Strong influence from Bridie for Jeongwoo who has never been to UK has what sounds like to me a Brit sounding pronunciation especially around 6:07. Lovely couples all of them.
Thank you for waiting so long! I was so busy that I couldn't upload new videos. I'm planning to make videos regularly from now on, so please stay tuned!
Hello everyone! We are new AMWF content creator. I'm from Bangkok and my gf's from Scotland. It is good to see an AMWF content creator on TH-cam. Have a nice day/evening everyone! 🇹🇭🇬🇧 Paul and Jay
Hello everyone! We are new AMWF content creator. I'm from Bangkok and my gf's from Scotland. It is good to see an AMWF content creator on TH-cam. Have a nice day/evening everyone! 🇹🇭🇬🇧 Paul and Jay
Hello everyone! We are new AMWF content creator. I'm from Bangkok and my gf's from Scotland. It is good to see an AMWF content creator on TH-cam. Have a nice day/evening everyone! 🇹🇭🇬🇧 Paul and Jay
Uluslararası çift olmanın bana göre pozitif yanı iki tarafta birbirinin farklılıklarını daha çabuk kabul edip ortak noktada buluşabiliyorlar. Birbirlerini yargılamayıp anlamaya çalışıyorlar.Dil bir engel gibi görünsede duygular gerçekçiyse sorun olmuyor. Negatif yanı ortak kültür olmadığı için kendini yabancı hissedebilir örneğin bir arkadaş toplantısında herkesin aynı duyguyla mırıldandığı bir şarkı, bir bayram kutlamasının paylaşımı vb. duygusal tepkilere aynı duyguyla karşılık veremeyebilir. Aile bağları farklı olabilir. Biz Türkler de aile bağları çok kuvvetlidir. Büyüklere saygı ve ziyaret önemlidir. her ülke için geçerli olmayan sorumluluk dolu bir duygu bağı vardır. Sonuç olarak zaman içinde her iki tarafın farklılıklarının pozitif yanlarını hayatınıza dahil edip seçeneklerinizi arttırabildiğinizi görebilmek hoşgörü ve mutluluğunuzs olumlu katkı sağlar.
LOVE your interviews. My daughter dreams of going there since she was 14. I hope she gets to someday. I wonder how different older folks would answer, LIKE T HE STARING.
That dude with the SA girlfriend is a right proper thug! Thug with a heart of gold, I mean. Made the most impression on me. I wished I saw the DR couple speaking Spanish. That's my favourite language, and although I can speak a little, I wish to be completely fluent in it.
The South African girl has a very chill cool girl vibe. She and her boyfriend feels like they were a couple for years. I hope they're still together now❤
Omg😱🫨I couldn’t believe when the english girl said her boyfriend has never been to the UK,for a Korean his british accent is surprinsingly good,I lived in the Uk for 3 years and meet dozens of Asians who lived there for decades and their accent wasn’t even close to this guy’s accent 😱very impressive.
Language is not a big thing to be a problem,even if you are from different countries,if you really love each other there are many ways to solve the problems. Just need to trust each other and be honest. 💛🌻👩🏻🦰
Jin, i'm stunned bcs finding people with certain criterion like this is hard i can say. I can say amazing work you did. How did you find them? How long did you need?
Hello everyone! We are new AMWF content creator. I'm from Bangkok and my gf's from Scotland. It is good to see an AMWF content creator on TH-cam. Have a nice day/evening everyone! 🇹🇭🇬🇧 Paul and Jay
The vast majority of couples I see on TH-cam and other social medias are Korean man and Western woman so I assume that how it most often is. I rarely see it the other way around
haha yeah, i also met my boyfriend online before meeting in real, and my friends were all negative, more on the long distance aspect. but it worked out and we both moved abroad from each of our home country to a complete new one, and now we live together. and yeah, no bad experiences, but definitely a lot of stares from asian people, but i felt i got more stares from asian guys than the girls actually. but again, the stares dont feel like its coming from a bad place, but others races dont even look at us for one second, only east asian people stare at us.
Well, we only saw one couple where the female was South Korean. When I lived there (many years ago) if a foreigner was seen to even just be walking with a South Korean girl it could be a problem that could lead to a physical attack on the foreigner and/or verbal abuse towards the Korean girl. Korean men did not like it. Perhaps that has changed. I hope so
what are you talking about bro, korean women have been dating white men since the inception. Marrying US soldiers was the pipeline dream for Korean girls in 1950s til 1970s. Even now, you get a bonus point for just being American (including blacks) lol Korean men (also women) just don't like some women who blindly chasing after Americans, that is all.
@@cookiemonxchu It's so cringe whenever I hear this."Korea is racist country" I live in the US. It's really nothing compared to living in the US. And it's not like you are going to live in Korea either
Interracial couples are super common in the USA. I haven’t been anywhere in the USA where people even bat an eye at an interracial couple. Maybe there are places where it still draws attention but I haven’t been to any and I have lived on both coasts and the Midwest.
최근 몇년동안 한국에 외국인이 엄청나게 증가 했습니다 길거리에서 동서양 커플을 보는 일은 더이상 신기한일이 아닙니다 남자도 여자도 흔합니다 한국 여자가 외국인과 걷는것만으로 폭력? ㅎㅎ 한국 드라마로 써보세요 왜 이렇게 개인적인 경험을 과장하는걸까요? 미국인들은 다 총들고 다니고 마약에 취해 있나요? ㅎㅎ
Here's a tip, if a korean mother asks, "is she christian?" It's best to avoid the boy unless you are christian too. The relationship doesn't end well because the mother will try to convert you whether you have other religions or not, and push you into the church literally. Not only that, she will make you avoid the things that koreans do traditionally. What about the boy? He's not gonna do anything to defend you. This is a very common situation when non christian korean women get married to korean christian families.
What about asking them to convert to islam. Stop man worshiping crap. Submit to oneness of Allah his obedience, reject seting up partners to him and reject people who do it. Muhamed was sent to whole world both humans and jinn , arabs and non arabs all races . Quran has been revealed no excuses.
가장 큰 산이 언어적인 문제이며, 실제로 국제결혼을 부모님을 비롯해서 조부모님이나 친지들께서도 반대하는 부분이 사귀는 외국인이 한국어를 못해서 의사소통을 못하는 부분을 가장 마음에 들어하지 않는 부분이라고 하는 경우가 많다고 합니다. 실제로 영국인중에서 브리티시 새댁의 유튜브 채널에서도 영국인 아내가 한국인 남편의 남동생 아들의 생일 당시의 영상을 보면 영국인 아내가 남편하고 영어로만 의사소통을 하고 한국어를 못한다고 한국어로는 의사소통을 전혀 안한 결과 남편의 남동생과 아내. 아들과도 전혀 의사소통을 못하는걸 봤습니다. 참고로 국제결혼 부부들이 이혼하는 사례중에서도 언어 문제도 적지 않다고 하는게 사실이며, 특히 자신의 가족이나 조부모님, 친척, 사촌들과도 한국어로 의사소통을 못하는걸로 인해서 싸우게 되면서 이혼을 하거나 헤어지는 경우가 있다고 합니다. 그 만큼 국제커플과 국제결혼에 있어서 언어적인 문제는 진짜 넘어야 할 산중에 산인것은 우선 결혼후 태어나게 되는 아이가 외국인 아빠와 엄마가 한국어를 전혀 못해서 아이가 어린이집이나 유치원, 학교에서 따돌림을 당하거나 놀림을 당하는 사례도 있으며, 심지어 아이가 어린이집이나 유치원에서 집으로 갈 때 외국인 엄마의 경우 한국어 교실을 가서 마중 나오지 못하는 경우도 있다고 합니다. 그러면서 어린이집, 유치원, 학교에서 학부모 모임에 가서도 한국인 아빠나 엄마들과도 제대로 어울리지 못하는 경우도 있다고 합니다. 그 만큼 국제커플이나 국제결혼이 서로 좋아하고 사랑해서 사귀지만 언어적인 문제는 진짜 넘어야 할 산중에 산이라는 것입니다.
Is it bad that I want to date a Korean because I like K-pop and kdramas? I also am learning Korean and wanting to learn more about the culture. But Koreans and the language and culture have just got me so interested to learn more the past year and a half since I started getting into it all
While I can understand how consuming kpop and kdrama content can lead you to want to date a Korean person, it's best to be mindful. The media can set up high expectations for people that end up being disappointed with reality, not that dating a Korean person is awful, they're just humans like the rest of us. If you're from an open-minded, western country, there may be differences in dating culture as well as relationship roles/expectations. By all means, you can go there and experience the culture yourself or read accounts of foreigners who have visited or live there, just be mindful of rose tinted glasses. Or if you want to date Korean people who live in your country, don't expect that they all consume the same content or even feel attached to that culture at all if they were raised abroad. Good luck!
Media is what influenced other race as well italians british yt men in general are portrayed in unrealistic ways in Hollywood for 100 yrs now girls are seeing what’s out there realizing there’s more or better options and developing preferences so to say it’s fetishizing is dum and media influence is nothing new
@@CardbanditsUK That’s me in the interview and I have never even watched kpop, not really my thing. Guess some of us don’t just “seek out” Korean men, but merely just have a great connection. 95% seems a little extreme to me.😅☺️
국제커플들이 간과하는것으로 본다면 자신이 사귀는 외국인의 언어로만 지나치게 소통을 하는것은 좀 사귀는데 있어서 우선 장애물이 될 수 있다는걸을 간과하는것은 아닌지 싶습니다. 실제로 국제커플들이 자신의 상대 외국인이 한국어를 못하게 되면서 발생하는것으로는 우선 자신의 가족들이나 조부모님, 친척, 사촌들과도 제대로 의사소통을 하지 못하는점과 여기에 자신의 친구들과 지인들과도 의사소통을 못하는걸로 인한 문제도 발생하는것도 사실입니다. 사실 영상에서도 보면 한국분들의 부모님들께서의 반응은 나쁘지는 않았다는걸 보면서 한편으로는 자신이 사귀는 외국인이 자신의 가족들이나 조부모님, 친척, 사촌들과도 한국어로 제대로 의사소통을 하지 못하는 부분이 있다면 이는 결코 장애물이 될 수 있는 만큼 아무리 서로 좋아도 언어적인 문제는 반드시 해결해야 되는 문제라고 봅니다. 영상의 한국분들이 고쳐야 되는 부분으로 본다면 우선 자신이 사귀는 외국인의 언어나 영어로만 하는걸 너무 가볍게 생각하는것은 아닌지 싶으면서 동시에 사귀는 외국인에게도 한국어로 의사소통을 하는것을 키우지 않는다면 자신의 가족들이나 조부모님, 친척, 사촌을 비롯해서 친구들과 지인들과도 원만한 관계를 형성하기 어려울 수 있다는것을 좀 인지 했으면 합니다.
Wtf i am seeing there, the man is married to a korean girl, being together for four years and living in Korea but he can't speak korean, is he planning to live there without speaking the language or what lol
Was so fun being part of this interview🥰 thanks Jin!
Thanks for participating! It was really fun😆
I can hear the accent, guessing you originally from CT?
@@DrReDDevi cpt born and raised🥰
Your boyfriend is hot❤️.
One thing about South African women?… Beautiful 🤌🏾. Ya’ll are so cute together.
South African and Korean couple is so sweet and natural, couldn’t stop smiling watching them😁❤
Thats so sweet! 🥰🥰 thank you!
That's my favorite of the 3 couples.
No offence but that guy doesn’t even looked Korean he looks like how I imagine Genghis Khan would look like😂
I love how the one guy is developing a slight English/British accent talking with his girlfriend ❤
I know right! I wish he spoke more it was so interesting listening to him
Haha! I noticed that as well.
Really loved the Dominican/Korean couple. They seemed so chill and like they really balanced each other well 💓
You can tell he is so in love with her, the way he talks about her. I love it.
he likes big butts
Jin, excellent choice of couples, they are all sweet, honest and lovely...😊
Strong influence from Bridie for Jeongwoo who has never been to UK has what sounds like to me a Brit sounding pronunciation especially around 6:07. Lovely couples all of them.
Wow first time seeing a dominican with a korean, that's so amazing as a fellow dominican ❤
you dont see that a lot I thought it was interesting they definitely gave of good vibes together!
Yeah, pretty cool.
Thank you for waiting so long!
I was so busy that I couldn't upload new videos.
I'm planning to make videos regularly from now on, so please stay tuned!
Loved to see this, Hope more and more koreans become more open to international relationships
I can see extrovert and positive people focus on good memories and have good times:) love their energy!
Aww, all the couples are very cute.
I was surprise to see Dominican and Korean. I’m Dominican, so it’s nice to see how happy he is with his wife 🥰
3:55 I was waiting some Spanish conversations hahaha that’s a cute couple ❤
do more korean dating/relationship videos!! glad you're back Jin!
I love the video and the couples are all so cute!!
Upbeat conversations. I like both of the couples you interviewed.
Awesome see to South Africa and other cultures! ♥️♥️ Thanks so much for your videos Jin! I`ll make sure to drop by and have a chat with you! 🔥
Good video !
Korean men and Dominican and Latino men are handsome
Hello everyone!
We are new AMWF content creator.
I'm from Bangkok and my gf's from Scotland.
It is good to see an AMWF content creator on TH-cam.
Have a nice day/evening everyone!
Paul and Jay
South African / Korean couple was the best. They seem empathetic towards each other.
Thank you for the post ❤ great to see you back with a video 🫶🫰🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸I love seeing people from different countries getting married or just Dating
Hey JIN, welcome back! So good to see you uploading a new video! Keep it up! 💜
Thank you Shoya!
Yooo the beat in the background is so relaxing!!!! Nice to see you back again JIN!!!
Jin is back again with his interviews🥰
The interviewer is so handsome. 😊 Greetings from Brazil. I love this channel.
Omg u're back!!! Thank u for coming back💖
Very diverse couples on here.
thanks for coming back. We need moooooooooore videos
I will make more :) Thank you
What adorable couples
Love all these 3 couples!!!!
Wow, i am very surprised to see a korean - Dominican 🇩🇴 couple 😀
Hello everyone!
We are new AMWF content creator.
I'm from Bangkok and my gf's from Scotland.
It is good to see an AMWF content creator on TH-cam.
Have a nice day/evening everyone!
Paul and Jay
좋은 영상 감사합니다.
Hi jin . very nice to see you asking about the couples..its really interesting...its nice to see korean guys with foreign girls..also the opposite..
Hi, Maraki, thank you!
Love conquers all!!❤❤
Hello everyone!
We are new AMWF content creator.
I'm from Bangkok and my gf's from Scotland.
It is good to see an AMWF content creator on TH-cam.
Have a nice day/evening everyone!
Paul and Jay
OMG I missed you!, Thank you for coming back!
Welcome back! Good topic as I'm also in a cross/cultural relationship.
The guy who's dating the lady from Afrika looks like a warrior soldier you find in those old karate movies.
Uluslararası çift olmanın bana göre pozitif yanı iki tarafta birbirinin farklılıklarını daha çabuk kabul edip ortak noktada buluşabiliyorlar. Birbirlerini yargılamayıp anlamaya çalışıyorlar.Dil bir engel gibi görünsede duygular gerçekçiyse sorun olmuyor. Negatif yanı ortak kültür olmadığı için kendini yabancı hissedebilir örneğin bir arkadaş toplantısında herkesin aynı duyguyla mırıldandığı bir şarkı, bir bayram kutlamasının paylaşımı vb. duygusal tepkilere aynı duyguyla karşılık veremeyebilir. Aile bağları farklı olabilir. Biz Türkler de aile bağları çok kuvvetlidir. Büyüklere saygı ve ziyaret önemlidir. her ülke için geçerli olmayan sorumluluk dolu bir duygu bağı vardır. Sonuç olarak zaman içinde her iki tarafın farklılıklarının pozitif yanlarını hayatınıza dahil edip seçeneklerinizi arttırabildiğinizi görebilmek hoşgörü ve mutluluğunuzs olumlu katkı sağlar.
Dediklerinin her kelimesine katılıyorum 😄
Love the kiss at the end!
I love to see like these interviews 😍
Hy jin...thank god you uploaded video..i was worried about you brother
I'm fine :) Thanks!
@@JinsStreetInterview ❤️❤️
LOVE your interviews. My daughter dreams of going there since she was 14. I hope she gets to someday. I wonder how different older folks would answer, LIKE T HE STARING.
Cute video and couples. The questions you asked were really good too
정말 도움이 됫어요~
This was great, really enjoyed it.
Why did you cut out the kiss at the end 😂
엄청 오랜만에 영상 올리셨네요🩵
love this for my fellow dominican
You have a fantastic channel. Hello from California!!!
Nice to see you. I hope you happy to your days
That dude with the SA girlfriend is a right proper thug! Thug with a heart of gold, I mean. Made the most impression on me. I wished I saw the DR couple speaking Spanish. That's my favourite language, and although I can speak a little, I wish to be completely fluent in it.
Jin Is such a good interviewer. His questions are thoughtful.
beautiful couples
SOUTH AFRICA 🇿🇦 !!!!❤❤❤❤
Awesome to see your videos after a break :)
What kind of platform do you use to make subtitles in both English and Korean?
Thanks! I just use adobe premier pro
Such sweet couples! love it! i love being in a international relationship. Been married for 16 years to my immigrant husband.
Missed you Jin!
The South African girl has a very chill cool girl vibe. She and her boyfriend feels like they were a couple for years. I hope they're still together now❤
Omg😱🫨I couldn’t believe when the english girl said her boyfriend has never been to the UK,for a Korean his british accent is surprinsingly good,I lived in the Uk for 3 years and meet dozens of Asians who lived there for decades and their accent wasn’t even close to this guy’s accent 😱very impressive.
Welcome back
Language is not a big thing to be a problem,even if you are from different countries,if you really love each other there are many ways to solve the problems. Just need to trust each other and be honest. 💛🌻👩🏻🦰
Jin, i'm stunned bcs finding people with certain criterion like this is hard i can say. I can say amazing work you did.
How did you find them? How long did you need?
I was lucky I found them in the same day
@@JinsStreetInterview U could just pay 10$ for an interview, I am sure most peole are down lol.
All of these couples are so cute! 3:54 this moment really cracked me up, idk whyyy TT
Not the casually we we’re drunk part.
I really like ponytail guy and SA girl… I hope they last 🫶🏾🤍
Very interesting video :) I do love Korean people. They are kind as I stay here at the moment
Hello everyone!
We are new AMWF content creator.
I'm from Bangkok and my gf's from Scotland.
It is good to see an AMWF content creator on TH-cam.
Have a nice day/evening everyone!
Paul and Jay
The South A & Korean couple look natural!
Esse vídeo tem uma brisa boa 👌
I miss Jin's interviews. I hope he is coming back.
The way she looks at him the south African
Watching as if I'd ever have a chance 😂
Mans picking up British accent haha that is cute 💕
I like the big teddy bear guy and his girlfriend ..
Some of the couples are in their honeymoon phase.
Still am tho😻 almost 7 months since the interview
I kinda feel scared for the guy with the Afrikaans girl
really raises the hopes up for the changs.
What is more common in Korea, the guy being Korean or the girl?
The vast majority of couples I see on TH-cam and other social medias are Korean man and Western woman so I assume that how it most often is. I rarely see it the other way around
when i was in korea mostly of the international couples i saw was beetwen a korean man and foreign women
First question, what’s his skin Color 💀
Wow! Why ask about his skin color 🤔.
haha yeah, i also met my boyfriend online before meeting in real, and my friends were all negative, more on the long distance aspect. but it worked out and we both moved abroad from each of our home country to a complete new one, and now we live together. and yeah, no bad experiences, but definitely a lot of stares from asian people, but i felt i got more stares from asian guys than the girls actually. but again, the stares dont feel like its coming from a bad place, but others races dont even look at us for one second, only east asian people stare at us.
The drunk couple and married couple will last not so sure about the other
Well, we only saw one couple where the female was South Korean. When I lived there (many years ago) if a foreigner was seen to even just be walking with a South Korean girl it could be a problem that could lead to a physical attack on the foreigner and/or verbal abuse towards the Korean girl. Korean men did not like it. Perhaps that has changed. I hope so
what are you talking about bro, korean women have been dating white men since the inception. Marrying US soldiers was the pipeline dream for Korean girls in 1950s til 1970s. Even now, you get a bonus point for just being American (including blacks) lol Korean men (also women) just don't like some women who blindly chasing after Americans, that is all.
Sadly, it's still same. I'm so afraid to go to Korea with my partner.
@@cookiemonxchu It's so cringe whenever I hear this."Korea is racist country" I live in the US. It's really nothing compared to living in the US. And it's not like you are going to live in Korea either
Interracial couples are super common in the USA. I haven’t been anywhere in the USA where people even bat an eye at an interracial couple. Maybe there are places where it still draws attention but I haven’t been to any and I have lived on both coasts and the Midwest.
최근 몇년동안 한국에 외국인이 엄청나게 증가 했습니다
길거리에서 동서양 커플을 보는 일은 더이상 신기한일이 아닙니다
남자도 여자도 흔합니다
한국 여자가 외국인과 걷는것만으로 폭력? ㅎㅎ
한국 드라마로 써보세요
왜 이렇게 개인적인 경험을 과장하는걸까요?
미국인들은 다 총들고 다니고 마약에 취해 있나요? ㅎㅎ
Potete mettere sotto titoli in italiano o in spagnolo perpiacere 😘💕🇭🇺
Here's a tip, if a korean mother asks, "is she christian?" It's best to avoid the boy unless you are christian too. The relationship doesn't end well because the mother will try to convert you whether you have other religions or not, and push you into the church literally. Not only that, she will make you avoid the things that koreans do traditionally. What about the boy? He's not gonna do anything to defend you. This is a very common situation when non christian korean women get married to korean christian families.
well as a Christian, my parents will ask the same thing . Unless she wants to know or learn about Christianity
What about asking them to convert to islam. Stop man worshiping crap. Submit to oneness of Allah his obedience, reject seting up partners to him and reject people who do it. Muhamed was sent to whole world both humans and jinn , arabs and non arabs all races . Quran has been revealed no excuses.
This exactly! It doesn't apply only to koreans, but everywhere, if the family is christian and you are not, BEWARE, stay away, they are very devoted.
@@이순휘-o4z just wanna say, the Christians in Asia are quite conservative, not like in Europe or America
@@이순휘-o4z well i don't know about that, maybe they are quite open-minded
There are sometimes frustrations??? How would that come about if you married someone from the dominican republic?!! ....
국제커플, 국제결혼하면 분명히 넘어야될 산이 있지만 그래도 응원하고 싶네요
가장 큰 산이 언어적인 문제이며, 실제로 국제결혼을 부모님을 비롯해서 조부모님이나 친지들께서도 반대하는 부분이 사귀는 외국인이 한국어를 못해서 의사소통을 못하는 부분을 가장 마음에 들어하지 않는 부분이라고 하는 경우가 많다고 합니다.
실제로 영국인중에서 브리티시 새댁의 유튜브 채널에서도 영국인 아내가 한국인 남편의 남동생 아들의 생일 당시의 영상을 보면 영국인 아내가 남편하고 영어로만 의사소통을 하고 한국어를 못한다고 한국어로는 의사소통을 전혀 안한 결과 남편의 남동생과 아내. 아들과도 전혀 의사소통을 못하는걸 봤습니다.
참고로 국제결혼 부부들이 이혼하는 사례중에서도 언어 문제도 적지 않다고 하는게 사실이며, 특히 자신의 가족이나 조부모님, 친척, 사촌들과도 한국어로 의사소통을 못하는걸로 인해서 싸우게 되면서 이혼을 하거나 헤어지는 경우가 있다고 합니다.
그 만큼 국제커플과 국제결혼에 있어서 언어적인 문제는 진짜 넘어야 할 산중에 산인것은 우선 결혼후 태어나게 되는 아이가 외국인 아빠와 엄마가 한국어를 전혀 못해서 아이가 어린이집이나 유치원, 학교에서 따돌림을 당하거나 놀림을 당하는 사례도 있으며, 심지어 아이가 어린이집이나 유치원에서 집으로 갈 때 외국인 엄마의 경우 한국어 교실을 가서 마중 나오지 못하는 경우도 있다고 합니다.
그러면서 어린이집, 유치원, 학교에서 학부모 모임에 가서도 한국인 아빠나 엄마들과도 제대로 어울리지 못하는 경우도 있다고 합니다.
그 만큼 국제커플이나 국제결혼이 서로 좋아하고 사랑해서 사귀지만 언어적인 문제는 진짜 넘어야 할 산중에 산이라는 것입니다.
A Dominican wit a Korean 🤯
Is it bad that I want to date a Korean because I like K-pop and kdramas? I also am learning Korean and wanting to learn more about the culture. But Koreans and the language and culture have just got me so interested to learn more the past year and a half since I started getting into it all
You shouldn't date a person for the culture they represent. If you like K-pop, go to Korea and enjoy the culture there, but don't fetishize the people
Not a problem
While I can understand how consuming kpop and kdrama content can lead you to want to date a Korean person, it's best to be mindful. The media can set up high expectations for people that end up being disappointed with reality, not that dating a Korean person is awful, they're just humans like the rest of us. If you're from an open-minded, western country, there may be differences in dating culture as well as relationship roles/expectations.
By all means, you can go there and experience the culture yourself or read accounts of foreigners who have visited or live there, just be mindful of rose tinted glasses. Or if you want to date Korean people who live in your country, don't expect that they all consume the same content or even feel attached to that culture at all if they were raised abroad.
Good luck!
I should have kept up with how many times the redhead girl said “like” without using it as the actual meaning. Lol
All the kpop kdrama influencing non korean women to seek out korean men?
@@CardbanditsUK that's a high percentage estimate.
@@CardbanditsUK what percentage of those girls are white, brown, black or latina?
Definitely played big role i guess.
Media is what influenced other race as well italians british yt men in general are portrayed in unrealistic ways in Hollywood for 100 yrs now girls are seeing what’s out there realizing there’s more or better options and developing preferences so to say it’s fetishizing is dum and media influence is nothing new
@@CardbanditsUK That’s me in the interview and I have never even watched kpop, not really my thing. Guess some of us don’t just “seek out” Korean men, but merely just have a great connection. 95% seems a little extreme to me.😅☺️
똑똑한 사람은 영어를 잘하지😂😂😂영어를 못하면 똑똑한게 아님😂😂😂😂😂적어도 한국에선...
1:41 van dijk
국제커플들이 간과하는것으로 본다면 자신이 사귀는 외국인의 언어로만 지나치게 소통을 하는것은 좀 사귀는데 있어서 우선 장애물이 될 수 있다는걸을 간과하는것은 아닌지 싶습니다.
실제로 국제커플들이 자신의 상대 외국인이 한국어를 못하게 되면서 발생하는것으로는 우선 자신의 가족들이나 조부모님, 친척, 사촌들과도 제대로 의사소통을 하지 못하는점과 여기에 자신의 친구들과 지인들과도 의사소통을 못하는걸로 인한 문제도 발생하는것도 사실입니다.
사실 영상에서도 보면 한국분들의 부모님들께서의 반응은 나쁘지는 않았다는걸 보면서 한편으로는 자신이 사귀는 외국인이 자신의 가족들이나 조부모님, 친척, 사촌들과도 한국어로 제대로 의사소통을 하지 못하는 부분이 있다면 이는 결코 장애물이 될 수 있는 만큼 아무리 서로 좋아도 언어적인 문제는 반드시 해결해야 되는 문제라고 봅니다.
영상의 한국분들이 고쳐야 되는 부분으로 본다면 우선 자신이 사귀는 외국인의 언어나 영어로만 하는걸 너무 가볍게 생각하는것은 아닌지 싶으면서 동시에 사귀는 외국인에게도 한국어로 의사소통을 하는것을 키우지 않는다면 자신의 가족들이나 조부모님, 친척, 사촌을 비롯해서 친구들과 지인들과도 원만한 관계를 형성하기 어려울 수 있다는것을 좀 인지 했으면 합니다.
Wtf i am seeing there, the man is married to a korean girl, being together for four years and living in Korea but he can't speak korean, is he planning to live there without speaking the language or what lol
Я думала что у всех корейцев да и вообще мужиков мира русские жёны 😂
So silly that humans care that other humans look different. IMO
남아프카리카 여자 남자친구 소도둑놈처럼 생겨서 이쁜 여자 사겼네