Not only that but you can't use ur abilities. it's so dumb they need to make it on par wit Leia's shooting ability they should be exactly the same as in Han should be able to move and shoot and use abilities and not be like an old man but an actual sharp shooter. The damage should also stay the same as in standard mode just b auto meaning it would melt better than Liea eva could but no that's just too cool.
@@Foxtail190 lol must have been getting hit by to many lightsabers to notice all my other points still stand but hey at least I can actually roll away now maybe that help me survive more.
they need to nerf her slow on her mindtrick its completely op.the thing about her mind trick that gets me kills isnt the inverted controlls but the slow that come along with it i almost 3v1 people while i was mindtricked but i died because i couldnt turn around because of how much you are slowed
Rogue Assassin Exactly Inverted controls aren’t the problem i also hate the slow and unless your careful with your dashes the enemy can just lay all their firepower into your back
@@aa-kz7hc If ur talking about being a regular soldier or reinforcement that kinda sucks yea but people will easily counter that if your turning speed is normal all players have to do is play inverted and counter Rey, if its H2V then just adapt, if u cant adapt for like 5 seconds while being mind tricked well you suck all u gotta do is block and dodge
@@cydra671 the thing is i have adapted to the inverted controls the problem is that you can barley turn.its like saying just adapt to something taking almost all your control away
Insert Memes grievous sucks right now. his claw rush is really bugged as well as unrelenting advance. his attack animations are the worst of all the saber heroes.
Insert Memes there’s no denying he isn’t as good as he used to be before he was nerfed recently. Even discounting the many bugs, his Unrelenting Advance just isn’t an intimidating ability like it once was. The hit box is so small
Analysing Sharpshooter in that way actually makes it sound pretty hilarious, it's basically an ability that says "Han Solo smacks his gun for a bit, slows his movement speed, reduces his range, reduces his sensitivity and *might* kill his target 0.21 seconds faster for the duration. Makes his gun sound cool as well."
@@mykeh3155 I mean not that it's BAD damage, but the DL-44 alone just does way more damage if you hit just a few headshots. Admittedly, it's only relatively weak because the DL-44 is so strong. But yeah the skipping reloads thing is how you'd use it to drain stam really fast.
@@Th3El3ctricGh0st Nah the damage you'll receive is negligible unless you're like 200 health. The only problem is making sure you are spacing it right, because if they have even just half of their stamina when they reach you, you're still dead; unless they mess up. If you do it right though, you either kill them and get that health back plus more, or stall them long enough to regen what was lost (and probably escape all together) since a good player won't let their stam run out and will try to find cover somewhere to stop blocking.
In my opinion, I think Anakin actually needs a buff to his stamina. It doesn’t have to be much. I think an extra 2 swings would be alright. I also think it’s funny how his asthmatic quadruple amputee counter part has better stamina than him. Although, I could be wrong. I haven’t played Anakin as much as I used to mostly because I don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere when my stamina gets chewed apart and my health vanishes faster than the BF2 community on launch.
Yeah, he's next to useless now. I have a better time playing with Luke now. Also as someone else pointed out, it's pretty ass-backwards that even fucking Vader has better stamina. Heroic Might, despite all of the damage you absorb has piss-poor damage output. Retribution fees like the only balanced thing about him at the moment.
And also they need to fix his lightsaber attack bugs. Sometimes when I try to saber-spam someone that is a lightsaber hero, sometimes when I press my attack button, it won't even register for him.
LucasAnstone dude I thought I was the only one getting that shit. Tho it only happens in Capital Supremacy, it’s super annoying when I’m trying to take down a Droideka and Anakin just refuses to swing. It breaks my heart because he’s my main but even I can admit that he’d only be average if his abilities actually worked. As it stands, he’s in the lower tier because of his bugs and his shit stamina
Anakin is my favorite light side hero but yeah, heroic might is so buggy nowadays some times it doesn't work even while someone is Saber spamming me in a duel some times they will be unnaffected by Heroic might at all. I also wish they would revert the nerf to passionate strike. I have been choked and killed by Vaders so many times because of how slow and predictable the move is. And retribution is so useless outside of co op mode that it just may as well not be there tbh.
Akira - warrior in my opinion they should nerf heroic might and overall just his abilities (not passionate strike) but give him some stamina buff because it’s just redundantly bad
@@centurionscutscenethefullm1846 yeah I agree, you can't parry more than one or two saber attacks or your whole stamina gets drained, personally I would prefer a more duel centered Anakin. Take away his ability to one shot troopers revert the passionate strike nerf buff his stamina a bit. And retribution can stay I guess since it isn't OP and he is the "chosen one".
Akira - warrior he said people complain about Anakin having two knock downs but Luke has it two only thing I see Anakin really needing is a fix to his moves and more stamina
One quick change I’d love to see for Leia: A star card that allows her to throw all 3 detonators at once/one stronger detonator OR If you hold it down, she throws all 3 within very quick succession of each other
TheCharlesJackson I agree, just thought it’d be a nice option if they didn’t want to make it a default ability. Like still have the option to throw 3 separate ones, but also be able to throw them all at once
girl I just think it’d be a nice option since it’s not easy to land those ‘nades against heroes. Han’s detonite charge is pretty powerful with the air blast card, Leia still wouldn’t be able to detonate hers on-command so I think it’d be pretty balanced
That would be cool but I think pretty difficult to balance Grevious has some of the highest saber damage already giving him better attack animations for a certain amount of time would be pretty broken
@@tyrannapusandfriends6254 Padme: Anakin, have you taken my Lavender soap. Anakin: no, but i will ask Obi. Obi, have you taken Padmes Lavender soap? Obi: I think you will find lavender is purple Anakin, you might want to ask master windu about this
I would just say buff boba back to where he was several months back and give him the ability to Aim Down Sights because I know I'm not the only person who struggles to only hip fire.
To everyone saying,"I would be a God if they did this." keep in mind that Boba fett was the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. He even had Vader's respect in ep V for crying out loud.
Honestly if we got some of these changes it would just make the game even better already I do feel some heroes are just completely ignored by dice and they need some changes for people can pick them up a lot more
@@CrypticSWLDN yes but in multiplayer I have gotten laserd down by a couple assaults who should have already been dead. I totally agree that other bugs need to be fixed more I just wanted to see if others had the same problem with it.
Thank you so much for this video Quin. Somebody had to say it. My idea for Obi-Wan's mindtrick is that you can't regenerate your dashes/rolls for the duration of the mindtrick. So you can still use the 2, but you can't regain them. It's almost the same as what you suggested, but a little bit better I think.
Anakin should have been left alone 6 months ago..People sadly whined way too much about him and now dice doesnt know what to do with him. Hes completely in a weird place now.
I hope some day, I HOPE !!, give a buff the anakin retribution, i miss the old sound of that ability, the 4 seconds... no more damage, just 4 seconds of the sound 😞
What they need to do for Anakin they need to revert the star card that increases his last hit damage of passionate strike by 25 back to 40 increase the base damage of passionate strike. Increase the speed that passion strike is performed bump up his stamina by like 10 or 15%
I personally think Lando could use either a smoke grenade replacement, or some kind of buff to his destabilizer. Maybe one where it over heats weapons after stun for five seconds? Just something minor to make it more reliable since it doesn't stun for too long. His smoke grenade could be replaced with some kind of ion device since we don't have a hero that can actively take out shields and vehicles very easily. Just saying this since I think Lando is in a meh place right now and could use some sort of buff.
That will be cool if Landos smoke has triple function, over heats blasters when near the smoke for a few seconds and saber heros cannot lock on to him as easy when trying to swing at him for like 4 seconds, might be too op but would be cool
That's a great idea, would definitely give Lando more of a niche in the game. I really think his blaster spread should be reduced as well, he seems like he should be more of a medium-long range hero. Hell, his blaster even has the word sniper in it but anything past close range and his shots are flying all over the place.
I think his destabilizer is prefectly fine. You can throw it into a teamfight as you're respawning and completely turn it around. It not having a cap on how many units it can stun like Iden's droid and being significantly more mobile than Phasma's turrent makes it invaluable in the right hands. Smoke grenade needs a buff, though. It was useful in the campaign when you only had to worry about yourself and it actually would impede the enemies' tracking, but in actual games it's not very useful as it actively impedes any nearby allies and doesn't fool anybody that just thinks to spray-n-pray into your fog. Against a TL-50 or AC280 literally nothing changes since they can just fire a barrage of laser bolts into the smoke cloud until they get a hit confirm. At best it's a deterrent to throw off far-off Specialists, who will just switch to a different target or wait you out.
All of these ideas suck and are op., you don't care about balancing you just care about what looks cool and gets kills handed to you.Players like all of you are jokes.
I think defensive rush should be a passive ability. Like while you are sprinting enemies that shoot at you, the shots will automatically reflected. But while running the block runs out much faster than standing still. The reflect on the bullets shouldn’t hit unless the cross hair is on the enemy. So basically while sprinting it should automatically block with much longer stamina while sprinting.
Passionate strike was always a joke after they took the knockdown for it away. Thank god they did tho cuz that ability loop was cancer. Anakin is so weird for Dice ig. I feel like Dice should also look into fixing grievous's lunges, super clunky. Smoke screen needs something done to it, basically leaves lando with two abilities. I also personally think Dookus lighting should get a range increase considering Luke has an ability that functions similarly and is way better since he can use it in midair and it doesent lose damage the more people are affected by it. Obi wans mind trick could also remove one dodge away, I think star bazaar suggested that.
I hope Anakin gets to a better and fair place. The most important thing I want Dice to do is to fix the bugs, but if we include the changes you mentioned, it could be better.
I think Hans sharpshooter is meant to be used in more of like Galactic Assault or Co-OP because theres just a bunch more enemies. Also one of the star cards increase sharpshooter duration every time u get a kill. So then sharpshooter becomes really good in those modes because enemies are everywhere allowing u a ton of time with Sharpshooter if u use it with a bunch of enemies around and if ur a good enough aim. Also I NEVER use sharpshooter in HvV because it gets me killed 95% of the time.
I completely agree regarding Obi-Wan’s Dash Strike. Hardly even hits the enemy when used. When it does. It’s HP damage is barely noticeably higher than his basic lightsaber attack. Unless I’m going into a barrage of blaster attacks. It’s completely worthless. I never use any cards to support that technique.
I would add the following fixes: Lando: Buff his smoke grenade to dramatically increase smoke cloud size and duration. Also add a slight damage amount to enemies in the smoke. Finn: Enable his melee during all abilities. Obi-Wan: Add ability to cancel your all out push and get it back. Yoda: Increase his saber lunge to be greater than Rey's saber lunge.
I think Lando's smoke should reduce people's movement speed rather than do damage since that doesnt make much sense and it would be very similar to bossk's gas nade
Hey Quinn fellow Han main here. I actually feel like sharpshooter has more use cases than you mention here. I often run around a corner and surprise lightsaber heroes with it, negating the animation, and I use the card that increases how long it's on for. It makes it way easier to kill, because if you miss one headshot with his normal gun, you're screwed. I agree it needs a buff tho. Great video! Edit: Rey sounding like she's all around you IS SO SICK
I think the solution for Anakin's heroic might is if you tap it rather than knocking you down itll either stagger you or just do damage with no knockdown but honestly I think it should knock any player down if you hold down the full animation.
Well Luke also has two consecutive knockdowns. And honestly... I get knocked down more to Luke vs to anakin. So we should be fair and do it to Luke as well.
@@Foxtail190 The problem is that people are 🐑 and jump on the bandwagon, Swany is the biggest offender his disdain for Anakin even now is pathetic and everyone just agrees with him.
@Celestis Astarte Swanyplays is the reason why Dice is nerfing all the characters to the ground. Hate how, when his fanbase disagrees in the comments about Anakin & Boba. He whines,"Can't believe you guys can't see how O.P. they are."
I hate blaster hero’s in hero’s and villains they take all the fun out of using light saber hero’s wish it had a blasters mode or only light sabers mode
My last comment relates to this one. I believe Dice should add a star card to Boba Fett that would help with his 150 max health regeneration. It could be like this. For every enemy Boba Fett kills or 200 damage done to heros, Boba Fett will gain an additional 10 max health regeneration; the ability will reset when Boba Fett is defeated. Then the star card will start with a additional max health regeration of 25, then next upgrade to green it would be 50, then the next upgrade blue would be 100, and then the last upgrade would be 150 additional maxx health regeration. Pls add this! I'm begging pls add🙏
PLS allow Yoda’s force push to be almost instant just like Luke’s as I am always dying to that lightsaber lunge because I try the force push like Luke’s it really is just free damage for yodas opponents against him and with chewie I hate the circle radicle and prefer the line radical but prefer the single radical for ads
BlackShogun 27 also with chewie if you try and jump then do his ground slam it takes so long your usually at half health when you pull it off because he has a wired floating effect when you do it
@@GiveMeTheRice To be honest, i am better with Dooku than anyone else. His Duelist ability really helps him out with that. If he didn't have it, he'd be very average.
Does anyone else notice how swinging a lightsaber immediately after a dash doesn't do different animations anymore? Dashing to the left then swinging gave one animation, dashing to the right gave another, etc. But now there aren't any different animations; it's just the animation you get when swinging from a stationary position and it makes saber combat feel much more clunky.
They need to change the voice lines for ALL heroes, not just Rey. Countless times my position had been revealed while going on a sneaky flank because my fucking hero randomly yells something out at a villain. And they STILL need to fix Leia's grenades, they can GO ON FUCKING COOLDOWN WITHOUT YOU EVEN USING A GRENADE!!!!!!!! And the BF2 forums are fucking GARBAGE
@Huntron 9000 Hard to say it was O.P., when Boba was(& still is) buggy as hell. And, unless you're facing against a Saber user that does nothing but block(Whom deserve to die), you won't land all your rockets. On top of that, i hate how Fin can just aim-bot Boba to death, but Boba's rockets needed a nerf..Plz. Either nerf the damage it deals against Boba, or remove the auto-aim.
Does anyone remember when Anakin could just destroy any hero with his original 3 knockdowns his pull his heroic might and his unblockable lightsaber swing ( forgot what it was called) he was so op 😂😂
Love your video, I also think Anakin's pull dominance should be like Kylo's pull, you can use it in mid air, a couple times after I've been grinding with Kylo, I go over to Anakin and start grinding with him, I try to use pull dominance in the air, but it doesn't work, and I remember that that was only with Kylo. I really hope DICE, does make that change, but with most of I agree, especially the Leia and Obi-wan one, because mind trick in co-op is useless! Great video and keep it up (also when can we get that updated hero star cards video hehehheheheh)😂😂👍👍
The defense rush break blocks is something I also just today realized should be a thing it's so annoying just rushing people just to get tazed by a palpatine and smack by Vader
In my opinion they should fix his abilities. Give better stamina or bring back the old massive strikes. It's ridiculous they nerfed his best star card that could kill Palpatine & Vader easy. He needs a buff. Vader needs a serious nerf.
Boba: Jetpack rework, for the hunt jetpack refuels, maybe a rocket barrage buff Bossk: shoots pellets unscoped, micro grenade buff, aBility to place proximity mines one at a time but hold the button to place them all at once Vader: Palpatine: dark aura damage buff or something due to them taking out immobilizing effect Kylo: Iden: Reduce time to activate secondary fire, make personal shield resistant to lightsabers, star card for after personal shield is turned off you get damage reductions, pulse cannon to lock onto enemies and do more damage overall but the more enemies you lock into and shoot the less damage it does like dook is lightning. Maul: hit detection for choke hold, damage and health buff (he was a sandal after all) Phasma: staff strikes to do more damage, staff strikes to knock enemies down every time and break through blocks, replace sentry droif, very minor damage buff for blaster And reduced spread Grievous: stamina buff, damage nerf, thrust surge break through blocks, do extra damage with the two lightsabers that aren’t spinning by pressing the two triggers. Dooku: increase range of lightning maybe, make expose weakness in enemy for longer Bb9e- charge you give unlimited stamina to lightsaber heroes, after shock spin pushed enemies away, it pulls them back in while knocking them down again, stun is less bugged, hvv announcer lines Luke: hit detection on force abilities Leia: what BF Knight said, also ability to shoot through shield with damaging Han: put damage on shoulder charge back to 150 and doesn’t knock enemies down but breaks lightsaber block and shoots shots quickly like sharpshooter immediatly after ou hit someone, sharpshooter buff Chewbacca: bowcaster damage buff, Lando: smile grenade bigger and more dense, Rey: Yoda: unleash do more damage, speed buff Obi wan: minor swing speed or damage buff, all other push to work on multiple enemies, revert restrictive mind trick, defensive rush to do more damage when hitting enemies with lightsaber and break blocks Anakin: everything he said BB8: cable skin damage reduction, voice lines, hvv announcer lines
Yoda needs alot of work especially to his attack animations as he has to hop everytime to attack leaving him wide open. His standard is he hops, flips, and then attacks that's way too much stuff happening and then has to land B4 starting ova again his damage over time sucks. They keep saying they sped him up. Instead of hopping he needs to keep floating and keep hitting, his attack chain is so broken, in a bad way.
All you said, plus his dash ability attack don't work like Luke or Maul. They both go trough opponent giving you an ability to escape if you are cornered and ability to perform a move where you dash att past opponent, turn and att them in the back. But Yoda simply hit the enemy like hitting a wall.
Bro he fights in form 4 he's supposed to fight like that. it's supposed to throw off ur enemy not yourself, he literally fights like that in 2 movies. Nobody is gonna change that bruh if ur not good with the hero that's fine but a lot of people are COLD af with em these critiques have been pretty much personal preference. Y'all kind of lost me on this vid
@@anakinskywalker4940 agreed, but Yoda att in form 4 should be faster when chained together and his dash trough must work like Luke or Maul to realy feel like form 4 fighting. Anyway I love playing Yoda anyway
it's funny to think that i wouldn't agree with you when i first clicked this vid but yea spot on. every ability you've mentioned has given me a problem. and at the very least force users should be able dodge out of being force spammed
I knew they'd break Anakin 😔. Makes me sad that my favorite hero is so weak now. His middle doesn't even charge damage anymore, hell, it can't one shot ANY troopers without a star card. It's that weak. I feel like it should be able to charge up to a Max of two hundred if you get damaged while holding it.
@Black Mamba No, he's not. The fact that he's buggy and nerfed as hell makes him the worst hero to pick. Luke & especially Obi-wan are a way better choice, then Anakin atm.
@@stanleylee3329 what are you talking about. This is a list of things that can 1 shot troopers without star card for heroes Iden's alt fire Obi-Wan's push Luke's push Yoda's push Greivous's thrust surge Palpatine's chain lightling Vader's saber throw Boba's rockets Kylo's frenzy Dooku' lightling stun Han's detonite charge Chewie's ground slam Bossk's mines Lando's sharp shot
Always wondered how to restore obi’s mind trick to be more of a threat. Disable the attack trigger or put a freeze on regens (stamina, health, and dodge)
This is old but if they did that disabling the trigger then someone could just hook slash you over and over assuming abilities are on cool down. Good idea though, sucks they ended support.
I'm surprised he didnt mention how bossk's middle ability makes u almost blind with the blue filter, we should at least have general sight of surroundings. And 2, Rey's mind trick gets spammed all the time and when it does it makes it so that u cant even move ur screen to turn plus the inverts. As a shooter if u cant aim or move, then what do they expect u to do. Lastly, when kylo ren freezes, it also inverts the rolls. Again for a shooter, why is that necessary, ur already frozen, vulnerable to everything but then an invert. U should definitely mention this in another video
I'm almost positive that there is no invert after freeze, and as someone who definitely had a problem with mind trick when I first picked up the game, it's definitely an ability that you can learn to just entirely avoid it. Most Rey players who rely on that ability can't do much to you when you know what you're doing.
@@GiveMeTheRice have u tried rolling forward it will make u go backwards. And even if u know what ur doing, as a player u should know how hard it is to turn the screen when u get mind tricked, so it's pretty hard to aim if u cant turn.
The changes you want make total sense, and arent giant, and make sense according to basic things like "it's a hero ability; why is it hindering?" Well done
EastForestKalan how are they gonna make a STAR WARS game not have private matches doesn’t make any logical sense at all and yea the shitty game from 5 yrs ago did these developers man
I agree with 80% of The Video But i would have Chance something like Hans sharpshotter should just be a Overlod Abiliti Anakins Bugs should gets Fixxed and he should have more swings like from 10 to 13 idk so he would have some Stamina His Passinuve Strike and his pull should be his Weak Abilitis because he cant Block while using them
The f*cken Ewoks can 1 shot, but Chewy has to stand in front of you and shoot you 3 times da f*ck I also always die everytime I fill retribution at that exact moment
I wish anakins playing style was different. Every hero except anakin plays how I expect. Anakin feels slow, clunky and uncoordinated when he should be speedy, agile and powerful. His massive strike is slow and predictable and should be replaced with a frenzy type ability or a even lunge like Luke. I wish they completely redone anakin and his ability’s cos he just doesn’t play how he should in my opinion whereas every other hero does.
For Passionate Strike i have an idea: Do you remember the scene on Mustafar (Episode 3), where Anakin and Obi-Wan are pushing each other at the same time? Immediately after that Anakin runs/jumps towards Obi-Wan and tries to hit him with a heavy strike. This should be used as a new animation for this ability.
exactly, he was my main but after the last updates he is trash, now his claw rush can be blocked and unrelenting advance is a joke, before people ran away from it, now they hit me from a close angle and kill me instant while I am in the animation.
He’s so buggy right now and yeah Unrelenting Advance was good (when it was bugged ironically) and now it’s really not too great. It just leaves you too exposed and it’s way too easy to counter.
Just an idea I had now. What if you change Ani's PS into something where it works like a dash but has the same effect as it does now. Three strikes and then a full cool down or one strike at a time and also cool down. Like Yoda or Luke, and have the final do a slight bonus. Also if you hit three in a row directly onto a villain, it has a knockdown effect. The last part seems OP but the rest sounds like it could work.
Anakin used to be the the best lightsaber hero in most cases, you'd join a HvV match and you had to be quick to get him. Nowadays people don't play him anymore because it has a lot of bugs.
@ALEXANDE MESHERIAKOV So..? It's a video game. Who cares if he's cannon or not? If Dice released Starkiller, they'd have a surge of new players. Guaranteed! Hell, I'd be ok with Starkiller being a paid only hero, if Dice wanted to be greedy they certainly could pull that off..
I would change Han's sharpshooter ability to just be increased damage, increased projectile speed, and increased fire rate. Allow him to roll and run during it but cannot use other abilities unless he cancels out of it. This would essentially get rid of his biggest drawback imo, being the lack of long range ability while penalizing his cqc during it.
This great, honestly I agree with all these changes especially to obiwan and han since those are my "mains" I just have a request could you please do a new hero guide for obiwan, I love your vids man keep it up
@@emperorpalpatine4953 yeah lol but in seriousness I dont play like that and ik bf knight will show how to play him skillfully instead of just block and do nothing, say what you want I enjoy obiwan when he's not just a walking blocking wall
As a player who mains Han...No wonder why I just never use Sharpshooter ever. I may shoot like a spazz in heated fights but I rather risk that than rely on that ability.
Any OG`s remember the old battlefront lightsaber style? Battlefront 2017 still feels clunky af. They need to bring back the 3 swing combo without the step forward
Anakin never works for me anymore lol. Neither does Vader's choke. Also im glad they decide to keep nerfing anakin but decide Vader needs a buff again and again. Lastly, everyone complains about anakin's knockdown combo and while it's the easiest to do, several heroes have very very similar combos. Villain combos are worse anyway. Choke+throw+freeze+chain lightning+frenzy+duelist. Lol balancing is so terrible but I love the game
Obi main here here’s some star card recommendations that seriously change his gameplay: The Forward star card that increases his defensive rush is a MUST as it increases his damage from 140 to 180. You’ll easily one shot regular infantry and if you hit a heavy with it then land the final strike it’ll take them out as well. Use the star card that decreases the charge up time of all out push (blanking on the name right now). It decreases the charge up time by half a second which doesn’t sound like much but makes a huge difference in the middle of a duel/killstreak. His last star card is up to you but I personally either use the star card that increases block stamina by 40% (for GA/Supremacy) or the one that decreases all stamina costs by 40% as you block lightsabers, blasters, + abilities. If anyone would like any specific tips lmk he’s my first max character :)
For duels I enjoy using Perfect Defense. 40% Stamina reduction to blaster, lightsaber and attacking. I use more doubts - increases mind trick range by 50% and I use the other card that increase mindtricks duration. I like to keep peoples abilties shut off as much as possible ESPECIALLY Vader players. Great counter. :)
I feel like something that I can’t figure out about mail needs a buff,I think his abilities are fine maybe the saber throw can be thrown farther without the cards,maybe his damage or health needs a buff I’m just not sure,but it seems like he there’s something about him that needs a buff
He's a very well rounded but impotent character, if that makes sense. He kinda isn't that great at anything but can also do alot, but if those things arent good enough it kinda makes it all fall apart. I feel that he has some star cards that should just be built into him so they can swap them out for something better, like the farther throw or the increased damage if you choke multiple enemies, because as of now he doesnt get a massive benefit from his cards. The cooldown cards only real purpose imo is acting as a counterweight to Flow Motion since it doesnt do much to his other abilities, and the blaster fire card is almost always useless in HVV since even if theres a blaster hero or rarely two, unless they're good your movement and choke will be enough to avoid alot of damage
for restrictive mind trick i think that it should disable full auto weapons, remove the reticle (dot/sight in the middle of screen), and disable abilities for 4 seconds.
Here's a change you left out: Cross-Era Banter. In other words, add dialogue between characters from different eras! I know nearly every player when Anakin came out was hoping he'd have dialogue with Luke and Leia, so give us some already!
I would change Bossk's Relby the following way: it's a shotgun-similar weapon, when you don't zoom in (as it is right now); when you zoom in, it works, like it did in SWBF2015 (concerning accuracy, fire rate and damage output); when you activate the dual zoom mode, you have that charged up sniper shot, he has at the moment.
I have to disagree about Han being de-nerfed if anything he should be further nerfed. Like with the damage output of both his blaster and detonator. Also I think it’s unfair and doesn’t really make sense that his health is higher than Bobas. Boba is wearing mandalorian made armor which as we’ve seen can hold pretty well against blaster fire even if it’s not Beskar. Yes it’s true Boba has his jet pack but Han can use his detonator to knock him out of the air.
Eternal Branches Yeah, but as I already explained Han can just throw his detonator near Boba and it will knock him for a loop while draining more than half of his health.
Super ironic how an ability called “Sharpshooter” increases your spread, making your accuracy worse
Sounds like they were aiming for something like Lando and Greedo's ability. But ended up with some bullshit...
Not only that but you can't use ur abilities. it's so dumb they need to make it on par wit Leia's shooting ability they should be exactly the same as in Han should be able to move and shoot and use abilities and not be like an old man but an actual sharp shooter. The damage should also stay the same as in standard mode just b auto meaning it would melt better than Liea eva could but no that's just too cool.
@@Huntron-go1bw I'm pretty sure you can roll with sharpshooter active.
@@Foxtail190 lol must have been getting hit by to many lightsabers to notice all my other points still stand but hey at least I can actually roll away now maybe that help me survive more.
Making Rey's voice come from everywhere during Insight would be really cool
An echoing but more sinister version of "You're Afraid" would make it glorious...
they need to nerf her slow on her mindtrick its completely op.the thing about her mind trick that gets me kills isnt the inverted controlls but the slow that come along with it i almost 3v1 people while i was mindtricked but i died because i couldnt turn around because of how much you are slowed
Rogue Assassin
Exactly Inverted controls aren’t the problem i also hate the slow and unless your careful with your dashes the enemy can just lay all their firepower into your back
@@aa-kz7hc If ur talking about being a regular soldier or reinforcement that kinda sucks yea but people will easily counter that if your turning speed is normal all players have to do is play inverted and counter Rey, if its H2V then just adapt, if u cant adapt for like 5 seconds while being mind tricked well you suck all u gotta do is block and dodge
@@cydra671 the thing is i have adapted to the inverted controls the problem is that you can barley turn.its like saying just adapt to something taking almost all your control away
My bugs have doubled since the last time we met count.
(After getting multiple nerfs) YOU OVERESTIMATE MY POWER!
Good, Twice the bugs, Double the errors.
Kylo Ren: There she is. The Girl!!!! I recognize the scent.
Liberation pocket FASTER thats what she said actually
@JK Rey: That was amazing!!!!
"Grievous is now less clanky and buggy than Anakin"
Oh how the turns have tabled
Insert Memes grievous sucks right now. his claw rush is really bugged as well as unrelenting advance. his attack animations are the worst of all the saber heroes.
@@cantloop9589 I really disagree since his my main and I have him Max but for the a normal person I know he can be a pain to get used to😂
Insert Memes there’s no denying he isn’t as good as he used to be before he was nerfed recently. Even discounting the many bugs, his Unrelenting Advance just isn’t an intimidating ability like it once was. The hit box is so small
The hit detection of unrelenting advance is bugged again plus its damage rate is slower for some reason
“Because of various current events” made me laugh lol.
@2manynegativewaves internet might get worse due to more people being on it
Raymond Andrew Riepe corona
Bat Soup Plaque
2manynegativewaves I haven’t ever had problems finding a GA match...
Analysing Sharpshooter in that way actually makes it sound pretty hilarious, it's basically an ability that says "Han Solo smacks his gun for a bit, slows his movement speed, reduces his range, reduces his sensitivity and *might* kill his target 0.21 seconds faster for the duration. Makes his gun sound cool as well."
I also find it funny when you activate the ability Han will sometimes say “Work you piece of junk!” Like even he knows he can do better
I feel like the only good situation for sharpshooter is when you want to drain stamina
That or it's good to use after running around corners. If you can aim though, it's absolutely useless for damage.
@@Nezxmi Its good damage at close range, and really good if you want to skip reloads without having to go into the yellow bar.
@@mykeh3155 I mean not that it's BAD damage, but the DL-44 alone just does way more damage if you hit just a few headshots. Admittedly, it's only relatively weak because the DL-44 is so strong.
But yeah the skipping reloads thing is how you'd use it to drain stam really fast.
It's meh for that. A good saber player will deflect a lot of it at you while closing the gap.
@@Th3El3ctricGh0st Nah the damage you'll receive is negligible unless you're like 200 health. The only problem is making sure you are spacing it right, because if they have even just half of their stamina when they reach you, you're still dead; unless they mess up.
If you do it right though, you either kill them and get that health back plus more, or stall them long enough to regen what was lost (and probably escape all together) since a good player won't let their stam run out and will try to find cover somewhere to stop blocking.
Boba be like: "1% damage reduction while flying & using rocket barrage & dodging & being shot & doing backflips"
While playing on the light side.
@@ResidentRibug alongside Ahsoka
And while being force pushed
Pale Moogle while on the ground
While being 13 seconds out of the objective area
In my opinion, I think Anakin actually needs a buff to his stamina. It doesn’t have to be much. I think an extra 2 swings would be alright.
I also think it’s funny how his asthmatic quadruple amputee counter part has better stamina than him. Although, I could be wrong. I haven’t played Anakin as much as I used to mostly because I don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere when my stamina gets chewed apart and my health vanishes faster than the BF2 community on launch.
So true. Glad I'm not the only one who thought this
His stamina is poo now. All they had to do was nerf the double knock down 🤦🏽♂️
Yeah, he's next to useless now. I have a better time playing with Luke now. Also as someone else pointed out, it's pretty ass-backwards that even fucking Vader has better stamina. Heroic Might, despite all of the damage you absorb has piss-poor damage output. Retribution fees like the only balanced thing about him at the moment.
And also they need to fix his lightsaber attack bugs. Sometimes when I try to saber-spam someone that is a lightsaber hero, sometimes when I press my attack button, it won't even register for him.
LucasAnstone dude I thought I was the only one getting that shit. Tho it only happens in Capital Supremacy, it’s super annoying when I’m trying to take down a Droideka and Anakin just refuses to swing. It breaks my heart because he’s my main but even I can admit that he’d only be average if his abilities actually worked. As it stands, he’s in the lower tier because of his bugs and his shit stamina
Anakin is my favorite light side hero but yeah, heroic might is so buggy nowadays some times it doesn't work even while someone is Saber spamming me in a duel some times they will be unnaffected by Heroic might at all. I also wish they would revert the nerf to passionate strike. I have been choked and killed by Vaders so many times because of how slow and predictable the move is. And retribution is so useless outside of co op mode that it just may as well not be there tbh.
Akira - warrior in my opinion they should nerf heroic might and overall just his abilities (not passionate strike) but give him some stamina buff because it’s just redundantly bad
@@centurionscutscenethefullm1846 yeah I agree, you can't parry more than one or two saber attacks or your whole stamina gets drained, personally I would prefer a more duel centered Anakin. Take away his ability to one shot troopers revert the passionate strike nerf buff his stamina a bit. And retribution can stay I guess since it isn't OP and he is the "chosen one".
I use retribution all the time on other game modes like HVV and Capital Supremacy it Galactic Assault
@@jordigutierrez4637 yeah I understand people do use it but its not something that is used reliable or overpowered because how charges up.
Akira - warrior he said people complain about Anakin having two knock downs but Luke has it two only thing I see Anakin really needing is a fix to his moves and more stamina
One quick change I’d love to see for Leia:
A star card that allows her to throw all 3 detonators at once/one stronger detonator
If you hold it down, she throws all 3 within very quick succession of each other
I don't think I'll want to go against a Leia and she throws a thermal detonator that does 600 damage
That should just be implemented, not be a star card.
TheCharlesJackson I agree, just thought it’d be a nice option if they didn’t want to make it a default ability. Like still have the option to throw 3 separate ones, but also be able to throw them all at once
girl I just think it’d be a nice option since it’s not easy to land those ‘nades against heroes. Han’s detonite charge is pretty powerful with the air blast card, Leia still wouldn’t be able to detonate hers on-command so I think it’d be pretty balanced
I'd like to see them fix the bug where she goes on cooldown after throwing a single grenade as well
I’d love for Boba to get the ability to hover and ADS like the First Order jet trooper, that would be a good change to account for his weak cards.
I’m not even lying I can’t remember the last time retribution worked for me
Me too
Shit I remember I used to be afraid to fight Anakin when he was first release every time I play hero vs villain
Every time I try to use it nothing happens
@@anonymousperson2249 Anakin needs a big buff and big fix glitchs.
JTTW they nerfed him so much he’s unplayable now thanks to those who kept saying he’s too op when he’s not and hasn’t been for a while
Why was the video actually funny. When you said, “it was when two players were emoting at each other” I was dead
That part was dank, man!
I dont care what they do with other heroes, i just NEED a four arm split with grievous
Yes! Replace unrelenting advance with a mode that enables him to use 4 arms for a certain amount of time.
That would be cool but I think pretty difficult to balance Grevious has some of the highest saber damage already giving him better attack animations for a certain amount of time would be pretty broken
Kinda like how the arc trooped can switch between gun modes?
yes it looks stupid running around with two arms and no cape. either caped grievous or permanent four arms
Easy to balance, does double damage but stamina drains twice as fast.
Voice distortion while using insight would be a welcome change, I enjoy Reys ambush playstyle but she’s too chatty while trying to sneak.
2manynegativewaves how dare they disrupt the *masta flank*
@Tyrannapus And Friends I mean...Klyo would've smelled Rey's Lavender perfume a mile away anyways.
The_Scientist777 nah, I’m pretty sure obi-wan uses the lavender
@@tyrannapusandfriends6254 Padme: Anakin, have you taken my Lavender soap.
Anakin: no, but i will ask Obi. Obi, have you taken Padmes Lavender soap?
Obi: I think you will find lavender is purple Anakin, you might want to ask master windu about this
@@tyrannapusandfriends6254 very classy man
I would just say buff boba back to where he was several months back and give him the ability to Aim Down Sights because I know I'm not the only person who struggles to only hip fire.
I've finally found another who struggles. I thought I was the only one.
Bush Man i think boba is fine I am a god with him and buffing him would make him unstoppable
As a boba main i would become a god if they did this
To everyone saying,"I would be a God if they did this." keep in mind that Boba fett was the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. He even had Vader's respect in ep V for crying out loud.
Pink Bunny I was a god before they changed him, I am really good with him now
*this would increase my power ten fold, and I want it now*
Honestly if we got some of these changes it would just make the game even better already I do feel some heroes are just completely ignored by dice and they need some changes for people can pick them up a lot more
When you fire Idens secondary fire there is a long time before impact and kill and when the player actually dies.
Yea, lag sucks
That’s NOTHING compared to other bugs this doesn’t affect gameplay in anyway It’s just visual tfym
@@CrypticSWLDN yes but in multiplayer I have gotten laserd down by a couple assaults who should have already been dead. I totally agree that other bugs need to be fixed more I just wanted to see if others had the same problem with it.
B Dragoon 1762 same with Han’s grenade. For some reason it deals damage twice, once straight away and another time a few seconds after it blows up
No I’ve noticed it to there’s a delay before it kills it lands an then the player dies 2 seconds later
Thank you so much for this video Quin. Somebody had to say it. My idea for Obi-Wan's mindtrick is that you can't regenerate your dashes/rolls for the duration of the mindtrick. So you can still use the 2, but you can't regain them. It's almost the same as what you suggested, but a little bit better I think.
I say if Anakin's gonna have that bad of Stamina, his regen should be like Luke's.
Yea, I guess his stamina is so bad cuz Dice think what if a player uses a card and go on a rampage and gets those 40% extra stamina...
I agree. It s ridicolus that Anakin has now just 10 melee deflection and not more 14. This change a lot of in battle.
Anakin should have been left alone 6 months ago..People sadly whined way too much about him and now dice doesnt know what to do with him. Hes completely in a weird place now.
Maybe its because I dont play too much but literally every HvV has a Ani and Luke in it. No matter what. Ani seems pretty good where he is
Anakin is perfect as he is right now
I hope some day, I HOPE !!, give a buff the anakin retribution, i miss the old sound of that ability, the 4 seconds... no more damage, just 4 seconds of the sound 😞
So you like pressing Y to win a fight.
I haven’t even watched the video and I already agree with all of it for some reason,
Hampton_the_one wowzers
Hampton_the_one That might be because you’re a droning idiot with no ability to think.
Lyrical Spiritual Individual
It’s just a joke bro, chill
Hampton_the_one FACTS THO
I always wonder what people like you do in real life where you can’t block or mute people.
The thing I hate most about Bossk is when the camera glitches and he’s standing right in the middle of your reticle when trying to ADS
What they need to do for Anakin
they need to revert the star card that increases his last hit damage of passionate strike by 25 back to 40
increase the base damage of passionate strike.
Increase the speed that passion strike is performed
bump up his stamina by like 10 or 15%
That would mean buffing Anakin and Dice would never do that
Darthpool sadly
@Emperor Palpatine Sheev over here spitting out facts.
It’s all a conspiracy to give no credit to the prequels. They don’t want to acknowledge anakin is the chosen one...just like the council
@youngknowledgeseeker Sad how you're 100% right on that claim. By the way, is your profile pic from the justice league show?
I think battlefront 2 is just a lot more fun than it used to be
It definitely is
Mars Camarda still hasn’t got a patch on the original game but yes it is in a very good place atm
Ross Butler the 2005 or 2015?
@@RB-NZ2 This is by far the best battlefront game. Way more heroes, maps, troopers and vehicles than any other battlefront.
Oren Asghar 2005 obviously. 2015 is an awful game
I personally think Lando could use either a smoke grenade replacement, or some kind of buff to his destabilizer. Maybe one where it over heats weapons after stun for five seconds? Just something minor to make it more reliable since it doesn't stun for too long.
His smoke grenade could be replaced with some kind of ion device since we don't have a hero that can actively take out shields and vehicles very easily.
Just saying this since I think Lando is in a meh place right now and could use some sort of buff.
That will be cool if Landos smoke has triple function, over heats blasters when near the smoke for a few seconds and saber heros cannot lock on to him as easy when trying to swing at him for like 4 seconds, might be too op but would be cool
That's a great idea, would definitely give Lando more of a niche in the game. I really think his blaster spread should be reduced as well, he seems like he should be more of a medium-long range hero. Hell, his blaster even has the word sniper in it but anything past close range and his shots are flying all over the place.
@@Megablast668 a little less recoil would be bice as well
I think his destabilizer is prefectly fine. You can throw it into a teamfight as you're respawning and completely turn it around. It not having a cap on how many units it can stun like Iden's droid and being significantly more mobile than Phasma's turrent makes it invaluable in the right hands.
Smoke grenade needs a buff, though. It was useful in the campaign when you only had to worry about yourself and it actually would impede the enemies' tracking, but in actual games it's not very useful as it actively impedes any nearby allies and doesn't fool anybody that just thinks to spray-n-pray into your fog. Against a TL-50 or AC280 literally nothing changes since they can just fire a barrage of laser bolts into the smoke cloud until they get a hit confirm. At best it's a deterrent to throw off far-off Specialists, who will just switch to a different target or wait you out.
All of these ideas suck and are op., you don't care about balancing you just care about what looks cool and gets kills handed to you.Players like all of you are jokes.
Dice in anakin voice*
I think defensive rush should be a passive ability. Like while you are sprinting enemies that shoot at you, the shots will automatically reflected. But while running the block runs out much faster than standing still. The reflect on the bullets shouldn’t hit unless the cross hair is on the enemy. So basically while sprinting it should automatically block with much longer stamina while sprinting.
Nah you should have ability to block while sprinting tho. It would be cool if you could hold L2 while sprinting
Passionate strike was always a joke after they took the knockdown for it away. Thank god they did tho cuz that ability loop was cancer. Anakin is so weird for Dice ig. I feel like Dice should also look into fixing grievous's lunges, super clunky. Smoke screen needs something done to it, basically leaves lando with two abilities. I also personally think Dookus lighting should get a range increase considering Luke has an ability that functions similarly and is way better since he can use it in midair and it doesent lose damage the more people are affected by it. Obi wans mind trick could also remove one dodge away, I think star bazaar suggested that.
I stopped watching this Channel for a while now because, I forgot it's name. But now that I remember, I might as well keep watching
I hope Anakin gets to a better and fair place. The most important thing I want Dice to do is to fix the bugs, but if we include the changes you mentioned, it could be better.
Evening Dice needs remove massive strikes card's reduce vigor and give 14 melee deflections for Anakin again.
I think Hans sharpshooter is meant to be used in more of like Galactic Assault or Co-OP because theres just a bunch more enemies. Also one of the star cards increase sharpshooter duration every time u get a kill. So then sharpshooter becomes really good in those modes because enemies are everywhere allowing u a ton of time with Sharpshooter if u use it with a bunch of enemies around and if ur a good enough aim. Also I NEVER use sharpshooter in HvV because it gets me killed 95% of the time.
Finally someone brings up his sharp shot ability
I completely agree regarding Obi-Wan’s Dash Strike.
Hardly even hits the enemy when used.
When it does. It’s HP damage is barely noticeably higher than his basic lightsaber attack.
Unless I’m going into a barrage of blaster attacks. It’s completely worthless.
I never use any cards to support that technique.
I would add the following fixes:
Lando: Buff his smoke grenade to dramatically increase smoke cloud size and duration. Also add a slight damage amount to enemies in the smoke.
Finn: Enable his melee during all abilities.
Obi-Wan: Add ability to cancel your all out push and get it back.
Yoda: Increase his saber lunge to be greater than Rey's saber lunge.
I think Lando's smoke should reduce people's movement speed rather than do damage since that doesnt make much sense and it would be very similar to bossk's gas nade
@@dawfake9879 I think people in the smoke should take increased damage
For real, Rey has the reach of a flag pole, and yoda just sits there twirling around in the same spot like an idiot
This is exactly what I need and am I the only lando main here?
I appreciate you as a content creator.
Hey Quinn fellow Han main here. I actually feel like sharpshooter has more use cases than you mention here. I often run around a corner and surprise lightsaber heroes with it, negating the animation, and I use the card that increases how long it's on for. It makes it way easier to kill, because if you miss one headshot with his normal gun, you're screwed. I agree it needs a buff tho. Great video!
Edit: Rey sounding like she's all around you IS SO SICK
Another thing I’ve noticed is that at least for me, allies will not be affected by Yodas Presence if they’re in front of you or something
Has anyone else noticed how underused the assaults flash pistol is?
I think the solution for Anakin's heroic might is if you tap it rather than knocking you down itll either stagger you or just do damage with no knockdown but honestly I think it should knock any player down if you hold down the full animation.
That would be cool hen they would have to back away and you would apply pressure. To bad they aren’t supporting the game anymore...
Well Luke also has two consecutive knockdowns. And honestly... I get knocked down more to Luke vs to anakin. So we should be fair and do it to Luke as well.
Finally a sensible person. Idk why people screw over Anakin so bad when Luke can do it too. And have you seen kylo? Force pull then freeze? Yea, ok.
@@Foxtail190 Dude that force freeze is just mad annoying.
@@Foxtail190 The problem is that people are 🐑 and jump on the bandwagon, Swany is the biggest offender his disdain for Anakin even now is pathetic and everyone just agrees with him.
@Celestis Astarte Swanyplays is the reason why Dice is nerfing all the characters to the ground. Hate how, when his fanbase disagrees in the comments about Anakin & Boba. He whines,"Can't believe you guys can't see how O.P. they are."
Vader can Force Choke you and do almost 500 damage in about 4 seconds
And sometimes Defensive Rush doesn't deflect bolts to the enemy or it does but you don't deal any damage to him
I hate blaster hero’s in hero’s and villains they take all the fun out of using light saber hero’s wish it had a blasters mode or only light sabers mode
My last comment relates to this one. I believe Dice should add a star card to Boba Fett that would help with his 150 max health regeneration. It could be like this. For every enemy Boba Fett kills or 200 damage done to heros, Boba Fett will gain an additional 10 max health regeneration; the ability will reset when Boba Fett is defeated.
Then the star card will start with a additional max health regeration of 25, then next upgrade to green it would be 50, then the next upgrade blue would be 100, and then the last upgrade would be 150 additional maxx health regeration. Pls add this! I'm begging pls add🙏
O Welch ditto
No that would be terrible
PLS allow Yoda’s force push to be almost instant just like Luke’s as I am always dying to that lightsaber lunge because I try the force push like Luke’s it really is just free damage for yodas opponents against him and with chewie I hate the circle radicle and prefer the line radical but prefer the single radical for ads
Half my abilities as Chewie get prevented immediately if I take an ounce of dmg...
BlackShogun 27 also with chewie if you try and jump then do his ground slam it takes so long your usually at half health when you pull it off because he has a wired floating effect when you do it
Please give everyone a 4th ability and give repulse a little armor since it doesn’t work all the time
Make his ultimate nearly instant
@Forrest Mcgee Yoda: Palpatines gone making bad move is he ¿ Through forward motion he lay his well now·
Anakins Bugs are sooooooooo annoying like you farm a whole retribution and just die because it doesnt work
I need the length it takes to finish the “expose weakness” animation to be shorter tbh.
True, but also dooku is OP without it. I would only use it against blaster heroes.
@@Foxtail190 Dooku is definitely not op, he is one of the more mid tier heros and definitely low tier lightsaber heros
@@GiveMeTheRice To be honest, i am better with Dooku than anyone else. His Duelist ability really helps him out with that. If he didn't have it, he'd be very average.
@@ThisHandleSystemCanGetNicked I just can't play Dooku, duelist never works for me
@@GiveMeTheRice What do you mean? It's as simple as activating the ability and swinging the damn lightsaber lol.
Does anyone else notice how swinging a lightsaber immediately after a dash doesn't do different animations anymore? Dashing to the left then swinging gave one animation, dashing to the right gave another, etc. But now there aren't any different animations; it's just the animation you get when swinging from a stationary position and it makes saber combat feel much more clunky.
Yeah yoda sucks now
I never realized until after chewie’s bowcaster got changed that you could charge it up 🙃
They need to change the voice lines for ALL heroes, not just Rey. Countless times my position had been revealed while going on a sneaky flank because my fucking hero randomly yells something out at a villain. And they STILL need to fix Leia's grenades, they can GO ON FUCKING COOLDOWN WITHOUT YOU EVEN USING A GRENADE!!!!!!!! And the BF2 forums are fucking GARBAGE
I miss intense barrage : (
Me too
I won't say rocket barrage is bad now, but it's fallen from grace hard
The OG one hell yeah I miss it aswell.
So OP.
I don't want it to be quite as strong as it was at launch but it definitely needs some work
@Huntron 9000 Hard to say it was O.P., when Boba was(& still is) buggy as hell. And, unless you're facing against a Saber user that does nothing but block(Whom deserve to die), you won't land all your rockets. On top of that, i hate how Fin can just aim-bot Boba to death, but Boba's rockets needed a nerf..Plz. Either nerf the damage it deals against Boba, or remove the auto-aim.
Battlefront knight:when obi wan uses his middle ability just block until it’s over
General grievous:your kidding right?
Does anyone remember when Anakin could just destroy any hero with his original 3 knockdowns his pull his heroic might and his unblockable lightsaber swing ( forgot what it was called) he was so op 😂😂
Your videos are by far the best in the battlefront community!
Love your video, I also think Anakin's pull dominance should be like Kylo's pull, you can use it in mid air, a couple times after I've been grinding with Kylo, I go over to Anakin and start grinding with him, I try to use pull dominance in the air, but it doesn't work, and I remember that that was only with Kylo. I really hope DICE, does make that change, but with most of I agree, especially the Leia and Obi-wan one, because mind trick in co-op is useless! Great video and keep it up (also when can we get that updated hero star cards video hehehheheheh)😂😂👍👍
The defense rush break blocks is something I also just today realized should be a thing it's so annoying just rushing people just to get tazed by a palpatine and smack by Vader
Anakin feels so slow now. Used to be my main, now I have to rethink Luke
I agree. :(
In my opinion they should fix his abilities. Give better stamina or bring back the old massive strikes. It's ridiculous they nerfed his best star card that could kill Palpatine & Vader easy. He needs a buff. Vader needs a serious nerf.
Boba: Jetpack rework, for the hunt jetpack refuels, maybe a rocket barrage buff
Bossk: shoots pellets unscoped, micro grenade buff, aBility to place proximity mines one at a time but hold the button to place them all at once
Palpatine: dark aura damage buff or something due to them taking out immobilizing effect
Iden: Reduce time to activate secondary fire, make personal shield resistant to lightsabers, star card for after personal shield is turned off you get damage reductions, pulse cannon to lock onto enemies and do more damage overall but the more enemies you lock into and shoot the less damage it does like dook is lightning.
Maul: hit detection for choke hold, damage and health buff (he was a sandal after all)
Phasma: staff strikes to do more damage, staff strikes to knock enemies down every time and break through blocks, replace sentry droif, very minor damage buff for blaster And reduced spread
Grievous: stamina buff, damage nerf, thrust surge break through blocks, do extra damage with the two lightsabers that aren’t spinning by pressing the two triggers.
Dooku: increase range of lightning maybe, make expose weakness in enemy for longer
Bb9e- charge you give unlimited stamina to lightsaber heroes, after shock spin pushed enemies away, it pulls them back in while knocking them down again, stun is less bugged, hvv announcer lines
Luke: hit detection on force abilities
Leia: what BF Knight said, also ability to shoot through shield with damaging
Han: put damage on shoulder charge back to 150 and doesn’t knock enemies down but breaks lightsaber block and shoots shots quickly like sharpshooter immediatly after ou hit someone, sharpshooter buff
Chewbacca: bowcaster damage buff,
Lando: smile grenade bigger and more dense,
Yoda: unleash do more damage, speed buff
Obi wan: minor swing speed or damage buff, all other push to work on multiple enemies, revert restrictive mind trick, defensive rush to do more damage when hitting enemies with lightsaber and break blocks
Anakin: everything he said
BB8: cable skin damage reduction, voice lines, hvv announcer lines
Yoda needs alot of work especially to his attack animations as he has to hop everytime to attack leaving him wide open.
His standard is he hops, flips, and then attacks that's way too much stuff happening and then has to land B4 starting ova again his damage over time sucks.
They keep saying they sped him up.
Instead of hopping he needs to keep floating and keep hitting, his attack chain is so broken, in a bad way.
All you said, plus his dash ability attack don't work like Luke or Maul. They both go trough opponent giving you an ability to escape if you are cornered and ability to perform a move where you dash att past opponent, turn and att them in the back. But Yoda simply hit the enemy like hitting a wall.
Bro he fights in form 4 he's supposed to fight like that. it's supposed to throw off ur enemy not yourself, he literally fights like that in 2 movies. Nobody is gonna change that bruh if ur not good with the hero that's fine but a lot of people are COLD af with em these critiques have been pretty much personal preference. Y'all kind of lost me on this vid
@@anakinskywalker4940 agreed, but Yoda att in form 4 should be faster when chained together and his dash trough must work like Luke or Maul to realy feel like form 4 fighting. Anyway I love playing Yoda anyway
Yoda was perfect before Dice nerfed the $µ!t out of him. Specifically after they gave him an unnecessary block.
They should take his dash away and give him an ability where he jumps around and hits the enemy in very quick succesion while jumping all around them
it's funny to think that i wouldn't agree with you when i first clicked this vid but yea spot on. every ability you've mentioned has given me a problem. and at the very least force users should be able dodge out of being force spammed
I knew they'd break Anakin 😔. Makes me sad that my favorite hero is so weak now. His middle doesn't even charge damage anymore, hell, it can't one shot ANY troopers without a star card. It's that weak. I feel like it should be able to charge up to a Max of two hundred if you get damaged while holding it.
Fox tail most heroes in the game can’t one shot troops
@@stanleylee3329 he is anakin tho he kinda deserves it
Anakin is arguably the second best light side hero in the game. Other characters are a lot worse off.
@Black Mamba No, he's not. The fact that he's buggy and nerfed as hell makes him the worst hero to pick. Luke & especially Obi-wan are a way better choice, then Anakin atm.
@@stanleylee3329 what are you talking about. This is a list of things that can 1 shot troopers without star card for heroes
Iden's alt fire
Obi-Wan's push
Luke's push
Yoda's push
Greivous's thrust surge
Palpatine's chain lightling
Vader's saber throw
Boba's rockets
Kylo's frenzy
Dooku' lightling stun
Han's detonite charge
Chewie's ground slam
Bossk's mines
Lando's sharp shot
Me being Darth Vader choking 3 people in hvv: *exists*
Rey trying to flank: THERE
Always wondered how to restore obi’s mind trick to be more of a threat. Disable the attack trigger or put a freeze on regens (stamina, health, and dodge)
This is old but if they did that disabling the trigger then someone could just hook slash you over and over assuming abilities are on cool down. Good idea though, sucks they ended support.
Please do post the other video on this topic. hypothetical hero changes are one of my favorite battlefront 2 discussion points
I'm surprised he didnt mention how bossk's middle ability makes u almost blind with the blue filter, we should at least have general sight of surroundings. And 2, Rey's mind trick gets spammed all the time and when it does it makes it so that u cant even move ur screen to turn plus the inverts. As a shooter if u cant aim or move, then what do they expect u to do. Lastly, when kylo ren freezes, it also inverts the rolls. Again for a shooter, why is that necessary, ur already frozen, vulnerable to everything but then an invert.
U should definitely mention this in another video
I'm almost positive that there is no invert after freeze, and as someone who definitely had a problem with mind trick when I first picked up the game, it's definitely an ability that you can learn to just entirely avoid it. Most Rey players who rely on that ability can't do much to you when you know what you're doing.
@@GiveMeTheRice have u tried rolling forward it will make u go backwards. And even if u know what ur doing, as a player u should know how hard it is to turn the screen when u get mind tricked, so it's pretty hard to aim if u cant turn.
@@channelchannelchannelyourself You shouldn't be trying to aim, just wait out the duration and then aim
@@GiveMeTheRice well u cant just stand around doing nothing for 4 seconds that's enough time for rey to kill u and faster if her teamates are with her
@@channelchannelchannelyourself That's why dodges exist
The changes you want make total sense, and arent giant, and make sense according to basic things like "it's a hero ability; why is it hindering?"
Well done
Who's still waiting for private/custom matches?
EastForestKalan and no word on it yet smh
Xploding Sushi it’s a joke at this point. it was in the previous so i don’t know why it’s not on this one lmao
EastForestKalan how are they gonna make a STAR WARS game not have private matches doesn’t make any logical sense at all and yea the shitty game from 5 yrs ago did these developers man
I agree with 80% of The Video But i would have Chance something like Hans sharpshotter should just be a Overlod Abiliti Anakins Bugs should gets Fixxed and he should have more swings like from 10 to 13 idk so he would have some Stamina His Passinuve Strike and his pull should be his Weak Abilitis because he cant Block while using them
Since the ot coop I’ve went from lvl 1 with iden to 30 she’s amazing on certain maps
Nightmare and triple XP lol
The f*cken Ewoks can 1 shot, but Chewy has to stand in front of you and shoot you 3 times da f*ck
I also always die everytime I fill retribution at that exact moment
I wish anakins playing style was different. Every hero except anakin plays how I expect. Anakin feels slow, clunky and uncoordinated when he should be speedy, agile and powerful. His massive strike is slow and predictable and should be replaced with a frenzy type ability or a even lunge like Luke. I wish they completely redone anakin and his ability’s cos he just doesn’t play how he should in my opinion whereas every other hero does.
For Passionate Strike i have an idea: Do you remember the scene on Mustafar (Episode 3), where Anakin and Obi-Wan are pushing each other at the same time? Immediately after that Anakin runs/jumps towards Obi-Wan and tries to hit him with a heavy strike. This should be used as a new animation for this ability.
@@imladithil9761 that sounds sick
I agree with you 100% They've screwed him over big time.
Great video!
Totaly agree on every point!😲
man grievous needs some serious work.
exactly, he was my main but after the last updates he is trash, now his claw rush can be blocked and unrelenting advance is a joke, before people ran away from it, now they hit me from a close angle and kill me instant while I am in the animation.
Donald Pump his unrelenting advance should be more punishing.
He’s so buggy right now and yeah Unrelenting Advance was good (when it was bugged ironically) and now it’s really not too great. It just leaves you too exposed and it’s way too easy to counter.
Just an idea I had now. What if you change Ani's PS into something where it works like a dash but has the same effect as it does now. Three strikes and then a full cool down or one strike at a time and also cool down. Like Yoda or Luke, and have the final do a slight bonus. Also if you hit three in a row directly onto a villain, it has a knockdown effect. The last part seems OP but the rest sounds like it could work.
I’ve been really enjoying Bossk lately, and that change would make him even better.
Anakin used to be the the best lightsaber hero in most cases, you'd join a HvV match and you had to be quick to get him. Nowadays people don't play him anymore because it has a lot of bugs.
I'd like to see some changes made to Starkiller. Main one is that he actually be added, for starters.
Holy shit! I couldn't have said it better, myself!
You're a genius, i want him in this game so badly
@ALEXANDE MESHERIAKOV So..? It's a video game. Who cares if he's cannon or not? If Dice released Starkiller, they'd have a surge of new players. Guaranteed! Hell, I'd be ok with Starkiller being a paid only hero, if Dice wanted to be greedy they certainly could pull that off..
@ALEXANDE MESHERIAKOV This makes me hate disney that much more..
I would change Han's sharpshooter ability to just be increased damage, increased projectile speed, and increased fire rate. Allow him to roll and run during it but cannot use other abilities unless he cancels out of it. This would essentially get rid of his biggest drawback imo, being the lack of long range ability while penalizing his cqc during it.
This great, honestly I agree with all these changes especially to obiwan and han since those are my "mains" I just have a request could you please do a new hero guide for obiwan, I love your vids man keep it up
Hero guide for him? Just block and parry every attack!
@@emperorpalpatine4953 yeah lol but in seriousness I dont play like that and ik bf knight will show how to play him skillfully instead of just block and do nothing, say what you want I enjoy obiwan when he's not just a walking blocking wall
@@FoxMcCGamer I only use obi wan to troll since he can block forever.
@@emperorpalpatine4953 you...just really like obiwan dont you lol
As a player who mains Han...No wonder why I just never use Sharpshooter ever.
I may shoot like a spazz in heated fights but I rather risk that than rely on that ability.
Any OG`s remember the old battlefront lightsaber style?
Battlefront 2017 still feels clunky af. They need to bring back the 3 swing combo without the step forward
Anakin never works for me anymore lol. Neither does Vader's choke. Also im glad they decide to keep nerfing anakin but decide Vader needs a buff again and again. Lastly, everyone complains about anakin's knockdown combo and while it's the easiest to do, several heroes have very very similar combos. Villain combos are worse anyway. Choke+throw+freeze+chain lightning+frenzy+duelist. Lol balancing is so terrible but I love the game
I want to be able to hold the ability for Leias thermal detonators and throw all of them at once.
🤣🤣🤣 this man wants full destruction
So she holds 3 of them but has shorter range throw
Obi main here here’s some star card recommendations that seriously change his gameplay:
The Forward star card that increases his defensive rush is a MUST as it increases his damage from 140 to 180. You’ll easily one shot regular infantry and if you hit a heavy with it then land the final strike it’ll take them out as well.
Use the star card that decreases the charge up time of all out push (blanking on the name right now). It decreases the charge up time by half a second which doesn’t sound like much but makes a huge difference in the middle of a duel/killstreak.
His last star card is up to you but I personally either use the star card that increases block stamina by 40% (for GA/Supremacy) or the one that decreases all stamina costs by 40% as you block lightsabers, blasters, + abilities.
If anyone would like any specific tips lmk he’s my first max character :)
For duels I enjoy using Perfect Defense. 40% Stamina reduction to blaster, lightsaber and attacking. I use more doubts - increases mind trick range by 50% and I use the other card that increase mindtricks duration. I like to keep peoples abilties shut off as much as possible ESPECIALLY Vader players. Great counter. :)
I feel like something that I can’t figure out about mail needs a buff,I think his abilities are fine maybe the saber throw can be thrown farther without the cards,maybe his damage or health needs a buff I’m just not sure,but it seems like he there’s something about him that needs a buff
He's a very well rounded but impotent character, if that makes sense. He kinda isn't that great at anything but can also do alot, but if those things arent good enough it kinda makes it all fall apart. I feel that he has some star cards that should just be built into him so they can swap them out for something better, like the farther throw or the increased damage if you choke multiple enemies, because as of now he doesnt get a massive benefit from his cards. The cooldown cards only real purpose imo is acting as a counterweight to Flow Motion since it doesnt do much to his other abilities, and the blaster fire card is almost always useless in HVV since even if theres a blaster hero or rarely two, unless they're good your movement and choke will be enough to avoid alot of damage
Enigma Kitty you’re right maybe if had his star cards were already built in to him he would be better
Yeah same. He feels extremely flimsy and kinda weak atm.
for restrictive mind trick i think that it should disable full auto weapons, remove the reticle (dot/sight in the middle of screen), and disable abilities for 4 seconds.
The power of the high ground needs to be restored
12:58 that was a pretty shameless kill steal lmao
So you wanna make Rey sound like krell on umbara as hes hunting clones?
Here's a change you left out: Cross-Era Banter. In other words, add dialogue between characters from different eras! I know nearly every player when Anakin came out was hoping he'd have dialogue with Luke and Leia, so give us some already!
They need to buff Landos gun
And phasmas too
@@AzreaIia They did her gun it's good now
@@AzreaIia phasma's gun is OP lol.
Eh, with his stun and a card that lowers heat buildup, I have to disagree.
Your joking right
I would change Bossk's Relby the following way: it's a shotgun-similar weapon, when you don't zoom in (as it is right now); when you zoom in, it works, like it did in SWBF2015 (concerning accuracy, fire rate and damage output); when you activate the dual zoom mode, you have that charged up sniper shot, he has at the moment.
In my Opinion Anakin should get more stamina (His stamina really sucks rn)
Dice need to add, mace windu, ashoka tanu, captain rex for the light side and add cad bane, savage opress and asaj ventress to the dark side
I have to disagree about Han being de-nerfed if anything he should be further nerfed. Like with the damage output of both his blaster and detonator. Also I think it’s unfair and doesn’t really make sense that his health is higher than Bobas. Boba is wearing mandalorian made armor which as we’ve seen can hold pretty well against blaster fire even if it’s not Beskar. Yes it’s true Boba has his jet pack but Han can use his detonator to knock him out of the air.
Predatorwarrior18 Boba has high mobility in like Han, that makes sense to me for their Heath amounts. But logically Boba would have more health
Eternal Branches Yeah, but as I already explained Han can just throw his detonator near Boba and it will knock him for a loop while draining more than half of his health.
I remember when Han in bf1 had a sharpshooter that tore through people like a nuke through paper
Please do the second video! I’ve been playing a lot because of CENSORED virus
Why exactly is coronavirus/COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 some kind of forbidden word on YT which nobody can say about it?
ApacheCantFly SARS 2. The sequel! lol
@@apachecantfly Censorship
@@efancording6363 Ya mean demonetization.?
Awesome video! Would definitely like more of them. Any chance of a bb-8 hero guide coming up?