My MAGICAL Self Hypnosis experience. Does self hypnosis work for anxiety?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024
  • Is self hypnosis any good? Is self hypnosis good for anxiety? Is self hypnosis safe? Can you get stuck in self hypnosis? I answer these any many other questions about self hypnosis and tell you about my own experience of using self hypnosis for 30 years.

ความคิดเห็น • 52

  • @elana81RDH
    @elana81RDH ปีที่แล้ว +20

    If I only got a couple hundred views for a video that I put alot of time and effort into I would be discouraged and frustrated. Well, I hope you know that one of those views is from a woman across the pond in America who GREATLY appreciates your work! I've just found your channel this morning after doing some digging trying to find some relief for my cardiophobia. I've had PVCs since I was a teen, I'm in my early 40s now. Almost all of mine are vagally induced (from stomach activity or changing positions). I have a very low burden, maybe a handful each day, but they scare the living daylights out of me every single time. After watching your videos I've decided to ditch my fitbit which has a heart rate monitor. I originally got it to track steps, but the heart monitor is just too temping to check for someone like me. (Turns out it isn't even accurate. Showed a spike of 195 when I was just standing still at work and my heart was NOT going anywhere near that fast. I eventually found out it was because I was wearing it too loose, but it still sent me into a right old panic attack at the time!) I am very much looking forward to the self hypnosis series, and I really got alot of enjoyment out of all the effort you put in to make your videos educational and entertaining. Such a cute pup!! I'm a dental hygienist and a busy mom of 4 so I just don't have time to sit and read lengthy books or go to hours of therapy. These videos are a true blessing. Thank you very much!

  • @Rohxx420
    @Rohxx420 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    You deserve millions of views, not below 100 what the heck!

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Thanks Rohxx. I need to hear to feedback like this. It gives me a huge lift which I need at the moment. Its really frustrating. I spend so many hours making my videos and get great feedback yet some videos just flop. Im currently finishing off my biggest project yet. 5 videos released over 5 days to teach my viewers how to do self hypnosis and combine it with CBT. Its taken a huge effort. I don't think anyone else on you tube has done this but after seeing how low the views are on this video Im wondering if the effort will be worth it for this new project. Sometimes though the algorithm picks a video up 100 or so days later and Im hoping that will be the case in this one and the series Im just finishing off will do well over the long term. Thanks again for your comments

    • @spurcusgodman
      @spurcusgodman ปีที่แล้ว

      Very true.

    • @shwethanarayana456
      @shwethanarayana456 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Your videos are very valuable to the society. Our support is always there.

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks Shwetha

    • @ZubaB
      @ZubaB ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TheAnxietyAttic Martin you are sent from heaven please don't stop. I plan to start a page in Arabic and will tag all your videos and channel. Please keep up. I am following you with all gratefulness

  • @ThriveWithLouise
    @ThriveWithLouise 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    its been 2 days that ive been doing self hypnosis and anchoring or reframing i think not sure what you call it, but it feels good, i feel like my thought patterns have changed, its only been 2 days but definitely feel different, i learn suggestions from reading a self hypnosis book, and it works so well... like "everytime i see running water it reminds me of the peace and relaxation i feel" associating my environment with a state of mind

  • @shwethanarayana456
    @shwethanarayana456 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Eagerly awaiting self hypnosis videos from you

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Almost done. 5 written 3 completed. The last 2 just need recording and editing. Just hope they do better than this one which has had very low views in its first 24 hours. I don't think I will ever understand the youtube algorithm

  • @Shamrock777-oy9vv
    @Shamrock777-oy9vv 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Martin people are clearly benefiting from your work. But here’s a little bit of reframing for you - I read your frustration comments and thought you must be doing this years, then I look and you’ve only been ‘on’ for a year! Remember the saying about all performance artists: they’re mostly a “20 year overnight success!“ Put aside ALL talk of frustration. Let the algorithm take care of itself. Work hard because you have a gift and enjoy it! You’re a blessing!

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you. I was very frustrated when I wrote that because I had put so much effort into it only for very few to watch the series. But I have learnt so much about You Tube since then. That series took a while to pick up because its a slightly different niche to my usual videos but its doing OK now. I have learnt that You Tube is a rollercoaster. Don't let the highs get you too high and the lows too low. Im experiencing a bit of a slump again this month but all the wonderful comments keep me motivated to make more videos. Thanks again for the advice.

    • @Shamrock777-oy9vv
      @Shamrock777-oy9vv 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheAnxietyAttic 👍🏻😊👏🏻

  • @crypticnomad
    @crypticnomad ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I recently took a test from a pretty well known hypnotist and he said I was in the roughly 10% of the population that are "highly hypnotizable". He said something like that it could be seen as a biological advantage most people have but genetics, upbringing, or some combination can cause to show up in larger amounts in some than others much like athleticism, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, etc. The problem is that, unlike with meditation for example, I don't see many practical exercises for people like myself who aren't actively seeking out self-help feel-good type stuff but would like to develop this ability. I study martial arts, and have for most of my life, so I tend to view things through that kind of lense and, to me, to be good at something and have actual confidence(vs unjustified overconfidence) requires time and practice. That practice needs to be specific and deliberate or well it needs to be if one values their time

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes hypnosis is a self improvement tool. It used for things like confidence building, anxiety, or sports performance improvement. If you have nothing to work on now then its probably not worth investing the time in learning it (although it doesn't take long to learn. Maybe a few 10-15 sessions a week for a few weeks). But most people will find that at some point in their life they have to do something outside their comfort zone or want to improve something. As mentioned in the video I personally used it about 25 years ago for public speaking but now Im used to public speaking I rarely use it. I also used it once before an ice hockey match and won man of the match which was bit of a miracle because I was a terrible player. :-)
      Hypnosis can't give you sports skills that you don't have but it can help with focus, effort and motivation.

    • @crypticnomad
      @crypticnomad ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@TheAnxietyAttic I just re-read what I said and I could see how it could come across as pretty arrogant. To say there is no room for self improvement is to say one is perfect and saying one is perfect is both objectively false and arrogant. Assuming perfect means without flaws anyway. There is a mantra of a sorts that I say to myself on a regular basis to try and keep arrogance in check: "The perfect person has no room for improvement. The person who knows everything learns nothing".
      My point is that I have this natural ability that I see as basically being an untapped, or rather more like consciously untapped, ability/resource that I have. I learned to use an abacus not because I care at all about doing maths with large numbers in my head but instead because I read research showing that learning to use an abacus transfers over to improvements in our reasoning abilities. I took an art class and learned to draw, basic proficiency and not a "real artist", because I wanted to increase my visualization ability and visual memory, etc. So I'm very much for self improvement but what I see most self help type stuff offering isn't something I think I need at this point. To be honest I see a lot of it as being like saying "just breathe" to someone in the middle of an asthma attack. Meaning what they say isn't wrong per say, like if someone with asthma could just breath that would solve the problem, but practically speaking it is often useless and examples are stuff like "trust yourself", "be yourself", etc that lack real world practical step by step type tips and instead create a positive emotional state(which isn't a bad thing but just kinda meh by itself)

    • @crypticnomad
      @crypticnomad ปีที่แล้ว

      Here is an example use I have been thinking of: I use a visual memory technique called the "method of loci" which has been around since at least ancient Greece. This system basically takes advantage of the strong spatial memory that all mammals share and our strong associative memory. The basic process is that one takes a place they visit on a regular or daily basis and subdivide that space into "loci" or locations(imagine 10/20 specific locations in your house/apartment) and then later on go back and mentally "place" images there. The interesting part is I can remember the image I place in a location often after just one try and almost always with 3 or less reviews and when I say remember I mean for life. There are various strategies for encoding data into images and an example for numbers could be what is called a PAO, person-action-object. That is where a person memorizes 100 people, 100 actions and 100 objects and could remember a 6 digit number by turning it into a mental image of a person doing something with something and then storing that image in a previously setup loci.
      Research has shown that it is possible for a therapist to effectively implant memories into highly suggestible people if they aren't careful about how they word things and if they aren't watching to see if the person slips into trance while speaking. There have been a couple studies that suggest many false confessions to crime are basically something like a combination of a highly suggestible person, extreme stress and extremely forceful person. My hypothesis is that implanting false memories is not a good thing to happen in the context of therapy, policing, or really any number of contexts but that is potentially extremely useful in other contexts like in the context of a visual/imagination based memory system like what I just described. So maybe a practical thing I can work on is something along these lines.

    • @crypticnomad
      @crypticnomad ปีที่แล้ว

      Another example use case, there is a lot of clear evidence, thousands of research studies, showing that various positive emotions have various positive health effects and especially when practiced on a regular basis in a meditation kind of way. For example, gratitude, compassion, etc practices. Also, for the longest time I held this objectively false belief that people who are more emotional were somehow less *insert something*(intelligent, rational?), but at some point I came across a study showing that people who had high "emotional granularity", meaning had more "emotional labels" and could distinguish between them, showed drastically higher levels of wisdom on most "gold standard" wisdom scales. That caused me to to do some introspection and realize my emotional "palette", if you will, was made up of only 4 colors haha where these people I had previously thought of as in some way less-than are painting life with hundreds or maybe more colors. So maybe hypnosis could be used in conjunction with something like the "emotion topology" project to increase my emotional granularity and therefore indirectly increase overall levels of wisdom.

  • @shwethanarayana456
    @shwethanarayana456 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That's great information! I've been going through anxiety from. Quite sometime. Now I'm not confident of traveling in flight. Please make a video on overcoming fear of flying

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have a video on flying phobia
      Its aimed at people who have a fear of the plane crashing. However for some people the fear is not of the plane crashing but the fear of having a panic attack on the plane and not being able to escape. That needs a different approach. I may cover that in one of my future panic disorder videos.

  • @pawelkapica5363
    @pawelkapica5363 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have an overactive brain, it seems. Though I am not diagnosed with ADD I have the suspicion I might have it. I managed to get over my depression and anxiety with different tools, but I still experience lots of self-doubt and frustration because I struggle to do what I want to do career wise. I have a hypnotherapy training, so I know a bit about it. But my question to you is: do you have any good inductions or self hypnosis techniques for people with a very active critical thinker brain? I always seem to wander off during hypnosis, not focusing on the session. Although I get very relaxed I do not feel any change, my emotions don't really change during the session and I only vaguely see images. I know how great of a tool hypnosis is, but I can't seem to get any benefit from it myself. Thanks for the video.

  • @pawelkapica5363
    @pawelkapica5363 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    On a side note: I disagree with what you say about phobias and more complex issues. They can be healed very effectively with hynosis. I trained with Dr Norbert Preetz in Germany who regularly treated different phobias, often in just one session with regression hypnosis. The subject was then testing the phobia right after coming out of trance with live spiders etc. Also trauma and depression can be healed with regression if following specific protocols. But you should know exactly what you are doing because there can be a risk of retraumatizing, though very rare.

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  ปีที่แล้ว

      Phobias yes. Hypnosis is very affected with phobias (but it must include desensitisation). For anxiety disorders, a small percentage do respond well, but the clinical evidence is lacking for hypnosis being effective for most people. Some hypnotherapists do combine hypnosis with more evidence based treatments though (e.g. CBT) and that can improve the chances of recovery.

  • @BAbraham7
    @BAbraham7 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great video. I am so happy i four your channel. Can you please do a video for people who wants to loose weight. Not because of over eating. There are people who gains weight by thinking about food. There are videos for weight loss but they are for the people over eat, binge eating and don't exercise. Some like me doesn't eat much and does exercise but gains weight. Can you please a hypnosis video for this type?

    • @kyliefire5008
      @kyliefire5008 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes, this. My problem is hormones. I do everything else right.

  • @The_New_Abnormal_World_Order
    @The_New_Abnormal_World_Order ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Only a few weeks ago I unlocked vivid and powerful imagination/ visualisation abilities that I never had before. (It used to feel like I had cotton wool between my ears!) So far, it's a double-edged sword because it alternates between positive and negative aspects... for example, visualising my body being healed by God, so I feel certain that my ailments will heal in good time. (The body floods with endorphins and cortisol lowers which is conducive to healing😊👍) Also, visualising myself carrying out certain tasks perfectly, it's so vivid that I have a newfound confidence that I will certainly be able to carry out said tasks well in real life. On the other hand, it also means that when I think about something negative, it's so much more vivid than it used to be, and this evokes some anxiety. I look forward learning self hypnosis techniques, I think it will really help with all this.👍🦋

    • @andreharris144
      @andreharris144 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      how did u unlock this power

    • @The_New_Abnormal_World_Order
      @The_New_Abnormal_World_Order 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@andreharris144 It's gone again, I'm not sure it just happens sometimes. I think that healthy diet and exercise, and positive thinking helps.

  • @AA-lq5pu
    @AA-lq5pu 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Love this, thank you for sharing@

  • @azeemhaider7062
    @azeemhaider7062 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You are doing great job

  • @susantompkins4254
    @susantompkins4254 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you, very helpful 😊

  • @shivamousavi8740
    @shivamousavi8740 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you❤

  • @TanishaKumari-zy1rl
    @TanishaKumari-zy1rl 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The book you have can you give me the author name of this book

  • @JA-pf4wv
    @JA-pf4wv 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Awsome content

  • @gizmorepairs
    @gizmorepairs 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Really looking forward to the master self hypnosis series 👍🏻

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The series is already released. Here is a link to the first video

    • @gizmorepairs
      @gizmorepairs 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheAnxietyAttic thank you very much Martin 👍🏻

  • @abhinandankanwar1445
    @abhinandankanwar1445 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello, can you just give some tips how can I get the best benefits from hypnotherapy? I mean I am trying to watch 2 videos from some days but why can't I notice a difference/change in negativity, anxiety? Are there any tips while listening to any hypnosis audio to get benefits?

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Although hypnosis alone works well for some people, for most people with anxiety disorders it is not enough. CBT is the best approach for anxiety disorders. Ideally you need to see a therapist but if you can't afford or access a therapist you can learn CBT from my channel. Hypnosis and CBT work well together and that is why I provide many free CBT and hypnosis resources on my channel. Have a look at my playlists for the different anxiety disorders.

  • @Mojothepyrut
    @Mojothepyrut 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I got something different 31 years, can I fix myself

  • @maximumenglish26
    @maximumenglish26 ปีที่แล้ว

    It has been 5 months since this video was posted and the views have picked up a bit and I am sure they will keep going up because your content is great! :)
    I tried hypnosis with a therapist but I was so anxious that I couldn't relax and be hypnotised. I have also tried self-hypnosis but there is so much chatter going on in the brain at all times that it hasn't worked.
    But now I am planning to check out your self-hypnosis playlist and hopefully, I will get better results.
    ps: I watched your health anxiety video yesterday where you explained how googling symptoms can make your brain believe that there is a real cause to worry. Similarly, if I am looking for anxiety videos, will that worsen my anxiety too?

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Googling symptoms makes anxiety worse because it reinforces the belief that something is wrong with you but watching anxiety videos generally does not reinforce a negative belief. The only exception would be if you have anxiety about having anxiety and you are watching hundreds of videos just to try to relieve the anxiety. (Watching anxiety videos does relieve anxiety. Its putting into practice what you learn in them that will reduce anxiety). I hope that makes sense.

    • @maximumenglish26
      @maximumenglish26 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TheAnxietyAttic yes, That makes sense. Thanks for explaining.

  • @Luki82
    @Luki82 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    du you have dentist hipnosis?:/

  • @user-rh7zy1tj4m
    @user-rh7zy1tj4m 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can you help me with depression please

  • @abbabb9990
    @abbabb9990 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi Martin, could you please inform the title and author of the book ?

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Unfortunately it was over 30 years ago so I no longer have the book.

    • @TheAnxietyAttic
      @TheAnxietyAttic  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I was just having a sort out in my attic and found the missing book. It is called Autohypnosis Step by step guide to self hypnosis by Ronald Shone

  • @ThriveWithLouise
    @ThriveWithLouise 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    poor dog, thinking wtf is that??😂