There is no love from that auntie. Vaida kupinda pakati pevanhu vakaita reconcile vakataurirana chokwadi vakakoshesa marriage vachitaura zviri negative why?
@DC-jj7rr They can engage the father of the child voita maDNA off the camera, the father ochengeta mwana wake (maintainance) ari pana mai vake coz he/she is below 18. The guy anoda mkadzi wake but ane mwana ari below 18 asingaiti kubva panamai saka anogara navo vese ndizvo zvazvinoreva.
Ndosaka vana ava vachizoita mashura mongofunga kuti kusekerera zvisina basa ndiyo love,tete vatori ryt at first lisa hanti ndiye aivaudza kuti akuvatiswa nenzara and akurara mudininning so unofunga vaisekerera izvozvo and now chokwadi chanyatsobuda unofunga kti zvichadii zvichatoita worse.
From my understanding, The couple has been open to each other. Same skiri yekuroora mvana. but on this case; there was a possibility that the child could be for this alleged father... though it wasn't clear in their hearts. so they were ready to accept any outcome from DNA. unfortunately they didn't do it wisely; coz since they both knew that whatever outcome will never shake their marriage... it was wise to do the tests privately. not to expose themselves on an open platform like what they did.
Everybody makes mistakes in different manners. Tete seiko muri kuda kuti Ngoni Harambe mwana uyo. Munenge musingafarire kuti mwana wehanzvadzi asafare? First time I witnessed this. Tete hamunzwisisike.
Tete is 100% right. This guy haasiiye abhadhara mari coz he doesn't work. Anotochenge twawo. But he will work up after 4 yrs achichengeteswa vamwe vana 3 futi vadiri vake
True. I think they didnt want to show division in front of the cameras, but after this, he will dump her because they are not even acting like people who are in love
Baba vemwana murume wemunhu. Saka vaka promiswa zvinhu zvehombe kuti ukandichengetera mwana wangu nemukadzi ndokupa zvese zvaunoda but it will end in tears
They signed an agreement of non-disclosure, the real father provided money for the DNA and he is the one who is currently looking after them by giving Ngoni a monthly payment,and other promises including employment,driver's licence,a course etc.
My 2 cents, Mr Tinashe Mugabe, accept that dzimwe nyaya vanhu vanenge vachida a certain level of privacy yavo. First and foremost, chaunga icho was unexpected, Tete vanga vakasiiwa for a reason respect that, its not always the case that kana mwana abuda asiri wababa vanhu vava kutosiyana. Inga wani vamwe vanoroorwa vaine vana vavo. You may ask kuti mwana ndewani, but if they insist, kusataura, dont push for it, especially pa jekerere apo. Remember, there is life after ka nhayi va Mugabe, the results of naming someone may be damaging in the long run, imi munenge musisipo. Otherwise, it's a good show, and I am hooked as always.
DNA inoitwa for closure,Ngoni haana kupusa aingoda chokwadi kuti ndewake here or another possible father for mangwana.Kana vachidanana then let love conquer.
I see wisdom amongst the 2 , agenda is to start family on the right foot without suspiscions .... Thank you DNA closure for bringing the truth & peace of mind
I thnk they made a good decision kusataura munhu wemwana pajekerere since ari wemuarea .Lisa anofanira kunge akaudza Ngoni kuti pane possibility yekuti pane vamwe baba hence th need for maDNA.. I sure hop of camera vachataura muridzi wemwana,they acted mature ipapo.Tinashe was insistant bcz we love drama,we cnt critisize the couple for deciding nt to giv us drama veduwee .Tarisai kuungana kwanga kwakaitawo😅 vanhu
Ngoni decided that he will not embarrass Lisa in public. All my RESPECT for this stance, very few will be able to do this. This man is actually very smart and civil, haana kupusa.
you joking ryt😄, why did they go ku DNA when Ngoni knows the father? What was the purpose of being on live TV😁😁. The guy is from the hood, he is Lisa's ex, he travelled, he is respectable 😆😆we will find him
Mr Mugabe we need to follow up on this issue every month. Tete will be our source of information. Mai vemusikana is a suspect that's why murume ari closer to the girls parents.
@@VikkiRajahLisa paangoti zvinorwadza paabvunzwa kuti ko baba vakasava muridzi wemwana , ndabva ndaziva kuti pane akadya bota futi. Just imagine 6 months dilly darling achinyepa kuti mhamha BP njani njani. Pretty face for nothing this one😂
In my view this guy is very mature. Anoda munhu wake. Dai pawana anomupawo basa. It's not unheard of vana vanoita vabvandiripo. Zvinowanikwa izvi. Baba vemwana ndeuyo amuchengeta
Tete vari ryt nekuti mhuri iyi nechepamberi ichapa ngoni pressure yekuti takuda kuziva muridzi wemwana apo ngoni haashande anotochengetwawo .tete varikudzivirira kuzogadzwa tumatare saka vari ryt ava ini handimbovashore .hama dza Ngoni hadzingambozvitambire unless ari mwana wemumba mavo akamitisa lisah
Pari tricky hakuna kure kwavanoenda Lisa naNgoni. But tete havambodaidzwi havo becoz paDNA iyi vatongonzwa nevanhu ndokuuya kwavaita meaning Lisa haadi kuti vave involved which is not wise
Zviripachena kuti muridzi we mwana nemhuri yake. Ngoni arikubhadharwa nababa vemwana kugara na a Lisa. Even big brother knows the deal , havana kushamisika ne arrangement
Tete variright and one tete anomira nemwana wabrother vake, unfortunately Lisa is so secretive. May be tete was deliberately sidelined to safeguard this 'father' of the child. Definitely she was going to confront the person
From the word go if you have noticed their responses were questionable ava vakataurirana zvekupindura kana vabvunzwa mubvunzo....pazotaurwa futi zvekuti airariswa mu dinning asina kudya paita kukuvharwavharwa so....the owner of the child( that is if ariye futi )is paying ngoni nekuti under normal circumstances ne age yake ngoni obvuma kuramba achidanana nalisa nekuchengeta mwana iye asingaende kubasa can it be real love?...the grand question is vauyirei Kuma DNA if they new muridzi this doesn't make any sense at all ...Lisa anonzwisa hasha ...the way yaasiri kuita respect Tete se paati "handiti mwana wacho ndewangu",means pane munhu one mukuru wekudzinza arikuziva all this and In support probably benefitting from the situation.last but not least ko paati munhu uyu akadanana naye after varambana na ngoni and haasi kutoziva kuti mwana ndewake munhu wacho iyeye it's not adding up.....aaah vamwe vana so ka ndapera power.......maybe I am wrong hameno ava they need counselling it's so sad vachiri vadiki they need help
Tete vakuda chokwadi chete nekuti akuramba kuudza tete vake chaivo baba vemwana. Mangwana nyaya iyi inonetsa nekuti vatete vachazoudiwa kana paitika something like baba vemwana vachauya kuzokwira havo bbie ravo baba vozoti hee ndahurirwa
But kna vachizia muridz wemwana vauyirei kumaDNA .Tete is making sense some how some where cz angle yavarikutarisa ndeyekuti Ngoni haashande so Hama dzaNgoni wil they take it kut vange vachichengeta mwana asir wavo ? Hummm especially ana Tete like hanzvadz dzekw Ngoni dzogona kusazvitora bhoo sezvo vakambocomplainer kut mazuva haana kuenderana so tete is making sense havo
I think the girl wasn't sure, she just knew there's another possible father so now they know for sure. Yes tete is very correct, these 2 are young and naive, zvichanetsa izvi
Akatadza kurara nemwana wemuridzi iyeye akuitiirwa chivanhu achachangamka Ngoni mubharanzi. Ngoni na Lisa vari kuzivana vapedza nguva ye DnA man. But Lisa akangwarisa. Ini agai ndinobhowekana ne vanhu vasinga uchire/ kuombera asi Tinashe Mugabe achiwombera pakuvamhoresa i always obseeve most people vandinoona havaomberi maoko kana kuti i pride or chibharanzi yet Tinashe remain humble. Let's respect our DNA man 💯👌
I think so too. Let them be. After all it's Lisa and Ngoni vari 2. People should not force themselves pakati pevanhu. Also they have every right to not want to disclose their staff panevanhu vese avo. All the best you 2.
Nofunga baba vemwana ndivo vakabvisa Mari yeDNA. For the first time this show has not been fair to us coz tasara tisina peace of mind 😂😂😂😂 coz hatina kuziva baba vemwana 😅
My theory says Lisa akaita/akaitwA threesome na ngoni with another guy. Possibly several times. This is why ngoni is not shocked. And it’s why ngoni took dna he knew he had had sex with Lisa with another guy. So the two of them are now sure kuti the other guy is the father, ngoni only accepted Lisa on the possibility of him being the father but aisa rara naye in same room nokuti he knew kuti zvaive zva bvepi. He only accepted to accommodate Lisa until This day. Unfortunately for Lisa she is going to be dumped by both
Ngoni kupusa kunge chitunha kudai. i m really shocked. Akanwisa mvura yakagezeswa chitunha. At zero percent and he is busy defending the promiscuity yemukadzi waanaye kkkk
Ngoni haana kupusa at all... first, aigara achinetsana nemusikana over this kusvika musikana azoita open up. Second, he insisted on DNA tests. Third, he is protecting his wife's dignity. Ngoni is playing a long game
😮😮😮😮 nhaimi ko zvandavhunduka that's why tete vakatsamwa vanoziva mawara a Lisa kuti achapera Team riripasi pemuti iro ndaona Lisa azonyatsoenda ku south asina kuoneka cz team iro rokupedzera
Yaaa, it does not make sense, vana ava vanochengetwawo, vaitoziva kuti mwana ane muridzi, WHY GOING FOR DNAs . Blesser ndiye ari kuda DNA results kwete tuvana utwu
If Ngoni live according to his word, he is a gentleman and I salute him. We do not know the full story as they seem to hide other details for their dignity. Tete varikupenga because she might probably be thinking mwana ndewemurume wavo. Tete's behaviour is not adimirable, the details should be discussed at family level and not on Screen.
Kana vanga vachiziva muridzi nemwana vaitirei ma DNA ??? The way Ngoni protected baby daddy achakwirwa mukadzi kusvika zvakanaka kana kutopiwa second nhumbu futi .....
This child will grow up and see this. These two will be judged very harshly. Especially the mother. They need guidance so they can make informed decisions
😂😂😂this episode tisu tasara tisina peace of mind
😂😂😂😂 True. It's so puzzling
Very true. Hatina peace of mind as viewers 😂😂😂
@@amandasigxozapindura hahahahahaha maida kutoziva baba vemwana kaaaa inn ndaingoda kuziva maresults
Ngoni akazungaira achahurigwa naLisa uyo kusvika Amen
True, that boy needs to man up, wake up and smell the coffee. He's being used as a pony shame.
Handikwanise kutaura chii chacho achapamhazve umwe mwana iwe uchingochengeteswa
Rudo ibofu sure 😂😂😂
Ndoda kutokupawo wangu mwana musikana uyo Ngoni anochengeta
To all the aunts who persist to love mwana wehanzvadzi even after you have been sidelined ❤
Inini kungoziva kuti ndiyo nayaya yacho hanisvikeko
There is no love from that auntie. Vaida kupinda pakati pevanhu vakaita reconcile vakataurirana chokwadi vakakoshesa marriage vachitaura zviri negative why?
Hapana kuwiriranq apo kunyqngirana@@CleverManatsa
@@CleverManatsaTete is right. How can an unemployed man take care of another man's child? These 2000 kids vanoda shamhu
@DC-jj7rr They can engage the father of the child voita maDNA off the camera, the father ochengeta mwana wake (maintainance) ari pana mai vake coz he/she is below 18. The guy anoda mkadzi wake but ane mwana ari below 18 asingaiti kubva panamai saka anogara navo vese ndizvo zvazvinoreva.
Ndaona satete avo vakavenga mwana wehanzvadzi yavo ini. Wise words from bamukuru, these kids look so in love❤
Ayiwawo love yokuita seiko bota raka rohwa noumwe munhu pedzezvo wowunzirwa mitoro isiyako and accepted nonsense apo irovha harishsnde ndigeza tidye roti mwana ndomuda chii chaizvo izvo
Apa havarare vose. They sleep in separate bedrooms.
Vatete havavengi vana zvachose its she human banoziva chivanhu
@@anywaychikwanda4315 hapana chivanhu chinotadzisa munhu kuroora mukadzi ane mwana
Ndosaka vana ava vachizoita mashura mongofunga kuti kusekerera zvisina basa ndiyo love,tete vatori ryt at first lisa hanti ndiye aivaudza kuti akuvatiswa nenzara and akurara mudininning so unofunga vaisekerera izvozvo and now chokwadi chanyatsobuda unofunga kti zvichadii zvichatoita worse.
From my understanding, The couple has been open to each other. Same skiri yekuroora mvana. but on this case; there was a possibility that the child could be for this alleged father... though it wasn't clear in their hearts. so they were ready to accept any outcome from DNA. unfortunately they didn't do it wisely; coz since they both knew that whatever outcome will never shake their marriage... it was wise to do the tests privately. not to expose themselves on an open platform like what they did.
Everybody makes mistakes in different manners. Tete seiko muri kuda kuti Ngoni Harambe mwana uyo. Munenge musingafarire kuti mwana wehanzvadzi asafare? First time I witnessed this. Tete hamunzwisisike.
Tete is 100% right. This guy haasiiye abhadhara mari coz he doesn't work. Anotochenge twawo. But he will work up after 4 yrs achichengeteswa vamwe vana 3 futi vadiri vake
Zvinhu zvemukomhoni wo futi haaa ko vese vamire uko varikudeiko 🙌🙌🙌
Ndozvaita vasataure muridzi wemwana, iye Tinashe cy achitendera kuungana kwevanhu kuita sekt inyaya iri mudare ramambo
@@edsonmusutisi31 nhy kana dei ndirini handingataure plus mukadzi wemuridzi we mwana atoripo
Anotoda vaungane
Ko ari paphone wamuona here pamwe arikupa vasipo update😂
@@monalisamusorodzata2871 chokwadi aaaah ndosaka vasina kutaura kkk
Their response is well coordinated. Well rehearsed.
Very true
Vakatomboita madays vachiita ma rehearsals
@@josheptondondo6074 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣asi wakamboita maskits hrr cz urkutoziva zvinhu zvacho
True. I think they didnt want to show division in front of the cameras, but after this, he will dump her because they are not even acting like people who are in love
What a nice young man ,l hope he will stick to his promise to look after his wife and child. Adopted children are also deserving love and care.
This won't last 😂😂😂😂boy just want to revenge
What's nice there, there's some one who's protected
The unity between these two. Hanzi hatikwanise kumutaura zita...acharamba achichengeta mwana. May the Lord bless his soul!
Maybe murume watete
Which unity they are sleeping in seperate bedrooms
Baba vemwana murume wemunhu. Saka vaka promiswa zvinhu zvehombe kuti ukandichengetera mwana wangu nemukadzi ndokupa zvese zvaunoda but it will end in tears
But why kuita DNA
I also see a sad ending for Lisa
Kudenga kunaMwari, asi tikarasa chokwadi tatakura dambudziko rinotinetsa kwehupenyu, Jesu ndiye chokwadi, iyi yekuzvutakurira mitoro iyi hameno
Mhofu vakanzwa kunakirwa ,havachadi kusiya chimoko vakatapirirwa , but imba hakuna kwainosvika ichatsemuka
Obvious hama hadzidii matuzvii
Haiwawo arikututiswa in less than 24hrs ne hama dza Ngoni. Apa haashande futi 😢
😂😂😂Akapepetwa mkomana akutya mnje kut chimoko chiende
I was all written on the lady's face that she was afraid, she knew the results already. It was so so clear
You can say that again her face expression 😂😂
Akaudza wani mrume wake chokwadi they just wanted to make sure
They signed an agreement of non-disclosure, the real father provided money for the DNA and he is the one who is currently looking after them by giving Ngoni a monthly payment,and other promises including employment,driver's licence,a course etc.
This is very true
@@brightongwirambira1648 it's very sad though
True. BUt Ngoni should grow a spine and man up and look after himself
Then why wasting money and tyme doing DNA
Auntie she is absolutely right, it's impossible to take care of someone's child
hapana chimbori impossible apa, widows and divorcees are remarrying wani
If it's impossible kwauri not kuvanhu vese
@@Letwin-bq5tn nhai zvako, whats impossible ipapa, Mutukudzi akangochengeta Faith wa Dhezi wani
My 2 cents, Mr Tinashe Mugabe, accept that dzimwe nyaya vanhu vanenge vachida a certain level of privacy yavo. First and foremost, chaunga icho was unexpected, Tete vanga vakasiiwa for a reason respect that, its not always the case that kana mwana abuda asiri wababa vanhu vava kutosiyana. Inga wani vamwe vanoroorwa vaine vana vavo. You may ask kuti mwana ndewani, but if they insist, kusataura, dont push for it, especially pa jekerere apo. Remember, there is life after ka nhayi va Mugabe, the results of naming someone may be damaging in the long run, imi munenge musisipo. Otherwise, it's a good show, and I am hooked as always.
Haaaaa. This one caught me by surprise. Ndaona anatete vaseka zvekuseka zviya
To us who never miss an episode 🎉
@@RudoMukombe yemukono 😂😂😂😂
To us
😂😂😂To us
To us 🎉
Ndo unite unodiwa iyi😂😂, Lisa and hubby rehearsed mhinduro. Haa vakatsika havasi kusimudza jombo😂
DNA inoitwa for closure,Ngoni haana kupusa aingoda chokwadi kuti ndewake here or another possible father for mangwana.Kana vachidanana then let love conquer.
kupusaa uko haiwa
I agree mskana uyo is honest akagara ataura chokwadi
Mskana akagara audzaa mkoma chokwadi soo she is honest mkomana akada munhu wake akadaro bhora mberi.
Even tho ummmmmm I'm sure baba vemwana chaiwo vane zvevari kupa this guy so pane agreement iripo
Tete is 100%correct mangwana zvikanetsa muchange maakutsvaga tete ivava futi
Haaa mr mugabe pakubvunza chete hre haaaa ma 1 aya😂😂😂😂
Ngozi apedzesera abuda musaga 😂😂
Shuwa Lisa ndifokoro zvedi thank tete nekutuka mwana wenyu benzi iri nxaaa thank tete
Atakura ngwena huida 🤐🤐
@@HazelKupakuwana kkkkkkkk
😂😂😂mukuda audze social media nyaya dzake kkk hamuna kumbosiyana neveraini avo
Kuyamangazi ukuthi lomfana angafihla Gama lengeni plus lokuthi uzogcina umntwana. It's true we lean new tricks everyday
Grocery ririkuuya mukadzi achingokwirwa. Big boss Pastor ndivo baba vemwana
I see wisdom amongst the 2 , agenda is to start family on the right foot without suspiscions .... Thank you DNA closure for bringing the truth & peace of mind
lisa acharamba achiita vana nemunhu waarikuvigiridza mark my words
Anofana ari murume wemunhu
NdhiMinister Baba vemwana.
She's stupid ufunge ndosaka agara six months ka apa Ngoni ari kutoichengetwawo
That's true
Lisa kamhombwe 😂
Saka why wasting time muchiziva baba vemwana nhai
Nhai amana
@@clotildachamhuna1448 imagine
Not ime only what about iyo Mari chaiyo
Pamwe Ngoni haazvare
Lisa naNgoni vaida mbama svinu... Mapedzererei nguva yatete nabamukuru Fokoro tete ndine mi henyu YOU making sense
Ende unonyara kushaya pekupinda yoooooo.Musikana aratidza kupererwa asi tete well done mamira pachinzwimbo.chenyu chero makasasamurwa
Saka Kuma DNA mauya kuzodini ngoni na lisa
Inini hangu ndiri team TETE❤
Tete kufinyama kudaro sei. Brother was told chokwadi chaaka accepta. Let's move on
Aah tete vaida mwana arambwe here achawana wo basa ngoni as long as vana vachidanana
I will stand for tete, mangwana zvinonetsa izvi
I thnk they made a good decision kusataura munhu wemwana pajekerere since ari wemuarea .Lisa anofanira kunge akaudza Ngoni kuti pane possibility yekuti pane vamwe baba hence th need for maDNA.. I sure hop of camera vachataura muridzi wemwana,they acted mature ipapo.Tinashe was insistant bcz we love drama,we cnt critisize the couple for deciding nt to giv us drama veduwee .Tarisai kuungana kwanga kwakaitawo😅 vanhu
Thank you
You have spoken well
Thank you
I think the guy is married apa munogara mose mukomboni ndosaka vatya kutaura zita
Vagona zvavo ipapo otherwise zvaisazopera mushe nechaunga icho. Vanozosara voudzana chokwadi vega
Ndosaka mamakabuditswa tete you are talkative and hamufe makapinzwa munekadxungu kamuinako
nhayi askana woyeee! so munotya kutaura kuti pane nhumbu asi hamhutyi kuvhura makumbo hamutyi kuti chinhu chikuuya ichi chine hurwere here kana kwete uye kuti chichasiya chii...🙌🙌🙌
If kudyiswa was a person 😂😂 huh Ngoni hakuna Mhofu yakadai watishoresa apa💔💔💔
Ngoni decided that he will not embarrass Lisa in public. All my RESPECT for this stance, very few will be able to do this. This man is actually very smart and civil, haana kupusa.
@@Nonto.Maposa.Chitauro u knw the thing 🤣 closure ndiyo.yaingodiwa nt drama
You're Right, ndazvionawo
What embarassment is greater than what we have just witnessed
how do u define kusapusa, if he knew the person i dont papane need yekubuda pa tv only t protect that person hahaha
you joking ryt😄, why did they go ku DNA when Ngoni knows the father? What was the purpose of being on live TV😁😁. The guy is from the hood, he is Lisa's ex, he travelled, he is respectable 😆😆we will find him
One out of a million
TINASHE TO THE NATION. Makatumwa kugadzirisa Nyika VaMugabe.
Ngoni wacho zvanenge zungairwa thank you Tete nekuda chokwadi mhuri dzese ngadziungane titaurirane hatidi matare mangwana
@@SusanMudiwa-k8r kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ua ryt ndiri zungairwa😅
Mr Mugabe we need to follow up on this issue every month. Tete will be our source of information. Mai vemusikana is a suspect that's why murume ari closer to the girls parents.
Suspect kudiko nhaimi. Inga varume tinongovada chero vaita vana kunze. Zvaipa pana iye lisa here
Sure but vachavafunga tête ava hako
@@lynnemtare-ro4oz😅zvakafanana nekuti murume akahura unomuregerera,ukahura iwe chii chinoitika hanti unobva watorambwa,unongoziva kti vakadzi vanotsikirirwa sei wani usaite kunge uri munyowani
Auntie is right Ngoni wakapusa!!!!!
@@Ngonitsvangs 😂😂 sorry lol
Mmm Ngoni akazungaira shame
HAPANA RIGHT IF HE WANTS TO CONTINUE NE MARRIAGE ZVIRI KWAVARI, VANGAni vakadzi vanongohura asi vasingaunzi vana varimo muma so called marriages
@@oathofGod410 yes zvirikwavari but ngoni akapusa because arikutobvuma kuchengeta mwana asiri wake uye achitoziva baba vemwana .
Tete muri right henyu vanhu ava vauya kuDNA kuzoitei iwo vachiziya muridzi wemwana Ngonie dzakadyiswa chte or mwana ndewehama henyu tete knakuti ndeye murume wenyu imie tete
My point exactly 😂
Saka muri kuti Ngoni was forced kuenda kuDNA?
Ndazvifungawo ini kuti mwana ndewemurume watete
Ndosaka vangavasina kuudzwa. Panofiwa
Murume ndewa tete chete ndosaka vakange vatovabudisa munyaya dzavo
Saka DN ndeyeiko Lisa naNgoni.imi maiziva muridzi wemwana ..Mwana ndewemunzinza umo
Good question Tinashe, baba vachadzoka vakuda mwana infact vana 😅😅😅
Possible father > The brother or the boys father
Nop the brother and father share the same blood so dai mwana afanana s its someone else
No hazvifanane cause paitwa dna ye biological father not relationship @@mayedwankomo4982
Eeee paifanira paita tuma persent tuya twepaukama uyu ndewemunhu asiri hama true
@@mayedwankomo4982zvinogofanana sei ipo paitwa Partenity test
@@mayedwankomo4982havafanane. % inodonha fast fast haisvike even pa90% kana uri relatadeness
Pamwe muridzi wemwana ndiye HR Manager pamugodhi saka Ngoni akanzi achapinzwa basa nemari pamusoro.
Muridzi wemwana is a politician weZANU.
On point ndo chaiko Nokuti chero madavirire ake murume ndeekuto dzivirira mukadzi wake hake kurivara kuti mwana haasi wake 🤔🤔
Hanzi mkomana haashande
Ari kunyeperwa Ngoni aka simbiswa kuti asaita hovhiyo pa public 😅😅 Lisa hasikuziva muridzi wemwana
Lisa ane backup yaMai vake vakamuudza kyt siyana nehama dzababa vako. Uyo Ngoni uzungaigwa asi achapepuka hake
am of the view that zvimwe zvinhu hazvidi TV and cameras. The issue can be discussed behind closed doors hanti vaMugabe maresults abuda
iri idzedze chairo
This is an assumption
Agreed ,muridzi wemwana ndiye akabhadhara mari ye DNA
Your daughter is beautiful Mr Mugabe ❤ zvana Lisa nana Ngoni ratoo drama
I didn't expect zero percent, these innocent faces will humble you
Me too that lady looks very innocent
Ma zero percent haasekanwe. Panewe nababa vako togana kuwana paine zero percent futi. Have you been tested against your alleged father?
Don't comment like this. Your comment will ruin it for those who see it later on
The more innocenter they look, the rottener the character. She was suspiciously 'tight' and 'cold'
@@VikkiRajahLisa paangoti zvinorwadza paabvunzwa kuti ko baba vakasava muridzi wemwana , ndabva ndaziva kuti pane akadya bota futi. Just imagine 6 months dilly darling achinyepa kuti mhamha BP njani njani. Pretty face for nothing this one😂
Waenderei kuma dna vachiziva zvavari nehurongwa hwavo
Taura hako
Anga achida kunyatsozuvawo semunhu akamborara nemusikana
Ngoni ari kuitiswa na baba vemwana 😂
In my view this guy is very mature. Anoda munhu wake. Dai pawana anomupawo basa. It's not unheard of vana vanoita vabvandiripo. Zvinowanikwa izvi. Baba vemwana ndeuyo amuchengeta
Uyu dai ari muzukuru wangu, dai ndatomburova zvimbama zvakati wandei. Pamurume pacho asatombosara
Tete vari ryt nekuti mhuri iyi nechepamberi ichapa ngoni pressure yekuti takuda kuziva muridzi wemwana apo ngoni haashande anotochengetwawo .tete varikudzivirira kuzogadzwa tumatare saka vari ryt ava ini handimbovashore .hama dza Ngoni hadzingambozvitambire unless ari mwana wemumba mavo akamitisa lisah
Pari tricky hakuna kure kwavanoenda Lisa naNgoni. But tete havambodaidzwi havo becoz paDNA iyi vatongonzwa nevanhu ndokuuya kwavaita meaning Lisa haadi kuti vave involved which is not wise
Ngoni’s facial expressions inotaura kuti rudo hapachina.
Zviripachena kuti muridzi we mwana nemhuri yake. Ngoni arikubhadharwa nababa vemwana kugara na a Lisa.
Even big brother knows the deal , havana kushamisika ne arrangement
Tete variright and one tete anomira nemwana wabrother vake, unfortunately Lisa is so secretive. May be tete was deliberately sidelined to safeguard this 'father' of the child. Definitely she was going to confront the person
From the word go if you have noticed their responses were questionable ava vakataurirana zvekupindura kana vabvunzwa mubvunzo....pazotaurwa futi zvekuti airariswa mu dinning asina kudya paita kukuvharwavharwa so....the owner of the child( that is if ariye futi )is paying ngoni nekuti under normal circumstances ne age yake ngoni obvuma kuramba achidanana nalisa nekuchengeta mwana iye asingaende kubasa can it be real love?...the grand question is vauyirei Kuma DNA if they new muridzi this doesn't make any sense at all ...Lisa anonzwisa hasha ...the way yaasiri kuita respect Tete se paati "handiti mwana wacho ndewangu",means pane munhu one mukuru wekudzinza arikuziva all this and In support probably benefitting from the situation.last but not least ko paati munhu uyu akadanana naye after varambana na ngoni and haasi kutoziva kuti mwana ndewake munhu wacho iyeye it's not adding up.....aaah vamwe vana so ka ndapera power.......maybe I am wrong hameno ava they need counselling it's so sad vachiri vadiki they need help
Ndanga ndakaronga kunyora form 4 ndozobva ndaenda ku South Africa😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂 kana ndiwewo pazvinhu zvacho
😂😂😂😂 MaUber driver vakamumira paKappa
Kutengesa madhoiri kune mari kuSouth Africa madhoiri😅
Kikkkk Ngoni is on borrowed time, once the ground flattens for the girl, Ngoni achawana arimachira chete. Apa urijobless!
Tete ava imharadzi chaiyo saka vanoda Lisa arambwe ndosaka maijambwa hapana anokudedzai Tete apa ndiyani akudedzai nhai Tete 😢
Tete is 100 %right, chakaipa hachibhabhadzirwi, that man achada mwana wake
maya havade arambwe but vanoda ataure chokwadi so that mangwana kana ngoni kana oramba vanenge vaine humbowo
Haaa kut kudaro here havafarirwe nekut she is strict
Tete is right 100%
Tete vakuda chokwadi chete nekuti akuramba kuudza tete vake chaivo baba vemwana. Mangwana nyaya iyi inonetsa nekuti vatete vachazoudiwa kana paitika something like baba vemwana vachauya kuzokwira havo bbie ravo baba vozoti hee ndahurirwa
Big up to this couple Tinashe ashaya makuhwa pano, special lesson kune vachauya, musasimudza hapwa.
Kufambidzana: September
Kutanga kudyiwa kwebota: October
Kuroorana: January (asi nhumbu yayave ne 6 months)????
Maths is not jellying 😢😢😢
Maths dzacho hazvisi kubuda 😂😂😂😂
But kna vachizia muridz wemwana vauyirei kumaDNA .Tete is making sense some how some where cz angle yavarikutarisa ndeyekuti Ngoni haashande so Hama dzaNgoni wil they take it kut vange vachichengeta mwana asir wavo ? Hummm especially ana Tete like hanzvadz dzekw Ngoni dzogona kusazvitora bhoo sezvo vakambocomplainer kut mazuva haana kuenderana so tete is making sense havo
Tete vatori right, ukutaura chokwadi
My question as well
tete ava zvekuti anochengeta nei vapinda papi chavari kutoda kutoti marriage yemuzukuru iparare, the rsean why vanga vasina kudaidzwaku dna
I think the girl wasn't sure, she just knew there's another possible father so now they know for sure. Yes tete is very correct, these 2 are young and naive, zvichanetsa izvi
@@oathofGod410 Nhai?. Varume vanganiko mu zim vasingashande asi vanoriritira mhuri dzavo
This man is crazy,idofo last number
Taura hakoo...akawotaa
@@OnwellMwaimboti kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ndaida closure nt drama lol🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@RoseMdala-sl2sj ua ryt
Uri mupfanha wangu totomboita night prayer semhuri tozonokurutsisa mnje wonyatsofunga zvakanaka
Akatadza kurara nemwana wemuridzi iyeye akuitiirwa chivanhu achachangamka Ngoni mubharanzi.
Ngoni na Lisa vari kuzivana vapedza nguva ye DnA man. But Lisa akangwarisa.
Ini agai ndinobhowekana ne vanhu vasinga uchire/ kuombera asi Tinashe Mugabe achiwombera pakuvamhoresa i always obseeve most people vandinoona havaomberi maoko kana kuti i pride or chibharanzi yet Tinashe remain humble. Let's respect our DNA man 💯👌
Mupfana iwe wepaTrojan uriduzvi ndikakubata ndichakumamisa
kkkkkkkk rova munhu
Pamwe mfana ari sterile😂😂😂
Haazvari mfana uyo😂
😂😂😂😂 anoda shamhu murovei chokwadi, musauraya chete
Ama 2000 mahure ekupedzisira shuwa mapeche avo anongozhakwa with anyone zvakevo 😂😂😂maiwee naka.... Ama 2000 a new Erra mbutu dzamahara
😂😂language yako yandisekesa hangu
hahahaha..taneta nekudzibinha mbutu dzemahara...
Kana anagogo vedu vave ne90yrs vaingozhakwa
@@nomsanyika151 tipeka yako tiizhake hedu isu..hahahaha
Iiiii zvakaoma
Tete varwadziwa nekuti Lisa anzi ndomuda zvakadaro vavachiti acharambwa 😂😂😂😂
Wawachida arambwe wazoone zvekutaura
She is mature she knows kuti hapana kwazviri kusvika. Lets be honest 😂
@@tatendammabwe1703Yes Tete is right Lisa thinks it's that easy... She's yet to face reality.
@@melindachipojojo8999hahaha tete havana kumborwadziwa but munhu mukuru vanotarisa zviri kumberi,already lisa akutoriswa mudinning uriwe mubereki chaiye wanzwa izvozvo unongoitawo zvaita tete
Ndatoshaya kuti chavanetsa chii tete iye mwana wavo achidiwa
Murume zungairwa, why hide? Shld think about tomorrow. Thank you Tinashe and team.
Pavabvunzwa result outcome. Mapinduriro ayita bhishu atoratidza kuti mface akarowha chekuseri...
Vagona kusataura imo mukomboni umu vaiwana chekudyisa machinks avo. Tete mamama muromo wenyu wakapinza sepinjisi better munakurirwe kure hamuvaki imi. Munowanza hasha but eishh Lisa ndarwadziwa wena, how i wished kuti maresults ati 99. 99
I think so too. Let them be. After all it's Lisa and Ngoni vari 2. People should not force themselves pakati pevanhu. Also they have every right to not want to disclose their staff panevanhu vese avo. All the best you 2.
😂😂😂😂 iwewe unotaura uchitarisa zve pedyo pfungwa dzako dzakapfupika semuswe we mbongoro musoro wako unofunga sewa Ngoni. Ngoni inyope yakaroora hure.
Une kakusakwana dofo
Ndazobvuma munhu uya akati vana mhofela vanodiwa nema dzimai nokuti vano chengeteswa vana vasiri vavo😂😂
Kwana iwe😂
Musatitukire hanzvadzi dzedu veduwee
Kuyera mhofu dzangova nharo zvadzo kkkkk ana mhofu muriko here?
Nofunga baba vemwana ndivo vakabvisa Mari yeDNA. For the first time this show has not been fair to us coz tasara tisina peace of mind 😂😂😂😂 coz hatina kuziva baba vemwana 😅
Kkkkkk mukuda piece of mind he😂😂😂😂
Eh shaa imagine
Oh Trojan Mine it was great seeing a lot of familiar faces..😊😊
Ngoni atadza kuzvitaura, kuti "hamungambozvinzwisise imi kuti Lisa anonaka uyu"😂😂😂
Ndanyara ini zvangu plus ndaona mapinduriro emuskana anga ari fast
My theory says Lisa akaita/akaitwA threesome na ngoni with another guy. Possibly several times. This is why ngoni is not shocked. And it’s why ngoni took dna he knew he had had sex with Lisa with another guy. So the two of them are now sure kuti the other guy is the father, ngoni only accepted Lisa on the possibility of him being the father but aisa rara naye in same room nokuti he knew kuti zvaive zva bvepi. He only accepted to accommodate Lisa until
This day.
Unfortunately for Lisa she is going to be dumped by both
😂😂😂😂😂but it makes sense 😂😂😂😂😂
Aaaah 😂😂😂😂
To us who likes before even watching
Tete is correct ichasvika time yekusandzwanana vachayisa mwana mukati
Love mberi mwana mumashure
Lisa kari kutochengetwa nemuridzi wemwana ako.
Ko mukadzi wacho kutambisa nguva iye achiziya ma results chii chakadero nhai😂😂😂😂😂
Ngoni naLisa vaka signer non-disclosure agreement 🤝. Avasi kuzotaura muridzi wemwana.
Kkkkkkkk muridzi wenhumbu achiona episode hoyo kuzoona mwana wake kkkkkkk
@@oathofGod410 asi ikodzero yemwana kuziva dzinza rake,zvisinei nekudanana kwevabereki.
Ndizvo zvivana zvinofuma zvonetsa mangwana zvakuda kuenda kumadzinza azvo. Ehe ngavadanane havo but mwana ngaazive kudzinde kwake
Ndosaka vari kurara pakasiyana pane nyaya apa vakunyepera kuwirirana ava
Ngoni may God bless u Mhofu u really love Lisa wako
Aaaaah kanonyepa kaNgoni kakamhanyisa munhu zuva iroro ako kkkkk
Zvaive zvemusi iwoyo asi apo akumira nemunhu wake ❤
Achirara nenzara hr ngatsvage basa uko zvimake sense
Akabhadhagwa mwana weZanu pf kkkk. Tete makabhudiswa mubhora kare Saka nyaya yenyu ndeyeyi
Trojan Mine
Komboni yese kuuya kuzonwa ziyana roswera rafamba😂😂😂😂😂
Life yekukomboni huye bodo😂😂😂😂
Ngoni kupusa kunge chitunha kudai. i m really shocked.
Akanwisa mvura yakagezeswa chitunha. At zero percent and he is busy defending the promiscuity yemukadzi waanaye kkkk
Ngoni haana kupusa at all... first, aigara achinetsana nemusikana over this kusvika musikana azoita open up. Second, he insisted on DNA tests. Third, he is protecting his wife's dignity.
Ngoni is playing a long game
@ROGUE406 very true
hanty aive audzwa kudhara kuti mwana haasi wako saka hapana paitarisira 99.99%.vanhu vanenge vachidanana
Tete vawana pekupedzera shungu vanga vaine chigumbu kkkk
Tete you are a star ✨❤
Zvekuti ngoni haashandi zvavanga vachitaura vanga vabvunzwa nani vaneshaisano Tete ava
😮😮😮😮 nhaimi ko zvandavhunduka that's why tete vakatsamwa vanoziva mawara a Lisa kuti achapera
Team riripasi pemuti iro ndaona Lisa azonyatsoenda ku south asina kuoneka cz team iro rokupedzera
i receive man of god
Team pasi remuti 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for watching me n lisa we are good 2gether😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Part2 is coming uchengete futi
@@bahlemaqeda1105 kkkkkkkkkkk i receive😅
Ukupamhiwa umwebhadha unomama hanzi mhofu mhofu haaaa mutupo wenyu ndewe zvigure
Good my brother stand by your wife usaudzirwe how to live your life
Panhuwa Blesser ava zvavakaPromiswq zvikuru but it will end in tears
Yaaa, it does not make sense, vana ava vanochengetwawo, vaitoziva kuti mwana ane muridzi, WHY GOING FOR DNAs . Blesser ndiye ari kuda DNA results kwete tuvana utwu
Ngoni akazongo tambidzwa nhumbu asi munhu wacho his powerful
If Ngoni live according to his word, he is a gentleman and I salute him. We do not know the full story as they seem to hide other details for their dignity. Tete varikupenga because she might probably be thinking mwana ndewemurume wavo. Tete's behaviour is not adimirable, the details should be discussed at family level and not on Screen.
Tete havasi kuda chakanaka mumba umu
Akakamurume karombe kanotochengetwavo hakana chunhu
Maitiro avo ana Mhofu, tingashore Ngoni uyu asi chimuti chekuda zvakapfava vanacho havo.
Mutupo uyu ndautadza.
Ngoni has made a good decision, if you find a good partner there is no reason to walk away on any basis. that is maturity there.
Haikonai kuzungaira, good partner anokuhurira mwana during a relationship newe😅😅😅
@@leomapfirakupa vanga vaita breakup when Lisa got pregnant
blaz imimi munengewo makadyiswawo fut imi
@@leomapfirakupa haana kuhurirwa uyu, they had both moved on
Akapuhwa mwana na bmkuru
Urikutaura chokwadi iwe ngoni hazvari
Hope hama dzaNgoni hadzina pamuromo seni hangu ukandibhohwa ndokuudza maresuilts emwana ....... mangwana Lisa uchayenda hako joni wasingle mother
Kana vanga vachiziva muridzi nemwana vaitirei ma DNA ??? The way Ngoni protected baby daddy achakwirwa mukadzi kusvika zvakanaka kana kutopiwa second nhumbu futi .....
This child will grow up and see this. These two will be judged very harshly. Especially the mother. They need guidance so they can make informed decisions