“I know that this is a serious down-to-earth video and I’m just about to go over some really sad stuff, but *HEY I’M SPONSORED GO CHECK OUT WAR THUNDER BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”*
Three months ago, i was living 2 hours away from my friends and family, working what i thought was my dream job. but as the year i was there passed, i became very depressed. i worked constant over time. My breaking point was when i asked for a day off for my birthday to see my family, and was told no, but that the manager i was directly asking was going to take the day off: all while knowing, i was on the brink of quitting. That night i wrote my two weeks. No job lined up, and just a bit of savings as a safety net. i was fortunate that my lease was ending. and i moved home. it was scary and felt like failure. im now at a job with the healthiest work environment ive ever seen, a young enthusiastic crew, and just a 180 of how i was feeling. I want to give you hope for the future, things can sometimes not just be okay, but get better. Much love
I think what Bungie missed about its own success was its community. We genuinely loved this game.. so much so that we spent thousands to support it. Only for them to give us the abusive partner treatment.
@@pinneythawhoo … thousands? What the heck did you buy??? I’m back playing again because the mobile gaming world has driven the micro transaction abuse to off the chart levels.
@@Colm1800 as much as you hate to admit it, the pvp carrys this pve focus'd game when content is dry, there is only so many times you do dungeons, raids and nightfalls for god roll loot until you have everything you have and then what else is left? PVP. Bungie has never properly addressed this and constantly made the pvp sandbox worse and worse.
@om3gainsomniac778 Yep. When done right, PVP can easily be played for thousands of hours easily. PVE is ultimately non-renewable unless you're insane lmao. (Valid argument.)
@@om3gainsomniac778 pvp has never carried the game, its always got the lowest play count and filled with the insane no life sweats meta slaves running igneous hammer and conditional finality, leaving zero room for new playeers to actually get into it without months of gear and weapon grinding, and especially in the current meta people just spam abilities. only reason people play destiny crucible is because theyre garbage at COD and halo is dead
The real sad part is that the moment-to-moment gameplay in Destiny 2 is better right now than it may have ever been. What's finally killing the game, after all the struggles Destiny has been through, isn't even the game being bad. It's purely the incompetence at the top kneecapping the development team every chance they get.
This is exactly it. I saw that post about the "future of D2" and I deleted the game. I'll come back in a year or so, but I don't have real hope for the franchise to get better.
Yep... This is how I feel too. I did genuinely enjoy the moment-to-moment gameplay of D2 back during the time I played it. I really did. But the MOMENT you pull away from that, it's a trainwreck of a game that is rife with so many problems and I could just... never. I could not. I stuck with it for a year or two give or take, but the overall outer loop felt like it disrespected me as a player, as a person, and even as a guardian. For my own well-being I just had to throw the game away and not look back. And I am still sad about it, but I don't regret it, not for a moment.
@@clonekami6325 Saying that like not every singe person (including you) can do it easily and I’m just doing it to stay on level with everyone else. Now stop sitting in your basement to whine online about small things other people do and go touch some grass. Oh, and go have the doctor check you for hypertension because there’s clearly too much salt in your blood.
I understand 100%. I’ve been playing Destiny since the beta and I can’t justify in my mind playing anymore. I stopped after act 1. I’m sad to say Destiny is slowly petering out. I’ll miss all the years playing it.
@@stuobourn5478 this brother I’ve also been playing since the original destiny beta and recently I just can’t be asked to play the game anymore it’s always the same thing with a different coat of paint now. It’s a shame cause I love the game and I’ve done everything up to final shape but the episodes were the nail in the coffin for me and the lack of a meaningful future
I mean it kind of makes sense. It has been 10 years of this story, there's a limit to how what you can make when you're always bound by what has already been done. It just sucks it's such a slow death. I was expecting, or maybe hoping, for a bigger, badder Curse of Osiris to kill the game, now I have to watch as it slowly turns into a husk of what it was.
Hey man i feel your pain i work 60 hours a week and still can barely put food on the table for my 4 kids. We had to move to a small 2 bedroom apartment to save money. I sleep on the couch now. I hope you can keep food on the table yourself.
That’s due to the current economic state of wherever you’re living. Economy needs to flow better so we can all enjoy our lives, spend our money the way we want to, eat the food we want, and be able to look after others after we’ve taken care of ourselves. Plus to make time to play video games too!
Im hurting for you. I make really good money but live in a major city and its hard for me too. Had to completely change budget. Hopefully we get the better president this next time around.
Bungie and Sony killed a golden egg and pretty much destroyed an entire community they had built up in 10 years. Gonna be sad seeing a lot of d2 creators pivot
When I got back into Destiny 2, Witch Queen had just come out and Void 3.0 came with it. I wanted to get into buildcrafting and was interested in using rat king, so I took to TH-cam to see what other people were doing with rat king. There were a handful of build videos, but yours caught my eye. The banter of Archibald and Reginald combined with the zealousness with which you crafted your rat king build roped me in. I watched all of your build videos, and have since devised 60+ builds divided across all three classes. If I wanted to watch general Destiny 2 content, there are dozens of TH-camrs who do that, but I subscribed to you because of your desire to experiment and how much fun you had with it. Your builds didn’t even have to be good, you often looked at exotics most players disregarded and found a way to have fun with them. And then you presented them in such a unique way. That sentiment still lingers on this channel. Your community cheers when Lolgistics climbs to the top of the map with glaciers, when Spooks dunks on three guardians at once, when Ravi incinerates the entire enemy team in 20 seconds. But when Bungie’s capacity to experiment and innovate falls behind yours, it was only a matter of time until you got bored. However, you have a unique chance. It’s a risk, but it’s a valuable risk. Destiny 2 players en masse are ready to try something new. They are more likely than ever to follow you in an exodus from Destiny 2 into a larger variety of games. All I ask is that whatever you decide to do, you rediscover the spark that convinced you to upload a video of a Victorian ghost raving about Rat King. I hope you figure it out, and I hope this comment helps to affirm your decision.
We understand you man. I did the same, even before act II dropped. I tried getting back for the new exotic, and after realising i need to catch up to everything, i just quit the game again. Find something that’s fun for you, we’ll watch it none the less.
Same. I'm 1905 after coming back from the free final shape mission and was just bored. I don't feel like grinding to get up that high. And for all the weapons.
I feel like everyone is feeling the same, after a ten year journey no one wants to leave the game but no one wants to ruin the good memories. We should let the game pass away without tryna drag its life out now.
@@thejman12305 I'm going to copy and paste a comment that I left on another you tubers video here which is one of the biggest reasons why alot of people come back.... It said...
@@thejman12305 "Another problem with destiny 2...is that.... The race and pressure to have the next exotic that comes out is always pushing against you. People come to TH-cam to fly through exotic missions which takes away all the feeling of accomplishment that one might achieve if they were to do it for themselves, although it would take a hour or a few hours possibly to do it yourself, none the less. It takes away just about everything destiny has going for it. You don't take in the landscape, you don't appreciate the mission themselves, you just feel the need to fly through them as fast as possible to get the gun and move on. Personally I think videos on how to do missions like star-crossed, encore etc should be banned from TH-cam/online and players should take their time to do them, naturally. Nothing against guides personally, but that's just my opinion. When destiny 1 and destiny 2 first came out, no one went online to check how to play the campaign, they just went through it, taking in the story and appreciating the sense that the destiny world gave us. That has now been nearly eradicated with always trying to do all the extra stuff that. Comes out, so fast. And if you personally don't like the exotic weapon itself that said mission grants, we'll then you as a player don't have a reason to return to the exotic mission that you got help with or breezed through just to get the weapon(like I did with star-crossed), so then that paticular peice of content becomes null and void, and you never really got to take it in in the first place. . I have quit destiny back in February or January of this year. I like some of the builds but, it's too grindy, and if you don't speed through these missions, well then your just at a disadvantage cause most people do, and have said weapon." That's another big problem with destiny in itself. Everything is rushed to get the next best legendary weapon, nothing is appreciated or taken it story wise. And it's lost it's feeling it used to have back in the vanilla days.
Your spicy clip review is the greatest thing to come out of the Destiny Community and want to thank you for all the time and effort you have put into your channel
@TDTProductions I would absolutely love to see a spicy clips of other games. A guest who has some explicit knowledge to give a commentary or explanation of what happened, along with genuine reactions from you and someone else would also be interesting personally. I dont know about everyone else, but I figured I might pitch an idea you might like.
@@TDTProductionsidk why I just see you in a few years as the guy in ratatouille, eating the ratatouille, and remembering his childhood, just from reading this comment no hate idk just something that came to mind
Bungie had a golden goose that laid golden eggs and at some point they started feeding it less and less untill it's eggs started to look less gold-covered and more shit-covered
@@schuka1 man not saying I enjoy the grind, but ever since lightfall I’ve been feeling like a Pokemon trainer. Constantly collecting “specimen” to progress the mission it feels monotonous at times. And being this powerful as a guardian can be fun but in pve devs decided to make niknac booby traps and utilize the most annoying things in the game to throw at you; harpies, wyverns, hydras. All flying mobs the you got shoot down because most melee abilities and abilities in general are too busted so they quadruple the add density and push them out of reach, which is equally annoying.
Hey Tdt. Think this is the first video I ever commented on of yours. Not sure. But I felt the same. My journey ended when the witness perished. I took a screenshot of my guardian from the credits, it’s my desktop background. So that I know where I came from. Blood (unironically) sweat tears and so many hours in Destiny and Destiny 2, and now the main threat to the Traveler is gone. I can hang up my Hunter cape, there may be new guardians to take up the fight from here, but for me, this old man knows when to hold em, and I held em for a long time. My hand can only win so many times. But I hang up my Hunter cape with my head held high. I feel I made Cayde proud. I did my duty to the traveler. Now it’s time for me to fold em. “Your hand?” You might ask: Ace / Queen off suit. Cheers Guardian. And thanks for the videos while you did them. -a fellow guardian
Feel that man. I only time I have been getting on d2 is to get footage for the channel. I spend most of my time gaming is Warframe, Cod, Dead by Daylight, and running and planning Dnd sessions. It hard for me to see destiny dying. I just want to believe it can get better but after the Sony accusation we can see the struggle. How any people have great ideas that been lost to layoffs or have been moved to differnet Sony studios.
@@titomurat1015as somebody who just started warframe because D2 has nothing to do, you’re just wrong. I am completely overwhelmed with content in the best way possible and every bit of it is free. I’ve been playing less than a month and I’ve made 50 dollars worth of their premium currency just trading. Warframe shits all over destiny nowadays, and the only people who think otherwise haven’t tried it since it sucked.
I'll never forgive them for letting Gambit go to waste. No other game had anything like it.. it had so much potential and they just refused to put anything in to it.
@@hhastethey gutted gambit with witchqueen. EVERYBODY said there was too much heavy ammo. What was their plan? Hand out heavy ammo like fucking candy on Halloween then throw their hands up and go "FUCK IT WE TRIED" No you fucking didnt try shit. You put some intern that was on shrooms in charge of gambit.
@STARSRav3n Said this back when it happened. It was fucking laughable. Problem: Invaders swing the match too much, as they can invade with Heavy, and the portals come up top frequently. Solution: Everyone gets heavy (and special) every wave, just for playing. Resulting problems: There are no primary gunfights, and the invaders now (at high skill) are staring down 2-tap LMGs, in-bound rockets to spawn, multiple sniper scopes or, if you ever played me, a Worldline Zero Blink Warlock moving at Mach 2. Absolutely zero skill required due to heavy essentially Granting kills for free, because the ammo is everywhere and the players that were dying to scout rifles / Snipers (the old Gambit meta) are dying even faster to heavy. Actual solution: Change how the portals function. Currently, they work based on how many motes you deposit [40, 80] so if you are the better team (faster killing/collection) you get first opportunity to snowball, as you also get the first portal to kill the enemy team and Siphon their motes. You can't invert it, because then the opposite of a snowball effect, and get stagnation. E.g. if you made it so enemy depositing 40 motes opened your portal, players would collect 39 and then never deposit until they hit the max threshold (60 motes) leaving them only needing to grab and deposit 1 mote to get to Primeval, completely mitigating the risk of the invader. Put the portals on timers. Invasions every X seconds. 120 - 180 seconds sounds reasonable. Doesn't matter how fast you are at killing, both teams get to invade at the same time. Remove Heavy crates. Heavy only drops from high value targets that spawn AWAY from the current wave and gives the person killing it a buff that gives them heavy (not team wide). You want heavy? Work for it. Invading: Still keep wallhacks and shield (it's a 1v3 at best). Number of Kills have different effects. 0 Kills (negative) - You are killed, if not dead already, with a 15 second respawn timer on your side of the field. You lose all heavy ammo. You lose 10% of current super charge. 1 kill (trade) - You are killed, if not dead already, on your side of the field with a 10 second respawn timer. You lose all heavy. 2 kills+ (positive) - You return alive. You keep your heavy. No negative penalties. Your team receives a heavy ammo buff (think dares of eternity) to fill: 20% (2 kills) 50% (3 kills) 100% (4+ kills) Of equipped heavy weapons. You can't just run in with strategy of self-death by rocket and taking just one person with you, and not suffering a negative penalty. You have to be able to Kill more than 1 player to not be taken out of the running for collection phase (respawn time) and retain your heavy for future Invasions or damage (if you had any to start). It makes an invasion a 'Gambit' so to speak. The negatives are self-inflicted to avoid flaming, whilst the positives are team wide, to act as reinforcement.
The guy who said "i follow the guy behind the content not the content being played" made a great point. I for one will not be going anywhere. I like and respect you as a creator, and i will continue to do so no matter what you do.
Destiny 1 was the first (and one of only 3) game I put over 1k hours into. I fucking loved it, but when destiny 2 came around I had noticed a shift. The game seemed to be nickel and diming me more and more as time went on, culminating in raids being sold seperate from expansions which I considered a bridge too far. I ended up not making the jump to Destiny 2 until it came to PC, and even then only about a year after I bought an expansion pack for the game, I forget which one. When I got around to downloading it, the devs had basically removed all of the missions for the DLC I had paid for Uninstaller the game right after I figured that out and I will never touch Destiny again. It sucks because I truly loved the original, but the devs got greedy and haven't been looking out for players best interest. Even if you give them money for something, they have shown they are perfectly OK taking it away from you. 0 respect for players
Warframe, Warhammer, or just doing spicy clips for all kinds of games. I'm not gonna lie, the spicy clips for other games is gonna be awesome. Keep going TDT. A lot of use will follow you no matter where you go.
Pick up Warframe!! I haven’t touch D2 in a week. Last weekend of trials was the nail in the coffin for me. Hunters, smoke, swarm nades , and the horrible MM. I had enough!
@@koolenjoy7369 I understand bro. But getting matched against 3 3.0kds in trials, using prismatic with smoke and swarm nades is not a fun anymore. I might give Blackops a try for the PvP itch! But until Bungie fixes PvP which will never happen, I’m taking a break from it.
Warhammer..you grasping at straws with such a vast collection of AAA gaming there..and it's already September, still no one paid attention to what a barren sht show this industry has become ?
I came back to Destiny 2 for The Final Shape after 5 full years of not playing. With thousands of hours in Destiny 1 and 2, I was so pumped and started playing a ton. Started thinking maybe I'd try making some D2 videos for fun. Then all the news about Bungie and Destiny started coming out and knowing that the future of the game could have been so bright but was stillborn instead... That crushed my desire to play. I really, really wish there had been better management with the franchise and Bungie as a whole over the years. It didn't have to turn out like this. 😔
I just came back for the first time since warmind. I know it isnt a good time and spending almost $200 on everything sucked but the thing is I would have never left if I would have known what Destiny 2 would become and how long it would go on. There are many reasons why I left but one of those reasons is because they were making it sound like after Forsaken there would be maybe 1 more DLC and then Destiny 3. I figured when 3 came out I'd catch up. When I never heard news about a Destiny 3 I just figured it died and moved on with life without looking into it.
The loop of playing pve to take my stuff into pvp is what hooked me in D1. But now, there's literally no reason to play pvp. No rewards, no armor, god awful meta that takes way too long to be fixed, ect. I was playing Trials last month, asked myself why I'm even bothering on a 3 win card, and just logged out. Sad times.
@@MYNAMEisactuallyJEFF with the amount of gameplay stuff and power fantasy it's literally impossible to balance the PvP properly. Crucible is doomed to be constantly imbalanced.
Isn't that the same thing? You said that the good weapons were in PVE and you took them into PVP, But you're saying that you don't get anything good from PVP anymore. Didn't you just say that the good stuff is in PVE anyways? Besides the trials weapons are insane but I do agree with the meta imbalance
i been playing iron banner this week. note: i am a terrible player. im always at the top of the leader board in this control fortress banner mode. i suck. lile hardcore. does everyone else suck? also note, my light level is 1888, not even the highest.
18:40 Warframe and Destiny are, in every important way, completely different games. The only distinctive design characteristics they have in common are the existence of guns, some rotations, and looting elements but those aspects are still functionally different and not sufficiently comparable. Based on your expressions about your favorite aspects of Destiny I don’t think you would like Warframe but my point still stands. You cannot replace the Warframe experience with Destiny (and vice versa), the same way you couldn’t replace the Halo experience with a game like Doom or Call of Duty in the 2000s.
Bungie committed Harakiri. The damage is just TOO great. I quit after act 1 and I’ve never been more satisfied. I don’t find myself on the hamster wheel to feel the NEED to continue to hold myself accountable to play in order to keep up.
@@sQuaTsiFieD Keep up with the plethora of content that I missed or fell behind on. Like grinding for raid exotics, the weekly/seasonal storyline, the weapons from Crucible and finding my “God Roll”, the desire to complete or obtain titles, the constant “grind for better stat armor”, etc...the RNG factor of it ALL. I guess THAT’S what I was trying to “keep up” with.
Ironically i broke free of the hamster wheel a lot earlier, toward the end of Season of the Witch. Boy do i not regret it. Didn't even give them the money for Final Shape.
@@Jukantos bro, i dipped when the trailers for lightfall was getting hyped, just because it looked COOL, but i knew it wouldn't be anywhere near what we expected and everyone was inevitably let down. Not me tho, i went to warframe and now i switch between whatever games i like instead of being a destiny incel!
Honestly I'm not sick of the game I'm sick of bungie. I want someone else to take over, I need changes so hard that I can hardly recognize the game anymore. One thing the enemy's need a rework it dis great for warframe.
Music of the spheres in the background makes this all the more sadder. I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do now and I just want you to know you’ll still have my viewership.
here to stay, and hopefully here to see the ship catch that wind it needs. I love roguelikes, and your style of content would be amazing to see in that sphere. And you're enjoyable to listen to. Spirits up Captain, the crew's with you. o7
The final shape was a bookend. A lot of people are jumping off and exploring options. Your content is great and spicy clips have been amazing. Hopefully you find another game that allows you to continue fostering this great community
I've been playing since D1 beta and feeling more and more burned out. Grind is repetitive and have done that for a decade now. Not interested in the more difficult puzzle oriented raid or time trial things brought into game. Went from a healthy clan who could regularly join up and try to have fun. Now there are digital tumbleweeds. Not interested in LFG which I used to do more frequently in past. How many times can one run Onslaught (replace word) Breach Executable (replace word) something else. Formula is stale even if can have fun briefly with a new burst. Used to play much more pvp in D1 and gradually got less and less. Not interested in Marathon at all. Logging on nowadays feels more like a chore to tick off weekly objectives. That Bungie didn't plan on a "Destiny 3" is shocking.
They really went from 10/10 expansion to the steepest downfall within a month. This "episode" was written like a teen fanfic and the writing fucking sucked. Really a shame. I quit this game last month and I'm not coming back. There are so many better video games to invest time into.
i'm trutdging through because i already paid for this one. but the moment this episode ends, the game is gonna get uninstalled. saddest part? not even if they make some banger update next, the amount of money they ask for the amount of content they make is just not worth anymore.
The Final Shape is a great experience but a pretty bad expansion. That's probably the best way to describe why things are are the way they are right now.
Used to watch your stuff back in the day, when I still had my other profile, hope things go well, looking forward to what type of content there will be
That's my thought. I've been playing since The Dark Below. I'm in too deep to quit now. I wanna see where the story goes. As long as content is coming out I'll play it. I just won't grind nearly as much as I used to.
Honestly I barely get how people compare warframe and destiny. Beyond being shooters with some space themes and magic powers, they play nothing alike. Warframe is a power fantasy through and through with most of the difficulty coming from not knowing about certain systems or how to mod, but once you do get it the game unlocks and you can basically be a demigod. Sure it's not for everyone, but honestly the movement feels better than any other game I've played and seeing how powerful you can become by putting your knowledge of the game to the test has been a huge reason I've kept playing it over the years more than Destiny.
@@ravenbranwen9701 Destiny 2 is garbage. I wanted it to be a good game, Inloved the first game but it’s just shit. Warframe has developers who give two cents about the game. It’s repetitive but it’s always updated
I think the main reason people play Destiny 2 is because, to put it simply, is hard and also easy, at the same time. Im my 200 or so warframe hours, all the content has been an absolute breeze
@@Kopester I played D1 until right before ROI and remember it fondly. D2 for me has been a love hate relationship. Ive played on and off for years swearing several times Id quit and never return, but lightfall is what finally did it for me. I though about getting Final Shape to see the ending but I couldnt be bothered. I started playing warframe about a year after I started destiny 1 and Ive loved it since. Its a game I dont have to be a part of every event or season to understand. Its far from perfect, but the team behind it is clearly having fun with it.
@@CL3VA dont doubt that one bit. Difficulty is relative fpr some, for me in struggle against Eidolons early on and didnt get a lot of it as fast as my friends did. Destiny for sure has more challenge to it, given warframe has been built up to a point where everything is soloable (and with far less effort needed than the insane things some D2 players can pull off)
Look man, when it comes to TH-cam, people mostly come to watch the personality, not the game. There’s tons of destiny TH-camrs, but we watch you because of your personality. As long as you’re playing a game that you’re having fun with, people will enjoy your videos.
You’d think that’s how it is but it’s really not. Example? Aztecross, he’s a big creator in the Destiny community and his audience loves the energy he brings in his videos, BUT non-Destiny related videos always get piss poor views in relation to actual Destiny videos. That’s just how it is. People subscribe and follow certain creators for specific content and when they don’t deliver what the audience came to watch then interest is largely lost.
@@thatoneguy2136 backing what you said, unless the channel was created as a miscellaneous gaming channel people will be seeking that very specific content. Most people who play destiny end up locking specifically into this game and people assume they are only destiny content creators which is why if I was to do a gaming channel it would be more about my personality and cover a wide range of games and reviewing them.
The most crushing thing to me is that even after 10 years we are at least 5+ years removed from a Destiny 3 and it's very unlikely we'll ever see a D3 at this point anyways. Bungie management has fumbled the bag on one of the most enduring and impactful franchises in all of gaming and that fact is nigh unforgiveable. TDT the picture of financial mortality you are painting here is the reality for a vast majority of people and I sympathize with you. I have faith you can make a successful pivot and I hope in the future there is something major and significant that can bring us back to the game we've grown up with and that we've all loved for a decade.
As a Warframe player, we'd love to have you come over man, even if its just for a bit. A lot of Destiny vets have come over and we're glad to have you all.
@@ginopippofrebooter-ilrinne2881 for people who dont keep up on the game true, but for the past half year every single update improves new player experience, theres a patch note section for it
I grew up on destiny. I played the first time when I was 9 with the taken king with my dad and even though he stoped playing I kept going and bringing my freinds into the game. I want to say that I will keep watching you no matter where you go. You’ve been my favorite channel on TH-cam for a while now and I kept playing often because of how you made me remember my love for the game. I’ve been fading from the game for a while now but after final shape I haven’t felt anything for the game. What I’m saying is I’ve been watching you not because of the game but because of the person behind the camera. “The light inside of you is yours alone” - Cayde 6
Despite how sad this video is, I had a big chuckle at 5:36 lol. I wish you the best TDT. I recently tried starting a youtube channel and the thing I learned was that nowadays youtube seems more and more about getting views rather than building a community like it used to be. This is why I know you will succeed. You have an amazing community that you have managed to build and we will follow you wherever you decide to take your channel 🙌❤ . I have full faith that you will find a way to be happy about making videos again 😊
WORLD OF WARCRAFT is the quintessential game of what happens when a Company looks for Profits instead of Quality and Passion. The Moment Activision Acquired Blizzard was when the Cash Shop was added to the game and that's all anyone ever needs to know and Everyone knows how SHITE Cataclysm was, such a Fucking Disappointing Expansion, Then we got MoP which is so fucking AMAZING, but we never truly understood what we had until we got Warlords of Draenor ): then every expac until dragonflight or War Within the recent expac were completely Piles of Shit.
I’ve been having the same thoughts man Don’t suffer for our sake I’ll boot up the game get to just the character select screen and be like, “Why did I boot this up?” It’s really odd honestly. I’ve had a game I love to play go offline and I dearly miss it. They told us 3 months ahead of time that the servers were going down. I played the crap out of the game even though it was maybe the same 3 teams I’d use Destiny 2 its obvious the end is in sight and I’m just not interested. It’s the only thing worse than disappointment its apathy. I think we’ll all still have fond memories but it’s just over
I started my channel at the beginning of lightfall (worse time ever) I worked my ass off to grow my channel and I achieved something I never thought possible, mid July I saw my views drop massively, to the point now where I’m loosing subs, and the videos just don’t get pushed out to others like they used to, the decline in destiny and my channel has affected how I feel about the game, I love playing it but it really does feel like a hassle when I put a lot more time into working on my video rather than playing the game itself and I don’t even get no we’re near the same amount of views as I did before, to clarify I don’t think I’m going to quit but I’m not going to stress myself to make a video when I don’t feel that drive I did 1-2 years ago 😢
dude... ive watched ur vids before, but watching this one i gained an appreciation for your desire to love what you do and who you are. subscribed and i will be watching your content for the simple fact that its you, as much as i love D2. keep up the grind man. do what you love.
For me, it wasn’t the grind, not the Episodes, not even the power creep or the upper management…it was the story that made me stop playing, 10 years, so much story telling, buildup, tension, wonder, and engaging conflict between us and the Witness over the Traveler…now it’s over with the Final Shape, we killed the Witness, saved the Traveler, Earth, and the universe, and closed the book…everything that is happening now is just epilogue, tying loose ends… Eyes Up Guardian, the Tale is told and you stand high above all adversity.
@@zeropianozeronetwork4107 While I am mostly quitting due to all the controversy you mentioned, I too quit because I felt like The Final Shape was a perfect sendoff, it truly felt like a worthy end (despite some loose threads still lingering like Xivu Arath), not to mention Excision was such an awesome final battle to tie a pretty bow on my journey.
I love my warlock, my guns, and my armor. But I would give up seven years of grinding for items away in a heartbeat for a destiny, three and a full fresh restart across the board
@@phanyan2244 I mean he’s more or less just talking the truth here. Pretty sure the player count is down by like 70% statistically. So ‘speak for yourself’ feels like you’re just in denial.
@@stormdivision617 nah I am having no trouble with matchmaking or anything. Yall are just quitting cuz yall are scrubs and can't even do a 2 man activity
It's all good, Bro lol. @ 1:44, Destiny feels like it's sinking, get that ad money and I pray that God blesses you with another content niche to dig into.
We Stand on bizniz with TDT, honestly I wasn't watching as much because I have been bored of destiny, but now, I might do membership if I can afford it soon.
@@enamelsky I wouldn't agree that "all" D2 players are moving to Warframe. There are other games that can replace the game for players as a "main game" but obviously there's no game that are 1-to-1 like Destiny. FFXIV are one of those MMO games that can be one, however just like Warframe it's not for everyone and that's fine. Dont be deterred from searching for other games that the devs care about their game aside from Bungie.
Yea I remember I used to really get annoyed in d1 whenever they added stuff that was third person. It took me out the immersion and I hated it Had to learn to just accept I can’t take this game seriously or I’ll lose my mind. Have actually enjoyed it more since giving in to the realisation the game will never be close to what I’d want. And it made everything much easier…
@@enamelskybecause it's not the same. It's vastly different. It's honestly an amazing game, with an amazing company and community. If you don't like it it's all good. Im a Destiny vet, and I enjoy warframe ALOT. But its not for everyone, and that's ok. But they are no where near the same. The new player experience needs some work for sure.. but it is what it is. I hope you find a better game that will treat you better. You deserve better guardian
I had been playing since the D1 beta and I quit playing destiny at the start of season of the deep. I got like 2 weeks in and after Bungies abysmal handling of lightfall and the seasons of that year I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. At D2s height it was amazing but their vaulting of content and their decisions surrounding the game being not the most intelligent since then made it clear that my most favorite game, one that I had put multiple thousands of hours into was just not getting better or going to be the same again. I’m glad final shape was well received by most of the community but I have no intention of playing again. It’s at a good stopping point and honestly I hope they lay it to rest because we had a good run and I don’t want it to get dragged on and soil it’s memory anymore than it has. We got our decades worth of content but it’s over; time to go home.
I quit destiny about a year ago. You and nomad are the only D2 TH-camrs I've continued to watch, even still, I watched y'all occasionally. I am incredibly excited to see what you do next, and you can have my views. Edit: the balance change bit (It would be cool if this happened, but it never will) is exactly how us TF2 players feel.
I highly recommend warframe before first descendant. Give both a go but warframe is so big and has so much content that's all free as is. A huge mod system that first descendant seems to have taken inspiration from anyway. If you choose warframe then welcome baby tenno, if you choose first descendant then welcome young descendant 😂
TFD is good for 300-400 hours, but once you have a copy of all the guns or characters you want, it runs out of steam a little. Good to pop in now and again though which is where I am.
@@dyscalculic also gotta keep in mind it is new so there is quite the lack of content for now. Seems the company that own TFD are very active so it should get a lot of updates and new content
Warframe is a ton of fun, but the game doesn't really hold your hand so the new player experience can be a bit rough. Its also a good time to start playing because the 1999 update comes out in December.
As someone who's main focus in the game shifted to pvp more and more throughout my time I think in retrospect, crafting was truly the beginning of the end for me. I was never on board with it, but the effect it had was everything and more than what I worried. My time in raids dropped, no reason to play strikes, seasonal weapons were either trash or the reason you burn yourself out to get the new competitive gun but only red borders. Knowing that no roll that dropped that wasn't red mattered meant I wasn't ever excited about drops. And in pvp I call it the fellwinter effect. Where you give everyone access to the best roll of the best of an archetype, and because everyone is using the best, the best isn't an option anymore it's the default. And that kills loot incentive and variety. It's not the first, the worst or the last bad thing to happen in destiny, but it was definitely the most impactful in the long run on how I engage and how much I enjoy destiny. I hope whatever direction you take it works out.
Lastnight out of 100 people on friends list and clan combined. I happened to be the only one online - playing Destiny. Sad to see everyone Quitting. With that being said, I think It’s time to find a new daily driver. Will return if the state of the game ever changes.
I have been subscribed since Nearly when I started destiny. Or like a year or 2 afterwards I support it. You are a great youtuber Just make sure you keep, sir Reginald He looks mighty dapper.
"Stole Defeat from the jaws of Victory" is such a good quote. If all that is true, Marathon being the sole passion, no Destiny 3 in the works, a Destiny MoBiLE GamE instead... It will be one of the biggest fumbles of all time.
Completely understandable man. I think we all get the state Destiny is in right now. But we stayed for the guy behind the videos. Not the game. Keen to see what comes next for ya man.
this was strangely refreshing. i also had a final falling out with the game recently. it's sad but i guess it makes sense. im excited to see your future content, though!
Ive been drifting away for a while now, but think im finally done. When bungie said that the encore mission is the most expansive and ambitious exotic mission they've made, and it just feels like a normal story mission with nothing really special going on, i lost hope.
They said it was “one of the biggest” nothing about expansive or ambitious, stop putting words in their mouth and then getting disappointed by your made up expectations
I'm just now coming across this video. That's how accurate the point is. Crying shame, too. This channel was one of the reasons I still at least kept up with what was happening in D2 after I gave up playing. That video about the broken season is still one of the best things ever.
My dad got me into playing destiny with him what feels like yesterday. I’ve huffed copium for years with friends and I am sticking it out to get my moneys worth, and not much else. Destiny feels like a husk of what it used to be. I want that feeling I had when I first started to come back. But I know it never will. Per Aspera Ad Astra
I’ll come back just for the d1 anniversary just to wrap everything up for this 10 year journey. I think final shape was a good ending for destiny and with everything going on with the lay offs it seems like perfect time to dip. Cya around guardians.
my guy i havent touched destiny since the first week or so of the "episode" that came out after final shape. so i understand man i enjoy your spicy clip vids a lot. hope you're able to gain momentum again
I highly respect you for the video and the honesty. This is a place I am at, but I am unwilling to make the move you have. I wish you all the best on your new direction!
The warframe community welcomes destiny migrants, immigrants, and refugees with open arms. We welcome you and will try to get you settled in. It will be tough to be in such a different environment, and there will be hardships, but if you need help, ask, and ye shall receive. Jokes aside, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. I hope things will turn out alright for you and I hope you will achieve your personal goals.
It's a shame what bungies doing to destiny because it's not only killing the game but also the community as people are moving to different games. As for tdt I'll be sticking around till the content gets boring and maybe after then to. I like you guy and you have a cool community that's with you for the long haul
@@shaggy7327I feel like that's a little different though since realistically Fatalis is THE final challenge of Monster Hunter World, once you beat them there's no monster's beyond that continue that challenge. Destiny in it's live service nature will continue to provide new challenges that will be undercut by Prismatic.
Listening to people with TH-cam accounts complain about the decline of Destiny and how they are wondering how they're going to make a living is getting tiresome. Don't pretend or act like you didn't know this day was coming. No game is Immortal all games have life cycles if you did not prepare for this I don't know what to tell you. Go find the next game and make videos about that. Your future is in your hands.
It's tragic how badly the devs have mismanaged this game since D2 came out. They got so arrogant and only wanted to make the game they wanted to play, not the game their players could enjoy. Anything that benefitted players was almost always instantly nerfed, while game breaking bugs and other issues were allowed to stay in game long term. Never fixed PVP, dealt with the cheaters, or did anything to satisfy that desperate portion of their community, and I could go on and on. I know the higher ups at Bungie suck, but the devs have done themselves no favors with how they always made the decision of "we'll tell you how to play our game." Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy being gone is honestly one of the best things that has ever happened to the game and it came far too late. All I will say is this is what inevitably happens when you tie your livelihood/job to a single game, you either eventually grow to hate the game because it becomes "work" or the game dies and it's too late to diversify if you aren't already a variety channel. I hope the Destiny content creators invested/saved some of that money that was coming in over the years.
Love your content, love your style. Short and simple, do what you love, and Lord-willling, people willl love what you do. Godspeeed to you in your endeavors, brother. I'lll be watching to seee what incredible creations you come up with beyond Destiny, and knowing your commmunity, i won't be alone in this. Keeep the fire burning!
It's been joever since the Final Shape honeymoon phase passed. When Bungie slowly abandoned their core people who had the original passion and vision of the game, they slowly abandoned their community.
I have left Destiny for Warframe and have really been enjoying it. I hope you can continue with your content creation and find a way to make ends meet, my fingers will remain crossed for you
Play War Thunder now with my link, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more: playwt.link/tdt24
Are you going to move over to Warframe like forcer did? If so, I’m 100% down to watch all that
Term and conditions are you sure you want to quit?!. ... We offer new deals & exotics for returning players and free DLC
No I don’t think I will
The sponsor segue made me laugh.
Womp Womp everyone is.
i stuck around for the person behind the computer, not the game that was on it
honestly that is so sad
A reality of things is that most people don't.
@@sabergoli3518 how so?
@@sabergoli3518 still waiting for a response, buddy
not me! today is the unsub day
"Now you tell the others this was my choice. My light. Nobody makes my fate but me." ~Cayde 6.
‘’What comes from the light, returns to the light.’’ ~Cayde-6~
“You’re my favorite, remember that.” ~Cayde 6
“Gary! Or Gil, Glenn. Is it- i don’t know- something with a G!”
I remember that was what made ne cry. 😭
You guys are gonna make me sad,I feel like I'm gonna cry
That ad transition was filthy, bro had me tearing up while hearing about war thunder
@@ItsZerothehero 😂😂😂😂
Bro's getting the bag 😂
you could hear the pain in his voice even in the ad
“I know that this is a serious down-to-earth video and I’m just about to go over some really sad stuff, but *HEY I’M SPONSORED GO CHECK OUT WAR THUNDER BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”*
Three months ago, i was living 2 hours away from my friends and family, working what i thought was my dream job. but as the year i was there passed, i became very depressed. i worked constant over time. My breaking point was when i asked for a day off for my birthday to see my family, and was told no, but that the manager i was directly asking was going to take the day off: all while knowing, i was on the brink of quitting. That night i wrote my two weeks. No job lined up, and just a bit of savings as a safety net. i was fortunate that my lease was ending. and i moved home. it was scary and felt like failure. im now at a job with the healthiest work environment ive ever seen, a young enthusiastic crew, and just a 180 of how i was feeling. I want to give you hope for the future, things can sometimes not just be okay, but get better. Much love
also after that intro i laughed at the add read intro and watch the whole dang thing for ya xD
Thanks for sharing this, happy for you!
Thank you for sharing this, it really resonates with me. I’ve been thinking about moving back home and this is really reassuring. All the best!
I think what Bungie missed about its own success was its community. We genuinely loved this game.. so much so that we spent thousands to support it. Only for them to give us the abusive partner treatment.
i agree with this and you are apsoutly right
@@pinneythawhoo you are agreeing to a abusive relationship this way and you expected something different?
We say this like the community hasn’t had a few extremely bad and vocal eggs
The greed and poor management. Contempt is the killer of progress.
@@pinneythawhoo … thousands? What the heck did you buy??? I’m back playing again because the mobile gaming world has driven the micro transaction abuse to off the chart levels.
“As PVP players, we are sinking”
Gambit players: 💀
pvp players "omg destiny is dying and it's not fun that a PVE focus'd game is PVE focus'd"
@@Colm1800 your just mad because you got a k/d of .15 and constantly get spanked by 9 year olds in the cruicible lol
@@Colm1800 as much as you hate to admit it, the pvp carrys this pve focus'd game when content is dry, there is only so many times you do dungeons, raids and nightfalls for god roll loot until you have everything you have and then what else is left? PVP. Bungie has never properly addressed this and constantly made the pvp sandbox worse and worse.
@om3gainsomniac778 Yep. When done right, PVP can easily be played for thousands of hours easily. PVE is ultimately non-renewable unless you're insane lmao. (Valid argument.)
@@om3gainsomniac778 pvp has never carried the game, its always got the lowest play count and filled with the insane no life sweats meta slaves running igneous hammer and conditional finality, leaving zero room for new playeers to actually get into it without months of gear and weapon grinding, and especially in the current meta people just spam abilities. only reason people play destiny crucible is because theyre garbage at COD and halo is dead
The real sad part is that the moment-to-moment gameplay in Destiny 2 is better right now than it may have ever been. What's finally killing the game, after all the struggles Destiny has been through, isn't even the game being bad. It's purely the incompetence at the top kneecapping the development team every chance they get.
This is exactly it. I saw that post about the "future of D2" and I deleted the game. I'll come back in a year or so, but I don't have real hope for the franchise to get better.
Imagine if Destiny 2 had mapping or end game amour with intrinsic perks.
@@neosharkey7401 yes, more power creep is gonna bring people back.
Yep... This is how I feel too. I did genuinely enjoy the moment-to-moment gameplay of D2 back during the time I played it. I really did. But the MOMENT you pull away from that, it's a trainwreck of a game that is rife with so many problems and I could just... never. I could not. I stuck with it for a year or two give or take, but the overall outer loop felt like it disrespected me as a player, as a person, and even as a guardian. For my own well-being I just had to throw the game away and not look back. And I am still sad about it, but I don't regret it, not for a moment.
It isn't just "the top"
It isnt "the top" that wrote this lame Osiris Saint reddit fanfic.
Destiny 1 was FUN. Destiny 2: THE SECOND JOB. No thank you I already have a full time job, I won't slave away for you Bungie.
“Every story has an end, this is mine.” -Cayde 6
Dont hit me in the feels that hard
garbage line lmao
@clonekami6325 There will be more times TDT will play D2 after this video than there are people who asked.
@@John-v5m liked your own comment did ya bud? that’s okay, i’m sure there’s bound to be a couple more
@@clonekami6325 Saying that like not every singe person (including you) can do it easily and I’m just doing it to stay on level with everyone else. Now stop sitting in your basement to whine online about small things other people do and go touch some grass. Oh, and go have the doctor check you for hypertension because there’s clearly too much salt in your blood.
I understand 100%. I’ve been playing Destiny since the beta and I can’t justify in my mind playing anymore. I stopped after act 1. I’m sad to say Destiny is slowly petering out. I’ll miss all the years playing it.
@@stuobourn5478 this brother I’ve also been playing since the original destiny beta and recently I just can’t be asked to play the game anymore it’s always the same thing with a different coat of paint now. It’s a shame cause I love the game and I’ve done everything up to final shape but the episodes were the nail in the coffin for me and the lack of a meaningful future
I mean it kind of makes sense. It has been 10 years of this story, there's a limit to how what you can make when you're always bound by what has already been done. It just sucks it's such a slow death. I was expecting, or maybe hoping, for a bigger, badder Curse of Osiris to kill the game, now I have to watch as it slowly turns into a husk of what it was.
Feel the same, didn’t even play the final shape and just haven’t been motivated to. Maybe I’ll come back for it in awhile but rn, enjoying other games
You like peter?
Hey man i feel your pain i work 60 hours a week and still can barely put food on the table for my 4 kids. We had to move to a small 2 bedroom apartment to save money. I sleep on the couch now. I hope you can keep food on the table yourself.
That’s due to the current economic state of wherever you’re living. Economy needs to flow better so we can all enjoy our lives, spend our money the way we want to, eat the food we want, and be able to look after others after we’ve taken care of ourselves. Plus to make time to play video games too!
No shame in that bro it's hard out here
It's sad but it's not your fault at all. You doing what you can. You sound like a good dad. That's just unfortunate and due to the economy
Im hurting for you. I make really good money but live in a major city and its hard for me too. Had to completely change budget. Hopefully we get the better president this next time around.
@@pharmies sell yo kidz
Bungie and Sony killed a golden egg and pretty much destroyed an entire community they had built up in 10 years. Gonna be sad seeing a lot of d2 creators pivot
When I got back into Destiny 2, Witch Queen had just come out and Void 3.0 came with it. I wanted to get into buildcrafting and was interested in using rat king, so I took to TH-cam to see what other people were doing with rat king. There were a handful of build videos, but yours caught my eye. The banter of Archibald and Reginald combined with the zealousness with which you crafted your rat king build roped me in. I watched all of your build videos, and have since devised 60+ builds divided across all three classes.
If I wanted to watch general Destiny 2 content, there are dozens of TH-camrs who do that, but I subscribed to you because of your desire to experiment and how much fun you had with it. Your builds didn’t even have to be good, you often looked at exotics most players disregarded and found a way to have fun with them. And then you presented them in such a unique way.
That sentiment still lingers on this channel. Your community cheers when Lolgistics climbs to the top of the map with glaciers, when Spooks dunks on three guardians at once, when Ravi incinerates the entire enemy team in 20 seconds.
But when Bungie’s capacity to experiment and innovate falls behind yours, it was only a matter of time until you got bored.
However, you have a unique chance. It’s a risk, but it’s a valuable risk. Destiny 2 players en masse are ready to try something new. They are more likely than ever to follow you in an exodus from Destiny 2 into a larger variety of games. All I ask is that whatever you decide to do, you rediscover the spark that convinced you to upload a video of a Victorian ghost raving about Rat King.
I hope you figure it out, and I hope this comment helps to affirm your decision.
This was a very kind comment - cheers, mate.
We understand you man. I did the same, even before act II dropped. I tried getting back for the new exotic, and after realising i need to catch up to everything, i just quit the game again. Find something that’s fun for you, we’ll watch it none the less.
Same. I'm 1905 after coming back from the free final shape mission and was just bored. I don't feel like grinding to get up that high. And for all the weapons.
I feel like everyone is feeling the same, after a ten year journey no one wants to leave the game but no one wants to ruin the good memories. We should let the game pass away without tryna drag its life out now.
@@thejman12305 I'm going to copy and paste a comment that I left on another you tubers video here which is one of the biggest reasons why alot of people come back.... It said...
@@thejman12305 "Another problem with destiny 2...is that.... The race and pressure to have the next exotic that comes out is always pushing against you. People come to TH-cam to fly through exotic missions which takes away all the feeling of accomplishment that one might achieve if they were to do it for themselves, although it would take a hour or a few hours possibly to do it yourself, none the less. It takes away just about everything destiny has going for it. You don't take in the landscape, you don't appreciate the mission themselves, you just feel the need to fly through them as fast as possible to get the gun and move on. Personally I think videos on how to do missions like star-crossed, encore etc should be banned from TH-cam/online and players should take their time to do them, naturally. Nothing against guides personally, but that's just my opinion.
When destiny 1 and destiny 2 first came out, no one went online to check how to play the campaign, they just went through it, taking in the story and appreciating the sense that the destiny world gave us. That has now been nearly eradicated with always trying to do all the extra stuff that. Comes out, so fast. And if you personally don't like the exotic weapon itself that said mission grants, we'll then you as a player don't have a reason to return to the exotic mission that you got help with or breezed through just to get the weapon(like I did with star-crossed), so then that paticular peice of content becomes null and void, and you never really got to take it in in the first place. . I have quit destiny back in February or January of this year. I like some of the builds but, it's too grindy, and if you don't speed through these missions, well then your just at a disadvantage cause most people do, and have said weapon."
That's another big problem with destiny in itself. Everything is rushed to get the next best legendary weapon, nothing is appreciated or taken it story wise. And it's lost it's feeling it used to have back in the vanilla days.
Who is we
Your spicy clip review is the greatest thing to come out of the Destiny Community and want to thank you for all the time and effort you have put into your channel
Like I stated in the vid, those will still be around. I still very much like those
@TDTProductions I would absolutely love to see a spicy clips of other games. A guest who has some explicit knowledge to give a commentary or explanation of what happened, along with genuine reactions from you and someone else would also be interesting personally. I dont know about everyone else, but I figured I might pitch an idea you might like.
@@TDTProductions you planning on expanding the spicy clips to other games?
@@TDTProductionsidk why I just see you in a few years as the guy in ratatouille, eating the ratatouille, and remembering his childhood, just from reading this comment
no hate idk just something that came to mind
No its not
When someone who makes a living for playing games is throwing, you know the game is finished...
I am here with ya brother, to whatever world you venture to :)
can i get 5 for a big mac?
Bungie had a golden goose that laid golden eggs and at some point they started feeding it less and less untill it's eggs started to look less gold-covered and more shit-covered
Episodes are very much a failure. It's a new name for a same dynamic. Everything feels tired and boring. It's rough. I loved the game.
@@schuka1 man not saying I enjoy the grind, but ever since lightfall I’ve been feeling like a Pokemon trainer. Constantly collecting “specimen” to progress the mission it feels monotonous at times. And being this powerful as a guardian can be fun but in pve devs decided to make niknac booby traps and utilize the most annoying things in the game to throw at you; harpies, wyverns, hydras. All flying mobs the you got shoot down because most melee abilities and abilities in general are too busted so they quadruple the add density and push them out of reach, which is equally annoying.
Did everyone forget that they are changing things with the next episode because it all felt too samey?
@ofox716 isn't it episode 3 that the model is "changing"? Where they're gonna release it all at once unless they're doing it for ep 2 too?
@ofox716 you can play everything all at once instead of waiting weeks. Not a big change.
@@schuka1 So what's your suggestion? Release an expansion every month?
Hey Tdt. Think this is the first video I ever commented on of yours. Not sure. But I felt the same. My journey ended when the witness perished. I took a screenshot of my guardian from the credits, it’s my desktop background. So that I know where I came from. Blood (unironically) sweat tears and so many hours in Destiny and Destiny 2, and now the main threat to the Traveler is gone. I can hang up my Hunter cape, there may be new guardians to take up the fight from here, but for me, this old man knows when to hold em, and I held em for a long time. My hand can only win so many times. But I hang up my Hunter cape with my head held high. I feel I made Cayde proud. I did my duty to the traveler. Now it’s time for me to fold em.
“Your hand?” You might ask: Ace / Queen off suit. Cheers Guardian. And thanks for the videos while you did them.
-a fellow guardian
Feel that man. I only time I have been getting on d2 is to get footage for the channel. I spend most of my time gaming is Warframe, Cod, Dead by Daylight, and running and planning Dnd sessions. It hard for me to see destiny dying. I just want to believe it can get better but after the Sony accusation we can see the struggle. How any people have great ideas that been lost to layoffs or have been moved to differnet Sony studios.
I will be subscribing to you
Warframe is boring when compared with destiny 2 nothing is failing it is just in your heads
@@titomurat1015as somebody who just started warframe because D2 has nothing to do, you’re just wrong. I am completely overwhelmed with content in the best way possible and every bit of it is free. I’ve been playing less than a month and I’ve made 50 dollars worth of their premium currency just trading. Warframe shits all over destiny nowadays, and the only people who think otherwise haven’t tried it since it sucked.
@@titomurat1015 You're just a Bungie fanboy that can't see reality, lol
@@heavenlyvirtue8367 uou a warframe fan boy youself he aint arong waeframe just nit the same nor better
"PVP is at the bottom"
meanwhile Gambit was in the engine room as was first to die.
I'll never forgive them for letting Gambit go to waste. No other game had anything like it.. it had so much potential and they just refused to put anything in to it.
@@hhastethey gutted gambit with witchqueen.
EVERYBODY said there was too much heavy ammo. What was their plan? Hand out heavy ammo like fucking candy on Halloween then throw their hands up and go "FUCK IT WE TRIED"
No you fucking didnt try shit. You put some intern that was on shrooms in charge of gambit.
I’ve always liked Gambit, but yeah, I tried it recently and it just wasn’t that fun
gambit is bs...
@STARSRav3n Said this back when it happened. It was fucking laughable.
Invaders swing the match too much, as they can invade with Heavy, and the portals come up top frequently.
Everyone gets heavy (and special) every wave, just for playing.
Resulting problems:
There are no primary gunfights, and the invaders now (at high skill) are staring down 2-tap LMGs, in-bound rockets to spawn, multiple sniper scopes or, if you ever played me, a Worldline Zero Blink Warlock moving at Mach 2.
Absolutely zero skill required due to heavy essentially Granting kills for free, because the ammo is everywhere and the players that were dying to scout rifles / Snipers (the old Gambit meta) are dying even faster to heavy.
Actual solution:
Change how the portals function.
Currently, they work based on how many motes you deposit [40, 80] so if you are the better team (faster killing/collection) you get first opportunity to snowball, as you also get the first portal to kill the enemy team and Siphon their motes.
You can't invert it, because then the opposite of a snowball effect, and get stagnation. E.g. if you made it so enemy depositing 40 motes opened your portal, players would collect 39 and then never deposit until they hit the max threshold (60 motes) leaving them only needing to grab and deposit 1 mote to get to Primeval, completely mitigating the risk of the invader.
Put the portals on timers.
Invasions every X seconds.
120 - 180 seconds sounds reasonable.
Doesn't matter how fast you are at killing, both teams get to invade at the same time.
Remove Heavy crates.
Heavy only drops from high value targets that spawn AWAY from the current wave and gives the person killing it a buff that gives them heavy (not team wide).
You want heavy? Work for it.
Still keep wallhacks and shield (it's a 1v3 at best).
Number of Kills have different effects.
0 Kills (negative) -
You are killed, if not dead already, with a 15 second respawn timer on your side of the field.
You lose all heavy ammo.
You lose 10% of current super charge.
1 kill (trade) -
You are killed, if not dead already, on your side of the field with a 10 second respawn timer.
You lose all heavy.
2 kills+ (positive) -
You return alive.
You keep your heavy.
No negative penalties.
Your team receives a heavy ammo buff (think dares of eternity) to fill:
20% (2 kills)
50% (3 kills)
100% (4+ kills)
Of equipped heavy weapons.
You can't just run in with strategy of self-death by rocket and taking just one person with you, and not suffering a negative penalty.
You have to be able to
Kill more than 1 player to not be taken out of the running for collection phase (respawn time) and retain your heavy for future Invasions or damage (if you had any to start).
It makes an invasion a 'Gambit' so to speak.
The negatives are self-inflicted to avoid flaming, whilst the positives are team wide, to act as reinforcement.
The guy who said "i follow the guy behind the content not the content being played" made a great point.
I for one will not be going anywhere. I like and respect you as a creator, and i will continue to do so no matter what you do.
No he didn't. I'm out
@@reggielacey2235 don't let the door hit you then. Your loss.
@@NikoTheTerrible thanks bro
@@Omegaonytlol thank you too!
Same brother, I'm here for TDT because the content is hilarious
Destiny 1 was the first (and one of only 3) game I put over 1k hours into. I fucking loved it, but when destiny 2 came around I had noticed a shift. The game seemed to be nickel and diming me more and more as time went on, culminating in raids being sold seperate from expansions which I considered a bridge too far.
I ended up not making the jump to Destiny 2 until it came to PC, and even then only about a year after I bought an expansion pack for the game, I forget which one. When I got around to downloading it, the devs had basically removed all of the missions for the DLC I had paid for
Uninstaller the game right after I figured that out and I will never touch Destiny again. It sucks because I truly loved the original, but the devs got greedy and haven't been looking out for players best interest. Even if you give them money for something, they have shown they are perfectly OK taking it away from you. 0 respect for players
Warframe, Warhammer, or just doing spicy clips for all kinds of games. I'm not gonna lie, the spicy clips for other games is gonna be awesome.
Keep going TDT. A lot of use will follow you no matter where you go.
Pick up Warframe!! I haven’t touch D2 in a week. Last weekend of trials was the nail in the coffin for me. Hunters, smoke, swarm nades , and the horrible MM. I had enough!
@@rageknight2340 Warframe won't scratch the PVP thing but it is so fun and the build crafting is so nice! And above all no FOMO!
@@koolenjoy7369 I understand bro. But getting matched against 3 3.0kds in trials, using prismatic with smoke and swarm nades is not a fun anymore. I might give Blackops a try for the PvP itch! But until Bungie fixes PvP which will never happen, I’m taking a break from it.
Warhammer I would love to see.
Warhammer..you grasping at straws with such a vast collection of AAA gaming there..and it's already September, still no one paid attention to what a barren sht show this industry has become ?
I came back to Destiny 2 for The Final Shape after 5 full years of not playing.
With thousands of hours in Destiny 1 and 2, I was so pumped and started playing a ton. Started thinking maybe I'd try making some D2 videos for fun.
Then all the news about Bungie and Destiny started coming out and knowing that the future of the game could have been so bright but was stillborn instead...
That crushed my desire to play. I really, really wish there had been better management with the franchise and Bungie as a whole over the years.
It didn't have to turn out like this. 😔
I just came back for the first time since warmind. I know it isnt a good time and spending almost $200 on everything sucked but the thing is I would have never left if I would have known what Destiny 2 would become and how long it would go on.
There are many reasons why I left but one of those reasons is because they were making it sound like after Forsaken there would be maybe 1 more DLC and then Destiny 3. I figured when 3 came out I'd catch up. When I never heard news about a Destiny 3 I just figured it died and moved on with life without looking into it.
Today is 10 years to the day. It was a good childhood, I’m glad we all saw it through
Proud of you. Hope to see you in Space Marine 2.
Yes, "TrueVanguard" is also uploading Space Marine 2 videos.
The loop of playing pve to take my stuff into pvp is what hooked me in D1. But now, there's literally no reason to play pvp. No rewards, no armor, god awful meta that takes way too long to be fixed, ect. I was playing Trials last month, asked myself why I'm even bothering on a 3 win card, and just logged out. Sad times.
@@MYNAMEisactuallyJEFF with the amount of gameplay stuff and power fantasy it's literally impossible to balance the PvP properly. Crucible is doomed to be constantly imbalanced.
Isn't that the same thing? You said that the good weapons were in PVE and you took them into PVP, But you're saying that you don't get anything good from PVP anymore. Didn't you just say that the good stuff is in PVE anyways? Besides the trials weapons are insane but I do agree with the meta imbalance
i been playing iron banner this week. note: i am a terrible player. im always at the top of the leader board in this control fortress banner mode. i suck. lile hardcore. does everyone else suck? also note, my light level is 1888, not even the highest.
PvP has been a drag for years. I been moved on from this game 😅
pvp players "omg destiny is dying and it's not fun that a PVE focus'd game is PVE focus'd"
18:40 Warframe and Destiny are, in every important way, completely different games. The only distinctive design characteristics they have in common are the existence of guns, some rotations, and looting elements but those aspects are still functionally different and not sufficiently comparable. Based on your expressions about your favorite aspects of Destiny I don’t think you would like Warframe but my point still stands. You cannot replace the Warframe experience with Destiny (and vice versa), the same way you couldn’t replace the Halo experience with a game like Doom or Call of Duty in the 2000s.
100% Agreed on this
Good luck to you bro god bless ❤️🙏🕊️❤️
That was a hella smooth ad read transition
Bungie committed Harakiri. The damage is just TOO great. I quit after act 1 and I’ve never been more satisfied. I don’t find myself on the hamster wheel to feel the NEED to continue to hold myself accountable to play in order to keep up.
Keep up with what?
Keep up with the plethora of content that I missed or fell behind on. Like grinding for raid exotics, the weekly/seasonal storyline, the weapons from Crucible and finding my “God Roll”, the desire to complete or obtain titles, the constant “grind for better stat armor”, etc...the RNG factor of it ALL. I guess THAT’S what I was trying to “keep up” with.
Ironically i broke free of the hamster wheel a lot earlier, toward the end of Season of the Witch. Boy do i not regret it. Didn't even give them the money for Final Shape.
@@Jukantos bro, i dipped when the trailers for lightfall was getting hyped, just because it looked COOL, but i knew it wouldn't be anywhere near what we expected and everyone was inevitably let down. Not me tho, i went to warframe and now i switch between whatever games i like instead of being a destiny incel!
Honestly I'm not sick of the game I'm sick of bungie. I want someone else to take over, I need changes so hard that I can hardly recognize the game anymore. One thing the enemy's need a rework it dis great for warframe.
Music of the spheres in the background makes this all the more sadder. I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do now and I just want you to know you’ll still have my viewership.
here to stay, and hopefully here to see the ship catch that wind it needs.
I love roguelikes, and your style of content would be amazing to see in that sphere. And you're enjoyable to listen to.
Spirits up Captain, the crew's with you. o7
The final shape was a bookend. A lot of people are jumping off and exploring options. Your content is great and spicy clips have been amazing. Hopefully you find another game that allows you to continue fostering this great community
Honestly, it's a perfect time to quit. I told myself I'd quit after TFS. I took the day off to play it and then closed Destiny 2 for the last time.
I've been playing since D1 beta and feeling more and more burned out. Grind is repetitive and have done that for a decade now. Not interested in the more difficult puzzle oriented raid or time trial things brought into game. Went from a healthy clan who could regularly join up and try to have fun. Now there are digital tumbleweeds. Not interested in LFG which I used to do more frequently in past. How many times can one run Onslaught (replace word) Breach Executable (replace word) something else. Formula is stale even if can have fun briefly with a new burst. Used to play much more pvp in D1 and gradually got less and less. Not interested in Marathon at all. Logging on nowadays feels more like a chore to tick off weekly objectives. That Bungie didn't plan on a "Destiny 3" is shocking.
They really went from 10/10 expansion to the steepest downfall within a month. This "episode" was written like a teen fanfic and the writing fucking sucked. Really a shame. I quit this game last month and I'm not coming back. There are so many better video games to invest time into.
The fall off from the final shape is crazy icl, best DLC ever arguably then into this kinda slop of a season, it sucks
i'm trutdging through because i already paid for this one.
but the moment this episode ends, the game is gonna get uninstalled. saddest part? not even if they make some banger update next, the amount of money they ask for the amount of content they make is just not worth anymore.
Ya, they probly shoulda threw in a few more they/them characters
The Final Shape is a great experience but a pretty bad expansion. That's probably the best way to describe why things are are the way they are right now.
@@timr8431 what, you ok?
Used to watch your stuff back in the day, when I still had my other profile, hope things go well, looking forward to what type of content there will be
I got the annual pass as a gift from a friend who no longer plays Destiny anymore. I'm gonna see it through as long as the game is still running.
Completely understandable, I hope that the content is enjoyable and you have fun with it.
Same dude gotta finish it for the homie 🫡
Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Enjoy the game homie. Do it for the homie!
That's my thought. I've been playing since The Dark Below. I'm in too deep to quit now. I wanna see where the story goes. As long as content is coming out I'll play it. I just won't grind nearly as much as I used to.
I'll play the game until they stop making new content that stops being fun. The new exotic mission is fun. Pretty simple
This is your chocie. Your life.
Nobody, can make your fate but you at the end of the day. . . You'll always be my favorite. Never forget that.
Honestly I barely get how people compare warframe and destiny. Beyond being shooters with some space themes and magic powers, they play nothing alike. Warframe is a power fantasy through and through with most of the difficulty coming from not knowing about certain systems or how to mod, but once you do get it the game unlocks and you can basically be a demigod. Sure it's not for everyone, but honestly the movement feels better than any other game I've played and seeing how powerful you can become by putting your knowledge of the game to the test has been a huge reason I've kept playing it over the years more than Destiny.
Yeah for sure. I put in like 150 - 200 hours in Warframe and found a ultra repetitive. The experience is definitely not comparable in my opinion.
@@ravenbranwen9701 Destiny 2 is garbage. I wanted it to be a good game, Inloved the first game but it’s just shit. Warframe has developers who give two cents about the game. It’s repetitive but it’s always updated
I think the main reason people play Destiny 2 is because, to put it simply, is hard and also easy, at the same time. Im my 200 or so warframe hours, all the content has been an absolute breeze
@@Kopester I played D1 until right before ROI and remember it fondly. D2 for me has been a love hate relationship. Ive played on and off for years swearing several times Id quit and never return, but lightfall is what finally did it for me. I though about getting Final Shape to see the ending but I couldnt be bothered. I started playing warframe about a year after I started destiny 1 and Ive loved it since. Its a game I dont have to be a part of every event or season to understand. Its far from perfect, but the team behind it is clearly having fun with it.
@@CL3VA dont doubt that one bit. Difficulty is relative fpr some, for me in struggle against Eidolons early on and didnt get a lot of it as fast as my friends did. Destiny for sure has more challenge to it, given warframe has been built up to a point where everything is soloable (and with far less effort needed than the insane things some D2 players can pull off)
Never seen one of your videos before. The algorithm put your video on my feed. You seem cool. Make videos you enjoy and your fans will follow!
Look man, when it comes to TH-cam, people mostly come to watch the personality, not the game. There’s tons of destiny TH-camrs, but we watch you because of your personality. As long as you’re playing a game that you’re having fun with, people will enjoy your videos.
You’d think that’s how it is but it’s really not. Example? Aztecross, he’s a big creator in the Destiny community and his audience loves the energy he brings in his videos, BUT non-Destiny related videos always get piss poor views in relation to actual Destiny videos.
That’s just how it is. People subscribe and follow certain creators for specific content and when they don’t deliver what the audience came to watch then interest is largely lost.
@@thatoneguy2136 backing what you said, unless the channel was created as a miscellaneous gaming channel people will be seeking that very specific content. Most people who play destiny end up locking specifically into this game and people assume they are only destiny content creators which is why if I was to do a gaming channel it would be more about my personality and cover a wide range of games and reviewing them.
The most crushing thing to me is that even after 10 years we are at least 5+ years removed from a Destiny 3 and it's very unlikely we'll ever see a D3 at this point anyways. Bungie management has fumbled the bag on one of the most enduring and impactful franchises in all of gaming and that fact is nigh unforgiveable. TDT the picture of financial mortality you are painting here is the reality for a vast majority of people and I sympathize with you. I have faith you can make a successful pivot and I hope in the future there is something major and significant that can bring us back to the game we've grown up with and that we've all loved for a decade.
As a Warframe player, we'd love to have you come over man, even if its just for a bit. A lot of Destiny vets have come over and we're glad to have you all.
Man saying Warframe is like destiny is a huge disservice to Warframe
Warframe is so confusing.
Worse than D2's new player experience.
@@ginopippofrebooter-ilrinne2881 for people who dont keep up on the game true, but for the past half year every single update improves new player experience, theres a patch note section for it
Warframes shit, go play to win.
I wish I could be interested in Warframe. I gave it a try a while back but 3rd person and no pvp to speak of isn't all that appealing to me.
Keep up the good work bub. Do what makes u happy. I will stick around and watch your videos. Keep your head up.
I grew up on destiny. I played the first time when I was 9 with the taken king with my dad and even though he stoped playing I kept going and bringing my freinds into the game. I want to say that I will keep watching you no matter where you go. You’ve been my favorite channel on TH-cam for a while now and I kept playing often because of how you made me remember my love for the game. I’ve been fading from the game for a while now but after final shape I haven’t felt anything for the game. What I’m saying is I’ve been watching you not because of the game but because of the person behind the camera. “The light inside of you is yours alone” - Cayde 6
0:13 Welcome to the club. 🤨
@Corion2121 True, I quit a few weeks, if not months ago
@@jjquon1902-i3n I stopped playing since the end of final shape because because I thought the end of the final shape is a good place to stop
@@jjquon1902-i3n - I quit at Warmind, and I was right to do it.
@@Ro-po2ej - I refused to pay for another expansion after the release of Warmind. “Fool me once…” as they say.
Quit before curse of Osiris 😂
Despite how sad this video is, I had a big chuckle at 5:36 lol.
I wish you the best TDT. I recently tried starting a youtube channel and the thing I learned was that nowadays youtube seems more and more about getting views rather than building a community like it used to be. This is why I know you will succeed. You have an amazing community that you have managed to build and we will follow you wherever you decide to take your channel 🙌❤ . I have full faith that you will find a way to be happy about making videos again 😊
WORLD OF WARCRAFT is the quintessential game of what happens when a Company looks for Profits instead of Quality and Passion. The Moment Activision Acquired Blizzard was when the Cash Shop was added to the game and that's all anyone ever needs to know and Everyone knows how SHITE Cataclysm was, such a Fucking Disappointing Expansion, Then we got MoP which is so fucking AMAZING, but we never truly understood what we had until we got Warlords of Draenor ): then every expac until dragonflight or War Within the recent expac were completely Piles of Shit.
Good job I didn't get into wow xD I've heard 1 player can spend about £10000+ same with Warframe says free but it's not 😂 😂 😂
I’ve been having the same thoughts man
Don’t suffer for our sake
I’ll boot up the game get to just the character select screen and be like, “Why did I boot this up?”
It’s really odd honestly. I’ve had a game I love to play go offline and I dearly miss it. They told us 3 months ahead of time that the servers were going down. I played the crap out of the game even though it was maybe the same 3 teams I’d use
Destiny 2 its obvious the end is in sight and I’m just not interested. It’s the only thing worse than disappointment its apathy.
I think we’ll all still have fond memories but it’s just over
Sad to see you go, but happy to be witness to this turning point. Your style is amazing and will be a pleasure to follow your new endeavors.
I started my channel at the beginning of lightfall (worse time ever) I worked my ass off to grow my channel and I achieved something I never thought possible, mid July I saw my views drop massively, to the point now where I’m loosing subs, and the videos just don’t get pushed out to others like they used to, the decline in destiny and my channel has affected how I feel about the game, I love playing it but it really does feel like a hassle when I put a lot more time into working on my video rather than playing the game itself and I don’t even get no we’re near the same amount of views as I did before, to clarify I don’t think I’m going to quit but I’m not going to stress myself to make a video when I don’t feel that drive I did 1-2 years ago 😢
dude... ive watched ur vids before, but watching this one i gained an appreciation for your desire to love what you do and who you are. subscribed and i will be watching your content for the simple fact that its you, as much as i love D2. keep up the grind man. do what you love.
For me, it wasn’t the grind, not the Episodes, not even the power creep or the upper management…it was the story that made me stop playing, 10 years, so much story telling, buildup, tension, wonder, and engaging conflict between us and the Witness over the Traveler…now it’s over with the Final Shape, we killed the Witness, saved the Traveler, Earth, and the universe, and closed the book…everything that is happening now is just epilogue, tying loose ends…
Eyes Up Guardian, the Tale is told and you stand high above all adversity.
@@zeropianozeronetwork4107 While I am mostly quitting due to all the controversy you mentioned, I too quit because I felt like The Final Shape was a perfect sendoff, it truly felt like a worthy end (despite some loose threads still lingering like Xivu Arath), not to mention Excision was such an awesome final battle to tie a pretty bow on my journey.
I love my warlock, my guns, and my armor. But I would give up seven years of grinding for items away in a heartbeat for a destiny, three and a full fresh restart across the board
D1 tower music playing...... right in the feels. ✊️
I applaud brave tough choices like this, good for you and good luck. Following your passion is likely the only path toward success.
Don't worry 85% of us already have also quit destiny as well
Speak for yourself.
Yep, quit after act 1 and me and my wife couldn't complete Dual Destiny
@@cyrus6461 lol, can't complete dual destiny wtf????
@@phanyan2244 I mean he’s more or less just talking the truth here. Pretty sure the player count is down by like 70% statistically.
So ‘speak for yourself’ feels like you’re just in denial.
@@stormdivision617 nah I am having no trouble with matchmaking or anything. Yall are just quitting cuz yall are scrubs and can't even do a 2 man activity
1:51. Bro is so sad then all of a sudden. War thunder!
It's all good, Bro lol. @ 1:44, Destiny feels like it's sinking, get that ad money and I pray that God blesses you with another content niche to dig into.
This genuinely sent me 😂😭 the delivery was flawless
We Stand on bizniz with TDT, honestly I wasn't watching as much because I have been bored of destiny, but now, I might do membership if I can afford it soon.
I tried playing Warframe but 3rd person shooters don’t scratch the itch i get from first person. There is truly no D2 replacement
i agree 100% with this, all the destiny players i know are moving over there but it doesn't feel the same at all
@@enamelsky I wouldn't agree that "all" D2 players are moving to Warframe. There are other games that can replace the game for players as a "main game" but obviously there's no game that are 1-to-1 like Destiny.
FFXIV are one of those MMO games that can be one, however just like Warframe it's not for everyone and that's fine. Dont be deterred from searching for other games that the devs care about their game aside from Bungie.
@@RunningWild32 The warframe Devs alone are much better than Bungie.
Yea I remember I used to really get annoyed in d1 whenever they added stuff that was third person. It took me out the immersion and I hated it
Had to learn to just accept I can’t take this game seriously or I’ll lose my mind. Have actually enjoyed it more since giving in to the realisation the game will never be close to what I’d want.
And it made everything much easier…
@@enamelskybecause it's not the same. It's vastly different. It's honestly an amazing game, with an amazing company and community. If you don't like it it's all good. Im a Destiny vet, and I enjoy warframe ALOT. But its not for everyone, and that's ok. But they are no where near the same. The new player experience needs some work for sure.. but it is what it is. I hope you find a better game that will treat you better. You deserve better guardian
“Humanity won’t survive unless the commander expands his horizons”~Empress Caiatl
I had been playing since the D1 beta and I quit playing destiny at the start of season of the deep. I got like 2 weeks in and after Bungies abysmal handling of lightfall and the seasons of that year I just couldn’t deal with it anymore.
At D2s height it was amazing but their vaulting of content and their decisions surrounding the game being not the most intelligent since then made it clear that my most favorite game, one that I had put multiple thousands of hours into was just not getting better or going to be the same again.
I’m glad final shape was well received by most of the community but I have no intention of playing again. It’s at a good stopping point and honestly I hope they lay it to rest because we had a good run and I don’t want it to get dragged on and soil it’s memory anymore than it has. We got our decades worth of content but it’s over; time to go home.
Id love to see TDT deadlock build videos. The wacky builds were my favorite part of this channel.
I quit destiny about a year ago. You and nomad are the only D2 TH-camrs I've continued to watch, even still, I watched y'all occasionally. I am incredibly excited to see what you do next, and you can have my views.
Edit: the balance change bit (It would be cool if this happened, but it never will) is exactly how us TF2 players feel.
Been feeling the same. Debating First Descendant or Warframe. Destiny just doesn't feel right anymore sadly
I highly recommend warframe before first descendant. Give both a go but warframe is so big and has so much content that's all free as is. A huge mod system that first descendant seems to have taken inspiration from anyway.
If you choose warframe then welcome baby tenno, if you choose first descendant then welcome young descendant 😂
TFD is good for 300-400 hours, but once you have a copy of all the guns or characters you want, it runs out of steam a little. Good to pop in now and again though which is where I am.
play warframe and if you have questions or are stuck people will happily help you
@@dyscalculic also gotta keep in mind it is new so there is quite the lack of content for now. Seems the company that own TFD are very active so it should get a lot of updates and new content
Warframe is a ton of fun, but the game doesn't really hold your hand so the new player experience can be a bit rough.
Its also a good time to start playing because the 1999 update comes out in December.
As someone who's main focus in the game shifted to pvp more and more throughout my time I think in retrospect, crafting was truly the beginning of the end for me. I was never on board with it, but the effect it had was everything and more than what I worried. My time in raids dropped, no reason to play strikes, seasonal weapons were either trash or the reason you burn yourself out to get the new competitive gun but only red borders.
Knowing that no roll that dropped that wasn't red mattered meant I wasn't ever excited about drops.
And in pvp I call it the fellwinter effect. Where you give everyone access to the best roll of the best of an archetype, and because everyone is using the best, the best isn't an option anymore it's the default. And that kills loot incentive and variety.
It's not the first, the worst or the last bad thing to happen in destiny, but it was definitely the most impactful in the long run on how I engage and how much I enjoy destiny.
I hope whatever direction you take it works out.
I've been playing since day one of Destiny 1. Almost nine years. I think it's time I finally move on too.
Lastnight out of 100 people on friends list and clan combined.
I happened to be the only one online - playing Destiny.
Sad to see everyone Quitting.
With that being said, I think It’s time to find a new daily driver.
Will return if the state of the game ever changes.
Bye, the witness wins the final shape after all.
@@marktaylor2298 it's Pete Paraons' world, we're just living in it
I have been subscribed since Nearly when I started destiny. Or like a year or 2 afterwards I support it. You are a great youtuber Just make sure you keep, sir Reginald He looks mighty dapper.
"Stole Defeat from the jaws of Victory" is such a good quote.
If all that is true, Marathon being the sole passion, no Destiny 3 in the works, a Destiny MoBiLE GamE instead...
It will be one of the biggest fumbles of all time.
Completely understandable man. I think we all get the state Destiny is in right now. But we stayed for the guy behind the videos. Not the game. Keen to see what comes next for ya man.
I feel you, I'm getting warhammer space marine 2. Can't wait.
Either I am going to Phantasy Star Online 2 for my MMO fix and sinking my teeth in Space Marine 2 as well.
this was strangely refreshing. i also had a final falling out with the game recently. it's sad but i guess it makes sense. im excited to see your future content, though!
Ive been drifting away for a while now, but think im finally done. When bungie said that the encore mission is the most expansive and ambitious exotic mission they've made, and it just feels like a normal story mission with nothing really special going on, i lost hope.
They said it was “one of the biggest” nothing about expansive or ambitious, stop putting words in their mouth and then getting disappointed by your made up expectations
@@whiterose2321Either way it sucked balls. The developers are washed.
Recovering destiny players really are just like recovering league players. Its the same thing of "I want to enjoy playing games again"
I wish you the best of luck my friend show them your best 20:16
I'm just now coming across this video. That's how accurate the point is.
Crying shame, too. This channel was one of the reasons I still at least kept up with what was happening in D2 after I gave up playing. That video about the broken season is still one of the best things ever.
My dad got me into playing destiny with him what feels like yesterday. I’ve huffed copium for years with friends and I am sticking it out to get my moneys worth, and not much else. Destiny feels like a husk of what it used to be. I want that feeling I had when I first started to come back. But I know it never will.
Per Aspera Ad Astra
"Per Aspera Ad Astra"
A drink, for the memories we made, and the feelings we may never be able to have again
I’ll come back just for the d1 anniversary just to wrap everything up for this 10 year journey. I think final shape was a good ending for destiny and with everything going on with the lay offs it seems like perfect time to dip.
Cya around guardians.
my guy i havent touched destiny since the first week or so of the "episode" that came out after final shape. so i understand man i enjoy your spicy clip vids a lot. hope you're able to gain momentum again
@@tk3venestros697 same
Good for you man I look forward to seeing your content no matter what game it is
No matter what happens next, I'm here for it
10 years man. It was a great ride, but 10 years was always the plan.
Now is the time to get out. There are so many games to play.
I highly respect you for the video and the honesty. This is a place I am at, but I am unwilling to make the move you have. I wish you all the best on your new direction!
The warframe community welcomes destiny migrants, immigrants, and refugees with open arms. We welcome you and will try to get you settled in. It will be tough to be in such a different environment, and there will be hardships, but if you need help, ask, and ye shall receive.
Jokes aside, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. I hope things will turn out alright for you and I hope you will achieve your personal goals.
It's a shame what bungies doing to destiny because it's not only killing the game but also the community as people are moving to different games. As for tdt I'll be sticking around till the content gets boring and maybe after then to. I like you guy and you have a cool community that's with you for the long haul
I work in a tire factory 40 hours a week.
Good luck! Hope you find your footing quickly!
Prismatic is like the Fatalis update in Monster Hunter
How so? i dont see it friend
Explain please because fatalus is amazing
@@ziggyzaug pretty much makes everything before irrelevant build wise.
@@shaggy7327I feel like that's a little different though since realistically Fatalis is THE final challenge of Monster Hunter World, once you beat them there's no monster's beyond that continue that challenge. Destiny in it's live service nature will continue to provide new challenges that will be undercut by Prismatic.
@@shaggy7327 ooooo say fatalus armor than
Listening to people with TH-cam accounts complain about the decline of Destiny and how they are wondering how they're going to make a living is getting tiresome. Don't pretend or act like you didn't know this day was coming. No game is Immortal all games have life cycles if you did not prepare for this I don't know what to tell you. Go find the next game and make videos about that. Your future is in your hands.
Totally agree they must stop whingeing.
Do you say the same thing when people complain about getting laid off at a company or having a business they work for go under?
@greatmatt301 these youtubers aren't getting laid off though. It's not the same thing. They are still able to create all the content they want.
It's tragic how badly the devs have mismanaged this game since D2 came out. They got so arrogant and only wanted to make the game they wanted to play, not the game their players could enjoy. Anything that benefitted players was almost always instantly nerfed, while game breaking bugs and other issues were allowed to stay in game long term. Never fixed PVP, dealt with the cheaters, or did anything to satisfy that desperate portion of their community, and I could go on and on. I know the higher ups at Bungie suck, but the devs have done themselves no favors with how they always made the decision of "we'll tell you how to play our game." Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy being gone is honestly one of the best things that has ever happened to the game and it came far too late.
All I will say is this is what inevitably happens when you tie your livelihood/job to a single game, you either eventually grow to hate the game because it becomes "work" or the game dies and it's too late to diversify if you aren't already a variety channel. I hope the Destiny content creators invested/saved some of that money that was coming in over the years.
Love your content, love your style. Short and simple, do what you love, and Lord-willling, people willl love what you do.
Godspeeed to you in your endeavors, brother. I'lll be watching to seee what incredible creations you come up with beyond Destiny, and knowing your commmunity, i won't be alone in this. Keeep the fire burning!
It's been joever since the Final Shape honeymoon phase passed. When Bungie slowly abandoned their core people who had the original passion and vision of the game, they slowly abandoned their community.
I have left Destiny for Warframe and have really been enjoying it.
I hope you can continue with your content creation and find a way to make ends meet, my fingers will remain crossed for you
Same! It's a rough start but I think I like it.