So basically our colors switch because ABC thought, "red for Reagan." Everyone else in the world thinks red for the left party and blue for the right party.
Yep. Here in the UK conservatives are blue and labour party is red. On top of this, we also have the right wing UKIP which is purple and the left wing green party which is, unsurprisingly, green.
FIREDRAGON158 I assumed it was "Red for Republican" and Democrats got blue because it's a popular color against red and part of the "red white and blue" color scheme.
Vishal Shah Go to 1:09 and look carefully at the lower right corner of the TV. You will see three colored circles above the word "TRINITRON": Red, Green, and Blue, in the traditional RGB order. The color of Alabama is like a dark version of the middle color, which is green. It might be on the boundary of greenish-bluish, but it's definitely not pure blue (0, 0, 255). Pure Republican Green.
And also, I think the issue is with the old tv screen. You see how the red state has a bit of an orange tinge to it? I think the whole screen has a yellow tinge to it and that's where you're getting that green.
Red and Blue literally cannot be mixed up, unless you're one of the 0.01% of black-white colour blind people. Even then, blue would be darker and red would be lighter. Something's fishy here.
Well I have red/green colorblindness (the most common one, found with 6-8% of European males) and I see it as green so it's not out of the question. It's very mild though.
techn0vids Canada is in much better condition than the us, we have much lower poverty and better healthcare, as well as affordable university and we aren't governed by a sicko, this is all socialist traits combined with capitalism. In America there's huge gun crime, poverty and people die without healthcare all the time because of greedy corporations.
Matt G ironic how everything you just said was wrong. Canada has better healthcare and almost nobody dies due to lack of it. In America there's gun crime and tons of poverty, and you all get screwed by large corporations
1:07, it's blue and 1:09, it's green (really more of a teal since there is still some blue in there). Probably just degradation of the celluloid. In the close-up image, you can also see the states being more orange than red but the legend is clearly red. You're not blind.
Joe, you may have deuteranomaly color blindness. It's a difficulty in seeing green. The colors are green majority with an ever so slight blue. There's no yellow.
As I'm sure you know, red has often been associated with communism, and left-leaning TV networks in America probably don't want to associate the Democratic party with communism by using red. I don't think that it was to set ourselves apart from other countries. It is very puzzling, though.
It's the same thing in my country (Macedonia) the Conservatives(Right-Wing) use red while the Social-Democrats(Left-Wing) use blue I'm not exactly sure why this is the case.
Up until election night, 2000, I had always imagined the republican party as blue and the democratic party as red, precisely because red is the color of leftism. I remember looking at the Bush-Gore election map and being like, "What the hell? They got the colors backwards!"
Democrats are almost defined by their support for personal liberty (liberal social policy) and government-heavy economics, compared to restrictive personal choice (conservative social policy) and economic minimalism for the Republicans. I'm not sure where you're coming from but it's all right if you were just confused. Also, the Republicans are on the left? That's an odd statement. No civilised nation has a more far-right socially conservative party on such a scale. You seem to be saying that everything more progressive than fascism is on the left.
... The current Primate of the anglican church in Canada is Fred Hiltz, our current Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau. Our current queen is Elizabeth II. The Archbishop of Canterbury (The closest thing that the anglican church has to a pope) is Justin Welby. 10/10 troll, no sarcasm. Well done.
***** lol. Elizabeth couldn't give a rat's ass about imposing theocratic power on Canada. Her job is to be the metaphorical personification of the State, similar to the land that it is built upon. It is in her job description to be politically neutral. If you don't know this, you know even even less about our country than I thought you did. If the queen were to apply political power to Canada, she would do it through her Governor General - not through the Anglican Church of Canada. The Anglican Church would exert its power through the Primate or the Archbishop of Canterbury, the queen has nothing to do with their day to day business. It's almost like you're confusing symbolic figureheads with actual statesmen. Furthermore, it's impossible for an abrahimic theology to exist in a state with religious freedom. Commandment #1 is "you shall have no gods before me", and Canadians are allowed to worship (or not worship) any god(s) they desire. Your silly "Last Post" shenanigans are just a cop out so that you can leave the conversation on empty assertions and ignorance. You must be a blast to hang out with in real life.
***** Problem is you really can't have one without the other. No real reason to differentiate in the first place. If there really is a significant difference due to sex, it'll be made apparent though design.
Ugh, the colours for kids thing! I hate it! When my daughter was little, her favourite colour was red. It is so hard to find red clothing for little girls. I had to look in the boys section and most of that had stuff on it like "handsome like Daddy!" Even now, when she's 5, we shop in the boys' section as well as the girls' because she loves Thomas the Tank Engine and Paw Patrol and Star Wars, none of which can be found in the girls section. And just try to find a dinosaur shirt aimed at girls! On the other hand I have my sister fighting tooth and nail to keep her little boys from ever wearing colours she considers to be girly, and buying presents for them is scary because I never know what normal toy is going to be too feminine for her taste. I say, let's let colours be colours, clothes be clothes, and toys be toys. Life's just too short to worry about crap like this!
lol we got tired of our baby girl being called a baby boy, so we put her in more pink than I really liked. People still walked up and asked what "his" name was and "how old is he?" Since then I haven't given a darn. lol
Though according to another Vox video, this is even more recent than gendered colours, which apparently is mainly ultimately because First Lady Eisenhower liked pink.
I wish Republicans and Democrats would be open minded for once and actually form a better, more advanced opinion rather than enforcing there own beliefs which would then lead to a better government, economy, and life
@@mr.anderson2241 They didnt choose it as their colour but their opponents chose it for them. Because the Conservatives take religious values serious, like priests who wear black clothes
@@ozyman_dias ah I see the correlation now that you mention it. Kinda odd since typically the black is more associated with Catholic priests, would expect it to be the colors for like a Bavarian Christian party
*The logical explanation:* 1:57 Blue has historically represented the Union Army (which was led by a Republican), and red is already associated with left-wing parties around the world. *Murica:* 2:52 lol red and reagan both start with the letter "r"
Good video. Always wondered this, since in Sweden we use red as the color of our left (parties like the Social Democrats) and blue for our right (conservative parties and the like). As you mentioned in the video I though this was a quite global color scheme. Even though even our right leaning parties would probably be deep deep blue in American eyes.
It's like that everywhere that isn't America. In the EU too ofcourse, it's like that in France. It should seem like a blatant contradiction what with conservative America's "better dead than red" slogan. It might have to do with the Democratic and Republican parties doing a complete flip in political orientation, but I haven't watched the video yet, and perhaps after I may know for certain.
In Denmark, all parties are very different colors, but when the "blocks" get simplified, red are the social democratic leaning parties and blue are the liberal leaning parties. The conservative parties are usually grouped with the liberal leaning parties, due to the numerous similarities in their policy stances, I guess.
I started working in television in 1979. One of the first things I remember about election coverage was the guy in the graphics department explaining the two colors he picked for the different parties. I don't remember the two colors but I do remember him explaining that it look different in the grayscale. Back then a lot of people still owned black-and-white televisions and the two colors you pick had to look different in black-and-white...
As someone who remembers the maps in the US History textbooks long before color TV was widespread, Republicans were always depicted as the blue states and Democrats as the red states. I also remember commentators referring to Republican or Conservative values and states as being "blue state" and the corresponding "red state" term for Democrat or Liberal values and states. The only thing surprising to me in this video is that it took NBC so long to get the memo to disassociate an increasingly left leaning Democratic Party from the very established symbolism in the culture of red with communism, socialism and liberalism. (And I write this as someone who agrees with the Democratic Party on a number of issues, particularly in the area of Civil Rights and Social Justice.)
Yeah, I distictly remember back in second grade when we first learned about the political system in clas that Democrats were red and Republicans were blue. as well.
Fascists like their most extreme example, Hitler, actually taxed rich very low (highest income tax rate 12% when at the same time in Roosevelt's America under New Deal it was over 90%) and their economy was based on huge private corporations like IG Farbenindustrie, which build concentration camps and participated in crimes against humanity for private profit.
It's astounding that the US, with all its media proficiency, didn't have party colors until the turn of the millenium. In Germany the color red has been used by the SPD since the late 19th century. Bascially all our party colors are more than 100 years old, or at least trace their origins back to older iterations of their ideologies. Weird.
***** Who are you calling elder?!!? ;) Lol, I was talking about the election with my teenage son, and I told him of the 84 election, when the entire map was blue except for Mondale's home state of Minnesota, and he said, "You mean red?", and at first I thought I'd just mixed it up. But it bugged me, because I remembered that dang blue map, so I had to look it up, and yay! I'm not going senile yet.
In Canada: Blue (conservative, right) Red (liberal, centre left) Orange (social democratic, far left) Green (environmental party, slightly farther left) Purple (nationalist, far right)
The voting system would need a serious revamping for that to ever happen. Even if a third party gains popularity, one of the existing parties would just fade as it all settles back into a two-party system.
In Germany the blues are the AfD ( Alternative for Germany ) which is a right wing party, The reds are the SPD ( Social democratic Party Germany ) which are left wings
I heard the main reason Republicans were given Red is because they both start with the same letter. Democrats were given Blue because that's what was left.
This is complicated by the fact that Republican platforms were once considered liberal so now people who are conservative call themselves “classical liberal” which is actually closer to being a liberterian, whereas Democrats favour all kinds of regulatory controls on the economy, which a classical liberal would consider very illiberal.
In a curious twist, you can form the word "red" from the letters in "DEmocRat", and "blue" from the letters in "rEpUBLican", although that's the opposite of what the colors represent (so maybe they should switch it?).
I think this shows the sway that media, even in early color television, has on the public. It's really amazing what kind of power those handfuls of news anchors have and practice every day.
Everyone is here commenting about how the 1972 election map was Green not blue, but I think it’s just the quality of 1972 TVs. To me, it looks teal vs orange
its weird to me, i worked and lived in the UK for 7 years and their main political parties are the polar opposite to ours, Conservative: Republican - Blue, and Labour : Democrats - Red
This makes US politics confusing. You've got the colours the opposite way round from us. In Australia, we're used to seeing the Liberal party (centre-right) in blue and Labour (centre-left) in red.
The colors should be reversed since the Democrats are embracing socialism.. which loves the color red. Blue also seems to be associated with freedom and capitalism.
In England, the Conservative Party uses blue meaning traditional values since years ago, most groups that were traditional wore blue uniforms. The Labour Party uses red because it symbolizes revolution, as seen in the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution
A very informative and insightful video by Vox. However, it fell short of explaining why the parties swapped the colors, which kind of contradicts the title. Is it really just because of the "R is for Reagan" thing? Or there's some truth in what some people in the comment section describe as journalists' desire to prevent the Democrats from being associated with the communists?
Highly informative, well-researched, and yet not dripping with bias. In fact, not an ounce of bias. I remember when the news was like that. Very nice, well done!
At least it's not "(adjectival form of 1/32768" wavelength of light) states" and "(adjectival form of 1/65536" wavelength of light) states" as that would be a nightmare for everyone!
Lemme sum this up. During the Ronald Reagan election 2 of the 3 tv stations chose to show him as red because the starting letters were the same, eventually the third joined them to not cause confusion and the color schemes caught on and has been that way ever since.
1:14 Wait, blue? Isn’t that green? Am I colour blind? I’ve never had any indication of being colour blind before? Can you be blind to only one specific hue of colour? I feel like my whole life has been a lie now...
It used to be red for democrats and blue for republicans until the eighties. We were still in the cold war and red had a negative connotation for the democrats as it was associated with communism, socialists were called pinkos at the time. I remember being very confused at the time when it was changed.
Of course they did. It's just that red and blue didn't mean Republican and Democrat. Red, white, and blue were just American colors so they were used. I looked at an old McKinnely ad and it was just colored with an american flag. The red and blue just represented that and not the individual parties.
Bizarre but there we are. Red for Democrat and Blue for Republican makes a lot more sense - red has been the colour of Leftist parties for over a century, and blue is a calming colour redolent of the traditional Right.
Yep. Often when I hear of people trying to distance themselves from the Republican/Democrat dichotomy they will refer to themselves as "Socially Liberal and Fiscally Conservative." It doesn't help that a large number of registered "independents" are often left leaning. This of course is a huge issue for them as they are often forced to vote one way or the other, usually in opposition of the group they fear the most. If they vote Democrat, they are accused of being weak Democrats. If they vote Republican, they are accused of being traitors. Either way, they end up voting against their own interests because the other side ends up being worse for them. This is a huge shame for everyone else though as while a large number of Republicans and a smaller but still significant number of Democrats want as little compromise on their issues as possible, the swing voters DO want compromise. That is why top democrats are so conservative, because if they become extreme, they risk losing those left leaning swing voters. Meanwhile the extremely left Democrats have no choice BUT to vote for them anyway. What is their alternative? Vote for the Republicans whom they hate? Cote for a third party that inevitably steals votes from their own side ensuring the Republicans win anyway? Its insanity.
Another bizarre American idiosyncrasy like not using metric. Like mentioned about the UK, Canada uses blue for conservative and red for liberals as well
Call me crazy, but that color at 1:15 looked more green to me than blue. Maybe it's the color distortion. I'm not color blind at all. I've always wondered, does TV footage from the 1970s always look so bad because that's how it always was, or because the tapes deteriorated?
At least it's not "(adjectival form of 1/32768" wavelength of light) states" and "(adjectival form of 1/65536" wavelength of light) states" as that would be a nightmare for everyone!
"Red" has always been generally associated with socialist / communist politics; "Blue" generally associated with conservative politics. The reversal of this standard is a clear indication of the utter derision in which the media big shots hold the intelligence and grasp of history and custom of the American people. And - of course - most Americans have apparently fallen for it.
Oh good, another video on America. Thank god, it's been at least an hour since your last ten videos about America. I was worried we'd have another video about one of the other 200+ countries in the world.
Awesome. Of course, you could start your own channel, and make your own videos on whatever you want...though it's probably easier to cry about America. Please America, fix my problems for me!
What if I told you Vox is an US based news outlet with most of it's audience coming from that country? I know, right! My mind was blown too when I figured that out!!
So basically our colors switch because ABC thought, "red for Reagan." Everyone else in the world thinks red for the left party and blue for the right party.
just like meters vs yards. we are the exception!
Yep. Here in the UK conservatives are blue and labour party is red. On top of this, we also have the right wing UKIP which is purple and the left wing green party which is, unsurprisingly, green.
I assumed it was "Red for Republican" and Democrats got blue because it's a popular color against red and part of the "red white and blue" color scheme.
TH-camr What?
Am I going color blind? Casue i swear that map with Alabama was green
I was just about to comment the same thing.
It could be a problem with your monitor as not all monitors represent colors the same way.
Vishal Shah
Go to 1:09 and look carefully at the lower right corner of the TV. You will see three colored circles above the word "TRINITRON": Red, Green, and Blue, in the traditional RGB order. The color of Alabama is like a dark version of the middle color, which is green. It might be on the boundary of greenish-bluish, but it's definitely not pure blue (0, 0, 255).
Pure Republican Green.
Your default profile picture color is that color.
And also, I think the issue is with the old tv screen. You see how the red state has a bit of an orange tinge to it? I think the whole screen has a yellow tinge to it and that's where you're getting that green.
I'm pretty sure it was white and gold.
No it's Patrick
Definitely Laurel
Jon Doe omgggggg
Blue and black
black and blue i say! :P
For us colour blind people, this video was a nightmare!
Colors are amazing! You don't know what you're missing.
anime must look really shitty to you
You are going to have to look at the percentages tonight then.
Red and Blue literally cannot be mixed up, unless you're one of the 0.01% of black-white colour blind people. Even then, blue would be darker and red would be lighter. Something's fishy here.
Blue states and green states
The rest of the world: “Red is left, blue is conservative.”
Thought that blue in 1972 was green?
I'm paranoid that I'm colorblind now
Alabama is like that dress.
Well I have red/green colorblindness (the most common one, found with 6-8% of European males) and I see it as green so it's not out of the question. It's very mild though.
It's the quality of the image. Remember that TV colors weren't so sharp back in 1972.
Jesus christ it's blue dress again all over again isn't it?
But this year its Blue and Orange
if being orange is a crime...
no its red and gray, since hillary is dying
you're right. orange and grey
Yes, because minor medical issues are the real reason why Clinton shouldn't be president.
This year is orange and black: orange for a criminal, black for fascism.
The rest of the world: Metric, celcius, and Liberals are red Conservatives are blue
The US: We do it right, the rest of you are wrong
Not every country need to be the same
It's just colours lad
Also in Korea, democratics are blue and conservatives are red.
Here in Colombia conservative is blue and liberal is red
In India, we have BJP(Bhartiya Janta Party), Indian National Congress, Shiv Sena.
in Canada, it's the opposite. red means liberals and blue means conservatives. and orange means socialist
Lmao and America is quickly falling behind
techn0vids Canada is in much better condition than the us, we have much lower poverty and better healthcare, as well as affordable university and we aren't governed by a sicko, this is all socialist traits combined with capitalism. In America there's huge gun crime, poverty and people die without healthcare all the time because of greedy corporations.
The young Republican orange is the Ndp party, a party slightly more liberal than the liberals, but there's nothing wrong with being socialist.
Matt G ironic how everything you just said was wrong. Canada has better healthcare and almost nobody dies due to lack of it. In America there's gun crime and tons of poverty, and you all get screwed by large corporations
In America orange means criminal
Am I blind or was that green
and i thought i was color blind there for a second
It looks like yellow to me
1:07, it's blue and 1:09, it's green (really more of a teal since there is still some blue in there). Probably just degradation of the celluloid. In the close-up image, you can also see the states being more orange than red but the legend is clearly red. You're not blind.
Joe, you may have deuteranomaly color blindness. It's a difficulty in seeing green. The colors are green majority with an ever so slight blue. There's no yellow.
Nope, that was very much greenish. I suspect it was originally blue, though.
Nearly every other country has Left red, Right blue. Why must you be different?!
We think we are special
"Other" country? What?
We're also the same country that uses pounds and fahrenheit.. ah america.. rip
As I'm sure you know, red has often been associated with communism, and left-leaning TV networks in America probably don't want to associate the Democratic party with communism by using red. I don't think that it was to set ourselves apart from other countries. It is very puzzling, though.
It's the same thing in my country (Macedonia) the Conservatives(Right-Wing) use red while the Social-Democrats(Left-Wing) use blue I'm not exactly sure why this is the case.
Up until election night, 2000, I had always imagined the republican party as blue and the democratic party as red, precisely because red is the color of leftism. I remember looking at the Bush-Gore election map and being like, "What the hell? They got the colors backwards!"
In Canada the Liberals (left) are red and the Conservatives (right) are blue.
Democrats are almost defined by their support for personal liberty (liberal social policy) and government-heavy economics, compared to restrictive personal choice (conservative social policy) and economic minimalism for the Republicans. I'm not sure where you're coming from but it's all right if you were just confused.
Also, the Republicans are on the left? That's an odd statement. No civilised nation has a more far-right socially conservative party on such a scale. You seem to be saying that everything more progressive than fascism is on the left.
As a Canadian and a satanic atheist, I question your assertion that I live in a theocracy.
... The current Primate of the anglican church in Canada is Fred Hiltz, our current Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau. Our current queen is Elizabeth II. The Archbishop of Canterbury (The closest thing that the anglican church has to a pope) is Justin Welby.
10/10 troll, no sarcasm. Well done.
***** lol. Elizabeth couldn't give a rat's ass about imposing theocratic power on Canada. Her job is to be the metaphorical personification of the State, similar to the land that it is built upon. It is in her job description to be politically neutral. If you don't know this, you know even even less about our country than I thought you did.
If the queen were to apply political power to Canada, she would do it through her Governor General - not through the Anglican Church of Canada. The Anglican Church would exert its power through the Primate or the Archbishop of Canterbury, the queen has nothing to do with their day to day business. It's almost like you're confusing symbolic figureheads with actual statesmen.
Furthermore, it's impossible for an abrahimic theology to exist in a state with religious freedom. Commandment #1 is "you shall have no gods before me", and Canadians are allowed to worship (or not worship) any god(s) they desire.
Your silly "Last Post" shenanigans are just a cop out so that you can leave the conversation on empty assertions and ignorance. You must be a blast to hang out with in real life.
this is just like the history of the "blue is for boys and pink is for girls" thing. It's just a recent, made-up, wierd thing
Pretty much, yes, recently.
Even in the 19th century, pink was a color for boys. And it didn't flip like a switch come the 20th.
***** Problem is you really can't have one without the other.
No real reason to differentiate in the first place. If there really is a significant difference due to sex, it'll be made apparent though design.
Ugh, the colours for kids thing! I hate it! When my daughter was little, her favourite colour was red. It is so hard to find red clothing for little girls. I had to look in the boys section and most of that had stuff on it like "handsome like Daddy!" Even now, when she's 5, we shop in the boys' section as well as the girls' because she loves Thomas the Tank Engine and Paw Patrol and Star Wars, none of which can be found in the girls section. And just try to find a dinosaur shirt aimed at girls! On the other hand I have my sister fighting tooth and nail to keep her little boys from ever wearing colours she considers to be girly, and buying presents for them is scary because I never know what normal toy is going to be too feminine for her taste. I say, let's let colours be colours, clothes be clothes, and toys be toys. Life's just too short to worry about crap like this!
lol we got tired of our baby girl being called a baby boy, so we put her in more pink than I really liked. People still walked up and asked what "his" name was and "how old is he?" Since then I haven't given a darn. lol
Though according to another Vox video, this is even more recent than gendered colours, which apparently is mainly ultimately because First Lady Eisenhower liked pink.
the nostalgia i get when i see how curved, small and low quality TV’s used to be
I wonder if this helped drive the entire "us" vs "them" mentality that we see in politics today.
Kinda sad actually
I wish Republicans and Democrats would be open minded for once and actually form a better, more advanced opinion rather than enforcing there own beliefs which would then lead to a better government, economy, and life
And helped US to have a worser connection with Europe.
Interesting and ... yet non political? well done, nice.
i meant in terms of bias.. It was not "another reason why we hate the republicans" it seemed reasonably neutral...
Non-partisan is probably a less ambiguous term you could have used.
Yes I could have made that a bit clearer you are right.
I think we all knew what you meant to say. And I agree, it was refreshing.
because its the internet bro no hard feelings.
I noticed politicians also incorporate these colors into their wardrobes. Red ties v blue ties
Yes American Politics are increasingly becoming like British Politics when it comes to colors
Although Trump wore blue tie and Clinton had red dress.
@@goitsimodimomadue8053 Where'd u get that from?
Always dark suits
Crips vs Bloods
Democrips vs Rebloodicans
so do you mean crippled by birth or crippled by accident?
+Magnus McCloud its was a joke lol
Magnus McCloud Lol South Park
Grove Street Vs ballas
In Germany:
Red - Far Left & Social Democrats
Green - ecological party
Yellow - Liberals
Black - Conservatives
Blue - Far Right
How did the conservatives in Germany end up as black? Is this supposed to be in reference to Prussia?
@@mr.anderson2241 They didnt choose it as their colour but their opponents chose it for them. Because the Conservatives take religious values serious, like priests who wear black clothes
@@ozyman_dias ah I see the correlation now that you mention it. Kinda odd since typically the black is more associated with Catholic priests, would expect it to be the colors for like a Bavarian Christian party
More than 2 parties?? What kind of magic is this???
*The logical explanation:* 1:57 Blue has historically represented the Union Army (which was led by a Republican), and red is already associated with left-wing parties around the world.
*Murica:* 2:52 lol red and reagan both start with the letter "r"
Republican voting states on that 1972 CBS election map were green, not blue. #thedress
It's teal
I agree they were green
Looks like orange to me
I dont get it? Is thia a joke video? All the colours is grey. I think your camera is brokem. :/
light blue
It's actually good barbecue
Random Complex ayy fellow jacks films watcher
Good video. Always wondered this, since in Sweden we use red as the color of our left (parties like the Social Democrats) and blue for our right (conservative parties and the like). As you mentioned in the video I though this was a quite global color scheme. Even though even our right leaning parties would probably be deep deep blue in American eyes.
Red is left and blue is conservative (and yellow is liberal/centre) all over the world EXCEPT America for some reason.
It's like that everywhere that isn't America. In the EU too ofcourse, it's like that in France. It should seem like a blatant contradiction what with conservative America's "better dead than red" slogan. It might have to do with the Democratic and Republican parties doing a complete flip in political orientation, but I haven't watched the video yet, and perhaps after I may know for certain.
Yep Canada also has Liberal red and Torie Blue.
Swedish Social Democrats, aka Swedish Suicidal Democrats.
In Denmark, all parties are very different colors, but when the "blocks" get simplified, red are the social democratic leaning parties and blue are the liberal leaning parties. The conservative parties are usually grouped with the liberal leaning parties, due to the numerous similarities in their policy stances, I guess.
I started working in television in 1979. One of the first things I remember about election coverage was the guy in the graphics department explaining the two colors he picked for the different parties. I don't remember the two colors but I do remember him explaining that it look different in the grayscale. Back then a lot of people still owned black-and-white televisions and the two colors you pick had to look different in black-and-white...
3:08 thanks i really needed you to ad that audio comentary, no way i could have figured it out myself
This has always been confusing to Brits since, as you say, the red is left (labour) and conservative right is blue
DizzyWolf01 And the Lib Dems are yellow. Also, at times, Labour was more right than the Conservative Party (New Labour vs 1960s Tories)
Not just to us Brits - to everyone else in the world!
Red is still liberal in Canada.
Also in nearly all the rest of the world
and blue is conservative
As someone who remembers the maps in the US History textbooks long before color TV was widespread, Republicans were always depicted as the blue states and Democrats as the red states. I also remember commentators referring to Republican or Conservative values and states as being "blue state" and the corresponding "red state" term for Democrat or Liberal values and states. The only thing surprising to me in this video is that it took NBC so long to get the memo to disassociate an increasingly left leaning Democratic Party from the very established symbolism in the culture of red with communism, socialism and liberalism. (And I write this as someone who agrees with the Democratic Party on a number of issues, particularly in the area of Civil Rights and Social Justice.)
Yeah, I distictly remember back in second grade when we first learned about the political system in clas that Democrats were red and Republicans were blue. as well.
Fascists like their most extreme example, Hitler, actually taxed rich very low (highest income tax rate 12% when at the same time in Roosevelt's America under New Deal it was over 90%) and their economy was based on huge private corporations like IG Farbenindustrie, which build concentration camps and participated in crimes against humanity for private profit.
When one of Vox's videos about the political system isn't in the least politically charged.
It's astounding that the US, with all its media proficiency, didn't have party colors until the turn of the millenium. In Germany the color red has been used by the SPD since the late 19th century. Bascially all our party colors are more than 100 years old, or at least trace their origins back to older iterations of their ideologies. Weird.
"It might seem very strange to see blue used to represent the conservative party."
Any other Canadians get a chuckle from this?
I knew I remembered a blue Reagan map from when I was a kid. Thought I was going crazy. Or crazier. Whatever.
***** Who are you calling elder?!!? ;) Lol, I was talking about the election with my teenage son, and I told him of the 84 election, when the entire map was blue except for Mondale's home state of Minnesota, and he said, "You mean red?", and at first I thought I'd just mixed it up. But it bugged me, because I remembered that dang blue map, so I had to look it up, and yay! I'm not going senile yet.
+OGSpaceCadet He said he's surprised that AN elder didn't tell him this. He's not talking about you.
Brian Connolly It was a joke. See the winkie and lol? Lighten up, Francis.
@@2HRTS1LOVE it was blue. Vox is rewriting history and gaslighting you.
In Canada:
Blue (conservative, right)
Red (liberal, centre left)
Orange (social democratic, far left)
Green (environmental party, slightly farther left)
Purple (nationalist, far right)
Purple looks badass
Original never heard of that. Are you talking about the separatist party, cause they are light blue (Quebec) and black (west)
Gurnawaz Gill this is true (fellow Canadian)
the ndp is far from far left
@@owl2944 Isn't ndp more yellowish?
America needs a third party desperately.
They got Green and Liberal, and they have less than 10% of the vote when combined
The voting system would need a serious revamping for that to ever happen. Even if a third party gains popularity, one of the existing parties would just fade as it all settles back into a two-party system.
1980rlquinn dint think of that scenario. Interesting take.
Problem is that two are niche parties with little support beyond there base and people don't have a widely known alternative.
one of the best Vox has done in a while without all the damn bias
In Spain two of the strongest political parties are PP and PSOE, blue and red respectively and right and left respectively
In Germany the blues are the AfD ( Alternative for Germany ) which is a right wing party, The reds are the SPD ( Social democratic Party Germany ) which are left wings
Red - color of anger & rage
Blue - color of tranquility & safety
Red can also mean love and affection, while blue can mean sorrow and loneliness. It really is a matter of personal preference!
I heard the main reason Republicans were given Red is because they both start with the same letter. Democrats were given Blue because that's what was left.
nice pun
I mean, the actual reason is because the news liked the idea of "Red for Reagan" and that stuck.
As a Canadian this always confused me. I once thought Republicans were liberal and Democrats were conservatives because of the colours.
They used to be
@@fos1451 party switch
That was the case until 1920.
They were until the 20’s - 30’s
This is complicated by the fact that Republican platforms were once considered liberal so now people who are conservative call themselves “classical liberal” which is actually closer to being a liberterian, whereas Democrats favour all kinds of regulatory controls on the economy, which a classical liberal would consider very illiberal.
One other reason for red and blue was probably that those colors showed best in early color sets vs. say yellow.
Or, you know, they could have used black vs white which would have shown up even better!
Your videos are so aestheticly pleasing
Why can't I be like that?
Vox: "What? There are OTHER countries outside of America? I... I need to sit down."
What i've always found weird is that i'm from the uk, and i'm used to red being left for labour and blue being right for tories.
In a curious twist, you can form the word "red" from the letters in "DEmocRat", and "blue" from the letters in "rEpUBLican", although that's the opposite of what the colors represent (so maybe they should switch it?).
Honestly, they should switch colors, like the UK's parties, aligned Conservative with Blue and Liberals with Red.....
ow my brain, it's learning
Thats the liberals for yah
@@zackiechan2601 😂😂 you guys are so desperate, gotta take a shot at the Liberals anytime you get. Don’t you ever get tired of embarrassing yourself?
@@rseestella2296 fight fire with fire i guess
I think this shows the sway that media, even in early color television, has on the public. It's really amazing what kind of power those handfuls of news anchors have and practice every day.
If you were actually Jesus you wouldn't care the least bit about politics.
HDMI Is Life I mean why wouldnt I care about the fate a nation chooses for itself and how is shapes over time?
Jesus didn't engage in politics but He certainly cared about politics.
Jesus Sorry, if your gonna have that name at least try to represent the way he thought.
HDMI Is Life just cause yall went to church dont mean you know me
_could everyone stop talking about politics when this video’s about colors_
It's about political colours. What do you expect?
Everyone is here commenting about how the 1972 election map was Green not blue, but I think it’s just the quality of 1972 TVs. To me, it looks teal vs orange
its weird to me, i worked and lived in the UK for 7 years and their main political parties are the polar opposite to ours, Conservative: Republican - Blue, and Labour : Democrats - Red
This makes US politics confusing. You've got the colours the opposite way round from us. In Australia, we're used to seeing the Liberal party (centre-right) in blue and Labour (centre-left) in red.
Vox:"Alabama is Blue"
Comments:"Alabama is green"
*Blue was the imposter*
The colors should be reversed since the Democrats are embracing socialism.. which loves the color red. Blue also seems to be associated with freedom and capitalism.
Eric202 I don’t know what you’re on about, but it doesn’t change the platform of the Republican Party.
If democrates embrace sosialism why are they liberal and not sosialistic then?
In England, the Conservative Party uses blue meaning traditional values since years ago, most groups that were traditional wore blue uniforms. The Labour Party uses red because it symbolizes revolution, as seen in the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution
Politics? NOW I'M ANGRY
American exceptionalism: Imperial system instead of metric, use blue for the left-leaning party instead of red and call football soccer!
Our country is different from other countries. And then there's Texas, which prides itself on being even more different than the rest of the country.
@@rhodawatkins4516 and then there's Commifornia😕
@@jakeweberzwier8655 California is neoliberal
@@thematthew761 there's no difference 😎
@@jakeweberzwier8655 Communism=Neoliberal? What?
A very informative and insightful video by Vox. However, it fell short of explaining why the parties swapped the colors, which kind of contradicts the title. Is it really just because of the "R is for Reagan" thing? Or there's some truth in what some people in the comment section describe as journalists' desire to prevent the Democrats from being associated with the communists?
Highly informative, well-researched, and yet not dripping with bias. In fact, not an ounce of bias. I remember when the news was like that. Very nice, well done!
Lil but the republican vice pres candidate was wearing a blue tie and the democrat vice pres candidate was wearing a red tie
Glad I'm not the only one who thought the Republicans were blue and the Democrats were red!
It would just make so much more sense if that color association stuck. Lol
I’m 33, that explains why I got red and blue mixed up in my teen years lol
always so much efforts Vox puts into their content, I wonder why only they got 1M subs
its because of youtube's algorithm, this content is as exposed to viewers as other channels are
Democrat is so obviously a red word and Republican is so obviously a blue word. It hurts my soul a little bit, it's so frustrating.
Someone once told me Red means Rednecks, and rednecks vote mainly Republican….. I never checked how valid this claim is though…..
Minnesota isn’t a purple state! We’re the longest running blue state!
Wish the colours hadn't flipped, makes it difficult for a Brit to follow American politics!
At least it's not "(adjectival form of 1/32768" wavelength of light) states" and "(adjectival form of 1/65536" wavelength of light) states" as that would be a nightmare for everyone!
I don't think the color scheme divided us. the divisions were there ideologically. We just gave those differences distinguishing colors.
Lemme sum this up. During the Ronald Reagan election 2 of the 3 tv stations chose to show him as red because the starting letters were the same, eventually the third joined them to not cause confusion and the color schemes caught on and has been that way ever since.
1:14 Wait, blue? Isn’t that green? Am I colour blind? I’ve never had any indication of being colour blind before? Can you be blind to only one specific hue of colour? I feel like my whole life has been a lie now...
CrossfacePanda I thought that was green too
ye, that's green, I think it was supposed to be blue and was just the tv quality
Color technology was very poor back then, mixed with tape degradation and NTSC screens also not doing well with color causes this.
For us up in Canada, blue is usually associated with The Conservative Party and red is usually associated with The Liberal Party.
Blue is associated with conservatives in Europe, and red with the Left.
@@blagoevski336 how so?
Props to Vox for just presenting the information on this video and not any sort of Agenda.
It used to be red for democrats and blue for republicans until the eighties. We were still in the cold war and red had a negative connotation for the democrats as it was associated with communism, socialists were called pinkos at the time. I remember being very confused at the time when it was changed.
Fun Fact: South Korea uses the same colour scheme that the U.S. does
But didn't parties use colours in campaigns before tv? Did they not have colour schemes ?
Almost certainly! This video assumes the history of politics began in the 70s and existed purely on broadcast news. Strange.
The world didn't have color. Everything was monochrome back then
Of course they did. It's just that red and blue didn't mean Republican and Democrat. Red, white, and blue were just American colors so they were used. I looked at an old McKinnely ad and it was just colored with an american flag. The red and blue just represented that and not the individual parties.
Alexander L is right. EVERYONE knows the world was black and white, until the 1930s, when everything turned into color.
Kind of ironic that blue team means the defensive team in certain fields while the red team are usually the attackers… Perfect example of Jan. 6.
Bizarre but there we are. Red for Democrat and Blue for Republican makes a lot more sense - red has been the colour of Leftist parties for over a century, and blue is a calming colour redolent of the traditional Right.
Thanks vox for answering a question nobody asked
Ha ha this is awesome! 😆🤣 I love it. My favorite color is red ironically but my political views are as blue as the ocean for the most part.
Red means socialist here.
Yep. Often when I hear of people trying to distance themselves from the Republican/Democrat dichotomy they will refer to themselves as "Socially Liberal and Fiscally Conservative."
It doesn't help that a large number of registered "independents" are often left leaning. This of course is a huge issue for them as they are often forced to vote one way or the other, usually in opposition of the group they fear the most. If they vote Democrat, they are accused of being weak Democrats. If they vote Republican, they are accused of being traitors. Either way, they end up voting against their own interests because the other side ends up being worse for them.
This is a huge shame for everyone else though as while a large number of Republicans and a smaller but still significant number of Democrats want as little compromise on their issues as possible, the swing voters DO want compromise. That is why top democrats are so conservative, because if they become extreme, they risk losing those left leaning swing voters. Meanwhile the extremely left Democrats have no choice BUT to vote for them anyway. What is their alternative? Vote for the Republicans whom they hate? Cote for a third party that inevitably steals votes from their own side ensuring the Republicans win anyway?
Its insanity.
WTF... Thats green, not blue. Don't reply if you saw green, just reply if you saw Blue. Did anyone see Blue???
What if I saw it as purple? Do I still respond? Oh no, but now that I have... What have I done?
It's cyan for me.
It was white and gold for me
Not deep blue but still blue
Another bizarre American idiosyncrasy like not using metric. Like mentioned about the UK, Canada uses blue for conservative and red for liberals as well
In Canada, it's the opposite. The liberal party is red and the conservative party is blue.
I’m actually happy with the change since both Democrats and Republicans also switched political views
Exactly, and it could happen again at anytime.
Fun fact: The colours are actually red for Liberal and blue for Conservative in Canada
Same for anywhere else in the world just the us has to be different
Even though i'm glad Trump has won, i'm still wondering why do we use red as our party's color, doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
I love this channel because it provides information and education in an effective and entertaining way. Keep it up VOX!
Call me crazy, but that color at 1:15 looked more green to me than blue. Maybe it's the color distortion. I'm not color blind at all. I've always wondered, does TV footage from the 1970s always look so bad because that's how it always was, or because the tapes deteriorated?
*has to chose random reliable conservative state everyone knows *choose Alabama
Vox: Red and Blue States.
Colorblind People:Our dissapointment is immesureable,and our elections are ruined.
At least it's not "(adjectival form of 1/32768" wavelength of light) states" and "(adjectival form of 1/65536" wavelength of light) states" as that would be a nightmare for everyone!
5:09 ah yes my favourite purple state, *w a s h i n g t o n*
It was until 2004
"Red" has always been generally associated with socialist / communist politics; "Blue" generally associated with conservative politics. The reversal of this standard is a clear indication of the utter derision in which the media big shots hold the intelligence and grasp of history and custom of the American people. And - of course - most Americans have apparently fallen for it.
In UK the conservatives are blue and labour are red
Because red is evil. Duh
Oh good, another video on America. Thank god, it's been at least an hour since your last ten videos about America. I was worried we'd have another video about one of the other 200+ countries in the world.
lmao vox is american. what did you expect liam? what did you expect?
boo hoo
Awesome. Of course, you could start your own channel, and make your own videos on whatever you want...though it's probably easier to cry about America. Please America, fix my problems for me!
What if I told you Vox is an US based news outlet with most of it's audience coming from that country?
I know, right! My mind was blown too when I figured that out!!
red for republican blue for bidon
in Sweden democrats is red and republicans is blue
It should be Red=Liberal and Blue=Conservative in the US just like the rest of the world.
I always thought red for the Dems seemed more appropriate.
That’s because it is. Lol