SDMA + Naruwan Taiko: In the Forced Vortex

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
  • Can't get enough of SDMA + Naruwan Taiko? Catch Naruwan Taiko of San Diego's FREE live performance on the Museum steps, Saturday, August 28 at 4:00 p.m. PT.

    The word “Naruwan” (那魯灣) is a Taiwanese Ami greeting, meaning “welcome, for we are all in the same family.” ⠀

    Although taiko is traditionally Japanese, it is an art form that has the ability to bring a diverse community together. Thus, Naruwan Taiko embodies the group’s mission to provide everyone the opportunity to discover taiko and make joyous sound with each other, regardless of background, age, and experience. ⠀

    The energetic rhythms and dynamic performance style of San Diego’s Naruwan Taiko provide an innovative interpretation of Ana de Alvear’s large-scale galaxy drawing "In the Forced Vortex (Black)," on view as part of the exhibition "Everything You See Could Be a Lie: Photorealistic Drawings by Ana de Alvear."⠀

    SDMA+ programs are offered by The San Diego Museum of Art in collaboration with other local arts institutions to create unique experiences and a deeper exploration of the art on view.⠀

    The FREE performance will take place on the steps in front of The San Diego Museum of Art. We hope to see you there!⠀
    SDMA+ programs are offered by The San Diego Museum of Art in collaboration with other local arts institutions to create unique experiences and a deeper exploration of the art on view.
    For More Information on the Live Event:
    SDMA + Naruwan Taiko: In The Forced Vortex |
    Naruwan Taiko Performers:
    Diana Wu, Jimmy Nguyen, Devin Tani, Neil Fajardo, Jessica Woods, Kathy Tanaka, Peggy Yamamoto, Raymond Ricafort, Elizabeth Rouse, Lori Mullen
    Taiko Drums from Miyamoto Unosuke Shoten/ kaDON:
    Neiro Nagado Taiko, Neiro Shime Daiko, Katsugi Okedo Taiko, Hanebyoshi Daiko
    Odaiko Stand made by Joseph Bright
    Large Taiko Drum from Kato Taiko
    24" Diameter Barrel Nagado
    Atarigane, Chappa (cymbals)
    Featured Artwork: Ana de Alvear. "In the Forced Vortex (Black)," 2015-2016. Color pencil on paper. 275 5/8 x 118 1/8 inches. Courtesy of the artist.⠀
    Website |
    Naruwan Taiko |
    Exhibition |
    Instagram | / sandiegomuseumofart
    Facebook | / thesandiegomuseumofart
    Twitter | / sdma

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