Distraction is a key word for the time. We will all eventually have to go within - but everyone has his/her own trajectory - path. Humans as a collective learn slowly - likewise individually in differently areas of life. Thus the wonderful gift of rebirth. All roads lead to Rome, but the journeys can be long, slow and arduous. Higher perspective - may we hear more? Thanks. Keep the Faith.
Indeed many are going within. It is the only path towards the Higher Self, the path of the mystic (from the Greek mystos, meaning to remain silent).
Distraction is a key word for the time. We will all eventually have to go within - but everyone has his/her own trajectory - path. Humans as a collective learn slowly - likewise individually in differently areas of life. Thus the wonderful gift of rebirth. All roads lead to Rome, but the journeys can be long, slow and arduous. Higher perspective - may we hear more? Thanks. Keep the Faith.