Sponsor me with super thank you so I can make better videos 🥰 木頭仁對弓箭一直很有興趣,從學木工以來想自己做把弓的念頭 一直醞釀著。製弓是一門藝術、是各國兵器文化的精華之作,而我最嚮往的是能完成一把日式和弓,和弓是力與美的完美結合。 這次製作的弓種是竹製傳統弓,採積層方式製作,由兩片碳化孟宗竹黏合再加上贊比亞血檀弓把製成弓體。最後纏上藤片加強結構力,並塗上生漆做保護,防止濕度、溫度對弓造成的破壞。 關於製弓,我想拍攝一系列的影片,包含竹材採集、弓弦製作、箭製作、其他弓種製作等等,如有興趣可於底下留言+1,告訴我你的想法與建議,謝謝。 弦線製作:th-cam.com/video/JBLvuxYwEL0/w-d-xo.html 纏弦架:th-cam.com/video/Ij-Pp9yYPKw/w-d-xo.html
Thank you for your tutorial. I recently moved to an island where there are a few patches of bamboo, something new to me. I like archery and have been wondering how people work with those bamboo nodes. Very satisfying to see it done!
there's a channel called 'junglecrafty' which has a simple bamboo bow tutorial (technique from malaysian indigenes), it's not as beautiful as this one but you can make it in an hour with just a knife if you like to try it. It's now luxurious but it's a funny and effective little bow
o cara é um grande artista e também um excelente profissonal. me bateu saudade da minha antiga profissão de modelador. saudações a todos os modeladores remanescentes de uma era remota.
Excelente explicación y elaboración, vivo al otro lado del planeta y se que con un poco de preparación y persistencia lograre hacer mi primer arco de bambú gracias a ti, saludos desde Colombia
I use either hickory or bamboo as a backing, with either purple heart or green heart as the middle laminate which acts as a spring and then lemonwood (degame) for the front of the bow. Hickory (they make hammer and axe handles from it here) does not lift splinters when it bends, and the lemonwood has no grain so it's excellent for the front of the bow. Also it resists compression so you do not get compression fractures on a heavy bow. I can send you the dimensions for a longbow if you fancy trying to make one
Awesome, thank you for sharing. I'd like to know your British Longbow design, please send me if it is convenient, thank you. Here is my email: freeecat123@gmail.com. Can you show me the beauty of your longbow
Wonderful! The bow looks awsome and the process is very relaxing to watch. One thing I don't understand is why you apply a first layer of laquer before tillering, if you are bound to do a lot of scraping. Best wishes from Spain
Excelente la forma como explicas y enseñas vomo se construye un arco con bambu ( aqui en Colombia lo llamamos guadu'a) esta es el arma que mas me ha llamado la atencion,pues con ella el hombre comenzo sus cacerias para subsistir y aunque se hayan creado otras mas modernas ,esta ha prevalecido a travez del tiempo.Siempre he querido tener un buen arco ,aunque los que yo he hecho son mas bien rudimentarios,veo que tengo muy buena punteria con ellos,que tal que yo tuviera uno de esos que son profesionales?felicitaciones !
Well done, Ren ! I craft my own bows in Germany and do that now for 2 Years. It's my hobby. I like to see you crafting with such a passion like i do. But Your bows are much better. I will try to became your standard.... Greetings, good luck, and all the best....
@@woodenren I watched the video in detail, beautiful wood shop and excellent building techniques, you are very skilled! I really like the sound the bow makes, a nice elastic snapping sound which I find very pleasant. Thanks for your great video Ren!
@@acanadianwoodworker I just went to watch your channel and subscribed. You have a great space, clean and tidy, and the video is very good. I'm glad to meet you.
That is a beautiful bow you made. And it appears to shoot very well indeed. You did a great job with that piece. I just notice one thing when you shoot. It seems that you do not draw to an anchor point but release the arrow and string just before the draw hand reaches your face. The ideal would be for you (for any archer) to draw to a point somewhere on your face, and draw to that exact same spot each time when you shoot. This point is called the anchor, the use of this is to have a perfect reference with each shot, that gives you the same draw length with each shot, and that translates to the same arrow-speed, which will aid in getting more accurate shots. The reason I am saying this is that I taught basic archery for a good few years, and i know the importance of drawing a consistent length, which makes "aiming" easier in the end.
@@woodenren the plastic vanes will strike the bow and affect the flight path + damage the bow and the vanes at the long run. Feathers will just change shape when passing the bow, no damage and effects will be caused.
@@FnjordKnot he is placing and drawing Mediterranean style. He has no anchor point thus not really aiming at all. Plus he is using cheap fiberglass arrows with plastic vanes. He did a marvel job at crafting the bow but in the practice of archery, I think he is going to look up and learn a lot of new things.
This is a nice bow and you did a great job tillering it. But cutting into the belly to put in the grip would make me nervous. And the transition from stiff grip to flexing limb is abrupt. So there is a lot of stress at this point that would be avoided in your next bow. Keep going! I liked the video a lot!
Excellent workmanship and professional skills in using wood machinery .Can tell the bow's poundage maybe a little over your strength.I like to suggest when you taking customer order be specific if they are new to the archery or a experience archer. For those new to the archery shooting, the best poundage is under 30 lbs. For those experience shooters it will be depend on their requirement. I am a archer too so big thumb up for your video clip!!
Thank you for your suggestion. This bow is a little heavier to me. The pounds are 40 pounds. A 30-pound bow is more suitable for me. Are you a professional shooter? so cool.
@@woodenren No, I am not a professional shooter but I have been shooting archery for over 10 years now.I am about average up level. I shoot compound bow for Target competition and 3 D shooting, and Olympic recurve bow(bare bow)for field archery competition.
@@woodenren Please excuse my ignorance. Before I make a bow I need to understand the principle of what is being done when training the bow. My understanding is that the newly assembled bow cannot be drawn to the desired length and weight immediately. It will be too stiff and also uneven in the limbs. So are you gradually taking material away and exercising the bow every time you remove some material, until the desired weight and length is achieved?
@@garybreeze3020 Regarding the training bow, I suggest that it takes 3 days to slowly stretch to the stretch you need to meet your needs. In addition, adjust the balance of the upper and lower bow arms during this period.
This is very handsome way making bow. I never thought so bow making process is so time taking. In our Hindu epic i have read/listine that their bow can fire/suit an arrow to 60 km and lord cut 7 palm treee by one arrow. Is that possible. But now i understand that its possible its hard work of bow maker, arrow maker and the archer how best he fire. I appreciate your job and let other people know your hard work... Thank you
I would love to know the art of making your masterpiece Bow and Arrows. I would love to have your craftsmanship. Thank you for sharing. My hat's off to you! Sir. 😉👌
E' magnifico veder5ti lavorare, c'è conoscenza e passione.Un ottimo lavoro. Qui dove io vivo a Genova-Italia è difficile trovare un banbù cosi grande. Ma ci proverò con uno più piccolo- Ancora complimenti e un grande saluto Vittorio
Excellent! I enjoyed this very much, from Lewistown, MT, U.S.A.! I am always impressed with eastern hand work. The quality and beauty are always excellent, and the work is always interesting and educational! Thank you for your work and channel!! D.W. Jones
The length of your bowstring is about 140 cm to 143 cm. The length of the arrow is related to your pull distance. You can measure the distance you pull the string, plus 3 inches.
1. Después de cortar el bambú, debe asarse o hervirse para eliminar el azúcar y el aceite. 2. Limpiar y secar la superficie del bambú. 3. Ponga el bambú por la mitad y colóquelo en un lugar fresco para que se seque naturalmente durante un mes.
Hi there! I am trying to do my own bow and I'm quite excited about it. I never tried it before, so your video really helped me. I love to see the care neffort you put into your work! Now, I have some doubts. About the bamboo treatment, do you let it rest to dry? How long, if you do? Bamboo is a wood that splits very easily, in my experience. How do you manage to apply this type of cut without splitting the wood? How do you prepare the wood? Thank you so much for share this with us!
After the bamboo is collected, it needs to be roasted or boiled to remove the sugar and oil, and dried for more than 1 year. During the period, the sun can be taken out to expose to the sun. The bamboo needs to be shaped and cannot be chopped with a knife. You can use a saw or planer. Questions are welcome.
Wow this is absolutely beautiful. May I ask...does using bamboo as the belly and the back help to resist bow set? Also can a bow like this be trained to go as far back as 32 inch? I have a long draw length and I would like to make this. For a 32 inch draw will I have to make the bow longer?
太厲害了, 台灣也有你這種人才, 台灣之光!
Sponsor me with super thank you so I can make better videos 🥰
England Longbow
長弓一般長5英尺(1.5米)左右,大致齊眉,個別的長達1.8-2米,比歐洲常見的4尺弓要長。這是單體弓增強威力的必然選擇。為了追求較強的彈力,就必須使用堅硬的材質,不易彎曲,所以必須做得長一些。相比之下,天朝上邦的復合弓由于採用了木、角、筋等復合材料增強彈性,因而不需要那麽長。 弓背由一條完整的木材彎製而成,長弓的強勁就全靠它了。上好的弓用紫杉木(Yew)製作,堅硬而有彈性。原料出自溫暖濕潤的地中海沿岸,如義大利、提爾(Tyre,在今黎巴嫩)、克裏特島(Crete,屬希臘)等地,尤以卡斯蒂裏亞(Castile,西班牙的一部分)的最好。英國國王為此設定了特別關稅--每進口一桶歐洲大陸產的葡萄酒,都必須繳納幾條紫杉木坯材。不列顛島上並非不出產優質紫杉,但數量稀少,被老謀深算的英國佬當作戰略資源儲備嚴加管理,不準動用。當黑太子遠征西班牙、用長弓打敗了當地原始的投槍時,卡斯蒂裏亞人竟遷怒于樹木,立法嚴令鏟除所有的紫杉。 榆木(Elm)、白蠟木(Ash)、橡木(Oak)等堅硬的材質也是可用的替代品,但性能總歸要差一些。選料十分仔細。製作要嚴謹,但並不復雜,技藝高超的製弓師傅2個小時之內就能做好一張弓。
我們可以試著依古法自己製作一張長弓。 原料要選樹幹中部筆直的部分,紋理均勻,沒有或盡量少木節。將原木的大部分邊材削去,得到一條橫截面1.5英寸(約4釐米)見方、長度與射手等身的弓背材料,從橫截面看,要取偏中間的部分,一半為木心,一半為邊材。木心相對柔軟而耐壓縮,放在內側,堅硬抗拉的邊材則作外側。這可以通過觀察橫截面的木紋來判斷,相對稀疏的一側是外側。 通過切削木心一側,把材料修整成中間厚、兩頭略薄,然後再由兩個側面將兩端稍稍修窄,略如扁擔。兩端再進一步用刨子將橫截面修整成八邊形。在修整中,要做到表面平整、兩端對稱、厚薄一致,才能發力均勻。 削出形狀後,要通過彎曲試驗來檢查弓的各段彈性是否均勻。由于天然生長的木質很難完全均勻一致,可能有的地方硬一些,有的地方軟一些,僅僅外形均勻未必力道就一致。所以,要通過觀察加以修正,把硬度大的地方稍稍削薄一些。弓背大致調整好了,就可以在兩端2英寸(5釐米)處分別銼出弦槽,弓背外側深一些,內側略淺。
"弓者,揉木而弦之以發矢"。製弓最重要的工序就是弄彎它。長弓呈簡單的圓弧型,沒有天朝角弓反彎的復雜形狀。英國人不用火烤的方式,那樣會降低弓的張力;也不能一下子彎到位,那樣的話,弓背就是不折斷也要造成內傷而失去彈性,剛才那一陣忙活就白折騰了。彎曲的過程叫做"馴弓",就是讓弓背逐步適應彎曲。做這事需要一個專門的托架。托架可用硬木製成,一端豎著挖個凹槽用來托住弓背,另一端設法垂直固定在地上。側面由上到下以1.5英寸(約3.8釐米)的等距離刻8-10個弦槽,其中第一弦槽距托架頭7.5英寸(約20釐米)。在弓背松弛狀態將繩子綁住兩端,把弓背的正中架在托架的凹槽上,均勻用力,慢慢拉弦,掛到第一弦槽裏,弓背就被略略彎曲了。這是,要仔細檢查弓背的曲線是否流暢均勻,標出過于強直的地方,把弓背放松後進行修整微調,直到滿意為止。然後再將繩拉開,逐次加大開度向下掛槽,並不斷修整弓背,直到形成一條令人滿意的均勻弧線。每加拉三、四個弦槽的開度,就可以將繩收緊些。這一過程不能操之過急,特別是每次加大開度之前,最好讓弓背"休息"20-30分鍾,使內部應力得到釋放,以免木質損壞。每次上緊也不可太多,最好一次收緊一英寸。 當達到弓手適合的滿弓開度時,弓就馴好了。
長弓發射的箭簇最大射程可達400碼(360米,一碼等于三英尺,合0.9米),但這缺乏實戰意義,強弩之末沒有什麽殺傷力,準頭也早就偏到爪窪去了。長弓手隻要能射中200米外的人形靶就算合格,這已是普通弓箭所不能企及的。從400碼這一最大射程推算,箭的初速度可達60米/秒以上,相當于從60層樓上落下的螺栓,或者拋向時速200多公裏汽車的石頭。它可以在240-280碼(約合220-260米)距離穿透皮革、襯墊甲及織物,或者侵徹鎖子甲。在200碼距離上,板甲或魚鱗甲可以抵擋它的侵徹;而100碼以內的正面擊中連板甲也抗不住;到了50米的範圍,長弓利箭簡直可以說是無堅不摧。在1182年的阿伯蓋文尼城(Abergavenny)圍攻戰中,威爾士人發射的流矢穿透了四英寸(10釐米)厚的橡木門板,四年後,老愛隨軍的牧師作了如是記述。同一戰中,布勞斯的威廉(William de Braose)手下有個騎士被射中,那箭貫穿了他的鎖子甲裙、護腿甲、大腿,又穿過內側的護腿甲和木質馬鞍,一直射入馬背。 今人進行的實驗表明,上述說法並非誇大其辭。仿製的長弓發射重50克的箭,可在近距離穿透9釐米的橡木,200碼距離上仍可入木2.5釐米。
+1 支持
木頭仁 +1
Thank you for your tutorial. I recently moved to an island where there are a few patches of bamboo, something new to me. I like archery and have been wondering how people work with those bamboo nodes. Very satisfying to see it done!
It seems to be an interesting island, and I look forward to your bow.
there's a channel called 'junglecrafty' which has a simple bamboo bow tutorial (technique from malaysian indigenes), it's not as beautiful as this one but you can make it in an hour with just a knife if you like to try it. It's now luxurious but it's a funny and effective little bow
Thank you.
You need to research if the bamboo is strong enough
謝謝您喜歡,話說要我講一堆話我也辦不到😅 很期待你做一把。
哈哈~ 要是能搞到材料和器具我一定會試做一把出來😂
o cara é um grande artista e também um excelente profissonal. me bateu saudade da minha antiga profissão de modelador. saudações a todos os modeladores remanescentes de uma era remota.
Thanks,i'm glad you like it.
Achei que não ia encontrar brasileiro aqui
Alguém saberia me informar que produto é esse que o profissional passa no arco a partir do tempo 7:52 minutos ?
@@douglasmedeiros5794 That's japanese lacquer . The juice left from the sumac, the best paint in the world.
Excelente explicación y elaboración, vivo al otro lado del planeta y se que con un poco de preparación y persistencia lograre hacer mi primer arco de bambú gracias a ti, saludos desde Colombia
I like the idea of all bamboo bow I know others use IPE and other hardwoods but there missing the point just love this bow you’re the best 👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you for your compliment, so glad you like it.
I use either hickory or bamboo as a backing, with either purple heart or green heart as the middle laminate which acts as a spring and then lemonwood (degame) for the front of the bow. Hickory (they make hammer and axe handles from it here) does not lift splinters when it bends, and the lemonwood has no grain so it's excellent for the front of the bow. Also it resists compression so you do not get compression fractures on a heavy bow. I can send you the dimensions for a longbow if you fancy trying to make one
Awesome, thank you for sharing. I'd like to know your British Longbow design, please send me if it is convenient, thank you. Here is my email: freeecat123@gmail.com. Can you show me the beauty of your longbow
what's the max poundage you'll get from a bow made this way?
Wonderful! The bow looks awsome and the process is very relaxing to watch.
One thing I don't understand is why you apply a first layer of laquer before tillering, if you are bound to do a lot of scraping.
Best wishes from Spain
@@woodenren minta cara pembuatan busur
@@herdirosianto5225 Setelah Anda menonton video. Anda dapat mengajukan pertanyaan kepada saya.
Vídeo e trabalho excelentes!!!
Seu arco é maravilhoso! Meus parabéns!
Tenho uma dúvida. Quantas libras (lb) tem esse arco?
Obrigado por seu incentivo.Este é um arco de bambu de 40 libras.
+919408481143 whatsapp add me
@@SURENDRABHANDARI I have added you
@@woodenren 9:05 imagen que se rompa al final
影片不囉嗦不廢話,做出來的成品也有一定水準 訂閱啦!
@@woodenren 已訂閱喔!
@@woodenren 太棒了
@@woodenren 已订阅
@@王永安-i6l 謝謝您😀
決定什麼呢 要自製嗎?
@@woodenren 因為想節省時間所以會選擇較短的影片
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷Muito obrigado por compartilhar esse excelente trabalho.
Maravilhoso arco de bambu🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Obrigado, que bom que gostou.
Very well done! Thank you for taking the time to make , share , and teach!
You are welcome.
Excelente la forma como explicas y enseñas vomo se construye un arco con bambu ( aqui en Colombia lo llamamos guadu'a) esta es el arma que mas me ha llamado la atencion,pues con ella el hombre comenzo sus cacerias para subsistir y aunque se hayan creado otras mas modernas ,esta ha prevalecido a travez del tiempo.Siempre he querido tener un buen arco ,aunque los que yo he hecho son mas bien rudimentarios,veo que tengo muy buena punteria con ellos,que tal que yo tuviera uno de esos que son profesionales?felicitaciones !
What is the bamboo variety used here? What treatment is done with the bamboo wood?
Phyllostachys edulis,After carbonization treatment
謝謝你的鼓勵😃😃 開心。
Simple, the way bow making should be. You are a very skilled bow maker.
Thank you for the compliment
@@woodenren 做一套竹甲吧。
末日了 沒這些設備 還能做 才較厲害
腳跨不夠開很無力 呵呵,軍用上弦法,看文字不是很懂,不知有無影片可看。
Excelente, hermoso trabajo, me suscribo.
Saludos desde Argentina.
Gracias, es un placer conocerte.
nice work. I love the rattan grip and accents. I always wondered if a bow would work made out of just bamboo laminated together.
Beautiful work. I'm still deciding on if I want to get into bow making. I love the look of this bow, and bamboo is a very strong wood
Looking forward to your bow, you can share it with me.
Well done, Ren ! I craft my own bows in Germany and do that now for 2 Years. It's my hobby.
I like to see you crafting with such a passion like i do. But Your bows are much better. I will try to became your standard....
Greetings, good luck, and all the best....
另外碳化是要進高壓鍋爐用乾餾法蒸煮的方法,一般diy很難做到。你說的火烤是殺青的方法並不是指碳化。 沒經過碳化的竹材也是可以製作弓的,但得經過殺青後並乾燥2-3年才可使用,建議可直接去竹材行購買處理過的。
Being able to walk right outside your shop and test your bow legally, priceless
It is illegal to crossbow in Taiwan. I am lucky to have a field of archery.
@@woodenren I watched the video in detail, beautiful wood shop and excellent building techniques, you are very skilled! I really like the sound the bow makes, a nice elastic snapping sound which I find very pleasant. Thanks for your great video Ren!
@@acanadianwoodworker I just went to watch your channel and subscribed. You have a great space, clean and tidy, and the video is very good. I'm glad to meet you.
A Canadian Woodworker man I just went to your channel and it really is the cleanest of them all
@@hallobre Thanks! Really appreciate the nice comment!
Exelente y maravilloso trabajo, saludos a la distancia desde México 👍👍👍
Gracias, me alegra que te guste
That is a beautiful bow you made. And it appears to shoot very well indeed. You did a great job with that piece.
I just notice one thing when you shoot. It seems that you do not draw to an anchor point but release the arrow and string just before the draw hand reaches your face. The ideal would be for you (for any archer) to draw to a point somewhere on your face, and draw to that exact same spot each time when you shoot.
This point is called the anchor, the use of this is to have a perfect reference with each shot, that gives you the same draw length with each shot, and that translates to the same arrow-speed, which will aid in getting more accurate shots.
The reason I am saying this is that I taught basic archery for a good few years, and i know the importance of drawing a consistent length, which makes "aiming" easier in the end.
Thank you for your guidance, it was very helpful to me. Does the plastic balance feather cut into a wrong position?
Looks like he's using the traditional Japanese technique, Kyudo. look into it.
@@woodenren the plastic vanes will strike the bow and affect the flight path + damage the bow and the vanes at the long run. Feathers will just change shape when passing the bow, no damage and effects will be caused.
@@FnjordKnot he is placing and drawing Mediterranean style. He has no anchor point thus not really aiming at all. Plus he is using cheap fiberglass arrows with plastic vanes. He did a marvel job at crafting the bow but in the practice of archery, I think he is going to look up and learn a lot of new things.
@@duongtieuta223 lol roasted
This is a nice bow and you did a great job tillering it. But cutting into the belly to put in the grip would make me nervous. And the transition from stiff grip to flexing limb is abrupt. So there is a lot of stress at this point that would be avoided in your next bow. Keep going! I liked the video a lot!
Do you mean the turn of the bow arm to the handle is too sudden? Thank you for your professional response
Ok, Japanese Dude. Thank you for teaching.
Thank you, but I am Taiwanese and I am often mistaken for Japanese.
What a nice bow and out of such simple ingredients...thanks for the video, I own two horn backed Mongolian bows and they were hand made for me.
The Mongolian bow is very difficult to make. It is too powerful. I wonder how long it takes to make a bow?
This is amazing dude you are quite the craftman,
Thank you, I like carpentry
Very beautiful bow. Thanks for showing how it was made.
You're welcome, nice to meet you.
Muito bom trabalho parabéns 👌👍👋👋👋😘🇧🇷
Kept watching this over and over again. Planning to build a bow in somewhat the same fashion, so thanks a lot because this does helps a lot.
The bow is beautifully made and im wondering how much it cost
The order is $ 380, if you mean the material cost is about $ 30.
Is there a free bow.
I love to have one
Haha,i need one too.
Excellent workmanship and professional skills in using wood machinery .Can tell the bow's poundage maybe a little over your strength.I like to suggest when you taking customer order be specific if they are new to the archery or a experience archer. For those new to the archery shooting, the best poundage is under 30 lbs. For those experience shooters it will be depend on their requirement. I am a archer too so big thumb up for your video clip!!
Thank you for your suggestion. This bow is a little heavier to me. The pounds are 40 pounds. A 30-pound bow is more suitable for me. Are you a professional shooter? so cool.
@@woodenren No, I am not a professional shooter but I have been shooting archery for over 10 years now.I am about average up level. I shoot compound bow for Target competition and 3 D shooting, and Olympic recurve bow(bare bow)for field archery competition.
你好,不用碳化也是能做弓。殺青後乾燥,如果沒經過碳化 竹肉是黃色的,碳化後會呈現褐色。
You make beautiful bows and arrows. The wrappings you use look great as well.
Thank you for your compliment, so glad you like it.
Great job young man, I would love to try and make one of my own, thanks for inspiration
Thank you and look forward to your bow being shared with me
Great job what is the size of bow and which rope is used for string
Hello. What glue did you use to glue the two sheets together? Poly vinyl acetate type with wood glue?
wonderful to watch you making a bow
Thanks,nice to meet you.
I like your all bamboo bow very much. I wish I understood the tillering and exercising process more clearly!
Thank you, you can ask me if you don't understand, I will try to help you.
@@woodenren Please excuse my ignorance. Before I make a bow I need to understand the principle of what is being done when training the bow. My understanding is that the newly assembled bow cannot be drawn to the desired length and weight immediately. It will be too stiff and also uneven in the limbs. So are you gradually taking material away and exercising the bow every time you remove some material, until the desired weight and length is achieved?
What I am asking is, would the bow get to 27 inches even if no material was removed, just by training alone?
@@garybreeze3020 Regarding the training bow, I suggest that it takes 3 days to slowly stretch to the stretch you need to meet your needs. In addition, adjust the balance of the upper and lower bow arms during this period.
@@garybreeze3020 Without adjusting the balance of the upper and lower arch arms, you can also stretch to the specified distance.
This is very handsome way making bow. I never thought so bow making process is so time taking. In our Hindu epic i have read/listine that their bow can fire/suit an arrow to 60 km and lord cut 7 palm treee by one arrow. Is that possible. But now i understand that its possible its hard work of bow maker, arrow maker and the archer how best he fire. I appreciate your job and let other people know your hard work... Thank you
Suit an arrow to 60 km and cut 7 palm tree, That's so cooI. is a very fascinating legend.
Thank you for sharing the interesting story.
I would love to know the art of making your masterpiece Bow and Arrows. I would love to have your craftsmanship.
Thank you for sharing.
My hat's off to you! Sir. 😉👌
Thank you for your compliment, so glad you like it. 🌹🌹🌹
E' magnifico veder5ti lavorare, c'è conoscenza e passione.Un ottimo lavoro. Qui dove io vivo a Genova-Italia è difficile trovare un banbù cosi grande. Ma ci proverò con uno più piccolo- Ancora complimenti e un grande saluto Vittorio
Two thumbs up fellow archer
. fine craftsmanship
Thank you, are you an archer? cool.
@@woodenren I make hickory backed hickory reflex/deflex bows. You have an awesome talent.
Excellent! I enjoyed this very much, from Lewistown, MT, U.S.A.! I am always impressed with eastern hand work. The quality and beauty are always excellent, and the work is always interesting and educational! Thank you for your work and channel!! D.W. Jones
Thank you for your encouragement and nice to meet you.
do you mind if i ask what i should use if i had bows length 150 centimeters, what actually bow string and arrow size i need..hope you reply me..
The length of your bowstring is about 140 cm to 143 cm.
The length of the arrow is related to your pull distance. You can measure the distance you pull the string, plus 3 inches.
@@woodenren thanks a lot i appreciate it..
Hola muy buen vídeo y proyecto, me dirías cómo trataste el bambú antes de empezar a hacer el arco, muchas Gracias
1. Después de cortar el bambú, debe asarse o hervirse para eliminar el azúcar y el aceite.
2. Limpiar y secar la superficie del bambú.
3. Ponga el bambú por la mitad y colóquelo en un lugar fresco para que se seque naturalmente durante un mes.
木頭仁 hola muchas gracias por tu respuesta, ya mismo me pongo con este proyecto ( ya veremos como me sale!
@@woodenren gracias
@@lavidaenelauto gran proyecto
Meu amigo, admiro vocês !! Sou daqui do Brazil, esse bambu voce deixou ele secar no sol, ou cortou ele verde mesmo ?!
Olá, este bambu passou por tratamento de carbonização e anti-séptico.
Como se hace el tratamiento del bamboo, por favor
No sol a nadeira fica quebradiça deicha ela secar na sombra bemora mais mas ela fica rijida. E não quebra fácil.
Mantap dan bagus hasilnya..
saya ingin mencoba membuat nya sendiri di rumah...
Menantikan Anda
Muito bom. Deu até vontade de fazer um 😂
Espero que você faça seu próprio arco
Thank you so very much for your helpful and instructive videos Ren🔨🔪🛠🏹
You are welcome, I hope it helps you.
From Spain.
Impeccable work.
Thank You.
Thank you so mush🌹
Very good! Greetings from Brazil
Marvelous job at crafting this bow. I just wonder how did you carbonize the bamboo? Soaking in water?
To use a smoked boiler, burn the wood to smoke. I'm asking the bamboo manufacturer to deal with it
Great tutorial and craftsmanship!👏🏻👍🏻💪🏻
thanks,nice to meet you.
first time seeing a left handed bow man
hi, Are left-handed archers rare?
@@woodenren I am not an archer, but definitely left handed
Fine, me too😄😄
@@woodenren Yes, I haven't seen any left handed archers on youtube or real life. You are my first!!
Don't left-handers like playing bows? Ha ha
暴露年紀了 看來跟我差不多。
太美了 製作過程簡直藝術
@@沐寧雙 diy就是從失敗累積經驗。
Of all the diy bows ive seen, this one has gotta be on my top 5 list
Thank you, are you an archer?
You can make them over 200lb. Personally, my highest draw weight has been 65 lb at 31 inches, but I'm getting old, I'm comfy with 45lb👍
200lb !! My hand will burst.
Nice Job Good to see a craftsman at work.........Well Done
Lo felicito muy buen arco...y las flechas también. Muy trabajoso.... Excelente.
Buenas noches, gracias por el cumplido ^^
Maravilhoso! gostei bastante principalmente pela legenda em pt-br kkkkk
awesome job ma friend!
Thanks,Very glad that you liked
Hola desde México saludos y que gran gran trabajo, por este lado del planeta no hay algo como lo que tu haces gracias por compartir
Gracias por amar mi video.
@@woodenren gracias amigo por estar al pendiente
優質手工弓~~ 已訂閱
Danke für den Deutschen Untertitel. Tolles Video und lehrreich.
Gern geschehen, ich hoffe es gefällt euch.
哈哈 蟀吧蟀吧。
Hi there! I am trying to do my own bow and I'm quite excited about it. I never tried it before, so your video really helped me. I love to see the care neffort you put into your work!
Now, I have some doubts. About the bamboo treatment, do you let it rest to dry? How long, if you do? Bamboo is a wood that splits very easily, in my experience. How do you manage to apply this type of cut without splitting the wood? How do you prepare the wood?
Thank you so much for share this with us!
After the bamboo is collected, it needs to be roasted or boiled to remove the sugar and oil, and dried for more than 1 year. During the period, the sun can be taken out to expose to the sun.
The bamboo needs to be shaped and cannot be chopped with a knife. You can use a saw or planer. Questions are welcome.
He said you have to treat it. You can't even use it till after a yr or so. His craftsmanship is outstanding to say the least.
Type of bamboo matters a lot as well, you need to see which is the strong type
Wow this is absolutely beautiful. May I ask...does using bamboo as the belly and the back help to resist bow set? Also can a bow like this be trained to go as far back as 32 inch? I have a long draw length and I would like to make this. For a 32 inch draw will I have to make the bow longer?
Difficult ya. Might need modern materials or horns to withstand that stretched length.
Extending the bow length is of course also a way to overcome it.
@@woodenren thank you Sir for your response. Also does using the bamboo as the belly help to resist set?
I like the sound when you released it, you could hear and determine that there's power into it.👌
Thank you for your compliment, so glad you like it.
Complimenti, una realizzazione di notevole fattura, degna di un maestro.
真得很棒! 有機會超想做一把
@@woodenren 箭也是自製嗎?
@@leeyusum78 之後會有製箭的視頻。
How do you treat the bamboo part? Is there a drying time?
It takes more than 1 year to dry after the collection, this bamboo has been carbonized.