Hi, I've been following the tutorial, so far everything's great and clear! Hovewer I have a question, why does the download speed for scenarios keeps itself lower (~2 MBps) then my connection is capable of? Like, on other programs/launchers... I get around 7-8 MBps but not there (I am also the only one connected).
As far as I know autoortho is downloading the base scenery packages from github and therefore it's most likely that their servers are slow. It was slow to download for me too so just be patient :)
@@DrishalMAC2 In the end I was able to complete the download of europe scenery. Could have been the slow server! But upon diagnostic check, I received an error or two. I thought to send you a message in discord like other users in the comment, but the invite link is not valid it seems.
Here's a tip. If bot using simheaven liie me, don't put the autoortho overlays into custom scenery. Create just the overlays with ortho4xp in the areas you'll be flying into or out of. For example an airport and then one tile surrounding it in every direction. This'll save fps and free about 7-8GB of storage.
While this definitely works. I would recommend just using the provided overlays if not using simheaven. They will be just as good as the ortho4xp ones and will cover the whole world. Your method means having to create the overlay tiles for these areas which could take some time and sort of defeats the purpose of using autoortho rather than ortho4xp. It Your method definitely will work and for those who want to save the extra space is a good option, but for now I recommend using either simheaven or the provided overlays. But as I say, still a valid option and may be useful for some so thanks for the comment :)
Thanks for the video. AO 7.1 has been working great for me... so nervous about upgrading. Does 7.2 install easily right on top of 7.1 or are there a lot of manual steps? Thanks for any advice or experience.
To upgrade to 0.7.2 just run the new autoortho .exe installer. You shouldn't have to do anything else as it will remember all the settings and your base packages :)
X-Plane Newbie here. Am I understanding right that Autoortho replaces the manual static download of Ortho4XP tiles? Or the other way around: When I have already a lot of Ortho4XP tiles I won‘t get an optical effect with Autoortho?
So ortho4xp and autoortho essentially do the same thing but with different methods. Autoortho stream the imagery so you don't require as much data downloaded locally in your pc. Whereas ortho4xp downloads the entire tile to your pc locally. Ortho4xp generally is higher quality and you have more control over the tile, it also means there is no reliance on an Internet connection. You can use both at the same time which is something I do quite often. I generally have ortho4xp tiles for airport I fly to often. And then in-between (areas I will only fly over during cruise) I have autoortho running. Just be sure to set autoortho to below any of your ortho4xp tile in the scenery packs configuration file.
Every time I ran AO it deleted and replaced the ortho folder and moved it to the top of my scenery.ini, I couldn't get it to load without removing all 3d objects in-sim. I found the solution is waiting to run AO until you are in the XP12 start menu and then closing AO before closing the sim.
Hello, as far as I know there isn't a way to do this. You may however be able to do this by using a decal injector on the base package files and using the remove decal option. I can't guarantee this will work but it's all I can think of at the moment. I may test this myself actually...
Hey DrishalMAC2, thx for this video! It helped me a lot with my first installation of AO. AO worked great until XP12 crashed one time. I use Ortho and Sim Heaven and it worked. I tried everything to get AO running again but there are failures in the log from XP12 that I can´t fix. I even installed XP11 where AO works great with the same files/directories. Only XP12 cannot open some files from autoortho and freezes. The log from XP12: 0:00:07.800 E/SCN: ***Error with scenery file "+21-015.dsf" (io_dsf.cpp:917.)*** 0:00:07.800 E/SCN: The terrain file 'terrain/28816_30144_BI16.ter' could not be loaded. 0:00:07.800 E/SCN: 0:00:07.800 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Beim Laden des Szeneriepakets ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Custom Scenery/z_ao_afr/ When I want to load a flight, AO downloads files until the error occurs. I let XOrganizer check my ini... I'm at the end of my ideas... I tried to contact you on discord (Saurik)
Hello, thanks for the comment :) if you could send a request again on discord that would be great and I can provide support there :) I did see your friend request but since we shared no mutual friends or servers I thought it may have been spam or a bot so my apologies for that. :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Thanks for your suggestions. I'll go back to AutoOrtho as I have had a few issues with Map Enhancement. Should I uninstall it or just leave both installed but just obviously just launch one or the other? Thx
Hey man thanks for the tutorial but I have a problem when im in game the autoortho looks cool but in some places there are giants squares that look kinda bad tbh.
I failed to get O.K. Something is missing, a chunk it says. Though the program is running. Also, there is no /z_ao... line in the .ini file. None of them.
It very much depends on your system and preferences. If you have plenty of storage space and have the time then ortho4xp will provide better quality imagery. However I'd you are low on storage space and have a decent interest connection then autoortho will work very well too. You can use both together which is what I do. I generate regular ortho4xp tiles for areas with airports and where I fly regularly. Then use autoortho for everything imbetween :)
autoortho will take ages to unzip the scenery you have to download. To give an idea australia is the smallest size download it will take more than 5 hours to unzip but in the end it will give access to orthos everywere in the globe where ortho4xp will fill your drive before you download the whole globe.
Bare in mind this time varies. It only took 1 hour for me for aus. That being said it can take longer but as you day you then have orthos for the whole area. :)
XP11 Here but I figure it's the same. My US Scenery works like a charm, no lags, stutters, or anything like that. When I installed the EU scenery it does not show up in the sim. I have the scenery packs configured properly, however, there are only 15 files that get installed from the EU pack. You said there was something around 30, which im not sure why mine says done at only 15 zip files.
Eur has only 15 files. When you start autoortho and go to the log page does it show that the eur pack has correctly bene mounted. And does the ortho not show around the whole of Europe or only one section?
@@DrishalMAC2 Entire EU. I tried multiple spots like Dublin, London, and Vienna. Only default X-Plane scenery showed up. I can double check what my LOG looks like, but from what I saw there were no errors.
@@DrishalMAC2 Double checked the Log. Literally everything is working, I have no idea why AO does work in the EU. Even the AutoOrtho overlays worked, the actual map imagery did not. So frustrating.
Now few questions yet) I'm about winter Bing textures! So, how often Bing service update its satellite images? Or X-Plane 12 engine turns all Bing summer fotos to Fall or winter or Spring? The trees in XP12 changes colors in different seasons, but what about Bing ground images? And more - If I (for exmpl) complete a flight from A to B, so the next time I fly same route do I MUST run AotoOrtho again? Or it will inject all textures from the last flyght? Thank U once more!)
Ok so for the first question, the images will only update whenever bing decide to update their imagery, how often that is I do not know. X-Plane will not change the image at all in any way regarding the seasons. But yes the trees I'm X-Plane 12 will change due to its own season system. You may even at times see snow above the autoortho imagery if X-Plane injects snow. And for the second question, yes you must run autoortho at all times :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Oh, tnx! And what about these Bing images quality? For exmpl if You use Orto4XP you can choose a quality of Bing (and other) images (16, 17, 18). What about this optin in AutoOrtho?
Autortho will use the highest it can based on your pc specs and Internet speeds. In my experience I get zl18 near airports (as autoortho forces higher quality around airports) and then zl everywhere else pretty much. This drops a little bit when your cruising at 35,000ft for example but at that altitude it doesn't matter too much :)
HELP Followed installation steps as per your video. When I start X-Plane there are no buildings. The folder z_ao_na/, has been placed at the bottom of the " ini" Please advise. Thanks
Are you using simheaven X-World? If you are not do you have the autoortho overlays folder either in your Custom scenery folder of mounted to it when AutoOrtho starts.
It depends really. Personally I still use ortho4xp tiles for areas I fly to often just because the quality is generally higher. Ortho4xp is still useful especially for when airports come with a custom mesh file and so you can use the provided patch to implement that custom mesh into ortho4xp tiles. That being said, if autoortho is working well for you then you can just use that on its own :)
To me it doesn't make any sense to use ortho4xp. You can always increase your autoortho cache. The tiles will stay in your cache until it gets full and I'm assuming when it gets full it will start deleting the oldest used tiles to make room for the needed ones. If you go to your home folder you'll see a directory called .autoortho-data and inside you'll see the cache folder inside you'll see all the jpegs that were needed when you flew.
It's really personal preference. I personally still use ortho4xp for areas I fly to regularly as its higher quality and no reliance on an Internet connection. It also means I can use custom mesh patch files for airports with a custom mesh.
Yes I have the same error because that server is currently down. You can ignore it and just make sure you don't use that Map type override. I recommend using bing. :)
Hi Drishal! Does AutoOrtho work on mac? Or is there an alternative on Mac? Unfortunately I can only play X-Pkane 11 on Windows because my drivers can't be updated and therefore XP12 can't run. Thanks and great vid!
@@DrishalMAC2 So basically I use Bootcamp to get windowss on my mac but the drivers are too old and the graphics card isn't supported anymore so I can't run the X-Plane 12 installer. I may have found some updated drivers though. Anyways I need to figure this out this week end.
I've been running AO version 4.X successfully for a long time, but so failed to install anything above V5. If I were to try this latest version, will it overwrite the existing install and preserve the settings and all the images I have in the cache, or should I start from scratch again? I wouldn't want to lose the 3 million images of New Zealand and Australia so far saved in the cache. If starting from scratch, what should be deleted to ensure a clean new install?
I would recommend starting from scratch as the base packages are different in the newest version and the install process is also slightly different. You may however be able to preserve just your cache folder. To do this I would first uninstall the autoortho app using either the default windows system or something like revo uninstaller. Then delete all of your scenery base packages from wherever you installed them to. Now you can continue with the installation of the latest version. Of you have any issues or questions feel free to ask :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Neither the Windows program uninstall facility nor Revo Pro could detect AO. So the only way I could remove it was by a very careful manual process to eliminate any trace of the original version. And it worked, so we had a (probably) clean environment to install the latest version, which is now running in XP 12.1.1. First attempt starting AO showed errors in its log.txt, but running AO again after running XP and editing scenery.ini indicated zero errors. Important preliminary step: how to preserve and then restore the 2+ million images I had in version 4? This is not easy in Windows, because of its terrible copy/move facility when dealing with huge numbers of files. First, I used Teracopy to put the entire previous AO install somewhere else, and then deleted the original AO folder. Then I installed the new version and renamed its cache file to cache 2, went to the old saved cache file and used Teracopy to put that cache folder back into the AO folder. Then I went back into the cache folder renamed cache 2 and copied its contents into the new cache folder. This exercise took hours, some concentration and a lot of patience. Further tests are needed to prove that this has worked, but in the meantime, I recommend anyone trying to install AO to put it outside the Windows OS folders.
@@DrishalMAC2 A question about preserving the cache of files from version 4.X. I kept all those old files and put them back into the cache for version 7.2. But I am not convinced that those original images are being used by the latest version because I do regular backups of XP and associated files and have noticed that after flying around under AO for a while, the backup process detects a couple of hundred thousand new files - and they are all from the cache. So, the question is: Does the latest version recognise and use cached images from earlier versions? If not, I could clear the cache and save about 30 gigs of file space.
As Xavier has said its definitely not abandoned. I have personally spoken to the dev and he is simply busy with real life stuff. That being said the current version of AO is working very well for me so I don't believe any major update is required right now :)
map enhancement was pretty bad for me. Performance wise and to get really good quality ortho you have to pay. Seems shady to me when there is a free tool like autoortho available.
Yes initially map enhancement worked well for me but as it got updated it got worse and worse unfortunately. That's why I have now moved back to AutoOrtho and am very impressed with the quality and performance.
Hi I follow your tutorial but i have a problem... when i finish to download the scenery pack the program notice me an error: the folder in not empty...i select Customer scenery as folder.. how i can solve it? Thank you very much
Your .ini file must be incorrect. Make sure that the autoortho lines are completely at the bottom of that. The only things which should be lower are custom meshes for airports.
Thank you for the tutorial but I can never get this working, either the download fails which it didn't this time. But I get "warning getortho: Failed with status 403 to get chunk.....
Currently some ortho provider servers are down and so it will detect failures. I recommend using bing as it generally looks the best and is fully working. If you set the map type override to bing, then try it in X-Plane and it works fine then you can ignore those failures. I have the same on my system. :)
Hi, I've been following the tutorial, so far everything's great and clear! Hovewer I have a question, why does the download speed for scenarios keeps itself lower (~2 MBps) then my connection is capable of? Like, on other programs/launchers... I get around 7-8 MBps but not there (I am also the only one connected).
As far as I know autoortho is downloading the base scenery packages from github and therefore it's most likely that their servers are slow. It was slow to download for me too so just be patient :)
@@DrishalMAC2 In the end I was able to complete the download of europe scenery. Could have been the slow server! But upon diagnostic check, I received an error or two. I thought to send you a message in discord like other users in the comment, but the invite link is not valid it seems.
So sorry, it seems the links are expiring. I will update them soon but for now this link will work: discord.gg/CwK8X6UgSR
Here's a tip. If bot using simheaven liie me, don't put the autoortho overlays into custom scenery. Create just the overlays with ortho4xp in the areas you'll be flying into or out of. For example an airport and then one tile surrounding it in every direction. This'll save fps and free about 7-8GB of storage.
While this definitely works. I would recommend just using the provided overlays if not using simheaven. They will be just as good as the ortho4xp ones and will cover the whole world. Your method means having to create the overlay tiles for these areas which could take some time and sort of defeats the purpose of using autoortho rather than ortho4xp. It Your method definitely will work and for those who want to save the extra space is a good option, but for now I recommend using either simheaven or the provided overlays. But as I say, still a valid option and may be useful for some so thanks for the comment :)
Thanks for the video. AO 7.1 has been working great for me... so nervous about upgrading. Does 7.2 install easily right on top of 7.1 or are there a lot of manual steps? Thanks for any advice or experience.
To upgrade to 0.7.2 just run the new autoortho .exe installer. You shouldn't have to do anything else as it will remember all the settings and your base packages :)
@@DrishalMAC2 thx... ran the installer exe and 'it just worked' nothing else to do ... had a great hop from PHLI to PHNL to test it out!
Fantastic! Enjoy mate!
X-Plane Newbie here. Am I understanding right that Autoortho replaces the manual static download of Ortho4XP tiles?
Or the other way around: When I have already a lot of Ortho4XP tiles I won‘t get an optical effect with Autoortho?
So ortho4xp and autoortho essentially do the same thing but with different methods. Autoortho stream the imagery so you don't require as much data downloaded locally in your pc. Whereas ortho4xp downloads the entire tile to your pc locally. Ortho4xp generally is higher quality and you have more control over the tile, it also means there is no reliance on an Internet connection. You can use both at the same time which is something I do quite often. I generally have ortho4xp tiles for airport I fly to often. And then in-between (areas I will only fly over during cruise) I have autoortho running. Just be sure to set autoortho to below any of your ortho4xp tile in the scenery packs configuration file.
@@DrishalMAC2 Thank you for your reply. Sounds great. Will check this out.
Every time I ran AO it deleted and replaced the ortho folder and moved it to the top of my scenery.ini, I couldn't get it to load without removing all 3d objects in-sim. I found the solution is waiting to run AO until you are in the XP12 start menu and then closing AO before closing the sim.
Right I see, and that method works fine?
@@DrishalMAC2 Works fine for me!
Hello DrishalMAC2, nice video! I have a question: how can I remove the decal on the terrain that looks like a carpet texture? Thanks!
Hello, as far as I know there isn't a way to do this. You may however be able to do this by using a decal injector on the base package files and using the remove decal option. I can't guarantee this will work but it's all I can think of at the moment. I may test this myself actually...
08:31 So, if I have SimHeaven installed, then I do not need this whole folder "yAutoOrtho_Overlays"? Right? Thank U much!
Correct :) if you have simheaven you do not need the yAutoOrtho_Overlays folder :)
@@DrishalMAC2 What are the effects created by this anyways?
By Simheaven or by AutoOrtho?
@@DrishalMAC2 Simheaven
@@DrishalMAC2 by autoortho
To this day I haven’t been able to install this 😅it’s a good thing I don’t mind the default scenery
What's the error?
Hey DrishalMAC2, thx for this video! It helped me a lot with my first installation of AO. AO worked great until XP12 crashed one time. I use Ortho and Sim Heaven and it worked. I tried everything to get AO running again but there are failures in the log from XP12 that I can´t fix. I even installed XP11 where AO works great with the same files/directories. Only XP12 cannot open some files from autoortho and freezes. The log from XP12:
0:00:07.800 E/SCN: ***Error with scenery file "+21-015.dsf" (io_dsf.cpp:917.)***
0:00:07.800 E/SCN: The terrain file 'terrain/28816_30144_BI16.ter' could not be loaded.
0:00:07.800 E/SCN:
0:00:07.800 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Beim Laden des Szeneriepakets ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Custom Scenery/z_ao_afr/
When I want to load a flight, AO downloads files until the error occurs.
I let XOrganizer check my ini...
I'm at the end of my ideas...
I tried to contact you on discord (Saurik)
Hello, thanks for the comment :) if you could send a request again on discord that would be great and I can provide support there :) I did see your friend request but since we shared no mutual friends or servers I thought it may have been spam or a bot so my apologies for that. :)
Thanks for another detailed tutorial. Which Ortho do you prefer AutoOrtho or XPlaneMap Enhancement?
I prefere AutoOrtho as I get much better quality and performance. It works very very well for me :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Thanks for your suggestions. I'll go back to AutoOrtho as I have had a few issues with Map Enhancement. Should I uninstall it or just leave both installed but just obviously just launch one or the other? Thx
I would recommend uninstalling map enhancement as it can cause a conflict :)
Hey man thanks for the tutorial but I have a problem when im in game the autoortho looks cool but in some places there are giants squares that look kinda bad tbh.
Can you send me a screenshot of this via discord?
@@DrishalMAC2 Sure a thing I think I just sended you the friend request im chingocaravanex.
Hey, any chance you can send it again? I have not received anything :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Mhh strange.
@@DrishalMAC2 Can you send me one? my user is chingocaravanex
Thankyou for the tutorial. Is it possible to set a bandwith limit on AO since I''m not the only one using the internet?
Not within the AO app no. You might be able to do this via an external app though?
I followed your tutorial exactly and got warning message saying failure detected. Do you know what has went wrong?
You can ignore this message. It is just because some if the Map servers are offline. Make sure your using bing and you will be fine :)
I failed to get O.K. Something is missing, a chunk it says. Though the program is running.
Also, there is no /z_ao... line in the .ini file. None of them.
Could you contact me on discord? I can provide much better support there. I think I may know what the issue it :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Thank you, I will.
Which one of these would you recommend - autoortho or ortho4xp ?
It very much depends on your system and preferences. If you have plenty of storage space and have the time then ortho4xp will provide better quality imagery. However I'd you are low on storage space and have a decent interest connection then autoortho will work very well too. You can use both together which is what I do. I generate regular ortho4xp tiles for areas with airports and where I fly regularly. Then use autoortho for everything imbetween :)
autoortho will take ages to unzip the scenery you have to download. To give an idea australia is the smallest size download it will take more than 5 hours to unzip but in the end it will give access to orthos everywere in the globe where ortho4xp will fill your drive before you download the whole globe.
Bare in mind this time varies. It only took 1 hour for me for aus. That being said it can take longer but as you day you then have orthos for the whole area. :)
@@DrishalMAC2 You a better pc than me, I'm on i5 with 24Ram and 4GB nvidia but it also depends on the write speed of your USB drive.
Yes that is very true :) I was using a nvme m.2 which is quite fast
XP11 Here but I figure it's the same. My US Scenery works like a charm, no lags, stutters, or anything like that. When I installed the EU scenery it does not show up in the sim. I have the scenery packs configured properly, however, there are only 15 files that get installed from the EU pack. You said there was something around 30, which im not sure why mine says done at only 15 zip files.
Eur has only 15 files. When you start autoortho and go to the log page does it show that the eur pack has correctly bene mounted. And does the ortho not show around the whole of Europe or only one section?
@@DrishalMAC2 Entire EU. I tried multiple spots like Dublin, London, and Vienna. Only default X-Plane scenery showed up. I can double check what my LOG looks like, but from what I saw there were no errors.
@@DrishalMAC2 Double checked the Log. Literally everything is working, I have no idea why AO does work in the EU. Even the AutoOrtho overlays worked, the actual map imagery did not. So frustrating.
Any chance you can join my discord and dm me? I can provide better support there :)
@@DrishalMAC2 of course. I’d love to get this resolved.
Now few questions yet) I'm about winter Bing textures! So, how often Bing service update its satellite images? Or X-Plane 12 engine turns all Bing summer fotos to Fall or winter or Spring? The trees in XP12 changes colors in different seasons, but what about Bing ground images? And more - If I (for exmpl) complete a flight from A to B, so the next time I fly same route do I MUST run AotoOrtho again? Or it will inject all textures from the last flyght? Thank U once more!)
Ok so for the first question, the images will only update whenever bing decide to update their imagery, how often that is I do not know. X-Plane will not change the image at all in any way regarding the seasons. But yes the trees I'm X-Plane 12 will change due to its own season system. You may even at times see snow above the autoortho imagery if X-Plane injects snow. And for the second question, yes you must run autoortho at all times :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Oh, tnx! And what about these Bing images quality? For exmpl if You use Orto4XP you can choose a quality of Bing (and other) images (16, 17, 18). What about this optin in AutoOrtho?
Autortho will use the highest it can based on your pc specs and Internet speeds. In my experience I get zl18 near airports (as autoortho forces higher quality around airports) and then zl everywhere else pretty much. This drops a little bit when your cruising at 35,000ft for example but at that altitude it doesn't matter too much :)
@@DrishalMAC2 you get zl18 with the free version?
There is no paid version of autoortho so yes zl18 is free :)
why does my Run process says WARNING and FAILURE
Could you send me a screenshot on discord of this?
@@DrishalMAC2 What’s ur discord?
Thanks for the video. Should the z_ao entries be below MESH ?
Nope, mesh should always be right at the bottom :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Thank you again - airport mesh included should be at the bottom ?
Yes included airport mesh should be at the bottom :)
@@DrishalMAC2 much obliged, sir.
Do you mind sharing what your specs are? I have been struggling with fps at night so I was wondering what your specs are compared.
Hello, my specs can be found in the video description or in my channel page description :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Ah, thank you!
No worries :)
Followed installation steps as per your video.
When I start X-Plane there are no buildings.
The folder z_ao_na/, has been placed at the bottom of the " ini"
Please advise.
Are you using simheaven X-World? If you are not do you have the autoortho overlays folder either in your Custom scenery folder of mounted to it when AutoOrtho starts.
Thank you for the prompt response.
Yes I am using Simheaven
Also tried with autoortho overlays and the result is the same.
Ok, is there any chance you could send a screenshot of the simulator and your .ini to me via discord? It's much easier to provide support there.
Not able to do that because I am not on Discord nor on any other social media venue
Thanks anyway
Ok I see, if you want feel free to email me at: drishalmac2@gmail.com :)
Is there a need for OrthoXP, if AuthoOrto is used?
It depends really. Personally I still use ortho4xp tiles for areas I fly to often just because the quality is generally higher. Ortho4xp is still useful especially for when airports come with a custom mesh file and so you can use the provided patch to implement that custom mesh into ortho4xp tiles. That being said, if autoortho is working well for you then you can just use that on its own :)
To me it doesn't make any sense to use ortho4xp. You can always increase your autoortho cache. The tiles will stay in your cache until it gets full and I'm assuming when it gets full it will start deleting the oldest used tiles to make room for the needed ones. If you go to your home folder you'll see a directory called .autoortho-data and inside you'll see the cache folder inside you'll see all the jpegs that were needed when you flew.
It's really personal preference. I personally still use ortho4xp for areas I fly to regularly as its higher quality and no reliance on an Internet connection. It also means I can use custom mesh patch files for airports with a custom mesh.
is their anyway to get it run without having it to start it up everytiome ?
No unfortunately not as far as I know.
I don’t have logs, any idea why? But this was very helpful thanks!!🎉
Do you mean x-plane logs or autoortho? Can you send me a screenshot of the issue via discord or email? :) and thank you for the kind words :)
I got an error during diagnostics (maptype EOX failed) and I don't know what to do now.
Yes I have the same error because that server is currently down. You can ignore it and just make sure you don't use that Map type override. I recommend using bing. :)
Hi Drishal! Does AutoOrtho work on mac? Or is there an alternative on Mac? Unfortunately I can only play X-Pkane 11 on Windows because my drivers can't be updated and therefore XP12 can't run. Thanks and great vid!
It should work on Mac yes but i think the install method is a bit different. What's the reason for not being able to update your drivers for XP12
@@DrishalMAC2 So basically I use Bootcamp to get windowss on my mac but the drivers are too old and the graphics card isn't supported anymore so I can't run the X-Plane 12 installer. I may have found some updated drivers though. Anyways I need to figure this out this week end.
Ah ok I see. Can't you run X-Plane on MAC natively? Some addons may not work though
@@DrishalMAC2 The thing is I never really managed to get AO to work on mac and also if have fps problems on mac.
Ah right I see :)
I've been running AO version 4.X successfully for a long time, but so failed to install anything above V5. If I were to try this latest version, will it overwrite the existing install and preserve the settings and all the images I have in the cache, or should I start from scratch again? I wouldn't want to lose the 3 million images of New Zealand and Australia so far saved in the cache. If starting from scratch, what should be deleted to ensure a clean new install?
I would recommend starting from scratch as the base packages are different in the newest version and the install process is also slightly different. You may however be able to preserve just your cache folder. To do this I would first uninstall the autoortho app using either the default windows system or something like revo uninstaller. Then delete all of your scenery base packages from wherever you installed them to. Now you can continue with the installation of the latest version. Of you have any issues or questions feel free to ask :)
@@DrishalMAC2 Much appreciated! I'll give it a go. Thanks.
@@DrishalMAC2 Neither the Windows program uninstall facility nor Revo Pro could detect AO. So the only way I could remove it was by a very careful manual process to eliminate any trace of the original version. And it worked, so we had a (probably) clean environment to install the latest version, which is now running in XP 12.1.1. First attempt starting AO showed errors in its log.txt, but running AO again after running XP and editing scenery.ini indicated zero errors. Important preliminary step: how to preserve and then restore the 2+ million images I had in version 4? This is not easy in Windows, because of its terrible copy/move facility when dealing with huge numbers of files. First, I used Teracopy to put the entire previous AO install somewhere else, and then deleted the original AO folder. Then I installed the new version and renamed its cache file to cache 2, went to the old saved cache file and used Teracopy to put that cache folder back into the AO folder. Then I went back into the cache folder renamed cache 2 and copied its contents into the new cache folder. This exercise took hours, some concentration and a lot of patience. Further tests are needed to prove that this has worked, but in the meantime, I recommend anyone trying to install AO to put it outside the Windows OS folders.
Thank you very much for the information! :)
@@DrishalMAC2 A question about preserving the cache of files from version 4.X. I kept all those old files and put them back into the cache for version 7.2. But I am not convinced that those original images are being used by the latest version because I do regular backups of XP and associated files and have noticed that after flying around under AO for a while, the backup process detects a couple of hundred thousand new files - and they are all from the cache. So, the question is: Does the latest version recognise and use cached images from earlier versions? If not, I could clear the cache and save about 30 gigs of file space.
I've since switched to XP Map Enhancement, as AutoOrtho appears to have been abandoned.
Definitely not abandoned at all there has been gaps of 6+ months in between releases of AutoOrtho !
As Xavier has said its definitely not abandoned. I have personally spoken to the dev and he is simply busy with real life stuff. That being said the current version of AO is working very well for me so I don't believe any major update is required right now :)
map enhancement was pretty bad for me. Performance wise and to get really good quality ortho you have to pay. Seems shady to me when there is a free tool like autoortho available.
Yes initially map enhancement worked well for me but as it got updated it got worse and worse unfortunately. That's why I have now moved back to AutoOrtho and am very impressed with the quality and performance.
I wan't to install It to another drive how can I do it? Idk what to put in cache Image dir and temp download
Just make the cache and download folder where you want in the external drive and then select those in AutoOrtho. :)
Hi I follow your tutorial but i have a problem... when i finish to download the scenery pack the program notice me an error: the folder in not empty...i select Customer scenery as folder.. how i can solve it? Thank you very much
Could you send me a screenshot of the error?
@@DrishalMAC2 how i can do it? by email?
Yes either on discord (username: DrishalMAC2) or by email: Drishalmac2@gmail.com
@@DrishalMAC2 sent you an email.. i tryed twice and the error is the same.. thank you
@@DrishalMAC2 thanks its working amazing in my sim!!!!
The EOX failed and it say FAILURES DETECTED
Yes this is normal, the EOX servers are down. Just ignore the error and use the bing map override and you should be good :)
my autoortho completely deletes all buildings for some reason
Your .ini file must be incorrect. Make sure that the autoortho lines are completely at the bottom of that. The only things which should be lower are custom meshes for airports.
@@DrishalMAC2 thanks man love ya
I appreciate it :)
Thank you for the tutorial but I can never get this working, either the download fails which it didn't this time. But I get "warning getortho: Failed with status 403 to get chunk.....
Is there any chance you could send me a screenshot of the error on my discord? It's much easier to provide support there :)
@@DrishalMAC2 ok I didn't expect help thanks, will send it over shortly in the xplane help section.
No worries :)
@DrishalMAC2 can you share a solution? I have the same problem.
Hello, in order to provide a solution I need a screenshot of the error. Could you provide this to me via discord?
Mine is saying in the logs that there was Failures detected
Currently some ortho provider servers are down and so it will detect failures. I recommend using bing as it generally looks the best and is fully working. If you set the map type override to bing, then try it in X-Plane and it works fine then you can ignore those failures. I have the same on my system. :)
So, even with the message Failures detected, Autoortho is running? All my sceneries are mounted just getting that failure message which is annoying.
Yes that should be the case :)
This is what I get unfortunately
WARNING:autoortho:Please review logs and setup.
Can you send me a screenshot on discord. If these error are what I think they are you can ignore them but I need to confirm