You’d need some kind of software that can covert the image pixels into a readable value. I’d recommend converting the image to black and white so you only have one color value to work with. Assign the darkest values to a 0 and the highest values to 1, then interpolate everything in between. I’d probably round all the numbers into bins to make the numbers more manageable. Then apply a height to each value and cut the image up into slices. Probably down-select to using only 1 in X number of rows/columns so you don’t have thousands of rows/columns to work with.
The software I'm using is one I wrote myself in Python. I'm currently not sharing my code though. I've seen other examples of people using a software called grasshopper though.
Great video, again.
Glad you enjoyed it
Can you please share what band saw you have in this video. Looking to buy one and yours looked like it had a wide throat
I have a Rikon 10-326
What Software are you using to create the design?
I wrote my own software to create the design.
Hypothetically say i have an image and i would like to make it parametric how would onewould
go about it ?
You’d need some kind of software that can covert the image pixels into a readable value. I’d recommend converting the image to black and white so you only have one color value to work with. Assign the darkest values to a 0 and the highest values to 1, then interpolate everything in between. I’d probably round all the numbers into bins to make the numbers more manageable. Then apply a height to each value and cut the image up into slices. Probably down-select to using only 1 in X number of rows/columns so you don’t have thousands of rows/columns to work with.
Awesome work, the software you mention, Is an open source one? Thanks, great work.
The software I'm using is one I wrote myself in Python. I'm currently not sharing my code though. I've seen other examples of people using a software called grasshopper though.
What is the yellow sanding disc you are using?
I picked them up on Amazon a while back. They have a hook and loop pad so it accepts a standard 5” sanding disk.
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