As an ENTP myself, an interaction that can hapen with Te. Is that Te might want answers now, and Ti can be comfortable with not having an answer. The Te user might say "x is like this" and a TI user might be like "That doesn't make sense because of y, here is where your logic fails". So the Te user might e like "ok, what is the answer then?" and Ti will say "I do not know, I just know that what you said is not true". Don't get me wrong, Ti will actively search for answers, but a TI user will rather have no answer at all than have the wrong one. But Ti will indeed search for answers and once we think we got one, it mgiht be hard to prove us wrong. But if you manage to prove us wrong, we might default back to having no answer. We won't accept your answer, until we have think about it properly. Ti can be commitment phobic, meanignt hat we mgiht marry with an idea only if we are sure about it. So that is why the opinionated stereotype is inaccurate, because Ti might have strong opinions, but it will be in very specific things. Ti will often not give an opinion at all, because we want to be accurate. Ti will work via discarding logic if it doesn't seem sound. It just like Chufue said, is like a filter, often being skeptical at everything. It is like if my brain says, everything is false until proven right. How that works with Ne tho, my brain is constantly consuming new ideas, but my Ti is filtering them. Sometimes people might not see my Ne, other than for making jokes, because it has to be filtered through my Ti. But with Ne Fe, there is no filter in that area, so things that do not need my Ti, they flow freely. So people might see more of my Ne and Fe, and TI comes often just to say people that what they said made no sense. One thing that has always happened to me, I have always been extremely aware of logical fallacies even before I knew there was a thing. Like I notice falalcies when somoene says them. When I realized such a thing existed, I often get this red flag in my mind, when someone says something that seems illogical. So i search if there is a fallacy to match it, and there almost always is. I have never studied fallacies, nor do I know them. Yet somehow my brain almost always knows when there is one. It is like a program, reading every line of code someone says, and I am compiling it. So I get an exception message in my brain everytime an error is found. That doesn't mean I always say it, often due to Fe I keep it to myself.
Wow, so well explained. Amazing comment! Valuable information. Still wondering if I'm high Te or Ti and you've certainly helped me understand Ti well enough to help me figure that out.
Damn, I think that was the single best video I've seen about Ti in like two years lol This is so clear, and also the bite size format is very digestible. Something about this satisfies me to the core for some reason haha This new idea for the channel is a very good one 👌
Yeah, I agree with you. My Ne Ti is often open to all possibilties. Might be because Ne is above Ti. But Ti does work like a filter. Ne might make me commitment phobic in terms of ideas. But my Ti is always there to filter everything everyone says and be extremely skeptical. For me, I am extremely comfortable not having the "One and only", because I rather have no answer at all, than have the wrong one. My brain has to be open to all possibilities. But if I manage to commit to something, I admit I can be quite stubborn. But if I am proven wrong, I will default to having no opinion at all. I can be the one to say "that is not true" and they respond "Then what is?"; I will respond back "I do not know, I just know that is not it, because the logic seems flawed".
That is also the ultimate goal for an INTP the difference is we take longer to get there. i.e we could spend several years deliberating before reaching a conclusion, in the mean time, we would accommodate all possibilities at the same time.
@@oluchukwuokafor7729 Ti wants to find the truth, there's definitely a notion of unity to it. This would be described by the "one truth". The "one and only", on the other hand, may suggest something more than a notion of unity, and I believe it means that there is a "right/best way" to look at it. If I'm correct, a likely cause of the "right/best way" mentality could be an introverted perceiving function, which you guys also have. The point I was looking at was the purity, or not, of how Ti was described.
@@samuelunias673 The right answer is often the only answer. If there are multiple answers, then I would like to find an abstract representation that describes all answers so that nothing surprises me. For example, the answer to an equation like this x % 2 == 0 could be 2 or 4 but I would say that the answer is the set of all even numbers.
I hope you end up doing videos with all of the functions like this. These are very helpful as far as helping people understand the functions and differences between introverted and extroverted, dominant and not, etc.
Don't be offended by Ti rejection. Help them get to the truth. This so helpful to debate with harmony. Thank you both very much. It helps me to balance my Fi with Ti. 🙏
Ti is a bit like solving a jigsaw puzzle. Ti wants to find all the right pieces, fit them together in the right order, to create a clear and concise picture. For myself though, providing solutions is definitely part and parcel of the Ti process, it isn't enough just to have understanding on its own, it preferably needs to provide some practical function or be a solution to some problem, perceived conundrum or dilemma, either physical, metaphysical or both.
Yeah... It seems like ''Fi'' in the process. Like getting into a ''ultimate'' values? Like getting into the fundamental value, you cut away layers to get you to the nucleus
That makes sense, since Fi and Ti both introverted judging functions, concerned with creating and living in accordance with something like universal principles or ideals intended to be right or true no matter the context.
Yesssss. It’s like peeling fruit and we also do the No thing just not as readily it’s more like a slow “Nooooo” that’s not quite it, but we definitely know when it’s not our fi. It’s almost repulsive when others try to get us to Fe our Fi and feels personal. It takes me literal mental energy to try to imagine me doing this with my thinking since I know that we can just change the Te to adjust to the goal. There’s no way, I’d change my fi only to help the Fe get to any Ti so now I understand how personal Ti must feel and why it’s so immovable. And Yessssss I agree guys!!!!!
@@getreadywithmemamma Yes. How he defined it seems a personal logic, how the other function play into that ''framework'' made it personal? Not really logic itself.... it is really interesting...
All T (Ti/Te) are always speculating. It just depends on each standpoint. Te is searching for the facts outward without personal bias or Fi value system while Ti is searching for the facts of the truth inward (inside of the box of knowledge of the formed reality the person has built).
Now I really want to see like 4 INTPs doing a livestream of a strategy game session or something. Having them work together I foresee either 4 INTPs all thinking the same and agreeing a lot or 4 INTPs letting their Ti become their ego and like "I'm more profound!!" "NO! I'M MORE PROFONUD!".
I'm nodding all the way as I see this in my INTP husband. I do think that his Ne encourages him to explore ideas further and get to a Yes more so than what may be practical.
As a Ks User, I have to say that One way to tell that something is not yet really fully figured out. Cycles of explanations keep coming up. I think I have watched, seen, read and thought out many possible explanations of the different functions but I still can't pinpoint a function to its scope with clear boundaries. I wonder if there some exams done in this. Question number one, Define Ti in one sentence without more than 20 words in such a way that no one can object😆
There's a lot of Fi involved in deciding what level of doneness in your steak is just right for you. But now, a precise definition to determine the difference between rare and medium rare or a planet and a dwarf planet, maybe that's Ti. Me? I'll enjoy the crisp char well done steak and feel safe from foodborne illness. And Pluto will always be a planet in my heart.
Ti for me sometimes feels like you are playing Wordle. It's not so much that you know the end result. You start with a basic outline of something based on what someone tells you, and you know the mechanism to refine your understanding, so you repeatedly slice and refine until you rule out all other possibilities. Ti can and does keep all the guesses, all the tries, all the partial answers for comparison, until the end result pops clearly into focus. Usually in life, you can get by in the world without resolving to the truth or to an accurate idea. There are so many situations where knowing a word has 5 letters and starts with F is all you really need because maybe you don't need to know the word, you just need to avoid all the words that don't start with F. I think this is why Te as a "this is good enough for now" function can sometimes run loops around Ti when Ti is trying to infinitely slice a topic to increase the precision of the end result.
As someone who uses Ti, growing up was a little challenging in a home where Fe was championed. Though in my early years it affected me, because I was forced to do the polar opposite, often revealing itself in social anxiety, it did force me to become a more well rounded person. Now 34, I see that Ti is for myself and Fe is the way in which I can best show up with the tribe. The tribe doesn't always want a formulaic breakdown of logic or reasoning. As a child this was extremely difficult, now as an adult, I can play the Fe game and in-so-doing, bridge the gap so that others deeply respect and actually want to hear the Ti.
This was concise, is Ti responsible for the construction of knowledge too with frameworks? It can break things down into their relevant parts and wholes and then there can be a synthetic work to constitute a form or dynamic--or perhaps this involves other functions, like if you're fixing a car you'd use say Se to coordinate and Ni for insights and so on. Anyway good video
Still trying to narrow down my type but this really feels like me. I don't know if its my top function, but I definitely relate to trying to figure out what's not true in order to find what is. And being more confident in what is not than in what is. I've gotten into so many internet debates over someone saying something false because, as I usually say, "I won't just sit around and let bullshit go unchallenged." I mean, I don't do it all the time but I enjoy occasionally picking apart people's logic and watching them not know what to do with themselves anymore. Its a fun way to deal with people being dicks on the internet.
I think sceptic is a great way to describe it. But I find some people confuse scepticism with denialism sometimes. A sceptic will not believe something unless there is good evidence. If good evidence is presented, then we will be convinced, if not then we remain sceptical. ✌️
Ngl, I may have Ti trickster and a fault of mine (especially online) is butting heads with Ti types who are being very particular about distinctions and whatnot. I think I do try to approach it in good faith generally, but sometimes it can feel like I'm being trolled even when I may not be I think because from my perspective, being pretty insecure about clarity and feeling misunderstood a lot, I'm trying really hard to convey what I mean in a way that people will understand. And so then a Ti dom is coming in and poking holes and it can feel like they aren't respecting the effort I put in to trying to explain myself. Instead of hearing "I don't fully understand what you mean here, do you mean X?" What I'm hearing is more like "this over here is wrong." And it's like, ok, fine that one distinction is wrong, but you've ignored most of the rest of what I said. So this may be an area where Ti doms can be received better by trying to be like "this part is wrong and I don't accept it, but this part over here, I'm fine with it or I'm less sure about it and need further investigation." Emphasizing "this is something I'm investigating overall and it's not personal" so people don't feel like their effort to communicate is being disrespected. On the flip side, I could probably do better about valuing the internal effort that a Ti dom is going to, to be thorough. Planes would probably not fly safely without that kind of thing. I don't know what way of approaching this kind of acknowledgement would be most meaningful to Ti types (I'm sure it will vary some by person) so I can only guess. But I know y'all have feelings like everybody else and want to be valued, that's a pretty universal human trait. :) Edit: Oh and to give credit where it's due, sometimes people do ask me questions that are clearly just investigating and those moments are worth their weight in gold!
@1:56 how do you separate it from someone being picky? Or it has Se preferrence mixed in it? Does Si be that way, too? Or i am reading this example wrong. Or maybe like a mug? If your mom told you to get a mug, could you bring a tea cup? They have the same principle, to hold liquid beverages. What makes a mug, a mug? Is it the shape, color, size? What is the main principle of it? What properties that makes it a mug, should it withstand hot liquid beverages? What materials can withstand hot beverages and won't break easily? If it is stablished as that the sizes, shape and color won't matter....right? Edit: he said it @7:45
I can criticize so much so so easy, but when you ask me to complement someone or something even if I like it I'll struggle unless I've already pre-processed
Ti hero can accept emotional vagueness, but not logical ones. I remember way back a teenager before I even knew Mbti I got into an argument with a friend where I told her she was lying in a particular statement she made and she asked if I was calling her a liar. I disagreeed saying that lying in one instance doesnt denote being a liar in a larger consistent one. This made her angrier with her just saying that I either called her a liar or I didn't. I was so confused and said neither of those were true. Simply put she was more fixated on the attribution instead of clarification of what she actually said and its level of honesty. We are still distant acquaintances but I felt that conversation tainted us ever having a close friendship. People read this level of Ti as pedantic, and with wisdom I totally can see why that assumption would exist. Unfortunately it also isnt very accurate of what any Ti user is desiring to attempt. It truly is an emotionally contextless desire to get to the clearest root of any given subject or statement. Often because once you get to that point or clarity it either eliminates problems or solves them all together. So its viewed as the most efficient way to think about a given subject. Meanwhile there is emotional wreckage behind a Ti users path to get to get to that shiny✨️ clarity of thinking.
Try this A tennis ball is a concrete object A tennis racket is a concrete object A tennis court is a concrete object The game of tennis is an abstract concept If you see two people playing the game of tennis but you don’t know what the game of tennis is then you can only describe the actions that they players are performing. Once you understand what a game is (abstract concept) once you understand what the rules of the game of tennis are (abstract concept) then the players actions are instead understood as ‘playing tennis’ and not just two people hitting a ball back and forth between each other(concrete) Hope this helps
The whole “good vs bad” or other subjective perspectives seem very much like an Fi thing, which I often dismiss how I feel because I don’t trust it like I do my thoughts/evaluations with criteria and particular categorization/division (Ti). It seems to me that Fi decisions are confusing because it seems like its going based off of a thing that is wild, unpredictable, and uncontrollable (emotions), which while I know would (likely) never happen, I really wish that emotions wouldn’t get in the way of people making decisions (whether through Te or Ti).
Would Fi users be like this, do I value this information ? While Ti is does this make sense ? Te and Fe are like take this feeling if it works (Fe)or does this work action (Te) for the community . I struggle with te users on lying.. but then I remember. Its doing the same as fe ..
If you know the truth you are then able to apply absolute truths to many different systems/situations. Due to the wealth of understanding, you are also able solve problems with an execution just short of God's.
As an ENTP myself, an interaction that can hapen with Te. Is that Te might want answers now, and Ti can be comfortable with not having an answer. The Te user might say "x is like this" and a TI user might be like "That doesn't make sense because of y, here is where your logic fails". So the Te user might e like "ok, what is the answer then?" and Ti will say "I do not know, I just know that what you said is not true".
Don't get me wrong, Ti will actively search for answers, but a TI user will rather have no answer at all than have the wrong one. But Ti will indeed search for answers and once we think we got one, it mgiht be hard to prove us wrong. But if you manage to prove us wrong, we might default back to having no answer. We won't accept your answer, until we have think about it properly. Ti can be commitment phobic, meanignt hat we mgiht marry with an idea only if we are sure about it. So that is why the opinionated stereotype is inaccurate, because Ti might have strong opinions, but it will be in very specific things. Ti will often not give an opinion at all, because we want to be accurate.
Ti will work via discarding logic if it doesn't seem sound. It just like Chufue said, is like a filter, often being skeptical at everything. It is like if my brain says, everything is false until proven right. How that works with Ne tho, my brain is constantly consuming new ideas, but my Ti is filtering them. Sometimes people might not see my Ne, other than for making jokes, because it has to be filtered through my Ti. But with Ne Fe, there is no filter in that area, so things that do not need my Ti, they flow freely. So people might see more of my Ne and Fe, and TI comes often just to say people that what they said made no sense.
One thing that has always happened to me, I have always been extremely aware of logical fallacies even before I knew there was a thing. Like I notice falalcies when somoene says them. When I realized such a thing existed, I often get this red flag in my mind, when someone says something that seems illogical. So i search if there is a fallacy to match it, and there almost always is. I have never studied fallacies, nor do I know them. Yet somehow my brain almost always knows when there is one. It is like a program, reading every line of code someone says, and I am compiling it. So I get an exception message in my brain everytime an error is found. That doesn't mean I always say it, often due to Fe I keep it to myself.
Wow, so well explained. Amazing comment! Valuable information. Still wondering if I'm high Te or Ti and you've certainly helped me understand Ti well enough to help me figure that out.
Thank for featuring more ISTPs in these discussions, Joyce. My people often get a short shrift in the discussion of cognitive functions.
You're also free to join videos if you'd like, Kevrokk! Just send me an email sometime if you're interested. 🙂
NiTe user here - I have upmost respect and appreciation for Ti.
Real talk: the world would be a better place if more influencers were high Ti.
Damn, I think that was the single best video I've seen about Ti in like two years lol
This is so clear, and also the bite size format is very digestible.
Something about this satisfies me to the core for some reason haha
This new idea for the channel is a very good one 👌
Thanks, Vaness. :-]
I need to find more Ti friends. I love this direct no bs let's get to the truth approach. - INTJ
The "One and only" part seemed more Ni - Ti than Ti alone, but it just makes it even cooler.
Yeah, I agree with you. My Ne Ti is often open to all possibilties. Might be because Ne is above Ti. But Ti does work like a filter. Ne might make me commitment phobic in terms of ideas. But my Ti is always there to filter everything everyone says and be extremely skeptical. For me, I am extremely comfortable not having the "One and only", because I rather have no answer at all, than have the wrong one. My brain has to be open to all possibilities. But if I manage to commit to something, I admit I can be quite stubborn. But if I am proven wrong, I will default to having no opinion at all.
I can be the one to say "that is not true" and they respond "Then what is?"; I will respond back "I do not know, I just know that is not it, because the logic seems flawed".
That is also the ultimate goal for an INTP the difference is we take longer to get there. i.e we could spend several years deliberating before reaching a conclusion, in the mean time, we would accommodate all possibilities at the same time.
@@oluchukwuokafor7729 Ti wants to find the truth, there's definitely a notion of unity to it. This would be described by the "one truth". The "one and only", on the other hand, may suggest something more than a notion of unity, and I believe it means that there is a "right/best way" to look at it. If I'm correct, a likely cause of the "right/best way" mentality could be an introverted perceiving function, which you guys also have. The point I was looking at was the purity, or not, of how Ti was described.
@@samuelunias673 The right answer is often the only answer. If there are multiple answers, then I would like to find an abstract representation that describes all answers so that nothing surprises me. For example, the answer to an equation like this x % 2 == 0 could be 2 or 4 but I would say that the answer is the set of all even numbers.
@@oluchukwuokafor7729 I didn't say INTP's wouldn't try to find that kind of answer. I'm not getting your point.
I hope you end up doing videos with all of the functions like this. These are very helpful as far as helping people understand the functions and differences between introverted and extroverted, dominant and not, etc.
Don't be offended by Ti rejection. Help them get to the truth. This so helpful to debate with harmony. Thank you both very much. It helps me to balance my Fi with Ti. 🙏
Excellent video!!!! As an Intp I have been called stubborn and negative… This was hands down one of my favorite TI videos….
Ti is a bit like solving a jigsaw puzzle. Ti wants to find all the right pieces, fit them together in the right order, to create a clear and concise picture. For myself though, providing solutions is definitely part and parcel of the Ti process, it isn't enough just to have understanding on its own, it preferably needs to provide some practical function or be a solution to some problem, perceived conundrum or dilemma, either physical, metaphysical or both.
Joyce has particularly great hair in this video!
What is with girl on girl hair focus? What is the vast significance about?
When someone asks me what I like I struggle to say but I definitely know what I hate.
Thank you for breaking this down. This feels similar to my fi funnel just more fluid and then settled less sharp and refined.
Yeah... It seems like ''Fi'' in the process. Like getting into a ''ultimate'' values? Like getting into the fundamental value, you cut away layers to get you to the nucleus
That makes sense, since Fi and Ti both introverted judging functions, concerned with creating and living in accordance with something like universal principles or ideals intended to be right or true no matter the context.
Yesssss. It’s like peeling fruit and we also do the No thing just not as readily it’s more like a slow “Nooooo” that’s not quite it, but we definitely know when it’s not our fi. It’s almost repulsive when others try to get us to Fe our Fi and feels personal. It takes me literal mental energy to try to imagine me doing this with my thinking since I know that we can just change the Te to adjust to the goal. There’s no way, I’d change my fi only to help the Fe get to any Ti so now I understand how personal Ti must feel and why it’s so immovable. And Yessssss I agree guys!!!!!
@@getreadywithmemamma Yes. How he defined it seems a personal logic, how the other function play into that ''framework'' made it personal? Not really logic itself.... it is really interesting...
@@hanjesse31 exactly!!! So strange logical but the other function you’re right makes it personal too. Wow.
All T (Ti/Te) are always speculating. It just depends on each standpoint. Te is searching for the facts outward without personal bias or Fi value system while Ti is searching for the facts of the truth inward (inside of the box of knowledge of the formed reality the person has built).
Now I really want to see like 4 INTPs doing a livestream of a strategy game session or something.
Having them work together I foresee either 4 INTPs all thinking the same and agreeing a lot or 4 INTPs letting their Ti become their ego and like "I'm more profound!!" "NO! I'M MORE PROFONUD!".
I'm nodding all the way as I see this in my INTP husband. I do think that his Ne encourages him to explore ideas further and get to a Yes more so than what may be practical.
Joyce trying not to laugh is so cute lol
I like my steak well done btw
Love the cookie example again🤣 Now I can clearly see the difference between Fi and Ti.
The cookie example was great and really increased my understanding. (intj)
Hi Joyce An "Infp" Male here. Wanting to know, learn, more.. About this Ti. 😉 Thanks Again For this Another Super Valuable Video.
As a Ks User, I have to say that One way to tell that something is not yet really fully figured out. Cycles of explanations keep coming up. I think I have watched, seen, read and thought out many possible explanations of the different functions but I still can't pinpoint a function to its scope with clear boundaries. I wonder if there some exams done in this. Question number one, Define Ti in one sentence without more than 20 words in such a way that no one can object😆
Its true that our need for the truth offends many people around us.
There's a lot of Fi involved in deciding what level of doneness in your steak is just right for you. But now, a precise definition to determine the difference between rare and medium rare or a planet and a dwarf planet, maybe that's Ti. Me? I'll enjoy the crisp char well done steak and feel safe from foodborne illness. And Pluto will always be a planet in my heart.
Ti for me sometimes feels like you are playing Wordle. It's not so much that you know the end result. You start with a basic outline of something based on what someone tells you, and you know the mechanism to refine your understanding, so you repeatedly slice and refine until you rule out all other possibilities. Ti can and does keep all the guesses, all the tries, all the partial answers for comparison, until the end result pops clearly into focus. Usually in life, you can get by in the world without resolving to the truth or to an accurate idea. There are so many situations where knowing a word has 5 letters and starts with F is all you really need because maybe you don't need to know the word, you just need to avoid all the words that don't start with F. I think this is why Te as a "this is good enough for now" function can sometimes run loops around Ti when Ti is trying to infinitely slice a topic to increase the precision of the end result.
Well done, seemed accurate to me.
It's definitely not medium or rare (badumtss because I'm reading this during the steak talk lol)
As someone who uses Ti, growing up was a little challenging in a home where Fe was championed. Though in my early years it affected me, because I was forced to do the polar opposite, often revealing itself in social anxiety, it did force me to become a more well rounded person. Now 34, I see that Ti is for myself and Fe is the way in which I can best show up with the tribe. The tribe doesn't always want a formulaic breakdown of logic or reasoning. As a child this was extremely difficult, now as an adult, I can play the Fe game and in-so-doing, bridge the gap so that others deeply respect and actually want to hear the Ti.
This was concise, is Ti responsible for the construction of knowledge too with frameworks? It can break things down into their relevant parts and wholes and then there can be a synthetic work to constitute a form or dynamic--or perhaps this involves other functions, like if you're fixing a car you'd use say Se to coordinate and Ni for insights and so on. Anyway good video
I am curious to hear what Ti is not.
It's not Fe :P
@@PowerRedBullTypology Two points.
@@PowerRedBullTypology omg 🤣
Still trying to narrow down my type but this really feels like me. I don't know if its my top function, but I definitely relate to trying to figure out what's not true in order to find what is. And being more confident in what is not than in what is. I've gotten into so many internet debates over someone saying something false because, as I usually say, "I won't just sit around and let bullshit go unchallenged." I mean, I don't do it all the time but I enjoy occasionally picking apart people's logic and watching them not know what to do with themselves anymore. Its a fun way to deal with people being dicks on the internet.
Very helpful
I think sceptic is a great way to describe it. But I find some people confuse scepticism with denialism sometimes. A sceptic will not believe something unless there is good evidence. If good evidence is presented, then we will be convinced, if not then we remain sceptical. ✌️
Ngl, I may have Ti trickster and a fault of mine (especially online) is butting heads with Ti types who are being very particular about distinctions and whatnot. I think I do try to approach it in good faith generally, but sometimes it can feel like I'm being trolled even when I may not be I think because from my perspective, being pretty insecure about clarity and feeling misunderstood a lot, I'm trying really hard to convey what I mean in a way that people will understand. And so then a Ti dom is coming in and poking holes and it can feel like they aren't respecting the effort I put in to trying to explain myself. Instead of hearing "I don't fully understand what you mean here, do you mean X?" What I'm hearing is more like "this over here is wrong." And it's like, ok, fine that one distinction is wrong, but you've ignored most of the rest of what I said. So this may be an area where Ti doms can be received better by trying to be like "this part is wrong and I don't accept it, but this part over here, I'm fine with it or I'm less sure about it and need further investigation." Emphasizing "this is something I'm investigating overall and it's not personal" so people don't feel like their effort to communicate is being disrespected.
On the flip side, I could probably do better about valuing the internal effort that a Ti dom is going to, to be thorough. Planes would probably not fly safely without that kind of thing. I don't know what way of approaching this kind of acknowledgement would be most meaningful to Ti types (I'm sure it will vary some by person) so I can only guess. But I know y'all have feelings like everybody else and want to be valued, that's a pretty universal human trait. :)
Edit: Oh and to give credit where it's due, sometimes people do ask me questions that are clearly just investigating and those moments are worth their weight in gold!
@1:56 how do you separate it from someone being picky? Or it has Se preferrence mixed in it? Does Si be that way, too? Or i am reading this example wrong. Or maybe like a mug? If your mom told you to get a mug, could you bring a tea cup? They have the same principle, to hold liquid beverages. What makes a mug, a mug? Is it the shape, color, size? What is the main principle of it? What properties that makes it a mug, should it withstand hot liquid beverages? What materials can withstand hot beverages and won't break easily? If it is stablished as that the sizes, shape and color won't matter....right?
Edit: he said it @7:45
I can criticize so much so so easy, but when you ask me to complement someone or something even if I like it I'll struggle unless I've already pre-processed
Ti hero can accept emotional vagueness, but not logical ones.
I remember way back a teenager before I even knew Mbti I got into an argument with a friend where I told her she was lying in a particular statement she made and she asked if I was calling her a liar. I disagreeed saying that lying in one instance doesnt denote being a liar in a larger consistent one. This made her angrier with her just saying that I either called her a liar or I didn't. I was so confused and said neither of those were true. Simply put she was more fixated on the attribution instead of clarification of what she actually said and its level of honesty.
We are still distant acquaintances but I felt that conversation tainted us ever having a close friendship.
People read this level of Ti as pedantic, and with wisdom I totally can see why that assumption would exist. Unfortunately it also isnt very accurate of what any Ti user is desiring to attempt. It truly is an emotionally contextless desire to get to the clearest root of any given subject or statement. Often because once you get to that point or clarity it either eliminates problems or solves them all together. So its viewed as the most efficient way to think about a given subject.
Meanwhile there is emotional wreckage behind a Ti users path to get to get to that shiny✨️ clarity of thinking.
I find Ti hero to be too interrogating much to my exhaustion. 😂😅
What do mean by ______ ? Is my favorite question when conversating...
Ti Child 👦🏻
thank you! I'm wondering if you have anything on the differences between abstract and concrete, really struggling with that for some reason, thanks!
Try this
A tennis ball is a concrete object
A tennis racket is a concrete object
A tennis court is a concrete object
The game of tennis is an abstract concept
If you see two people playing the game of tennis but you don’t know what the game of tennis is then you can only describe the actions that they players are performing.
Once you understand what a game is (abstract concept) once you understand what the rules of the game of tennis are (abstract concept) then the players actions are instead understood as ‘playing tennis’ and not just two people hitting a ball back and forth between each other(concrete)
Hope this helps
The whole “good vs bad” or other subjective perspectives seem very much like an Fi thing, which I often dismiss how I feel because I don’t trust it like I do my thoughts/evaluations with criteria and particular categorization/division (Ti). It seems to me that Fi decisions are confusing because it seems like its going based off of a thing that is wild, unpredictable, and uncontrollable (emotions), which while I know would (likely) never happen, I really wish that emotions wouldn’t get in the way of people making decisions (whether through Te or Ti).
true or false isn't automatically known... so it's not "true or false"... it's "is it false?"
Would Fi users be like this, do I value this information ? While Ti is does this make sense ? Te and Fe are like take this feeling if it works (Fe)or does this work action (Te) for the community .
I struggle with te users on lying.. but then I remember. Its doing the same as fe ..
Ți is always an abstracting refining and defining function. Hmm. Purely discerning function. Then when is it an aid to compelled action?
If you know the truth you are then able to apply absolute truths to many different systems/situations. Due to the wealth of understanding, you are also able solve problems with an execution just short of God's.
You can not un cook a steak.... it's not logical to send it back but it is logical to choose a different location to eat again. 🤔 intj 5w6
Yup, said the same. Only, it's also risky to send an under cooked steak back, as well. Good chance it will get spit on by an ex-prison inmate.
pretty much inverse thinking. Maybe Charlie Munger was lead Ti
It is not Ni 🤣🤣🤣
Never send your steak back! Especially overcooked. Not a smart Ti call.
I nope.