**How to Become a Software Engineer in 2024 & Get a Job** 1. What are the best skills to learn while starting out? a. Basic of web development technology (HTML/CSS, JavaScript) - Great place to start. - Have an idea of what coding and development actually is. b. Tech that have wide area of application to maximise your employability - Example1: JavaScript/TypeScript is more preferable than Java as they cover the whole stack while Java only covers backend. - Example2: Go (or sometimes called Golang), used for developing web services, would force us to know how the entire web development work. - Example3: No Python as it is too limited on the use case (only on data science). 2. Mindset and how to approach constant learning a. Treat errors and hardship during development as a normal things. Even seniors have to face them all the time. b. This is a fast-paced field, so keep learning as you go. 3. How to optimise your learning By learning those universal skills on the specific stack. E.g., a. Frontend: HTTP, state management (e.g., unidirectional data flow), accessibility b. Backend: Databases, Auth, OICD + oAuth, Network, Devops Note: Framework comparison does not matter! 4. Interview Tips a. Don't try to rush during an interview. Ideal candidate would be very patience, approach question methodically and explaining concepts clearly. b. Don't try to act smart and throw a bunch of buzzwords that you don't actually understand at all. c. Be honest of what you know and what you don't know. d. Understand the topic thoroughly. E.g., understand the difference between nosql and sql database and when to choose either one of them. 5. Universal skills for a software engineer a. Data structure (e.g., When you use a hashmap? Linked list?) b. Algorithms (e.g., Any useful application of bubble sort?) c. Software Design 6. How would Marko would enter the job market a. Learn HTML, CSS and JS until have a base level understanding of how coding works as a concept. b. Take a step back and pick either frontend or backend as his initial specialisation. Try to stick on a more applicable area so that he can be hired right away. Extra note: Machine learning is a hard science, need experienced to acquire the knowledge and is more theory than hands on. c. Once he made his choice, he would use Github to document his works. Github profile is very important. d. Decide on a project that you wanna make, and complete it. A project that can be found on Github and preferably host somewhere so that people can try them out. 7. What would Marko do differently in 2024 if he just starts out? a. Document all your works to make sure that you can show your work whenever necessary. b. Having a mentor early would accelerate the learning process of this journey. c. Involve in a community, find your people that would make you accountable. === Note about project === Would you like to hire a car mechanic that has a bunch of parts all around the floor and not one single car in his shop is in working condition? Or would you rather hire a mechanic that has only one car but it is in pristine condition? → obvious choice! Therefore, for your project, it is important to - Make it good. - Make it pristine. - Make it documented. - Make it something you proud to put on your resume. === Note about why someone wants to hired people with n+ experience? === If someone wants to hire a car mechanic, then he wouldn’t pick someone that has no experience to fix his car, so as hiring a developer.
Great video! I'm actually learning Python first because I am interesting in Data Science and I also have a background in mathematics and physics so the learning curve isn't as steep as far the Machine Learning goes.
Hooooo a new vidéo ! I am in Data.... and I'm currently thinking to go into software development but job market sounds even tougher than before haha Your last advice is really true tho! Community rocks !
Good video. The skills you listed are so broad, especially the backend ones. A follow up video on the specifics for each will be very helpful. Thank you for your insights!
That sponsor integration was sharp. Very good advice on keeping track of projects/bigger functionality that you work on. I have something that I call a "brag document" where I document my biggest contributions, just so I can "brag" about them in future interviews. Ok, bye!
Hey thanks! Great idea with the brag document! As for the sponsored segment.. A lot of devs complain about it, haha, but when you already have some experience as a dev it's easy to forget that people actually do actively look for resources like course careers, and for them, the segment is as useful as the rest of the video. :)
Thank you for all the tips you've mentioned. I'm 29, and I'd like to become a software engineer, sadly, I have no background in programming at all, but I hope it's not an issue, though. Currently, I watch a video course by Jonas Schmedtmann (The complete JavaScript course). I feel like I can do some stuff at this point.
Hi Marko, Im senior software engineering student. I wish I knew this advice ealier. I just realized that I need to have the T shape skill. Currently, I'm teaching myself iOS development and fundamentals of Computer Science which I didnt pay attention enough in classes.
Just got laid off my job as an app support specialist, I did some coding on the job in SQL and I wanna really use this time to study and figure out my next steps to become a SWE. I have a basic understanding of HTML/CSS/JS/Python and some small projects under my belt but nothing fully-functional like you mentioned. Guess I know what’s next for me!
he said building projects! building more projects or a project makes you gain experience but doesn't make you a master! please watch his content fully before you start rumbling about nonsense!
What kind of web/apps do you built with it? I see that each tech stack/ frameworks has some kind of common specific web/ apps built by them, so by recognizing it, we can fast improve our skills by building the kind of apps that common to the tech stack we learn.
I think there is a fallacy in your argument around 11:30, where the analogy of hiring an inexperienced junior developer is described as hiring a mechanic with no experience. If the mechanic has the skills via training, as an individual customer, I will not hire him. However, if I have a mechanic shop and mechanic team, he/she can join the team and get the specific training and assessment in an expedited manner before being allowed to deal directly with cars independently. The idea is that if the technical and theoretical skills are there, then experience can be quickly accumulated. I think companies and employers are just too lazy, and want to hire senior and lead developers to lead senior and lead developers. Greate contributors can be easily missed doing this. The same lazy thing is done by companies simply hiring form Ivy leagues, etc, instead of doing the work to find good candidates.
I'll get back to my comment if I become an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My Goal: Web Developer/Software Engineer My progress(ongoing): I still have a long way to go.
Hi Marko, I’m a sysadmin in my mid-30s. My dream has always been to learn doing something from the ground up, based on an idea. I've been considering your choice of JavaScript/TypeScript, which is appealing because it can be used on both the front and back end. Question: Am I overthinking it, or is it important to choose a first language based on performance? Some say compiled languages like .NET Core or Java are better for large-scale back-end systems. I've also heard that some people use one technology for prototyping and another for the actual implementation.
Bring back the tier1, tier2, tier 3 concept you had before I can't find your old video anymore but: tier1: full stack tier2: go, kubernetes, python, tier3: mathematics, architechture, machine learning if I remember correctly, please help me find your old video
Hi Marko what i am doing is that first i am currently taking the CS50P course then the after completing it would take CS50X then CS50AI and then start looking for Jobs(btw i am an highschool student) well let me know if i have the right road map and if you were in my shoes what would you change.Thank you and Bye👋 (ignore my improper English as it's not my first language)
You don't need to learn linked lists and hashmaps to be a great Front End Developer. Asking ablut those in an interview is ridiculous. Ask questions that are relevant to the day to day job.
Hey I'm not an expert in DevOps, but I do think it's a very very interesting area with lots of work opportunities, because no matter what language and tech some company uses, they absolutely have to deploy it somewhere, and this is where DevOps comes in.
Hi Marko, for people who didn't get a traditional IT degree, what suggestions do you have to secure a full-time position without internship experience? To better phrase my question: what are alternative ways to gain post-graduate Software Engineer experience before landing a full-time position?
In this case, freelancing is your best bet, to get some real work exposure. This is how I started, because I needed to start before I actually finished my degree.
Great video as always Marko I curios about why you recently changed your original format? Did I miss something? Also, are you still working for Kahoot?
Hey Marko. Я I'm studying C#, what would you recommend to study additionally and would it be difficult to find a job in C#? Or is it better to learn another programming language?
do you really think that HR will be clicking on projects or even on your github to see commits or something when there is hundreds of job applicants on one entry-level job and many of them are for sure CS Bachelors grads or even have some real experience... this worked maybe in 2021
Hi, great video, I found it when I needed it. I have a problem, I'm interested in frontend, but I have the opportunity to work as an intern in C# (I know only basics). But I don't even know how to learn it, I have no idea what to do for a junior project and how to develop as backend dev here. I also have a dilemma, because in my free time I started learning SWIFT and I really liked it, the vision of creating applications excites me. However, I see very few job offers and I'm afraid that this is the wrong path. I know you won't make the decision for me, but could you give me some advice?
Ћао Марко, пратим твој канал већ дуже време и овај видео је такође јако добар. Желим да те питам за Твоје мишљење поводом моје тренутне ситуације са програмирањем. Радим у финансијским сектором и користим Python за анализу података. Међутим, желим боље да савладам програмиранје, тако Python али и опширније, и сада имам две опције: или да похађам додатни курс за Python или курс за Java. Шта је ту твоје мишљене? Има ли смисла учити Java да бих боље разумео све концепте програмирања које би ми и помогле да боље савладам програмиранје па тако и Python и неке друге језике?Хвала унапред.
Hey I'm just pushing out the new version where this is fixed, just in case, if you are on 2.8.0, you have to manually download the new version from the website, but if you are on 2.8.4 it will auto update soon :)
Hi Marko , what do you think about CRM Developer with Dynamics 365 - do you have any experience about this position ? Have a nice day from Macedonia :)
It's a valid choice, but I personally try to stay away from the "do it all" solutions, at the end of the day, they don't save so much time as they advertise. At least that has been my experience
Do you think it is possible to become a software engineer without a university? Obviously studying a lot and working a lot (studying algorithms, data structures etc…)
Hey this is a great question and my honest opinion is yes. However as you said it requires hard work either way. There is no such thing as some secret knowledge that they only teach at the university. It’s all the same stuff. However when you compare yourself without a university with someone who just finished it, the real and only difference is that this other person spent the last four years learning. So you kind of have to match that time investment / effort put in. The good thing is that universities often go very wide in their curriculum and so you can in fact learn a more narrow set of skills to the same level of proficiency as someone from the university in a shorter time, by being more focused and efficient in your learning. Also it’s worth noting that many people go through university trying to do as little as possible and they do end up with a diploma, but in fact they cannot compare to a more dedicated individual who worked harder on their own.
Better how? Job security? Pay? Difficulty? Work-life-balance? AI Engineer is just as ambiguous as Software Engineer. Some companies might call people who create GPT prompts AI Engineers, other companies are hiring AI engineers to process data through a neural network, even others call people who work on improving machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch “AI Engineers”. There’s not a ‘better or worse’ for such broad categories of fields. You need to look and compare individual job postings for the fields to understand how the differences will most often become apparent. I’m a “software engineer” that works on apps and embedded platforms. someone else might be a software engineer that works on cloud infrastructure. It’s the same with AI. My advice is to find an application of software/AI you want to pursue, like cloud infra, embedded, computer vision, game dev, robotics, etc. All of those fields use software, all of those fields have the potential to use AI.
Good video marko! I have a question , do you think that the programning is going to to be obsolete in the future cause the IAs? Sorry if i dont type very well im mexican and a watch your videos i like them.
I don't think AI will replace software engineers completely, but it's going to reduce drastically the job positions and increase our work loads. Where I work we dropped from 50 to 10 new engineering positions every year, all this thanks to AI.
Hey that’s a great question! I do believe one day there will be no point in coding. However I don’t think the current LLM technology is what will get us there. More importantly, when AI is able to actually replace a software engineer, at that point it will already have replaced more than 90% of all other jobs and the world would be so different from what it is now that it almost makes no sense to debate coding in particular. I am curious about if in this company where you reduced from 50 to 10 you actually use AI daily, and is it helpful?
@@withmarkobut from my experience, I’ve seen plenty of senior software engineers that have been laid off recently due to the market. They said “it’s because of AI.” They still haven’t found jobs despite them being 6 months unemployed. Would you still say that it’s worth going down and majoring computer science? Additionally, wouldn’t it be better for more value and the long run to learn AI programming rather than traditional front end or backend programming?
Hey thanks! I've been busy with family. But now I'm back. Today drops one more video, and I hope to make a new video every day / every other day moving forward :)
If you are in your early 20s and slightly younger you are better off learning a blue collar skill… heck get licensed in driving heavy machinery or trucks. Have the ability to wake up, go out and make some money with ease. You can easily become self employed too that way. When you’re able to comfortably put food on the table and a roof over your head then you can start your journey into software engineering. Why???? Well, you are late to the party for one. Also you’d be competing with much more experienced engineers looking for work (that probably would pay less) within the next 2-3 years or more which means getting your foot into the door will be extremely difficult with or without a college degree. Don’t let the whole AI hype deceive you. Once the overhyped AI bubble bursts much more developers will be out of a job too.
It hasn’t really been a requirement in my personal experience, because I started freelancing before I finished my university. People didn’t really ask me. But thanks for sharing the comment, I guess it depends from company to company and also even country to country
Start the FREE Software Development Introduction Course with CourseCareers Now: coursecareers.com/a/marko?course=software-dev-fundamentals
After a long time, finally a new video !!
**How to Become a Software Engineer in 2024 & Get a Job**
1. What are the best skills to learn while starting out?
a. Basic of web development technology (HTML/CSS, JavaScript)
- Great place to start.
- Have an idea of what coding and development actually is.
b. Tech that have wide area of application to maximise your employability
- Example1: JavaScript/TypeScript is more preferable than Java as they cover the whole stack while Java only covers backend.
- Example2: Go (or sometimes called Golang), used for developing web services, would force us to know how the entire web development work.
- Example3: No Python as it is too limited on the use case (only on data science).
2. Mindset and how to approach constant learning
a. Treat errors and hardship during development as a normal things. Even seniors have to face them all the time.
b. This is a fast-paced field, so keep learning as you go.
3. How to optimise your learning
By learning those universal skills on the specific stack.
a. Frontend: HTTP, state management (e.g., unidirectional data flow), accessibility
b. Backend: Databases, Auth, OICD + oAuth, Network, Devops
Note: Framework comparison does not matter!
4. Interview Tips
a. Don't try to rush during an interview. Ideal candidate would be very patience, approach question methodically and explaining concepts clearly.
b. Don't try to act smart and throw a bunch of buzzwords that you don't actually understand at all.
c. Be honest of what you know and what you don't know.
d. Understand the topic thoroughly. E.g., understand the difference between nosql and sql database and when to choose either one of them.
5. Universal skills for a software engineer
a. Data structure (e.g., When you use a hashmap? Linked list?)
b. Algorithms (e.g., Any useful application of bubble sort?)
c. Software Design
6. How would Marko would enter the job market
a. Learn HTML, CSS and JS until have a base level understanding of how coding works as a concept.
b. Take a step back and pick either frontend or backend as his initial specialisation. Try to stick on a more applicable area so that he can be hired right away. Extra note: Machine learning is a hard science, need experienced to acquire the knowledge and is more theory than hands on.
c. Once he made his choice, he would use Github to document his works. Github profile is very important.
d. Decide on a project that you wanna make, and complete it. A project that can be found on Github and preferably host somewhere so that people can try them out.
7. What would Marko do differently in 2024 if he just starts out?
a. Document all your works to make sure that you can show your work whenever necessary.
b. Having a mentor early would accelerate the learning process of this journey.
c. Involve in a community, find your people that would make you accountable.
=== Note about project ===
Would you like to hire a car mechanic that has a bunch of parts all around the floor and not one single car in his shop is in working condition?
Or would you rather hire a mechanic that has only one car but it is in pristine condition? → obvious choice!
Therefore, for your project, it is important to
- Make it good.
- Make it pristine.
- Make it documented.
- Make it something you proud to put on your resume.
=== Note about why someone wants to hired people with n+ experience? ===
If someone wants to hire a car mechanic, then he wouldn’t pick someone that has no experience to fix his car, so as hiring a developer.
thanks for your comment broww this is notepad for me hehehhe
This needs more thumbs up 👍
thank you 🙂👍
Thank you mate!
Finally, Marko is back! :)
Thank you so much for all this information. I'm making a carrier switch from call center agent to software developer.
It's been a while, Marko. Your videos are really helpful!
Hey thanks! :)
I subscribed you at 4k and now you at 200k + . From no commentary and no face to this great journey
Great video! I'm actually learning Python first because I am interesting in Data Science and I also have a background in mathematics and physics so the learning curve isn't as steep as far the Machine Learning goes.
Hooooo a new vidéo !
I am in Data.... and I'm currently thinking to go into software development but job market sounds even tougher than before haha
Your last advice is really true tho! Community rocks !
I am currently Java, with my all heart.
Am I going on the right path.
This was one of the best videos that I've watched about building my own career, Thank you so much Marko
someone should count how many times Marko says "humble opinion" 😂
4-5 times 😂
let counter=0;
If ( speaker == “Marko”){
While( spokenword.Includes( ”humble opinion”)
{counter ++;}
Good video. The skills you listed are so broad, especially the backend ones. A follow up video on the specifics for each will be very helpful. Thank you for your insights!
I followed marko for a long time and now it's worth
First time here and I’m already subscribed!
Glad you put yourself out there in front of the camera. Great disposition and video!
Thank you!
@@withmarko marko can you create a road- map thing that will help learning ? :)
Great video as always. Very inspirational stuff.
Finallyyy...After a long time. I was thinking that you didn't posted yet and watching your old videos🥺❤
I like your topic and the tone of your voice
Great video Marko!
That sponsor integration was sharp.
Very good advice on keeping track of projects/bigger functionality that you work on.
I have something that I call a "brag document" where I document my biggest contributions, just so I can "brag" about them in future interviews.
Ok, bye!
Hey thanks! Great idea with the brag document!
As for the sponsored segment.. A lot of devs complain about it, haha, but when you already have some experience as a dev it's easy to forget that people actually do actively look for resources like course careers, and for them, the segment is as useful as the rest of the video. :)
Marko is back
Yessir :)
in my humble opinion he is so humble!!😂
great video markoo ♥
Whenever I get demotivated I literally watch your videos and get motivated to learn Java
We miss you Brother,
Nice come back !!
Hey thank you :)
I have been waiting this video since I was watching ur vlogs in the old company ✨🖤
great video, thanks!
Very helpful video!
Thank you for all the tips you've mentioned. I'm 29, and I'd like to become a software engineer, sadly, I have no background in programming at all, but I hope it's not an issue, though. Currently, I watch a video course by Jonas Schmedtmann (The complete JavaScript course). I feel like I can do some stuff at this point.
Keep going buddy. I’ve also bought the course and getting into it after completing the html css section
@@IfedolapoAjetunmobi Thanks, and good luck, bud!
Hi Marko, Im senior software engineering student. I wish I knew this advice ealier. I just realized that I need to have the T shape skill. Currently, I'm teaching myself iOS development and fundamentals of Computer Science which I didnt pay attention enough in classes.
Thanks for the video! Just an audio suggestion - I suggest adding a de-esser to your microphone track. The "ess" and "shhh" sounds are intense
markos da goat! ❤️🔥
Course Careers jumps into React before actually building a strong knowledge in Vanilla JS. That’s a must to move from the DOM to the virtual DOM.
Python with Flask or Django is quite solid for backend.
I do like the simplicity of Flask, ngl :)
Just got laid off my job as an app support specialist, I did some coding on the job in SQL and I wanna really use this time to study and figure out my next steps to become a SWE. I have a basic understanding of HTML/CSS/JS/Python and some small projects under my belt but nothing fully-functional like you mentioned. Guess I know what’s next for me!
Oh man, sorry to hear, but you are positioned better than most to make that transition! Best of luck 🤞
This is the second time someone mentioned course careers 😮..I think it’s a sign
thanks for sharing this
in my humble opinion this video is great 😂❤
New haircut! That's sick
Hey thanks, glad you like it :)
That mechanic analogy was awful. We hire people with no experience all the time, How else will they learn and get experience?
he said building projects! building more projects or a project makes you gain experience but doesn't make you a master! please watch his content fully before you start rumbling about nonsense!
hello ENG MARKO .
I am in road to be AI engineer in my collage , can i learn software engineering and become a one also ?
+1 video 💯
I'm learning PHP and Laravel in hopes of going freelance. Wish me luck
It's a popular choice, best of luck!
What kind of web/apps do you built with it? I see that each tech stack/ frameworks has some kind of common specific web/ apps built by them, so by recognizing it, we can fast improve our skills by building the kind of apps that common to the tech stack we learn.
WOW. I didn't know Esteban Ocon is a part-time Software Engineer
I think there is a fallacy in your argument around 11:30, where the analogy of hiring an inexperienced junior developer is described as hiring a mechanic with no experience. If the mechanic has the skills via training, as an individual customer, I will not hire him. However, if I have a mechanic shop and mechanic team, he/she can join the team and get the specific training and assessment in an expedited manner before being allowed to deal directly with cars independently. The idea is that if the technical and theoretical skills are there, then experience can be quickly accumulated. I think companies and employers are just too lazy, and want to hire senior and lead developers to lead senior and lead developers. Greate contributors can be easily missed doing this. The same lazy thing is done by companies simply hiring form Ivy leagues, etc, instead of doing the work to find good candidates.
Neka je sa srecom tata! :D
Haha hvala 😊
So useful
A lot of companies will not ask your DSA questions. Its good to know this stuff but its not as common as people say outside of big companies
After a long time
Hi, Marko engineer I, am from Azerbaijan and yolu love
Hey thanks! 🙏
I'll get back to my comment if I become an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
My Goal: Web Developer/Software Engineer
My progress(ongoing):
I still have a long way to go.
Hello Marko, will you make video about your education (not only coding, maybe you had another experience)?
let's go finally
Hi Marko, I’m a sysadmin in my mid-30s. My dream has always been to learn doing something from the ground up, based on an idea. I've been considering your choice of JavaScript/TypeScript, which is appealing because it can be used on both the front and back end.
Question: Am I overthinking it, or is it important to choose a first language based on performance? Some say compiled languages like .NET Core or Java are better for large-scale back-end systems. I've also heard that some people use one technology for prototyping and another for the actual implementation.
Marko lookin' fresh
Yo thanks! :)
Bring back the tier1, tier2, tier 3 concept you had before I can't find your old video anymore but: tier1: full stack tier2: go, kubernetes, python, tier3: mathematics, architechture, machine learning if I remember correctly, please help me find your old video
facing the camera❤
Gonna try this new style moving forward. :)
Hi Marko what i am doing is that first i am currently taking the CS50P course then the after completing it would take CS50X then CS50AI and then start looking for Jobs(btw i am an highschool student) well let me know if i have the right road map and if you were in my shoes what would you change.Thank you and Bye👋 (ignore my improper English as it's not my first language)
so what does he mean by documenting his work whenever necessary? Is he talking about documenting his projects like a portfolio?
You don't need to learn linked lists and hashmaps to be a great Front End Developer. Asking ablut those in an interview is ridiculous. Ask questions that are relevant to the day to day job.
Technically you don't need data structures just to code up some UI, but it really helps to actually understand what is going on.
@@withmarko there's still much better topics to ask when interviewing a FED e.g testing, accessibility, composition, state management
Hi Marko, what’s your take on DevOps? I would be interested to see your perspective on it. If possible, could you make a video? Thanks.
Hey I'm not an expert in DevOps, but I do think it's a very very interesting area with lots of work opportunities, because no matter what language and tech some company uses, they absolutely have to deploy it somewhere, and this is where DevOps comes in.
Enjoying my 14h per day job... After new job placements were reduced due AI
But is AI actually helping you, or is the management just using it as an excuse to fire people?
Still a great choise?!?!?!?It is THE choise
Hi Marko, for people who didn't get a traditional IT degree, what suggestions do you have to secure a full-time position without internship experience?
To better phrase my question: what are alternative ways to gain post-graduate Software Engineer experience before landing a full-time position?
In this case, freelancing is your best bet, to get some real work exposure. This is how I started, because I needed to start before I actually finished my degree.
Great video as always Marko
I curios about why you recently changed your original format? Did I miss something? Also, are you still working for Kahoot?
Hi. What do you think about iOS development?
you are awesome
i miss your old videos man, i think it was deleted, the first video i see on your ytchannel is when you unbox your vissles keyboard
Nice 🎉🎉
Hey Marko. Я I'm studying C#, what would you recommend to study additionally and would it be difficult to find a job in C#? Or is it better to learn another programming language?
do you really think that HR will be clicking on projects or even on your github to see commits or something when there is hundreds of job applicants on one entry-level job and many of them are for sure CS Bachelors grads or even have some real experience... this worked maybe in 2021
Hi, great video, I found it when I needed it.
I have a problem, I'm interested in frontend, but I have the opportunity to work as an intern in C# (I know only basics). But I don't even know how to learn it, I have no idea what to do for a junior project and how to develop as backend dev here.
I also have a dilemma, because in my free time I started learning SWIFT and I really liked it, the vision of creating applications excites me. However, I see very few job offers and I'm afraid that this is the wrong path.
I know you won't make the decision for me, but could you give me some advice?
Hey hey 👌🎊
Ћао Марко, пратим твој канал већ дуже време и овај видео је такође јако добар. Желим да те питам за Твоје мишљење поводом моје тренутне ситуације са програмирањем. Радим у финансијским сектором и користим Python за анализу података. Међутим, желим боље да савладам програмиранје, тако Python али и опширније, и сада имам две опције: или да похађам додатни курс за Python или курс за Java. Шта је ту твоје мишљене? Има ли смисла учити Java да бих боље разумео све концепте програмирања које би ми и помогле да боље савладам програмиранје па тако и Python и неке друге језике?Хвала унапред.
Hey Marko,
The CTRL+OPTION+F shortcut to center a window and set it to 16:9 isn’t working anymore.
when the new update will be out?
Hey I'm just pushing out the new version where this is fixed, just in case, if you are on 2.8.0, you have to manually download the new version from the website, but if you are on 2.8.4 it will auto update soon :)
Is python worth learning? Im 30% through the basics after 3days.
Really helpful man as always..
The video literally came out 3 minutes ago and its a 17 minute video...
Lmfao 😂@@byronmalone9881
Hi Marko , what do you think about CRM Developer with Dynamics 365 - do you have any experience about this position ?
Have a nice day from Macedonia :)
Hey that's a good question, but I don't have much experience with the microsoft platform, to give a valid opinion
Any thoughts on QA automation
let's learn C# with Blazor, there no need javascript at all to create websites
It's a valid choice, but I personally try to stay away from the "do it all" solutions, at the end of the day, they don't save so much time as they advertise. At least that has been my experience
Your new hairstyle is really handsome😘 hahaha
What do you think about the cs50 course?
It’s a great place to start 👍
Do you think it is possible to become a software engineer without a university? Obviously studying a lot and working a lot (studying algorithms, data structures etc…)
Hey this is a great question and my honest opinion is yes. However as you said it requires hard work either way. There is no such thing as some secret knowledge that they only teach at the university. It’s all the same stuff. However when you compare yourself without a university with someone who just finished it, the real and only difference is that this other person spent the last four years learning. So you kind of have to match that time investment / effort put in. The good thing is that universities often go very wide in their curriculum and so you can in fact learn a more narrow set of skills to the same level of proficiency as someone from the university in a shorter time, by being more focused and efficient in your learning. Also it’s worth noting that many people go through university trying to do as little as possible and they do end up with a diploma, but in fact they cannot compare to a more dedicated individual who worked harder on their own.
@@withmarko thank you very much
Isn't AI Engineer better than Software engineer ? In 2024 or future
Better how? Job security? Pay? Difficulty? Work-life-balance?
AI Engineer is just as ambiguous as Software Engineer. Some companies might call people who create GPT prompts AI Engineers, other companies are hiring AI engineers to process data through a neural network, even others call people who work on improving machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch “AI Engineers”.
There’s not a ‘better or worse’ for such broad categories of fields. You need to look and compare individual job postings for the fields to understand how the differences will most often become apparent.
I’m a “software engineer” that works on apps and embedded platforms. someone else might be a software engineer that works on cloud infrastructure. It’s the same with AI.
My advice is to find an application of software/AI you want to pursue, like cloud infra, embedded, computer vision, game dev, robotics, etc. All of those fields use software, all of those fields have the potential to use AI.
When you know how to code, you start to hire people to code as two hands can only code so much.
is there anyone knowing which company can review my cv and give feedback? many thanks
Good video marko!
I have a question , do you think that the programning is going to to be obsolete in the future cause the IAs? Sorry if i dont type very well im mexican and a watch your videos i like them.
I don't think AI will replace software engineers completely, but it's going to reduce drastically the job positions and increase our work loads. Where I work we dropped from 50 to 10 new engineering positions every year, all this thanks to AI.
Hey that’s a great question! I do believe one day there will be no point in coding. However I don’t think the current LLM technology is what will get us there. More importantly, when AI is able to actually replace a software engineer, at that point it will already have replaced more than 90% of all other jobs and the world would be so different from what it is now that it almost makes no sense to debate coding in particular. I am curious about if in this company where you reduced from 50 to 10 you actually use AI daily, and is it helpful?
@@withmarkobut from my experience, I’ve seen plenty of senior software engineers that have been laid off recently due to the market. They said “it’s because of AI.” They still haven’t found jobs despite them being 6 months unemployed. Would you still say that it’s worth going down and majoring computer science? Additionally, wouldn’t it be better for more value and the long run to learn AI programming rather than traditional front end or backend programming?
Hi Marko👋, what is the theme you use in Visual Studio Code? I just liked it.
he uses the default theme that comes with vscode
What’s your linked in profile?
woooo, great haircut
it's been a while Marko
We missed u bro where have u been
Hey thanks! I've been busy with family. But now I'm back. Today drops one more video, and I hope to make a new video every day / every other day moving forward :)
where can you learn these programming languages
did you even watch the video lol
Funny thing is 90/100 "How to become a SE" video always go for web development 🤣
yh right. I don't know why tho 😹
If you are in your early 20s and slightly younger you are better off learning a blue collar skill… heck get licensed in driving heavy machinery or trucks.
Have the ability to wake up, go out and make some money with ease.
You can easily become self employed too that way.
When you’re able to comfortably put food on the table and a roof over your head then you can start your journey into software engineering.
Well, you are late to the party for one. Also you’d be competing with much more experienced engineers looking for work (that probably would pay less) within the next 2-3 years or more which means getting your foot into the door will be extremely difficult with or without a college degree.
Don’t let the whole AI hype deceive you. Once the overhyped AI bubble bursts much more developers will be out of a job too.
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bro has a very 'humble opinion' 😂
Typescript is not language🤫
I think you forgot, get a university degree. There is no way you are getting a job without a degree.
It hasn’t really been a requirement in my personal experience, because I started freelancing before I finished my university. People didn’t really ask me. But thanks for sharing the comment, I guess it depends from company to company and also even country to country