Did Warlocks get buffed? I heard demo now does some of the most dps out of any class in 7.1. I'm curious if I should 1-110 (or 1-60) a demonology warlock since I heard they do a ton of dps in 7.1
I've been affliction since vanilla and I'm having the most fun in game since wrath. It got so bad in Warlords I had to go demo just to get a spell in edgewise when i wasn't solo-ing, but now iv'e got three or four different ways to play within one spec; wanna always have something to do? aff has every button on your bar filled, want to do as much solo-ing as blood dks? aff got you self healing, wanna dps? we got damage, feeling lazy? we can pare it down to three spells. It's been brilliant.
I gotta say I do not like the new destro compared to any previous destro. I loved incinerating and chaos bolting (where they actually hit like a truck). Now chaos bolts hit like wet noodles and incinerates taks way too long to cast. I also miss the high damage shadowburn finisher.
I have watched a considerable number of your videos discussing Classes and Specs and I would like to say that I really enjoy them! The information is clear and feels unbiased as well as appealing to aspects such as "Most Fun Spec" while not being too bogged down by pure numbers. Your editing makes the videos very enjoyable to watch as I love the jokes and little quips here and there. My only complaint would be that some individuals may feel like you are going at too fast of a pace to keep up with, however I prefer this quick pace. Cheers!
I was a BM hunter, played hunter since Vanilla. 7.0 made me drop the class within an hour and now I can't figure out what I want to play T_T I don't want to play melee, BM is extremely boring and MM is cool but I like my pet.
I have MM and BM hunters. After the legion launch, I totally made a druid. Don't even play my hunters anymore and I totally loved them. Had spent 5 years getting all the pets and now it sucks so bad. Even the class hall is so much like the Horde Frostfire Ridge WoD starting zone. /cries......
Thought the same thing. Then played Marks. LOVING IT. With a 814 wep my DPS is on par with 840+ fully geared DPS. You just need to be careful with winders and barrage.
But as a Warlock, how am I supposed to get my set when I keep getting rejected from groups? Besides, what's the point of doing good damage once you have your set? Once you get all BiS items, why bother doing raids anymore? I should be able to do decent damage to assist my group in order to get my set, not the other way around.
"If you enjoyed destruction before, there is no reason why you wouldn't enjoy it now" - Well, that clearly isn't true. Most of the Warlock complaints for the past few months are actually based on gameplay problems over damage. Even if damage got buffed they will still be unhappy.
Demonic empowerment isn't the problem, that long-ass cast time for empowerment is the problem. It should be instant, or there should be a proc that makes it instant. This is a spec that's all about racing to cast as many demons as possible, the fact that there is no proc to make any spells instant is stupid.
I very much appreciate that someone else agrees with my opinion of Demo Warlocks. Btw I love that your content keeps improving and your humor always makes me laugh. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for some more legion content from you both.
lol u really need to keep up on these bill cosby jokes they are the foundation of your channel, lol just kidding it's your cool voice and amazing humor, love u guys keep posting
I was a shadow priest, long ago, in a time when we still had mana and only mana. A time when the most fun you could have was watching the black magic enchant proc and proceed to unload all your external CDs to reach closer to The Dream: The 100% Haste Dream, where your dps would have been simply inhumane and the rest of the raid just stopped doing anything and bowed to your dps AND hps, because vampiric embrace was a passive buff that made you a walking druid spell. This is it. The Dream is so close now. We can touch it, grasp it tightly, bask in its glory.And then die. Horribly.
You know noxxic rankings are completely useless right? Atm, spriest is prob the lowest single target dps and by far the worst AOE class in the game. Its already getting denied into mythics +, because it does 0 dmg on trash and boss dps isnt superior in any way or form. So while spriest may be fun to play, its a wasted slot in a group atm. Fun indeed.
Spriest is bad at m+, as with most ranged dps that aren't hunters (and mages at a stretch). Doesn't mean it's bad in raids. You're right about noxicc though
Spriests are already denied into mythics+? Wow, didn't knew that the mythics+ have already opened. Nice to know. And "prob" is not very accurate. Spriests still do insane of damage on single target fights that takes longer then just a minute. In most boss fights that die faster then one minute the burst of the other classes make up too much of a portion of their overall DPS, where Spriests have none. But if the fight lasts longer the Spriests do insane single target damage constantly. They just need time to wrap up. And that is why so many guilds are looking so desperately for a Spriest right now - for raid content.
Thanks for the shoutout guys. I'm one of those filthy casual players & as a result I've noticed that I have been playing batter since the extra simplification of BM. I really miss my traps, kill shot & old Aspect Of The Cheetah; but, overall I'm having fun. Especially since getting a Dire Stable glyph. A Hunter without a pet, especially a Loque, is not a hunter. Suck it MMs :P
Yeah the problem with having to get so much footage is that you inevitably get it while doing like 100 other things at the same time, unfortunately. I see happening in this vid and I'm like, "How did I not even notice that was happening?!" XD
Remember when warlocks were talked about in the q&a recently? Remember when they acknowledged the problems but said they wouldn't change anything? Remember when they told us to deal with it and "stop spamming threads" (aka stop complaining).
Your humor is so fucking enjoyable I think I might subscribe. And it is extremely rare for me to give enough fucks (as someone I know says) to subscribe to anyone. So if you continue to make videos like this, I can say with utmost certainty you have genuinely EARNED yourself a subscriber. Well fucking done indeed!
well shadow priest aoe is garbage for dungeons and we only really do decent damage on 1-3 targets that stay alive for a while. so please don't nerf the single target dmg too much and at least give us some more aoe.
yeah shadows in a really tough spot right now. even for single target too. not sure where he got those rankings cuz they are off. but most of that just revolves around fights being horrible for us. we cant move for vt or it ends and its super powerful. pretty much a perfect rotation for us requires us to be as still as possible or youre just not gonna cut it
The rankings are very misleading, as it's based upon people in the top guilds taking surrender to madness. Builds without that talent lies in the buttom of the dps charts atm.
Shadow Priest performance, especially on many targets or in S2M varies greatly from player to player. As far as AoE goes, we range from okeish to pretty insane, apart from rare scenario like in Vault on imps when our only choice is Mind Sear - but these situations are rare. You have to accept weaknesses of Spriest and it's many strengths. It's a hyper-scalling spec, far more than any other and dependant on good gear because of that - while fire mages and melees may feel strong now, you will see that after two months Spriest performance with triple while their will stay more or less the same.
***** >100 active members and at least 20 to be active Raiders. So not that small. And it's my understanding that Sidewinders really slows down MM to unbearable levels(according to former hunters).
1) dps has nothing to do with it, its the playstyle that is slow, lots of waiting. 2) 500 is a very large guild 3) As we made top 100 guilds during HFC i think we are at least a decent Guild. So i have reason to trust my guildmates.
***** DPS can change with the next hotfix, im talking about playing the class... Cause you didn't seem to think it was normal. I know it's bad, but it speaks more about the class than anything if none wants to play it.
Taliesin, This's the first video of yours I've ever seen (not your fault, necessarily, as I rarely youtube anything longer than the attention span of a gnat) but despite that, I am *hooked* !! I came. I saw. I laughed (loudly). I cried (on the inside, per my perpetual state -not your doing, I assure you). I subscribed within 1 minute into the video, which ended at 13+ minutes and me exclaiming, "That's IT? It's OVER ALREADY?!?" which was an feat you've accomplished by me hanging upon EVERY word...no "zoning-out" or "daydreaming" during portions of this vid, no... I don't even think I blinked for the duration. TL;DR - Then you are an even more distracted person than I a.... HEY! BACK HERE! *Ahem* ...than I am, and you should watch this vid.
It is beyond awful, it is fucking trash tier. I have mained destro since wrath and the spec has never been this bad, every other caster class can pull better numbers way easier, and damn fire mages not only stole our heat up spell effects but our orbs too.
You could at least use the WoD version to pull mobs. Now It deals a little more damage but you have to spend 3 shards and it has a cast time. Feels very lack luster.
MM has to time their movement between casted aimed shots. MM has to try to line up lock and load with vulnerability then get off the marked shot right at the end of vulnerability, so that sidewinders can refresh vulnerability.BM is just 4 instant casts. Click whichever one is up. There is zero planning, stacking...anything. It is ... beyond simple.
Thank you very much for your insight! I play Hunter(All Specs) myself and this has 100% made me want to play me demo lock all over again!!! You are excellent at covering all of the core abilities and I love your enthusiasm. Keep up the great work and you have gained a sub!
I'm maining a prot paladin but I was looking for a good alt and so I decided to look up some videos about range classes because I've never played one before. I already liked the idea of playing a shadow priest after giving it a shot with trial class and that moment you said shadow is your favourite I felt convinced. Cheers mate ! :D
Really enjoyed this series. The ability to maintain dps numbers while doing mechanics is the trick to all successful mythic raiding guilds. It makes sense that certain classes that tend to carry roles outside of the focus raid boss dps (consistent add switching) etc would carry higher raw dps numbers to offset a class that usually just stays glued to the boss. If you look at the logs over different bosses you can always tell how certain classes always have an affinity to certain raid bosses.
I'm so happy I found this vid, and have happily subscribed. You are absolutely delightful. That being said, I have to agree about Frost mage. It's been my main since BC, just because I love the spec so much. I can't say I haven't been frustrated with our dps in dungeons, but for solo leveling it's great.
Hunters specs in general: MM: Very good if you are skilled with the sweep cooldowns, like know how to spam arcane shot would be viable training, Use arcane/mulit shot when you get the proc then apply marked shot if you get another proc (back to back) for arcane/multi shot then use marked shot this should be a rinse and repeat rotation till there is no back to back then use aimed shot before debuff expires then use anything talent related off cooldowns. (The procs are priority number one for marked shot) BM: Cruise control on dps just press dire beast/kill command whenever its off cooldown then just Multi shot/Cobra shot till kill command is at 2 seconds then don't press anything till kill command is ready for pressing for it will have the right amount of focus. Then use anything talent related off cooldown. (Macro in Kill command and tie it with Bestial wrath and aspect of the wild and you got yourself a never ending dps rotation a 4 year old can do) (Dire beast is priority because it will knock off 15 seconds off Bestial wrath cooldown) Survival: Tricky to handle, Use lacerate,immolation trap to set up dots then use flanking strike whenever its off cd use raptor strike/carve till you run out of focus then spam mongoose bite by the time you finish focus is regenerated then refresh dots and use anything talent related off cooldown. (The Artifact has an ability that literally nukes in dmg and works with mongoose bite buffs but make sure to time it right for maximum dmg)
Would you ever consider releasing the addons and configs you're using per character? Cannot wait to see your 7.1.5 version of this (considering you just released Melee)
This video is hysterically hilarious! Taliesin really provides both good and useful information about the different classes and specs, but also does it in a way that makes you laugh out loud, which can be rather awkward when you're near your parents in law and have to explain to them why the hell you are laughing out loud... from a WoW video... Single now btw
affliction he just spread his DOT and everyone is down with his shield ( give him double stamina for 20 seconds) he is like immortal also his drain soul & siphon life gives him a lot of healing he is arguably one of the best ranged classes in wow
Been healing as disc. Currently 850 ilvl, have not yet been last on a single dps chart. Running Schism, Mindbender, Power Infusion, Purge the wicked. Grabbed Confession trait for that sweet penance dmg boost, 15% dmg bonus to smite from Invoke the light, rushed Power Of the Dark side to get a chance at 50% bonus Penance dmg from using Purge the Wicked. Halfway through the Artifact Power Needed to get Sins of the many (Second gold trait) And can't wait for that free 5% dmg bonus. Currently pulling roughly 250K dps to 170K dps, the highest non-atonement healing that must be done, the lower the dps, but currently, disc is literally a dps spot for M dungeons that just so happens to heal just as much as any other healer. It's amazing.
Holy shit that warcraft bible burn. hooooot damn
just what i thought ^^
That's what I said xD I couldn't help but giggle
That was hilarious anx really well thought
someone wanna explain to me this warcraft bible thing? I heard his comment during video but I didnt get it :( and all the comments are about it
What happened when the drunk demon hunter double jumped?
He fel
Stealing this XD
Bwahahaha dat smarts ;)
Holy shit. Burning more Bibles than Black metal bands.
as a fan of black metal I approve of this :D
as a fan of bible black I approve of this
As a fan of burning more bibles than black metal bands, I approve of this.
as a fan of fans I am a fan.
As a bible of fans i black metal this
I enjoy this channel very much, thanks for the fun commentary :)
Warcraft Bible joke; absolutely
the editing and commentary was overall hilarious and well done. nice work!
SHE WASNT READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What you mean SHE wasn't ready... Actually on second thoughts pretty accurate
omg that warcraft bible reference tho at 4:30
The burn even hurt me
that WarcraftBible burn though xD
Did Warlocks get buffed? I heard demo now does some of the most dps out of any class in 7.1. I'm curious if I should 1-110 (or 1-60) a demonology warlock since I heard they do a ton of dps in 7.1
As a demonology warlock.. i am salty as fuck to see that beastmaster pet.. in this video
Im so happy its finally out! Thank you so much for the great content!
I've been affliction since vanilla and I'm having the most fun in game since wrath. It got so bad in Warlords I had to go demo just to get a spell in edgewise when i wasn't solo-ing, but now iv'e got three or four different ways to play within one spec; wanna always have something to do? aff has every button on your bar filled, want to do as much solo-ing as blood dks? aff got you self healing, wanna dps? we got damage, feeling lazy? we can pare it down to three spells. It's been brilliant.
darioprime Awesome to hear you say that. Go locks!
It is so worth waiting for these videos. Keep up the amazing work, guys!
Dude you forgot to mention that Ele's dps is smaller than my self esteem
Wow your humor is the best I've encountered in al long time now on youtube :D
Worst part about destro spec is well.... You don't feel destructive
The image at 09:30 had me cracking up, another awesome vid.
I gotta say I do not like the new destro compared to any previous destro. I loved incinerating and chaos bolting (where they actually hit like a truck). Now chaos bolts hit like wet noodles and incinerates taks way too long to cast. I also miss the high damage shadowburn finisher.
yep. Wotlk was the shit.
+rektm90 my favorite ever. Immolate into Conflagrate was so strong that all it took after a crit was a chaos bolt or two to finish someone.
Apollo I hated chaos bolts, getting hit for 700k at lvl 100 with 300k health wasn't fun
Ketchupsmokin Blaze too bad that never happened :/
They hit for 120k low, to 220k max on under-geared people.
Damn man your writing skills are 10/10. Keep up the high quality and I'm sure your channel will explode!
LoL South African gran xD I am asouth African actually and that was funny as hell!
Stay strong.
Fully agree! made me laugh way too much (South African myself)
South Africans don't actually exist, it's a complete myth. So I'm calling you out on your lies, sir.
How are they a Myth? you need to leave your bubble more often and learn about the planet you live on :P
so am i lol cape town
I can't get enough of your videos. The "gogogogogo" and the constant jokes are freakin amazing. Thank you.
them WarcraftBible shots!
I just watched this so I could see a young and happy Taliesin talking during a time that was brighter and a little less dirty.
Well..I guess at least one person's happy with Legion lock.
I have watched a considerable number of your videos discussing Classes and Specs and I would like to say that I really enjoy them! The information is clear and feels unbiased as well as appealing to aspects such as "Most Fun Spec" while not being too bogged down by pure numbers. Your editing makes the videos very enjoyable to watch as I love the jokes and little quips here and there. My only complaint would be that some individuals may feel like you are going at too fast of a pace to keep up with, however I prefer this quick pace. Cheers!
Hunter Morgan Hey, thanks very much! We really appreciate that :)
I was a BM hunter, played hunter since Vanilla. 7.0 made me drop the class within an hour and now I can't figure out what I want to play T_T
I don't want to play melee, BM is extremely boring and MM is cool but I like my pet.
So play MM and don't pick Lone Wolf o.O
I have MM and BM hunters. After the legion launch, I totally made a druid. Don't even play my hunters anymore and I totally loved them. Had spent 5 years getting all the pets and now it sucks so bad. Even the class hall is so much like the Horde Frostfire Ridge WoD starting zone. /cries......
Thought the same thing. Then played Marks. LOVING IT. With a 814 wep my DPS is on par with 840+ fully geared DPS. You just need to be careful with winders and barrage.
that was actually my developement over the last 2 weeks with a Affliction Warlock main.
Thank you for the video. I missed seeing them from you all. Keep them coming. :D
We won't really know true numbers until people complete their tier sets.
And don't forget them legendaries!
But as a Warlock, how am I supposed to get my set when I keep getting rejected from groups? Besides, what's the point of doing good damage once you have your set? Once you get all BiS items, why bother doing raids anymore? I should be able to do decent damage to assist my group in order to get my set, not the other way around.
We can see the tier sets bonuses right now.
It's not hard to do some math, most casters will still be complete garbage even in full BiS.
Finally! Must be hard juggling making content and actually having fun playing legion. Thanks for putting this out!
"If you enjoyed destruction before, there is no reason why you wouldn't enjoy it now" - Well, that clearly isn't true. Most of the Warlock complaints for the past few months are actually based on gameplay problems over damage. Even if damage got buffed they will still be unhappy.
Great video as always!
How do you find demonology fun? I absolutely cannot stand that empower spell you need to cast every 5 seconds. ;(
yea, that spell is so annoying..
Yeah mop and wod demo was much more fun to me.
Demonic empowerment isn't the problem, that long-ass cast time for empowerment is the problem. It should be instant, or there should be a proc that makes it instant. This is a spec that's all about racing to cast as many demons as possible, the fact that there is no proc to make any spells instant is stupid.
Ure right! And maybe increase the duration of it, so we don't have to cast it every (15sec?), or everytime we summon a new demon..
demon dogs, laser eyes, fierce ass imps shooting green fire, felguard with Glorenzelg -> hype af.
I very much appreciate that someone else agrees with my opinion of Demo Warlocks. Btw I love that your content keeps improving and your humor always makes me laugh. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for some more legion content from you both.
As a Hunter i hate MM and BM so incredibly boring its making me yawn just thinking about it
Rem is Love!
nah a played some more MM Yesterday, its not as bad as first thoughts, ill probably MM raid and Surv world
I like my AoE as BM and my single targ dmg gets a boost per pet I have and my crows is pretty much unlimited when killing trash.
let them whine, play what you enjoy
Best spec comparisson series on youtube. thanks for a very entertaining channel you guys
Not a single bill cosby joke /sigh
I know we dropped the ball on this one. We'll sort it next time I promise.
His son has his book. Check out the intro of the legion launch party ;)
lol u really need to keep up on these bill cosby jokes they are the foundation of your channel, lol just kidding it's your cool voice and amazing humor, love u guys keep posting
I was a shadow priest, long ago, in a time when we still had mana and only mana. A time when the most fun you could have was watching the black magic enchant proc and proceed to unload all your external CDs to reach closer to The Dream: The 100% Haste Dream, where your dps would have been simply inhumane and the rest of the raid just stopped doing anything and bowed to your dps AND hps, because vampiric embrace was a passive buff that made you a walking druid spell. This is it. The Dream is so close now. We can touch it, grasp it tightly, bask in its glory.And then die. Horribly.
You know noxxic rankings are completely useless right? Atm, spriest is prob the lowest single target dps and by far the worst AOE class in the game. Its already getting denied into mythics +, because it does 0 dmg on trash and boss dps isnt superior in any way or form.
So while spriest may be fun to play, its a wasted slot in a group atm. Fun indeed.
Phew, thank goodness I say in the vid that you shouldn't pay attention to those numbers then eh? ;)
If you're not an hardcore raider/pvper numbers shouldnt bother you
Spriest is bad at m+, as with most ranged dps that aren't hunters (and mages at a stretch). Doesn't mean it's bad in raids. You're right about noxicc though
Getting denied a spot in content that isn't even out yet? NO WAY! That's completely unacceptable.
Spriests are already denied into mythics+? Wow, didn't knew that the mythics+ have already opened. Nice to know. And "prob" is not very accurate. Spriests still do insane of damage on single target fights that takes longer then just a minute. In most boss fights that die faster then one minute the burst of the other classes make up too much of a portion of their overall DPS, where Spriests have none. But if the fight lasts longer the Spriests do insane single target damage constantly. They just need time to wrap up. And that is why so many guilds are looking so desperately for a Spriest right now - for raid content.
Thanks for the shoutout guys.
I'm one of those filthy casual players & as a result I've noticed that I have been playing batter since the extra simplification of BM. I really miss my traps, kill shot & old Aspect Of The Cheetah; but, overall I'm having fun.
Especially since getting a Dire Stable glyph.
A Hunter without a pet, especially a Loque, is not a hunter. Suck it MMs :P
Do you read Wolves of the Beyond?
No, but I've heard of it.
I got my name a few years ago by just looking up names that mean wolf haha.
I'm a joke, better make an early.
idk I tried
don't try next time
MrWowh sorry
Mate your references are brilliant. I'm surprised you don't have a larger audience.
While the commentary is great, the footage is... hard to watch.
Yeah the problem with having to get so much footage is that you inevitably get it while doing like 100 other things at the same time, unfortunately. I see happening in this vid and I'm like, "How did I not even notice that was happening?!" XD
You didnt rank shit..
The irony of that chris metzen and the stars joke just to find out the next day hes retiring... RIP
Remember when warlocks were talked about in the q&a recently? Remember when they acknowledged the problems but said they wouldn't change anything? Remember when they told us to deal with it and "stop spamming threads" (aka stop complaining).
Hey, we're the best roller coaster ride blizzard's got! Don't you go dissin my season pass...
i remember. it was during TBC when they rekt soul link.
Your humor is so fucking enjoyable I think I might subscribe. And it is extremely rare for me to give enough fucks (as someone I know says) to subscribe to anyone. So if you continue to make videos like this, I can say with utmost certainty you have genuinely EARNED yourself a subscriber. Well fucking done indeed!
well shadow priest aoe is garbage for dungeons and we only really do decent damage on 1-3 targets that stay alive for a while. so please don't nerf the single target dmg too much and at least give us some more aoe.
Blizz should have given shadow priests Cascade as a baseline spell.
yeah shadows in a really tough spot right now. even for single target too. not sure where he got those rankings cuz they are off. but most of that just revolves around fights being horrible for us. we cant move for vt or it ends and its super powerful. pretty much a perfect rotation for us requires us to be as still as possible or youre just not gonna cut it
The rankings are very misleading, as it's based upon people in the top guilds taking surrender to madness. Builds without that talent lies in the buttom of the dps charts atm.
Shadow Priest performance, especially on many targets or in S2M varies greatly from player to player. As far as AoE goes, we range from okeish to pretty insane, apart from rare scenario like in Vault on imps when our only choice is Mind Sear - but these situations are rare. You have to accept weaknesses of Spriest and it's many strengths.
It's a hyper-scalling spec, far more than any other and dependant on good gear because of that - while fire mages and melees may feel strong now, you will see that after two months Spriest performance with triple while their will stay more or less the same.
Rym 1469
absolutely well said
actually super entertaining to watch, earned a sub
None wanna play Hunter in my guild... not a single one.
Hunters got the worst nerf of all time. ;( not even kidding.
***** isn't Mm slowest of them all, with optimal talent choices.
***** >100 active members and at least 20 to be active Raiders. So not that small.
And it's my understanding that Sidewinders really slows down MM to unbearable levels(according to former hunters).
1) dps has nothing to do with it, its the playstyle that is slow, lots of waiting.
2) 500 is a very large guild
3) As we made top 100 guilds during HFC i think we are at least a decent Guild. So i have reason to trust my guildmates.
***** DPS can change with the next hotfix, im talking about playing the class...
Cause you didn't seem to think it was normal.
I know it's bad, but it speaks more about the class than anything if none wants to play it.
You guys are such a charismatic couple, loving your real life videos so much and your Bill Cosby jokes are Magnificent
I came for the ranked DPS. Where are the rankings of DPS #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, you get the idea :)
BM #1 Proof of it i am either on number 1 or 2 in dps charts every time
MM #1 I haven't lost a mythic yet.
Well i guess were tied
sorry im new what's BM and MM
BM = Beast Mastery and MM = MarksMan. Don't be sorry about being new, we all were at one point. :)
Your content is actually really good for the amount of subscribers you have
Keep it up !
You cute fuckers made me resubscribe to WoW.
This guy deserves more subs! I'm enjoying your vids, keep it up!
how will you end your videos when you run out of other wow youtubers?
We'll stop making videos
Guess I'll start making WoW videos so you can keep going
This's the first video of yours I've ever seen (not your fault, necessarily, as I rarely youtube anything longer than the attention span of a gnat) but despite that, I am *hooked* !!
I came. I saw. I laughed (loudly). I cried (on the inside, per my perpetual state -not your doing, I assure you). I subscribed within 1 minute into the video, which ended at 13+ minutes and me exclaiming, "That's IT? It's OVER ALREADY?!?" which was an feat you've accomplished by me hanging upon EVERY word...no "zoning-out" or "daydreaming" during portions of this vid, no... I don't even think I blinked for the duration.
TL;DR - Then you are an even more distracted person than I a.... HEY! BACK HERE! *Ahem* ...than I am, and you should watch this vid.
destro warlock is fokin awful what are you on?
Yah have logged in once since pre patch. They fucked up rain of fire.
It is beyond awful, it is fucking trash tier. I have mained destro since wrath and the spec has never been this bad, every other caster class can pull better numbers way easier, and damn fire mages not only stole our heat up spell effects but our orbs too.
+Brad Smith It's easily the worst class rn, Every single spex
Its worse in that the damage is still trash, but now it costs THREE fing soul shards of your total five. Wut?
You could at least use the WoD version to pull mobs. Now It deals a little more damage but you have to spend 3 shards and it has a cast time. Feels very lack luster.
Oh thank god I've been checking daily for this!
nah, marks hunters are the easiest to play in the game.... we have like.... 4 buttons.
BM is easier haha.
MM has to time their movement between casted aimed shots. MM has to try to line up lock and load with vulnerability then get off the marked shot right at the end of vulnerability, so that sidewinders can refresh vulnerability.BM is just 4 instant casts. Click whichever one is up. There is zero planning, stacking...anything. It is ... beyond simple.
Subbed! Excellent, hilarious content between all of your Legion spec videos - keep it up!
who was playing that marksman hunter rofl... that was atrocious
hahaha that barrage pull.
It was brutal to watch haha. He was spamming mark shot and clearly confused on why it wasn't working.
Need to pray for em RNGesus procs
Why am I watching this 4 years after its relevance
Thank you very much for your insight! I play Hunter(All Specs) myself and this has 100% made me want to play me demo lock all over again!!! You are excellent at covering all of the core abilities and I love your enthusiasm. Keep up the great work and you have gained a sub!
A new video from you guys always makes my day. Woohoo!
I'm maining a prot paladin but I was looking for a good alt and so I decided to look up some videos about range classes because I've never played one before. I already liked the idea of playing a shadow priest after giving it a shot with trial class and that moment you said shadow is your favourite I felt convinced. Cheers mate ! :D
You are hands-down the most entertaining WoW Video Maker, ever! Blizzard should probably silently fund you. Thank You.
Really enjoyed this series. The ability to maintain dps numbers while doing mechanics is the trick to all successful mythic raiding guilds. It makes sense that certain classes that tend to carry roles outside of the focus raid boss dps (consistent add switching) etc would carry higher raw dps numbers to offset a class that usually just stays glued to the boss. If you look at the logs over different bosses you can always tell how certain classes always have an affinity to certain raid bosses.
Instantly subscribed! You guys are freaking hilarious!
Just started watching you, and I must say that I really like the way you present the classes and the puns. Really good content dude! :)
Keep making videos dude, i had some good laughs aha
I'm so happy I found this vid, and have happily subscribed. You are absolutely delightful.
That being said, I have to agree about Frost mage. It's been my main since BC, just because I love the spec so much. I can't say I haven't been frustrated with our dps in dungeons, but for solo leveling it's great.
This guy makes me happy for some reason.
Gr8 vid! Now we want a long 30k sub video and u guys talking about your legion experience :D
Hilarious reviews dude ! you deserve 100K subs :)
the new demonology spec it the primary reason I came back for legion and it's incredible, I've wanted something like it since tbc
your guys videos are so well done and entertaining! wp
'about as fun as asking Gordon Ramsey to your dinner party' I love it!!
As a South African, you had me laughing absolutely hysterically there xD Brilliant! Loving it!
hey man! troll shammon ELEMENTAL HERE! from Van.. and i love the class. cant get enough. thanks for the love man!
you're humor me very much. great vid. thanks a lot! Subscribed!
The shade thrown at warcraft bible holy shit I love you guys.
Hunters specs in general:
MM: Very good if you are skilled with the sweep cooldowns, like know how to spam arcane shot would be viable training, Use arcane/mulit shot when you get the proc then apply marked shot if you get another proc (back to back) for arcane/multi shot then use marked shot this should be a rinse and repeat rotation till there is no back to back then use aimed shot before debuff expires then use anything talent related off cooldowns. (The procs are priority number one for marked shot)
BM: Cruise control on dps just press dire beast/kill command whenever its off cooldown then just Multi shot/Cobra shot till kill command is at 2 seconds then don't press anything till kill command is ready for pressing for it will have the right amount of focus. Then use anything talent related off cooldown. (Macro in Kill command and tie it with Bestial wrath and aspect of the wild and you got yourself a never ending dps rotation a 4 year old can do) (Dire beast is priority because it will knock off 15 seconds off Bestial wrath cooldown)
Survival: Tricky to handle, Use lacerate,immolation trap to set up dots then use flanking strike whenever its off cd use raptor strike/carve till you run out of focus then spam mongoose bite by the time you finish focus is regenerated then refresh dots and use anything talent related off cooldown. (The Artifact has an ability that literally nukes in dmg and works with mongoose bite buffs but make sure to time it right for maximum dmg)
I know you may not see this, but thank you for making these. I'm about to dive back in and these have been helpful and entertaining. Cheers
Hey +Ryan Ingram, thanks very much and welcome back! :)
Would you ever consider releasing the addons and configs you're using per character?
Cannot wait to see your 7.1.5 version of this (considering you just released Melee)
That Warcraft Bible burn seriously made my day :D
hearing this guy talk makes wow guides that much more entertaining... thank you
great vid! your videos are fun to watch. keep it up!
This video is hysterically hilarious! Taliesin really provides both good and useful information about the different classes and specs, but also does it in a way that makes you laugh out loud, which can be rather awkward when you're near your parents in law and have to explain to them why the hell you are laughing out loud... from a WoW video... Single now btw
Great Video.. My guild has no mages for their raids right now so I am leveling one and this confirms my decision for Fire. I appreciate it!
Destruction Warlock with Felhunter Pet. Seems legit. Clearly pro enough to be making videos.
This is really fun to listen to. good job
affliction he just spread his DOT and everyone is down with his shield ( give him double stamina for 20 seconds) he is like immortal also his drain soul & siphon life gives him a lot of healing he is arguably one of the best ranged classes in wow
Great video!
Epic video. Love the way you present your videos! Loyal subscriber gained! By the way, i'm South African, laughed so much at the last joke ;D
First video I've seen by you. Loving the shade you threw at Warcraft Bible. Tasteful and funny. Earned a subscriber
You had me at "Need a ton more mobs to whipe the raid? Yea ye get the idea *Shows picture of barrage*"
I love your vids bro loads of information; making me seriously considering coming back for legion...
Love the video! good stuff :D
The best thing about your videos is the Pilotwings victory sound at the start!
Been healing as disc. Currently 850 ilvl, have not yet been last on a single dps chart. Running Schism, Mindbender, Power Infusion, Purge the wicked. Grabbed Confession trait for that sweet penance dmg boost, 15% dmg bonus to smite from Invoke the light, rushed Power Of the Dark side to get a chance at 50% bonus Penance dmg from using Purge the Wicked. Halfway through the Artifact Power Needed to get Sins of the many (Second gold trait) And can't wait for that free 5% dmg bonus. Currently pulling roughly 250K dps to 170K dps, the highest non-atonement healing that must be done, the lower the dps, but currently, disc is literally a dps spot for M dungeons that just so happens to heal just as much as any other healer. It's amazing.
I am South African and I was Triggered by this video.
I'm a South African and I find it damn hilarious! Hahahahaha!