Heads up, but last night my P1P didn't see the Glacier plate while doing auto bed level check and ran and skidded over the plate with a deep mark that makes it junk now. I had heard a few complaints about this and now I've seen it first hand. Apparently the detector might not see the plate and jam down into it.
We didn't do a quantitative measurement, but if we take the lateral adhesion test results, the Frostbite should come on top compared to the SuperTack. But again, if you run the SuperTack at 45C they should be comparable.
You should've included the glacier :'( I really need to know the surface finish comparaison between super tack and Glacier I need the matest finish possible on my prints first layer with a bit of texture and I don' t know wich one is the best for it.
Heads up, but last night my P1P didn't see the Glacier plate while doing auto bed level check and ran and skidded over the plate with a deep mark that makes it junk now. I had heard a few complaints about this and now I've seen it first hand. Apparently the detector might not see the plate and jam down into it.
That's unfortunate to hear! But thanks for letting me know about this issue.
You might want to hit up Biqu and see what they say, they do market that surface layer as being relatively tough.
@@kylek29 I can use the back side for now and hope that doesn't happen again...mmm...the new plate has the deep gouge now...ouch..
What about the difference in warping for large prints?
We didn't do a quantitative measurement, but if we take the lateral adhesion test results, the Frostbite should come on top compared to the SuperTack. But again, if you run the SuperTack at 45C they should be comparable.
You should've included the glacier :'( I really need to know the surface finish comparaison between super tack and Glacier I need the matest finish possible on my prints first layer with a bit of texture and I don' t know wich one is the best for it.
The SuperTack has the mattest finish, but the Glacier is not much off.
@3DFarmers OK thank you very much, does the super tack has as much texture as the glacier or is it even?
Can you use the Frostbite or SuperTack with no heat at all?
Yes, we tested also at 25C and it works great for normal prints.
I see no reason to compare the Cool Plate as it is, sadly, discontinued... What a shame.
The cool plate was included in the test to see if the SuperTack is a worthy successor.