This Green Lantern mini series is going to be a trainwreck. Alan hasn't had a fair shake in decades and now we are going to have to suffer through seeing this crap on the shelves. The entire mini series will exist as a showcase to tell gay stories. Alan will never be anything else now. As far as I'm concerned this is a completely different character from an entirely different universe. DC seems to only have inexpensive hacks at their disposal these days.
@@EvandroACruz Heck, I'm at the point where I'm going all the way back to the Last Days of the Justice Society special in 86 and saying that's the final appearance of the JSA. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Yeah it was during the New 52. They made him gay and turned Hawkgirl into a black woman. I was like....come on 🤦🏾♂️. Why not create new characters instead ?
Especially with a backstory featuring villainess love interests and their love/hate relationships giving birth to awesome children who grew into powerhouses.
??? It was done since his son was gay and they retconned away his son. I agree not the best way to handle it but queerness was tangentially already in the original Green Lantern character
Turning Alan the golden age GL to gay ruined him. Even my own appreciation of Alan. I view this the same way with bobby the ice man in X-Men. Both characters' history, context and personality were warped beyond recognition. Sorry Alan and Bobby for the shoddy treatment. I'm saddened and mad. Mabuhay!
I don’t think that is exactly what ruined them. It’s the fact that it was just done for no reason other than to check a box. Alan hasn’t had much showing to see how they change him (since the version that was originally introduced as gay wasn’t even in the main continuity). But for Bobby? It’s like once that changes made every writer forgot how to actually write a character. He went from a character, who occasionally was in relationships to now one that all we ever hear about his relationships.
This is why Manga is dominating the comic industry. At least Geoff Johns has done well writing JSA and the three jokers story. Not to nitpick here Wes, but there is a better version of Alan Scott that I feel was a good interpretation of him and that was the New 52 Earth 2 variant of himself.
Alan scott is my favorite green lantern. They couldve just made a new green lantern gay. There's a WHOLE UNIVERSE FILLED WITH THEM! to me this is just fan fiction at this point that editorial is too negligent to address.
@@zenvariety9383 Iron Age will be a good time, as will the gatekeeping because the crazies need to be barred lest we end up with the same situation all over again.
Everyday I'm glad I no longer spend money on comics. I forgot who Tim Sheridan was..and then I suddenly remembered he made that sh*t character called Stitch that was non-binary and made from dirty rags or something, and I think it lectured a legacy character about privilege at some point. I already knew the story is going to wholly be about Scott being gay, before Wes even said so. Ever since he was retconned that's all that's left of him; Alan Scott: The Gay Lantern. He had a son, Obsidian, who was gay. Yet these "progressive" writers barely acknowledge him. 🤔
Obsidians not popular or well known enough for them to use. The point is to take characters with history and a fan base and completely destroy it and change it to fit politics/view points of the “modern” writer.
The majority of current writers at the big two need to go. They just aren't good at writing comics. They may be good at something else, but they are not good at writing comics. They need to be replaced by people who are passionate about the medium and the characters they are writing. These writers need to have knowledge of existing canon and respect that when they write these characters. This doesn't mean they can't expand the character(s) and their supporting cast, but they can't just completely ignore or dismiss what came before.
Pretty sure they're good at doing "special favors" for their bosses, can't imagine anything else that would keep them employed after tanking the industry.
As true as that is, unfortunately it isn't happening. Canon and Lore basically doesn't exist anymore. Also the big 2 will close before they would ever try and fix themselves. Current DC for the last 3-4 years was, more or less, really bad fanfic. Imo even Dark Knights Metal felt like fanfic, but at least it wasn't AWFUL fanfic. It was just, kinda there.
10:53 I’ve read Teen Titans Academy. It’s trying to introduce new characters, story arcs, and character growth while also letting the Fab Five and Wolfman-Perez Titans become teachers; however, it got overshadowed by the introduction of Red X, Future State, and not resolving loose threads, resulting in the series being canceled and most of the Titans Academy students being faded from obscurity. Strange Academy did a good job with this because introducing main characters, having storylines and character growth, students forming relationships, involving magic, and seeing Marvel’s heroes becoming teachers and mentors to the students.
@@Darth_Bateman The Red X stuff from Titans Academy ended with the fourth Red X (who is Brick Petriosso, whose origins and backstory are unknown) being killed by the second Red X (and us not knowing who the third Red X is) and Future State being prevented by Dane and Billy Batson Captain Marvel.
Thanks for letting us know Wes. I’ve been a JSA fan going back to the 70s. I was looking forward to them bringing back some of these characters. But, now I’m going to avoid this. I doubt these writers have seen Dallas, but it’s like Bobby Ewing in the shower, everything that happened before was a dream. Only now all the JSA history was a dream and now this is the new normal.
Sheridan is such a hack he will no doubt try some enemy love story between this red lantern and Alan Scott. The guy probably writes Harry Potter fan fiction in his downtime.
I am an old old school Green Lantern fan. The Alan Scott I knew and the one that is in the comics now are two different characters. I checked out on him when they rewrote his sexuality. Didn't he have two kids Jade and Obsidian? Classic case of stealing a character and making him what you want, instead of making a new one that no one wants.
Instead of giving their past the Finger, DC should create new characters for the imaginary 'modern' audience. Might I suggest: The Pink Dumpster The Golden Groomer - his motto is 'I won't leave kids alone'.
Love your passion Wes. I personally ignore crappy stories. They are mever canon to me or anyone who cares. Nobody is going to care about these stories 20 years from now. Let it go Wes. Now .................where is my copy of ISOM #1.............???????
If they could write good characters, they would create new gay characters, and people would like them. All these people can do is stand on the shoulders of giants, then stick a "progressive" label on it to try and get credit.
Agreed. They basically just took characters who are already popular, and had a Fanbase, changed the sexuality and the whole personality of the character and then became confused why the original fans reject the character. They even leave they are already established LGBT characters off to the side again, proving that they just are using old popularity.
AW, HELL NO!!!!!!!! Alan Scott is my favorite Green Lantern. Alan was in a relationship with a female foe of his, HE HAS FREAKING KIDS WITH A WOMAN!!! Him and Doiby were never gay. I say the Starheart is controlling him and making him gay. Also, Wes, Alan appeared in the '40s, not the '30s.
I think it was James tynion 4 that decided to make Alan Scott gay. It was a truly bad decision. Alan Scott was straight for 80 years he was married twice the second time to Molly Mayne his longtime love interest. He seemed happy. I hate what they've done.
Alan Scott was one of my favorite DC characters until they retconned him into a gay man. I had no problem with the Earth-2 Alan being gay but why reinvent an 80 plus year old established character? This is why I stopped buying comics months ago
I remember a story about Alan Scott coming to terms with his son’s homosexuality. Obsidian is a great character and Alan’s antiquated views made for a beautiful story about a father and son finding a connection. There are a lot of great LGBTQ characters already. Retroactively making Alan Scott gay does the character and his fans a disservice.
The ONLU panel I’ve ever gone to was one featuring Darwyn Cooke in NC right after they released New 52 Earth 2 and Alan was revealed to be gay. Cooke went off about how they’re destroying the legacies of these characters ad their creators for bullshit and that they were hugely disrespecting the creators. It ended up being a great panel and showed how much he really cared for DC’s history
They successfully whittled down everything that was Alan Scott, to the point his only definition of character is "I am gay." And publishers do not even understand the disservice the give me actual gay readers. They are being told that "all you need to know about Alan Scott is that he is gay now."
The only way they could make this compelling to me would be to undo the damage they have done. The JSA and related characters have been my favorite longer than some of these writers have been alive and some of them are unrecognizable to me.
I remember when Scott was an interesting character with an interesting history with his wife and family. Being a family man and hero with a wife who used to want him dead was a far more interesting story. Turning him into a fraud just devalued him.
Tim should be really proud. I had just gotten into comics for real and picked up Teen Titans Academy he did and I quickly learned how to see a bad story coming and knowing when to bail. Hell, he almost made me put comics back down and go back to old issues exclusively right out the gate
Sheridan is gonna write himself as Alan , I hate that but I blame DC editors who have been trying to make Alan gay for almost 2 decades according to Valerie D’Orazio , James Tynion , Joshua Williamson & whoever wrote Earth 2 during the new 52 for this 💩 Oh also Johns who chose Adams & Tim to be his co writers for this new age starting with Flashpoint beyond (Adams is a great addition but Tim sucks) Tim is just gonna 💩on Alan’s wives , make one of them either bigots or weird validators of Alan as he’s gay His wife who’s a villain-the mother of his children- will definitely be a villain of his because he’s gay
I hate that Joshua Williamson who has never written a memorable comic book, and has written a lot of awful hack events and comics recently, is being presented as a "headliner" at DC comics. All the "headliners" at DC since Geoff Johns was shuffled off to movies have failed (Scott Snyder, James Tynion, Bendis, Tom King, and now Joshua Williamson.)
Tim Sheridan is going to reveal a secret connection between the golden age Green Lantern and the golden age Red Lantern... The butt. Their connection is going to be at the butt. Just going ahead and calling it now.
They keep treating gay charecters as some sort of special being instead of just a character. As for Alan scott he dosen't need to be fixed. He was straight and whose daughter was Kyles partner for a few issues. One thing I find intresting is that so many of us realize we need to revisit the past and reclaim things we left behind. Not just in comics but other areas as well.
It feels like DC has a love/hate relationship with the JSA and the Golden Age. They are pretty cruel to these characters sometimes, turning someone gay seems petty. I think in the 80s they wrote them out as being perpetually trapped preventing Ragnarok, dying and being reborn to fight the same fight over and over again. It was like reading a snuf comic. In the 90s they got decimated in Zero Hour in a couple panels. Geoff Johns is a good writer, but even his current JSA run started with them being killed throughout time. We’ve seen Golden Age Earth 2 Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman get killed over the years. These characters never get a happy ending, which is depressing. I’m wary whenever the JSA come into prominence these days. I like the characters, but always feel uneasy, waiting for an axe to fall…
Oh gose as soon as I had heard Wes say, "gay hero in the 30's and 40's, ..." we know it's gonna be terrible. Alan Scott is *not* gay or an alphabet community. I don't even read that many comics but I follow them, and even I know this is disrespectful to the OG, GL. It's retarded. why do they let idiots continue to ruin characters. This might be a chance to actually *fix* and retconned making him "gay" in the first place but they're doing the opposite and they want to really break the character!? Edit: also it makes no sense, who is this for because it's not going to bring in any new audience because they probably may not even know who the OG GL was, and it will turn off fans, of the older character(s). Why would you do this? It hasn't worked in the past and it won't work in the future. It don't make business sense, why would Johns, or DC do this.
They already ruined Golden Age Alan Scoot when they made him gay because of the Earth 2 series from a few years ago. Earth 2 was a modern interpretation of the golden age heroes. Writers got lazy and decided to make some other person's interpretation canon like Iris West's race.
I’m still def going to pick up Jay Garricks book, as someone who picked up Adams run just as it was finishing with One Minute War I really liked his more somber veteran Jay
You know, Wes just brought up real good point. That change to Alan took place in the Earth-2 comic iirc. If that was a change that had to be made in the main continuity, what happened to all the others? The series with Val-Zod and all was a totally new series since the vast majority of it changed the story of the JSA (which is fine as its own standalone universe). But now by taking two versions of the character and bleeding in aspect of the other, for no reason, makes no sense.
They should have just made Simon Baz, Jessica Cruz gay along with Jo Checkmark. Would 3 gay lanterns been enough to shut these clowns up? Leave Alan, Hal, Guy and John alone. Tamper with your shiny new toys and leave the good ones be.
The story, as I remember it, but can't seem to substantiate anywhere, is that the wood weakness came from the fact that the ring was magic. Wood, being a part of nature repelled the magic. As another nod to his magical nature, his original name was Alan Ladd to reference Aladdin. However, the name was changed because an actor had the same name. I'll leave it up to the masses whether any of this is still canon, if it ever was. But I can't let the pun go. Being a closeted gay man in the 30'a gives a whole new meaning to "weakness to wood".
I didn't read the whole war of the Lanterns of whatever it was called, but didn't Atrocitus manifest the red lantern ring from his own hatred or something like that?
Trying to do another golden age Sandman book after Matt Wagner's Sandman Mystery Theater is as futile as doing another Punisher MAX run after Garth Ennis.
Knew Allan was going to turn out to be gay. As soon as you got to `interpreted for a modern audience.` Count down to cancellation due to low sales. Again
0:43 For the Jay Garrick series, let’s hope that he and Judy would have a father-daughter bond. Also, Serg Acuna variant comic of Jay and Judy bonding, which is really sweet.
Sheridan is the one writer I just don't get how he get's work. Like you have people like Tom Taylor/King, Jason Aaron and Bendis who wrote just really bad comics. But I always have to admit also wrote some good stuff and have at least one comics I can say "that's good". But Sheridan just has nothing, can't even think of a single page or a good concept fucked up. He just sucks!
Why DC feels the need to go back and change their Golden Age heroes is beyond me. Then to give them over to crappy writers on top of that? It's like they are purposely going out of their way to destroy their legacy, all in the name of a "Modern Audience".
I love the golden age Green Lantern, but knowing this hack is writing the book just killed it for me. I agree, this guy couldn't write his way out of a paper bag.
Whatever happened to writing a simple story, in the confines of the established character? Write a golden age pastiche with modern-day story structure, if you have to show him as a homosexual be subtle BTW, not every homosexual in the 1940s, were struggling with their sexuality yes for societal reasons, they had to be discreet because some Men were married or had girlfriends and homosexuality was considered a mental illness, but many Men thrived and lived fulfilling lives as themselves even openly in many social circles. The old trope and stereotype of homosexuals struggling with being gay is trite why can't he just be the superhero who happens to be gay and just be a good example and aspirational on how to conduct yourself? Because superman is allowed to be aspirational why does Alan Scott have to be defined by his sexuality? Why can't he be confident and comfortable with who he is? Because superman Batman Hal Jorden are allowed to be. why does Alan Scott have to be a Victim because he happens to be Gay?
This what happens when you hire diversity not about good work but their. Gender which is more important...thank the democrats for this thinking and the horrible outcome of their bad ideas they don't fix....
I mean Golden age Heroes I love them I think it's amazing when DC put some time and effort into him but the nuance of the Golden age characters were never to change their origins or disrespect their history or lower Now you can add to them you can put new concepts that could actually work that still stays in the perimeter of the Golden age characters like they did when they brought the JSA to modern times in the 2000 run which makes since. But this reckoning the Golden age for saying Heroes and villains or children that they had were always here where they were just written out of the time. And it's just like no that's not how that works A lot of those golden age characters could not have children for a lot of different reasons which if they went back and researched they would know that some characters couldn't conceive children back in the day or a medical thing happened to them is the reason why they weren't able to produce So to have these mysterious children pop out of nowhere is another problem then we're going back and trying to take some of the classic Golden age characters and make them gay because we need more diversity inclusion which is a slap to the face of characters who were originally created to be gay and be in the first like the the Doctor Strange knockoff character for DC he was literally DC's first gay character that is his thing Now they're trying to go back and say no it was Alan Scott which makes no sense because if you read Alex got comic books he was always into women and even up until the new 52 he had a wife his second wife the Harlequin one of his villains Alan Scott had a theme for his villain female villains cuz he'll end up you know fighting them and then end up fall in love with them that was one of his weaknesses so it's weird that they're going back and trying to retcon these characters and trying to add things that nobody asks for and then be like Man I wonder why nobody's reading our books because you do stuff like this You don't respect the characters you don't respect the Lore You don't respect the history You don't respect the creators and you don't respect the fans. And honestly it's getting kind of tiring at this point
Well now I hate sexuality changes however sometimes I get it cause a lot of people who are LGBTQ have dated people of the opposite sex till they discover themselves, but some characters I don’t think there trying to do that some they just change. Funny enough they care that he’s gay but can’t stand he gay & conservative that why they also don’t use him he disagrees with their politics. Also keep up the vids trey
I think they should have a seperate universe for the Golden Age characters where its the Golden Age forever; kinda like that episode of Justice League. Just no gay shit, please.
@@JP-1990 Super hero comics about adventure and less about sexuality would be great. I'd be happy if they just reprinted the old Archive Editions of All Star Comics or All Star Squadron which has never been reprinted, I miss the fun old JSA comics.
It’s extremely telling how bad western stories in all media are being written when a fucking background lore story for Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards tell more compelling and worthwhile stories. DC, Marvel and all these hacks need to give their heads a good fucking shake man…
Here's part of the synopsis from Heroes Quest part 1 during Volume 3 of the Green Lantern series: "Upon seeing the Bat-Signal in the sky, Kyle plays with it it and puts his Green Lantern logo over it. Kyle's signal doesn't go unnoticed as Alan Scott follows the light and finds Kyle on a rooftop. Kyle asks the former Green Lantern for advice, and Alan asks Kyle to give him a hand on something first. Together they track Harlequin, Alan's rejuvenated wife, and Alan bonds Molly's soul back into her old body. The experience of seeing the love between Alan and Molly causes Kyle to reflect on his relationship with Donna. Kyle bids farewell, and Alan tells him to return if he ever needs help." Does that make Molly sound like a "beard" for a gay man? I don't think so. I really don't care if Earth 2 Allen is gay, but that doesn't change everything about prime Earth Allen. I could be wrong but I don't think Molly is even Jade and Obsidian's mother so that brings in a whole other woman. What is a secretly gay man doing running around with all these women that he loves?
Hi @Wes_From_TC, saw my first of your videos with your recent one about the new Alan Scott outrage. Going back and looking at some earlier ones like this now. So now I understand why Jay Garrick suddenly has a daughter out of freaking nowhere. Is this another of the unspecified Orrery of 52 worlds, or has there been another crisis, or has every single idea of structure just gone straight to hell? 8:53 > the Green Lantern Corps and the Yellow lanterns have obviously been profoundly connected for a very long time mostly because of obviously Sinestro and and Hal Jordan I seem to recall you said something about Geoff Johns and it didn't sound like a Tim Sheridan-level of insult. I have nothing good to say about Geoff Johns. I'm saddened and almost ashamed I know anything about his work. I loved Green Lantern since about 1990 like I loved Doctor Who since about 1980 which again is the only reason I know about the last Doctor who episodes... The Red Lanterns are connected because of Sinestro. As I recall, Sinestro was responsible for the death of Atrocitus's family (so after the idea settled, it stopped being just "rage" and became a "righteous" rage which is how with Atrocitus vs the Spectre, the Spectre let Atrocitus go because they were on the same kind of mission). In response, Atrocitus used blood ritual to CREATE the Red central Lantern so I'd love (hahahahaha no I wouldn't) to know where this effing 1940s Red Lantern came from, thanks? 9:08 > uh his weakness was wood because he was yellow or something it was golden age comic books it was a different time Originally the ring wasn't alien super-science, it was pure flat-out magical green flame. Remember, the meteorite SPOKE to Alan. Pre-Geoff-filth-Johns, Alan Scott was slightly retconned in a '90s/2000s Green Lantern Quarterly where a thousandish years ago, an alien Green Lantern of 2814 was disciplined by the Guardians, had his ring reprogrammed to be vulnerable to wood, so the Chinese peasantry he was terrorising were able to beat him with wooden sticks (AND THEN joined with a fragment of the Starheart, part of the magicks the Guardians failed to entirely remove). Which is pretty good as far as retcon-explaining 1940s magical writing goes. Alan's costume matched the mix of green Corps uniform, adopted cape and the alien's scale/skin tone. I'm sorry, did you just say this 1940s Red Lantern is named "Atrocitus"? Are you f***ing kidding? 9:25 > all that interesting yes Geoff Johns did introduce like the new colored Green Lantern cores where you know there's different colors that represented everything and then like the Red Lantern Corps represented rage and the coolest thing they got out of that was you got to see who would have been Red Lanterns No hell no, that was horrifying. Even the artist working with Johns at the time pulled him up on how stupid it was. Saying it was the "emotional spectrum" and that Will was the Green emotion, even the artist (van Sciver?) said that "willpower isn't an emotion". Black, white and ultraviolet aren't emotions either, they may as well be Power Ranger Care Bear stares. Even if you buy that... Batman gets offered a green AND a yellow? Flash gets a blue instead of the yellow given how afraid he always is of not being fast enough and losing Iris? Worse, the whole "emotional spectrum" thing isn't just badly thought out, it takes away from previous stories. Guy Gardner Reborn, the 3-parter where Gardner without a ring cheats a ride to Oa to find Sinestro's preserved corpse-plus-more and take his ring. The scene where he defeats what's left of Sinestro is where he uses absolutely everything he's got including his anger to win Sinestro's ring. 'Don't deserve it, he says. That's what they ALL say. "Guy don't DESERVE it. Guy don't deserve NOTHIN'. Guy's GARBAGE. All my life they been makin' me feel like garbage. ALL of 'em! Lovers. Partners. Enemies. Parents. But I hung in. I TOOK it. I SHOWED 'em! ... Nothin'... 'cept what I TOOK! 'cept what I got by my own PAIN! By my own GUTS! By my own STRENGTH! REMEMBER, damn it - when you gotta DO somethin', you give it EVERYTHING! No DOUBTS. No SOFTNESS. NO NOTHIN'!' Geoff Johns took it away. Geoff Johns did stuff almost as stupid but definitely as unfair and maybe harmful as Tim Sheridan is lining up to do now. So Tim Sheridan can go screw Geoff Johns for all I care.
totally agree i seen it everywhere with all my faourite characters. there is reason these ICONIC characters were so good and been naround so long. if u change the character histroy and Character then it is no longer same character........... LAZY WOKE WRITERS. been very worried how much DC has been changing lately. even the animated tv shows. DC RULED with animation but i feel they dropped a lot in quality lately. writing especially but even the animation doesnt look as good as what they were doing 15 years ago
If they can pretend that Alan Scott (one of the only characters I grew up reading about who has two superheroes for offspring) is gay, I can easily remember that he’s not gay
So, rehashing an old idea that they did almost or over 10 years ago. Not only shitty writers but also repeat old ideas. If this version of Golden Age Green Lantern is like the revamped Golden Age Green Lantern back then, the gay part, then it's pointless. If I want to read Gay Alan Scott, then I would just buy the previous book instead. Luckily, Green Lantern isn't my type of comics. Very unfortunate for those that enjoys them.
Bleez is cool. Also there was a story with Guy undercover as a Red Lantern. That was cool. Also when Supergirl briefly bacame one was cool too. Red Lanterns can be cool. But not under Sheridan.
DC should stop this nonsense. The characters deserve respect. Marvel and DC must understand that's the wrong way. It was wrong back then. And it's still wrong. They can't do anything and everything just to reach any groups. In the 1990s, things were going well with the characters and their pasts, but now it's all about woke issues and political opinions. Without any substance. I want the good stories of Marvel and DC again. Is that so hard to understand?😒
Preach, Wes! I can’t stand all the ridiculous revisions to established golden age characters such as Green Lantern Alan Scott. Ugh. Let these so-called writers create new characters to screw up.
….…. I am hoping one day in the future…before I die….that dc will hire writer’s who love comics , who love the old stuff…and who will restore balance to the "comics-force".
@@ellesse3862 and me both!!!! I love JSA!! And the All Star Squadron! I would love to see some stories on TNT and Dan the Dyna-Mite! And more on the goldenage Mr Terrific
@@Leadeshipcoach Sounds like we could be so happy if only DC wised up. If you like goldenage Blackhawk and Military Comics, Plastic Man, Phantom Lady, or youre mad enough to dive into Bulletman, all characters I know from All Star Squadron, PS Artbooks are printing collections of those at the moment. Keeping me going while DC go through their phase of hating making easy money.
A longtime ago I ran a tabletop RPG and had Alan Scott (NPC) actually having a slightly damaged GL ring and lantern without knowing anything about the GL corps and that didn't hurt anything as it was a home based homage with some flattening of the DC history, this comic will be about Alan Scott cottaging
This Green Lantern mini series is going to be a trainwreck. Alan hasn't had a fair shake in decades and now we are going to have to suffer through seeing this crap on the shelves. The entire mini series will exist as a showcase to tell gay stories. Alan will never be anything else now. As far as I'm concerned this is a completely different character from an entirely different universe. DC seems to only have inexpensive hacks at their disposal these days.
I’m expecting the Red Lantern to be Alan’s secret gay lover or something obvious and stupid these hacks would do.
100%. This will be nothing more than a platform for sexuality. Maybe I'm wrong but I'd place money on it.
Alan Scott died in the end of SJA series before Flashpoint.This Alan Scott post Rebirth is another character to me.
Heck, I'm at the point where I'm going all the way back to the Last Days of the Justice Society special in 86 and saying that's the final appearance of the JSA. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
@@PapaMartyo4331 Had a similar thought.
I remember when DC made Alan gay. That was the first time I became aware of sjws altering long existing characters origins to check a box.
DC: that just earth 2, nothing going to happen to the prime version we swear!
Yeah it was during the New 52. They made him gay and turned Hawkgirl into a black woman. I was like....come on 🤦🏾♂️. Why not create new characters instead ?
Especially with a backstory featuring villainess love interests and their love/hate relationships giving birth to awesome children who grew into powerhouses.
??? It was done since his son was gay and they retconned away his son. I agree not the best way to handle it but queerness was tangentially already in the original Green Lantern character
The first time I heard about the check box thing was Iceman
I will always think of the classic Alan Scott as having the magical Lantern ring made with starheart.
Turning Alan the golden age GL to gay ruined him. Even my own appreciation of Alan. I view this the same way with bobby the ice man in X-Men. Both characters' history, context and personality were warped beyond recognition. Sorry Alan and Bobby for the shoddy treatment. I'm saddened and mad. Mabuhay!
I don’t think that is exactly what ruined them. It’s the fact that it was just done for no reason other than to check a box. Alan hasn’t had much showing to see how they change him (since the version that was originally introduced as gay wasn’t even in the main continuity).
But for Bobby? It’s like once that changes made every writer forgot how to actually write a character. He went from a character, who occasionally was in relationships to now one that all we ever hear about his relationships.
Everytime I watch one of Wes videos ( which are damn good), I do not regret leaving Marvel, DC and all mainstream comics in the dust.
dude has a punchable face. something about him i cant help but hate.
Same, I mostly buy older stories that i like
Same. Now, I'm just buying back issues from 20 or more years ago
Likewise. Back issues just take me back to better times.
This is why Manga is dominating the comic industry. At least Geoff Johns has done well writing JSA and the three jokers story.
Not to nitpick here Wes, but there is a better version of Alan Scott that I feel was a good interpretation of him and that was the New 52 Earth 2 variant of himself.
fuck japcomics.
Man god damn Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards have better stories than 99% of the crap coming from not only DC/Marvel but most western storytellers these days.
Alan scott is my favorite green lantern. They couldve just made a new green lantern gay. There's a WHOLE UNIVERSE FILLED WITH THEM! to me this is just fan fiction at this point that editorial is too negligent to address.
Heaven forbid you conflicting views and fears but you still love your family even when they’re a part of those conflicting views.
The most heavy-handed, half-ass retcon ever.
They never seem to learn.
Democrats hate learning. Honestly the Iron Age will see new companies to rise.
God forbid we have a straight character stay straight. They're too dumb to create an original gay character.
@@zenvariety9383 Iron Age will be a good time, as will the gatekeeping because the crazies need to be barred lest we end up with the same situation all over again.
Everyday I'm glad I no longer spend money on comics.
I forgot who Tim Sheridan was..and then I suddenly remembered he made that sh*t character called Stitch that was non-binary and made from dirty rags or something, and I think it lectured a legacy character about privilege at some point.
I already knew the story is going to wholly be about Scott being gay, before Wes even said so.
Ever since he was retconned that's all that's left of him; Alan Scott: The Gay Lantern.
He had a son, Obsidian, who was gay. Yet these "progressive" writers barely acknowledge him. 🤔
Obsidians not popular or well known enough for them to use. The point is to take characters with history and a fan base and completely destroy it and change it to fit politics/view points of the “modern” writer.
@PapaMartyo4331 WTF is it going to take to make dc stop!! David sazlov is so busy destroying CN, and yet he can't be bothered to stop this madness.
@@PapaMartyo4331 Exactly.
"More modern" is an immediate no-go.
The majority of current writers at the big two need to go. They just aren't good at writing comics. They may be good at something else, but they are not good at writing comics. They need to be replaced by people who are passionate about the medium and the characters they are writing. These writers need to have knowledge of existing canon and respect that when they write these characters. This doesn't mean they can't expand the character(s) and their supporting cast, but they can't just completely ignore or dismiss what came before.
All the great comic writers are gone or driven out of the biz.
Pretty sure they're good at doing "special favors" for their bosses, can't imagine anything else that would keep them employed after tanking the industry.
As true as that is, unfortunately it isn't happening. Canon and Lore basically doesn't exist anymore. Also the big 2 will close before they would ever try and fix themselves. Current DC for the last 3-4 years was, more or less, really bad fanfic. Imo even Dark Knights Metal felt like fanfic, but at least it wasn't AWFUL fanfic. It was just, kinda there.
They seem to want to change everything and can’t leave the original characters alone.
DC should be rebranded to AH comics , all hacks
6:42 that what come to mind after they changed tim Drake sexuality and make him robin again, i felt they erased his history and stories
Gay & Closeted damn destroy it all
it is such a shame and happens with so many characters in the last few years and lot of shows
10:53 I’ve read Teen Titans Academy. It’s trying to introduce new characters, story arcs, and character growth while also letting the Fab Five and Wolfman-Perez Titans become teachers; however, it got overshadowed by the introduction of Red X, Future State, and not resolving loose threads, resulting in the series being canceled and most of the Titans Academy students being faded from obscurity.
Strange Academy did a good job with this because introducing main characters, having storylines and character growth, students forming relationships, involving magic, and seeing Marvel’s heroes becoming teachers and mentors to the students.
Also it was badly written and filled with just as badly written characters.
Wait, the red x storyline was unresolved….? Again……? Jesus fucking CHRIST that is frustrating.
@@Darth_Bateman The Red X stuff from Titans Academy ended with the fourth Red X (who is Brick Petriosso, whose origins and backstory are unknown) being killed by the second Red X (and us not knowing who the third Red X is) and Future State being prevented by Dane and Billy Batson Captain Marvel.
Titan Titans Academy was just another Titans garbage book.The team don't have a single decent run in decades.
@@joshuaingobo1559 oh god this is somehow even worse…
Thanks for letting us know Wes. I’ve been a JSA fan going back to the 70s. I was looking forward to them bringing back some of these characters. But, now I’m going to avoid this. I doubt these writers have seen Dallas, but it’s like Bobby Ewing in the shower, everything that happened before was a dream. Only now all the JSA history was a dream and now this is the new normal.
I love Dallas and that was that was a perfect analogy. I really wish DC would stop altering classic characters.
Sheridan is such a hack he will no doubt try some enemy love story between this red lantern and Alan Scott. The guy probably writes Harry Potter fan fiction in his downtime.
I am an old old school Green Lantern fan. The Alan Scott I knew and the one that is in the comics now are two different characters. I checked out on him when they rewrote his sexuality. Didn't he have two kids Jade and Obsidian? Classic case of stealing a character and making him what you want, instead of making a new one that no one wants.
When DC made him gay for claps, they probably didn’t realize that meant they could ever harm the character or have someone non-gay write him.
Instead of giving their past the Finger, DC should create new characters for the imaginary 'modern' audience.
Might I suggest:
The Pink Dumpster
The Golden Groomer - his motto is 'I won't leave kids alone'.
Love your passion Wes.
I personally ignore crappy stories. They are mever canon to me or anyone who cares. Nobody is going to care about these stories 20 years from now. Let it go Wes.
Now .................where is my copy of ISOM #1.............???????
If they could write good characters, they would create new gay characters, and people would like them. All these people can do is stand on the shoulders of giants, then stick a "progressive" label on it to try and get credit.
Agreed. They basically just took characters who are already popular, and had a Fanbase, changed the sexuality and the whole personality of the character and then became confused why the original fans reject the character. They even leave they are already established LGBT characters off to the side again, proving that they just are using old popularity.
AW, HELL NO!!!!!!!! Alan Scott is my favorite Green Lantern. Alan was in a relationship with a female foe of his, HE HAS FREAKING KIDS WITH A WOMAN!!! Him and Doiby were never gay. I say the Starheart is controlling him and making him gay. Also, Wes, Alan appeared in the '40s, not the '30s.
His kids are from that villain who he married
Was that retconned or something?
I think it was James tynion 4 that decided to make Alan Scott gay. It was a truly bad decision. Alan Scott was straight for 80 years he was married twice the second time to Molly Mayne his longtime love interest. He seemed happy. I hate what they've done.
Alan Scott was one of my favorite DC characters until they retconned him into a gay man. I had no problem with the Earth-2 Alan being gay but why reinvent an 80 plus year old established character? This is why I stopped buying comics months ago
I remember a story about Alan Scott coming to terms with his son’s homosexuality. Obsidian is a great character and Alan’s antiquated views made for a beautiful story about a father and son finding a connection. There are a lot of great LGBTQ characters already. Retroactively making Alan Scott gay does the character and his fans a disservice.
The ONLU panel I’ve ever gone to was one featuring Darwyn Cooke in NC right after they released New 52 Earth 2 and Alan was revealed to be gay. Cooke went off about how they’re destroying the legacies of these characters ad their creators for bullshit and that they were hugely disrespecting the creators. It ended up being a great panel and showed how much he really cared for DC’s history
They successfully whittled down everything that was Alan Scott, to the point his only definition of character is "I am gay."
And publishers do not even understand the disservice the give me actual gay readers.
They are being told that "all you need to know about Alan Scott is that he is gay now."
Don't Care Comics
The only way they could make this compelling to me would be to undo the damage they have done. The JSA and related characters have been my favorite longer than some of these writers have been alive and some of them are unrecognizable to me.
I remember when Scott was an interesting character with an interesting history with his wife and family. Being a family man and hero with a wife who used to want him dead was a far more interesting story. Turning him into a fraud just devalued him.
Tim should be really proud. I had just gotten into comics for real and picked up Teen Titans Academy he did and I quickly learned how to see a bad story coming and knowing when to bail. Hell, he almost made me put comics back down and go back to old issues exclusively right out the gate
Sheridan is gonna write himself as Alan , I hate that but I blame DC editors who have been trying to make Alan gay for almost 2 decades according to Valerie D’Orazio , James Tynion , Joshua Williamson & whoever wrote Earth 2 during the new 52 for this 💩
Oh also Johns who chose Adams & Tim to be his co writers for this new age starting with Flashpoint beyond (Adams is a great addition but Tim sucks)
Tim is just gonna 💩on Alan’s wives , make one of them either bigots or weird validators of Alan as he’s gay
His wife who’s a villain-the mother of his children- will definitely be a villain of his because he’s gay
I hate that Joshua Williamson who has never written a memorable comic book, and has written a lot of awful hack events and comics recently, is being presented as a "headliner" at DC comics. All the "headliners" at DC since Geoff Johns was shuffled off to movies have failed (Scott Snyder, James Tynion, Bendis, Tom King, and now Joshua Williamson.)
@@jbbrolic I Kinda Liked His Robin Run. His Superman Run Was Just WTF Though.
Omg his 'gayness' only matters they did em bad..
Allan and the Red Lantern are about to be a couple.
Tim Sheridan is going to reveal a secret connection between the golden age Green Lantern and the golden age Red Lantern...
The butt. Their connection is going to be at the butt. Just going ahead and calling it now.
Yea I expect the Red Latern to either be Alan’s secret gay lover or for them to fall in gay love together
They keep treating gay charecters as some sort of special being instead of just a character. As for Alan scott he dosen't need to be fixed. He was straight and whose daughter was Kyles partner for a few issues.
One thing I find intresting is that so many of us realize we need to revisit the past and reclaim things we left behind. Not just in comics but other areas as well.
It feels like DC has a love/hate relationship with the JSA and the Golden Age. They are pretty cruel to these characters sometimes, turning someone gay seems petty. I think in the 80s they wrote them out as being perpetually trapped preventing Ragnarok, dying and being reborn to fight the same fight over and over again. It was like reading a snuf comic. In the 90s they got decimated in Zero Hour in a couple panels. Geoff Johns is a good writer, but even his current JSA run started with them being killed throughout time. We’ve seen Golden Age Earth 2 Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman get killed over the years. These characters never get a happy ending, which is depressing.
I’m wary whenever the JSA come into prominence these days. I like the characters, but always feel uneasy, waiting for an axe to fall…
Oh gose as soon as I had heard Wes say, "gay hero in the 30's and 40's, ..." we know it's gonna be terrible. Alan Scott is *not* gay or an alphabet community. I don't even read that many comics but I follow them, and even I know this is disrespectful to the OG, GL. It's retarded. why do they let idiots continue to ruin characters. This might be a chance to actually *fix* and retconned making him "gay" in the first place but they're doing the opposite and they want to really break the character!?
Edit: also it makes no sense, who is this for because it's not going to bring in any new audience because they probably may not even know who the OG GL was, and it will turn off fans, of the older character(s). Why would you do this? It hasn't worked in the past and it won't work in the future. It don't make business sense, why would Johns, or DC do this.
"He's weakness was wood" - now, in more ways than one ;)
They already ruined Golden Age Alan Scoot when they made him gay because of the Earth 2 series from a few years ago. Earth 2 was a modern interpretation of the golden age heroes. Writers got lazy and decided to make some other person's interpretation canon like Iris West's race.
I’m still def going to pick up Jay Garricks book, as someone who picked up Adams run just as it was finishing with One Minute War I really liked his more somber veteran Jay
11:01 It was also to show us Red X and the coming of Future State.
I blame editorial for letting these writers whole cloth destroy the characters with their poor fan fiction.
Initially when I saw who was writing Alan i was like I can't wait for wes to roast this and thought it's a few months later this is fun 😂😂
You know, Wes just brought up real good point. That change to Alan took place in the Earth-2 comic iirc. If that was a change that had to be made in the main continuity, what happened to all the others? The series with Val-Zod and all was a totally new series since the vast majority of it changed the story of the JSA (which is fine as its own standalone universe). But now by taking two versions of the character and bleeding in aspect of the other, for no reason, makes no sense.
They should have just made Simon Baz, Jessica Cruz gay along with Jo Checkmark. Would 3 gay lanterns been enough to shut these clowns up? Leave Alan, Hal, Guy and John alone. Tamper with your shiny new toys and leave the good ones be.
No because no matter how many gay or trans characters there are the freaks are always demanding more.
The story, as I remember it, but can't seem to substantiate anywhere, is that the wood weakness came from the fact that the ring was magic. Wood, being a part of nature repelled the magic. As another nod to his magical nature, his original name was Alan Ladd to reference Aladdin. However, the name was changed because an actor had the same name. I'll leave it up to the masses whether any of this is still canon, if it ever was. But I can't let the pun go. Being a closeted gay man in the 30'a gives a whole new meaning to "weakness to wood".
The real DC Comics ended with Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Yes.Pre-Crisis Era was the better ERA.
I didn't read the whole war of the Lanterns of whatever it was called, but didn't Atrocitus manifest the red lantern ring from his own hatred or something like that?
Squirrel Girl: New writer demands I defeat Thanos and Doctor Doom ON PANEL? Unthinkable, Monkey Joe.
They already ruined the character by turning him from a family man into a closeted gay.
This is sad
They have obsidian who is gay that they won't use because alan is gay now.
Snubbing Obsidian in order to rewrite Green Lantern .. thats almost homophobic, how insulting to Obsidian
5:25 I believe the comic book series was called Earth 2, as par of the New 52, and there it's an alternate universe character
You're right.
So he's gonna be more gayer than his already gay superhero son. What's next, his superhero daughter is gonna be gay too?
DC - Destroying Characters comics.
Trying to do another golden age Sandman book after Matt Wagner's Sandman Mystery Theater is as futile as doing another Punisher MAX run after Garth Ennis.
Knew Allan was going to turn out to be gay. As soon as you got to `interpreted for a modern audience.` Count down to cancellation due to low sales. Again
earth 2 was the book were alan scott was gay. what are the chances alan scott is going to be in love with the red lantern?
0:43 For the Jay Garrick series, let’s hope that he and Judy would have a father-daughter bond. Also, Serg Acuna variant comic of Jay and Judy bonding, which is really sweet.
Just f'ing why?
Sheridan is the one writer I just don't get how he get's work. Like you have people like Tom Taylor/King, Jason Aaron and Bendis who wrote just really bad comics. But I always have to admit also wrote some good stuff and have at least one comics I can say "that's good". But Sheridan just has nothing, can't even think of a single page or a good concept fucked up. He just sucks!
Leave Golden Age Heroes Alone.
Leave them alone and reprint their long out of print golden age stories.
“Made of Wood” is probably the best modern Alan Scott Green Lantern story. Ed Brubaker did it.
"We're going to revamp this character for modern audiences that don't exist. Again."
Why DC feels the need to go back and change their Golden Age heroes is beyond me. Then to give them over to crappy writers on top of that? It's like they are purposely going out of their way to destroy their legacy, all in the name of a "Modern Audience".
One of the very few cool Magic characters and he's a notable JSA member too but they gotta ruin it.
Comics are still a monthly release, people just think about that
I love the golden age Green Lantern, but knowing this hack is writing the book just killed it for me. I agree, this guy couldn't write his way out of a paper bag.
Sounds like this Lantern still gets weak in the knees for wood.
Imagine being so skilled at digging up the past, that in doing so, you shatter it with a shovel, then shit n piss on it during the process.
Robert Venditti gets the worst assignments
i'm glad i dipped when the new shitty 2 reboot happened.
Whatever happened to writing a simple story, in the confines of the established character? Write a golden age pastiche with modern-day story structure, if you have to show him as a homosexual be subtle BTW, not every homosexual in the 1940s, were struggling with their sexuality yes for societal reasons, they had to be discreet because some Men were married or had girlfriends and homosexuality was considered a mental illness, but many Men thrived and lived fulfilling lives as themselves even openly in many social circles. The old trope and stereotype of homosexuals struggling with being gay is trite why can't he just be the superhero who happens to be gay and just be a good example and aspirational on how to conduct yourself? Because superman is allowed to be aspirational why does Alan Scott have to be defined by his sexuality? Why can't he be confident and comfortable with who he is? Because superman Batman Hal Jorden are allowed to be.
why does Alan Scott have to be a Victim because he happens to be Gay?
They already made Alan Scott gay 🤬
Well, your rant at T Sheridan may be on point, the real fault lies with Editorial. Golden Age GL hasn't been well served for a loooong time.
This what happens when you hire diversity not about good work but their. Gender which is more important...thank the democrats for this thinking and the horrible outcome of their bad ideas they don't fix....
I mean Golden age Heroes I love them I think it's amazing when DC put some time and effort into him but the nuance of the Golden age characters were never to change their origins or disrespect their history or lower Now you can add to them you can put new concepts that could actually work that still stays in the perimeter of the Golden age characters like they did when they brought the JSA to modern times in the 2000 run which makes since. But this reckoning the Golden age for saying Heroes and villains or children that they had were always here where they were just written out of the time. And it's just like no that's not how that works A lot of those golden age characters could not have children for a lot of different reasons which if they went back and researched they would know that some characters couldn't conceive children back in the day or a medical thing happened to them is the reason why they weren't able to produce So to have these mysterious children pop out of nowhere is another problem then we're going back and trying to take some of the classic Golden age characters and make them gay because we need more diversity inclusion which is a slap to the face of characters who were originally created to be gay and be in the first like the the Doctor Strange knockoff character for DC he was literally DC's first gay character that is his thing Now they're trying to go back and say no it was Alan Scott which makes no sense because if you read Alex got comic books he was always into women and even up until the new 52 he had a wife his second wife the Harlequin one of his villains Alan Scott had a theme for his villain female villains cuz he'll end up you know fighting them and then end up fall in love with them that was one of his weaknesses so it's weird that they're going back and trying to retcon these characters and trying to add things that nobody asks for and then be like Man I wonder why nobody's reading our books because you do stuff like this You don't respect the characters you don't respect the Lore You don't respect the history You don't respect the creators and you don't respect the fans. And honestly it's getting kind of tiring at this point
Well now I hate sexuality changes however sometimes I get it cause a lot of people who are LGBTQ have dated people of the opposite sex till they discover themselves, but some characters I don’t think there trying to do that some they just change. Funny enough they care that he’s gay but can’t stand he gay & conservative that why they also don’t use him he disagrees with their politics. Also keep up the vids trey
A gay character whose weakness is wood? I'm sure he'll be on his knees a lot.
This is how you lose a lapsed reader that was willing to go back. I won't even bother with World's Finest.
Don’t forget that if you tell Tim Sheridan that he is wrong. You will be blocked.
I think they should have a seperate universe for the Golden Age characters where its the Golden Age forever; kinda like that episode of Justice League.
Just no gay shit, please.
They could invent a new character and make that the gay character, its lazy writing to rewrite an esablished character, lazy and annoying.
@@ellesse3862 I don't want more gay characters. There are way too many.
@@JP-1990 Super hero comics about adventure and less about sexuality would be great. I'd be happy if they just reprinted the old Archive Editions of All Star Comics or All Star Squadron which has never been reprinted, I miss the fun old JSA comics.
It’s extremely telling how bad western stories in all media are being written when a fucking background lore story for Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards tell more compelling and worthwhile stories. DC, Marvel and all these hacks need to give their heads a good fucking shake man…
Here's part of the synopsis from Heroes Quest part 1 during Volume 3 of the Green Lantern series: "Upon seeing the Bat-Signal in the sky, Kyle plays with it it and puts his Green Lantern logo over it. Kyle's signal doesn't go unnoticed as Alan Scott follows the light and finds Kyle on a rooftop. Kyle asks the former Green Lantern for advice, and Alan asks Kyle to give him a hand on something first. Together they track Harlequin, Alan's rejuvenated wife, and Alan bonds Molly's soul back into her old body. The experience of seeing the love between Alan and Molly causes Kyle to reflect on his relationship with Donna. Kyle bids farewell, and Alan tells him to return if he ever needs help." Does that make Molly sound like a "beard" for a gay man? I don't think so. I really don't care if Earth 2 Allen is gay, but that doesn't change everything about prime Earth Allen. I could be wrong but I don't think Molly is even Jade and Obsidian's mother so that brings in a whole other woman. What is a secretly gay man doing running around with all these women that he loves?
One of my first comics was a Heathcliff for a birthday present. The STAR line from Marvel
5:00 - 5:40 this is not a Alan Scott story. This is a story for a new character. Making new stuff should take priority.
Hi @Wes_From_TC,
saw my first of your videos with your recent one about the new Alan Scott outrage. Going back and looking at some earlier ones like this now.
So now I understand why Jay Garrick suddenly has a daughter out of freaking nowhere. Is this another of the unspecified Orrery of 52 worlds, or has there been another crisis, or has every single idea of structure just gone straight to hell?
8:53 > the Green Lantern Corps and the Yellow lanterns have obviously been profoundly connected for a very long time mostly because of obviously Sinestro and and Hal Jordan
I seem to recall you said something about Geoff Johns and it didn't sound like a Tim Sheridan-level of insult. I have nothing good to say about Geoff Johns. I'm saddened and almost ashamed I know anything about his work. I loved Green Lantern since about 1990 like I loved Doctor Who since about 1980 which again is the only reason I know about the last Doctor who episodes...
The Red Lanterns are connected because of Sinestro. As I recall, Sinestro was responsible for the death of Atrocitus's family (so after the idea settled, it stopped being just "rage" and became a "righteous" rage which is how with Atrocitus vs the Spectre, the Spectre let Atrocitus go because they were on the same kind of mission). In response, Atrocitus used blood ritual to CREATE the Red central Lantern so I'd love (hahahahaha no I wouldn't) to know where this effing 1940s Red Lantern came from, thanks?
9:08 > uh his weakness was wood because he was yellow or something it was golden age comic books it was a different time
Originally the ring wasn't alien super-science, it was pure flat-out magical green flame. Remember, the meteorite SPOKE to Alan.
Pre-Geoff-filth-Johns, Alan Scott was slightly retconned in a '90s/2000s Green Lantern Quarterly where a thousandish years ago, an alien Green Lantern of 2814 was disciplined by the Guardians, had his ring reprogrammed to be vulnerable to wood, so the Chinese peasantry he was terrorising were able to beat him with wooden sticks (AND THEN joined with a fragment of the Starheart, part of the magicks the Guardians failed to entirely remove). Which is pretty good as far as retcon-explaining 1940s magical writing goes. Alan's costume matched the mix of green Corps uniform, adopted cape and the alien's scale/skin tone.
I'm sorry, did you just say this 1940s Red Lantern is named "Atrocitus"? Are you f***ing kidding?
9:25 > all that interesting yes Geoff Johns did introduce like the new colored Green Lantern cores where you know there's different colors that represented everything and then like the Red Lantern Corps represented rage and the coolest thing they got out of that was you got to see who would have been Red Lanterns
No hell no, that was horrifying.
Even the artist working with Johns at the time pulled him up on how stupid it was. Saying it was the "emotional spectrum" and that Will was the Green emotion, even the artist (van Sciver?) said that "willpower isn't an emotion". Black, white and ultraviolet aren't emotions either, they may as well be Power Ranger Care Bear stares.
Even if you buy that... Batman gets offered a green AND a yellow? Flash gets a blue instead of the yellow given how afraid he always is of not being fast enough and losing Iris?
Worse, the whole "emotional spectrum" thing isn't just badly thought out, it takes away from previous stories. Guy Gardner Reborn, the 3-parter where Gardner without a ring cheats a ride to Oa to find Sinestro's preserved corpse-plus-more and take his ring. The scene where he defeats what's left of Sinestro is where he uses absolutely everything he's got including his anger to win Sinestro's ring.
'Don't deserve it, he says. That's what they ALL say. "Guy don't DESERVE it. Guy don't deserve NOTHIN'. Guy's GARBAGE. All my life they been makin' me feel like garbage. ALL of 'em! Lovers. Partners. Enemies. Parents. But I hung in. I TOOK it. I SHOWED 'em! ... Nothin'... 'cept what I TOOK! 'cept what I got by my own PAIN! By my own GUTS! By my own STRENGTH! REMEMBER, damn it - when you gotta DO somethin', you give it EVERYTHING! No DOUBTS. No SOFTNESS. NO NOTHIN'!'
Geoff Johns took it away. Geoff Johns did stuff almost as stupid but definitely as unfair and maybe harmful as Tim Sheridan is lining up to do now. So Tim Sheridan can go screw Geoff Johns for all I care.
totally agree i seen it everywhere with all my faourite characters. there is reason these ICONIC characters were so good and been naround so long. if u change the character histroy and Character then it is no longer same character........... LAZY WOKE WRITERS. been very worried how much DC has been changing lately. even the animated tv shows. DC RULED with animation but i feel they dropped a lot in quality lately. writing especially but even the animation doesnt look as good as what they were doing 15 years ago
If they can pretend that Alan Scott (one of the only characters I grew up reading about who has two superheroes for offspring) is gay, I can easily remember that he’s not gay
So, rehashing an old idea that they did almost or over 10 years ago. Not only shitty writers but also repeat old ideas. If this version of Golden Age Green Lantern is like the revamped Golden Age Green Lantern back then, the gay part, then it's pointless. If I want to read Gay Alan Scott, then I would just buy the previous book instead. Luckily, Green Lantern isn't my type of comics. Very unfortunate for those that enjoys them.
I hope one day to see a video of yours going over the assassination of Power Girl’s character by that hack writer Leah Williams.
Bleez is cool. Also there was a story with Guy undercover as a Red Lantern. That was cool.
Also when Supergirl briefly bacame one was cool too. Red Lanterns can be cool. But not under Sheridan.
So he's gonna be LGHDTV+.
DC should stop this nonsense. The characters deserve respect.
Marvel and DC must understand that's the wrong way. It was wrong back then. And it's still wrong.
They can't do anything and everything just to reach any groups. In the 1990s, things were going well with the characters and their pasts, but now it's all about woke issues and political opinions. Without any substance.
I want the good stories of Marvel and DC again. Is that so hard to understand?😒
Preach, Wes! I can’t stand all the ridiculous revisions to established golden age characters such as Green Lantern Alan Scott. Ugh. Let these so-called writers create new characters to screw up.
….…. I am hoping one day in the future…before I die….that dc will hire writer’s who love comics , who love the old stuff…and who will restore balance to the "comics-force".
I hope DC just reprints the golden age JSA comics and finally releases All Star Squadron before I die, it'd be great to read some stories I'd enjoy.
@@ellesse3862 and me both!!!! I love JSA!! And the All Star Squadron!
I would love to see some stories on TNT and Dan the Dyna-Mite! And more on the goldenage Mr Terrific
@@Leadeshipcoach Sounds like we could be so happy if only DC wised up. If you like goldenage Blackhawk and Military Comics, Plastic Man, Phantom Lady, or youre mad enough to dive into Bulletman, all characters I know from All Star Squadron, PS Artbooks are printing collections of those at the moment. Keeping me going while DC go through their phase of hating making easy money.
A longtime ago I ran a tabletop RPG and had Alan Scott (NPC) actually having a slightly damaged GL ring and lantern without knowing anything about the GL corps and that didn't hurt anything as it was a home based homage with some flattening of the DC history, this comic will be about Alan Scott cottaging