Why Women Are Standing Up For Men

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 1.1K

  • @Hiraghm
    @Hiraghm ปีที่แล้ว +846

    I don't think men feel "alone" so much as we feel "besieged". Everyone is attacking us from all sides.. including some of us. You got the self-important wanna be chads lecturing you on manhood, you got the self-important feminist males lecturing you on the exact opposite, You have women criticizing you for enjoying the female form, you have women criticizing you for "being a gentleman", you have women criticizing you for not "being a gentleman", you got the media calling all men r-pists, you have the media denigrating fathers, boyfriends and traditional masculine roles, the courts screwing us...
    So, like beaten puppies we'll lick the first hand that _isn't_ a closed fist.

    • @persnipoles
      @persnipoles ปีที่แล้ว +19

      And nary a city to sack for it. Just rains wussys' arrows all year.

    • @josephagnello9335
      @josephagnello9335 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Thus . . . . . .

    • @jjhh320
      @jjhh320 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      Besieged. A very good way to put it lol

    • @bfbf6347
      @bfbf6347 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      So which hand should us pups lick.
      Not putting your commit down , it's true but I really get tired of reading that all sides are screwing us and there's no where to turn. Granted that way leads to echo chamber communities like feminism and incels. I just feel cheated in life sometimes , being lead to believe that once you have a nice house , a nice car and more than decent enough money you get the girl. How foolish I was , , now at the tinder young age of 27 i realize that having those things puts me at risk of running into the fabeled goldigger.I just don't know what to do.

    • @persnipoles
      @persnipoles ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @bfbf6347 It's a valid instinct to be tired of that. War Propaganda would aim for that hopelessness, or 'black pilled' effect, on an enemy ---a sense of inevitable defeat, so that you defeat yourself before a shot is fired. Good for you to notice. Take a break? Take in something else?

  • @josephagnello9335
    @josephagnello9335 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I went through those changes .
    If it was not for empathetic, compassionate friend, I don't know if I 'd be here.
    I was so devastated.
    And, I learned how to reach out, and especially cry!

  • @ChuckPackwood
    @ChuckPackwood ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My 2 favorite Ladies. I have more respect for you both than You know. Thank You for what you do for us Men

  • @mischake
    @mischake 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I went through so much abuse, by this person who in my eyes was an absolute angel, send down to earth to inspire us to move mountains. The disconnect between my thinking and my feeling brain was insane, but to me no pain in the present could ever warrent letting go of her, we just had some stuff to figure out and then everything would be perfect. Of course she's mad at me because I am not enough. I will do better. And better. And learn exactly who to be to live up to her expectations. And no amount of suffering now can ever really matter as long as we get to the good place in the end.
    And it drove me so far past my limits that when she finally broke my heart, ground it to fine dust and dumped the ashes in the trash, I felt like my life was over. I couldn't function. I'd burst out into uncontrollable fits of crying without any external prompt. For at least 18 months I couldn't bare the thought of a future without her in it. And for half a decade I suffered these waves of grief and insane depression, and I fought against it tooth and nail at first just to suppress it, and eventually actually learn to process the pain and heal, and over time, a long time, the waves got smaller, and smaller, they still hurtbut instead of 2 or 3 weeks I now only stay in bed for a Saturday, until one day a wave came and I felt my gut in a twist and - and actually I'm alright again.
    It took me so long to heal from the pain, the loss, the anger and the longing... she wasn't perfect, far from it, and I actually found the love of my life later on. And i found something so important.
    Healthy boundaries.
    Self love.
    Self care.
    Self esteem.
    Happiness just from my own life and accomplishments.
    But I will never again put up with this thought that if only I suffer through it all we will get to the good part.

  • @josephcrafa2694
    @josephcrafa2694 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you so much for content of this type . I was one of those told “ it’s not worth the fight “ but that was for a step child I had raised .

  • @krispex1974
    @krispex1974 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I’ve only just discovered both of your TH-cam channels… thank you… finally some women who actually do understand what goes on… so often the messages I hear from my current and previous partners are that I am just not good enough, no matter how hard I try and no matter how much extra effort I expend, it just isn’t enough. Yup makes me shut down completely to avoid the constant criticism… wish there were more individuals that would really try to understand the male psyche in the UK. Thank you for speaking up for me!

  • @questioning.societyuk
    @questioning.societyuk 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This was so great to see two of my favourite creators on TH-cam together and sharing your views and motivations. Love you both more after seeing this collaboration.

  • @terryberkenstock3265
    @terryberkenstock3265 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I married in the Navy, 7 months at sea she was 3 months with child when I came home.
    She relived me from duty so my bad one was good to me.
    3 years later married my wife of 41 years and as a over the road trucker gone 2 or 3 weeks at a time hung in with me.
    So for me women have been a soft worm place of rest.
    It's my daughter inlaws children in the home took up with men outside the marriage.
    So now both my sons cohabitate and again their women one after 10 years and a 5 year old daughter kicked him out the house only to marry less than a year later and one after 8 years runs off leaving her 3 children behind, my son came home from working out of state having her 2 daughters 16 and 17 son 14 look at my son ask do we still live here.
    After 8 years he said this is your home.
    She hasn't even called .
    Its been my daughter inlaws leagal and common law that has given me the most pain it's like a death in my family.
    I cried over my divorce but having to deal with my son's crying has been even harder.

  • @mecheavenger
    @mecheavenger 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm sitting here shocked by the whole "laundry purgatory" thing. That's exactly what I do, and have for decades. I had no idea it was so common among men.

  • @backyardrailroader
    @backyardrailroader 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have been living a sorta Hermit type life most of my life. It started as a child not fitting in much in activities, especially sports. I was uncoordinated. I had a speech impediment. I was almost the last person picked in games like baseball. I can not remember kids coming to the door to ask if I can come out to play.
    Once, during high school, I was playing touch/flag football. I was placed as a receiver. At the snap of the ball, I took off, leaving the person behind me behind. I easily caught the football for a score.
    Next possession, I was a receiver again with a much quicker person defending me...though shorter. Again, I out paced him, catching the football for a score.
    The next and final week of football in that gym class, we stood in a group to be picked by the Captains. I was not picked first. But I was picked second.
    It felt good.
    Despite that, I have lived my life solo, even with people around me.
    Most activities I do by myself, except for the last 64 months, I have been learning Argentine Tango Dancing.
    Still with limited coordination and nechanical skills, many times only able to do only part of the dance lesson being taught. It can be fun, though I wish I could do better.
    But, I rarely get turned down when asking a lady to dance with me. They enjoy my simple dancing, they say. I wish I could do better.
    I expect only friendship, aquaintances, and dance partners while attending these Tango events twice a week. Wish that I could be more than mediocre, but if tgat is the way it is suppose to be. So be it.

  • @grumpytrade
    @grumpytrade ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent, 2 of my top three relationship ladies (Emily is the 3rd). Been hoping for this collaboration. Thank you!

  • @foodmonsterweightloss5886
    @foodmonsterweightloss5886 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Almost 50 years ago my exwife would routinely "forget" that it was my weekend to even visit. Not a small thing because I had to drive 9 hours from North California (where we lived as a couple and my baby was born) to get to her home in South California where she moved after the divorce. Even my attorney refused to take it to court because there was nothing we could actually do. He didn't want to waste my money.

  • @emerald3331
    @emerald3331 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    That's great that you were able to get together and have a discussion

  • @darkchthonian856
    @darkchthonian856 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I agree the system is built against men, its like divorces. Women who are college educated the divorce rate is above 90% and women who havent been to college will divorce the man 75 to 80%. Then the woman gets everything that the guy owns and takes the man's kids away. Its why i say women need to be submissive and have traditional views and values, its the only way a marriage or relationship will work. I dont expect to make friends with this, however, its facts that when a marriage or relationship that have traditional views and values will succeed and be more efficient then marriage and relationships that dont have those views and values that are traditional

  • @anthonyburke5656
    @anthonyburke5656 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don’t want, I don’t need, I don’t respect “support” from women. Going my way with a smile.

  • @Bene_Factum
    @Bene_Factum หลายเดือนก่อน

    A friend once told me, "If you want to know why the system works the way it does, follow the money."

  • @ferg9401
    @ferg9401 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sarah, I can explain to you exactly why court systems think mothers are inherently "more fit" to have custody of their children over the father OR simply to have their children more than the father even without an official divorce decree. While I was going through my 2nd divorce, my ex's lawyer put in her argument that her being the "historical primary caregiver" of our son, translation; "because I'm the mother of my son, that basis alone should automatically grant me more custody of my son over his father". That sort of reasoning means simply because she is the mother of our son, she is supposedly inherently "more fit" to be a parent than I am because of a difference in gender and the "nurturing" factor that we as a species assume all women have. (Side note: my guess is.....my ex did not tell her lawyer that she was having an affair and knowingly left the household and family for that affair). It is becoming more prevalent as time goes on that women are no more "fit" than men are at being a loving and nurturing parent. My ex is a great example of this and I see it in my son as he is taking notice that his mom is becoming more and more absent from his life and he is younger than 5.
    Also, in regards to a father not being able to pay child support but wanting to take his child to the playground or take his child out anywhere for both of you to have fun with each other and build a bond between child and parent, that is 100% resentment from the mother for not receiving child support from the father and a mother that withholds her child from the father based on his ability to financially support his child is actually in contempt of court in certain states.
    There are women that get incredibly vindictive during a divorce because they are angry and I know anyone of mature age that has gone through a messy divorce with children knows this. BUT then there is the woman that gets vindictive during a divorce for sake of attention and show but she has no desire to actually exercise her permitted time with her child. I have dealt with both. I apologize to you and anyone else reading this because I know it is lengthy but I wanted to enlighten you and anyone else that has asked the same questions you have asked because I once had the same questions you do and through time and experience, those answers were revealed to me. There are mothers out there that just want more and more until the man/father has nothing left to give and then there are mothers out there that ACT like they want more or deserve more but providing minimal evidence to suggest they are actually deserving of more; more time with the children, more alimony, more child support, more anything really.

  • @dannyjizay
    @dannyjizay ปีที่แล้ว

    Cool these 2 are working together and not against each other.

  • @zayviermoodie9173
    @zayviermoodie9173 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Until it is acceptable for men to speak without being called sexist or otherwise ridiculed, it's gonna take women like yourselves to push for change and understanding in western society.
    Please keep doing what you're doing, I love watching you both.

  • @rynegade
    @rynegade 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A friend of mine spent 150k to get visitation and his ex wife just doesn't let him visit. She offered to forego child support completely if he gave up all rights to visitation and he refused. He hasn't seen his kids in six years and lived only five minutes away.

  • @darkiee69
    @darkiee69 ปีที่แล้ว

    20:10 That's how many men have it with "their" spaces, like a workshop or the garage. If something is moved we notice it, even if it might look like a big mess for a woman, it's an organized mess. We know where things are in that mess. And as soon as the project we're working on is done, or we've finished a part of the project, things go back to where they belong.

  • @hawk4879
    @hawk4879 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    NC is the worst. I pay a lot of money for child support and I never get to see my son. I’m fit. I work in The ER, I have for over 23 years taking care of patients. It’s not right. I had to pay for the divorce. She took tons of money from my family.

  • @jacegallagher8589
    @jacegallagher8589 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lauren has beautiful eyes. More than that, when you look in her eyes, you kind of just want to trust her. Careful guys! There are women with eyes like that, but they are not good like Lauren.

  • @wietzepost
    @wietzepost 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The main reason to give access to a dad 09:30, even if he doesn't pay, is because it's best for the child.

  • @georgedoughty-zr3ed
    @georgedoughty-zr3ed ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I recently learned that the money paid for child support, a percentage of every dollar goes into judges retirement accounts. Obvious incentive to make the payments as big as possible and that everybody pays something.

    • @Xander1Sheridan
      @Xander1Sheridan 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      family court works this way. Everyone in family court gets a cut. That is one of the major reasons it is so biased against men. They all want that cash.

  • @DallasR-o9k
    @DallasR-o9k 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You ladies just want to be the only one who have a voice I could be wrong but men will be the judge of that

  • @TheManySHO
    @TheManySHO ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Women who love men make men love women, the way it should be

  • @rockkstah2550
    @rockkstah2550 ปีที่แล้ว

    As some guys from another channel said, behind every woman is the Government, state laws, the court systems, judges, lawyers feminists, democrats,social engineering, etc…
    Behind every man, none, he faces his own crap in life alone….

  • @VinceYT2408
    @VinceYT2408 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love your message. We need to work all together, men and women, not women vs men.

  • @jamesharrison3675
    @jamesharrison3675 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It’s funny you mention the whole thing about discussing custody in court and then having to come back home and deal with at wild West style. I had a friend who attempted to get 50-50percent custody, one day when he went to go pick up his son his ex hit her self to the point where there was bruising and called the cops saying don’t let him take my kids look what he did to me. He was arrested on the spot without questioning, and he did nothing wrong, this was now on record that he was arrested, and it made it hard for him to find work, even after he got out and it was proven that he didn’t do it. And it was only proven because he challenged it in court, and after review, a doctor said that he could not have caused the damage because of the angle of the blows. But for the whole time period he couldn’t work or see his kid.

  • @link_team3855
    @link_team3855 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    approximately half the time, most people will put the toilet paper on the holder incorrectly; having the paper that you are pulling off FACE THE WALL. Even moreso for us guys when we cant grab it without touching the wall and at that point it is a the mildly irritating pains.
    Paper facing the wall is the stuff of supervillains, dun do it

  • @MichaelRobertson-i8f
    @MichaelRobertson-i8f 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Also Men have been the Major breadwinner for a long time and making Women the one who receives money from the man in their life premise/ the State realize that if they supported the man they would have to pay for both the men and women if fairness or justice were the goal- It’s Economic pure and simple

  • @rpwbass
    @rpwbass 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Men love to hear women like you both. We're tired,

  • @Disinterested1
    @Disinterested1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    women are speaking up for men because women in general listen to them believing "they know" when they REALLY don't!!
    but they WILL listen to a woman TALKING ABOUT men
    great right!!?
    there you go!
    thanks for asking! have a great day!

  • @JAG214
    @JAG214 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @firstgensps
    @firstgensps 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @enemyofthestatewearein7945
    @enemyofthestatewearein7945 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have a sense that much of the nastiness we see in third wave feminism is a manifestation of vicious female competition that always existed but until recently was covert. Being physically weaker, women naturally tend to compete within plausible deniability to avoid direct conflict (otherwise known as bitchiness) but the steady elevation of female status through women's rights emboldened some to bring this aggressive competition into the open. Much as physical violence by men is no longer socially accepted, I think it's likely that aggressive female verbal behavior will increasingly become tempered by social pressures, and these are likely to come from other women, since the aggression itself is rooted in intrasexual competition. In this context, the emergence of more women defending men is inevitable.
    Albeit that some men have been calling out unfair gendered attacks for years, there is also the question of frame. Through the outdated notion of patriarchy and female oppression, some sections of the feminist movement have stealthily created an environment where women's behavior cannot be questioned at all by men, or it is simply attacked as misogyny, regardless if the criticism is legitimate or not. This has resulted in a substantial proportion of very entitled young women, with poor boundaries and a total inability to accept personal responsibility (e.g. see Whatever Podcast). However women themselves are not bound by this frame, so they are able to call out and correct poor female behavior, for what it is, with much greater impunity.
    The emergence of derogatory expressions like 'pick me girl' clearly demonstrate that this conflict happens within the realms of female intrasexual competition i.e. it uncovers the true motives of those using the expression, as something selfish and not a noble cause, as the original feminists were pursuing. Ultimately, women are starting to correct social problems created by other women. And not unironically, we see a similar shift in the men's rights space, which started with simple, worthy causes like father's rights, but is now increasingly hijacked by many grifters trying to push their own toxic agendas, or simply trying to gain exposure to make money though being controversial. To regain credibility, men need to robustly call this behavior out too.

  • @renesomebody
    @renesomebody 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like this vid.. Am from Germany and I totally agree with what Lauren said about women showing themselves in like bikini or however they show skin: Of course - as a man - I like to watch nice looking women showing skin BUT I would not want to date them. Period. I absolutely don't wanna have a girlfriend that needs to show herself on Instagram, Tiktok etc.
    I also feel that women getting more and more arrogant and selective the more they are online active. Each dating app has at least 75% male members. some 90% - regardeless what official numbers say. A girl gets 50-200 mails per hour on dating apps or in chat rooms and a guy? 1 per week? At least here in Germany. More and more men are lonely and u know what : Men rarely feel wanted and women experience this every day and that's not good.....

  • @socratesbleu
    @socratesbleu 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I really want to believe women in this space however I’m skeptical when money and attention are in play.

  • @cazmaniandevil1
    @cazmaniandevil1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Too little too late ladies. Men are wise to the hustle. There is no going back at this point. I don't even hold doors open, for you creatures anymore.

  • @lylehart3744
    @lylehart3744 ปีที่แล้ว +936

    The absolute reason men are loving this kind of content is because of how rarely a woman actually listens to us. This is much needed validation.

    • @sunfish4095
      @sunfish4095 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      24:17 Women don't watch her content. You're buying into an illusion. That's what she provides, an illusion that maybe it's not a one way street. Don't fool yourself.

    • @lylehart3744
      @lylehart3744 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      @@sunfish4095 if you believe that maybe you need to reconsider the type of women you're hanging around with. Birds of feather flock together. Haters flock with haters.

    • @lylehart3744
      @lylehart3744 ปีที่แล้ว

      @user-sk6dt6gk4y absolutely

    • @sunfish4095
      @sunfish4095 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@lylehart3744 Unlike the both of you I don't look at individual examples and extrapolate them as likely to or develop wishful thinking that they represent the whole. I'm a big picture logical thinker. We all know what the big picture is. In fact, it's the reason she has this channel.

    • @lylehart3744
      @lylehart3744 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sunfish4095 I just figured you out. You're a man hating feminist who hates women who don't hate men even more than you hate men. NOBODY said that this was absolute gospel about ALL men or ALL women. It's just being pointed out that these are statistical likelihoods among many people. Which is true.

  • @1Adventurerider
    @1Adventurerider ปีที่แล้ว +295

    The "system" has the cards stacked against us. The more we fight for our kids the more the system degrades the father's position.

    • @billsmith11
      @billsmith11 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @zackbrown1787
      @zackbrown1787 ปีที่แล้ว

      Florida believes that all men are worthless, I haven’t seen my son for a year. Corruption runs rampant in family court.

    • @yeayeasautoadventures
      @yeayeasautoadventures ปีที่แล้ว +11

      yep, fighting for your kids legally robs you of your money,you need to know most likely you will lose in court in most states

    • @dontstalkmedeltoro8816
      @dontstalkmedeltoro8816 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      ​@@yeayeasautoadventureswell... red states.
      Blue states are much more likely to go on split costudy as a rule.

    • @yeayeasautoadventures
      @yeayeasautoadventures ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@dontstalkmedeltoro8816 it happens in texas if both parents agree

  • @michaelleavitt3834
    @michaelleavitt3834 ปีที่แล้ว +113

    I am divorced, but my divorce was pretty mild, and my ex and I still get along. The kids were never an issue. I have a friend who is in bitter custody dispute with his narcissistic ex wife. I have seen firsthand how the courts in the state of Florida are completely set up against the father. The judge can make it where the father doesn’t even get to say anything in the courtroom. Not only is it your God-given right to spend time with your child it is also your God given responsibility to spend time with your child.

    • @phillyphilhouse79
      @phillyphilhouse79 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I thought they recently changed some stuff in favor of the father and Femnazis everywhere got all butthurt over it?

    • @dbpool
      @dbpool 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      It may be our God given right, but women and courts take it away, and there is of course no recourse for men, and no repercussions for women.

    • @rickb06
      @rickb06 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@dbpool Keep this little gem in your back pocket...
      With the utter instability in the world today, it would stand to reason that something enormous is coming, i.e., an EMP, a massive solar flare or old fashioned physical sabotage of the electric grid, internet, etc. The odds of this kind of event are higher than at any time in human history, the elite aren't building bunkers for the non-existent tax write off opportunities, they are doing so because they are in the loop and understand the possibilities, they are just doing exactly what any of us would do if we had their resources.
      I keep myself going by knowing that every ounce of progress women have made in regards to their rights, and most recently, superiority will be totally lost in a serious enough long term crisis, of which we are way overdue for a large scale true crisis.
      Women will suffer the most in a SHTF environment, they will be required to shack up with a man for protection in almost every situation. They will lose their ill-gotten freedoms because for every bit of progress they have made, there is a direct and equivalent loss of rights for men. We all can't be equal, it will never be fair or equitable for either, so long as the clearly lesser group is catapulted above and beyond the best of us. Once the magical police summoning device that's glued to their hand ceases to function, their advantages will evaporate, thus once more forcibly instituting darwinian rules for living, and we all know how poorly that the lesser group performs when exposed to adversity.

    • @FreedomTalkMedia
      @FreedomTalkMedia 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Courts in the planet earth are like that.

    • @ZeroOmega-vg8nq
      @ZeroOmega-vg8nq 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      child from a broken home here in florida. can confirm how brutal the courts can be mom moved away to georgia with my stapdad and my dad had to fight tooth and nail just to get monthy visits from me and alternating vacations. I gree amgry and bitter cuz omg puberty and then my mom forcing me into therapy and having my older brither try to be a proxy parent, then one day my mom just tells me to pack my stuff im seeing my dad. came back home never went back. guess whos getting looked after in their old age now and doesnt even get talked to. not my mom. since i ended up livingf with my dad SHE was supposed to start paying child support. never once did she and my dad didnt even fight for that because he just wanted me home.

  • @winniecash1654
    @winniecash1654 ปีที่แล้ว +95

    Love this. Dad's are crucial to a child's upbringing. Husbands are much needed. We need healthy males no matter their age.

    • @winniecash1654
      @winniecash1654 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Marcusus this breaks my heart. I'm very sorry. I've witnessed feminist households and am aware they exist. I will always stand up for men and boys. Of course, I stand up for women and girls, too. I believe in respecting and cherishing one another. I also believe each plays an important role in society. I'm not interested in doing a man's job. I know some women are, and I suppose if they understand they are the minority and don't try to change all the other women, that's ok with me. I hold loosely to stereotypes because there are some manly women and womanly men. Ok, but don't go trying to say we all have to be just like that because we don't.

    • @russelhoward1742
      @russelhoward1742 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The system is all too, handy about throwing men in jail, over this, , they're fined for back support, including the court cost , it's not cheap as work releases, 85dallars,week, and going to and work, and back to jail , it's it's a double edge system

  • @joekilroy2965
    @joekilroy2965 ปีที่แล้ว +79

    Sarah, I'm a single dad going through custody. My son doesn't want to see or live with his mom. I've had him for the past year. She pays child support. It's not much but she still pays.

    • @Maladjester
      @Maladjester 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      You're incredibly fortunate to have your kid and even more fortunate that your ex pays anything at all. My circle isn't that big and I still know half a dozen guys who were utterly raped in divorce court and/or family court. Not that these men were perfect angels, but we are talking women who literally whored themselves for drug money, got caught cheating on camera, neglected/abused the kids, and so forth -- then lied to the judge and got EVERYTHING, the kids, the house, the car, the bank account, the fat support check every month, and of course the right to rub the men's faces in it every chance they got. There's a way longer version of this but I'm supposed to be working right now. I can only conclude your woman has the heart of a saint. Shame it didn't work out.

    • @jeffhillstead3302
      @jeffhillstead3302 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hey shhh.. she may fix herself.. I raised my kids without a dime.. Seven years in court wasn't hardship enough.. Do your homework just in case..

    • @kittydaddy2023
      @kittydaddy2023 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Good for you, Joe, seriously. It's tough these days, but I won't be surprised if this happens more often. Women pursuing careers and getting promoted over men means they may be on the hook for child support more often than the past in certain jurisdictions.

    • @wesmattimore2895
      @wesmattimore2895 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Get as much as you can, don't think she wouldn't take you to the cleaners

    • @delmarhi
      @delmarhi 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@MaladjesterI have a friend that gets child support from his daughters’ mother. Well is supposed to. She never paid a cent. Is given a pass that she has no job. His son’s mom has him on child support. He broke his ankle and ended up losing his job for months and got behind. They took his licenses and tossed him in jail for a month… causing him to miss an interview and stay unemployed. All this for a child he hasn’t been allowed to see for 17 years.

  • @BillyMcCord
    @BillyMcCord ปีที่แล้ว +112

    You guys win the internet today I was smiling from ear to ear watching this... Shared to my Facebook, I'm sure I'll take heat from some of my female friends...

    • @devilsadvocacy
      @devilsadvocacy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      If you do take heat from the hyena crowd, it means you’re doing something right

    • @Azriel640
      @Azriel640 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Find better friends.

    • @kyledabearsfan
      @kyledabearsfan 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      If your friends think poorly of men not being treated like shit, they are probably pretty terrible friends.

    • @ShadowWolf_Ronin
      @ShadowWolf_Ronin 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Stay strong, hold firm. This is exactly what needs to be said.

    • @user-gz4ve8mw9l
      @user-gz4ve8mw9l 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Those female friends should cease being you're friends then. Toxic women should be avoided like the plague.

  • @prschuster
    @prschuster ปีที่แล้ว +196

    When men speak up about things like this, we are called sexists or incels. It's good to know we aren't alone in this. 50+ years of 2nd wave feminism has focused all the attention on women's needs, and men have been ignored, so that's why women know so little about men.

    • @teastrainer3604
      @teastrainer3604 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Any woman who speaks up for men can get just about man man she wants.

    • @1krani
      @1krani 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I think you mean 3rd wave feminism. The 2nd wave was about using feminine wiles, charm, and good looks as empowering means to get ahead. Like, the early Bond girls were 2nd wave feminist icons. Hardly the sort to discourage femininity or male attention.

    • @ErikDeMann
      @ErikDeMann 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@teastrainer3604 And that's the *only* reason why they're doing it. It benefits themselves.
      It really is that obvious and transparent, and it won't change a damned thing for men in the long run, until 60% of them put their money where their mouths are.

    • @teastrainer3604
      @teastrainer3604 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@1krani You're overthinking this.

    • @1krani
      @1krani 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Is it overthinking to know Western cultural history?

  • @chrismoore9997
    @chrismoore9997 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    I spent about $30K between three lawyers to take my ex to court multiple times and still never got to see my daughter.

    • @xiongher3080
      @xiongher3080 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Damn bro, I know the system is so f up and against us men. But be positive, and hopefully, things will win over 🙏

    • @AwakenedAvocado
      @AwakenedAvocado ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Im going to help and have to destroy this sick system. Those family court lawyers are useless absolutely useless and trained against you.

    • @sussexseaangler1858
      @sussexseaangler1858 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      One day your daughter will decide. I've seen it happen.😁

    • @josephagnello9335
      @josephagnello9335 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Xiong Her "Damn bro" he was positive to the tune of $30,000
      to where he finally . . .
      " GOT REAL !"

    • @EternalxFrost
      @EternalxFrost ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@sussexseaangler1858 His daughter might decide to choose him, but sadly the court can still rule and say no, you stay with your mother.
      I just hope he will get to see his daughter though... that's really sad :(

  • @allanbarber4038
    @allanbarber4038 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I am 77 years old, this is not about sex. Sarah, I love you. Lauren I am beginning to love you too. You two are the most wonderful women I know of in this world (well at least since my wife passed two years ago). Edit/a PS Thanks for what you both are doing!

  • @christophercohen418
    @christophercohen418 ปีที่แล้ว +108

    This is a collab we wanted and needed.

    • @Slitheringpeanut
      @Slitheringpeanut 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      They still have some misconceptions about men.

    • @balleraap007
      @balleraap007 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They are chameleons lmfaoooo

    • @judeh101
      @judeh101 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@Slitheringpeanutsome things women won't fully understand about us. Vice versa.

  • @nathaneberle5526
    @nathaneberle5526 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    I went through hell with my X Wife because I always wanted to be with my daughter she knew how much my daughter meant to me so she would do everything to run that relationship but my daughter is nearly 20 now and I have an awesome relationship with my daughter and her mother doesn’t have to be involved at all lol 😂

    • @sussexseaangler1858
      @sussexseaangler1858 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Amazing how bitchy women keep their daughters away from their fathers. Fortunately daughters WILL decide for themselves when big enough!

    • @Maladjester
      @Maladjester 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@sussexseaangler1858Yeah but by that time they've usually been thoroughly poisoned by the ex.

  • @ericbutters2516
    @ericbutters2516 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    The sink cup is the most logical thing that has EVER existed. Should I dirty a cup every time I want a drink during the day or should I have a cup that I use throughout the day, and place it in a location that 1) I can find it again and 2) is located near the fridge/source of the drinks?

    • @ElleS572
      @ElleS572 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I always put my glass/ cup in the refrigerator until I need it again.

    • @ericbutters2516
      @ericbutters2516 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ElleS572 My fridge is usually too full for the glass but that seems to be a perfectly reasonable alternative and has the benefit that the glass itself stays cold.

    • @itswhox2
      @itswhox2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Funny thing is my whole family does it naturally. No explanation needed.
      Didn't have to explain it to my wife. One of the only things that's never been an issue between us.

    • @IsaacHenryinAK
      @IsaacHenryinAK 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I also have a sink cup and also a coffee-microwave-cup. I also have a couch in my bedroom has a couple pairs of pants and sweaters on it that have been worn, but are not ready to go in the laundry basket. 😂

    • @NickBingham01
      @NickBingham01 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree, I use one cup a day, usually wash it out and use it every day until I forget which one it is lol.
      The wife will use a dozen cups a day if she doesn't run out of clean cups first.
      I don't see any logic in doing more work for the same gains...
      Sure as hell won't make an issue of it, but I always wonder why this is such a gendered thing, basically every man I know has the same experience lol.
      In the future, archeological digs will know if a man was present in a household because of cups found near, but not in, sinks lol.

  • @Daecoth
    @Daecoth 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I started to vent to my sister about my struggles and my accepting of being alone for the rest of my life. At first she was very critical and dropped the name calling life "incel" and "misogynist."
    Then she started to really see what is going on in world when her husband almost got called out at the gym. It's sad that a problem has to effect one in a ordinal level before one cares.

    • @balleraap007
      @balleraap007 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      So they’re chameleons

    • @welshed
      @welshed หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry, but I would have told my sister to fu*k off and disowned her in that situation. You opened up and she absolutely turned it against you. She sounds like a crap person.

  • @Otisthelesser
    @Otisthelesser ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Men stand up for everything we believe in. We don’t always stand up for ourselves. What does that tell you.

    • @davidburnett5049
      @davidburnett5049 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Internalized misandry

    • @MJforlife-777
      @MJforlife-777 หลายเดือนก่อน

      A simp thats it😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  • @sorryociffer
    @sorryociffer ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Because they are feeling the pressure of men checking TFO….

    • @andrewwabik5125
      @andrewwabik5125 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      That was my thought. There are some women who are very aggressive/take charge types and that’s fine. But I’m thinking that most women would honestly prefer a man taking the lead in most situations. They’re realizing that they don’t like men checking out because they’re starting to realize all of the responsibility that they’re forced to take on when men check out of life.

    • @sorryociffer
      @sorryociffer ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@andrewwabik5125 Make no mistake, they don’t WANT to change for the better, they would prefer that men still simp and give them everything… They are only doing it out of self preservation.

  • @namelesscurmudgeon9794
    @namelesscurmudgeon9794 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Sarah, thankyou for what you are doing, but long ago I formed the view that the only way for men to win was to not play the game.
    I gave up and went MGTOW monk 22 years ago.
    Men cannot win this fight.
    Women, as a collective, have been indoctrinated to hate men and empowered by a grotesquely unjust legal system that has been designed to destroy men.
    The best outcome for which men can hope is to survive.
    Survival can be achieved only by avoiding interaction with females, so far as that is possible.
    Walk away men. Keep on walking. When you hear women cry out for help, keep on walking. Women will turn on men the minute that the danger has passed.
    Do not put yourself at risk and expend resources to save someone who hates you and wants you dead.

  • @donovanwilliams5424
    @donovanwilliams5424 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    It's because men are allowed zero voice anywhere: IRL, social media, companies, government, anywhere.

    • @chapstickaddict435
      @chapstickaddict435 ปีที่แล้ว

      men have always had a voice. Always. Still do. Y'all just hate women are allowed to have a voice as well now.

    • @awfulfalafelwafflerofl2800
      @awfulfalafelwafflerofl2800 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Citation needed.
      I'm a 41 year old man, and I have NEVER felt like I wasn't allowed to have a voice.
      Go touch grass.

  • @thethesaxman23
    @thethesaxman23 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    OH HOLY CRAP this is the colab we needed!!!

  • @stevebernthal7727
    @stevebernthal7727 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    You just summed up a massive part of my Dad life. Everything you said was spot on. It's refreshing to hear. I live in a town I don't belong in solely to be the best Dad for my daughters. Might sound petty, but i had to make sure they never become their Mom. Being alone sucks. Pay to play sucks. Thank you for speaking up. You are appreciated.

  • @raydenn6027
    @raydenn6027 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I love the content of Sarah, Lady Advocate and Emily because they know that when women build up their man the woman wins as well.
    It's a partnership not a competition,

  • @Chris-qq6gc
    @Chris-qq6gc ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Lauren is so right… we do things that make it easy, we accept imperfection… we are realists.

  • @timhendrix7679
    @timhendrix7679 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Sarah I admire the love you have for your brother. ❤ You so melt my heart. You, my dear girl, reinforce the impact one person can have. A lot more I wish I could say but I fear sounding like cheesy flattery.
    I stand with your brother.
    We both love you. ❤

    • @stevenshadbolt2366
      @stevenshadbolt2366 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We don't.
      Speak for yourself.
      Never trust a chameleon.

  • @myfatherslegacy2431
    @myfatherslegacy2431 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Tragic reality 50% of men are out of the game completely. 63% of men under 30 are out.
    So much needs to change to bring men back to the game.
    It’s the judges and lawyers. Custody is predicted on what’s best for children.
    Statistics show children from single father homes do far better compared to those from single homes.
    As an old guy, this issue is not my concern.
    A growing number of young men that can afford it are moving abroad. Not mail order bride, moving to start and raise their family over there.
    Men are risk benefit focused. The risk far out weighs the benefit in modern times. This discussion showcases one of the most significant hurdles to dating and marriage.

  • @harrykoppers209
    @harrykoppers209 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I like both these ladies because I frequently just need my head patted and told I'm OK. There are enough of us that these ladies can have job security. I mean that in a positive way. Thankee both.

    • @balleraap007
      @balleraap007 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Lmfaoo these are chameleons

  • @devilsadvocacy
    @devilsadvocacy ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Back when I was a 2L I interned at the college’s legal clinic, which provided free legal advice. When I was on the family-law detail we had 2-3 men, perfectly good men, come in every week with the same predicament. They had suffered job loss and couldn’t pay their alimony/child support, and were being threatened with jail.
    I took a cue from that and went full monk mode until I could afford to have a vasectomy. Don’t want to live life with chains on me

    • @Maladjester
      @Maladjester 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Women getting everything they thought they wanted has resulted in good men closing up shop.

    • @IsaacHenryinAK
      @IsaacHenryinAK 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      That's one side of it. But there's another side and that's that having kids brings incredible joy and purpose to your life. My kids are the most important thing in my life and although I wish I could have skipped the wife and gone straight to the kids, if I had to do it again, despite the kids and the child support, I'd still do it again so that I could be fortunate to have my amazing two daughters that bring so much more to my life than the money I pay to their mom.

    • @devilsadvocacy
      @devilsadvocacy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@IsaacHenryinAK I certainly don’t intend any disrespect to anyone who takes on the awesome job of parenthood. But I realized that it was not for me, and the incidents that I mentioned in my OP were just the final straw. There were lots of reasons why I opted out and the passage of time since then has only confirmed that I made the right decision.
      Congrats! I’m glad it has worked out well for you. Rock on

    • @TheManLab7
      @TheManLab7 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Same here. I've also had the snip.

  • @HarshHistory
    @HarshHistory ปีที่แล้ว +13

    You're both amazing. I love seeing content creators cross path. It shows there is a close knit group of people helping others thank you.

  • @leonardstefanyshyn40
    @leonardstefanyshyn40 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Death is easier than divorce for men. Have lost my dad , lost a son but the divorce was horrible. After over a decade it still is not settled. The judge doesn’t even know what to do. He records everything just to cover his but from her. There is no trust left.

    @BROKEAZGAMER 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Yes! Men love seeing this because we finally feel seen.

  • @jerrymarshall2728
    @jerrymarshall2728 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    These messages need to be spread far and wide!
    It’s so refreshing and encouraging to find sensible women who understand the disparity in how the genders are treated and mis-treated.
    Why can’t I find someone with such clear vision?
    That’s why men are just giving up on relationships!

    • @balleraap007
      @balleraap007 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      These are chameleons

    • @stevenshadbolt2366
      @stevenshadbolt2366 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Precisely! It's all lies, there is a hidden agenda here, that is a fact.
      Another fact is they hate us.
      Deeply and with ferocious passion and this "war" they are waging against us will not stop.
      Until they win.
      When they will also lose.
      But, you cannot tell them that, and quite frankly, I just don't care anymore anyway.
      Bring it on.

  • @tonyvieira4534
    @tonyvieira4534 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I am a single father, my two daughters don’t want to be around their mother. The system is so biased many men find it easier to just not even get involved with a woman on a serious basis because of the unfairness and one sidedness

  • @jaybryant4037
    @jaybryant4037 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    It was sad I watched my brother go threw a nasty divorce in which the mother used the child as a weapon against my brother. This to a point when my brother was nearing end of life that the child in her late teens was all about the money they could extract from him. Something I will not forget or forgive.

  • @maxkillian2262
    @maxkillian2262 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I am so glad you two know each other . Hopefully you two can do a regular show together someday . Respect for you both

  • @JimiGosu
    @JimiGosu 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Ya know why I watch Lauren's channel? It's not about validation. It's about understanding. Lauren understands us men so well! And she also teaches me a thing or two about women as well. So, it's a two-way street. She understands that men have feelings too. She understands that we're just as complicated as women, and helps us understand women as well. If more women were as understanding as Lauren, men and women would be so much happier.
    Dude, I TOTALLY have a Laundry Chair. Its contents vary depending on the season. In summer it gets t-shirts, in case I have to put on a shirt and go to the store. In winter, it has my purgatory jeans because when I have to walk through a blizzard to get to the store, I don't wanna risk stepping in a puddle which would soak my comfy sweatpants in dirty water.
    I've been saying for the last 5 years that, for all this talk about how I supposedly benefit from the patriarchy, I'm not seeing these alleged benefits. Modern women just seem so oblivious to the privileges they enjoy in western society, and have the gall to claim everything is rigged against them. No woman would even consider working as a Tower Climber. The job is climbing signal towers for radio stations and cell phone companies, TO CHANGE THE LIGHTBULB AT THE TOP. It nets you $130,000 a year, but you need nerves of steel and muscles of titanium. Because you have to actually CLIMB THE TOWER, easily reaching heights of 2000 feet. I'm not convinced ANY WOMAN could do a job like that. And then there's Deep Sea Saturation Divers, where people spend time in deep depths of the sea, living in a pressurized metal tube when they aren't doing construction at depths of 1000 feet OR MORE below the surface of the ocean. This, one of the most hazardous jobs IN THE WORLD pays about $1,400 per day, but if that metal tube breaks, it means an extremely agonizing death due to the instantaneous change in pressure and the cold, unforgiving water. Show me anyone who hasn't done this before, man OR woman, that says they want to or could do that job, and you'll be showing me a liar and a coward.

  • @davidcanales975
    @davidcanales975 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I tried to listen to this but I just get so angry after the experience I have had. I have left this behind me for the most part but man - hearing this stuff just rips the band-aid off the gunshot wound

  • @johnnycontreras6307
    @johnnycontreras6307 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Great talk.
    I’m a dad going through a nasty divorce. Wish I could share more, but I can’t because of divorce is going on.
    You both are right on point.
    Thank y’all

  • @adudeontheinternet8658
    @adudeontheinternet8658 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Do you two look at the impacts of the wars the US has been in and its impact on men, their relationships, and their children? I'm coming from this perspective and a child of a Korean war vet. I can tell if another man has war trauma within minutes of being around them. The damage that is done is deep and passed down to their children. I'm 58 now and still have PTSD symptoms from childhood. How does this factor into where we are at in our society?

  • @FredMacGinnis
    @FredMacGinnis ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I got so much from this collaboration ladies..thank so much to you both. Sarah...ditto, it is personal preference...but there's something so sexy about being classy! I don't want to come off as telling anyone how to dress...but personally I am so bored with yoga pants and athe-lesiure ALL THE TIME EVERYWHERE! Yes I look at the body and appreciate when a woman has nice muscle tone and other things to get my attention... (but wait I'm not supposed to objectify women! I can see every curve but if i look im bad! ). Sorry, got off subject.... the women that actually catch my eye are dressed professionally or classy....you know the signal that I get from that. SHE HAS MORE TO OFFER THAN HER BODY! Like a brain and self respect, and her own power that she doesn't need to show the world her body to command respect.
    Rant over....
    Lauren I did not know of your channel....but I will shortly be a new subscriber!

  • @Trifler500
    @Trifler500 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Have you ladies seen the videos/articles about the former writer at Cosmopolitan magazine who revealed how the magazine manipulated generations of women?

  • @Fishmorph
    @Fishmorph ปีที่แล้ว +5

    My wife does the "laundry chair" technique with used paper towels. She dabs up a spill, but she's not yet willing to throw away the paper towel completely, so she leaves it on the counter.
    Instead of looking at the Sink Cup and thinking, "That's a dish I have to wash," try thinking, "That's five drinks out of one cup, so that's four cups I *didn't* have to wash."
    And let's not forget our Greek roots. *Patriarchy* is rule by the fathers - that is, by *old* men (hashtag not all men). A government where *all* men were in charge would be an *andrarchy.* Women complain about the "patriarchy" as if it it means "andrarchy." So whether or not we agree that we live in a "patriarchy" depends on our understanding of the word. I'll totally agree we live under the rule of old men, particularly old rich men, who basically set up the rules to benefit themselves. No question about that. The majority of men at the bottom of the heap are just as screwed as anyone else is.

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It depends on the paper towel of course I bought generic towels once and they barely held up with a drop of water

  • @stevec3526
    @stevec3526 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Men don’t wife up sex workers or the town bicycle.
    The men I know prefer modestly dressed women, unless they are in the bedroom.
    It’s not that men have been left in the dust. Since birth women are told that they are perfect princesses who can do no wrong., While men are told all their lives that they are the cause for all the evils in the world. Men are just tired of the constant misandry.

  • @bforce3824
    @bforce3824 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Listening to this as I string a brand-new rod & reel setup.... Women don't necessarily hold the monopoly on spending for material goods - fishing gear, guns, ammo, boats, rv's, deer blinds, 4 wheelers, trucks, lowboy trailers and tools cost a ton of money! It was one of the problem areas when I was married. So much so, that it's part of what holds me back from ever getting married again lol.

    • @jamesdoyle2769
      @jamesdoyle2769 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Yes, but the crucial difference is that men don't get to expect their wives to pay for all that or get to shame for not paying if they don't. Men get shamed for being depepndent on men in a way that women never experience in reverse. Men are expected to be adult and self-supporting in away women aren't.

  • @larrywuzhere3866
    @larrywuzhere3866 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I had to stop the video to answer the question: why are the state laws unequal to parents? Because this vastly expands the power of the state and creates a SHIT_TON of revenue to the states. I view the prime years of my life as an indentured slave for what the state of Texas did to me because my ex wanted a nofault divorce. The real question is why do we tolerate it?

  • @biren_biroo
    @biren_biroo ปีที่แล้ว +5

    one (of the many dimensions to the 'no voice' for men-male) of the major thing i have suffered since adolscence is that i/men were expected to be a sexual being (i felt like a sex object) and i felt a huge pressure to be that, and in the same breath i was constantly been seen as a sex-starved being - without even having used my eyes, just by the dint of having a male body.

  • @danielr890
    @danielr890 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I lol'd at the "they have to suffer the most" its so accurate.

  • @PuissantPeacock
    @PuissantPeacock ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I had no idea there was a girl tree to pick from! Where is it?!

    • @alkirk-ws4co
      @alkirk-ws4co 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yeah where is it and then hold my beer while I get an axe.

  • @runikvarze6191
    @runikvarze6191 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    "Men FEEL very alone in their struggles"
    No, men ARE very alone in our struggles. I'm at the point where if I fail, I'm probably going to kill myself rather than be homeless again. Either that, or get myself thrown in jail so I don't have to worry about anything anymore. Either way, it's not going to be pretty because I have zero support from anyone. No friends, no family, no nothing.

  • @Xochiyolotl
    @Xochiyolotl 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Yes. Being a father is tough these days. All you want in this world is to be there for your children and to be involved in their lives to the fullest possible extent. It’s what you sign up for when you decide you wanna be a dad. Love what y’all do. The world is better off by having you all in it. 💐 Thank you.

  • @JustaReadingguy
    @JustaReadingguy ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Just an other observation. As we go through secondary education we see boys doing so poorly that we are think boys and men are defective. That's not from what we are feed in the media but from our personal experience. So, it seems we need to help boys do better in school. It's helpful to remember boys mature later than girls. The way our schools are structured puts men at a dis advantage.

    • @markdescalzo9404
      @markdescalzo9404 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I'm not convinced anymore that men/boys do mature more slowly. They mature in a different direction. Sadly, the educational system in the US is catering to girls/women and has been at least since the 70s. I recall being told by teachers (including both my parents) that girls are smarter than boys. That wrecked me for most of my life. It is only recently I've learned that was a lie.

    • @jackdeniston59
      @jackdeniston59 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@markdescalzo9404 I am convinced this is just another lie. Men are 1/3 bigger, so yeah to build a mansion takes longer than to build a shed. Plus, to succeed at school, really it is all about submit comply obey. Reasoning, questioning and understanding are punished.

    • @satyampatel8402
      @satyampatel8402 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Can we elaborate on what you mean boys mature in a different direction? I struggled like hell in school (especially high school) and I would be curious to know if there might be a different way to learn

    • @AwakenedAvocado
      @AwakenedAvocado ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@jackdeniston59that's a good point to think about , perhaps the measure of girls maturing faster is completely wrong in the first place and being measured wrongly.

    • @AwakenedAvocado
      @AwakenedAvocado ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@satyampatel8402but are you more practical in how you learn ? There are many ways. Our schools are not designed for all as they say they are, with the one size fits all approach that's completely failed.

  • @paulnichols1464
    @paulnichols1464 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Our society is so totally upside down that no one knows what their identity and roles are or should be. Narcissism and entitlement, coupled with the lack of common sense, has become the norm. This is leading to depression, unhappiness. disillusionment, and disassociation.

  • @maddhatter1219
    @maddhatter1219 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When I hear someone talk about the "patriarchy" but cannot define it, or the definition is so nuanced and vague that you are more confused after the explanation than before, you know that the person is simply creating a "bad guy" and imbuing it with all the negative characteristics one would assign to a James Bond villain. There is neither now nor has there ever been a "patriarchy". The closest analogue would be monarchies with a strict male only line of succession. However, 99.9% of the people in those kingdoms were peasants and in no way benefited (to the point) from that system. Also, many monarchies were not male exclusive so the analogy really doesn't 100% fit. If we were to point to the power system of theocratic style male dominated religion-government systems that existed in a limited capacity throughout history, first we'd find that not all were indeed male dominated but I digress, for the ones that were, again, 99.9% of the people in those systems also derived no benefit. People will point to the history of women not being allowed to own property but often overlook that in matriarchal societies MEN didn't own the property. Feminists find no double standards here either, but I digress. Even among the societies where men could own land and private property, guess what, they owned none to very little.
    Throughout all of human history we find these facts to be true:
    1. The rich owned 99.9% of everything.
    2. 99.9% of society was poor by modern standards.
    3. 99.9% of society had zero to very little input in how government functioned.
    Feminists today look at the late 19th Century when poverty was actually declining and into the 20th century when the middle class was growing and fixate on it as being representative of all of history. Ordinary men in western countries, outside of monarchies, oligarchies and aristocracies were only really able to start to gain power during the 18th and 19th centuries with the agricultural and industrial revolutions yet feminists will see that short period as representative of how most men have supposed operated for millennia. Even in tribal systems, it was only a fraction of the men who held power, with again, 99% of the men regarded as little more than cannon fodder.
    The myth of the patriarchy as a system beneficial to the average man exists only in the minds of feminists who cannot grasp how weak, insignificant, and powerless people were just a few centuries ago in terms of their capacity for acquisition of wealth and power. Yet the "patriarchy" dominates not only the minds of modern feminists but sadly many weak minded, impressionable men have also bought into the narrative. The problem is that the only real "cure" is for men to grovel at the feet of women, surrendering power, wealth and even their lives in service of appeasing a ideology that views men as evil, stupid, useless and irrelevant.

  • @piratechild
    @piratechild ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Excellent discussion, Ladies!! Thank you for sharing your ideas and balanced insights.

  • @AngelGoodwitch
    @AngelGoodwitch ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wow! Thank you, Sarah Dawn and Lauren for opening my eyes to how the system REALLY works in terms of custody.

    @EODTIM ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We all look to the wrong places for answers to the struggles between men and women. As a Christian, a husband is supposed to love his wife (kindness, gentleness, patience, long suffering) and be ready to give his life for the wife. A wife, in turn, is supposed to respect her husband, be faithful, modest, and have the ability to submit to her husband who submits to God. We can't look to a bunch of broken people to fix other broken people. We shouldn't be surprised when our efforts to fix broken people don't fix the issue. If we change our understanding of what love is, we can start to heal and understand the shoes others walk in. Love isn't just a feeling, it's an action by one person that generates a feeling in the other...If you embrace God's definition of love and reject the worlds definition of love, relationships will improve in every way.

  • @Vegaswill714
    @Vegaswill714 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What a great combination! Two very cool ladies.

  • @michaelgallegos8811
    @michaelgallegos8811 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great episode ladies 😊Thank You both ✌️👋🌹❤️

  • @jerrychubb6168
    @jerrychubb6168 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thank you both, Sarah and Lauren, for all that you do to help men heal and be better and attempt to bridge the gap between Venus and Mars as society evolves. I watch many videos of both of you, and Emily and Roma, and it's really helped mentally. Thanks!

  • @VTSteve
    @VTSteve ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love Sarah...and her pay attention focused look, I dig that.

  • @tek4
    @tek4 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Want to hear a miserable truth?
    I'm trans and have been my whole life. I was afraid due to trauma and being taught how to be cis rather then me threw sa and abuse. I uh. I tried for 30 years, I tried so hard I lost. I lost me, I lost my self, my love, even I would of lost my life if it wasn't for my kids. Then the choice was clear. The communication, the space, the fact that us trans now have a space safer then I had when I was young. Learning about the toxic sides of each and the best sides. I'm never going back, because that would be a death sentence, and I wish I didn't have to do this, because I do wish I was cis. I wish I didn't have to lose so many people, and rebuild a body, even late after all these years but I'm excited and I love me. This is one week on my journey of hrt. One week I'm reborn. And don't forget to compliment your men, we they, struggle and will remember it forever.

  • @thomasmurray3920
    @thomasmurray3920 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I love Lauren. She speaks the truth with a sense of humor that really appeals to me.

  • @GrekeFenris
    @GrekeFenris ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Two of my favorite content creators on TH-cam doing a collab. Yes please!