at the "modern" Mass are geriatrics, whereas the TLM and more traditional Novus Ordo Masses are packed with young families and teenagers. Almost all of young people I know want authentic traditional liturgy and music. This especially true of the young men.

  • @abrahamvaladez1663
    @abrahamvaladez1663 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Spot on! Best explanation of tradition I’ve heard

  • @mattcrisanti1121
    @mattcrisanti1121 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I started attending TLM about 14 months ago after a lifetime of NO at a parish run by an excellent order with mostly excellent priests. Over the last decade I’ve noticed the infiltration of spiritus mundi. Not at the TLM - the reverence is unparalleled, as is the single-focus of the sacrifice of the Mass. I feel as if my first 50 years in the faith were sold short but by the grace of God I’m fulfilled now.

  • @rdubstrebol
    @rdubstrebol ปีที่แล้ว

    At the parish where I attend, there are many young Catholics in regular attendance. It is one of the reasons I feel so encouraged there.

  • @styvepeabodyiv5234
    @styvepeabodyiv5234 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    cool to hear you were a guitarist!

  • @MikePasqqsaPekiM
    @MikePasqqsaPekiM ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is so helpful. Reminds me of a motto I heard at a modern university: “A Tradition of Innovation”. Everyone I knew was finding that saying painfully illuminating: the university didn’t know its own identity.
    I think the Latin Rite doesn’t know who she is anymore. Not at her core, (I’m not suggesting apostasy by any means), but in what she wishes to express and emphasize, theologically and liturgically.

  • @heathsavage4852
    @heathsavage4852 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I attended WYD in Sydney some years back, as a reward for helping to cater to the young pilgrims and priests who came to our parish - 400 of them! At Randwick Racecourse the atmosphere was electric. We do these young people a disservice by pandering to modernism. Excite and thrill them with real masses, real liturgy, real church music. This "KathlickLite" garbage has destroyed our church for millions.

  • @thereselemire1711
    @thereselemire1711 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am thankful that I encountered your posts a couple of months ago Brian. Then, when I noticed you in church a few weeks ago, I felt blessed that we are part of the same community!! I feel so blessed to be going to mass with so many children in attendance, like when I was a child. So I have a question for you. Have you done a program about the first 2 seasons of 'The Chosen'? about the life of Jesus? That seems to be a gift that is attracting a lot of young people to the life of the Spirit. So if you have a commentary, I would like to see it. And if you have not done one yet, I look forward to your thoughts about it. May God continue to bless you and yours.

    • @Hieronymus864
      @Hieronymus864 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Therese, here is a link to a video by Brian on the Chosen:

  • @williammanhire4424
    @williammanhire4424 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video!

  • @gabrielseth5142
    @gabrielseth5142 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was baptized young and raised Catholic in my youth, attending Sunday mass until I was around 12. From there my family stopped going to church and God slowly started to take a back seat in the lives of my family until my parents got divorced. In that time I never lost my faith, but it slowly became obscure and I could see that with many of my close friends who ALL went to a Catholic school. It was only when I was 23 that I started to go back to mass on Sundays and I have been there for as many Sundays as I can get, I make an effort to read a passage once a day, to say an our father and a hail Mary as well as a prayer of my own that comes from the heart as a few moments of self reflection. But although I continue to observe and learn I feel outside the box, I have no friends there, it's a different atmosphere and I have a harder time relating to people even though I have been shown kindness and respect from parishioners and the priest. I want to be a Catholic, I believe in God's love, I have had no divine experience, but I have felt his hand on my heart in the moments where I have needed him the most and as importantly I have seen where people who cast off God are and I know the word was right.
    Although my friends had turned atheistic in highschool, they are all either agnostic now or Christian, however, they don't know how to get into the swing of things. They have no ancestral foundation, they know no one that can help them and they are like me, having to figure things out on their own. It's hard to break through that wall and making it worse, the help that is there are the old. I don't bash them, I love them, I love their faith, but it's not easy for them to relate to me, I sometimes feel like an astronaut on Mars being helped by little green men. The point is that there is a whole pool of young men who want to be Christian, they believe in God and they believe in Christ and his message of forgiveness and trying to get to Heaven and not Hell or Purgatory, they're there, as good as baptized already, they just don't know how to get to Church or understand the bible and the people there in pews who do want to help them as alien, they may as well have discovered a new race of man

  • @apax9856
    @apax9856 ปีที่แล้ว

    While temporarily in El Paso, TX, I've gone to Immaculate Conception here (FSSP). I love it. And I will miss it dearly when I leave. A ton of very faithful devout young Catholics there. The faithfulness of the young adults at that parish gives me hope for the next generation. I went to Mater Dei in Dallas, TX as well once and it's PACKED with young people.
    Need to get some FSSP, or ICKSP out in NC.

  • @MrsYasha1984
    @MrsYasha1984 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm always amazed to hear what went down in Americas/Canadas Church in the 70s...
    Because in Europe the 'revolution' seems to have been waaay less.
    In switzerland the songs in our songbook often date hundreds of years old. Or old music, newer text or vice versa. But always accompanied by an organ or accapella.
    I'm so surprised how different things went down across the pond. And it makes it easier to understand why so many feel opposed to the new liturgy... but our mass does not look like that.
    Can it be that there is a somewhat revolutionary spirit in america, that it always tries to make things 'their way'. And so the new liturgy got... boomerized?

    • @harrygarris6921
      @harrygarris6921 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Rejecting tradition to make something new (and often worse) is the American way

  • @MNkno
    @MNkno ปีที่แล้ว +3

    If a person supports a sports team, they don't insist on being a player on the pitch, or that their generation be the players on the field. They clearly don't ask that the rules of the game be changed "to fit the changing times", but only for good, well-considered reasons. There are a wide range of roles that need a variety of ages participating in the overall activity.
    When it comes to music, ancient music is not great because it is ancient, it's because it's a survivor that kept people coming back to it, generation after generation, while other music of that era fell by the wayside. The core communal worship needs gravitas and resonance.
    There are many other forms of worship - outdoors camping, at home, in celebration of events, in prayerful thoughtfulness at the failure of a marriage, at the bedside of those in hospital, walking alongside those who are in trouble, sorrow, or any other need, and those can be developed, enhanced, or even reformed. But keep the deep well of resonant core worship services in a time-tested tradition that can be drawn upon by the entire group, not the smaller gathering for a specific need.

  • @piper_sss
    @piper_sss ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I RE-veered to Catholicism because my kids said they’d rather go to mass, than the Protestant mega church with an award winning praise band, snacks, gift bags and the while shabang.
    Now we go to mass together quietly and they are happier there

  • @missveronica8393
    @missveronica8393 ปีที่แล้ว

    Absolutely spot on as usual Brian 💯

  • @mcgillicuddy8865
    @mcgillicuddy8865 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Brian. I think you’ve just put into words what I’ve been struggling to understand my whole life. I’m not Catholic, but I’ve been to Pentecostal and Baptist churches as a child. I’ve been agnostic and struggled with depression my whole life too. I hadn’t though twice about exploring religion until I read Jordan Peterson’s books and listened to his podcast. Now I find myself dipping my toes in religion and Christianity again…hesitantly. What I can say is if I were to go back to church, I feel that I would need something that I haven’t been able to find yet. I’ve never been to a Catholic Church in person, but if it’s anything like in movies or tv, it may be what people really need. I need more space for existential reflection I guess? I don’t want to go and sing modern worship songs. When I feel the need to go into that head space, I listen to choral music, atmospheric post rock, ambient music, classical music… music that’s very conducive to contemplating the bigger questions, if that makes sense. I want to just sit in a quiet church, that’s beautiful, and think/ or pray. Maybe they’re one in the same. Young people have enough modernism today, it’s nauseating. I need more tradition, not novelty.

    • @junesilvermanb2979
      @junesilvermanb2979 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Have you ever considered becoming an Eastern Catholic Christian?

  • @ellen823ful
    @ellen823ful ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Whereas there are really beautiful Christian hits these won’t be sung 1000 years from now. The Latin Mass will .

  • @miguelsemidei7619
    @miguelsemidei7619 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is a good wake up video. I see Brian is blessed enough to have a choice of masses to attend. Where we live there is none, being that there are only two priests for our whole parish. Our young people have just joined other more dynamic churches or just don’t go. After they get to university age and share with other types of people , it’s just up to them to make their choice. I have three children all over 30 and only one goes to mass weekly. Most other people’s kids have just stopped going. Not very many young couples either. People in general have just stopped going, but then again , where we live , people have just opted to not go to anything, even sporting events are empty. If they can see it on their Cel phone for free why even bother going . This was a big deal during the pandemic, when people started watching the mass and not participating , didn’t help that one of the priest preferred people to watch TH-cam live . So the argument here for TLM is great where Brian lives, but where we are, people are just not going to anything anymore, too busy exploring their sexual identities or whatever.

  • @upfromthefields
    @upfromthefields ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautifully said.

  • @Grace17893
    @Grace17893 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great work man; God help us

  • @jakeblaydes7283
    @jakeblaydes7283 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't usually agree with your takes but thought this one was well-constructed and that the impetus really goes along with what I understand part of Fratelli Tutti to be: trying to find out what fruitful cultural exchange would look like. I would like to see the synods use the sentiments of openness and listening to listen to the many "traditional" Catholics.

  • @skiniomira
    @skiniomira ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God bless you!

  • @cru756
    @cru756 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am a Catholic youth

  • @TruthSeeker-333
    @TruthSeeker-333 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    How arrogant was the generation that rejected tradition. I reject the rejection

  • @timrichardson4018
    @timrichardson4018 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm a protestant in RCIA, strongly considering joining the Catholic Church. The controversies surrounding the interpretations and implementations of Vatican II are saddening to me. I am coming to the Catholic Church, in part, because I'm drawn to the tradition, to the ancient way the faith has been practiced. So I very much sympathize with the feelings of more traditional Catholics. However, I also have a deep reverence for the magisterium of the Church, and I recognize that ecumenical councils are one of, if not the, highest authorities in the church. So, I cannot repudiate Vatican II. I appreciate what it set out to do, and has succeeded in to a degree (how much I'm not yet sure). But I also recognize that many took things way too far. I'm thankful that I go to a parish that is very reverent and holds to some of the older traditions like communion rales. If I ever end up in a parish that is focused more on modernizing than declaring the ancient faith passed on and being true to it, I'll have to find somewhere else to go. It's a main reason I want to leave evangelical protestantism. Many of it's churches are more concerned with entertaining and attracting people than holding fast to the truth. That said, it is legitimate to look for ways to engage the current generation. But hold fast to what is true and don't water down the faith!
    My parish is a very young parish, and it's more tradition as well.

    • @Adam-ue2ig
      @Adam-ue2ig ปีที่แล้ว

      First you say you are considering (strongly) coming to the Catholic church then you say "I am coming to the Catholic Church". Part of the purpose of RCIA should be to discover whether or not you actually believe the tenants of the Catholic Faith and whether your conscience agrees with it...only then should you join...but if you have decided in advance that you are going to join then your more likely to push any legitimate questions aside that may be unsatisfactory answered to your belief and conscience.

    • @Adam-ue2ig
      @Adam-ue2ig ปีที่แล้ว

      You say "if I ever end up in a parish that is more focused on modernizing" then you say a main reason for leaving is that same kind of modernized or entertainment focused evangelical...but there are many strong conservative bible believing Protestant Christian churches that are on fire for the Lord and have not given in to this liberal woke or entertainment centered nonsense.

    • @timrichardson4018
      @timrichardson4018 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Adam-ue2ig Fair points. But I think you're reading too much into the difference in wording I used. I'm not certain I'm joining, but leaning closer to it as time goes on. I do still have questions, and more that pop up at times. But I've had many questions that have been answered to the satisfaction of my conscience so far, which increases my trust that future questions can be answered with similar satisfaction, although I don't necessarily take it as a given. I appreciate that RCIA takes several months, giving time to discern and let questions come up. I'm open to whichever direction, and praying hard about it.

    • @timrichardson4018
      @timrichardson4018 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Adam-ue2ig True. And I've been in some and was very blessed by them. I can feel their sincerity. I've been drawn to the Catholic Church specifically for a host of reasons. The modernizing of protestantism is not even a primary reason; it's an ancillary reason. I brought it up here only because it's relevant to the content of the video. I became curious about the Catholic Church out of an interest in Christian history at first. The more l learned, the more I found the claims and beliefs of the Catholic Church to be very compelling. It would take too long to go into all of it here. But after years of interest and learning, I just couldn't shake it and finally decided to go to RCIA and see if it's for me. We'll see.
      Edit: I did say the modernizing of evangelical protestantism is a main reason I'm thinking of leaving. I don't mean it's a main reason I'm interested in the Catholic Church specifically.

    • @Adam-ue2ig
      @Adam-ue2ig ปีที่แล้ว

      @@timrichardson4018 I studied church history and theology for years on my own and finished a church history class under Dr. Mayhew last semester. After a ten year journey of studying Catholicism and church history I am even more convinced of my Protestant Christianity.

  • @theconsciousvibe
    @theconsciousvibe ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video. I'm constantly amazed at how intelligent Catholics on TH-cam seem to be.

  • @joca3894
    @joca3894 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    A lot of them are at my latin mass parish, despite the open persecution.

  • @azmiraclegirl441
    @azmiraclegirl441 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I left at 15 due to news articles describing the high rate of child molestation and how no one was willing to talk about it. In God's own holy, apostolic church kids were abused.
    Part of me still doesnt understand how He allowed such atrocities but now at least we admit it happens and try to root out such monsters. I only restarted going to church recently at 30

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      We are all still fallen. Christ never promised a perfect Church, only ones with sinners in this life.

    • @darius8783
      @darius8783 ปีที่แล้ว

      “An enemy has done this…”
      -Our Lord Jesus Christ

  • @annamarialesiuk9735
    @annamarialesiuk9735 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am so glad to here you have access to Latin Mass in Canada. Is it an institut or special congregation that made this possible in your region or a parish priest that learned the TLM and started to celebrate it in your parish.

  • @brendangolledge8312
    @brendangolledge8312 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am not catholic, but I have had similar thoughts about the culture as a whole. It has saddened me for a long time that my parents and grandparents rejected good wisdom which has been accepted for almost all of history, and then they act surprised if I don't want to do the same nonsense that they did when they were my age. I have believed for a long time that if I want to leave a lasting legacy, the foundation will come from before the time of any of my ancestors that I saw while alive, because they spent their lives rejecting everything that is sound and enduring.

  • @mauriciorv228
    @mauriciorv228 ปีที่แล้ว

    19 year old here. Standing strong, Wisconsin

  • @anthonyleger7185
    @anthonyleger7185 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nicely explained

  • @thewordalive701
    @thewordalive701 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Brian, I have to tell you how much I am grateful for your thoughtful, insightful, intelligent, articulate and carefully-nuanced video commentaries. In fact, when I taught undergrad web courses some years ago, I assigned some of your videos because they are so well done.
    In this video, there are a couple things that you have presumed that aren't really historically accurate: (Full disclosure: as someone born in 1961, I'm assuming I'm old enough to be your parent, and am definitely a boomer, not my fault, of course--it's an accident of birth!)
    1) My generation inherited the Vatican 2 reforms; we didn't invent them. And we didn't choose contemporary music over our parents' cherished traditions. My parents never went to Church. (My grandmother sent me to a Catholic school....although she didn't go to Church all that much, either.)
    In fact, I've only known the Vatican 2 Mass. Songs like "Sing a New Song" were a huge improvement over some of the first songs to come out in English and sung at Mass after Vatican 2, such as "Sons of God, hear His holy Word! Gather around the Table of the Lord! Eat His Body, Drink His Blood, and we'll sing a song of love, Allelu, Allelu, Alleluia!" At least "Sing a New Song" is entirely scriptural. It's based on the psalms, mostly Psalm 150. And I suspect that someone old enough to have been my parent composed it. Still, what's so horrible about a Catholic hymn based on the psalms? Singing that hymn got Scripture into my young head and heart in a way that I could remember it. What's wrong with that? When I was 14, I joined the parish "Schola Cantorum" and sang Gregorian chant at Mass. I loved it! I also learned how to play guitar and joined the parish liturgical guitar group as well. The leaders of the group were much older than myself, but wonderful, dedicated, deeply devout Catholics who taught me a love for liturgy and family. And they accepted me as the youngest member of the group, and even gave me free guitar lessons! I had the best of both worlds! (And I went to Mass every day, so great was my hunger for God...although my parents were not practicing Catholics and never went to Mass ever. Daily Mass--the Vatican 2 Mass--has fed and nourished me my entire life since 8th grade. I can't imagine living life without daily Eucharist.)
    2) You make the presumption that the Tridentine liturgy goes back to the ancient world. It doesn't. It only goes back to the 16th century. In fact, it is an innovation in Christian history, replacing much more ancient and diverse forms of liturgy around Catholic Europe. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Gregorian chant and can sing all the Mass parts in Latin with the best of them. While Gregorian chant pre-dates the Tridentine Mass by centuries, again, the Tridentine Mass itself only goes back to the late sixteenth century.
    3) Here's where some solid study in liturgical history would be of great benefit to you: did you know that the Vatican II liturgy is a genuine attempt to restore a more ancient way of celebrating Christian Eucharist? It is designed to follow what St. Justin Martyr (mid 2nd century AD) describes as Christian Eucharist with the Liturgy of the Word followed by the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Roman Rite of the Vatican II Mass itself is based on Eucharist as it was celebrated in Rome in the 9th century AD....centuries earlier than the Tridentine Mass.
    4) If you really want to go back to the early Church, why not learn Aramaic and attend a Syriac Catholic Mass? Syriac is a dialect of ancient Aramaic. Syriac Christianity can be traced all the way to the first Aramaic-speaking Christians of the Middle East. Their Mass is centuries older than the Tridentine Mass. And, of course, there were Aramaic Christians celebrating Eucharist even before Hellenistic Jewish Christians (like St. Stephen) began celebrating Eucharist in their own first language, Greek, generations before Eucharist would be celebrated in Latin. In other words, in the Spirit of Pentecost, from earliest times Liturgy was celebrated in the native language of the people. Saints Cyril and Methodius, for example, were hugely successful missionaries among the Slavs because they did not impose the Greek of the ancient Byzantine liturgy on their Slavic converts. Instead, they adapted the beautiful Byzantine Christian liturgy to accommodate the language of their new Slavic Christians. In the interest of evangelization, Vatican II had hoped to recapture that original Christian instinct, inspired by Pentecost, to celebrate Eucharist in the language of the people.
    Thanks for all you do and, more importantly, who you are! Blessings!

    • @maryshannon7551
      @maryshannon7551 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That is a wonderful remark! And I hope many read and understand the beauty of the mass in its many expressions. Love Jesus in the Eucharist wherever He is Present! If you seek Me , I will let you find Me. Love Him.

  • @OliverJ08
    @OliverJ08 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm 15 and I was christened in the church of England then became an atheist. Then I found christ truly and I'm getting confirmed this Easter ❤

  • @albertito77
    @albertito77 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Young Catholics who choose a traditional mass (ROTR, Ordinariate, TLM, Eastern Rites) seeking the wisdom of the ages to creatively engage with today's world. Newsflash: today's Catholics are aware that it isnt the 1950s anymore. We don't care about the Kinsey Report, we aren't terrified of Nuclear War, we dont have starry eyed optimism about how the progress of Technology will usher in a wonder future (see the Jetsons), we see a steady job and a house in a leafy suburb as the ultimate goal, only obtainable by the wealthiest among us today..... We're quite aware thankyou very much. It's today's world not we want to engage with and ...perhaps we understand the year 2022 better than the old fogeys who were formed in the 50s and 60s. Perhaps our perspective should be listened to?

  • @KashTheStampede
    @KashTheStampede ปีที่แล้ว +13

    You want to know where the young Catholics are? We kick them out. They turn 18 and their parents say, "Well, off to college with you!" You want to know where secularism, materialism and relativism is taught as gospel? College. Not everyone needs to go to college, not everyone should go to college. There are good careers for young men in the trades. Not every woman needs a career. Marriage is a valid option for a woman out of high school that nobody seems to recognize anymore.

    • @KashTheStampede
      @KashTheStampede ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@kzbaby2002 , so sorry to hear that. I'll be praying for you both.

    • @darius8783
      @darius8783 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@durin3415 This.

    • @TheRealShrike
      @TheRealShrike ปีที่แล้ว

      John Redford, that is anti-intellectual nonsense. If Catholicism is true, it should survive any critical thinking test...so maybe it's not true?
      And this:
      "Marriage is a valid option for a woman out of high school that nobody seems to recognize anymore."
      Is not a good reason to get married.

  • @way2tehdawn
    @way2tehdawn ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It strikes me like we are trying to “bait” people into the church with essentially lies.
    My wife for instance does not like it when I discuss fasting with non-believers. She believes that they will not explore faith because they will hear about fasting and be forever lost to God. She believes in a gradual easing in but I’ve actually never seen an example of this actually work, she says by being good examples they will come to know Christ on their own but experience with our secular friends and family tells me otherwise. I hold out hope of course they will come and know the Lord but I feel that’s what’s going on here too.
    😎: Come to church kids we got Pizza and Rock music.
    And yeah sure they like THAT stuff but as the beliefs and practices of the church are gradually learned they will remember they don’t believe in those and just have Pizza and Rock music WITHOUT Christ, without prayer, without worship, without fasting.
    I honestly don’t know how the “youth” can be reached to be honest 🤔 even within the church it is hard to encourage them to faith.

  • @kathysantiago1518
    @kathysantiago1518 ปีที่แล้ว

    I couldn’t agree more with your commentary! Just go once to the Latin Mass ( make sure you get the missal so you understand) and you’ll see the beauty of a proper mass!

  • @chrisluciano5871
    @chrisluciano5871 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Explains exactly how I feel far better than I can.
    I don’t like the late 60’s early 70’s vibe that came with Vatican II. It seems the church has gotten stuck there - ignoring its future and more importantly its past.
    I would prefer what has been celebrated for a couple thousand years vs what has been celebrated within the past 58 years or so.

    • @troig43
      @troig43 ปีที่แล้ว

      Culturally speaking the catholic church is still in the 16th century.

  • @osbornatinbeok3619
    @osbornatinbeok3619 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless you 🙏🏾

  • @RSungenis
    @RSungenis ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video Brian! FSSP churches are more and more jam packed and it's not hard to see why.

  • @EpoRose1
    @EpoRose1 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    That church in the clip is St. Patrick’s in Seattle.
    Their Mass is… indescribable. They do land blessings, say their Prayers of the Faithful to the “Four Winds,” and I swear, I see a demonic face in that mantle or whatever it is they have at the back.

  • @blitzzkrieg1400
    @blitzzkrieg1400 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a Filipino Catholic, I am somewhat disappointed to see only a few teenagers engaging actively in church activities and practicing the Catholic faith. During feast days of saints, a whole lot of attendees and organizers are usually persons in their 40s as well as some senior citizens. I could only wish that more from my generation (Gen Z) will have the courage to do likewise.

  • @anneveronica6231
    @anneveronica6231 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think they also know they’re not following the values that Catholicism teaches and stands for, and they don’t want to give that up. Until the emptiness is more unsatisfactory than the fun they aren’t coming back.

  • @cameraguy6297
    @cameraguy6297 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The issue of a lack of young people in the church has nothing to do with traditionalism or novus ordo masses, Protestants have seen a similar dip in church attendance and participation by young people and they didn't have their own version of Vatican 2.
    It's really the fact that 24/7 entertainment via the internet has left society atomized. Even if you create spaces for YA's in parishes, no one would really show up or only a handful of people would show, because there are now so many things one can do with their free time, i.e. watch movies, play video games, youtube, work, spend time with friends, ect.

  • @brianfarley926
    @brianfarley926 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You’re lucky enough to have a Latin mass there. I’d have to go to an SSPX church down here in San Antonio for a high mass

    • @Acgijhffx
      @Acgijhffx ปีที่แล้ว +3

      There is nothing wrong with the SSPX. Go check it out

  • @kp3871
    @kp3871 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Im a convert from Protestantism and I’m 26. I started attending the Latin mass about 6 mo after my confirmation. Never looked back and neither have all of my friends!

  • @VeronicaBrandt
    @VeronicaBrandt ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yes, I get to put together hymnbooks and even though it's a Latin Mass community, you get some practice in trying not to react too openly when a little old lady sincerely requests "The King of Glory Comes" - the excuse of not wanting to pay royalties is very handy.

  • @ashleyslack5960
    @ashleyslack5960 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Where are the young Catholics? At my parish, where we have the TLM and a vibrant Catholic homeschooling group, with Catholic scouting alternatives like Little Flowers girls club and Troops of St George. We want our authentic Catholic tradition and culture fir ourselves and our kids!