Reading The Card Explains The Card playmats are back in stock along with a limited supply of Teferi Can Go Tuck Himself shirts and TCC coffee mugs, Dies To Removal shirts and mats and tons of other great merch! Shipping is assured for the holidays through DFTBA! So check it out here:
While I don't mind the 24 hours window for the single boxes, I do feel like they should have the bundle available for the entire week. So move them all back one week and sell the bundle for the whole week. It would be great for those you want them all but don't get paid till let's say Friday and can't afford to buy the bundle on Monday.
Tolarian Community College why didn't they offer the snow lands in non-foil? It would've been nice to buy a playset of those gorgeous snow lands but foiling them out makes them more of a display product than a play product.
Remove Sliver Queen from the Reserved List and reprint her in a Secret Lair, she currently has the asking price of $113.20 for an average price from TCGPlayer, and she's not an amazing, game breaking card
I seriously love his hair being messy even at this length :D And also big respect and love to him for selling parts of his body to help those kids. The world would be a better place if it had more people like him in it.
We do have stores but they are limited and some of them just put ant prices they want so if those cheap ones run out of stock you are screwed. At least we do have commander products, draft, prereleases and such. Also the mtg community stablished very detailed rules to sell and buy cards inside the country so things wouldnt become a mess and so far they worked very nicely Also, single booster packs cost about 1.5$ more here
Hopefully there's mail forwarding services they can use, the only ones I know of are services from Japan to the US, but I imagine there's others for different countries.
Our entire community loved that professor brought this up. It was a major let down for us latin americans, excluding us like we are not worthy of the products was really fucked up.
@Jojoforpres My lgs told me there's too many problems shipping to those countries due to customs often ripping open anything sealed looking for drugs. :/
@@hammerred2000 it's a bit hard to tell without being able to rearrange them, but I think they actually are in the right order. the coloring is weird, but the vegetation seems to match up.
Excellent assessment! I would've picked up the goblins at least, but not a fan of the artwork or the premium price. This initial wave seems to be WotC testing the waters to see how much they can get away with. Let's hope future installments contain more value!
This was a great video to watch. I had been doing some research but as always the Prof gave a great class. Now I know which lair to get for me. Ty Prof
@Vincent-Antoine Soucy That’s the point, WOTC can’t legally acknowledge that they use the secondary market to price things, yet that’s exactly what they did here.
I dunno: I feel that in my city, the four major LGS are doing quite healthy on sealed products and drafting/sealed and the one that specializes in singles goes WAY above market value on prices and way below on buylist prices, not to mention adds massive markup on sealed product. The local LGS doing the healthiest seems to be the one that sticks close to the MSRP (or approximation now that MSRP is "gone"). I think because of this they have a higher volume of sales at a lower-to-average profit margin. They don't even deal in singles, but they do create a very nice family-oriented setting with lots of games beyond Magic.
@@goldcreeper7376 Fairpoint, but in all foil, it should still be a decent value. But hey throw in a Steel Overseer or something if you really want to up the value.
@@jorgem.8140 Eh, it's cutesy art so they gave it a cutesy name. They knew what they were doing. And despite the Prof's "F" grade I bet WotC sells a ton of them.
@@notme222 Cats are nice, but honestly I think they may have banked on that a little *too* hard. If people were willing to buy anything with kitties, Arahboh wouldn't be so cheap in the first place. *Good* cats would sell like hot cakes, don't get me wrong. As would a cheap cat tribal deck for new players. But meh cats you'll never actually use? At that price? I'm not sure there's too much overlap between 'people who don't care what the card does as long as it's a kitty' and 'people who will pay $40 for five cards'.
@@TriangleChloros So about the "But meh cats you'll never actually use" comment. In my lgs at least, I tend to play well with all of the cats being in my Arahbo deck, especially due to their abilities that pair up well with Arahbo to create an annoying force.
A buddy of mine pointed this out. Wizards: we dont acknowledge the secondary market Also Wizards: let's sell bitterblossom singles at it's secondary market rate
A part of me really can't wait until WOTC gets investigated for things like this. Their claim that they don't look at the secondary market is so paper thin.
Wizards has always been looking at the secondary market. You can tell because each non-standard set drop feeds chase reprints a couple cards at a time. Just enough to make people excited and buying in, but not so heavily that future sets have nothing. They just can't admit it because that's basically saying that there are ways to get these items without supporting wotc directly, which is obviously bad for any business
Yeah, I think it's a shame. When WotC said that they didn't look at the secondary market when determining cards I respected that decision because it gave them the flexibility and integrity to be value keepers of their own cards, and present bundles like this the way they wish, but with this it sort of feels to me like that it only holds true when the secondary market isn't something to be used to heighten the price. Generally, you'll know where people's priorities lie by their actions and choices, and sometimes those priorities can make you sad.
Every time i look at your book shelf im hit by a huge wave of nostalgia after seeing the death gate cycle and mtg arena in your collection. You have great taste in books :)
@@sandwichboy1268 Don't give it up! If you like constructed formats, you might wanna save for a cheap deck in a non-rotating format like pauper. Or, if you're into limited, I've found Cube to be my favorite way to play magic, period. If none of that seems viable, this may sound scummy, but I think playing with proxies is perfectly acceptable when the financial aspect of the game is unreasonable or impossible. This definitely works best if you have close-knit playgroup that understands your situation. There are a multitude of resources online for buying or printing ones of reasonable quality.
@@sandwichboy1268 I suggest either buying cheap decks packages online, usually costs around 15 - 20 bucks or so if I remember right, or just use proxy cards with friends who don't mind, if that doesn't bother you either. I've found that unless if you have a great income, mtg can be an all-out or no deal hobby, especially economically.
@@groddbondrow8789 Aside from official tournaments, do you even want to play with the kind of people that are bothered if their opponent is using proxies?
Thanks for making this video. Was seriously about to pull the trigger on two bundles. Had the confirmation page up when I thought "let's see what the Professor has to say about it."
I was really excited when these were first spoiled. When I saw the lands I wanted to get them, but when I found out that I'm paying $30 for five basic lands I could not believe they would actually be that stingy with BASIC LANDS!!! Also liked the kittens and loved the art for Miri but again, I don't know if I can justify paying $40 for an alt art of Miri.
@Lord Karnage regardless i would expect them to at least give 4 copies of those land, i mean by going 5 color you still only have 1 of those if you want to use all of them not to mention the odds of drawing it. For the price should have give 4, its freaking land, you usually need more than 1
I was going to buy the cats at first, but after considering a bit I'm not. The cats offered are garbage really, only Mirri is worth something, so not enough for a tribal. Tokens are cute, but there are only two of them, so not enough for a token deck. And then the price... For $20 I'd get those, just for fun, but 40 is way too much. So I'll probably try to find Mirri later on a secondary market and that's that
that's exactly it though. While it seems scummy from the perspective of reasonable people, WotC is gonna make a killing on this. Due to the timing, you're gonna have those gift sales on top of the people who would have bought it anyway. They're cashing in on the secondary market with *some* of their pricing, and the limited time frame is going to force impulse buys.
I personally have been looking to buy bitterblossom, the full play set at that. It’s also my favorite art. Paying a reduced price for my favorite art, done full art at that, is an excellent purchase in my eyes. I will also be grabbing the Kaleidoscope. Foil Reaper King alone is worth the price. While he may not sell as high, depending on how many are printed, for my own collection, I can enjoy a foil.
@@curts7801 I know how you feel about the Bitterblossom, it's my favourite art of the lot too. But I still feel that given it's from the supplier they have a lot of leverage on the price that they could've utilized to a much better effect towards the players and people that care immensely about their game and cards. People are interested, I am interested, but honestly, It's far beyond my price point no matter how tempting it might be. When WotC said that they didn't look at the secondary market when determining cards I respected that decision because it gave them the flexibility and integrity to be value keepers of their own cards, and present bundles like this the way they wish, but with this it sort of feels to me like that it only holds true when the secondary market isn't something to be used to heighten the price.
I’m currently only planning to pick up the Bitterblossom, but I’d love to see an Enchantress focused Lair in the future. Argothian Enchantress, Enlightened Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, and Greater Auramancy all need a reprint.
Thank you for this great video. I had previously seen the reveal of kaleidoscope killers and had become excited to order all seven lairs as they were finally within a price point I could afford. Then I watched your video and decided that kaleidoscope killers is the only one even worth getting. Thanks to you I will wait til Dec. 7 to get 2 of those.
@@dustinasche they refer to the Pacific and Atlantic in the singular, despite the fact they brake both of them into north and south when counting seas.
Thankyou so much Prof! Im a big sufferer of FOMO, the sight of new products has always been exciting but a big drain on my wallet, especially for cards I dont need but want for my collection. This review really reassures my thoughts on passing on this to save my spending on more important things like bills.
I'm extremely excited for Kaleidoscope Killers because of my Sliver Overlord deck, and I might one day build Ur-Dragon. But the rest of the Lairs confuse me greatly
After thinking about it for a while, I don't think all the Secret lairs are for the same group of people. Serum visions is very clearly for modern while Kitties is obviously aimed for EDH Cat tribal players... very specific niche. It really depends on what you play as to what would appeal to you. Originally I was like, WHY Serum visions! Why not Preordain or Ponder. But upon reflection, if I was a modern player, I'd be super excited about the Serum Visions set so it makes a lot of sense from that perspective.
For $29.99 sets I would want boxes containing: 1. 5 Khans full art foil 2. 5 Khan dragons full art 3. Reprints of Legends from Legend set. 4. Full art Weatherlight crew, ships, Volrath 5. Full art planeswalkers 6. Non-foiled full art shock lands or fetch lands 7. Full art glamorized swords 8. Full art Angels 9. Full art Legendary creatures.
Is it bad that I really want the cat one? My cat tribal is one of my favorite edh decks, and I run each of the cards included. And alternate art for Arahbo and Mirri is pretty exciting
Value is defined as what people are willing to pay for. If you think the alternate art is worth the price, then feel free to buy it! These are just the prof.'s recommendations and opinions.
To be fair he rated it badly in terms of financial value. If they hold any significance to you, as you mention they do, then it comes down to do you want to pay to get em. I knew going into this video the value wasnt gonna be there for the cat lair, but like yourself I use all those cards in my cat deck so I'm planning on getting it.
I feel the professor was a bit unfair here. From a pure financial aspect it makes no sense to buy "kitties" but these products don't seem to be purely about reprints. No one needs these. It's more about the effort going out and commissioning art that you are paying for. If that are speaks to you then you are the audience this was intended for.
I-I just love you, man. Your breakdowns are so, so good. If ever you are looking for an assistant of some kind, drop a link to the application-- I'd drop everything.
I appreciate this deep, analytical look Prof. Possibly a horrible financial decision, but I can’t get enough of the serum visions artwork featured. Hell I may get them framed.. they’re just so creative and well, trippy
As an EDH player, I take Profs words of “buy singles!” as gospel. Seeing this product made me happy in that same idea, that I’m only purchasing the cards I want with almost guaranteed value . I’ll definitely be purchasing the bitterblossom since I love the art and have wanted a copy since i started playing Magic. Great review, Prof! Which ones are you planning to purchase?
I only play singleton formats these days so the only ones that appeal to me are the Bitterblossom/Kaleidoscope(already own a sliver edh deck) and the Life from the Loam one. Don't care much about cats or goblins but I like the cat art more than the goblins not enough to spend 40 on though.
I bought the whole set. I almost exclusively play Commander, but I know people who wanted various cards from these sets, so I picked them up and promised to sell them the singles at a premium (yet reasonable) price Ex: Goblins, Snow Lands, and Serum Visions
Secret Lair (Modern): Elks Contains 1 alt art Emrakul, the promised elk, 1 alt art primeval elk, 1 alt art supreme elk, 1 alt art elkcoil engine, 1 alt art urza, lord high elk and 1 alt art elk of atlantis. Leaves room for a follow-up product featuring oblivion elk, elk of the parish, eidolon of the elk revel and elkogoyf.
Good video. Minor error at 9:42 you said the snow lands were full art in Ultimate Masters. But they were in Modern Horizons. Easy to mix up with the overload of products we get! Thanks for the content.
I would make something like this cost maybe around $60 and include: 1 Shockland 1 Fetchland 1 Pain Land 1 Fast Land 1 Filter Land Etcetera and have one set for each Guild.
@@nedcurfman3486 Something like this NEEDS to exist though. A very large percentage of players can't play modern competitively simply because they can't afford the stupid lands 🤔
FOMO explains the short sales window but it doesn't explain why WotC thought it would be a good idea to announce these things a week before they go on sale when people are already cash strapped from starting their Christmas shopping. If they gave people even a couple weeks more heads-up and time to save up their cash the'd probably sell twice as many or more.
Because the illusion of exclusivity and rarity is what gets the Timmys wet. You could question the tactic, or you could stop sleeping and buy them all before it is too late....TIMMEH!
I think this is intentional to limit impact to the secondary market or pressure people to buy in a single day or as you more hiply said to capitalize on the fear of missing out. On another topic, how long has FOMO been used? I'm in my 30s and outside of buzzfeed I have never seen this used in my circle of professionals.
I think a goblin lair is a good idea, but I would swap in krenko, goblin guide or kiki-jiki for value and squee, mon's raiders or goblin of the flarg for flavor. Plus imagine drawing all goblins in a crappy filthy ol' goblin tavern panorama with krenko and goblin king sitting at a table squee chillin in the back corner at the bar and other goblins drinking, eating and whoring...I mean options for panoramas are amazing for secrets lairs: MTGs best white knights at round table with kenrith in the middle or in battle formation and glorious anthem or something similar containing the whole panorama, or the most famous wizards in a remake of "the school of Athens" with Urza and Jace in the middle representing Platon and Aristoteles and an academy card such as tolarian academy conatining the whole panorama (but making the lair unbuyable in consequence). Or a set of cards in the good old frames, maybe even with white borders? Or having duals (not the original ones, but let's say fetch or pain duals) wit the old color spiral pattern!! Oh boy so many ideas :D
hopefully wizards keep doing this in the future until they fully sell singles at standard prices. imagine all commons at $0.15 all uncommons at $0.5 all rares at $2 and all mythics at $5 Foils would have the price multiplied by 2 unlimited reprints, accessibility all the time, you could buy entire decks from wizards directly... it would be amazing...
I like the panorama cards for physical display value. My brother loves Goblins but doesn't play much anymore, so getting these cards framed so he can hang them somewhere seems like a pretty good Xmas gift.
@@AsianDaveIam yes it is. Magic is already too expensive as it is. Reprinting staple cards only in premium foil for big bucks does not help in making magic affordable. I am a student, and I know that I might not be the consumer they want (I spend probably 20 bucks at best per month), but I can literally not afford playing archetypes like control in paper. Sure, not an issue for others, but participating in tournaments doesn't make sense for me, as I just get crushed by better decks, unless I play some cheap aggro cancer
We should be using proxies for casual play. I have a printer too, ya know.... Too bad I don't try and make it print money like WotC. I understand business, but I don't want to see the game become lost and unobtainable.
ty prof, you've convinced me more than usual that I should just save my money for something useful in the future. Though I can't help but expect that any of these that make it to the secondary market are still going be over inflated forever
From what I understand, they said they wouldn't: which, as it cost them ~$0.01-2 to print a foil and~ $0.004 to print a regular, could have been amazing for players; but obviously that statement was BC and they are going off resale prices, to some extent. Massively undercutting the secondary market would still be an attack, even if unintentional, but it would be a more honest one that at least benefited one other party.
Two years later July 2022 omg kitties is the most expensive individual secret lair on cardmarket out of all secret lairs ever released. I guess people really like cats!
I haven't looked it up yet, but buying several of these I'd have to pay additional costs (as shipping, etc.) multiple times? Or do they bundle your orders, since you can't buy 2 of them at the same time if you don't want all 7? It makes quite the difference for me because of international shipping...
I was thinking of getting bitterblossom and the kaleidoscope lairs, this video kinda confirmed my opinion. I can see these other alternate lairs that fewer people are gonna buy being super expensive in the future (alternate art Mirri/Life from the loam) will probably be super high due to few orders.
My secret lair would be called "Black Lotus Booty Slappers", included would be: 3 original print Black Lotus' 2 alternate art versions of all 5 Mox $19.99
It's an experiment on selling absurdly overpriced alternate art cards as singles. And since they want to risk absolutely nothing, it's additionally limited to 24 hours and 1 continent.
And, while they have a limited stock already made for immediate shipping, they also have an on-demand system in place to help make sure they only manufacture the needed amount to fulfill all orders. This is another cautious move that allows them to keep from having any leftover stock on a product that, as advertised, can and never will be sold again, and it also circumvents the problem (egregious fiasco, really) they had with not being able to fulfill orders on the Mythic Edition. This logistical decision is probably an important factor weighing on their choice to make the shopping window for this product be only one day for the full set and one for the individual collections, with the whole promotion running on a single week. They need it to end quickly in order to settle the quantities they will need to produce.
Incredibly sad to know that I wouldn't be able to bling up my scarecrow boys now because Hasbro and WotC just somewhy won't ship their products in my country. Russian magic players are sad now. :(
The haircut looks really fresh, Prof! I feel so sad. I did not realise there would be a 24 hour period to purchase, and I only realised a day late that I wanted that Bitterblossom deal :(
I really thought about buying one of them. Sadly, I live in Norway, so I would have to go on the secondary market, so I probably won’t buy any of them.
Secret Lair: Tron. Four of each tronland in full-art foil forming a panorama with tower in the middle. Each land could have two offline versions (e.g. an abandoned mine, a crumbling tower) and two online versions (e.g. a power-plant glowing with energy, a mine crawling with workers, a tower filled with lights and charging some kind of crystal at it's summit). It'd be nice to finally get some good foils for the tronlands.
Exactly my first impression when those were revealed. I really doubt the resale value will be as good as mythic edition was. Most of the resale value was due to angry people that didn't get a copy. Anyone that wants them can get them.
@@ZakanaHachihaCBC true. I agree they could have made a better job promoting in advance. I see it like a Black Friday /cyber Tuesday type of deal with almost no advance knowledge.
Anyone buying this for the resale value is a fool, the only reason anyone should consider a product like this is because they want a cool alternate art version of the card(s) for their deck/collection. Nor is the value of the singles on the secondary market something to consider, if you need copies of a card for Modern deck or some such, just go buy the cheapest version available. This is for the people who want another way to bling out their deck with some new art they like.
Welverin you’re a fool if you think people are going to buy this without the intent of sitting on them for a few years for the resale. It’s a limited item, with next to no time to arrange yourself to purchase.
@@ZakanaHachihaCBC I didn't say no one would, I said anyone doing so is, and don't pretend the only people interested in buying it are ones intending to resell it. Real investors will probably avoid it like the plague due to the fact there is no limit on the number being sold, there's just too much risk involved. If a weeks notice isn't enough time for someone to arrange a purchase, they're probably better off not getting it. Though an earlier announcement would be a good idea.
As someone who is only casually interested in Magic and rarely plays the game with friends, after looking at Secret Lairs for about a minute I was able to conclude which ones were of higher value than the others. It always baffles me that Wizards doesn't make products of equal value as even strictly casual on-and-off again players such as myself can clearly see their marketing tactics. The video was great and very informative. Will definitely have to get the Kaleidoscope one. It is from videos like this that help me stay up-to-date with MTG products.
I started watching you recently and I have to say, as someone that prefers other games over Magic, your videos sure are interesting. I like how you talk about interesting things, and give such in-depth product reviews, including price breakdowns and grading. I also like that you talk slowly so that things don’t go over people’s heads. And hey, if they don’t need it, TH-cam even has a fix for them! tl;dr: Good content m8 👀
Reading The Card Explains The Card playmats are back in stock along with a limited supply of Teferi Can Go Tuck Himself shirts and TCC coffee mugs, Dies To Removal shirts and mats and tons of other great merch! Shipping is assured for the holidays through DFTBA! So check it out here:
While I don't mind the 24 hours window for the single boxes, I do feel like they should have the bundle available for the entire week. So move them all back one week and sell the bundle for the whole week. It would be great for those you want them all but don't get paid till let's say Friday and can't afford to buy the bundle on Monday.
Tolarian Community College why didn't they offer the snow lands in non-foil? It would've been nice to buy a playset of those gorgeous snow lands but foiling them out makes them more of a display product than a play product.
Remove Sliver Queen from the Reserved List and reprint her in a Secret Lair, she currently has the asking price of $113.20 for an average price from TCGPlayer, and she's not an amazing, game breaking card
I absolutely love that shirts with a joke involving the word tuck are supporting LGBTQ+ youth. Priceless 😂
@@MarkAvo I agree, or maybe one of each in foil and then four of each in non-foil.
Unrelated, but seeing your hair grow video after video is somehow amusing to me.
You can also notice this on your own head when you brush your teeth every morning.
I hope there will be a time lapse later when it's fully grown .
How long has it been since he cut it
I seriously love his hair being messy even at this length :D
And also big respect and love to him for selling parts of his body to help those kids. The world would be a better place if it had more people like him in it.
it has grown quite a lot
We do have stores but they are limited and some of them just put ant prices they want so if those cheap ones run out of stock you are screwed. At least we do have commander products, draft, prereleases and such. Also the mtg community stablished very detailed rules to sell and buy cards inside the country so things wouldnt become a mess and so far they worked very nicely
Also, single booster packs cost about 1.5$ more here
Hopefully there's mail forwarding services they can use, the only ones I know of are services from Japan to the US, but I imagine there's others for different countries.
Our entire community loved that professor brought this up. It was a major let down for us latin americans, excluding us like we are not worthy of the products was really fucked up.
@Jojoforpres My lgs told me there's too many problems shipping to those countries due to customs often ripping open anything sealed looking for drugs. :/
@@dreamsmadeflesh1 I thought that you couldn´t send sealed wotc products to another country (from the US to Chile for example).
“These art form a panorama.”
*puts them in the opposite order of the panorama*
Which one? They all seem to be in the proper order.
@@israeldelarosa5461 11:45
The Professor made a puzzle.
@@hammerred2000 it's a bit hard to tell without being able to rearrange them, but I think they actually are in the right order. the coloring is weird, but the vegetation seems to match up.
@@SovereignwindVODs Nope... The vegetation matches because its the same enviroment, but they are in the exact opposite order.
Excellent assessment! I would've picked up the goblins at least, but not a fan of the artwork or the premium price. This initial wave seems to be WotC testing the waters to see how much they can get away with. Let's hope future installments contain more value!
I'd rather have an actually good product
Thomas Collins swag
Whaaaa? The goblin set is my favorite art out of all of them!
@@Welverin Art's a subjective thing... :)
@@kereminde Indeed it is.
I'd make a Treasures Lair: Mana Vault, Sol Ring, Chromatic Lantern, Fellwar Stone, and Arcane Signet. All alternate art and foil.
Mana crypt in there too
eh, they did that! but with arcane signet, darksteel ingot, chromatic lantern, gilded lotus, and commander sphere
@André Ricardo and mana vault would not increase? XD
This was a great video to watch. I had been doing some research but as always the Prof gave a great class. Now I know which lair to get for me. Ty Prof
I just love the OMG Kitties art!!! It melts my bitter heart
Came here for some nostalgia after watching today's Secret Pringles episode. Who knew OMG Kitties would be such a valuable product a year later?
that sliver overlord is beautiful, can’t wait to get my hands on it
Not evil enough for a sliver! I like the original art, has the starship troopers vibe of ripping people apart.
You better fucking steal one.
Now they’ll sell on secondary market for $100
I could hear your soul being drained when you said "OMG! Kitties!"
Hasbro suits going all Fellow Kids is just salt in the wound on how awful this product is
Ikr! I knew it was going to be bad as soon as I heard the tone of his voice change😅
They should do an everything secret liar. All in foil.
Oko, thief of crowns
Elk token
Elk token
Elk token
Elk token
And the box gets delivered to your house by a real elk!
*throws up*
This could have been the perfect opportunity to make fetch lands with snow art.
Shawn Troxel snow shocklands, snow scrylands, snow painlands, snow dual lands,
That could have worked as well. Something better than 5 snow basics. Even 5 of each snow basic would have been fine at that price point.
Snow foil basic are worth a ton they won't sell em a dollar each
@Vincent-Antoine Soucy That’s the point, WOTC can’t legally acknowledge that they use the secondary market to price things, yet that’s exactly what they did here.
@@joe.5103 ya nobody discusses that point, I just think it would be stupid to print foil snow basic at a dollar.
LGS: laying on the ground bleeding out...
WoTC: kicks repeatedly until the moaning stops
WoTC is rumored to be pulling Adventurer's League support from everything that isn't a convention. Which sucks.
I dunno: I feel that in my city, the four major LGS are doing quite healthy on sealed products and drafting/sealed and the one that specializes in singles goes WAY above market value on prices and way below on buylist prices, not to mention adds massive markup on sealed product. The local LGS doing the healthiest seems to be the one that sticks close to the MSRP (or approximation now that MSRP is "gone"). I think because of this they have a higher volume of sales at a lower-to-average profit margin. They don't even deal in singles, but they do create a very nice family-oriented setting with lots of games beyond Magic.
Our two biggest stores got zero Brawl decks and a small store in the North of the State got dozens...the butthurt was hilarious
Hasbro doesn’t care about the LGS because the plan is to move the game entirely to digital.
@@Muffins888 Incorrect. Is is almost definitely the most profitable in terms of margin.
I'd make an Affinity Lair: Arcbound Ravager, Cranial Plating, Ornithopter, and a Darksteel Citadel. All foil, of course.
After ravager dropped in price due to the judge promo ? That's a bad deal if I ever saw one (assuming it's priced at 30$)
@@goldcreeper7376 Fairpoint, but in all foil, it should still be a decent value. But hey throw in a Steel Overseer or something if you really want to up the value.
Id buy 4 instantly.
No Mox Opal? Smh
@@czzy9468 Yeah bro, they're really putting a $120+ card in a box that costs $30-40.
You Sir... Are winning! The people need this, I need this! You do the Magic community a great service my man, and we appreciate you!
I really appreciate the prof's apparent dislike of having to say "omg! Kitties!"
Right? What a stupid name they went for.
@@jorgem.8140 Eh, it's cutesy art so they gave it a cutesy name. They knew what they were doing. And despite the Prof's "F" grade I bet WotC sells a ton of them.
@@notme222 Cats are nice, but honestly I think they may have banked on that a little *too* hard. If people were willing to buy anything with kitties, Arahboh wouldn't be so cheap in the first place.
*Good* cats would sell like hot cakes, don't get me wrong. As would a cheap cat tribal deck for new players. But meh cats you'll never actually use? At that price? I'm not sure there's too much overlap between 'people who don't care what the card does as long as it's a kitty' and 'people who will pay $40 for five cards'.
I could tell by the change in tone of voice that he didn't like that one.
@@TriangleChloros So about the "But meh cats you'll never actually use" comment. In my lgs at least, I tend to play well with all of the cats being in my Arahbo deck, especially due to their abilities that pair up well with Arahbo to create an annoying force.
I really like the monetary break down and honesty here, Prof. Saves us a lot of time researching. Keep up the good work buddy!
A buddy of mine pointed this out.
Wizards: we dont acknowledge the secondary market
Also Wizards: let's sell bitterblossom singles at it's secondary market rate
A part of me really can't wait until WOTC gets investigated for things like this. Their claim that they don't look at the secondary market is so paper thin.
Wizards has always been looking at the secondary market. You can tell because each non-standard set drop feeds chase reprints a couple cards at a time. Just enough to make people excited and buying in, but not so heavily that future sets have nothing. They just can't admit it because that's basically saying that there are ways to get these items without supporting wotc directly, which is obviously bad for any business
@@Kurogetsu1 Not to mention they are literally selling gambling to kids
Yeah, I think it's a shame. When WotC said that they didn't look at the secondary market when determining cards I respected that decision because it gave them the flexibility and integrity to be value keepers of their own cards, and present bundles like this the way they wish, but with this it sort of feels to me like that it only holds true when the secondary market isn't something to be used to heighten the price. Generally, you'll know where people's priorities lie by their actions and choices, and sometimes those priorities can make you sad.
@Ben Hiller Prof’s analysis of the foil vs non foil lands is what sticks out to me as obvious secondary market acknowledgement.
(No one is buying “OMG! Kitties!” for financial value)
I have a cat deck, so I feel obligated to get it
I just bought it because I wanted it lol.
I got the lair, and it's SO CUTE!
prof sounded like comic book guy when he said that
Funnily enough all of those cards are very expensive now.
man, i’m glad i watched this. i thought i might be missing out on something cool, and was sort of bummed out, but now i’m glad i’m missing out.
Every time i look at your book shelf im hit by a huge wave of nostalgia after seeing the death gate cycle and mtg arena in your collection. You have great taste in books :)
Eventually they'll just put in a tube so they can siphon the money directly from your wallet.
As a commander player sounds like that's what's happening come 2020
@@thrash208 I'm still on break from mtg because I can't afford to both play it and go to college
@@sandwichboy1268 Don't give it up! If you like constructed formats, you might wanna save for a cheap deck in a non-rotating format like pauper. Or, if you're into limited, I've found Cube to be my favorite way to play magic, period.
If none of that seems viable, this may sound scummy, but I think playing with proxies is perfectly acceptable when the financial aspect of the game is unreasonable or impossible. This definitely works best if you have close-knit playgroup that understands your situation. There are a multitude of resources online for buying or printing ones of reasonable quality.
@@sandwichboy1268 I suggest either buying cheap decks packages online, usually costs around 15 - 20 bucks or so if I remember right, or just use proxy cards with friends who don't mind, if that doesn't bother you either. I've found that unless if you have a great income, mtg can be an all-out or no deal hobby, especially economically.
@@groddbondrow8789 Aside from official tournaments, do you even want to play with the kind of people that are bothered if their opponent is using proxies?
Thanks for making this video. Was seriously about to pull the trigger on two bundles. Had the confirmation page up when I thought "let's see what the Professor has to say about it."
I was really excited when these were first spoiled. When I saw the lands I wanted to get them, but when I found out that I'm paying $30 for five basic lands I could not believe they would actually be that stingy with BASIC LANDS!!! Also liked the kittens and loved the art for Miri but again, I don't know if I can justify paying $40 for an alt art of Miri.
@Lord Karnage regardless i would expect them to at least give 4 copies of those land, i mean by going 5 color you still only have 1 of those if you want to use all of them not to mention the odds of drawing it. For the price should have give 4, its freaking land, you usually need more than 1
I was going to buy the cats at first, but after considering a bit I'm not. The cats offered are garbage really, only Mirri is worth something, so not enough for a tribal. Tokens are cute, but there are only two of them, so not enough for a token deck. And then the price... For $20 I'd get those, just for fun, but 40 is way too much. So I'll probably try to find Mirri later on a secondary market and that's that
You Covered all the basics and i liked the way you layed it all out thanks man
Too expensive to be coming straight from the supplier.
Too limited a timeframe to seriously consider whether or not to make the buying decision.
that's exactly it though. While it seems scummy from the perspective of reasonable people, WotC is gonna make a killing on this. Due to the timing, you're gonna have those gift sales on top of the people who would have bought it anyway. They're cashing in on the secondary market with *some* of their pricing, and the limited time frame is going to force impulse buys.
I personally have been looking to buy bitterblossom, the full play set at that. It’s also my favorite art. Paying a reduced price for my favorite art, done full art at that, is an excellent purchase in my eyes. I will also be grabbing the Kaleidoscope. Foil Reaper King alone is worth the price. While he may not sell as high, depending on how many are printed, for my own collection, I can enjoy a foil.
@@curts7801 Not to mention overlord. Slivers always sell
@@curts7801 I know how you feel about the Bitterblossom, it's my favourite art of the lot too. But I still feel that given it's from the supplier they have a lot of leverage on the price that they could've utilized to a much better effect towards the players and people that care immensely about their game and cards. People are interested, I am interested, but honestly, It's far beyond my price point no matter how tempting it might be. When WotC said that they didn't look at the secondary market when determining cards I respected that decision because it gave them the flexibility and integrity to be value keepers of their own cards, and present bundles like this the way they wish, but with this it sort of feels to me like that it only holds true when the secondary market isn't something to be used to heighten the price.
@@curts7801 It is excellent value, *until* you realise their profit on each sale is $29.97.
Then it certainly feels kind of scummy.
This has been very informative towards my holiday season and I thank you for the info
I’m currently only planning to pick up the Bitterblossom, but I’d love to see an Enchantress focused Lair in the future. Argothian Enchantress, Enlightened Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, and Greater Auramancy all need a reprint.
Thank you for this great video. I had previously seen the reveal of kaleidoscope killers and had become excited to order all seven lairs as they were finally within a price point I could afford. Then I watched your video and decided that kaleidoscope killers is the only one even worth getting. Thanks to you I will wait til Dec. 7 to get 2 of those.
I'd like to buy a playset of that Bitterblossom. I love the art, even though it's non-foil. But apparently I live in the wrong America.
There is only one America, but there is a bunch of jerks who insist on noting detections.
@@dreadredbaron if there's only one America, why do the call it "the Americas?"
@@dustinasche The ones using the term are the aforementioned jerks.
@@dustinasche they refer to the Pacific and Atlantic in the singular, despite the fact they brake both of them into north and south when counting seas.
@@dreadredbaron So there is north and south america making up the Americas in the same way. Failing to see your point.
Thank you for getting this video out just in time. It's much appreciated!
No shipping to Africa either, as with most of everything else. Though it's almost fitting that it was forgotten here as well.
That's understandable though.
Focus on buying food and water instead
The ignorance of the comments above that there are no people well off in Africa, smh. Ever heard of South Africa or Morocco guys.
@@billyshakespeare488 You mean cape town and donkey kong country?
"Excuse you, can't understand you. Can you stop using Shitholese and use MURICA language instead?"
This was a very good video, thank you for the look. I look forward to seeing the larger implications towards the single market in another video.
It deeply bothers me that the Restless in Peace cards arent in the panorama order
Thankyou so much Prof! Im a big sufferer of FOMO, the sight of new products has always been exciting but a big drain on my wallet, especially for cards I dont need but want for my collection. This review really reassures my thoughts on passing on this to save my spending on more important things like bills.
I'm extremely excited for Kaleidoscope Killers because of my Sliver Overlord deck, and I might one day build Ur-Dragon. But the rest of the Lairs confuse me greatly
After thinking about it for a while, I don't think all the Secret lairs are for the same group of people. Serum visions is very clearly for modern while Kitties is obviously aimed for EDH Cat tribal players... very specific niche. It really depends on what you play as to what would appeal to you.
Originally I was like, WHY Serum visions! Why not Preordain or Ponder. But upon reflection, if I was a modern player, I'd be super excited about the Serum Visions set so it makes a lot of sense from that perspective.
For $29.99 sets I would want boxes containing:
1. 5 Khans full art foil
2. 5 Khan dragons full art
3. Reprints of Legends from Legend set.
4. Full art Weatherlight crew, ships, Volrath
5. Full art planeswalkers
6. Non-foiled full art shock lands or fetch lands
7. Full art glamorized swords
8. Full art Angels
9. Full art Legendary creatures.
Is it bad that I really want the cat one? My cat tribal is one of my favorite edh decks, and I run each of the cards included. And alternate art for Arahbo and Mirri is pretty exciting
Value is defined as what people are willing to pay for. If you think the alternate art is worth the price, then feel free to buy it! These are just the prof.'s recommendations and opinions.
To be fair he rated it badly in terms of financial value. If they hold any significance to you, as you mention they do, then it comes down to do you want to pay to get em.
I knew going into this video the value wasnt gonna be there for the cat lair, but like yourself I use all those cards in my cat deck so I'm planning on getting it.
I feel the same way about the 5 color set, specifically for the alt art sliver overlord. Might make a scarecrow deck afterwards just because
If it appeals to you go for it.
I feel the professor was a bit unfair here. From a pure financial aspect it makes no sense to buy "kitties" but these products don't seem to be purely about reprints. No one needs these. It's more about the effort going out and commissioning art that you are paying for. If that are speaks to you then you are the audience this was intended for.
Great analysis. This informs my purchase plans tremendously. Thank you!
"Think back to the mythic editions."
Do I have to?
"Imagine if instead of having to pay $250 for those..."
I wish I could have paid $250 for those.
I-I just love you, man. Your breakdowns are so, so good. If ever you are looking for an assistant of some kind, drop a link to the application-- I'd drop everything.
Looking forward to the "dies to removal" on WotC selling singles.
I appreciate this deep, analytical look Prof. Possibly a horrible financial decision, but I can’t get enough of the serum visions artwork featured. Hell I may get them framed.. they’re just so creative and well, trippy
My eyes rolled so hard when I first heard about the Secret Lairs concept, I think I ripped a tendon somewhere in my skull.
One thing I appreciate is his context of as a consumer is this worth purchasing.. that's nice . Good understanding of this system
As an EDH player, I take Profs words of “buy singles!” as gospel. Seeing this product made me happy in that same idea, that I’m only purchasing the cards I want with almost guaranteed value . I’ll definitely be purchasing the bitterblossom since I love the art and have wanted a copy since i started playing Magic. Great review, Prof! Which ones are you planning to purchase?
I only play singleton formats these days so the only ones that appeal to me are the Bitterblossom/Kaleidoscope(already own a sliver edh deck) and the Life from the Loam one. Don't care much about cats or goblins but I like the cat art more than the goblins not enough to spend 40 on though.
I bought the whole set.
I almost exclusively play Commander, but I know people who wanted various cards from these sets, so I picked them up and promised to sell them the singles at a premium (yet reasonable) price
Ex: Goblins, Snow Lands, and Serum Visions
Thankyou so much for getting this video out quickly
For 39.99, I would've put a set of good blues for Commander, most likely involving Cyclonic Rift and other staples.
They just announced that for Green in next year. Presumably Blue will follow at some point.
Bounce cards- Cyclonic Rift, Eye of Nowhere, Power Vacuum, and Retract? Edit: and Whelming Wave
Excellent stuff. Thank you for the analysis, Professor!
Secret Lair (Modern): Elks
Contains 1 alt art Emrakul, the promised elk, 1 alt art primeval elk, 1 alt art supreme elk, 1 alt art elkcoil engine, 1 alt art urza, lord high elk and 1 alt art elk of atlantis.
Leaves room for a follow-up product featuring oblivion elk, elk of the parish, eidolon of the elk revel and elkogoyf.
Good video. Minor error at 9:42 you said the snow lands were full art in Ultimate Masters. But they were in Modern Horizons. Easy to mix up with the overload of products we get! Thanks for the content.
Imagine if they had enemy fetch and allied fetch reprints in this.
Thank you for making videos like these. Help so much!
I would make something like this cost maybe around $60 and include:
1 Shockland
1 Fetchland
1 Pain Land
1 Fast Land
1 Filter Land
Etcetera and have one set for each Guild.
Nacholas Loves You not gonna happen, solely because of the fetch part.
@@nedcurfman3486 meh, just throw a dual then
Suffers from the same problems as the video. Need to buy four for a playset.
@@nedcurfman3486 Something like this NEEDS to exist though. A very large percentage of players can't play modern competitively simply because they can't afford the stupid lands 🤔
Thank you for another thoughtful review, Professor!
Why can't they all be available for the the entire sale period?
FOMO explains the short sales window but it doesn't explain why WotC thought it would be a good idea to announce these things a week before they go on sale when people are already cash strapped from starting their Christmas shopping. If they gave people even a couple weeks more heads-up and time to save up their cash the'd probably sell twice as many or more.
It’s such a disgusting cash grab.
Because the illusion of exclusivity and rarity is what gets the Timmys wet. You could question the tactic, or you could stop sleeping and buy them all before it is too late....TIMMEH!
I think this is intentional to limit impact to the secondary market or pressure people to buy in a single day or as you more hiply said to capitalize on the fear of missing out.
On another topic, how long has FOMO been used? I'm in my 30s and outside of buzzfeed I have never seen this used in my circle of professionals.
I found the Sliver Foil deck at Target for $25 years ago. One of my favorite purchases!
The bulk savings is 29.92! You missed a whole penny! Time to re-evaluate the whole set.
.....$29.94, right?
Shit you right fam I can't do math
@@MrSaranm math is for blockers *laughs in aggro player*
@@MrSaranm plus, he did SAY 29.94, in the vid.
Only the overlay was off.
I didn't notice that the bitterblossom makes a panorama! I'll definitely be getting that for my mono black commander deck!
I’d make an urza’s tron lands lair. Give them new, foil, full arts and Wizards could easily make that a $39.99 set
Just black border mtg online art would make me happy already
each drop would be 4 random Urza lands.....
I think a goblin lair is a good idea, but I would swap in krenko, goblin guide or kiki-jiki for value and squee, mon's raiders or goblin of the flarg for flavor. Plus imagine drawing all goblins in a crappy filthy ol' goblin tavern panorama with krenko and goblin king sitting at a table squee chillin in the back corner at the bar and other goblins drinking, eating and whoring...I mean options for panoramas are amazing for secrets lairs: MTGs best white knights at round table with kenrith in the middle or in battle formation and glorious anthem or something similar containing the whole panorama, or the most famous wizards in a remake of "the school of Athens" with Urza and Jace in the middle representing Platon and Aristoteles and an academy card such as tolarian academy conatining the whole panorama (but making the lair unbuyable in consequence). Or a set of cards in the good old frames, maybe even with white borders? Or having duals (not the original ones, but let's say fetch or pain duals) wit the old color spiral pattern!! Oh boy so many ideas :D
the cat one actually makes me sick... I can /feel/ them trying to exploit me and steal my money with it.
Great vid, I would make a Lair based on the early days of magic of course. The boon cycle would be epic!
Secret Lair: Fetching Makes Me Feel Good
Alternate Full Are Zendikar Fetch Lands
I wish
hopefully wizards keep doing this in the future until they fully sell singles at standard prices.
imagine all commons at $0.15
all uncommons at $0.5
all rares at $2
and all mythics at $5
Foils would have the price multiplied by 2
unlimited reprints, accessibility all the time, you could buy entire decks from wizards directly... it would be amazing...
I like the panorama cards for physical display value. My brother loves Goblins but doesn't play much anymore, so getting these cards framed so he can hang them somewhere seems like a pretty good Xmas gift.
Although the value isn’t that good I really love the art on the goblins
If I didn't have more than enough goblin support already this would have been an easy buy for me.
Glad to have my thoughts confirmed on the value of these, but I'm still totally buying the goblin one. I LOVE that art!
Honestly, OMG kitties is exactly what I what in a layer, except for the price of course
Man, I don't play Magic anymore but I still watch prof's vid because his content is just to entertaining
Oh god, singles sold by Wizards? I hope everyone is ready for the "no msrp" but valued at $100 fullart land set
And the problem with that would be?
@Ceygar not an issue for everyone else tho lol
@@AsianDaveIam yes it is. Magic is already too expensive as it is. Reprinting staple cards only in premium foil for big bucks does not help in making magic affordable. I am a student, and I know that I might not be the consumer they want (I spend probably 20 bucks at best per month), but I can literally not afford playing archetypes like control in paper. Sure, not an issue for others, but participating in tournaments doesn't make sense for me, as I just get crushed by better decks, unless I play some cheap aggro cancer
@@DimT670 stupid Timmies
We should be using proxies for casual play. I have a printer too, ya know.... Too bad I don't try and make it print money like WotC. I understand business, but I don't want to see the game become lost and unobtainable.
ty prof, you've convinced me more than usual that I should just save my money for something useful in the future. Though I can't help but expect that any of these that make it to the secondary market are still going be over inflated forever
The thing is, they have to base their prices on the secondary market for singles. This is a subtle attack on your local gaming stores.
From what I understand, they said they wouldn't: which, as it cost them ~$0.01-2 to print a foil and~ $0.004 to print a regular, could have been amazing for players; but obviously that statement was BC and they are going off resale prices, to some extent.
Massively undercutting the secondary market would still be an attack, even if unintentional, but it would be a more honest one that at least benefited one other party.
I think the Dan Mumford cameo is epic. He’s an artist popular for working with metal bands. He’s done a lot of cool t-shirt designs for TBDM.
12:02 "The three cards form a panorama" But not in the order they were shown
SaffronOlive did this too in his video - "Look, it's a panorama!" _shows cards in wrong order_
KingBobXIV And PleasantKenobi did this with the goblins he got sent. Didn't have a single focused camera shot of all 5 in the whole video
Two years later July 2022 omg kitties is the most expensive individual secret lair on cardmarket out of all secret lairs ever released. I guess people really like cats!
I haven't looked it up yet, but buying several of these I'd have to pay additional costs (as shipping, etc.) multiple times? Or do they bundle your orders, since you can't buy 2 of them at the same time if you don't want all 7?
It makes quite the difference for me because of international shipping...
A very good question.
I was thinking of getting bitterblossom and the kaleidoscope lairs, this video kinda confirmed my opinion.
I can see these other alternate lairs that fewer people are gonna buy being super expensive in the future (alternate art Mirri/Life from the loam) will probably be super high due to few orders.
My secret lair would be called "Black Lotus Booty Slappers", included would be:
3 original print Black Lotus'
2 alternate art versions of all 5 Mox
If I saw a Rhystic Study in one of these, I would have been interested alittle more.
It's an experiment on selling absurdly overpriced alternate art cards as singles.
And since they want to risk absolutely nothing, it's additionally limited to 24 hours and 1 continent.
And, while they have a limited stock already made for immediate shipping, they also have an on-demand system in place to help make sure they only manufacture the needed amount to fulfill all orders. This is another cautious move that allows them to keep from having any leftover stock on a product that, as advertised, can and never will be sold again, and it also circumvents the problem (egregious fiasco, really) they had with not being able to fulfill orders on the Mythic Edition. This logistical decision is probably an important factor weighing on their choice to make the shopping window for this product be only one day for the full set and one for the individual collections, with the whole promotion running on a single week. They need it to end quickly in order to settle the quantities they will need to produce.
this video has been of great help to me. thank you.
Incredibly sad to know that I wouldn't be able to bling up my scarecrow boys now because Hasbro and WotC just somewhy won't ship their products in my country.
Russian magic players are sad now. :(
The haircut looks really fresh, Prof! I feel so sad. I did not realise there would be a 24 hour period to purchase, and I only realised a day late that I wanted that Bitterblossom deal :(
For $29.99 I would put an entire commander deck in my "secret lair".
Then I would rename the company Thieves of the coast.
My brother is a sliver player, so when he heard there was an alternate art sliver overlord he was so hyped.
I'd love to get one of those, shame Wizards seemingly doesn't want the product anywhere near the continent I live in.
Thanks for putting this out there. If I get any which is a big if I'll only be getting 2 of the bundles
I really thought about buying one of them. Sadly, I live in Norway, so I would have to go on the secondary market, so I probably won’t buy any of them.
Should I ship it you from the Netherlands, if there is one you really want very badly?
Wait they dont ship to Norway? I'd also gladly ship them to you.
T_T Sorry bro
Bitterblossom is the one I want. Love the artwork.
Ironically it's cheaper than a normal bitterblossom on tcgplayer or at least was a few days ago
I need the goblins
I've been waiting to buy a bitter blossom. So I guess today is the day! Thanks professor! :)
Instant Best Seller: 4 Copies of Alternate Full Art Pack Rat with 4 ACTUAL Full Art Pack Rat Tokens!
A large set of alternative art relentless rats could work too.
Great work on this video. Really enjoyed this
I feel like I am only really interested in 2 out of the 7
Secret Lair: Tron. Four of each tronland in full-art foil forming a panorama with tower in the middle. Each land could have two offline versions (e.g. an abandoned mine, a crumbling tower) and two online versions (e.g. a power-plant glowing with energy, a mine crawling with workers, a tower filled with lights and charging some kind of crystal at it's summit).
It'd be nice to finally get some good foils for the tronlands.
Exactly my first impression when those were revealed. I really doubt the resale value will be as good as mythic edition was. Most of the resale value was due to angry people that didn't get a copy.
Anyone that wants them can get them.
Javier Ortiz Bultron anyone that can spare the Financial choice of getting one with a single weeks notices can.
@@ZakanaHachihaCBC true. I agree they could have made a better job promoting in advance. I see it like a Black Friday /cyber Tuesday type of deal with almost no advance knowledge.
Anyone buying this for the resale value is a fool, the only reason anyone should consider a product like this is because they want a cool alternate art version of the card(s) for their deck/collection.
Nor is the value of the singles on the secondary market something to consider, if you need copies of a card for Modern deck or some such, just go buy the cheapest version available. This is for the people who want another way to bling out their deck with some new art they like.
Welverin you’re a fool if you think people are going to buy this without the intent of sitting on them for a few years for the resale.
It’s a limited item, with next to no time to arrange yourself to purchase.
@@ZakanaHachihaCBC I didn't say no one would, I said anyone doing so is, and don't pretend the only people interested in buying it are ones intending to resell it. Real investors will probably avoid it like the plague due to the fact there is no limit on the number being sold, there's just too much risk involved.
If a weeks notice isn't enough time for someone to arrange a purchase, they're probably better off not getting it. Though an earlier announcement would be a good idea.
As someone who is only casually interested in Magic and rarely plays the game with friends, after looking at Secret Lairs for about a minute I was able to conclude which ones were of higher value than the others. It always baffles me that Wizards doesn't make products of equal value as even strictly casual on-and-off again players such as myself can clearly see their marketing tactics. The video was great and very informative. Will definitely have to get the Kaleidoscope one. It is from videos like this that help me stay up-to-date with MTG products.
"CON: No shipping to latin/south america" *laughs painfully in german*
They are shipping to Germany. Though not to Switzerland. Or Norway, or Russia, for that matter
@@wavingatfat9650 Yeah, but its cost the twice, because of the taxes + shipping cost.
@@darthmikda Have they revealed how much it costs for DDP countries?
@@wavingatfat9650 urrg, no Switzerland...
@@TheTrueLeafless Nope. I remember Mythic edition having the shipping import being 100+€.. with just 15€ for the shipping
I started watching you recently and I have to say, as someone that prefers other games over Magic, your videos sure are interesting. I like how you talk about interesting things, and give such in-depth product reviews, including price breakdowns and grading. I also like that you talk slowly so that things don’t go over people’s heads. And hey, if they don’t need it, TH-cam even has a fix for them!
tl;dr: Good content m8 👀