Five Reasons Why Religion is Good for the World

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ค. 2024
  • Religion is blamed for many things is society, from extremism to pedophile priests. This video explores the positive things that religion brings to society. Disagree with our list? Then please let us know in the comments section below.
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    Social Inclusion
    Religion is very good at bringing people together. In many religions the place of worship is seen as the center of a community where people do not only worship but also socialize. People normally come together because they have something in common and religion is almost a default topic that everybody of the same religion will have. It could be argued that religion also ostracizes those of other religions but at a micro level it is undoubtedly a great means of getting people together.
    Life often throws up grey areas and religion provides guidance through such times. All religions provide guidance through the spokespeople of said religion and the wider community. Whether, from an outside point of view, you agree with the guidance from each religion is beside the point. It’s the fact that it’s there is the main thing. Many people may feel that there is no other place to turn to when life gets hard, if it wasn’t for their religious community.
    Value System
    Religion provides a set of values for millions of people throughout the world. Sunday Schools provides vital life lessons for Christian children through the teaching of bible stories. Muslims teach modesty, Buddhists emphasis compassion and Judaism is intent of continual education. These are all lessons that, without religion, would have less chance in getting through. Providing a moral compass in such a way draws millions to religion and gives them guidelines from which to live their lives.
    Charitable Work
    Churches and other religious organizations across the world provide great charitable work. All true religions believe in helping those less fortunate than themselves. From church bake sales to international aid, religion forms the basis of the majority of charity throughout the world. We’re not saying that without religion charitable deeds would not be carried out, but currently it is in the name of religion that so much good is achieved.
    Providing Purpose
    There is a reason why many addicts and other people how are struggling with life turn to religion and that is because it provides their lives with a sense of purpose. The question “why are we here?” is a daunting and complex questions. The answer “to serve the will of God” is a simple, clean cut answer that gives people a reason to live their lives as best they can. There are thousands of cases of people being “re-born” into religion and going onto achieve great things. IF religion wasn’t there then these people may have continued to struggle.
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