+Sunny Afternoon Non-spiked flails are essential farming tools. Every grain of wheet, rye or barley used was separated from its chaff and straw by one. Either hand wielded or machine wielded. So they can't ban those.
You speak Harsh and Truly Lord Kane... Same in UK with curved blades, we feel so much safer now... Bad guys will simply dump their curved bladed stuff because of the new law hahahaha... Anyway made my day with that comment...
$850, and it breaks on the first strike. I would be pissed and WOULD be getting a refund. You sold me a weapon that broke on the very first strike. It is suppose to be a battle ready weapon. It clearly is not.
Shitty-quality ashwood. It's the bane of all modern repro polearms because there's no longer an industry that makes high quality ash staves. As best I can tell, 100% of the growers have transitioned to shitwood that can grow fast and be sold cheaply enough to compete with fiberglass. Modern ashwood is designed for the guy hoeing his garden, not the guy beating on an armored opponent. Arms & Armor's logic seems to go "ash = historical" without bothering to research how modern ashwood has degenerated in quality since the days when the spear ruled the battlefield. There's simply no longer any demand for long, rugged polearm shafts and nobody with the interest in reviving the cultivars of wood necessary to produce them...
@@kyle18934 I've heard very good things about the durability of Purpleheart Armory's hickory staves, which are laminated and very strong, but not historically accurate - Hickory being a New World tree and the laminate being a modern technique. They are also noticeably heavier due to the denser wood.
Love how the slow motion camera caught the mace's shaft flexing and vibrating on the strike. Awesome footage! I never much cared for the mace before I saw your videos. Now the more I see you use them, the more impressed I am by them.
The faceplate impressed me. The way the metal flexed and absorbed the energy. Made me wonder if a helmet of overlapping loosely connected plates may fair better than the helmets of the past.
i would've liked to see the spike from the warhammer against the faceplate to be honest, since its already "full of holes" also, would it get stuck? i think thats worth a test on its own.
True, the visor seemed really effective. But having the whole helmet being floppy may defeat the purpose, because it would just be pushed onto the wearer's face then. It has to be connected to something more sturdy.
so let me get this straight. 1) a few headache from the over head strikes. 2) a few loosened to broken teeth from the face guard smashing,. 3) huge embarrassment and some unexplained STDs from the BDSM toy.
I've been watching a lot of these weapon vs armor tests lately and they've really changed my perspective. I remember while growing up I "learned" that war bows could punch through armored opponents with ease and military picks were can openers with armored knights being the cans. Movies and video games definitely perpetuate these ideas, but now these videos tell me otherwise. Of course, certain armors would not have been used for so long if they didn't protect against the weapons of the time. I just wonder how much effort it really took to kill your opponent in medieval battles.
Modern movies and video games have huge misunderstanding about armors. Someone tested that even a chainmail made by soda can ring can provide protection against swords, not to mention a real armor.
There was a lot more training back then.. You could technically find someone, in those ages of regular melee combat, who had the training and body training to split open a helmet, and what not.
It's a multipurpose toy: You can crack some skull with it, and then you can play with your balls. You can do a lot of thing with a pommel attached to something ;)
Hold still so I can poke you with my (voice gets deeper and sexier) Love Spear! The Butt-flail would probably be a backup weapon. The Giant Dildo club - 32 inches of... fun? You could use Nipple Clamps as an ensnaring device - "Get Over HERE!!"
Yeah, no... With a modern rifle it shouldn't take more than a few shots. That's one of the reasons we got rid of plate armor once firearms became common.
+SKy_the_Thunder I hate to break it to you but even a 9mm pistol would blow through both sides of that helmet with energy to spare, you don't know much about ballistics.
Careful there yourself, my good man. You are correct that a direct impact on 2mm steel at 10 yards shouldn't stop a 9mm, but two plates of 2mm steel with a gap of 8 inches is a different matter. Pistol bullets have a funny habit of being deflected by relatively thin hard surfaces, especially when impacted at angles. There is a good chance that your 9mm would go in one side and then rattle around inside. It might go straight through, but I would not take it for granted. Edited for lost word.
That bascinet is a real beast. Very impressed with the visor, as well. I imagine a knight wearing heavy duty armor would be absolutely terrifying to less trained, less well armed soldiers.
This is great reference material. Now just picture a fully armoured opponent, that fights back competently, moves surprisingly fast, and shrugs off most attacks.
He doesn't like any of the late medieval helmets anyway (which he mentioned in his video on bascinets), so he'll probabaly be running around bareheaded like a movie hero.
Skallagrim, why don't you do a shooting session with these helmets using your flint lock? It would be nice to get a grip of the impact of gunpowder in renaissance Europe. Plus, it would be awesome, haha
how the hell did that poleaxe break!?!? that is absolutely not acceptable Skall! a freaking poleaxe is supposed to crush through armor not get crushed....You should do something about it, call the guys you bought it from or something, to be honest it could be a one time fail, not all their poleaxes but idk you should do a video about that. 😊
Skallagrim! Can you use sword's on stuff like baseball or football helmets? Or another type of helmet? Just so we can compare these to helmets that we are familiar with on the everyday bases.
after people watching this video, "breaking news: thousands of Canadians this week have ordered a bdsm toy from amazon. Experts say it could be due to the new Fifty Shades Darker movie coming out, or it could be some sort of Canadian underground influence. Others say it was due to a youtuber who is promoting it to thousands of his fans."
The metal is ok the wood they put it on is not, this is not one piece wood but industrial cheap layer crap you use for desks and such. If he had a Oak handle there would be no problem at all.
This brings up a question I have, did people get stuck in their armor after a lot of abuse? The helmet looks like it was able to come off pretty easily but did other bits of armor like breast plates ever get deformed and stuck tot he wearer?
That makes sense, also I just google image searched some breast plates and it looks like they way they are designed they come off in two pieces (a front and a back) so, I guess it would be pretty hard to get stuck in one. I think my head is full of hollywood nonsense, I think I was remembering a scene from A Knight's Tale when Heath Ledger's character got stuck in his armor (I could be remembering that wrong)
Shoulders, breastplates and similar were tied on, meaning that they couldn't be "jammed on." There's nothing to wrap around and trap you. However, arms and legs which encased the limb could be. That's sort of the point of a crushing weapon - you can immobilize joints by denting them. A full-cannon vambrace (wrapped the forearm entirely) was hinged, so if the hinges got bent out of line, you couldn't open it to get the piece off. Though the person inside also wouldn't be faring too well. It's not an easy thing to do. From personal experience, I have had a visor (SCA heavy list) bent in the same way such that it would open only partially. It's probably the most common way armor fails and gets stuck.
he would die. the helmet definitely did its job but getting hit that hard will fuck you up. the point of armor is to turn a sword into a crow bar. it stops lethal cuts and gambeson helps remove some of the force, but its like getting hit with a sledgehammer. maces use this limitation to a devastating effect. its also part of why armor trys to get blows to glance off preventing the full force from being dropped on one point
@@collindee8370 thats what I thought as well when he was saying that the wearer would be fine cuz of the padding n whatnot. I think the wearer would have horrible internal bleeding, brain hemorrhage, probably dead or soon to be already
quite probably they wouldn't be able to get enough of a direct hit to even dent the thing. we'd see a lot of bouncing arrows and bolts, even if they had a powerful enough weapon to hope to penetrate that thickness of steel.
I have experience in archery and I can say that an arrow would definitely Pierce with the 90-120 pound draw weight of a bow they used,while a bolt is iffy due to the fact that a 200-300 pound draw weight of a crossbow is weaker. Should probably explain why since it seems illogical to those who don't know. * A crossbow has a shorter draw than an bow. The more longer of a draw, the more kinetic energy is developed. So while you may have a 125 pound crossbow, a 45 pound bow does as much damage.* Tip for buying a powerful bow: Look at one that has a comfortable draw weight for your level of experience(I recommend beginners to start around 35 pounds if they are above 18) Then look to see if the draw length is the size of your arm or 2 inches past your arm. Getting a draw length that is shorter than your arm means you are missing out on some extra power. But don't buy a bow that is 4 inches above your arm length or other wise the bow will become unwieldy and you will have a pain shooting it (OR you simply can't shoot it at all).
The thing that even if you have a bow that is powerful enough to make the arrow penetrate steel of that thickness it would still be extremely unlikely that it would penetrate a helmet due to the shape. A projectile that have enough force to fairly easy penetrate a flat piece of 2 mm steel would in most cases not be able to penetrate a helmet made out of 1,5 mm steel due to the shape. it will glance off. So there are no bows or crossbows that normally could penetrate a helmet like that. the most powerful ones could maybe do it if it would hit perfectly, straight on so it would not glance. And even if it would penetrate the steel it would still probably not penetrate deep enough to even wound the wearer of the helm. I am not saying it is impossible but it is very very unlikely. It is a bit like a one in a million thing. it would be so rare that it would kinda be the exception that confirms the rule as they say. From all the surviving texts from wars during the time where plate armor was used. we have a lot of descriptions of people being wounded, killed and so on. But as far as i know we have no mention of anyone being killed or wounded by an arrow or a bolt trough a plate armor. But if someone know of a historical text telling about someone getting shot through a plate armor or helmet then please let me know. and things like When Henry V got an arrow in his face in battle 1403. We know he had the visor up when he got shot so it was not an arrow through plate This does not prove that it did never happen of course. It only prove that we don't have any evidence that it happened so to say.
Also a good demonstration of how the round shape of the helmet keeps on deflecting the strikes. Even with the warhammer's spiked point, a strike from the front just rolls to the side instead of puncturing the steel.
Haha I recognize those moving trucks! Barry's Moving was my parent's business so growing up I spent a lot of time right around the corner. If only I had known about HEMA. Fantastic video! Keep up the great work!
every time i clicked on these helmet tests videos, the initial metal-like music then straightaway transition to the soft medieval music always made it funny for me hah
Радован Кубурић Thats right these helmets would last a very long time in real combat situations. When in a real fight you evade and never really do a perfect hit as these guys are doing. This one helmet is a very solid helmet and can save you more than one attack for sure.
From my boffer Larp experience a flail is best used in context of hitting your opponents shield or weapon and wrapping around it to make the hit. Utilizing conservation of angular momentum; thus adding more valocity causing a harder hit. I do agree with another commentor that the flail test is definitely inconclusive. Thank you for these tests as you can't find these tests anywhere else. Look forward to more. Skol!
Nice black nail polish on the one guy though, 😉 Nice look! 🤣! Caught my husband watching these videos and just searched them myself, actually really enjoy this channel!!!
I imagine it's probably the influence of hollywood magic, but I really didn't expect a helmet to be able to take THAT amount of abuse! Really cool to see!
Far more than that. They were worth an estate, sometimes more if they incorporated decorations. Even with advancements, a full suit of armor today will cost you $8000 dollars to fit you.
That part of the test was really inconclusive as it wasn't a real flail, but a makeshift one. Also they were cavalry weapons meant to be swung with the momentum of a horse.
Kyle, that's a point but spikes are not as practical as they look like. The force is concentrated on a single tip and that's great. But also it's weakness. That the reason armors curved (I hope that the correct term) were a lot of force from spiky objects are redirected away from the armor. So a little ball concets the energy in every single hit at best. The drawback of injuring your self is also lower.
That and war-hammers/picks. Many of the strong blunt strikes would do significant enough concussive damage to injure the soldier within the armour, rather than breaking through it, and I'd imagine a career medieval soldier would have more luck piercing with a pick than Skall did.
There are accounts where french knights advanced on foot, with english arrows plinking off of them. I'd say longbows weren't all that great anti-plate weapons, great against horses and soldiers in worse armor though.
Grenadier 658244-526455 Longbow wouldn't do much especially from range, a crossbow on the other hand could puncture plate. Crossbowmen could be over 100 yards away and still puncture full plate armor.
Any chance at the end you could do some thrusts and half swording at the end of your tests? I haven't seen anything significant testing the face plates and visors so far.
I think the flanged mace is my new weapon of choice. The sheer concussive force of it blows every other weapon out of the water. Despite the fact that this helmet showed very little damage from it, the wearer would be dead inside the helmet anyway. Now I know if I ever end up time traveling back to the medieval period which weapon to use.
Watching these weapons in 'action' so to speak has in fact taught me how the different blades, axes, maces etc. Would have been used during the medieval times and things of that nature. Correct me if I happen to be wrong I do believe that when it comes to flails, the wielder of the flail depended a lot on the momentum of the flail, moving it in a circular motion to the side of you, or above your head to build the momentum up to deliver most damage. Either way, I learned a whole lot from these helmet tests and got a bit of inspiration for the future when I begin Smithing.
Do believe that was one of the many advantages of them as well.. If you miss one blow, you won't loose any momentum, therefore you can easily 'launch' another attack shortly thereafter but with still as much damage originally intended.
It would seem that many of these blows would incapacitate the victim by knocking them out, even if the armor was still intact. Once down in the ground and unconscious, they would be easily killed.
It wouldnt full on KO them, but I do see incapacitation as definitely possible. I mean, it definitely absorbs impacr way better than just taking the strike
This was a good series. There is something I'd like to point out, if only because I haven't seen it mentioned yet (at least, not in this series. I do believe you made mention of something along these lines when discussing gambesons). Even armor that can not protect you from a solid blow is not without it's merit. On a battle field, it would be far from impossible for a warrior to be struck with a blow that fails to strike true, or a quick, less-than-ideal strike that exploits an oppening, or even to come into contact with a blade by accident, without ant deliberate "attack" behind it. In any of these cases, armor that won't stop an ideal strike could still prevent a serious injury. TLDR: Even armor that won't stop a solid blow is far from useless.
For the smaller weapons it would probably give a pretty mean concussion. For the larger weapons, the blunt force would probably knock you out and, if they get enough force, possibly kill you via trauma. Albeit, if you are getting that kind of hit on the battlefield you really fucked up regardless.
helmets where historically bound to the breastplate or gorget with leather and an arming cap worn. the helmet doesnt rest on the head at all in proper wear. the only thing is the noise and that can be solved with small bits of rag in the ears working as earplugs. so the impack basically gets diverted to the shoulders and breastplate with leather acting as a gasket or insulator to dampen some of the impact on the spine and shoulders.
"Deafening for the wearer." I have strong feeling that the wearer would have a broken neck from a hit like that in the face. Or at least that's how it looks like to me.
Exactly. We are talking about the dents on the metal, but realistically any.of these weapons would provide instant concussion. The helmet wearer would be out for the count. Maybe not dead... But down and out.
I feel like people are focusing on the damage to the helmet and forgetting about the head inside. A lot of those strikes look like they would knock a person unconscious pretty easily.
While it seems that way, the helmet actually absorbs a lot of the impact leaving the head ok. And we have to consider that the skull inside is broken without any sort of resistance.
Not necessarily. Bascinets used a floating liner to help dispel force to the head. When the skull of the helmet is struck some force would be lost to glancing (this bascinet isn’t properly shaped) then further dampened by the suspension system. Even if the helmet was breached by a point, there is a void in between your head and the liner. Long story short, they knew what they were doing despite what movies often depict
anyone else impressed with the tiny flail? I would imagine a a heavy flail or morning star could give the wearer a serious concussion. Certainly did better that the crappy poleaxe.
The thing I love about armour was yes it was designed to take hits, but it's aim isn't to take hits, it's literally there as a last ditch attempt at damage control, when you've failed to dodge or block its up to the armour to take as much of the blow as it can. It's not meant to tank everything, but rather give you a forgiving lucky chance if you make a mistake.
lmfao that guy in the background at 2:02 just walking causal with that gigantic axe like it's the most normal thing to see in a background of video XD hahha
Not only awkward and unwieldy, the chain is probably heavier than the ball at the end :P So it's not exactly a good distribution of force. At any rate, a flail is about as useful as grabbing a palmsized pebble and chucking that, when it comes to armor at any rate. flails areprobably meant to use against unarmoured opponents, and it wouldn't surprise me it's largely an improvised weapon anyway. But as a BDSM toy?! :| To do what? have the dominatrix bludgeon her willing victim to death? EDIT: and deafening for the wearer? :P I think when you clocked him straight on, he would have been lucky to still be conscious :P Let alone being able to hear :P I get the feeling that damage like this would be pretty normal after a jousting tourney.... or 20 :P
Actually no, it's a solid steel ball, so it's quite heavy. It's apparently intended as a prisoner-style ball and chain, although it's tiny for that. EDIT: Holy crap, looks like I was wrong... it mentions adding weight for ball stretchers. O_O amzn.to/2dQQjFc
I think the ball and chain would be more effective, it it weren't only a round ball. I played around with one some years back and found it to bite into armor and denting it to a degree that would really hinder movement in it. I also liked how you could hit the edge of a shield and the ball would still have the chance to deliver a blow, even to the backside of the head. Skall, could you put a microphone inside one of the heads (once they're cracked open, I doubt it would fit otherwise^^)? I can imagine these blows would leave a really bad ring in your ears, even if the blow doesn't knock you out.
It seems to me the flail was doing the most damage, especially seeing as it was weakened by not being a real flail and no spikes. The biggest dents were all by it and a longer chain would have given it even more power. The shocks it creates moved the helmet around a lot too and would cause a lot of impact damage it seems
Thank God flails are illegal in Canada. I certainly feel much safer now that Flail wielding murders will be limited to only smooth balls...
I can only assume that clause was to prevent madmen from putting naval mines on their flails. Pesky bunch.
+Sunny Afternoon Non-spiked flails are essential farming tools. Every grain of wheet, rye or barley used was separated from its chaff and straw by one. Either hand wielded or machine wielded. So they can't ban those.
Meanwhile, I'm more concerned about the legality of smooth balls in chains being used in BDSM...we might see the rise of the "BDSM Killer"...
Smooth. Cold. Swinging balls.
You speak Harsh and Truly Lord Kane... Same in UK with curved blades, we feel so much safer now... Bad guys will simply dump their curved bladed stuff because of the new law hahahaha... Anyway made my day with that comment...
$850, and it breaks on the first strike. I would be pissed and WOULD be getting a refund. You sold me a weapon that broke on the very first strike. It is suppose to be a battle ready weapon. It clearly is not.
Yep, I have already asked them for a refund.
Did you get your refund on that pole axe?
Shitty-quality ashwood. It's the bane of all modern repro polearms because there's no longer an industry that makes high quality ash staves. As best I can tell, 100% of the growers have transitioned to shitwood that can grow fast and be sold cheaply enough to compete with fiberglass. Modern ashwood is designed for the guy hoeing his garden, not the guy beating on an armored opponent. Arms & Armor's logic seems to go "ash = historical" without bothering to research how modern ashwood has degenerated in quality since the days when the spear ruled the battlefield. There's simply no longer any demand for long, rugged polearm shafts and nobody with the interest in reviving the cultivars of wood necessary to produce them...
@@orangejoe204 yeah there is no real market for good ash poles. Or at least no market big enough to be worth the cost
@@kyle18934 I've heard very good things about the durability of Purpleheart Armory's hickory staves, which are laminated and very strong, but not historically accurate - Hickory being a New World tree and the laminate being a modern technique. They are also noticeably heavier due to the denser wood.
bdsm with a flail:
"Punish me knave"
"it's almost harvesting season"
"End me rightly, milord!"
You betta not be a manhunta
It is used to attach weights to various body parts or clamps/piercings... it is not for striking.
@@nothingtobeconcernedabout7477 Ah, I was wondering which hole the ball went into.
Yea but what if you use high level legendary weapons with better stats?
+1 Blessed Long Sword
567x10^1000 folds divine katana + 10.
katana vs a fucking medieval helmet , the katana broke man...
Do some Skyrim upgrades just slap more metal on it
Maineiac fishing yeah
Love how the slow motion camera caught the mace's shaft flexing and vibrating on the strike. Awesome footage!
I never much cared for the mace before I saw your videos. Now the more I see you use them, the more impressed I am by them.
maces are the real deal.
Guys with helmets like this have a 125% chance of stealing yo holy city
*taking it back
Michael M and then loosing it
Subhan Ji and then trying to get again get it back but failing around 6 times
Mothers frighten kids of crusaders to sleep. They say,
"Go to sleep my child, or Salahuddin Ayyubi will come!"
The faceplate impressed me. The way the metal flexed and absorbed the energy. Made me wonder if a helmet of overlapping loosely connected plates may fair better than the helmets of the past.
Micha-el Cleveland Shardddplateeeeeee
i would've liked to see the spike from the warhammer against the faceplate to be honest, since its already "full of holes" also, would it get stuck?
i think thats worth a test on its own.
True, the visor seemed really effective. But having the whole helmet being floppy may defeat the purpose, because it would just be pushed onto the wearer's face then. It has to be connected to something more sturdy.
GT-Alex good point (pun intended).
Rowan Hodges thanks I was not aware of it being done before.
The safe-word is "pommel"
biohazard724 not till I end rightly
Colin Thorneycroft You have to say pommel for him to stop lmao
Colin Thorneycroft Say it. Say pommel for me.
nah miss me with that im out
so let me get this straight.
1) a few headache from the over head strikes.
2) a few loosened to broken teeth from the face guard smashing,.
3) huge embarrassment and some unexplained STDs from the BDSM toy.
“Headache” lmao
CANADA: *spiked* flails are iLlEgAl
ALSO CANADA: pollaxes are all cool
Only ban what isn't effective in the first place, got it.
well tbh it far easier to hide a flail and sneak to a police officer and hit him with it rather than a polaxe which is as tall as you or taller
Poleaxes are cooler and more effective anyway. A big stick with a bunch of sharp shit on it beats a little stick with a flimsy chain any day.
@@nopda4095 I mean most people nowadays wear no armor, so a kitchen knife is more efficiency than a flail
honestly his tests shows how much we actually don't know about weapon making from that era. I really enjoy these vids
Take note, men. If you want to have the safest sex, wear a bascinet.
I never go to bed without full plate and a bascinet. Only 4 failed marriages so far and I'm not dead. I call that a win.
Just wait until one of them brings a pommel. Not even full plate will stop you from being ended rightly.
Someone, get on this. A pommel that returns after throwing:
The Pommelrang.
Matthew Brown No man nor god should wield such power.
wait. wouldnt that just end both of you rightly?
it's sad to see a crusader's helmet being destroyed it could have been used for much more crusades
Deus Vult! But not before I have found a replacement helmet. I'll be back.
Meriadoc Gunson only saracen use logic
polish out the dents its still perfectly usable ;)
worry not my fellow crusader. someday soon we shall have a crusade declared and will be able to slay all of MOON MEN IN THE NAME OF GOD!
Max Wheaton DEUS VULT!
I've been watching a lot of these weapon vs armor tests lately and they've really changed my perspective. I remember while growing up I "learned" that war bows could punch through armored opponents with ease and military picks were can openers with armored knights being the cans. Movies and video games definitely perpetuate these ideas, but now these videos tell me otherwise. Of course, certain armors would not have been used for so long if they didn't protect against the weapons of the time. I just wonder how much effort it really took to kill your opponent in medieval battles.
Modern movies and video games have huge misunderstanding about armors. Someone tested that even a chainmail made by soda can ring can provide protection against swords, not to mention a real armor.
There was a lot more training back then.. You could technically find someone, in those ages of regular melee combat, who had the training and body training to split open a helmet, and what not.
So are you going to write an amazon review on that ball and chain?
please write one
"no idea what this is supposed to be for but it makes a good flail"
"The level of penetration was... disappointing."
skall can we have the links to where you got the ball and chain?
for "science"?? ;)
ya.... science
I wonder how it is even used in a bdsm scenario, like hitting someone with that sounds a bit dangerous
that's the point
Skull Fox Maybe it goes inside?
The mouth. Inside the mouth.
Ehmm... that homemade Flail is actually a pommel attached to a chain, but they call it a Toy? ...wtF!?
It gets worse... in the item description of the steel weight and chain it says "can be used to add weight to ball stretchers". >_
+Skallagrim You would need a lot of weight to stretch that ball. Maybe more than the chain could hold :-)
The description ain't talking about the ball on the chain. Think male anatomy.
It's a multipurpose toy: You can crack some skull with it, and then you can play with your balls.
You can do a lot of thing with a pommel attached to something ;)
You're making me curious about medieval crotch protection now...
I can like imagine someone with a helmet like this getting attacked by an arming sword and just looking at the attacker like "Really man?"
Little crossbow man in a gambeson will be feeling stupid after that lol.
Not even pick of a warhammer could pierce it. Damn, this is impressive!
this tests need to be in a playlist so they can be shared all together, good stuff.
Taking BDSM toys into battle might give the advantage of intimidating the enemy xD
Hold still so I can poke you with my (voice gets deeper and sexier) Love Spear!
The Butt-flail would probably be a backup weapon.
The Giant Dildo club - 32 inches of... fun?
You could use Nipple Clamps as an ensnaring device - "Get Over HERE!!"
Its a win win
Or arousing them.
@@TheCoffeehound HAH gaiiiii
+5(Intimidate)[target creature prevents opponents from attacking for.x.%]
This helmet is tough. It's time for an firearm test!
What You Deserve Not What You Need yeah...he ended that blade tightly
Yeah, no... With a modern rifle it shouldn't take more than a few shots. That's one of the reasons we got rid of plate armor once firearms became common.
+SKy_the_Thunder I hate to break it to you but even a 9mm pistol would blow through both sides of that helmet with energy to spare, you don't know much about ballistics.
Careful there yourself, my good man. You are correct that a direct impact on 2mm steel at 10 yards shouldn't stop a 9mm, but two plates of 2mm steel with a gap of 8 inches is a different matter. Pistol bullets have a funny habit of being deflected by relatively thin hard surfaces, especially when impacted at angles. There is a good chance that your 9mm would go in one side and then rattle around inside. It might go straight through, but I would not take it for granted. Edited for lost word.
I love it how at 2:04 skall says the helm is still holding up and you see the polearms brought up in the background
That bascinet is a real beast. Very impressed with the visor, as well. I imagine a knight wearing heavy duty armor would be absolutely terrifying to less trained, less well armed soldiers.
This is great reference material. Now just picture a fully armoured opponent, that fights back competently, moves surprisingly fast, and shrugs off most attacks.
Lloyd and his new suit of armor don't stand a chance!
His armour is from a later time period though.
Right, but this helmet held up just fine.
He doesn't like any of the late medieval helmets anyway (which he mentioned in his video on bascinets), so he'll probabaly be running around bareheaded like a movie hero.
Who's Lloyd
Lindybeige is a youtuber who is named Lloyd. He just recently posted an video where he has commissioned some fullplate
playing with chained balls for the sake of SCIENCE
Antyrabbyt Meow for science! !!!!
"I'll mace you good!"
- Homer Simpson
It sparked, damn. Not Hollywood level sparks but still.
Well we all know now who would win if a longsword duelist and a sex toy enthusiast fought in full plate
@@luskarian I mean assuming the longsword dude didn't freeze in shame like "Dude, you hit me with a dildo"
@@TriaMaxwell it's not about what the dildo is currently used for
It's about what it was used for
there might be no penetration but half of these blows would turn your brain to jello lol.
Skallagrim, why don't you do a shooting session with these helmets using your flint lock? It would be nice to get a grip of the impact of gunpowder in renaissance Europe. Plus, it would be awesome, haha
I've already been planning that. :)
Skallagrim I can't wait to see that *grabs popcorn and tricorn*
@@Skallagrim Did it ever happen? Can't find such a video
@@Blaisem th-cam.com/video/ygaSMeTh-f0/w-d-xo.html
@@Skallagrim Thanks very much and cheers!
So you killed a longsword, and axe and a poleaxe for theese tests... I think it was overall worth it, but doesent it bother you?
**shrug** Business expenses.
well that is a good attitude :D
Well, at least they can be repaired
Yes, is not like he had destroyed a blade by shooting at it... oh, wait.
Drhaegar forgot about that one lol, and it was such a good sword.
It would be cool to test the crossbow on one of the thinner helmets.
Meriadoc Gunson a crossbow that can shoot a nuclear pommelhead bolt
Berkay Güler xD
Радован Кубурић Well at least he will end it rightly
how the hell did that poleaxe break!?!? that is absolutely not acceptable Skall! a freaking poleaxe is supposed to crush through armor not get crushed....You should do something about it, call the guys you bought it from or something, to be honest it could be a one time fail, not all their poleaxes but idk you should do a video about that. 😊
Ironically this is already a replacement poleaxe after I sent the previous one back due to poor fit and finish.
I guess that says something about the quality of their arms
... wow ... just amazing ...
***** Well i guess its their fault...., well i would say you should get a new one but its your money haha 😁but of course get a new smith xD
i think it broke (like the axe) because of false handling... it hit with the wrong spot
Skallagrim! Can you use sword's on stuff like baseball or football helmets? Or another type of helmet? Just so we can compare these to helmets that we are familiar with on the everyday bases.
after people watching this video,
"breaking news: thousands of Canadians this week have ordered a bdsm toy from amazon. Experts say it could be due to the new Fifty Shades Darker movie coming out, or it could be some sort of Canadian underground influence. Others say it was due to a youtuber who is promoting it to thousands of his fans."
l.o.l.....!!! and skall would be the mascot. .whether he likes it or not, that is how you "love" them rightly
+Nurlinda F Sihotang That is great!!!!!!!
Daniel S good i was almost diaspointed by the internet that there wasn't a comment about the bdsm ball and chain
Skall, for the flail, a longer handle and shorter chain would be better, as you've once said yourself in another video.
As well as a ball that was meant for damage, not sex.
VKGaming - Киригин Видео Игры yeah
Lord JS that and a flail should stay in motion, think nunchaku,swinging circles and diagonal strikes
Spike Hunter exactly. I knew that.
Lord JS in short,swing swing swing,ouch my face! I should probably hit the other guy before i hit myself again and the other dies laughing
I'm disappointed in arms and armor, they charge $850 for a shitty poleaxe
The metal is ok the wood they put it on is not, this is not one piece wood but industrial cheap layer crap you use for desks and such.
If he had a Oak handle there would be no problem at all.
still doesn't justify the price, and the fact that the wood is the problem not the metal doesn't change the fact that Arms and Armor screwed up
This brings up a question I have, did people get stuck in their armor after a lot of abuse? The helmet looks like it was able to come off pretty easily but did other bits of armor like breast plates ever get deformed and stuck tot he wearer?
judofry I would imagine that that would be prevented with the layers of padding underneath the armor.
That makes sense, also I just google image searched some breast plates and it looks like they way they are designed they come off in two pieces (a front and a back) so, I guess it would be pretty hard to get stuck in one. I think my head is full of hollywood nonsense, I think I was remembering a scene from A Knight's Tale when Heath Ledger's character got stuck in his armor (I could be remembering that wrong)
My guess is that's just a myth.
Maybe that could happen with a closed helmet, but it would take a tremendous force to do that.
Shoulders, breastplates and similar were tied on, meaning that they couldn't be "jammed on." There's nothing to wrap around and trap you. However, arms and legs which encased the limb could be. That's sort of the point of a crushing weapon - you can immobilize joints by denting them. A full-cannon vambrace (wrapped the forearm entirely) was hinged, so if the hinges got bent out of line, you couldn't open it to get the piece off.
Though the person inside also wouldn't be faring too well. It's not an easy thing to do.
From personal experience, I have had a visor (SCA heavy list) bent in the same way such that it would open only partially. It's probably the most common way armor fails and gets stuck.
Damn that is a sturdy helmet. Cool as hell to see the entire mace vibrate from the force of the blow in slow-motion.
Think we need to explore the concussion to the head and force on the neck in these cases.helmet did it's job clearly.but what would the wearer feel?
Yep! Guess he would fall anyway.
he would die. the helmet definitely did its job but getting hit that hard will fuck you up. the point of armor is to turn a sword into a crow bar. it stops lethal cuts and gambeson helps remove some of the force, but its like getting hit with a sledgehammer. maces use this limitation to a devastating effect. its also part of why armor trys to get blows to glance off preventing the full force from being dropped on one point
@@collindee8370 thats what I thought as well when he was saying that the wearer would be fine cuz of the padding n whatnot. I think the wearer would have horrible internal bleeding, brain hemorrhage, probably dead or soon to be already
you should try arrows and bolts on these helmets
quite probably they wouldn't be able to get enough of a direct hit to even dent the thing.
we'd see a lot of bouncing arrows and bolts, even if they had a powerful enough weapon to hope to penetrate that thickness of steel.
spamhonx56 i want to see that though
I don't think arrow would have enough power to break through these helmets (except first). Bolts maybe.
I have experience in archery and I can say that an arrow would definitely Pierce with the 90-120 pound draw weight of a bow they used,while a bolt is iffy due to the fact that a 200-300 pound draw weight of a crossbow is weaker. Should probably explain why since it seems illogical to those who don't know. * A crossbow has a shorter draw than an bow. The more longer of a draw, the more kinetic energy is developed. So while you may have a 125 pound crossbow, a 45 pound bow does as much damage.* Tip for buying a powerful bow: Look at one that has a comfortable draw weight for your level of experience(I recommend beginners to start around 35 pounds if they are above 18) Then look to see if the draw length is the size of your arm or 2 inches past your arm. Getting a draw length that is shorter than your arm means you are missing out on some extra power. But don't buy a bow that is 4 inches above your arm length or other wise the bow will become unwieldy and you will have a pain shooting it (OR you simply can't shoot it at all).
The thing that even if you have a bow that is powerful enough to make the arrow penetrate steel of that thickness it would still be extremely unlikely that it would penetrate a helmet due to the shape. A projectile that have enough force to fairly easy penetrate a flat piece of 2 mm steel would in most cases not be able to penetrate a helmet made out of 1,5 mm steel due to the shape. it will glance off.
So there are no bows or crossbows that normally could penetrate a helmet like that. the most powerful ones could maybe do it if it would hit perfectly, straight on so it would not glance. And even if it would penetrate the steel it would still probably not penetrate deep enough to even wound the wearer of the helm.
I am not saying it is impossible but it is very very unlikely. It is a bit like a one in a million thing. it would be so rare that it would kinda be the exception that confirms the rule as they say.
From all the surviving texts from wars during the time where plate armor was used. we have a lot of descriptions of people being wounded, killed and so on. But as far as i know we have no mention of anyone being killed or wounded by an arrow or a bolt trough a plate armor. But if someone know of a historical text telling about someone getting shot through a plate armor or helmet then please let me know. and things like When Henry V got an arrow in his face in battle 1403. We know he had the visor up when he got shot so it was not an arrow through plate
This does not prove that it did never happen of course. It only prove that we don't have any evidence that it happened so to say.
Also a good demonstration of how the round shape of the helmet keeps on deflecting the strikes. Even with the warhammer's spiked point, a strike from the front just rolls to the side instead of puncturing the steel.
This is basically a medieval shooting range :) Seems like fun!!
Haha I recognize those moving trucks! Barry's Moving was my parent's business so growing up I spent a lot of time right around the corner. If only I had known about HEMA. Fantastic video! Keep up the great work!
every time i clicked on these helmet tests videos, the initial metal-like music then straightaway transition to the soft medieval music always made it funny for me hah
War hammer or mace to a helmet is like being inside a bell...... Goodbye to hearing forever!!!
Nah I dont think so, your padded head inside would stop the helmet from ringing too.much
It almost hurts me to see these helmets destroyed
I know. I would like to own one.
Almost, it's also awesome to see some more realistic battle damage, and destruction is always a bit fun aswell :P
Радован Кубурић Thats right these helmets would last a very long time in real combat situations. When in a real fight you evade and never really do a perfect hit as these guys are doing. This one helmet is a very solid helmet and can save you more than one attack for sure.
Are you going to complain to the company about the poleaxe?
Sir Kay who the fuck is hillary cliton?
Luukas Saarnio your new here arnt you. well let me welcome you to the merican internet of 2016. this might help www.google.com
Sir Kay shows perfectly the average iq of a trump voter. Im pretty sure this hillary "cliton" isnt running for president
Christ, this has nothing to do with my question.
Eric Bowling he'll get a reply like "welcome to the internet, where facts and quality is made up/does not exist and your oppinion doesn't matter"
Your living archaeology is priceless. Thank you.
I love how he just gets to the point and doesn't try to stretch the video as long as he can.
Maybe show us how a modern military helmet holds up in comparison.
In this episode: learn how to "end him kinkily" by removing the pommel of your sex toy
Kind of surprising and curious that "BDSM toy" survived more than 5 hits.
Now I wonder what purpose such durable "toy" had in those "bdsm games"?
you hang it from nip and clit clips and piercings and the legs on the wooden horse
Or, I presume, balls?
I suspected that.
But for simple plumb/weight it's very VERY solid durable work.
don't want want to think about it.
If you hadn't watched as much, you wouldn't be able to enlighten us with your, eh, insightful views :p
It's a medieval anal bead.
I know these kind of videos probably cost you an arm and a leg to make but, holy shit I love them!
Very interesting results.
Awesome job, thanks for illustrating real world properties of arms and armor at the expense of your gear!
You know, for an amusing comparison, I'd love to see the same test done with a standard modern football helmet!
flail with no spikes is like women without butt
***** who ?
***** Vladim Putin himself ?!
+Sir Kay I thought I was the only one who thinks Hillary Clinton resembles Darth Sidious.
It's basically sith lords fighting for power.
Char Aznable Where the fuck is our Yoda?
skall you broke all of your weapons...
in the name of science, may i add
If they break under such mild abuse then they were not worthy as weapons anyways.
Actually, I thought he broke the war axe? How was he using it In this video?
Like Alfre Woodard in the film Star Trek: First Contact, "Jean-Luc, you broke your little ships."
From my boffer Larp experience a flail is best used in context of hitting your opponents shield or weapon and wrapping around it to make the hit. Utilizing conservation of angular momentum; thus adding more valocity causing a harder hit.
I do agree with another commentor that the flail test is definitely inconclusive.
Thank you for these tests as you can't find these tests anywhere else.
Look forward to more. Skol!
well, now we know what helmet to wear during the apocalypse
Amazon: Please Rate the PRoduce.
Me: a Solid 5.
Review: *An Excellent Flail*
This helmet is a beast.
Does helmet tests, ends up with two broken axes.
Nice black nail polish on the one guy though, 😉 Nice look! 🤣!
Caught my husband watching these videos and just searched them myself, actually really enjoy this channel!!!
I imagine it's probably the influence of hollywood magic, but I really didn't expect a helmet to be able to take THAT amount of abuse!
Really cool to see!
2:03 Axe didn't work, time to bring the heavy artillery.
I wonder how much you would need to pay for full thick plate armor + sword and shield in 14-16th century but in todays $.
Sorry for my english :(
in that century it would probably be arong £500 but scaling that up to today's money it would probably be around £1000-£2000
Far more than that. They were worth an estate, sometimes more if they incorporated decorations.
Even with advancements, a full suit of armor today will cost you $8000 dollars to fit you.
Well to fit me it would probably be a lot less (since I'm so small) but for the average man/woman then yeah I can see that
Mini Link The vast majority of the cost is labor, not materials.
The flail would do a lot more damage if it were spiked.
That part of the test was really inconclusive as it wasn't a real flail, but a makeshift one. Also they were cavalry weapons meant to be swung with the momentum of a horse.
Kyle, that's a point but spikes are not as practical as they look like.
The force is concentrated on a single tip and that's great. But also it's weakness. That the reason armors curved (I hope that the correct term) were a lot of force from spiky objects are redirected away from the armor.
So a little ball concets the energy in every single hit at best.
The drawback of injuring your self is also lower.
And flail sized, that was a kids toy
@@1stmaterayleigh500 The whole point of the spikes is to give the blow traction grip, so it _doesn't_ slip on the surface.
the flail would do alot more damage if the user knew what he was doing
A part of me dies inside every time you hit that helmet. The rest loves every second of it
Carrying out an war axe at work. What a lovely place to work.
This is why plate armor was so effective. Only way to get through was to go around.
That and war-hammers/picks. Many of the strong blunt strikes would do significant enough concussive damage to injure the soldier within the armour, rather than breaking through it, and I'd imagine a career medieval soldier would have more luck piercing with a pick than Skall did.
MADMAX or a English longbow. Well and rifles(musket) of course.
There are accounts where french knights advanced on foot, with english arrows plinking off of them. I'd say longbows weren't all that great anti-plate weapons, great against horses and soldiers in worse armor though.
Grenadier 658244-526455 Longbow wouldn't do much especially from range, a crossbow on the other hand could puncture plate. Crossbowmen could be over 100 yards away and still puncture full plate armor.
Crossbows had worse penetration at range than a longbow
This is a very strong helmet.
Any chance at the end you could do some thrusts and half swording at the end of your tests? I haven't seen anything significant testing the face plates and visors so far.
I think the flanged mace is my new weapon of choice. The sheer concussive force of it blows every other weapon out of the water. Despite the fact that this helmet showed very little damage from it, the wearer would be dead inside the helmet anyway. Now I know if I ever end up time traveling back to the medieval period which weapon to use.
Cheap to manufacture and no maintenance, plated knights must have hated them
Watching these weapons in 'action' so to speak has in fact taught me how the different blades, axes, maces etc. Would have been used during the medieval times and things of that nature.
Correct me if I happen to be wrong I do believe that when it comes to flails, the wielder of the flail depended a lot on the momentum of the flail, moving it in a circular motion to the side of you, or above your head to build the momentum up to deliver most damage.
Either way, I learned a whole lot from these helmet tests and got a bit of inspiration for the future when I begin Smithing.
i think the main advantage of the flail is the greater ease with wich one could turn a swing recovery into a backswing.
Do believe that was one of the many advantages of them as well.. If you miss one blow, you won't loose any momentum, therefore you can easily 'launch' another attack shortly thereafter but with still as much damage originally intended.
at 7:36 you see some sparks???
Why not? Its metal hitting metal with high speed
No other weapon caused that it just felt of that a bdsm toy would cause sparks ad nothing else
+Matthew Green "sparks",eh? #nudge2
I love the music you use for these videos \m/ keep up the 'research' :)
It would seem that many of these blows would incapacitate the victim by knocking them out, even if the armor was still intact. Once down in the ground and unconscious, they would be easily killed.
It wouldnt full on KO them, but I do see incapacitation as definitely possible.
I mean, it definitely absorbs impacr way better than just taking the strike
wow this helmet is FANTASTIC ! even the visor is awesome !
This was a good series. There is something I'd like to point out, if only because I haven't seen it mentioned yet (at least, not in this series. I do believe you made mention of something along these lines when discussing gambesons).
Even armor that can not protect you from a solid blow is not without it's merit. On a battle field, it would be far from impossible for a warrior to be struck with a blow that fails to strike true, or a quick, less-than-ideal strike that exploits an oppening, or even to come into contact with a blade by accident, without ant deliberate "attack" behind it. In any of these cases, armor that won't stop an ideal strike could still prevent a serious injury.
TLDR: Even armor that won't stop a solid blow is far from useless.
The helmet itself if holding up pretty well, but how would the blunt force affect the wearer underneath?
if he still has enough sense to say ow he'll be fine.
For the smaller weapons it would probably give a pretty mean concussion. For the larger weapons, the blunt force would probably knock you out and, if they get enough force, possibly kill you via trauma. Albeit, if you are getting that kind of hit on the battlefield you really fucked up regardless.
Liber Philosophus Thanks for the info.
helmets where historically bound to the breastplate or gorget with leather and an arming cap worn. the helmet doesnt rest on the head at all in proper wear. the only thing is the noise and that can be solved with small bits of rag in the ears working as earplugs. so the impack basically gets diverted to the shoulders and breastplate with leather acting as a gasket or insulator to dampen some of the impact on the spine and shoulders.
"Deafening for the wearer."
I have strong feeling that the wearer would have a broken neck from a hit like that in the face. Or at least that's how it looks like to me.
We are talking about the dents on the metal, but realistically any.of these weapons would provide instant concussion.
The helmet wearer would be out for the count. Maybe not dead... But down and out.
I feel like people are focusing on the damage to the helmet and forgetting about the head inside. A lot of those strikes look like they would knock a person unconscious pretty easily.
While it seems that way, the helmet actually absorbs a lot of the impact leaving the head ok. And we have to consider that the skull inside is broken without any sort of resistance.
That looks like a buhurt helmet, and people fight each other wearing those with relatively few knockouts
Not necessarily. Bascinets used a floating liner to help dispel force to the head. When the skull of the helmet is struck some force would be lost to glancing (this bascinet isn’t properly shaped) then further dampened by the suspension system.
Even if the helmet was breached by a point, there is a void in between your head and the liner. Long story short, they knew what they were doing despite what movies often depict
I see now why spine injury deaths we so common in Medieval warfare. Hammering at this helmet is glorious.
those inpacts are pretty serious even on such a strong helmet! it's amazing.
anyone else impressed with the tiny flail? I would imagine a a heavy flail or morning star could give the wearer a serious concussion. Certainly did better that the crappy poleaxe.
BDSM toy purchased by skall.
One more thing to tease him about
I was so tempted to make a katana joke, but... nah.
Wise choice.
You wouldn't be able to end it rightly with out the pummel
The thing I love about armour was yes it was designed to take hits, but it's aim isn't to take hits, it's literally there as a last ditch attempt at damage control, when you've failed to dodge or block its up to the armour to take as much of the blow as it can. It's not meant to tank everything, but rather give you a forgiving lucky chance if you make a mistake.
lmfao that guy in the background at 2:02 just walking causal with that gigantic axe like it's the most normal thing to see in a background of video XD hahha
Can you enable the damage numbers in the options menu?
I think we all would like to see which weapons would do best dps
Found the flail on the net as BDSM toy? Hmm, wonder how you did got there?
Sorry to disappoint you, I just searched "steel weight chain". :)
Can you get a napalm flamethrower other there like we can?
Time to sell this pile of broken weapons to hyper enthusiastic viewers in ebay.
With all those tests I'm impressed with 2 things
1 - How good the quality of the helmets and plate is.
2 - How bad some weapons perform against it.
That was so funny when that guy just walked out of the door carrying like 4 axes in the background
Dunno, the helmet may survives the hammer, but the head probably not.
The head definitely doesn't survive. A really hard strike, even with a lighter weapon, could knock someone out.
4:00 why does that guy have painted nails
Not only awkward and unwieldy, the chain is probably heavier than the ball at the end :P So it's not exactly a good distribution of force. At any rate, a flail is about as useful as grabbing a palmsized pebble and chucking that, when it comes to armor at any rate. flails areprobably meant to use against unarmoured opponents, and it wouldn't surprise me it's largely an improvised weapon anyway. But as a BDSM toy?! :| To do what? have the dominatrix bludgeon her willing victim to death?
EDIT: and deafening for the wearer? :P I think when you clocked him straight on, he would have been lucky to still be conscious :P Let alone being able to hear :P I get the feeling that damage like this would be pretty normal after a jousting tourney.... or 20 :P
Actually no, it's a solid steel ball, so it's quite heavy. It's apparently intended as a prisoner-style ball and chain, although it's tiny for that.
EDIT: Holy crap, looks like I was wrong... it mentions adding weight for ball stretchers. O_O amzn.to/2dQQjFc
***** By the Gods what will they think of next....0.o
I think the ball and chain would be more effective, it it weren't only a round ball. I played around with one some years back and found it to bite into armor and denting it to a degree that would really hinder movement in it. I also liked how you could hit the edge of a shield and the ball would still have the chance to deliver a blow, even to the backside of the head.
Skall, could you put a microphone inside one of the heads (once they're cracked open, I doubt it would fit otherwise^^)? I can imagine these blows would leave a really bad ring in your ears, even if the blow doesn't knock you out.
2:39 he might live but he wont be chewing food any time soon lol
It seems to me the flail was doing the most damage, especially seeing as it was weakened by not being a real flail and no spikes. The biggest dents were all by it and a longer chain would have given it even more power. The shocks it creates moved the helmet around a lot too and would cause a lot of impact damage it seems