Holy Father we pray that your will, will be fulfilled. That your Spirit will convict and challenge all those who struggle to see the Truth, Holy Father that you would draw them to the Son, and give them a repentant heart that they may see and have faith in the True and living God. in Jesus name Amen
The water is JESUS,THE LIVING WATER ! John 4:10 “Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.”
I miss you John MacArthur I know it's all in GOD'S👑🌟 time and his Will for you to return 💗🙌 🙏We will just keep praying for you and your family ❤🙏🙏 And tell we meet again Stay strong May the Good LORD JESUS👑🌟🙌 BE with you 🙏 ❤
Thank you so much for posting this message, so far and wide is the Character he displays. I’ve been trained by his teaching tapes since 2003 , and I’ve never seen him preach or respond out of character of Christ. He is always the same in his demeanor. For me he is the measuring rod among pastors. God bless all who listens to him you will truly become a giant!
I just saw his sermon that was done 5 weeks ago and his voice is so frail and his eyes are growing weak 😢 I feel he’s going to be with the lord sooner than we think, well done good and faithful servant, I’ve never heard anyone speak such piercing truth as he does thank you pastor John ♥️💪🏼🙏🏼
So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I Am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. JESUS. ❤️❤️❤️📖✝️
Called, drawn by love before the foundation of the world, before time, space or any such thing, by cords of love. Even when we were slaves of sin and satan, past feeling, dead to the Holy Other, alienated from the divine, without God, blind and in total darkness. Sinners so totally lost the Father had to recreate us again from above: The Father give us as a gift to His Son for faithfully laying down His life. Without His electing love no one would or could have come. That's 3:58 how bad and lost we were.
Good morning Brother, I was raised Lutheran myself. I attended from birth all the way up to my conformation at 12. They didn’t teach predestination but it is in the Bible. It was then and is now. They taught Faith plus works at least that is how the elders in my family explained their Faith. My Grandmother was Baptist they believed in baptism as a form of Salvation… My point is that GOD knows the End from the beginning. HE is not making split second decisions based on people’s opinions or beliefs. We are all predestined. No can alter or change GOD’s judgment. Some go to heaven some go to hell. That is the fact. All will be deceived in some way. Revelations 13:8-10 ALL people on Earth will worship it, EXCEPT THOSE WHOSE NAMES WERE WRITTEN BEFORE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE BOOK OF THE LIVING WHICH BELONGS TO THE LAMB THAT WAS KILLED. “LISTEN THEN IF YOU HAVE EARS! WHOEVER IS MEANT TO BE CAPTURED WILL BE CAPTURED, WHOEVER IS MEANT TO BE KILLED BY THE SWORD WILL SURELY BE KILLED BY THE SWORD. THIS CALLS FOR ENDURANCE AND FAITH ON THE PART OF GOD’S PEOPLE.”🙏 Philippians 3:7-9 But all those things I might count as profit I now reckon as loss of CHRIST sake. Not only those things; I reckon EVERYTHING as complete loss for the sake of what is so much more valuable, the Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST My LORD. For HIS sake I have thrown everything away; I consider it all mere Garbage, so I may Gain CHRIST and be completely united with HIM.🙏
Luther wrote the book the bondage of the will because man is dead and trust passing the sin and cannot choose God therefore God must choose … if God did not choose a remnant, then there’ll be no salvation for any human being, for there are all dead in trespasses and sin.
God Bless You & All Your Family & Freind’s Pastor John. I get so much from your sermons, my understanding of scripture has broadened so much since I started to listen to you, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
I like pastor John and I listen and learn from him. What I am wondering 🤔 is why do churches today not preach on sin and thier so called sinners prayer doesn't ask Jesus to forgive them for thier sins. I am wondering if the people that repeat such a prayer are actually saved?
I feel people give their salvation away when thy walk in wilful sin or when they practice sin. Still Mr. MCARTHUR"S PREMISE IS CORRECT BECAUSE PEOPLE'S EVEN WHEN THEY STRAY FROM GOD, HE always who's them back to Himself because He is love and He wrote the doctrine of the New Covenant in such a way that keeps the elect of God in His perfect will until they reach heaven. Thank you King Jesus for Calvary's cross, for the blood you shed that purchased our redemption and freedom from sin & Satan. Hallelujah!
1Jn 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. When someone professes to be a child of God, we take note of it. We hope it to be so, but we must wait to see the fruit. If they are truly saved, God will keep them and cause them to bring forth fruit that shows their relationship with Him. This includes never turning away from Jesus as their Saviour. God keeps us. It is not we who keeps us. These people described in this verse had professed to believe, but did not continue. John says that they were only pretenders. Turning away from God proved that.
David elected ... preserved despite sin. Judas Iscariot not elected ... damned. Remember the 7 Churches of the Revelation. If we are elected ... we have the sense of fear and tremble of keeping our faith and work for holiness. If we don't have such ... may be we believed in vain, as St. Paul said.
Luke 13:27 JESUS went through towns and villages, teaching the people and making HIS way toward JERUSALEM. Someone asked HIM.”SIR WILL JUST A FEW PEOPLE BE SAVED?????” JESUS answered them, DO YOUR BEST TO GO IN THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR ; BECAUSE MANY PEOPLE WILL TRY BUT SURELY NOT BE ABLE”!!!🙏 John 5:41-44 “ I am not looking for human praise. But I know what kind of people you are, and I know you have NO LOVE FOR GOD IN Your hearts. I have come with MY FATHERS AUTHORITY, But you have Not received ME; when, however, someone comes with his own authority, you will receive him…You like to receive praise from one another, you do Not try to win the praise of from the ONE WHO ALONE IS GOD: HOW THEN CAN you BELIEVE ME?🙏 John 15:20 Remember the word I have spoken to you: A servant is not greater than his master, IF THEY PERSECUTED ME THEY WILL PERSECUTE You, IF They KEPT MY WORD They WILL ALSO KEEP Yours.🙏 “Carry on in the TRUTH Brother John and May GOD continue to extend HIS GRACE TO You.”🙏 John 4:42 We no longer believe because of what you said, SINCE we HAVE HEARD FOR OURSELVES AND KNOW THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. 🙏( Both Jew and Gentiles )
I have to say that this is the first MacArthur sermon that I didn’t understand. The entire sermon was about God has to call you to be saved and we can’t do it on our own and then during the prayer at the end , he prays for sinners/people to ask to be saved. Maybe im just tired and my brains not working at the moment
No, God doesn’t call you. Nothing in you could respond to that call. You are dead. Can a dead person hear someone calling? Maybe you just need to listen a second time and need be, a third time. Do not depend on your own understanding. At some point, it will be revealed to you. And the One who reveals is The Holy Spirit. Just ask. God bless.
MacArthur is a DECIEVER and a false prophet. BEWARE of the dangerous, deadly and poisonous flower of TULIP CALVINISM which he proclaims worships. This DECIEVER believes that "his God" h
MacArthur teaches that his false God, the God of TULIP, has hatefully DECREED that the vast majority of mankind GO TO HELL before they were born or had committed one SIN. MacArthur believes and teaches that his God has DECREED these billions of precious souls will be denied any genuine opertunity to receive God's grace, genuine love, mercy, forgiveness or salvation. MacArthur believes that his God has DECREED billions of souls to have "NO ABILITY" to respond positively to the gospel. MacArthur believes and teaches ANOTHER GOSPEL ! He and ALL who WORSHIP and follow his spurious doctrines have brought themselves under the curse of Galatians 1.
Good morning, There is a full conversation that led up to CHRIST statement of John 3:16. The topic of conversation is the NEW BIRTH, John 3:3 and John 3:7-8 “Do not be surprised because I tell you that you MUST ALL BE BORN AGAIN. The wind blows wherever it wishes, you hear the sound it makes but you do not know where it came from or where it is going. It is like that with EVERYONE Who is born of the SPIRIT.”🙏 The LORD was explaining how TRUE SALVATION is received. GOD’S Grace alone. (John 3:16 ) CHRIST, with HIS body torn down the wall between Jew and Gentiles. The Second Covenant. Romans 9:24 For we are the people HE CALLED, Not only from among the Jews but also from among the Gentiles. This is what HE says in the book of Hosea: “ The people who were not mine I will call MY People.’ The nation I did NOT love I will call MY Beloved.’ And in the very place they were told, You are Not MY People,’ They will be called the sons of the LIVING GOD,”🙏 I hope this helps .🙂
Comments? Are so unworthy as teachers such as you...are for my relationship with God only You lead me as a shepard ( watching their flock day and night) I a researching sheep thank you. For substance that is factual study. I've been cast up...but; God was with me at all times I was told i would not walk again and would loose my left arm and the ability to put thoughts into words.... You should see me now!
Total Depravity is the inability to not sin, since sin entered through Adam and Eve. The scriptures tell us simply calling someone a fool makes us in danger of Hell fire. Total Depravity does not mean, men cannot live a moral life. Nor does it mean children of God cannot be righteous and live righteously. It’s expected according to scripture that God’s children live righteously.
This man is a cunning deciever in the way he sinfully twists the Word of God to suit the spurious theology of TULIP CALVINISM. If MacArthurs God has unjustly and hatefully DECREED that mankind (ie. all sinners ) have absolutely no ability to recognize His truth, no ability to respond to God's Word and the gospel, no ability to respond to Holy Spirit conviction of sin in His world wide specific ministry (John 16:7-11), and absolutely no ability to respond to God's universal imperitive commands, then WHY WOULD GOD COMMAND SINNERS TO: 1. "CHOOSE you this day whom you will serve.. (Josh.24:15) 2. "SEEK ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth" (Zeph.2:3; Acts 17:22-31) 3. "COME UNTO ME ALL YE that labour and are heavy laden" Matt.11:28. 4. "REPENT and be baptized EVERY ONE OF YOU " Acts 2:38). 5. "BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved " Dear MacArthur worshipers and TULIP CALVINISM worshipers, how can the God of the Bible be holy, honest, and trustworthy, if He commands sinners to do what He has DECREED they are unable to do? That being to respond to His above clear and specific commands? IS CALVINISMS SOVEREIGN GOD NOT BEING SINFULLY DOUBLE MINDED AND EXTREMEY UNJUST IN COMMANDING LOST SINNERS TO DO WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM??? Is the "God" of TULIP CALVINISM disingenuous??? Does your "God" not mean what He says to unregenerate sinners in 2Chron. 15 verse2 "IF YOU SEEK HIM , He will be found of you." Why would the holy, righteous, and just God of the Bible offer so many conditional promises to MANKIND in the Scriptures if He does not intend that we receive them??? Is the "God" of TULIP CALVINISM full of guile and deception in offering the gospel to all sinners, when He has willfully and hatefully DECREED that the vast majority of mankind go to HELL with absolutely no chance of receiving His saving grace, love, mercy, or forgiveness??? Is the gospel merely a CHARADE??? Be sure to know dear reader, TULIP CALVINISM is "another gospel" and under the currecorded for our learning in Galatians chap. 1. REPENT OF THIS FATALISTIC DEADLY RELIGIOUS SYSTEM. Time is running out, King Jesus is coming. Please make very sure that YOUR FAITH is in the Lord Jesus Christ, and NOT in some spurious extreme religious traditions. TAKE HEED.
What ever method you choose that goes against scripture ,the bottom line is not everyone will be saved. There is no one in heaven that GOD does not want there…”No man chooses GOD.” That is what scripture says so obviously HE would have to choose you. JESUS HIMSELF said “ YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME I CHOSE YOU.”🙏 “ NO ONE KNOWS THE SON EXCEPT THE FATHER AND NO ONE KNOWS THE FATHER EXCEPT THE SON AND THOSE WHO THE SON CHOOSES TO REVEAL HIM.”🙏 We are created beings and do not have the authority to question GOD? GOD will be Glorified in HIS wrath and HIS MERCY. JESUS described the New Birth as a random supernatural act of GOD. “ The wind blows WHEREVER IT WISHES, You hear the sound it makes but you DO NOT KNOW WHERE IT COMES FROM OR WHERE IT IS GOING. IT IS LIKE THAT WITH EVERYONE WHO IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT.”🙏 This is done by GOD at a time and place HE has planned. This obviously does not include everyone because people are in hell. If CHRIST died for the sins of all the people who ever existed, Then no one would be in hell. There would be no need for faith, repentance, forgiveness, or Grace, which is only applied in the instant a person is Born Again not prior to it. We share the Gospel in order to plant and water the seed but it is GOD ALONE WHO MAKES IT GROW. We are all created beings and GOD WILL DO WHATEVER HIS WANTS WITH HIS CREATION. GOD loves all creation but HE is clearly not saving all creation. HE didn’t in the days of Noah and the book of Revelations tells us that HE is not now. “ AND THOSE WHOSE NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE LAMBS BOOK OF THE LIVING WERE THROWN INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. 🙏 No one is saved outside of the plan of GOD to save them. The Good News is that GOD Will save anyone no matter what he does ,except for blasphemy of The SPIRIT, which some people have done and are still doing. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE AUTHOR OF SCRIPTURE. “Anything said against the SPIRIT WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!!”🙏 A man relies on human reasoning and on his own he can never come to a full knowledge of GOD .Therefore man never TRULY Believes UNTIL He is Saved.
The doctrine of loss of salvation is the biggest lie straight from the pit of hell.. and those who teach it have led many people astray and will be held accountable for it before God.
Yes Do not be a partaker of a lie. Obey that command. Existence is the union of the flesh and the soul. Coming into a separate existence is LEGAL DEFINITION of born. When one claimed they were born on the day they took their first breathe they claim contrary to the truth. They do not obey. If one has a driver's license derived from the STATE CREATED BIRTH CERTIFICATE then one is property of the STATE. Get rid of your papers. Get better papers if you what but don't complain about being property of the STATE because when you do become property of the STATE you have to comply to the rules. The Constitution does not apply to STATE club members.
Romans 10:13, For WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. MacArthur does not believe Romans 10:13 even though anyone can look it up in their Bible and read it for themselves!
Study before you want to teach: Not every one (WHOSOEVER) that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Mat 7: 21) So to pick one word and create theology on it is not wise. Therefore watch out if you do will of father or your own will. Not every one who call Lord, Lord is from Lord in other words according to your thinking not WHOSOEVER who call upon Lord will get into heaven. You need spiritual eyes to read and ears to hear.
@@calpespa4055 The Lord Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23 was warning people not to trust in their works to save them. Notice when Jesus said that He never knew them that they responded by telling Him all of the works that they did in His name. Why would you mix whosoever from Romans 10:13 with not everyone from Matthew 7:21-23?
Therefore my question to you is which one is the truth: Whosoever who call upon the name of Jesus will get in heaven... or Not whosover who call Lord,Lord will get in heaven... Dont fight against word of God if you dont understand something rather study, pray, ask for wisdom to understand.
@@calpespa4055 Your passive continual advice is not necessary! We either trust the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins or we do not. It really is that simple.
@@Adam-gm5tm Scripture is not always that simple as you show by your not seeing verses which I used for you to compare. But not all believers hear... some not yet, others will never hear.
To use this example of the raising to life of Lazurus as a tenant of of " Election " is unwise , and untenable . Its an example of using scripture and denying other scripture to support a held belief . Lazurus was indeed dead , but before that he was indeed ' alive ' ! Sin he had for sure ,but at some point he believed in Him who had the power to forgive and remove sin . I cant believe , that , line John , so many intelligent people ' choose ' to see God and man this way . God indeed is Sovereign , but not in the way that those who defiantly support " election" purport . If you continue to believe in this manner , there are several texts you have to ignore , or erase from the scriptures. Danger ! At least , to my knowledge, this man whom I've listened to for decades doesn't support the idiom that "God created evil " , which is a further step towards the mischaracterization of God and maligning of Gods' nature .
Sorry John, a person can lose his or her salvation if a person decides to become alcoholic or homosexuals or Liars or sodomites. They will lose their salvation. The bible is clear about that; if you are saved you must stay saved. Jesus said you must endure to the end.
Good morning, John 14:15 “If you love ME you will obey MY commandments. I will ask The FATHER and HE will give you another HELPER, WHO WILL STAY WITH YOU FOREVER!!!!! HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO REVEALS THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD.”🙏 Ephesians 4:30 And do not make GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT Sad ; for The SPIRIT is GOD’S GUARANTEE that the Day will come when GOD WILL SET you Free. 🙏 1 John 3:9 Whoever is a child of GOD does NOT continue to sin ( habitually) ,for GOD’S VERY NATURE IS IN Him , and because GOD is His FATHER He CANNOT CONTINUE TO SIN. 🙏 John 3:7 “ “ YOU MUST ALL BE BORN AGAIN “.🙏 CHRIST blood on us doesn’t fade or wash off.Don’t be afraid . 😢CHRIST PAID THE FULL PAYMENT FOR THE CHURCH .❤ Hebrews 10: 16-18 This is the Covenant that I will make with them in the days to come, says The LORD: I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN THEIR Hearts , AND WRITE THEM ON THEIR MINDS.” And then HE Says, “ I WILL NOT REMEMBER THEIR SINS AND EVIL DEEDS ANY LONGER!! 🙏 So when these have been forgiven, an offering to take away sins IS NO LONGER NEEDED. 🙏 PHILIPPIANS 1:6 And so I am Sure that GOD WHO BEGAN THIS GOOD WORK IN YOU, WILL CARRY IT UNTIL IT IS FINISHED ON THE DAY OF CHRIST JESUS.🙏
Good morning, John 14:15 “If you love ME you will obey MY commandments. I will ask The FATHER and HE will give you another HELPER, WHO WILL STAY WITH YOU FOREVER!!!!! HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO REVEALS THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD.”🙏 Ephesians 4:30 And do not make GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT Sad ; for The SPIRIT is GOD’S GUARANTEE that the Day will come when GOD WILL SET you Free. 🙏 1 John 3:9 Whoever is a child of GOD does NOT continue to sin ( habitually) ,for GOD’S VERY NATURE IS IN Him , and because GOD is His FATHER He CANNOT CONTINUE TO SIN. 🙏 John 3:7 “ “ YOU MUST ALL BE BORN AGAIN “.🙏 CHRIST blood on us doesn’t fade or wash off.Don’t be afraid . 😢CHRIST PAID THE FULL PAYMENT FOR THE CHURCH .❤ Hebrews 10: 16-18 This is the Covenant that I will make with them in the days to come, says The LORD: I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN THEIR Hearts , AND WRITE THEM ON THEIR MINDS.” And then HE Says, “ I WILL NOT REMEMBER THEIR SINS AND EVIL DEEDS ANY LONGER!! 🙏 So when these have been forgiven, an offering to take away sins IS NO LONGER NEEDED. 🙏 PHILIPPIANS 1:6 And so I am Sure that GOD WHO BEGAN THIS GOOD WORK IN YOU, WILL CARRY IT UNTIL IT IS FINISHED ON THE DAY OF CHRIST JESUS.🙏
Only the Chosen or the Elect of GOD have the Endurance GOD has given just like JOB. The rest will fall away. 2 Timothy 2:19 “ THE LORD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE HIS”.🙏
Nothing is impossible with Jesus Christ.
Holy Father we pray that your will, will be fulfilled. That your Spirit will convict and challenge all those who struggle to see the Truth, Holy Father that you would draw them to the Son, and give them a repentant heart that they may see and have faith in the True and living God. in Jesus name Amen
John 4:10
“Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.”
I miss you John MacArthur I know it's all in GOD'S👑🌟 time and his Will for you to return 💗🙌 🙏We will just keep praying for you and your family ❤🙏🙏 And tell we meet again Stay strong May the Good LORD JESUS👑🌟🙌 BE with you 🙏 ❤
Thanks for the message Pastor MacArthur well said to change us. Get well soon
I thank God for this man of God, a preacher of truth
Thank you so much for posting this message, so far and wide is the Character he displays. I’ve been trained by his teaching tapes since 2003 , and I’ve never seen him preach or respond out of character of Christ. He is always the same in his demeanor. For me he is the measuring rod among pastors. God bless all who listens to him you will truly become a giant!
Blessings to you Pastor McArthur!! Get well soon!
I just saw his sermon that was done 5 weeks ago and his voice is so frail and his eyes are growing weak 😢 I feel he’s going to be with the lord sooner than we think, well done good and faithful servant, I’ve never heard anyone speak such piercing truth as he does thank you pastor John ♥️💪🏼🙏🏼
He caught a bug. Could be covid but the report on him is that he is recovering and looking forward to preaching again.
Covid is a lie,we don't know if 5 people have died.
So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I Am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. JESUS. ❤️❤️❤️📖✝️
One of my favorite Bible verses, Isaiah 41:10. Prayerfully Pastor Mac Arthur is feeling better🙏🏽
Probably one of the best sermons I have ever heard. Learned so much
What a beautiful instrument of God .
Called, drawn by love before the foundation of the world, before time, space or any such thing, by cords of love. Even when we were slaves of sin and satan, past feeling, dead to the Holy Other, alienated from the divine, without God, blind and in total darkness. Sinners so totally lost the Father had to recreate us again from above: The Father give us as a gift to His Son for faithfully laying down His life. Without His electing love no one would or could have come. That's 3:58 how bad and lost we were.
All God, none of us. ALL GLORY TO GOD. Well said Johnny Mac.
Get well soon a true man of God pastor John MacArthur.
To him be the glory forever! 🙌🏻
Martin Luther didn't believe in predestination, and I'm a Lutheran! The rest of your preaching I love. "Let the dead bury the dead" opened my eyes.
God is omnipotent...
Good morning Brother,
I was raised Lutheran myself. I attended from birth all the way up to my conformation at 12. They didn’t teach predestination but it is in the Bible. It was then and is now. They taught Faith plus works at least that is how the elders in my family explained their Faith. My Grandmother was Baptist they believed in baptism as a form of Salvation… My point is that GOD knows the End from the beginning. HE is not making split second decisions based on people’s opinions or beliefs. We are all predestined. No can alter or change GOD’s judgment.
Some go to heaven some go to hell. That is the fact. All will be deceived in some way.
Revelations 13:8-10
Philippians 3:7-9 But all those things I might count as profit I now reckon as loss of CHRIST sake. Not only those things; I reckon EVERYTHING as complete loss for the sake of what is so much more valuable, the Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST My LORD. For HIS sake I have thrown everything away; I consider it all mere Garbage, so I may Gain CHRIST and be completely united with HIM.🙏
Luther wrote the book the bondage of the will because man is dead and trust passing the sin and cannot choose God therefore God must choose … if God did not choose a remnant, then there’ll be no salvation for any human being, for there are all dead in trespasses and sin.
Thought provoking
This sermon has cleared up election for muhe. I have struggled with it, since all my associates talk against it.
Read John 3 with this sermon topic in mind, and the born again statements make complete sense. The Spirit does whatever the He wants.
God Bless You & All Your Family & Freind’s Pastor John. I get so much from your sermons, my understanding of scripture has broadened so much since I started to listen to you, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
I like pastor John and I listen and learn from him. What I am wondering 🤔 is why do churches today not preach on sin and thier so called sinners prayer doesn't ask Jesus to forgive them for thier sins. I am wondering if the people that repeat such a prayer are actually saved?
Grace to you ✝️ Amen
I feel people give their salvation away when thy walk in wilful sin or when they practice sin. Still Mr. MCARTHUR"S PREMISE IS CORRECT BECAUSE PEOPLE'S EVEN WHEN THEY STRAY FROM GOD, HE always who's them back to Himself because He is love and He wrote the doctrine of the New Covenant in such a way that keeps the elect of God in His perfect will until they reach heaven. Thank you King Jesus for Calvary's cross, for the blood you shed that purchased our redemption and freedom from sin & Satan. Hallelujah!
1Jn 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
When someone professes to be a child of God, we take note of it. We hope it to be so, but we must wait to see the fruit.
If they are truly saved, God will keep them and cause them to bring forth fruit that shows their relationship with Him. This includes never turning away from Jesus as their Saviour. God keeps us. It is not we who keeps us. These people described in this verse had professed to believe, but did not continue. John says that they were only pretenders. Turning away from God proved that.
David elected ... preserved despite sin.
Judas Iscariot not elected ... damned.
Remember the 7 Churches of the Revelation.
If we are elected ... we have the sense of fear and tremble of keeping our faith and work for holiness.
If we don't have such ... may be we believed in vain, as St. Paul said.
Pastor MacArthur is the best, very few like him. Thank you!
Luke 13:27 JESUS went through towns and villages, teaching the people and making HIS way toward JERUSALEM. Someone asked HIM.”SIR WILL JUST A FEW PEOPLE BE SAVED?????”
JESUS answered them,
John 5:41-44 “ I am not looking for human praise. But I know what kind of people you are, and I know you have NO LOVE FOR GOD IN Your hearts. I have come with MY FATHERS AUTHORITY, But you have Not received ME; when, however, someone comes with his own authority, you will receive him…You like to receive praise from one another, you do Not try to win the praise of from the ONE WHO ALONE IS GOD: HOW THEN CAN you BELIEVE ME?🙏
John 15:20 Remember the word I have spoken to you: A servant is not greater than his master,
“Carry on in the TRUTH Brother John and May GOD continue to extend HIS GRACE TO You.”🙏
John 4:42 We no longer believe because of what you said, SINCE we HAVE HEARD FOR OURSELVES AND KNOW THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. 🙏( Both Jew and Gentiles )
Just remember when god call’s you must go every body
Love this!
When you think about the omnipresence of God offers another facet of understanding.
I would like to know about the disembodied spirits and how does that supposed to fit in
Very true 🎉Amen
I have to say that this is the first MacArthur sermon that I didn’t understand. The entire sermon was about God has to call you to be saved and we can’t do it on our own and then during the prayer at the end , he prays for sinners/people to ask to be saved. Maybe im just tired and my brains not working at the moment
No, God doesn’t call you. Nothing in you could respond to that call. You are dead. Can a dead person hear someone calling? Maybe you just need to listen a second time and need be, a third time. Do not depend on your own understanding. At some point, it will be revealed to you. And the One who reveals is The Holy Spirit. Just ask. God bless.
MacArthur is a DECIEVER and a false prophet. BEWARE of the dangerous, deadly and poisonous flower of TULIP CALVINISM which he proclaims worships. This DECIEVER believes that "his God" h
MacArthur teaches that his false God, the God of TULIP, has hatefully DECREED that the vast majority of mankind GO TO HELL before they were born or had committed one SIN.
MacArthur believes and teaches that his God has DECREED these billions of precious souls will be denied any genuine opertunity to receive God's grace, genuine love, mercy, forgiveness or salvation.
MacArthur believes that his God has DECREED billions of souls to have "NO ABILITY" to respond positively to the gospel.
MacArthur believes and teaches ANOTHER GOSPEL ! He and ALL who WORSHIP and follow his spurious doctrines have brought themselves under the curse of Galatians 1.
@@Ken-g4thmmm, been listening to him for years and never heard him teach that.
What about John 3:16 ???
Good morning, There is a full conversation that led up to CHRIST statement of John 3:16.
The topic of conversation is the NEW BIRTH, John 3:3 and John 3:7-8 “Do not be surprised because I tell you that you MUST ALL BE BORN AGAIN.
The wind blows wherever it wishes, you hear the sound it makes but you do not know where it came from or where it is going. It is like that with EVERYONE Who is born of the SPIRIT.”🙏
The LORD was explaining how TRUE SALVATION is received.
GOD’S Grace alone.
(John 3:16 )
CHRIST, with HIS body torn down the wall between Jew and Gentiles. The Second Covenant.
Romans 9:24 For we are the people HE CALLED, Not only from among the Jews but also from among the Gentiles.
This is what HE says in the book of Hosea:
“ The people who were not mine
I will call MY People.’
The nation I did NOT love I will call MY Beloved.’
And in the very place they were told, You are Not MY People,’
They will be called the sons of the LIVING GOD,”🙏
I hope this helps .🙂
Human responsibility
Except ye repent ye will.perish
Bring forth fruits meet for repentance
They preached that people should
Comments? Are so unworthy as teachers such as you...are for my relationship with God only
You lead me as a shepard ( watching their flock day and night) I a researching sheep thank you. For substance that is factual study. I've been cast up...but; God was with me at all times
I was told i would not walk again and would loose my left arm and the ability to put thoughts into words....
You should see me now!
Not pastor MacArthur’s channel
Total Depravity is the inability to not sin, since sin entered through Adam and Eve. The scriptures tell us simply calling someone a fool makes us in danger of Hell fire. Total Depravity does not mean, men cannot live a moral life. Nor does it mean children of God cannot be righteous and live righteously. It’s expected according to scripture that God’s children live righteously.
This man is a cunning deciever in the way he sinfully twists the Word of God to suit the spurious theology of TULIP CALVINISM.
If MacArthurs God has unjustly and hatefully DECREED that mankind (ie. all sinners ) have absolutely no ability to recognize His truth, no ability to respond to God's Word and the gospel, no ability to respond to Holy Spirit conviction of sin in His world wide specific ministry (John 16:7-11), and absolutely no ability to respond to God's universal imperitive commands, then WHY WOULD GOD COMMAND SINNERS TO:
1. "CHOOSE you this day whom you will serve.. (Josh.24:15)
2. "SEEK ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth"
Acts 17:22-31)
3. "COME UNTO ME ALL YE that labour and are heavy laden"
4. "REPENT and be baptized EVERY ONE OF YOU "
Acts 2:38).
5. "BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved "
Dear MacArthur worshipers and TULIP CALVINISM worshipers, how can the God of the Bible be holy, honest, and trustworthy, if He commands sinners to do what He has DECREED they are unable to do? That being to respond to His above clear and specific commands? IS CALVINISMS SOVEREIGN GOD NOT BEING SINFULLY DOUBLE MINDED AND EXTREMEY UNJUST IN COMMANDING LOST SINNERS TO DO WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM???
Is the "God" of TULIP CALVINISM disingenuous??? Does your "God" not mean what He says to unregenerate sinners in 2Chron. 15 verse2 "IF YOU SEEK HIM , He will be found of you."
Why would the holy, righteous, and just God of the Bible offer so many conditional promises to MANKIND in the Scriptures if He does not intend that we receive them??? Is the "God" of TULIP CALVINISM full of guile and deception in offering the gospel to all sinners, when He has willfully and hatefully DECREED that the vast majority of mankind go to HELL with absolutely no chance of receiving His saving grace, love, mercy, or forgiveness???
Is the gospel merely a CHARADE???
Be sure to know dear reader, TULIP CALVINISM is "another gospel" and under the currecorded for our learning in Galatians chap. 1. REPENT OF THIS FATALISTIC DEADLY RELIGIOUS SYSTEM.
Time is running out, King Jesus is coming. Please make very sure that YOUR FAITH is in the Lord Jesus Christ, and NOT in some spurious extreme religious traditions. TAKE HEED.
What ever method you choose that goes against scripture ,the bottom line is not everyone will be saved. There is no one in heaven that GOD does not want there…”No man chooses GOD.” That is what scripture says so obviously HE would have to choose you. JESUS HIMSELF said “ YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME I CHOSE YOU.”🙏
We are created beings and do not have the authority to question GOD? GOD will be Glorified in HIS wrath and HIS MERCY.
JESUS described the New Birth as a random supernatural act of GOD. “ The wind blows WHEREVER IT WISHES, You hear the sound it makes but you DO NOT KNOW WHERE IT COMES FROM OR WHERE IT IS GOING. IT IS LIKE THAT WITH EVERYONE WHO IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT.”🙏
This is done by GOD at a time and place HE has planned. This obviously does not include everyone because people are in hell. If CHRIST died for the sins of all the people who ever existed, Then no one would be in hell.
There would be no need for faith, repentance, forgiveness, or Grace, which is only applied in the instant a person is Born Again not prior to it.
We share the Gospel in order to plant and water the seed but it is GOD ALONE WHO MAKES IT GROW.
We are all created beings and GOD WILL DO WHATEVER HIS WANTS WITH HIS CREATION. GOD loves all creation but HE is clearly not saving all creation. HE didn’t in the days of Noah and the book of Revelations tells us that HE is not now. “ AND THOSE WHOSE NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE LAMBS BOOK OF THE LIVING WERE THROWN INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. 🙏
No one is saved outside of the plan of GOD to save them. The Good News is that GOD Will save anyone no matter what he does ,except for blasphemy of The SPIRIT, which some people have done and are still doing. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE AUTHOR OF SCRIPTURE. “Anything said against the SPIRIT WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!!”🙏
A man relies on human reasoning and on his own he can never come to a full knowledge of GOD .Therefore man never TRULY Believes UNTIL He is Saved.
The doctrine of absolute inability is a lie straight out of hell. ✝️🙏🏼📖
The doctrine of loss of salvation is the biggest lie straight from the pit of hell.. and those who teach it have led many people astray and will be held accountable for it before God.
no but you are !
Go back then where you came from, if you believe you have the ability
What is wrong pastor john
Dead in Christ.
Do not be a partaker of a lie.
Obey that command.
Existence is the union of the flesh and the soul.
Coming into a separate existence is LEGAL DEFINITION of born.
When one claimed they were born on the day they took their first breathe they claim contrary to the truth. They do not obey.
If one has a driver's license derived from the STATE CREATED BIRTH CERTIFICATE then one is property of the STATE. Get rid of your papers. Get better papers if you what but don't complain about being property of the STATE because when you do become property of the STATE you have to comply to the rules.
The Constitution does not apply to STATE club members.
Romans 10:13,
For WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
MacArthur does not believe Romans 10:13 even though anyone can look it up in their Bible and read it for themselves!
Study before you want to teach:
Not every one (WHOSOEVER) that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Mat 7: 21)
So to pick one word and create theology on it is not wise. Therefore watch out if you do will of father or your own will. Not every one who call Lord, Lord is from Lord in other words according to your thinking not WHOSOEVER who call upon Lord will get into heaven. You need spiritual eyes to read and ears to hear.
The Lord Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23 was warning people not to trust in their works to save them.
Notice when Jesus said that He never knew them that they responded by telling Him all of the works that they did in His name.
Why would you mix whosoever from Romans 10:13 with not everyone from Matthew 7:21-23?
Therefore my question to you is which one is the truth:
Whosoever who call upon the name of Jesus will get in heaven...
Not whosover who call Lord,Lord will get in heaven...
Dont fight against word of God if you dont understand something rather study, pray, ask for wisdom to understand.
Your passive continual advice is not necessary!
We either trust the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins or we do not.
It really is that simple.
@@Adam-gm5tm Scripture is not always that simple as you show by your not seeing verses which I used for you to compare. But not all believers hear... some not yet, others will never hear.
To use this example of the raising to life of Lazurus as a tenant of of " Election " is unwise , and untenable . Its an example of using scripture and denying other scripture to support a held belief . Lazurus was indeed dead , but before that he was indeed ' alive ' ! Sin he had for sure ,but at some point he believed in Him who had the power to forgive and remove sin . I cant believe , that , line John , so many intelligent people ' choose ' to see God and man this way . God indeed is Sovereign , but not in the way that those who defiantly support " election" purport . If you continue to believe in this manner , there are several texts you have to ignore , or erase from the scriptures. Danger ! At least , to my knowledge, this man whom I've listened to for decades doesn't support the idiom that "God created evil " , which is a further step towards the mischaracterization of God and maligning of Gods' nature .
Friend you are dead. The dead can't understand or respond, we got this.
@@besttunesbyventure3481 Christ Jesus I know , but you , I do not know ... Friend !? I think not . Read the scriptures !!
Sorry John, a person can lose his or her salvation if a person decides to become alcoholic or homosexuals or Liars or sodomites. They will lose their salvation.
The bible is clear about that; if you are saved you must stay saved. Jesus said you must endure to the end.
Good morning, John 14:15 “If you love ME you will obey MY commandments. I will ask The FATHER and HE will give you another HELPER, WHO WILL STAY WITH YOU FOREVER!!!!! HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO REVEALS THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD.”🙏
Ephesians 4:30 And do not make GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT Sad ; for The SPIRIT is GOD’S GUARANTEE that the Day will come when GOD WILL SET you Free. 🙏
1 John 3:9 Whoever is a child of GOD does NOT continue to sin ( habitually) ,for GOD’S VERY NATURE IS IN Him , and because GOD is His FATHER He CANNOT CONTINUE TO SIN. 🙏
CHRIST blood on us doesn’t fade or wash off.Don’t be afraid . 😢CHRIST PAID THE FULL PAYMENT FOR THE CHURCH .❤
Hebrews 10: 16-18 This is the Covenant that I will make with them in the days to come, says The LORD: I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN THEIR Hearts , AND WRITE THEM ON THEIR MINDS.” And then HE Says, “ I WILL NOT REMEMBER THEIR SINS AND EVIL DEEDS ANY LONGER!! 🙏
So when these have been forgiven, an offering to take away sins IS NO LONGER NEEDED. 🙏
Good morning, John 14:15 “If you love ME you will obey MY commandments. I will ask The FATHER and HE will give you another HELPER, WHO WILL STAY WITH YOU FOREVER!!!!! HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO REVEALS THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD.”🙏
Ephesians 4:30 And do not make GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT Sad ; for The SPIRIT is GOD’S GUARANTEE that the Day will come when GOD WILL SET you Free. 🙏
1 John 3:9 Whoever is a child of GOD does NOT continue to sin ( habitually) ,for GOD’S VERY NATURE IS IN Him , and because GOD is His FATHER He CANNOT CONTINUE TO SIN. 🙏
CHRIST blood on us doesn’t fade or wash off.Don’t be afraid . 😢CHRIST PAID THE FULL PAYMENT FOR THE CHURCH .❤
Hebrews 10: 16-18 This is the Covenant that I will make with them in the days to come, says The LORD: I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN THEIR Hearts , AND WRITE THEM ON THEIR MINDS.” And then HE Says, “ I WILL NOT REMEMBER THEIR SINS AND EVIL DEEDS ANY LONGER!! 🙏
So when these have been forgiven, an offering to take away sins IS NO LONGER NEEDED. 🙏
Only the Chosen or the Elect of GOD have the Endurance GOD has given just like JOB. The rest will fall away. 2 Timothy 2:19 “ THE LORD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE HIS”.🙏