1. Input a movement command after every autoattack with high range adc 2. When opponent is not in line, attack a caster minion to deny exp 3. Take turret plates alone (does more dmg and more gold) 4. Push waves. Multiple pressure points in solo q will make enemy team mess up. 5. Bloodline stack with kills and helping objectives quickly. 6. Enable your support. Engage support needs the wave in the middle of frozen to engage. Range supports need the wave with minion advantage to harass 7. Good adcs in teamfights wait for the threathening spells to be used by the enemy and then commit to fight
@@quantenlicht Waiting to enter a teamfight is just as relevant in low elo as it is in high elo. If anything, this is the most important tip of the entire video. It can be hard to hold back sometimes, but learning this single skill will dramatically improve an ADC's winrate.
I'm really happy to hear minion quantity management discussed in this video. Lots of ADCs don't realize how helpful it is for skillshot supports when the enemy wave is thinner.
you will also get a bloodline stack, if the enemy is killing the drake, so even if you have no chance of killing the drake, 1 skillshot on the drake will at least give you a stack
TY, I would like to add an extra tip on the Legend Bloodline tip... hitting an epic monster objective even if it was taken by the enemy adds a stack to your legend runes and you only have to hit it once to be part of the takedown soo any long range spell like Jhin W or Kaisa W will help
if someone is chasing you hit dragon in that way, your enemies will be pushed in opposite side, so you will get an xtra seconds to dash and save yorself
OMG thank you so much for the engaging support section. Im a supp main and I was watching this because Im tired of not being able to feel significant in the game! You spoke for supps very well by saying their performance can be based off of the adc's choices and waves.
The stop playing fair tip with Sivir pushing Inhib instead of running to the team, u know how that one will end? The enemy goes for sivir, all 5 of them, while no ally actually fights the enemy, since the monkeybrain calls for disengage as its 4v5 in their heads
Bruh when I saw the flanking sivir mid call here I lost it. There is zero chance the enemy team doesn't win regardless of which side they focus. They could force 5v4 on your team with no adc there since you are hitting minions past where mid T2 is or chase you down as the ADC and then either force on an objective or push out side waves, get a tower or reset after and enjoy the extra free 300g (or more if shutdown) they gained from you.
"Many ADC mains would flame supports for how they died" Meanwhile the support that flames the ADC for how the support died by absorbing 4 skillshots: 😄
As a support pyke main, if I think the lane state is safe enough I let the adc get solo turret plates cuz it's much more beneficial that way for R kills
That Sivir example was horrible. First off, Kled missed his ult. If he hits it you're dead. Second, I can tell you as a top laner that the result Sivir got with her team pinching the enemy team is EXTREMELY rare. I often cut waves as a top laner and my team doesn't even look at the mini map and see where I am. My own team backs off when I have an easy flank angle so instead of an ace I have to run away. This is in plat. In low elo you just die for free 99% of the time in that example.
The rest of the team is absolutely gonna flame me and blame me for all of them dying if I don't join the teamfights and just take my tower, I can already see it coming
All of those tipps are really really nice, but try to explain any of this to your low elo mates who spamping you if you dont run in like Rambo and start blasting
Adc 101: 1. Never leash (just don’t. no one cares about your random jungler who will go 0/4 any way). 2. Always try to hit level 2 first. If you can’t, back off and let your opponent push. 3. Slow push. 90% of the time slow pushing is good or even optimal. Crash the wave before the next canon wave to get loads of free time you can use to recall and spend your gold. 4. Maybe you just crashed your slow pushed wave but don’t have gold to get a good recall. In that case don’t afk at your tower but try to look for a roam mid. You will get so many free kills out of this because no one in low elo ever expects this. 5. Vision. Don’t ever commit for a play if you didn’t make sure jungle/mid can be around. Let your support die if they randomly engage without knowing where anyone is, it’s not your fault. 6. Drake is not your priority. Probably the most common mistake. Don’t ever move to Drake if your wave is not in a good spot unless you 100% you can get more gold from kills at drake than from your wave. Play for the most consistent way of income instead of flipping objectives. Fix your wave before moving, that way you can’t lose anything. 7. Catching mid waves. After a recall, look at the mid wave and see where your mid laner is. If they can’t get it before the wave dies to tower, move there to get the wave. You shouldn’t lose anything bot if you properly recalled after crashing a big wave. 8. Top tower. After you took bot tower, it’s far more easy to snowball your lane by taking top tower rather than going mid. Ping your toplane to go bot and your supp to follow you. best case you get herald with jungler here too. 9. keep your income high. take camps, catch waves but always stay loosely group in case a random fight might break out. (remember to let your mates die in case they go for something brainless - again, it’s not your fault, no need to int with them). 10. Don’t recall if all your mates are in the enemy half of the map during late game. Even if you can get a big spike in base, if your team doesn’t respect the recall, it’ll quickly end in a game deciding 4v5
Really good comment. Only thing I disagree on is leashing. But the amount of times I've been flamed for not coming to an objective while I needed to catch a wave isn't fun. People don't understand that they can't start something if I'm bound down
Aren't you a bit too harsh with Ezreal's wave management in the Pyke example? I mean, true, Ezreal's target should be that of keeping the wave thin to enable engages, but in that situation they had literally just finished a successful trade with the wave nicely bouncing back (it takes a few seconds...)... Wasn't the supp just impatient there?
not really, the ezreal should have stopped pushing on the cannon wave and let it bounce back, but on the clip that the pyke tried to go in and dies, he cleared the cannon wave and it has instead became a freeze for the enemy team
I started playing adc. I thought the reason i always sucked was because i was just bad. Then i went to solo lanes and realized that having a support who goes 0/4/0 5 min into the game makes the lane much much harder to play. Why i switched to top lane, and instanly went up a bracket
I m confused and if someone could explain for me - the turret plate tip. It says the tower gets way tankier, yet MF is hitting the same amount of damage to the turret regardless. Is it just the minion damage that is reduced by this armour?
10:45 "she completely ignores the enemy wukong" she had no vision of wukong, maybe just for a split second when he was approaching the path from mid and he W-Flashed on her. If you can't find better examples for what you're trying to say, maybe it's not that important kek
The tip was great, but this was a difficult situation to jump right into. However, if you're playing the game you need to have already assessed the threat beforehand so you're constantly on the lookout for the enemy champs that can get to you. She had lots of time to see him, but was obviously focused on getting the Draven, which is understandable. The vision in the clip is for the red team only.
She did have vision on him mid wave. That wasn't for a split second that was for a good 2-3 seconds. When she sees Wu mid like that she should be pathing up and slightly away towards the middle of the lane and towards her tower. Now obviously don't run all the way to your tower the point is positioning. You are posturing yourself to where the wukong can't make the flash play over the wall like that onto the enemy bot duo. It's an obvious play when you see Wu walking up mid like that. Any auto attacks you as the ADC would get in that situation dont out value the amount of value you get as an ADC for simply being a tasty delicious treat baiting the enemy team to go for plays while not overextending yourself in a fight. It's fine to position even slightly more aggressive here but not hugging the wall towards where she saw Wu like she did.
Skill Capped at 1:20: get caster minion aggro when opponent is leashing so you can get lane prio Skill Capped at 8:20: this pyke and ez got lane prio via caster minion aggro and now they are in a bad spot. Don't do it.
"And we will guarantee you have 7 new skills that most people have no clue about" *Video drops 100k views* Well good job skill capped, now everybody has a clue about them
You guys always, and I mean ALWAYS leave out details like "low elo jgs are ret***ed s****, and they WILL NOT CONTINUE DRAKE IF YOU GO AND DO SOMETHING ELSE" I don't know about NA, but I can guarantee on EUNE silver/gold, you'll have this kind of jg 7 out of 10 times!
No taking a tower at 14 is perfectly fine, in fact it is really fucking good if you can get it before 14 because that means you got all 5 plates + first turret 400 gold. If you are ahead you want to push your advantage and force the enemy team to respond, if they send more numbers than you have in the area just back off, you are soaking pressure and forcing the enemy team to respond to your very real threat. Also most mids love to go side and if you can get tower at/before 14 that just means quicker rotation from mid to bot for your mid. The only time where taking a tower is too early is say you are really hard stomping lane and you could take tower at 9 minutes. Depends on the game and your comp (if your mid champ wants/likes to be in side or not) that will tell you if you should take tower that early or not. Delaying a tower take until 12-13 (aka before plates fall) can be ideal because you are making the enemy bot have to come further down the lane at their outer tower to get gold rather than you taking tower, pushing the wave and then they safely collect the farm at their T2.
it's hilarious how so many of you are stuck in low elo and can't do the bare minimum of just accepting good tips. All of these are good tips, and you have to be insane to think any of these are bad. Go ahead and keep playing like the rest of your elo though and pretend it's your teammates holding you back. 🤷♀
The tips themselves aren't bad, in fact the tips are all very obvious fundamentals that should already be apparent to you as an ADC. The examples they use for quite a few of these are terrible however. The flanking sivir mid being a prime example. If you aren't in plat or below the enemy team 100% just forces a fight either on you or your team 5v4 and shits on them because their ADC is going for the long con flank mid taking the wave at the enemy T2.
add one more tip: "Abuse Xayah until they sell her new skin and nerf her." Cause if you don't pick/ban her you are basically trolling, other marksman unplayable atm.
What? Jinx Aphelios Draven Ezreal Varus all playable and strong picks. The only arguably weak peak in there is Ezreal which depends strongly on the player's ability to land Q's.
@@randomguy19166 dude, ho said I hate the game? I actually like it, but now I feel like this time, in this season it finally arrived to the point, where it is truly unplayable (at least for ADCs). Maybe I'm just getting "old" for it. This game changes a lot with every new season, but now I feel like I can follow it no longer.
IMPROVE FAST and RANK UP at: www.skill-capped.com/lol 👈👈👈👈👈
1. Input a movement command after every autoattack with high range adc
2. When opponent is not in line, attack a caster minion to deny exp
3. Take turret plates alone (does more dmg and more gold)
4. Push waves. Multiple pressure points in solo q will make enemy team mess up.
5. Bloodline stack with kills and helping objectives quickly.
6. Enable your support. Engage support needs the wave in the middle of frozen to engage. Range supports need the wave with minion advantage to harass
7. Good adcs in teamfights wait for the threathening spells to be used by the enemy and then commit to fight
Good adcs in teamfights wait, in high elo this might work, in low elo the teamfight is then just over.
@@quantenlicht Waiting to enter a teamfight is just as relevant in low elo as it is in high elo. If anything, this is the most important tip of the entire video. It can be hard to hold back sometimes, but learning this single skill will dramatically improve an ADC's winrate.
thx king
I'm really happy to hear minion quantity management discussed in this video. Lots of ADCs don't realize how helpful it is for skillshot supports when the enemy wave is thinner.
true but sometimes when you play vayne or something you cant push. So supporter should help to push
you will also get a bloodline stack, if the enemy is killing the drake, so even if you have no chance of killing the drake, 1 skillshot on the drake will at least give you a stack
TY, I would like to add an extra tip on the Legend Bloodline tip... hitting an epic monster objective even if it was taken by the enemy adds a stack to your legend runes and you only have to hit it once to be part of the takedown soo any long range spell like Jhin W or Kaisa W will help
if someone is chasing you hit dragon in that way, your enemies will be pushed in opposite side, so you will get an xtra seconds to dash and save yorself
OMG thank you so much for the engaging support section. Im a supp main and I was watching this because Im tired of not being able to feel significant in the game! You spoke for supps very well by saying their performance can be based off of the adc's choices and waves.
The stop playing fair tip with Sivir pushing Inhib instead of running to the team, u know how that one will end?
The enemy goes for sivir, all 5 of them, while no ally actually fights the enemy, since the monkeybrain calls for disengage as its 4v5 in their heads
Rather they disengage cause they are charmed by wolves eyes and decide to fetch mushrooms and butterflyes in the jungle
LOL exactly what I was thinking, they'll either farm jungle or go back and buy
yeah never fails they will spam ping you go back then get mad
Bruh when I saw the flanking sivir mid call here I lost it. There is zero chance the enemy team doesn't win regardless of which side they focus. They could force 5v4 on your team with no adc there since you are hitting minions past where mid T2 is or chase you down as the ADC and then either force on an objective or push out side waves, get a tower or reset after and enjoy the extra free 300g (or more if shutdown) they gained from you.
@@YuYuYuna_ But in the video you can see it actually worked. So I guess it's not zero chance.
"Many ADC mains would flame supports for how they died"
Meanwhile the support that flames the ADC for how the support died by absorbing 4 skillshots: 😄
support trolling like 4 out of 5 games i jsut played...
Support absorbing skill shot?? Can' they do that??^^
Relatable, that’s why I play Karthus bot lane :>
This man was coming after my family and friends because I refused to tank blitzcrank Q's for him in lane as Kai'sa vs Blitz/Cait
@@kavx4208 man was coming after my motor skills for dodging naut Q and he was behind me
As a support pyke main, if I think the lane state is safe enough I let the adc get solo turret plates cuz it's much more beneficial that way for R kills
meanwhile, my sup 1 aa to turret and recall
That Sivir example was horrible. First off, Kled missed his ult. If he hits it you're dead. Second, I can tell you as a top laner that the result Sivir got with her team pinching the enemy team is EXTREMELY rare. I often cut waves as a top laner and my team doesn't even look at the mini map and see where I am. My own team backs off when I have an easy flank angle so instead of an ace I have to run away. This is in plat. In low elo you just die for free 99% of the time in that example.
absolutely, you'd die and get flamed at for inting.
Another tip, don't use red Q on aphelios against rammus
The rest of the team is absolutely gonna flame me and blame me for all of them dying if I don't join the teamfights and just take my tower, I can already see it coming
#1 tip: play any non adc champ that uses adc items in any other lane. Your sanity will help you ( and you will break theirs )
All of those tipps are really really nice, but try to explain any of this to your low elo mates who spamping you if you dont run in like Rambo and start blasting
Adc 101:
1. Never leash (just don’t. no one cares about your random jungler who will go 0/4 any way).
2. Always try to hit level 2 first. If you can’t, back off and let your opponent push.
3. Slow push. 90% of the time slow pushing is good or even optimal. Crash the wave before the next canon wave to get loads of free time you can use to recall and spend your gold.
4. Maybe you just crashed your slow pushed wave but don’t have gold to get a good recall. In that case don’t afk at your tower but try to look for a roam mid. You will get so many free kills out of this because no one in low elo ever expects this.
5. Vision. Don’t ever commit for a play if you didn’t make sure jungle/mid can be around. Let your support die if they randomly engage without knowing where anyone is, it’s not your fault.
6. Drake is not your priority. Probably the most common mistake. Don’t ever move to Drake if your wave is not in a good spot unless you 100% you can get more gold from kills at drake than from your wave. Play for the most consistent way of income instead of flipping objectives. Fix your wave before moving, that way you can’t lose anything.
7. Catching mid waves. After a recall, look at the mid wave and see where your mid laner is. If they can’t get it before the wave dies to tower, move there to get the wave. You shouldn’t lose anything bot if you properly recalled after crashing a big wave.
8. Top tower. After you took bot tower, it’s far more easy to snowball your lane by taking top tower rather than going mid. Ping your toplane to go bot and your supp to follow you. best case you get herald with jungler here too.
9. keep your income high. take camps, catch waves but always stay loosely group in case a random fight might break out. (remember to let your mates die in case they go for something brainless - again, it’s not your fault, no need to int with them).
10. Don’t recall if all your mates are in the enemy half of the map during late game. Even if you can get a big spike in base, if your team doesn’t respect the recall, it’ll quickly end in a game deciding 4v5
Really good comment. Only thing I disagree on is leashing.
But the amount of times I've been flamed for not coming to an objective while I needed to catch a wave isn't fun. People don't understand that they can't start something if I'm bound down
@@steffenjensen422 junglers dont understand waves and prio and its so fucking frustrating getting flamed because of their gap in knowledge
Thank you for the tips
Make one for Jungle please, so many changes in little time I don’t understand nothing
wow that helped me a lot ... im playing since season 1 end never get high then plat 4... thanks! great Video
plates value are now 175, not 160 anymore
Aren't you a bit too harsh with Ezreal's wave management in the Pyke example? I mean, true, Ezreal's target should be that of keeping the wave thin to enable engages, but in that situation they had literally just finished a successful trade with the wave nicely bouncing back (it takes a few seconds...)... Wasn't the supp just impatient there?
not really, the ezreal should have stopped pushing on the cannon wave and let it bounce back, but on the clip that the pyke tried to go in and dies, he cleared the cannon wave and it has instead became a freeze for the enemy team
I started playing adc. I thought the reason i always sucked was because i was just bad. Then i went to solo lanes and realized that having a support who goes 0/4/0 5 min into the game makes the lane much much harder to play. Why i switched to top lane, and instanly went up a bracket
Enabling your support is a good tip, but what to do if your engaging sup pushes the lane very hard and shares farm with you?😢
that sivir replay is just plain stupid
this things are also good to know as support main
I m confused and if someone could explain for me - the turret plate tip. It says the tower gets way tankier, yet MF is hitting the same amount of damage to the turret regardless. Is it just the minion damage that is reduced by this armour?
It's because the tower gets tankier only when the plate is taken
The last tip is hands down the most important one
That last tip could be nicknamed “keep reins on your Lethal Tempo stack obsession”
As Imaqtpie told us years ago… you can’t do damage if you’re dead.
tyy this helped me alot! :)
The last one is especially good.
Serious advice, please master your audio. your videos are about 40% quieter than all over videos I watch and i have to turn up my volume just to hear
Do you get extra gold for last hitting the tower?
Finaly.Thank you wise person
The 6th tip was the most important
Good stuff
puppy dog eyes? yeah now usually junglers dont ask ... they just demand it or the "or i feed" quote happens^^
10:45 "she completely ignores the enemy wukong" she had no vision of wukong, maybe just for a split second when he was approaching the path from mid and he W-Flashed on her. If you can't find better examples for what you're trying to say, maybe it's not that important kek
The tip was great, but this was a difficult situation to jump right into. However, if you're playing the game you need to have already assessed the threat beforehand so you're constantly on the lookout for the enemy champs that can get to you. She had lots of time to see him, but was obviously focused on getting the Draven, which is understandable. The vision in the clip is for the red team only.
xd she did have vision lil bro
She did have vision on him mid wave. That wasn't for a split second that was for a good 2-3 seconds. When she sees Wu mid like that she should be pathing up and slightly away towards the middle of the lane and towards her tower. Now obviously don't run all the way to your tower the point is positioning. You are posturing yourself to where the wukong can't make the flash play over the wall like that onto the enemy bot duo. It's an obvious play when you see Wu walking up mid like that. Any auto attacks you as the ADC would get in that situation dont out value the amount of value you get as an ADC for simply being a tasty delicious treat baiting the enemy team to go for plays while not overextending yourself in a fight. It's fine to position even slightly more aggressive here but not hugging the wall towards where she saw Wu like she did.
Ezreal is back announcing more updates.
But what would tryndamere do ?
Ezreal best adc
Skill Capped at 1:20: get caster minion aggro when opponent is leashing so you can get lane prio
Skill Capped at 8:20: this pyke and ez got lane prio via caster minion aggro and now they are in a bad spot. Don't do it.
They chunked that NILOU really hard 👍
The worst about these tips is that you have to assume your team actually has more than 3 braincells.
"And we will guarantee you have 7 new skills that most people have no clue about"
*Video drops 100k views*
Well good job skill capped, now everybody has a clue about them
I go pantheon bot and I'm always viable, gold 3 elo.
spend 3 dollars on cookie patreon
6 likes 5 views makes sense
Do people like you not understand still in 2023 why that is
@@MugendramonX2 yt indie company issues
Inspirstation 💜
You guys always, and I mean ALWAYS leave out details like "low elo jgs are ret***ed s****, and they WILL NOT CONTINUE DRAKE IF YOU GO AND DO SOMETHING ELSE"
I don't know about NA, but I can guarantee on EUNE silver/gold, you'll have this kind of jg 7 out of 10 times!
but wouldn't you say taking a tower at 14minutes is too early when you are ahead or?
No taking a tower at 14 is perfectly fine, in fact it is really fucking good if you can get it before 14 because that means you got all 5 plates + first turret 400 gold. If you are ahead you want to push your advantage and force the enemy team to respond, if they send more numbers than you have in the area just back off, you are soaking pressure and forcing the enemy team to respond to your very real threat. Also most mids love to go side and if you can get tower at/before 14 that just means quicker rotation from mid to bot for your mid. The only time where taking a tower is too early is say you are really hard stomping lane and you could take tower at 9 minutes. Depends on the game and your comp (if your mid champ wants/likes to be in side or not) that will tell you if you should take tower that early or not. Delaying a tower take until 12-13 (aka before plates fall) can be ideal because you are making the enemy bot have to come further down the lane at their outer tower to get gold rather than you taking tower, pushing the wave and then they safely collect the farm at their T2.
did anyone else see their and not there?
tip #1: don't play it!
it's hilarious how so many of you are stuck in low elo and can't do the bare minimum of just accepting good tips. All of these are good tips, and you have to be insane to think any of these are bad. Go ahead and keep playing like the rest of your elo though and pretend it's your teammates holding you back. 🤷♀
The tips themselves aren't bad, in fact the tips are all very obvious fundamentals that should already be apparent to you as an ADC. The examples they use for quite a few of these are terrible however. The flanking sivir mid being a prime example. If you aren't in plat or below the enemy team 100% just forces a fight either on you or your team 5v4 and shits on them because their ADC is going for the long con flank mid taking the wave at the enemy T2.
In emerald it's still teammates holding me back, not only a low Elo problem
The ezreal was honestly so bad
add one more tip: "Abuse Xayah until they sell her new skin and nerf her."
Cause if you don't pick/ban her you are basically trolling, other marksman unplayable atm.
What? Jinx Aphelios Draven Ezreal Varus all playable and strong picks. The only arguably weak peak in there is Ezreal which depends strongly on the player's ability to land Q's.
I lost passion on this game, i dont like how is league right now:just a busniess
You needed to tell only one:
Don't play the game.
I never watch videos for games I dislike and dont play. What's the point?
@@randomguy19166 dude, ho said I hate the game? I actually like it, but now I feel like this time, in this season it finally arrived to the point, where it is truly unplayable (at least for ADCs). Maybe I'm just getting "old" for it. This game changes a lot with every new season, but now I feel like I can follow it no longer.
moba game with tanks in Steam:
Tanks+: new era