I thought it funny reading the in-game chat that the red-team was giving the sub compliments at the end of the match and the sub responded by chatting....."cancer wins" right before it ended and he won, lol
Info on Balao's in-game configuration: Balao appears in the postwar Fleet Snorkel configuration, although Balao herself did not receive this. The main upgrades were the addition of a snorkel and streamlined sail. Due to the streamlined sail, it at first resembles the various postwar Guppy (Greater Underwater Propulsion Power) refits. However, Fleet Snorkel can be distinguished by the pointy bow; Guppies had a rounded bow. Fleet Snorkel was more austere than Guppy, as it retained the two wartime Sargo I type batteries; Guppies usually had four batteries of the Sargo II design that took up less space than Sargo I. In case you're wondering, the Sargo II was developed because the Guppy battery proved to be uneconomical, as it needed replacement too often in service.
I used to read my granddaddy's collection of Reader's Digest magazines since 1981-82... I think it was a 1967 magazine that had the story of the sinking of the Shinano, it was a great read.
I got killed in a Georgia by one of these things yesterday (57% WR in randoms, so I know what I'm doing). The sub just bumrushed our flank and hit me for 80k damage about 2 minutes before I even expected a sub to be anywhere near me.... Absolute bullshit. He died right after he rushed me but still, that wasn't gameplay that was just broken nonsense
@@ManOfChaiTea plus he got schwacked by a sub while playing the fastest BB in the game. I'll never understand why BB players think that subs shouldn't be at least somewhat effective against them, despite them being literally designed for taking out high tonnage vessels.
For every Sub captain lik ethe Archerfish, you have 10x lame captains like the allied U-2501. He literally drove through CAP B for minutes and didn't even try to cap. then went and suicided. Also, we KNOW that WG uses an aggressive reward model for subs. They get more EXP per dmg/impact as a prop-up to make subs popular.
So a good captain on this thing can dominate a match, sounds exactly like WGs reasoning behind the CV rework (the original one not the 650 followup ones) 😂
Just started playing wows again after taking a 3-4 year break. I left because of subs being broken, and it's like WG is trying to chase me away again 😅
Ready to give up the game. Depth charges are totally useless against them unless you catch a sub driver napping. Last night spent the entire game just tryin to run down a sub with a destroyer but it was just too damn fast.
One thing I think thay would fix subs is making the ASW go out a longer distance. In a lot of ships I can see the subs but can't hit them with the ASW planes. Also get rid of the homing torps.
homing torps arent much an issue imo, its the counter to them, you use dc, you get like what 15s of immunity at the cost of probably burning to death while all subs have to do is wait, then its free game, ships need a seperate count to them that isnt dc but yeah we need longer plane ranges
Play Des Moines, immunity is a joke. You hit damage con and you done 5s later by devstrike. Subs ping you at 10km you can do pretty nothing. The balance is on both brittish cruisers and DDs-all of them have 10km torps single launched but you can use also 10km radar and they cant hide that easy. The only exception is probably Brisbane but try it to to DM if there is some CV or DD left there. Subs are painfull to deal with for ships who depends on island hugging. Even BBs dont have easy time, you have always worry using dmg con, even double perma fire is not that dangerous as eating full torpedo load
submarines IRL had computers on board to calculate torpedo trajectories. i could be wrong, but i think that's what WG was trying to mimic. what i would be in support of, talking as a sub main, is instead having torpedoes that would automatically be set on the perfect course to hit the targeted ship, however, the torpedoes don't change course. not only would this be very realistic (this is what submariners had to do, except they had it harder), but also give a chance for other ships. homing torpedoes weren't really a thing in ww2, at least to what i have found (and i love studying ww2 subs), so replacing that with a targeting computer would be cool and better for everyone. and you could have the torpedoes do more damage, so the subs are still relevant. thoughts?
@trevorflight7182 Thoughts? Yeah a bunch, but here is the main one....they did not have homing torpedoes, but "SHOTGUNNING" was a REAL thing and these asshats removed it because all the crybabies threw a fit. Want to restore historical accuracy? Bring back shotgun torps and remove that retarded 3 km nerf that makes most torps worthless.
MAKE THEM LESS MANOUVERABLE!.. the fact that MOST subs can turn on a god damn DIME is just....RIDICILOUS!.. Imagine if DDs could do that whilst blasting torps undected. Like what, Jægers and Benhams..but you know what? Those ships take 3 rounds around the world to make a 180 turn. A sub?...meh, a measly 50m at worst, it's crazy. Either give all ships more AWS' so they can't just juke them willynilly as they already do, or make their turning radius AT LEAST 3-4 times what it is now.
High tier just blows lately because WG introduced a smorgasbord of OP ships. Probably a money making move. It is hard to get into a game that does not have a Shinano, Hoffman, Archerfish. Prince of Orange or Hildebrand. All very powerful ships that can affect game balance. Sad because, they will milk the dubs out of players and then start nerfing away afterwards. But to be honest most of them do need a nerf.
Had a super tester on my team today. So out of interest I checked their profile. 12k games, 46% WR. So now you know how all these busted ships get into the game. Oh and here's a heads up. Lord Mountbatten liked young boys, very young boys.
It's behind a wall of steel...So not every one will get it...But heaven forbid the other 15 or 20 ships that have all kinds of tricks that are broken... You still have to be good with subs. It's a blast to play...
IMO this ship doesn’t even need the combat instructions or the speed boost and it would still be a strong ship. I just find the lack of balance here disturbing, but then again, not too surprised as the Libertad and los Andes made it through the same balancing department….
I can agree the Archerfish is too fast but not the other Subs. Type XXI doesn’t even have aft torpedo tubes so you can be run down very easily. 4501 already has to get inside 10km and only has 4+ mins so it’s balanced enough. Not mention when running away you can’t even spot the enemy. By the way this game is super Arcady so don’t even bother throwing around real world specs
the funniest part about this, is that this isn't even what a submarine was historically, this fundamentally goes against why people would enjoy the "submarine" fantasy its basically a destroyer with homing torpedoes and a special smoke
Another example of why submarines have to go. And why they will chase away more and more players, together with cv’s. But WG still fails to recognize this or do smething about it, because there is still no competitive game alternative.
There are so many ships in the game that go against the reality of what happened in WWII which is what the GAME is supposed to be based on. Subs had more than 3 minutes of battery underwater, but what do you get with the Cachalot? About three minutes or thereabouts (it's what I get, my Undine gets almost six minutes), when the real sub could stay underwater for TEN HOURS. I've heard people claim that if you get hit by those crazy 20km torpedoes the Shimakazi has, then you deserve it because you can see them coming from low Earth orbit. In reality, there were US ships that were hit by those torpedoes that had no idea what the hell was happening - the US Admiralty, in a display of more stupid "American Excellence", said that the Japanese couldn't possibly have torpedoes with that kind of range because the US couldn't develop them, and a lot of guys got killed for that. Anywhere you look, the game isn't a simulation. It's a GAME. There are surface ships that aren't even close to real, quite a few - and especially if you're in co-op mode and you see a bot driven BB that slaloms around your torps better than a DD could. So what do people want? More realism? Because I hear that a lot in various media sites and on discussion boards, people want "more realism" and honestly that's not going to happen. It's a game, folks. There's lots of things that have no basis in reality - surface, sub-surface, and in the air. I'll get into a co-op battle with my Undine and have bot aircraft circling over me the whole game, any time I have to come up for battery I'm attacked. Is that balanced? Nerp. And it's worse on PvP.
A big reason why the Japanese Type 93 torpedo was so deadly was because it had *no* wake, meaning that the first warning you got that someone fired them at you was your ship exploding (or a resounding thunk from the torpedo hitting and not detonating, since they were really unreliable back then). If this game was unrealistic it would be some of the most unfun shit out there.
Unsurprised here. Lord knows, historical accuracy is not exactly a priority in WoW, but the ingame subs are so far beyond reality that we might as well just say they are crewed by wizards. For interested parties, Joseph Enwright, Archerfish's captain at the time of Shinano's sinking, went on to co-author a book - 'Shinano! - The Sinking Of Japan's Secret Supership'. It is a good read, going into the story of both ships.
U4501 Pros: Can shoot from the back and from the front, has insane 40kts speed but only underwater. Has a heal* Cons: If you turn, or if you go periscope/surface level, you slow down to Tier 7 BB levels of slow. Also squishy as hell, and *said heal only works at surface level Result: Obnoxious as all subs are, but overall has drawbacks to make it seem balanced (kinda?) Archerfish Pros: Can shoot from the back and from the front, has insane 44kts speed once you pop the boost, said boost works at all depths AND the ship doesnt drastically lose speed in turns Cons: ??? Result: me cackling but also crying at how dumb this ship is 💀
I Feel The Need! The Need For Speed! lol I got one, and had such a ball running around claiming that it was really a French DD that Identified as a Sub. lol.. That being said, I mostly play DD's, and that's how I played the Archerfish. Fast is better, which is one reason why I really hate playing BB's. So slow and lumbering and taking forever to reload... Which is why I love killing BB's with my DD's.... Torpedo DD's are the Best! :-) And Archerfish makes a great little sinks instead of smokes DD.
the archerfish is cool and all, but gets completely crippled by enemy destroyers, so WG once again in their infinite wisdom, makes a ship that is overpowered as hell, or completely useless, completely dependant on the ship you are playing or if your teammates work as a team
Yes - as a mean person I enjoy the Archerfish a lot. However I would judge the pros and cons differently. I dont consider diving time or the speed consumable and not even the combat instructions a big deal. And the missing hydrophone is a relevant disadvantage. Different to the 4501 the Archerfish is not suited for solitair operations behind enemy lines, which would indeed be devastating for the enemy team. The main strength to me is how tanky that thing is. You can play it way more aggressive than any other sub and DDs really struggle to destroy it even when spotted for a considerable time. Therefore I can also afford to keep DDs spotted and draw them to the teammates, when you would have been forced to dive with any other sub. Also the insane ping frequency and speed are absolute strengths and outweight the shorter highlight time. I will certainly use it a lot until the inevtiable nerf comes in, since I like that aggressive playstyle.
Don't hate me but I want WG to make the I-400 (large cruiser sub with 3 torpedo bombers). I also want to see a flag level officer serve on allied ships from different nations, like USA/UK, GER/ITA and such as a legendary upgrade . That's historical but I want (from the movie "1941") Captain Von Kleinschmidt on a IJN sub! I want to sink a Ferris wheel so badly. Houuywoooooood! LOL Most of all I want to reply to this comment in a year. I'm very new (5 mo) to this game, very old and and the last time I gamed was before the internet so maybe my ideas are off base but I'd like feedback. Happy New Year, Captains!
Do depth charges count as potential damage? Because 1500 potential damage is absolutely nothing if you ping once and 1 or 2 ships launch an inaccurate airstrike in your general direction... Also, a 90mm secondary gun from Colombo does 1300 potential damage per shell. So one turret shooting at you is 2600 potential damage. Hmm...
you can say that about a lot of ships "know what you're doing and you are amazing". while the archerfish is a bit weird and I don't get what WG was doing with this, to act like this proves subs are OP in general is a dumb take. unless you're playing with a dedicated team, subs are almost never protected. a good way to run a sub would be to be with your ships so that DC planes could be shot down. but very rarely do the big ships push up far enough to make your torpedoes viable and let you ping confidently hoping that DC planes could be taken out. almost all of the other subs, once spotted, are immediately dead, except maybe the 4501 (i dodge DC's all the time with that one). it takes ALOT of skill to take out more than one ship in a game. even if you manage to get a ship, not being spotted and maneuvering to another ship takes up so much time. One game I could have had 3 kills except other ships would get the kills before my torps could get there. no kills, not even torpedo hit ribbons. Even good players still have to hope their team doesn't eff them over.
Yeah. I think once my premium account ends. I'm going to stop playing this game for a long time. With the way CVs are and how busted subs are. It's not fun to play at all.
Been playing a bit lately and it's great. I get matched against T10/11 cv and a x2/x3 mix of hybrids. Most times they just fly around and focus fire/tag team me and I'm dead in 2-5 minutes. If they dont sink me an Archerfish or other sub pops up and it's back to port. Thx WG!
@@clmwrx I dont play subs, what skill issue when 3 cvs are tag teaming you and most ships have no or little AA. The game is broken. Skill issue? What a joke....
If you are talking about stupidly fast, as anyone measured the speed of the anti sub aircraft 9km in less that 15 seconds that's about 2000 miles an hour
If I was playing subs at all, this is one I would buy right now with my stash of steel. But alas, I don't and I won't. No wonder WG hid the 2 most cracked subs behind the steel paywall. I don't think they will nerf it, unless it gets a big take up and starts ruining the game which it certainly has potential to do. Fortunately most good players have no interest in subs so they tend to be an annoyance only.
man i love subs and cv (and yeah i know that makes me an undiserable) but the shinano and the archerfish are just bonkers edit: when you know what you are doing and you make the most out of it.... than you are one of the unicorn players that carry the games by themselves... (in ANY type of ship) now there are ships that its easier in after you mastered them, true.. but after you mastered any shiptype you are a giant threat to any other player regardless if you are in a cv or sub or dd or bb and so on and so forth. and i am gonna say something controversial here.. i know shocking.. but normaly you wouldn't see 6bb 3cv 2dd and 1cv or sub in a group. if you have a capital ship or 2 you got a decently sized screening force. the Threat of subs is lieterally because more than 50% of the enemy team are dream targets.
I played after five years and yeah, I was soooooooooooo right to leave the game. Its designed to retain noobs and nullify skilled play, the greed ruins this game.
He only did 219,000 may have had a bunch of lousy players on enemy side and his side you people act like the sky Is falling geeess . Then they start getting over 350,000 damage then we have a problem. All you do Is cause trouble with your videos really. Rember this you have a 50% chance of losing may the better side win.
I sometimes seem to be nearly the only one that has no issues with subs. DD's i hate, subs I love to hunt. Second only to hunting CV's. Granted both in game before I started. Do both sink me, yes. I'll sink a sub 6/10 times if started on same side. And rare the sub gets me.
I wonder if the I 56 is like the Archerfish? They looks the same. But I56 is a abismel sub.. why WG? I like subs But it so shit as a long sniper and a shit spotter sub and the ping is atrocious and you don't have the sub radarscope even !😂😢
You know when a ship is better than some their is always a cry baby wa wa I can't hit it it's too fast, it sink's me I can't win easy, sorry about your luck.Learn to Play Better. That's what it all about. WOW need's to quit catering to the one's that can't adapt.Every one want's realistic until they make it realistic.
Translation: I cannot play anything that requires me to take break from sniffing glue and drinking cool aid. It's fault of players with hands being bad for not being able to depth charge my submarine that outruns almost every single DD in the game and has half the turning circle. And I know I'm better than every single player in the lobby, because I'm on top of the scoreboard with my 20k dmg dealt and 5k spotting dmg. That's because I'm that good, and not because subs have utterly retarded BXP modifier.
I find it funny that the most broken submarine in wows was credited with the sinking most tonnage in a single warship of the time period
So it was broken in real life too. Lol
Average damage: 44k. Underpowered stupid.
Yall should check out Fat Electrician
Ramages Rampage
I thought it funny reading the in-game chat that the red-team was giving the sub compliments at the end of the match and the sub responded by chatting....."cancer wins" right before it ended and he won, lol
3:54 "As you watch hemorrhoid's come up and down" sorry, couldn't help but laugh at that lmao
Info on Balao's in-game configuration: Balao appears in the postwar Fleet Snorkel configuration, although Balao herself did not receive this. The main upgrades were the addition of a snorkel and streamlined sail. Due to the streamlined sail, it at first resembles the various postwar Guppy (Greater Underwater Propulsion Power) refits. However, Fleet Snorkel can be distinguished by the pointy bow; Guppies had a rounded bow. Fleet Snorkel was more austere than Guppy, as it retained the two wartime Sargo I type batteries; Guppies usually had four batteries of the Sargo II design that took up less space than Sargo I. In case you're wondering, the Sargo II was developed because the Guppy battery proved to be uneconomical, as it needed replacement too often in service.
This thing is literally the definition of underwater cancer💀
I used to read my granddaddy's collection of Reader's Digest magazines since 1981-82... I think it was a 1967 magazine that had the story of the sinking of the Shinano, it was a great read.
I also find it funny that Archerfish also has the ability to go as fast as a Alfa class nuclear submarine (known for +40 knots)
I got killed in a Georgia by one of these things yesterday (57% WR in randoms, so I know what I'm doing). The sub just bumrushed our flank and hit me for 80k damage about 2 minutes before I even expected a sub to be anywhere near me.... Absolute bullshit. He died right after he rushed me but still, that wasn't gameplay that was just broken nonsense
He died after sinking 1 ship... Thats not broken. Thats you being bitter.
Was not a good trade on his part.
@@ManOfChaiTea plus he got schwacked by a sub while playing the fastest BB in the game. I'll never understand why BB players think that subs shouldn't be at least somewhat effective against them, despite them being literally designed for taking out high tonnage vessels.
For every Sub captain lik ethe Archerfish, you have 10x lame captains like the allied U-2501. He literally drove through CAP B for minutes and didn't even try to cap. then went and suicided.
Also, we KNOW that WG uses an aggressive reward model for subs. They get more EXP per dmg/impact as a prop-up to make subs popular.
So a good captain on this thing can dominate a match, sounds exactly like WGs reasoning behind the CV rework (the original one not the 650 followup ones) 😂
Just started playing wows again after taking a 3-4 year break. I left because of subs being broken, and it's like WG is trying to chase me away again 😅
Ready to give up the game. Depth charges are totally useless against them unless you catch a sub driver napping. Last night spent the entire game just tryin to run down a sub with a destroyer but it was just too damn fast.
I know the problem. WG seems to want me to abandon the game.
I have found that subs are BB & CA’s problem. Fighting a sub as a dd is almost suicide.
The torp reload is also a factor. It's just a constant harassment of torps for surface ships.
So Archerfish should be my next steel ship. Got it.😂
Only saw 1 archerfish on eu server, glad to.
Enjoy learning Russian 😅
@PigPissBeUponThem learning Russian what's that go to do with it?
One thing I think thay would fix subs is making the ASW go out a longer distance. In a lot of ships I can see the subs but can't hit them with the ASW planes. Also get rid of the homing torps.
homing torps arent much an issue imo, its the counter to them, you use dc, you get like what 15s of immunity at the cost of probably burning to death while all subs have to do is wait, then its free game, ships need a seperate count to them that isnt dc but yeah we need longer plane ranges
Play Des Moines, immunity is a joke. You hit damage con and you done 5s later by devstrike. Subs ping you at 10km you can do pretty nothing.
The balance is on both brittish cruisers and DDs-all of them have 10km torps single launched but you can use also 10km radar and they cant hide that easy. The only exception is probably Brisbane but try it to to DM if there is some CV or DD left there.
Subs are painfull to deal with for ships who depends on island hugging. Even BBs dont have easy time, you have always worry using dmg con, even double perma fire is not that dangerous as eating full torpedo load
submarines IRL had computers on board to calculate torpedo trajectories. i could be wrong, but i think that's what WG was trying to mimic. what i would be in support of, talking as a sub main, is instead having torpedoes that would automatically be set on the perfect course to hit the targeted ship, however, the torpedoes don't change course. not only would this be very realistic (this is what submariners had to do, except they had it harder), but also give a chance for other ships. homing torpedoes weren't really a thing in ww2, at least to what i have found (and i love studying ww2 subs), so replacing that with a targeting computer would be cool and better for everyone. and you could have the torpedoes do more damage, so the subs are still relevant. thoughts?
@trevorflight7182 Thoughts? Yeah a bunch, but here is the main one....they did not have homing torpedoes, but "SHOTGUNNING" was a REAL thing and these asshats removed it because all the crybabies threw a fit. Want to restore historical accuracy? Bring back shotgun torps and remove that retarded 3 km nerf that makes most torps worthless.
MAKE THEM LESS MANOUVERABLE!.. the fact that MOST subs can turn on a god damn DIME is just....RIDICILOUS!.. Imagine if DDs could do that whilst blasting torps undected. Like what, Jægers and Benhams..but you know what? Those ships take 3 rounds around the world to make a 180 turn. A sub?...meh, a measly 50m at worst, it's crazy. Either give all ships more AWS' so they can't just juke them willynilly as they already do, or make their turning radius AT LEAST 3-4 times what it is now.
High tier just blows lately because WG introduced a smorgasbord of OP ships. Probably a money making move. It is hard to get into a game that does not have a Shinano, Hoffman, Archerfish. Prince of Orange or Hildebrand. All very powerful ships that can affect game balance. Sad because, they will milk the dubs out of players and then start nerfing away afterwards. But to be honest most of them do need a nerf.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! 💪🤟✌ I dont play subs but epic moves in ur match, GG
Most chill guy looking solo warrior ever
Had a super tester on my team today. So out of interest I checked their profile. 12k games, 46% WR. So now you know how all these busted ships get into the game.
Oh and here's a heads up. Lord Mountbatten liked young boys, very young boys.
It's behind a wall of steel...So not every one will get it...But heaven forbid the other 15 or 20 ships that have all kinds of tricks that are broken... You still have to be good with subs. It's a blast to play...
This is why I almost bought her instead of incomparable, but figured she’d be cheaper once the steel event ends.
And nuffed by then?
WG release OP ships so they sell then wait a while and nuff them down after capturing the FOMO buys.
All the best for the year to come to SLM and all. :~) Edit: Cool to see one of your TH-cam subs in the battle :~)
I went to Battleship Cove in Massachusetts and saw a submarine there. I wasn’t sure if it was a Balao-class sub though 😅
They have the USS Lionfish there, it is a Balao class
The refit is called the GUPPY conversion. There were, I think, three GUPPY phases.
IMO this ship doesn’t even need the combat instructions or the speed boost and it would still be a strong ship. I just find the lack of balance here disturbing, but then again, not too surprised as the Libertad and los Andes made it through the same balancing department….
This is why people hate subs, the ship that broke the game
Gratz Lord_H for the awesome Sub play. HelIo, wish you All a prosperous and full of Health New Year!. ty Mountbatten and take care
I want it, I'll never have enough steel in time.
I can agree the Archerfish is too fast but not the other Subs. Type XXI doesn’t even have aft torpedo tubes so you can be run down very easily. 4501 already has to get inside 10km and only has 4+ mins so it’s balanced enough. Not mention when running away you can’t even spot the enemy. By the way this game is super Arcady so don’t even bother throwing around real world specs
0:51 that is such a fitting name for someone in a sub. annoying, painful, and a major pain in the ass
I recently got archer fish 1 thing he didn't say is that the ping time is very short. I need to wait till torps almost hit the ship to use
the funniest part about this, is that this isn't even what a submarine was historically, this fundamentally goes against why people would enjoy the "submarine" fantasy
its basically a destroyer with homing torpedoes and a special smoke
Another example of why submarines have to go. And why they will chase away more and more players, together with cv’s. But WG still fails to recognize this or do smething about it, because there is still no competitive game alternative.
There are so many ships in the game that go against the reality of what happened in WWII which is what the GAME is supposed to be based on. Subs had more than 3 minutes of battery underwater, but what do you get with the Cachalot? About three minutes or thereabouts (it's what I get, my Undine gets almost six minutes), when the real sub could stay underwater for TEN HOURS. I've heard people claim that if you get hit by those crazy 20km torpedoes the Shimakazi has, then you deserve it because you can see them coming from low Earth orbit. In reality, there were US ships that were hit by those torpedoes that had no idea what the hell was happening - the US Admiralty, in a display of more stupid "American Excellence", said that the Japanese couldn't possibly have torpedoes with that kind of range because the US couldn't develop them, and a lot of guys got killed for that. Anywhere you look, the game isn't a simulation. It's a GAME. There are surface ships that aren't even close to real, quite a few - and especially if you're in co-op mode and you see a bot driven BB that slaloms around your torps better than a DD could. So what do people want? More realism? Because I hear that a lot in various media sites and on discussion boards, people want "more realism" and honestly that's not going to happen. It's a game, folks. There's lots of things that have no basis in reality - surface, sub-surface, and in the air. I'll get into a co-op battle with my Undine and have bot aircraft circling over me the whole game, any time I have to come up for battery I'm attacked. Is that balanced? Nerp. And it's worse on PvP.
Hyper realistic, most people don't want to take 3 hours for a single battle. So agree a game with unrealistic bits to make it playable.
Considering most subs can reach 20+ knots submerged is a joke in itself.
I think people want the game to be fun. Subs (and CVs) are only fun for the people playing them and no one else.
@@g0veGaming but I'm odd I guess. I love the sub hunt.
A big reason why the Japanese Type 93 torpedo was so deadly was because it had *no* wake, meaning that the first warning you got that someone fired them at you was your ship exploding (or a resounding thunk from the torpedo hitting and not detonating, since they were really unreliable back then).
If this game was unrealistic it would be some of the most unfun shit out there.
Unsurprised here. Lord knows, historical accuracy is not exactly a priority in WoW, but the ingame subs are so far beyond reality that we might as well just say they are crewed by wizards.
For interested parties, Joseph Enwright, Archerfish's captain at the time of Shinano's sinking, went on to co-author a book - 'Shinano! - The Sinking Of Japan's Secret Supership'. It is a good read, going into the story of both ships.
Archerfish's torps turn on a dime as well, more difficult to dodge...
WG Archerfish has a JATO on its rump to power thru the water lol!!!!
Pros: Can shoot from the back and from the front, has insane 40kts speed but only underwater. Has a heal*
Cons: If you turn, or if you go periscope/surface level, you slow down to Tier 7 BB levels of slow. Also squishy as hell, and *said heal only works at surface level
Result: Obnoxious as all subs are, but overall has drawbacks to make it seem balanced (kinda?)
Pros: Can shoot from the back and from the front, has insane 44kts speed once you pop the boost, said boost works at all depths AND the ship doesnt drastically lose speed in turns
Cons: ???
Result: me cackling but also crying at how dumb this ship is 💀
Ok, sold me on it
I Feel The Need! The Need For Speed! lol I got one, and had such a ball running around claiming that it was really a French DD that Identified as a Sub. lol.. That being said, I mostly play DD's, and that's how I played the Archerfish. Fast is better, which is one reason why I really hate playing BB's. So slow and lumbering and taking forever to reload... Which is why I love killing BB's with my DD's.... Torpedo DD's are the Best! :-) And Archerfish makes a great little sinks instead of smokes DD.
HNY Sea Lord. Wonderful videos !
Happy New Year everyone!
the archerfish is cool and all, but gets completely crippled by enemy destroyers, so WG once again in their infinite wisdom, makes a ship that is overpowered as hell, or completely useless, completely dependant on the ship you are playing or if your teammates work as a team
It is a steel ship so generally only the best players have it. 44k average damage. Bed wetters.
damn, Sub solo warrior noice
I just spent my steel on saturday for shinano. Its alright, not as crazy as i thought it would be
Yes - as a mean person I enjoy the Archerfish a lot.
However I would judge the pros and cons differently. I dont consider diving time or the speed consumable and not even the combat instructions a big deal. And the missing hydrophone is a relevant disadvantage. Different to the 4501 the Archerfish is not suited for solitair operations behind enemy lines, which would indeed be devastating for the enemy team.
The main strength to me is how tanky that thing is. You can play it way more aggressive than any other sub and DDs really struggle to destroy it even when spotted for a considerable time. Therefore I can also afford to keep DDs spotted and draw them to the teammates, when you would have been forced to dive with any other sub.
Also the insane ping frequency and speed are absolute strengths and outweight the shorter highlight time.
I will certainly use it a lot until the inevtiable nerf comes in, since I like that aggressive playstyle.
They are no cons and Pros and Playstyle.
Subs are broken.
Makes me glad I hemorrhage credits if I'm playing a ship above tier 8.
Don't hate me but I want WG to make the I-400 (large cruiser sub with 3 torpedo bombers).
I also want to see a flag level officer serve on allied ships from different nations, like USA/UK, GER/ITA and such as a legendary upgrade . That's historical but I want (from the movie "1941") Captain Von Kleinschmidt on a IJN sub! I want to sink a Ferris wheel so badly. Houuywoooooood! LOL
Most of all I want to reply to this comment in a year.
I'm very new (5 mo) to this game, very old and and the last time I gamed was before the internet so maybe my ideas are off base but I'd like feedback.
Happy New Year, Captains!
the libertad in question
Think Gato is still way better, 3-4 months it will get nerfed into ground
The question is - is Archerfish worth the cost difference between it and Gato?
No, its not.
Do depth charges count as potential damage? Because 1500 potential damage is absolutely nothing if you ping once and 1 or 2 ships launch an inaccurate airstrike in your general direction...
Also, a 90mm secondary gun from Colombo does 1300 potential damage per shell. So one turret shooting at you is 2600 potential damage. Hmm...
you can say that about a lot of ships "know what you're doing and you are amazing".
while the archerfish is a bit weird and I don't get what WG was doing with this, to act like this proves subs are OP in general is a dumb take.
unless you're playing with a dedicated team, subs are almost never protected. a good way to run a sub would be to be with your ships so that DC planes could be shot down.
but very rarely do the big ships push up far enough to make your torpedoes viable and let you ping confidently hoping that DC planes could be taken out.
almost all of the other subs, once spotted, are immediately dead, except maybe the 4501 (i dodge DC's all the time with that one).
it takes ALOT of skill to take out more than one ship in a game.
even if you manage to get a ship, not being spotted and maneuvering to another ship takes up so much time.
One game I could have had 3 kills except other ships would get the kills before my torps could get there. no kills, not even torpedo hit ribbons.
Even good players still have to hope their team doesn't eff them over.
Look at my face, (Insert Sam Kinision scream!).
In all fairness Japan thought it was op in 1944 to lol.
Yeah. I think once my premium account ends. I'm going to stop playing this game for a long time. With the way CVs are and how busted subs are. It's not fun to play at all.
Been playing a bit lately and it's great. I get matched against T10/11 cv and a x2/x3 mix of hybrids. Most times they just fly around and focus fire/tag team me and I'm dead in 2-5 minutes. If they dont sink me an Archerfish or other sub pops up and it's back to port. Thx WG!
Skill issue. Maybe don't play subs 🤔
@@clmwrx I dont play subs, what skill issue when 3 cvs are tag teaming you and most ships have no or little AA. The game is broken. Skill issue? What a joke....
@jamesdoe3713 why I like divs. I ammo happy to let other grab BB, as I take a ASW or AA support cruiser.
What nation is it?
It's a sub ofc it broken.... And there is a reason why CV and now subs have auto consumebles. After they are played by the same player base.
I play subs, I dont play CVs, I dont own a single one.
If you are talking about stupidly fast, as anyone measured the speed of the anti sub aircraft 9km in less that 15 seconds that's about 2000 miles an hour
Did they not beta-test this ship? I guess since it is the steel event not many people will be able to have one.
Is this a tech tree ship?
Steel ship
The recovery of the battery is slow af though.... basically if ya used up 6 mins of battery, ya fcked.
If I was playing subs at all, this is one I would buy right now with my stash of steel. But alas, I don't and I won't. No wonder WG hid the 2 most cracked subs behind the steel paywall.
I don't think they will nerf it, unless it gets a big take up and starts ruining the game which it certainly has potential to do. Fortunately most good players have no interest in subs so they tend to be an annoyance only.
Isn't Libertad also broken?? 😂
onle thing thas gone end this game is submarines soon all players will be play only submarines and this game be renamed to word of submarines.
man i love subs and cv (and yeah i know that makes me an undiserable) but the shinano and the archerfish are just bonkers
edit: when you know what you are doing and you make the most out of it.... than you are one of the unicorn players that carry the games by themselves... (in ANY type of ship)
now there are ships that its easier in after you mastered them, true.. but after you mastered any shiptype you are a giant threat to any other player regardless if you are in a cv or sub or dd or bb and so on and so forth. and i am gonna say something controversial here.. i know shocking.. but normaly you wouldn't see 6bb 3cv 2dd and 1cv or sub in a group. if you have a capital ship or 2 you got a decently sized screening force. the Threat of subs is lieterally because more than 50% of the enemy team are dream targets.
You are right. They are both bonkers. I expect nerfs with both.
It's 2025 and I have yet to try a CV or sub, not even once, not even on the test server.
Happy new year Sea Lord and all captains o7
I played after five years and yeah, I was soooooooooooo right to leave the game. Its designed to retain noobs and nullify skilled play, the greed ruins this game.
WG mechanics punish active good players, and give Bad passiv Players the Illusion beiing Great.
I don't see hydrophone consumable.
Enough is enough
The year before was u 4501
i cant be convinced to play randoms with this cancer, I am happy with ops, bots and asymmetrics
The perfect example of how dumb AF WarmoneyGrub devs team really is...
He only did 219,000 may have had a bunch of lousy players on enemy side and his side you people act like the sky Is falling geeess . Then they start getting over 350,000 damage then we have a problem. All you do Is cause trouble with your videos really. Rember this you have a 50% chance of losing may the better side win.
I sometimes seem to be nearly the only one that has no issues with subs. DD's i hate, subs I love to hunt. Second only to hunting CV's. Granted both in game before I started. Do both sink me, yes. I'll sink a sub 6/10 times if started on same side. And rare the sub gets me.
How high on crack was wargaming when they disigned this boat😂😂😂
Subs are broken spotters. Thx ruining the Game.
Like CV Plane Spotting.
They absolutly destroy active Gamplay
I wonder if the I 56 is like the Archerfish? They looks the same. But I56 is a abismel sub.. why WG? I like subs But it so shit as a long sniper and a shit spotter sub and the ping is atrocious and you don't have the sub radarscope even !😂😢
Call me evil, but I automatically give a "Misbehavour in chat" to any Archerfish player...
Grow up.
Found the baby.
Petulant brat.
Not evil. Childish.
I 'won' A Russian Sub, this month, never played Subs, tried it on test, but they don't interest me. The Russian one is not much fun
Subs are broken. This will inevitably lead to more ppl to leaving the game. WG is impressively dumb.
Hi slm gl hf
I have one I don't think its as bad as CVs
Yes, CVs are still worse than subs at screwing up the game for players.
it's pronounced Gah-toe. not Gay-toe. :facepalm:
More bs from wg and another sub that brakes the game even more
You know when a ship is better than some their is always a cry baby wa wa I can't hit it it's too fast, it sink's me I can't win easy, sorry about your luck.Learn to Play Better. That's what it all about. WOW need's to quit catering to the one's that can't adapt.Every one want's realistic until they make it realistic.
So you are in favor of power creep? What realism are you talking about anyways?
@@clmwrxRealism is USN better
Realistic? The Balao’s did like 20kts max on the surface, not 44kts
Translation: I cannot play anything that requires me to take break from sniffing glue and drinking cool aid. It's fault of players with hands being bad for not being able to depth charge my submarine that outruns almost every single DD in the game and has half the turning circle. And I know I'm better than every single player in the lobby, because I'm on top of the scoreboard with my 20k dmg dealt and 5k spotting dmg. That's because I'm that good, and not because subs have utterly retarded BXP modifier.