Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time - OST - The Vizier Must Die (Extended Version)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 มิ.ย. 2017
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 22

  • @TheLatiosnlatias02
    @TheLatiosnlatias02 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Within, the Princess steps from her bed, cold marble beneath her feet. She searches apprehensively around, her anxious breath short. She senses another's presence. A hand falls on her shoulder - she gasps!
    "Do not be afraid."
    The Prince takes the Dagger from his side and offers it to her.
    "This belongs to you."
    "The Dagger of Time!" she gasps. "But it is locked away within my father's treasure vault. How--?"
    "Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction," the young man raises his finger as he moves towards her. "But I have seen the face of time and I can tell you - they are wrong!"
    He speaks intensely: "Time is an ocean in a storm."
    The Princess stands uncertain but unafraid.
    "You may wonder who I am and why I say this," the young man continues, "Sit down, and I will tell you a tale like none that you have ever heard..."
    The night passed as he tells all. in thin light and to the sound of morning birds he explains his intent.
    "...and that is why I have come: to warn you and your father to arrest this treacherous Vizier before he betrays you and brings ruin on us all."
    Farah kneels with rapt attention.
    "His signal is a flaming arrow shot into the air. Prevent him, and my father's army will know the traitor has been unmasked. They will turn back!"
    "A wild tale indeed," comes a voice.
    The Vizier appears as if from nowhere.
    "I have a simpler version," with oiled menace. "A Persian soldier lusting for glory entered the chambers of the Maharajah's daughter, and was slain - by me!"
    He turns to his master's charge.
    "Princess, for your own safety I suggest you flee."
    The Prince draws his sword and comes on guard, ready to meet the challenge. The Vizier takes up his Staff and twirls it about his body. To the Prince's surprise, the Vizier does not offer combat, but withdraws in an unearthly movement, gliding rapidly away from the Prince to a position by the terrace windows.
    He makes a bold promise: "I will handle this intruder!"
    The Vizier brandishes his Staff and imperiously voices a loud incantation in an unknown tongue. The Prince tries to silence him but the Vizier plants the Staff firmly before him and is protected by a powerful force, which the Prince cannot penetrate. The Vizier becomes immersed in a bright light as he recites more strange words, at which an Avatar appears - an exact but ungodly replica of the Vizier himself.
    Finding his attack on the Vizier fruitless, the Prince turns to face the menace of the new arrival. Farah takes refuge behind a large vase, powerless to intervene.
    "What sorcery is this?" she cries. "Stop this at once!"
    "My lady, he came here to abduct you. Surely you do not believe him?"
    The Prince rolls and tumbles out of reach of the Avatar's swinging Staff.
    "He will betray you!" he insists. "All will happen as I have foretold."
    He takes an opportunity to dive in and strike the Avatar.
    "How inventive!" the Vizier sneers. "Do not forget, he is a Persian soldier."
    The Prince continues his explanation as he circles the room, wary of the Avatar's strikes.
    "What I have told you is no story," he says firmly. "It happened -- I mean, it WILL happen!
    The Dagger of Time proves useless against this enemy. The Prince must rely on his own abilities. He notices that as he strikes the Avatar it gives off a charge of red light, obviously sustaining damage. The Prince keeps on the move, tumbling out of reach of sudden swipes and strikes, sure to regain his feet quickly as he is knocked down (an overhead smash from the Avatar being certain to follow). He blocks but the Avatar is quick indeed. Better to keep moving, charging in at every chance when the fiendish creation leaves itself open. The Prince is gratified to see red flashes each time his sword hits home. Eventually the Summoned One reels back, and the Prince moves in then to slash hard, delivering a succession of blows that cause it to shrivel suddenly and disappear without any trace.
    "Your exertions are most amusing," mocks the Vizier.
    He raises his Staff again and repeats the incantation, with the same ball of light engulfing him and the same ungodly apparition gliding toward the Prince.
    "Let him be brought before my father," warns the Princess. "He will judge."
    It brings no response. The Prince tumbles and blocks as before, trying to find weakness in the Avatar's attack.
    "Vizier," repeats Farah, "I have commanded you to stop! Do you disobey?"
    "I have taken orders long enough from a senile old fool and a sniveling brat!" he snaps, then addresses the Prince.
    "Your father was a great warrior in his youth, or so he would have the world believe. A pity his son does not take after him," his voice a sneer. "Then again, perhaps father and son are alike? It would appear that both share a taste for easy plunder."
    "You waste your breath," retorts the Prince, "What little you possess."
    The Vizier breathes with difficulty.
    "You perceive my malady," he gasps painfully. "Consumption has robbed me of the youth that you so heedlessly squander."
    The Prince uses his youthful agility to circle around, still dodging the constant swipes from the Avatar's Staff. When he sees an opening, he dashes in to strike, then rolls aside as the counter strike from the Avatar follows. He applies Vault Attacks, finding his agility confounds his enemy. This proves the right technique at last, and he applies it again and again, slashing each time and knowing he is hitting home when the Avatar gives off flashes of red light. With each hit he can see the Avatar slow. He delivers the final blow and this demon, as the first, shrivels in a flash and is gone.
    "Did you really think you could defeat me?" seethes the Vizier. He bends forward, coughing furiously.
    "Careful," taunts the Prince, "don't tire yourself."
    The Vizier bangs his Staff once more, loudly uttering his evil spell. A third Avatar materializes.
    Though his health had become somewhat affected and no water is to hand in the Princess's bedchamber, the Prince shows he has the measure of the apparitions. He wastes no time in getting close and using the Vault Attack, just as he had on his transformed father so long ago. With every leap he strikes home, and a dozen blows later this Avatar also is defeated and similarly vanishes. It proves the last the fading powers of the ailing Vizier can summon.
    The Prince moves to the sick old man. He has no pity for the wretch now coughing and gasping, clutching his precious Staff as support. One downward slash and an uppercut from the Prince sends the Vizier skating miles away through the screen doors, crashing out onto the verandah. His Staff is knocked from his grasp. The Vizier gropes on hands and knees, reaching for the Staff. As the Prince comes through the doors, he uses it to swipe the young warrior off his feet.
    "And so it ends," the Vizier pants breathlessly. "How will the Maharajah feel if he finds his only daughter slain by the son of his enemy?"
    The Prince springs to his feet. The voice of the Vizier oozes venom.
    "Do you have any last words you wish me to communicate to the Princess, before I kill her? Words of love perhaps?"
    This mocking insult is too much. The Prince leaps in and serves on the Vizier what he had promised from the start: he plunges the Dagger into his foul and treacherous heart.
    The Vizier collapses to the ground, wheezing, "I could have been...immortal."
    He coughs his last.
    The Prince sheathes his sword for good. Farah emerges from the safety of her room.
    "Then it's true," she says quietly, "he was a traitor!"
    "Take this." The Prince hands her the Dagger. "Return it to your father's treasure vault. Guard it well."
    "I owe you thanks," the Princess replies. Then with furrowed brow, "But why did you invent such a fantastic story! Do you think me a child,
    that I would believe such nonsense?"
    The Prince takes her suddenly about her waist and kisses her. The Princess shrinks back, throwing him off.
    "I said I owe you thanks," with pursed lips. "You presume too much!"
    The Prince looks at her, wide-eyed in confusion. He takes up the Dagger and taps it. In a blur, he is holding her again, they kiss, and are
    "...such a fantastic story!" the Princess says. "Do you think me a child, that I would believe such nonsense?"
    The Prince thumbs the dagger thoughtfully.
    "You're right. It was just a story."
    He gives her the Dagger, holding it for a long moment. A last look and he turns away. With a nimble step he vaults over the balcony and grabs hold of a palm.
    "Wait!" calls the Princess. "I don't even know your name?"
    The Prince pauses to consider. He looks up with the trace of a smile.
    "Just call me... Kakolukia."
    The Princess gasps. She turns to look over the balcony, but the Prince has gone.
    - The end -

    • @shellum
      @shellum 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You must really like this game to type all that out.

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I do and as for this story format, it's how I played it.

    • @shellum
      @shellum 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TheLatiosnlatias02 Nice

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks, buddy

    • @MariusBoss11458
      @MariusBoss11458 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Goat man. If only my damn phone didn't lag so much! Such a good way to describe the story.

  • @daniel2001migale
    @daniel2001migale 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Attento. Non vi affaticate!

  • @abdzire_94
    @abdzire_94 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "I will handle this intruder"
    Vizier Vs Prince Final Fight

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      "What sorcery is this?" she cries. "Stop this at once!"
      "My lady, he came here to abduct you. Surely you do not believe him?"
      The Prince rolls and tumbles out of reach of the Avatar's swinging Staff.
      "He will betray you!" he insists. "All will happen as I have foretold."

  • @war-cp4mk
    @war-cp4mk ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Prince of persia sand of time final boss vs prince and princess it's very cool

  • @wesher
    @wesher 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    00:14 - 💙love this moment💙

  • @miguelangelfabianmartinez7846
    @miguelangelfabianmartinez7846 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Es sound imponente de los pocos q regala elnps2

  • @eldemondelamuerte514
    @eldemondelamuerte514 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @superalejandrobros6670
    @superalejandrobros6670 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Aladdin refrence

  • @MariusBoss11458
    @MariusBoss11458 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I always thought he had some Clown Face Paint. In-game it don't seem like it but in the CGI Cutscenes he kinda does.
    Btw how would you guys make the Vizier fight but an actual challenge?

    • @Buzzmc
      @Buzzmc ปีที่แล้ว

      fight the vizier on 1 hp. if u wanna get to low hp allow the vizier to hit you and then fight him

    • @junkolover9518
      @junkolover9518 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Add two more Vizier's illusions, so that they gank Prince together, instead of 1 decrepit old man vs 1 warrior, which in no way can end in Vizier's victory.