Maggie, Thank you for sharing your experience and encouragement. It's very positive. I like your attitude which really makes a difference and changes your life.
Thank you for the encouragement. Your experience inspires me to contemplate my aspirations. Continuing to enhance my English skills is challenging, but your videos can provide a way of improvement.
Well said ! Sometimes, you should choose some material or video to learn english for yourself but not force to memorize a lot of vocabulary. Learning english is a long-time process, especially non-native speaker. Nowadays, I still keep learning english and make it better.
This is a very encouraging one that I like it very much. I enjoy watching your video very much because I learn a lot , not only English but also others. I also appreciate your efforts digging so many new/old interesting footages. Great!
THANK YOU for Helping . I've been taking for thirty years to study , and trying to assimilate ; working with foreigners , now I still learning and working on it . I found it difficult to get used to living abroad . Thank You to Miss Maggie again , you are always very helpful to us . HOW DO I STAY MOTIVATED ALL TIMES ??? cuz I would like to get better job dream big , need English to communicate with foreigners . Good Sentence "I stuck with it , and Thick Skin""👍 I learnt from you
Hi Maggie, it is the first time I watched your video by chance. It's very enjoyable and love you for encouraging us to stay motivated to learn English. Thanks so much.
Ms. Maggie 自己是為了有些人想學英文, 而無機會無能力交學費, 所以無放棄而繼續拍片教英文。
通常好少留言,所以首先我想講,做youtuber真係好唔容易,睇到你啲video真係用好多心機去做,所以好好睇,好有娛樂性,亦好多有用知識。你啲video有好多positive energy,你又有喜感,最緊要係你教嘅通常係日常生活都可以應用到嘅英文,呢樣對學任何語言嘅人嚟講都好重要,所以做你學生應該好快樂可以開心學習😸
好感謝Maggie你呢一個pep talk, 我好身同感受!因為發現原來自己同你嘅background好相似!
我都係差唔多歲數移民美國讀書,頭嗰兩三四年你講嘅感受都基本上同我自己都差唔多,一開始我英文都係非常之差,加上我又無乜語文天份,係講英文方面嘅面皮又唔夠厚😹 基本上覺得自己係好似啞咁滯嘅感覺🥲 又係成日係homesick, 想返香港(玩😂)
我啲英文其實都真係過咗幾年先開始突然有一排好似開咗竅咁,開始識講多啲,敢講多啲,就係once this start kicking in之後就開始慢慢越學越多越嚟越好。
我自己嘅個人經歷話我知嘅係,要學一種語言,如果可以浸係嗰個語言嘅環境內先係學得最快。但係對我呢啲(咁啱我都係introvert🤣) 嘅人嚟講,咁樣學就會比較痛苦啲,因為內心會比較掙扎(面皮又唔夠厚😞),所以錯折感會多啲。
如果唔能夠嘅話,就真係要下多啲苦功,去主動出擊去讀多啲文章(以前啲人同我講睇報紙,不過呢個唔適合我,唔讀啲有興趣嘅嘢對我係唔work嘅😂), 聽多啲歌,睇多啲劇,睇多啲Maggie個channel😸,仲之咩都好但就係要不停咁接觸嗰個語文。
Last but not least,同所有技術性嘅技能一樣,要不停keep住用, 練習,如果唔係喺會好容易倒退, 由其事係學習語言。
Maggie多謝你咁努力去整啲咁好睇嘅video, 繼續努力!加油!😸
Thanks for your support! 有啲口音都唔緊要架! 最緊要自己有自信! Add oil!
Peptalk=train+lunch+I buy a habit grammar book=4"-teach gives me $1:00🎉
No.5=Cantonese grammar in American style 😂🎉
你真的好好,你真的打從心底想幫你,你不是以賺錢為本,全出於善心👍👍心善人美👍👍你仔仔眼仔碌碌都好cute❤呢個video所講的,i agree no more👍👍感謝你的大愛
聼Maggie分享自己既經歷同埋聼到你講得咁流利既英文 就令到我有動力想去繼續學好英文
我自己英文都好差 尤其係口語上 更多既時候系唔識得去表達一樣嘢或者一件事
因爲自己詞匯量本身唔算高 同埋因爲以前太少講英文 所以即使知道點講但當刻就系表達唔出嚟 會dead air佐
不過過佐嚟英國有兩樣嘢好 一就系英文幾差都好都要逼住聼同講 因爲係呢邊唔講英文唔得
二就系呢邊啲人就算你講得幾差同錯得幾離譜都好 只要佢哋明白你意思就得 系完全唔會笑你
咁樣你就會有信心繼續嘗試講 同埋當你聼到對方點講之後 同一樣嘢下次你就會知道點去表達
多謝Maggie 的肺腑之言🥂👍
Thanks for your support!
Add oil!
Thank you! 我就是英文差又移左去英國的人,會繼續努力!!
Maggie, you rock! We all support you.
Maggie, Thank you for sharing your experience and encouragement. It's very positive. I like your attitude which really makes a difference and changes your life.
English with Maggie Miss-!resell
Stay clam and look forward
I really love watching your videos
Faith on
Thank you for the encouragement. Your experience inspires me to contemplate my aspirations. Continuing to enhance my English skills is challenging, but your videos can provide a way of improvement.
感受到妳一直好用心去做自己嘅channel ,跟咗妳都有年幾兩年,每朝早起身一路化妝一路聽😆 好開心學到英文,學到妳嘅好好聽嘅口音之餘,亦了解到其他國家嘅一啲生活文化!多謝妳嘅愛心教學💕
Thanks for your support!
最鐘意睇你角色扮演,由其是大粒墨auntie 😝
Thanks Maggie, 好欣賞你的教學方式,加油支持你。❤
Hello Maggie, my son and i absolutely like your channel to learn English! You are fabulous .
Well said ! Sometimes, you should choose some material or video to learn english for yourself but not force to memorize a lot of vocabulary. Learning english is a long-time process, especially non-native speaker. Nowadays, I still keep learning english and make it better.
I am grateful for your suggestions, keep it up…
Hi, Maggie, come on, work hard, you are doing well and we will support you together.
好幸運今天是第三個聽到見到你的視頻, 多謝瑪姬老師鼓勵!更多謝瑪姬老師無私教導!
This is a very encouraging one that I like it very much. I enjoy watching your video very much because I learn a lot , not only English but also others. I also appreciate your efforts digging so many new/old interesting footages. Great!
講得實在太好了👍👍, 多謝你分享
Thanks you!!
通常唔放過自己嘅就係自己,諗多啲正面野绝對有幫助,thanks for sharing
非常有同感,感謝分享 !
多謝 Maggie老師!
THANK YOU for Helping . I've been taking for thirty years to study , and trying to assimilate ; working with foreigners , now I still learning and working on it . I found it difficult to get used to living abroad . Thank You to Miss Maggie again , you are always very helpful to us . HOW DO I STAY MOTIVATED ALL TIMES ??? cuz I would like to get better job dream big , need English to communicate with foreigners . Good Sentence "I stuck with it , and Thick Skin""👍 I learnt from you
You are doing great!😊👍
Maggie 多謝你😊 教得很好的英文
多謝分享經歷,一直有聽你Channel 支持你
Thanks for sharing, I like the way you teach English, really interesting, Keep going!
Miss Maggie,多謝妳嘅教學 video
我好鍾意睇你channel 喔
06:24-06:28😂😂😂😂 (Your tone and facial expression)😂😂😂😂
Hi Maggie, it is the first time I watched your video by chance. It's very enjoyable and love you for encouraging us to stay motivated to learn English. Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for your professional training 👍🏻
Maggie, you're the champion! I enjoy all your English lessons that you gave us on your channel, so keep it up and don't stop please
Thanks Irene 🥰
Thanks for your sharing! You are great! Keep on!
Thanks for sharing your story ❤Really encouraging 😊
So inspiring to me! Thank you Maggie!
Thank you❤
Thanks Maggie,分享。👍🙏🙏🌻🌻🌻
很有同感!謝謝分享! 加油!
You are more than a great English teacher but a life coach👍 Love you😊
多謝Maggie 你嘅影片令我反思返自己好多野^^ 加油!!
thank you so much for sharing!!!
We are on the same page. Introvert is inherent. TH-cam is a media to turn you into more extroverted
My lovely Maggie, you are beautiful and great.❤我很喜歡您的Channel, 您呢條片可能幫到,甚至救到一些人。現代社會很多人被心理方面的問題而去世,不論佢哋有冇錢。見到好多名人,藝人也是。
Thanks for your efforts and valuable sharing from deep of my heart
thankyou 💗
You are a excellent teacher 👏 😀 ❤️ 😊 👌 👍 👏 😀 ❤️ 😊 👌
請問by return & in return 有什麼分别?
什麼情況下用by return & in return? 請告知
Thanks your encourage Just keep going ❤
Hi Ms Maggie, thank you for all your videos. I am from Malaysia and I have subscribed your channel since 2020. Wish you all the best!
Thanks for your support, Wen Wen!
Maggie, 谢谢您真誠的分享,谢谢您輕鬆教英文。
Hi Maggie, do you still have the special for Elsa English, thanks
Really encouraged👍👍👍
I really like watching your videos, they are so practical and intersting. You are the best , so don't give up ☺
Great video ! Thanks Maggie , you are the most beautiful Mum who teaching English in TH-cam I have ever watch 🎉
我睇你啲片覺得對我有用噃, 多謝你咁有心機做片, 講得好好, 加油!
Thanks for this encouraging video! Keep it up, Maggie!💯👍
你做得好好吖! 你啲說話好鼓勵到我!多謝❤
多謝分享教學, 支持🎉🎉
你今日講嘅嘢好有意思, 好有用🙏
比個like 你❤