If you enjoyed this video, please SHARE it with 3 other people, so that they can see how God is moving in Spain! We greatly appreciate your support! 🙏❤
Thank you for your job. For me as a catalan it's important that the foreing people who join us in our land recognize our history, culture and language. The name of Gaudi's church is Temple expiatori de la Sagrada Família and he was a great defensor of our nation and t'he faith.
I'm South African Christian. I live in Leon Spain for 3 months and I remember weeping one morning as I had quiet time, the city felt so orphaned. Everyone I met was atheist or born into a catholic family but wasn't practicing in any way. I remember asking God to send me to Spain as a missionary 8 years ago. It's been amazing to see how the local church I go to when I am in Barcelona hs been growing so much and even sent missionaries to Malaga... but it's true that the growth seems to be more from migrants and expats... I pray for more local conversions, for more missionaries to be sent to the smaller towns and cities so the true gspel is spread there too! And I pray still that God sends me, maybe to Leon again but either way He is moving, the knowledge of Him will indeed cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. God bless beautiful Espana and her people!
Be grateful that the Crusades got as far they did. The United States would not exist if it weren't for the belief in Jesus Christ. It was a good thing God gave His Son a 300 year head start. Otherwise most us wouldn't have been born and Europe would be sucking rug 5 times day.
@@legendman97 why aren't the catholics not ringing alarm bells about the agnostism? the reality is that Christianity seems to thrive in areas where there are different types of denominations for they will keep each other in check,just like Luther's 95 thesis did back in the day👍
Im an Egyptian-American Christian from TN and i've been in Salamanca for 3 months as well and it is the same thing here. Nobody practices Christianity, and even if they're catholic they dont live it out. The city feels so dull and everyone seems so miserable and hostile here. It has been so tough on me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally because of the lack of love and community here, but I know God has placed me here for a reason and I pray that Salamanca is able to receive God's gift of salvation.
Catholic here and a follower of Christ. Catholics in Spain need to be evangelized for sure not so they can leave Catholicism but so they can embrace it more fully.
Whatever people say, there will always be one true church that suffered for almost two thousand years, compiled the bible and put verses in it, preserved the tombs of the apostles, all the nations visited by the apostles became catholics, Catholic Church remained as the most persecuted church in the world, you know why? Because the Catholic Church isn't of this world, Jesus Christ himself instituted the one and only church the Catholic church through apostles Peter, the first pope of the Catholic Church and the gates of hades shall not hinder it, for almost two thousands years pagan Romans tried to destroy the Catholic Church but instead they were christianized under the Catholic Church, rise of heresies but they are all debunked by the doctors of the church the bishops of the Catholic Church, Islam wanted to destroy the Catholic Church but failed, protestantism tried to destroy the Catholic Church but in the end they were destroyed themselves and now they have 40,000+ protestant churches fighting each other in doctrines and who among them the true church, next Hitler and communism tried to destroy the Catholic Church but where are they? The Catholic church still stands today and continues to fight the modern heresies, the lies imposed by those who didn't know the Catholic faith, and the secularism of this world, long live the True Church of Christ, The true Bride of Christ, the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ Himself through Apostle Peter the First Pope of the Catholic Church!
@@MarcoPeñafiel-m8g what a bunch of deceptions. Paul came to Rome. Peter didn't. Paul were the apostle for the gentiles and Peter for the Jews. The truth Peter confessed to is the Rock. Not Peter himself. That confession, which is the rock is that Jesus is the Messiah, son of the living God. The doctrines of the Catholic Church have evolved throughout its history with its various popes. The protestant churches have striven to return to the plain truths of the scriptures. While there is many denominations, before God there is only one Church. That Church is not the Catholic Church or any other denomination but those that know Christ and follow him by his spirit. They can be found in various denominations, there are even churches that don't belong to any denomination because God doesn't really care about denominations. Christ is the one that builds his Church, not us. Then there is false apostles like the ones that Pault dealt with in the letters to the corinthians. The Catholic Church is guilty of sending people to infiltrate protestant churches to spread deception and disunion. That's one of the main purposes for the Jesuit order.
My parents came to Spain as missionaries in 1955. I was a baby, after 21 years, I married a Spanish evangelical. My husband and I have always been very involved in the local church and our son and his wife are serving God here. I loved the information you gave, everything sounds very accurate. We have been praying more and more for a revival and in the past few months we are seeing God do more than we had seen in years. Please pray for many, many to come to know the Lord in Spain
@@garzaesther that happens because Spain is the most attacked country because they evangelized half the world, and the devil doesn't like that, and he uses comunism, protestantsm, etc... to attack Spain. Our Lord already told us that we were going to be persecuted as he was.
In order to know the fullness of truth, and recieve the body and blood of Christ, you have to be a member of the Church Jesus Christ founded, the Catholic Church.
@@jimmoriarty6964 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. I guess you don't agree with The Lord since you think i will perish.
@@greatman5885 exactly! I believe that verse. Whoever believes in Christ accepts Him in the Eucharist (John 6:53) which is only possible by being part of His body the church. And sadly the protestants don't have it. Praying you come home brother.
@@jimmoriarty6964 So you are saying that the thief who died next to Jesus didn't get to heaven since he never went to the Catholic Church? You Catholics believe more in your leaders than God's words, which is the Bible. Praying that you read your Bible more often and inform yourself more about the identity of the Lord. Because you really come off as ignorant.🙏
Hermano Morales, muchas gracias por este documental. Sé que a muchos latinoamericanos nos encantaría disfrutar de su contenido en español, pero quiero animarlo a que siga adelante con esta gran labor. Su trabajo es de enorme beneficio para las iglesias, ayudando a abordar los desafíos misioneros alrededor del mundo. De nuevo, mil gracias.
@CacaoFlower Read the Church Fathers, studied the bible in depth and really dived into history and saw the Protestant position was inconsistent and it wasn’t taught for the first 1500 years of Christianity.
7:04 Totally false information, there were never 150,000 deaths during the Spanish Inquisition, These numbers are from accusations of heresy made by the people, with those executed representing only between 3000-5000 (according to modern historians) during its entire 300 years of existence throughout the Spanish Empire. The court was not concerned with Protestants as they had very little influence in Spain, they were judging people who claimed to be Catholic but were practicing heresies behind
Thank you for speaking the truth. Unless I am mistaken, Richard Henry Kamen is still one of the best historical authorities on the topic. Anyone who doubts you should read Kamen's work, or learn Latin.
In addition, there was also massive disagreement in the church regarding whether death was a suitable punishment for heresy, and most punishments by death was lead by the monarch. The inquisition has to be one of the most falsely informed periods of Renaissance history.
I sometimes wonder if the Spanish Inquisition's practice of burning effigies (symbolic figures that acted as stand-in respresentatives of the alleged heretics) fuelled this propaganda, since an outsider's perception could easily be swayed by assuming every burning was an actual person.
Most people are catholic but only go to church to attend an occasional wedding. At the present time only 19% of Spanish people are practicing Catholics. The positive side of this is that people that go to church now a days, don’t do it to follow the rules but out of deep conviction
If they ARE practicing Catholics, it's mostly the South. The rest of Spania, especially the richer regions like Catalunya where I live or the Basque Country are known for agnosticism and atheism, and not only that but are specifically quite against Christianity
It seems more that its culture is based on religion, but not a relationship with God. It is good to have a relationship with God instead of just being religious. I LOVE Spanish. I have Spanish blood and would love to live there one day. I am actually processing my legal citizenship now.
Here spanish, catholic, charismatic, ecumenical, and with 19 years old. I really love your videos, but in this one I have some thing to say. I usually defend evangelism between my catholic friends, but in this case… wow. First of all, you didn’t tell the truth about the spanish inquisition. The numbers that you gave are fruit of the “black legend”, that had the objective to discredit the Spanish Empire (historians estimate that the deaths were about 3000 -5000, not 150000, as you said. Neither their objective was killing jews or muslims). Secondly, you didn’t mention all the martyrs and missionaires that came from this country, you only highlighted the “bad” that the catholic church was. Thirdly, the point is not that evangelism is really low in this country, the point is Christianism. We don’t have to increase “evangelical churchs”, we have to make that more people may know Christ (and ask together for fire), despise our differences between christian denominations.
@@waveare6869 If you doubt his claims, there are more & more secular historians that affirm this position on the Spanish Inquisition (as opposed to other inquisitions of the time). Objectively, It's not something to be proud of, but it certainly isn't as notorious as Protestant circles & pop culture (particularly among Americans) make it out to be. Protestant nations of the time (this Inquisition declined by the later 1700s and was abolished in 1834) & several of their religious leaders also encouraged & performed trials of alleged witches, including recorded burnings at the stake in Europe & its colonies. So there was/is an important motive (in addition to imperialist rivalries) for exaggerating the events of the Spanish Inquisition alone, especially in an attempt to paint Catholicism as a bloodthirsty usurper of "true Christianity". Which is exactly what several Protestant groups have preached, historically & presently.
@@waveare6869 My apologies, your initial reply definitely seemed sarcastic to me. In any case I'm glad the info didn't fall exclusively on concrete or deaf ears. If it encourages someone in some way, especially to look into these matters beyond the surface level or urban mythology, glory be to God.
The editing, storytelling, and education is top tier! Thanka for making these encouraging videos! Hoping Christians can discover the wealth of videos on this channel.
I’m a practicing Catholic Spaniard. My grandparent were Catholic, I am Catholic and happy. My newborn son is 5 months and is already baptized. I’ve lived in the US for 8 years due to studies and work. I’m mostly familiar with evangelicals because of this. My views on evangelicals are not positive. I’ll refrain from making disparaging comments, I’ll focus on the differences: I believe that the Church’s authority and sacred traditions are essential for understanding and interpreting scripture correctly. It’s not just about personal interpretation but also about the wisdom passed down through centuries within the Church. There is plenty of diversity within the Catholic Church to embrace all. The younger generations may be lax or not practicing properly but the evangelical church is not the solution.
Hey I am curious with your statements about Evangelicals. What about them make your views not positive? I am a protestant but I will be the first to admit that many evangelicals are just simply cultural christians who do not follow Christ.
@@R-md5lr My problem with them is that they teach heresies. They lead badly catechised catholics away from the Church and fill their minds with doctrinal errors.
As a Mexican American. Born catholic.. I never understood and went down the road most people Spain are in I left my faith but Christianity save my and Jesus Christ is where all my faith is in!! Love this
@@Kitiwake no matter how God created the church, at the end as long it's under the care of human it will always have a flaws and wont be a perfect religion. that's if Christians wont agree to one religion, it's people will just keep on making thousands if not millions if secs.
I've been watching this channel since before my conversion to Catholicism, so this was an odd episode for me. All the same; I did not realize how few sincere Christians there are in Spain. It's sad to see. I'd rather our own step up to bat, solve the absence of priests and invigorate our love for Jesus, but if evangelicals can help, please do. For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us, and on the whole world.
I was an early subscriber to this channel despite knowing it's a protestant channel. I really liked their videos but after this video it's clear that this channel is Anti-Catholic
@@isaiah3872 There are lots of steps, but in brief, it went like this: 1) Cameron Bertuzzi starts hosting debates between Catholicism and Protestantism. I didn't change my view, but I was thinking about the theology in a way I hadn't been forced to in my everyday life. He eventually converts, but I really don't get it and I'm not sympathetic. 2) I was raised to think Catholics weren't Christian because they had a false gospel. The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999) helped put that objection to rest. So they're real Christians, and I can listen to them, even if there's nothing particularly drawing me to be one. 3) I read a few other documents from earlychristianwritings. Nothing in particular stood out, except Ignatius. He simply sounds Catholic, and he's one generation removed from John! 4) I realize that John 6 basically forces a literal reading because Jesus is turning away disciples who won't accept the eating and drinking of His blood. As a low-church Protestant, something has to change. I eventually realize that virtually all magisterial Christians accept the real presence, in one form or another; but I have some concerns about validity. 5) There was a pattern of habitual sin that I had difficulty breaking, partially because I sought to justify myself with the argument: "where is that condemned in the Bible?" (This was an unforced error; one can be Protestant without justifying themselves in this way.) But the Catholic church's rich philosophy allowed me to realize not only that my sin was sin indeed, but just how severe it was. I immediately repented and felt closer to God than ever before. At this point I want to be Catholic, but I realize I've got plenty of homework before I can do so honestly. And I am open to being wrong, and perfectly happy to be Orthodox, Anglican, or a high church Methodist instead. 6) I talk with my past pastor, current pastor, his assistant, other people in ministry, and multiple priests to get a better understanding of the issues. I also lay out my current theological beliefs, which turn out to be incompatible with any existing tradition; I'm insisting that the priesthood is necessary, that the Anglican priesthood is invalid, but that confession doesn't do much, and apostolic succession is clearly an accretion. What, am I supposed to make my own denomination? 7) I conclude that the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, as well as the apparitions of Fatima and Zeitoun, are among the most powerful evidence of miracles. These largely exclude the option that Catholics are just "one church among many," because they back its theology, not just its authority. They are either demonic, or their claims are true. But we already know they have the true gospel. 8) I conclude that making my own denomination is schism. But then, where would that leave the original reformers? Even people I looked up to, like John Wesley, ended up - intentionally or not - breaking the body of Christ even further. 9) I continue working through theological disagreements and find some passages in scripture that I can't imagine a Protestant answer to. But perhaps you can. Colossians 1:24; John 20:23; 1 John 5:16-17; Hebrews 6:2; Revelation 20:4; Revelation 5:8; Acts 16:33; James 5:14-15; Matthew 16:18. 10) If schism and heresy are both sins, would God force us to choose between one or the other? So then the belief that "the gates of Hell will not prevail" against the church must be true in the strongest sense; there has to be a way for Christians to avoid schism *and* heresy. There must be an authority that settles heresies, without being capable of error as it does so. But wait - that's exactly what the ecclesial churches are claiming! 11) I read the Deuterocanon and find nothing objectionable about it. I also have been reading the Catechism, and find that as I go through it, I find it less and less objectionable. 12) While I don't put nearly as much time or thought into it - I decide receiving the Eucharist soon is more important than getting it right - I investigate the papacy in order to decide whether I will be Catholic or Orthodox. I am aware of the historical challenges to it, but conclude that if there is an ecclesial structure to the church, its canons clearly establish the Roman bishop as preeminent prior to the schism. That only leaves one option. 13) I agree with three of the Marian dogmas; she is the Mother of God, Perpetual Virgin, and Immaculately Conceived. I merely assent to the Assumption into Heaven; I have more than enough evidence of the Church which defined it, and I'd better get used to having some things that I simply don't understand. I also better understand Mary's role in salvation; how could I know I was truly worshipping Jesus, and not merely venerating Him, unless I had a perfect creature as a yardstick to know the difference? 14) I am confirmed Catholic. The experience of having the Eucharist is life changing. I know that's probably more information than you wanted, but I also feel it's a disservice to the long and winding path I took to get here. I didn't include many of the feelings I had or the prayers I made, or where I got my information. Thanks for asking!
@hyreonk Thanks so much for sharing! I am in a similar position, trying to discern Catholicism - still have a ton of questions. One thing I can say is that we my wife and I have been extremely blessed through the ministry of the Catholic church this year. They have incredible depth and have the potential to get to the very heart of the Gospel while making you appreciate the mystery of it all! St. Therese of Liseaux blows me away. There are many incredible Protestant Saints as well - I pray the Lord makes us One again!
Why are yall trying to turn spain protestant? What is wrong eith catholicism. Shouldnt we want them to return to their catholic roots? I would argue protestantism will lead them closer to secularization.
@@yungceo-22 Protestant churches are the most secular and leftist ridden religious sect on the planet. And your church teachings don't even condemn some of the acts you guys do, like homo-marriages and women preachers
@@yungceo-22 What's the "true message of salvation"? Because even among Evangelicals (a relatively recent faction among Protestant Christians) there's disagreement about practically everything beyond the belief that "salvation is through faith alone". Is that salvation conditional, or are we saved once and for all? One Evangelical congregation would say yes, and another two streets away would say, "no".
I lived in Barcelona and God is moving. Lots of catalanes aren’t open to Christianity because of their hurt in Catholicism but God is moving. Slowly but surely, the gospel is being shared.
Very interesting as always! It is sad that Europe, the home of the Reformation and the Vatican, has fallen away so far. It's sad to see, but I pray we don't lose hope and become nihilistic. By remaining hopeful in a dark world we shall shine a light that cannot be ignored.
Europe have abandoned and almost succeed (politically) in keeping religion a private matter. We live in a modern society and world, we know alot of things that only religious doctrines gave us. Europe was the first region to abandon religion and become secular.
Soy Español Católico (practicante y de la generacion esta Z), nuestro país se fundó sólo gracias a la fe Católica para luchar contra el islam. Aunque sí es verdad que quedemos pocos españoles de verdad, dejamos herencia en Hispanoamérica y en la cultura hispana el catolicismo está presente, ya sea en festividades o en el habla. Viva España, Viva Hispanoamérica y VIVA CRISTOREY
I love your videos. I always learn something new. I knew about thr Arabic roots in some Spanish words. But I learned many new things throughout the video. Thank you.
Germanistan hates Christianity just like the rest of Europe does, Christianity is of course shrinking, the only “growth” is some of the immigrants that come in from Africa.
I suddenly feel like i wanna go live in one of those small spanish towns, meet the locals and start a house church. Not my will but yours be done Lord.
Oh wow this is actually really good info I thought Spain was largely catholic didn't know the numbers were so bleak but God has a plan for Spain and I'm sure He'll send his ministers there
Maybe I'm wrong but I think Spain Catholicism have a great cultural strength. Many people who aren't religious or even atheists participate in religious ceremonies. Like to carry in procession, not only in Holy Week, the Virgin, Saints, etc. Catholicism was able to adopt and redefine many pre-Christian cults with great success.
The indifference of people breaks my heart 💔 Let’s keep praying for the Lord to save this beautiful nation and that the gospel keep spreading in every town, and even the most little village. Please, Lord, send laborers to your harvest 🙌🏼 Praying for Spain from Venezuela.🇻🇪🇪🇸 Me rompe el corazón la indiferencia de las personas. 💔Sigamos orando para que el Señor salve esta hermosa nación y que el evangelio se siga difundiendo en cada ciudad e incluso el pueblito más pequeño. Por favor, Señor, envía obreros a tu mies. Orando por España desde Venezuela 🇻🇪🇪🇸
i. love. this. i'm in school for software engineering, but i'd LOVE to produce media like this that tells stories that people need to hear. praise God!
Amen brother! What an awesome film documenting this very important situation. I truly believe as well that the North of Africa will hear about Jesus and His real life-giving love and redemption through the Spanish evangelists. It's time to flip the switch on history and have Spain share the gospel in the 'right' way, by showing others peacefully that Jesus came to save every people group! All the best to the Pastor in this video. Dream BIG! For God is bigger than any dreams we could have.
I am a methodist/pentecostal I have one main issue with this video and It’s this. Catholics are our brothers and sisters and instead of taking away from the Catholics we should encourage them to be better Catholics. Spain is largely Catholic for good logical reasoning it’s cultural and it helps them root back to there beginnings in the faith. The reason for protestant theology is because of the failure of the papacy and yes although Catholics have an incorrect theological interpretations and stances so do we…. I think the best option for the church in Spain is this, a reformed Catholic Church with focus on the power of the Holy Spirit and common prayers of the hours liturgy of the hours. Catholics should be encouraged to actively engage with there faith instead of making them all protestant.
As for the Catholics I encourage them to engage there faith and know God further I believe some heathy reform is in Order for the Catholic Church here’s a small list of things that might help. 1.allow priest to be married in the Catholic Church 2.allow non-Catholic nicene Christians to partake of the eucharist if they have repented of their sins 3. Actually encourage people to do penance at least once a year 4. Agape love don’t put on some religious mask and push people out just because they don’t understand Catholicism or God. 5. Preach divinization and salvation more commonly.
@@Caligulashorse1453 1. already a thing in the eastern rite and ordinariate 2. no 3. This is heavily encouraged by the Church. 4. Don't know what you mean by this. 5. The Church teaches salvation. Divinization is Gnosticism though and is rejected by the Church.
As a person who lived in Spain for 4 years as an immigrant from Cuba, what he said is completely true. Most of the people in the Foursquare church I went to in Madrid were from Latin America.
Gracias por compartir lo que está pasando en España! Recuerdo que en Perú los evangélicos eran un 2% en los 80 y 90 y ahora son más del 20% y solo Dios puede hacer esa obra en cada corazón. Sigamos compartiendo del amor de Dios con nuestros vecinos y ellos puedan ver a Cristo a través de nuestras vidas. La obra es de El pero el llamado es para los creyentes de ir y compartir el Evangelio las nuevas noticas de salvación a las naciones! Bendiciones Radical y que siga el buen trabajo que hacen! 🥰
I am a North American living in Màlaga. I learned Spanish in Latin America where I lived for many years and now work with the Latin Americans who we will learn about in the next video. The situation in Spain is complicated. Imagine for a moment that you live in a country with a very small minority of Evangelical Believers and in a very short amount of time you are a minority in your own church. The people who move in don't adapt culturally which you don't really expect from immigrants, but at the same time there are thousands of Latin American missionaries, who say that they want to evangelize Spain, but don't take the time to learn the local culture and language. Castilian Spanish is different than Mexican Spanish. Many of these Latin American missionaries move in and start acting like they are the experts instead of entering as humble students to learn from the local believers. I asked a latin American friend of mine, "has cogido la palabra coger?" She gave me such a look of disgust. I was like how can you expect to be a missionary when you can't even learn the local language and customs. It is complicated. I have a latin American heart, but I also desire to work with Spaniards and wish that my Latin American counterparts would see the need to contextualize themselves, their language and be humble students of the culture and history of Spain. As long as Latinos live and talk as Latinos they will not reach the Spanish people with the hope of Jesus Christ.
If things continue at this rate--especially if/when history will rhyme itself--as opposed to repeating itself, then can I say there will be a time there will be an evangelical El Cid, waiting to re-liberate the Iberian Peninsula, back to what I personally refer to as the Jamon Revolution--but with evangelical characteristics?
Great video and a really accurate picture of the current situation in Spain. What he didn't touch on is the issue of Catalunya, where the statistics of believers is even lower than the rest of the country. For them, "The Church" was a tool of oppression of the dictator, who also oppressed their separate language and culture, and so there is even greater rejection of what they've experienced as "Christianity". Whether it be through catholic or protestant traditions, please pray for Spain, and especially Catalans, to see who Jesus really is and come to know him.
Sagrada Familia is not a cathedral, it is a minor basilica. It is an honorary title awarded to some churches (usually for cultural reasons or if a saint is buried there).
As french, I saw both videos about France and Spain. They are both bias to Lure evangelical christians. As the catholic faith are on the rise, especially young traditional catholics looking for beautiful liturgy and going to the latin mass. Viva el Christo Rey
As a Roman Catholic, I have no problem with the excising of heresy and false “churches” or ecclesial communities. The false Gospel of Protestantism only brings death and eternal damnation. No Eucharist, no life in you. John Chapter 6. I’ll pray for your conversion.
Depends on which inquisition you are speaking of. ‘The Inquisition’ is a bit of a misnomer, in that there were diocesan inquisitions, the legatine inquisitions, the papal inquisitions, the Venetian, Roman, and, of course, the Spanish Inquisition, which is a bit of a different animal. Another issue is that we don’t have all of the inquisitorial records, which complicates the matter further. The short answer is, quite simply, we don’t know. But we can make some educated guesses. As other people have answered (correctly), the church did not actually kill anyone, as it was forbidden for any member of the clergy to shed blood. Rather, they ‘relaxed’ those found guilty of heresy to the secular arm for any punishments outside of their bailiwick (i.e., penance and pilgrimage). But those punishments ranged widely, with the most common being public humiliation and penance. For example, those found guilty of being ‘Cathars’ were forced to wear tabards with a double-barred yellow cross on it that could not be smaller than about 10 inches high. Some were imprisoned for a length of time, some for life, while still others were admonished to “go and sin no more” and then closely watched to make sure they didn’t return to their old heretical ways. Bernard Gui, one of the most famous of the papal inquisitors, deposed thousands of people over the course of his career. In a ten year span in Toulouse, he found 700 people guilty of various gradations of heresy, and of those, only 40 were relaxed for capital punishment. That’s .051% of the total. In the Spanish Inquisition, which was perhaps the bloodiest of all the church’s inquisitions, some 125,000 people were questioned. The number killed was less than 1% of that total. While these deaths may disturb the modern sensibility, as even one death in the name of proving one’s religion ‘right’ seems deeply problematic, and even downright bizarre, they were acceptable in the grand scheme of things for both the medieval people and the church. It is also problematic to add the numbers of those killed during the Reformation’s Wars of Religion, or those executed for witchcraft, to the inquisition’s numbers, as neither of those things were were specifically done by the process established by the church to root out heresy. In the US, the image of the medieval church as bloodthirsty largely stems from the anti-Catholic bias of the early 19th century, and specifically, Henry Charles Lea, whose seminal 3-volume history of the inquisition was used for years with very little critical analysis. *for the facts and figures I’ve used here, see Given, James B. Inquisition and Power and the work of Agostino Borromeo. **there are a ton of works out there on this subject. Perhaps the best single volume on the subject of ‘the inquisition’ writ large is Edward Peters’ Inquisition.
the arab influence on spain's culture, religious significance etc is also evident in other cultures just surrounding the middle east. eritrea and ethiopia complex history with arab orthodoxy/ islam is still continuing till the present day. eritrea especially is currently the fourth hardest place in the world to be a christian despite the large majority being tewahedo orthodox. i'd like to see a hard to reach series on it as it's different than the other countries mentioned- iran, northern korea, japan and now spain.
This video is Anti-Catholic propaganda. Franco was a hero. You didn't address the main issue that's plaguing the young Spaniards, secular gov and leftist ideology. Actual protestant nations in northern Europe is far worse than Spain, go make a video about that.
That's because those nations are turning their backs on Christ, too. Buscad a Jehová mientras puede ser hallado, llamadle en tanto que está cercano. Isaías 55:6
How exactly was Franco a hero? And even if the secular government & leftist ideology plague young Spaniards, how do you propose the Catholic Church re-evangelizes them to accept Christ individually? They can't exactly wait around for a more favourable time to do it. I genuinely hope you'll answer; I'm a practising Catholic myself.
Hey everyone! I’m so excited to see a series focused on Spain! As a Brazilian who lives in the UK for years now and frequently travels to Spain, I can confidently say that it’s one of my favorite countries. I truly hope the gospel continues to grow there and that people can genuinely convert to Christ. However, I want to respectfully disagree with the idea that Spaniards and Europeans need to send out more missionaries at this time. We're at a critical moment in Europe where we desperately need people to preach the true gospel of Christ-without sugarcoating it. We can't focus on outreach if our own communities are struggling. I believe the decline of the church in Europe stems from preachers not adequately addressing the questions that younger generations, especially those in their 30s, are grappling with. Many of these questions revolve around how science intersects with biblical teachings, as well as clarifying what sin is and the spiritual consequences it has on our lives. We also need to confront the reality of spiritual battles that are very much alive today. While sound doctrine from churches like Presbyterians, conservative Anglicans, and Baptists is essential, we also need congregations that are prepared to engage in spiritual warfare, such as Assemblies of God and other Bible-based charismatic churches. We require a relevant church that can meet the needs of a generation that is suffering and, due to their blindness, often can’t see the solutions available to them. If you are an American Christian missionary, Canadian, Latin American, Brazilian, Asian whatever, come to Europe. We need you! Much love, and thank you for consistently creating such amazing content!
If there's anyone that heard the story about the inquisition and thought "that can't be true", you're right! Read up on the history of the "leyenda negra" and other works of Protestant anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic literature. Fransiscan Fr. Casey Cole has a good introductory video, but turn to the primary sources. Just to pique some interest: torture was never used as a punishment, and the Catholic Church had way less control over the Inquisition than you might think
Some corrections, if I may; The Sagrada Familia isn't a Cathedral. It is a basilica, the Cathedral is The Holy Cross and St. Eulalia. Also a fair bit of your information as regards the Inquesition is false. An example would be that the Inquesition would give 30 days notice before arriving at a village or town.
Spain is culturally Catholic but just like the rest of Europe, everyone needs to go back to God. Spain produced the greatest of saints - St Ignatius of Loyola, St Francis Xavier, St Teresa of Avila, St Isidore of Seville to name a few. It’s a roller coaster of faith. We need another St Josemaria escriba. Let’s storm the heavens…
4:46 Most of the land for 8 centurys? By the 1090 half of the peninsula was christian, check the history. 5:42 In that case you are less christian for using words like alcohol or alchemy that have arabic roots? Are lebaneese christians less christians than an angloid just for speaking arabic? You are mixing up culture and religion. 6:23 Wasnt one single war, it is how historians call this historical phenomenon also called Hispanic Restoration. 6:43 This topic is mainly made off stereotipes, The inquisition always warned those who were going to be judged in advance and these "tortures" were almost never necessary, the false converts were simply expelled. 7:00 Black legend nonsense, the lutherans killed a lot more and catholics were persecuted too, the fact that Spain had an institution like the TDSI means that they were well organised LMAO what a waste of time, this was just 14 minutes waffle, anyway, JESUS IS KING.
Accoring to Church Millitant, a conservative Catholic organisation, less than 10% of Italians are Catholic, Spain is likely is a similar situation of nominality.
14:40 I've grown up from the Roman Catholic since I was a boy as a Filipino,but now I am agnostic atheist I'm going back to the ancient belief of pacific islander people....
Im a practicing Catholic. The western Christian countries have sold their soules, and forgot why they function so Well because of our beautifull religion. One day when other religions take over, people will wake up and Think about what i just said. It’s because of the parents who educate kids to do what they want.
This is a great video, I've learnt so much. Thank you. Just a question for understanding. What does "Evangelical Christian" mean and where does the term come from? A friend of mine (who is atheist) called me that in a discussion we were having. I simply said that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. Would that then make me an "evangelical" Christian? I feel like the confusion comes when people, for example Catholics, feel as though they are being converted to another tradition.
After the last video including Roman Catholics under "Christianity" I was not expecting such a detailed explanation of the horrors of historical Catholicism. I'm glad you are getting the truth out! It's good to hear that the true gospel is making progress in the land of works salvation. I can confirm that many of the pastors and missionaries that I have contact with in Spain have many Latin American immigrants in their churches.
You should make a documentary about this Spanish lack of Christianity with Pastor Marcos Vidal. He can give you more information about it, plus he’s also from Spain.🇪🇸
In my opinion, many are leaving the Catholic Church because of its history of inquisition and persecution. Because the Catholic Church has a long history of murder and issues that were unsolved. Even in the Philippines, once colonized by Spain, Spanish Catholic priests here force the natives here to convert to Catholicism and under Spanish rule. And even the Philippines is now a secular country where the separation of religion and government. Millions of Filipino Catholics were still a devout Catholic, embracing Catholic tradition that the Spanish left, like Fiesta ng Santo ( feast dedicated to a particular patron saint), translaçion ( the feast of black Nazarene carrying cross ), Fiesta ng sto.niño ( feast of the baby jesus ), and more. But many Catholics here say they were Catholic but not religious, mostly don't attend masses, but sometimes by circumstances of school requirement or family tradition, they are forced to attend masses. That's why many don't believe in God any more or religion, some don't have interest in religion or anything spiritual, but interested in world pleasure. I think this prophecy in the Bible was already happening that the people's love for money was more, instead of lovers for God.
This shows that we should also pay attention to the countries we think are Christian countries and also Evangelize there too and not neglect else we would loose ground.
Most Christians in Western countries are just Christians by name not in action, they claim their countries were built on Christian values and they should follow those set of values but they don't want to follow Christ. You can never expect the benefits of following Christ while embracing atheism and secularism, this is why demonic ideologies are spreading rapidly in Western countries because they have abandoned God.
Like so much of Western Europe, Spain has become increasingly secular. We see the same thing happening here in North America where society is becoming secular and more and more people are identifying as not having any faith at all, especially among Gen Z. Christians need to unite to evangelize the world for Christ and by this I mean all Christians, Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant. While we have differences, our faith in Christ should serve to unite us in the mission.
Those people don’t understand metaphysics It’s not something you do or think about just because. It’s the inevitable conclusion of real deep thinking about the origins of things, design and morality Materialism and consumerism have as their logical conclusion death - for there is no reason to exist as a mere piece of dirt
This video sheds light on the fact that Spain is a nation boasting to be Catholic Christian in the World but nearly nobody believes in The Gospel of Christ Jesus or on Existence of Almighty God.
According to Wikipedia, not the most reliable source 18.5 per cent of Spain's total population are practicing Catholic this would equate to almost 9.1 million Catholics out of a total Catholic population of 27 million. This seems actually good, unlike the portrayal in the video. I do not deny we always need to evangelise better, have a better realtionship with God, requent the sacraments regularly. But at the same time is it necessarily our place to say what makes someone a 'practitioner' of their faith and somone else not?
As an aside I would guess some catholics would go to Mass at Christmas, Easter, maybe go to confession, pray. Are they less practising than others? I don't think so. We are all on a journey, all disciples of Christ trying our best to follow him who is The Way.
The Spanish Inquisition happened after the Reconquista, and it was not as bad as you just described it. It had a very systematic trials conducted both by the state and by the Church that inspired the modern justice and court system. I suggest you do more research on the "Black Legend". Also the civil war that happened last century was against communism and anarchism those who opposed Christianity and tried to bring Marxist ideologies. I am a Catholic, and I your work. Next time try to get the facts right and please don't villainize the Catholic Church.
"I only believe what I can see or prove." What about people who don't have records of their grandparents or great-grandparents? Do you not believe what your parents tell you about your grandparents. We aren't any smarter today than the people who came before us. We have had more time with things written down that we don't have to go back and re-invent the wheel. That means unless we can actually disprove previously known things, like their being a God, then we have no way to say that there is no God today when we have no proof of that. You have as much evidence as you have for the existence of yours or someones deceased great-grandfather who has no records to tell his story, but has his descendants to tell his story.
If you enjoyed this video, please SHARE it with 3 other people, so that they can see how God is moving in Spain! We greatly appreciate your support! 🙏❤
God has been moving in Spain for centuries, not just now because of the evangelical churches.
@@2morepagesThe first Evangelical was the Apostol Paul. It has always been God's will for people to serve Him in Spirit and in truth.
Spaniards and Portugales came in south America and forced people into catholicism with lies and corruption
Thank you for your job. For me as a catalan it's important that the foreing people who join us in our land recognize our history, culture and language. The name of Gaudi's church is Temple expiatori de la Sagrada Família and he was a great defensor of our nation and t'he faith.
I'm South African Christian. I live in Leon Spain for 3 months and I remember weeping one morning as I had quiet time, the city felt so orphaned. Everyone I met was atheist or born into a catholic family but wasn't practicing in any way. I remember asking God to send me to Spain as a missionary 8 years ago. It's been amazing to see how the local church I go to when I am in Barcelona hs been growing so much and even sent missionaries to Malaga... but it's true that the growth seems to be more from migrants and expats... I pray for more local conversions, for more missionaries to be sent to the smaller towns and cities so the true gspel is spread there too! And I pray still that God sends me, maybe to Leon again but either way He is moving, the knowledge of Him will indeed cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. God bless beautiful Espana and her people!
Spain ought to return to its Catholic faith which built it
Molo sisi! Mfazi wam ngumXhosa. Ndivela eAustralia.
Be grateful that the Crusades got as far they did. The United States would not exist if it weren't for the belief in Jesus Christ. It was a good thing God gave His Son a 300 year head start. Otherwise most us wouldn't have been born and Europe would be sucking rug 5 times day.
@@legendman97 why aren't the catholics not ringing alarm bells about the agnostism? the reality is that Christianity seems to thrive in areas where there are different types of denominations for they will keep each other in check,just like Luther's 95 thesis did back in the day👍
Im an Egyptian-American Christian from TN and i've been in Salamanca for 3 months as well and it is the same thing here. Nobody practices Christianity, and even if they're catholic they dont live it out. The city feels so dull and everyone seems so miserable and hostile here. It has been so tough on me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally because of the lack of love and community here, but I know God has placed me here for a reason and I pray that Salamanca is able to receive God's gift of salvation.
Catholic here and a follower of Christ. Catholics in Spain need to be evangelized for sure not so they can leave Catholicism but so they can embrace it more fully.
Why embrace a church that spread by force. That's not the Church of Christ. It's a counterfeit.
I am a practicing Catholic and very proud to be one. Praying❤
Whatever people say, there will always be one true church that suffered for almost two thousand years, compiled the bible and put verses in it, preserved the tombs of the apostles, all the nations visited by the apostles became catholics, Catholic Church remained as the most persecuted church in the world, you know why? Because the Catholic Church isn't of this world, Jesus Christ himself instituted the one and only church the Catholic church through apostles Peter, the first pope of the Catholic Church and the gates of hades shall not hinder it, for almost two thousands years pagan Romans tried to destroy the Catholic Church but instead they were christianized under the Catholic Church, rise of heresies but they are all debunked by the doctors of the church the bishops of the Catholic Church, Islam wanted to destroy the Catholic Church but failed, protestantism tried to destroy the Catholic Church but in the end they were destroyed themselves and now they have 40,000+ protestant churches fighting each other in doctrines and who among them the true church, next Hitler and communism tried to destroy the Catholic Church but where are they? The Catholic church still stands today and continues to fight the modern heresies, the lies imposed by those who didn't know the Catholic faith, and the secularism of this world, long live the True Church of Christ, The true Bride of Christ, the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ Himself through Apostle Peter the First Pope of the Catholic Church!
@@MarcoPeñafiel-m8g what a bunch of deceptions. Paul came to Rome. Peter didn't. Paul were the apostle for the gentiles and Peter for the Jews. The truth Peter confessed to is the Rock. Not Peter himself. That confession, which is the rock is that Jesus is the Messiah, son of the living God.
The doctrines of the Catholic Church have evolved throughout its history with its various popes. The protestant churches have striven to return to the plain truths of the scriptures. While there is many denominations, before God there is only one Church. That Church is not the Catholic Church or any other denomination but those that know Christ and follow him by his spirit. They can be found in various denominations, there are even churches that don't belong to any denomination because God doesn't really care about denominations. Christ is the one that builds his Church, not us. Then there is false apostles like the ones that Pault dealt with in the letters to the corinthians. The Catholic Church is guilty of sending people to infiltrate protestant churches to spread deception and disunion. That's one of the main purposes for the Jesuit order.
My parents came to Spain as missionaries in 1955. I was a baby, after 21 years, I married a Spanish evangelical.
My husband and I have always been very involved in the local church and our son and his wife are serving God here.
I loved the information you gave, everything sounds very accurate.
We have been praying more and more for a revival and in the past few months we are seeing God do more than we had seen in years. Please pray for many, many to come to know the Lord in Spain
Make España CHRISTian Again 💯
@@garzaesther that happens because Spain is the most attacked country because they evangelized half the world, and the devil doesn't like that, and he uses comunism, protestantsm, etc... to attack Spain.
Our Lord already told us that we were going to be persecuted as he was.
M.E.C.A. sounds oddly ironic in this particular case.
In order to know the fullness of truth, and recieve the body and blood of Christ, you have to be a member of the Church Jesus Christ founded, the Catholic Church.
Hope spain turns back to its catholic roots!
i hope Spain turns to Christ
@@greatman5885turning to Christ means being part of His body which is His Church. Of which protestant is not part of it. Hope you come home brother
@@jimmoriarty6964 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. I guess you don't agree with The Lord since you think i will perish.
@@greatman5885 exactly! I believe that verse. Whoever believes in Christ accepts Him in the Eucharist (John 6:53) which is only possible by being part of His body the church. And sadly the protestants don't have it. Praying you come home brother.
@@jimmoriarty6964 So you are saying that the thief who died next to Jesus didn't get to heaven since he never went to the Catholic Church? You Catholics believe more in your leaders than God's words, which is the Bible. Praying that you read your Bible more often and inform yourself more about the identity of the Lord. Because you really come off as ignorant.🙏
Hermano Morales, muchas gracias por este documental. Sé que a muchos latinoamericanos nos encantaría disfrutar de su contenido en español, pero quiero animarlo a que siga adelante con esta gran labor. Su trabajo es de enorme beneficio para las iglesias, ayudando a abordar los desafíos misioneros alrededor del mundo. De nuevo, mil gracias.
Ex Protestant, Now Catholic ✝️❤️🔥
What made you change?
@@CacaoFlower- Truth.
@@ragnardanneskajold1880 I beg to differ
@CacaoFlower Read the Church Fathers, studied the bible in depth and really dived into history and saw the Protestant position was inconsistent and it wasn’t taught for the first 1500 years of Christianity.
7:04 Totally false information, there were never 150,000 deaths during the Spanish Inquisition, These numbers are from accusations of heresy made by the people, with those executed representing only between 3000-5000 (according to modern historians) during its entire 300 years of existence throughout the Spanish Empire. The court was not concerned with Protestants as they had very little influence in Spain, they were judging people who claimed to be Catholic but were practicing heresies behind
Thank you for speaking the truth. Unless I am mistaken, Richard Henry Kamen is still one of the best historical authorities on the topic. Anyone who doubts you should read Kamen's work, or learn Latin.
In addition, there was also massive disagreement in the church regarding whether death was a suitable punishment for heresy, and most punishments by death was lead by the monarch.
The inquisition has to be one of the most falsely informed periods of Renaissance history.
I sometimes wonder if the Spanish Inquisition's practice of burning effigies (symbolic figures that acted as stand-in respresentatives of the alleged heretics) fuelled this propaganda, since an outsider's perception could easily be swayed by assuming every burning was an actual person.
There were a few crypto-Protestants tried in Valencia though
Im not sure about the numbers in other countries, but the Spanish killed at least 1.100 protestants in the Netherlands. Just for being protestant.
I'm Catholic, Spain is largely a Roman Catholic and it's culture depend on the faith and history.
the only reason is exists is because of the catholic church
Most people are catholic but only go to church to attend an occasional wedding. At the present time only 19% of Spanish people are practicing Catholics. The positive side of this is that people that go to church now a days, don’t do it to follow the rules but out of deep conviction
If they ARE practicing Catholics, it's mostly the South. The rest of Spania, especially the richer regions like Catalunya where I live or the Basque Country are known for agnosticism and atheism, and not only that but are specifically quite against Christianity
It seems more that its culture is based on religion, but not a relationship with God. It is good to have a relationship with God instead of just being religious. I LOVE Spanish. I have Spanish blood and would love to live there one day. I am actually processing my legal citizenship now.
@@rebeccagutierrez1960 It seems you are following a sect invented by north americans. Read the church fathers ( Ignatius of Antioch).
Here spanish, catholic, charismatic, ecumenical, and with 19 years old. I really love your videos, but in this one I have some thing to say. I usually defend evangelism between my catholic friends, but in this case… wow. First of all, you didn’t tell the truth about the spanish inquisition. The numbers that you gave are fruit of the “black legend”, that had the objective to discredit the Spanish Empire (historians estimate that the deaths were about 3000 -5000, not 150000, as you said. Neither their objective was killing jews or muslims). Secondly, you didn’t mention all the martyrs and missionaires that came from this country, you only highlighted the “bad” that the catholic church was. Thirdly, the point is not that evangelism is really low in this country, the point is Christianism. We don’t have to increase “evangelical churchs”, we have to make that more people may know Christ (and ask together for fire), despise our differences between christian denominations.
Yeah sure!
@@waveare6869 If you doubt his claims, there are more & more secular historians that affirm this position on the Spanish Inquisition (as opposed to other inquisitions of the time). Objectively, It's not something to be proud of, but it certainly isn't as notorious as Protestant circles & pop culture (particularly among Americans) make it out to be.
Protestant nations of the time (this Inquisition declined by the later 1700s and was abolished in 1834) & several of their religious leaders also encouraged & performed trials of alleged witches, including recorded burnings at the stake in Europe & its colonies. So there was/is an important motive (in addition to imperialist rivalries) for exaggerating the events of the Spanish Inquisition alone, especially in an attempt to paint Catholicism as a bloodthirsty usurper of "true Christianity". Which is exactly what several Protestant groups have preached, historically & presently.
@@isaiah3872 Oh yes, I believe that too. Did my comment sounded like sarcasm? 😂I was supporting SalandoLo’s comment. 😅.
@@isaiah3872 However thank you for the information, for example I didn’t know about de protestants and pop culture… 🙃
@@waveare6869 My apologies, your initial reply definitely seemed sarcastic to me. In any case I'm glad the info didn't fall exclusively on concrete or deaf ears. If it encourages someone in some way, especially to look into these matters beyond the surface level or urban mythology, glory be to God.
For me it would be intressting to hear about switzerland. Thank you guys for those videos. May God bless you and your work.
The editing, storytelling, and education is top tier! Thanka for making these encouraging videos! Hoping Christians can discover the wealth of videos on this channel.
I am begging you to actually do research on the Spanish inquisition.
why would he, he hates the Catholic Church.
He has no time. All of his comments on historical matters are purely coppy paste of dated historiography
You mean the inquisition that happened about 400 years ago?
Stop trying to deny the truth about Catholicism.
I’m a practicing Catholic Spaniard. My grandparent were Catholic, I am Catholic and happy. My newborn son is 5 months and is already baptized. I’ve lived in the US for 8 years due to studies and work. I’m mostly familiar with evangelicals because of this. My views on evangelicals are not positive. I’ll refrain from making disparaging comments, I’ll focus on the differences: I believe that the Church’s authority and sacred traditions are essential for understanding and interpreting scripture correctly. It’s not just about personal interpretation but also about the wisdom passed down through centuries within the Church. There is plenty of diversity within the Catholic Church to embrace all. The younger generations may be lax or not practicing properly but the evangelical church is not the solution.
CHRIST is the solution!
Hey I am curious with your statements about Evangelicals. What about them make your views not positive? I am a protestant but I will be the first to admit that many evangelicals are just simply cultural christians who do not follow Christ.
@@R-md5lr My problem with them is that they teach heresies. They lead badly catechised catholics away from the Church and fill their minds with doctrinal errors.
@@R-md5lr The same thing could be said for Catholics. Loads of cultural Catholics but not committed to Christ.
As a Mexican American. Born catholic.. I never understood and went down the road most people Spain are in I left my faith but Christianity save my and Jesus Christ is where all my faith is in!! Love this
so, church bad, personal relationship good?
Why cant you do both?
@@Kitiwake no matter how God created the church, at the end as long it's under the care of human it will always have a flaws and wont be a perfect religion. that's if Christians wont agree to one religion, it's people will just keep on making thousands if not millions if secs.
I've been watching this channel since before my conversion to Catholicism, so this was an odd episode for me. All the same; I did not realize how few sincere Christians there are in Spain. It's sad to see. I'd rather our own step up to bat, solve the absence of priests and invigorate our love for Jesus, but if evangelicals can help, please do.
For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us, and on the whole world.
I was an early subscriber to this channel despite knowing it's a protestant channel. I really liked their videos but after this video it's clear that this channel is Anti-Catholic
Can I ask why you converted TO Catholicism? I'm not trying to discredit your journey of faith at all.
@@isaiah3872 There are lots of steps, but in brief, it went like this:
1) Cameron Bertuzzi starts hosting debates between Catholicism and Protestantism. I didn't change my view, but I was thinking about the theology in a way I hadn't been forced to in my everyday life. He eventually converts, but I really don't get it and I'm not sympathetic.
2) I was raised to think Catholics weren't Christian because they had a false gospel. The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999) helped put that objection to rest. So they're real Christians, and I can listen to them, even if there's nothing particularly drawing me to be one.
3) I read a few other documents from earlychristianwritings. Nothing in particular stood out, except Ignatius. He simply sounds Catholic, and he's one generation removed from John!
4) I realize that John 6 basically forces a literal reading because Jesus is turning away disciples who won't accept the eating and drinking of His blood. As a low-church Protestant, something has to change. I eventually realize that virtually all magisterial Christians accept the real presence, in one form or another; but I have some concerns about validity.
5) There was a pattern of habitual sin that I had difficulty breaking, partially because I sought to justify myself with the argument: "where is that condemned in the Bible?" (This was an unforced error; one can be Protestant without justifying themselves in this way.) But the Catholic church's rich philosophy allowed me to realize not only that my sin was sin indeed, but just how severe it was. I immediately repented and felt closer to God than ever before. At this point I want to be Catholic, but I realize I've got plenty of homework before I can do so honestly. And I am open to being wrong, and perfectly happy to be Orthodox, Anglican, or a high church Methodist instead.
6) I talk with my past pastor, current pastor, his assistant, other people in ministry, and multiple priests to get a better understanding of the issues. I also lay out my current theological beliefs, which turn out to be incompatible with any existing tradition; I'm insisting that the priesthood is necessary, that the Anglican priesthood is invalid, but that confession doesn't do much, and apostolic succession is clearly an accretion. What, am I supposed to make my own denomination?
7) I conclude that the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, as well as the apparitions of Fatima and Zeitoun, are among the most powerful evidence of miracles. These largely exclude the option that Catholics are just "one church among many," because they back its theology, not just its authority. They are either demonic, or their claims are true. But we already know they have the true gospel.
8) I conclude that making my own denomination is schism. But then, where would that leave the original reformers? Even people I looked up to, like John Wesley, ended up - intentionally or not - breaking the body of Christ even further.
9) I continue working through theological disagreements and find some passages in scripture that I can't imagine a Protestant answer to. But perhaps you can. Colossians 1:24; John 20:23; 1 John 5:16-17; Hebrews 6:2; Revelation 20:4; Revelation 5:8; Acts 16:33; James 5:14-15; Matthew 16:18.
10) If schism and heresy are both sins, would God force us to choose between one or the other? So then the belief that "the gates of Hell will not prevail" against the church must be true in the strongest sense; there has to be a way for Christians to avoid schism *and* heresy. There must be an authority that settles heresies, without being capable of error as it does so. But wait - that's exactly what the ecclesial churches are claiming!
11) I read the Deuterocanon and find nothing objectionable about it. I also have been reading the Catechism, and find that as I go through it, I find it less and less objectionable.
12) While I don't put nearly as much time or thought into it - I decide receiving the Eucharist soon is more important than getting it right - I investigate the papacy in order to decide whether I will be Catholic or Orthodox. I am aware of the historical challenges to it, but conclude that if there is an ecclesial structure to the church, its canons clearly establish the Roman bishop as preeminent prior to the schism. That only leaves one option.
13) I agree with three of the Marian dogmas; she is the Mother of God, Perpetual Virgin, and Immaculately Conceived. I merely assent to the Assumption into Heaven; I have more than enough evidence of the Church which defined it, and I'd better get used to having some things that I simply don't understand. I also better understand Mary's role in salvation; how could I know I was truly worshipping Jesus, and not merely venerating Him, unless I had a perfect creature as a yardstick to know the difference?
14) I am confirmed Catholic. The experience of having the Eucharist is life changing.
I know that's probably more information than you wanted, but I also feel it's a disservice to the long and winding path I took to get here. I didn't include many of the feelings I had or the prayers I made, or where I got my information.
Thanks for asking!
@hyreonk Thanks so much for sharing! I am in a similar position, trying to discern Catholicism - still have a ton of questions. One thing I can say is that we my wife and I have been extremely blessed through the ministry of the Catholic church this year. They have incredible depth and have the potential to get to the very heart of the Gospel while making you appreciate the mystery of it all! St. Therese of Liseaux blows me away. There are many incredible Protestant Saints as well - I pray the Lord makes us One again!
@@hyreonk What a nice/charitable convo here God bless you guys
Thanks for making this series. Great, well produced, informative and encouraging videos! Praise God for what He's doing across the world
Very good and informing video, I hope you will soon make another one for Italy 😊
Why are yall trying to turn spain protestant? What is wrong eith catholicism. Shouldnt we want them to return to their catholic roots? I would argue protestantism will lead them closer to secularization.
How will it lead to secularization?
It’s just a matter of preaching the true message of salvation and the Holy Spirit which the Catholic Church doesn’t do🤷🏾♂️
@@yungceo-22What is the "True Message of Salvation" which the church apparently doesn't teach?
@@yungceo-22 Protestant churches are the most secular and leftist ridden religious sect on the planet. And your church teachings don't even condemn some of the acts you guys do, like homo-marriages and women preachers
@@yungceo-22 What's the "true message of salvation"? Because even among Evangelicals (a relatively recent faction among Protestant Christians) there's disagreement about practically everything beyond the belief that "salvation is through faith alone". Is that salvation conditional, or are we saved once and for all? One Evangelical congregation would say yes, and another two streets away would say, "no".
Catholicism is one true Church! Protestants are welcome!
I lived in Barcelona and God is moving. Lots of catalanes aren’t open to Christianity because of their hurt in Catholicism but God is moving. Slowly but surely, the gospel is being shared.
Such a great resource. Great work! Hope this produces much fruit for the spread of the gospel in Spain and Europe.
Radical's neighborhood and nations videos are wonderful 💯.
Good video for its content and design. let's pray for Spain.🙏
Very interesting as always! It is sad that Europe, the home of the Reformation and the Vatican, has fallen away so far. It's sad to see, but I pray we don't lose hope and become nihilistic. By remaining hopeful in a dark world we shall shine a light that cannot be ignored.
Europe have abandoned and almost succeed (politically) in keeping religion a private matter. We live in a modern society and world, we know alot of things that only religious doctrines gave us. Europe was the first region to abandon religion and become secular.
Soy Español Católico (practicante y de la generacion esta Z), nuestro país se fundó sólo gracias a la fe Católica para luchar contra el islam. Aunque sí es verdad que quedemos pocos españoles de verdad, dejamos herencia en Hispanoamérica y en la cultura hispana el catolicismo está presente, ya sea en festividades o en el habla. Viva España, Viva Hispanoamérica y VIVA CRISTOREY
I love your videos. I always learn something new. I knew about thr Arabic roots in some Spanish words. But I learned many new things throughout the video. Thank you.
Please talk about Germany! would be very interesting!
Germanistan hates Christianity just like the rest of Europe does, Christianity is of course shrinking, the only “growth” is some of the immigrants that come in from Africa.
Sod off
Ave ave christus rex , stand up Spain 🇪🇸✝️💪🏻🇵🇱
I suddenly feel like i wanna go live in one of those small spanish towns, meet the locals and start a house church.
Not my will but yours be done Lord.
Pero que se te ha perdido a ti en España? Ve a los Estados Unidos con los de tu raza.
Matthew 8:13
Love your video and love how your pronounce everything fluently in Spanish
It’s so sad((
I pray that the falling Europe rises again!
In the name of Christ ❤
Oh wow this is actually really good info I thought Spain was largely catholic didn't know the numbers were so bleak but God has a plan for Spain and I'm sure He'll send his ministers there
He doesn’t need to send them, they’re already there. They just need to win the people back to Rome
Spain will have to launch the Reconquista again
@@michaelbennett3394Rome? That's a satanic cult and has nothing to do with the real faith of Jesus Christ, resp. the bible.😢
Only to the pre-Schism Rome😜@michaelbennett3394
Maybe I'm wrong but I think Spain Catholicism have a great cultural strength. Many people who aren't religious or even atheists participate in religious ceremonies. Like to carry in procession, not only in Holy Week, the Virgin, Saints, etc. Catholicism was able to adopt and redefine many pre-Christian cults with great success.
The indifference of people breaks my heart 💔
Let’s keep praying for the Lord to save this beautiful nation and that the gospel keep spreading in every town, and even the most little village. Please, Lord, send laborers to your harvest 🙌🏼 Praying for Spain from Venezuela.🇻🇪🇪🇸
Me rompe el corazón la indiferencia de las personas. 💔Sigamos orando para que el Señor salve esta hermosa nación y que el evangelio se siga difundiendo en cada ciudad e incluso el pueblito más pequeño. Por favor, Señor, envía obreros a tu mies. Orando por España desde Venezuela 🇻🇪🇪🇸
i. love. this.
i'm in school for software engineering, but i'd LOVE to produce media like this that tells stories that people need to hear. praise God!
Thank you so much, can you consider Norway as a country to cover in a video series?
Amen brother! What an awesome film documenting this very important situation. I truly believe as well that the North of Africa will hear about Jesus and His real life-giving love and redemption through the Spanish evangelists. It's time to flip the switch on history and have Spain share the gospel in the 'right' way, by showing others peacefully that Jesus came to save every people group! All the best to the Pastor in this video. Dream BIG! For God is bigger than any dreams we could have.
I am a methodist/pentecostal I have one main issue with this video and It’s this. Catholics are our brothers and sisters and instead of taking away from the Catholics we should encourage them to be better Catholics. Spain is largely Catholic for good logical reasoning it’s cultural and it helps them root back to there beginnings in the faith. The reason for protestant theology is because of the failure of the papacy and yes although Catholics have an incorrect theological interpretations and stances so do we…. I think the best option for the church in Spain is this, a reformed Catholic Church with focus on the power of the Holy Spirit and common prayers of the hours liturgy of the hours. Catholics should be encouraged to actively engage with there faith instead of making them all protestant.
As for the Catholics I encourage them to engage there faith and know God further I believe some heathy reform is in Order for the Catholic Church here’s a small list of things that might help.
1.allow priest to be married in the Catholic Church
2.allow non-Catholic nicene Christians to partake of the eucharist if they have repented of their sins
3. Actually encourage people to do penance at least once a year
4. Agape love don’t put on some religious mask and push people out just because they don’t understand Catholicism or God.
5. Preach divinization and salvation more commonly.
1. already a thing in the eastern rite and ordinariate
2. no
3. This is heavily encouraged by the Church.
4. Don't know what you mean by this.
5. The Church teaches salvation. Divinization is Gnosticism though and is rejected by the Church.
Why would you want to promote a lie? Prayers to the saints? Mary worship? Purgatory?
Amazing production!!
I pray for 🇪🇸
As a person who lived in Spain for 4 years as an immigrant from Cuba, what he said is completely true. Most of the people in the Foursquare church I went to in Madrid were from Latin America.
Thanks so much for these videos! I love that I have high quality videos about missions that I can share with my friends and family!
Gracias por compartir lo que está pasando en España! Recuerdo que en Perú los evangélicos eran un 2% en los 80 y 90 y ahora son más del 20% y solo Dios puede hacer esa obra en cada corazón. Sigamos compartiendo del amor de Dios con nuestros vecinos y ellos puedan ver a Cristo a través de nuestras vidas. La obra es de El pero el llamado es para los creyentes de ir y compartir el Evangelio las nuevas noticas de salvación a las naciones! Bendiciones Radical y que siga el buen trabajo que hacen! 🥰
I am a North American living in Màlaga. I learned Spanish in Latin America where I lived for many years and now work with the Latin Americans who we will learn about in the next video. The situation in Spain is complicated. Imagine for a moment that you live in a country with a very small minority of Evangelical Believers and in a very short amount of time you are a minority in your own church. The people who move in don't adapt culturally which you don't really expect from immigrants, but at the same time there are thousands of Latin American missionaries, who say that they want to evangelize Spain, but don't take the time to learn the local culture and language. Castilian Spanish is different than Mexican Spanish. Many of these Latin American missionaries move in and start acting like they are the experts instead of entering as humble students to learn from the local believers. I asked a latin American friend of mine, "has cogido la palabra coger?" She gave me such a look of disgust. I was like how can you expect to be a missionary when you can't even learn the local language and customs. It is complicated. I have a latin American heart, but I also desire to work with Spaniards and wish that my Latin American counterparts would see the need to contextualize themselves, their language and be humble students of the culture and history of Spain. As long as Latinos live and talk as Latinos they will not reach the Spanish people with the hope of Jesus Christ.
Such an informative video. Wow, this is why its so important to do our research as believers.
If things continue at this rate--especially if/when history will rhyme itself--as opposed to repeating itself, then can I say there will be a time there will be an evangelical El Cid, waiting to re-liberate the Iberian Peninsula, back to what I personally refer to as the Jamon Revolution--but with evangelical characteristics?
Great video and a really accurate picture of the current situation in Spain. What he didn't touch on is the issue of Catalunya, where the statistics of believers is even lower than the rest of the country. For them, "The Church" was a tool of oppression of the dictator, who also oppressed their separate language and culture, and so there is even greater rejection of what they've experienced as "Christianity". Whether it be through catholic or protestant traditions, please pray for Spain, and especially Catalans, to see who Jesus really is and come to know him.
Sagrada Familia is not a cathedral, it is a minor basilica. It is an honorary title awarded to some churches (usually for cultural reasons or if a saint is buried there).
Thanks brother for this video! I'm a Moroccan follower of Yeshua and live in Spain to reach it with the Gospel.
Excelente canal. Que nuestro Señor Jesucristo te bendiga y que bendiga a España.
I look forward to every episode.
I lived in Spain for 9 months, and this video shows the reality of Christianity! Great video. ❤️🩹
As french, I saw both videos about France and Spain. They are both bias to Lure evangelical christians. As the catholic faith are on the rise, especially young traditional catholics looking for beautiful liturgy and going to the latin mass. Viva el Christo Rey
Great analytical work. Thank you for this exposé
As a Roman Catholic, I have no problem with the excising of heresy and false “churches” or ecclesial communities. The false Gospel of Protestantism only brings death and eternal damnation. No Eucharist, no life in you. John Chapter 6. I’ll pray for your conversion.
Depends on which inquisition you are speaking of. ‘The Inquisition’ is a bit of a misnomer, in that there were diocesan inquisitions, the legatine inquisitions, the papal inquisitions, the Venetian, Roman, and, of course, the Spanish Inquisition, which is a bit of a different animal. Another issue is that we don’t have all of the inquisitorial records, which complicates the matter further. The short answer is, quite simply, we don’t know.
But we can make some educated guesses. As other people have answered (correctly), the church did not actually kill anyone, as it was forbidden for any member of the clergy to shed blood. Rather, they ‘relaxed’ those found guilty of heresy to the secular arm for any punishments outside of their bailiwick (i.e., penance and pilgrimage). But those punishments ranged widely, with the most common being public humiliation and penance. For example, those found guilty of being ‘Cathars’ were forced to wear tabards with a double-barred yellow cross on it that could not be smaller than about 10 inches high. Some were imprisoned for a length of time, some for life, while still others were admonished to “go and sin no more” and then closely watched to make sure they didn’t return to their old heretical ways.
Bernard Gui, one of the most famous of the papal inquisitors, deposed thousands of people over the course of his career. In a ten year span in Toulouse, he found 700 people guilty of various gradations of heresy, and of those, only 40 were relaxed for capital punishment. That’s .051% of the total. In the Spanish Inquisition, which was perhaps the bloodiest of all the church’s inquisitions, some 125,000 people were questioned. The number killed was less than 1% of that total. While these deaths may disturb the modern sensibility, as even one death in the name of proving one’s religion ‘right’ seems deeply problematic, and even downright bizarre, they were acceptable in the grand scheme of things for both the medieval people and the church.
It is also problematic to add the numbers of those killed during the Reformation’s Wars of Religion, or those executed for witchcraft, to the inquisition’s numbers, as neither of those things were were specifically done by the process established by the church to root out heresy. In the US, the image of the medieval church as bloodthirsty largely stems from the anti-Catholic bias of the early 19th century, and specifically, Henry Charles Lea, whose seminal 3-volume history of the inquisition was used for years with very little critical analysis.
*for the facts and figures I’ve used here, see Given, James B. Inquisition and Power and the work of Agostino Borromeo.
**there are a ton of works out there on this subject. Perhaps the best single volume on the subject of ‘the inquisition’ writ large is Edward Peters’ Inquisition.
the arab influence on spain's culture, religious significance etc is also evident in other cultures just surrounding the middle east. eritrea and ethiopia complex history with arab orthodoxy/ islam is still continuing till the present day. eritrea especially is currently the fourth hardest place in the world to be a christian despite the large majority being tewahedo orthodox. i'd like to see a hard to reach series on it as it's different than the other countries mentioned- iran, northern korea, japan and now spain.
4:09 that Fernando Alonzo caught me off, i thought it was some old saint or artist.😂😂😂
Do a video on how Martin Luther left the gospel behind.
Spain is a mirror to ibero america. pray for Spain pray for iberoamerica.
This video is Anti-Catholic propaganda. Franco was a hero. You didn't address the main issue that's plaguing the young Spaniards, secular gov and leftist ideology. Actual protestant nations in northern Europe is far worse than Spain, go make a video about that.
That's because those nations are turning their backs on Christ, too. Buscad a Jehová mientras puede ser hallado, llamadle en tanto que está cercano. Isaías 55:6
How exactly was Franco a hero? And even if the secular government & leftist ideology plague young Spaniards, how do you propose the Catholic Church re-evangelizes them to accept Christ individually? They can't exactly wait around for a more favourable time to do it. I genuinely hope you'll answer; I'm a practising Catholic myself.
Ouch! He struck a nerve there huh!
@@lindadelalifiasam5878 what'd you expect? This man just wants to turn spain protestant,True Catholicism shall rule Spain once again
@@human.j.vitor9981 Jehová no existe es Yavhé
Quarter Spainish here live in Belize 🇧🇿 hope to visit soon my family was from Galicia Spain 🇪🇸
Love your vignettes!
Hey everyone! I’m so excited to see a series focused on Spain! As a Brazilian who lives in the UK for years now and frequently travels to Spain, I can confidently say that it’s one of my favorite countries. I truly hope the gospel continues to grow there and that people can genuinely convert to Christ.
However, I want to respectfully disagree with the idea that Spaniards and Europeans need to send out more missionaries at this time. We're at a critical moment in Europe where we desperately need people to preach the true gospel of Christ-without sugarcoating it. We can't focus on outreach if our own communities are struggling.
I believe the decline of the church in Europe stems from preachers not adequately addressing the questions that younger generations, especially those in their 30s, are grappling with. Many of these questions revolve around how science intersects with biblical teachings, as well as clarifying what sin is and the spiritual consequences it has on our lives. We also need to confront the reality of spiritual battles that are very much alive today.
While sound doctrine from churches like Presbyterians, conservative Anglicans, and Baptists is essential, we also need congregations that are prepared to engage in spiritual warfare, such as Assemblies of God and other Bible-based charismatic churches. We require a relevant church that can meet the needs of a generation that is suffering and, due to their blindness, often can’t see the solutions available to them. If you are an American Christian missionary, Canadian, Latin American, Brazilian, Asian whatever, come to Europe. We need you!
Much love, and thank you for consistently creating such amazing content!
Very nice vlog
The Harvest is coming!
I hope the Catholic church can turn their losses around. It wouldn't help if it became more Evangelical.
My favorite videos are back
Yeah…. Catholics are the first and original christians….
I wish Spain taught my forefathers their language. The Philippines was the only non-Spanish speaking colony of Spain. Your language is beautiful.
If there's anyone that heard the story about the inquisition and thought "that can't be true", you're right!
Read up on the history of the "leyenda negra" and other works of Protestant anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic literature. Fransiscan Fr. Casey Cole has a good introductory video, but turn to the primary sources. Just to pique some interest: torture was never used as a punishment, and the Catholic Church had way less control over the Inquisition than you might think
Pues con más vigor deberíamos enseñar a la gente historia y el Evangelio. Mientras tanto, los socialistas anticristianos nos toman la delantera.
Some corrections, if I may; The Sagrada Familia isn't a Cathedral. It is a basilica, the Cathedral is The Holy Cross and St. Eulalia.
Also a fair bit of your information as regards the Inquesition is false. An example would be that the Inquesition would give 30 days notice before arriving at a village or town.
Spain is culturally Catholic but just like the rest of Europe, everyone needs to go back to God. Spain produced the greatest of saints - St Ignatius of Loyola, St Francis Xavier, St Teresa of Avila, St Isidore of Seville to name a few. It’s a roller coaster of faith. We need another St Josemaria escriba. Let’s storm the heavens…
¡Dios te bendiga!
May God Almighty bless your work
4:46 Most of the land for 8 centurys? By the 1090 half of the peninsula was christian, check the history.
5:42 In that case you are less christian for using words like alcohol or alchemy that have arabic roots? Are lebaneese christians less christians than an angloid just for speaking arabic? You are mixing up culture and religion.
6:23 Wasnt one single war, it is how historians call this historical phenomenon also called Hispanic Restoration.
6:43 This topic is mainly made off stereotipes, The inquisition always warned those who were going to be judged in advance and these "tortures" were almost never necessary, the false converts were simply expelled.
7:00 Black legend nonsense, the lutherans killed a lot more and catholics were persecuted too, the fact that Spain had an institution like the TDSI means that they were well organised
LMAO what a waste of time, this was just 14 minutes waffle, anyway, JESUS IS KING.
Why am I crying as I listened and watched this video?
Accoring to Church Millitant, a conservative Catholic organisation, less than 10% of Italians are Catholic, Spain is likely is a similar situation of nominality.
Stop spreading lies, most of Italy are Catholics and will remain like that. Italy and Spain the same are mostly Catholics.
May God bless spain.
14:40 I've grown up from the Roman Catholic since I was a boy as a Filipino,but now I am agnostic atheist I'm going back to the ancient belief of pacific islander people....
Such a good video! 🔥
El Islam arraso con el cristianismo a fuego y sangre, la inquisicion era un aperitivo comparado con la guerra santa de los musulmanes. No confundas.
Im a practicing Catholic.
The western Christian countries have sold their soules, and forgot why they function so Well because of our beautifull religion. One day when other religions take over, people will wake up and Think about what i just said. It’s because of the parents who educate kids to do what they want.
Do a video about Israel
This is a great video, I've learnt so much. Thank you.
Just a question for understanding. What does "Evangelical Christian" mean and where does the term come from? A friend of mine (who is atheist) called me that in a discussion we were having. I simply said that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. Would that then make me an "evangelical" Christian? I feel like the confusion comes when people, for example Catholics, feel as though they are being converted to another tradition.
After the last video including Roman Catholics under "Christianity" I was not expecting such a detailed explanation of the horrors of historical Catholicism. I'm glad you are getting the truth out! It's good to hear that the true gospel is making progress in the land of works salvation. I can confirm that many of the pastors and missionaries that I have contact with in Spain have many Latin American immigrants in their churches.
the true gospel is not the satanic protestant 66 book bible alone satan wirshiping evengelical satanism. evengelicals are demons. repent satanist..
The protestants killed millions of Catholics aswell, the video ain't telling the whole story.
Es cierto la mayoría son hispanos que han emigrado a España
Portugal is equal. Could you made something like that about Portugal?
You should make a documentary about this Spanish lack of Christianity with Pastor Marcos Vidal. He can give you more information about it, plus he’s also from Spain.🇪🇸
In my opinion, many are leaving the Catholic Church because of its history of inquisition and persecution. Because the Catholic Church has a long history of murder and issues that were unsolved. Even in the Philippines, once colonized by Spain, Spanish Catholic priests here force the natives here to convert to Catholicism and under Spanish rule. And even the Philippines is now a secular country where the separation of religion and government. Millions of Filipino Catholics were still a devout Catholic, embracing Catholic tradition that the Spanish left, like Fiesta ng Santo ( feast dedicated to a particular patron saint), translaçion ( the feast of black Nazarene carrying cross ), Fiesta ng sto.niño ( feast of the baby jesus ), and more. But many Catholics here say they were Catholic but not religious, mostly don't attend masses, but sometimes by circumstances of school requirement or family tradition, they are forced to attend masses. That's why many don't believe in God any more or religion, some don't have interest in religion or anything spiritual, but interested in world pleasure. I think this prophecy in the Bible was already happening that the people's love for money was more, instead of lovers for God.
This shows that we should also pay attention to the countries we think are Christian countries and also Evangelize there too and not neglect else we would loose ground.
Most Christians in Western countries are just Christians by name not in action, they claim their countries were built on Christian values and they should follow those set of values but they don't want to follow Christ. You can never expect the benefits of following Christ while embracing atheism and secularism, this is why demonic ideologies are spreading rapidly in Western countries because they have abandoned God.
Like so much of Western Europe, Spain has become increasingly secular. We see the same thing happening here in North America where society is becoming secular and more and more people are identifying as not having any faith at all, especially among Gen Z. Christians need to unite to evangelize the world for Christ and by this I mean all Christians, Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant. While we have differences, our faith in Christ should serve to unite us in the mission.
Those people don’t understand metaphysics
It’s not something you do or think about just because. It’s the inevitable conclusion of real deep thinking about the origins of things, design and morality
Materialism and consumerism have as their logical conclusion death - for there is no reason to exist as a mere piece of dirt
This video sheds light on the fact that Spain is a nation boasting to be Catholic Christian in the World but nearly nobody believes in The Gospel of Christ Jesus or on Existence of Almighty God.
According to Wikipedia, not the most reliable source 18.5 per cent of Spain's total population are practicing Catholic this would equate to almost 9.1 million Catholics out of a total Catholic population of 27 million. This seems actually good, unlike the portrayal in the video. I do not deny we always need to evangelise better, have a better realtionship with God, requent the sacraments regularly. But at the same time is it necessarily our place to say what makes someone a 'practitioner' of their faith and somone else not?
As an aside I would guess some catholics would go to Mass at Christmas, Easter, maybe go to confession, pray. Are they less practising than others? I don't think so. We are all on a journey, all disciples of Christ trying our best to follow him who is The Way.
The Spanish Inquisition happened after the Reconquista, and it was not as bad as you just described it. It had a very systematic trials conducted both by the state and by the Church that inspired the modern justice and court system. I suggest you do more research on the "Black Legend". Also the civil war that happened last century was against communism and anarchism those who opposed Christianity and tried to bring Marxist ideologies. I am a Catholic, and I your work. Next time try to get the facts right and please don't villainize the Catholic Church.
"I only believe what I can see or prove." What about people who don't have records of their grandparents or great-grandparents? Do you not believe what your parents tell you about your grandparents. We aren't any smarter today than the people who came before us. We have had more time with things written down that we don't have to go back and re-invent the wheel. That means unless we can actually disprove previously known things, like their being a God, then we have no way to say that there is no God today when we have no proof of that. You have as much evidence as you have for the existence of yours or someones deceased great-grandfather who has no records to tell his story, but has his descendants to tell his story.
Barcelona doesn't consider themselves part of Spain..to them it's Catalonia.
No tio, no es asi, yo soy barcelones, linaje catalan 80% y 100% español.
Con este comentario también colaboras con la independencia masona