Just further to the gentleman who pointed out that there was a major mental hospital in the area, suggesting that the Oxnard caller was indeed "crazy" and phone from that institution. I confess that the comment took me by surprise as it totally dismisses the notion that the information was accurate. There is also a large naval base there, as well as many crank religions, cults, and right wing groups. She could have been calling from any of them or none of them. But to simply dismiss her as crazy is in itself "crazy" given that she nailed the exact time of the assassination and that her repeated statements about a new type of government mirrored the words of Jack Ruby when pointing the ginger at the John Birch Society. I can only add that any belief and practice she had in the occult does not make her crazy, either since such beliefs were widespread and cut across all demographics.
Just further to the gentleman who pointed out that there was a major mental hospital in the area, suggesting that the Oxnard caller was indeed "crazy" and phone from that institution. I confess that the comment took me by surprise as it totally dismisses the notion that the information was accurate.
There is also a large naval base there, as well as many crank religions, cults, and right wing groups. She could have been calling from any of them or none of them. But to simply dismiss her as crazy is in itself "crazy" given that she nailed the exact time of the assassination and that her repeated statements about a new type of government mirrored the words of Jack Ruby when pointing the ginger at the John Birch Society. I can only add that any belief and practice she had in the occult does not make her crazy, either since such beliefs were widespread and cut across all demographics.