BBC News in London/SE was virtually left to the Nationwide team to produce from 1969-1983 and then the Sixty Minutes team from 1983-1984. London Plus launched in 1984 to at last provide a proper news team to London/SE, eventually strengthened with Newsroom South East in 1989.
BBC News in London/SE was virtually left to the Nationwide team to produce from 1969-1983 and then the Sixty Minutes team from 1983-1984. London Plus launched in 1984 to at last provide a proper news team to London/SE, eventually strengthened with Newsroom South East in 1989.
As someone once said: "The BBC cares about the regions - it just doesn't know where to put them."
BBC could not give a damn about London/SE region for decades.
Someone should put this on TV-ARK at some point!