@@AxtionMag Isn't it bloody obvious? Ratzinger burned all the Church's boats with his goose-stepping methods as chief Inquisitor. They needed a Francis of Assisi type to save the show from collapse. Francis fitted the bill. So far he's succeeded but only because the Curia gangsters keep him on a short leash. It can't go on for too much longer. He'll resign or someone will kill him. Let's not forget, it was the Vatican that taught the Mafia all its business methods.
Just watched that , so interesting . It seems that the two may have something in common - the Vatican Bank and the Mafia. Wouldn't be surprised if that had something to do with the resignation.
Isaiah 5:20 NIV Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
20% for all social services. We need to lower that with fixing many issues of corruptibility as these ppl come out of the same communities being abused. Isolation of both individuals and families squeeze power of influences from the vulnerable who could knowingly or unwittingly be abused. Simplisitic reply I know as it becomes more complex when we start to look at power structure and the loss of hope in 86% of the human population, regardless of the words coming from them to protest. Living life is overcome by the struggle of survival for too many, including those who went in with open heart eventually calloused by scars
@@stevefowler3398 lWow. No. They lose faith in those with authority. Just like the rest of society. Some abuse others and some abuse self. We just saw a country follow a horrible man based on the lack of faith in a broken system. If that does not equate in ur mind, nothing will..
You did not really and fully bring out what you meant by "Scadalous Truth" , this video was more like a PR Exercise for Francis and an advertisement to him. Any crticisms were very brief and they were swallowed up by a kind of BIO of his life. Not impressed.
After watching it myself and then going through the comments, this comment you made is 100% spot on!!! Watching this after following all that has taken place in the Catholic Church in the last 8-10 years and he by far feels like more of an antichrist figure than an honorable Pope. He doesn’t seem to know the scriptures well and he has said some questionable things in interviews or in some of his sermons that really make you stop and ask whose side is he ok? God or Satan? That’s what I thought they were alluding to with the “Scandalous Truth” title. But yeah, nothing scandalous about this video. It was more of an advertisement for how “wonderful” he is. 😂
The Pope allowed the idol goddess Pachamama to be venerated inside the Vatican. There is video of the clergy possessing around the vile idol with Amazonian priests. Francis also promoted the One World Religion site in the UAE. The hook is that the general, undiscerning population will support the “religion of tolerance” over salvation by Jesus’ grace.
Yea it's in the Catholic Prophecy . He is the one who has to lead the Church through the persecution that are going to unfold in form of revolutions again . French revolution and persecution of Church is going to repeat itself
JMJ+ Tolerance and acceptance are two different things.... We are never required to follow the direction of evil no matter where it comes from. To do so is cowardice not Holy Obedience. We obey what is of GOD not Satan.... keep praying Gail, I for sure know that I am praying more and more to have an aversion to all sin... LORD JESUS, help us to only act on what is Good and Holy....amen
@Gail If you think that is foul, wait till you discover the underground chambers of the vatican tunnels! Now there’s some awful things down there. Dark dark dark. Every dirty and fowl birds, Unspeakable acts of sacrifices, still to Baal. Oof!
@6:09. "Our crisis occurred in 2002." Patently absurd. The SHTF back in the late 1980s, in Boston, Cleveland, Santa Fe, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baton Rouge, New Orleans; and then later Cologne, Vienna, Dublin. Priests by the thousands defrocked, many sent to prison. Archbishops of Newark, Washington DC, defrocked.
Pope Benedict is a prisoner . You have to wonder what exactly he is removed and living in exile ! Pope Francis is a false Pope ( if you know his history in South America you know his sins ) what better way to destroy Christianity than to make such a hypocrite a Pope !!!! Think about it and realize the truth . The false Pope Francis was put in place for a purpose and it’s not a favorable one for the people .
The condition of the church breaks my heart. Im sure there is so much more that will be revealed as the times.. it seems.. are for exposure !! That’s a good thing but is difficult to go through. I will keep praying for God’s Will in all of it!!! Im sure He has a plan!
Pretty crazy that a church believes they have the authority to elimate a whole commandment and split the 10th commandment into two. Pretty wild how a church believes they can change what day the sabbath is (321 AD emperor Constantine) Pretty wild how many beliefs that are not biblical a church can embed in people (the idea of going straight to heaven after death. The idea of eternal torment and torture) Pretty crazy how a whole church can change the definition of speaking to the dead and spiritism by praying to dead people and saying those dead people are giving the prayers to God when the Bible clearly says Jesus is the only one who can do that. The catholic church is the beast power in revelations. It's amazing how things are in plain sight and people are clueless "The people shall wander after the beast" the catholic church is trying to collect 1 billion signatures to unite all denominations....eventhough different denominations have different beliefs and there is one true church.....and it's not the catholic church
Pope Francis is trying to stop the abuses in the Church. Unlike Benedict, he has removed priests guilty of child abuse.He is cleaning up the Vatican bank. In many ways Francis reminds me of the beloved JohnXXIII.
@@supertrucker99 Pope Benedict XVI retired at the age of 85. His health was declining and he wanted the peace to spend the remainder of his life in prayer and meditation. He frequently met with Pope Francis to discuss the way the Church should go. One of their main differences was about the return of the Latin Mass being allowed, rather ironically Benedict opposed it while Francis favored it.
A holy soul pushed to do something he couldn't stand anymore. Pope Benedict XVI is one person I truly felt sanctity wrapped him all along in life to his death. May those who caused his agony n eventual death be dealt with God's might, power n rigid justice. May he be rewarded immensely where he is now
Oh my goodness! The amount of absolute rubbish being pushed in this site is horrendous! And most of your profess to be Catholic or Protestant Christians! Pope Benedict XVI happily retired, happily produced some of his most inspiring writings during this period, and happily died, going to meet His Lord. The last words he said were, "I love you Jesus!"
There were writeups at ...? Forgot "they" students in china called patriotic at the U.S. seminary who became priests..bishops...posted since 1940 or 60.
When you need comfort you go directly to God the father Jesus christ the son and the holy spirit,Jesus said I have come that you may have life abundantly.
There is only one god and that Is God , The Creator of All things . And Jesus was a messenger and a Prophet. That is what Jesus said , in the Bible. You are all misguided following your religious leaders and worshipping Jesus or Muhammed ! A cross and a black box ! When ? When are you going to wake up ?! Jesus said, that he came to do the wil of God , how can he be God!?!?
No never follow these jesuit/ church C.I.A. SEX OFFENDERS. TORQUEMADA LEADS the' Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith ' the awful marrano Loyola weasel leads the Jesuit fomenters of discord.
@@adrianabonitaaziz yes! There is a mighty maker ,that is not the midget Jehovah. Look at this man gambling ,running a book on the pope. He even justifies his activities. Isaiah 45.7 I made good and evil ,your god .
And just today, Francis said that the church should bless homosexual unions, and that disagreeing with this position was simply "exhaustive moral analysis". Can you believe that we have a pope who is now telling you you should do something and agree with something that is against the laws of God and the church because it's just so...... exhausting to stand firm against the moral evil of it. I guess what a lot of people say about the Third Secret of Fatima is true. There will be apostasy in the church that comes from the very top
This Pope believes what the bible teaches. You, the Pope and I should never be judging anyone else. It's God's job to make judge -- not yours or mine. Keep your narrow views and you lack of biblical teachings to yourself. They are disrespectful of the church, the Pope and to humanity.
@@heschernp when the Bible says not to judge, that's with a capital j. That is, to judge someone as to whether they will enter the kingdom of heaven or not. It is absolutely ridiculous that you imply that one is not supposed to understand the difference between sin and not. And I suppose you forget how the good Lord says one man laying with another man is an abomination. Not only are there many references to sin, but to stay away from sinful people in their evil deeds. One man judging another man is about entering the kingdom of heaven. It's very telling when a liberal tries to quote scripture to back up an evil lifestyle. Like God's word is "narrow-minded". It's sick, it's wrong, and it's why Cardinals and Bishops all over the world are standing against this usurper Pope
@@amoxzithat’s how it starts. It’s the wedge. Just know and recognize that this pope is blasphemous. Today he’s lambasting surrogacy? Make it make sense. So he says to bless and accept homosexuality but not surrogacy? One creates life the other doesn’t. The devil creates confusion to pervert minds.
God is the "Holy Father" not the Pope. And Jesus is the head of the church, and the only one who can save you. The Pope will not be able to save even himself unless he believes in Jesus death and resurrection. Do not follow a Pope, follow Jesus Christ.
No man can save you. Psalms 146:3. Only the father is our savior and redeemer. Isaiah and Jeremiah. He is God Alone and there is no other. Isaiah 44, 63-66.
Indeed Our Lord Jesus is the head of the Catholic Church. The pope is only his vicar, his visible representative on earth, with no power to diminish Jesus’ teachings.
Yeah, that's why Jesus made Peter the first Pope. Of course we follow Jesus. And why good Catholics recognize when there is not a true pope *(but that is an entirely different matter.) . As for you, stop TROLLING. You are out of line and you have no clue about Catholicism.
@@evertbooy9157 the pope is literally the vicar of Christ. Our Lord appointed Peter to act in his place after His ascension. He said, “whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”. In other words, Peter was given the fullest possible authority over the church.
Very noble of you to wish him well. I think he knows exactly what insults he hurls at our Lord, and he should be man enough to face the music when his turn comes round.
@@lorenzobianchini4415 Francis may be nice , friendly , charming, personable, loving, kind, sympathetic, understanding of the poor, etc. but Holy , seems to miss the mark. Jesus Christ was not a " glad hander". The work of Jesus was somber, serious, he knew many would reject Him and his message. We are in the separation of the sheep from the goats and Pope Francis seems to be separating us.
You hypocritical and and Catholic ZOMBIES are the perfect example of being followers and gossipers,not leaders of the truth. So many of the nasty comments against Pope Francis are never finished properly,as you run out of nasty gossip. Then you go to Mass Communion and continue your nasty gossip. Have respect for Pope Francis. We pray for him everyday as we would for family menbers.
Most of the time, one can take things at face value. Be it religion or politics or basic behavior, people want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth....not a bunch of excuses.
From Ken Glavens: Be it religion or politics or basic behavior, people want the truth. __________________________________________________________________________________ Bollocks, Ken. The truth is the last thing people want, as the world situation more than convincingly testifies. Consider this informed opinion: "A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unwarily enslave themselves." - Dresden James
@@lauriemayne7436 I here ya Laurie. Just because people want the truth, it doesn't necessarily mean that they get it and if they are willing to believe lies, they think they have the truth, except for those who know that they are pretending to believe a lie. Just because they believe lies, I think that most of them..not all..would want the real truth if it were presented to them in a believable way. And then there are those who are too stubborn and indoctrinated to budge. I guess ILL have to agree with you. You GOT me. But I want to know the truth so I'm not too stubborn to admit when I'm wrong. Naiive to think others think like I do
Exactly, you get warned by a cardinal and the Pope ignores it he is human but his position is as high as it gets to Saint Peter. You can’t protect everyone but when this comes to you a quiet investigation process must be in place. Children depend on adult wisdom to be their voice. Just like Solomon did for that living infant.. Now all denominations of Christianity has this horrible problem in their houses too. The top positions have the responsibility not to ignore it but to get to the truth and remove it.. .Excuses for supporting these defiling priests, ministers and anyone representing a church at some level left in those positions only bring hurt to its parishioners and the Church itself. Remember you can fool yourself, but you can’t fool God.
Ken, you said something remarkably funny: most of the time you can take politics seriously. Mary Daheim (through her character) said that Sabatini said "you've got to factor in madness, in this World" and, that was 400 yrs ago (or basic behaviour) ..., i can't take that for granted.
A mortal sin! Oh dear! And how much money does one have to put in the collection basket these days to erase one of those? Or can you just say one hundred thousand Hail Marys while the nuns spank you with rolled up Liguorian magazines? 🤔
@@MrEricW2008 JMJ+ Eric, we've had quite a number of "false" popes over the expanse of history. At one time, we had three popes all at once... Read the history of the popes, it's actually on the Vatican website... The One, True High Priest and Holy FATHER is GOD. We believe in the Deposit of Faith, the Catechism of the Counsel of Trent and Baltimore, in Sacred Tradition, the Bible, the Missal prior to 1965, and the especially, the Voice of the Apostles as given by the HOLY SPIRIT. Don't forget that we are never obliged to follow anything evil --- no matter who told us to... Holy Angels and Saints, pray for us Theotokos, pray for us JESUS, have mercy on our sinful ways....bring us to complete contrition and penance... amen
@@MrEricW2008 JMJ+ Conscience, research, a lot of prayer, and a willingness to accept proven truths as one discovers them. Our last six popes have all publicly displayed their Modernist/Marxist/Masonic ideologies. It appears that the objective was, and remains, to turn the Roman Catholic Church into a Protestant Church and then to agnosticism at best. Search the documents, but keep their words and actions in context. Process it clinically prior to making any kind of a judgement..... Does it jibe with what JESUS said, taught, did??? If not, well then....you have discovered the difference between Good and evil.... LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, deliver us from evil......amen
@@MrEricW2008 JMJ+ Eric, your questions are certainly valid and worthy of study. Baptize your child and then begin your quest. I suggest the Douay-Rheims Bible, either the Catechism of the Council of Trent or Baltimore, a Latin-English Missal that is from 1955 or earlier. These last six popes are what we have to deal with and why we must open ourselves to not just checking off the "GOD box" by attending Mass on Sunday. Understand that obedience is not intended to be "blind." No one is obliged to follow an evil demanded by a local Ordinary or the the Pope. You must become, and remain, ..." the king's good servant, but GOD'S first." St. Thomas More. Once you have your missal in hand, compare the prayers of the TLM to the prayers of the N.O. Take note of just how much as been trashed by Modernist and Protestant insistence. Did you know that a Vatican II get together, six Protestants were there telling them what to put in and what to take out. St. Pius X generated a solemn pledge that all of the Priesthood had to adhere to? However, in the end either they lied, or they ignored the whole thing entirely. Leo XIII said the same thing. This battle against Modernism/ Communism / Masonic goes far further back than the Reformation. Did you not ever wonder why the Popes couldn't be bothered to comply with Our Lady's request and admonition from LaSalette and Fatima? Why wouldn't they want to do that...??? Why did they change all of the Sacraments and, and, and...? Why is Jorge destroying what has been for two-thousand years? Why did he deny the title of Vicar of Christ on Earth? Why does he think the Ten Commandments are entirely iffy? Why does he go against the Deposit of Faith and Dogma rather than protect it as he was supposed to do??? Eric, go to TH-cam and start pulling the Vatican II papers, listen to Fr. Hesse, Fr. Hewko, Fr. David Nix, Fr. Coropy, Fr. Malachi Martin, Listen to the Syllabus of Errors, and all that you possibly can from say, 1850 to present. I know this is a lot but you are fighting for your family's soul. You must be the Spiritual Leader of your home. Stay in the Church just make amends as you can after you have studied enough to make a well-formed decision. Part of the Church likes the darkness....I don't think you will be satisfied with that. If you can, find a solid Traditional Priest to work with you. Get acquainted with the TLM -- not a Latin Novus Ordo. And, remember to understand that you go to Mass to worship and give penance and glory to GOD, not be entertained. Don't worry about the language...in time, you will understand... GOD's blessings and Grace be upon you and your family. I'll continue to pray for you. Don't forget to pray (not say) the Rosary every day and do the First Friday and Saturdays as Our Lady requests. We must do our part. Offer up what you can to JESUS....HE'LL take your bits and pieces and turn them into something wonderful. Never leave the Church....JESUS is still here!
Umberto Mederios was the Cardinal for the Boston area. He wrote to the then Pope about his concerns about the men entering the priesthood. It was ignored for numerous decades. So the Church destroyed itself.
And the criminal Cardinal Law was given a cushy job at the Roman church of St. Mary Major, to celebrate all the cover-ups he engineered while he was the Archbishop of Boston.
God of Atlantis,!. Current Leaders of the Atlantean Globalist Organization Reviviata by Moses. I want back the 21 years that were stolen from my life by the Branch, your pack from the EU, ROU CS Caransebes. Who saw me Alone and submitted to the 21st year of the Holocaust, the Total Blockade. They have forbidden me 1) TO HAVE CHILDREN, 2) ACCESS TO THE MOST ELEMENTARY SOURCES OF INCOME. Saying that He is acting in the name of the Christian Religion and using also the Institutes of: "Justice", Militia and Security. Enslaved Institutions. My name is: Lungu Caius Octavian. All that is stated is Real and there is Evidence. I ask the Leaders and the Western Press not to cover up my case. - God of Atlantis, leaders of the Atlantean Globalist Organization. I want Justice with the Living Offspring under 21 years of the Satraps and Pharisees of your Branch in :EU, ROU, CS, Caransebes. Because THEY with the Power and the ''Specific Means'' given by YOU have forbidden me : A ) TO HAVE CHILDREN., B ) THEY BLOCKED ME ECONOMICALLY
Umberyo. Jesus promised that His Church will last as “the gates of Hell will NIOT prevail against it!! A strong but faithful Remnant shall remain. The human element may implode due to their sinful violation of their vows. Some may not even believe in God. Bishops cave for fear of being “cancelled.”
Now realize the UN is run by whom? Pope Francis. UN is controlled by je/suits with Islam/ Arabs in suits. UN needs to have a serious change of management or be shut down completely. UN is the biggest criminal mafia type organized org..in all of history...
@@elirien4264 In Jesuit priestly constitution no Jesuit can inherit any position of authority in the Catholic Church, including Bishop, Cardinal and Pope.
If you're reading this, understand that God is your constant companion. He goes ahead of you, stands with you, and supports you from behind. Face every situation with confidence, for God is right there with you. Amen 🙏🌺🤝
When Cardinal Ratzinger was elected Pope, Jorge Mario Bregorglio came in second place in vote counts. After Pope Benedict XVI resignation, Bishop Bregorglio was elected Pope. Guess who was the "campaign manager" for Jorge Mario Bregorglio in both cases? Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
From Dublin to Boston to New York to Chicago and all the way to Vatican City, it's always the Irish who are called on when an election needs to be fixed!
All the church system's have fallen, they are all daughter's of Rome, they have all made an image to the beast, with their 501c3, church and state alliance.
Disgusting! because of what he had done prior to the Vote. They knew his faults before the Vote. Politics and pitiful inner beliefs. But the evil inner heart was chosen! By Evil! But Why?? Look at what he has done for the Answers!
LOVE AND PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER ... The World English Bible translates the passage as: For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. ... Being CHRISTIAN must be a Christ-like way of Living and Loving ... Stay SAFE and May God Bless us always!
The "church" appears to be widely corrupt in the highest offices, to the dismay of faithful people who choose to continue to have faith in leaders who are "supposed" to speak, and act, for God!!
The Francis which Jorge Bergolio chose is NOT Francis of Assisi. As a Jesuit, this pope has chosen the name Francis of the co-founder of the Jesuit Order: Francis Xavier. One has only to read the Jesuit Oath to comprehend why Francis I, is the FIRST Jesuit pope. The Black pope is the true power behind-the-scenes. But in Jorge Bergolio Catholicism got a two-for. And he's got the whole world eating out of his hand. My suggestion is to read the Oath a Jesuit must swear allegiance to. The Holy Bible does not lie. Archaeology &History back-up its prophecies. And the Apostle Paul's writings which this Roman Catholic Papal System swears it adheres to says of this Church: "Let no man deceive you by any means:for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. 4)Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he be as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." -2 Thessalonians2:3,4
No the Catholic " church " did not exist in Peters Jesus' apostles time ! So there was NO CATHOLIC church until several hundred years later ...which was formed to please both the Christians and the Pagans ! This is the TRUTH!! all the "St Peter" stuff is make believe ! By Constantine !! Get your history right !! Your blind and cannot understand anything because of you devotion to a church ... And not to Jesus !! That is the TRUTH ! JESUS SAID COME OUT OF HER ,!! WHAT DO YOU THINK HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ? GET A REAL BIBLE NOT A CATHOLIC FAKE ... AND READ THE THING !!! MAY GOD GIVE YOU A MIND AND EYES TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND !! DO NOT WORSHIP ANY MAN ON EARTH !!
I agree with the previous commenter, your last two episodes claim the "real reason Pope Benedict quit" and the "Scandal of Pope Francis" in my opinion were nothing more than "clickbait" Shame on you
@patman_for_sure Matthew 23:8-9 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 8 But you are not to be called rabbi (teacher), for you have one Teacher and you are all brothers. 9 And do not call anyone [in the church] on earth father, for you have one Father, Who is in heaven
I have come the realization, NOT one channel promotes the TRUTH. What they do promote: the Truth wrapped with lies as I like to call them, Bacon wrapped Scriptures or lies sprinkled with truth. I have thought of a name for the second one. What did CHRIST teach? A little leaven, leavens the whole lump. Or a little false teaching, makes the whole teaching false. Thus I can not waste and hour of my time trying to figure out which one is it in the video. I go straight to GODS Living word of TRUTH for All wisdom, Knowledge and understanding.
@@lutherseye5356 The reason I ask is because your comment was confusing to me. I was a church goer for 3I years, and then 6 years ago I finally learned what Repentance was and Repented. and GOD soon after instructed me to get out of the Church. Since I have, GOD has taught me HIS word of TRUTH, through various times and in various was only to confirm by HIS Written Living Word. The BIBLE.
***even all kinds of gossiping around pope Benedict or pope Francisco as well all who gossips around what is going on the Vatican calling names before all investigation finish, all this is very much out the christian fath.***
They kill over them and they have government and world wide political power , no way their secrets are al reveal. All this blind ppl worshiping them will sure pay
I suppose he is partially right in that man is involved in religion and we tend to sometimes poison wonderful and beautiful things. But the divine reality and faith that religion is based on( religions that emanate from Jesus Christ anyway) are beautiful, beyond the world we live in and I don’t know percentages, but the people who truly try to live the Gospel are good and kind and a balm to this world
Come out of her my people. Read Revelation Chapter 17, it describes the Catholic Church/Vatican exactly. Put all your idols away and quit praying to the “queen of heaven” that the church has tricked you into believing is Mary and that you should pray to her. You only pray to the Father through His Son. Pray for wisdom and discernment and please have a desire and love of the truth when you do. I had to accept I was doing a lot wrong myself, as most Christians do, after I prayed this. God be with you all
@H Cho a golden calf is not money or power but an IMAGE aka IDOL that they were worshipping in place of God. Even though they said it was an image they made for and of the God that saved them, God did not want them to worship a false idol/god. An idol can be anything you worship like money, power, or yes even a physical object that you worship. The one true God needs no image to represent him. Do you not remember the abomination in the Bible of the women giving offerings to the queen of heaven “aka Semaramis”. Look into it. That’s the image you pray to, it’s not Mary, who should not be prayed to or worshipped anyway, according to the Bible. Please read your Bible more diligently. I will pray for you. Bless you
@@rowynmaddocks6731 he claims to be god on earth. That alone should make people flee from this false prophet and all his teachings. All the flocks are being led astray by their shepherds sadly
Mary is the Queen of Heaven. She is the Mother of God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. No one has done more for the kingdom of God than Virgin Mary. She is the holiest woman ever.
@@philipmoore4615 what does the Bible say about worshipping the queen of heaven? You may have to go outside your Catholic Bible to find the truth. She is not the mother of God. God has no end or beginning. I think the Father and the Son would disagree that no one has done more for the kingdom of God. She didn’t die for us or save us from ourselves countless times. And the Bible also says not to worship idols or saints. It also says there is only one mediator between man and God, and that is the Son. You’re smack dab in the middle of Babylon and don’t even realize it. That statue doesn’t represent Mary. It represents Semiramis and the baby in her arms is Tammuz. The Bible also mentions him. I think it’s sad that so many good unsuspecting Catholics, and Christians too, have been deceived into this false god/idol worship. Come out of her my people...
This Pope may or may not be the “false prophet”, but he sure is compiling behavior on his resume’ that highly qualifies him for the job. 😳 He terrifies me. 😰
Yep ! He is certainly the side kick if nothing else ! And he is laying the way for the antichrist ! That is a certain !! I used to be a catholic but that was a very long time ago !!
not Holy, only One is Holy and it certainly not this peodophile covering priests, He is not a Christian ans promotes killing the unborn, gave the evil nancy communion, that sealed his fate beyond any doubt
I also waited for you to mention Sankt Galen - The place where he was actually elected by only a few. You did not address that he has destroyed the Catholic faith with his confusing theology!
@@ripk10 ***in what base you said "horrble choice"? are you capable to make a better choice than the majority of Cardinals? your choice has to come from your brain and your hart, not from a megaphone on the street or loudspeaker from a Radio or TV.***
Christ didn’t build his church on Peter. You have to read the whole chapter. Jesus asked his apostles who do people say I am. The names a few and then Peter said you are the Christ. Jesus tells him that because his father in heaven has revealed this unto Peter and not by man that he is blessed. That’s how he will build his church on people knowing he is the Christ. Not on a person.
Probably one of the better Roman Catholic cardinals now is Cardinal Gerhard Muller. Cardinal Gerhard Muller is a top theologian,was the archbishop of a German city plus he was the head of the CDF for five years also he seems to be a faithful Roman Catholic and he strongly believes in the Biblical Jesus Christ.
The "Biblical Jesus Christ"? Is there another one somewhere? Jesus taught people to forgive each other, to love their enemies, to turn the other cheek when the guy hits you on one cheek, and when the guy steals your cloak, to offer him your sweater too. Jesus never said one word about homosexuality or abortion. Not one. Yet some people want His Church to talk about nothing else.
@@LeeZaslofsky Uh, yes, actually, Jesus did state exactly what His judgment on homosexuality is. He mentioned the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah and used that as a threat against another immoral city. Jesus used Sodom and Gomorrah as a threat. Let that sink in. And he didn't have to discuss abortion because it's just plain common sense that it's wrong. Infanticide is covered under the Fifth Commandment of "Thou shalt not kill." And the reason that religious people need to fight hard against the rainbow agenda and abortion is because sexual immorality not only gravely offends God but leads to the degeneration of a society. Every. Time. And then God destroys that civilization. We religious try to keep God's laws because they are God's laws, but also because we have faith and understand how God operates based on past precedent, enough to be able to predict exactly what He's going to do if people don't repent and convert and reform their lives. Everybody in a wicked society gets held accountable, even the good people. Everybody suffers, the good and the bad. Because God doesn't just judge individuals - He judges whole societies as well, and the world.
@@LeeZaslofsky "strongly believes in the Biblical Christ" was probably made in reference to Jesus being depicted accurately in the Bible as a devout, holy man who was never married, lived a pure life, was a devout Jew, spent his years in ministry teaching about God and spiritual observance of the law, love for God and neighbor, uplifting women, forgiveness, healing persons in body, mind, and soul, and willingly allowed himself to be handed over, tortured, and crucified for the redemption of all of us sinners. From the time of his conception, he was all God and all Man. -In contrast to this truth stated in the Bible, there have been commentaries and movies through the years attempting to portray Jesus as having a romantic, love life, being marriage, possibly sexual relations, and I wouldn't be surprised if some suggested he fathered children. And I think some have hinted at him having same-sex attraction. All subjective conjecture by various persons not backed by Biblical Truth or Historical Fact.
@LarryJung-ng5yj Your conservative bishops wanted to cover up child abuse Do you think such people are better? Protecting criminals and denying it even though there is evidence. He is unpleasant to many people and he is not a good cardinal.
The dead are dead, asleep in their graves, awaiting the second coming of Our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, first resurrection to eternal life, the second resurrection to eternal death and there is a thousand years in between. Revelation 18:4-5 v4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, that ye receive not of her plagues; v5 For her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remember her inquities. The Roman Catholic church system IS antichrist, the seat of Satan, the only part Rome planned in the part of salvation is they killed Our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.
How is he the first Latin America but his parents are literally Italian immigrants to Argentina , they are trying to fool us acting as though something has changed
JMJ+ The actions and words coming from this Papacy are not only an affront to GOD, but St. Francis, Assisi, and the laity of GOD'S Church. I say this not because things are not going my way, nor because of some report or other, but his own actions and words which are in opposition to Sacred Tradition and the Deposit of Faith. LORD GOD, I call on YOU to accept my deepest regret and sorrow for such abuses to YOU and all of YOUR faithful...amen
@@sheilasullivan1950 JMJ+ Guess that even gives Xavier a brain bleed. Jesuits in the olden days actually acted and believed as GOD-fearing and obeying Priests... not like jorge and the swamp level pond slime!
"We've had good popes, bad popes, effective popes, ineffective popes but we have to have a pope." Well, YOU may need a pope but the first century church didn't have any such office. You can read the New Testament cover-to-cover and never see where the office of pope is defined. The apostles knew nothing of this distinctly Roman governmental construct. This proves that the RCC cannot be traced back to the first century A.D.
@@marigoldwhite867 - And, while your point is historically accurate, it runs counter to the narrative that "Peter was the first pope", which is something we were taught over and over in Catholic grade schools and high schools. It was a bit surprising, after I'd started reading the New Testament that NONE of that narrative seemed to be the case in the first century. In fact, Peter debased himself to a GENTILE (of all people) in Acts 10. Peter told this man to stand up and quit worshiping him saying, "Stand up; I myself also am a man.." - Acts 10:26. Imagine a "pope" saying that today. That's laughable. In fact, the papacy REQUIRES the worship of the "faithful". He is the very vicar of Christ on earth, right? People worshiped Jesus, didn't they? It stands to reason then... See how that kind of logic leads you VERY far from the kingdom of God? Catholicism is a departure from the church of Christ. As soon as that religion was co-opted by the Empire, it went to hell. Like Ronald Reagan once said, "I didn't leave the Democrat Party; the Democrat Party left me." Christianity didn't depart from Rome; Rome departed from Christianity. And that's the truth.
I am glad he is on the way out . He caused so much damaged and division in the Catholic Church. We had some good Popes and some bad ones. Only God will Judge him and historians will make a moral judgement about the decisions he made. We do not need a charismatic Pope, we need a Pope to strengthen the faith and follow the scriptures, the truth preached by our Lord Jesus Christ not to follow the modern corrupt world.
I thought this was going to be about Pope francis. I don't like him I don't trust him. I'm hearing nothing about him at all. I wish they would tell the truth about him. He should have never been chosen.
Book two about Absp Vigano exited by Brian McCall is a call to justice. He’d asked the pope to resign but he’s too proud and indicated that he has yet to complete what the St. Galien Mafia has assigned for him t complete (Much like George Soros tried to get Obama to pull off. Now Obama works behind the scenes to destroy America along w/Valerie Jared andSusan Rice.
A Voice Crying Our in the wilderness reveals the popes lies and deceit. The Greater Reset observes the errors of the Deep SyTe and the Deep Church drifting into a godless New World Order
He would have made a shocking parish priest, how these pole climbers become bishops and cardinals is just because they are in with the faithless - very pitiful really.
well I'm about half way through, bombarded 3 or 4 times by endless ads and other ads to pay to not get ads, but no scandal in sight yet. What would you expect from this? Of course Francis expected the job. Benedicts last trip to south america must have also been to ask him if he'd be interested.
There is a movie called “The 2 Popes” starring Sir Anthony Hopkins as Pope Benedict. In the movie, it does have Pope Benedict asking Cardinal Borgolio if he’d be interested in becoming Pope.
@@karlvonboldt that is unlikely to be an accurate portrayal of history. Bagolio was in the running when Benedict was elected. Likely Benedict accepted the election in order to keep Bagolio out of it, for a while at least.
Read between the lines. Benedict resigned because he didn’t feel strong enough to handle the crises with the Bank, pedophile, and the church hierarchy of the Vatican. Where has this Pope went in that direction to clean it up. He has even reversed some of Benedict’s punishment to church leaders for their role in pedophile in third world countries. Where have you even heard those at the Vatican have spoken on these subjects. He was chosen for his ability to cover up wrong doings in Argentina. Francis and the Cardinal who wrote the report to Benedict are the only one who knows what’s in the report. That Cardinal is in hiding to this day.
Yes I too was expecting something extraordinary to be revealed but it was simply a standard if competent presentation of the events leading up to Francis's election
We still miss our Cardinal Pell who died suddenly, no explanation, following a hip operation....in Rome. Was that a convenient death considering the many questions and information Cardinal Pell was investigating at the time? Lord have mercy on his soul.
The lack of trust about some of the popes alongside its Bank, washing mafia money, forgiving and hiding pedophiles, convinces me I don't need the Vatican to love God. In fact I refuse to worship God via the Vatican..
“My one and only one Holy Father is in Heaven hallowed be Thy Name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…..” Unfortunately Bergoglio will never never 👎🏻 never 👎🏻 reach this level. If he tries he will, without the shadow of a doubt, fail drastically.
@@finallythere100 😂🤣 sorry to disappoint you I am the 6th generation of Traditional Catholic in my family. Whoever practice Heresy shouldn’t be called Father. Check the following Bible verses: 2Peter2:1-22 Galatians 1:8-9 1 John 4:1 2corinthians 11:4…….. And the list is very long.
@@userPs91victory whatever, you should be ashamed. Catholic Bashing at it's best. We should pray for a different outcome, from the Pope and all nonbelievers!
The Saint Gallen mafia infiltrators may may nullified the last papal election according to JP IIs rules for the conclave. This would explain a lot of the strange heterdox maneuvering of this pontificate.
Let the nullification begin!! Nine years CB of confusion, ambiguity( misdirection has been destructive to the Church. The pope has covered up child sex abuse; Biden wallows in deceit and criminal activity. We need divine intervention to get out of the mess that we Re in!!
Seek truth as truth will set us free!! A Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness reveals endless lying from this pope. Absp. Vigss says the pope’s perverts are leading us toward the Znew World Orfer.
JMJ+ Don't forget that the last six popes have been Modernists..... They are a persistent lot, and so are those that would secularize the whole world... sad, but true. The only hero that we need is JESUS CHRIST. Do not let our trust of man-made doctrine over-shadow GOD-made Doctrine....... LORD, hear our prayer...amen
@@lynneareckson2166 Fr. Vaughn Treco wrote an honest, creative, respectful and passionate homily about the last popes, but he was actually excommunicated for this sermon! He converted to Catholicism from the. Anglican Church, so has a wife and children that he must provide for. The fine orthodox priests get cancelled, but those who are actively violating their vows, revising the Bible to rationalize sin get promoted!
You are not only a ridiculous conspiracy nut, you are rebelling against the authority of the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis. Or maybe you're some kind of heretic, doing your best to undermine the Church.
Not 600 years. Pope Benedict said first time in a 1000 year. Can you please respect what pope Benedict XVI said? He renounced from his service. NOT THE MUNUS. He remained Pope till the last moment.
The “ pomp and ceremony” was prescribed by God to the Hebrews as a teaching tool for us that helps us to honour God. The Catholic Church is the continuation of God’s interactive Presence. Many of the clergy crucified Christ and set up an alternate, false religion with a falsified collection of writings called the talmud.
I could breeze by a pope who wanted to offer a welcome to those of us who are sexually depraved, but to be complicit in the eugenics, dystopian agenda of both global warming, and the MRNA vaccine, is problematic.
The current pope is 100% Italian decent both parents are Italian. His place of birth does not change his ethnicity or DNA makeup, although born in Argentina. Clearly then, his nationality is Argentinian, still he is an Italian pope. There are millions of European citizens spread out through South America, some still not mixed with any other races, others mixed with non Caucasians races , and older generations mixed with the indigenous peoples.
My conversion to Catholicism has come to a grinding halt because I simply cannot accept Bergolio as my spiritual leader. The church is being infiltrated and attacked from within.
in my case only fear the physical pain if it happens, I never, since my faith is based on reason, been afraid of hell of purgatory, this are only spiritual places like heaven.
@@sakabula1285 The St Malachy prophecy of the Popes, is a spot on, 900 year old, Catholic prophecy, and I am quite sure it actually matches with the Book of Revelation. According to Malachy's prophecy, Pope Francis is the last Pope, and most likely, the end times False Prophet.
@@jiffychackochacko3070 The St Malachy prophecy of the Popes, is a spot on, 900 year old, Catholic prophecy, and I am quite sure it actually matches with the Book of Revelation. According to Malachy's prophecy, Pope Francis is the last Pope, and most likely, the end times False Prophet.
Ever see this guy do his ceremonial worship of a statue of Mary. Its not only disgusting idol worship, but its very telling and hopefully some Catholics will wake up and get saved before the end comes
Louirdes de Oliver’s. The progressives have been plotting to somehow get Pope John Pau II to resign so that the the San Galen Mafia could change the Church forever. Liberals wanted a Vatican III in order to continue ex the Vatican II takedown.
There is a major difference between a scandal, which to me is a person who has an obvious choice between something that is obviously right and something that is obviously wrong and who chooses the wrong thing, and a person who is put in an impossible situation who has to choose between two bad choices and who will always have people second-guessing the strategy they chose wondering if the other choice would have had better outcomes. If someone becomes Pope because they know several Cardinals are guilty of being pedophiles or other crimes and the Pope uses that knowledge to blackmail the Cardinals and promises to protect them from facing justice as long as they elect him Pope, that is a scandal. If he simply was caught in a war where many people died and he had to decide if it would save lives for the church to stay out of the war and to stay non-political or if it would save lives for the church to take a political stance, that is merely a person being in a horrible situation who probably did the best he could with the tools and understanding that he had at the time, and the truth is at least in this life we probably will never know which strategy really was the best and which strategy would have saved the most lives.
If all you want to see is virtue, you blind yourself to evil. Power corrupts, and Papal Supremacy elevates that to an extraordinary degree. What @hollybigelow describes is the Junta, and in particular the Falklands War, with its consequential impact on Argentinian Politics. I was a young man then, and doing what was right powered the Yomp which caught the Argentinian Army by surprise, winning the war and earning me the respect of Peter Carrington. But this is all secular, what about the spiritual? A Pope must be in the World, but not of the World. The issues with Organised Religion are described in Matthew 6, in the form of Papal Apotheosis, when the reality is that the effective form of spirituality is direct faith, not channelled through God's Vicar on Earth. A vicar, a vicarius, is a deputy, a substitute, but given that the substitute's human and therefore sinful, Houston, we have a problem.
There is nothing holy or righteous about either course of action. Obviously, the pope and cardinals are NOT inspired vessels of God but, merely men easily corrupted and inadequate for the job of leading the world's faithful and heretics against the gospel. Catholics need to open their eyes and seek God instead of catholic traditions and need to eco e open to whoever God really chose as his righteous leaders with his authority to guide their journey in life and into his presence.
First of all, why do you show a image of d dumpf? 😢who has absolutely nothing to do with the situation of *pope* frankie? Also the Pope frankie, in my humble and sinful opinion, is in fact, not a very good Christian nor a very good pope, and does not adhere to the traditional teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, but goes about his (business) in his own way and leaves many Catholic people in bewilderment 😢😢
There has only been one man without sin. I found this very interesting. We know that we have had flawed and even sinful Popes. If we have a Pope that can influence peace in the Middle East, improve accountability within the bureaucracy of the Church, solve (?) the crisis of abuse...God willing, I will be thankful.
Finding a work that pays well is already difficult and the hope that the Catholic Church with many issues is breaking our hopes and building our concerns to whom we really must come in times we need comfort.
Maybe those who live in worldly slums would be able to get out if the people would NOT WORSHIP FALSE Men of FALSE Religious and keep giving to their FALSE Institutions or attending their schools or giving your tithes that keeps this falseness going on to do the harm it is and has been going on for thousand's of years.
What you expect from the evils? They need this to bloat their pompous egos. I will never ever believe a word coming from their mouth even under torture.
Sometime my mind says that this church is no different with the insrance companies.Get ten percent from their members salaries as monthly premium,pay another tax when go to sunday service even children in sunday school with no income have to give to make God happy, and many ways by using God's name.Jesus must be more suffering to see this because He never asked money from His followers.He is the Lord to provide and give
You have Catholics confused with some other religion. We do not have a mandatory tithe. Also we do not have to pay to attend church on Sunday. Your nonsense about children having to pay for Sunday school is truly outrageous. In fact our religious education is not done on Sundays and children attend Mass with their family. There are so many lies told about the church by non Catholics. Please try to verify what you have to say before posting lies.
JMJ+ True as far as it goes, but HE expects us to make the better choice to follow HIS direction not the world....go and sin no more lest something worse befall you..... We pray, go and do as HE Wills, not we will.... We are to be in the world but not of the world.... We are here, but we are GOD'S creation, and HIS image and likeness. Therefore, we need to act like it -- not pagans.....
I cannot agree with all you say, however they do charge to get people out of thier made up pergatory, all people need to do it trust Jesus for thier salvation.
Benedict was was pressured to relent because he was an impeded See. This means the situation was such that he no longer permitted to to do his job by those surrounding him
The Noble man simply left his place of honor because he could not fathom what man is doing to the children of God that is my belief I have an Normas amount of respect for him for walking away🙏🏽❤️🩹🕊
Don't believe it. Why? It was his job to place all the priests, bishops, cardinals around the world. In trouble? We will speedily remove and place you in another parish to carry on regardless. Keep the money coming!
You make an interesting point and it is indeed possible that he walked away because he felt burdened by guilt himself .Remember he too was at one point guilty of covering up the abuse taking place within his own area of authority . I believe they all put the interests of the institution ahead of the welfare of children
@@joangrennan886 The baldheaded Cardinal from Chicago, I forget his name, assigned a trusted Senior Priest, the job of dealing with a pedophile Priest, and the Priest did not take care of the problem. People found out and complained that the Cardinal was not doing his job. The Cardinal then had to step in a take strong measures. The laypeople are simply not giving the Catholic church the manpower to accomplish their mission. Too much Contraception, Abortion, divorce , etc.
@@joangrennan886 There is no proof that Pope Benedict covered up the abuse of children, there were people around him that probably dropped the ball. Pope John Paul 2nd closest advisor apparently kept information from him about the pedophile problem.
Desperate search? The liberals canvassed for votes for Francis, which was illegal, and Francis was so desperate to fix the Catholic church and tend to the poor he apparently joined in the fraud.
Is he following ONLY the papers of the Vatican II Council? What happens to the foundations, dogma, doctrine, and traditions of 2 centuries of Catholicism? What about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost?
JMJ+ What do you think happens to it, Simone? The N. O. and much prior to Vat. II are the forerunners for the promotion of "lost Faith and lost souls." St. Anthony, help us to offer penance for the Reparation of the SACRED HEART of JESUS and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the ultimate intention of Righting the Church as JESUS instituted it.....amen
Indeed, what about them? More importantly, what about the duty of obedience to the elected Holy father of Rome? Has the Church been turned into a PTA meeting where everyone gets a say and a chance to moan?
@@lauriemayne7436 JMJ+ Obedience to the Holy Father or any other superior ends with a directive to do evil, ignore GOD'S WORD, give homage to Satan. Silence is complicity in what goes against the Canonized Roman Rite of the Apostles. Our obligation is to GOD, not man. GOD bless, and Mary keep you in their care....
He only follows his own agenda ( and surrounds himself with other corrupt agenda ridden men in costumes and capes) and his agenda is not of God. Pray for his conversion, he is a wicked devious man.
Investigating WHY Pope Bennedict stepped down, is a far more important story, than the inauguration of Pope Francis.
They needed a "Jesuit" Pope in the Vatican
@@ms.donaldson2533 No, the Roman Catholic Church needs a scrubbing of false teaching, practices and sin, top to bottom.
We should absolutely question why francis was put in power and benedict made to abdicate.
@@sheilasmith7779 the church IS false
Isn't it bloody obvious? Ratzinger burned all the Church's boats with his goose-stepping methods as chief Inquisitor. They needed a Francis of Assisi type to save the show from collapse. Francis fitted the bill. So far he's succeeded but only because the Curia gangsters keep him on a short leash. It can't go on for too much longer. He'll resign or someone will kill him. Let's not forget, it was the Vatican that taught the Mafia all its business methods.
what about the scandal about the disappearance of Emmanuela Orlandi, from the Vatican which is still an unsolved mystery
Just watched that , so interesting . It seems that the two may have something in common - the Vatican Bank and the Mafia.
Wouldn't be surprised if that had something to do with the resignation.
The Vatican are simply the frontmen of the Mafia.
@@beeboppbaby the mafia is in cahoots with vatican.
Ask pope francis about omosexuality not criminal
@@sallyhili8607 that Vatican us over those child and woman abusing. Earth made word shit stains. Leave now immediately
Isaiah 5:20 NIV
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who
put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
Weak are always abused in this world but it becomes more outrageous when the abusers are those who swear to protect the weak .
That is exactly what religions are designed to do.
20% for all social services. We need to lower that with fixing many issues of corruptibility as these ppl come out of the same communities being abused. Isolation of both individuals and families squeeze power of influences from the vulnerable who could knowingly or unwittingly be abused. Simplisitic reply I know as it becomes more complex when we start to look at power structure and the loss of hope in 86% of the human population, regardless of the words coming from them to protest. Living life is overcome by the struggle of survival for too many, including those who went in with open heart eventually calloused by scars
Freemasonry is pedophilia
But that is why they go into the job.
@@stevefowler3398 lWow. No. They lose faith in those with authority. Just like the rest of society. Some abuse others and some abuse self. We just saw a country follow a horrible man based on the lack of faith in a broken system. If that does not equate in ur mind, nothing will..
You did not really and fully bring out what you meant by "Scadalous Truth" , this video was more like a PR Exercise for Francis and an advertisement to him. Any crticisms were very brief and they were swallowed up by a kind of BIO of his life. Not impressed.
thanks for the warning..
Im thankful also,
After watching it myself and then going through the comments, this comment you made is 100% spot on!!!
Watching this after following all that has taken place in the Catholic Church in the last 8-10 years and he by far feels like more of an antichrist figure than an honorable Pope. He doesn’t seem to know the scriptures well and he has said some questionable things in interviews or in some of his sermons that really make you stop and ask whose side is he ok? God or Satan? That’s what I thought they were alluding to with the “Scandalous Truth” title. But yeah, nothing scandalous about this video. It was more of an advertisement for how “wonderful” he is. 😂
I'am stop watching in the meddle of the video.
Advertising Bergoglio.
He doesn't represent me.
Precisely so !
The Pope allowed the idol goddess Pachamama to be venerated inside the Vatican. There is video of the clergy possessing around the vile idol with Amazonian priests.
Francis also promoted the One World Religion site in the UAE.
The hook is that the general, undiscerning population will support the “religion of tolerance” over salvation by Jesus’ grace.
Yea it's in the Catholic Prophecy . He is the one who has to lead the Church through the persecution that are going to unfold in form of revolutions again . French revolution and persecution of Church is going to repeat itself
JMJ+ Tolerance and acceptance are two different things.... We are never required to follow the direction of evil no matter where it comes from. To do so is cowardice not Holy Obedience. We obey what is of GOD not Satan.... keep praying Gail, I for sure know that I am praying more and more to have an aversion to all sin... LORD JESUS, help us to only act on what is Good and Holy....amen
@Gail If you think that is foul, wait till you discover the underground chambers of the vatican tunnels!
Now there’s some awful things down there.
Dark dark dark.
Every dirty and fowl birds,
Unspeakable acts of sacrifices, still to Baal. Oof!
@@NEMO-NEMO I wait anxiously on the Lord. He must look down on this planet with a broken heart and cry.
The Lord said that after His departure ravenous wolves would come in...He warned us.
@6:09. "Our crisis occurred in 2002." Patently absurd. The SHTF back in the late 1980s, in Boston, Cleveland, Santa Fe, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baton Rouge, New Orleans; and then later Cologne, Vienna, Dublin. Priests by the thousands defrocked, many sent to prison. Archbishops of Newark, Washington DC, defrocked.
Shamefully true . The Church of Jesus Christ was hijacked by the Romans long ago .
Pope Benedict is a prisoner . You have to wonder what exactly he is removed and living in exile ! Pope Francis is a false Pope ( if you know his history in South America you know his sins ) what better way to destroy Christianity than to make such a hypocrite a Pope !!!! Think about it and realize the truth . The false Pope Francis was put in place for a purpose and it’s not a favorable one for the people .
Exactly, I lived in Boston during that time...huge decline in the church
And the church continued on as nothing had happened.
@@jdaze1 forgive the offender...not!
If you really seek God. You will never be fooled by fakes.
Partly true. Wake up.
@@israelelohim4469 don’t judge but call out heresy.
A well spoken truth Leonard. God bless you.
@@leonlawre judge?????
Lingo of soros/gates mercenary.
They use u and flush down toilet hole.
Lost shepherd to a Good Pastor, Papa Francis in Rome: Rescue me, Papa! I'm hurt bad...
The condition of the church breaks my heart. Im sure there is so much more that will be revealed as the times.. it seems.. are for exposure !! That’s a good thing but is difficult to go through. I will keep praying for God’s Will in all of it!!! Im sure He has a plan!
***it may not be so, look to other sources of information, there are many not to be trusted***
Pretty crazy that a church believes they have the authority to elimate a whole commandment and split the 10th commandment into two.
Pretty wild how a church believes they can change what day the sabbath is (321 AD emperor Constantine)
Pretty wild how many beliefs that are not biblical a church can embed in people (the idea of going straight to heaven after death. The idea of eternal torment and torture)
Pretty crazy how a whole church can change the definition of speaking to the dead and spiritism by praying to dead people and saying those dead people are giving the prayers to God when the Bible clearly says Jesus is the only one who can do that.
The catholic church is the beast power in revelations.
It's amazing how things are in plain sight and people are clueless
"The people shall wander after the beast" the catholic church is trying to collect 1 billion signatures to unite all denominations....eventhough different denominations have different beliefs and there is one true church.....and it's not the catholic church
Pope Francis is trying to stop the abuses in the Church. Unlike Benedict, he has removed priests guilty of child abuse.He is cleaning up the Vatican bank. In many ways Francis reminds me of the beloved JohnXXIII.
We got a MIA POPE... declined.
Now theres a deceased bishop
who was not even ill.
THERES A COVER UP if I ever saw one.
@@supertrucker99 Pope Benedict XVI retired at the age of 85. His health was declining and he wanted the peace to spend the remainder of his life in prayer and meditation. He frequently met with Pope Francis to discuss the way the Church should go. One of their main differences was about the return of the Latin Mass being allowed, rather ironically Benedict opposed it while Francis favored it.
A holy soul pushed to do something he couldn't stand anymore. Pope Benedict XVI is one person I truly felt sanctity wrapped him all along in life to his death. May those who caused his agony n eventual death be dealt with God's might, power n rigid justice. May he be rewarded immensely where he is now
Why did he stepped down? Dis he lost faith?
Oh my goodness! The amount of absolute rubbish being pushed in this site is horrendous! And most of your profess to be Catholic or Protestant Christians! Pope Benedict XVI happily retired, happily produced some of his most inspiring writings during this period, and happily died, going to meet His Lord. The last words he said were, "I love you Jesus!"
@@goodman4093 What! Lose his faith? Read absolutely anything this holy man wrote and you will be ashamed for even suggesting that!
There were writeups at ...? Forgot
"they" students in china called patriotic at the U.S. seminary who became priests..bishops...posted since 1940 or 60.
You believe what u believe. Coz whatever u believe I of no importance
The resignation of the late Pope Benedict XVI is planned by the 'VATICAN MAFIA' as said by CARDINAL GODFRIED DANNEELS.
It was all over the Italian papers that he was going to be arrested for His part in child trafficking if he had not resigned !.
Yes Pope Benedict is a true pope . while pope Francis is anti Catholic anf a false prophet.
Based on the title I would expect this video to deal with the Sankt Gallen mafia and whether the 2013 conclave was even valid.
100% right!
@@boleslawjasinski2156 Was Benedict XVI pressured or forced to resign?
NWO wont expose St Gallan NWO Cardinals
It wasn't and Bergoglio is not our pope.
Isn't it true the banks closed overnight and no one could buy and he stepped down?
When you need comfort you go directly to God the father Jesus christ the son and the holy spirit,Jesus said I have come that you may have life abundantly.
Running to Daddy isn't living life abundantly.
There is only one god and that Is God , The Creator of All things . And Jesus was a messenger and a Prophet. That is what Jesus said , in the Bible. You are all misguided following your religious leaders and worshipping Jesus or Muhammed ! A cross and a black box ! When ? When are you going to wake up ?! Jesus said, that he came to do the wil of God , how can he be God!?!?
No never follow these jesuit/ church C.I.A. SEX OFFENDERS. TORQUEMADA LEADS the' Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith ' the awful marrano Loyola weasel leads the Jesuit fomenters of discord.
@@adrianabonitaaziz yes! There is a mighty maker ,that is not the midget Jehovah. Look at this man gambling ,running a book on the pope. He even justifies his activities. Isaiah 45.7 I made good and evil ,your god .
And just today, Francis said that the church should bless homosexual unions, and that disagreeing with this position was simply "exhaustive moral analysis". Can you believe that we have a pope who is now telling you you should do something and agree with something that is against the laws of God and the church because it's just so...... exhausting to stand firm against the moral evil of it. I guess what a lot of people say about the Third Secret of Fatima is true. There will be apostasy in the church that comes from the very top
@@amoxzi this week, maybe.
This Pope believes what the bible teaches. You, the Pope and I should never be judging anyone else. It's God's job to make judge -- not yours or mine. Keep your narrow views and you lack of biblical teachings to yourself. They are disrespectful of the church, the Pope and to humanity.
@@heschernp when the Bible says not to judge, that's with a capital j. That is, to judge someone as to whether they will enter the kingdom of heaven or not. It is absolutely ridiculous that you imply that one is not supposed to understand the difference between sin and not. And I suppose you forget how the good Lord says one man laying with another man is an abomination. Not only are there many references to sin, but to stay away from sinful people in their evil deeds. One man judging another man is about entering the kingdom of heaven. It's very telling when a liberal tries to quote scripture to back up an evil lifestyle. Like God's word is "narrow-minded". It's sick, it's wrong, and it's why Cardinals and Bishops all over the world are standing against this usurper Pope
Pope Francesco is a good man and one of the best popes the catholic church had. He don't judge over people and He is absolutně right.
@@amoxzithat’s how it starts. It’s the wedge. Just know and recognize that this pope is blasphemous. Today he’s lambasting surrogacy? Make it make sense. So he says to bless and accept homosexuality but not surrogacy? One creates life the other doesn’t.
The devil creates confusion to pervert minds.
God is the "Holy Father" not the Pope. And Jesus is the head of the church, and the only one who can save you. The Pope will not be able to save even himself unless he believes in Jesus death and resurrection. Do not follow a Pope, follow Jesus Christ.
No man can save you. Psalms 146:3.
Only the father is our savior and redeemer. Isaiah and Jeremiah. He is God Alone and there is no other. Isaiah 44, 63-66.
Indeed Our Lord Jesus is the head of the Catholic Church. The pope is only his vicar, his visible representative on earth, with no power to diminish Jesus’ teachings.
@@kitstr Look up the meaning of vicarious. The pope is not here in the place of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the head of His Christian church.
Yeah, that's why Jesus made Peter the first Pope. Of course we follow Jesus. And why good Catholics recognize when there is not a true pope *(but that is an entirely different matter.) . As for you, stop TROLLING. You are out of line and you have no clue about Catholicism.
@@evertbooy9157 the pope is literally the vicar of Christ. Our Lord appointed Peter to act in his place after His ascension. He said, “whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”. In other words, Peter was given the fullest possible authority over the church.
Francis divides, confuses and scatters the sheep. He watches the Wolves devour the flock, even encourages them!!
God have mercy on him🙏
Very noble of you to wish him well. I think he knows exactly what insults he hurls at our Lord, and he should be man enough to face the music when his turn comes round.
Pope Francis is a very holy and a wonderful pope.God bless him
@@lorenzobianchini4415 Francis may be nice , friendly , charming, personable, loving, kind, sympathetic, understanding of the poor, etc. but Holy , seems to miss the mark. Jesus Christ was not a " glad hander". The work of Jesus was somber, serious, he knew many would reject Him and his message. We are in the separation of the sheep from the goats and Pope Francis seems to be separating us.
You hypocritical and
and Catholic ZOMBIES are the
perfect example of
being followers and
gossipers,not leaders
of the truth.
So many of the nasty
comments against
Pope Francis are
never finished properly,as you run
out of nasty gossip.
Then you go to Mass
Communion and
continue your nasty
Have respect for
Pope Francis.
We pray for him everyday as we would
for family menbers.
@@clararizzi8051 Excellent comment.Totally agree.
A front for crooks... hiding behind robes and false representation!
Yes, there is so much of it cloaked in religion.
and worse.
Pope Francis sadly appears to be nothing like Francis of Assisi.. he is not ‘rebuilding the Church’
Pray for his conversion 🙏
He is the Antichrist 😂😂😂😂😂😂
You Will see IT Will be funny😂😂😂😂😂
Exactly why I prefer to call him by his real name, Jorge. I don't want Francis of Assissi rolling over in his grave.
I will NOT pray for satans seeds
He is a Illuminati Central Bankers puppy 🐶
Most of the time, one can take things at face value. Be it religion or politics or basic behavior, people want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth....not a bunch of excuses.
From Ken Glavens: Be it religion or politics or basic behavior, people want the truth.
Bollocks, Ken. The truth is the last thing people want, as the world situation more than convincingly testifies. Consider this informed opinion:
"A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unwarily enslave themselves." - Dresden James
@@lauriemayne7436 I here ya Laurie. Just because people want the truth, it doesn't necessarily mean that they get it and if they are willing to believe lies, they think they have the truth, except for those who know that they are pretending to believe a lie. Just because they believe lies, I think that most of them..not all..would want the real truth if it were presented to them in a believable way. And then there are those who are too stubborn and indoctrinated to budge. I guess ILL have to agree with you. You GOT me. But I want to know the truth so I'm not too stubborn to admit when I'm wrong. Naiive to think others think like I do
Exactly, you get warned by a cardinal and the Pope ignores it he is human but his position is as high as it gets to Saint Peter. You can’t protect everyone but when this comes to you a quiet investigation process must be in place. Children depend on adult wisdom to be their voice. Just like Solomon did for that living infant.. Now all denominations of Christianity has this horrible problem in their houses too. The top positions have the responsibility not to ignore it but to get to the truth and remove it.. .Excuses for supporting these defiling priests, ministers and anyone representing a church at some level left in those positions only bring hurt to its parishioners and the Church itself. Remember you can fool yourself, but you can’t fool God.
and not a bunch of popes
Ken, you said something remarkably funny: most of the time you can take politics seriously. Mary Daheim (through her character) said that Sabatini said "you've got to factor in madness, in this World"
and, that was 400 yrs ago
(or basic behaviour) ..., i can't take that for granted.
Worse is, the conclave was corrupted by campaigning which was a violation and mortal sin
A mortal sin! Oh dear! And how much money does one have to put in the collection basket these days to erase one of those? Or can you just say one hundred thousand Hail Marys while the nuns spank you with rolled up Liguorian magazines? 🤔
@@roberthill799 I bet that will work very well..!
I suspected him as false prophet from the first. He got a deceitful way, there is just something about him that screams false or anti pope
Yeah, he's a jesuit.
@@MrEricW2008 JMJ+ Eric, we've had quite a number of "false" popes over the expanse of history. At one time, we had three popes all at once... Read the history of the popes, it's actually on the Vatican website... The One, True High Priest and Holy FATHER is GOD. We believe in the Deposit of Faith, the Catechism of the Counsel of Trent and Baltimore, in Sacred Tradition, the Bible, the Missal prior to 1965, and the especially, the Voice of the Apostles as given by the HOLY SPIRIT. Don't forget that we are never obliged to follow anything evil --- no matter who told us to... Holy Angels and Saints, pray for us Theotokos, pray for us JESUS, have mercy on our sinful ways....bring us to complete contrition and penance... amen
@@MrEricW2008 JMJ+ Conscience, research, a lot of prayer, and a willingness to accept proven truths as one discovers them. Our last six popes have all publicly displayed their Modernist/Marxist/Masonic ideologies. It appears that the objective was, and remains, to turn the Roman Catholic Church into a Protestant Church and then to agnosticism at best. Search the documents, but keep their words and actions in context. Process it clinically prior to making any kind of a judgement..... Does it jibe with what JESUS said, taught, did??? If not, well then....you have discovered the difference between Good and evil.... LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, deliver us from evil......amen
@@MrEricW2008 JMJ+ Eric, your questions are certainly valid and worthy of study. Baptize your child and then begin your quest. I suggest the Douay-Rheims Bible, either the Catechism of the Council of Trent or Baltimore, a Latin-English Missal that is from 1955 or earlier. These last six popes are what we have to deal with and why we must open ourselves to not just checking off the "GOD box" by attending Mass on Sunday. Understand that obedience is not intended to be "blind." No one is obliged to follow an evil demanded by a local Ordinary or the the Pope. You must become, and remain, ..." the king's good servant, but GOD'S first." St. Thomas More. Once you have your missal in hand, compare the prayers of the TLM to the prayers of the N.O.
Take note of just how much as been trashed by Modernist and Protestant insistence. Did you know that a Vatican II get together, six Protestants were there telling them what to put in and what to take out. St. Pius X generated a solemn pledge that all of the Priesthood had to adhere to? However, in the end either they lied, or they ignored the whole thing entirely. Leo XIII said the same thing. This battle against Modernism/ Communism / Masonic goes far further back than the Reformation. Did you not ever wonder why the Popes couldn't be bothered to comply with Our Lady's request and admonition from LaSalette and Fatima? Why wouldn't they want to do that...??? Why did they change all of the Sacraments and, and, and...? Why is Jorge destroying what has been for two-thousand years? Why did he deny the title of Vicar of Christ on Earth? Why does he think the Ten Commandments are entirely iffy? Why does he go against the Deposit of Faith and Dogma rather than protect it as he was supposed to do??? Eric, go to TH-cam and start pulling the Vatican II papers, listen to Fr. Hesse, Fr. Hewko, Fr. David Nix, Fr. Coropy, Fr. Malachi Martin, Listen to the Syllabus of Errors, and all that you possibly can from say, 1850 to present. I know this is a lot but you are fighting for your family's soul. You must be the Spiritual Leader of your home. Stay in the Church just make amends as you can after you have studied enough to make a well-formed decision. Part of the Church likes the darkness....I don't think you will be satisfied with that. If you can, find a solid Traditional Priest to work with you. Get acquainted with the TLM -- not a Latin Novus Ordo. And, remember to understand that you go to Mass to worship and give penance and glory to GOD, not be entertained. Don't worry about the language...in time, you will understand... GOD's blessings and Grace be upon you and your family. I'll continue to pray for you. Don't forget to pray (not say) the Rosary every day and do the First Friday and Saturdays as Our Lady requests. We must do our part. Offer up what you can to JESUS....HE'LL take your bits and pieces and turn them into something wonderful. Never leave the Church....JESUS is still here!
He is nephlim.
Umberto Mederios was the Cardinal for the Boston area. He wrote to the then Pope about his concerns about the men entering the priesthood. It was ignored for numerous decades. So the Church destroyed itself.
And the criminal Cardinal Law was given a cushy job at the Roman church of St. Mary Major, to celebrate all the cover-ups he engineered while he was the Archbishop of Boston.
God of Atlantis,!. Current Leaders of the Atlantean Globalist Organization Reviviata by Moses. I want back the 21 years that were stolen from my life by the Branch, your pack from the EU, ROU CS Caransebes. Who saw me Alone and submitted to the 21st year of the Holocaust, the Total Blockade. They have forbidden me 1) TO HAVE CHILDREN, 2) ACCESS TO THE MOST ELEMENTARY SOURCES OF INCOME. Saying that He is acting in the name of the Christian Religion and using also the Institutes of: "Justice", Militia and Security. Enslaved Institutions. My name is: Lungu Caius Octavian. All that is stated is Real and there is Evidence. I ask the Leaders and the Western Press not to cover up my case. - God of Atlantis, leaders of the Atlantean Globalist Organization. I want Justice with the Living Offspring under 21 years of the Satraps and Pharisees of your Branch in :EU, ROU, CS, Caransebes. Because THEY with the Power and the ''Specific Means'' given by YOU have forbidden me : A ) TO HAVE CHILDREN., B ) THEY BLOCKED ME ECONOMICALLY
Umberyo. Jesus promised that His Church will last as “the gates of Hell will NIOT prevail against it!! A strong but faithful Remnant shall remain. The human element may implode due to their sinful violation of their vows. Some may not even believe in God. Bishops cave for fear of being “cancelled.”
@@urbanviii5103 60 plus years of pure Satanism. Still some zombies harp to pray for...
Jesus is the way 🙌
I hadn't realised that Francis is the first, and only Jesuit Pope. Explains a lot!
The Jesuits were more about destroying the Church; it's amazing Pope Francis is a Jesuit. His actions and decisions cause suspicions.
Now realize the UN is run by whom? Pope Francis. UN is controlled by je/suits with Islam/ Arabs in suits. UN needs to have a serious change of management or be shut down completely. UN is the biggest criminal mafia type organized org..in all of history...
Jesuits are not permitted to attain any position of power which is in their constitution.
Explains what, exactly?
@@elirien4264 In Jesuit priestly constitution no Jesuit can inherit any position of authority in the Catholic Church, including Bishop, Cardinal and Pope.
If you're reading this, understand that God is your constant companion. He goes ahead of you, stands with you, and supports you from behind. Face every situation with confidence, for God is right there with you. Amen 🙏🌺🤝
Oh, do join the 21st century
How come God wasn't with that girl Orlando
When Cardinal Ratzinger was elected Pope, Jorge Mario Bregorglio came in second place in vote counts. After Pope Benedict XVI resignation, Bishop Bregorglio was elected Pope. Guess who was the "campaign manager" for Jorge Mario Bregorglio in both cases? Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
From Dublin to Boston to New York to Chicago and all the way to Vatican City, it's always the Irish who are called on when an election needs to be fixed!
@@roberthill799 : It must be the R. C. Church calls the Irish Mafia! lol
Wow --- methinks you have some ani-Catholic issues to resolve -- given the Irish make up most of the Catholic clergy.@@roberthill799
@@roberthill799 0
@@roberthill799 Which isn't a good thing when you consider Leo and his cronies!
Catholic Church .... Long history of scandals.
"Babylon has fallen, has fallen... Come out of her my people".
If you refer to the Holy Catholic Church, you are bloodily mistaken, heathen.
All the church system's have fallen, they are all daughter's of Rome, they have all made an image to the beast, with their 501c3, church and state alliance.
@@jennifermiller1932, "Image to the beast" has NOTHING TO DO WITH 501c3. Rev 12 makes it clear, there are not all daughters of Rome.
Disgusting! because of what he had done prior to the Vote. They knew his faults before the Vote. Politics and pitiful inner beliefs. But the evil inner heart was chosen! By Evil! But Why?? Look at what he has done for the Answers!
The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church.
LOVE AND PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER ... The World English Bible translates the passage as: For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. ... Being CHRISTIAN must be a Christ-like way of Living and Loving ... Stay SAFE and May God Bless us always!
The "church" appears to be widely corrupt in the highest offices, to the dismay of faithful people who choose to continue to have faith in leaders who are "supposed" to speak, and act, for God!!
The Francis which Jorge Bergolio chose is NOT Francis of Assisi. As a Jesuit, this pope has chosen the name Francis of the co-founder of the Jesuit Order: Francis
One has only to read the Jesuit Oath to comprehend why Francis I, is the FIRST Jesuit pope.
The Black pope is the true power behind-the-scenes. But in Jorge Bergolio Catholicism got a two-for. And he's got the whole world eating out of his hand.
My suggestion is to read the Oath a Jesuit must swear allegiance to.
The Holy Bible does not lie. Archaeology &History back-up its
prophecies. And the Apostle Paul's writings which this Roman Catholic Papal System swears it adheres to says of this Church:
"Let no man deceive you by any means:for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
4)Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he be as God sitteth
in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
-2 Thessalonians2:3,4
only 14 thumbs up, can't be true, for this comment is down to earth and to be taken seriously, thank you for the comment, thumbs up!!!
betty, the more i learnt from you, the less i understand.
Wrong. He chose the name of Il Poverello, not Francis Xavier.
Excellent Betty, very well said.
No the Catholic " church " did not exist in Peters Jesus' apostles time ! So there was NO CATHOLIC church until several hundred years later ...which was formed to please both the Christians and the Pagans ! This is the TRUTH!! all the "St Peter" stuff is make
believe ! By Constantine !! Get your history right !! Your blind and cannot understand anything because of you devotion to a church ... And not to Jesus !! That is the TRUTH ! JESUS SAID COME OUT OF HER ,!! WHAT DO YOU THINK HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ? GET A REAL BIBLE NOT A CATHOLIC FAKE ... AND READ THE THING !!! MAY GOD GIVE YOU A MIND AND EYES TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND !! DO NOT WORSHIP ANY MAN ON EARTH !!
I agree with the previous commenter, your last two episodes claim the "real reason Pope Benedict quit" and the "Scandal of Pope Francis" in my opinion were nothing more than "clickbait" Shame on you
Absolutely. It is shameful that PARABLE is resorting to deceit to sell it's "Faith" & "Religion" videos.
The Holy Father??? Such BLASPHEMY!!!!!
1st Corinthians Chapter 4 14-17
He's a DEMON
Matthew 23:8-9
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
8 But you are not to be called rabbi (teacher), for you have one Teacher and you are all brothers.
9 And do not call anyone [in the church] on earth father, for you have one Father, Who is in heaven
Only our biological fathers and TMG/source are fit for those titles
When the modern mainstream media only have great things to say about someone - you know you’re dealing with something truly evil…
I have come the realization, NOT one channel promotes the TRUTH.
What they do promote: the Truth wrapped with lies as I like to call them, Bacon wrapped Scriptures or lies sprinkled with truth.
I have thought of a name for the second one. What did CHRIST teach? A little leaven, leavens the whole lump. Or a little false teaching, makes the whole teaching false. Thus I can not waste and hour of my time trying to figure out which one is it in the video. I go straight to GODS Living word of TRUTH for All wisdom, Knowledge and understanding.
The pillar and foundation of Truth is the Church.
The Church is rocked but won't sink.
There is only one true Church.
@@lutherseye5356 What is the Church?
@@lutherseye5356 The reason I ask is because your comment was confusing to me.
I was a church goer for 3I years, and then 6 years ago I finally learned what Repentance was and Repented. and GOD soon after instructed me to get out of the Church.
Since I have, GOD has taught me HIS word of TRUTH, through various times and in various was only to confirm by HIS Written Living Word. The BIBLE.
@@plainwhitepaper3898 ,a building inhabitate by devils!
It is still going on...it was ignored until the media forced the church to deal with it...
not by Almighty God
All of the scandals should become known.ALL OF THEM!
***even all kinds of gossiping around pope Benedict or pope Francisco as well all who gossips around what is going on the Vatican calling names before all investigation finish, all this is very much out the christian fath.***
They kill over them and they have government and world wide political power , no way their secrets are al reveal. All this blind ppl worshiping them will sure pay
I agree🙏🏻✝️🕯❤
"Religion Poisons Everything" - Christopher Hitchens
I suppose he is partially right in that man is involved in religion and we tend to sometimes poison wonderful and beautiful things. But the divine reality and faith that religion is based on( religions that emanate from Jesus Christ anyway) are beautiful, beyond the world we live in and I don’t know percentages, but the people who truly try to live the Gospel are good and kind and a balm to this world
Come out of her my people. Read Revelation Chapter 17, it describes the Catholic Church/Vatican exactly. Put all your idols away and quit praying to the “queen of heaven” that the church has tricked you into believing is Mary and that you should pray to her. You only pray to the Father through His Son. Pray for wisdom and discernment and please have a desire and love of the truth when you do. I had to accept I was doing a lot wrong myself, as most Christians do, after I prayed this. God be with you all
He claimes the bible is outdated and he is going to rewrite the bible
@H Cho a golden calf is not money or power but an IMAGE aka IDOL that they were worshipping in place of God. Even though they said it was an image they made for and of the God that saved them, God did not want them to worship a false idol/god. An idol can be anything you worship like money, power, or yes even a physical object that you worship. The one true God needs no image to represent him. Do you not remember the abomination in the Bible of the women giving offerings to the queen of heaven “aka Semaramis”. Look into it. That’s the image you pray to, it’s not Mary, who should not be prayed to or worshipped anyway, according to the Bible. Please read your Bible more diligently. I will pray for you. Bless you
@@rowynmaddocks6731 he claims to be god on earth. That alone should make people flee from this false prophet and all his teachings. All the flocks are being led astray by their shepherds sadly
Mary is the Queen of Heaven. She is the Mother of God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. No one has done more for the kingdom of God than Virgin Mary. She is the holiest woman ever.
@@philipmoore4615 what does the Bible say about worshipping the queen of heaven? You may have to go outside your Catholic Bible to find the truth. She is not the mother of God. God has no end or beginning. I think the Father and the Son would disagree that no one has done more for the kingdom of God. She didn’t die for us or save us from ourselves countless times. And the Bible also says not to worship idols or saints. It also says there is only one mediator between man and God, and that is the Son. You’re smack dab in the middle of Babylon and don’t even realize it. That statue doesn’t represent Mary. It represents Semiramis and the baby in her arms is Tammuz. The Bible also mentions him. I think it’s sad that so many good unsuspecting Catholics, and Christians too, have been deceived into this false god/idol worship. Come out of her my people...
This Pope may or may not be the “false prophet”, but he sure is compiling behavior on his resume’ that highly qualifies him for the job. 😳
He terrifies me. 😰
ME TOO! Im not even Catholic EITHER!!! 😳🤯😱🫣
Yep ! He is certainly the side kick if nothing else ! And he is laying the way for the antichrist ! That is a certain !! I used to be a catholic but that was a very long time ago !!
IDK, The overall power of the office is diminishing.
Yes he has been driving towards this office, but this office meany less than it used to.
Me too Amy, he's sinister.
not Holy, only One is Holy and it certainly not this peodophile covering priests, He is not a Christian ans promotes killing the unborn, gave the evil nancy communion, that sealed his fate beyond any doubt
More importantly would be to investigate & cover the "behind the scenes'" & who Pope Benedict was "forced" to resign.
It’s like changing corrupt governments with more corrupt government…we’re just
Fooling ourself.
I also waited for you to mention Sankt Galen - The place where he was actually elected by only a few. You did not address that he has destroyed the Catholic faith with his confusing theology!
Give me Pio Nono, or Pius X any day. The current pontiff should not try to appear "cool" to the modernist, aggressively secular world.
What a horrible choice, Jorge Bergoglio 😈
@@richardrandall3539 Modernism is getting away from the tenets teaching from the BIBLE and HE IS DESTROYING TH CATHOLIC CHRURCH
@@ripk10 👿
@@ripk10 ***in what base you said "horrble choice"? are you capable to make a better choice than the majority of Cardinals? your choice has to come from your brain and your hart, not from a megaphone on the street or loudspeaker from a Radio or TV.***
Christ didn’t build his church on Peter. You have to read the whole chapter. Jesus asked his apostles who do people say I am. The names a few and then Peter said you are the Christ. Jesus tells him that because his father in heaven has revealed this unto Peter and not by man that he is blessed. That’s how he will build his church on people knowing he is the Christ. Not on a person.
Probably one of the better Roman Catholic cardinals now is Cardinal Gerhard Muller. Cardinal Gerhard Muller is a top theologian,was the archbishop of a German city plus he was the head of the CDF for five years also he seems to be a faithful Roman Catholic and he strongly believes in the Biblical Jesus Christ.
The "Biblical Jesus Christ"? Is there another one somewhere? Jesus taught people to forgive each other, to love their enemies, to turn the other cheek when the guy hits you on one cheek, and when the guy steals your cloak, to offer him your sweater too.
Jesus never said one word about homosexuality or abortion. Not one. Yet some people want His Church to talk about nothing else.
Thank you. That was beautifully put.
@@LeeZaslofsky Uh, yes, actually, Jesus did state exactly what His judgment on homosexuality is. He mentioned the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah and used that as a threat against another immoral city. Jesus used Sodom and Gomorrah as a threat. Let that sink in.
And he didn't have to discuss abortion because it's just plain common sense that it's wrong. Infanticide is covered under the Fifth Commandment of "Thou shalt not kill."
And the reason that religious people need to fight hard against the rainbow agenda and abortion is because sexual immorality not only gravely offends God but leads to the degeneration of a society. Every. Time.
And then God destroys that civilization. We religious try to keep God's laws because they are God's laws, but also because we have faith and understand how God operates based on past precedent, enough to be able to predict exactly what He's going to do if people don't repent and convert and reform their lives. Everybody in a wicked society gets held accountable, even the good people. Everybody suffers, the good and the bad. Because God doesn't just judge individuals - He judges whole societies as well, and the world.
@@LeeZaslofsky "strongly believes in the Biblical Christ" was probably made in reference to Jesus being depicted accurately in the Bible as a devout, holy man who was never married, lived a pure life, was a devout Jew, spent his years in ministry teaching about God and spiritual observance of the law, love for God and neighbor, uplifting women, forgiveness, healing persons in body, mind, and soul, and willingly allowed himself to be handed over, tortured, and crucified for the redemption of all of us sinners. From the time of his conception, he was all God and all Man.
-In contrast to this truth stated in the Bible, there have been commentaries and movies through the years attempting to portray Jesus as having a romantic, love life, being marriage, possibly sexual relations, and I wouldn't be surprised if some suggested he fathered children. And I think some have hinted at him having same-sex attraction. All subjective conjecture by various persons not backed by Biblical Truth or Historical Fact.
Your conservative bishops wanted to cover up child abuse Do you think such people are better? Protecting criminals and denying it even though there is evidence. He is unpleasant to many people and he is not a good cardinal.
St. Joan and St. George are guarding the Vatican's door right now! Don't wanna mess with them! God Bless. Jesus lives. Praise God.
@Sir Joshua Ra’Ne… Sir Joan and George are dead, they are not guarding anything!
The dead are dead, asleep in their graves, awaiting the second coming of Our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, first resurrection to eternal life, the second resurrection to eternal death and there is a thousand years in between.
Revelation 18:4-5
v4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, that ye receive not of her plagues;
v5 For her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remember her inquities.
The Roman Catholic church system IS antichrist, the seat of Satan, the only part Rome planned in the part of salvation is they killed Our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.
How is he the first Latin America but his parents are literally Italian immigrants to Argentina , they are trying to fool us acting as though something has changed
I too agree
JMJ+ The actions and words coming from this Papacy are not only an affront to GOD, but St. Francis, Assisi, and the laity of GOD'S Church. I say this not because things are not going my way, nor because of some report or other, but his own actions and words which are in opposition to Sacred Tradition and the Deposit of Faith. LORD GOD, I call on YOU to accept my deepest regret and sorrow for such abuses to YOU and all of YOUR faithful...amen
Bergolio took St Francis XAVIER not ASSISI. For his patron and name. He is a Jesuit.
@@sheilasullivan1950 JMJ+ Guess that even gives Xavier a brain bleed. Jesuits in the olden days actually acted and believed as GOD-fearing and obeying Priests... not like jorge and the swamp level pond slime!
"We've had good popes, bad popes, effective popes, ineffective popes but we have to have a pope." Well, YOU may need a pope but the first century church didn't have any such office. You can read the New Testament cover-to-cover and never see where the office of pope is defined. The apostles knew nothing of this distinctly Roman governmental construct.
This proves that the RCC cannot be traced back to the first century A.D.
@@marigoldwhite867 - And, while your point is historically accurate, it runs counter to the narrative that "Peter was the first pope", which is something we were taught over and over in Catholic grade schools and high schools.
It was a bit surprising, after I'd started reading the New Testament that NONE of that narrative seemed to be the case in the first century. In fact, Peter debased himself to a GENTILE (of all people) in Acts 10. Peter told this man to stand up and quit worshiping him saying, "Stand up; I myself also am a man.." - Acts 10:26.
Imagine a "pope" saying that today. That's laughable. In fact, the papacy REQUIRES the worship of the "faithful". He is the very vicar of Christ on earth, right? People worshiped Jesus, didn't they? It stands to reason then... See how that kind of logic leads you VERY far from the kingdom of God?
Catholicism is a departure from the church of Christ. As soon as that religion was co-opted by the Empire, it went to hell. Like Ronald Reagan once said, "I didn't leave the Democrat Party; the Democrat Party left me."
Christianity didn't depart from Rome; Rome departed from Christianity. And that's the truth.
I don’t even need a pope. I need Jesus and that’s it
Pope Benedict was forced to resign.
And from here the Church had been in total confusion by Pope Francis leadership.
Pope Francis was knowable about the "MAFFEI" when he was active in Argentina.
What is the "MAFFEI"? Do you mean the Mafia? Where did you get this ridiculous spelling of "Mafia", and where did you get that ridiculous accusation?
I am glad he is on the way out . He caused so much damaged and division in the Catholic Church. We had some good Popes and some bad ones. Only God will Judge him and historians will make a moral judgement about the decisions he made. We do not need a charismatic Pope, we need a Pope to strengthen the faith and follow the scriptures, the truth preached by our Lord Jesus Christ not to follow the modern corrupt world.
I thought this was going to be about Pope francis. I don't like him I don't trust him. I'm hearing nothing about him at all. I wish they would tell the truth about him. He should have never been chosen.
he was arrested with many others from the vatican vatican corporation and bankrupt
Book two about Absp Vigano exited by Brian McCall is a call to justice. He’d asked the pope to resign but he’s too proud and indicated that he has yet to complete what the St. Galien Mafia has assigned for him t complete (Much like George Soros tried to get Obama to pull off. Now Obama works behind the scenes to destroy America along w/Valerie Jared andSusan Rice.
A Voice Crying Our in the wilderness reveals the popes lies and deceit.
The Greater Reset observes the errors of the Deep SyTe and the Deep Church drifting into a godless New World Order
He would have made a shocking parish priest, how these pole climbers become bishops and cardinals is just because they are in with the faithless - very pitiful really.
well I'm about half way through, bombarded 3 or 4 times by endless ads and other ads to pay to not get ads, but no scandal in sight yet. What would you expect from this? Of course Francis expected the job. Benedicts last trip to south america must have also been to ask him if he'd be interested.
There is a movie called “The 2 Popes” starring Sir Anthony Hopkins as Pope Benedict. In the movie, it does have Pope Benedict asking Cardinal Borgolio if he’d be interested in becoming Pope.
@@karlvonboldt that is unlikely to be an accurate portrayal of history. Bagolio was in the running when Benedict was elected. Likely Benedict accepted the election in order to keep Bagolio out of it, for a while at least.
@@kitstr Quite possible. I know how the Media works, they tell the story that want to tell.
Read between the lines. Benedict resigned because he didn’t feel strong enough to handle the crises with the Bank, pedophile, and the church hierarchy of the Vatican. Where has this Pope went in that direction to clean it up. He has even reversed some of Benedict’s punishment to church leaders for their role in pedophile in third world countries. Where have you even heard those at the Vatican have spoken on these subjects. He was chosen for his ability to cover up wrong doings in Argentina. Francis and the Cardinal who wrote the report to Benedict are the only one who knows what’s in the report. That Cardinal is in hiding to this day.
Yes I too was expecting something extraordinary to be revealed but it was simply a standard if competent presentation of the events leading up to Francis's election
We still miss our Cardinal Pell who died suddenly, no explanation, following a hip operation....in Rome. Was that a convenient death considering the many questions and information Cardinal Pell was investigating at the time? Lord have mercy on his soul.
Francis killed Cardinal Pell.
Your dear Pell is burning in your hell. Vile despoiler of boys innocence
The lack of trust about some of the popes alongside its Bank, washing mafia money, forgiving and hiding pedophiles, convinces me I don't need the Vatican to love God. In fact I refuse to worship God via the Vatican..
so, after watching this, there is no clue about the resignation. Very political to answer a question with your own answer to a different question.
“My one and only one Holy Father is in Heaven hallowed be Thy Name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…..”
Unfortunately Bergoglio will never never 👎🏻 never 👎🏻 reach this level. If he tries he will, without the shadow of a doubt, fail drastically.
Stop your Protestant TROLLING on a Catholic channel. Many criticize this "pope" for good reason, but that is a different matter altogether.
@@finallythere100 😂🤣 sorry to disappoint you I am the 6th generation of Traditional Catholic in my family. Whoever practice Heresy shouldn’t be called Father. Check the following Bible verses:
Galatians 1:8-9
1 John 4:1
2corinthians 11:4……..
And the list is very long.
@@userPs91victory whatever, you should be ashamed.
Catholic Bashing at it's best.
We should pray for a different outcome, from the Pope and all nonbelievers!
So, what is HIS name? "God" is a title, not a name.
The Saint Gallen mafia infiltrators may may nullified the last papal election according to JP IIs rules for the conclave. This would explain a lot of the strange heterdox maneuvering of this pontificate.
Let the nullification begin!! Nine years CB of confusion, ambiguity( misdirection has been destructive to the Church. The pope has covered up child sex abuse; Biden wallows in deceit and criminal activity. We need divine intervention to get out of the mess that we
Re in!!
Seek truth as truth will set us free!! A Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness reveals endless lying from this pope. Absp. Vigss says the pope’s perverts are leading us toward the Znew World Orfer.
JMJ+ Don't forget that the last six popes have been Modernists..... They are a persistent lot, and so are those that would secularize the whole world... sad, but true. The only hero that we need is JESUS CHRIST. Do not let our trust of man-made doctrine over-shadow GOD-made Doctrine....... LORD, hear our prayer...amen
@@lynneareckson2166 Fr. Vaughn Treco wrote an honest, creative, respectful and passionate homily about the last popes, but he was actually excommunicated for this sermon! He converted to Catholicism from the. Anglican Church, so has a wife and children that he must provide for. The fine orthodox priests get cancelled, but those who are actively violating their vows, revising the Bible to rationalize sin get promoted!
You are not only a ridiculous conspiracy nut, you are rebelling against the authority of the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis. Or maybe you're some kind of heretic, doing your best to undermine the Church.
Jesus l Trust In you.
Not 600 years. Pope Benedict said first time in a 1000 year. Can you please respect what pope Benedict XVI said? He renounced from his service. NOT THE MUNUS. He remained Pope till the last moment.
@@Lilly2023K which makes the current "Francis" antipope. (Rothschild Rockefeller stooge)
All the pomp and ceremony so starkly contrasts from the simple church that Jesus set up with just twelve apostles
The “ pomp and ceremony” was prescribed by God to the Hebrews as a teaching tool for us that helps us to honour God. The Catholic Church is the continuation of God’s interactive Presence. Many of the clergy crucified Christ and set up an alternate, false religion with a falsified collection of writings called the talmud.
NOTHING about Frankenpope would shock me at all.
Nobody needs to tell me about the faults of other people. I can see them every time I take my eyes off my own.
The narration is wrong apparently. Francis is named after a Jesuit Francis Xavier I think it is. Nothing to do with Francis of Assisi.
I could breeze by a pope who wanted to offer a welcome to those of us who are sexually depraved, but to be complicit in the eugenics, dystopian agenda of both global warming, and the MRNA vaccine, is problematic.
This should be titled, " The Biggest Mistake The Papal Cardinals Ever Made " ! Or " Why The Church Abandoned The West " !
I think it is a well planned of the mason and masonic cardinals to elect him so that their agenda will be realized.
He was forced to stepped down
The current pope is 100% Italian decent both parents are Italian. His place of birth does not change his ethnicity or DNA makeup, although born in Argentina. Clearly then, his nationality is Argentinian, still he is an Italian pope. There are millions of European citizens spread out through South America, some still not mixed with any other races, others mixed with non Caucasians races , and older generations mixed with the indigenous peoples.
read about why and how they got the redshioes club There child sacrifices The black eye club.
The current Pope is a disaster.
Exactly! I was born in Australia but my DNA is 100% Italian, unlike some people born in Italy.
Behold we see the right hand of Lucifer now in the church
My conversion to Catholicism has come to a grinding halt because I simply cannot accept Bergolio as my spiritual leader. The church is being infiltrated and attacked from within.
Why would a true Catholic be afraid of dying?
because they are full of doubts
in my case only fear the physical pain if it happens, I never, since my faith is based on reason, been afraid of hell of purgatory, this are only spiritual places like heaven.
God bless@@adelinomorte7421
@@adelinomorte7421 Well for one who claims to be a man of reason, that did not make any sense.
Has anyone heard of the St Malachy prophecy of the Popes?
No pls tell
No I don't have a clue
Also clueless over here..pls tell or provide link..thx
@@sakabula1285 The St Malachy prophecy of the Popes, is a spot on, 900 year old, Catholic prophecy, and I am quite sure it actually matches with the Book of Revelation. According to Malachy's prophecy, Pope Francis is the last Pope, and most likely, the end times False Prophet.
@@jiffychackochacko3070 The St Malachy prophecy of the Popes, is a spot on, 900 year old, Catholic prophecy, and I am quite sure it actually matches with the Book of Revelation. According to Malachy's prophecy, Pope Francis is the last Pope, and most likely, the end times False Prophet.
Priests are both arsonists and firefighters, but keep playing with gasoline thinking it will put the fire out.
Ever see this guy do his ceremonial worship of a statue of Mary. Its not only disgusting idol worship, but its very telling and hopefully some Catholics will wake up and get saved before the end comes
Francis was chosen to become Pope...a long time ago!
Louirdes de Oliver’s. The progressives have been plotting to somehow get Pope John Pau II to resign so that the the San Galen Mafia could change the Church forever. Liberals wanted a Vatican III in order to continue ex the Vatican II takedown.
you do know what he did? research it all its unbelieavlbe
Revelation 13v2
He is not a Catholic,he is a Jesuit ,hand picked
There is a major difference between a scandal, which to me is a person who has an obvious choice between something that is obviously right and something that is obviously wrong and who chooses the wrong thing, and a person who is put in an impossible situation who has to choose between two bad choices and who will always have people second-guessing the strategy they chose wondering if the other choice would have had better outcomes. If someone becomes Pope because they know several Cardinals are guilty of being pedophiles or other crimes and the Pope uses that knowledge to blackmail the Cardinals and promises to protect them from facing justice as long as they elect him Pope, that is a scandal. If he simply was caught in a war where many people died and he had to decide if it would save lives for the church to stay out of the war and to stay non-political or if it would save lives for the church to take a political stance, that is merely a person being in a horrible situation who probably did the best he could with the tools and understanding that he had at the time, and the truth is at least in this life we probably will never know which strategy really was the best and which strategy would have saved the most lives.
I agree with Texas = WHAT???
Say that again....
If all you want to see is virtue, you blind yourself to evil. Power corrupts, and Papal Supremacy elevates that to an extraordinary degree. What @hollybigelow describes is the Junta, and in particular the Falklands War, with its consequential impact on Argentinian Politics. I was a young man then, and doing what was right powered the Yomp which caught the Argentinian Army by surprise, winning the war and earning me the respect of Peter Carrington. But this is all secular, what about the spiritual?
A Pope must be in the World, but not of the World. The issues with Organised Religion are described in Matthew 6, in the form of Papal Apotheosis, when the reality is that the effective form of spirituality is direct faith, not channelled through God's Vicar on Earth. A vicar, a vicarius, is a deputy, a substitute, but given that the substitute's human and therefore sinful, Houston, we have a problem.
There is nothing holy or righteous about either course of action.
Obviously, the pope and cardinals are NOT inspired vessels of God but, merely men easily corrupted and inadequate for the job of leading the world's faithful and heretics against the gospel.
Catholics need to open their eyes and seek God instead of catholic traditions and need to eco e open to whoever God really chose as his righteous leaders with his authority to guide their journey in life and into his presence.
First of all, why do you show a image of d dumpf? 😢who has absolutely nothing to do with the situation of *pope* frankie? Also the Pope frankie, in my humble and sinful opinion, is in fact, not a very good Christian nor a very good pope, and does not adhere to the traditional teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, but goes about his (business) in his own way and leaves many Catholic people in bewilderment 😢😢
There has only been one man without sin. I found this very interesting. We know that we have had flawed and even sinful Popes.
If we have a Pope that can influence peace in the Middle East, improve accountability within the bureaucracy of the Church, solve (?) the crisis of abuse...God willing, I will be thankful.
Unfortunately, this Pope sows more division than anything else...
Still waiting for Bergoglio to help with Middle East. 😂😂😂
Finding a work that pays well is already difficult and the hope that the Catholic Church with many issues is breaking our hopes and building our concerns to whom we really must come in times we need comfort.
Wtf you talkin bout
Oh my, cannot believe what garbage you are feeding these lies to.. Francis will be the final blow with all his heresy
@@dazzawazza3578 Seriously!!!
@@tobascoheat6582 no not really 😂
@@dazzawazza3578 I mean "Seriously WTF whack!" That Mii Angelo person, not U.
This channel, with yet another clickbait title, and the commenters deserve each other.
Michael you said it all.
Francis has been a disaster for the Church. Much to clean up when he finally goes.
The most endangered species on earth is the honest man.
True. Just look at the US politics.
Benny keeps the title pope. Franky refuses it and only uses the title bishop. Both are heretics. the chair is still empty.
May God have Mercy on their Souls .
Maybe those who live in worldly slums would be able to get out if the people would NOT WORSHIP FALSE Men of FALSE Religious and keep giving to their FALSE Institutions or attending their schools or giving your tithes that keeps this falseness going on to do the harm it is and has been going on for thousand's of years.
***it is nothing wrong making any inaugurations less pompous, it is about time that humbleness will be practised by the church.***
Fake humility...
What you expect from the evils? They need this to bloat their pompous egos.
I will never ever believe a word coming from their mouth even under torture.
St John Paul II and St Benedict XVI. RIP❤
Sometime my mind says that this church is no different with the insrance companies.Get ten percent from their members salaries as monthly premium,pay another tax when go to sunday service even children in sunday school with no income have to give to make God happy, and many ways by using God's name.Jesus must be more suffering to see this because He never asked money from His followers.He is the Lord to provide and give
You have Catholics confused with some other religion. We do not have a mandatory tithe. Also we do not have to pay to attend church on Sunday. Your nonsense about children having to pay for Sunday school is truly outrageous. In fact our religious education is not done on Sundays and children attend Mass with their family.
There are so many lies told about the church by non Catholics. Please try to verify what you have to say before posting lies.
JMJ+ True as far as it goes, but HE expects us to make the better choice to follow HIS direction not the world....go and sin no more lest something worse befall you..... We pray, go and do as HE Wills, not we will.... We are to be in the world but not of the world.... We are here, but we are GOD'S creation, and HIS image and likeness. Therefore, we need to act like it -- not pagans.....
@@alexk48 they're just trying to bait cha
I cannot agree with all you say, however they do charge to get people out of thier made up pergatory, all people need to do it trust Jesus for thier salvation.
Benedict was was pressured to relent because he was an impeded See. This means the situation was such that he no longer permitted to to do his job by those surrounding him
The Noble man simply left his place of honor because he could not fathom what man is doing to the children of God that is my belief I have an Normas amount of respect for him for walking away🙏🏽❤️🩹🕊
Don't believe it. Why? It was his job to place all the priests, bishops, cardinals around the world. In trouble? We will speedily remove and place you in another parish to carry on regardless. Keep the money coming!
You make an interesting point and it is indeed possible that he walked away because he felt burdened by guilt himself .Remember he too was at one point guilty of covering up the abuse taking place within his own area of authority . I believe they all put the interests of the institution ahead of the welfare of children
@@joangrennan886 The baldheaded Cardinal from Chicago, I forget his name, assigned a trusted Senior Priest, the job of dealing with a pedophile Priest, and the Priest did not take care of the problem. People found out and complained that the Cardinal was not doing his job. The Cardinal then had to step in a take strong measures. The laypeople are simply not giving the Catholic church the manpower to accomplish their mission. Too much Contraception, Abortion, divorce , etc.
@@joangrennan886 There is no proof that Pope Benedict covered up the abuse of children, there were people around him that probably dropped the ball. Pope John Paul 2nd closest advisor apparently kept information from him about the pedophile problem.
He was part of the priest scandals.
As according to Christ teaching. No man is holy, and no man is holy. Except our GOD in heaven. It's blasphemy to say the pope is holy father.
Saint Malachi also prophesied that Benedict was the last true pope. He prophesied that the next pope (Francis) would be an enemy of the Church.
Проблема в том ,что наказали хороших епископов ,а плохие стали еще хуже.Теперь вместе с детьми они принялись развращать Церковь ее традиции .
Corrupt. Period.
"Desperate search for a successor was on" - Do you really think it was just happenstance?
Desperate search? The liberals canvassed for votes for Francis, which was illegal, and Francis was so desperate to fix the Catholic church and tend to the poor he apparently joined in the fraud.
Click bait title!! Nothing about a scandal!! That's called LYING!!!!
I really didn’t learn anything from this vid, it perplexes me all this drama about a pope, such of waste of time and money, for what?Is just a show😐
Worse choice they could've made
this is a evil one...
Is he following ONLY the papers of the Vatican II Council?
What happens to the foundations, dogma, doctrine, and traditions of 2 centuries of Catholicism?
What about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost?
JMJ+ What do you think happens to it, Simone? The N. O. and much prior to Vat. II are the forerunners for the promotion of "lost Faith and lost souls." St. Anthony, help us to offer penance for the Reparation of the SACRED HEART of JESUS and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the ultimate intention of Righting the Church as JESUS instituted it.....amen
Indeed, what about them? More importantly, what about the duty of obedience to the elected Holy father of Rome? Has the Church been turned into a PTA meeting where everyone gets a say and a chance to moan?
@@lauriemayne7436 JMJ+ Obedience to the Holy Father or any other superior ends with a directive to do evil, ignore GOD'S WORD, give homage to Satan. Silence is complicity in what goes against the Canonized Roman Rite of the Apostles. Our obligation is to GOD, not man. GOD bless, and Mary keep you in their care....
Did you mean TWO MILLENIUMS?!! 😁
He only follows his own agenda ( and surrounds himself with other corrupt agenda ridden men in costumes and capes) and his agenda is not of God. Pray for his conversion, he is a wicked devious man.