  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • second channel : ‪@AdamMcIntyre2‬

ความคิดเห็น • 316

  • @captainstefanie
    @captainstefanie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +212

    Pretty much every time Gabbie has said she’s finally found herself and she’s never been happier, expect her to eventually refer to that time as the worst era of her life. I will never believe her when she goes on and on about how happy she is or how great her life is because she has repeatedly revealed herself to be lying about that in the past.

    • @codyhouser4494
      @codyhouser4494 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Literally just like Demi Lovato

    • @salazar556
      @salazar556 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I agree completely. Gabbie just needs serious help and a long time away from the internet. Like Jenna Marbles long.

    • @RavenWing1972
      @RavenWing1972 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@codyhouser4494 Why do you think that about Demi?

    • @violetmoon6233
      @violetmoon6233 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I agree . I truly believe it's spritual bypass and toxic happiness . Sounds like a lot of people who get caught and try to convince others that they have evolved . I truly believe she was enabled for so long . I hope she gets help .

    • @TannerisSmol97
      @TannerisSmol97 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I've heard it called toxic positivity, I think that's fitting

  • @Emily-ck9ji
    @Emily-ck9ji 2 ปีที่แล้ว +260

    I don't know what she expected. This entire diary entry/letter reminds me of the "I'm thirteen and this is deep" memes (most of her content does.. if I'm being fair). How did think people would respond? She lied. She lied over and over. She made outrageous claims against people and purposely tormented a pregnant woman by dragging her assault and trauma back into the spotlight continuously to try tomake it all about GABBIE instead. It's disgusting. She's disgusting. I don't feel bad for her. Actions have consequences and she saw firsthand what the consequences for lying, bullying, and manipulating others were. Is she trying to get pity here? Maybe if she wasn't such a terrible person, people wouldn't have a reason to despise her and she wouldn't feel isolated. Who wants to be friends with someone who you know WILL turn on you at some point?

    • @brendamertes9472
      @brendamertes9472 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      To be fair, she probably expected at least a little mercy because she's nowhere near as terrible as Trasha Paytas and people are still nice to that large pig clown.

    • @lily-zc2eq
      @lily-zc2eq 2 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      her entire persona is “i’m 13 and this is deep”

    • @Ms.K305
      @Ms.K305 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Yep👏🏼 I agree with everything I see here

    • @samantharose1144
      @samantharose1144 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Totally agree. She’s honestly just an extremely terrible human being in my opinion. Contemplating suicide is awful and I don’t wish that on her or anyone, but how are we supposed to believe anything she says at this point? She’s lied about everything thus far for her own personal gain. That being said, am I apt to think this is another lie she’s telling in attempt to gain some sympathy? Yes. I am.

    • @SS16000
      @SS16000 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@lily-zc2eq 😭 poetry. outfits. weed. LOL to a T 😂😂😂

  • @samanthawhat
    @samanthawhat 2 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    My opinion about her doesn't change at all after this letter- it feels calculated and manipulative to me- she's not a good person and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her. She uses her mental health as an excuse constantly (like seriously leans on it like a crutch)- meanwhile, many of us watching also struggle with these same things and are somehow not doing the awful shit she does.
    It's a cycle. Her trying to act like she's so happy and healthy but then later saying she was in the worst state she's ever been in during that time period. I do hope she's truly happy this time, but I just can't find the urge to give her an ounce of my time or sympathy.

    • @falconinthedive
      @falconinthedive 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Right? Like threats of suicide are super common abusive control and manipulation tactics so it's hard to not see her deciding to publish such a performatively floral note saying "I was so close to committing suicide, but didn't want to, but was close" a year later seems like coming in to try and be like "you can't criticize me. Look how upset I was."

    • @Cupid230
      @Cupid230 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would like to know what's so bad about Gabbie Hanna and why does everyone hate her so much?

    • @Fae313
      @Fae313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I feel the same wayyy I’m so glad I’m not alone. I thought I was being an insensitive bitch… nope Gabbie is just back at her manipulation game

    • @D0vin00
      @D0vin00 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      💯 bc after she posted it, she went back to her $tupid antics

    • @daver00lzd00d
      @daver00lzd00d 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Cupid230 you have a lot to learn. there are plenty of videos that go over all of the times she has backstabbed/gaslit/manipulated/talked shit/gossiped about other people and their personal lives. a few honorable mentions would be when she scammed a bunch of her fans, claiming they could get free high quality makeup brushes then when people complained about how they didn't get their stuff she made a video talking about how they need to "manage their expectations" and it wasn't her fault they thought they'd actually be good quality (like she claimed they were at the time) and the worst thing she's done to someone else I'd say is when she continuously brought up her former close friends sexual assault after being asked not to. she's a horrible person and it shouldn't take long for you to see that once you dig into it

  • @eckilla
    @eckilla 2 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    Okay this may sound insensitive but stick with me… TW: abuse & thoughts of unaliving
    I have faced thoughts of unaliving since I was 11. I was relentlessly ab*sed for 14+ years by an immediate family member and not believed or taken seriously by either of my parents. I was 24 the first time my mom said something to validate my ab*se & realized how sinister my ab*ser truly was. Hearing you read Gabbie’s letter sent me back to those thoughts and feelings I had as a young kid who thought no one cared about me or loved me (how could they if they didn’t believe me?!). I’m 27 now and have had to do a *lot* of healing through therapy, but I’m finally on the other side of feeling optionless. I still have depression so I still get thoughts of unaliving, but they’re more easily controllable now after all of my self work.
    I do feel bad for Gabbie in some regards because I know what it feels like to think those things about oneself & feel without options. However Gabbie is a financially well-off adult who has the resources to get herself help - something I did not have as a child (I finally convinced my dad to take me to the doctor for my mental health at 17 and then continued treatment into adulthood). Now there is a bit of nuance since I can understand it’s very hard to take those first steps forward, especially when feeling like living is futile. But I don’t believe for a *second* that Gabbie didn’t have *anyone*. I think Gabbie wanted someone in particular to be there for her (likely someone who enabled her bad behavior), and they weren’t responding so that is why she felt alone. But I know for a fact she had people who cared for her reaching out and trying to make sure she was okay; she presented herself as never having been happier & more fulfilled though (again, nuance noted). In my opinion, Gabbie was being told that she was hurting others and instead of taking that valid feedback to stop & reflect, she saw it as a challenge and internalized it as no one caring for her. She has displayed tendencies to be very self-centered in the past (making herself the victim in another person’s r*pe), and she has failed to take accountability for hurting others repeatedly (it’s hard to when your pride is too big & won’t let you, I suppose)! I think Gabbie put her opinions out there expecting to be believed by her cult following and took it personally when people (former friends & colleagues, at that) challenged her perspective. Like I said, I feel for Gabbie, but I also think there were plenty of people who wanted what was best for her and tried to prevent her path to self-destruction but she didn’t want it. She wanted people to see her as the victim always and, unfortunately, I think her thoughts of unaliving were, in a way, another attempt of her mind trying to make her out to be the victim yet again.
    As a former Gabbie fan & viewer, I really would like to see her make drastic changes and work to make up for all of the harassment & ab*se she directed toward others, but at this point I feel like I’m watching the same old story again. I wish her the best, but there comes a point in time where any rational person asks themselves (and *truly* considers), “Am I part of the problem?” I don’t know if Gabbie will ever ask herself that, unfortunately.

    • @Ms.K305
      @Ms.K305 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      The part where you mention that people told her that what she was doing was hurting people and she took that personally instead of, like you said, reflecting on why people feel this way, and what she did to make them feel that. I believe that’s how she would take feedback.

    • @karevv
      @karevv 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      This is an incredibly valid comment. As a survivor of abuse myself, I completely agree with what you’ve said here. I wondered why this letter put a bad taste in my mouth & I truly couldn’t of said it better.

    • @Fae313
      @Fae313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I just left a comment along similar lines but you said it best!! I also have a history of childhood PTSD and persistent suicidal ideation and this letter just… isn’t it. Again, you said it best. Wishing you healing, health, and happiness, glad you’re still with us ❤️

    • @eckilla
      @eckilla 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Fae313 thank you so much! I think many of us who faced these feelings see through the pity party a bit, and it’s validating to hear others had the same feeling about this as me. Thank you for your kind words & I’m so glad you’re with us still too ♥️

    • @Fae313
      @Fae313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@eckilla ❤️❤️❤️

  • @hawleystone
    @hawleystone 2 ปีที่แล้ว +70

    “Misery loves company” is how the saying goes. I feel bad that she didn’t have anyone with her to help her, but at the end of the day she really should have kept it off the internet. You just never know when you’re at rock bottom until you hit it.

    • @JunkieSama
      @JunkieSama 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Exactly. She could have sought out real help and stayed offline until she was in the right headspace to return.

    • @daver00lzd00d
      @daver00lzd00d 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      don't feel bad, there is a reason that nobody was there for her, or to help her. would you help someone like gabbie after all the terrible things she has said and done to people? I sure as shit wouldn't. she doesn't deserve an ounce of sympathy and that's exactly what she is after. it sucks to suck and shitty things happen to shitty people. maybe she should get some help and stay off the internet cause it clearly is too much for her to handle

  • @ciaburri6159
    @ciaburri6159 2 ปีที่แล้ว +128

    I feel bad for Gabbie because she clearly struggles with mental health but that doesn't make her a better human. The facts are that she has been straight up cruel and terrible to other people and shielded herself with her struggles. She's a rich person who benefits from the horrible things she does. It's really sad honestly. Also she doesn't even have the anti hero mentality. She's is simply a person with bad intentions.

    • @brandenclark1485
      @brandenclark1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      She's never been terrible or cruel to anyone. And what horrible things has she done?

    • @ciaburri6159
      @ciaburri6159 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@brandenclark1485 dude. Plenty. Jessie's situation alone. That was her hurting someone she already had hurt in the name of protecting her reputation after Gabi herself had destroy her reputation. She did that for a public image=money. She did for her benefit. You can hear the call, man. I'm not gonna talk on something that should have stayed private. But she has definitely proven to be both cruel and driven by all the wrong intentions.

    • @brandenclark1485
      @brandenclark1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ciaburri6159 this is not true in the slightest. Jessi had abused Gabbie for years and years, and when she finally talks about what happened between them, everyone attacks Gabbie to "defend" Jessi, but it was to silence the truth of what happened, that way Jessi can continue to lie and change what happened to fit her narrative

    • @vascanj
      @vascanj 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@brandenclark1485 Go listen to the call one more time is all I'm going to say.
      I am very glad Gabbie is still here though and am empathetic to her mental health struggles. That's about where it's at for me.

    • @brandenclark1485
      @brandenclark1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vascanj I have already listened to it multiple times and Jessi has proven not only in it, but with her actions outside of the call that she is abusive and manipulative as fuck and has been like this for years

  • @MiniKitty27
    @MiniKitty27 2 ปีที่แล้ว +97

    Gabbie has done so much shit and continues to do so much shit that i can't forgive her for any of it. she is a grown woman who hasn't learned from any of her mistakes no matter how many times people have called her out on it. she only cares about stuff if it makes her look good and she is alike with Trisha in that you can never tell when she is saying the truth or not. idk about anyone else but like at this point i'm just tired of her, like i'm tired of feeling empathy for her when it feels like she has zero empathy for anyone that isn't herself. everything about her feels like it's just performative, like "i'm a good person because i've acknowledge that i wasn't a good person" and then continues to not work on herself to make her a better person, like "you should forgive me because i apologized" kinda energy

    • @brandenclark1485
      @brandenclark1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is not true in the slightest

    • @masesero2150
      @masesero2150 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      She does not need your forgiveness. Please, she does not even know you

    • @codymartin1811
      @codymartin1811 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Absolutely Correct. I can't forget or forgive either!!!!

    • @codymartin1811
      @codymartin1811 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@brandenclark1485 It's time for you to go Troll.

    • @treemarie213100
      @treemarie213100 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@masesero2150 Right…that’s why she’s constantly out here putting on a show for the sway of public opinion and begging for peoples attention and empathy…

  • @talynhastime9343
    @talynhastime9343 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Full offense, I don’t care that she was suicidal. The amount of damage she’s done to people without for a second reflecting on her behavior? Without a second of taking responsibility? Without a second of introspection? I don’t jive with that. At a certain point it’s self-inflicted. If she got therapy and listened to people, she wouldn’t have spiraled this far. And people have been telling her for YEARS.

  • @keljells
    @keljells 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I'm sorry, I just got out of a 72 hour involuntary hold, from snapping and trying to hurt myself after years and years of battling physical chronic illness and pain and a decline in mental health alongside each new surgery or complication that arose and all of the battles I've fought... real battles, not made up, imaginary and manufactured battles;
    I cannot gather any sympathy or empathy for her. If she would acknowledge her mistakes and her part to play in the situations she has lived, I might feel a tad different, but that letter makes no difference to me whatsoever, when you watch her moving through life these days and the commentary about everything and are aware of her past.
    I sit and live with the trauma I put my family through, having to deal with my breakdown and I continue to cry and cry over it and want nothing more than time with them and to love and heal the hurt we all dealt with in one way or another; I certainly am not posting my sewer slide or depression letters and seeking more attention, validation and expecting excuses be made for my behavior.
    she just never learns or truly grows and shows she doesn't want to; she just wants attention and a free pass for life.
    and sadly, I would NOT be surprised if she did not write that last year at all and only JUST came up with it to post.
    sorry, not sorry.

    • @sandras2624
      @sandras2624 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      i'm sorry to hear you don't feel ok, pls stay safe

    • @keljells
      @keljells 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@sandras2624 thank you so much. That’s very kind of you.
      I’m doing better now, it was just one of those moments that hits and you just lose it for a bit; but I’m getting back on track!
      Thank you so much again for the kind thoughts!

    • @masesero2150
      @masesero2150 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      She does not need your empathy

    • @Fae313
      @Fae313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It totally sucks that you’re dealing with all of that, you must be so exhausted. Thanks for posting this comment, your perspective is important and you make really valid points. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot of trauma, please don’t beat yourself up for struggling. I hope you feel supported in your life and can find some peace ❤️❤️❤️

  • @p7superfly
    @p7superfly 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Don’t knock your intelligence. Negative self talk is harmful. Part of that letter sounded like a Slam poem - and would be difficult to recite without practice. What a heartbreaking letter. I hope she heals.

    • @Fae313
      @Fae313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes!! I agree completely. Watch the negative self-talk Adam, it all adds up! You’re a smart cookie, own it! And yes agreed about the slam poem 😂🙌

  • @LibraInSeattle
    @LibraInSeattle 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Please don’t say those things about yourself.
    I don’t like to think that Gabbie was suicidal. I’m glad she’s is better. I think releasing this is manipulative though. This is something you share with your therapist. Not online. In my opinion. It just screams, I shouldn’t be held accountable for my past because I was in a bad place. As someone in recovery, I believe in accountability and making amends. I’ve yet to see her do that.

  • @MrsPinkyChiChi
    @MrsPinkyChiChi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    She feels a lot for herself. Did I hear any personal responsibility? Any one of her victims could have felt the same.

  • @lovelhlove9953
    @lovelhlove9953 2 ปีที่แล้ว +117

    I would love to see you either do the Jeffree docu series first or to do them in chronological order

    • @AdamMcIntyre
      @AdamMcIntyre  2 ปีที่แล้ว +44

      oooo in order is a good idea

    • @glittergoddess_
      @glittergoddess_ 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @dd4850
      @dd4850 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@AdamMcIntyre Please adam there is soooo much Jeffree has done even back in his MySpace days that is already enough for him not to have a following imo

    • @tobybartlett
      @tobybartlett 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@AdamMcIntyre I’d love to see a response to the Shane & Jeffree series in chronological order too. 😀

    • @AngelaShiflet
      @AngelaShiflet 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes please 😁

  • @Fae313
    @Fae313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    You are a kinder person than me, Adam. I don’t have a lot of empathy for Gabby (Gabbie?), which I’m sure says more about me than her. Content warning: this comment mentions suicide and is generally judgmental of Gabby so if that sort of thing triggers you please do not read this comment ❤️
    From my detached perspective, she needs to use some of the money she made from being unremarkable online to find a therapist who will diagnose her borderline personality disorder and disillusion her from the preposterous idea that this is all due to ADHD.
    I also don’t believe that letter was ever intended to be kept private. Just by virtue of the way it was written - there was an impersonal/anonymous audience in mind, and a thesis of “this is why the world should feel bad for me.” If it were meant to be private it would have contained more information about her private life and may have been addressed to those closest to her. It seems like this letter was positioned as a receipt for how bad she felt at the time, that she could leverage as a way to garner public sympathy (which is exactly what she did). Sorry but that’s how I see it.
    Just to be bitchy (because I’m sure she’ll never see this comment so why not), the verbosity (and redundancy) of that letter seemed to me an ill-disguised way to bolster her ego. Flowery words (or should I say endless synonyms) make her feel like a “real writer.”
    This is controversial and I admit we will never know, so this is just speculation, however… I feel comfortable judging this letter as a sloppy PR move because I don’t think there was ever a chance of her committing suicide, I’m sorry, I just don’t. In my unprofessional opinion, she’s a vulnerable narcissist and narcissists don’t consider suicide because it would destroy the only thing the narcissist holds dear - him or herself. She’s just being manipulative as usual.
    On a separate note, Adam, please don’t downplay your intelligence. I feel bad when you say things along the lines of, “I’m not very smart.” Having a big vocabulary is not always a marker of intellect - Gabby may be the perfect example of that. From my estimation, for what it’s worth, you are very smart and capable and you should be proud of your abilities to gather evidence and present arguments as skillfully as you do.

  • @alessiacraiu3392
    @alessiacraiu3392 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Garfield is just chilling on your bed and I love the vibe😂. Happy you're back with the daily videos! My serotonin is back

    • @AdamMcIntyre
      @AdamMcIntyre  2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      and thank you for being here and watching ❤️❤️❤️

    • @krtierney
      @krtierney 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Gabby WHOMST?!

  • @AprilMayJune13
    @AprilMayJune13 2 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    I really hope that these were her actual feelin's and she didn't write these down and used this to make people feel empathy for her. She's manipulated people before.

    • @falconinthedive
      @falconinthedive 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I mean I will say the style definitely seems like she was trying to write beyond her actual writing style.
      But that sort of note tends to be a place people sometimes go more floral and grandiose because they're writing something important to them and their feelings are deep and powerful to them. The problem is Gabbie's done the same in the past trying to manipulate her audience against people she doesn't like or to paint herself as a victim before.
      So it's really a coin toss how sincere this is.

    • @brandenclark1485
      @brandenclark1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      When has she manipulated anyone?

    • @emmmahezw
      @emmmahezw 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      This was my exact thought. I don’t want anyone to struggle. But, I definitely don’t put it past her to say this to garner sympathy from others. I truly hope that she’s getting the help that she needs.

    • @JunkieSama
      @JunkieSama 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Exactly. I didn't want to say it, but she is so much like Trisha in the way she lies. For now I will assume this letter was legit, though.

    • @JunkieSama
      @JunkieSama 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@brandenclark1485 Please just do a little research. At the very least, she has undeniably manipulated her own fans.

  • @Beckaboo3397
    @Beckaboo3397 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Adam don’t feel bad about not understanding some is her words.
    I know the meaning of them and it still doesn’t make sense, some are contradictory to what she’s trying to say.
    Note: not hating on her at all I don’t even know the girl. Hate is also a very strong word that for me is reserved for anyone who would callously hurt the ppl I love.

  • @mountaindeath7404
    @mountaindeath7404 2 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    It would be cool to see you cover the Graveyard Girl documentarys no one ever talks about them but I feel like it would be very interesting to take a look back at them with what we know now.

    • @falconinthedive
      @falconinthedive 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      oooh I forgot about that one. that'd be a great one. becuase it had those weird like "10000 plane ride" lead up video too

  •  2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Don’t talk down to yourself Adam you’re just young you’ll learn all the flowery words eventually and I think some people hide behind talking like that to seem smarter than they really are if I’m honest

  • @karleeeveee
    @karleeeveee 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    one thing about gabbie hanna she brings the dramatics and theatrics

  • @crustyqueer
    @crustyqueer 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9


    • @AdamMcIntyre
      @AdamMcIntyre  2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      omg that series was so bad

    • @Laurenmcd202
      @Laurenmcd202 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yes! The part where she got so mad at Garret’s prank killed me.

    • @crustyqueer
      @crustyqueer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AdamMcIntyre yeah, that's why I want u to revisit it. She has been so screwed over the past few years. She used to be a top tier TH-camr, but now it's like a lot of people have NEVER even heard of her. And Shane UNDOUBTEDLY used her

  • @annoyed_bimbo8104
    @annoyed_bimbo8104 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ok but like, when she said "the 2 kittens who needed me" I felt that. I have 6 cats, and the cat who I will say, *SAVED ME*, is the reason I can be so compassionate and understanding towards felines. He taught me, even after his death, I'm worth something. And having raised 10 kittens after him, cats are the reason why I'm alive. They're my kids, I have to be here to protect them.

  • @kaelabelle4886
    @kaelabelle4886 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Perfect timing!! You posted the second I checked your channel for a new upload. Love you from your besty in the United States, Adam!

    • @AdamMcIntyre
      @AdamMcIntyre  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      love to u

    • @kaelabelle4886
      @kaelabelle4886 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Literally screeching and crying rn 😭 You've pulled me through some of my darkest days, Adam. Thank you so much for being the wonderful person you are. I wish you the very best in your travels 🥺

  • @maggieholt6778
    @maggieholt6778 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Tanacon is kind of relevant for this time of year.
    As for Gabbie, I kind of just wish she'd paint, make her candles and get offline. It would probably improve her life dramatically.

  • @peanut9863
    @peanut9863 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I do feel empathy for Gabby, but I also believe that she has brought on so much of the "attention" she receives on the internet. And; I believe like Trisha she just couldn't stop digging herself further into a mess. I do hope she is in a better place now. A disclaimer is that I believe Trisha and Gabby are two peas in a pod as far as accountability goes......there is none..😟

  • @johnmckinney5931
    @johnmckinney5931 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I normally believe in second chances, but Gabbie has done so much cruel shit and shows absolutely no remorse shows she deserves all the hate and backlash.

  • @RyceisSupaNice
    @RyceisSupaNice 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wish I could feel safe with what she says, everything feels so calculated with her. The odd thing is in the moment if she would've said "i'm hurting really bad" last year droves of people would have been there to support her. She has fans, she has people who care for her. That is a good thing I've heard, "Say it while you feel it or it'll eat your Soul a little every day for the rest of your life."

  • @cocoraven1523
    @cocoraven1523 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow I am really glad you made this video. She does have to be held accountable for her actions, but you are 100% that this has given context towards that series. I do not necessarily feel bad for her, honestly. But it does provide context as a whole. She has done this to herself, she is in her thirties, she can get help if she wanted it, but she chooses to continually put herself in these positions.

  • @anandabricker3396
    @anandabricker3396 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I’d love a deep dive on Shane’s “hater”. His videos were removed from Shane’s channel when he deleted all those watch hours. I think it’s a topic not discussed except during it.

    • @sandiegoretcon1292
      @sandiegoretcon1292 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Emphasis on this

    • @captainstefanie
      @captainstefanie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Are you talking about Bobby Burns? Was that his name?

    • @haileys5224
      @haileys5224 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Im gonna drop a comment just to show that I’m also interested in this.

    • @anandabricker3396
      @anandabricker3396 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@captainstefanie yeah that sounds right.

  • @delreyluvr89
    @delreyluvr89 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    you wear that shirt all the time and i love it it’s so cute 🤭🤭

  • @ksaylor83
    @ksaylor83 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You should follow them in chronological order, as he released them, that way you can follow along the path he took and in the end be able to do an overall look back on everything again as a whole. I'd loooove to hear your thoughts that way!

  • @katarinasnoddon8935
    @katarinasnoddon8935 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't think I could've gotten through this letter without Adam!! Honestly, a year ago, I felt the same as Gabbie. I honestly was making so many mistakes (though not as toxic) during that time period. I also felt like I had no one. That loneliness is horrible and I know it can cause you to do things you regret for a long time. However, Gabbie never apologized for that series. Adam said it best, "it's horrible Gabbie felt this way AND it doesn't excuse her mistakes." Dialectics are so powerful. Thank you for covering this.❤️

  • @lauryntonio
    @lauryntonio 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    her lack of boundaries is a hot bed for parasocial relationships - sharing something so raw and personal to one's fans can only serve as manipulation when they're the same ones who are paying for/consuming content
    smth like this pulls so deeply on ppls empathy - there's no reason to share this like this. she can share her struggles, she can share she was STRUGGLING. things this heavy should be handled with a level of nuance and compassion Gabbie Hanna is simply not capable of.

    • @mindiedelilah5952
      @mindiedelilah5952 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You took the words right out of my mouth! By all means share that you’ve struggled with mental health and how reaching out to a service like lifeline helped but to share what was effectively an unalive note comes across as calculating and manipulative….maybe I am wrong in thinking that. I don’t trust Gabbie though, by that I mean how I know her to be online. To me that note or diary entry borderline romanticised the idea of what was being conveyed…references to Van Gough for example. I don’t think sharing something so personal is helpful to any young fan. If she had come out saying something like “I was having a shitty time last year and was in a bad place and called lifeline and they helped me reflect and I’m such a better place a year on, for anyone struggling here are some useful contacts…life can get hard but I promise you things get better “ I would be down for that and think that’s great (word it way better than how I did of course !) I am totally all for that but millions don’t need to see the inner depths of one’s mental breakdown. I feel like she treated it like content and that’s why it rubbed me the wrong way. By all means, if she wants to rewrite a sing or paint or do a video about those things that could be helpful too if done tastefully and tactfully enough but Gabbie has never been one for tastefulness or tactfulness in my opinion!

  • @rachaelvaughan1017
    @rachaelvaughan1017 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    It sounds like that series that was on Netflix I think where a person took their life and blamed it on a bunch of different people

  • @lairisvibing1455
    @lairisvibing1455 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It would honestly be fun to see you do them in chronological order since then you can see if the quality improves at all
    or just how they change per documentary which could add to your insights

  • @delreyluvr89
    @delreyluvr89 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7


    • @bootje99
      @bootje99 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      me too 😳

  • @justasmalltowngirllivingin8453
    @justasmalltowngirllivingin8453 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Good lord !! What load of crap!! She pushed everyone away , she hurt people, she lied, she decided to be a diva, dramatic, a pick me girl.

  • @dianaramirez8543
    @dianaramirez8543 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I agree.
    This isn't the first time she's also compared hersf to Edgar Allen Poe and the other one (sorry I forgot who, I'm writing this after seeing it all)
    Both writers were known "dark" writers which almost makes me feel like she is diluting here art piece to be among them. Simply because she ends on a positive note. The mannerisms of the way it was written.
    It's hard to believe someone who cries wolf.
    Yes, the piece was beautiful but also the way she over emphasized how blessed her life is; reminds me of all the times she puts herself in this world where NO ONE understands her pain.
    Implying a power-imbalance even though many people can feel alone.
    Yes, I can empathize with her being alone.
    You also mentioned you wish someone was there for her bug I think those people had enough by that point (Irene and her Ex) . You can't blame them for leaving if the environment was toxic- cause you know they stuck around. How many times did she brag about them? / put them down in a passive aggressive way.
    Again, I agree. This letter doesn't excuse the behavior.

  • @EveningMoonlight
    @EveningMoonlight 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Clearly she hasn’t moved on since this letter that she “supposedly” wrote all that time ago is being brought up… This was written as a “private” diary, but here she is posting it for the public to read. This is a cry for attention. Not unlike Gabbies previous attempts. You said it yourself that Gabbie brings things up that aren’t relevant to the time period. I don’t deny that she may have been suicidal. But it’s self inflicted drama. I don’t feel bad for her. Not sorry. She hasn’t changed. This is why she’s still talking about this.

  • @jennaraynoha
    @jennaraynoha 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    i’d love to see your thoughts on shane’s grav3yardgirl series, i feel like it’s not among the more popular series that he did but it interests me so much

  • @cheyayy
    @cheyayy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not her bringing Van Gogh and Edgar Allen Poe into this

  • @caylenskiwi
    @caylenskiwi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    do the graveyard girl doc and the tanacon ones first, like do them all in order! it would be interesting to see how they changed as time went on

  • @supershepherd
    @supershepherd 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This is giving me abuser suicide threats to manipulate their victims. For me it's hard to feel sorry for her after everything she has done.

  • @merrymclaughlin923
    @merrymclaughlin923 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you so much for being empathetic twords her throughout the video! I have never been a fan of hers and you are completely right to emphasize what she did was wrong and wasn't an excuse. But I have also been, and I don't know if you have been too, in environments/situations where a teacher or someone else was talking about something people were varied in opinions of and all they do is give a small half hearted blip at the beginning for people not to be a jerk, and then them and everyone else through that out the window. You actually reiterate and choosing to be kind and empathetic twords her throughout the video really just emphasize and turns this into a place where the struggle with suicide, even if it is someone we aren't found of, isn't mocked and that is so refreshing! Thank you so much for your honest and kind take Adem!

  • @evelyneca7454
    @evelyneca7454 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I think it's important to realize that the people who hurt others are pretty much always hurting too. You don't lash out at others if you are not in a bad place yourself. If you see someone doing something terrible and you ask yourself 'how could anyone do/say something like that??', know that that person's perspective on life is probably really negative.
    And no, not everyone with bad mental health will hurt others and it's not an excuse for your behavior. Part of getting better is taking personal responsability for your feelings and actions.
    Not everyone with bad mental health hurts those around them but those who hurt the ones are around them are very often in a bad mental health place.
    Hope that Gabbie can get to a better place emotionally and that everyone who has felt hurt can heal and move on.

    • @sandras2624
      @sandras2624 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      i've been told to remember this w someone who was extremely mean to myself and so many others, and at some point you just cannot use that as an excuse to be treated poorly. i know you write that it's not an excuse, but this still triggered me a bit. like it's not our resonsibility to always be able to carry understanding and have sympathy towards those who put us down time and time again in very malicious ways. at some point you've just had enough and have tyo stand up for yourself
      edit: like calling them out and telling them what they are doing to you, or walking away (i finally found the strenght to do both things)

    • @evelyneca7454
      @evelyneca7454 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sandras2624 Standing up for yourself is important. Being assertive and setting your boundaries are essential to feeling good.
      For me, knowing that people who hurt me are hurting themselves helps me to not take it personally. It's not about me and my worth. It's about them. However that doesn't mean you have to endure that treatment. You deserve to protect yourself and defend yourself and to be treated better. Know your worth. You can tell someone off for hurting you without dragging them to filth. People can still be angry at Gabbie and tell her why but also respect that she is a person who was in a bad place.
      Part of getting better is taking personal responsability for your feelings and actions. That is a message for both the one who hurts and the one who is hurt.
      Happy to hear you found the strenght to stand up for yourself. Hope you are in a good place now.

  • @Plumeria6460
    @Plumeria6460 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Adam, I really think you should have given your viewers a trigger warning before you read this letter. A lot of what Gabbie graphically describes could have very negative consequences on someone who has struggled with feelings of self harm, or who is currently struggling with self harm ideation. I know you wouldn’t want to put someone in a bad headspace.

  • @mirandapillsbury7885
    @mirandapillsbury7885 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I feel for Gabbie tbh. Like out of all the people on the internet her drama was ok until she did the whole Jessie Smiles mess. That is when her drama got real dark and when ppl truly fully turned on her. She messed up there. The crazy thing is she can totally reverse things around if she sincerely apologized to Jessi...she doesn't need to apologize to anyone else the other stuff is mostly petty and if she truly believes she was wronged its fine but the whole Jessie Smiles thing was really dark and mean. She needs to apologize

  • @Otakugatothequeen
    @Otakugatothequeen 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jeffree doc makes more sense since that's basically what linked Shane and himself publically, and because where a good part of both their dramas would be their online friendship.

  • @jessicadixson9729
    @jessicadixson9729 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Jessie smiles and Lilly marston are starting a podcast tomorrow.
    I will bet my home that she will RELIGIOUSLY just stalk and watch. Waiting for something she can latch onto.
    I feel bad for Gabbie on a human level but she made her bed, lay in it girl.

  • @loramontroy7850
    @loramontroy7850 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am sitting at my desk and drawing as I listen to this video. It really hit a nerve, this one. EVERY ONE of us is human. This sick, wounded soul has surely made some unsavory choices in her life. So have I. It is clear she has been hurting for a long time. When she lashes out or spirals into the land of internet chaos, I see someone who is damaged and (though we may not think it) reaching out for someone, help maybe, a friend...It's so difficult to show compassion for those we deem not worthy. But are any of us really? And those are precisely the people we need to reach out to. This video was a great reminder that the world around us is hurting- we are hurting- and hurt people hurt people. It doesn't help her case when she's clowning about social media and playing drama games...It pains me when others hurt that deeply! I have been there, oh so many times, and being an addict, the empathy and patience of others ran out quickly. People wrote me off. I wanted to go away, end it. I had my "4th of July" moment nearly 8 years ago today!!
    To anyone struggling today- it can, will, and DOES GET BETTER!! May we all take a breath and find ways to show kindness- not be so damn quick to judge- but to show KINDNESS. That's our duty. God doesn't need our help judging others.
    And that's my TEDTALK for today, Friends :)

    • @callilove8378
      @callilove8378 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I loved your Tedtalk lol 💙💜💛💚

    • @loramontroy7850
      @loramontroy7850 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@callilove8378 🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

  • @KH-uv4en
    @KH-uv4en 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Gabbie has not grown. She still hasn’t taken any accountability still at all

  • @sora1498
    @sora1498 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    soooo... basically its just another rich girl profiting off of untreated/ignored/glorified mental health issues, giving off "im 13 and this is deep" vibes. i have zero sympathy at this point in time. she has SO much privilege and could get help so easily but the way she acts, it makes me feel like shes just using this as a way to gain empathy and to get the blame off her and instead on her issues. i wouldve bought this if i didnt know her history but sadly, i just dont think she posted this with good intentions

  • @melissag1976
    @melissag1976 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dude, I thought she was dead because of that title.

  • @gabz563
    @gabz563 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m sorry the mini meltdown you had trying to pronounce hazardously made me laugh 😂

  • @Noseinab00k
    @Noseinab00k 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you continue to treat people a certain way, they will get tired of it and will get tired of you. This whole situation nearly made my head spin. How did Gabbie seriously think the series was going to go? Did she honestly think the other people would say “Gabbie’s right, we’re wrong, she’s the victim”??? I guess when the truth begins to overshadow your perception of reality, dark thoughts can manifest, especially if you never took the time to take accountability. If you keep insisting that only you are right, people are going to walk away, and if you’re shocked by not having any supporters left, well that’s your problem. Be prepared to take the first step to fix it on your own because that’s how you will remain if you keep on treating people this way.

  • @xxxcrazyducksxxx
    @xxxcrazyducksxxx 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I literally just watched the Shane video with Brittani Louise Taylor and he unnecessarily brought up James Charles out of nowhere for no reason lol I was shook

  • @addisonsmith5252
    @addisonsmith5252 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Sugar735
    @Sugar735 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Oh look the consequences of my actions "

  • @RainyDays2790
    @RainyDays2790 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    one correction sweets, emaciated not emancipated, emancipation is what happens when a kid wants legal separation from their parents. basically a child divorcing their birth givers. emaciated means malnourished, underfed, skinny. unless gabby wrote emancipated in which case...well same applies but the word wouldnt make sense in that sentence/ statement

  • @TheMunchkinita2509
    @TheMunchkinita2509 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I gotta agree with others that say the Shane/J* docu‐add about their palette has been done to death at this point. (Actually, ANYTHING that has to do with J* has been done a million times already. I'm sure there are plenty of other shitty people that can be talked about.) Imo, I'd be more likely to watch something on it after waaay more time has passed bc so much has already been said in such a short amount of time since it came out. I'd rather hear about things that happened a lot longer ago. Mostly bc I wasn't on TH-cam at that time so I'm sure there are things that happened that I've never even heard about.

  • @chronicallykelly7193
    @chronicallykelly7193 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Edgar Allan Poe thing is an Eminem lyric reference I think 🤔 "Edgar Allan Poe, bedridden... Should've been dead a long time ago..." I noticed it because it's a lyric that *really* resonated with me, mostly due to my chronic illness and the physical and mental stuff that comes with it all.

  • @CherylOstrowskiKass
    @CherylOstrowskiKass 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I wish she would just stop already.

  • @victoriakatofficial
    @victoriakatofficial 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lol go slow while reading lol that's why you keep stumbling 😂❤️❤️❤️

  • @Firefly_night
    @Firefly_night 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    hot take but i dont feel sorry for her in the slightest . she's a horrible person and if she want any redemption she should leave the internet.

  • @jeorgiagreen9912
    @jeorgiagreen9912 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    In all honesty, she put herself in the position to get hate. She made the decision to make that “series” being hateful towards people and so she got backlash. It was inevitable and idk why she didn’t think about that before putting all those videos out. And that backlash cause her to feel this way. She had a hand in the way she was feeling and I wish she had friends that would open her eyes to that and stop her from making such snap decisions

  • @Lo.moochie
    @Lo.moochie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In my opinion, i feel like for the shane dawson series you should start from the beginning or go from like the ‘most controversial’ people to the least or the other way around

  • @karleeeveee
    @karleeeveee 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    slaying as always mucker !

  • @JunkieSama
    @JunkieSama 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Here's the thing. Many things in life are not so simple as just black and white, good and evil, etc. We can feel empathy for people, but also still hold them accountable for awful things they have done. Gabbie is a person, and I know I would like to believe she is not just a greedy, power-hungry one. She seems like someone who does appreciate art, and wants to create it. But I think at least part of the reasoning behind her suicidal thoughts could be guilt. Maybe she could try making a new series where she does what is right and tries to make amends with people like Jessi Smiles? Or maybe it would be beneficial for her to permanently leave the internet... I feel for her, but unless she finally does that, I will still say she is undeserving of her platform.

  • @OriginalPinkPenguin
    @OriginalPinkPenguin 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is it bad to say that I don’t even care? Like of course I wouldn’t want ANYONE to unalive themselves. I just don’t know if I truly believe Gabbie on this one. Who’s to say she didn’t write this to try and distract from all that she’s done and try to get sympathy. I wouldn’t put it past her honestly.

  • @WeldingQueen
    @WeldingQueen 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The order you said the videos in with the perfect order and I cannot wait to see them you are a part of my daily routine and I just also wanted to say thank you ....for all your time energy and hard work.....and having to deal with B's when it comes up. I appreciate you

  • @SeanShimamoto
    @SeanShimamoto 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    “Postmortem” just means “autopsy”…it’s an examination of a body after death.

  • @kelseyholden3496
    @kelseyholden3496 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    you going over the shane docs will be so interesting, i genuinely love when you analyse anything but im genuinely so intrigued, you should do the shane/jeffree series first tho!! 🫶🏻

  • @lonelygirl7900
    @lonelygirl7900 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i say start from the beginning!! that way we can see the way shane changes them through the years

  • @blipblopkat1824
    @blipblopkat1824 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I would love to see the Tanacon one, it was the first Shane video I have ever seen so it would be cool to rewatch it with you

  • @charlotte_stevens
    @charlotte_stevens 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oooh I love the idea of you revisiting some of the old Shane, Jeffree, Trish, etc. Love you, Adam 🥰♥️🥰

  • @crustyqueer
    @crustyqueer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm so glad I get to watch videos about Gabby Hannah drama instead of working

  • @athenajade9569
    @athenajade9569 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    i love when you make videos on gabbie, so excited to hear the shit shes gotten into

  • @illoee
    @illoee 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Armchair Psychology: People with Histrionic Personality Disorder are often very good imbellishers, because while their emotions are shallow and fleeting, I believe they *feel* them (physically) deeply, even if only for a moment. I 100% believe Gabbie is unhinged, unchecked, and has undiagnosed HPD. She's struggling with her emotions so much because they're EMPTY feelings that leave as quickly as they go. This doesn't mean a person with this can't change and/or be a good person, I personally know people in my immediate family with this. But she's wholly unaware of herself and her own thoughts, wants, and feelings, that its sad to watch. I hope she finds help.

  • @hollynielsen2987
    @hollynielsen2987 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    adam please cover the shane series where someone from his school got arrested!! i always thought that one was so random & out of no where (for views, it gives off gabbie hannah the time a girl died in 7th grade vibes), but i would love to hear yours and the muckers views on this one!! lots of love 🤍

  • @Toadyb
    @Toadyb 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Adammm do you plan on bringing back the vlogs? They're some of my fav content you've posted & I miss them 🥺

  • @tatianagranger2427
    @tatianagranger2427 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My brother did kill himself on July 4th 2013. I hope she is healthy and doing better mentally. I don’t know enough about her to know what is going on. She must have done a number on u and others.

  • @parkerlewismightlose
    @parkerlewismightlose 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Jake Paul one! It was so wrong for sooo many reasons! And the way he treated Alissa... yikes

  • @audreypaquette3057
    @audreypaquette3057 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m chilling next to my fish tank in my freshly cleaned house with my mucker. Perfect Saturday afternoon.

  • @caramall
    @caramall 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m tired of her playing the victim

  • @MichelleDelamatter
    @MichelleDelamatter 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'd love to see your take on the bunny serious with graveyard girl

  • @angelina_133
    @angelina_133 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A take: Gabbie Hannah and Ethan Klein for a frenemies episode

  • @frankeeramirez5241
    @frankeeramirez5241 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's like you try to feel sorry for her but shes done it to herself every single time. She's sick and needs help

  • @confusedhouseplant9520
    @confusedhouseplant9520 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    oh sis definitely save the eugenia one for now lmfao (would still love to see it) also all love but you mispronouncing every other word is sending me 😂

  • @Viccobalta
    @Viccobalta 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    last 4th july? so... the day Jessi posted her video. ffs, she's doing it again.

  • @ehshutup
    @ehshutup 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That shirt really makes your eyes pop 🤩

  • @doughnuticing8
    @doughnuticing8 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes definitely would love to see you watch the Shane and jeffree colab

  • @thesicksixes
    @thesicksixes 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nobody talks about Graveyard girl! You should touch on the Shane “documentary” with her. Xx

  • @codyhouser4494
    @codyhouser4494 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So what you're saying is... Gabbie Hanna tried to do a 13 reasons why? Wow.

  • @superdrwholock
    @superdrwholock 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    After what she did to Rachel Oates and so many other people, I don’t think anything would make me like her lol, unless she like apologised and became a philanthropist or something

  • @RainyDays2790
    @RainyDays2790 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    also i dont have enough empathy to feel bad for her after all thats happened. she and jimmy bullied rachael oats so horribly last year, like she was trash and all bc she gave gb a bad review that SHE asked for, like i have depression and ive been on the edge of "game ending" myself but you dont take it out on others, you talk to a professional you talk to your family, hell dude there are days that will rant to my DOG bc i know she'll listen. then i take a deep breath, kill some npcs on my games and read a book or something. her words sound so nothing in compared to her actions. she bullied people bc she felt terrible is something children do, not fully grown adults who know what that pain does to others. forgive me but i hear this and it just sounds hallow, repetitive, grasp at sympathy from someone. im not saying she doesnt deserve someone that "gets" her, im just saying that she hasnt earned that kind of respect from me since i cant speak for others

  • @missblanca2000
    @missblanca2000 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Me when I read the title: OH NO 😶😶😶

  • @jessiekava3741
    @jessiekava3741 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @chipcub2719
    @chipcub2719 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    garf's soul is leaving his body

  • @BeanBeanMcBean3000
    @BeanBeanMcBean3000 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What she did was terrible and I don’t excuse it at all, but that letter made me a bit emotional because of how relatable it was. I was in a similar mental state a couple of years ago as well (I didn’t try to ruin peoples lives tho lol)
    I’m glad that she’s doing better

  • @pandoraskies9268
    @pandoraskies9268 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gabbie trying to live her 13 Reasons Why Fantasy