*WG:* The win rate of hybrids are not as we expected, as a result we are giving hybrids automatically firing main gun batteries, while the player is controlling an air squadron.
As soon as this match finished, I knew I had to send it through. Saw a comment about we were lucky that the average hybrid player has no clue how to play, yep, I was surprised it ended the way it did. I play aggressive, some say too aggressive so yeah, was able to capitalise when I realised how bad the opposing team was. FYI, I run the smoke and hydro modules on her to get the most out of the 2 key attributes to her. 21 point captain as well. Initially wasn’t a fan of her, despite being an aussie myself, but have since found her strength. Fire. Burn them. Burn them down. Plus, the matches with a sub, it’s nice to be able to torment them.
@ Between constantly freaking out over if any planes were coming (those hilde bombers are scary) and that, yeah, my mouse was working overtime constantly scanning……. Was a freaky match for sure.
not just hugging the corner... there at the end there were like five of them huddled in a single CORNER. "Don't bother aiming your guns at a specific ship, just drop shells in that *corner*, you're bound to hit something!" And of course since half of them were ON a map border at any given time, they were moving dog-slow. Only consolation of course being how auto-aim gets confused with ships on map borders.
Jingles: It's interesting that BB armor piercing either over pens or outright ricochets but battle cruisers not much. *Boydy's Cerbus: 1 Pen 5 Ricochets on the CV* Jingles: 😑 I'm gonna get shit for that now.
probably due to the angle they're flying at when they hit. WG probably has the flight deck set to auto-ricochet. That would mean that battleships at a distance with their plunging fire have to get lucky and hit the waterline.
When I first saw all those hybrids, I thought that this game was going to be over in three minutes! But as they say: Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake! Fortunately, the enemy team where more interested in their planes than their guns! 😁
I think one thing that help them win was a tier 5 map in a tier 10 game. It was such a small map that most of those ships could shoot, almost from end to end.
Speaking of the old WG world of tanks match making, I wish I would've had a PC powerful enough to record two games in particular. Before WG implemented the current arty limit it wasn't an everyday occurrence but not uncommon to see half of both teams made up of exclusively arty, but on one of these occasions my Hummel and I found ourselves in a 15 v 15 arty match (a scumbags worst nightmare), and on the other wish my potato had just enough starch to bake a recording in... 29 lucky individuals and meself (driving an IS-3), found ourselves in a Heavy Tank exclusive brawl, was quite a good lil slug out. Edit: Morning/Evening from the states Sir Gnome Overlord, not often I catch one of these this early on release.
I was not around for those days but I have seen a clan wars battle with 9 artillery or so. The sheer number of tracers was a bit of a meme, gave the enemy ebr an interesting time
@@thearmouroflight6954 It looks funny for sure, alas I haven't played in years, the last round of HE nerfs made the game kind of unbearable. I like HE memes like me AMX 40 Le Quack HE exclusive load, or crusader pom pom HE only... Made me laugh, then WG made me cry.
@gitfindasettahpanzy9892 I started playing after the HE nerfs, so I never got to experience the OG KV-2 memery. But I still do like to take it out and fire straight HE at everything in spite of the amount of screens that get hit. Gotta say that the Borsig also is great fun. Intuition was a nice feature to add, those 1k and 1.1k damage rolls don't happen often but they are quite funny
Most I saw back in the day were 5 on each team. My first priority always was counter fire. Best action was on arctic, my team got northern spawn, me t8 german arty, enemy had t10 german and 2 times t10 french arty. Countered the 1st tracer, deleted the german t10, countered the 2nd tracer and blew up both frenchies who sat right next to each other xD team was wildin out xD good times
@@thearmouroflight6954 Well the first HE nerf may have actually been needed, because as jingles says you could easily take a KV-2 into a Tier 10 match and still score top of team, as well you had things like the BL-9 "Troll Cannon" on the SU-152/ISU-152 (Can't remember which) that could delete anything that was of comparable level or lower in 1-2 shots so long as RN-Geezus decided you were worthy. What ultimately killed the game for me (I'd been playing since January of 2011, and always as a free to player) is precisely that cannon I mentioned. WG removed it as a tech tree piece of kit for being "Overpowered", which on first glance you could argue based on it performance in the community and the number of replays showing it's dominance, but this had the major caveat of an almost .5 accuracy with an aiming time >3 seconds. Looking at it on just face value you'd think the gun was OP as hell, until you dug into the actual stats of it's use, yea it could dominate but more than likely you'd yeet more than 60% of your shots into the big gulag out in the Aether (Meaning most of those shots whiffed off into the distance by zip-codes of margin). WG removed it from research, then turned around and added it to a premium... Cause WG would never promote Pay to WIn.
I was playing low tier last night (I am a filthy Agincourt enjoyer) and there were 3 Ise players in one of my battles: one on my team, two on the other. They immediately planned in general chat to div up after that battle. I switched to a different game.
Man, J1 looked like Singapore Roads on a busy afternoon at the end of the match. 9 "carriers" in a single battle, the AA-crews must have been busy......on the beach....sipping margaritas....working on their tans 😀
I'm starting to think this is how WarGaming is desperately keeping World of Warplanes a thing. "Well if they wont come to our planes, we'll bring the planes to them."
If you were ever curious what peak WG Cancer looks like; this is it. Thanks Jingles, I'm just gonna go curl up in a corner for a while and try to forget this exists. I know WG has been desperately trying to force feed aircraft to us between WoP and WoW for years but this is ridiculous.
This would be so easy to fix for WeeGee. Make hybrids have a special attribute and then one line of code into the matchmaker; Team A No. of Hybrids = Team B No. of Hybrids
After the introduction I understand the title. A couple of years I gave world of warships another shot, before submarines were introduced and I was totally annoyed by the carriers as someone who played exclusively British light Cruisers and DDs
Short range for sure is an issue for both those lines, although they do have ok-ish AA for a line. RN CL's do suffer more from subs I would say: short range, really needs it stealth and then you end up getting subspotted and the mere existence of submarines caused all your DDs to play next to the carriers, so no spotting either. You end up trying to survive and praying it is your team that gets a shot at a mid / end game where you can do CL things.
They lost because they did not coordinate attacks with the planes. If they would signal out a ship, and every plane attacked it until dead, it would have been a different story.
No, hybrids are surface ships first with a flight wing second, they’re not CVs. If they waste time trying to synchronise airstrikes they just take half the team out of the game for extended periods. Kearsarge rockets don’t really contribute well to alpha damage on big targets anyway.
When you asked, "can you tell me what's wrong with this picture", I stopped it, and looked. Things wrong 1.) CVs are in a random match, it shouldn't happen, and yes that includes the crazy number of kearsarges. 2.) 3 different tiers 8-10 are in the match, also shouldn't happen. But at LEAST the number of divmates on each side are even. If these things were fixed from random battles, and also no-subs and skills based matchmaker - then Randoms would be playable. Until then, no thanks.
Hey Uncle Jingles, If you want a good laugh go compare the turret armor of the Cerberus with any other T10 or T9 cruiser. Because I played the Cerberus and I learned one shocking detail. You don't have to kill a Cerberus to ruin its day, you just need to know where to aim and you can behead the guard dog of hell.
This is very topical. I just had an in game discussion about a match from roughly a year ago where there was a full Ise division along with a CV on each side. The holiday season makes for interesting MM.
Clearly War Gambling messed up because they failed to include subs to make the match completely unbearable. Every time I see matchmaking like this I'm reminded why I stopped playing. Thank you for posting the video and take care.
I was an arty main back before the first of the arty count limits were applied. Had a match of 7 v 7 arty on Komarin, and let me tell you… no one was spotted for the first five minutes because everyone was too afraid of being spotted. A black prince was first to die from an arty one shot when he knocked over a tree in the northwest… ten seconds after that was an arty counterbattery battle that killed an arty on both sides, with a third dying on the reload because their tracer got spotted but never moved. The only reason people started moving was because the map allows arty to move around a surprisingly great deal, and the blind shots started falling everywhere… especially when the 212As realized that they literally do not shoot fast enough to be able to run out of ammunition in a match if they enter with a full magazine. Yeah, there are only a few maps where arty ever actually punished camping behind a rock, due to the start point geometry allowing them to move around to get shots virtually anywhere… and the arty caused that camping in the first place.
This is the prime example of a double-edged sword. While the enemy team did have the air superiority, the auto pilot mode was the Achillies heel. So, what was Wargaming's plan to buff the ever-living shit out of carriers without think this through properly? Carriers shouldn't be that strong to begin with. They're not frontline combatants, and there has been multiple examples of carriers getting set on fire throughout history. I swear, they just won't change, regardless of how much insults they get for this poison.
Imagine what Jingles will do when he runs into an old RTS CV captain who CAN use the autopilot to conduct complex maneuvers while also flying his planes effectively... 😂
be sure that soon, we'll have hybrid BBSub with the Surcouf sub, and WG will find a way to add some "bot autopilot" in charge of CV, because you know: when the "human" is using planes, he don't have to be worried of the wheel. they do have "auto fire DC", "auto ASW", so soon they will have "auto dodge shells"
Its always fun when hybrids think the aircraft are the primary weapons, and just act like aircraft carriers. They always seem to loose when thry do that
"Can you tell me whats wrong with this picture" Geee, it couldn't be the 3 Kearsarge's on the enemy team could it? Edit: VERP! 6 HYBRID! Holy shit......
Jeez you took me back with the AP arty talk there Jingles. I remember one game shooting a AP shell at the front of a Maus with my T92 and it penetrated the top of its hull for nearly 2k damage haha. Dirty filthy clicker activities! But seriously, the amount of planes creeping into the game is just silly.
I was in a game 2 days ago that had no actual CV's, but the enemy team had so many ships with attack groups that planes were non-stop all game. I believe it was a kearsarge and 2 Gordon Leeuws. There was another one in there, but I forget the ship. Our team had zero attack group ships.
Actually Jingles, the Worcester is one of the few ships that aircraft carriers truly fear. I built mine as a dedicated AA counter. If that Worcester player also had an AA build (as seems likely) then he just had the best matchmaking of his life.
Heavy cruiser AP is better than BB's AP against CVs. Proceeds to have 3 salvos against CV with 13 hits, of which 9 are ricochets, 1 torp belt hit (so, non pen) and 3 penetrations. Yeah... effective heavy cruiser AP is effective :D
When they came to Legends, I was not enthused about Hybrids. But I eventually found myself ...... not actually hating them, or hating them much les than Carriers anyhow. The key has always been to play them as Battleships that can do an occasional airstrike - and this game seems to prove the value of that mindset.
As someone who doesn't play the game, I think this is as definitive evidence as can exist for the overwhelming superiority of an excess of carries and carrier hybrids on one team. . . . May I suggest a corollary to the old saw "If it's stupid and it works, it isn't stupid. - "If it's stupid and it doesn't work, it's still stupid."
A ship that can do two things being controlled by one person instead of a proper crew will of course be limited in how many things it can do at one time. I get the impression that the hybrids are a doublesided edge in WOWS.
Not gonna lie, I would Love to see the same match but adding the DDV Fletcher in the enemy team and actually have the enemy team know what to do to see the true potential of that crazy match. The enemy team a lot of potential, but they really had no idea how to use their planes properly, hahahaha.
Jingles: Can you tell me whats wrong here? Me: Hmm, 3 hybrids...(recounts) WTF?! Go home matchmaker. You're high! Edit: I made my comment 30 seconds in, only for Jingles to say the same thing.🤣
As someone who claims the Nebraska as my favorite ship so far... do not treat hybrids like a carrier (at least the AM BBs). If you ever return from an air strike and the guns are loaded with a valid target, you are playing it wrong. Those planes are a mid-range strike that should be dropping as soon as the game will let you left click, for getting into the fight on the other side of the map while you are still sailing into gun range, and a last second revenge option. For Nebraska specifically, it has surprisingly good rudder performance, so I sail it more like a battlecruiser than anything.
*Today we fight in the shade as arro... erm... planes block out the sun* Wargaming threw that match for the red team by including 6 hybrids in the team. Wargaming throwing matches since 2015. Ah, the good old atry days, I have been branded "Sky Cancer" often during that time. People didn't like my 105 leFH18B2 a lot I think, light tanks even tried ramming ... 😂 Time to hit the salt mines again!
hang on a minute Jingles, at 08:42 you not correctly named a French ship, but you sounded almost French. I believe that may not be Dorset Brie in your fridge sir!
There is little in this game that annoys the ever loving shit out of me more than firing a salvo and getting 3 overpens and 3 ricochets from that same damned salvo!!! And it happens all the friggin' time.
The hybrids on console, you don't control the planes. You swap from guns to planes, choose the target and angle, activate the strike, swap back to guns and let the planes do their thing.
See, Carriers are not bad for the game, this demonstrates it completely. To balance out the disadvangage the hybrids had the matchmaker should have added in some submarines. And the matchmaker did not put many DDs in the game so they got left out of the fun almost completely.(lucky them) Maybe next time they can get the Ocean map. Cerberus, slow turret traverse? It's as fast as a DD's gun mounts, Shiratsuyu. Is it April 1 yet????
After playing WOWS since the early adopter days, I gave up about 6 months ago. Thanks for confirming I made the right decision. The game is purely absurd at this point.
I like the Kearsarge but I play it as a BB 1st... I use the planes for spotting or while guns are reloading. I hate being matched with a team mate who plays a hybrid and parks behind an island the entire match like its a CV.
I think this would be the only match in world of warships, where I would be away from my keyboard and just go outside because there is no amont of alcohol in the world.That would get me to play this one
Didn't think i'd ever see Jingles showcase a World of Warplanes replay, but I guess there's a first for everything
smooth, see what you did there. :)
does anyone play that game anymore lol
@@Mark-op7hd depends how bored I am..
I actually miss that game 🤣
Does the game even still exist? I've never heard of anyone ever playing it.
WG logic: The team with all the hybrids got spanked, so MUST BUFF HYBRIDS!
Spreadsheet says so.
*WG:* The win rate of hybrids are not as we expected, as a result we are giving hybrids automatically firing main gun batteries, while the player is controlling an air squadron.
Yeah... What a joke!
making this joke they may actually take this literally
Sorry autocorrect on my last comment what I was trying to say is you guys shouldn't be making this a joke wargaming may actually do it
As soon as this match finished, I knew I had to send it through. Saw a comment about we were lucky that the average hybrid player has no clue how to play, yep, I was surprised it ended the way it did. I play aggressive, some say too aggressive so yeah, was able to capitalise when I realised how bad the opposing team was.
FYI, I run the smoke and hydro modules on her to get the most out of the 2 key attributes to her. 21 point captain as well. Initially wasn’t a fan of her, despite being an aussie myself, but have since found her strength. Fire. Burn them. Burn them down. Plus, the matches with a sub, it’s nice to be able to torment them.
Congrats on proving CV players are the truly the lower life form in WarGaming. 07
😂 I loved watching you suffer from the choice of broadsides you had!
You can tell they were awful hybrid players with how little impact they had. Lucky in that regard!
@ringmastermodels Totally!
@ Between constantly freaking out over if any planes were coming (those hilde bombers are scary) and that, yeah, my mouse was working overtime constantly scanning……. Was a freaky match for sure.
Jesus Christ on a popsicle, seeing all those ships desperately hugging the border and praying for survival was the funniest shit ever.
not just hugging the corner... there at the end there were like five of them huddled in a single CORNER. "Don't bother aiming your guns at a specific ship, just drop shells in that *corner*, you're bound to hit something!" And of course since half of them were ON a map border at any given time, they were moving dog-slow. Only consolation of course being how auto-aim gets confused with ships on map borders.
As soon as Jingles said the enemy team had 7 carriers, my first thought was "who the hell is supposed to claim and hold caps on that team?
that one poor sap in the akizuki
Jingles: It's interesting that BB armor piercing either over pens or outright ricochets but battle cruisers not much.
*Boydy's Cerbus: 1 Pen 5 Ricochets on the CV*
Jingles: 😑 I'm gonna get shit for that now.
Russian CVs will not be overpenetrated by inferior crapitalist ap shells!
It's that flat deck that deflects everything!
probably due to the angle they're flying at when they hit. WG probably has the flight deck set to auto-ricochet. That would mean that battleships at a distance with their plunging fire have to get lucky and hit the waterline.
@@nathanfisher6925 If you hit the waterline of a CV then it is inevitably going to be a torp protection hit lol
"And now, welcome to our recreation of the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot...."
Like shooting fish in a barrel! 😂
exactly my thoughts
Its like Theoden said: "What can a destroyer do against such reckless matchmaking?!"
What can you do? Yolo into the nearest cap and find a better game.
The matchmaker tried to put a realistic number of aircraft in the game via an unrealistic method. Enough planes to cover the sun.
Boydy: "then we will fight in the smoke"
then we shall fight in the shade!
Boydy and his team were lucky that average hybrid enjoyer usually has no clue how to play hybrid ships.
True, they are mostly: Have plane, must fly.
right, yer a battleship with planes, not a carrier with guns
That other option would be a Graf Spee
I don't play the game but doesn't that statement extend to ALL average players, regardless of ship / class / whatever? I show myself out now...
When I first saw all those hybrids, I thought that this game was going to be over in three minutes! But as they say: Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake! Fortunately, the enemy team where more interested in their planes than their guns! 😁
Me too!
I think one thing that help them win was a tier 5 map in a tier 10 game. It was such a small map that most of those ships could shoot, almost from end to end.
More than 230 planes shot down in total? That's Midway-grade stuff!
At this point, I would not even bother playing the match anymore. Just rush in and get it over with
3:43 “I spent the entire game hiding behind a rock”
Ah yes, Alien Isolation. Never laughed so hard in my life.
Howdy folks, welcome back to World of Warplanes with The Mighty Jingles...
Would that be, "...with Air Marshall Jingles?"
If ever you needed a reason not to reinstall World of Warships, Jingles luckily provides :) Love the videos, hate what the game has become..
What fresh hell is this? WOWs 2024...
Welcome to World of BATTLE CARRIERS.
Speaking of the old WG world of tanks match making, I wish I would've had a PC powerful enough to record two games in particular. Before WG implemented the current arty limit it wasn't an everyday occurrence but not uncommon to see half of both teams made up of exclusively arty, but on one of these occasions my Hummel and I found ourselves in a 15 v 15 arty match (a scumbags worst nightmare), and on the other wish my potato had just enough starch to bake a recording in... 29 lucky individuals and meself (driving an IS-3), found ourselves in a Heavy Tank exclusive brawl, was quite a good lil slug out.
Edit: Morning/Evening from the states Sir Gnome Overlord, not often I catch one of these this early on release.
I was not around for those days but I have seen a clan wars battle with 9 artillery or so. The sheer number of tracers was a bit of a meme, gave the enemy ebr an interesting time
@@thearmouroflight6954 It looks funny for sure, alas I haven't played in years, the last round of HE nerfs made the game kind of unbearable. I like HE memes like me AMX 40 Le Quack HE exclusive load, or crusader pom pom HE only... Made me laugh, then WG made me cry.
@gitfindasettahpanzy9892 I started playing after the HE nerfs, so I never got to experience the OG KV-2 memery.
But I still do like to take it out and fire straight HE at everything in spite of the amount of screens that get hit.
Gotta say that the Borsig also is great fun. Intuition was a nice feature to add, those 1k and 1.1k damage rolls don't happen often but they are quite funny
Most I saw back in the day were 5 on each team. My first priority always was counter fire. Best action was on arctic, my team got northern spawn, me t8 german arty, enemy had t10 german and 2 times t10 french arty.
Countered the 1st tracer, deleted the german t10, countered the 2nd tracer and blew up both frenchies who sat right next to each other xD team was wildin out xD good times
@@thearmouroflight6954 Well the first HE nerf may have actually been needed, because as jingles says you could easily take a KV-2 into a Tier 10 match and still score top of team, as well you had things like the BL-9 "Troll Cannon" on the SU-152/ISU-152 (Can't remember which) that could delete anything that was of comparable level or lower in 1-2 shots so long as RN-Geezus decided you were worthy. What ultimately killed the game for me (I'd been playing since January of 2011, and always as a free to player) is precisely that cannon I mentioned. WG removed it as a tech tree piece of kit for being "Overpowered", which on first glance you could argue based on it performance in the community and the number of replays showing it's dominance, but this had the major caveat of an almost .5 accuracy with an aiming time >3 seconds. Looking at it on just face value you'd think the gun was OP as hell, until you dug into the actual stats of it's use, yea it could dominate but more than likely you'd yeet more than 60% of your shots into the big gulag out in the Aether (Meaning most of those shots whiffed off into the distance by zip-codes of margin). WG removed it from research, then turned around and added it to a premium... Cause WG would never promote Pay to WIn.
People saw Jingles Ise Division video a few weeks ago and said, 'Hold my beer'
I was playing low tier last night (I am a filthy Agincourt enjoyer) and there were 3 Ise players in one of my battles: one on my team, two on the other. They immediately planned in general chat to div up after that battle.
I switched to a different game.
Man, J1 looked like Singapore Roads on a busy afternoon at the end of the match. 9 "carriers" in a single battle, the AA-crews must have been busy......on the beach....sipping margaritas....working on their tans 😀
I don’t think I’ve ever seen an enemy team just herd itself into a corner like that....
I'm starting to think this is how WarGaming is desperately keeping World of Warplanes a thing. "Well if they wont come to our planes, we'll bring the planes to them."
Impressive skill level - losing a battle with 7 CVs.
Now I remember that one match where I had 6 carriers
On that day, I named my Black "Dodge"
There was a North Korean Mig 15 pilot who eventually defected. His name was (and this is real, look it up if you don't believe me) : No Kum Sok.
Any time I misplay in WoWs, I will remember that it could be worse: I could have a seven CV team and lose.
There was a time playing clan battles about 3 years ago our team ran across 5 Marceau's. On the enemy side. That was fun.
If you were ever curious what peak WG Cancer looks like; this is it. Thanks Jingles, I'm just gonna go curl up in a corner for a while and try to forget this exists.
I know WG has been desperately trying to force feed aircraft to us between WoP and WoW for years but this is ridiculous.
This kind of game is where I say, dam the torpedoes, tull speed ahead, and go get dinner
and their defence for this kinda shit is "but they still lost" completely missing the point that it *isn't fun for anyone*
so the variety of today's video is "well if this is what warscamming is up to then it's just as well that I haven't logged into the game in years"
It's funny having Jingles' episode with such a name recommended right after the release, right when I'm watching Hellboy.
You are right ol' Gnome! 😂 I loved watching him suffer from the choice of broadsides to shoot at! Thank you! That was a funny game!
Perfect video showing why I quit the game. I just like to listen to Jingles in the morning.
anyone else pause around 0:15 and just think..."holy shi-"
Imagine old school aa actually being here still. Game wouldnt be so shit in times like this
This would be so easy to fix for WeeGee. Make hybrids have a special attribute and then one line of code into the matchmaker; Team A No. of Hybrids = Team B No. of Hybrids
After the introduction I understand the title. A couple of years I gave world of warships another shot, before submarines were introduced and I was totally annoyed by the carriers as someone who played exclusively British light Cruisers and DDs
Short range for sure is an issue for both those lines, although they do have ok-ish AA for a line. RN CL's do suffer more from subs I would say: short range, really needs it stealth and then you end up getting subspotted and the mere existence of submarines caused all your DDs to play next to the carriers, so no spotting either. You end up trying to survive and praying it is your team that gets a shot at a mid / end game where you can do CL things.
So glad you are on your way to Recovery. Prayers to you. 🙏👍
Regardless of the win, that looks likes one of the most unfun matches to play I've ever seen.
The positive side is that all those hybrids will either be flying their planes or altrenatively shooting with less firepower.
for those wondering what server this is... yep you guessed it, it's the asian server.
I deal with this kinda shit daily man…
See this sort of thing regularly in SEA.
Yup can confirm
1-2 subs
2-3 cariers
Few to no dds
F tons of bbs
So glad I play on NA right about now.
There was a Nort Korean Mig 15 pilot who eventually defected. His name was (and this is real, look it up if you don't believe me) : No Kum Sok.
Fantastic replay. Most of the enemies hybrids forgot they had big guns.
Most of them forgot they had ships.
Thank goodness I don't play this game anymore. It's just no fun, but it's marvelous to watch weekly Jingles videos.
They lost because they did not coordinate attacks with the planes. If they would signal out a ship, and every plane attacked it until dead, it would have been a different story.
No, hybrids are surface ships first with a flight wing second, they’re not CVs. If they waste time trying to synchronise airstrikes they just take half the team out of the game for extended periods.
Kearsarge rockets don’t really contribute well to alpha damage on big targets anyway.
can you say "cross-drops from hell?"
The more hybrids on the enemy team the easier the battle is. They all hiding
When you asked, "can you tell me what's wrong with this picture", I stopped it, and looked. Things wrong 1.) CVs are in a random match, it shouldn't happen, and yes that includes the crazy number of kearsarges. 2.) 3 different tiers 8-10 are in the match, also shouldn't happen. But at LEAST the number of divmates on each side are even. If these things were fixed from random battles, and also no-subs and skills based matchmaker - then Randoms would be playable. Until then, no thanks.
WG: We don’t need to host Battle of Midway event. We make sure we giving you Battle of Midway everyday
You team gets a sneaky hybrid in. Enemy team: Hold my vodka.
Wow, just wow.
Lawd have mercy on that matchmaking
Hey Uncle Jingles, If you want a good laugh go compare the turret armor of the Cerberus with any other T10 or T9 cruiser.
Because I played the Cerberus and I learned one shocking detail. You don't have to kill a Cerberus to ruin its day, you just need to know where to aim and you can behead the guard dog of hell.
This is very topical. I just had an in game discussion about a match from roughly a year ago where there was a full Ise division along with a CV on each side. The holiday season makes for interesting MM.
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to World of Aircraft Carriers.
Shocker: Worchester at the top of a 9x CV game.
IN AA Cruiser we trust.
"Fuck you Cancer"
-The Wooster player
I’ve done it a few times
A USS Kidd in this matchup ... munch munch all them planes.
Halland and Ostrogotland would like a word
Watching this makes me remember why i got bored playing this game.
Cvs and Hybrid players: "why does everyone hate us?"
This is why i only play Co-Op and operations
Same. Plus sometimes Brawl and if there's something fun special going on like the current Star Trek event.
Clearly War Gambling messed up because they failed to include subs to make the match completely unbearable. Every time I see matchmaking like this I'm reminded why I stopped playing. Thank you for posting the video and take care.
147 planes that his team shot down this game! What an ABSOLUTE joke WG is!
I was an arty main back before the first of the arty count limits were applied. Had a match of 7 v 7 arty on Komarin, and let me tell you… no one was spotted for the first five minutes because everyone was too afraid of being spotted.
A black prince was first to die from an arty one shot when he knocked over a tree in the northwest… ten seconds after that was an arty counterbattery battle that killed an arty on both sides, with a third dying on the reload because their tracer got spotted but never moved. The only reason people started moving was because the map allows arty to move around a surprisingly great deal, and the blind shots started falling everywhere… especially when the 212As realized that they literally do not shoot fast enough to be able to run out of ammunition in a match if they enter with a full magazine.
Yeah, there are only a few maps where arty ever actually punished camping behind a rock, due to the start point geometry allowing them to move around to get shots virtually anywhere… and the arty caused that camping in the first place.
This is the prime example of a double-edged sword. While the enemy team did have the air superiority, the auto pilot mode was the Achillies heel. So, what was Wargaming's plan to buff the ever-living shit out of carriers without think this through properly? Carriers shouldn't be that strong to begin with. They're not frontline combatants, and there has been multiple examples of carriers getting set on fire throughout history. I swear, they just won't change, regardless of how much insults they get for this poison.
Imagine what Jingles will do when he runs into an old RTS CV captain who CAN use the autopilot to conduct complex maneuvers while also flying his planes effectively...
be sure that soon, we'll have hybrid BBSub with the Surcouf sub, and WG will find a way to add some "bot autopilot" in charge of CV, because you know: when the "human" is using planes, he don't have to be worried of the wheel. they do have "auto fire DC", "auto ASW", so soon they will have "auto dodge shells"
Its always fun when hybrids think the aircraft are the primary weapons, and just act like aircraft carriers. They always seem to loose when thry do that
"Look see, carries aren't over powered" - WG probably...
Even when I play normal carriers I actively maneuver with the minimap, once dodged a DD torp run with minimap movement.
"Can you tell me whats wrong with this picture" Geee, it couldn't be the 3 Kearsarge's on the enemy team could it? Edit: VERP! 6 HYBRID! Holy shit......
I just chuckled when I saw the 3 Kearsarges. Then I noticed the Kommissar and 2 Hildebrands and laughed my ass off for a minute.
Jeez you took me back with the AP arty talk there Jingles. I remember one game shooting a AP shell at the front of a Maus with my T92 and it penetrated the top of its hull for nearly 2k damage haha. Dirty filthy clicker activities! But seriously, the amount of planes creeping into the game is just silly.
This is probably the earliest to a Jingles video I have ever been
Good monring Gnome Overlord. All the best.
I was in a game 2 days ago that had no actual CV's, but the enemy team had so many ships with attack groups that planes were non-stop all game. I believe it was a kearsarge and 2 Gordon Leeuws. There was another one in there, but I forget the ship. Our team had zero attack group ships.
Actually Jingles, the Worcester is one of the few ships that aircraft carriers truly fear. I built mine as a dedicated AA counter. If that Worcester player also had an AA build (as seems likely) then he just had the best matchmaking of his life.
All those planes but clearly zero brains.....
Heavy cruiser AP is better than BB's AP against CVs. Proceeds to have 3 salvos against CV with 13 hits, of which 9 are ricochets, 1 torp belt hit (so, non pen) and 3 penetrations. Yeah... effective heavy cruiser AP is effective :D
When they came to Legends, I was not enthused about Hybrids. But I eventually found myself ...... not actually hating them, or hating them much les than Carriers anyhow. The key has always been to play them as Battleships that can do an occasional airstrike - and this game seems to prove the value of that mindset.
As someone who doesn't play the game, I think this is as definitive evidence as can exist for the overwhelming superiority of an excess of carries and carrier hybrids on one team.
. . .
May I suggest a corollary to the old saw "If it's stupid and it works, it isn't stupid. - "If it's stupid and it doesn't work, it's still stupid."
A ship that can do two things being controlled by one person instead of a proper crew will of course be limited in how many things it can do at one time.
I get the impression that the hybrids are a doublesided edge in WOWS.
Not gonna lie, I would Love to see the same match but adding the DDV Fletcher in the enemy team and actually have the enemy team know what to do to see the true potential of that crazy match. The enemy team a lot of potential, but they really had no idea how to use their planes properly, hahahaha.
In other words, hell was where the enemy hybrids found themselves.
Jingles: Can you tell me whats wrong here?
Me: Hmm, 3 hybrids...(recounts) WTF?! Go home matchmaker. You're high!
Edit: I made my comment 30 seconds in, only for Jingles to say the same thing.🤣
There must be a pot of gold on that island at H2.
As someone who claims the Nebraska as my favorite ship so far... do not treat hybrids like a carrier (at least the AM BBs). If you ever return from an air strike and the guns are loaded with a valid target, you are playing it wrong. Those planes are a mid-range strike that should be dropping as soon as the game will let you left click, for getting into the fight on the other side of the map while you are still sailing into gun range, and a last second revenge option.
For Nebraska specifically, it has surprisingly good rudder performance, so I sail it more like a battlecruiser than anything.
*Today we fight in the shade as arro... erm... planes block out the sun*
Wargaming threw that match for the red team by including 6 hybrids in the team.
Wargaming throwing matches since 2015.
Ah, the good old atry days, I have been branded "Sky Cancer" often during that time. People didn't like my 105 leFH18B2 a lot I think, light tanks even tried ramming ... 😂
Time to hit the salt mines again!
I wish all "standard" 1 or 2 CV games would be like that, but well, no can do says WG. But it feel nice to see all those plane players loosing... lol.
W.O.W Matchmaking, in general is SHOCKING!!
hang on a minute Jingles, at 08:42 you not correctly named a French ship, but you sounded almost French. I believe that may not be Dorset Brie in your fridge sir!
Go home matchmaker, you're drunk.
I got a lot of doubble kills with arty "back in the days" on world of tanks so it was more fun to play arty then 😂
My jaw dropped when I saw this disgusting matchmaking
I dont like that the hybrid powerhouse lost because wargaming will use this as an example as not to nerf of limit hybrids
There is little in this game that annoys the ever loving shit out of me more than firing a salvo and getting 3 overpens and 3 ricochets from that same damned salvo!!! And it happens all the friggin' time.
The hybrids on console, you don't control the planes. You swap from guns to planes, choose the target and angle, activate the strike, swap back to guns and let the planes do their thing.
See, Carriers are not bad for the game, this demonstrates it completely. To balance out the disadvangage the hybrids had the matchmaker should have added in some submarines. And the matchmaker did not put many DDs in the game so they got left out of the fun almost completely.(lucky them) Maybe next time they can get the Ocean map.
Cerberus, slow turret traverse? It's as fast as a DD's gun mounts, Shiratsuyu.
Is it April 1 yet????
An example of when crippling overspecialization, hubris, and incompetence come back to bite you in the ass.
That was a well played match by the 'friendly' team.
6 CV on Red!
After playing WOWS since the early adopter days, I gave up about 6 months ago. Thanks for confirming I made the right decision. The game is purely absurd at this point.
I like the Kearsarge but I play it as a BB 1st... I use the planes for spotting or while guns are reloading. I hate being matched with a team mate who plays a hybrid and parks behind an island the entire match like its a CV.
I think this would be the only match in world of warships, where I would be away from my keyboard and just go outside because there is no amont of alcohol in the world.That would get me to play this one
The matchmaker is deranged.