I live in Iran as a Christian and I do not fear anything because we know that Jesus gave us the spirit of Love and power not the spirit of fear, my life is pretty hard but it doesn't mean I shall give up
This is when you realise what a privilege it is to pray freely, worship freely, evangelise freely. May Jesus Christ comfort all His children in such persecuted regions.
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day or age that He will save man" "God's Words to the Whole Universe". Song of the Kingdom. ... (The Kingdom comes down to the world of people, My person is rich and abundant. O, Zion! Raise Your victorious flag to celebrate Me. Sing your song of victory and spread My holy name! All created to the end of the earth. Quickly cleanse yourselves so you can make offerings to Me! The day so many people have been waiting for has finally come! The sky has no longer the former sky, now it is the sky of the Kingdom. People change too.., Everything change... Sleeping people! Raise in your advocacy! I have come... And I Reign.) Almighty God said PEOPLE CELEBRATE Me, people PRAISE Me; ALL MOUTHS CALL the ONE TRUE GOD, ALL PEOPLE look UP to SEE My WORKS. The KINGDOM COMES DOWN to the WORLD of PEOPLE, My PERSON is RICH and ABUNDANT. Who wouldn't be happy about it? Who wouldn't dance for joy? 🙏 O, ZION! Raise Your VICTORIOUS FLAG to CELEBRATE Me! SING Your SONG of VICTORY and SPREAD My HOLY NAME! ALL CREATED to the END of the EARTH! 🙏 QUICKLY CLEANSE YOURSELVES so you can MAKE OFFERINGS to Me! ☀️ Constellations in the HEAVENS HIGH! Hurry RETURN to your PLACE to SHOW My GREAT POWER in the AREA! I LISTEN to the VOICES of the PEOPLE on EARTH, POURING out their ETERNAL LOVE and RESPECT for Me in SONG! 🙏 On this DAY, when all that is CREATED COMES to LIFE AGAIN, I COME DOWN to the WORLD of PEOPLE. At this moment, at this VERY MOMENT, ALL FLOWERS WILL BLOOM FIRST, ALL BIRDS WILL SONG at the SAME TIME, ALL THINGS SHAKE for JOY! With the SOUND of KINGDOM PRAISE, SATAN'S kingdom FALLS, DESTROYED with the ROUND of the KINGDOM SONG, NEVER to rise again. 🙏 Who on earth dares to rise up and fight? As I COME DOWN TO EARTH, I BRING FIRE, I BRING HATE, I BRING ALL KINDS OF DESTRUCTION. ☀️ The KINGDOMS on EARTH are MINE KINGDOMS NOW! ☀️ In the SKY, the CLOUDS are ROLLING and WAVING; UNDER the HEAVEN, the LAKES and RIVERS RIP and SPEAK a SOULFUL MELODY. The RESTING ANIMALS COME OUT of their LIVERS, and I AWAKEN ALL PEOPLE from their SLEEP. The DAY so MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WAITING for has FINALLY COME! They OFFER the BEST SONGS to Me! 🙏 In this WONDERFUL MOMENT, in this EXCITING TIME, the HEAVEN ABOVE and ALL UNDER HEAVEN PRAISE NOW. Who WOULDN'T LONG for it? Who wouldn't cheer for this? WHO WOULDN'T CRY at this OPPORTUNITY? The SKY is NO LONGER the FORMER SKY, NOW it is the SKY of the KINGDOM. 🙏 The GROUND is NO LONGER the FORMER GROUND, BUT is NOW HOLY GROUND: AFTER a HEAVY RAIN, the DIRTY ANCIENT WORLD is COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED. 🙏 The MOUNTAINS are CHANGING ... The WATERS are CHANGING ... PEOPLE CHANGE TOO ... EVERYTHING CHANGE.... Silent mountains! DANCE for Me! Non-flowing waters! Flow freely! SLEEPING PEOPLE! RISE in your advocacy! I HAVE COME ... and I REIGN.... 🙏 ALL THEIR OWN EYES WILL SEE My FACE, ALL THEIR OWN EARS WILL HEAR MY VOICE, THEY WILL EXPERIENCE LIFE IN THE KINGDOM FOR THEMSELVES.... SO SWEET ... SO BEAUTIFUL.... UNFORGETTABLE ...unforgettable.... In the burning of My wrath, the great red dragon struggles; ☀️ In My MAJESTIC JUDGMENT, DEVILS SHOW THEIR TRUE FORM; In My STRICT WORDS, ALL ARE ASHAMED, DARE NOT SHOW THEIR FACE. REMEMBERING THE PAST, HOW THEY MOCKED ME, always flaunting themselves, always opposing Me. ☀️ NOW, WHO WOULDN'T CRY? WHO DOESN'T FEEL SINCERE REGRET? 🙏💐 The WHOLE WORLD of the UNIVERSE is fullFULL of TEARS ... full of SOUNDS OF FUN ... full of body.... NO--JOY LIKE IT ... NO--JOY LIKE IT.... 🙏 A LIGHT RAIN is PATTERING ... HEAVY--SNOW is FALLING DOWN....PEOPLE MIX SADNESS and HAPPY ... SOME LAUGH ... SOME sobbing ... and SOME EXULTING.... PEOPLE SEEM to FORGET... If it's a CLOUDY and RAINY SPRING, a SUMMER of BLOOMING FLOWERS, an FALL of bountiful harvest, a winter of ice and frozen fog, no one knows…. Blowing away the clouds in the air, the sea rages against the land. The sons wave their arms ... the people move their feet in dance.... ANGELS ARE WORKING ... ANGELS ARE SHEPHERDING.... 🙏 People are busy on earth, everything on earth is multiplying. 🙏 📨(the fulfillment of the prophecy "Now, the house of God is among the people!. ... Then the one sitting on the throne said, "Now, I am changing everything!..... (Rev 21:3,5)📨🙏 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... He added, "These are the true WORDS of GOD". "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:9,13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13) 💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "THEY SAY ALOUD, "SALVATION COMES from the LAMB, and from our GOD who SITS on the THRONE!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... "I will sprinkle you with pure water to cleanse you. I will also REMOVE your sin because of your idols." (Ezekiel 36:25). and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/TH-cam in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand above all mountains. All nations will flock to it. " 💌 📨
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
I'm a Persian too. My ancestors came from Israel 2,700 years ago. I too hear these stories. I'm a believer in Yeshua, after an angel came and spoke Yeshua's word to me and my brother. I share every chance I get !
@@suzanhargreaves "when you set out with only negativity on your mind when you return negativity will be the only thing that you find" meaning you left the house empty handed but clean & smelling good and came back home empty handed but dirty and smelling bad
I think you're exaggerating. I'm Iranian and I've seen many of my friends and acquaintances leave Islam, but they've always ended up either atheist or agnostic. I've personally never met anyone who's left Islam for any other organized religion.
Question: what would be the best platform to create Bible teaching content in Persian? I have a friend who is fluent in farsi as well as Arabic and English. Where do Irianian Christians look?
@@Ray12121 rumble maybe? I didn't tried it myself but I guess it would be the best platform to create content without having a restriction...but I don't know if it works or not
I am Indian a And a Christian., Here too we suffer from persecution but not like Iran but to live in some kind of fear is very disheartening some times .. pray for us too so we can have religious freedom in India and not be persecuted... Let's pray for the persecuters that lord change their minds and open their eyes to love of Jesus
I m also a indian, i have getting all the rights but evangelical group convert poor hindus for money by exploiting ther poverty. That is really bad. Lots of places jesus should be represent like hindu gods to get their attention.
Also happening in Indonesia🇮🇩 persecution since many many years ago some were lost their lives, yet lots of unbelievers became believers in Christ the savior. Praise to the Lord the Creator of heaven and earth, Amen.
I'm an Iranian atheist and I thank you for sharing this informative and educational content. Let's all hope for a free Iran where everyone can freely express themselves.
If somewhere in your Journey, you have been offended by christians, please dont conclude that they represent Jesus. Or if there are beliefs and doctrines from christian religion that makes sense no to you, it's ok, because most of it doesn't represent Jesus at all. Too bad the name of Jesus was so Hijacked in this world thus it obscure his real essence and message.
Beloved one, I pray you come to Christ. When you do, remember to seek Him personally. Read the Bible yourself and follow it's principles personally. Anybody, including your pastor, who does or approves what the Bible condemns, don't listen to them. Christianity is a personal relationship with. He will direct your path when you come to Him. Stay blessed in Jesus 😊
You had already repented from the evil, hateful, controlling & fearsome Islamic teachings. Unknowingly, you are in the Way, Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour. Free is not free to do what we want to do. Free is freeing oneself from lies, brainwash and foolishness. God bless!
I agree. Give a real democracy and freedom of minorities and liberty for women, and free speech. Give separation of church and state, and freedom of religion. Let the people choose their faith(or no faith) because a person forced into a religion all their life isn't really a person of that religion, regardless of what that faith may be.
As many in the west have started to fall away from Christ, it is nice to see true belief take root with a strong people. May the gospel be preached and God be praised.
The christians in roman era managed to survive under 300 years of persecution by roman emperors. They even managed to despite the daily executions of suspected christians, convert many pagan romans. The era of martyrs (anno martyrum) from reign of nero to doctelanian. Saw christianity spread across the empire. From alexandria egypt, to londonium. If roman christians can survive, even thrive under persecution. So too can iranian christians.
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day or age that He will save man" "God's Words to the Whole Universe". Song of the Kingdom. ... (The Kingdom comes down to the world of people, My person is rich and abundant. O, Zion! Raise Your victorious flag to celebrate Me. Sing your song of victory and spread My holy name! All created to the end of the earth. Quickly cleanse yourselves so you can make offerings to Me! The day so many people have been waiting for has finally come! The sky has no longer the former sky, now it is the sky of the Kingdom. People change too.., Everything change... Sleeping people! Raise in your advocacy! I have come... And I Reign.) Almighty God said PEOPLE CELEBRATE Me, people PRAISE Me; ALL MOUTHS CALL the ONE TRUE GOD, ALL PEOPLE look UP to SEE My WORKS. The KINGDOM COMES DOWN to the WORLD of PEOPLE, My PERSON is RICH and ABUNDANT. Who wouldn't be happy about it? Who wouldn't dance for joy? 🙏 O, ZION! Raise Your VICTORIOUS FLAG to CELEBRATE Me! SING Your SONG of VICTORY and SPREAD My HOLY NAME! ALL CREATED to the END of the EARTH! 🙏 QUICKLY CLEANSE YOURSELVES so you can MAKE OFFERINGS to Me! ☀️ Constellations in the HEAVENS HIGH! Hurry RETURN to your PLACE to SHOW My GREAT POWER in the AREA! I LISTEN to the VOICES of the PEOPLE on EARTH, POURING out their ETERNAL LOVE and RESPECT for Me in SONG! 🙏 On this DAY, when all that is CREATED COMES to LIFE AGAIN, I COME DOWN to the WORLD of PEOPLE. At this moment, at this VERY MOMENT, ALL FLOWERS WILL BLOOM FIRST, ALL BIRDS WILL SONG at the SAME TIME, ALL THINGS SHAKE for JOY! With the SOUND of KINGDOM PRAISE, SATAN'S kingdom FALLS, DESTROYED with the ROUND of the KINGDOM SONG, NEVER to rise again. 🙏 Who on earth dares to rise up and fight? As I COME DOWN TO EARTH, I BRING FIRE, I BRING HATE, I BRING ALL KINDS OF DESTRUCTION. ☀️ The KINGDOMS on EARTH are MINE KINGDOMS NOW! ☀️ In the SKY, the CLOUDS are ROLLING and WAVING; UNDER the HEAVEN, the LAKES and RIVERS RIP and SPEAK a SOULFUL MELODY. The RESTING ANIMALS COME OUT of their LIVERS, and I AWAKEN ALL PEOPLE from their SLEEP. The DAY so MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WAITING for has FINALLY COME! They OFFER the BEST SONGS to Me! 🙏 In this WONDERFUL MOMENT, in this EXCITING TIME, the HEAVEN ABOVE and ALL UNDER HEAVEN PRAISE NOW. Who WOULDN'T LONG for it? Who wouldn't cheer for this? WHO WOULDN'T CRY at this OPPORTUNITY? The SKY is NO LONGER the FORMER SKY, NOW it is the SKY of the KINGDOM. 🙏 The GROUND is NO LONGER the FORMER GROUND, BUT is NOW HOLY GROUND: AFTER a HEAVY RAIN, the DIRTY ANCIENT WORLD is COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED. 🙏 The MOUNTAINS are CHANGING ... The WATERS are CHANGING ... PEOPLE CHANGE TOO ... EVERYTHING CHANGE.... Silent mountains! DANCE for Me! Non-flowing waters! Flow freely! SLEEPING PEOPLE! RISE in your advocacy! I HAVE COME ... and I REIGN.... 🙏 ALL THEIR OWN EYES WILL SEE My FACE, ALL THEIR OWN EARS WILL HEAR MY VOICE, THEY WILL EXPERIENCE LIFE IN THE KINGDOM FOR THEMSELVES.... SO SWEET ... SO BEAUTIFUL.... UNFORGETTABLE ...unforgettable.... In the burning of My wrath, the great red dragon struggles; ☀️ In My MAJESTIC JUDGMENT, DEVILS SHOW THEIR TRUE FORM; In My STRICT WORDS, ALL ARE ASHAMED, DARE NOT SHOW THEIR FACE. REMEMBERING THE PAST, HOW THEY MOCKED ME, always flaunting themselves, always opposing Me. ☀️ NOW, WHO WOULDN'T CRY? WHO DOESN'T FEEL SINCERE REGRET? 🙏💐 The WHOLE WORLD of the UNIVERSE is fullFULL of TEARS ... full of SOUNDS OF FUN ... full of body.... NO--JOY LIKE IT ... NO--JOY LIKE IT.... 🙏 A LIGHT RAIN is PATTERING ... HEAVY--SNOW is FALLING DOWN....PEOPLE MIX SADNESS and HAPPY ... SOME LAUGH ... SOME sobbing ... and SOME EXULTING.... PEOPLE SEEM to FORGET... If it's a CLOUDY and RAINY SPRING, a SUMMER of BLOOMING FLOWERS, an FALL of bountiful harvest, a winter of ice and frozen fog, no one knows…. Blowing away the clouds in the air, the sea rages against the land. The sons wave their arms ... the people move their feet in dance.... ANGELS ARE WORKING ... ANGELS ARE SHEPHERDING.... 🙏 People are busy on earth, everything on earth is multiplying. 🙏 📨(the fulfillment of the prophecy "Now, the house of God is among the people!. ... Then the one sitting on the throne said, "Now, I am changing everything!..... (Rev 21:3,5)📨🙏 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... He added, "These are the true WORDS of GOD". "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:9,13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13) 💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "THEY SAY ALOUD, "SALVATION COMES from the LAMB, and from our GOD who SITS on the THRONE!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... "I will sprinkle you with pure water to cleanse you. I will also REMOVE your sin because of your idols." (Ezekiel 36:25). and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/TH-cam in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand above all mountains. All nations will flock to it. " 💌 📨
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
@Marie Madrid May our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you May the Lord look upon you with favor, and grant you his peace. Amen May blessings be upon you and all your family and friends, beloved sister in Christ. Thank you for sharing with perfect praise. You touched my heart and renewed my spirit. May God keep you safe, and pour out his spirit with grace and truth wherever you go. May you have wisdom and discernment and courage to share the happiness, salvation, freedom, and blessed hope that is free for all in Christ Jesus. Amen and again I say Amen 🙏 😇🌈☮️🌟☦️
@@jonashassel5404 Precious sister in Christ Thanks so much for that annointed word directly from the throne if God May we all get ready for the soon return of Jesus . God revealed to me that soon the world wide earthquakes, n volcanic, eruptions n mass starvation n unlimited lawlessness n violence n floods will occur As u [ annointed woman of God is aware! Of].. The mass sin in the world will bring God's Swift judgment God's blessings to u m ur loved ones
Correction [ dear sister in Christ] The west is [ as my Ole grandpa used. To say].][ headed to hell in a basket [ The 2,God's 9f America r Education,. Sports Have no time to teach their kiddos about Jesus or holy loving We r sliding unto the trash heap of history as the powerful ancient Roman empire
You are not wrong. Furthermore, the Anti-Christian, Anti-Westernism, & Moral Relativism indoctrination in the Western World is coming from Academia and Social Media (especially TikTok).
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
I work with Iranian refugees in Greece and it is very interesting to see, how so many of them are searching for what's true and take a look at the Christian perspective on Jesus. It is a blessing to see how God uses his new believers already to go into all the world as witnesses. So many of them 1. Dream of Jesus 2. Heard the Bible in their heart language 3. Talked to a Christian for the first time. 4. Got access to the gospel in their heart language. Almost all Believers with Muslim Background share these 4 things.
After watching this video I feel so bad 😢, You know what they say "You don't know the value of what you have until you lose it" As A Nigerian 🇳🇬 we take this freedom of worship for granted. I can't even remember the last time I went to church 🛐. God have mercy on me 🙏 and there you have people being killed for going to church. God bless every Christian believer out there and see you all through in Jesus' Name Amen 🙏 sending love ❤️ ❤ to you all
A Church is not a building, Not going to Church won't lose your salvation, but not doing this 👇 is a bad idea. * Do not lie,Be always Truthful and Honest towards God, Neighbours, Yourself and Speak the truth * Fear The Lord God,Walk in his Way, mediate on his words and keep it * No promiscuous lifestyle,Enving others,slandering/gossiping. * Be Kind to Everyone.
@thisnthat7760 neglect not the gathering of believers, the Bible says. She may not lose her salvation, but walking in disobedience to God’s command would open doors to unnecessary problems which could eventually make one deviate from THE WAY, thereby losing your salvation.
Wow! As an American, I wonder if I could stay as faithful. I will be praying more diligently for our brothers and sisters in persecuted countries. Thank you for this series'. Maranatha!
Americans brought Christianity to my country,,taught us how to dress,,gave us education including BIBLE,,,but now all we can see from you is nudity, vulgarity,obscenity, divorces,and marriages after marriages, ,nothing like the things in BIBLE....And I also heard America is losing its nuns and priests.. Americans need to revive themselves again,before sending missionaries around the World....America is a famous country and non-Christians look upto you and think,,,christians are not so morally and spiritually correct because of the way Americans live...
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
And now as an American, you can imagine the number of migrants in your country who are basically Muslims and are freely carrying out their Islamic duties... But a Christian is constantly persecuted in the middle east... VOLUME....
@@Reminiscent-yk3nc ,,,Americans are going nuts and crazy...They're busy debating each other on stupid funny reasons that I don't even wanna mention. ... Let them keep debating in their little pot casts ,and also let them act secular,kind and liberal...
I am so impressed with how respectful this series has been toward Islam. That’s how Jesus would be. I’m also incredibly touched and humbled by what these Persians endure to seek the Savior of the world. My prayers will be different from this day forward. Let us “all press on,” like you said!
@@Toofast6849 I respectfully disagree. There is much good in all religions, and some twisted, misunderstood interpretations in them all too. But I respect truth and goodness wherever it exists.
@@ggrace1133 from a Biblical perspective why would you respect other religions? They go against the truth if you respect other religions it means u acknowledge them just respect other people who follow other religions. There is no good in other religions if you would read your Bible you’d know that.
@@Toofast6849 I don’t want to get into back-and-forth debating, but I have read the Bible my whole life long and I’m old. My parents actually read it to me before I could read. I attended church faithfully every week. I also visited my friends’ churches occasionally. This taught me that they all believed in Jesus, too. They believed in the two great commandments and the Ten Commandments. They believed in the Sermon on the Mount. In college, I took a comparative religions course and was very impressed that the professor believed if you want to know the truth of what any religion believes, bring in a minister or equivalent leader from that religion who knows that religion’s true doctrine. I was surprised to learn of many common beliefs shared among various Christian sects, especially the Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists. But I also learned many common truths in Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism. All believe in loving one another, serving others, serving God, kindness, forgiving and righting wrongs. They believe in seeking peace, improving ourselves, and raising honorable families, and taking care of the earth. These are eternal truths. These are eternally good. And they are even eternally sacred. So I respect these truths, and others, in other religions. I do not agree with many doctrines in them, but I understand how they came to interpret things the way they did. I mean no disrespect toward their interpretations, and I am grateful when others do not disrespect my faith and beliefs. Further, I believe atrocities committed in the name of any religion and even the name of God-and all the major ones have committed them sometime in history-are evil doers of evil things. Arguing and fighting are not of God. He commands us to love one another and to be peacemakers. He didn’t say, “except for those in other religions, or atheists, or different political parties.” So I try to improve every day as I follow Him, walking in His glorious Light and Love. May His choicest blessings be upon you and your loved ones, always.
Thanks bro or sis, but not to forget, everybody's perspective or belief is depended on how they find it comfortable. What i mean is, let everybody with their thoughts, their beliefs, as long as they don't against the law of country. Greeting from me an Indonesian's Agnostic.
Excellent series and so needed. I had the privilege of baptising a young Iranian girl here in the UK. I didn't quite understand why she was so keen to say she was Persian, but now I understand. May they stay strong in their faith and may the Lord raise up solid servants to stand against the deceptive teachings coming from the West.
My Iranian friend has been revising the Farsi Bible through the trinitarian Bible society. The NT is complete. The gospel of John was secretly printed in Iran. My friend also has a farsi fellowship in the UK. He grew up Zoroastrian.
@@karatewithelian9014 I mean that surely Farsi readers can already understand an existing Farsi version. It should be so much appreciated compared to having to read the Quran in Arabic only, like how the Roman church used to kill and persecute those who translated the Bible into languages other than Latin.
@@iangreen180 idk maybe the farsi translation isnt as wide spread or probably has translation errors idk that much about Iran but I assume there might be a decent bit of farsi only speaking iranians
@@karatewithelian9014 20 years ago or so I was easily able to buy Farsi bibles from the Bible Society in Melbourne, Australia. They were also good for buying any other languages for people you meet, as bring in Australia the mission field came to us! Farsi is not just some small tribal language. The translation should have been completed many, many years ago and it would be well accepted, like the King James or Reina Valera. I imagine the Farsi language would not have changed as much as ours has since 1611.
I was worked as a secretary to a wellknown ps in my country. Couple years ago, oneday i received a newsletter about persecution in Iran and some countries. So at my home me and my son who was around six yo, i asked him to pray with me for Iran and i put my hand to the map of Iran at my globe. I pray for our God Almighty to open the door for the Iranians hear the Gospel, open their heart and mind to believe that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour, to open the sky above them and send them blessing and pray for the persecution etc. We did it for several days. About two weeks after, one of a Pastor in our branch church came to my room to asked me a favor: to make an English letter, which stated that the two Iranian people (who they said was in holiday in our country? Which is very rare), that they by themselves was asked to be baptized by their own request. They saw our Pastor was baptizing to some people who wearing a long white robe with a cross in the center of the robe so they want to join even though they face the language challenge. Bcos in my country this is a sensitive issue so we need to make a statement letter. So, i was surprise and remember that just week ago i pray for the Iranian people.. and then come 2 Iranians for baptizing, in my city in my country. I feel soo amazed and joy everytime i remember that. I dont understand but i know God had make a divine connection, and i know He still doing it. I know God's heart toward nations, and for Iran, may God strengthen His people there through discipleship and we Christian keep praying and doing the Great Commission. Our God loves and bless us all...
It's really encouraging to see people of such an oppressed nation risking everything to worship Jesus Christ and to spread the gospel. May God bless each and everyone of you and may you continue to keep the faith.
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
I pray much for these brothers and sisters. I have a good friend in Christ. Her daughter married a Muslim. Now after 30 years they are moving in with her. She faces many challenges, to the point where she now refuses cancer treatment. I will visit her for the first time since the Muslim family moved in. I crunch when I see her tears. It is her children and grand children! It is her hearts desire that they will see the light. My prayers are that God will guide my tongue and actions as a witness and that I will be like Daniel saving many by trusting God for me being a faithful disciple andvanswering prayers.🤗🙏🇿🇦
@@jan-johannes-bosman God bless u dear brother for ur love of precious lost souls U can order Bible bklts in various languages to reach hundreds for Jesus [ contact world missionary press]
I'm an Egyptian Orthodox Christian. After watching the 3 episodes, I feel humbled and spoilt by Jesus to have been born a Christian! I worked and lived with Iranians outside Iran, such nice people and very close to our Egyptian culture. I pray from the bottom of my heart for every single believer in Iran. May the Lord give guidance, pure teaching, support, hope, and courage to all of you out there. Wish I could do more! 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for this wonderful, educational series on Iran 🇮🇷 . I have put it on my intercessory list; as you said, i will pray that tables turn in Iran. May the Lord protect all Christians in Iran and strengthen the Churches there in Jesus name. May more and more people get to know of the love of Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.
EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT!!! All 3 episodes! I heard rumors about the growing Christian Church in Iran, but never knew much of the reality about it. God seems to be working spiritual miracles in this officially Islamic nation. God bless the Iranians and may many come to Salvation 😊🙏🏽✝️
The Holy Spirit spoke to me sometime ago to pray every day for Iranians seeking God. It's been a blessing for me to see through these videos what the Lord is doing there!👏🏻👏🏻🙏
Goosebumps!hallelujah!Christ is risen in Iran. May the Lord use Iran again to reach the other Islam countries for the liberation and revival. 🙏 pray in Jesus Mighty Name 🔥🔥🔥
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
@@TroopsWhoReciteIstighfarAlways Chanting can make you feel relaxed for a time but cannot give you the peace of Christ and His loving Presence within you.
Thank you for this. I watched the entire 3-part series. In that past I was a volunteer representative for an organization advocating for the Persecuted Church. To see this series is both stirring and encouraging. God bless you for this ministry. God bless all our Iranian followers of Jesus.
No one can stop the gospel from spreading. The gates of hell can not prevail against the Church of Christ! If they sincerely pray to God for direction, telling Him they don't want to be deceived, God will ensure they have the right doctrine. God will only judge based on the understanding and knowledge they have. He knows our heart and is a fair God. However, we need to pray for them, Amen! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
It's really heartbreaking to hear about all of this..Iranian brothers and sisters, my prayers are with you and i believe God will do something great in your country ! I pray that there will be revival in Iran..
Amen and Amen. Praise the Lord for His LOVE and MERCY to us all! May the Lord God be with His people in Iran, give them strength and courage to perservere to the end. In Jesus name we pray. Hallelujah!
Be strong, my Persian brothers and sisters!!! Christian orthodox people, understand and learning more about your situation and we will pray for your country and your families!!! God help !! Jesus help!!! 🌎❤️ Amen!!!
Thanks for these videos, it is so encouraging knowing that people are breaking away from evil and turning to the goodness of Jesus all around the world
''We know that Jesus is King. We know that the Kingdom is coming. This is not the kingdom. Jesus is not building His kingdom on earth!!'' Thank you so much for this documentary! I am very encouraged and challenged and I will be praying for the Church in Iran. 🙏🏾
Although well meant, the Kingdom has arrived on earth and will keep growing until all enemies are made Christ's footstool (Acts 2:34-35). Also see Luke 11:20, Matt. 13:31-32, Dan. 2:34-35. The Kingdom has arrived with Christ (the stone cut without human hands) and it is our job to build it across the world and finish the work He started. And then He will return.
Thank you for the inspiring news from Iran. I am so blessed to be born to the Orthodox Christian culture in Russia, and we have our beautiful churches and Liturgies and the Eucharist! I hope I see the day when all Christians return to the Orthodox Christian Church, its holy rites and teaching, as it used to be before satan caused the shameful Great Schism in the year of 1054.
My heart goes to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are under Christian persecution . I will start praying for persecuted Christian countries who needs the mercy ,protection of our Christians brothers and sisters all over the world . God is Faithful ,merciful and compassionate . His love for us extends to Christian’s believers all over the nation . Is there too hard to the Lord . None because He is mighty creator of the world. Jesus said He already won the victory over satan and his fallen angels . Lord we trusted you and believe every words you said . Protect ,keep our sisters and brothers in Christ to focus on your promises now and forever .Amen . Praying for Middle East countries , Asian countries that are still persecuted today in Jesus mighty name .Amen 🙏❤️🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks again for sharing this video. There is a great man who is doing a great job distributing bibles in Farsi. One day I pray you get the freedom to practice Christianity. God bless you all in Iran. Love will conquer. Jesus will win. Let's pray for all the Muslims who found Jesus and fir those who haven't yet. ❤
My Brothers, I start to cry when I see this documentary. I start to ask myself "what can I do to reach the unreached?" how I am living the the life of Jesus in a very safe and free place to worship while someothers are even passing in a tough place to sing? Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus 😭
I am from India and I have seen many European and American people who join hare krishna hare rama a religious cult from India and left the Living God.The Iranians Brothers and sisters are far more precious than the lukewarm Christians.
Greetings from Cape Yown, South Africa..I have learn so much through these videos. God bless the Iranian Christians..Jeremiah 29: 11 says it all..John 14 : 6 ..Iran will be on my prayer list for all my brothers & sisters in Christ in Iranian..May the Lord Jesus christ bless you with Health, strength , wisdom & knowledge when you go out to preach the gospel..
I am Congolese 🇨🇩 living in South Africa 🇿🇦. Watching this documentary made me realize that the freedom we have in Africa in general as far as the gospel is concerned is priceless. Never again will I joke with the opportunity to gather with brethren without having to look over our shoulders... May the Lord assist the growing Iranian church.
What a touching story, especially the young man speaking about Iran going out to surrounding countries to spread the gospel there! I will pray for Ira🙏🏻🇮🇷
I have been praying for the underground churches in Iran. May God continue giving more grace to the believers there as they grow in Him under difficult environment. Thank you so much for your indepth documentary.
HALLELUJAH to The LORD. HE knows how to find us no matter how far or how difficult or how impossible it may look. GOD bless, protect and prosper you in JESUS' HOLY NAME ❣️🙏
I rejoice that these precious believers discern and see through the false doctrine of prosperity and deliverance (for money w/o telling the gospel) and pursue the truth of the Word of God! ❤️🙏👑
As a baptised Catholic it is uplifting to hear that Jesus Christ’s message is so strongly in Iran. I’m impressed with the passion with which you are embracing Christianity. Perhaps in time Iranians can bring the truth of Christ back to the West which is now in confusion, worshipping false idols, decadent and in need of truth and spirituality.
Yah bless and keep you all, and your families and ministries. Ahmein. Yah bless and keep the church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in Iran, North Korea, India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, and around the world. Ahmein. Victory in the blood of Yahusha Hamashiach of Nazareth. Ahmein.
Yes, prosperity gospel is the devil working against God’s people. I’m so glad this was addressed. If even people in the free world can get tricked by prosperity gospel, I can’t imagine being a newly Christian convert and trying to discern if what’s being said is biblical or not. Prayers to the brother and sisters in Iran, the Lord is with you!
This series deeply moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing such a profound portrayal of the realities faced by Christians in Iran and illuminating the mysterious ways in which God works. Matthew 16:17-19 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[c] in heaven.”
I've just watched 3 videos! God bless you in Name of Jesus Christ brother for video! It is so encouraging to see Brothers and Sisters fighting for the Kingdom! Amen! Greetings from Bosnian living in Ireland!
We pray for you Persian Iranian brothers and sisters. You are an inspiration to us, you are waking up the body of Christ. Be encouraged, you are not alone. Christ is victorious. Forever and ever. 🙏🏼🕊️❤️
We need to wake up to the FACT that is...the freedom we have in our western world to worship God freely is making us complacent and lukewarm in our walk with God...we have the possibility of being left behind during the rapture😢
This prosperity preaching really tripped me up as a Christian how bad will it be for the new believers? May God present His real truth to all rather than the wolf dressed as a lamb, God open the eyes of those seeking you and cut the evil doers off
As a pastor I was blessed and challenged by this series. I had lost something of the cost of following Christ here in Canada. I am now awakened anew by seeing in Iran what Bonhoeffer wrote "When a man is called to follow Christ, He bids us come and die." Thank you.
Im a brazilian crhistian, praying for all persian brothers in christ! Christ keep blessing you! Love and prays for you, brothers and sisters, from brazil! ❤️🙏🏽
We need more documentaris like this one. I have personally learned a lot since I have grown under prosperity gospel. These brothers are really inspiring.
I am sadly wondering if Christianity will survive in the US? The prosperity we see has caused so many to think “they are doing fine.” Without the Spirit of the Risen Lord we are doomed.
I recommend reading Joel C Rosenberg’s “Inside the Revolution”. This 3 part series is so identical and shows how God is working and the gospel is moving.
Thank you for doing this series It's worth watching this and my brothers and sisters in Iran are in my prayers. I understood the freedom of worshiping Lord in my country. May Lord bless all the brothers and sisters who are in christ and to you too dear brother for making this visible. 🙏🏼
I want to say thank you to the makers of this video and to sll those brave and inspiring Persians who have stepped forward to shed light on so much hidden beauty that our Western media never shares. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I pray and will keep prraying for all my brothers and sisters giving their lives in love in the name of Christ. God Bless you. Amen
Wow, this 3-part documentary was so interesting. I've learned so many things. Thank you Radical team. I'm praying for you and of course for our Iranian sisters and brothers.
As people become disillusioned with Islam and the tight grip of the Islamic leaders reminds me of the Church of England in the 1600 and 1700s. Additionally, when the Western Christianity and Persian (Iranian) Christianity was mentioned I was reminded of Acts when some are forcing Gentile converts to be circumcised while others thought they didn’t have to, and the church in Jerusalem and the apostles recognized that it was not required for them to be saved. The Persian Christians do not need western culture, they need a Biblical foundation (which ring true and apply to Persian life).
I live in Iran as a Christian and I do not fear anything because we know that Jesus gave us the spirit of Love and power not the spirit of fear, my life is pretty hard but it doesn't mean I shall give up
Keep up Severing Yeshua! You're an excellent example to those in The West. Let your light shine! Praying for you and others!
کدوم شهر هستی؟
I shall continue spreading the word! He is real and has risen! Bless you!
Keep fighting and stay strong, I shall keep you and our fellow brothers and sisters in Iran in my prayers.
Amen and amen. Hallelujah.
May the Lord bring you great revelation and insight. We pray for you. We love you.
Yeshua is victorious.
This is when you realise what a privilege it is to pray freely, worship freely, evangelise freely. May Jesus Christ comfort all His children in such persecuted regions.
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day or age that He will save man"
"God's Words to the Whole Universe". Song of the Kingdom. ... (The Kingdom comes down to the world of people, My person is rich and abundant. O, Zion! Raise Your victorious flag to celebrate Me. Sing your song of victory and spread My holy name! All created to the end of the earth. Quickly cleanse yourselves so you can make offerings to Me! The day so many people have been waiting for has finally come! The sky has no longer the former sky, now it is the sky of the Kingdom. People change too.., Everything change... Sleeping people! Raise in your advocacy! I have come... And I Reign.)
Almighty God said
Who wouldn't be happy about it? Who wouldn't dance for joy? 🙏
Constellations in the HEAVENS HIGH! Hurry RETURN to your PLACE to SHOW My GREAT POWER in the AREA!
With the SOUND of KINGDOM PRAISE, SATAN'S kingdom FALLS, DESTROYED with the ROUND of the KINGDOM SONG, NEVER to rise again. 🙏
Who on earth dares to rise up and fight? As I COME DOWN TO EARTH, I BRING FIRE, I BRING HATE, I BRING ALL KINDS OF DESTRUCTION. ☀️
They OFFER the BEST SONGS to Me! 🙏
Who wouldn't cheer for this? WHO WOULDN'T CRY at this OPPORTUNITY?
The SKY is NO LONGER the FORMER SKY, NOW it is the SKY of the KINGDOM. 🙏
Silent mountains! DANCE for Me!
Non-flowing waters! Flow freely!
SLEEPING PEOPLE! RISE in your advocacy!
I HAVE COME ... and I REIGN.... 🙏
UNFORGETTABLE ...unforgettable....
In the burning of My wrath, the great red dragon struggles; ☀️
always flaunting themselves, always opposing Me. ☀️
The WHOLE WORLD of the UNIVERSE is fullFULL of TEARS ... full of SOUNDS OF FUN ... full of body.... NO--JOY LIKE IT ... NO--JOY LIKE IT.... 🙏
SOME sobbing ... and SOME EXULTING....
PEOPLE SEEM to FORGET... If it's a CLOUDY and RAINY SPRING, a SUMMER of BLOOMING FLOWERS, an FALL of bountiful harvest,
a winter of ice and frozen fog, no one knows….
Blowing away the clouds in the air, the sea rages against the land.
The sons wave their arms ... the people move their feet in dance....
People are busy on earth, everything on earth is multiplying. 🙏
📨(the fulfillment of the prophecy "Now, the house of God is among the people!. ... Then the one sitting on the throne said, "Now, I am changing everything!..... (Rev 21:3,5)📨🙏
From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book
Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... He added, "These are the true WORDS of GOD". "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:9,13).
The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13)
💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God."
(1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God."
📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon!
"THEY SAY ALOUD, "SALVATION COMES from the LAMB, and from our GOD who SITS on the THRONE!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... "I will sprinkle you with pure water to cleanse you. I will also REMOVE your sin because of your idols." (Ezekiel 36:25).
and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/TH-cam in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand above all mountains. All nations will flock to it. " 💌 📨
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
@@TroopsWhoReciteIstighfarAlways What is your name?
@@someone-jl4sj Kadrun...Kadal Gurun...Lizzard of Desert😂😂
We Christians have the most powerful spiritual weapon: prayer. Very few of us do it for others salvation.
I'm a Persian too. My ancestors came from Israel 2,700 years ago. I too hear these stories. I'm a believer in Yeshua, after an angel came and spoke Yeshua's word to me and my brother. I share every chance I get !
Amen brother amen shalom brothers from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 🙌 praise ABBA FATHER YAHWEH elohim yesuha hallelujah amen 🙏 maranatha
@@peterflute2817 , Love is the GREATEST work we can share and do for others! SHALOM 😇
😂😂😂 Israhell wasn't invented until 1948
@@suzanhargreaves "when you set out with only negativity on your mind when you return negativity will be the only thing that you find" meaning you left the house empty handed but clean & smelling good and came back home empty handed but dirty and smelling bad
@@fortune700 your opinion is of zero value to me
As a Persian Jew I vouch for all of this. Most of my “Muslim” friends growing up are almost all now Christian evangelical or Zoroastrian reverts.
You see! May Jesus help us reach these lands and may we reach them for Jesus
In the diaspora or within Iran.
@@polishherowitoldpilecki5521 In Iran
I think you're exaggerating. I'm Iranian and I've seen many of my friends and acquaintances leave Islam, but they've always ended up either atheist or agnostic. I've personally never met anyone who's left Islam for any other organized religion.
Are there any muslims that converted to Orthodoxy or Catholic since it is more native there
As an Iranian Christian this made me feel less lonely.
It makes me lonely also as a brother.
Question: what would be the best platform to create Bible teaching content in Persian? I have a friend who is fluent in farsi as well as Arabic and English. Where do Irianian Christians look?
@@Ray12121 rumble maybe? I didn't tried it myself but I guess it would be the best platform to create content without having a restriction...but I don't know if it works or not
You are never alone
We love you Bro, you are never alone, you still and will always have our God and the name Jesus 💛
I am Indian a And a Christian., Here too we suffer from persecution but not like Iran but to live in some kind of fear is very disheartening some times .. pray for us too so we can have religious freedom in India and not be persecuted... Let's pray for the persecuters that lord change their minds and open their eyes to love of Jesus
Oh ,Yes !❤
I m also a indian, i have getting all the rights but evangelical group convert poor hindus for money by exploiting ther poverty. That is really bad. Lots of places jesus should be represent like hindu gods to get their attention.
@@philip.thomas Brother do you have any evidance?
@@justabody yes there so many ... And poor and uneducated people converted into other religions for money 💰
I will. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Trust in Him now matter what happens.
Lord bless Iranian Christians with strong faith and hope. Amen 🙌
And God bless u [ my precious brother I'm christ Jesus].
Have a blessed, day as u walk with Jesus
Also happening in Indonesia🇮🇩 persecution since many many years ago some were lost their lives, yet lots of unbelievers became believers in Christ the savior.
Praise to the Lord the Creator of heaven and earth, Amen.
I'm an Iranian atheist and I thank you for sharing this informative and educational content. Let's all hope for a free Iran where everyone can freely express themselves.
Jesus, help this person of good will to know You who are life and truth.
If somewhere in your Journey, you have been offended by christians, please dont conclude that they represent Jesus. Or if there are beliefs and doctrines from christian religion that makes sense no to you, it's ok, because most of it doesn't represent Jesus at all. Too bad the name of Jesus was so Hijacked in this world thus it obscure his real essence and message.
Beloved one, I pray you come to Christ. When you do, remember to seek Him personally. Read the Bible yourself and follow it's principles personally. Anybody, including your pastor, who does or approves what the Bible condemns, don't listen to them. Christianity is a personal relationship with. He will direct your path when you come to Him. Stay blessed in Jesus 😊
You had already repented from the evil, hateful, controlling & fearsome Islamic teachings. Unknowingly, you are in the Way, Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour. Free is not free to do what we want to do. Free is freeing oneself from lies, brainwash and foolishness. God bless!
I agree. Give a real democracy and freedom of minorities and liberty for women, and free speech. Give separation of church and state, and freedom of religion. Let the people choose their faith(or no faith) because a person forced into a religion all their life isn't really a person of that religion, regardless of what that faith may be.
As many in the west have started to fall away from Christ, it is nice to see true belief take root with a strong people. May the gospel be preached and God be praised.
We pray for our Iranian brothers and sisters in Christ....more blessings... Continue your work for the Lord to share the gospel of God..
Follow bob,Sam and christian prince they are expert in bible what is christianity
Really?? Iran has all religions
The christians in roman era managed to survive under 300 years of persecution by roman emperors. They even managed to despite the daily executions of suspected christians, convert many pagan romans.
The era of martyrs (anno martyrum) from reign of nero to doctelanian. Saw christianity spread across the empire. From alexandria egypt, to londonium.
If roman christians can survive, even thrive under persecution. So too can iranian christians.
True ❤🎉
God bless them. Give then that peace and joy that passes all understanding.
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day or age that He will save man"
"God's Words to the Whole Universe". Song of the Kingdom. ... (The Kingdom comes down to the world of people, My person is rich and abundant. O, Zion! Raise Your victorious flag to celebrate Me. Sing your song of victory and spread My holy name! All created to the end of the earth. Quickly cleanse yourselves so you can make offerings to Me! The day so many people have been waiting for has finally come! The sky has no longer the former sky, now it is the sky of the Kingdom. People change too.., Everything change... Sleeping people! Raise in your advocacy! I have come... And I Reign.)
Almighty God said
Who wouldn't be happy about it? Who wouldn't dance for joy? 🙏
Constellations in the HEAVENS HIGH! Hurry RETURN to your PLACE to SHOW My GREAT POWER in the AREA!
With the SOUND of KINGDOM PRAISE, SATAN'S kingdom FALLS, DESTROYED with the ROUND of the KINGDOM SONG, NEVER to rise again. 🙏
Who on earth dares to rise up and fight? As I COME DOWN TO EARTH, I BRING FIRE, I BRING HATE, I BRING ALL KINDS OF DESTRUCTION. ☀️
They OFFER the BEST SONGS to Me! 🙏
Who wouldn't cheer for this? WHO WOULDN'T CRY at this OPPORTUNITY?
The SKY is NO LONGER the FORMER SKY, NOW it is the SKY of the KINGDOM. 🙏
Silent mountains! DANCE for Me!
Non-flowing waters! Flow freely!
SLEEPING PEOPLE! RISE in your advocacy!
I HAVE COME ... and I REIGN.... 🙏
UNFORGETTABLE ...unforgettable....
In the burning of My wrath, the great red dragon struggles; ☀️
always flaunting themselves, always opposing Me. ☀️
The WHOLE WORLD of the UNIVERSE is fullFULL of TEARS ... full of SOUNDS OF FUN ... full of body.... NO--JOY LIKE IT ... NO--JOY LIKE IT.... 🙏
SOME sobbing ... and SOME EXULTING....
PEOPLE SEEM to FORGET... If it's a CLOUDY and RAINY SPRING, a SUMMER of BLOOMING FLOWERS, an FALL of bountiful harvest,
a winter of ice and frozen fog, no one knows….
Blowing away the clouds in the air, the sea rages against the land.
The sons wave their arms ... the people move their feet in dance....
People are busy on earth, everything on earth is multiplying. 🙏
📨(the fulfillment of the prophecy "Now, the house of God is among the people!. ... Then the one sitting on the throne said, "Now, I am changing everything!..... (Rev 21:3,5)📨🙏
From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book
Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... He added, "These are the true WORDS of GOD". "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:9,13).
The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13)
💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God."
(1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God."
📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon!
"THEY SAY ALOUD, "SALVATION COMES from the LAMB, and from our GOD who SITS on the THRONE!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... "I will sprinkle you with pure water to cleanse you. I will also REMOVE your sin because of your idols." (Ezekiel 36:25).
and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/TH-cam in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand above all mountains. All nations will flock to it. " 💌 📨
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
@Marie Madrid May our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you May the Lord look upon you with favor, and grant you his peace. Amen
May blessings be upon you and all your family and friends, beloved sister in Christ. Thank you for sharing with perfect praise. You touched my heart and renewed my spirit. May God keep you safe, and pour out his spirit with grace and truth wherever you go. May you have wisdom and discernment and courage to share the happiness, salvation, freedom, and blessed hope that is free for all in Christ Jesus. Amen and again I say Amen 🙏 😇🌈☮️🌟☦️
Precious sister in Christ
Thanks so much for that annointed word directly from the throne if God
May we all get ready for the soon return of Jesus .
God revealed to me that soon the world wide earthquakes, n volcanic, eruptions n mass starvation n unlimited lawlessness n violence n floods will occur
As u [ annointed woman of God is aware! Of]..
The mass sin in the world will bring God's
Swift judgment
God's blessings to u m ur loved ones
Some are losing God (especially the west ) and others are finding Him.....
Brother I just came back to the UK. It belongs to Satan.
Correction [ dear sister in Christ]
The west is [ as my Ole grandpa used. To say].][ headed to hell in a basket [
The 2,God's 9f America r
Have no time to teach their kiddos about Jesus or holy loving
We r sliding unto the trash heap of history as the powerful ancient Roman empire
You are not wrong. Furthermore, the Anti-Christian, Anti-Westernism, & Moral Relativism indoctrination in the Western World is coming from Academia and Social Media (especially TikTok).
Let's pray for the world, every country that they hear the Gospel and that God will send more laborers into the harvest 🙏
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
@@TroopsWhoReciteIstighfarAlways Jesus loves you he is the way the truth and the life God sent him to die for our sins 🙏 ❤
I work with Iranian refugees in Greece and it is very interesting to see, how so many of them are searching for what's true and take a look at the Christian perspective on Jesus. It is a blessing to see how God uses his new believers already to go into all the world as witnesses. So many of them 1. Dream of Jesus 2. Heard the Bible in their heart language 3. Talked to a Christian for the first time. 4. Got access to the gospel in their heart language. Almost all Believers with Muslim Background share these 4 things.
what is your work?
Are there many Iranians fleeing through Greece?
God is amazing of how He draws people to himself through Jesus!
God bless those Christians. We as American Christians have let our Savior down.
After watching this video I feel so bad 😢, You know what they say "You don't know the value of what you have until you lose it" As A Nigerian 🇳🇬 we take this freedom of worship for granted. I can't even remember the last time I went to church 🛐. God have mercy on me 🙏 and there you have people being killed for going to church. God bless every Christian believer out there and see you all through in Jesus' Name Amen 🙏 sending love ❤️ ❤ to you all
Even in much of Nigeria freedom from religious persecution isn’t guaranteed. Don’t you see what is happening in the Middle Belt
A Church is not a building, Not going to Church won't lose your salvation, but not doing this 👇 is a bad idea.
* Do not lie,Be always Truthful and Honest towards God, Neighbours, Yourself and Speak the truth
* Fear The Lord God,Walk in his Way, mediate on his words and keep it
* No promiscuous lifestyle,Enving others,slandering/gossiping.
* Be Kind to Everyone.
@thisnthat7760 neglect not the gathering of believers, the Bible says.
She may not lose her salvation, but walking in disobedience to God’s command would open doors to unnecessary problems which could eventually make one deviate from THE WAY, thereby losing your salvation.
@@thisnthat7760actually it's a mortal sin to not go to church. So your telling people to play fast and loose with their soul
Also watch: 'Give Light' Algerian now christian ✝️🕊🎯
Wow! As an American, I wonder if I could stay as faithful. I will be praying more diligently for our brothers and sisters in persecuted countries. Thank you for this series'. Maranatha!
Americans brought Christianity to my country,,taught us how to dress,,gave us education including BIBLE,,,but now all we can see from you is nudity, vulgarity,obscenity, divorces,and marriages after marriages, ,nothing like the things in BIBLE....And I also heard America is losing its nuns and priests..
Americans need to revive themselves again,before sending missionaries around the World....America is a famous country and non-Christians look upto you and think,,,christians are not so morally and spiritually correct because of the way Americans live...
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
@@TroopsWhoReciteIstighfarAlways ,who says he is stress and suffering from anxiety. .
And now as an American, you can imagine the number of migrants in your country who are basically Muslims and are freely carrying out their Islamic duties...
But a Christian is constantly persecuted in the middle east...
@@Reminiscent-yk3nc ,,,Americans are going nuts and crazy...They're busy debating each other on stupid funny reasons that I don't even wanna mention. ...
Let them keep debating in their little pot casts ,and also let them act secular,kind and liberal...
I am so impressed with how respectful this series has been toward Islam. That’s how Jesus would be. I’m also incredibly touched and humbled by what these Persians endure to seek the Savior of the world. My prayers will be different from this day forward. Let us “all press on,” like you said!
Of course we have to respect Muslims but it’s different to respect their religion as Christian’s we mustn’t respect other religions
@@Toofast6849 I respectfully disagree. There is much good in all religions, and some twisted, misunderstood interpretations in them all too. But I respect truth and goodness wherever it exists.
@@ggrace1133 from a Biblical perspective why would you respect other religions? They go against the truth if you respect other religions it means u acknowledge them just respect other people who follow other religions. There is no good in other religions if you would read your Bible you’d know that.
@@Toofast6849 I don’t want to get into back-and-forth debating, but I have read the Bible my whole life long and I’m old. My parents actually read it to me before I could read. I attended church faithfully every week. I also visited my friends’ churches occasionally. This taught me that they all believed in Jesus, too. They believed in the two great commandments and the Ten Commandments. They believed in the Sermon on the Mount. In college, I took a comparative religions course and was very impressed that the professor believed if you want to know the truth of what any religion believes, bring in a minister or equivalent leader from that religion who knows that religion’s true doctrine. I was surprised to learn of many common beliefs shared among various Christian sects, especially the Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists. But I also learned many common truths in Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism. All believe in loving one another, serving others, serving God, kindness, forgiving and righting wrongs. They believe in seeking peace, improving ourselves, and raising honorable families, and taking care of the earth.
These are eternal truths. These are eternally good. And they are even eternally sacred. So I respect these truths, and others, in other religions. I do not agree with many doctrines in them, but I understand how they came to interpret things the way they did. I mean no disrespect toward their interpretations, and I am grateful when others do not disrespect my faith and beliefs. Further, I believe atrocities committed in the name of any religion and even the name of God-and all the major ones have committed them sometime in history-are evil doers of evil things. Arguing and fighting are not of God. He commands us to love one another and to be peacemakers. He didn’t say, “except for those in other religions, or atheists, or different political parties.” So I try to improve every day as I follow Him, walking in His glorious Light and Love. May His choicest blessings be upon you and your loved ones, always.
@@ggrace1133 I agree with you. Your words are full of love for our friends in different religions
I’m a Messianic Jew I pray and love my Persian Christian brothers and I will continue to pray for the Persian people what what a video 🙏🙏
Let us all pray for our Persian sisters and brothers!
Both for those, who still haven't fond the Truth, and those who already know Christ!
Thanks bro or sis, but not to forget, everybody's perspective or belief is depended on how they find it comfortable. What i mean is, let everybody with their thoughts, their beliefs, as long as they don't against the law of country. Greeting from me an Indonesian's Agnostic.
Excellent series and so needed. I had the privilege of baptising a young Iranian girl here in the UK. I didn't quite understand why she was so keen to say she was Persian, but now I understand. May they stay strong in their faith and may the Lord raise up solid servants to stand against the deceptive teachings coming from the West.
woww, so good!! Celebrating with her.
are you a pastor? where?
@@kathleenchristinemusic2252 hey Kathleen, good day . Hope you are enjoying your Sunday
May the Holy Spirit help me pray more for my brothers and sisters in Christ
Challenging series. Im in Pennsylvania
God bless us , everyone
My Iranian friend has been revising the Farsi Bible through the trinitarian Bible society. The NT is complete. The gospel of John was secretly printed in Iran. My friend also has a farsi fellowship in the UK. He grew up Zoroastrian.
What is wrong with the already existing translations?
@@iangreen180 wdym?
@@karatewithelian9014 I mean that surely Farsi readers can already understand an existing Farsi version. It should be so much appreciated compared to having to read the Quran in Arabic only, like how the Roman church used to kill and persecute those who translated the Bible into languages other than Latin.
@@iangreen180 idk maybe the farsi translation isnt as wide spread or probably has translation errors idk that much about Iran but I assume there might be a decent bit of farsi only speaking iranians
@@karatewithelian9014 20 years ago or so I was easily able to buy Farsi bibles from the Bible Society in Melbourne, Australia. They were also good for buying any other languages for people you meet, as bring in Australia the mission field came to us!
Farsi is not just some small tribal language. The translation should have been completed many, many years ago and it would be well accepted, like the King James or Reina Valera. I imagine the Farsi language would not have changed as much as ours has since 1611.
I was worked as a secretary to a wellknown ps in my country. Couple years ago, oneday i received a newsletter about persecution in Iran and some countries. So at my home me and my son who was around six yo, i asked him to pray with me for Iran and i put my hand to the map of Iran at my globe. I pray for our God Almighty to open the door for the Iranians hear the Gospel, open their heart and mind to believe that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour, to open the sky above them and send them blessing and pray for the persecution etc. We did it for several days.
About two weeks after, one of a Pastor in our branch church came to my room to asked me a favor: to make an English letter, which stated that the two Iranian people (who they said was in holiday in our country? Which is very rare), that they by themselves was asked to be baptized by their own request.
They saw our Pastor was baptizing to some people who wearing a long white robe with a cross in the center of the robe so they want to join even though they face the language challenge. Bcos in my country this is a sensitive issue so we need to make a statement letter.
So, i was surprise and remember that just week ago i pray for the Iranian people.. and then come 2 Iranians for baptizing, in my city in my country. I feel soo amazed and joy everytime i remember that. I dont understand but i know God had make a divine connection, and i know He still doing it. I know God's heart toward nations, and for Iran, may God strengthen His people there through discipleship and we Christian keep praying and doing the Great Commission.
Our God loves and bless us all...
It's really encouraging to see people of such an oppressed nation risking everything to worship Jesus Christ and to spread the gospel. May God bless each and everyone of you and may you continue to keep the faith.
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
The road to happiness is to turn your eyes upon Jesus then the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his Glory and Grace.
I pray much for these brothers and sisters. I have a good friend in Christ. Her daughter married a Muslim. Now after 30 years they are moving in with her. She faces many challenges, to the point where she now refuses cancer treatment. I will visit her for the first time since the Muslim family moved in. I crunch when I see her tears. It is her children and grand children! It is her hearts desire that they will see the light. My prayers are that God will guide my tongue and actions as a witness and that I will be like Daniel saving many by trusting God for me being a faithful disciple andvanswering prayers.🤗🙏🇿🇦
Praying for them.
It is our desire this precious souls see the true lights
@@lydiathomas4950 Hi Lydia, here in Africa hearts are dark and we need much prayer. May God bless all the caring saints,🤗🙏🇿🇦
God bless u dear brother for ur love of precious lost souls
U can order Bible bklts in various languages to reach hundreds for Jesus [ contact world missionary press]
I'm an Egyptian Orthodox Christian. After watching the 3 episodes, I feel humbled and spoilt by Jesus to have been born a Christian! I worked and lived with Iranians outside Iran, such nice people and very close to our Egyptian culture. I pray from the bottom of my heart for every single believer in Iran. May the Lord give guidance, pure teaching, support, hope, and courage to all of you out there. Wish I could do more! 🙏🙏🙏
My neighbors are Coptic Christians that had to flee Egypt about 15yrs ago. Wonderful people. Bless you!
Thank you for this wonderful, educational series on Iran 🇮🇷 . I have put it on my intercessory list; as you said, i will pray that tables turn in Iran. May the Lord protect all Christians in Iran and strengthen the Churches there in Jesus name. May more and more people get to know of the love of Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.
EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT!!! All 3 episodes! I heard rumors about the growing Christian Church in Iran, but never knew much of the reality about it. God seems to be working spiritual miracles in this officially Islamic nation. God bless the Iranians and may many come to Salvation 😊🙏🏽✝️
Let us pray for our Iranian brothers and sisters
The Holy Spirit spoke to me sometime ago to pray every day for Iranians seeking God. It's been a blessing for me to see through these videos what the Lord is doing there!👏🏻👏🏻🙏
Goosebumps!hallelujah!Christ is risen in Iran. May the Lord use Iran again to reach the other Islam countries for the liberation and revival. 🙏 pray in Jesus Mighty Name 🔥🔥🔥
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position
Amen Hallelujah
@@TroopsWhoReciteIstighfarAlways Chanting can make you feel relaxed for a time but cannot give you the peace of Christ and His loving Presence within you.
Thank you for this. I watched the entire 3-part series. In that past I was a volunteer representative for an organization advocating for the Persecuted Church. To see this series is both stirring and encouraging. God bless you for this ministry. God bless all our Iranian followers of Jesus.
No one can stop the gospel from spreading.
The gates of hell can not prevail against the Church of Christ!
If they sincerely pray to God for direction, telling Him they don't want to be deceived, God will ensure they have the right doctrine.
God will only judge based on the understanding and knowledge they have. He knows our heart and is a fair God.
However, we need to pray
for them, Amen!
Our prayer from Indonesia for our Iranian brothers & sisters! Keep press on! God is be with you.
It's really heartbreaking to hear about all of this..Iranian brothers and sisters, my prayers are with you and i believe God will do something great in your country ! I pray that there will be revival in Iran..
Amen and Amen.
Praise the Lord for His LOVE and MERCY to us all!
May the Lord God be with His people in Iran, give them strength and courage to perservere to the end.
In Jesus name we pray.
Be strong, my Persian brothers and sisters!!! Christian orthodox people, understand and learning more about your situation and we will pray for your country and your families!!! God help !! Jesus help!!! 🌎❤️ Amen!!!
Thanks for these videos, it is so encouraging knowing that people are breaking away from evil and turning to the goodness of Jesus all around the world
''We know that Jesus is King. We know that the Kingdom is coming. This is not the kingdom. Jesus is not building His kingdom on earth!!'' Thank you so much for this documentary! I am very encouraged and challenged and I will be praying for the Church in Iran. 🙏🏾
Although well meant, the Kingdom has arrived on earth and will keep growing until all enemies are made Christ's footstool (Acts 2:34-35). Also see Luke 11:20, Matt. 13:31-32, Dan. 2:34-35.
The Kingdom has arrived with Christ (the stone cut without human hands) and it is our job to build it across the world and finish the work He started.
And then He will return.
Wow thanks for this important update on how Christian faith is growing in Iran.
I am.prayimh for a world wide revival. A Heaven sent Holy Ghost revival
Amen! 🙏
Respect from Africa 🇿🇦
Thank you for the inspiring news from Iran. I am so blessed to be born to the Orthodox Christian culture in Russia, and we have our beautiful churches and Liturgies and the Eucharist! I hope I see the day when all Christians return to the Orthodox Christian Church, its holy rites and teaching, as it used to be before satan caused the shameful Great Schism in the year of 1054.
My heart goes to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are under Christian persecution . I will start praying for persecuted Christian countries who needs the mercy ,protection of our Christians brothers and sisters all over the world . God is Faithful ,merciful and compassionate . His love for us extends to Christian’s believers all over the nation . Is there too hard to the Lord . None because He is mighty creator of the world. Jesus said He already won the victory over satan and his fallen angels . Lord we trusted you and believe every words you said . Protect ,keep our sisters and brothers in Christ to focus on your promises now and forever .Amen . Praying for Middle East countries , Asian countries that are still persecuted today in Jesus mighty name .Amen 🙏❤️🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks again for sharing this video. There is a great man who is doing a great job distributing bibles in Farsi. One day I pray you get the freedom to practice Christianity. God bless you all in Iran. Love will conquer. Jesus will win. Let's pray for all the Muslims who found Jesus and fir those who haven't yet. ❤
My Brothers, I start to cry when I see this documentary. I start to ask myself "what can I do to reach the unreached?" how I am living the the life of Jesus in a very safe and free place to worship while someothers are even passing in a tough place to sing?
Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus 😭
Praying for these valiant Iranian Christians everyday from South Korea...Amen!
I am from India and I have seen many European and American people who join hare krishna hare rama a religious cult from India and left the Living God.The Iranians Brothers and sisters are far more precious than the lukewarm Christians.
God please, bless and keep our Iranian brothers and sister in Christ! 🙏
Greetings from Cape Yown, South Africa..I have learn so much through these videos. God bless the Iranian Christians..Jeremiah 29: 11 says it all..John 14 : 6 ..Iran will be on my prayer list for all my brothers & sisters in Christ in Iranian..May the Lord Jesus christ bless you with Health, strength , wisdom & knowledge when you go out to preach the gospel..
I am Congolese 🇨🇩 living in South Africa 🇿🇦. Watching this documentary made me realize that the freedom we have in Africa in general as far as the gospel is concerned is priceless. Never again will I joke with the opportunity to gather with brethren without having to look over our shoulders...
May the Lord assist the growing Iranian church.
What a touching story, especially the young man speaking about Iran going out to surrounding countries to spread the gospel there! I will pray for Ira🙏🏻🇮🇷
I have been praying for the underground churches in Iran. May God continue giving more grace to the believers there as they grow in Him under difficult environment. Thank you so much for your indepth documentary.
HALLELUJAH to The LORD. HE knows how to find us no matter how far or how difficult or how impossible it may look. GOD bless, protect and prosper you in JESUS' HOLY NAME ❣️🙏
I rejoice that these precious believers discern and see through the false doctrine of prosperity and deliverance (for money w/o telling the gospel) and pursue the truth of the Word of God!
Outstanding! All three parts! Absolutely brought me to tears
Prayers for the Iranian church ❤❤❤
With love from an Indian catholic..
I am from Eritrea. I like your videos a lot. Thank you.
As a baptised Catholic it is uplifting to hear that Jesus Christ’s message is so strongly in Iran. I’m impressed with the passion with which you are embracing Christianity. Perhaps in time Iranians can bring the truth of Christ back to the West which is now in confusion, worshipping false idols, decadent and in need of truth and spirituality.
Yah bless and keep you all, and your families and ministries. Ahmein. Yah bless and keep the church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in Iran, North Korea, India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, and around the world. Ahmein. Victory in the blood of Yahusha Hamashiach of Nazareth. Ahmein.
Fascinating series, God bless you sir. Love from Northern Ireland to the Christians and the people of Iran
Yes, prosperity gospel is the devil working against God’s people. I’m so glad this was addressed. If even people in the free world can get tricked by prosperity gospel, I can’t imagine being a newly Christian convert and trying to discern if what’s being said is biblical or not.
Prayers to the brother and sisters in Iran, the Lord is with you!
It is a form of idolatry. Reducing God to a commodity, just another product in the vending machine.
Totally taking God's name in vain.
This series deeply moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing such a profound portrayal of the realities faced by Christians in Iran and illuminating the mysterious ways in which God works.
Matthew 16:17-19 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[c] in heaven.”
Very inspiring. God bless your team. May Iran be saved!!!
When he said "This is not a religion, this is a way of life"! Amen
Praise you Lord Jesus for the church in Iran.
I've just watched 3 videos! God bless you in Name of Jesus Christ brother for video!
It is so encouraging to see Brothers and Sisters fighting for the Kingdom! Amen!
Greetings from Bosnian living in Ireland!
Thank you for doing this series. Bless you!
We pray for you Persian Iranian brothers and sisters. You are an inspiration to us, you are waking up the body of Christ. Be encouraged, you are not alone.
Christ is victorious. Forever and ever.
Amazing documentary! Praying for my brothers and sisters in Christ in Iran. 🙏🏼 I admire your faith 🙏🏼
True Brother. I too.
We need to wake up to the FACT that is...the freedom we have in our western world to worship God freely is making us complacent and lukewarm in our walk with God...we have the possibility of being left behind during the rapture😢
This prosperity preaching really tripped me up as a Christian how bad will it be for the new believers?
May God present His real truth to all rather than the wolf dressed as a lamb,
God open the eyes of those seeking you and cut the evil doers off
The LORD is with us.
Stay strong my brother and sister in Christ in Iran. You r better in faith compare to europe...God bless u...
As a pastor I was blessed and challenged by this series. I had lost something of the cost of following Christ here in Canada. I am now awakened anew by seeing in Iran what Bonhoeffer wrote "When a man is called to follow Christ, He bids us come and die." Thank you.
Wow, very powerful for even the churches in America to rekindle our fires and seek to disciple and evangelize those around us!
Im a brazilian crhistian, praying for all persian brothers in christ! Christ keep blessing you! Love and prays for you, brothers and sisters, from brazil! ❤️🙏🏽
We need more documentaris like this one. I have personally learned a lot since I have grown under prosperity gospel. These brothers are really inspiring.
15:33 man is preaching right here🔥. Lots of love my brothers and sisters in Christ.
God bless
I am sadly wondering if Christianity will survive in the US? The prosperity we see has caused so many to think “they are doing fine.”
Without the Spirit of the Risen Lord we are doomed.
I don't think so
May God bless and strengthen all my brothers and sisters in Iran
I can do all things thru Christ who strenghtens me!
Keep the faith alive Iranians brothers in Christ. I'm praying for you. Jesus loves you Iran, you are special to Him!!!
I recommend reading Joel C Rosenberg’s “Inside the Revolution”. This 3 part series is so identical and shows how God is working and the gospel is moving.
Yes, an excellent book. It clued me into things I never dreamed were happening. Christ will win.
Amen. Praying for Iran
Hi just availing myself. If there are Iranian believers looking for discipleship, I ll be more den happy to do online bible study with them.
Que vídeo maravilhoso, meu Deus, obrigada!!!!
Thank you for doing this series It's worth watching this and my brothers and sisters in Iran are in my prayers.
I understood the freedom of worshiping Lord in my country.
May Lord bless all the brothers and sisters who are in christ and to you too dear brother for making this visible. 🙏🏼
Hallelujah! Jesus hold tight all the Iran Christians and Family churches. Victory to Iran Christians, brothers and sisters!!! Amen!!!
I want to say thank you to the makers of this video and to sll those brave and inspiring Persians who have stepped forward to shed light on so much hidden beauty that our Western media never shares. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I pray and will keep prraying for all my brothers and sisters giving their lives in love in the name of Christ. God Bless you. Amen
Wow, this 3-part documentary was so interesting. I've learned so many things. Thank you Radical team. I'm praying for you and of course for our Iranian sisters and brothers.
God bless my Iranian brothers and sisters I wil be keeping you all in my prayers
I really appreciate all you guys and all of our brothers and sisters facing persecution. You guys are examples of what it means to endure 😊
As people become disillusioned with Islam and the tight grip of the Islamic leaders reminds me of the Church of England in the 1600 and 1700s. Additionally, when the Western Christianity and Persian (Iranian) Christianity was mentioned I was reminded of Acts when some are forcing Gentile converts to be circumcised while others thought they didn’t have to, and the church in Jerusalem and the apostles recognized that it was not required for them to be saved. The Persian Christians do not need western culture, they need a Biblical foundation (which ring true and apply to Persian life).
Brothers pray for Bosnia and Herzegovina to fully embrace its true God
Time heals everything God is Great and Great is Thy Faithfulness Amen
Thank you. And what is not important but outstanding is the very atmospheric style in this documentaries it keeps you watching and more interested!
Thanks so much for this view of Iran. God bless Iraniens and the folowers of Jesus there. I am so proud of them.❤
I am so blessed by watching this series!!!! Thank you.
Praying for miracles and blessings for dear brothers and sisters and their families in Iran. May God protect and ease their sufferings. ❤ amen 🙏