Tamron 17-70mm f2.8 - Behind The Scenes at Wedding

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 63

  • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
    @samatardavidbndphotofilm  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    In your opinion, if you could choose a different lens, which one would you go with, and why?

    • @cylencer275
      @cylencer275 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I guess tamron 35-150 would be good too

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@cylencer275 It's almost the same lens downsized for an APSC size sensor.

  • @cozygentlenight
    @cozygentlenight วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    the trust fall footage was beautiful! and enjoyed watching these type of videos on how you direct and do your photo/videography!

  • @emfromthechi
    @emfromthechi 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    I like that you showed the experience of directing people for the photos. As someone who wants to get into wedding photography, that seems like the scariest part

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I appreciate it man. I did the same thing too when I was starting I watched lots of behind the scenes. After a few weddings, it becomes second nature directing people. You get a routine and then you rinse and repeat. Good luck!

  • @MaunoKoivistoOfficial
    @MaunoKoivistoOfficial 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Great to see how people do hybrid coverage of weddings

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah, a simple camera mounted on a monopod can catch alot of good footage!

  • @grafishing7921
    @grafishing7921 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You can use a glimmerfilter for a better mood

  • @EZ-lj3hv
    @EZ-lj3hv 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Great stuff thank you David for sharing. I was looking for the Tamron real life usage feedback.

  • @_isatoo
    @_isatoo 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This was sooo good!!! I enjoyed following along

  • @mustafaakdogan8456
    @mustafaakdogan8456 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    İzlediğim bütün lens kıyaslama videolarından daha iyi bir video olmuş teşekkür ederim. emeğine sağlık

  • @s2DoubleU
    @s2DoubleU 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    For video, do you find the Tamron's VC fighting against the IBIS of the FX30 at the telephoto end during handheld? Some people say you get little jumps in the footage. Is it that bad?

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I use it with a Fuji XT4. You get the little jitter in the 1st second or so and then it stabilizes.

  • @nomadictimbo9185
    @nomadictimbo9185 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Very informative and nice video. I'm also using the X-T4/Tamron 17-70 combo and they work great together. Another area where they perform really well is for close up sports/action for photo and video. I've even done a couple of short skateboard films and a dressage one that I'll release tomorrow. Tamron really nailed it with this one and if it was par focal, it would be literally perfect.

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes for sure. It's a total workhorse and at the 60-70 focal range it gives you a decent depth for photos. The price is super reasonable too. Hoping I can get many years of service out of it.

  • @sethiphotography
    @sethiphotography 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    i find the 17-70 2.8 a very soft lens for photography, perfect for video and that's al i use it for to be honest.

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Really? I find it too sharp to be honest for photos. I use my 23mm f1.4 for when I want a soft image. That's also the lens I use to make my talking head videos. The 17-70 for my taste reveals too much skin texture and details especially when you do close ups.

    • @zoyuu
      @zoyuu 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You must have gotten a bad sample, I'd use the warranty and get it replaced

  • @DFD1
    @DFD1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You did a great job man! 👌 And that Tamron lens looks solid too. Are you shooting most of your clips form a monopod?

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@DFD1 No I use the.monopod during the ceremony and other key moment. The rest is hand held.

    • @DFD1
      @DFD1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@samatardavidbndphotofilm Thanks.

    @EDENTGP 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    great job!

  • @moorthiproductions6491
    @moorthiproductions6491 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I had a bad experience with sony 18-105 f4 , every single pictures are very bad nosharp But videos awesome , i return it because im a photographer , im planing to buy 17-70 tamron , this video make my day

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's great for photos specially at the 50mm+ focal range.

    • @JohnIvoryMusic
      @JohnIvoryMusic 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yea that f4 won’t have portraits looking too good!

  • @memorychor
    @memorychor 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Would you recommend this lens for videos as well? I've heard the auto-focus while zooming is bad.
    I'm planning to use it mostly manually.

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes It's why I bought it mainly for the video capability.As long as you go slow while zooming in, it keeps the focus.

  • @MaxKreiss
    @MaxKreiss 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I have an 18-35 Art of Sigma and the Autofocus is terrible for Weddings. Now I‘m searching for good Videos of the Tamron. Thx for this my friend and best Greetings from Germany 😎🤝🏼

  • @sierelijahsalazar4583
    @sierelijahsalazar4583 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    13:25 why is there a ghost on right side of photo? scary lol

    • @Albertoabrian
      @Albertoabrian หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s a house I think 😄

  • @BIackBoomBox
    @BIackBoomBox 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    just ordered this lens. so versiatile. what camera are you using with the tamron?

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The fujifilm XT4. It's an amazing camera for the price and quality.

  • @MusMus-bg1fg
    @MusMus-bg1fg 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’m planning to buy this lens ( 17-70 2.8 tamron ) for photography specifically for wedding photography, covering both the ceremony and reception. My camera body is the Sony a6400. Previously, I used the Sony 18-105mm f/4 lens, but I found it lacking in sharpness. Could you please recommend a suitable lens that would provide better image quality for these types of events?
    Thank you!

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you are looking for a variable zoom lens for photography only, I would go with the fuji 16-55 lens. This lens is for people who want to also do video as it has image stabilzation. When I did wedding photo only, I found the best combination was 2 fuji cameras with the 23mm f1.4 and the 85mm f.12.

      @HOTEL_BRAVO_NINE_HOTEL_ZULU 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I also have the Sony a6400 and the Tamron 17-70 f2.8 and it is an absolutely great Lens with very good image quality and sharpness.
      If you looking for prime lenses, check out the
      -Sigma 23mm f1.4
      -Sigma 30mm f1.4
      -Viltrox 75mm f1.2 (amazing Portrait Lens/ Bokeh beast)

  • @augustjohannsen3628
    @augustjohannsen3628 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Cool Video! What aspect ratio do you use for your pictures?

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I use the standard 3:2 aspect ratio but I often crop my images using the rule of 3rd and also I crop to eliminate distractions.

  • @Ton-x4r
    @Ton-x4r 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I had the Fuji version but returned it the next day. At 70mm not sharp at all and after some testing it had the worst back focus. Quite strange on a mirrorless camera bit it just was there.

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I get it, it's not a perfect lens but it checked off everything I needed for hybrid coverage. I needed a 24-70 at f2.8 or lower that also had IBIS. It does weird vignetting if not perfectly connected with the camera body. But for all the features and the price, it is as good as it gets for me. I use a second body with a 85mm f1.2 when I want the best possible photo.

  • @bounti9714
    @bounti9714 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think especially the group pictures had way too less saturation or colour bc it looked so soft

  • @vanhiep4966
    @vanhiep4966 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What camera do you use for photos and videos?

  • @oc2phish07
    @oc2phish07 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Don't think I have seen a worse venue and overall occasion. The photographer did a really good job working with this and I don't want to take anything away from his efforts.

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Rough. I loved it for being outdoors, it was so well lit that it made my photos pop.

    • @ZVEKOfficial
      @ZVEKOfficial 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why what's wrong with the venue ?

    • @crunchb3rry
      @crunchb3rry 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      It's not a venue, it's somebody's home. Not everybody has their wedding at the country club.

  • @gillesmatheronpro
    @gillesmatheronpro 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You have displayed high-value skills in covering this wedding, considering all conditions were not in your favour.
    And this Tamron lens certainly helped you achieving this, for it obviously is a Swiss-knife for video/photo mixed creation.
    The place, on the contrary, did not help as much. Folks there could have, at least, hide this ugly garage door ! It's 100% OK to set a venue up in a farm grange... nothing wrong with that, providing you pamper it somehow to make it look like a place for HOSTING WEDDINGS. Not parking lawnmowers or tractors (to which I have nothing against, as a former horticulturist). But when you rent a place for some type of events, that said place has to be up to the task for the specific purpose... a minimum !
    This is also why everyone must admit you have done a great job in showing only the best sides of the place, and hide the worst to brighten the moments.
    Bravo !

  • @АлександрЛаврухин-у3э
    @АлександрЛаврухин-у3э 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Really cool job)

  • @زهيرسلمان
    @زهيرسلمان 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you
    I am thinking about buying a Fuji camera. Do you recommend buying any model?
    Photo and sports wedding
    There are many models for Fuji
    Fujifilm X-T5
    Fujifilm X-T4
    Fujifilm X-H2S

    • @samatardavidbndphotofilm
      @samatardavidbndphotofilm  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It depends. If you want to shoot video go with the XH2S but if it is mostly photos, go with the XT5.

    • @زهيرسلمان
      @زهيرسلمان 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@samatardavidbndphotofilm Thank you

  • @amanyahya52
    @amanyahya52 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Are you always alone when recording and taking photos of wedding events?

  • @Романдедов-ы7р
    @Романдедов-ы7р 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @ritmicdance
    @ritmicdance หลายเดือนก่อน

    Самый странный обзор