The longest category of that game is what they call "All bosses run" from what I see. The WR is about 8h long. Well, there are some game that have some "Plat%" category but as you can guess it's rare to see people actually doing them as they can take dozen of hours to the point you have to schedule sleep / eating / etc. session during them xD.
Run Start: 1:20
Woot, thank you RPG Limit Break for the reupload!
LurkingSR's commentary on the plot was terrific. Made me want to play this game.
I just recently finished Tales of Berseria yesterday, great game, loved the story.
Perfect. This is a PS3 back log of mine (I have it patched to English since it was released for PS3 only in Japan).
Would like to see a speed run for seeing all mystic artes trophy....189 hours in and still never got it
The longest category of that game is what they call "All bosses run" from what I see. The WR is about 8h long.
Well, there are some game that have some "Plat%" category but as you can guess it's rare to see people actually doing them as they can take dozen of hours to the point you have to schedule sleep / eating / etc. session during them xD.
I really did not like this game when I first got it but as I got further in it became one of my favorites.