Ein tolles Handwerk, dass uns hoffentlich noch lange erhalten bleiben wird, selbst wenn die Politik uns Holzfeuerungsanlangen immer mehr madig machen möchte. Mit Holz zu heizen ist ein Stück Freiheit, dass wir uns erhalten sollten.
Dann bin ich wohl "Die Politik" . Ich hab den Kamin diesen Winter oft angehabt, ich find das wohl auch gemütlich - aber es bläst ne Menge Feinstaub raus, und iwie isses auch schade um den Werkstoff, ihn in Massen zu verbrennen. Ist schon gut, daß es effiziente Alternativen gibt.
@@ghenulo "A lot of German words have been borrowed into English." English and German are both Germanic languages... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_languages#/media/File:Europe_germanic-languages_2.PNG
I speak both and one other. The presentation was very basic and to the point. No real technical dialog. At the end a few specifications were noted like a 7.5 meter flue length, and an 86% thermal efficiency. Other than that it was Sesame Street.
@@Bialy_1 true, but English is also just as much a romance language and to a point, a Latin language. The vowel rules echo latin. Many of the used words are romance language. Is it an element or a firststuff? In modern high German there is a lot of romance language as well. Modern Germany loves adding foreign words. A favorite right now is fuck! Since it isn't German, you can say it anywhere. It's not a curse word in German. Just like Chupa mi Pinga doesn't mean anything in English. Unless you understand Spanish. Then those be fighting words. I still can't get used to the word fuck being used on national TV . There is even a reality show on German TV in prime time called "Get the Fuck out of my house!" That is really what the show is called. My household is dam near the UN. I speak English, Spanish, and German fluently. I'm American. My wife is German and speaks German and English. Our oldest son is taking Latin as a third language in school. I can sort of remember it. But I don't profess to speak it. I had it in school when Bush was president. Not Dub-yuh. His dad. It has been a while. My grandmother told me once that she could speak seven languages when she was younger. I don't know how fluently or how much though. My oldest son has a knack for language and music though. If all else fails he can be an interpreter. I think he'll be alright though. He's starting Algebra and he just started 6th grade. If we had stayed in the states, he would probably be bored to death in school. When I was in school most kids were always playing catch up with the material. I was always bored waiting on them. That was before school got dumbed down so certain dumbasses don't get offended because they don't meet the standard and blame it on something else other than their own laziness. I don't know what school in the states is like now, but based on what I have seen, my 9 year old could probably pass a GED test in his sleep. In Germany they separate the kids after 4th grade into three categories, academic, vocational, and OK for a job. They used to have a 4th category that we used to call boot back in the day. It was pretty much a satellite branch of juvenile hall. Everyone knew where everyone there was going after school. And most of them are still there 25 years later. In Germany they don't just split the classes. They actually have different schools. You aren't going to have hoodlum drug dealers who can't read in 9th grade walking around the hallways where University Students are studying. Inclusion has limits in Germany. As it should be. If you want an education, it's free, but you have to work for it. They don't just give it to you based on your demographics or income. They should have been doing that in the states all along. Not lying to everyone to be politically correct. Some people are just not cut out for certain things. Nothing will change that. It isn't racist or prejudiced. It's a fact. Cleetus the village idiot will never be a brain surgeon. No matter how much he may want to be. If he can't spell his full name, why would you lie to him and say he's a genius. Some people's feelings need to be hurt to put them back on earth. That IS how it is. They shouldn't allow the standard to be dropped to coloring a picture as a final exam for a doctorate because some people get offended that they didn't make it.
Wow, what a work of art and a perfect place for kitties to keep warm! The craftsmanship in Europe is amazing! I don't suppose anything like that is available in the U.S.
Of course it is. You just can't buy it at Wal-Mart or Home Depot. If you find an actual mason, he can build it for you. However since everyone is all about cosmetic finishes and flipping foe profit, good luck finding and actual mason. Nowadays it isn't a real trade anymore. It's laying tile, floating slabs, and stacking cinder blocks as fast and cheap as possible. That's what happens when the populous adopts a whore mentality. Fast, cheap, and pretty, but hollow and worthless on the inside. Viva la Swag. I built my own and it works great. Mine is even rated at 92% efficient, and I can bake with it. It pays to learn a trade and be able to do things yourself.
They have step diagrams of the process online. It's normally in Russian or German but all you have to do is look at each level of the process to see what's going on.
This design is used in all europe, i mean Germany isn't the only country wich has large mass heaters. I'm from Romania and this stove design is what my grand grand parents had in their home, and my grand parents have this design too. they have a cooking stove one one side and a platform like this one used for sleeping on. The thing is massive, it even has a bread oven under the air serpentines, about 0.7x1.2 meters
The Kachelofen idea and architecture was discovered by alpine people from the region of Austria, Switzerland and Germany then spread to other countries.
Der Ofen ist natürlich super. Über Optik bzw über das Design läßt sich streiten bzw da hat jeder sein Geschmack. Mir würde z.B etwas dezent Buntes besser gefallen u abgerundete Ecken. Aber jedem das Seine. Hauptsache warm!!! Da läßt sich am Ofen gut Liegen. Und die Katze hat gleich mal alles getestet! Nun konnte der Winter ja kommen!
Nice job. I did get a sense of secondary air to re-burn the soot/poorly-burnt-fumes from the fire after the fuel chamber. I would like one with an double oven, hot plate and a boiler for radiators to send the heat around the house.
Welche Steine sind das, die da bei 3:00 gelegt werden? Auch Schamottesteine, die in den Kacheln als Auskleidung verwendet wurden? Mit welchem Mörtel werden diese Steine verfugt bzw. gelegt? Der sieht so grau aus und nicht wie der Lehmputz dahinter (ist das vll ein normaler Zemtmörtel?). Welche Steine (Rötlich und beschriftet "RAT..." kann man ned lesen) sind das, die an der Innenwand (Rauchfangaussenwand (grau)) anliegen? Einfach (Ton-)Klinker? kann man stattdessen Kalziumsilikatplatten in halber Stärke zB nehmen? Welche Steine sind das, die da bei 3:37 im Feuerraum verlegt werden und wie werden die Gebunden und muss man diese überhaupt binden oder kann man die nicht einfach verlgen? Die haben ja auch diese Ausnehmungen für das Gewölbe oder? (Also quasi 3 Schichten dann). Und mit welchem Fugenkleber verfugt man die Kacheln am Ende? Hoffentlich kann mir jemand diese Fragen beantworten :) Vielen Dank
what they are saying is not too relevant, the pictures explain themselves pretty good. The materials are clay and firebrick. The stove has an efficiency of 87%. The rest is useless talk
Ich bin als Kind in einem Haus mit Kachelofen mit Zügen aufgewachsen und seit dem völlig begeistert. Mit 5 Scheiten Holz konnten wir eine irre Wärme erzeugen die den ganzen Tag gehalten hat, weil man den Ofen komplett schließen konnte. Die meisten Öfen oder Kamine heute sind Umwelt und Ressourcenverschwendung. Mein Traum ist es noch einmal mit einem richtigen Kachelofen zusammen zu wohnen.
Kachelofens are old but they work so well that people are still using them. I want one but here in California there is no need for a fireplace and we rarely use the heater.
Ich würde mir wünschen, dass diese Handwerkskunst weiter bestehen würde,und auch die junge Leute dies als Traditionsberufe mal sehen würden. Immerhin,sterben uns mittlerweile die Handwerksberufe schon fast aus.
Hallo und vielen Dank für das Video. Unklar ist uns "Die Verbrennungsluft von außen wird angeschlossen". Das Rohr kommt aus dem Boden heraus und geht unter dem Heizraum wieder raus? Und woher kommt denn diese Verbrennungsluft von außen? Wir haben einen alten versotteten Kohlekachelofen abgetragen und darin sowas nicht entdeckt (ein zweiter Kohlekachelofen ist noch intakt und seit jahrzehnten in Betrieb). Die Großmann's aus Falkenthal
You should put some tight copper coils all trough the system so you can have kind of boiler too with no big additional effort every time you heat the place
some Grundofen has it. But the coils must not have too much surface because the oven would not reach its desired temp and soot will destroy it in longterm.
Ein sehr schönes Video aus ÖSTERREICH, was den prinzipiellen Aufbau und die Funktionsweise schön darstellt. Jedoch kann ich mir folgendes nicht wirklich verkneifen: Der riesen Trümmer hat nur 4kW Heizleistung? Bitte nicht falsch verstehen, aber mein kleinster Kamin hat schon 5,5kW, der mittlere 8kW und der größte mit Wassertasche 12kW. Alle sind ~50-70% kleiner. Ich bin einfach vom Verhältnis zwischen Größe und Leistung geplättet. Dennoch ziehe ich meinen Hut vor dem österreichischen Ofenbaumeister! Eine sehr saubere Ausführung.
Naja 4,5 KW sind nur ne Rechengrösse. Die s.g. Feuerungswärmeleistung liegt deutlich höher. Wobei eine Zuglänge von über 7 mtr. wohl schon recht mutig ist. Wegen der drohenden Verrußung der letzten Zugbereiche. Hab das mal vor gut 40 Jahren gelernt und dann Gemeistert. Leider ist dieser Beruf zumindest hier im Osten Deutschlands auch ein sterbendes Handwerk.
Bitte nicht falsch verstehen, aber mein kleinster Kamin (ja, alle drei keine Kachelöfen) :Haben Sie feuerfeste Steine verwendet? Schicken Sie uns ein paar Fotos, das wäre schön....
geniales Video! > Frage bzgl. des Fugenmaterials 08:10 wird da bestimmte Fugenmasse benoetigt (wegen der Hitze) oder kann man sonst irgendwelche billige Fugenmasese benutzen? >> Ich weiss noch, daheim mussten wir die Fugenmasse fuer unseren Kachelofen halbjaehrlich erneuern weil das so schnell zerbroeselte, da war wohl der Innenausbau undicht.
hat der Kachelofen auch Wartungskacheln die man abmachen kann um die Asche raus zu holen? welcher Draht wird da verwendet? Über Antwort würde ich mich freuen. Gibts auch mal ein Video wo man sieht das bei einem alten Kachelofen das Rauchrohr gewechselt wird?
People, if you are going to build something like this there MUST BE a damper that allows the flame and hot gasses from the firebox to get DIRECTLY to the chimney, and out of the house, when the stove is cold. After, say, 10 minutes of burning the damper can then be closed and the flame and hot gasses can then be forced to "go up and down and go left and right." *** This can only be done after the chimney is made hot. A cold system will not pull gasses up and down and left and right. Without this damper, you will smoke your house out. I don't see a damper on this stove. We see that he blows smoke into the first part of the chimney and it draws the smoke in and up well. I applaud him if he has a magical chimney in his house that, even cold, pulls smoke up it hard. Maybe he has a chimney fan? Most people's houses WILL NOT DO THIS. You must install this bypass damper !
Ich als Erbauer dieses Ofens, kann Ihnen versichern, dass der Kunde / Betreiber dieses Grundofens noch niemals eines Ihrer angesprochenen Probleme hatte. Im Gegenteil er ist total begeistert. Ich weiß sehr wohl was eine Anheizklappe ist, habe auch schon welche eingebaut - zu viele ! Nachdem ich diesen Beruf erlernt und über mehr als 4 Jahrzehnte ausgeübt habe, brauche ich auch keinen Ventilator um einen funktionierenden zu bauen.
Zudem habe ich festgestellt, das Sie mein Video missbräuchlich verwendet haben. Alle Rechte sind bei mir. Der von Ihnen abgegebene Kommentar ist nicht fachgerecht, beleidigend und irreführend. Ich fordere Sie auf, dieses von Ihnen rechtswidrig ins Internet gestellte Video umgehend zu löschen. Andernfalls werde ich mir rechtliche Schritte vorbehalten
I was sure they were Austrian. Anyway, this is as difficult as building a plane. I gave up the idea to make my own stove myself...first should study for 3 years i guess. Are there any schools in Austria for this?
Because if someone who knows no better copies him they could end up with an injury. Seeing someone lose an eye at work, as I have seen, might make you think differently. That's the problem with TH-cam, not everyone is the 'expert' they think they are, yet it doesn't stop them putting up videos that show unsafe work practices. What he is doing would get him reprimanded and potentially could get him sacked if he was working on a properly run site. And yes, I have built a similar project myself. 25 years in construction.
In principle I agree with your safety concerns, at the same time your three comments focus on the shortest aspect of this video 'a short-cut' almost every craftsman has committed at one time or another, perhaps even you at some point in your 25-year career: No eye pro, no ear pro! The reason why safety plays the role it does in America is that America is the sue-happiest country on the planet, and law suits always drive home whatever point one is trying to make. Germany and most other countries are more lax, although they are coming around more and more. There "it's your fault", if you screw up, in America - which employs more lawyers then the rest of the world "combined" - it's routinely someone else's fault, like the employer or even the person whose house such a stove is built in. In our country you even have to wear safety glasses and a hard hat as a flagger before a road-construction site. Why? You might fall asleep, fall over and bump your head. I can't think of many other reasons.
I'm not interested in who blames who or who sues who in America. As far as I am concerned every worker has a responsibility for his/her own safety. In the same way as every employer have a duty to provide a safe work place. I am not concerned about what 'shortcuts' or unsafe work practices people take in their own workshop or in their own jobs, that's between them and their boss. But I AM concerned when they video it and put it up on TH-cam, because many, many people turn to TH-cam to learn how to do stuff and by learning an unsafe work practice, they may put themselves or someone else in danger. And that is also a situation where your lawyers may be involved. My three comments all focus on what he got wrong and I believe I was morally right to do so. [By the way, my three comments may look disjointed because two comments from another person, one of which was abusive, have now been deleted}.
I like your sense of humor ; - ) I suggest you watch the 'knitting channel'. Maybe you'll find that grandma isn't wearing hard hat and safety glasses while she's making a sweater, and complain about that.
Hat jemand Ahnung und kann mir helfen? Wenn ich Rauchkanäle einbaue, muss ich auf irgendwas achten wegen Ruß? Kann sich das zusetzen oder einen Brand auslösen im Kamin/Ofen... Weil im Schornstein soll das ja auch passieren können, aber man kann den Rauchkanal im Ofen schlecht putzen oder
Move to Colorado, LOL My buddy lives in Orange County and around January it did drop down to 32 deg. He has a Pellet Heater (Window Unit), It heats his whole Town Home since he is Renting he can easily take it with him.
Muss der Kaminkehrer nicht an alle Stellen ab Verbrennungsraum "rankommen"? WIE geht das bei der verwinkelten Rauchgasführung zwischen Brennraum und Kaminrohranschluss?
Look up Russian 'stoves' (heaters) for starters. :) Or start from just masonry heaters. - If there an air inlet in Herr Builder's stove, I missed it. A Rumford is excellent too - but as there is only one company making the clay liners, breast, other parts (I can't remember what the top part on the chimney is called right now.), it isn't cheap. :(
Ein tolles Handwerk, dass uns hoffentlich noch lange erhalten bleiben wird, selbst wenn die Politik uns Holzfeuerungsanlangen immer mehr madig machen möchte. Mit Holz zu heizen ist ein Stück Freiheit, dass wir uns erhalten sollten.
Dann bin ich wohl "Die Politik" . Ich hab den Kamin diesen Winter oft angehabt, ich find das wohl auch gemütlich - aber es bläst ne Menge Feinstaub raus, und iwie isses auch schade um den Werkstoff, ihn in Massen zu verbrennen. Ist schon gut, daß es effiziente Alternativen gibt.
Ein Lob an den Kaminmeister!!!! Ein sehr gutes Video, das sieht alles sehr Fachmännisch und sehr sauber gearbeitet aus. Wirklich Bravo!!!!
stimmt und kein 60 Min Video, sondern kurz und aussagekräftig
awesome video, don't understand a word of German, didn't need to, he laid it out so well as he went along that it was easy to understand, bravo, bravo
That's hard to believe. A lot of German words have been borrowed into English.
I agree. I felt the same way.
@@ghenulo "A lot of German words have been borrowed into English." English and German are both Germanic languages... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_languages#/media/File:Europe_germanic-languages_2.PNG
I speak both and one other. The presentation was very basic and to the point. No real technical dialog. At the end a few specifications were noted like a 7.5 meter flue length, and an 86% thermal efficiency. Other than that it was Sesame Street.
@@Bialy_1 true, but English is also just as much a romance language and to a point, a Latin language. The vowel rules echo latin. Many of the used words are romance language. Is it an element or a firststuff? In modern high German there is a lot of romance language as well. Modern Germany loves adding foreign words. A favorite right now is fuck! Since it isn't German, you can say it anywhere. It's not a curse word in German. Just like Chupa mi Pinga doesn't mean anything in English. Unless you understand Spanish. Then those be fighting words. I still can't get used to the word fuck being used on national TV . There is even a reality show on German TV in prime time called "Get the Fuck out of my house!" That is really what the show is called. My household is dam near the UN. I speak English, Spanish, and German fluently. I'm American. My wife is German and speaks German and English. Our oldest son is taking Latin as a third language in school. I can sort of remember it. But I don't profess to speak it. I had it in school when Bush was president. Not Dub-yuh. His dad. It has been a while. My grandmother told me once that she could speak seven languages when she was younger. I don't know how fluently or how much though. My oldest son has a knack for language and music though. If all else fails he can be an interpreter. I think he'll be alright though. He's starting Algebra and he just started 6th grade. If we had stayed in the states, he would probably be bored to death in school. When I was in school most kids were always playing catch up with the material. I was always bored waiting on them. That was before school got dumbed down so certain dumbasses don't get offended because they don't meet the standard and blame it on something else other than their own laziness. I don't know what school in the states is like now, but based on what I have seen, my 9 year old could probably pass a GED test in his sleep. In Germany they separate the kids after 4th grade into three categories, academic, vocational, and OK for a job. They used to have a 4th category that we used to call boot back in the day. It was pretty much a satellite branch of juvenile hall. Everyone knew where everyone there was going after school. And most of them are still there 25 years later. In Germany they don't just split the classes. They actually have different schools. You aren't going to have hoodlum drug dealers who can't read in 9th grade walking around the hallways where University Students are studying. Inclusion has limits in Germany. As it should be. If you want an education, it's free, but you have to work for it. They don't just give it to you based on your demographics or income. They should have been doing that in the states all along. Not lying to everyone to be politically correct. Some people are just not cut out for certain things. Nothing will change that. It isn't racist or prejudiced. It's a fact. Cleetus the village idiot will never be a brain surgeon. No matter how much he may want to be. If he can't spell his full name, why would you lie to him and say he's a genius. Some people's feelings need to be hurt to put them back on earth. That IS how it is. They shouldn't allow the standard to be dropped to coloring a picture as a final exam for a doctorate because some people get offended that they didn't make it.
Sehr Lehrreiches und interessantes Video ! Danke für die Herstellung dieses hochwertigen Videos !! Bitte mehr Davon !!!
Es lebe das Handwerk! Ein schöner schlichter und funktionaler Kachelofen. Das Beste, was es gibt, wenn es Draußen Kalt und Naß ist. (:
Awesome 👏🏻 I start smiling when you did the smoke test and smile back 😁
This Oven - Master is working perfect !! I love this Video !! Thank You !!
This puts all other wood stoves to shame. Amazing design. I would love to have one in my home.
Bravo ..kann man nur sagen.. Lehm das beste .endlich..einer der sagt..die wirklich keit hut ab.. Thomas. Perdachwr
Отличная работа, мастера Золотые руки 👍👍👍💥👏👏👏
Couldn't stop watching .... this furnace just makes so much sense.
That guy is a master. He just that look effortless.
iwow, wirklich eine super fantastische Bautechnik, um die Technik zu sehen. super heizung danke für die Videogrüße aus Rom
richtige Handarbeit
Wow, what a work of art and a perfect place for kitties to keep warm! The craftsmanship in Europe is amazing! I don't suppose anything like that is available in the U.S.
Of course it is. You just can't buy it at Wal-Mart or Home Depot. If you find an actual mason, he can build it for you. However since everyone is all about cosmetic finishes and flipping foe profit, good luck finding and actual mason. Nowadays it isn't a real trade anymore. It's laying tile, floating slabs, and stacking cinder blocks as fast and cheap as possible. That's what happens when the populous adopts a whore mentality. Fast, cheap, and pretty, but hollow and worthless on the inside. Viva la Swag. I built my own and it works great. Mine is even rated at 92% efficient, and I can bake with it. It pays to learn a trade and be able to do things yourself.
They have step diagrams of the process online. It's normally in Russian or German but all you have to do is look at each level of the process to see what's going on.
@@FesterPussbucketDo you have a building plan of yours please?
God bless the Germans and their artfully executed engineering.
Dude.. Is video was made in Austria... Very good
Большое спасибо мастеру. Теперь я знаю как класть изразец.
This design is used in all europe, i mean Germany isn't the only country wich has large mass heaters. I'm from Romania and this stove design is what my grand grand parents had in their home, and my grand parents have this design too. they have a cooking stove one one side and a platform like this one used for sleeping on. The thing is massive, it even has a bread oven under the air serpentines, about 0.7x1.2 meters
Beni Munson
Same here in Poland👍
He‘s actualy from Austria. But your right 👍🏼
Yes it is used all over europe in regionally differations. It was standard in the times before coal, oil or gas…
The Kachelofen idea and architecture was discovered by alpine people from the region of Austria, Switzerland and Germany then spread to other countries.
Alle die den Daumen nach unten geben, können sich kein Grundofen leisten! Einen schönen Tag noch!
@@gooldii1 Ja, keinen!
Mit EN!@@isarwasser5271
Schön warm und man hat jahrelang Freude daran ......... wir haben einen 4KW Ofen und freuen uns jeden Tag den wir heizen an diese gute Investition
Sehr schöne Arbeit, sieht gut aus !👌🔥
Danke peter ich habe gute erinnerungen an dieser ofenarten zeit meine tage in Bad Salzschlirf.
It must give out stored heat for ages! Great idea.
its still has a problem...after 5-7 years i bet your ass you need to open it uo cuz it will fill with ash
@@kokainhigh no there are maintenance opening for cleaning it once every year.
Really good structure, and summer time for the cat.
simmer* {JK)
Coś pięknego ;-) Very nice job ! Sam kiedyś robiłem / przestawiałem piece ... to ciężka praca.
Sauber sauber, bin begeistert !
Sauber und ordentlich gemacht. Mit Liebe zu Arbeit.
AWSOME! I wish I could have a translation to English. I did get most of it because of your excellent camera work. Thanks from Des Moines ,Iowa. USA
Very traditional construction. Well done. Where the door come from ?
Bellísimo!! Felicidades al maestro 👏
Der Ofen ist natürlich super. Über Optik bzw über das Design läßt sich streiten bzw da hat jeder sein Geschmack. Mir würde z.B etwas dezent Buntes besser gefallen u abgerundete Ecken. Aber jedem das Seine. Hauptsache warm!!! Da läßt sich am Ofen gut Liegen. Und die Katze hat gleich mal alles getestet! Nun konnte der Winter ja kommen!
Nice job.
I did get a sense of secondary air to re-burn the soot/poorly-burnt-fumes from the fire after the fuel chamber.
I would like one with an double oven, hot plate and a boiler for radiators to send the heat around the house.
I love these people! Literally falls asleep by the end of filming.
Admiro de gran manera a personas como este señor que son tan creativos, que dios le dé vida y saludo
Awesome, great design, clean work, it´s one of the best I have seen.
Nice to see that European engineering.
Very nice piece of work.
Beautiful, elegant design and work. How much mass it has? How much energy it can store with single batch?
It can give it‘s heat up to 48 hours😊 The weight can differ from 900 to 1400kg depending the size etc
Ребята молодцы знают свою работу
почти русская печь))
@@didroi74Do you know where I can find a good building plan for a Russian oven please?
Supergeiler Beruf. Handwerk halt. Top.
Gute Arbeit , Peter Grüße von Buenos aires
Ganz tolle Arbeit....
Welche Steine sind das, die da bei 3:00 gelegt werden? Auch Schamottesteine, die in den Kacheln als Auskleidung verwendet wurden?
Mit welchem Mörtel werden diese Steine verfugt bzw. gelegt? Der sieht so grau aus und nicht wie der Lehmputz dahinter (ist das vll ein normaler Zemtmörtel?). Welche Steine (Rötlich und beschriftet "RAT..." kann man ned lesen) sind das, die an der Innenwand (Rauchfangaussenwand (grau)) anliegen? Einfach (Ton-)Klinker? kann man stattdessen Kalziumsilikatplatten in halber Stärke zB nehmen? Welche Steine sind das, die da bei 3:37 im Feuerraum verlegt werden und wie werden die Gebunden und muss man diese überhaupt binden oder kann man die nicht einfach verlgen? Die haben ja auch diese Ausnehmungen für das Gewölbe oder? (Also quasi 3 Schichten dann). Und mit welchem Fugenkleber verfugt man die Kacheln am Ende? Hoffentlich kann mir jemand diese Fragen beantworten :) Vielen Dank
Diese video ist sehr gut!
dieses, entschuldigung.
i love this design, great work. only wish i had a clue to what you were saying, haha
what they are saying is not too relevant, the pictures explain themselves pretty good. The materials are clay and firebrick. The stove has an efficiency of 87%. The rest is useless talk
Wie dann fandest du dieses Video?
@@Beowulf-sd5gh what motar he is using
@@ayushpainuly4530 clay and chamotte
Ich bin als Kind in einem Haus mit Kachelofen mit Zügen aufgewachsen und seit dem völlig begeistert. Mit 5 Scheiten Holz konnten wir eine irre Wärme erzeugen die den ganzen Tag gehalten hat, weil man den Ofen komplett schließen konnte.
Die meisten Öfen oder Kamine heute sind Umwelt und Ressourcenverschwendung.
Mein Traum ist es noch einmal mit einem richtigen Kachelofen zusammen zu wohnen.
Hallo, bitte zeigen sie auch ein Video wie man die Züge reinigen kann, danke mfg
Enjoyed watching. But I have one question. How do you clean the chimney in this design?
the Grundofen has several floors and in each is a maintenance opening to clean it once a year or every 2 years.
Think ist 8 to 10 . My Experience @@SD_Alias
Kachelofens are old but they work so well that people are still using them. I want one but here in California there is no need for a fireplace and we rarely use the heater.
man du bist eine gorse kunstler respekt !
Exellent work!!!
Good job and a lovely finish.
5:55 immer noch die beste Begründung warum man gerade drinnen raucht 😅
Sehr schöner Kachelofen!
Ich würde mir wünschen, dass diese Handwerkskunst weiter bestehen würde,und auch die junge Leute dies als Traditionsberufe mal sehen würden.
Immerhin,sterben uns mittlerweile die Handwerksberufe schon fast aus.
Wozu??? Holzheizung soll ja verboten werden🤣🤣🤣
Und wie wird er gereinigt?
Hallo und vielen Dank für das Video. Unklar ist uns "Die Verbrennungsluft von außen wird angeschlossen". Das Rohr kommt aus dem Boden heraus und geht unter dem Heizraum wieder raus? Und woher kommt denn diese Verbrennungsluft von außen?
Wir haben einen alten versotteten Kohlekachelofen abgetragen und darin sowas nicht entdeckt (ein zweiter Kohlekachelofen ist noch intakt und seit jahrzehnten in Betrieb).
Die Großmann's aus Falkenthal
Yeah sehr gut Peter 👍🏼
Looks great, excellent work.
Und dazu ne Villinger... schön das Handwerk nicht ausstirbt. Hätte gerne so ein schönes Teil
You should put some tight copper coils all trough the system so you can have kind of boiler too with no big additional effort every time you heat the place
Great Idea-----!!! ---- you have improved the design immediately !!! Terry
some Grundofen has it. But the coils must not have too much surface because the oven would not reach its desired temp and soot will destroy it in longterm.
Ein sehr schönes Video aus ÖSTERREICH, was den prinzipiellen Aufbau und die Funktionsweise schön darstellt.
Jedoch kann ich mir folgendes nicht wirklich verkneifen:
Der riesen Trümmer hat nur 4kW Heizleistung?
Bitte nicht falsch verstehen, aber mein kleinster Kamin hat schon 5,5kW, der mittlere 8kW und der größte mit Wassertasche 12kW. Alle sind ~50-70% kleiner.
Ich bin einfach vom Verhältnis zwischen Größe und Leistung geplättet.
Dennoch ziehe ich meinen Hut vor dem österreichischen Ofenbaumeister! Eine sehr saubere Ausführung.
Naja 4,5 KW sind nur ne Rechengrösse. Die s.g. Feuerungswärmeleistung liegt deutlich höher. Wobei eine Zuglänge von über 7 mtr. wohl schon recht mutig ist. Wegen der drohenden Verrußung der letzten Zugbereiche.
Hab das mal vor gut 40 Jahren gelernt und dann Gemeistert.
Leider ist dieser Beruf zumindest hier im Osten Deutschlands auch ein sterbendes Handwerk.
Bitte nicht falsch verstehen, aber mein kleinster Kamin (ja, alle drei keine Kachelöfen) :Haben Sie feuerfeste Steine verwendet? Schicken Sie uns ein paar Fotos, das wäre schön....
super video, danke!
geniales Video!
> Frage bzgl. des Fugenmaterials 08:10 wird da bestimmte Fugenmasse benoetigt (wegen der Hitze) oder kann man sonst irgendwelche billige Fugenmasese benutzen?
>> Ich weiss noch, daheim mussten wir die Fugenmasse fuer unseren Kachelofen halbjaehrlich erneuern weil das so schnell zerbroeselte, da war wohl der Innenausbau undicht.
Das ist Schamottfuge...
hat der Kachelofen auch Wartungskacheln die man abmachen kann um die Asche raus zu holen? welcher Draht wird da verwendet? Über Antwort würde ich mich freuen.
Gibts auch mal ein Video wo man sieht das bei einem alten Kachelofen das Rauchrohr gewechselt wird?
Looks really well. Would not the horizontal runs increase the residence time of the carbon gases and allow creosote to build up?
not if the cross sections and length of the runs are calculated to fit the chimneys drag…
it is ok to clean it once after winter
Thank you for sharing your knowledge
Was passiert mit den Schamottesteinen im Feuerraum wenn sie gerissen sind oder ausbrechen?
Worth it just to see the kitty
I'd like to see a basic design of how the air flows
the airflow is shone in the video bout 8:38
Will be nice if to show a lay out plan with some measurements, a bit hard to figure it out in the video
пересматриваю... хорошее настроение
People, if you are going to build something like this there MUST BE a damper that allows the flame and hot gasses from the firebox to get DIRECTLY to the chimney, and out of the house, when the stove is cold. After, say, 10 minutes of burning the damper can then be closed and the flame and hot gasses can then be forced to "go up and down and go left and right." *** This can only be done after the chimney is made hot. A cold system will not pull gasses up and down and left and right. Without this damper, you will smoke your house out. I don't see a damper on this stove. We see that he blows smoke into the first part of the chimney and it draws the smoke in and up well. I applaud him if he has a magical chimney in his house that, even cold, pulls smoke up it hard. Maybe he has a chimney fan? Most people's houses WILL NOT DO THIS. You must install this bypass damper !
Ich als Erbauer dieses Ofens, kann Ihnen versichern, dass der Kunde / Betreiber dieses Grundofens noch niemals eines Ihrer angesprochenen Probleme hatte. Im Gegenteil er ist total begeistert. Ich weiß sehr wohl was eine Anheizklappe ist, habe auch schon welche eingebaut - zu viele ! Nachdem ich diesen Beruf erlernt und über mehr als 4 Jahrzehnte ausgeübt habe, brauche ich auch keinen Ventilator um einen funktionierenden zu bauen.
Zudem habe ich festgestellt, das Sie mein Video missbräuchlich verwendet haben. Alle Rechte sind bei mir. Der von Ihnen abgegebene Kommentar ist nicht fachgerecht, beleidigend und irreführend. Ich fordere Sie auf, dieses von Ihnen rechtswidrig ins Internet gestellte Video umgehend zu löschen. Andernfalls werde ich mir rechtliche Schritte vorbehalten
Sauber gesetzt! 👍
Tolles Video!!!! einfach TOP!!! aber wie reinigt man die Züge von einem Grundofen? muss man da das ganze Ding zerlegen?
Es gibt revisionsöffnungen die gut versteckt werden ;)
очень интересная печь материалы конечно у нас не купить такие а где модно найти чертеж схему дымоходов
На сайті спитайся
Where Where can I buy a plan for this kitchen?
I would pay to bring this craftsman here to New Hampshire, USA to build one for my home.
build a rocket mass heater instead
Spitzen Handwerker mit Erfahrung. Gute Arbeit! Aber Kamin aufschneiden ohne Schutzbrille?? Alter!!
Trotzdem Daumen hoch
A job well done!
Prerequisite nr 1: have a giant living room.
Ich habe mit meinem Vater, der dies seit 35 Jahren tut, Kachelöfen in Polen aufgestellt.
What is the name of that song in the video? It's beautiful!
I was sure they were Austrian. Anyway, this is as difficult as building a plane. I gave up the idea to make my own stove myself...first should study for 3 years i guess. Are there any schools in Austria for this?
Wie wird der Ofen gereinigt? Müssen da keine Reinigungsöffnungen mit ein gebaut werden?
Guten Tag, Super Film! Welche Kacheln werden für diesen Grundofen verwendet und welches sonstige Material? Wie heißt der Ofenbauer? Viele Grüße M
er heißt Peter ratz ;-)
No eye protection and no ear defenders worn when using the grinder? (5:40)
No but I guess you do, since you thought of that scenario.
Because if someone who knows no better copies him they could end up with an injury. Seeing someone lose an eye at work, as I have seen, might make you think differently. That's the problem with TH-cam, not everyone is the 'expert' they think they are, yet it doesn't stop them putting up videos that show unsafe work practices. What he is doing would get him reprimanded and potentially could get him sacked if he was working on a properly run site. And yes, I have built a similar project myself. 25 years in construction.
In principle I agree with your safety concerns, at the same time your three comments focus on the shortest aspect of this video 'a short-cut' almost every craftsman has committed at one time or another, perhaps even you at some point in your 25-year career: No eye pro, no ear pro!
The reason why safety plays the role it does in America is that America is the sue-happiest country on the planet, and law suits always drive home whatever point one is trying to make. Germany and most other countries are more lax, although they are coming around more and more. There "it's your fault", if you screw up, in America - which employs more lawyers then the rest of the world "combined" - it's routinely someone else's fault, like the employer or even the person whose house such a stove is built in.
In our country you even have to wear safety glasses and a hard hat as a flagger before a road-construction site. Why? You might fall asleep, fall over and bump your head. I can't think of many other reasons.
I'm not interested in who blames who or who sues who in America. As far as I am concerned every worker has a responsibility for his/her own safety. In the same way as every employer have a duty to provide a safe work place. I am not concerned about what 'shortcuts' or unsafe work practices people take in their own workshop or in their own jobs, that's between them and their boss. But I AM concerned when they video it and put it up on TH-cam, because many, many people turn to TH-cam to learn how to do stuff and by learning an unsafe work practice, they may put themselves or someone else in danger. And that is also a situation where your lawyers may be involved. My three comments all focus on what he got wrong and I believe I was morally right to do so. [By the way, my three comments may look disjointed because two comments from another person, one of which was abusive, have now been deleted}.
I like your sense of humor ; - )
I suggest you watch the 'knitting channel'. Maybe you'll find that grandma isn't wearing hard hat and safety glasses while she's making a sweater, and complain about that.
Tolle Arbeit! Was kostet so ein Grundofen?
Hat jemand Ahnung und kann mir helfen? Wenn ich Rauchkanäle einbaue, muss ich auf irgendwas achten wegen Ruß? Kann sich das zusetzen oder einen Brand auslösen im Kamin/Ofen... Weil im Schornstein soll das ja auch passieren können, aber man kann den Rauchkanal im Ofen schlecht putzen oder
Thank you for sharing
Move to Colorado, LOL My buddy lives in Orange County and around January it did drop down to 32 deg. He has a Pellet Heater (Window Unit), It heats his whole Town Home since he is Renting he can easily take it with him.
0:01 - quiz question for anyone watching this: Do you know why there would be a second storey door in this house? (Hint: it's in Austria.)
Research0digo furniture? Or snow?
How do you clean out the soot? No openings?
look carefully .there are two o two levels.
Look Minute 2.19
9:37 😁
kann man einen Kachelofen auch auf ca. 80Bx80Tx200H bauen, ggf. mit Bank?
Muss der Kaminkehrer nicht an alle Stellen ab Verbrennungsraum "rankommen"? WIE geht das bei der verwinkelten Rauchgasführung zwischen Brennraum und Kaminrohranschluss?
Great video.
Super Arbeit, danke für´s Teilen :-) Welches Fabrikat ist die Ofentüre?
GREAT---- would love to see a diagram---It would then be international ! Thank-you for sharing ! Terry
Look up Russian 'stoves' (heaters) for starters. :) Or start from just masonry heaters. - If there an air inlet in Herr Builder's stove, I missed it.
A Rumford is excellent too - but as there is only one company making the clay liners, breast, other parts (I can't remember what the top part on the chimney is called right now.), it isn't cheap. :(
@@Research0digo the inlet is coming up from the floor in the flex duct
Very nice work bravo