The Devil Wears Prada - How Andy Predicted the Girlboss Era

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 263

  • @silvercheetah92
    @silvercheetah92 ปีที่แล้ว +1795

    One thing I hated about the movie is how badly her friends and boyfriend treated her. They knew this job was temporary and she had no control over her hours. Couldn't they accept that she wouldn't be able to spend as much time with them for a few months. They were all young people working entry level jobs with unpredictable hours in NYC they should have been in situations like her. Hell her boyfriend was a chef that job should have had worse hours than hers.

    • @alyzu4755
      @alyzu4755 ปีที่แล้ว +92

      This! ^^^^^^

    • @kedaver263
      @kedaver263 ปีที่แล้ว +154

      I think the film accidentally made Andy in look too good, they were trying to go for Andy becoming ruthless but there weren't many scenes conveying that and she came across likeable and her friends, unreasonable.The boyfriend wasn't too bad IMO

    • @madinp1177
      @madinp1177 ปีที่แล้ว +72

      Yup, I wouldn't prioritise those people either.

    • @maggierobertson2962
      @maggierobertson2962 ปีที่แล้ว +169

      Writing her boyfriend as a young NYC chef who is annoyed that she doesn't have more time with him was ridiculous.

    • @endor8witch
      @endor8witch ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @amyontv
    @amyontv ปีที่แล้ว +282

    Her developing an interest in fashion was not her “giving up her identity to fit in”. She’s allowed to evolve. Obviously by being exposed to more styles of clothing she would update her personal style

    • @anonymousnation5235
      @anonymousnation5235 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Yes and she keeps the good personal style even after quitting the Runway.

    • @gracexcon
      @gracexcon ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Yes! I also viewed her style change as a form of personal growth. The was nothing wrong with Andy's style before, if you're not appearance focused, that's fine, but she also belittled those that were interested in fashion before, acting morally superior to them, as if she was better because she didn't concern herself with such superficial things. Her learning to appreciate not only the interests of those people, but the people themselves as three-dimensional humans with their own strengths and weaknesses (i.e. Emily and Nigel, and to some extent, Miranda), made her a better, more understanding person. I identify with this on a personal level, I used to be similarly condescending towards some people and their interests, believing them to be vapid and dumb, and I thought I was better because I was 'different'. My college roommate (and best friend, to this day) pointed it out to me and told me that just because I didn't like the things she was interested in, doesn't mean that her interests have less value, and I shouldn't make her feel bad for enjoying the things that she enjoys. She was right, I was an ass. It was a major wakeup call for me, and I think that the same thing happens to Andy. She might not care about fashion quite as much as her coworkers, but she learned that fashion isn't completely valueless and the people who enjoy it aren't lesser than her, just different.

    • @dorotaisqueen3650
      @dorotaisqueen3650 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@gracexcon EXACTLY!!! Not everything about the movie necessarily fit this narrative from the video, obviously it was a theme and I agree with what the Take is saying, but I personally viewed her becoming more stylish as just her growing and developing, which including taking the initiative to go the extra mile and be better at her job. Being better helped her to rise higher, and when she did, she got more opportunities and had to make more sacrifices which in the end weren't worth it. But that wasn't't a direct correlation with her dressing better or even becoming better, it was just that the higher she rose, the more toxic choices she had to make to stay there, which is what the video's about. Becoming more fashionable wasn't her giving up a part of her identity, it was just the turning point in her career at Runway.
      This is also another issue I had with how, at the end, when talking to her boyfriend about how she turned her back on everything she cared about, he said it was "for shirts, shoes, bags" etc, when it obviously wasn't. It just made it seem like he didn't even acknowledge all the stuff she had to go through bc of how toxic her job was, and ofc showed how much contempt he has for fashion.

    • @gracexcon
      @gracexcon ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@dorotaisqueen3650 Ooooo, that "for shirts, shoes, bags" line always made me so angry. He completely minimized her motivations for throwing herself into her job, and made it sound like she was just in it for the free stuff. During that conversation, he also takes zero accountability for his part in the breakup, for not supporting her as she struggled with a difficult and demanding job. A job that wasn't even permanent, he only had to deal with her being less available to him for a year, a year that would open doors for her, career-wise. If you can't handle your partner working long hours and missing a few social events for just one year, it wasn't a very strong partnership to begin with.
      He and her friends acted so sanctimonious towards her, as though she was becoming a terrible person before their eyes, when in reality she was taking on a new, challenging experience and learning from it. Even her friend who saw Christian kiss her on the cheek at the art gallery. Instead of asking Andy what that was about before jumping to conclusions, she caused a scene and basically called her a horrible person. It's like everyone in her life suddenly stopped being able to give her the benefit of the doubt as soon as she got that job.

    • @gracexcon
      @gracexcon ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Oh, also he has no leg to stand on, when he even made fun of her style BEFORE. "You got a job at a fashion magazine? What was it a phone interview?"

  • @ScarlettAlexandraS
    @ScarlettAlexandraS ปีที่แล้ว +306

    Something that every analysis seems to miss EVERYTIME…is that Miranda consistently threatens to blackball her! This is why she says she doesn’t have a choice. She is working under one of the most powerful publications, and the same that is said in the beginning that if they work a year for her, they can get any job they want. So the threat for her to lose any opportunity to work in journalism is real. This does truly happen. Certain industries have large reach, but are truly small in nature, and words and reputations get around.
    Had Miranda actually followed through on the threat, it would have taken a lot of luck and some good faith for other publications to ultimately hire her.

    • @kahkah1986
      @kahkah1986 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      yes, journalism is all about contacts in the industry, if Miranda genuinely took against someone, she could damage her reputation with other contacts or even actively shut them down

    • @ScarlettAlexandraS
      @ScarlettAlexandraS ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@kahkah1986 right on! And it’s like that for many industries as well. You will have many of the same people work for the same few companies/ corporations/publications etc, and all it takes is one word to ruin your chances.

    • @theOnlyEliottMoon
      @theOnlyEliottMoon ปีที่แล้ว +33

      I seriously dislike when people claim Andy "manipulated" the situation that resulted in her going to Paris. She did her job, it was quite apparent she just wanted to help Emily when Emily blanked out on a name... And then Miranda announced that she is going to Paris, she didn't ask... And Andy truly had no choice there because Miranda could destroy her professionally

    • @ScarlettAlexandraS
      @ScarlettAlexandraS ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @@theOnlyEliottMoon absolutely! And when Miranda told her that she was going, Andy said no that she couldn’t do that to Emily, which Miranda then threatened her again,and then forced her to tell Emily. There was no real choice there, other than putting her future opportunities in jeopardy.

    • @elizabethevelyn7125
      @elizabethevelyn7125 ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @trinaq
    @trinaq ปีที่แล้ว +450

    In this movie, Anne Hathaway learns about how working hard could cost you your personal relationships while working at a fashion company. Almost a decade later in "The Intern", she's now the head of a fashion company who eventually finds a balance between her personal and professional lives without having to quit her job.

    • @silentsaturn7604
      @silentsaturn7604 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      She doesn't actually. The film ends with her working as she always does and her husband has to just suck it up that she's never around.
      It was a really bad film.

    • @muskanmodi724
      @muskanmodi724 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@silentsaturn7604 yeah he was like "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you I'll be better" and the movie ends.

    • @gabrielleduplessis7388
      @gabrielleduplessis7388 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I love that movie.
      I get people say, you can’t have a family and a career. Here is the thing. You should not have to choose. You should not marry your job. The head mucky mucks of capitalism demand that. They just want cogs on a wheel and they don’t care what sacrifices you have to make.
      You should be able to work, live your life, and have a family, if that is what you want. You should not be married to one or the other.

    • @kecym.4808
      @kecym.4808 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @DesiCat789
      @DesiCat789 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      She gets cheated on in the Intern. As if that's the price of a working woman CEO

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. ปีที่แล้ว +729

    It’s so disturbing when I see people rationalising terrible workplaces. I’m privileged enough to say no, which everyone should have a right to say.

    • @thewhitewolf58
      @thewhitewolf58 ปีที่แล้ว +53

      People act like its a right to be a slave.

    • @PokhrajRoy.
      @PokhrajRoy. ปีที่แล้ว +31

      @@thewhitewolf58 Manufactured Consent does that to you.

    • @thewhitewolf58
      @thewhitewolf58 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      @@PokhrajRoy. im fine with being a work slave for decent hours and decen pay but the older people act like your lazy if your not willing to do over time for minimum wage.

    • @ivettecastle3420
      @ivettecastle3420 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      As someone who was unemployed for almost 2 years I can say I rather have a terrible workplace than no work at all. Sad the world we live in but I want to eat and have a home.

    • @heartdragon2386
      @heartdragon2386 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@ivettecastle3420 no one is blaming you for taking or keeping shit jobs. The system that makes that kind of indentured servitude necessary is the problem.

  • @onpu901
    @onpu901 ปีที่แล้ว +237

    Every time you make a video about this movie, it always gets brought up that her choice to choose to embrace fashion to gain the respect of her coworkers is a loss in identity. As a plot device I could see how it illustrates the point, but a person's identity is fluid and changes and while it is a sign that Andy is changing and the change for her to embrace fashion is neither a positive nor a negative change. Yes, it is the start of her changes, which eventually leads to her manipulation and hurting others, but its not like her attitude towards fashion at the start was something to be praised either. I just wish the videos would stop portraying that change in Andy as something negative, like a loss of her identity or integrity. If anything, it is one of the more positive changes in Andy - it shows that she's getting off her high horse when she's the one who wants something from Miranda.

    • @angeliprimlani9389
      @angeliprimlani9389 ปีที่แล้ว +38

      It's also the one thing she keeps after she leaves Runway, even if it is in a toned down form.

    • @BrunoOliveira-to7hf
      @BrunoOliveira-to7hf ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Very well said. After the end of the movie, I always thought that the point was to show that you can always absorve influence of what is around you to become a better version of yourself. Like… in the beginning she wanted to make sure everyone knew that she wasn’t into fashion but the end (at least what I was able to take from it) was to show that she could still be her but also apply what she learned into herself to become more elevated. I always hated how people around Andy gave her so many shit for taking the opportunities that came along her way…

    • @TheEmerald97
      @TheEmerald97 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Yup she gained how to convey she was a professional both in her appearance skills, and communication. The Andy at the beginning wouldn't have been assert themselves the way she did when she quit working for Miranda.

    • @ronaldfasshauer4390
      @ronaldfasshauer4390 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      She didn't change her identity she was a recent college grad who was getting free clothes.

    • @silentsaturn7604
      @silentsaturn7604 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      That's such a Hollywood trope though, that whenever you stray from the decisions you make as a teenager, you're a sell out.
      Pursuing your dream is all well and good but it's also okay to learn new things, evolve and change your mind on things. I'd say the latter is a vital part of growing up and it's the biggest flaw of this film (and many others) to portray this as a negative thing.
      I think Andy is a much better person in the end, having outgrown her juvenile opinion on fashion which was based on prejudice and ignorance and she's more open minded. And even if she had decided to give up her initial dream and stayed in fashion, what's wrong with that? Why should she be tied down by a decision she made when she was basically a child and knew nothing of the world?
      How many people end up in the job they wanted to work at, as a teen, are we all sell outs?

  • @lilil9752
    @lilil9752 ปีที่แล้ว +430

    I have seen people say : “Andy should have stayed with Miranda and become the new boss” like, no, she didn’t even like fashion. A lot of people thinks a position of power and being rich is a synonym of happiness and sucess, which works for some people but not everyone likes the same things

    • @paomarie-antoinette9848
      @paomarie-antoinette9848 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      And clearly Miranda wasn't happy and she was I that position of power.

    • @lilypond5158
      @lilypond5158 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Exactly, Miranda actually had a passion for fashion, that wasn't Andy's dream at all, she ws just sucked in to the world and tought to be greatful for a job she had no interest in.
      Obviously she should learn to respect the people who work hard in fashion, but that doesn't mean she should become one of them

    • @akabaneaki
      @akabaneaki ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Ikr, she has always loved writing so she would have been miserable down the roads anyways.
      I personally also doubt that miranda would ever let andy take the space of her being the boss one day. Unless miranda actually passes on, andy ain't getting anywhere near that seat. heck, even AFTER miranda passes on, i think she would only in the least be a candidate to the boss seat instead of being the boss

    • @silentsaturn7604
      @silentsaturn7604 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      She liked fashion once she actually learned about it. She was prejudice and ignorant before. The fact her friends gas-lighted her into thinking she sold out by - shock horror - learning new things and changing her mind, is why they're so awful.

    • @lilypond5158
      @lilypond5158 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@silentsaturn7604 she liked it and appreciate it, but she didn't love fashion so much that she would devote her life to a career in fashion though, she has different interests

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. ปีที่แล้ว +80

    I AM LIVING for the juxtaposition of Faustian Dramaturgy and ‘The Devil Wears Prada’! Great job!

  • @sujanlama9499
    @sujanlama9499 ปีที่แล้ว +108

    Devil wears Prada is a goldmine. Thank you for digging through it and bringing us this video 💛

  • @stylesandsmarts
    @stylesandsmarts ปีที่แล้ว +71

    I think Miranda is somewhat wrong when she compares what she did to Nigel as the same as what Andi did to Emily. Emily literally got hit by a car! She was in the hospital, and then in a cast and on crutches. She was in no shape to fly all the way to Paris and handle the busy schedule they had while there. And the other assistant, Andi would be the most logical choice to fill Emily's spot in Paris.

    • @immortangel3978
      @immortangel3978 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Andi had already accepted the trip to Paris before Emily got hit by the car. She was on the phone with Emily to tell her as she got hit. Emily’s accident was nothing to do with why andi got to go to Paris

    • @stylesandsmarts
      @stylesandsmarts ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@immortangel3978 Ah your memory is better than mine then. Is it the same in the book? For some reason I think it's different in the book. But it's been ages since I've read it.

    • @DesiCat789
      @DesiCat789 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@immortangel3978 True, but Andy also had done nothing wrong by accepting Miranda's offer. It was Miranda's decision - what assistant would contradict her boss's decision of who they want or do not want to accompany on a business trip? What ..make a choice and lose a job (and future jobs? As threatened by Miranda)

    • @Kai555100
      @Kai555100 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I also think that it is not the same because Andy and Emily were not really friends, sure they started to warm up to each other but yk not that much
      Mirande and Nigel were at least year long work friends, the reason why Miranda betrayed Nigel is also much deeper than Andy accepting the trip to Paris, because Miranda probably has no identity outside her work at runway

  • @amyontv
    @amyontv ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Andy did not need to defend going to Paris to Emily. Tuh! Emily would have done the same to her

    • @FabalociousDee
      @FabalociousDee ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Thank you! It really grinds my gears that Emily gave her such a hard time for being a terrible dresser and not taking fashion seriously, only to turn right around and give Andy shit for taking fashion as seriously as Emily WANTED her to take it. I definitely get that Andy was screwing over people and sacrificing relationships to get ahead, but the relationships she was sacrificing...mate, I don't know if she would have lost all that much.

    • @kusuosaiki8966
      @kusuosaiki8966 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe because Emily took fashion seriously whilst andy would have only worked for one year

  • @RidaB33
    @RidaB33 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I just watched TDWP on Friday. Literally anytime I have a bad day at work or am feeling down, I always watch this movie. Truly iconic.

  • @IrbyyTV
    @IrbyyTV ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I just want to send Anne Hathaway my student loan bills because this movie made me major in journalism 😂😂😅

  • @MrRickymoore
    @MrRickymoore ปีที่แล้ว +9

    When I watched devils wearing Prada I was a teenager and then watched it again when I was an adult and had different perspective. I feel like Andy should have never quit Runway because deep down she started to love what she was doing but I felt that she quit to be a person pleaser and some ways she felt she was changing and I get that. But she didn't have to change she could have still be a girlboss and her own terms. If she would have set some boundaries to Miranda like her work hours etc.. I'm sure she would have respected more.

    • @Dash120z
      @Dash120z ปีที่แล้ว

      absolutely true

  • @elenacami9650
    @elenacami9650 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    OK real story. I quit my job less than a month ago because my boss bullied the shit out of me. Most of the characters in the film I actually worked with in real life. My family just like Andrea's was like 'just go, find something else' and I was like 'one year is all I need to make enough money to focus on my writing'. The reality is I wanted to prove to everyone that I could do it despite the pressure. Things got really ugly and I accepted some money from my parents and now I'm writing. Best decision I've ever made

    • @teressa_rana
      @teressa_rana หลายเดือนก่อน

      whoa that's good to hear!! congrats!!

  • @mezi99360
    @mezi99360 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    the older I get and the longer I'm actually in the workforce, the more this movie hits different

  • @nameisamine
    @nameisamine ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Andi never desired to become a girl boss, she just wanted to be a moderately successful journalist 😅 She was only to work that job for ONE YEAR, not forever, so she could follow her passion and live her life. Her bf and friends couldn’t see that and refused to put up with her having that job even though they all knew it was only temporary. “Andi gets exactly what she wanted”? NO, SHE DIDNT. 🥴 She wanted to be a journalist and her job assisting Miranda was simply a stepping stone to get to her dream career. The way I cringed when she leaves the Gala to go to her BFs bday (that she already missed) over getting introduced to the editor of the New Yorker by Christian Thompson! It was LITERALLY her reason for moving to New York and she botched it to save an increasingly floundering relationship that would likely never last. 🙄
    I would have said “r u kidding? We’ll celebrate the bday tomorrow, go meet that editor and chase your dream!”
    Not advocating toxic work environments or hustle culture but…How many of us took a job we didn’t like to get to the one we actually wanted? That’s the world of work!

  • @kedaver263
    @kedaver263 ปีที่แล้ว +280

    Miranda was the 'Girlboss' in the original sense, where she worked to earn her place and became hellishly good at what she does and is near unstoppable. Today's 'Girlboss' is more about entitlement. I wish we could write films with characters like OG girlbosses Miranda and Andrea

    • @RamblingSailors
      @RamblingSailors ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Wow...I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

    • @kedaver263
      @kedaver263 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@RamblingSailors thank you for the image no one asked for 🙃

    • @blacklight1104
      @blacklight1104 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Nowadays a lot of girl bosses are only that: bossy

    • @berobero686
      @berobero686 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yep, Miranda can get away with how she acts because how good she in her job.

    • @DZrache
      @DZrache ปีที่แล้ว +8

      did you even watch the film or read the book? Miranda is the epitome of entitlement, and she has the influence to get away with it. She was going to have Andy blacklisted and it was only due to a freak spelling mistake that that didn't happen when Andy had enough of her crap. Even if she did supposedly work harder than "today's girlboss" (which, how're you going to quantify that anyway lol) that wouldn't justify the toxic work environment she creates.

  • @Mini-Toast_
    @Mini-Toast_ ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I always believed that women like this get villainized because they no longer act like sacrificial lambs for the people around them. Like if they act in their own self interest, they are selfish women who care nothing for the people around them. I almost, ALMOST get her boyfriend acting sour about her not being there all the time. But her friends were truly the worst. Instead of being supportive for the opportunity, they all chide her. I wish the ending was about her getting away from her friends, boyfriend, and Miranda.

  • @lilil9752
    @lilil9752 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Although her friends were indeed very unfair with her, didn’t make an attempt at understanding her position

  • @thesourpatchkidd579
    @thesourpatchkidd579 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Her journey mirrors that of Cadey Heron- starting out as a naïve outsider with "bubblegum views" of how the world works, thrown into the lions den, then begins emulating her environment in order to survive but not being the person she pretends to be. But then there's a point where she crosses over- except she's the only one who can't see it because, like most of us in that position, she's still telling herself she's doing what she has to and this isn't who she is. Then rejecting anyone who tells you otherwise, including the ones you love, only to realize that they were right and then rejecting the person she'd become. Then the ending- she can't go back to the old her because it's not who she is but she doesn't like the new her so she has to become the "true" her. You can see it in her outfit at the end when she doesn't return to the old Andy's style since that Andy no longer "fits" her but she also isn't dressing like Miranda's Andy because that was someone she didn't want to be- it's a blend of both, a refined, mature, clear headed Andy who knows what she wants but also remembers what she's learned.
    In that respect you can imagine that Miranda is Andy if she never had the realization and is still lying to herself, which is where a lot of us find ourselves- still believing we're a good person despite the horrible actions we take because we're "doing what we have to". It's also why so many people villainize her friends and boyfriend by saying they should've been more supportive and understanding when they were, at first, but when they began to see that she'd changed they called her out on that and the divide happened. They remind us of the people who called us out while we were telling ourselves we were "doing what we have to" and our actions didn't define us.
    Andy is sacrificing all the things she believes in, the things that matter to her, pieces of herself, in order to succeed at a job she doesn't even care about for reasons she doesn't even remember and she wants them to understand- but how can they, when you don't? And unfortunately that's a very common position to find yourself in.

  • @mysteriiis
    @mysteriiis ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Miranda's 'helping' women bears strong resemblance to early mafia crime family's 'helping' their immigrant communities.

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. ปีที่แล้ว +9

    ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ Discourse is back? IM NOT CRYING YOU ARE!

  • @MimiTheHamster
    @MimiTheHamster ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The notion that empowered women are supposed to be ruthless like men may very well be the most faulty narrative prevailing being a “girlboss”. How about a woman who is a leader lead with kindness and healthy boundaries instead? Our society won’t allow women to be women, we are always needing to be on high alert and defensive against toxic men by acting like them and it sucks. It’s not fun to be a “man”.

  • @ricardoleon9185
    @ricardoleon9185 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I'm so glad finally someone talked about Andy's personal responsability and accountability for the choices she makes through the movie. This is literally one of my favorite movies that I have seen hundreds of times and I simply can't when people try to blame everyone BUT Andy for what's going on and I love how this analysis finally shined a light on the main character that drove and executed those choices: Andy herself. Don't get me wrong, I love Andy and her growth throughout the movie. I don't demonize her but we gotta open our eyes and realize that she's an adult and she made choices that affected her relationships and she needs to deal with the outcomes of her choices. Anne Hathaway was perfect for this role.

    • @nameisamine
      @nameisamine ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The relationships in her life were not that strong if they collapsed in a matter of months because she got a new job. A job they all knew would be temporary. 🥴
      Also hustle culture wins in the end because Andi’s hustle is rewarded by Miranda giving a commanding recommendation for her new job.

  • @zitronentee
    @zitronentee ปีที่แล้ว +11

    The movie is already 16 years old. And we still talk about it.

    • @cartersmom0629
      @cartersmom0629 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I had my daughter the year it came out and she loves the movie. Its iconic

  • @fortune_roses
    @fortune_roses ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Like the *Red Shoes:* Ballerina is seduced by her boss into dancing to her death. Foregoing true love & work/life balance... implying that she *sold her soul for fame*

  • @shwetaaaaaaaaaaaa
    @shwetaaaaaaaaaaaa ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Keep dissecting this movie like a human body and we'll end up with an Atlas everytime ✨😊

  • @LadyPenumbra
    @LadyPenumbra ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I think that this reading of the text misses that Miranda is very powerful in the publishing world. Miranda told Andy to take the Paris trip, or be fired and be RUINED in the journalism field. Miranda was cruel, and powerful and used the threat of the annihilation of Andy's career to force her to do more and more questionable things, and you are still blaming ANDY? Miranda, she Harvey Weinstein-ed Andy, you get that, right?

  • @verakukic243
    @verakukic243 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I hate these comments and I disagree with the video, Miranda isn't overlooked because there happen to be men in the industry. She is not that great at her job, she constantly overspends, and she is aging, probably making it harder for her to keep up with the trends. Just because she is a tyrant and makes her employees do the tasks that are not in their contract, doesn't mean she is good at her actual job. She is literally exploiting Andy by making her do private tasks at her home. And all you get out of it that is, Andy now has fabulous outfits and gets to go to Paris and dumps her boyfriend, so Miranda must be good for her. Doesn't matter if she works for 12 hours while being paid for 8, doesn't matter she is doing stuff that have nothing to do with journalism, cute outfits, Paris!

  • @italianlifestyle7911
    @italianlifestyle7911 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Becoming a 'Girlboss' surely takes a lot of time and effort! The movie showed only a few parts of this ugly side, focusing on the glamorous life of the world of fashion instead. Such a pity there wasn't a sequel though.. it would have been tremendously successful!😒

  • @annejohnson5875
    @annejohnson5875 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    One, what fool eats an onion bagel right before a job interview?
    And two, I'm glad that people always call Andi out every time she whines about having no choice. She always had a choice.

    • @jdotcurtis
      @jdotcurtis ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I love that Miranda was the only one to point that out to her

    • @annejohnson5875
      @annejohnson5875 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jdotcurtis no, she wasn't

    • @Sam_Martyn
      @Sam_Martyn ปีที่แล้ว +16

      @@annejohnson5875 i mean if she didn’t do the job she wouldn’t have gotten the reference from miranda so yeah she had a choice but the smart one career wise was to stay on the job

    • @Pinkranger87
      @Pinkranger87 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      How about when Andy said she was editor of her college news paper and she didn't have any offers from newspaper's or magazine's.

    • @badcow4936
      @badcow4936 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you’ve watched the movie then you should remember that Andy eats the bagel in the opening scene when the more fashionable and capable women are putting on makeup and perfume and exquisite undergarments to show the drastic difference between them and Andy.

  • @alphabettown04
    @alphabettown04 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I would’ve loved the ending of this movie if Andy hadn’t gone back to Nate. 🤮

    • @ayindestevens6152
      @ayindestevens6152 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      He moves to Boston to become a Sous Chef they ain’t getting back together

    • @alphabettown04
      @alphabettown04 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ayindestevens6152 Huh? Wdym? I thought it was heavily implied that they get back together in the end.

    • @ayindestevens6152
      @ayindestevens6152 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alphabettown04 he straight up says he took the train up to Boston to interview for the job and he got it.

    • @alphabettown04
      @alphabettown04 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ayindestevens6152 When I say that Andy went back to him, I meant her meeting up with him to apologize which I didn’t think she needed to do. Should’ve clarified that better.

    • @ayindestevens6152
      @ayindestevens6152 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alphabettown04 OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH now this makes sense. Well she needed closure and to a certain extent Nate WAS right. In the end it was necessary to tie up that plot thread.

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. ปีที่แล้ว +7

    5:17 One of the best out of pocket references ever lol

  • @Name-ru3di
    @Name-ru3di ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I strangely love this movie despite it not being my normal genre that said, the boyfriend character absolutely sucks.

  • @Sam_Martyn
    @Sam_Martyn ปีที่แล้ว +4

    earliest i’ve ever been omg yes - so happy there’s another devil wears prada vid 😭

  • @beckybyt
    @beckybyt ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This argument works because Andy was *right* when she ranted that this magazine spends thousands of dollars to sell people things they don't need.
    There's a lot of people in the comments talking about how Nate Bad and changing, even for work, is good. I get it to a degree, but the point is that she does sacrifice some of her pro-labor altruistic identity (remember the articles she wrote for college) for a big industry which is extremely exploitative and 100% relies on women's insecurities. Near the end she justifies her changed attitude towards the job and her boss with the neoliberal platitude "If she was a man everybody would say how great a leader Miranda is".
    Really the central tension is how much her changes in the movie *are her choice*: she starts off with a generally virtuous worldview but indeed has to survive the job for a year. It's a classic struggle that goes beyond "Um she just learned to dress better and her friends were mean".

  • @k1k0000
    @k1k0000 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    the way i was literally obsessing over the devil wears prada, then you released a video on it!

  • @Athena-vs4cv
    @Athena-vs4cv ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I feel like there's some internalised misogyny going on in this video and frankly a heavy dose of class privilege. Judging Andy negatively for trying to survive a boss who blackmails her into compliance in order to gain valuable work experience and criticising her for switching up her style to fit her workplace? What woman in her first post-graduation job has the luxury of being able to challenge a horrible boss, quit for the sake of authenticity or dress exactly how she wants to in a professional environment? It's rather mean to imply she's a sell-out for trying to cope in a hostile work environment. Plus, there's nothing wrong with putting your career *slightly* before friends and family at times. My hubby wouldn't freeze me out for being late for his birthday if there was a huge work function on. What was Andy supposed to do? Quit her job early-on, be blackballed by Miranda in her chosen career field and try to scrub some pennies together whilst being constantly on hand for her mocking boyfriend and friends? I really do wonder about the reductive tone of some of The Take's videos recently.

    • @Anamika00004
      @Anamika00004 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes! Thank you for this comment!❤

  •  ปีที่แล้ว +10

    This would've been true (and it is in some instances), however... Andy's friends and boyfriend kind of suck... They're unsupportive and they make fun of her... Secondly, she doesn't make herself over to get access to fame and opportunities... She does it because she realizes that in order to actually stick out the year, she needs to become better at her job...
    Thirdly... Andy was put in situations where she actually couldn't choose... She had to work late and despite turning down an opportunity to further her own career, she has to race home to her baby of a boyfriend, who's being a pull anyway... And the Paris thing... Miranda said herself that if Andy turns down Paris (which she didn't ask for and only came about because she surpassed Emily) , she won't get anywhere in the industry... Calling Andy's actions manipulative when she was put in those impossible situations, is a slightly bit victim blaming... While I agree that the story kind of faustian in Nature, its not for the reasons provided here... And Miranda is not the Devil (Mephisto)... She herself is a victim of a badly functioning system... And Andy simply realizes that she doesn't wanna be a part of that system that drives people to do what Miranda did to Nigel...
    Anyone who's worked in theatre, showbussiness or even medicine... Your job comes first and you actually do have very little choice... Its not a manipulation and calling it that lessen the impact of actual cases of manipulation...
    But I do agree that it was a good idea for Andy to stop working there... Cause at the end of the day, the environment was toxic...

  • @Punmaster9001
    @Punmaster9001 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I watched this movie in theaters, maybe reductive, but my experience with this kind of story was limited, and I compared it to Star Wars. Noting that Anne Hathaway's character reminded me of Anakin's and that in this case, she chose the light path instead of the dark.

    • @mina_en_suiza
      @mina_en_suiza ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You can hardly compare one of the greatest films ever made (in so many aspects) with an essentially very childish CGI fantasy. .
      Yes, there is a life choice in both. But this is true for basically all epic stories.

  • @alanmike6883
    @alanmike6883 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    One thing I've learned over and over again.
    You have one life.
    Male or female, work isn't everything.. People are.. Family is..

    • @blacklight1104
      @blacklight1104 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Depends on the people or family. Some family members can be worse than even enemies.

    • @alanmike6883
      @alanmike6883 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      True. Very very true.
      The flip side of that is often at work it's the people that help you generally get through the day however at work, you are just a number.
      In a short life there much out there then a life dedicated to work alone 😉

    • @MinecraftIsLoveMinecraftIsLife
      @MinecraftIsLoveMinecraftIsLife ปีที่แล้ว

      The key thing is to have a work life balance. 9 to 5 seems reasonable.

    • @javis88h
      @javis88h ปีที่แล้ว

      If that's really the case her friends wouldn't be as clingy and would understand work is work.

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I mean, except maybe Doug, Andrea was fine losing some people.

  • @Jamietheroadrunner
    @Jamietheroadrunner ปีที่แล้ว +3

    PSA: The Devil Wears Prada is now available on Prime so we can rewatch it everyday. Again!

  • @bstj
    @bstj ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This take is so well-written!

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This was such fun as always 👏🏽

  • @greentree211
    @greentree211 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    i miss the old screen prism.... when you had real insightful things to say about popular media at the time... now its all just recycled essays that you could get off of fiver... i am really disappointed so many channels are going this route, looking for more and more videos to put out instead of using their platform to make thought-provoking content...

  • @toyang..
    @toyang.. ปีที่แล้ว +4

    5:17 the take please give us the fleabag content we deserve

  • @doctorlovera
    @doctorlovera ปีที่แล้ว +3

    6:07 How is it that even when women rule, it is still patriarchy’s fault? Isn’t it the idea that they start the change? Why those women who have that power to change things but don’t, and instead conform and became powerful villains, still deserve to be called “fabulous woman” leader? As you say later, Andy makes choices to prioritize herself and the people in her life hold her accountable because she is. The flaw of the mantra “I didn’t have a choice” to absolve herself should hold Miranda accountable and not the patriarchy, otherwise there would not be any reason for women being in power, if when they choose to play “the greed game” they would still be free of responsibility; choose men instead, they must be used to be the villains. When even Miranda “The devil” sees the evil in Andy’s choice, it seems that Andy crossed the line. Miranda crossed it by miles.
    A woman raises to power but her evil choices are still the result of the patriarchal system… 6:52
    With that said… I agree with most of the rest of the video. The movie was a great warning about selling ourselves to the devil.

    • @doctorlovera
      @doctorlovera ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I just remembered a movie with Anne Hathaway “The intern”. In that movie, Anne Hathaway made the choices that Miranda did not make in this movie. She created a humane, kind and productive work place, and in the end she learnt to balance her personal and professional life. How, in this movie, Miranda’s wrongdoing should be blamed on the patriarchy and not on herself?

    • @TheEdwardAlchemist
      @TheEdwardAlchemist ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah I love this channel's analysis, but sometimes they really bog down their own greatness with that patriarchy- bad man power structure crap.

  • @sammyvictors2603
    @sammyvictors2603 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Well, this gives me a new perspective.
    Hate this film for vilifying the working career woman. But the Girl boss warning is refreshing.
    And to think Girl boss was once considered empowering, but it was just a capitalist Trojan Horse all along.
    You learn a lot as time goes on. New layers are revealed about certain topics and media. I guess you're never too old to learn new things.

  • @daniellevin7462
    @daniellevin7462 ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @chillnagasden6190
    @chillnagasden6190 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Compromising values for material success isn't just a story - it's THE story, it's *THE* expectation.
    Don't have time off, don't have kids, don't pursue your dreams or what makes you happy - it "takes focus away from your work with us" (companies think \ say this frequently) .
    It tracks. I'm a nice person with some shortcomings thanks to head problems. I keep it clean enough that to an outside observer, I'm boring, and have nothing to offer. Unless they bump into one or another of my problems and I have to explain, leading them to think \ say that I'm lazy (ADHD-related), lying (survived various types of abuses and horrors), or unmotivated (*crushing* depression with a near total lack of guidance in my life).
    And naturally, I can't exactly disprove this as it often couples with not being given *a* chance, nevermind a second, third, fourth chance that SOME people keep bumblefucking into >.>;.
    Destined to be alone yay!
    Edit : OKAY.
    I realized how massively Incel-esque that sounds, so I need to VERY QUICKLY clarify lol.
    I'm a pansexual and am not actively looking for a relationship, but would benefit from reliable, non-shitty friends, a mentor\guide sort of person who can take interest and effort in helping me get my shit together. There are no drugs, booze, macho bullshit, car worship. I'm definitely neither "Normal" nor "okay", but I'm not even 1% an incel - or think anyone owes me any affection. Hopefully that pretents Foot In Mouth disease from springing up lol.

  • @LuminousArc92
    @LuminousArc92 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    not exactly though. Andy's "I didn't have a choice" isn't just an excuse. When given the choice to take the Paris trip and effectively promotion Andy really didn't have a choice. Or she had a choice between take the opportunity or lose the job and all future opportunities to work in publications. If you can actually consider that a choice. Make a decision you hate to make or lose your future career opportunities forever
    Nate is such an ass though. He gets pissed at her for working at a job that will give her experience and such needed to get a better job when he is doing the same thing. Working a crappy restaurant job until he can get a better one later. But she's bad because she worked in fashion and was good at it

  • @TheNopeDude
    @TheNopeDude ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Andy should have stuck it out for a year at least, not all of us have the privilege of passing up a brilliant opportunity to boost our career towards our true goals at the beginning of entering the workforce. How are you gonna just toss you phone in a fountain in the middle of Paris while your boss is counting on you? That’s not psychotic behaviour 😅

  • @Innamoramento9
    @Innamoramento9 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    There's being tough and ambitious, and then there's being mentally sick and having zero personal boundaries. Miranda and Andy are the latter. Andy sucks for not even googling Miranda's name before interviewing, arriving totally unprepared. Miranda is ridiculous for expecting someone to be at her beck and call 24/7.

  • @nadg866
    @nadg866 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This movie is almost 20 years old... I cannot believe it

  • @toyang..
    @toyang.. ปีที่แล้ว +2

    the devil wears prada is my citizen kane

  • @shhhquietplease6264
    @shhhquietplease6264 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i have never seen a connection made between faust and tdwp before!

  • @TheKrazysexykool
    @TheKrazysexykool ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Does success always have a cost?

  • @Anamika00004
    @Anamika00004 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I wonder what if Miranda gave her a bad reference for being unprofessional and leave without notice in the middle of an important work event. It was a hard overwhelming decision for Andy, and with legit material consequences. I hate the way this or other work decision like obeying their superior's demanding orders are shown lightly as some balanced 'choices' employees are making like a chess player to advance their career. Even wanting to advance their career is also demonised, i.e. god forbid if you want to be not miserable and not want to do your work and try to make something out of it for yourself for a change, you are the upholder of this evil system, future capitalist in making, 'playing the game'. Miranda actually gaslights Andy when she compares her action towards Nigel with Andy yes to Paris trip after a scathing rebuff from her boss while Emily couldn't physically go no matter Andy's decision.

  • @natalialenchuk1759
    @natalialenchuk1759 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I disagree. 1. It's not her choice to make - who's taken to Paris. Both Miranda and Emily support this illusion, but in fact that's not Andy's fault or choice or guilt, come to it. 2. Birthday party - even a kid could've understand that mommy was kept by something too important at the job. Nate isn't a kid. Yeah, he was right to be a little resentful but the situation wasn't a level of a dealbreaker.
    Basically, the choice is simple - you either quit the job which is so demanding and consuming, or you do whatever it takes, there are no other possibilities. Did Nate or the so called 'friends' really expect Andy to fight her boss and get Miranda play by her employee's rules?

  • @WABBNMedia
    @WABBNMedia ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I literally just rewatched this as I cooked dinner tonight 💝

  • @Kurooganeko
    @Kurooganeko ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think it's very weird that people still say Andy sold her sould to the devil when she accepted going to Paris. Like she wasn't there on vacation or partying. She attended parties, yes. But she was WORKING! That is a huge part of her job. She was there attending Miranda, not having true fun. She had sex, once, true. But remember what Nigel said, to go Paris and it for what it trully is. He is there usually to do a job. What was Andy supposed to do? Say "I'm sorry, boss! But no! I'm not going to do my job. I know Emily may go next year, but I still refuse. Find someone else to do it or force the injured Emily into it". That would set an AWFUL appearance for her working ethics! Also, Miranda has her fingers on the publishing industry. Anna Wintour's father was like a kind of that industry. The devil is capitalism and the crazy jobs it creates. Runaway employees should at least earn spectacularly.
    But also, don't fool yourselves! Andy could NEVER become Miranda. Anna Wintour was born in her position. Anna herself said that her father decided her carreer course for her. The bigger positions require some sort of legacy right to get and maintain it. It's not just about capitalism, is about maintining status quo and keeping the same families in power forever and illusion of success it creates. Miranda IS like her peers. The major difference between them is the fact that she is a woman. That alone make those men feel entitled to undermine her. But our patriarchal society makes it easier to judge Miranda. Trick here is to keep your eyes on her, you don't need to look the men in the same or similar power position as her. Ignore all the mess those men do. Miranda is evil because she is a woman, they would say. "It is against a woman's nature".
    The lesson thie movie should be teaching is: Ok, she sucks. But how about the men? If she is doing the same things or maybe even less than they are doing... then what the heck are they doing?
    By attacking a female peer, they exposed themselves!!!

  • @akabaneaki
    @akabaneaki ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You know, back then my opinion is that andy did the right thing, to go back with her boyfriend and to have her new job like this.
    When i got into young adult phase, my opinion changed to andy should not have went back to her bf and continued her job. Its her career after all and its not like she cant make friends that understands her better and have a bf.
    Now that im a adult, i understand andy left to fulfill her dream job that hopefully has a healthier workplace ethnic. And yes good for her! Though she should still dump those terrible friends and bf of hers.
    Working for a fashion place would have been a wonderful experiance, but seeing how unforgiving and harsh the surrounding is in the building in the movie is being, horrifies me. I swear i would be going home crying daily if im andy.

  • @endor8witch
    @endor8witch ปีที่แล้ว +7

    i'm amazed at people saying that is a toxic work environment and cheered on andy for all her choices.
    1. she is a doormat for her boyfriend. who makes her feel guilty for putting in the hours and neglecting him, but he always fell short of being there for her - ultimately dumping her for another opportunity.
    2. she is given an express pass to a position and won the favour of a highly respected figure in an industry and decided "i hate this superficial world".
    how do you think you climb up in the corporate world? lol andy refused to be like miranda, thinking miranda's life is in ruins while she sacrificed everything for work. but in reality, andy can't even see she was in a toxic relationship with her friends and also the man she chose to be with. she chose the wrong things and pride herself in being right.

    • @javis88h
      @javis88h ปีที่แล้ว +2

      At the risk of sounding crude, her friend group are like those bum ass friends who accuse you of "thinking you're better than them." For actually having drive to be successful. So what if she's late with a birthday? That's life grew up most friends end up as Facebook follows it happens

  • @mariapaularubianoa.6890
    @mariapaularubianoa.6890 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wait, didn't this channel make a video essay a couple years ago actually defrnding Miranda using a very girlboss argument??? I'm glad to see you've come to understand things differently.

  • @tatyanacastellanos6209
    @tatyanacastellanos6209 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ahhh this cut deep. I’m there I just didn’t know so many other people were there too.

  • @ngythe1king
    @ngythe1king ปีที่แล้ว

    A lot of people don’t get is when a woman decides to be a boss the more depress she becomes, it’s proven by statistics that the more income a woman makes the more likely she will be on depressants but there is an exception…if she has a husband and child, statistics proves it

  • @Arushi701
    @Arushi701 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The irony of treating Miranda as a girlboss is that her behaviour with her employees screams internal misogyny. She openly judges Andy, who is an *assistant* for her clothes and size all the time and makes all of her workplace anxious. One can imagine how she would treat the models...

  • @scordeteyla
    @scordeteyla ปีที่แล้ว

    It was not Lucifer he struck the deal with, but Mephisto

  • @archanakumaridasgupta5536
    @archanakumaridasgupta5536 ปีที่แล้ว

    So for a lot of people who couldn't make sense of that integrity dialogue, it was pedestal to the movie. It basically meant she had forgotten the things she believed in, and chose to do get ahead. Everything else, Nate is a bit of an unsuportive guy, except for that one time, when he's right. He thought she would have lost her true self in the process, expressed it in an absurd way though.
    The video & character interpretation isn't exactly something I'd agree with though. She chose to give up on the devil boss, or work culture, not career. There's a difference.

  • @user-dy5bi3fg7o
    @user-dy5bi3fg7o หลายเดือนก่อน

    Andy is the real devil hindrance of runway

  • @Mscldrew
    @Mscldrew หลายเดือนก่อน

    Does she save herself? People write these essays like she abandons everything she learned and reverted to a naive little do-gooder. While she does go back to the wimp boyfriend, she only lands the journalism job because Miranda, the supposed heartless villain, gives her a good reference.
    The lazy wimp boyfriend with jealousy issues meanwhile... makes fun of her interview clothes.

  • @kinomisono8525
    @kinomisono8525 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I would love to see you analyze the new Netflix movie called Do Revenge.

  • @Ohboycommentsection
    @Ohboycommentsection ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How many more videos are going to be recommended of this movie that I have never even watched? 🤔

  • @tamaragayolmassimi2804
    @tamaragayolmassimi2804 ปีที่แล้ว

    The take on crimes of the future ♡♡ pleaseee

  • @RoninRen
    @RoninRen ปีที่แล้ว

    well fashion will always fly over my head, honestly the extent of my wardrobe, is basic t-shirt &jeans/sneakers, as I just don't see point of making a big deal out of what people wear,

  • @fabsmaster5309
    @fabsmaster5309 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Devil wears Prada is just Andy’s dream of how things could have gone. The Intern shows how she really went on to become a girlboss in the end and again fantasized about a kindly old gentleman coming to save her from herself. Her constant dreams of what could have been come to a head in Modern Love when it manifests in her bipolar personality (or is it the other war around?).

  • @Chatzkas
    @Chatzkas ปีที่แล้ว

    I literally just watched this yesterday.

  • @aspiebear
    @aspiebear ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Whether by internal or external influence, people change. Sometimes it is a big change. Sometimes they find new parts of themselves. The person they become might have been who they would have been had the circumstances that resulted in the change been presented in their lives earlier.
    Sometimes change results in the loss of friends. This can be bad or good.
    If the loss of friends is due to them being jealous or feeling inadequate and thus angry at the person for changing then the change has highlighted something about the relationship that may have not been noticeable previously.
    Changing, the way Andi did, doesn’t necessarily mean that someone has sold out or is pretending to be someone they are not. It might mean that they are becoming the selves they were not previously able to be because they had not had certain experiences or privileges before.
    Andi was working (for whatever reason) in a cut-throat business and had to learn to navigate that and deal with a colleague who was nasty to her and a demanding boss who was dismissive of her too. She also had to step in (Paris) where it was impractical for a colleague to go because they were in hospital. That is standard business behavior.
    It seems that nice, quiet appearing people like Andi are expected to be passive and acquiescent to the unspoken expectations that they do not develop beyond what friends and family feel comfortable with them being.
    Suddenly embracing fashion to get on in the culture of the fashion business doesn’t mean that she was selling out of her identity. She was weaving a new thread to it.
    It could mean she was discovering that her previous dismissive attitude to fashion was simply her preference expressed in a dismissive attitude, rather than being simply indifferent. And that our attitudes can sometimes hold us back from experiences and self-discovery.
    We can don different clothes and behave differently, in different situations and still be ourselves. We are all multi-faceted. We are all more than that which we have had exposure to and what our friends and family see in us.
    She is not being nasty. She is being proactive and meeting the demands of her role (for whatever reason she took it on).

  • @AliBaba-ph6il
    @AliBaba-ph6il ปีที่แล้ว +1

    make video on kim wexler

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is timely since the election of the leaders of the UK and Italy.

  • @sethulakshmyes7534
    @sethulakshmyes7534 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The analysis made in the video is relevant. But devil wears Prada should not be the apt choice for it. May be whiplash, or wolf of Walstreet, or social network would perfectly go with idea of selling your soul for money and fame. The only thing Andy did was being good at her job. And the movie made it perfectly clear through the harry Potter incident. And the thing she did to Emily, are we seriously gonna believe that this is only happens in fashion world? I work in scientific research and I got backstabbed by my own professor and labmate because I stood up to him when he did something awful. Not once they show Miranda and her ideas are bad. She is expensive but they themselves told, her tastes are impeccable. And there is no clear parallels were drawn Andy and her friends other than some snobby remarks and dickish behavior at the restaurant. They should have shown how content her artist friend with her passionate job endeavors and how miserable her corporate slave friend. They should have shown how Andy's boyfriend is passionately does the cooking and how it makes him happy just doing so. They should have atleast shown Andy doing something bad and she knows she did bad and still tries spell out that anthem. Like Emily in Emily in Paris. That's how you tell a story. This movie is completely screwed up in its mission and still there are reels circulating Andy obsession to boring deskjob

  • @dreampinkreel
    @dreampinkreel ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Interesting video. People act as if her friends and boyfriend being shitty / unsupportive made Miranda less terrible when in fact she’s a contemptuous and lame boss.
    The girl boss movement seems to excuse abusive behavior when a woman perpetuates it with the famous sentence “If it were a man…” (and I partially blame Taylor Swift for that) and it reeks of white feminism to me.

  • @fernandoarias1452
    @fernandoarias1452 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'd love to watch a video take on Lalo Salamanca

  • @honest3506
    @honest3506 ปีที่แล้ว

    Girl Boss is amazing

  • @Genedide
    @Genedide ปีที่แล้ว

    Now She Hulk is boss babing it up 😤

  • @seanmorell3046
    @seanmorell3046 ปีที่แล้ว

    Come on people let's not forget this is a goddamn movie it's a story it's fictional yes there's similarities to real life but let's not get bent out of shape and use our emotions on a fictional movie when there's real pain in the world

  • @vincentcerasoli5969
    @vincentcerasoli5969 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is she really the protagonist though?

  • @Missmagazinebura
    @Missmagazinebura ปีที่แล้ว

    I watched girlboss on Netflix and it got cancelled because it only deserved one season

  • @toyang..
    @toyang.. ปีที่แล้ว +1

    day 13 of asking the take to make something about fleabag

  • @yummykebab6711
    @yummykebab6711 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Honestly sounds like pushing ideas of internalized misogyny by saying she changed her identity by liking fashion. Women can have fashion preferences and still be respectable.

  • @Akexazz1981
    @Akexazz1981 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please do big bang theory

  • @SouthCountyDreaming
    @SouthCountyDreaming ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I always thought she should have tied this move with the Intern.

  • @user-jj4pm2wr6o
    @user-jj4pm2wr6o ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You raze good points but I still hate the boyfriend he out rite refused to support her. I think that guy just wanted her to be all about him and hated she was putting effort in to her job.

  • @tyriaxepheles7996
    @tyriaxepheles7996 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are you sure they predicted that real life female CEOs would behave badly or isn't this just an anti-women in the workplace propaganda movie? Considering this was made long before the term girl boss was coined, I think it's the latter.

  • @DesiCat789
    @DesiCat789 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hard disagree. She did not "lose her identity" she changed because Nigel brought her down from her high horse of 'Im too cool for fashion so I won't do what needs to be done in this job'. You are allowed to start liking a job for it's perks and still complain about it's pitfalls. We ALL do it.
    Her boyfriend wasn't right. If I remember correctly, the blonde guy was going to get her introduced to some influential names in journalism but she was already late for her boyfriends birthday so she leaves. She gave up an opportunity that would have gotten her a job she wanted for a birthday that ended with a pouty boyfriend. She accepted the Paris offer only after being threatened by Miranda, who, as you remember, had the power to blacklist her from journalism (we see her reference letter at the end). That is what Andy's "I didn't have a choice" meant.
    Plenty of us have "I didn't have a choice" moments in our jobs - we just don't have them as dramatic as in a movie scene.
    Our friends and family, if supportive, would understand that this job and it's hectic days were a phase because the goal was established from the start - Spend a year here and get to the job you want.

  • @srkennel3
    @srkennel3 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It is exhausting that The Take always has to blame Capitalism. As if human beings are only power hungry, manipulative, etc. if they are in a Capitalist economy… No, in reality humans can become that way in many environments. I don’t take issue with criticisms of capitalism, but I really wish they’d lay off of having it in all their videos. It’s like they are answering a high school essay question, “how does sex, race, and class effect this topic?” in all their videos..

  • @viiv04ka
    @viiv04ka ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You seem to like this movie VERY much, we get it.

  • @IRHasDiabetes911
    @IRHasDiabetes911 ปีที่แล้ว

    Apt video with girlboss Clinton publicly congratulating fellow girlboss giorgia meloni, the literal second coming of Mussolini, for becoming prime minister.