As someone who stopped playing the season Seer was added. I'm extremely perplexed to see both him and Gibraltar as the 2 LEAST picked characters... They were everywhere back in my day
As a Mirage main you definitely want to ult and use your tactical behind cover ulting in someones face especially after taking damage is just asking for death
Yup, unfortunately most players dont have enough braincells to use basic tactics and understand Guerrilla warfare They just toss a decoy out in the open, die and blame Mirages kit as if they did nothing wrong
@@tylerbeauchamp2949yes it does unfortunately, the health bar has nerfed mirage quite a bit. Idk maybe respawn should provide an update where the health bars show on decoys as well ? Idk
@@raymanbauz365 that is because Mirage has a clunky kit. Not bad, just Clunky. As a support legend, you need health? Here is lifeline with a dumb healing drone. Ammo? Here is Loba ult. All instant value for the team with one button when Mirage needs the situation to capitalize on and might even troll his team with a dumb decoy. Also he has been rewiorked so many times just to make him not-garbage. Remeber his old ult? Not even the best Mirage could make that look any better than gourmet garbage
My only issue with her is that you have to have lighting fast decision making skills to get her fences down in time to leverage their effectiveness. It would be really nice if placing just one node offered limited effectiveness
it’s all situational. When you are getting the push on a team or the one that split from the team you cut off their route to each other. Blocking entry ways guiding and bottleneck to an entrance to slow down the team. Random fencing makes an open field slightly harder to navigate and slows down their decision making just enough to catch them off guard. The pylon stops almost all projectiles and regens you and your teams shields
@@Ricefox21 I usually place my pylon in a secure location then fence it off to use as a "fallback": chasing teams usually get overzealous and get killed for it.
@@DakotaofRaptors its situational, I normally fence attack when they go in for the reload or when I have a teammate brake their shield and go in to fence them in then catch them in a “shocking” state. Get it?
As a mirage main, the way you use your abilities makes me angry. Use your decoys freely so you can rotate one way while the decoy goes the other. And you should just fucking yeet your ult using a decoy to cover up yourself flicking as you appear far later than the rest of your decoys. You are meant to play mind games not tell everyone who you are.
Alter should be in the respect category tbh. Her callback is a big save, looting through walls is amazing towards endgame, and if you player her enough you’ll find some crazy places to use her tactical that can change a fight quickly
I’m an alter main. I think “I get it” is pretty accurate, alter isn’t a good legend, but it’s the player who learns those crazy spots, those crazy recall strats, and good comms to carry a team to victory, if they listen,
@@XXPryingXX I have to disagree. Her kit isn’t as niche or blatantly bad as mirage to be in the same category. You have to be very forward thinking while playing her but that doesn’t make her a bad legend
@@HopeforDespair sounds like you’re projecting. Ik it hurts that you somehow managed to stay bronze with a .75 kd in one of the easiest seasons but you’ll be fine trust. You’ll touch pred if the good players decide to get off💀
Nice video. Honestly, as a Mirage main, i think using his kit is like playing chess. They might not work well as a solo, but when i play with my friends, the bamboozle can really do 1 or 2 tricks, When we push a team, me the bamboozle and a friend usually charge in front as like a squad of 3 while the third one will try to flank the enemies. Sometime, the bamboozle can “mentally” set up behind a door, tricking opponent as i invisibly reviving a downed teamate. You can also staying behind some walls, using sniper in those long ranged sniper fight or vs enemies’ sniper, throwing a bamboozle to the left to take out enimies’ first shot then immidiately come out left or right and sniper shot back, mix up the process and confuse the enimies sniper. I enjoyed playing Mirage, his kit is only deêpnded on your imagination
@@user-yuri665delusional is when a masters horizon jumps me, thinks she can escape because of her Q and guess what? Im playing the delusional character and just beamed that bitch outta the air.
also abusive prices, high end hardware requirements, legends are impossible to purchase as a new player. Also all of this causes the playerbase outside USA, Canada and Europe to be very thin. I can play Apex with suboptimal performance with my computer, cant afford shit and most queues barely reach 15 players average through the day and i play from brazil
You’re stupid if you think that’s true. Respawn is scum now and if they even decided to release a titanfall 3 they would r@pe it with micro transactions just like this shithole of a game
@doriangrayest I've been playing for 5 years, the first 4 of which were all entirely free to play. Unlocking characters is absolutely fair in this game, I'd say it's incredibly easy as well and a fun thing to look forward to whilst leveling up. I play far northern Canada, so things are very pricy, and connections aren't prestine, yet I do fine. I played from a Ps4 happily for 5/6ths of all the time I've ever played this game. The cosmetics are entirely up to you to buy, not necessary. I think they like to be greedy instead of focusing on more frontal issues but they've made tons of quality of life improvements and made things very easy on newbies. The cheating is the main issue, the rest is very manageable.
Not with Mirage is that when you pop your ult, you don't want to keep the same direction when you come out of invis, that's the easiest way to tell which one is which
Her kit is on of the best kits, if not THE best kit in the game........but problem is crypto is super popular rn due to the buff.....and he counters her ENTIRE KIT
Honestly, if there are 2 takeaways from this video, they're: 1. There's too many cheaters in this game 2. Akimbo Mozambique needs a nerf pronto, this shit is busted
To achieve mastery in the field, it's crucial to hone your skills with the flatline and re45. These weapons are particularly effective and can help you become a top-notch professional in your field.
@@shadeoskullexbroken may be a bit of a stretch, his smart pistol needs some love but as a ballistic main w 20b 4K in under 500 kills I definitely get what you mean. I remember when people were saying Maggie sucked lmao 😂
Alter is an incredibly good legend with coordination. You and your teammates can win just about any fight with the help of Alter’s abilities. Only problem is that she kinda needs that to be a good pick for the team. Alter has single-handedly saved me and my team for a win multiple times, but almost all of those games I ran with friends. Alter just isn’t a good solo queue legend because her value relies on your teammates cooperation.
12:40 can we all in fact take a moment to doff our caps to that squad wipe. The music needed more epic vibes to it as that was insane. Ashton... As Jack said, understatedly "You're so good!"... Awesome dude, just awesome.
I have no idea who you are, I haven't played Apex in years, but watching this video was funny as hell. Last time I played Ballistic was the newest Legend, everyone bar Alter on this list were heroes I saw frequently back then. it's crazy that theres so many Legends now
When playing ballastic if you put any of the akimbo weapons in his sling it instantly becomes duel wield. For all the clips with Ballastic I was wondering why you never used the OP Mozam as gold tier…
I wondered why you seem to never really use mirage Q. It's the best way to fully locate enemies, you put his decoy right in front of you, and if they want to shoot you they will shoot decoy too, also using mirage to "peek" from the cover to get a "scan" or using him in the different direction before you run away is really helpful. I'm not a mirage main tho, I Only played him when arenas were a thing, bit this tips made my games better with him
Mirage main here at 4:51 you could’ve stuck the rez if they didn’t know but also after that happened and you were behind the rock you could’ve sent your decoy to the right and popped your ult by following that decoy or going to the left side and popping it
Alter is probably the highest skill cap legend at the moment. You have to be creative and smart with her tactical and play with her tactical during fights but the problem with her tactical is that when you exit her tactical there is a few seconds before your weapon comes out and since your enemy already had their weapon aimed at you when you exit the tactical, you have to appear behind the enemy or you will die. Enemies also thirst you and your teammates while you use the ultimate and the enemies can easily follow you. She needs some buffs preferably to be able to shoot right when you exit the tactical...
i'm surprised Ash isn't bottom 10, i guess she is some what fun to play but all of that is because of her ult which you don't even get to use that much.
Alter is apart of the meta right now, she isn't bad whatsoever, I'm a master player (12x) and play her occasionally, she's especially good on E-district and Olympus, Not so much World's Edge. A lot of pred teams also use her, she's good when you know how to play her, not everyone can just start playing Alter if they don't know how to use her kit effectively, even during a fight she's still useful.
I hate when my team wants to drop uncontested in ranked. Shitty feeling when your team wants to play loot simulator for 15 minutes just to get slaughtered by the first team they see
With mirage, your first game you definitely should’ve gone for the revive. The ability to turn invisible while reviving is extremely useful, both you and your partner remain invisible for a short while after the revive which could be used to escape or move to the blind side of an opponent who’s attacking you. I main mirage and I feel like he’s criminally underrated. You just have to use his abilities right
Mirage requires tactical thinking, never just throw a decoy out while people are able to see you The best way to word it is do things that you would find confusing If you are gonna rush someone, ult right in there face and run a few laps around them, even try to find cover but dont climb or anything The first cinematic trailer is actually a good show of how to use Mirages decoys. He sends one at bangalore and sneaks up behind her Always use that sense of misdirection as Mirage, thats what hes for, hes only as good as your ability to confuse others which takes a thought process If you are failing at Mirage, think about what you did wrong rather than blaming the legend whos whole skillset is based on how YOU use him unlike other legends where you just hit a button and it does the work for you Also i shouldnt have to say this but dont use snipers as Mirage, his kit is better for close range or even just allowing you asneaky escape/ draw fire away from you Most people fail at Mirage because they dont understand how to play him, ive seen it from many over the years, no one plays him correctly except Mirage mains
Honestly, Rampart is busted right now. Her turret is just absolutely disgusting if you know how to use it. Got a 6.5k 19 kill the other day. It is my only 4k badge on any character.
To be fair, all of the "worst" legends with the lowest pickrates are really just the highest skill legends, and aren't actually bad (except seer). These legends only have low pickrates because they take a lot of time and effort to master and use effectively, and most players simply don't bother. That's why the legends at the top of the pickrates generally have the lowest skill floors.
Your my favorite apex player along with cau7ion but I feel like you should post more to you youtube from when you stream like regular games you play?? Idk just an idea
that elo knows the difference very well and he faced a lot of cheaters. Also high elo rarely relies on luck spray. They aim and move like crackheads and if a crackhead just full-to-0 a whole squad of apex predators with one clip with no chance of counterattack + game crash yeah they are cheating
Makes me sad how many of my fave players don’t even raise their voices when discussing cheaters. No knock on them, just frustrating that we’re all just grudgingly accepting that cheaters aren’t going anywhere soon.
Will always cheer for you even if you're British
hopefully he gets better soon
Makes it a lot harder tho
One thing I’ll appreciate is that he isn’t French, so there a w on that one.
@@explosivez1096Very true
At least he is not ginger too
As someone who stopped playing the season Seer was added. I'm extremely perplexed to see both him and Gibraltar as the 2 LEAST picked characters... They were everywhere back in my day
Gibi is still strong just not meta
Seer is practically a NPC with how trash he is I think he needs an absolute rework
Seer used to be OP. Then the devs nerfed both seer and the scan meta consistently to the point where seer is not that great
As a Mirage main you definitely want to ult and use your tactical behind cover ulting in someones face especially after taking damage is just asking for death
Yup, unfortunately most players dont have enough braincells to use basic tactics and understand Guerrilla warfare
They just toss a decoy out in the open, die and blame Mirages kit as if they did nothing wrong
Oh! Is it because of the health bar? I just started playing again yesterday and didn’t know if the health bar showed when I ULT.
@@tylerbeauchamp2949yes it does unfortunately, the health bar has nerfed mirage quite a bit. Idk maybe respawn should provide an update where the health bars show on decoys as well ? Idk
Gotta know how to play mirage, he was barely using Tactical and Ult effectively
@@raymanbauz365 that is because Mirage has a clunky kit. Not bad, just Clunky. As a support legend, you need health? Here is lifeline with a dumb healing drone. Ammo? Here is Loba ult. All instant value for the team with one button when Mirage needs the situation to capitalize on and might even troll his team with a dumb decoy. Also he has been rewiorked so many times just to make him not-garbage. Remeber his old ult? Not even the best Mirage could make that look any better than gourmet garbage
Wattson is actually really fun when used aggressively: once you get used to using her fences in a more offensive manner, it's really satisfying.
My only issue with her is that you have to have lighting fast decision making skills to get her fences down in time to leverage their effectiveness. It would be really nice if placing just one node offered limited effectiveness
it’s all situational. When you are getting the push on a team or the one that split from the team you cut off their route to each other. Blocking entry ways guiding and bottleneck to an entrance to slow down the team. Random fencing makes an open field slightly harder to navigate and slows down their decision making just enough to catch them off guard. The pylon stops almost all projectiles and regens you and your teams shields
@@Ricefox21 I usually place my pylon in a secure location then fence it off to use as a "fallback": chasing teams usually get overzealous and get killed for it.
@@DakotaofRaptors its situational, I normally fence attack when they go in for the reload or when I have a teammate brake their shield and go in to fence them in then catch them in a “shocking” state. Get it?
Ashton's attitude on playing Rampart is the prime example of "Well not with that attitude you're not! "
fr, u cant play rampart right if ur not an absolute insane menace
@@blee-bleep3906 one of my mains tbh.... Gaming merchant gonna be pissed with him for saying that
Yeah, if you're not bum-rushing with the turret, what are you even doing?
@@crystallakedood agreed
Yeah no walls were even put up just sad
As a mirage main, the way you use your abilities makes me angry. Use your decoys freely so you can rotate one way while the decoy goes the other. And you should just fucking yeet your ult using a decoy to cover up yourself flicking as you appear far later than the rest of your decoys. You are meant to play mind games not tell everyone who you are.
Hehe cry
@solidfeline9093 Who's crying? I said it makes me angry not sad 🤣
@@drscorpio1094 cope and seethe
@@solidfeline9093 I don’t think you know how this works lol
@@drscorpio1094 I don't think you know how much I don't care, now weep and seethe buddy
Alter should be in the respect category tbh. Her callback is a big save, looting through walls is amazing towards endgame, and if you player her enough you’ll find some crazy places to use her tactical that can change a fight quickly
She is wayyy to circumstantial especially in higher ranks. I Get It is the perfect category for her. I don’t even see her in pred or masters💀
I’m an alter main. I think “I get it” is pretty accurate, alter isn’t a good legend, but it’s the player who learns those crazy spots, those crazy recall strats, and good comms to carry a team to victory, if they listen,
@@XXPryingXX I have to disagree. Her kit isn’t as niche or blatantly bad as mirage to be in the same category. You have to be very forward thinking while playing her but that doesn’t make her a bad legend
@@nicholasjones8881Makes sense considering your hardstuck gold.
@@HopeforDespair sounds like you’re projecting. Ik it hurts that you somehow managed to stay bronze with a .75 kd in one of the easiest seasons but you’ll be fine trust. You’ll touch pred if the good players decide to get off💀
Nice video. Honestly, as a Mirage main, i think using his kit is like playing chess. They might not work well as a solo, but when i play with my friends, the bamboozle can really do 1 or 2 tricks, When we push a team, me the bamboozle and a friend usually charge in front as like a squad of 3 while the third one will try to flank the enemies. Sometime, the bamboozle can “mentally” set up behind a door, tricking opponent as i invisibly reviving a downed teamate. You can also staying behind some walls, using sniper in those long ranged sniper fight or vs enemies’ sniper, throwing a bamboozle to the left to take out enimies’ first shot then immidiately come out left or right and sniper shot back, mix up the process and confuse the enimies sniper. I enjoyed playing Mirage, his kit is only deêpnded on your imagination
my man no hate but try that in pred lobbies
@@smooth.mp5 dude preds are a small percentage of the player base
@@smooth.mp5my man no hate but are you pred
@@BLACK-l4s5m even i can spot a bamboozle
@@BLACK-l4s5m no im in d2 i play against preds
Rampart seems like a skill issue, my friend mains rampart and consistently drops 1500-2000 damage games
I play Rampart a lot this season, and it's such a crazy character, i agree. I had a lot of games with 10 and more kills with her.
Rampart mains will never stop being delusional and I'm Always here for it 😂
@@user-yuri665 she's actually a pretty decent legend, the most agro control legend imo, if you know how to play her you can do quite a lot
@@user-yuri665delusional is when a masters horizon jumps me, thinks she can escape because of her Q and guess what? Im playing the delusional character and just beamed that bitch outta the air.
Just learn to bhop lurch strafe lol
0:32 god cant tell which legend because it is censored. I almost got spoilers there. Thank you censor you saved me
BAHAHAHAHA. this made me laugh lol
Just like all censor ever by beeping or using *s to censor "f*** you mo*******er you fu***** a** ni***"
I play Fuse. He’s surprisingly good for third parties: drop your ultimate, and then pepper the area with grenades and watch the kills roll.
That’s exactly what I do, because I feel useless with any other ability
The only real reason apex is in such low point is the cheaters
also abusive prices, high end hardware requirements, legends are impossible to purchase as a new player. Also all of this causes the playerbase outside USA, Canada and Europe to be very thin. I can play Apex with suboptimal performance with my computer, cant afford shit and most queues barely reach 15 players average through the day and i play from brazil
I'd say it's because the original developers left Respawn
You’re stupid if you think that’s true. Respawn is scum now and if they even decided to release a titanfall 3 they would r@pe it with micro transactions just like this shithole of a game
Shit devs ruining a game
@doriangrayest I've been playing for 5 years, the first 4 of which were all entirely free to play. Unlocking characters is absolutely fair in this game, I'd say it's incredibly easy as well and a fun thing to look forward to whilst leveling up. I play far northern Canada, so things are very pricy, and connections aren't prestine, yet I do fine. I played from a Ps4 happily for 5/6ths of all the time I've ever played this game. The cosmetics are entirely up to you to buy, not necessary. I think they like to be greedy instead of focusing on more frontal issues but they've made tons of quality of life improvements and made things very easy on newbies. The cheating is the main issue, the rest is very manageable.
Seer being the least picked legend just makes me say "Oh how the mighty have fallen"
Season 10 seer was an absolute machine how the king of the jungle has fallen
Seer is either the best legend in the game......or the worst legend in the game
No inbetween
@Accountthatexists tbh you’re right. I feel like I’ve only ever heard “Seer is too OP” and then suddenly everyone started saying that he sucks
Just sat through twenty minutes of akimbo mozambique gameplay of Ronald Rump. What a time to be alive!
Rampart is so easy and fun for ranked, you just have to make a lot of use for your amped walls
Not with Mirage is that when you pop your ult, you don't want to keep the same direction when you come out of invis, that's the easiest way to tell which one is which
People need to respect wattson more >:(
+ respec
Her kit is on of the best kits, if not THE best kit in the game........but problem is crypto is super popular rn due to the buff.....and he counters her ENTIRE KIT
Wattson is a S tear legend for sure 😅 Less picked cuz requires more skill to handle and might not be as fun as other legends
Honestly, if there are 2 takeaways from this video, they're:
1. There's too many cheaters in this game
2. Akimbo Mozambique needs a nerf pronto, this shit is busted
There are no useless legends. You just don’t know how to use them effectively. A person who has 1000+ hrs on any character will show you that.
(Except Seer)
(Except Rampart)
Except Alter
@@nicholasjones8881devs please pull an ubi and rework
@@nicholasjones8881capppo they legit buffed lmg and her u can double shield stack
To achieve mastery in the field, it's crucial to hone your skills with the flatline and re45. These weapons are particularly effective and can help you become a top-notch professional in your field.
I main Wattson and Rampart, and those rampart games are definitely user error...
Wattson is actually OP if used correctly a good defensive supportive and offensive character honestly
Thats the thing, she's pretty hard to use. Especially with the fences
Im forcing myself to play wattson an use her fences offensively, its rewarding but God its hard to do
@@frank8917 that is true but that’s what makes it such a good character hard to play around with but fun af when you master her fences
@@brandondean5680 she’s very fun this way
Ballistic is crazy slept on. Such a shame 😢.
Very much so, he’s one of my favorite characters to play as and he’s amazing. Feels outright broken sometimes.
Right?? He’s sooo fun!!
@@shadeoskullexbroken may be a bit of a stretch, his smart pistol needs some love but as a ballistic main w 20b 4K in under 500 kills I definitely get what you mean. I remember when people were saying Maggie sucked lmao 😂
Fr I main fuse and ballistic is my back up they need to put some respect on his name
Alter is an incredibly good legend with coordination. You and your teammates can win just about any fight with the help of Alter’s abilities. Only problem is that she kinda needs that to be a good pick for the team. Alter has single-handedly saved me and my team for a win multiple times, but almost all of those games I ran with friends. Alter just isn’t a good solo queue legend because her value relies on your teammates cooperation.
The map she truly shines the most is on E-District, she can make some crazy plays there with all those buildings
You managed to make me laugh with Apex, which Apex hasn't had for half a year, thanks for that
Ashton is my favorite apex TH-camr by a long shot
12:40 can we all in fact take a moment to doff our caps to that squad wipe. The music needed more epic vibes to it as that was insane. Ashton... As Jack said, understatedly "You're so good!"... Awesome dude, just awesome.
Rampart is absolutely broken this season idk what you’re talking abt
Idk what UR talking abt
@@SterlingArthur mb💀
looks like you know better than tracker with stats from all lobbies, bruh.
Fr they buffed lmg but mainly her I love triple shield stacking with Newcastle
@@denkiq307 yes
you get more likes in 45 seconds then i get in 1 year
Bro you videos are so smooth and clean! I really love them a lot!
Healthbars being added really crushed mirages chances
Its nice seeing a fellow british apex youtuber. Loving the content :D
Ballistic is really fun this season because of mozam, run around with mozam in sling and purple armor and you have hammerpoints and it’s so fun!!!
I've been doing the same. Early fights are broken with gold akimbo mozams
Most Picked
10) Wattson: 0:42
9) Mirage: 4:20 (Blaze it)
8) Rampart: 7:45
7) Caustic: 8:06
6) Valkyrie: 10:05
5) Catalyst: 11:50
4) Alter: 14:14
3) Ballistic: 15:51
2) Gibraltar: 17:32
1) Seer: 18:49
Least Picked
You can just hear the absolutely disappointment and hatred when he said " he's cheating "
Man that 1v3 with catalyst was so good and so amazing absolutely respect my dude
Finally I’ve been waiting for an upload 🔥🔥🔥
i was genuinely surprised to see wattson so low on the list. she’s my main and she’s so fun to play! i love playing my fences mid fight
I’ve never been so entertained by an apex TH-cam video 😭
Ashton’s gamer accent is so strong when he plays
Always a good day when Ashton uploads! ♥️
W video as always 🔥
As a season 0 Mirage main, I agree that you are a skew toothed British man😂 love the videos Ash❤
Ah yes another apex legends video from my favorite British person what a lovely day
I am in love with your channel, keep it up!
I have no idea who you are, I haven't played Apex in years, but watching this video was funny as hell. Last time I played Ballistic was the newest Legend, everyone bar Alter on this list were heroes I saw frequently back then. it's crazy that theres so many Legends now
When playing ballastic if you put any of the akimbo weapons in his sling it instantly becomes duel wield. For all the clips with Ballastic I was wondering why you never used the OP Mozam as gold tier…
i love how on the cover ballistic and fuse are in one character along w wattson and alter but fuse is just himself
i was planning on buying wattson, watched this video, saw she wasn't popular and was sad, then saw the rank you gave her and cheered
I wondered why you seem to never really use mirage Q. It's the best way to fully locate enemies, you put his decoy right in front of you, and if they want to shoot you they will shoot decoy too, also using mirage to "peek" from the cover to get a "scan" or using him in the different direction before you run away is really helpful. I'm not a mirage main tho, I Only played him when arenas were a thing, bit this tips made my games better with him
Mirage main here at 4:51 you could’ve stuck the rez if they didn’t know but also after that happened and you were behind the rock you could’ve sent your decoy to the right and popped your ult by following that decoy or going to the left side and popping it
Alter is probably the highest skill cap legend at the moment. You have to be creative and smart with her tactical and play with her tactical during fights but the problem with her tactical is that when you exit her tactical there is a few seconds before your weapon comes out and since your enemy already had their weapon aimed at you when you exit the tactical, you have to appear behind the enemy or you will die. Enemies also thirst you and your teammates while you use the ultimate and the enemies can easily follow you. She needs some buffs preferably to be able to shoot right when you exit the tactical...
i'm surprised Ash isn't bottom 10, i guess she is some what fun to play but all of that is because of her ult which you don't even get to use that much.
Well as Caustic you sure did get a lot of Nox.
Alter is apart of the meta right now, she isn't bad whatsoever, I'm a master player (12x) and play her occasionally, she's especially good on E-district and Olympus, Not so much World's Edge. A lot of pred teams also use her, she's good when you know how to play her, not everyone can just start playing Alter if they don't know how to use her kit effectively, even during a fight she's still useful.
I straight up started watching this thinking it couldn't be that different from when I played but it's actually a completely different game
Keep making content like this and see what happens 😂 seers gonna end up getting a valk type rework 😭😭
Welcome to caustic era again glad to see you (un)happy to play it again
I cheer for you dude epic vid as always
I love how when seer was so good, everyone hates him, and when he was bad now, everyone still keep hating him
ashton does anything
jack:well played
Don’t worry king, we all cheer for you.
Alter is actually a good legend if u like to push and your teammates die a lot ( I’m looking at you Jack) keep it Ashton
I used to be a wattson main but her fences should definitely be fully blocked
That’s true talent, being able to crash a game is crazy 💀
I don’t watch a lotta apex content and the amount of cheaters genuinely caught me off guard wtf? Awesome video btw!
I hate when my team wants to drop uncontested in ranked. Shitty feeling when your team wants to play loot simulator for 15 minutes just to get slaughtered by the first team they see
Ash is actually insane rn though the ult does need a buff
Let’s talk about the real MVPs of this vid…akimbo mozambique
The mirage part at the start KILLED me 🤷♀️
With mirage, your first game you definitely should’ve gone for the revive. The ability to turn invisible while reviving is extremely useful, both you and your partner remain invisible for a short while after the revive which could be used to escape or move to the blind side of an opponent who’s attacking you. I main mirage and I feel like he’s criminally underrated. You just have to use his abilities right
feels like it doesn't matter which legend you use, you still win those
2:32 He knew. He tried to warn us
I used to main wattson.
Wattson’s whole aesthetic is super cute! And anytime I see someone play her they’re extremely good!
Please do re 45 and flat line for Diddy at least
Mirage requires tactical thinking, never just throw a decoy out while people are able to see you
The best way to word it is do things that you would find confusing
If you are gonna rush someone, ult right in there face and run a few laps around them, even try to find cover but dont climb or anything
The first cinematic trailer is actually a good show of how to use Mirages decoys. He sends one at bangalore and sneaks up behind her
Always use that sense of misdirection as Mirage, thats what hes for, hes only as good as your ability to confuse others which takes a thought process
If you are failing at Mirage, think about what you did wrong rather than blaming the legend whos whole skillset is based on how YOU use him unlike other legends where you just hit a button and it does the work for you
Also i shouldnt have to say this but dont use snipers as Mirage, his kit is better for close range or even just allowing you asneaky escape/ draw fire away from you
Most people fail at Mirage because they dont understand how to play him, ive seen it from many over the years, no one plays him correctly except Mirage mains
Wait how do u view legend pick rates?? Banger vid btw!!
doing a full bunker team with watson, caustic, and rampart is fucking bonkers
1 min in and i subscribed to your channel cuz you're testing them in ranked 👍
They nerfed Mirage ult ... Activation takes longer😢
Octistic and Walter in the thumbnail 😂
As a mirage mean you definitely want to revive your teammates right in front of the enemy because when you revive you go invisible
No ads!! Wahhh! 😮!!! You deserve a like
How did you just predict that Ronald rump is gonna return for a second term
Ashton when he realizes the worst legends are picked less 😮
You are hilarious loved the video😂
As a wattson main it’s more fun to try to fence people then lock down a building
Honestly, Rampart is busted right now. Her turret is just absolutely disgusting if you know how to use it. Got a 6.5k 19 kill the other day. It is my only 4k badge on any character.
To be fair, all of the "worst" legends with the lowest pickrates are really just the highest skill legends, and aren't actually bad (except seer). These legends only have low pickrates because they take a lot of time and effort to master and use effectively, and most players simply don't bother. That's why the legends at the top of the pickrates generally have the lowest skill floors.
Dude the voice actor for watts on probs blushing cause he said I wish she was real so I can wive her
Bros unbelievably trash at Rampart to give her bin rating after the massive buffs shes gotten lately. Rampart is queen.
Ballistic coming in clutch 🔥🔥🔥
What I learned from this is that akimbo mozambique needs a nerf
If there are people that play those legends that aren’t played a lot they know how to use the legend and know how they’re supposed to be used
Your my favorite apex player along with cau7ion but I feel like you should post more to you youtube from when you stream like regular games you play?? Idk just an idea
Pathy mythic skin go brrrr
Love how every apex player is automatically convinced that the other guy is cheating when he gets a lucky spray
that elo knows the difference very well and he faced a lot of cheaters. Also high elo rarely relies on luck spray. They aim and move like crackheads and if a crackhead just full-to-0 a whole squad of apex predators with one clip with no chance of counterattack + game crash yeah they are cheating
Makes me sad how many of my fave players don’t even raise their voices when discussing cheaters.
No knock on them, just frustrating that we’re all just grudgingly accepting that cheaters aren’t going anywhere soon.
Amazing Video❤
I main Fuse right now and have no teammates, so i can’t get any advice. Should i unlock Revenant or Valkyrie next?
Only thing I learned from this video is that your legend doesn't matter if you have the akimbo mozams