Manipur Violence & UCC To Impact Mizoram Assembly Polls? | News9
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- Mizoram CM Zoramthanga has expressed concerns regarding the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), stating that it contradicts the religious and social customs of the Mizos, as well as the laws protected by the constitution. As the president of the MNF, Zoramthanga emphasized that the UCC poses a potential threat to the interests of ethnic minorities, particularly the Mizos. His statement highlights the need to consider and address the potential implications and impact of the UCC on diverse cultural and religious practices in Mizoram.
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#mizoram #zoramthanga #uniformcivilcode #ucc #ethnicminorities #culturaldiversity #religiouspractices #legalimplications #minorityrights #secularism #constitutionalrights
Is it true that illegal immigrants are there in kuki areas?
@@2019kumar not really refugee from burma
Kuki are inocent citizens love from north east India may Our God protect them all.
Where is Jesus to help Kuki Zo.
@@nandkishorejoshi3695 during the gun fight in one village ....angels protect the kuki people....just like the four blood moon, israel was protected by angels....the meitei people who present there say they saw many angels like who dress in white on kuki side and a thick fog protect them thou kuki are less in number in that specific area...
@@nandkishorejoshi3695N WHERE IS ram TO HELP N PROTECT meitei..
@@paulhiggins7133never met a fool
like you " Sanamahi "
Ooo innocent 🤣🤣
KUKI ZO and MIZO are not “similar ethnicities “
Exactly 💯.....❤ From Sadar Hills, MizoRam ❤️
Who are kukis? How many tribes are there
@@2019kumarkuki is how others called us, zo-mi Or mi-zo is not similar but one ethnicity, simple as that
@2019kumar 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊3edddddddddddDdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddedddddddddeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddedddeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeddddddddedddeddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddddddeddddeddddddddddddddddddddddeddedddddeddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddddedddddedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeddddddddededdddddddddedddeddddddddddeddddeddddddddddddddddedddeddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeddddddddddddddddddddddedddddedddddddeddddddddddeddddddddddeddddddddddddddddd9d
As a naga from kohima with friends in neighboring state of Manipur, what is happening in manipur is very undemocratic and uncalled for
They practice Narco terrorism and killing indigenous people of Manipur,They war on indigenous people of Manipur
R nagas supporting kukis...
Yes why not? Why should Nagas support meitei?
No other communities wants to live with Meitei..
@@sk21719 brainless person, this is not about religious issues it's about ethnicite issues.
@@sk21719 i don't think and i don't believe that christian tribes are ganging up the Meiteis.
Obviously, the people of Mizoram, too, have learned about the BJP Party. They will not vote for BJP leaders in the next election , it is not only about Manipur and Mizoram but the entire North East India regions are watching about Manipur's issues, where is BJP's sab ka bikash??? (every body's development)???
BJP has no future here..
BJP is not gonna happen here , not possible for generations to come....
Yes its true...bjp is a death trap for the ethnic minority and other religions.
Always think about the present situation of Manipur, who is the beneficiary?
The situation in Manipur is currently having its impact in Zampui Hills of Tripura...Cachar and NC Hill, Karbi-Anglong ADC etc in Assam where a sizable Zo tribals are concentrated....
Please dont vote for BJP again.
UCC iz not acceptable/applicable in North East India ✝️🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️
But y any reason
Logu hoga😅
Kabhi nahi hoga
@@rohitsingha832Tribals want to practice their own customs.
for example, Meghalaya's matrilineal laws conflict with the Indian civil laws that were based on patriliny.
@@Nateseun me being for Assam I don't have any problem and talking about don't mean imposing other law on us but before implementing UCC there will be a meeting in which every section of society will we present
They will pain one blood i support zo CM
We pray for peace ✌️✌️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Very insightful and well cover
We want Justice want the culprits of the one who chopped David's head and body and those raped and killed the tribal girls. The one who burnt a man inside sintex. Who killed aman inside sack. Who burnt children and women's alive. Did any kuki did the same to any meitei.? We need Justice that's all.
Judgement day is coming soon as are the signs . All Hail Jesus 🙏🙌🙌
Hello brother Manipur tripura mizoram nagaland Sikkim we in meghalaya we don't need congress and bjp ..,unite with us is about tribal and Christianity to unite and stand for the rights new election we will won great your own party not to join congress and bjp to join tribal and creat power
Modi is 👏 because we tribal are fighting each other 😒😒🤦
Why don't you get some good audio system. Even with full volume we have to keep our ear sticking to tv speaker.
Separate State for Kuki Christian is the only solution
Kuki are fake Christian
Just as said, the persecution has started ,be strong believe in Lord Jesus Christ
To all Manipuri's (Meitei) Supporters
Why are you so badly thinking about to have the Schedule Tribe ? That means you like to expel all the Zo/Mizo/Kuki/Paite/Hmar people? But remember this, Manipur is the land of their forefathers. They are not refugee, So even the war, Many of people dead of Meitei means The Almighty God be with them and help them in ever way. So Stop attack and be peace with them
No Temple barn in Manipur
no one asked u
@@appy69nor someone asked you to reply.. n FYI not temples are burn.
What happened to the temples in moreh
Meitei millitant s burnt down and blame kuki innocent people
@@tesworld3631 yupp thn i can say tis too...."no kuki churches were harmed in Manipur"
Maine two reasion of kuki virus violance...
1. Governement destroyed poppy cultivation...
2. Meiteis ST demand...
Stop Meiteing
"Maine" reasion "violance"
All said here is truth.. But about temple burn is totally opposite 😊
Cause the meitei burn themselves n blame the kuki zo
Yes everything is our fault.... We burned, killed ourselves, even burned our own temples... Y'all are saints
Let you must know one meitei house have one temple.
2000 houses are burned down at ccpur on 3rd may by the kukies and 600 houses at moreh,all satellite images are available with date wise. But still kukies defame Meiteies. White paper very soon comming.let's see who is wrong who is right.
Its my simple appeal to all the communities meitei and kuki is let's make a platform among us so that we can proceed to our old life of our peaceful life without politics and policies.. Iam ready to appeal to both the communities for peace
Forget all the things which already happened.
I love all our ethnic kukies and nagas
Kuki fight their own right. Support from Myanmar.
Every thing boils down to maintain superiority of BJP.
KukiZoMizo are same ofcourse zoramthanga be angry. Patience has its own limits... And that patience box is almost full sooner or later if this isn't resolved ASAP our Mizo brothers are surely coming.
But Assam, Tripura,Arunachal n Manipur already accepted even the Bill is still pending.
Ucc has to make provisions for sc and sTs
in the name of Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ Amen
Please discuss in which Schedule of Indian Constitution can meitei protect and also provide sense of security in India.
A very important video, but is the PM listening? The country is watching the charade being played out, people begging for security and justice and a government which is suffering from the tortoise syndrome!
BJP is Hited the Wall. Congress Party should be lead India in the next election.
Zo , Zomi, Mizo , Kuki , Mar , Vaiphei , etc all are belongs to ZO is the father of our ethnics.
So we were Brothers and Sisters before Burma and India independence we lived together in our land which was called Zogam, but after both countries got independenced we were separated India and Burma.
So now we have some visions for our people like Israel.
An sawi zawng zawng hi hrethiam lo mah ila, kan sawi ve lawks.
Mizoramin Mizo hnathlak Manipura harsatna tawkte kan tanpuina kawngah hian engmah sawisel tur a awm lo a. Kan duh angin kan pui nasa thei lo a, ram hruaitute kan dem lek lek zawk ania. Tumah hian sawisel lo mai teh se.
What is going there in Manipur, kuki n Meitei plz stop attacking each other, N also kuki stop demanding Separate Adminstration dnt try to break other states, what if Other community also start demanding same in Mizoram,
We support kuki state demand from mizoram....only mizo fake name of tuikuk or chakma who using mizo fake name dont support kuki demand.....
@@pawthirapawthira208 don't support n don't interfere to other states, same here in Nagaland, central is trying to divide among us, as we all know there r Meitei people in Mizoram, Assam n in Tripura, so wat if Meitei demand Separate Adminstration greater manipur in Mizoram too, R Mizoram going to give wat they want, So stop supporting n interfering to others State, they have their own Govt. Ya in huminity ground of course all North East shud support to bring peace in Manipur, N also r u guys going to support to divide Nagaland.
We mizos from mizoram supports kuki ....those chakmas and tuikuk are the one who is damn frustrating
I will say nothing but this...We mizo will never demand seperate administration..we dont even think about that before🤣 mizo tak2 pawh ini awm lo ee..tuikuk emaw chakma vel bak va ni suh che
Brother, Kukis never demand the separation of administration before, they lived with peacefully, but now think about why do they demand the separation of administration? Meitei will expel from their land. As Manipur is their forfather land, they will not retreat anymore, Meiteis are faul.
Now impossible to make peace among the two communities. So that they demand separation of administration for their shelter. Have understand
Mizoram doesn't cos problem but if meitei creat some problem we will not keep silent
we want regional party in Mizoram who alliance with Congress
Lets handled our state, no one is there to lookafter
Supposing if you're thrown out of your house or family where are you going obviously you'll reach to your neighbor known people. Manipur Kuki's and Zo Tribe are influence very well by Mizo in common they all understand Mizo language they're under Mizo sub-Tribe. Root is one though they live in different state.
I think that only Mizoram who strongly opposed the ucc.For Meghalaya,Naga n Sikim may be or not to accept.
Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland have opposed UCC. Other Northeastern states have not made any decisions yet until after receiving the draft of the UCC
Only separate administration will save manipur
Forget separate administration. You will be washed out if you work in the guidance of anti national Christian missionaries and Church authorities.
Kuki - Naga clash - 1991-1997
Kuki - zomi clash -1997
Kuki--assam karbis -2004
Kuki- Assam dimasa class-2008
Kuki jews- Palestinians clash-ongoing
Kuki - mynmar clash-ongoing
Kuki chin -bangladesh clash-2022-2023
Kuki chin -meitei clash-ongoing
Hence proved kuki are peace loving community
Atleast We don't hide under the skirt of your women's and represent lie everywhere sucker
Exactly right, I don't know y they want too much war, they r thingking like the way that they r the son Of GOD they r the Hero they r the Only one in world, they r too communal, they don't want to make a friend with other tribe,
If Kuki r in Manipur then Kuki shud be under somehow Meitei rule if Naga is in Mizoram then we shud go wit that Mizoram rule, like as when we r in Delhi how we the North east people living their, somehow we need to manage to live in peacful way, wat can we do in Delhi, aren't we under their control ? Yes we r n we shud bcus they r the majortiy, So try to understand that we r human being voilence brings nothing to everyone
Ha ha ha.... Kuki are very innocent , in their view everybody is wrong except kuki... They do not accept court decisions and even state govt. or central govt. they denied.
@@ramlal007ful What does good did the Manipur government did to Kuki peoples ? Where is the fund go to only ? In villages?
Why boycott National Anthem of India ?
Why boycott Hindi Movies and Language of India "Hindi" ?
Ok let say Innocent Manipuri meitei CM giving threat to Kuki ?
Why protesting taking a photo of abuse victims photo of others ?
Why not sparing innocent kids and an old person?
It very simple to your logic that your brain is rotten
Im full saport MIZORAM 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💯
Drama played by BJP CM. He has to resign.
Amak ve lutuk deuh e.ka. Support thin nen.
Add fire 🔥 on fire !!!!
I love my old kuki, khongsai, paite etc.
No temple is burn this is communal vilence kuki and meitei .
Give us videos of temple burned,as you mentioned.
ZPM is going to win sweaping victory in mizoram 2023 election it is very clear
Meitei people are alway said lied. No Kuki invade Meitei.Meitei people of a whole Police Commando and Terrorists Meitei Lepuun group, Arangba Tenggol group and Women Meira beibi group go to hill villages with a guns ,killings and burning many houses.Meitei invade many time Kuki. Kuki is only defence his villages with a licence guns. Terrorists Meitei is rouming Village to Villages freely.The Central Force are meaningless to Manipur. On account of Biren C.M. is the top Commander of Security. Central Government sent immediate commission on the Manipur.
Smugglers kukis
Please call all your relatives to Mizoram
Racist scum!
Meitei thives have noone to call😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
@@NgahhoiChongloi-zo7lk RIP English and spelling.
@@NgahhoiChongloi-zo7lkbecause we don't do all this shit, going everywhere and demanding for the Saparate administration like you guys
May our God, the Lord of Cherubim save our people and their ancestral land included in Manipur map by historic butchers
😮😮😮😮😮😮really want to go forward manipur😮😮😮😮😮😮❤❤❤❤❤❤
Manupur ke hingsa pe mizoram cm bhi samil he kya>?
Why not? WE, MIZO & KUKI-ZO are under umbrella of ZO. We are ONE in blood
Yes, first he made statement but stopped later.
@@changlang823 oh what a proud moment. First stop killing among yourself.
Manipuri's are mostly sheltered in nagaland.
Show me prove of temple burn 🖼image and video🎥?
U can see national media channels 🤣
@@bishalcreation2846i assure you there isn't any temples burnt
@@Get__setg__o bolte ja dhuniya ko pata hain or kitna sarif banoge ye harkate sor dena chahiye
@@bishalcreation2846 dawt vek anih kha i hmuh... Kuki hoin temple engmah an hal ve lo.. An hal tiha an sawi ho pawh kha ala awm vek
@@Get__setg__ogo and write somewhere else. We don't know what you are talking about.😂
BJP down down 👎
Churches burnt down but no temple burn
If so then no churches were burnt down
The churches was burned but none of the temple is not but, we Christian people ignore any religion and we give respect to any religion..
implement UCC, Independence from India
BJP down modi down
To all meiteis supporters you don't know KUKI CHIN ZO MIZO are same but little different languages so don't mess on us or everyone else 😏
Then please take them to your state to stop this madness😂 please go ahead
@@yokoagasit475 come we will war
@@yokoagasit475Our kuki brother will never surrender until they last breathe.
@@yokoagasit475ok let start
This comes after the beheading of our Hmar brother. The tweet is justified and is still calm
Please dont mention anymore Temple was burn if show the pictures of temples which was burnt with location
temples are not burnt....
Distorted news channel plus Meiteis influenced based news channel
He should not add fuel to fire just because it’s election season
All North East India States they follows bjp but now bjp moves uniform civil code so the leader of majority Christian they plays like humty Dumpty they sat on the walls now
Sir with much respect the word “Displaced” is more precise and politically correct than the word “Refugee” .
You don't know our culture is different but we are one don't make us angry
Modi n biren sing bhai bhai they. Both sing together in more than 60 days also they will dance together in where the place made for the sinner 👹👺
N wat bout nagaland
100%fail BJP
BJB is not failing it's mission in Manipur it's succeeding and it will once after lok sabha election, this issue is just a start. Mettei community thinks they'll own the land woooooo BJB will knock them out just see if the future is hold by BJB . And come back to my comment.
You said CM of manipur takes action against popy cultivators so he is racist against kuki wonderful penalist, what about those meiteis who killed by kukies more than their number's also those home 🏠 burned down by kukies
Have some common sense or buy it.. In going war if you go to other territory with carrying guns You will be welcome in open arms
No maitei
The anchor should not use Refugees but rather use IDPs...The data of 12000 Refugees in Manipur is wrong as the data has crossed 50000.
Both the violence and ucc Will have a big impact in northeast bjp downfall👌❤🙏💖
The time is very near// Brothers and Sister's the living GOD Creator of Heaven and Earth 🌎 has given every Human being freedom of living and choice /in every religion book its very clear written ,The way u do to others, the same thing will happen to you// Jaise karne waise bharni) .... KARMA .......but in the Holy Bible of Christian,,, GOD is very Clear ...He will come to Judge the living and the dead.... And Punished every Human being according to his deeds and work.... At that time only one way.... Heaven or HELL... Its our CHOICE... So start believing loving our Neighbours// Forgive and Forget....bring Peace 🕊️... And don't trust BJP Government..... they are trying their best to Divide INDIA// Division between Hindu Muslims and Christians....
UCC... 👎👎👎
MEITEITHU,.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kuki mahik
@@Leima123 Meitei land 7000sg klmts 🤣🤣🤣
@@amichhangte3141 your sqkm is 0 in this universe
No harsh comments to the leadership of Manipur state nor the rulers of Delhi Empire,by your panelists,why.❓
Not 12k take all zo family your people to mizoram... We dont want zo people in manipur take all zo people to mizoram🎉🎉🎉🎉 please take more let them stay mizoram
Where did meitei actually come from?
Bangaladesh? Myanmar?
Look all around you meitei..
The Nagas of Manipur has Nagaland as the same ethnicity while the zo-kuki of manipur has mizoram as their ethnicity
So only a small fraction of people of manipur aka meitei out of nowhere settled in the plains of manipur which is surrounded by the different ethnicity except for meitei.
This shows its actually the meitei that invaded the land of manipur and settled in the plain and rich land of the tribals
No temple had been burnt...
If so the no churches were burnt down
It's not about party come to your first point what you wana say
Article 371 protects christianity not tribals😂😂😂😂. No matter how hard bjp tries Christians and Muslims will never accept it 😂😂😂.
We dont want bjp
Mr. CM of Mizoram you are doing good job please keep your Zo group in your state as some of them started spreading from that side too but please "aag me our ghi mat dalna. Manipur ko mat toro. They went there because they have relatives there. Why they don't go to other states.
Het 😠
a) The unofficial Kuki population jumped to 30 percent from 15 percent in 2011 census. Doubling the population in about 10 years suggesting that almost 50 percent of Kuki population to be illegal immigrants from Myanmar.
b) Almost 10000 acres of land in Kuki dominated areas being used for Poppy cultivation, a certain percentage of the revenue generated from the poppy trade going to the Kuki terrorists groups.
C) The Central Government has funded magnanimous amount of money to the Kuki terrorists in the name of SOO agreement in 2022 just before the Manipur election.
d) With the money from the Poppy revenue & fund from GOI, the Kuki terrorists started huge recruitment of manpower and buying of sophisticated arms, and is still continuing and as per intelligence report 3 truck load were delivered to the Kuki terrorists in June 2023 now.
e) It has come to light & beyond doubt that the Anglo - Kuki centenary gate was burnt down by the Paite tribe, which earlier the Kukis were blaming the Meitei for the destruction. As per Intelligence report, about 15 days back there was a fight between the Kukis & ZRA regarding this case.
f) As per plan, the Kukis with the help of Kuki terrorists started burning Torbung Meitei village around 0430 pm of 3rd May 2023. The second attack in the same night was in Ccpur town where in all Meitei owned shops & houses were burned down. At the same time, the Kukis also started burning burning all shops & houses of Meitei at Moreh & Kangpokpi. Many Meiteis were beaten blue & black & ran left & right & finally got under the protection of Security forces.
g) As far as Imphal is concerned, on 3rd May night that too after 1030 pm, only one sporadic event took place of ransacking & partial burning of 2/3 houses at Checkon. However, the main work started not before afternoon of 4th May 2023 after People realized what was happening to the Meiteis in Kuki dominated areas of Ccpur, Moreh & KPI. Many houses were burnt at Langol, Paite veng, Haokip veng, Khongsai veng, Checkon etc. Few people were beaten up, but nobody was killed. In Langol complex about 20 plus Kuki terrorists with sophisticated weapons were found holed up who were chased out by the Security forces on the night of 4th May.
h) After the exchange of people between Imphal & Ccpur, Moreh & Kpi, as per plan, the Kuki terrorists started attacking the fringe Meitei villages with sophisticated weapons. The Kuki terrorists who had already infiltrated into the Kuk Villages of all districts, and were holed up were found in huge number in Dolathabi dam, phayeng Singda hill range, Saikul area, Serou - Sugnu area, areas between Moirang Lamkhai to Torbung. Many villages were burnt, many killed & grievously injured.
i) The Kukis think tank had it all planned, they wanted to kill as many Meiteis as possible using their terrorists in the name of communal clash.
j) We need to give credit to the Kuki think tank who planned it so well including media management & art of lying.
Go and look at India government cencus not your promot singh cencus 🤣🤣
But why are your statements wrong from the first point itself.
How do you know kuki population increased by 30pc in 10yrs. Who is conducting that census. Where is the proof.
Dont tell me the racist communal meitei govt is conducting these census..
Thank you for lying with a long paragraph.
We are the real owner of hills areas don,t tell a lies
Lair meitei, who believe you anyway even your own neighbor don’t trust you. Who are you fooling now.😂😂😂
Narendra modi how r u
😂 Wow!
Khasi word 😂
Don't vote bjp.
Monipur purely tribal, don't divide them kuki and meitie they are same people North East people they are not from Bihar and urisha and central India so it something wrong done. Who started killing culture who started first these culprits who encouraged it ? Are you happy North East people ? Are we responsible is only targetting each other of us to kill each other ? Couldn't we do non violence as Mahatma Gandhi examples whenever necessary ? Who is (was) the father of our nation and the leader example of whole? How much patience that we can endure our program ? Why we forget it's truth' ? Verry shameful hei hei !😊😅
Mizos standing openly against the integral Constitution of India, and aggressively supporting only one ethnic out of numerous ethnicities in India...
Mizos are not against the present indian constitution but the bjp govt is using its power to change the present constitution push and dissolve the rights of the minorities...which will effect the very exiatence of the minorities...all over india ....that is what they are agianst ...
@@momo.....1you are absolutely right 👍
You meitei are alone.. the Nagas of Manipur has Nagaland as their Ethnicity, the Zo-Kuki of manipur has Mizoram as their ethnicity so Who are meitei? Where did they come from?
This simply shows in the 16th century the Meitei invaded the land of manipur and settled in Tribals areas..
@@phobictoeverything Communal agendas have no place in democracy of the world... Stop your Naked Junglee Janwar living Jungle Raaj...
Chutiya shut your Lips liar
UCC is necessary for North East to save Indian Culture.
We dont have hindu culture in NE except Assam. We all have our own religion customs and traditions. We will never accept ucc. Its meant for mainland india not the tribals in NE. We are protected by the Sixth Schedule under Article 244. So stop dreaming of ucc here.
@@marykharkongor1858 Yes excatly, Not possible in northeast.....Maybe who knows they have hidden agenda to rule north east and try to make us all hindus....
Omo hai asuda tai kwrwi tiprasano kasunai tiprasano...
Hindu ka temple jala di a
1000 Of More. Church jala diya church jala diya.sarsm karo.
Kuki virus attacked on Manipur and burnt down meiteis 3000 above temples(houses)
3000 temple 😂😂😂😂 🤣🤣😂😂 Jokes of the day
Stop Meiteing,know your limit.
Do you for a second think that any sane person is going to believe that 3000 temples are burnt?
If you meant meitei houses,what about the more than 150 Kuki Zo villages,VILLAGES burned by Meitei child murderers??? Not to mention the more than 300 Actual Churches and the looting and theft by Meitei POS
Meitei are all liar😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Cant u Meiteis just stop lying for atleast 1 sec
Meitei are a bit diff people. I had lots of frens from Manipur. Even KUKIS’s. But most of the time I was and my good vibes with kuki bro n sis. My prayers are always with ya’l . Praying for peace and normalcy in Manipur state.
3 may ,2023churachandpur me kuki ne meitei 7000 gun bom aak jalakar bhagaya usi se c c pur tribal luk kuki soo ka action dekar aam adami c c pur kuki luk mizoram me sup bhagiya mizoram me refuge nahi he c c pur kuki he apna militens ko dar ki mizoram me bhagiya oluka ghar he sup he mizoram media ka interview dekho sup pata chalega